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Disease Signs & Symptoms Incubation Communicability Prevention

Chicken pox – varicella zoster virus; viral disease Esp seen winter & spring. Resp 10-21 days Thru inhalation of Mask patient. Provider should
symptoms, malaise (not feeling airborne droplets & avoid contact if
well), low-grade fever followed by direct contact of they’ve never had chicken pox.
rash starting on face & trunk weeping lesions & Vaccination now
spreading to rest of body. Fluid contaminated available (1995) and part of
filled vesicles linens. childhood
rupture & scab over within 1 week. immunizations. Pt isolated until all
crusted over and dry.

Common cold (viral rhinitis) >200 strains of viruses cause the 12 hours – 5 days Direct contact, Handwashing
common cold. Course mild, often (average 48 airborne droplet,
without fever and without muscle hours) contaminated hands
aching. and linens

Conjunctivitis (pink eye) The clinical syndrome begins with 24-72 hours Contact with discharge Good personnel hygiene. Daily
tearing, irritation & redness of or upper respiratory laundering of bed linens including
eye(s) followed by edema of lids, tract of infected pillowcase andtowels. Use wash
photophobia (light sensitivity) & persons (fingers, cloth on unaffected eye first and
pus drainage. Course lasts from 2 clothing, eye make- then launder afteruse. No school
days up to 2-3 weeks. up). Communicable during acute stage. Tx with
during course of active antibiotic eye medications.
Hepatitis – inflammation of the liver due to Signs & symptoms generally same Most important is avoidance of
multiple causes (virus most common) for all forms: contact with blood and body fluids
Headache; fever; weakness; joint of all persons.
pain; anorexia; nausea; vomiting;
RUQ pain; jaundice; dark urine;
claycolored stools

Hepatitis A – infectious or viral May have no symptoms. Adults 15-50 days; Fecal-oral route. Virus Vaccines in active areas (active
may have abdominal pain, loss of average 30 days. lasts on hands about 4 immunity). Good handwashing.
appetite, nausea, diarrhea, light Disease follows hours. More comm. There is no long term chronic
colored stools, dark urine, fatigue, mild course & latter half of infection.
fever & jaundice. lasts 2-6 weeks incubation & most
during 1st week of

Hepatitis B – serum hepatitis It can take 1-9 months before Direct contact (blood, Vaccination 90% effective. Virus
symptoms develop. Some have semen, vaginal fluid, stable on surfaces with dried blood
mild flu-like symptoms. Dark urine, saliva). Can become for 7 days.
light colored stools, fatigue, fever asymptomatic chronic
& jaundice. Can develop acute carrier capable of
hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer. transmitting disease to
Hepatitis C - Leading cause of cirrhosis & liver Chronic condition in 85% of 2-25 weeks; Contact with infected Since 1989 screen blood for HCV.
cancer. infected people. Liver fibrosis into average blood primarily with IV No vaccine due to high mutation
cirrhosis in 20% of infected people. 7-9 weeks. drug use & sexual rate.
Disease may be contact.
dormant 10-20
years before

HIV – a virus that attacks the immune system & Mono-like syndrome, fatigue, Variable. May Bloodborne through Universal standard precautions.
causes AIDS (a collection of signs & symptoms) fever, sore throat, develop blood & body fluids Death is usually from the
lymphadenopathy, detectable opportunistic diseases that take
splenomegaly, rash, diarrhea. Skin antibodies 1-3 advantage of the patient’s
lesions (Kaposi’s sarcoma); months. Variable weakened
opportunistic infections time from HIV systems.
(Pneumocystic infection to
carinii pneumonia, Tb) diagnosis of
Influenza (flu) Epidemics usually in winter. 1-4 days Direct contact Vaccination available annually;
Viral disease Influenza Sudden onset fever for 3-5 days, Peak flu season especially in most effective if received from
chills, tiredness, malaise (not is late December crowded areas via September to mid- November.
feeling well), through March. airborne. The virus can Treatment is
musculoskeletal aches, nasal persist on surfaces for symptomatic (rest, fluids, OTC med
discharge, dry cough, mild sore hours but indirect for fever & aches).
throat. Children can also contact is less
experience GI symptoms of nausea, common. Contagious 1
vomiting & day prior to being sick
diarrhea although this is up to 3-7 days
uncommon in adults. “Stomach after 1st symptom.
flu” with GI symptoms is caused by
other viruses.

Measles (rubeola, hard measles) Initially symptoms of severe cold 7-14 days; Inhalation of infective Handwashing critical. MMR
with fever, conjunctivitis, swollen average 10 days droplets & direct vaccination part of childhood
eyelids, photophobia, malaise, contact. program.
cough, nasopharyngeal congestion, Highly communicable
red bumpy rash lasting about 6 virus mostly before
days prodrome starts (early
impending disease
Meningitis – inflammation of meninges caused Viral meningitis – most common 2-4 days up to 10 time), to aboutcontact
Resp droplets; 4 days Practice good handwashing. Mask
by bacteria & viruses type of meningitis; self-limited days with oral secretions, for
disease lasting 7-10 days. Bacterial crowding, close pt and self. Universal precautions.
– very serious infection; fever, contact, smoking, Post exposure antibiotics started
chills, headache, nuchal rigidity lower socioeconomic within 24 hours. Vaccination now
(stiff neck) with flexion, arthralgia status. Viral meningitis part of childhood series
(achy joints), lethargy, malaise (ill can also be spread via (Haemophilus influenza type B).
feeling), altered mental status, contact with
vomiting, seizures. feces of infected
Monkeypox Rare viral disease. 12 days after 12 days From an animal with No specific treatment. Possibly the
exposure get fever, headache, monkeypox if bitten or smallpox vaccine to prevent
muscle aches, backache, swollen touch the animal’s against getting.
lymph nodes, tired. Rash 1-3 days blood, body fluids, or
after fever; often starts on face as its rash.
fluid filled bumps & the spreads. Person-to-person from
large respiratory
droplets during long
periods of
face-to-face contact or
touching body fluids or
MRSA – methicillin resistant staphylococcus Usually found in ill patients who Usually spread from Handwashing after any patient
aureus are multidrug resistant. Often in infected patients via contact. Wear gloves when doing
open wounds, post-op wounds, hands of HCW & pt
around Gtube sites. inanimate objects (B/P contact. Protective gowns when in
cuff, stethoscope). contact with infected linens. Avoid
sharing of equipment. HCW can
be colonized with MRSA (not
common) but often are not ill &
are not at risk to other healthy
persons (peers, family).
Mumps (Acute viral disease) Painful enlargement of salivary 12-25 days Resp droplets & direct Standard BSI. MMR vaccination is
glands. Feverish cold followed by contact with saliva of standard for childhood
swelling & stiffening of parotid infected pt. immunizations. Adults born after
salivary Communicable 3 days 1956 should get at least 1 dose of
gland in front of ear. Often before to about 4 days MMR.
bilateral. Earache, difficulty after symptoms
chewing & swallowing. Glands start. Risk of
tender to palpation. contracting disease is
Pertussis – whooping cough 1st phase – common cold 6-20 days Transmitted via Mask pt. DPT vaccination in
symptoms lasts 1-2 weeks. 2nd respiratory secretions childhood series (not sure how
phase lasts month or longer. No or in an aerosolized long immunity lasts).
fever. Mild cough form. Highly
that can become severe & violent, contagious except in
productive. 3rd phase – frequency 3rd
and severity of coughing decreases. phase.
greatest before 2nd
Pneumonia Chills, high fever, dyspnea, pleuritic phase. risk are the
Highest Masks. Vaccination available esp
chest pain worsened by deep non-healthy for children <2 years old and adults
inspiration, cough, crackles & populations >65 and for those
wheezes heard on breath sounds postsplenectomy.

Rubella – German measles; virus Generally milder than measles. 12-19 days Inhalation of infective Mask pt. MMR vaccination part of
Sore throat, low grade fever. Fine droplets childhood program.
pink rash on face, trunk &
extremities lasting about 3 days.
SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) Viral disease. Fever >100.4oF, Typically 2-7 Respiratory droplets Fit tested N-95 respirators for
chills, headache, body achiness, days up to 10 when caregivers within 6 feet of patient.
respiratory complaints (cough, days coughing or sneezing Patient to also wear N-95 mask.
SOB, dyspnea, pneumonia), pulse droplets into air. Can Caregivers to wear gloves, gowns,
ox <94% room air, travel within 10 touch infectious goggles, and face shields. Proper
days of symptoms to Ontario, material on handwashing extremely important.
Canada, People’s Republic of China, environmental Wear protective gear when
Vietnam, Taiwan, &/or Singapore surfaces and bring to cleaning equipment and rig. Avoid
OR close contact with symptomatic your aerosolizing
person within 10 days of eyes, nose, mouth by infectious material.
symptoms. unwashed hands.

Scabies A parasitic disease of skin caused 2-6 weeks before Transmitted skin to Educate on mode of transmission
by a mite. Penetration is visible as onset of itching. skin contact. Transfer & need for early diagnosis & tx. No
papules, vesicles, or tiny linear Reexposure – from work or school until day after tx
burrows containing mites & their symptoms underwear & started. Contact isolation.
eggs. Lesions prominent around develop in 1-4 bedclothes only if Disinfection for clothes & bed
finger webs, anterior surfaces of days. immediate contact. sheets
wrists & elbows, anterior axillary Communicable until used 48 hours prior to start of tx.
folds, belt line, thighs, external eggs & mites are Tx is a topical solution.
genitalia in men, nipples & abd & destroyed by tx,
lower portion of buttocks in ordinarily 1 or
women. Itching intense esp at occasionally 2 courses
night. Complications limited to of tx 1 week apart.
lesions that get infected from
Shingles (varicella- zoster virus) Second outbreak Localized manifestation of vesicle After chickenpox, the virus is
of the chicken pox virus. with red base on skin areas. They dormant in nerve tissue; as we
follow a nerve tract most often on age, the virus may reappear as
the chest wall & are usually shingles when the
unilateral & linear. Severe pain & dormant virus becomes active.
paresthesia (tingling, prickling Most common in persons >50.
sensation) are common. Rash or
blisters present 1-14 days.
Smallpox – serious, contagious & sometimes fatal 1st symptoms last 2-4 days: high 12-14 days but Stable in aerosol form. No treatment currently.
disease (30% mortality rate). Last case in USA fever, malaise (not feeling well), can range 7-17 Spread directly from Vaccinations stopped in 1972 in
in 1949 (in the world was 1977 in Somalia). head & body aches, sometimes days. Not person to person the USA.
Caused vomiting. Best to isolate the contagious until primarily by droplet or Autoclave clothing & linens.
by variola virus. Humans only known natural patient at time of fever & not to the rash emerges. aerosol. Could also be Contaminated surfaces should be
hosts of variola. One confirmed case qualifies as a wait for development of rash. Next spread via washed with hypochlorite (bleach)
public health emergency. 4 days (most contagious): rash contaminated clothing &
emerges 1st as small red spots on or bed linens. Those quaternary ammonia. Treatment is
tongue & in mouth. Spots turn into most at risk are those supportive in nature. Vaccination
sores that break open & spread with close contact (live within 3 days will prevent or
virus into mouth & throat. Then in the same home or significantly modify smallpox for
rash develops spreading on whole have spent at most. Vaccination 4-7 days post
body within 24 hours. Rash least 3 hours in the exposure may offer some
becomes raised bumps that same room with protection or modify severity of
become liquid filled. Next 5 days ( someone who has disease. For those vaccinated, the
still contagious): smallpox). site needs to be kept covered &
bumps become pustules (sharply dry. The bandage should be
raised, round & firm bumps). Next changed every 1-2 days keeping
5 days (still contagious): pustules the site covered with clothing.
begin to form a crust & then Avoid spread of vaccinia virus to
scab. Next 6 days (still contagious): other parts of body with good
scabs begin to fall off leaving marks handwashing especially after
on skin that eventually turn into touching the bandage or
pitted scars. Contagious until all vaccination site.
scabs fall off:
(about 3 weeks after rash appears).
Scabs must be properly disposed of
as they fall off
Tuberculosis (TB) – bacterial disease Primarily affects resp system. May 4-12-weeks Most commonly Universal precautions. Mask pt and
spread to other organ systems. Persons most through airborne resp self. The TB organism dies when
Development of disease about 6- susceptible: HIV, droplets. exposed to light & air. Skin test
12 months after infection. Chills, close contact with Repeated exposure is annually. If the TB skin test is
fever, fatigue, productive or non- TB pt, generally necessary to positive, will still need to be
productive chronic cough, weight immunocomprom become infected so evaluated to determine if the TB is
loss, night sweats, hemoptysis. TB ised, foreign prolonged exposure active. Incidence of TB rose in
infection – person has the bacteria borne in country increases risk. 1985, started to decline in 1992 to
but are not sick & not capable of with high TB rate, date probably due to improved
spreading the disease. May Some HCW & control programs. TB can be cured
become ill if health status changes. prison guards, with meds.
May be treated prophylactically for malnourished,
now. TB disease – person ill, is ETOH & drug
capable of spreading the disease. users.
Needs meds.

VRE – vancomycin- resistant enterococcus. Most susceptible are those with Highly communicable Hardy germ; can survive on hard
weak immune systems or those with direct & indirect surfaces 5-7 days & on hands for
treated with many antibiotics. contact hours. Easy to kill with good
Most often found in stool. Also in handwashing. Protective gowns
urine, blood, infected wounds, and
other body fluids (or wherever it gloves to be worn.
can be carried by the bloodstream)
West Niles Virus (West Nile fever – mild disease Most victims asymptomatic. Usually 3-14 The disease is spread Avoid activities that expose you to
with flu-like symptoms that last few days, no long Mild infection (20% of those days Infection is by a bite of an infected mosquito bites; use insect
term health effects). (West Nile Encephalitis or infected): fever, headache, body suspected based mosquito or blood repellant sparingly and one that
Meningitis– Less than 1% of those infected. The aches, occ rash on trunk, swollen on clinical transfusion of contains DEET. Use netting over
most severe form of infection. Encephalitis is lymph glands. Symptoms generally symptoms and contaminated blood. infant carriers. Try to avoid the
inflammation of the brain and meningitis is last 3-6 days. Severe infection (less history and The virus is in the outdoors at dawn, dusk & early
inflammation of the membranes of the brain. than 1%): headache, high fever, confirmed with a blood a very short evening. There is no specific
neck stiffness, stupor, laboratory test time; people develop treatment, but supportive care for
disorientation, coma, tremors, measuring the an antibody for further symptoms. Infections do not last
convulsions, muscle weakness, antibodies that protection. The very long.
paralysis. Encephalitis reported are produced disease is not
more commonly than meningitis. early. transmitted from
person to person.
Avian or Bird Flu - A contagious Be cautious of Direct contact with Good handwashing before and
disease of animals caused by viruses that patients with infected poultry, after food preparation. Practice
normally affect only birds and occasionally pigs. recent travel contaminated surfaces good hygiene during food
Wild birds carry the disease but rarely get sick. within last 10 and objects preparation. Avoid contact with
Domesticated birds get sick & die. Concern is days to countries contaminated juices from raw poultry mixing
mutation to humans. with the bird flu with animal feces. with other items to be eaten.
activity: Human Properly and fully cook
9 Asian countries exposure is most likely poultry. Fully cook eggs – no runny
Russia, during slaughter, yolks. Normal cooking
Kazakhstan, defeathering, temperatures kill the virus.
Mongolia, Turkey, butchering and Thorough cleaning and disinfecting
Romania. Now preparation for of surfaces in contact with raw
considered free of cooking. The bird flu is poultry (soap and water is
disease: not adequate). Patient treatment:
Japan, the transmitted through treat
Republic of fully and properly patients with severe febrile
Korea, and cooked food. respiratory illness with standard
Malaysia precautions (good handwashing)
including gloves, gowns, eye
protection if witin 3 feet of
patient, and airborne precautions
(N95 mask).
Continue precautions for 14 days
COVID-19 Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of Two to 14 days. COVID-19 is Simple precautions, such as
breath or difficulty breathing, Symptoms transmitted though physical distancing, wearing a
Fatigue, Muscle or body aches, typically appeared tiny respiratory mask, keeping rooms well
Headache, New loss of taste or within five days droplets or aerosols ventilated, avoiding crowds,
smell, Sore throat, Congestion or for early variants, produced by people cleaning your hands, and coughing
runny nose, Nausea or vomiting, and within four who have the virus. into a bent elbow or tissue.
Diarrhea days for the Delta

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