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Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

College of Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering
2nd Semester AY: 2022-2023

CPE222 - Software Design



Rujonht Garrido

Samantha Meurom

Licah Supangan

John Philip Jorca

Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality


1. Streamline Inventory Management:

 Develop a system to efficiently track and manage inventory levels, including automatic updates
when items are sold or restocked.
 Implement features to monitor expiration dates and alert management to remove or discount
items nearing their expiration.

2. Improve Sales Tracking and Reporting:

 Create a robust sales tracking module that records each transaction in real-time.

3. Enhance Customer Management:

 Incorporate a customer database to track purchase history, preferences, and contact


4. Optimize Checkout Process

 Develop an intuitive and efficient checkout interface that speeds up the transaction process,
reducing wait times and enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

5. Enhance Security and Access Control:

 Develop user authentication and role-based access control to ensure that only authorized
personnel can access sensitive information and perform critical operations.

6. Improve User Experience:

 Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface that simplifies navigation and usage for store
employees with varying levels of technical expertise.

7. Facilitate Financial Management:

 Integrate financial management features to track Sales monthly.

Overview / Rationale:
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

The Grocery Store Management System (GSMS) is a comprehensive solution

aimed at improving the operations of the small scale grocery stores . In today's
dynamic retail landscape, the efficient management of inventory, sales, and customer
relations is paramount for sustained success. GSMS endeavors to address these
challenges by providing a user-friendly platform tailored to the specific needs of
grocery retailers.

Relevant studies underscore the importance of leveraging technology in retail

operations. Smith et al. (2020) emphasize the role of inventory management systems
in enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction. Similarly, Jones (2019) highlights
the significance of data analytics in driving informed decision-making and maximizing
profitability in the retail sector.The rationale behind the development of this system is
to identify the need for a streamlined approach to grocery store management.
Traditional methods of inventory control and sales tracking often prove inefficient in
meeting the demands of modern retail environments.

The decision to develop this System is due to the recognition of several

issues and problems within the grocery retail landscape. These include inefficiencies
in inventory management and limited visibility into sales data in small scale gricery
stores. Addressing these problems requires a well executed approach towards
integrating various features of store management into a full functional system.

Our primary beneficiaries are the Grocery Store Owners to Equipped them
with a robust management tool to improve operations and management of the
business ,Store Managers to make informed decisions and efficiently oversee day-to-
day operations.
And Customers to Present them with a more personalized and seamless shopping

Our system aims to fill this gap by making a solution using this system
expecially to the small scale grocery business. I feel the need to make this system
due to the lack of these kind of system in our town.This evoked me to have a sense
of determination and empathy towards the challenges faced by small grocery store
owners. Our system contains features similar to POS system where you can easily
make a transaction in an organized and efficient way. We also integrate inventory
management,sales analytics and billing system.

In conclusion, Grocery Store management system stands as a testament to the

transformative power of technology and innovation in reimagining traditional
industries. As small grocery stores embrace the opportunities afforded by our system,
they embark on a journey towards greater efficiency, profitability, and customer
satisfaction. With Grocery Store management system as their trusted partner,
grocery store owners can confidently navigate the complexities of modern retail,
secure in the knowledge that they possess the tools necessary to thrive in an ever-
changing landscape.
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality


Guide to Navigate the System:

 When you start the system you will be prmpted to the Login Page where you want to
enter the account you have as Admin oe Cashier.
 Next, if yur account is registered as admin yu will be prmpted to the Admin Page
where Administrative functins can be used such as Dashboard, Category List, Users
and Security, Product List and sales History.
 Then, you can free to use the function and features like analyzing the Analytics Data
of Sales from Dashboard. Add, Edit, Delete Products and Product Category. Add
New Users for Cashier or Admin role. Track Sales History and Etc.
 After you explred the admin page. You can Logged out now and also check out the
cashier page but make sure you authenticated account for it.

 In the Cashier page yu have functions and Features similar to PS system where yu
can add products to your checkout List, add discounts and Checkout your Items after
confirm the transaction.

 Every transactions will be saved as pdf and all infrmation will be saved in the

Proposed Design:
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

LOGIN FORM – (You can Login as Admin or Cashier)

Contains all the Administraticve functions such as Add, Update, Delete of Users,
Products, Product Category. The Dashboard Form also contains The Sales Analysis on
monthly basis with dosplayed product category.

Product Category List

Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

-contains CRUD function used as to determine the cateogry of products in Stocks and

Sales History
- Contains all the recent transactin history of confirmed invoices.

Users and Security

Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

- Contains different accounts where you can Add Account, Reset password Edit
Information and Delete Accounts.

Products List
- Contains all the Available Products where you can Search , Add New Product, Edit
product, and Delete product.

Add Product and Edit Product

- Add new products by filling out the required product information.
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

- Edit products by selecting a specific row of product first and click edit product t
edit product information.

Cashier Form
- Contains all nessesary functions for Billing and making Invoices.

Trasaction History
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

- It is part of Cashier Form where all previous transactions can be viewed.

Add Discount
- You can add specific amount of discount to be used

Profile Form
- Contains User accunt Details Logged in either Cashier or Admin
Print Receipt
- Contains a print preview of the transactin and will be saved as pdf.

Barcode Samples of the Products:

Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality


The expected impact of the Grocery Store Management System (GSMS) on

grocery stores is profound and far-reaching. Once implemented, GSMS will significantly
enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of grocery store operations. By providing a unified
platform for inventory management, sales analytics, customer relationship management, and
employee scheduling, This system will help store owners and managers make better
decisions, reduce errors, and improve customer satisfaction. This system will enable grocery
stores to maintain optimal inventory levels, Biling and Invoices, and streamline daily
operations, ultimately leading to increased profitability and a more pleasant shopping
experience for customers.

Throughout the development of out System, I have learned a great deal about the
intricacies of making the grocery store management and the vital role of technology in
addressing these challenges. I have realized that it is hard to completely implement and add
mre features for this System to be fully functinal and IT takes time to complete. Additionally,
the role of our Instructor, Online tools and tutorials helped me made this project successful .
This experience has highlighted the potential of learning and utilizing technology to make
useful project like this that will transform the retail sector and reinforced the importance of
continuous innovation in this ever changing modern world of technology. This project has
also taught me the value of perseverance and the impact that well-designed systems can
have on local businesses especially on small scale grocery stores.

Recommendations / Suggestions:
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

Based on the development of our Grocery Store Management System (GSMS), several
recommendations and suggestions can be made to ensure its successful implementation
and continuous improvement:

 Regular Updates and Enhancements:

To keep GSMS aligned with the evolving needs of the grocery retail sector, continuous
updates and enhancements should be scheduled. Feedback from users should be actively
sought and incorporated into future versions of the system.

 Integration with Barcode Scanners:

Integrate GSMS with barcode scanners to streamline the process of inventory management
and sales tracking. Barcode scanning can significantly reduce manual entry errors, speed up
the checkout process, and provide real-time updates on inventory levels.

 Integration with Other Systems:

GSMS should be designed to integrate seamlessly with other existing systems such as
accounting software, e-commerce platforms, and supplier databases. This integration will
create a more cohesive and efficient operational environment.

 User-Friendly Interface:
The interface of GSMS should be intuitive and user-friendly, minimizing the learning curve
and encouraging widespread adoption. Clear instructions and easy navigation will enhance
the overall user experience.

 Performance Monitoring and Reporting:

Implementing performance monitoring tools within GSMS will allow store owners and
managers to track key metrics and generate insightful reports. This feature will aid in
strategic planning and decision-making processes.

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