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I- Definition

II- A murder in Judaism

III- A murder in Christianity

IV- The causes of murder

V- The consequences of murder


In the earliest societies the criminal's act is considered to be infringement of a religious

rule, a moral precept or the transgression of a social group ban. The penal law is not dissociated
with religion as it directs it today, in most democratic states; the collective reprobation
surrounding crime is only stronger.

I- Definition

Murder: it is the fact of deliberately killing someone, ending a person's life by deliberately
deciding it, spontaneously or by foreseeing it.Example: Cain was accused of the murder of his
brother that he killed after being jealous of him.Synonym: homicide, murder, crimeEnglish
translation: murderA homicide is the action of killing another human being, whether he is willful
or not. When the act is intended to kill or intending to cause bodily harm that results in death, it
is usually referred to as murder, and assassination (or first degree murder) if it is more
premeditated. When the defendant has criminal intent other than that of killing and the victim
nevertheless dies, or that he shows criminal negligence, the perpetrator of the offence will be
rather accused of manslaughter.In the majority of societies, regardless of the reason, homicide is
considered one of the most serious crimes that can be committed. According to countries, laws
distinguish homicides in categories of different gravités, often according to the presence of
intention and premeditation.

II- In Judaism

Judaism, murder is a serious sin that does not quite cover homicide. It is stated in the Ten
Commandments (‫)ערת הדיברות‬: 20.13 You will not commit assassination point. The original -
language translation of this command is "Thou shalt not kill. " It is not written "Lo taharog", a
verb used especially when Cain kills Abel, in Ge. 4.8 but "Lo tirtza'h" - ‫לוברוה‬.This is a more
complex legal notion, which does not cover homicide in the event of war, self-defense, or issued
by a regular court (death penalty).

III- In Christianity

Christianity "God holds in his power the soul of all living and the breath of all flesh of man. (Job
12.10)"; "Happy are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. (Matthew 5.9)".
According to one of the Ten Commandments, "You must not murder. " He who kills will be
liable to judgment. ", all human life, from the moment of conception to death, is sacred because
the human person was wanted for himself in the image and likeness of the living and holy God.
The murder of a human being is severely contrary to the dignity of the person and the holiness of
the Creator. However the bans of the murder did not abridge the right to put out of ř a murderer.
Self-defense is an important duty for anyone responsible and participates in the common good.
Are considered homicide: death penalty, Violence resulting in death, willful abortion, euthanasia,
war, suicide, as well as any act that led to suicide.

IV- The causes of murder

The causes of murder are multiple and present multiform.

From the book of Genesis, violence is relied through the conflict between Cain and Abel, which
leads to the first murder of history. This homicide is a fragaticide, suggesting that this is the case
of any murder. The remarkable recurrence of the term "brother" in the story also marks the close
link, blood link, between the two characters. However, this murder is emerging from jealousy
and a deficit.

Matthew 5: 21.22 "You heard that he was told to the old: You will not kill; The one who
will kill me to be punished by the judges. But I tell you that anyone who goes against his brother
deserves to be punished by the judges; that who will say to his brother: Racca! deserves to be
punished by the Sanhedrin; And that one who will tell him: Sandy! Deserves to be Punished by
the fire of Gehenne ». Jesus therefore associates murder, anger and insult him as different forms
of the same violence.

Anger, jealousy, desire envy, the hatred, quarrels, disputes, lack of dialogue where the
violent his has been substituted for the floor, pseda inserts at the neighbor can easily drive to
murder or may be at the origin of murder.

The murders arrive from all kinds of ways. They result from violent crimes. They come
by domestic quarrels. They result from solar horoxexal triangles as heterosexual. They come
from inter-gang wars. They result from disputes, fights, conflicts and misunderstandings. They
are constantly arriving
V- Consequences of murder

According to the penal code, Given the death of others to volunteer constitutes a murder. It is
punished by thirty years of criminal reclusion. Art221-1

Article 221-2

The above murder, accompanies or follows another crime is punished with criminal impression.

The object murder is to prepare or facilitate an offense, either to foster the leak or to ensure the
impunity of the author or the accomplice of an offense is punished with criminal recourse. To

The first two subparagraphs of Article 132-23 relating to the safety period shall apply to the
offenses provided for in this Article.

Article 221-3,Amended by Law No. 2011-525 of 17 May 2011 - Art. 149

The murder committed with premedics or guate-Apens is an assassination. It is punished with

criminal recourse to perpetuity.

Article 221-4,Amended by Law No. 2022-52 of 24 January 2022 - Art. 2

The murder is punished with criminal recurring to perpetuity when committed:

1 ° on a minor of fifteen years;

2 ° on a legitimate or natural ascendant or on the adoptive father or mother;

(3) on a person whose particular vulnerability, due to his age, to a disease, inferior, physical or
psychic disability or a state of pregnancy, is apparent or known from its author;

4 ° on a magistrate, a juror, a lawyer, a public official or ministerial, a national of the National

Gendarmerie, a national police officer, customs, the penitentiary administration or any other
custodian person of the public authority, a firewall or a fire-owned, a lamented guardian of
buildings or buildings or imaging groups or an agent exercising on behalf of a gauge of the
functions of guarding or monitoring of home building immunement under the Article L. 271-1 of
the Internal Security Code, in the exercise or functions of the functions, when the quality of the
victim is apparent or known from the author;

4 ° Bis on a teacher or any member of the person working in school education institutions, on an
agent of a public passenger transport network operator or any person responsible for a public
service mission, as well as on a professional health, in the exercise or because of its functions,
when the quality of the victim is apparent or known by the author;

4 ° TER on the spouse, the bottoms or direct-offs on direct line or any other person living usually
at the home of the persons mentioned at 4 ° and 4 ° bis, because of the functions exercised by

5 ° on a witness, a victim or a civil party, or to prevent him from denouncing the facts, to
complain or to deposit in place, or because of his denunciation, his complaint or his testimony;

Article 221-5

The attention of the life of others or the administration of substances that could result in death is

Poisoning is punished by thirty years of criminal reclusion.

It is punished with the criminal impression of citizenship when committed in one of the
circumstances provided for in Articles 221-2, 221-3 and 221-4.

In summary, politically, administrative and jurisdictional, the consequence of murder is the

prison whose duration is determined by law.

Social, the murderer throws the dishonor on his family and himself is wrongviewby society

In the family of the victim, we will attend a defeated dear, the anxiety, sadness, mourning,
orphans unwavering and untimely with an uncertain future.

On theological theater, which killed by the sword perished by the sword and his soul loses
salvation. And exodus 35: 30, 31 is supportive to say the one who kills his similar magnitude of
to be you are Ed.

Crime has a certain fascination with most men and women; moral reprobation is certainly mixed
with fear or horror but also with more equitable emotions. The criminal, by his act, goes beyond
limits that the majority of human beings oppose crossing.

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