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Introduction To The Global Practice Of Architecture
Globalization = associated with economic development, financial markets and
international Business.
= free flow of goods, services, financial capital and labor across national borders.
Concept of Globalization = an interdisciplinary concept. Have different definition due
to different interpretation.
Anthony Giddens = globalization is a homogenizing process.
Economic Globalization = Increasing interdependence of world economies
Cultural Globalization = Transmission of Ideas, meanings, and values around the

The Impact of Globalization on architecture

Architectural Globalization = cities are spatially organized socio-economical systems.
As they become global accumulation fields.

Globalization Trends
Globalize Architecture
1.) The culture of commerce = changing consumer expectations, market
opportunities, and business agenda.
2.) The culture of design = new technologies are changing the nature of work

The Open Practice of Architecture in the Philippines

General Practice of Architecture
1. Planning, architectural designing and structural conceptualization
2. Consultation, architectural and operational planning, and site analysis
3. Schematic Design, Design Development, contract documents
4. Economic and financial Feasibility studies of plans
Supplemental Services of an Architect
Standards of Professional Practice Documents
1. Pre-Design Services

a. Consultation – evaluations and appraisals on projects and similar

b. Pre-Feasibility Studies – analysis and use of secondary information.
c. Feasibility Studies – Detailed analysis of the project.
d. Site Selection and Analysis – site criteria, site evaluation
e. Site Utilization and Land Use Studies – Identification of site’s potential
f. Architectural Research – Primary and Secondary research.
g. Architectural Programming – Space Program
h. Space Planning – consideration of the use, allocation, and interface of
i. Space Management Studies – Analysis of space requirements.
j. Value Management – Cost Management to minimize negative effect of
k. Design Brief Preparation – project terms, requirements to bid
architectural services.
l. Promotional Services – Promotional Activities for financial support.

2. Regular Design Services

a. Project Definition Phase – Initial stage of a project. Identifies the

purpose of the project by determining the scope, objectives, and key
deliverables of the project, outlines the desired outcomes. (consults with
the owner)
b. Schematic Design Phase – initial design concepts are developed.
Architect and client communication to create or translate the ideas for the
project. (Initial Line Drawings)
c. Design Development Phase – create designs from the schematic design
phase. Drawings are much detailed and refined. This phase provides
technical, functional, and aesthetic solutions for the project. (Outlined
specifications) (Diagrammatic Layout)
d. Contract Document Phase – detailed construction drawings,
specifications and other documents are prepared to communicate the final
design intent to the contractors. (Technical Specifications)
e. Bidding or Negotiation Phase – contractors submit proposals or bids to
compete for the opportunity to construct the project.
f. Construction Phase– actual building construction work takes place
based on the approved designs and specifications.
3. Specialized Architectural Services
a. Architectural Interiors
b. Acoustic Design
c. Site Development Planning
d. Physical Planning
e. Comprehensive Development Planning
f. Heritage conservation and planning
4. Construction Management – (Full Time Construction Supervision) - Rendering
service as the Architect in charge of construction, who is directly and
professionally responsible and liable for the construction supervision of the
a. Coordination and Supervision
b. Cost and Time Control
c. Quality Control of Work
d. Keeping of Records
5. Post-Construction Services
a. Building Maintenance
b. Grounds and Landscaping Supervision
c. Building Equipment Maintenance
d. Business Development and Management
6. Comprehensive Architectural Services – The architect in this capacity
functions as the Project Manager
a. Pre-Design Services
b. Regular Design Services
c. Specialized Architectural Services
d. Construction Services
e. Post-Construction Services
7. Design Build Services
a. Design-Build Services by administration.
b. Design-build services with guaranteed maximum project construction cost.
8. Competitions
a. Two Types of competitions: Competitions for actual projects, ideas
b. Classification based on number of stages, Single and Two Stages
c. Classification Based on participants, open competition, Limited by
invitation competitions.
9. Architectural Consulting Services – independent advice, extension of
technical assistance and services.

Definition of Terms
1. Bid, Tender – the offer or the proposal.
2. Cost of Work – total cost of all fixtures and accessories for architectural interiors,
acoustics, and landscaping works, procured by the specialist consultants.
3. Direct Personnel Cost – cost considering the rate of the architect, consultansts,
staffs and any other related into the project per house.
4. Multiplier – Compensations for the architect based on the following.
a. Overhead costs
b. Benefits
c. Contingencies
d. Cost of Money
e. Reasonable Profit
5. Overhead – periodical expenses
6. Prime Professional – architect commissioned by the client to plan and design the
7. Professional Fee – compensation to the architect.
8. Project Construction Cost – cost of the complete building. Does not include fees
for the architect.
9. Project Development Cost – includes the cost of the construction and the
professional fees.
10. Recommended Professional Fee – reference for the professional fee for the
11. Reimbursable Expenses – daily necessities during the construction process.
12. Salary Cost – cost of salaries of professional consultants.
13. Service Agreement – notarized written contract stipulating the scope of services.

1.) AiCC – Architect in Charge construction
2.) AoR – Archtiect of Record
3.) CA – Consulting Archtiect
4.) AF – Architectural Firm
5.) DAEDS – Detailed Architectural And engineering design services
6.) DADS – Detailed architectural Design Services
7.) PCC – Project Construction Cost
8.) PPCC – Probable Project Construction Cost
9.) APCC – Approved Project Construction Cost
10.) FPCC – Final Project Construction Cost
11.) COW – Cost of Work
12.) PF – Professional Fee
13.) RPF – Recommended Professional Fee

Methods of Compensation
1. Percentage – based Fee
a. Based on Project Construction Cost
b. Unit cost method
i. Based on cost per square meter
1. GFA
c. Value – Based Pricing and revenue
d. Most common compensation method
e. Fair to both client and the architect.
f. Detailed Architectural Design Services = 60 % of the corresponding
2. Lump Sum or Fixed Fee
a. Percentage of Probable Project Construction Cost
b. Individual elements of the Cost outlines + margin for profit
c. Fully defined scope of services
i. Scope of work
ii. Schedules for designs and approvals
iii. Construction Schedule
3. Time Basis
a. Direct Personnel Expenses
b. Professional Fee + expenses
i. Used when there is a continuing relationship on a series of projects.
ii. Fixed rate
c. Per diem, Honorarium + Reimbursable Expenses
d. Salary cost x Multiplier + Direct Cost or Reimbursable Expenses
i. Fee = Salary cost x 3 x Reimbursables
e. Hourly Basis
i. Involves consultancy services.
f. Retainer
i. Given to architect when is expected to be at intervals over a period
of time.
4. Mixed Methods
a. It is recommended that an assortment of compensation methods be used,
if appropriate.
5. Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses
a. Non – creative work only
b. Value of creative design cannot be measured by the among of time spent.
c. A = architect hourly rate
d. Consultant’s hourly rate
e. Number of hours spent.
f. Multiplier 1.5 to 2.5
g. R = Reimbursable expenses
h. Direct Cost = An + Cn + Tn
i. Fee = Direct Cost x M
j. Total cost of service charged to client = Fee + R
6. Pre – Design Services
b. Professional Fee + Expenses
c. Lump sum or Fixed Fee
d. Per diem
7. Regular Design Services Manner of Providing Services
c. Methods of Compensations
i. Percentage of PCC
ii. Unit cost method based on PCC.
iii. Professional Fee + Expenses
iv. Lump sum or Fixed Fee
v. Per diem, Honorarium + Reimbursable Expenses
vi. MDPE
vii. Mixed
viii. Recommended Professional Fee
1. Classified according to the degree of complexity.

Building Type Groupings

1. Simple Group 1
a. Armories
b. Bakeries
c. Habitable agricultural Buildings
d. Hangars
e. Industrial Buildings
f. Manufacturing
g. Packaging plants
h. Parking Structures
i. Printing Plants
j. Public Markets
k. Service Garages
l. Simple Loft type buildings
m. Warehouses
n. RPF for Group 1 (DAEDS)
i. 50 m = 5%
ii. 50 to 100 = 2.5m + 4% excess of 50m
iii. 100M-200M = 4.5M + 3% of excess of 100M
iv. 200M-500M = 7.5M + 2% of excess of 200M
v. 500M-1B = 13.5M + 1% of excess of 500M
vi. Over 1B = 18.5M + ½% of excess of 1B
o. RPF for Group 1 (DADS)
i. 50 m = 3%
ii. 50 to 100 = 1.5m + 2.4% excess of 50m
iii. 100M-200M = 2.7M + 1.8% of excess of 100M
iv. 200M-500M = 4.5M + 0.6% of excess of 200M
v. 500M-1B = 8.1M +0.6% of excess of 500M
vi. Over 1B = 11.1M + 0.6% of excess of 1B
2. Moderate complexity Group 2
a. Art galleries
b. Banks, exchange and other
c. buildings
d. Financial institutions
e. Bowlodromes
f. Call centers.
g. Churches and religious facilities
h. City hall, town hall, civic centers
i. Office buildings
j. Park, playgrounds., open-air
k. recreational facilities
l. Residential condominiums
m. Police stations
n. Postal facilities
o. Private clubs
p. Publishing plants
q. College buildings
r. Convents, monasteries,
s. seminaries
t. Correctional and detention
u. facilities
v. Courthouses
w. RPF for Group 2 (DAEDS)
i. 50 m = 6%
ii. 50 to 100 =3m + 5% excess of 50m
iii. 100M-200M = 5.5M + 4% of excess of 100M
iv. 200M-500M = 9.5M + 3% of excess of 200M
v. 500M-1B = 18.5M + 2% of excess of 500M
vi. Over 1B = 28.5M + 1% of excess of 1B
x. RPF for Group 2 (DADS)
i. 50 m = 3.6%
ii. 50 to 100 = 1.8m + 3% excess of 50m
iii. 100M-200M = 3.3M + 2.4% of excess of 100M
iv. 200M-500M = 5.7M + 1.8% of excess of 200M
v. 500M-1B = 11.1M +1.2% of excess of 500M
vi. Over 1B = 17.1M + 0.6% of excess of 1B
3. Exceptional Complexity Group 3
a. Airports, wet/dry ports
b. Aquariums
c. Auditoriums
d. Breweries
e. Cold storage facilities
f. Convention facilities
g. Gymnasiums
h. Hospitals
i. Hotels
j. Laboratories
k. Marinas and resort complexes
l. Medical arts offices, clinics
m. Mental institutions
n. Mortuaries
o. Nuclear facilities
p. Observatories
q. Public health centers
r. Stadia
s. Telecom buildings
t. Theaters
u. Transport facilities and systems.
v. Veterinary hospitals
w. RPF for Group 3 (DAEDS)
i. 50M and less = 7%
ii. 50M -100M = 3.5M + 6% of excess of 50M
iii. 100M-200M = 6.5M + 5% of excess of 100M
iv. 200M-500M = 11.5M + 4% of excess of 200M
v. 500M-1B = 23.5M + 3% of excess of 500M
vi. Over 1B = 38.5M + 2% of excess of 1B
x. RPF for Group 3 (DADS)
i. 50M and less = 4.2%
ii. 50M -100M = 2.1M + 3.6% of excess of 50M
iii. 100M-200M = 3.9M + 3% of excess of 100M
iv. 200M-500M = 6.9M + 2.4% of excess of 200M
v. 500M-1B = 14.1M + 1.8% of excess of 500M
vi. Over 1B = 23.1M + 1.2% of excess of 1B
4. Residences Group 4
a. Single detached
b. Single Attached
c. Duplex
d. Row Houses
e. Shophouse
f. RPF for Group 4
i. DAEDS = 10% of PCC
ii. DADS = 6% of PCC
5. Monumental Group 5
a. Exposition and fair buildings
b. Mausoleums, memorials, and monuments
c. Specialized decorative buildings
d. Museums
e. Other buildings of similar nature and use
f. RPF for Group 5
g. DAEDS = 12% of PCC
h. DADS = 7.5% of PCC
6. Repetitive Construction
a. First building 100% of RPF for type of building
b. Second building 50% of RPF for type of building
c. Third building 40% of RPF for type of building
d. Fourth and succeeding buildings 30% of RPF for type of building.
7. Housing Projects Group 7
i. 1 = 10% of PCC
ii. 2 to 10 = Fee for one unit + 50% of RPF
iii. 11 to 30 = Fee for 10 units + 40% of RPF
iv. 31 to 50 = Fee for 30 units + 25% of RPF
v. 51 and above = Fee for 50 units + 15% of RPF
i. 1 = 6% of PCC
ii. 2 to 10 = Fee for one unit + 30% of RPF
iii. 11 to 30 = Fee for 10 units + 24% of RPF
iv. 31 to 50 = Fee for 30 units + 15% of RPF
v. 51 and above = Fee for 50 units + 9% of RPF
8. Extensive Detail Group 8
a. RPF = 15% of PCC
9. Alterations Group 9
a. RPF = 150% of RPF
10. Rendering Advice Group 10
a. RPF shall be at least 1,000 per hour.
Full – Time Supervision Services
1. Recommended Professional Fee
a. 1% to 1.5% of PCC

Construction Management Services

1. Recommended Professional Fee
a. 1% to 1.3% of PCC
2. Construction Manager Contracts
a. Firm Fixed Price = Fee is fixed and will be unaffected by variations
between the estimate and the bids of by change orders
b. Award Fee Provisions = CM is given an award fee of a specified
maximum size if the measured cost – related values meet or exceed the
c. Price Adjustment Provisions = contract amount is adjusted upward or
downward in accordance with a pre – arranged formula
d. Fixed Price Incentive = client will pay the cm a fixed fee which is
adjusted according to the difference between the final allowable costs and
target costs
e. Cost Plus Incentive Fee or Cost-Plus Adjusted Fee = cost
reimbursement type contracts with provisions for a fee.
f. Cost Plus Fixed Fee = client will pay the cm a fixed fee plus
reimbursement of certain expenses.

Specialized Architectural Services

1. Fee Amount : 10 to 15 % of cost of work
2. Payment Schedule:
a. Upon submission of preliminary design = 30% of the Fee
b. Submission of Final design = 50 % of the fee
c. Completion of the Project = 50 % of the fee
3. Physical Planning
a. 5 hectares or less = 5 php per sqm or 50k per hectare
b. 5 hectares up to 10 = 4 php per sqp or 40k per hectare
c. 10 hectares up to 50 = 3 php per sqm or 30k per hectare
4. Physical Planning Payment Schedule
a. Framework Development Plan = 30% of RPF
b. Conceptual Master Development Plan = 30% of RPF
c. Preliminary Master Development Plan = 20% of RPF
d. Detailed Master Development Plan =20% of RPF

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