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At the heart of uxn isthe cpu. It is said to be @ beet. >< &y= The beet performs operations with instructions wriflen in TAL. BINARY ENCODING The seralest unit ( know are bits. A bit can either be 0 or. BYTE SHORT A byle is made of Rbils. , A short is made of 2 byles. 4 bits —s Q =0000 — @ = occ0 NT =00 Q4 | A = 0000 eAat 42238 / High te 7 \ 4 s00e00 Nise Nipple High low bye byte 4dits are called ( a “Nibble”. ) > BINARY To HEX CONVERSION Who 2000 o eooa § oo0e Ff eooe GO ooe@o 2 soVeco g @ ooee 3 eoee b i © Oe0oo & eaeco ¢ °e@o6 oeoe S eeoe g 00ee0& ee5et a e oven F e@ooe At the heart of The beet performs uxn isthe cpu. operations with It is said to be instructions written © beet. in TAL. >< &y= 4+ - xX 4 OPCODES Opcades are instructions ee can perform Each instruction is encoded ina Single 8-bit word. ° instruction MEMORY Zera Page 8} MAIN MEMORY 64 cb Eoch byte in the main memory has an address of A6 bits. The zero page is for data storage daring cuntime and can be addressed by 8 bits. a 1fO_ MEMORY 956 bytes =” DEVICES PORTS Varvara takes care of all devices such as screen, MOUSE, keybard, audio, filesystem, etc. Each byte stores the address of a device, Each device has AG ports. THE STACK The stack is used fo perform code operations, WORKING STACK LIT @ pup Poe rl ‘td «se fy WE Some insfructions push bytes down onto the stack, others pop them off. REVERSE PoliSH NOTATION a.k.a. * postfix” 256b A mathematical notation ia which " operators follow heir operands. f aohy ae q A+U4g 442+ (3+5)/2+48 | 35+2/48+ RuNES, LABELS & MACROS sr eee RUNES Runes are special characters that indicate element types of TAL @ Macro Sublabel fa Absolute Addr. PW posotute Pad lderal Hex BB Raw Addr Relative Rao BR Zero Page Adds. BF Raw Char Label Th Rieti Ade BB Rew We LABELS Cah ve Labels provide a reodable link to devices and their ports. MACROS \ Custom definitions that allow \ grouping ond re-using instructions. THE INSTRUCTION cycLe The uxn cpa reads one byte at a time from the main memory. Moin Hex code for Device : oddvece "OY Ane teller *h standard I/O —1 1 WA TTY yea ce aes T Absolute ped ‘literat" Port 8: “Device Out" instruction byte write struction AR\THMETICS TTI, [kor xa4 aod Has] [«a9 #74 suB Has] MULTIPLICATION DIVISION [#02 #36 MUL Hoc} [ed aa DIV a9] It's easier 4o read the stack horizontolly. To calculate shorts =. ase the shodmode flog. Oo a-p-p SHORT MODE ADDITION #0244 #4320 ADD2 pq1561 BitwiSe SHIFTING fz Bitwise a moves a bit to the teft or to the right. (IO) SO It can be used (nthe (nthe or divisions! 28 90 @0@000 44 00080800 DIVISION #0028 #01 SIT2 PqOO14 MULTIPLICATION #0014 410 SET2 P0026 144 GO0@80800 oO 28 00@0 8000 Bits con be shifted by more thon one position. Sprite ENCODING A BIT PER PIXEL A Abpp tile isa set of & bytes that encode the state of its 8x pixels. a mead Oma) Ros off (2), ie] 5 3 Pi SE sto iO} c (eigieicleleiele; fe fofolofotolotel 9 [eToTofofo fools} elolotetotstote! fe] ofoloyofofote| uuogouuogo oO ooce jototote! TS SPRITE DEFINITION, @square ff21 3184 e134 aff bates ¥ ¥ ZRATS PeR PIXEL Each pixel con nave one of four possible colors. 0/0 |alalelajals | 10 | [3{s]a]4 | oo Lo BS pS BTS ————, @sprite BIE WI3 6343 IFFF BdIe Fcte Fcte HADI DRAWING SPRITES A, SETUP DEVICES _ SYSTEM SCREEN 4 Aa { ae £2 svecer $3 Plt ig a 4 é pixel | 28 DEwIcES 100 @system [ éelement sbytes ...] {20 @Screan [telement sbyles ..] 2. SET CoLoRS couoas _ }o100 {2\[elfel{e n tee? Seronle | Teli] 2 >) 494cQ .System/g 298 42ceS .System/b 3, SET COORDINATES COORDINATES #QQ0B .Scvreen/x DEOD #BBOR .Screen/y DEOL 4.SET ADDRESS ADDRESS. [ jsprite Screenfaddr DEOL 5. DRAW THE SPRITE! Bane eae Dy Depending on wether you're | 4 drawing bpp or 2bpp sprites \) ae i. the high and the Low nibble encode colors , layers, flipping and display modes. (NPUT CONTROLER DEVICE setuP fiza @Controller [avector $2 ebulion $4 they 43] BVITONS fi PW Select / Shift eH Start |Home The controller vector jemps to the ion-controller Label address ofa key pressed or released event. USTENING Yo KEY EVENTS [ ion- controller .Controller/vector DEOL | KEYS The key byte stores the ascii code of the ~ keyboard key +nat is being pressed. 55 58 4e COMPARISON Fav a==-b \ push 04. in the NEQ alzb Stack when the condition is true. GTH a>b Otherwise | push Lid a

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