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Dam Impulse 2 V+/29) turbine Pi (b) 1 " Datum Scanned with CamScan HYDR AVIS TOR BINES. —Tbe_hydirnalle ctontine isq prime mover—tneck Us eenugy OF flows ond Gorerts Min +24 mechantea! energy dg tbe Trot miteor here — . —_SLASSLEZCATION OETURAWE I | Accontinay to -the Action OF “the werty Plow thigh “the —_- sunbire ‘sunnens meth _be_classified as impuke cond reaction tua bine. - — Epa TEI I CRyparni, hosd) = ______Ip_+the impulse tevbine all -tne_ enor 0 of wecty bs Converted Tia et cago ley ul gas Plaga scab oa ___ Provided at -tua exe: of tre pendtock “As pressun Qxeund the, per of watn Stniektng ‘the tune. is ine same _befese and afta. the. impact, ‘the Linipalse ctor bine. ane also cabled Conelant pres eee Same ofthe impulse -fonbiines. ene peter wheel | Twge i ___Giyed Toabine, Bonki-tenbine, pean The impewtent. fecdure of _impultertenbire. ds ‘that there GER 4s No change 2 Getic head across the & Tune 2) Reastion Tunbine S Parte Favailable cng, unto Kinkt ewngy SO che seaction -hubine, atthe entrone te cthe_runned, rene Apart of avilable ouygy of tie waite ig consist nso asukstentil port xemads wo -the'forig gf Press ule ‘Thus the Pressme ean Flowing wety chornger gredually og ut-_posses—tinreh He vunner _¢ sth mone ae be endloged with vn _q_weuter drat —__§_Frovels, tepelln, kaplan, Mombm.ett Scanned with CamScan @ Acsordin tothe man ta dinches of iow Of weet in \ =the yume — Obl fs cent ———— : "J Be Wetir Fins cling. the ecthe path _ tein _of the vunne, mets Rein uolwel_ts.q stomgeertial flows @ Radial Pow Taking we ged aay) Tread dhe radial Fao babe ote _wete Plostn o canes wementning in pre poperclentn — seat oo = oe a Slay pa tohethe -the Flows is fam outer pet pho - ose the tiner ONL CF vice versa. — Theeson., old: framers. _ © Atal Plow turbines ~The -Plow-ustth in anaxial ftewturbme ps | ~..to_the tenbine , oxi Ths Fpl yp hoa in t ee _ _buth suabine Gnd -tne Kaplen -tubiFe One eesen tall ——fuabr Mei» Therefoubine mee be Cue fi _| i sa From 8 to 8p emer - . oe i) Mined Plow denne 8 _ _ ~ 3N mired Move Juthingsie fd hing Bor its elirechion Prom qadiul do arto with jn the ___&&: Modern f Pronets fusblee.. DS TN. Scanned with CamScan - 2_basis of the head or quontiy of Wot wrequind © High Heads t= - “Teabines ove capable of working umda very: heh head PSG firera_everal hundreds meters ire. housed “meters - “These -bwbines require fuse Chuserntity ofusaba - Gemralty impulse senbiner anc beigh hectd feubine. right ~hojalet -obout- A112.m. @ Medium Read t— - “Turbines ov these whith ove le_of working unde. medium head renging about bom bo 2eorm. these tubing. requires ; tty of werker Teledivaly. ; Modern Promcis-tenbine. ; © oe head Ton bing = : “Toabines one those. whichens ceepable of work! ng undu. tho heads lesecthan Go.m. “These tunbine requires lnge quantity of watn. Ka plen “tenbine andl pry pellets, : I Scanned with CamScan Gross power from reservoir (Hy) Net power Power from developed reservoir by runner H) (kW) Power obtained from shaft (kW) Head loss in Mechanical penstock, hy (a) Hydraulic losses losses-bearing (i) Blade friction friction (ii) Eddy formation (ii) Friction in draft Gemereign tube losses (iv) Energy contained} Power pevaloued by | by water leaving penericn (a) Reaction draft tube (kW) turbine (b) Disc friction (c) Leakage loss Gross power Net power Power Power Power from from supplied developed obtained reservoir reservoir to wheel by wheel from shaft (Hy) (H) (1-KY)H (kW) (kW) Head loss in Head loss in Mechanical penstock, hy nozzle losses-bearing friction (a) Hydraulic losses Generator b) Impulse (i) Blade friction losses ¢ }Impul (ii) Eddy formation | Power developed by (iii) Energy contained generator by leaving water (b) Leakage loss Generator Scanned with CamScan Renos t jo a FT "11 Gress bests? Gress head’ at the power plut ds the difleweee bet) “ee waka dente dewalt the meserva roma tall rast Feeck level woken mo usta ts Plewig. “The guess heal also-termed _ 08st wad or otal Mad Onda }4 Thay be represertel by H, BY Wek oy tfhective ead St is the head quailable at te eatronce ty thy turbine. SIS oletalned by subtrocts Brom “the gross head OU “Hae losses ef bent —xthat Mey Cecorr 09 usatty “flows. Rom tie bend nace to the enhance / aft? ceo : Bf" H! represent nt Head & hp ts eqread to Hretoss of ber). cthe head qmee omd “the enhenie af the hinkive wohes EPPICIENC Ese 1 O_Hydrauslic efetency © Pun Concern about Erigy tranalea bet Faia Pour The hydiaulk efferent of the Yeabtne as idedned anctue seatio of the hybrawtie power Ui tized bythe runne amd Hee eb —power_supplied by die wot of Hue enshence 46 flu “tanking oT Phy = tees evel ped wutihe-bytevane] Net powe, dureleped bytes 6 rune, a : : ¢ 4 t 4 4 < 4 4 4 4 4 eo ? = Poon developed by te mone, ny woo H { x = — watt Scanned with CamScan — He | _ Sin sterms of Read @ Meche Hivewy We — oe _TTRe _mechemicee) _eHiciensy, of Ane teubine ss the. _ natio-f of ths power aval fable et “the -tutbtne Shaft tote { Power: chiealoped by “the _veinnes. = ae Power anailable at the -tuabine shaft fauenee 2 , wr Power, cailjvend to -Ce Shaft by tre renwet_| 3 8 Volameise eficemy My) = “The Volumelic edficieny tg tre rite of the Quanity of vata actually sinicieg the rune Ond the qiantity of watu “Supplied _ 4o_-the -+ewbine, = = GoW ee a v a it | _ 7 ® Oyeral) ethic? ency [- we The overall eilicfondy | of the sun ine ts < cthe. rection _orf the: pow ommailable a =the toabine shrft to the power Input tothe ctusbine . ; : — Lh Power averi keble at He tnbine Shaft | a Wot Scanned with CamScan r = TEMPOLSE ToR BINE _ 7 OO —____ Rev Tap WHEEL ee _CONSTRUCTIQNS ee aa _ forstek —F ; GQ)— - ae pyc y SS y — Ee gerePwan borne Ary a a a _The_cunne, ansists of a cireulordise sith Mumba oP buekels evenly Spaced reumd “the Peay TThe buekets ha havea shape of Seni ellipseidet __pyeps.Splittea. clivides tis bucket in] tur© park sysometrical parts. “The _bueket one so Ghaped -that the ange at “the oubbt tip __ aries from [o't020" (usually keptis:) go that jet eas [Mato LT8 Tie odege 2 of chuble Cup shaped buckels — ais thot the. axial “thats neuhelise exch otto, ee - [pees ed hace fie heakye supe ctewnbal Set act — —SypjadeLdesny qslal_ond eed Prk At cthe lowe tp of bucker a_ndkih is ost = ! which prevents -the jet Shiking the precedi rg bucket lel ner cepted _ by te newt busket “peng onli abe arte ng Sac ectiva_ of wats foward, tho Cure of uobeel op the buket frrst meet the jek Scanned with CamScan Wheel for spear control PI IWS g N \NAN em Spear rod NAS support Scanned with CamScan Fos_loud Meads buskelow tate of Cast iron bud for higher so heads ay ore runde of Cost Sele poses or abel dre — 3 order +o Gtr] the qeonpity of wats: aay tha Tunes “the Nozale fitted at Ho end of is prmuided usth 4..speen ox need{e havi —Shreamdined head’ which us Fixe dete: to-the end_of “fue L giown. When the shaft of tne Pelton urbe es rounted #9 aati Shaft met «nore -Hhon 5 Jets a wed. mounted ena \ number of jets ir ace : ae. oa sally toa cgnthe euk of -tue aa: ig tas. oheet “Guniclly cto west after His shutdown. Scanned with CamScan WRK KING PROPET IONS aly wl | whee, Oo Velocity of Jeb The ideal Velocty of jel usuilly “noun as 7 Spouting Velocity = (Vogt) . Hoven the austixoel veloity ic — Sty dat (dese) velocity [ve ty Nagi | GP Gfficiert of Velocity for norte. Cy = 0-97-0094. © Velbetty of wheel = We Obtalned tot UaoSV., ___ Howe jn aetual poaice He riasdinuen effigieny peeias udksn tea value ofty is about Oy 6v, P Kite 4m 08.46, \s Vv Speed reo Scanned with CamScan x “WI taast Tiamat dof he jet F “OS av OF ear (_— Lili) Angle of cleflectin = [Ge° um less cttw cuise Staded a P 7 CyQfagh) Taxing Cyr n O98- Whee © JS the dischonge —Hrrough snejet 0. [d= 0-542 (G i We) yp LY) Mezm diem eter (0) _ = ke [acs won: p=. 60 (tung), fe 2 | Go 2 TN | dy lt 1 - Wi) Jef Ratios Ci) [ | - 7 The resto OF pitch dimectiameto D of “ths wheel Jo “be jek : bomea_d ss Known as_jet yectio: SH (S_vepresented by ™- " > Lsuatly leken fo. er_soxirnury pbficreny Hur Jet rio astaken bout Lote _ Scanned with CamScan CUE) Bucket? Dimensions = The mein dimen of -the bucnetot pettoo Wheel _ B= Gtes)d 5 L=Qute3syd. “T] =(O-81t0 (o5)d } ge (1-2 tetg)d- \ | _M= (ot to fel Aggte ge lo te 20": ) _ _| | Angle P= Soe’: ] Gay Num bu of Bewketr C=) = (2 tis) 0-8 m+ is Hend ltt pjozale = (e 1-cv?) H ; Head logs Buyep = Vy fiw) 1g v Scanned with CamScan TB: Francis an ama tan enginger, who Uns sthe ict todevelop -aN inward radial Flow type of Reastioo~tunbine, Latta on 4 wat hnpdicfted_ cmd -the modeanPanetetubine ts _q mixed flow-turbine. ln Which vodly ents =the! renner sxadially Ot 4s exclu ped plary and loaves _aviolly at Hs centre. i Scanned with CamScan Scroll wicket gate Draft tune Tail race From Speed ring penstock or ocannea witn LamScan SPIRAL CASING! —_Htsa a acsage radually edu i nea, ae tite -omunney, 96 ify mom et yOP-tre_rumer Such 4 ‘the the scabence veloctiy 61s Some —__ — The “Tie _sipivad easing of logan ee sais firm, Od designed = mainte) Sptmum flow bandits. “THe sphral_cowivig |S made up of Cast steel , pleate.ctel, | Conevete OF cyncrete and + tote) cope nd ngpepsm =the press wre, toe whith His subjected, f _SPEEORANG ORETAY RING Lovge turbine a a p@ring Of Red vemos ‘ 4 ab ago il a ace _vernep is to we ot a3 ‘Column hel ptre + appar —tlia seal _ Man rebate ofthe turbine era “o"H4e power Meuse ; un dostiota Tay alan divest usattrfien, “Phe Cosa, thoy are { ¢ ¢ Sheped Uke alirfells -to conform lotic ctreamtinn of tow Cpproaaliing Ep faicle vanes. _ _QUIDE VANES SOR WICKET GATESI- — = Fe the Spred_ arin he wal Ns pass ‘ seer of a ide.voret_erevviced sume “Kuo. paiphay afte ‘ cunbine attiny « Be forttion of Quade vende ‘is ate regulck fio quant of vecstol supped sto -the runner ond ie divtet Me waky endo _¢ <0 ¢ et mundien ‘at on angle appropiate “to “tho desin, “the uutde vont of aivfeil shops Od “Hey may “be made of Gut steel, Stadndus deel ot pluke steel“ < oe ’ a Scanned with CamScan J . S RUNNER = . The_main punpese of cine various Components So -lere Gaseribed 18 lo lead tre _usccur eltne mune casting. siteionwhs loss of “Te runner _Gasistof numberof caved Vanes evenly gyranpd around the Circeamfevence_1n-tbe Annular. Space bet? }90 plane. “The vores oe go Placed chapel. phat usatr enters tne runner radzally ot tne Guten pervplery and Loauee + oxtally atthe tnnes petphoy. “The Chappe tn direct of flow of wastes Fran vada doax’s as H passes “threugh -the Tuner, prpdures Ha cvcamferential ~foce oo ne aynner wobich male ste ru mer fo rotate. and thus Garhibutes tenthe use! output Ofte runner “Be -tesque cprodiused bythe vunner. ts tors mitted _ do athe genuater tue chaft which fs wsuatlly Gennected cle genuator strpagh =the shaft which 1 Qcually Omnected totes ee hatt ~ by 4 boléted lenge Connection __ — T - = Draft tube iS. Q_pipe ee 4 nadually increas Cross- Sechia) sve which aa, the runner = a fail race. OF musk be air-tight and emder all Gnwidencstier- God'tions of epadtion Is Jousey_end_rnust be. eeubrneaged fe Je RS epee ea ed — Bunchive orpunposes ay ofollss _ (A)_3+ Permits a negacli we or such'on Head tobe established 7 oct “Hae _runmen ext yctuun making Me gecsible to instal the funbing above te fall yace Jewel’ with out logs of Mead « OF converts a lap | sopnctin_of veledhy eusrgy aejectel Po the sunny fn to Use - ta au} Prsesue uteay Scanned with CamScan (a) (c) (a) Straight divergent tube (b) Moody spreading tube (or hydraucone tube) (c) Simple elbow tube (d) Elbow tube Having circular cross section at inlet and rectangular at outlet Scanned with CamScan ~ WORK DoNE_AND EREICTEN CIES OF FRANGIS TORGIN oak dane 7 g 7 =p ote ata] , : | Seidel Tie madman Sab put sunchon specifics! Gastivas 2 vg tha Velouty of Wliutrlat-extt Yagy i's — - Bre belt = Iw Cul work ‘dene Ber unit usclalik oF isaty. = Vary - a Howenen ff Vit JS Mot qu) t0'Ze-sHhon:- he t, = Mot = Yoo a ; fhe Valre of Q,vemges Sap 95%. =I ii : Un Ww Cas ¥ ; gf ee | E 29 [Vw Uy — Wet) . | : o J : i st — a Scanned with CamScan f Pernt. teen SSSSes—“‘““R WORKENG- PRORERTIONS FRANCIS TURBINE !- othe dhamets D of “the eennen_fs vs oe he. ye uy “The @ retin of velocity “of Plow Vp at-He yolet 2p opt yene an eo ss Plow _rettio Ws he Pe ee 24H, — Qi) Speed ratio. * ae Key = DESIGN OF FRANCIS TURBINE !- (Gy Determine. “tne eequtred _chisclorge _ eee the no yoledisn. ee Se CCL DKS Lu) = ily Terngential veboet ofa rune, | ky@D Ve sys ail Kn aD ee | éo _ ae bet V jh tend ve Me -— CHitens C= EEA 3 —— See oe see eeeeeeeneeeeee Scanned with CamScan / » ~~ DLEFERENCE BETN ICMPULSE AND REACTION TURBINE. IMPuLse TURBINE. y _ REACTION TuRBI NE ty drat} — l{Oahy rachino_of Mekic exw) C1) Allcthe Avaliable enn IS conte y 1S Converted ta-to Kinetic energy inc Kinete enongy by an »—refere-the Muidenters-the / nd td is treet & ed which >— Tune Strikes the runner bbe. >-2/ Bath Pressme and Velocity _|2/ 9+ isthe velodtty ofjet pChorrge asthe —Hre-fitid passos-throud which b the pic tag —the rue, prressiny af Inlet is much] honcthan at ecules pout as elit actmespberiC. ,-(S) Tie wunner must be enclosed [21 wectenhylt Casing is not necexin Jeasing has no hye function to >——in_Watia daght casing, __| (4,) Wety admithed Overt entire 4) WDaky tgachatfel Coby nine bmo ~Ciytumbercive of-te runner. | jets Tore tag beore co more jel shits, ; gus! number of bieckets . — G1 Wako compete, Sills atthe |G.) The turbine doesn't rey full _ Passage bev ?—the Heder eSlule A , clog” werk en the blades ing bet? jatet and outlet sectjerc| buckers. Lond air War a Pree acess tots (6) TRe-tunkine is Conmedsd forthe (6) “The -lewbive 18 ebssnys tastatled fall eaceatiye: qcraft-te_ bone -fre tai | rave Gnd stene i tolvich ts expands __| ne chafttibe used. _ ye Ot Install atone _— _ ish the ei! race. FI ——__ - C73, Tha Paws egulaton 1s cariee! [DFO ~epgutation 1s dene by asone > ont by mens of A guide vena ofa edie Valu Mediate tus Nozrle, , Ouse bly Scanned with CamScan i we —IKARLAN TURBINE seeped be tr” : _ St te an. avid flow -Hnbrne total x frolaktively [evo ” heads ond henoe requires atuige quently obwats to develop 0 huge amount of wat. ee ———___ Bet” guide onus. ondrtte sanney tie, vs i _ —Keplon tubire tons through 4 spyltonglt_tp to Oxtal direstin emotion passes Oreo fhe rune” The runner of kaplan turbine hou 48 6 dhoudes. ’ Ordinawy the rune blacks ate propel, completely eLivminected yn _Kaplon -fuihtne as. DIAGONAL TurRsINE This _ts_an_ intermediate bet” tte mined fled and erctt-axled Flew rwbine because —ta flow OF ewetter ag tt paves -Hrragl Hee _tcinner. 1S ob on.crgle of 45° stomtis tools ond Kener jt Kneroo ob dingonod terbine, -_{ i 2) 94Can be whed “unde heods sengivg form Bory to 150m.) like Kapln “bnbine Se lous bond % ae casing is es _poiided , A Suitabie $9 sided pour plonts_ Scanned with CamScan

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