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Product: A movie trailer/ poster

Purpose: The purpose of my trailer/poster is to engage the audience and also leave them
with questions about what the full product will be.

Inspiration: My inspiration for my trailer/poster is looking at various different film and

promotional trailers as they engage the audience and get them excited for the real product.

Primary research: The primary research that I will be conducting is analysing different trailers
and also posters for films, codes and conventions for a trailer and posters for films, focus
groups and also audience research which will include a questionnaire

Secondary research: The secondary research I will be conducting is what makes a good film
poster and trailer, I will also be evaluating my research, also be looking a different reviews
on existing trailers and posters of different horror films

Pre Production: For my pre production I will be making a propsal for my film, a shot list, risk
assessment, story board, model release form, location recce, production schedule and for
my poster I will be the planning for my poster, sketch, model release form and a planning

Production: The production I will be doing for my trailer will be my rough cut, logging sheet,
audience feedback and for my website I will be doing a production log aswell as creating my
poster and audience feedback for my poster.

Post Production: For my post production I will be doing my edit decision list, my final edit for
my trailer and I will be doing my final edits of my poster and also I will be doing evaluations
for both my trailer and also my poster.

Product: Magazine cover (double page spread)

Purpose: The purpose of my magazine cover and double page spread is to not only catch
the audience’s eye straight away but also provide entertainment and have information
information about my topic

Inspiration: My inspiration for my magazine cover and double page spread is looking at
different sports magazine covers as the photos and information capture motion but also

Primary research: The primary research that I would be conducting for this will be analysing
different sports magazine covered and double page spreads, looking at the different codes
and conventions
Secondary research: The secondary research I would be conducting will be audience
research (questionnaire), what makes a professional sports front cover and also a double
page spread and also evaluating my research

Pre production: The pre production I will be conducting would be a mindmap for ideas,
proposal, planning document, risk assessment, location recce, model release form, rough

Production: The production will be a photoshoot and also writing up an aritcle/ interview

Post production: I will be conducting a production log, editing and making my final magazine
front cover and double page spread and also I will be evaluating my final product

Product: Album covers

Purpose: The purpose of the album covers is to sell the product well and catch the
audience’s attention to intrigue them into buying

Inspiration: My inspiration for album covers is looking at various different album covers by
professional artist and seeing how they promote their products (music)

Primary research: The primary research that I will be conducting for my primary research will
be analysis of different album covers and codes and conventions for album covers

Secondary research: The secondary research I will be conducting is having audience

research (questionnaire), album cover moodboard, what makes a professional album cover
and evaluating my research

Pre Production: The pre production I will be doing is a planning for my album cover, sketches
of my album cover, mindmap of ideas for my album covers, production schedule, model
release forms and a planning evaluation

Production: For my production I will be doing a photoshoot for my different album covers,
choosing my final photos for my album covers as well as audience feedback.

Post Production: For my post production I will be doing my final edits for my album covers, a
production log and also evaluating the final product

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