Perfect Constructions

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

11 1 G-11-1-3 P 1&4 A 3 Part C figs 3-7 Use the present perfect with the verbs BE and HAVE in both expanded and
contracted forms in statements, affirmative yes/no questions, and affirmative
and negative answers.
11 1 G-11-1-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 4-6 Use the present perfect progressive in both expanded and contracted forms
in statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers, and
affirmative information questions to indicate a durative action or event begun
in the past and continuing into the present.
12 1 G-12-1-5 P 1&3 A 3 Part B fig 4 Use the present perfect in both expanded and contracted forms in
statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers, and
affirmative information questions to indicate an action or event begun in the
past and continuing into the present.
12 2 G-12-2-4 P 1&4 A 3 Part C figs 1-2 Use the present perfect in both expanded and contracted forms in
statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers, and
affirmative information questions to indicate an indefinite past action or event.
14 2 G-14-2-6 Pt 2 Act 3 Part B fig 5 Use an 'if'-clause with present perfect, both before and after the main clause
in affirmative and negative statements, and a main cluase with future/future
equivalents, modals, or imperatives to express indefinite past probability and
its result.
16 1 G-16-1-6 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 2-3 Use the past perfect (both full and contracted forms) in affirmative and
negative statements, affirmative yes/no and information questions, and
affirmative and negative answers to indicate an event or condition that
occurred before another event or condition in the past.
16 2 G-16-2-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 3-5 Use the past perfect progressive (both full and contracted forms) in
affirmative and negative statements, affirmative yes/no and information
questions, and affirmative and negative answers to indicate an event of
duration that occurred before another event in the past.
19 4 G-19-4-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 1-4 Use 'wish' followed by a 'that' noun clause containing a past perfect
subjunctive verb to express regret about a past situation.
20 3 G-20-3-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 6-7 Use 'said' / 'told' and a past perfect 'that' noun clause ('that' optional) to
report simple past statements. Use 'asked' and a past perfect noun clause
introduced by 'if,' 'whether,' or a question-word to report yes/no and
information questions.
21 1 G-21-1-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 4 & 6 REVIEW: Use 'said/told' and a past perfect progressive 'that' noun clause
('that' optional) to report past progressive statements; 'asked' and a past
perfect progressive noun clause introduced by 'if/whether' to report past
progressive yes/no questions; and 'asked' plus a past perfect progressive
noun clause introduced by a question-word to report past progressive
question-word questions.
21 2 G-21-2-7 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 1-2 Use the present perfect passive (full and contracted forms) to indicate an
indefinite past action or event.
21 3 G-21-3-6 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 4-5 Use the past perfect passive (full and contracted forms) to indicate an action
or event occurring before another action or event in the past
22 4 G-22-4-5 Pt 2 Aact 3 Part D figs 1-2 Use 'said/told' and a past perfect 'that' noun clause ('that' optional) to report
present perfect statements; use 'asked' and a past perfect noun clause
introduced by 'if'/whether to report yes/no questions; and use 'asked' plus a
past perfect noun clause introduced by a question word to report information

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

23 3 G-23-3-6 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 1-2 Use 'said/told' and a past perfect progressive 'that' noun clause ('that'
optional) to report statements; 'asked' plus past perfect progressive noun
clause introduced by 'if'/whether to report yes/no questions; and 'asked' plus
a past perfect progressive noun clause introduced by a question word to
report question-word questions.
24 3 G-24-3-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 4-5 After hearing or reading a past perfect (progressive) statement, yes/no
question, or question-word question in direct speech, use 'said/told' plus an
affirmative/negative past perfect (progressive) 'that' noun clause ('that'
optional) to report statements; 'asked' plus a past perfect (progressive) noun
clause introduced by 'if'/'whether' to report yes/no questions; or 'asked' plus a
past perfect (progressive) noun clause introduced by a question-word to
report question-word questions.
26 1 G-26-1 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 4-6 REVIEW: Use the present/ past progressive and present/past perfect
progressive to express a durative action or event.
26 2 G-26-2-3 Pt 1 Act 2 Part C fig 13 Use the simple past tense to express an activity/situation that began and
ended at a particular time in the past, and the present perfect to express an
activity/situation in the indefinite past or one that began in the past and
continues to the present.
28 2 G-28-2-5 Pt 2 Act 2 Part C figs 2-5 Use the future perfect to indicate an activity that will be completed prior to
another event in the future.
28 2 G-28-2-6 Pt 2 Act 2 Part C figs 2-5 Use the future perfect progressive to indicate the duration of an activity that
will be in progress prior to another event in the future and review the future
28 4 G-28-4-5 Pt 3 Act 1 Part B figs 5-6 Reduce an adverb clause of reason/result introduced by 'because' to a
present/perfect participial phrase.
30 4 G-30-4-3 Pt 2 Act 2 Part A figs 5-6 Use a perfect active/passive gerund or infinitive to indicate an action or state
occurring before another action or state.

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