Rabies Virus

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Submit by Muhammad Khan

Submitted to Dr Muhammad Adnan


Introduction : The word rabies originate from latin word rabies which mean madness. Rabies is a viral
disease that effect the CNS caused by rabies virus which belong to genus lyssa virus inthe family
Rhabdoviridae. Rabies is Zoonotic disease that is caused by virus

HOST: Rabies virus has a wide host range it infect all warmblooded animals including humans, dog,bats,
wolves,foxes , etc

TRANSMISSION: Rabies is primarily spreed through the bite or scratch of an infected animals. Saliva of
an infected animals can also transmit the virus if it coe into contact with eye, mouth, nose or open
wounds. 99% of rabies is caused by the dog bite globally

STRUCTURE OF VIRUS : Rabies virus is bullet-shaped particles aout 180 nm in length and 75 nm in width;
its oe end i round or conical and other is plane. Its RNA is single stranded negative sense about 12kb

SEROTYPE: There is a single serotype of rabies virus; however strain are different among viruses isolated
from different host.

EPIDEMIOLOGY: Rabies occure i more than 150 countries worldwide except antarctica. According to
WHO estimate 59,000 peoples die from rabies annually. Children under 15 year account for 40% of
these fatalities. 99% of cases are due to dog bite. Over 95% of human death occure in asia and africa. In
pakistan there were 750 death in 2017.


 Veterinarians, animals handler, wildlife researcher are at the high risk of exposure to rabies
 Person bitten by rabid animal
 Countries with no vaccination
 Childrens under the age of 15 are at high risk

INCUBATION PERIOD: incubation period of rabies virus range from 2-3 month upto 6 year depend on

 Concentration of the virus injected

 Severity of the wound
 Host age and immune system
 Distance of wound from the brain

SYMPTOMS: symptom of rabies are fever,headache,sure throat, cough, anxiety , confusion ,

hallucination , insomnia ,hypersalivation, difficulty i swallowing, hydrophobia,paralysis, Coma eventually
lead to death.

DIAGNOSIS: can be diagnosed through

 Fluorescent antibody test
 Serology

TREATMENT : post-exposure rabies shots administered immediately after exposure. Once symptoms
manifest no effective tretment is available.


 Vaccinate dog
 Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
 Immediate wound washing after bit
 Vaccination of peoples

VACCINATION: Three different types of vaccine are available certified by WHO. Rabies vaccine are killed
viruses vccines.

 Human diploid cell vacccine (HDCV)

 Purified chick embryo cell vaccine ( PCECV )
 Rabies vaccine adsorbed ( RVA)

POST EXPOSURE : After bite five intramuscular injection of 0.1 ml given on

Ist dose on ( day 0)

2nd dose on ( day 3)

3rd dose on ( day 7)

4th dose on ( day 14)

5th dose on (day 28)


Four doses are give in the following series

1st dose on ( day 0)

2nd dose on ( day 7)

3rd dose on ( day 21)

4th dose on ( day 28)



WHO. Rabies -bulletin.org


En-wikipedia .org


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