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Computer Annual revision

1] Answer the following.

Q. Name the two types of tabs.

Q. Who was the first inventor of the word search puzzle?


Q. Write the name of any natural thing.


Q. What is the full form of AI?


Q. What is pattern?
2] Fill in the blanks:
1.___________tool is used the close paint.
2._____________________area is the blank area where we
make a colorful drawing.
3. The shapes we used in paint are in the_________________
4. What will be the number in the next series?
11, 22, 33, 44, 55, _____
5. A _____________is a puzzle used words find and put then
in a grid.
6.________________________________is created by
7.A set letter arrange from left to right in
__________________make a ______________.

3] Write T /F

1.We used oval shape to do circle____________________

2. We draw or write the same thing again and again called
3. We cannot change the size of the drawing
4. Paint program helps to make drawings on paper______
5. The inventor of word search is Bill Ken Drick_________

Draw the following:

1. Fill with color tools

2..Oval shape

3. Line Shape

4. Eraser

5. Magnifier

6. Text

Colour Picker

8. Brush

9. Size

10. Outline
Answer the following:

1. What is drawing area?

2. Names the parts of paint window?

3. Which shape use foe drawing circle?

4. Which tool is used to erase a drawing or a part of drawing?

5.Write the step of close MS paint>

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