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CLASS : 6 2nd TERM EXAMINATION(2023 – 2024)

T. M. : 75
Q.1: Write the short answers of the following questions: (any 6) (30)
1. Define paint programme? 5. Define Shapes?
2. Define paint tools? 6. Define tab?
3. Define typing? 7. Define home rows Keys?
4. What is word processor? 8. Define fonts?
Q.2: Write the long answer of the following questions: (any 4) (28)
1. What is the difference between fill with color and color picker?
2. What are the steps to draw and color a rectangle shapes?
3. What are the uses of a typing tutor?
4. What are the rules of learning typing?
5. What is the use of paste command?
6. What are the steps to copy and paste?
Q3: Choose the correct answer: (07)
i. Which doesn’t device have a keyboard?
a. phone b. computer c. calculator d. clock
ii. What a helps and users to learn and improve writing?
a. typing b. typing tutor c. typist d. type
iii. Text is able and added a document where the blinks.
a. Cursor b. crops c. canvas d. tab
iv. What is required to apply documents and commands on text and ?
a. select b. colour c. copy d. cut
v. What crops creates a duplicates of the selected text ?
a. cut b. copy c. paste d. delete
vi. What removes text from a document ?
a. delete b. cut c. paste d. copy
vii. What moves the text from one place to another ?
a. paste b. delete c. cut d. copy
Q4: Match the column A with column B: (10)
i. Word processor Backspace and Delete keys.
ii. Copy frequently used commands
iii. cut Words, Wordpad, Google, docs
iv. paste Group of command like front paragraph
v. delete Ctrl + V
vi. quick access toolbar Ctrl + A
vii. tab Ctrl + X
viii. ribbon Ctrl + C
ix. change case shift + f3
x. select all insert, design and page layout.

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