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01 Sep 2023


Major Division : COMMERCIAL
Division : -
Department : -
Section : -
Job Grade : SM98
Job No. : -
Location : ADDIS ABABA


Is Responsible for defining future directions and strategies of ETHIOPIAN Intentional,

Regional and Domestic Passenger & Ground Handling Services and Passenger Marketing in
consultation with the CEO; Develops the overall policies, plans and strategies of the
company’s Commercial activities, which includes Passenger Sales & Services, Distribution,
Pricing, market research and development, promotions, scheduling, Airport Ops, and loyalty
programs; Provides services to the Enterprise through the development and implementation
of objectives, plans and policies covering the activities of passenger Marketing, Sales and
Services in line with the overall vision of the Company; Establishes medium and long range
objectives for the Commercial major division and plans and reviews their accomplishments;
Reviews policies, processes, systems and procedures of all activities under his/ her
supervision and ensures conformance with overall Company, plans and policies.


1. Reviews and Approves policies governing Passenger Marketing, international and

regional Sales & Services and Ground handling services and plans for the efficient
utilization of personnel in these functions and and ensures conformance with overall
Ethiopian objectives, plans and policies.
2. Reviews the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually performance of the
divisions under his/her supervision and takes appropriate action to ensure plans,
schedules and objectives are fulfilled.
3. Reviews and approves Sales & procedures manual, and ticketing and reservation
4. Approves Sales targets allocated for Sales offices and oversees the development of
market segments according to the opportunities and demands in the market and the
need of the customer.
5. Directs short term and long term strategies of Ethiopian Intentional, Ethiopian Regional
& Ethiopian Ground Services and Passenger Marketing in line with the overall goals of
the Company.
6. Ensures that daily operations of the divisions under him/her and quality requirements
are met and maintained in accordance with the regulatory authorities’ such as IATA,

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01 Sep 2023

ICAO, JAR and etc. regulation and the good standard practices dictated by aviation
industry and internal standards of ETHIOPIAN
7. Ensure the SBU’s (Ethiopian International services, Ethiopian regional Services and
Ethiopian Ground Services) and one corporate function (market development) develop,
formulate and implement their respective strategies to maximize external revenue and
profitability subject to full satisfaction of internal demands.
8. Ensure that the SBU’s are professionally managed as successful profit centers to
generate sustainable profitability with sound, strong and profitable P& L.
9. Ensures that the required level of corporate synergetic integration and cross utilization
of scarce international resources are addressed by all SBU’s and corporate function
under his/ her supervision.
10. Ensures that all SBU’s and corporate functions under his or her supervision meet their
targets, objectives and KPI/KPM at all times.
11. Drives all corporate change initiatives like BSC/ISC, (20/70/10 % differentiation)
implementation, ACE up to Silver level and sustainability, COE for paperless
organization (process mapping and process integration through ICT systems, Cost
Saving, Productivity improvement initiatives projects, Employee Engagement Project,
12. Ensures expansion of the network is correlated with commercials requirements and
capacity and Ensures optimal marketing mix between distribution, pricing, product
development, promotion and sales
13. Reviews and ensures that the E-commerce portal and CRM platforms are established
according to Commercial’s requirements and customers’ demands.
14. Establishes smooth operation and works together with other divisions on matters
related to Passenger Marketing, Sales, services, and ground handling services in
particular and Ethiopian overall operation in general.
15. Assists in determining the overall structure of the organization, the assignment of
major functions, the staffing of key executive positions, and major personnel actions
concerning these positions, seeking the approval of the ETAG CEO and the Board of
Management as appropriate.
16. Reviews and approves operating & capital budget for all the Divisions under his/her
administration. Review cost reduction plan and its periodic achievement reports.
17. Reviews goals and objectives, evaluates periodic achievement reports on goals and
objectives, and evaluates monthly activity report of all divisions under his / her
supervision before directing it to the appropriate organ of Ethiopian.
18. Approves all major expenditures, within his/her limits of authority for the respective
division and profit centers and prioritizes resources and allocates budget for his/her
19. Develops and recommends policies for representation of the enterprise by outside
General Agents, other airlines and specialized agencies and organizations, including
the representation of other companies by ETHIOPIAN in matters related to company’s
20. Represents the Company in its major relationships with customers, suppliers,
competitors, government agencies and the general public and serves as a member of
various committees within the Company that are established from time to time.
21. Administers Company personnel programs for Commercial Division and approves
organizational changes, promotions, transfers and salary increases for the Division’s

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22. Reviews the overall performance of all Division Heads reporting directly to him/her,
appraises their performance in achieving the Company’s basic objectives, plans,
policies and approved budgets, and directs programs for improving performance.
23. Provide the required services and/or support to Equity Partner Airlines in Planning and
coordination of Commercial activities including; passenger sales and services,
distribution, RPM, market research and development, promotions, scheduling, loyalty
& Customer relation management programs of partner airlines; and any other
activities that may be requested from time to time by Equity Partner Airlines.
24. Complies with all policies, procedures and regulations specified for the position in
Ethiopian Airlines Security Manual Chapter-One under the topic of “Assignment of
responsibilities on Aviation Security."
25. By giving top priority to aviation safety program; visibly demonstrate and
communicate commitment, establish expectations including safety planning before
work begins, during the actual work as conditions change, debriefing and handing over
activities. at the end of the work; ensure employees are trained in safety; develop and
implement accident/incident reduction and prevention plans and evaluate them on
continuous basis; encourage and ensure hazard reporting culture by employees;
ensure the inclusion of safety performance KPIs in staff BSC/ISC; avail the needed
resources for safety implementation and recognize safety achievements, enforce and
monitor the overall safety & security activities of Ethiopian and ensures
adherence/compliance/conformity to company, local, regional, international and other
applicable safety and security rules, regulations and standards consistently by all
employees under his/her jurisdiction.
26. Performs and comply with all accountabilities specified for management position in
Ethiopian Airlines Organizational Manual Introductory part under the topic “Elements
common to all management positions”.
27. As Ethiopian Airlines Brand Ambassador, you are responsible to promote and adhere to
the Brand Guidelines’.
28. Performs other special assignments that may be given from time to time by the ETAG

The Chief Commercial Officer exercises control over the responsibilities he/she has
delegated to the following directly supervised management positions: -


The Managing Director is Responsible for defining future directions and strategies of
ETHIOPIAN INTERNATIONAL Services in consultation with the CCO & ETAG CEO; directs the
development and coordination of all field activities of sales and customer services,
passenger sales objectives, policies, products, plans and programs. The MD is responsible
for the revenue generated from the international services while promoting cost effectiveness
and efficiency; Directs the Ethiopian International scheduled and unscheduled passenger air
transport, excess baggage and cargo (Belly hold) services; Establishes revenue targets for
sales territories based on the global revenue target; oversees passenger sales, ticketing,
reservations and area office administration; coordinates with Marketing to ensure that the
required assistance and support, including customer-oriented schedules, products, pricing
are established and efficient administrative support, promotional and distribution support
are provided for Sales offices to achieve their revenue target; Establish customer service

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targets based on the company wide target established by customer service corporate
function and ensure goals are met; Directs and implements compliance to service, safety,
Alliance, finance, labor relations, passenger right, and branding; Directs and controls the
human capital development of the profit center through coaching, mentoring and application
of performance measurement tools, developmental training, promotion, and appointment;
Directs & Controls the implementation of transfer pricing and timely billing of profit centers;
Directs and controls collection of receivable related to Ethiopian international services in
liaison with CFO; Directs and Controls the development of Service Level Agreement with
business units for effective service delivery; Direct and control Ground Service delivery at all
International Airports to Ethiopian International Services. Directs and controls Audit and
compliance matters in regards to Ethiopian international services in coordination with VP
internal Audit and compliance.


Directs the development and coordination of the company Promotion, Advertising,

Commercial Planning, Revenue Management, Distribution and Customer loyalty objectives,
policies, plans and programs; Responsible for the proper performance of flight schedule,
space control, irregular operations and market analysis; Oversees company relationships
with Government, other airlines, agencies associations and industry groups on tariffs and
IATA matters; Establishes procedures and control methods necessary for the protection and
security of Ethiopian property, establishes Safety and quality as core value in all Ethiopian
operations and gives due attention and immediate action to conditions that may affect
safety and quality; Implements procedures which will safeguard Ethiopian customers and
employees’ safety and property, protect Ethiopian property, asset and equipment and
ensure its efficient utilization for the purpose intended.


Leads the human power requirements planning of the Commercial division; implements
Coaching, Mentoring, Training and leadership development programs in the division;
provides support and guidance on BSC/ISC target preparation and Performance evaluation;
proposes Organizational structure, qualification requirement and progression scheme
revision and establishments; fills vacancies across the department from internal source;
Makes sure that loan and training agreements, service level agreements and cost sharing
and other commitments are implemented; in line with the airline delegation of Authority
approves P1, P3 and acting pay; assists the Chief Commercial Officer in developing action
plans and follows up the implementations; Support CCO in coordinating and following up of
operational matters; manages the operations of Interline Pass Bureau.


Directs scheduled and unscheduled passenger air transport, excess baggage and cargo
services; Directs the development and coordination of passenger sales objectives, policies,
products, plans and programs; Directs and controls passenger sales, ticketing, reservations
and area office administration activities; Plans and implements sales tools that increase
sales & revenue to be generated by field offices; Oversees the administrative and sales
support staff of field offices and coordinates with Marketing to ensure that the required
assistance and support, including customer-oriented schedules, products, pricing are

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established and efficient administrative support, promotional and distribution support are
provided for Sales offices to achieve their revenue target. Directs the activities of airports
that directly or indirectly connected with all service rating criteria, such as on–time
performance, baggage irregularity, denied boarding, overall on ground passenger
satisfaction etc.; Directs and control the development and coordination of continuous
structural unit cost reduction programs of field office activities; Directs and implements
compliance to service, safety, Alliance, finance, labor relations, passenger right, and
branding; Directs and controls the human capital development of the region through
coaching and mentoring programs; and application of performance measurement tools,
developmental training, promotion, and appointment; Directs & Controls the implementation
of transfer pricing and timely billing of profit centers. Direct and Control the development of
Service Level Agreement with business units for effective service delivery. Directs and
controls Ground Service delivery at all Airports.


Initiates policies, plans and procedures related with sales, ticketing and billing services and
collection of credit sales for Addis Ababa; directs and monitors the company’s passenger
sales activities and ticketing services in Addis Ababa; directs collection of credit sales and
deposits of the check collection and bank transfer; Establishes annual sales and revenue
quota for Addis Ababa area office.


Responsible to direct the development and revisions to policies and procedures for the
general operation of the enterprise digital strategy and its related activities; designing and
implementing company digital strategies, set specific digital objectives and monitor
progress. Improve the direct sales penetration objective of Ethiopian. Responsible for
practical, Member focused solutions that streamline processes through use of technology
solutions combined with continual process improvement to enhance both the Member
(internal and external) experience and financial results. Responsible for creating and
implementing SBS’s technology vision and plan, ensuring it aligns and drives SBS’s business
strategy and helps supports its key lines of business. Responsible for transforming digital
Member experiences across the entire enterprise & its operations and directs the planning
and implementation of company IT and digital systems in support of business operations in
order to improve cost effectiveness, service quality, and business development. Accountable
for strategy (Information Systems Strategic Plan ISSP), and the end to end processes for
design, architecture and delivery of information and technology to enable organization
performance and influence; This includes playing a key role in assisting Work Safe as it
transitions to a more agile and intelligence-led organization.

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Manages, plans, organizes the activities related to Validation, Change Control QMS & SMS
functions to ensure proper and timely delivery of all commercial services to promote
outstanding customer service; Assures consistent quality and safety by developing and
enforcing good, automated Commercial service; responsible to set the standards for proper
and timely delivery of Services



1. Coordinates Chief Finance Officer about matters relating to equipment requirement and
availability as it affects long range schedule system wide.
2. Confers with VP Corporate Human Resources on standard of employment requirements
for Operation Division’s personnel, wage and salary programs for management and
non-management employee. Coordinates activities of employees for mutual interest for
the company and the employees.

1. Maintains contract with government regulatory agencies with regard to, Marketing and
Sales activities and Customer Services mainly with Ethiopian Government Civil Aviation
Administration, Federal Aviation Agency, Air registration Board, IATA, ICAO, JAR and
2. Maintains contact with Industry Associates with regard to Customer Services & Sales
standards and practices.


Refer the Qualification Requirement Manual.

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