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Based on the table, the geotechnical zones can be classified from competent to fair rock mass

quality. Here's a breakdown of the zones and how the parameters affect cable bolt performance
in open stopes:

● Competent Ground: This zone has the highest rock mass quality (GSI = 64.43, RQD = I,
MRMR = 50.20). The intact rock is strong (MPa), discontinuity spacing is very large (I), and
the rock mass is very good (MRMR). This indicates a stable rock mass that requires minimal
cable bolt support.
● Highly Stressed Ground: This zone has a fair rock mass quality (GSI = 57.26, RQD = III,
MRMR = 27.83). The rock mass is moderately strong (MPa), discontinuity spacing is large
(III), and the rock mass is fair (MRMR). This zone may require some cable bolts to reinforce
the rock mass and prevent instability, particularly in areas with stress concentrations.
● Highly Foliated Ground: This zone also has a fair rock mass quality (GSI = 54.12, RQD =
III, MRMR = 42.35). Similar to highly stressed ground, the rock mass is moderately strong
(MPa), discontinuity spacing is large (III), and the rock mass is fair (MRMR). Cable bolts may
be necessary to support the rock mass and prevent instability, especially in areas with closely
spaced foliations.
● Thick Argillite Ground: This zone has a fair rock mass quality (GSI = 62.60, RQD = III,
MRMR = 48.15). The rock mass is moderately strong (MPa), discontinuity spacing is large
(III), and the rock mass is fair (MRMR). Similar to highly stressed and foliated ground, cable
bolts may be required to support the rock mass and prevent instability.

In conclusion, cable bolt performance in open stopes is influenced by the rock mass quality.
Zones with higher GSI, RQD, and MRMR values generally require less cable bolt support
compared to zones with lower values. However, other factors such as the specific geometry of
the open stope and the presence of geological features like faults or joints should also be
considered when designing a cable bolt support system.

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