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More than 400 delicious dishes to

highlight HCM City’s food festival

Full name: Trần Thuỳ Dung

Student ID: 235112036
Link newspaper:

1. dishes Đĩa
2. regions Vùng
3. localities Địa phương
4. organised Được tổ chức
5. honouring Tôn vinh
6. cuisine ẩm thực
7. aimed Nhằm vào
8. festival Lễ hội
9. aranged Sắp xếp
10. the North Phía Bắc
11. South regions Miền Nam
12. central Trung tâm
13. culinary booths Gian hàng ẩm thực
14. culinary brands Thương hiệu ẩm thực
15. customer Khách hàng
16. representatives Đại diện
17. introduce Giới thiệu
18. specialties Đặc sản
19. veal Thịt bê
20. rice paper Bánh tráng
21. delicious Thơm ngon
22. cities Các thành phố
23. skilled chefs Đầu bếp tay nghề cao
24. culinary artists Nghệ sĩ ẩm thức
25. provinces Tỉnh
26. country Quốc gia
27. unique Độc nhất
28. experiences Kinh nghiệm
29. typical Đặc trưng
30. performance Sự thi hành
31. excellence Xuất sắc
32. event Sự kiện
33. addition Phép cộng
34. order Đặt hàng
35. needs Nhu cầu
36. entertainment Sự giải trí
37. traditional cultural ẩm thực truyền thống
38. efforts Nỗ lực
39. craft Nghề thủ công
40. folk games Trò chơi dân gian
41. activities Hoạt động
42. culture Văn hoá
43. prepare Chuẩn bị
44. province Tỉnh
45. racket Cái vợt
46. particular Nói riêng
47. promote Thăng cấp
48. enchange Trao đổi
49. unique Độc nhất vô nhị
50. village Làng, xã
51. urban Thuộc thành phố
52. feature Nét đặc trưng
53. resident Người sinh sống
54. vermicelli Miến
55. bamboo Cây tre
56. wickerwork Đồ đan bằng liễu gai
57. hat Cái mũ
58. sedge mat Chiếu cói
59. pottery Đồ gốm thủ công
60. present Có mặt

Summary and comments :

Ho Chi Minh City Culinary Culture Festival will take place from March 28 to
31 at Van Thanh Tourist Park, with more than 400 specialties from three regions. This
festival is organized to honor Vietnamese cuisine. The dishes are extremely attractive
thanks to the professional skills of the chefs. Besides enjoying food, the festival also
organizes art activities, cultural exchanges, and folk games for visitors to enjoy and
entertain. In addition, this year there will be Binh Quoi coffee rackets and a space for
seven traditional craft villages recreating the activities of making noodles, cakes,
weaving, making hats, bamboo mats, and ceramics.

This festival not only helps us promote the culinary quintessence of this red flag and
yellow star country, but it also helps visitors have more interesting experiences thanks to
cultural exchanges. culture in general and artistic activities in particular. For me, I think
this festival is extremely meaningful, bringing bonds between strangers. Me too, I like to
experience. Each place has its own culture and cuisine that is hard to compare with
Vietnam. I am proud to be a child of Vietnamese people with countless delicious dishes
and love from the people here.

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