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This examination contains three sections:
● Section A: Literacy and Spelling (15 marks)
● Section B: Comprehension and Analysis of Unfamiliar Prose Fiction (15 marks)
● Section C: Literature Essay (20 marks)

Answers to Section A, B and C need to be written in the answer booklet provided. There is refill
space for Section C at the back of the book. Ensure that you state the question number for
Section C in the space provided.

Name: Form:

Teacher’s name:

Section A B C

Mark /15 /15 /20 Total:


Answer the following questions in the spaces provided on the next page (p. 3).

1. There is one spelling error in each column below. Identify the word and re-write it correctly.

accidentally bawdy commitment dialogue emphasize

acknowledgement beleive committee desirable environment

advertisement business consciense dieing egocentric

anakronism cantankerous conspicuous eligible equipment

appropriate changeable deceive eliminate exemplify


2. Read the sentence below:

Within minutes of WandaVisions finale dropping on disney+ this morning my Twitter timeline began to fill
with questions about the meaning of the ending.

a. Using the space provided in your answer booklet, identify and correct the errors in the sentence above [3]

b. Is the sentence above simple, compound, complex, compound-complex or minor? [1]

c. Change ‘meaning’ into an adjective. [1]

d. Identify a preposition in the sentence above. [1]

3. Read the sentence below:

New comments flooded subreddits about how the story serves the Marvel Cinematic Universe, enthusiastically
adding to the cascade of online discussion that’s happened every weekend, like clockwork, around the show.

a. Identify a finite verb in the sentence above. [1]

b. What part of speech is ‘enthusiastically’ in this context? [1]

c. Why are there commas around the phrase ‘like clockwork’? [1]

d. Identify the contraction and the sentence above and rewrite it without the missing letters. [1]

Use the spaces below to answer the questions on the previous page (p. 2).

1. Write the misspelled words into the relevant column.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5

2a. Circle the errors in the sentence below, and insert a correction:

Within minutes of WandaVisions finale dropping on disney+ this morning my Twitter timeline began to fill with

questions about the meaning of the ending. [3]

2b: The sentence type is ……………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………….…[1]

2c: The adjective form of ‘meaning’ is …………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… [1]

2d. The preposition is ……………………………………………………………………………………..………………...………………………….…[1]

3a. The finite verb is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….……….. [1]

3b: ‘Enthusiastically’ is a/an ……………………….………………………………………………………………………………………….…….… [1]

3c: The commas are around the phrase because ……………………………………………..……………………………………….………


3d. The contraction is ………………………………. and it can be rewritten as …………………………………………………………….[1]



Read the extract below, taken from Laurie Lee’s A Rose for Winter: a series of memoirs of Lee’s travels through
Andalusia, Southern Spain, in 1955. This scene takes place at a bullfight in Seville.
A superb, straight-limbed young man now stepped forward into the ring and a cheer went up. He was 1
dressed, not in the heavy gold embroidered garments of the professional matador, but in Andalusian riding
clothes – a broad black hat, short waistcoat, tight-fitting trousers and high-heeled boots. He faced the
President’s box, bowed, raised his head, and dedicated the next bull to one of the watching girls, whose name
was Gloria. She, huge-eyed and delicate as a doll, waved a small hand, and then went pale as death. 5

The President leaned forward and gave the signal, the trumpet sounded, and the doors opened for the bull.
He came in like thunder, snorting and kicking up the dust, his horned head lowered for immediate attack.
Two assistants, trailing long capes, ran out and played him first, a formal prologue designed to discover the
unknown temper of the bull. Slowly, their job done, they were beaten back towards the barriers.

Then Gloria’s champion walked out across the sand. He took up his stand, the pale sun gilding his rigid face, 10
gave a loud clear shout to the bull. From that moment, we witnessed an almost faultless combat. Elegant,
firmfooted as a dancer, but with cold courage and movements of continual beauty, the young man entirely
dominated the bull. He seemed to turn the fury of the beast into a creative force which he alone controlled, a
thrusting weight of flesh and bone with which he drew ritual patterns across the sand. The bull charged and
charged again, loud-nostrilled, sweating for death, and the young man turned and teased him at will, 15
reducing him at last to a kind of enchanted helplessness. The bull stood hypnotized, unable to move, while
the young man kissed his horns, alone in the ring. He had proved himself the stronger. He never ran, he
scarcely moved his feet, but he turned his cape like liquid fire, and the bull, snorting with mysterious
amazement, seemed to adore him against his will, brushing the cape as a bee does a poppy.

After the short barbed lances had been thrust into the bull’s shoulders, the moment for the kill arrived. This 20
was accomplished with an almost tragic simplicity and grace. The young man, sword in hand, faced the
panting bull. They stood at close range, eyeing each other in silence. The bull lowered its head, and the crowd
roared ‘Now!’ The young man raised the sword, aimed horizontally down the blade and plunged. Such a
moment carries with it mortal danger for the matador. His undefended body, poised thus above the horns,
was so vulnerable that a flick of the bull’s head could disembowel him. It was the moment of truth, when only 25
courage and blind faith can preserve the fighter’s life. But the young man’s sword found its mark. The bull
folded his legs, lay down for a moment as though resting at pasture, then slowly rolled over and died.

The crowd rose to its feet with one loud cry. Hats, caps, cushions, even raincoats, were thrown into the ring.
The young man bowed low to the president and to Gloria. Colour had returned to the girl’s cheeks; she stood
up and clapped him wildly and threw him a box of cigars. His triumph was hers; it was the least she could do. 30
Matador: a professional bullfighter.
1. Where is the passage set? Be as specific as you can in your answer. [1]
2. What is the job of the assistants in paragraph two? [2]
3. Identify an example of alliteration in paragraph two. [1]
4. What does the writer mean when he says at line 18 that “the bull, snorting with mysterious amazement,
seemed to adore him against his will, brushing the cape as a bee does a poppy”? [2]
5. Identify the simile that describes the bull’s death in paragraph four and explain its effect. [2]
6. Why is the execution of the bull so dangerous for the matador? [1]
7. What sound device is used with the word ‘roared’ in paragraph four? [1]
8. What do you think the writer’s opinion on the bullfight is? Provide at least one quotation in support of your
answer. [3]
9. Why is there a paragraph break between paragraphs four and five? [1]
10. What kind of sentence (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex or minor) is the final sentence of
the extract? [1]


1. The passage is set in …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………… [1]

2. The job of the assistants is …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………….………..……… [2]

3. An example of alliteration is …………………………………………………………………..…………………………........................................ [1]

4. The writer means ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………




5a. The simile is…………………………………………………………………..……………………………….………………........................................ [1]

5b. Its effect is…………………………………………….………………………………………………………….……………………………………………...



6. The execution is dangerous because…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


7. The sound device is …………………………………..………….…….…………………………………………………………….………………….…[1]

8. The writer’s opinion on the bullfight is ….………………………………………………………….……………………………………………...









………. [3]

9. There is a paragraph break because ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…[1]

10. The sentence type is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....[1]




You are required to write ONE essay on the genre you have studied this term (either a novel, non-fiction or drama).
Your essay must address one of the questions below.

Your essay should be about 400 words in length and will be marked on the following criteria:
· your ability to structure an essay
· your ability to address the question and only the question
· your ability to select relevant examples and quotations
· your detailed knowledge of the text
· your ability to express yourself in clear, concise English

Write your essay on the lined paper provided in this booklet, starting on p. 7. Make sure that you clearly indicate the
question number in the space provided.

Answer ONE of the following questions using the text you studied THIS term.

(1) Describe a significant character in your text and explain how their portrayal contributed to your understanding of
the text’s theme.
(2) Explain how the writer portrayed a relationship in your text, and how this relationship developed one or more
important ideas in the text you studied.
(3) Describe how conflict was used in your text in order to portray an important message.
(4) Explain how aspects of writer’s craft (such as characterisation, setting, structure or the writer’s language choices)
were used to make the text more compelling.
(5) Comment on how setting was used to develop a theme in the text you studied.
(6) Many texts are interested in providing insights into human nature. Explain how your text provides such insights.

Planning Space

Question Number:

































































































































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