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Workshop 3


Worksheet in Metacognition for Stating Knowledge

Starter phrases: My chosen word is decomposition

I know that I know that decomposition is a type of chemical reaction.

First I know, decomposition reaction occurs when one reactant break down into two or more

In addition, I know that decomposition reactions often occurred through applying thermal
energy or heat to the substances.

Finally, I know that decomposition can be represented through the equation of AB A+B

Now you know something that I know about the decomposition reaction

Workshop 3

Worksheet in Metacognition for Knowing How

Starter phrases : I know that I know how to balanced chemical equation

First, I will write the unbalanced equation where the chemical formula of the reactants are
listed on the left side and product are written on the right portion of the equation.

After that, I will apply the Law of Conservation to the equation to get the same number of the
atoms of every elements on each side of the equation.

Then, balance the chemical formulas by placing coefficients in front of them times the
subscript of each atoms.
Finally, after balancing the chemical equation indicate the physical states of the reactants and

When I have completed these steps, I have shown or proved that I know how to balanced
chemical equation.

Workshop 3


Worksheet in Metacognition for Knowing Why

Starter phrases :

I know why photosynthesis is essential for all living organism in our ecosystem.

One reason is it is the food making process of plants and autotrophs that is one of the primary
producers of our food resources.

A second reason is it provides oxygen for all living organism to continue living on Earth and
without plants our food resources would be limited.

Lastly, it maintains the balanced of the percentage of the oxygen and carbon dioxide in our
ecosystem for us to survive.

For these three reasons, I know why photosynthesis is essential for all living organism

Workshop 3

Worksheet in Metacognition for Knowing Steps/ Procedures

Starter phrases :

I know several ways to use a microscope.

I begin with, setting up the microscope into the lowest power objective lens.

I then, place a microscope slide on the stage and move the slide until the specimen is under
objective lens.

After that move from one objective to get a higher magnification.

Finally, adjust and refocus until the blurred portion or outline of the specimen appear.

By doing these steps and procedures I can able to use a microscope.

Workshop 3

Worksheet in Metacognition for Solving a Problem

Starter phrases :

Problem: A car with a mass of 700 kg is moving with a speed of 20m/s. Calculate the kinetic

energy of the car.

After reading the problem, I know that is about calculating the kinetic energy of one moving


This is what I don’t know : The kinetic energy the moving car have.

This is what I need to know : The kinetic energy of a moving car with a 700 kg mass and 20 m/s


Here is how I solved the problem : I write the given in the problem which is the 700 kg mass

and 20 m/s speed. Based on the kinetic energy formula, KE = ½ mv 2 I substituted the given to

the designated unit and then multiply to get the kinetic energy.

For these reasons, I know why the car of 700 kg mass and 20 m/s speed has 140,000 J of

kinetic energy.

Workshop 6

A. Volume Measurement
Problem : You have 3 empty containers. One container holds 3L, a second holds
5L and a third, holds 9L. How can you use these containers to measure exactly 7L
of water? The steps in the problem have been “framed out”. Follow the steps
and write what you did to get 7L.

Frame on Volume Measurement

Step 3-L container 5-L container 9-L container Total number of


1 0 0 Fill the container 9L

with 9 L

2 Fill the container 0 Still has 9 L 12 L

with 3 L

3 Pour the 3 L into Now has 3 L has a 9 L 12 L

the 5 L container
2 L water is
4 0 added to the 5 L Transfer water to 12 L
container from 9 the 5 L container,
L have a remaining

5 0 Pour the water The remaining 7L

out of the 5 L water is 7 L
making it 0 L

To get exactly 7liters from 3 containers holding 3L, 5L and 9L, I did these steps:
First, I poured water in 9 L container.

Second, I poured water in the 3 L container also making is 12 L in total.

Third, I transferred the 3 L to the 5 L and still have a 9 L, a total of 12 L

Fourth, I transferred 2 L to the 5 L container from the 9 L container, making it 7 L but still

giving me 12 L in total.

Finally, I emptied the 5 L container, and the remaining 9 L container has 7 L of water.

By following these steps, I was able to reach my goal of 7 L from transferring water from the 3


B. Half-life

Problem : The half - life (t1/2) of Protactinium (Pa) is 24 days. If you have 1 gram sample, after
24 days how much will have disintegrated? What fraction will remain after 3 half-lives? four
half-lives? five half- lives?

Frame on Half-Life

No. of days 24 48 72 96 120

T(1/2) 1 2 3 4 5

Mass (g) Pa 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.065 0.0312


Fraction of Pa 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32

There were three steps I used to solve the problem.

The first was, to determine the number of days for the two, three, four and five half-lives of

Protactinium (Pa)

Then I, determine the fraction of Protactinium (Pa) left for every half-lives.

Finally, I calculated the mass (g) of the Protactinium (Pa) left by multiplying its remaining

mass for every half-life to 1 gram, which is the given mass.

By following these steps, I found that after 24 days or 1 half-life, 0.5 g Protactinium (Pa) will

disintegrated. In 3 half lives, 1/8 of Protactinium (Pa) will remain, 1/16 of Protactinium (Pa)

after a four half- lives, and 1/32 of Protactinium (Pa) after five half-lives.

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