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Chapter 7: Use marketing mix tools in distribution channel management

 New product planning and channel management
 When commercializing a new product, businesses need to achieve a
level of close cooperation and support from channel members.
 New product planning and channel management
 Issues that channel managers need to consider when
commercializing new products
 Contribution of TVK members in new product development
 Content management
 Note
 Encourage channel members in new product development
 Channel managers need to pay attention to and satisfy the needs of
channel members
 Encourage channel members in new product development
 Make necessary adjustments if channel member requirements are
not met
 Encourage channel members in new product development
 Channel managers must "attack" channel members' perceptions to
ensure goal achievement
 Match the new product with the channel member's existing products
 When deciding whether to sell a new productor not, the distributor will
have to evaluate whether the productis suitable for selling its
productline or productmix.
 Manufacturersolutions
 Inform channel members about new products
 How to use the product and its outstanding features
 Technical factors related to the product
 Inform channel members about new products
 Services included with the product
 New product selling skills
 Manufacturer's guarantees…
Support channel members to sell new products
 Activities before launching new products
 Support activities
 Manage distribution channels according to the product life cycle
 Introductory stage
 Manage distribution channels according to the product life cycle
 Growth stage
 Manage distribution channels according to the product life cycle
 Saturation stage
 Manage distribution channels according to the product life cycle
 Depression stage
 Manage distribution channels according to the product life cycle
 Promoting the role of channel members in product management
II. Determine the price in the distribution channel
Structure of the pricing system in distribution channel
 Principles for developing pricing strategies in distribution channel
 Ensure each channel members receives revenue greater than
operating costs;
 The discount of each channel members is different so it is different;
Structure of the pricing system in distribution channel
 Principles for developing pricing strategies in distribution channel
 Consider discounts on competing brands;
 Different distribution work division -different discounts;
 Structure of the pricing system in the distribution channel
 Principles for developing pricing strategies in distribution channels
 Conventional discount level;
 Differences in discount levels between products in the same
manufacturer's category;
 Structure of the pricing system in the distribution channel
 Principles for developing pricing strategies in distribution channels
 Price points –“price reference” levels;
 Product and pricing changes.
 Other issues of pricing in distribution channels
 Control pricing within the channel
 Monitor channel members' reactions to changes in pricing policies
 Other issues of pricing in distribution channels
 Price increase process in the channel
 Use incentive pricing in the channel
III. Mixed promotion in distribution channels
 Strategy for promoting cooperation among channel members
 Concept
 Notes
 Short-term programs
 Push strategy in distribution channels
 Training programs aim to improve the operational capabilities of
channel member's sales force.
 Determine sales targets and bonus levels for achieving and
exceeding targets
 Push strategy in distribution channels
 Sales by propaganda: propaganda, product introduction, sales
support to customers of channel members.
 Trade fairs
Chapter 8: Logictics and material management

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