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The greatest engineering challenge of the day is to find a good source of power which will be

perpetual, dependable, renewable, affordable, and available in adequate quantities and above all
environmental friendly. Present sources of power like gas, coal, hydro and nuclear fuels do not fit
this description.

Cow dung is an excellent fuel and it helps preserve world's fossil fuel reserves. It is odorless and
burns without scorching, giving a slow, even heat.

Children living in virtual world have no clue about nature. Most children in developed countries

do not see a live cow or a live horse or an apple tree. How can they

protect nature if they do not know it?

saintly persons, sages, they used to live long, long years, and their

brain was so sharp, because they were taking natural food, fruits,

grains, and milk that helps to develop human brain for understanding

subtle subject matter

Every living being sustains life on the bounties offered by mother

nature. The creator is the father and nature is the mother. Mother

nature provides for all the necessities of all living beings and in this way

every living being can live peacefully in this material world

if humanity and the planet have to survive, then we have to replace

the western economic model. Its a fossil fuel based, car-centred,

energy inefficient model and promotes over exploitation of natural


Living in harmony and cooperation with our animal friends and with

our natural world is the ultimate economic security, ultimate survival


fast depleting the energy and mineral resources on

which our modern industrial economy depends. We are also consuming

beyond the sustainable yield of the earth’s natural systems. A

There is a very nice story. One rat, he was troubled with

cat. So he came to a saintly person: "My dear sir, I am

very much troubled." "What is the difficulty?" The rat

said, "The cat always chases. So I'm not in peace of mind."

"Then what do you want?" "Please make me a cat." "All

right, you become a cat." After few days, the same cat again came to

the saintly person, says, "My dear sir, I am again in trouble." "What

is that?" "The dogs are chasing me." "Then what do you want?"

"Make me a dog." "All right, you become a dog." Then after few

days, again he comes. He says, "I am again in trouble, sir." "What is

that?" "The foxes are chasing me." "Then what do you want?" "To

become a fox." "All right, you become a fox." Then again he comes.

He says, "Oh, tigers are chasing me." "Then what do you want?" "I

want to become a tiger." "All right, you become a tiger." And when he

became a tiger, he began to stare his eyes on the saintly person: "I shall

eat you." "Oh, you shall eat me? I have made you tiger, and you want

to eat me?" "Yes, I shall eat you." Oh, then he cursed him, "Again you

become a rat." So he became a rat

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