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Questions & Answers pp. 1-11, Questions & Responses pp.




Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

01 2 G-01-2-7 Omitted Part C fig 7 Formulate questions (What are these/those?) and answers
(These/those are + noun.), using 'these/those' correctly, in response
to illustration or realia.
01 3 G-01-3-6 Act 4 Part C figs 6-7 Respond to a yes/no question using the present form of BE, with a
short affirmative or negative answer.
01 4 G-01-4-3 Act 4 Part A fig 1-2 Respond to a yes/no question using the present form of BE, with a
long affirmative or negative answer.
02 2 G-02-2-4 Act 2 Part A fig 7;B 1 Produce oral and written questions and answers (in both full and
contracted forms) in response to oral/written/visual cues, in the
following pattern: Where + BE + subject? Where’s Bill? Bill’s at the
mess hall.
02 2 G-02-2-7 Act 3 Part D fig 6 Produce oral and written questions and answers in response to
oral/written/visual cues, in the following pattern: 'Whose' + noun + BE
+ demonstrative pronoun?
02 3 G-02-3-4 Act 3 Part A fig 7 Respond orally and in writing to oral or written present progressive
yes/no questions with both long and short answers (in both full and
contracted forms).
02 4 G-02-4-4 Act 3 Part A fig 5 Ask and answer oral and written present progressive who-questions
(in both full and contracted forms) in response to oral/visual/written
cues, using the following pattern: 'Who' + BE + -ing?
02 4 G-02-4-5 Act 4 Part C figs 5-6 Produce oral and written what questions and answers (in both full and
contracted forms) in response to oral/visual/written cues, using the
following pattern: 'What' + BE + subject + -ing?
03 1 G-03-1-4 Act 3 Part A figs 4-5; B 2 Produce oral and written affirmative/negative statements, yes/no
questions, and long/short answers (both full and contracted forms) in
the simple present tense illustrating a habitual/customary action in
response to oral, visual, or written cues.
03 2 G-03-2-4 Act 3 Parts A & D fig 2 Ask and answer, both orally and in writing, simple present tense
affirmative 'Who' (as subject only), 'What', 'Where', and 'When'
questions in response to oral, visual, or written cues.
03 2 G-03-2-6 Omitted Omitted Ask and answer frequency questions using 'How often' and frequency
expressions in response to oral, visual, or written cues.
03 3 G-03-3-4 Act 3 Part D fig 3 Produce oral and written questions in the patterns below and give
appropriate answers in response to oral, visual, or written cues.
'How many' + pl. count noun + 'do/does' + noun/pronoun + verb
'How many' + pl. count noun + 'are' + prepositional phrase/adverb
03 3 G-03-3-5 Act 4 Part C figs 3-4 Produce oral and written affirmative/negative statements, yes/no
questions, and long and short answers using the past tense of BE,
(both full and contracted forms) in response to oral, visual, or written
03 4 G-03-4-5 Act 4 Part C figs 3-4 Ask and answer simple past tense affirmative 'what/when/where/who'
questions (both oral and written) using past BE (was/were) in
response to oral, visual, or written cues.

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

03 4 G-03-4-6 Act 3 Part A fig 4; B&C 5 Produce oral and written simple present tense affirmative/negative
statements, affirmative yes/no questions, and long/short answers
using 'want' + to infinitive (full and contracted forms) given oral, visual,
or written cues.
04 1 G-04-1-4 Acts 3 & 4 Part B figs 1-4; C 1 Produce oral and written affirmative/negative statements, yes/no
questions and long/short answers (both full and contracted forms) in
the past tense in response to oral/visual/written cues illustrating a past
04 2 G-04-2-4 Act 4 Part C figs 1-5 Ask and answer, orally and in writing, past tense wh- questions.

04 3 G-04-3-4 Act 3 Part C figs 3-4 Produce oral and written affirmative/negative statements, yes/no
questions, and long/short answers using 'can' and 'may' in response to
oral/visual/written cues illustrating permission.
04 3 G-04-3-5 Act 4 Part C figs 1-6 Produce oral and written affirmative/negative statements, yes/no
questions, long/short answers, and wh- questions using can (both full
and contracted forms) in response to oral/visual/written cues
illustrating ability.
04 4 G-04-4-6 Act 4 Part C figs 1-3 Produce oral and written affirmative/negative statements, yes/no
questions, and answers using 'this/that/these/those' as demonstrative
adjectives in response to oral/visual/written cues illustrating proximity.
05 1 G-05-1-4 Act 3 Omitted Ask and answer 'which' questions, orally and in writing, in response to
oral, visual, or written cues.
05 2 G-05-2-4 Act 3 Part C figs 1-2 Produce affirmative/negative statements and answers and affirmative
yes/no questions using 'there' + BE in response to oral, visual, or
written cues.
05 2 G-05-2-6 Act 4 Part B figs 5-7 Express 100% possibility using 'can', orally and in writing, in
affirmative yes/no and question-word questions and
affirmative/negative statements and answers in response to oral,
visual, or written cues.
05 2 G-05-2-7 Act 4 Part D figs 8-11 Express quantity using a 'lot of/lots of', orally and in writing, with
count/noncount nouns in affirmative yes/no questions and affirmative
or negative statements and answers in response to oral, visual, or
written cues.
05 2 G-05-2-8 Act 4 Part D figs 8-11 Express quantity using 'a few' with count nouns, and a 'little' with
noncount nouns, orally and in writing, in affirmative yes/no questions
and affirmative/negative statements and answers in response to oral,
visual, or written cues.
05 3 G-05-3-4 Act 3 Part C figs 4-8 Use the future with 'will' (both full and contracted forms) to produce
affirmative/negative statements, yes/no and question-word questions
(affirmative only), and long/short answers, both orally and in writing,
from oral, visual, or written cues illustrating future actions or

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

05 4 G-05-4-5 Act 4 Part B fig 2 Express quantity using the indefinite adjective 'many' to modify count
nouns in affirmative yes/no questions and affirmative/negative
statements and answers, and the indefinite adjective 'much' to modify
noncount nouns in negative statements and affirmative yes/no
questions, orally and in writing, in response to oral, visual, or written
05 4 G-05-4-7 Act 4 Part C figs 7-9 Use the modal 'have to' in oral and written affirmative/negative
statements and answers, and
yes/no and question word questions, in response to oral, visual, or
written cues illustrating necessity (or the absence of necessity).
06 1 G-06-1-5 Act 4 Part C figs 4-7 Use an affirmative/negative 'that' noun clause ('that' optional) as a
direct object after 'think' in
affirmative/negative yes/no and question-word questions and
affirmative/negative statements and answers, both orally and in
writing, from oral, visual, or written cues.
06 2 G-06-2-5 Act 3 Part C figs 7-8 Produce oral and written affirmative statements and answers, yes/no,
and Wh- questions with 'would like' (to) in full and contracted forms
meaning want in response to oral, visual, or written cues.
06 2 G-06-2-6 Act 4 Part A figs 6-7 Produce oral and written affirmative statements and answers with
something, negative statements and answers with anything or nothing,
and yes/no affirmative questions with 'something' or 'anything' in
response to oral, visual, or written cues.
07 1 G-07-1-4 Pt 4 Act 3 Part B fig 3-6 Use the indefinite adjective 'both' to refer to 2 objects or people and
the indefinite adjective 'other' to refer to a remaining or different object
or person in statements, affirmative yes/no questions, and affirmative
and negative answers.
07 2 G-07-2-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part A fig 4 Use the comparative form of adjectives, '-er' (+ than), in statements,
affirmative yes/no questions, and affirmative and negative answers to
express relative degree when referring to 2 people or things.
07 2 G-07-2-5 Pt 3 Act 4 Part A fig 6 Use the indefinite pronoun 'both' to refer to 2 objects or people and the
indefinite pronoun 'other' to refer to a remaining or different object or
person in statements, affirmative yes/no questions, and affirmative
and negative answers.
07 3 G-07-3-3 P 2&4 A 3 Part C figs 7 - 8 Use the superlative form of adjectives, '-est' (+ noun), in statements,
affirmative yes/no questions, and affirmative and negative answers to
express relative degree when referring to 3 or more people or things.
07 4 G-07-4-3 P 1-4 A 3 Part C fig 6 Use 'use' (+ noun or pronoun) + 'for' (+ gerund) and 'use' (+ noun or
pronoun + infinitive) in statements, affirmative yes/no questions,
affirmative and negative answers, and in what-questions to express
08 1 G-08-1-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part A fig 3 Use BE + 'going to' (in both expanded and contracted forms) in
statements, affirmative yes/no questions, affirmative and negative
answers, and in information questions to express an intended or
expected action or condition in the future.

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

08 1 G-08-1-4 P 2&3 A 3 Pt C & D fig 4 Use the comparative adjectives 'better' or 'worse' (+ than) when
referring to 2 people or things and the superlative adjectives 'the best'
or 'the worst' when referring to 3 or more people or things in
statements, affirmative yes/no questions, and affirmative and negative
answers and information questions to express relative degree.
08 2 G-08-2-3 P 1&3 A 3 Part C figs 3-4 Use the present active infinitive as a direct object after such verbs as
'begin, forget, learn, like, need, remember, start, try, and want' in
statements, affirmative questions, and answers.
08 2 G-08-2-4 P 2&4 A 3 Part C figs 3-4 Use the possessive pronouns 'mine, yours (sing./pl.), hers, his, ours,
and theirs' in place of noun phrases in statements, affirmative
questions, and answers to express possession or ownership.
08 3 G-08-3-3 P 2&4 A 3 Part D fig 4 Use the comparative adjectives 'more' or 'less' + adjective (+ than)
when referring to 2 people or things and the superlative form of
adjectives 'the most' or 'the least' + adjective when referring to 3 or
more people or things in statements, affirmative yes/no questions,
affirmative and negative answers, and information questions to
express relative degree.
09 1 G-09-1-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B figs 1 - 4 Use the present progressive in statements, yes/no questions,
affirmative and negative answers, and affirmative information
questions to indicate a future action.
09 1 G-09-1-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 1 - 2 Use a linking verb (taste, smell, sound, look, feel) + adjective (as a
subject complement) in statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and
negative answers, and affirmative information questions to indicate a
state or condition.
09 2 G-09-2-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C fig 2 Use the past progressive in statements, yes/no questions, affirmative
and negative answers, and affirmative information questions to
indicate a past durative action or event.
09 2 G-09-2-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part B fig 6 Use 'ask' or 'tell' + indirect object + present active infinitive as direct
object in response to a direct or indirect request or command in past
tense statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers,
and affirmative information questions to report or inquire
about what was said.
09 2 G-09-2-6 Pt 4 Act 3 Part B fig 3 Use BE + 'similar' (to + noun phrase), BE + 'the same' (as + noun
phrase), BE + 'different' (from + noun phrase), BE + 'like' + noun
phrase, and BE + 'alike' in statements, yes/no questions, and
affirmative and negative answers to express comparison and contrast.
09 3 G-09-3-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B figs 5-6 Use 'should' in statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative
answers, and affirmative information questions to express advice or
obligation. Use 'could' in affirmative statements to give suggestions.
09 3 G-09-3-5 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 2 & 5 Use adverbs (badly, carefully, carelessly, correctly, easily, fast, safely,
slowly, well) after the direct object (if present) or the verb in
statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers, and
affirmative information questions to indicate manner.

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

09 4 G-09-4-3 P 1&4 A 3 Part A fig 5 Use an adverbial THAT clause as a direct object ('that' optional) after
a predicate adjective (angry, glad, happy, pleased, sorry, upset) in
statements, affirmative yes/no questions, and affirmative and negative
answers to express cause or reason.
09 4 G-09-4-4 Pt 2 Act 3 Part D fig 5 Use 'apologize' + 'for' + present gerund in statements, yes/no
questions, affirmative and negative answers, and affirmative what
09 4 G-09-4-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 2-3 Use a 'that' noun clause as a direct object ('that' optional) after mental
activity verbs (forget, guess, hear, hope, know, learn, read, realize,
remember, see, think, understand) in statements, yes/no questions,
affirmative and negative answers, and affirmative information
10 1 G-10-1-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part A figs 10-11 Use 'how' + present active infinitive as a direct object after the verbs
'find out, forget, know, learn, remember, show, teach, tell, and ask' in
statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers to
refer to method or manner.
10 1 G-10-1-4 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 1-3 Use the conjunctions 'when, while, after, before, and until' to introduce
adverbial clauses of time both before and after the main clause in
statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers, and
affirmative information questions to express an action relative in time
to another action.
10 1 G-10-1-5 P 3&4 A 3 Part D figs 1-2 Use BE + 'supposed to' in statements, yes/no questions, affirmative
and negative answers, and affirmative information questions to
express duty, obligation, customs, and advice.
10 2 G-10-2-3 Pt 3 Act 3 Part B figs 4-6 Use the present active infinitive after a predicate adjective (ready,
afraid, upset, glad, happy, pleased, sorry) in statements, yes/no
questions, affirmative and negative answers, and affirmative
information questions.
10 2 G-10-2-4 Pt 2 Act 3 L3 Part B figs 5-7 Use the present gerund as the direct object of a verb (begin, enjoy,
finish, like, mind, start, stop) in statements, yes/no questions,
affirmative and negative answers, and affirmative information
10 2 G-10-2-5 P 1&4 A 3 Part D figs 2 - 4 Use the prepositions 'in front of, in back of, behind, in, on, under, at,
near, above, below, by, across (from), and next (to)' in statements,
yes/no questions, and affirmative and negative answers to express
location or place.
10 3 G-10-3-3 Pt 4 Act 3 Omitted Use the simple present tense to indicate a future action in statements,
yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers, and affirmative
information questions.
10 4 G-10-4-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Omitted Use BE + 'able to' in statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and
negative answers, and affirmative information questions to express
10 4 G-10-4-4 P 2&4 A 3 Part B figs 3-4 Use the impersonal 'it' in statements, yes/no questions, affirmative
and negative answers, and affirmative information questions to refer to
temperature, weather, time, and distance.

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

11 1 G-11-1-3 P 1&4 A 3 Part C figs 3-7 Use the present perfect with the verbs BE and HAVE in both
expanded and contracted forms in statements, affirmative yes/no
questions, and affirmative and negative answers.
11 1 G-11-1-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 4-6 Use the present perfect progressive in both expanded and contracted
forms in statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative
answers, and affirmative information questions to indicate a durative
action or event begun in the past and continuing into the present.
11 2 G-11-2-4 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 1-4 Use an adjective or noun as a subject complement after the linking
verb 'become' and an adjective as a subject complement after the
linking verb get in statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and
negative answers, and affirmative information questions to indicate a
change in state or condition.
11 2 G-11-2-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 2-4 Use a restrictive adjective clause in statements, affirmative yes/no
questions, and affirmative and negative answers in which the relative
pronoun (who, that, or which) functioning as the subject of the clause
has a noun or pronoun antecedent meaning a person or thing.
11 3 G-11-3-3 P 3&4 A 3 Part A figs 3-4 Use 'too' + adjective optionally followed by 'for' + noun phrase or
infinitive or both in statements, affirmative yes/no questions, and
affirmative and negative answers to express excessiveness for a
particular purpose.
11 3 G-11-3-4 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B figs 2-3 Use the present active infinitive after verbs in statements, yes/no
questions, affirmative and negative answers, and affirmative
information questions to express purpose.
11 4 G-11-4-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B fig 3 Use 'could' in statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative
answers, and affirmative information questions to express past ability
or inability.
11 4 G-11-4-4 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 1-2 Use 'told' + indirect object + past tense affirmative or negative 'that'
noun clause with appropriate pronoun or possessive adjective
changes ('that' optional) in statements, yes/no questions, affirmative
and negative answers, and affirmative information questions to report
or inquire about what was said.
11 4 G-11-4-5 Pt 3&4 A 3 Part D figs 1 - 2 Use the prepositions 'at, on, in, before, after, from, until, till, to, for,
and since' in statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative
answers, and affirmative information questions to indicate time.
12 1 G-12-1-4 P 2&4 A 3 Part A figs 5-6 Use the subordinating conjunction 'if' to introduce a clause providing a
real condition, and place it either before or after the main clause in
statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers, and
affirmative information questions to express present or future
12 1 G-12-1-5 P 1&3 A 3 Part B fig 4 Use the present perfect in both expanded and contracted forms in
statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers, and
affirmative information questions to indicate an action or event begun
in the past and continuing into the present.

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

12 2 G-12-2-4 P 1&4 A 3 Part C figs 1-2 Use the present perfect in both expanded and contracted forms in
statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers, and
affirmative information questions to indicate an indefinite past action
or event.
12 3 G-12-3-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part A fig 3 Use 'could' in statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative
answers, and affirmative information questions to express 50%
12 3 G-12-3-4 Pt 3 Act 3 Part B fig 2 Use emotive adjectives ending in '–ing' or '–ed' (derived from the
participles of the verbs excite, interest, bore, confuse, tire, frighten) in
statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers, and
affirmative information questions, using the '–ing' form to refer to the
person or thing causing the emotion and the '–ed' form to refer to the
person or group experiencing or feeling the emotion.
12 3 G-12-3-5 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C fig 1 Use 'said' + past tense affirmative or negative 'that' noun clause with
appropriate pronoun or possessive adjective changes ('that' optional)
in statements, yes/no questions, and affirmative and negative answers
in response to affirmative and negative simple present
tense statements to report or inquire about what was said.
12 4 G-12-4-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part A fig 3 Use 'use(d)' to in statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and
negative answers, and affirmative information questions to indicate a
past routine or a discontinued habit, condition, or situation which
contrasts with the present.
12 4 G-12-4-4 Pt 2 Act 3 Part A fig 3 Use 'would' in both expanded and contracted forms in statements,
yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers, and affirmative
information questions to indicate a past routine.
12 4 G-12-4-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C fig 1 Use the comparative '-er' form of adverbs (+ than), for 'early, far, fast,
hard, high, late, low, near, slow, soon, and straight' in statements,
yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers, and affirmative
information questions to express relative degree when referring to 2
people or things.
13 1 G-13-1-4 Pt 3 Act 3 Part A fig 7 Use an affirmative or negative adverbial THAT clause ('that' optional)
after a predicate adjective (certain, positive, and sure) to express
certainty in affirmative and negative statements, affirmative yes/no
questions, and affirmative and negative answers.
13 1 G-13-1-5 Pt 1 Act 3 Part D figs 1-2 Use the '-est' superlative form of adverbs (early, far, fast, hard, high,
late, low, near, slow, soon, and straight) when referring to 3 or more
people or things in affirmative and negative statements, affirmative
yes/no and information questions, and affirmative and negative
answers to indicate degree.
13 2 G-13-2-5 Pt 2 Act 3 Part D fig 1 Use a noun as a noun adjunct (noun modifier) in affirmative and
negative statements, affirmative yes/no and information questions,
and affirmative and negative answers.
13 3 G-13-3-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 1 & 8 Use separable phrasal verbs, putting a pronoun object before the
particle and a noun object before or after the particle, in statements,
affirmative yes/no questions, and affirmative and negative answers.

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

13 3 G-13-3-4 Pt 3 Act 3 Part B fig 2; D 1 Use 'said' or 'told' + affirmative or negative 'that' noun clause ('that'
optional) and making appropriate modal, pronoun, and/or possessive
adjective changes in affirmative and negative statements, affirmative
yes/no questions, and affirmative and negative answers to report or
inquire about what was said in a present tense affirmative or negative
direct speech statement containing a modal.
13 4 G-13-4-4 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 5-10 Use the subordinating conjunction 'if' to introduce a factual condition
clause (both before and after the main clause) in affirmative and
negative statements, affirmative yes/no and information questions,
and affirmative and negative answers to express automatic or habitual
results. 'if'-clause: simple present tense + Main clause: simple present
13 4 G-13-4-5 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 5-10 Use the subordinating conjunction 'if' to introduce a factual condition
clause (both before and after the main clause) in affirmative and
negative statements, affirmative yes/no and information questions,
and affirmative and negative answers to express present or future
probability. 'if'-clause: simple present tense + Main clause: imperative
13 4 G-13-4-6 Pt 1 Act 3 Part D figs 1-4 Use the pronouns 'a little' to refer to noncount nouns and 'a few' to
refer to count nouns in affirmative and negative statements,
affirmative yes/no questions, and affirmative and negative answers to
express a small quantity.
13 4 G-13-4-7 Pt 1 Act 3 Omitted Use the pronouns 'much' to refer to noncount nouns, 'many' to refer to
count nouns in statements, and 'a lot' to refer to count and noncount
nouns in affirmative and negative statements, affirmative yes/no
questions, and affirmative and negative answers to express a large
14 1 G-14-1-4 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 5-7 Use ‘just’ as an expression of time indicating recent completion in the
past and use ‘soon’ indicating expected completion in the immediate
future in affirmative statements, yes/no questions, and affirmative
14 1 G-14-1-6 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 5-7 Use the future progressive (both full and contracted forms) in
affirmative and negative statements, affirmative yes/no and
information questions, and affirmative and negative answers to
express an action that will be in progress at or up to a particular time
in the future.
14 3 G-14-3-3 Pt 1 Act 4 Part A fig 6 Use the present gerund as the subject of a sentence and the object of
a preposition in affirmative yes/no and information questions, and
affirmative and negative statements/answers.

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14 4 G-14-4-4 Pt 2 Act 3 Omitted Report or inquire about what was said using said or told + affirmative
or negative 'that' noun clause ('that' optional) and making appropriate
modal, pronoun, and/or possessive adjective changes, in affirmative
and negative statements, affirmative yes/no and information
questions, and affirmative and negative answers, after hearing or
reading a direct speech present tense affirmative or negative
statement containing a modal. Direct speech modals to change in
reported speech as follows: Will (future) becomes would; BE going to
(future) becomes was/were going to; Must and have to (necessity)
become had to; Not have to (lack of necessity) becomes did not have
to; Must not (prohibition) remains must not.
14 4 G-14-4-5 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B fig 3 Use adverb forms ‘better than’ and ‘worse than’ when referring to 2
people or things and ‘the best’ and ‘the worst’ when referring to 3 or
more people or things in affirmative and negative statements,
affirmative yes/no and information questions, and affirmative and
negative answers to indicate varying degrees.
15 1 G-15-1-3 Pt 2 Act 3 Omitted Use adverbs ‘never’ and ‘seldom’ in affirmative statements and
answers, ‘ever’ in negative statements, affirmative yes/no questions,
and negative answers, and ‘always, usually, often, frequently,
occasionally, and sometimes’ in affirmative and negative statements,
affirmative yes/no and information questions, and affirmative and
negative answers to express frequency.
15 2 G-15-2-6 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 4-5 Use the adverbs ‘somewhere’ in affirmative yes/no questions and
statements, ‘anywhere’ in negative statements and affirmative yes/no
questions, and ‘nowhere’ in short answers to express indefinite place
or location.
15 3 G-15-3-3 Pt 2 Act 3 Part D fig 3 Use ‘was/were going to’ in affirmative and negative statements, yes/no
and information questions, and affirmative and negative answers to
express an unfulfilled past intention.
15 4 G-15-4-3 Pt 2 Act 3 Part B figs 6-7 Use reflexive pronouns in noun-object position in referring to the
subject of the sentence in affirmative and negative statements,
affirmative yes/no and information questions, and affirmative and
negative answers.
16 1 G-16-1-6 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 2-3 Use the past perfect (both full and contracted forms) in affirmative and
negative statements, affirmative yes/no and information questions,
and affirmative and negative answers to indicate an event or condition
that occurred before another event or condition in the past.
16 1 G-16-1-3 Pt 2 Act 3 Part A figs 5-6 Use an affirmative or negative 'to'-infinitive phrase as the subject of a
sentence following an anticipatory-'it' construction ('It' + BE + adjective
or noun phrase) in affirmative and negative statements, affirmative
yes/no and 'why' questions, and affirmative and negative answers.
16 2 G-16-2-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 1-4 Use the present BE-passive in affirmative and negative statements,
affirmative yes/no and information questions, and affirmative and
negative answers to express a habitual action in the present.

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16 2 G-16-2-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 3-5 Use the past perfect progressive (both full and contracted forms) in
affirmative and negative statements, affirmative yes/no and
information questions, and affirmative and negative answers to
indicate an event of duration that occurred before another event in the
16 3 G-16-3-3 Pt 2 Act 3 Part A figs 3-4 Use ‘prefer’ in the following patterns in affirmative statements,
affirmative yes/no and information questions, and affirmative and
negative answers to express preference:
‘prefer’+ noun/pronoun + 'to/rather than' + noun/pronoun
‘prefer’+ gerund + 'to/rather than' + gerund
‘prefer’+ to-infinitive + ‘rather than’ + bare infinitive
16 3 G-16-3-4 Pt 3 Act 3 Part B fig 2; C 5 Use ‘would rather’ + bare infinitive (+ optional ‘than’ construction) in
affirmative statements, affirmative yes/no and information questions,
and affirmative and negative answers to express preference.
16 3 G-16-3-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 3-4 Use an adjective or adverb + ‘enough’ (+ optional 'to'-infinitive phrase)
in affirmative and negative statements, affirmative yes/no questions,
and affirmative and negative answers to express sufficiency.
16 4 G-16-4-5 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C fig 4; D 5 Use ‘too much’ + noncount noun and ‘too many’ + count noun in
affirmative and negative statements, affirmative yes/no questions, and
affirmative and negative answers to express an excessive quantity.
17 1 G-17-1-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part A fig 2 Use ‘like’ + noun phrase after linking verbs in affirmative and negative
statements, affirmative yes/no and information questions, and
affirmative and negative answers to indicate a state or condition.
17 1 G-17-1-4 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C fig 1 Use ‘to be’ + an adjectival or noun phrase after the linking verbs ‘seem’
and ‘appear’ in affirmative and negative statements, affirmative
yes/no and 'what'-questions, and affirmative and negative answers to
indicate a state or condition.
17 1 G-17-1-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part B fig 4 Use the simple past BE-passive in affirmative and negative
statements, affirmative yes/no and information questions, and
affirmative and negative answers to express a completed event or
action in the past.
17 2 G-17-2-6 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D fig 3 Use a verb followed by an object and adjective complement in
affirmative and negative statements, affirmative yes/no and
information questions, and affirmative and negative answers to
describe a current or resulting state or condition.
17 3 G-17-3-6 Pt 3 Act 3 L4 Part B figs 4-5 Use affirmative and negative tag questions and affirmative and
negative answers to ask for and respond to a confirmation or
verification of information.
17 3 G-17-3-7 Pt 3 Act 3 L4 Part C figs 1-2 Use affirmative and negative tag questions, asking for the expectation
of agreement; respond with affirmative and negative answers.
18 4 G-18-4-3 Pt 3 Act 3 Part A fig 2 Use a noun or pronoun as a direct object followed by a 'to'-infinitive
after verbs ('advise,' 'ask', 'allow,' 'cause,' 'convince,' 'expect,' 'help,'
'instruct,' 'invite,' 'need,' 'order,' 'permit,' 'require,' 'select,' 'teach,' 'tell,'
'want,' 'warn,' and 'would like') in affirmative yes/no and information
questions, and affirmative and negative statements and answers.

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

19 1 G-19-1-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C fig 7 ; D 3,6 Use inseparable phrasal verbs and phrasal prepositional verbs in
yes/no and question word questions and affirmative/negative
statements and answers.
21 1 G-21-1-4 Pt 1 Act 3 L2 Part B fig 7 REVIEW: Ask questions with 'How' + adjective / adverb, and answer
with adverbs of degree.

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

01 1 G-01-1-6 Act 3 Part C fig 7 Respond to the question 'What’s this?' and an object or visual, with
'It’s a (noun from vocabulary).'
01 1 G-01-1-9 Omitted Omitted Respond with a sentence containing my/your to realia or illustrations
and a WHAT question.
01 2 G-01-2-03 Act 1 Part B fig 2 Respond to a question and realia or an illustration with a sentence
using his/her.
01 2 G-01-2-7 Omitted Part C fig 7 Formulate questions (What are these/those?) and answers
(These/those are + noun.), using 'these/those' correctly, in response
to illustration or realia.
01 2 G-01-2-9 Act 4 Part C fig 2 Produce questions using the following pattern: 'What + am/is/are +
I/proper name/you' (sing.)? in response to an illustration and an
(optional) oral cue.
01 3 G-01-3-5 Act 4 Part B figs 1-2 Produce present tense BE verb yes/no questions in response to an
oral, visual, or written cue.
01 3 G-01-3-6 Act 4 Part C figs 6-7 Respond to a yes/no question using the present form of BE, with a
short affirmative or negative answer.
01 4 G-01-4-3 Act 4 Part A fig 1-2 Respond to a yes/no question using the present form of BE, with a
long affirmative or negative answer.
02 1 G-02-1-6 Act 4 Part D fig 2 Produce oral and written yes/no questions using the BE verb followed
by an adjective in response to visual, oral, or written cues.
02 1 G-02-1-9 Act 4 Part D fig 4 Produce questions in response to visual/oral/written cues in the
following pattern: BE + subject + compound items with 'or.' Respond
to a question of this type with one of the compound choices.
02 2 G-02-2-4 Act 2 Part A fig 7;B 1 Produce oral and written questions and answers (in both full and
contracted forms) in response to oral/written/visual cues, in the
following pattern: Where + BE + subject? Where’s Bill? Bill’s at the
mess hall.
02 2 G-02-2-6 Act 3 Part A fig 6 Respond to a what-question and a visual cue (picture, realia) with oral
and written sentences containing possessive adjectives (our, your,
02 2 G-02-2-7 Act 3 Part D fig 6 Produce oral and written questions and answers in response to
oral/written/visual cues, in the following pattern: 'Whose' + noun + BE
+ demonstrative pronoun?
02 2 G-02-2-8 Act 3 Part D fig 7 Respond to oral and written whose-questions with sentence cues
containing the ‘s possessive.
02 3 G-02-3-4 Act 3 Part A fig 7 Respond orally and in writing to oral or written present progressive
yes/no questions with both long and short answers (in both full and
contracted forms).
02 3 G-02-3-5 Act 4 Part B fig 6 Produce affirmative present progressive yes/no questions in response
to oral/visual/written cues.

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

02 4 G-02-4-3 Act 3 Part A fig 5 Produce oral and written who questions (in both full and contracted
forms) in response to oral/visual/written cues, using the following
pattern: 'Who' + BE + noun/pronoun/adj?
02 4 G-02-4-4 Act 3 Part A fig 5 Ask and answer oral and written present progressive who-questions
(in both full and contracted forms) in response to oral/visual/written
cues, using the following pattern: 'Who' + BE + -ing?
02 4 G-02-4-5 Act 4 Part C figs 5-6 Produce oral and written what questions and answers (in both full and
contracted forms) in response to oral/visual/written cues, using the
following pattern: 'What' + BE + subject + -ing?
02 4 G-02-4-6 Act 4 Part C fig 4 Produce oral and written where questions (in both full and contracted
forms) in response to oral/visual/written cues, using the following
pattern: 'Where' + BE + subject + -ing?
03 1 G-03-1-4 Act 3 Part A figs 4-5; B 2 Produce oral and written affirmative/negative statements, yes/no
questions, and long/short answers (both full and contracted forms) in
the simple present tense illustrating a habitual/customary action in
response to oral, visual, or written cues.
03 2 G-03-2-4 Act 3 Parts A & D fig 2 Ask and answer, both orally and in writing, simple present tense
affirmative 'Who' (as subject only), 'What', 'Where', and 'When'
questions in response to oral, visual, or written cues.
03 2 G-03-2-6 Omitted Omitted Ask and answer frequency questions using 'How often' and frequency
expressions in response to oral, visual, or written cues.
03 3 G-03-3-4 Act 3 Part D fig 3 Produce oral and written questions in the patterns below and give
appropriate answers in response to oral, visual, or written cues.
'How many' + pl. count noun + 'do/does' + noun/pronoun + verb
'How many' + pl. count noun + 'are' + prepositional phrase/adverb
03 3 G-03-3-5 Act 4 Part C figs 3-4 Produce oral and written affirmative/negative statements, yes/no
questions, and long and short answers using the past tense of BE,
(both full and contracted forms) in response to oral, visual, or written
03 4 G-03-4-5 Act 4 Part C figs 3-4 Ask and answer simple past tense affirmative 'what/when/where/who'
questions (both oral and written) using past BE (was/were) in
response to oral, visual, or written cues.
04 1 G-04-1-4 Acts 3 & 4 Part B figs 1-4; C 1 Produce oral and written affirmative/negative statements, yes/no
questions and long/short answers (both full and contracted forms) in
the past tense in response to oral/visual/written cues illustrating a past
04 3 G-04-3-4 Act 3 Part C figs 3-4 Produce oral and written affirmative/negative statements, yes/no
questions, and long/short answers using 'can' and 'may' in response to
oral/visual/written cues illustrating permission.
04 3 G-04-3-5 Act 4 Part C figs 1-6 Produce oral and written affirmative/negative statements, yes/no
questions, long/short answers, and wh- questions using can (both full
and contracted forms) in response to oral/visual/written cues
illustrating ability.

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04 4 G-04-4-4 Act 3 Part A figs 1-4 Respond to oral/visual/written cues with the following question
patterns: 'What' + noun + aux + (pro)noun + verb?; 'What color' + BE
+ (pro)noun?
04 4 G-04-4-5 Act 4 Part C figs 6-9 Respond to oral/visual/written cues with the following question
patterns: 'How much' + BE + (pro)noun?; 'How much' + aux +
(pro)noun+ cost?
04 4 G-04-4-6 Act 4 Part C figs 1-3 Produce oral and written affirmative/negative statements, yes/no
questions, and answers using 'this/that/these/those' as demonstrative
adjectives in response to oral/visual/written cues illustrating proximity.
05 1 G-05-1-4 Act 3 Omitted Ask and answer 'which' questions, orally and in writing, in response to
oral, visual, or written cues.
05 1 G-05-1-5 Act 3 Part B fig 8 Produce oral and written questions and statements using the pronoun
'one(s)' in place of the noun(s) in response to oral, visual, or written
05 1 G-05-1-6 Act 4 Part C fig 4 Use 'or', orally and in writing, to connect nouns/pronouns, verbs, and
adjectives in questions and statements in response to oral, visual, or
written cues.
05 2 G-05-2-4 Act 3 Part C figs 1-2 Produce affirmative/negative statements and answers and affirmative
yes/no questions using 'there' + BE in response to oral, visual, or
written cues.
05 2 G-05-2-5 Act 3 Part C figs 5-8 Produce affirmative questions with 'some' and 'any', affirmative
statements with 'some', and negative statements with 'any' in
response to oral, visual, or written cues.
05 2 G-05-2-6 Act 4 Part B figs 5-7 Express 100% possibility using 'can', orally and in writing, in
affirmative yes/no and question-word questions and
affirmative/negative statements and answers in response to oral,
visual, or written cues.
05 2 G-05-2-7 Act 4 Part D figs 8-11 Express quantity using a 'lot of/lots of', orally and in writing, with
count/noncount nouns in affirmative yes/no questions and affirmative
or negative statements and answers in response to oral, visual, or
written cues.
05 2 G-05-2-8 Act 4 Part D figs 8-11 Express quantity using 'a few' with count nouns, and a 'little' with
noncount nouns, orally and in writing, in affirmative yes/no questions
and affirmative/negative statements and answers in response to oral,
visual, or written cues.
05 4 G-05-4-5 Act 4 Part B fig 2 Express quantity using the indefinite adjective 'many' to modify count
nouns in affirmative yes/no questions and affirmative/negative
statements and answers, and the indefinite adjective 'much' to modify
noncount nouns in negative statements and affirmative yes/no
questions, orally and in writing, in response to oral, visual, or written
05 4 G-05-4-7 Act 4 Part C figs 7-9 Use the modal 'have to' in oral and written affirmative/negative
statements and answers, and
yes/no and question word questions, in response to oral, visual, or
written cues illustrating necessity (or the absence of necessity).

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

06 2 G-06-2-4 Act 4 Part C figs 1-2 Use the object pronouns 'me, you, him, her, it, us, and them' in place
of nouns in oral and written questions and statements in response to
oral, visual, or written cues.
06 2 G-06-2-5 Act 3 Part C figs 7-8 Produce oral and written affirmative statements and answers, yes/no,
and Wh- questions with 'would like' (to) in full and contracted forms
meaning want in response to oral, visual, or written cues.
06 2 G-06-2-6 Act 4 Part A figs 6-7 Produce oral and written affirmative statements and answers with
something, negative statements and answers with anything or nothing,
and yes/no affirmative questions with 'something' or 'anything' in
response to oral, visual, or written cues.
06 3 G-06-3-4 Act 3 Part C figs 1-5 Make affirmative and negative statements, and ask and respond to
yes/no and question-word questions (affirmative only) containing
indirect objects in response to oral, visual, and written cues.
06 3 G-06-3-5 Act 4 Part D figs 2-4 Make affirmative statements and ask and respond to yes/no questions
using the word 'also' in response to oral, visual, and written cues.
06 4 G-06-4-5 Act 4 Part C fig 8 Produce oral and written affirmative WHY questions and appropriate
responses beginning with 'Because'.
09 1 G-09-1-4 P 2&4 A 3 Part D figs 1 - 2 Use the subordinating conjunction 'because' in response to Why and
yes/no questions, and place it either before or after a main clause in
affirmative and negative statements, to express cause or reason.
09 2 G-09-2-5 Pt 3 Act 3 Part B fig 6 Use 'ask' or 'tell' + indirect object + present active infinitive as direct
object in response to a direct or indirect request or command in past
tense statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers,
and affirmative information questions to report or inquire
about what was said.
10 3 G-10-3-5 P 2&3 A 3 Part D figs 1-3 Use 'say' or 'ask' + present active infinitive as direct object in
responses to direct requests or commands and in yes/no questions
and affirmative information questions inquiring about what was said.
12 3 G-12-3-5 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C fig 1 Use 'said' + past tense affirmative or negative 'that' noun clause with
appropriate pronoun or possessive adjective changes ('that' optional)
in statements, yes/no questions, and affirmative and negative answers
in response to affirmative and negative simple present
tense statements to report or inquire about what was said.
13 2 G-13-2-3 Pt 3 Act 3 Omitted Use 'could' in affirmative yes/no questions to request permission
(respond using can or can’t).
17 3 G-17-3-6 Pt 3 Act 3 L4 Part B figs 4-5 Use affirmative and negative tag questions and affirmative and
negative answers to ask for and respond to a confirmation or
verification of information.
17 3 G-17-3-7 Pt 3 Act 3 L4 Part C figs 1-2 Use affirmative and negative tag questions, asking for the expectation
of agreement; respond with affirmative and negative answers.

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