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Story By HeelLana
Art by SampleGuy



His Spider Senses alarmed him shortly before it happened. There was almost no time
to react as red bolt made of pure energy struck him immediately making Spiderman fall on
the ground. The sheer force of the impact made his head dizzy. Just as he regained senses
He heard someone walking directly toward him. There was no mistake, it was a sound of
woman heels stepping on the concrete floor. “Well, Well, Well If it isn’t the famous
Spiderman?” - she laughed mocking him. “Did someone got a number of that plane? I think
I'm gonna file a complaint.” Spidey raised his head and took a look at his opponent. Besides
her long blonde hair with red strings and a burgundy dress, Spidey hung his eyes on different
features. Her outfit was very generous on cleavage, and she had it to show. “My eyes are up
here!” “Umm Sorry? On my defense, you don’t do a very good job at covering them so….”
This annoyed the stranger and Spidey could see clearly see it, as she raised her hand with
one gesture she magically sends Hero on an impact course with a nearby wall. “Consider
that never touched..” As Spider-Man was trying to get up she crouched next to him and
finally introduced herself. “Before I finish you I will give you the pleasure of knowing my
name. I am Sorceress Lana, and I am here to take over this city. What’s better than removing
the only obstacle on my way?” Before Spider got up she sent him onto the wall once again. It
was helpless. No matter how much he tried to resist her Magic was way too strong for him. “I
wanted to remove you from this plane of existence but it seems you seem like a pervert I
have a way better idea!” She raised her hand and Spiderman was lifted in the air. “Hey come
on! We can talk about it! Just let me free!” as he was hanging in the air Peter moved his
hands and legs trying to get free. “Oh no, no, no" - Lana smiled maniacally - “You are not
going free. At least not now and not like this.” She moved her lips but Spidey didn’t hear any
words. Magic! She was using magic on a level that was clearly on par with Doctor Strange. It
was no use but wait through anything she wants and use the first opportunity to get out of
this situation. “You, you are a crazy witch!” “How dare you insult me like this! You are just like
every man on earth! You only think about one thing" - she pointed at her breasts - “At first I
only wanted to get rid of you, wipe your mind so that you won't be an annoying threat
anymore. But now? I am gonna make an example out of you.” She smiled and started
moving her hand, drawing a magic circle in the air. “Hey please, I am sorry! Just let me
go!” Spidey was terrified. She was up to nothing good and her plans - for sure evil and
malicious - included him. That shouldn't be like this! As the circle was complete Peter was
struck with waves of pain throughout his body. “What the fuck you are doing to me?” “Just a
small redesign. You gonna love it! Trust me!”

First was his hair. Usually short they quickly began to grow in few seconds reaching
his neck. Meanwhile, Spidey face shifted as well - right now much slender and smoother it
did not resemble the face of Peter Parker. No. Along with brown hair, he looked like the face
of an extremely cute and beautiful woman.“That's Better! Now, moving forward.” As Peter
couldn't believe his new facial shape, Lana with a malicious smile finished drawing another
circle. “No! No more! Please!” he protested but Sorceress didn't care about it. Her goal right
now was to change and humiliate her victim. And she knew very well he couldn't do anything
in his powers to stop the changes. Even when his muscles started vanishing rendering
former superhero useless in his line of work. But perhaps the most terrifying change was his
hips. They started expanding. As Peter’s hips gained in width he could only look helpless his
body. “Why so scared Peter? Don’t be so scared.” Lana most certainly enjoyed the situation.
“How do you..? How do you know my Identity?!” He demanded answers. “Oh, there is no
secret between us now, girls.”Indeed Peter’s hips looked perfect for a girl. His own suit
couldn’t stretch that much ripping in a couple of places as it tried to accommodate enlarged
features. It seemed like the rest of the body was the envy of their size. Thighs and butt
decided to change too. Spidey grabbed his hips still couldn't believe his senses. Just as his
hand slipped onto his back he discovered a matching butt to go with the set. It was big, like
really big. Perfect bubble butt to swing while walking. A smooth, fit and hairless legs finished
the picture. “I bet you gonna be the center of attention of everyone. But, just in case..” Lana



snapped her fingers and enormous pressure arises in Spider-Man chest. First, his nipples
turned into erected ones capable of cutting glass with them. Even when he touched one of
them he could feel the pleasure he hasn’t felt before. It was a strange sensation completely
new to him. He shouldn’t enjoy it but despite it, he did. It must be a rewarding sight to witness
and humiliating for the victim. Former superhero changing slowly into a woman, hesitating
and resisting yet clearly enjoying himself. As Peter discovered nipples were only
foreshadowing the main dish. His breasts started growing. The pressure was pushing them
more and more enlarging their cup and ripping shirt along the way. Shortly Peter had breasts
of B cup, C cup but they finally stopped around DD cup. Former Superhero looked at Lana.
He had shame on humiliation in his eyes, bordering of crying. Lana, on the other hand, has
not finished yet. “Oh, I did promise to make an example out of you right? I remember you like
breasts, did you not?” She drew another circle and Spider breasts continue growing even
more. “No, no… no. please! They are so big and heave now! No more! Please..” Despite his
words, they only stopped after they were bigger than his head. “It’s kinda cold in here right?
Please let me pick an outfit for you.” With pretended kindness, Lana cast a new spell clothing
Spider in playboy bunny girl uniform. But this was not a standard uniform. No. It was a
perfect mix of his spider man uniform colors and symbols and design of bunny girl uniform. it
was too short to cover his butt making it clearly visible to everyone. His massive breasts
were too big to hide, there was just no way to miss them and cleavage suit made sure of it.
Red heels and matching stockings wrapped his legs. The last touch was a two bunny ear on
top of his head...

Lana released her spell and Peter landed on the ground. Finding balance turned out
to be a major issue. His breasts were just too big, he tried to support them with hands but
lack of muscles didn't help him. Only by balancing it with arched back but he regained
stability in posture. This was already too much for him. “Oh, you look so adorable. I guess
you are now Adorable Spider Bunny rather than Amazing Spider-Man. If you ask me, that's
an improvement. Oh, wait a second. There is still one small thing to do.” She pointed directly
at Spidey crotch. “No! Please.. without it I won't be a man. Please..” “I know right! That's the
point. Beside for such a big spider, you have such a small dick and I think it does not go
along with your new breasts." She was clearly mocking him.

As Lana’s eyes started glowing he felt his penis retreating into his body. It was a
quick procedure but for Peter, it seemed as it was in slow motion. He could only helplessly
look at it - a final goodbye to his manhood and his original gender. Ironically as it ended a
welcome party for his new vagina begun as it appeared in his penis place.
“Hello….Sister..” Lana commented with malicious pleasure. She did it. She transformed
Spider Man into soon to be men wet dream - Spider Bunny. Completely out of powers and in
a new female body. Perfect punishment for a hero and a man. “Now then. I am gonna sell
you to the highest bidder. I know You are in Bunny outfit but don’t get used to it. I doubt you
will be wearing it much longer.” As Peter imagined her new fate at the mercy of Lana they
both heard a distant shout. “Is there something wrong? It's a Police here!” Lana quickly
changed her expression. “Crap I used too much of my powers. Well, See you Later. Girl" She
opened a magical portal and vanished inside it. Peter quickly lunged behind a trash can. He
waited as the police stopped searching the area and decided. “I need to find MJ quickly! Only
she can help me change back! No one else would believe me!”

Hoping that Sorceress wouldn't show up again he started his humiliating and
shameful journey toward his apartment. His revealing outfit and a new body, as well as
recent humiliation, didn’t help former heroes at all.



“Please MJ, you have to believe me!”

It was very hard for MJ to believe that big-chested woman in a bunny girl outfit was, in
fact, Peter Parker - former superhero Spiderman now stripped of his powers. “Listen here. I
don’t know who you think you are but you sure don’t look like Peter” This statement almost
made Bunny Girl cry. “B.. but it is me! Some weird witch changed me into this!” It was very
clear this situation wasn’t a best-case scenario for Spiderman. First of all, he lost his spider
powers making him useless as a hero. No longer being able to make web or crawl up the
walls. No spider senses or super strength. Peter Parker was useless. No to mention lana
stripped him of his manhood. His penis was gone and in it’s place He had a vagina. This was
not a dream more like a nightmare. instead of muscles, he had breasts. This alone would be
disturbing not to mention their size - they were bigger than his head! Certainly grander than
those MJ had. On top of it Lana made sure to clad his new curvaceous body in most
revealing outfit possible. All the way back home from that alley everyone was looking at him.
As he took steps in heels trying to retain balance. His new breasts and ass jiggling this was
unnatural. Some ppl even asked for his number or how much she charge per hour. This was
so humiliating each of that comment almost made Spidey sob with despair and now, the girl
who wanted to spend the rest of her life didn’t recognize him.

Trying to convince MJ took around half an hour and a lot of details of their personal
life to be revealed but Peter finally convinced her that who he was.. just slightly changed.
After a long and horrible evening, a ray of light and hope was on the horizon and Spidey
finally believed it will all change for better. “We will call Dr. Strange. I am sure he can change
you back!” MJ hugged him squeezing his two massive breasts and gave him encouraging
hug. “Change back? Why? He looks much better now, doesn’t he?” The cold dark voice
ended touching moment between MJ and Peter. That voice belonged to Lana who returned
to finish her job.“N-No! This can’t be true! Go away.” Peters’s recent memories flashed
before his eyes and he was forced to relive those events once again. As former superhero
was ruled out Mj decided to defend him. “Hey! You sick witch! Leave Peter alone, he did
nothing wrong!” Lana raised her eyebrow in disbelief. A woman, a sister in gender was
opposing her? Didn’t she know they were on the same side? Time to widen her point of view.
Lana acted like she hadn't heard that and walked toward MJ, now standing directly behind
her. MJ was convinced she was moving in slow motion but in reality, it was Lana who was
just too quick. She placed her hand on MJ shoulder and repeated some of her spells, as she
started pouring influence into the redhead. “He did this to himself. He even asked for his
breasts to be that big…” Peter looked at MJ - her eyes started glowing with dim green light
suggesting that Sorceress magic was working. But what was even more terrifying was her
replies. “He wanted this? Must be a real slut..” Spidey was inches close from breakdown.
What was Lana’s goal? First, she changed him into this now she was turning MJ against
him? “His description was pretty clear my dear, ‘Make a sluttiest and sexiest bunny girl alive,
with breasts bigger than my head and ass that no man will resist!’. Those were his exact
words MJ…” Lana gave a malicious smile toward Peter while pouring those words right into
MJ’s ear. “No! This isn’t like this! I didn’t asked for that!” But it was already too late for both of
them as MJ seemed to believe whatever Lana said to her effectively turning her against
Peter. “Don’t even talk to me slut! I thought you love me but this? Wanting to a bunny girl? If
this is how you want to be than fine!”

Sorceress gave a malicious smile. “I am glad you can see how bad this male is,
sister… Say, You want him to change a bit more? Just say a word..” That word echoed in
Spidey ears for seconds. The idea of MJ changing him, even more, seemed so distant, but
with brainwash Lana gave her? Everything was possible... “Well, he does pick sluttiness
over me. I guess a little punishment is required here.” MJ took a second to think and finally
said. “If he wanted his breasts so badly, why won’t give him even bigger ones?” “No! I never
wanted them! Please Mj you have to believe me. It was she who made me like this!” Peter
was begging MJ to believe him but to no use. She was already convinced otherwise and



thinking about what else can be ‘perfected’ on her former boyfriend. Lana flicked her fingers
as she promised to deliver her magic right into Peters’s breasts. As giganting as they already
were they started growing to become even bigger. “No… Wait.. don’t do this please…” but
crying had little effect on either MJ or Lana. Former superhero grabbed his breasts as a futile
attempt to prevent them from growing but to no use. After seconds they ripped already
stretched out a bust section of the bunny suit. As more and more flesh made peter boobs
grow he felt something moist on his hands. “What is…” He looked at the palm of his hand. It
was wet. Looking for a source of that he discovered a terrible truth...That fluid.. no. Milk was
coming from his nipples. Both of them! It seemed that along with enlargement of his
monstrous breasts caused them leak with milk! “Aww look at him, Lana. Little slut is leaking.
So adorable!” MJ kneeled before Peter and pinched one of his erected nipples.

“To think you wanted to become like this. What was under that scalp of yours? Such a
pervert.” She twisted that nipple and made Peter moan in pleasure... Finally, Spidey breasts
stopped to grow, yet being so big it was unmeasurable with any cup they didn’t continue to
leak. “Anything Else Mj?” lana started using Peter. Being changed by evil villains was one
thing. But changed by MJ? This whole situation was just improbable. MJ quickly wiped her
hand into a bunny suit and took a step back leaving peter trying to balance with his new
breasts. “Maybe give him some counterbalance? We don’t want him to be the star of one
feature aren't we?” She didn’t even finish her sentence when peter’s new outfit vanished
making him completely naked and for everyone to see. Kneeling he fallen onto his breasts
using them as a huge leaking pillow. Pointing his ass up high Lana and Mj had front-row
seats to witness their enlargement. This time Lana magically created a studded leather
paddle and handled it to MJ “With each spank of this paddle his butt will grow a little so you



can control the size of his ass yourself. You deserve some revenge right?” MJ took a paddle
and looked at it for a bit. It was a mystery what king of thoughts was running through her
head but when she finally looked at peter he was sure she was not to anything good.
‘Please, Mary Jane! You have to fight her, Can’t you see that witch is controlling you? You
are not doing this yourself! Fight her!” She looked at Peter and as if nothing happened took a
long swing and slapped him into his buttcheeks. After the impact when they both stopped
jiggling they glowed with blue light and enlarged a bit. It looked like Lana was not lying. “No
one is controlling me!” Another Spank. Peter had to keep his mind in check not to scream but
those spanks felt so damn good. ‘MJ please don’t do that!” Another Spank. This time he felt
that even in his breasts as the force of the impact made them jiggle too. “You wanted to be
like this? Why are you complaining?” Another spank and Peter couldn’t hold his mouth shut.
The more time he was spanked the larger his ass was making it even more sensitive. It was
an endless circle. No wonder why he moaned so loudly. “Oh God, For a second I thought
you were speaking the truth but now? You are clearly enjoying this!” parker wanted to open
his mouth and protest but before he even said a word Mj spanked him again, and again, and
again. Each time he moaned out of please it caused. He had a brief moment between
spanks to realize what had he become. He was literally being spanked by his girlfriend
magically controlled by an evil sorceress who was standing there enjoying the view. His
breasts twice the size of his head constantly leaking and so far there was no idea how big his
butt gone be. he only knew it’s gonna be red from all those hits. He couldn’t even protest.
Each time he wanted to speak only pleasurable moans left his mouth. This shouldn’t be like

“I think This is enough for him sweetie..” Lana finally stopped Mary Jane in the middle
of the swing by puffing the paddle out of her hands. “We want him to be able t walk right?”
Indeed Peters’s ass was twice the size it was before. Along with buttcheeks even his were
wider. Due to its size, his hair was softly brushing his buttcheeks msending small pleasurable
shivers down his spine. As Spiderman tried to stand up he realized that the gap between his
legs vanished too due to the increase in the size of his thighs. ironically thanks to stronger
legs he was able to stand and with stronger back muscles - lifting those enormous tits was
possible. Both Mary Jane and Lana admired their work. Former superhero, member of the
avengers, protector of the city - spider man - was now this. Living fuckdoll who couldn’t even
control his own body. His whole body was even wet due to milk leaking from his nipples.
Much to his fears, it seemed like this river didn’t seem to stop and it didn’t cause his
breasts to shrink even by a bit. “Please, don’t do anything more to me.” He said while trying
to hold his breasts with one hand and get the size of his ass with the other one. lana looked
at Spidey and asked MJ. “Your call honey, are we leaving him like this or you have some
other plans?” Redhead took a look at Lana then at Peter. She circled the recently changed
man and inspected his whole nude body. “To think of it. He must want to look like this for a
purpose right? Why won’t then…” She whispered into Lana’s ear her request and smiled.
“Ohh this is good. This is soo good. You are sure you want him like this?” MJ noded sealing
Spiderman’s fate. he looked scared at both of girls what was next. He already looked like a
pornstar goddess what else they prepared?

He would know this very soon. As one of his hands was inspecting his buttcheeks he
encountered a strange lump in the place where the tailbone should be. “Wait.. what the
fuck?” He said with a new high voice of his. That lump was growing and suddenly shifted into
the short tail! “No! No. What are you two doing to me?!” he screamed as if this would change
something. “I am sorry Spidey” Lana lifted his chin with her finger. ‘But I promised MJ here
her revenge and until she says so you - are our little plaything.” Looking into her eyes peter
hasn’t found anything indicating she was trying to lie to him which terrified him the most.
Right behind her MJ was having a grim of confidence and pleasure seeing Spider punished
for his crimes against her. Even now she was under Lana’s influence making whatever she
decided equally surprising and terrifying. And so as Peter’s small tail started growing he
grabbed it and even felt it covered with something that looked to be fur. It was pointless to



argue or complain to either of a woman standing before him. neither of them would even so
as to move a finger to stop this or help him. Screaming or calling them names could only
make it worse. His tail was now half a meter long and it finally stopped growing. It was now
covered wholly with fur and something that resembled a brush at the end. Peter moved his
head to see it but before he was able to top of his head started radiating with enormous pain.
He quickly grabbed his head with both hands and discovered something growing out of his
skull. Those two lumps consisted entirely of bone with a pointy ending. “HORNS? I AM
GROWING HORNS?” MJ Giggled hearing his words. Her image of peter was slowly
becoming a reality. maybe she will even give Lana free drinks at her club whenever she will
pay her a visit? The sight of Mary Jane taking pleasure in seeing Peter’s misfortune filled him
with even more humiliation. But his feeling didn’t matter and after a few seconds of
continuing pain, his horns were finally finished. He could even grab them with his hand as
they both were the size of his palms. Clearly, as day standing atop of his head between his
brown hair was a pair of white horns. “Enjoying this MJ?” “Oh so much. probably not as much
as this slut enjoyed his butt treatment, but still.” As both woman were mocking him he
decided to defend himself. “I was not! You made me look like this and act that way. Please
change me back. I promise I will do whatever you want.” Lana only laughed. “But you will do
whatever we want even without changing you back!” “Besides who would want a small
Spider when you can have this?” Added MJ pointing at breast leaking Peter infront of her. “If
anything, this is an improvement.” Again his cry for help was futile as remnants of green glow
were still inside MJ’s eyes. The only thing left for him was waiting until this all will be over.
Standing there naked his new body so much different to his own with tail, horns and
constantly leaking breast. Yet his closes person was the one causing it under the influence of
evil sorceress. He didn’t have much time to think as his head started banging again. This
time slightly at the sides of horns something else started to grow. Peter tried to guess what
was it. They felt kinda strange, made of flesh rather than from bone as before. After some
time he was even able to move them? It was a clear indication there were muscles inside of
his new body part. Then as if someone touched him with the magic wand he could hear
everything. He was able to before but now that sense was even stronger, clearer. Then he
realized. Those were ears. Fully functioning the second pair of ears but this time covered
with fur as his tail was. What was happening here? Tail, horns now ears? What they were
changing him into? As Peter was wondering trying to put pieces together Lana surprised him
by attaching something to his neck.”I think this will suit you even better!” This was a leather
collar with a huge golden buckle on it’s back. Almost immediately he wanted to take it off but
he found impossible to even get his fingers near it as if some kind of magical force field was
preventing him from taking it off. “I am not some kind of pet!” he protested. This was an
almost comical sight. Trying to take off the collar Peter was moving and twisting effectively
making his ass and breast jiggle each time he did that. When he realized he blushed
emclubrassed. occupied with buckle issue he missed the fack MJ approached him and
before he reacted she attached something to the collar. It was a huge golden cowbell adding
now bell tolls to his move in addition to jiggling body parts. “Such a cute Cowgirl!” lana made
a mocking adorable face. “I figured if he was such a cow to me he might as well resemble
one!” MJ was so proud of how she inflicted her revenge but something in her voice gave
away the idea she was not finished yet. And it was scaring peter to his core. What else?
Haven't they done enough damage? Apparently not yet as MJ started to dress his arms into
cow patterned long gloves. At first, he tried to release his hand from her grip but it seemed
she was much stronger now. Or was it that peter was much weaker? No matter the reason
she quickly put Gloves on both of his hands. “Now sit!” She demanded and pointed at the
sofa nearby. “No! I won’t allow you to dress me up like this!” This was not what MJ wanted to
hear. neither was Lana Both girls teamed up and slapped Peter’s butt each. “Oawhhhh…”
Did he moan with a voice that somehow resembles mooing more? “I said sit!” “No!” Again
even harder his buttcheeks were assaulted. “Mooooah!” As cowgirl was confused with
pleasure Both Mary Jane and Lana dragged him into a sofa and made him sit. Finally there
they put long matching stocking. He wanted to stand up But lana was having her hands on
his shoulder preventing him from doing so. “Not so fast Milky Way. We are not finished here.”



She flicked her finger and made various makeup equipment float around the cowgirl’s head.
“Will you do the honors?” She asked Mj and grabbed Peter’s head immobilizing it. ‘It will be
my pleasure.” answered redhead and started applying makeup to Spidey. Pink lipstick and
violet eyeshadow, black eyelashes, powder on his cheeks. Peter tried to move his head but it
was no use. Lana’s grip was way too strong to break it. “Don’t move wonder cheeks or we
will mess up your makeup. And you do not want it!” MJ replied to his movement. “This is very
special makeup. Once applied it will stay on you forever. Yeah, you heard me right. It is
permanent. You will stay with pink glossy lips for life.” Those words made him shiver. Stay
like this for life? With this look. Even right now the only thing that resembled old Peter was
his hair color. Finally, MJ finished with makeup and left the room. When she returned she
brought a mirror on wheels with her and showed peter his own reflection. “Like what you see
slut?’ She asked and as Peter couldn’t articulate any kind of comment lana still holding his
shoulder added: “I hope you love the changes we made since, as we mentioned before, this
is you for the rest of your life!” This was a shock.. His reflection in the mirror. Everything
looked so strange. He could hardly recognize himself. Any Traces of his manhood lost
replaced by female organs. Figure completely changed. Those gigantic breasts with nipples
so hard they could cut glass and not forget constantly leaking ones. Even sitting on the sofa
one could see the entirety of his ass flattened under his body weight. Finally Tail moving as it
pleased on the side, horns, and ears on top of his head. The seemed so unnatural yet they
were now part of him as any other limb. The finishing touches - makeup and outfit. Both
designed to bring the best out of his new form - sluttiness and cowgirl. He looked like some
cartoon character. but this was not a cartoon this will be the form he will have for the rest of
his life.



“I know I know. You look so good, But we just can’t have you admiring yourself the
whole day! Time for you to work!” Lana smiled maliciously and Pushed peter making him
stand up.”‘Wait for what? Work? I won’t go anywhere like this!” What the hell was that witch
talking about? “You think you will just sit on your huge ass all they long and play with your
collarbell sweetie? No way.” MJ was almost furious. She looked at him and said ‘You look so
perfectly. Now we just need to think of a pose. Maybe standing with legs spread out holding
her nipples?” What was she talking about? How would anyone work with that pose? That
kind of thoughts crossed peter’s head. meanwhile, Lana prepared another spell, and when
she finished peter felt that he can’t move his arms and legs anymore!. What’s more, they
started moving against his will and took the very same pose MJ was speaking about. “What
the? I can’t move my arms? What are you two doooing?” He demanded an answer with a
sentence mixed with human and cow voice. ‘For god sake shut up. Can’t you see we are
working here?” Mj screamed at Peter. He opened his mouth again but this time instead of
any kind of sentence he made a very different voice. “Moooooo!” huh? What was that? he
tried again. “Mooooo!” He found lana with his eyes and noticed a smile on her face. it was
her! She was changing everything he said with her magic! Unable to speak only to moo Peter
was trying to move his arms but failed even there. Right now he was completely under Mj
and lana’s control. ‘That is waay better. Thank you!” Lana only gives a quick nod. ‘You know
maybe a different pose? this kinda feels odd….” And so for the next 30 minutes, they were
changing Peter poses. From sitting to kneeling or leaning. Holding breasts, letting them hang
or squeezing them. Groping his own ass, hands-on-hips or brushing hair. They tried
everything before they finally settled. And so Peter was Left Kneeling on the ground arched
back Holding his breasts up. The pose that he will spend the rest of his life according to their
words. “Yep, we are leaving him like this! This is perfect.” MJ happily announced and yet
again showed Peter his reflection in the mirror. “Mooo! Moo Moo!” he protested but nobody in
the room could understand him. “Finally lana put her hands on peter’s shoulders and
whispered some kind of spell to his ear. he couldn’t understand it but he could see it’s
effects. Originating from his feet he started changing into some kind of stone statue? It was
slowly making its way up ‘Mooo! Moo! Moo!” he wanted to scream but was only able to moo.
‘Bold choices for last words.” MJ mocked him. ‘But very fitting for such a slutty Cowgirl like
you. I hope you will enjoy your new position. I am sure I will!” With incomprehensive ‘moos’
being his last words Spidey wholly covered in stone turned into a statue. But this was so
strange. He could still feel everything and hear everything. Heck, even his breasts were still
leaking. Only difference was that his skin was made of the finest white marble and that he
was unable to move or speak in any way. “Finally. he is so silent. “ MJ broke the silence with
a sigh of relief in her voice. meanwhile, Lana draws a magical circle around Peter. After she
finished the circle started glowing and the Living statue felt elevated? No That wasn’t that.
Right under Cowgirl a small platform formed rising her up. Some kind of pedestal maybe? It
soon cleared itself out. This was a pedestal for a fountain as a small empty pool surrounded
Peter. “Now for the last touches.” lana touched each of Spidey breasts with her magically
glowing finger. He felt a sudden pressure in both of them. If his breasts were leaking before
now they were sprunging with milk. As he moved his eyes he noticed that string of milk was
landing inside the fountain pool filling it slowly. “Huh, won’t the milk spill?” “No way my dear
MJ. Water will just magically vanish Here. Finish your newest asset so we can relocate him.”
She handed her a small golden plate. MJ glued it right under Peter. “Slutty Cowgirl. Formerly
Spiderman.” She read the name on the plate out loud and laughed. ‘It is so perfectly fitting.”
They both started to laugh and Peter Parker could hear everything. Soon both of them left
the room leaving their freshy created statue to herself only able to see herself in the mirror.
The whole scope of his situation was right in front of him. He was scared. They did make him
like this for a purpose and that purpose was not to be left in the room with only sound was
strings of his milk pouring out of his nipples.



Left alone to his thoughts he didn’t know how much time passed when finally something
broke monotony off this situation. As magic circle similar to that lana was using appeared
around the fountain. As it started to glow Peter felt like he was slowly sinking into the circle
as if he was going through the portal of some kind. After his head passed through he was
able to see where the portal was leading to. He was inside MJ’s pub right next to the club! it
seemed that they were gone for so long to prepare space for that. “You are finally here! I
would say that proper ladies shouldn’t be late but sluts like you are not ladies.” MJ looked at
him with disgust in her eyes. “So we see each other later tonight?” Lana revealed herself and
asked MJ ‘Sure thing! You know what? For your help dealing with this.. statue... You have an
unlimited drink on the house!” They both hugged and while Lana was leaving she added
‘Hope you enjoy your new position, Spidercow..” and closed doors behind her.

MJ hardly even looked at him preparing her club to be opened. Finally, she was without Lana
by her side to influence redhead with her magic but Peter was unable to even speak. When
the club finally opened and ppl started pouring in peter felt enormous emclubrassment.
Everyone was making a stop to look at him. ppl were taking pictures, selfies with him.
someone even tossed a coin into the fountain. As the evening started passing some drunk
customers even tried to touch him. And he could feel it. He felt that bearded man putting his
hand on his butt, and a bald guy who poked his nipple. For them Statue felt like a normal
marble statue yet Peter felt every touch. If that was possible his whole face would be covered
with emclubrassing blush. Around midnight Lana walked to the pub and took a seat in the
back of the club with clear view on the statue. peter knew she was looking at him and she
knew he noticed her presence.

After taking a sip of her beer Lana pointed at something in the on the left of the club.
Unable to move his head Spidey tried to catch it with the corner of his eye but was unable to.
Lana sighted and Using her magic rotated the statue a few degrees. A couple of drunk
customers around it suddenly felt the urge to put their drinks out witnessing the statue
moving. But this was irrelevant. Peter finally saw what was lana pointing at. She was
showing him MJ. And his former wife was now hooking up with some guy at the club. She let
the guy kiss her, put his hands around her waist and even slide them down grabbing her butt
while her hands were around him. This was a shocking sight to see. Peter thought that
without Lana the spell would become weaker but it seemed this won’t be the case. He was
forced to see that scene. This was the end for him. Forever changed into a Living statue of a
cowgirl, left for everyone to see him almost naked pouring strings of milk into the fountain

“Attention to all customers!” He recognizes that voice. It was Lana’s he quickly moved
her eyes but she wasn’t on her seat. “How about small coin-tossing competition? Courtesy of
the club owner, Everyone who will toss a coin that will stay between our newest statue
cleavage will win free beer!” She was right beside the club holding a microphone. For a
second MJ stopped kissing and raised her drink as the crowd chanted ‘MJ, MJ” as a thank
you to her.” As the competition started only few menaged to toss their coins and get the
price. Sure you can blame this on alcohol they consumed or the face that Lana put magical
force field around breasts making almost all coins hit peter in his boobs. Each coin that
hitteded them felt as if someone were folding those gigantic tits. He could feel it all. He
wanted to scream out of pleasure or move so that they nat toss them. But he couldn't. Even
those few coins that slid between his breasts were irritating him as he clearly wanted to get
rid of them yet they, but thanks to Lana not even the slightest shake of his body was
possible. On top of that After seeing MJ with that guy he noticed how she grabbed his hand
and lead him to the supply closet. Peter knew exactly what they were doing there. He used to
be only visitor there. Now MJ was spending her time there with someone else. Whens he
finally appeared she looked at him and gave him an evil smile. “Having fun slut?” She moved
her lips without making a sound but Spidey understood that. This was how Former
Superhero Spiderman was about to spend many if not all of his remaining evenings.



Each day changed into repetitive event. He was forced to be silent observer of a party
inside the MJ’s club. Drunken customers making photos and sexy comments. Coin tossing
competition. After a few evenings, MJ was clearing his cleavage from stashed coins making
sure to “accidentally” touch his breasts with her hand teasing him. Sometimes she talked to
him taunting, sometimes she didn’t said a word consumed by routine or as another teasing
activity. This wasn’t the worst she could do to him. The worst part was witnessing her
hooking up with random guys almost every evening. And every time she gave him the same
look and words. That much haven't changed. At one point she even waited till the club closed
and started making love with a guy in front of Spidey. A sight he was forced to witness. As
soon as the news broke out that Spiderman was absent due to unknown reasons various
villains emerged to take over the city while its protector was gone.



As superheroes were fighting them to restore order and law an interesting trend
appeared among the evildoers. Almost all of them started making some kind of pilgrimage to
MJ’s club to touch statue of “Former Spiderman" for a good luck to the their plans. Some
believed this what actually happened to the Spiderman, some just thought that statue of
twisted and mocked hero was something like a lucky charm for them. And by touching they
all meant giving hearty slap to Peter’s buttcheek which made him warm all inside from
pleasure. The very same villains he swore to fight against were treating him like a lucky
charm. What was even worse each time they were performing his ritual he found himself
liking it more with each slap. Some of them event went as far a touching his breasts or even
getting some of his milk for themself. Lana was frequent visitor at MJ’s club but her Spidey
didn’t know if that was just to prolong her influence over MJ, enjoy Peter misery or just for
free drinks. Either way, the sole sight of her made him remember his transformation all over

This status of living as Fountain statue lasted for a few months maybe even a year
and Parker almost gave up any hope of being himself again. Up until one day when he
eavesdropped conversation between Lana and Mary Jane. “So what? You want to release
him?” “Why not?” MJ answered. “Look at him, there is no way of escape. And if he can help
to earn even more money I think it's worth a shot.” Lana started to think about it. What are
those two talking about? Releasing? Finally after some time he will be able to move again.
He would give anything for the chance! “That's doable. I even have a perfect idea how to
make our cowgirl move as we want him.” Lana smiled. “Wanna do it now?”
MJ looked at Spidey and nodded. Yeah, we need to prepare him for the night. Lana poked
Cowgirl’s left boob with her finger and almost immediately Peer felt that he was able to move!
Not entirely no, but still it is way better than being a statue! If he would describe it it was
similar to how they unfrozen Han Solo from carbonite. “Hello, sleeping beauty. How was it?
Enjoyed your time as titty fountain?” Lana asked him quickly. “M-moooo!” Peter still was only
able to moo. “Hmm we need him to speak. We don’t want our customers to deal with those
incomprehensible words.” MJ didn’t show any kind of mercy. “MJ honey, please say
something it's me! Your Tiger!” after long silent months these were first words Peter said
since his transformation. MJ completely ignored him as both girls helped cowgirl step down
from the fountain platform. “Hey! Please say something!” In response MJ only slapped his
butt making him Mooo loudly. She looked at Lana askingly. “I thought it would be very fitting
for a cowgirl to moo out of pleasure.” “Oh good choice!” They let Sidey regain parts of his
balance before without asking they put a matching leather bikini top and bottom. With even
more material that resembled cow skin the effect of his transformation was more apparent.
Lana grabbed the chin of his face while MJ tied brastrings behind his back. “I am gonna do
something nice for you for a change. But don’t get us wrong this is only so you can serve
your purpose.” she touched each of his nipples through the fabric of bikini and they stopped
leaking! After a long year of constant flooding, they stopped! “W-what purpose?” He asked.
There surely was a catch. “You will become my newest club stripper!” MJ explained quickly.
“No! I won't dance with a body like this!” Peter protested crossing his arms. He still couldn't
remember all those times a tossed coin touched his breast or every single time villains used
him as Lucky Charm. As if his words didn’t mean anything Lana slapped rebellious cowgirl
butt and left her hand there groping it, making her moo constantly. “Listen, Milkshake. You
will do it. That's not an offer. But if you will try to embarrass us there on stage or try to run
away, we will change you into mindless sex drived slave. This way you will do what you are
told either way.” She gave malicious smile. Indeed this was an offer peter couldn't refuse.
“But just in case..” Lana pulled out a single hair from Peter scalp. back then he didn’t know
for what use she did that but knowing Lana this wasn’t anything good.

Later that evening Peter discovered why she needed that hair. Just as MJ announced
“Ladies and Gentlemen. For months you were greeted by a fountain, some admired the
curves some used it as a lucky charm. Now it is a time That very same cowgirl will help you..
enjoy your stay here!” She clapped her hands and a small curtain rises up revealing said



Cowgirl with a much more revealing outfit. It was a spectacular sight, as Peter started moving
slowly his breasts and ass started jiggling with slightest of moves. As clothes hardly covered
His assets, anyone could see embarrassment on cowgirl’s face. After initial amazement
customers started ‘booing’ as Peter’s move was too calm to arouse the crowd. As Much as
peter wanted to change that, knowing how angry MJ will be and what kind of retribution it
would cause. She came closer to pole and started circling it but doing anything else was too
much for him. It was already embarrassing not to mention he was worried if he would make
any complicated moves his bra couldn't contain his breasts revealing them naked to the
world. Suddenly he felt that his limbs were moving on their own. Within a few seconds, he
was not sure if he can control them anymore, it was as if some mysterious force guiding him.
The number of poses, dance figures and pole dance evolutions made the crowd cheer and
chant “Cow-Girl! Cow-Girl!” No matter how much Peter tried to resist it was to no use. Only
when the same force made him slap his ass and moo to the crowd followed by twerking his
giant ass much to crowd pleasure, peter noticed the reasons behind it all. Lana was standing
behind the curtains far from crowd sight controlling small puppets that looked like CowGirl
Peter doll and moving it. It was clear Peter was mimicking the movement of the doll. Lana
realized Peter knew it was her and smiled in response, making him stop twerking and kneel
on his knees squeezing his breasts to the overjoyed spectators. Like a puppet in evil
puppeteer hands, peter was bringing visual pleasure to clients of MJ club. MJ herself was
behind the crowd sipping her drink and content looking at Spidey humiliation. Just Peter
started pole dancing those customers nearest to the stage started tossing money toward
him. As coins reached his breasts and ass he felt a familiar feeling so much similar to what
he experienced as a living fountain. Just as Lana seemed to finish her act by slowing his
moves down MJ once again addressed the crowd. “Cheers for Our CowGirl mascot!” She
paused for a second and entered the stage hugging Peter with one arm. “So.. who wants
personal lap dance? Bids starts at 50$!” Peter opened his mouth silently as he couldn’t
believe his own ears. Bid? lap Dance? it’s no way he would do such a thing. Suddenly his
both hands grabbed his ass squeezing both buttcheeks making him moo in most sexy way
possible. That sound sparked enormous reactions throughout the crowd. Customers of MJ’s
club were literally fighting each other's to place a bid. “50$!” “100$!” The numbers were
getting higher and higher and with each bid, the smile on MJ’s face was widening. “525$ For
the first time… For the second time.. No one else? just look at her ass.. such lap dance
gonna be legendary!” MJ’ were encouraging crowd “600$! Oh. that’s what I am talking about!
Going once, going twice... SOLD to the man with a blue shirt! Congratulations guys, what a
price he has won!” Crowd clapped their hands. Some in congratulation some in envy. Peter
was shocked. he was just sold. MJ, his MJ just sold him as if it was nothing! He tried to
speak to her when She was leading him to a private room. but he did remember he was
forbidden to speak.

It was so humiliating shaking his enormous butt around guy’s lap. He sure could see it
all. and when Peter came closer he could feel that customer was surely enjoying his lap. He
slapped Peter’s ass a few times, as pleasurable ‘Moo’ filled the room. Yet again Spidey
wanted to break free but the very same puppet magic was controlling him just like it did on a
stage. Showcasing his boobs to satisfied customer Peter was trying to count passed time.
MJ didn’t say how much time he had bought, but it felt like an eternity. Eternity with a
perverted guy who paid 600$ just to see those boobs and ass up close. Finally MJ opened
the doors. “Okey Time up.” A customer once again grabbed Peter’s ass and whispered thank
you to his ear while sliding green banknote into Spidey’s thong. When he left peter felt like
common stripper. Sold and used for money. He sat on the armchair trying to get some much-
needed break. But Lana had different plans for hima s he entered the room. ‘Why are you
sitting here Spiderman? I am sorry. Spider cow? Grab those beers and start serving



Rest of the ‘shift’ peter spend delivering drinks and snacks to customers. He thought
to be a breasty leaking fountain was a humiliation but now? Everybody was slapping his ass,
poking his breasts and even suggesting ‘naughty’ things to him. This was a nightmare. MJ
looked like she didn’t care about him anymore. Drinking with newly met guy constantly
ordering peter to bring her and her partner a refill. As much as It a painful sight for him, he
had to stand there and wait for the couple to stop kissing so he could handle them their
orders. And MJ made sure those kisses were as much spectacular and long as they could
be. Much to the joy of her partner and bitter expression on Peter’s face.

After all, customers left MJ finally said goodbye to her ‘friend’ and Peter at least was
spared the view she presented before him. “Now Them, Slut...” She was referring to him.
“Lana said you were quite resisting on the dance floor. So even that we told you that
resistance will meet punishment you decided to oppose me? I could lose money out there if
My customers wouldn’t like the view!” MJ Slapped Peter ass few times, each time making
him moan with pleasure. Humiliated by her former girlfriend Peter was convinced his red
from slaps ass was enough punishment but apparently She had a different idea.She grabbed
Spidey by his collar and dragged him to the basement. This whole time Peter wanted to say
something but he could only ‘Mooo’. This spell was still in effect. When Mary Jane turned the
lights on. The whole room was covered in soundproof material that would make sure no
sound would leave the basement. Several beer kegs were standing under the wall as well as
other club equipment. But in the center of the room was standing strange equipment. Huge
glass tube and something that looked like stocks. “So how do you like your new room, Slut?”
It seemed Like MJ forgot or didn’t want to say his name. Surely by Lana’s spell. “Oh Don’t
look like this. COme on. I’ll show you how it works..” MJ dragged CowGirl by his collar with
relative ease despite his resistance. “On your knees Cow.” She demanded and pushed Peter
into the designated position. Before He even opened his mouth to say anything She forced
him into stocks and locking them. With His head and arms immobilized she then chained his
legs and bound them to the floor. Peter was unable to stand up or move. Seeing his
attempts to break free MJ slapped his butt once more. “You know I was thinking of adding
some new drink to my card, maybe something ‘Cow’ themed.” She picked something from
the shelf and attached one parts of it to the glass tube. Former Superhero was unable to see
what was it. His position and waves of pleasure still emitting from his butt prevented him from
focusing. “So I come up with this very simple idea. She attached suction cups to Peter’s
gigant tits and turned the machine on. “I have real CowGirl at my disposal. Why not use that
asset?” Parker felt his nipples itching. Then an as pressure started rising a heat, pure
pleasure originating in his breasts. Suction cups started doing their job of milking Peter
enormous boobs. “Moo...mooo.. MOOOO!” He screamed trying to convince MH to turn
machine off. “I am sorry, but I do not understand you..” The Redhead replied not even
looking at peter. She was admiring how drops of his milk were slowly dripping into a glass
tube. Lana said that his breast milk will be pure and delicious. Perfect for White Russian.
“Moo.. Mooo” Those weren’t cries for rescue. Even if peter didn’t want to accept it he enjoyed
being milked as it felt so good. Pleasure, this was the word. the sensation of his nipple being
pushed and sucked in order to extract his precious milk. “Ah yes. now that you are living
being. not a statue I also have to feed you. I bet you gonna love it.” My pushed a button in
the wall and mechanical arm slides from ceiling. It was ended with a smaller tube. Redhead
adjusted its position next to peter’s face and he had a chance to take a closer look. The tub
had a hole at its end. So how will he eat? “I know what you are thinking. But it's rather
simple. You just put your plumpy lips around the tube and suck. With enough suction, a
protein fluid will come from it. I know it’s kinda sticky but trust me, it is very nutritional. I am
sure Slut like you can suck it dry.” SHocked peter opened his mouth trying to say something
but mechanism builded into mechanical arm red it as a time for feeding and forced tube right
into his mouth. Parker’s eyes widened as his fat lips surrounded food dispensers. “You are
so natural in it!” MK cheered as hungry Peter started sucking. His mind was filled with sense
of humiliation. Locked in the basement, Milked like a diary Cow and now sucking, something



that looked like dildo, for food. Busy with sucking Peter skipped the fact that similar device
slides behind his back. The dildo was cold yet with moves of his lips it was getting warmer.
“And now we will take care of your behind..” MJ giggled and grabbed each of his buttcheeks
spreading them apart. Instantly Spidey wanted to turn his head around to grasp the sight of
what was happening there but with a tube inside his mouth, he was unable to do so.
Meanwhile, Mary Jane continues playing with his ass before finally, he felt something cold on
his skin. It was a long object almost as cold as a food dispenser. “Hey don’t be scared it is
just little something to keep you busy.” she giggled and spreaded his buttcheeks even wider.
Then something started sliding into his ass hole. Slowly at first assaulting his rim but finally it
broke through and entered inside his anus. Peter wanted to scream. It was so big he felt like
his ass was being ripped apart. MJ let his butt cheeks go and they immediately surrounded
the rest of the tube with their sheer size. Penetrated Peter felt something he never
experienced before. “Judging by your face, you seem to enjoy being fucked like this. And I
haven't even turned that on.” “Mohmmm Mhmmmm" he mumbled with dildo in his mouth. But
his words of resistance were nothing to MJ as she turned the machine on. After seconds of
delay dildo in his ass started moving back and forth thrusting further and further inside Peter
anus. “Mooooooooo" his legs softened assaulted by sheer pleasure. Unable to control his
muscles Peter tried to move his ass, perhaps to shake it off but to no use. Especially when it
started vibrating. He wasn't able to think clearly. He knew MJ loved being fucked like that but
that it would bring such pleasure to him? A man. This was beyond his imagination. “How
does it feel Slut? How does it feel being fucked from behind? Having your anal virginity
taken, while all you can do is suck this dildo for food?” She slides her fingers down to Peter’s
pussy. “Oh? Already wet? That didn’t take long. You really must be a slut, there are no
doubts now.” MJ wiped her fingers in one of his socks and slapped his ass once more before
she closed the doors and left Peter alone. The culmination of shame hit him when the food
finally came out in for of warm white sticky fluid that filled his mouth.

Slap to the butt woke Peter up. It seemed like he fell asleep while suction cups were
doing its job - the container had at least 4 liters of milk in it. Hoping that the size of his brest
will decrease accordingly he looked down. They were exactly the same size. Disappointed
He looked at his ass trying to see who woke him up. It was Lana. The source of his
downfall. “How was your free time Spiderman? Enjoyed being milked like a common dairy
cow? Or was it the food that gained your attention? I heard it is tasty but you really have to
work for it.” Blushed across his face by Lana’s teases peter witnessed how she unchained
him and removed all of the devices. “Come on girl. The club is already open and those drinks
won’t serve themselves.” If Peter had any hopes he wouldn’t dance as stripper anymore they
quickly vanished as that's exactly where he was standing hour later, dancing around the
pole. The evening repeated the previous one. Pole dance, lap dance waitressing. Again he
was forced to see MJ making out infront of him. Another wave of customers admired his
features and left tips in his cleavage or thong. Moving around after a night of anal penetration
was an issue as he could still his ass filled with dildo. And as the club closed he was locked
in the basement to refill already depleted glass tube - sign that drinks with his milk were a
bestseller. After a few days, he realized that he was waiting to be locked in the basement
again. He actually couldn't wait to have something in his mouth or ass again. This realization
shocked him and almost instantly made him feel shame. But the pleasure was too much to
deny. After a few more months, his mind was reduced to primal instincts and need for
pleasure. It could be seen clearly. He now loved when customers slapped his ass or even
played with it a little. He was even bending to encourage them to do so. Not to mention Lana
didn’t have to control him during lap dances. The way he moved his ass and tits - almost like
invitations for customers to play with them. Much to MJ and Lana’s delight. The sight of
Spider-Man mind broken brought a smile to their faces.



After a year CowGirl was completely different than it was at day one. There was no
sight of Peter inside. Only a CowGirl Slut that quickly gained much fame in the city thanks to
her new needs and abilities. Peter felt happy. Days, as a superhero was long gone as all he
cared about, was a pleasure. One way or another. When MJ and Lana led him back to the
basement he couldn't wait to be connected to his favorite devices. But both women had
different plans. “Moo? Mooo!” Parker asked demanding for his daily portion of pleasure.
“Such a Slutty Cow.” MJ commented. “You really turned better than I expected. We could just
leave you like this. Or sell you to some brothel. I bet you would be a hit there. Just look at
you. Your ass is so wide from penetration, not to mention your lips. They are twice as big as
now from constant sucking.” Redhead laughed as the sight of a fallen hero pleased her.
“Sadly, all good things must come to an end, sugar tits.” Lana touched Peter’s forehead with
her finger and restored his mind to the state before he was plugged to the machine for the
first time. Shock and unbelief appeared on his face. He could remember everything. Each
day in the basement, each night at the club. Everything. He could remember how he enjoyed
being fucked in the ass and sucking with his lips. All the things he has done reduced to
sexually driven beings. How he almost forget who he was and only wanted to remain
plugged to machine. Tears appeared in his eyes as he fallen onto his knees crying. “But.. I….
My ass… all those people..” He mumbled those words trying to reject the truth and memories
from his mind to no use. They were there. Every single act CowGirl did, and her
uncontrollable desires. “Funny how a year can change someone right? You watch all those
Reality TV series, but damn, first handed results are always the best.” Lana giggled teasing
Peter even further. MJ was so proud. Whatever lies Lana inflicted on her brain on how she
should punish her former boyfriend, she seemed content with results in front of her. The
RedHead kneeled in front of broken superhero and raised his chin with her finger. “I have
some good news for you, slut. I am selling the club so you won’t have to work in it anymore.
And no. You won’t be dancing in new clubs. You are my toy, not somebody else. ” She said
and a light of hope kindled inside of him. But they vanished quickly. “I am also getting
married. This weekend! Surprise!” She gave him the malicious smile and showed her
engagement ring. He had to recall his memories from last year to realize she was wearing it
for some time. He was just too busy thinking about being pounded in the ass to notice it.
“But.. How.. MJ it’s not you. That's all Lana’s work. Please you have to believe me! Snap out
of it!” Peters screamed trying to finally break Lana’s spell. “Don’t say bad things about my
maid of honor! She helped me a lot! She even introduced me to my future husband!” Peter
raised his head and looked at Lana. Sorceress was smiling, enjoying every part of this
situation as if she was feeding on his misfortune. “You know what sweetie. Why won’t Slut
here be your bridesmaid? We could you someone to do some chores. I am sure he would
love to help with your wedding.” Her arms started glowing with energy once more as she
concentrated on a spell. “I could you some help yeah..” MJ witnessed as Lana touched Peter
head and glow surrounded him. It was clear that something was shifting there but Redhead
couldn’t exactly tell what was it. Spidey felt those changes but as Lana was messing with him
he just couldn’t say what. It all become clear after the Glow vanished. His huge tits and ass,
cowy horns and ears. Even his tail vanished. Peter looked almost like before it all started. His
hair was short again yet something was strange in that. He wasn’t a man, there was no
manhood between his legs. As if he was restored to default settings. “I think this is a good
starting point. What do you think? How would your bridesmaid look like MJ?” she asked.
Peter remembered last time Lana asked that question, not a long time after that he was only
able to ‘Moo’ while jiggling his enormous tits.

“I still need to plan my wedding as it is still work in progress. So hmm I don’t know..”
MJ scratched her ear and looked at Lana. “So maybe a wedding planner? I think your former
boyfriend even as slutty as he is now should do nicely.” The palm of the lana hand started
glowing as she touched Peter’s forehead. “Nooo!” he screamed trying to push Lana’s hand
but she was just too strong compared to his weak arms. Dominated by witch Peter could only
wait. Lana finally released her grasp and Spider was able to stand. Dizzy at first he regained
balance only to discover his body features changed once again. He sure was a woman, that



much did not change, but it seemed his butthole and vagina was once again thigh. His hair
was still brown but changed into much shorter around shoulder length ones. Instead of
giganormous tits, they were around C cup making moving more manageable and less jiggly.
After so much time he was able to see his feet again. Accordingly, his hips and butt were
smaller too. He looked like an ordinary woman. This surprised him. After almost two years of
humiliation and tits bigger than his head, this was a nice change. “W..What are you planning
to do with me?” he asked with fear in his voice. Mary Jane smiled and threw him a pack of
clothes. “Put them on.” she replied simply ordering him around. “As much as I want you to
suffer I don’t want you to ruin my perfect wedding.” Peter was shocked. Was she getting
married for real? But he was her boyfriend! Spidey looked at clothes, they seemed ordinary.
Nothing too sexy or weird. Pink bra, white buttoned shirt, black heels, pencil skirt, and blazer.
“No panties?” “Yes, You are still slut and i think sluts do not wear them…” RedHead
explained “Now put them on. We don’t have the whole day.” It was a completely new
experience for Peter. Sure he was wearing Bra and clothes but those were hmm more suited
for his cow version created to only show his assets. Those clothes? the bra was perfectly
wrapping his breasts, it fits just perfect. He put it on struggling a bit much to MJ and Lana’s
pleasure. Puting rest on was rather easy. It was hard to manage balance on heels and
feeling of not having any panties was rather weird but if that was the price of looking rather
normal. he would gladly pay it. While Peter was trying to balance his new shoes Lana started
walking around him as if admiring her work. Spidey, on the other hand, decided to act. When
lana was turned her back on him Peter jumped at her. Trying to hit her as hard as possible,
maybe she will lose consciousness and he will be able to run away. There was a chance
lana was supporting her magic right now, maybe everything will be back to normal. He could
not miss it. In one swift Motion, Peter lunged at two shaded witches. He swung his arm but
just as his fist was about to hit Lana in the head she blocked the punch. She then grabbed
Peter and threw him on the ground. Flattened on the floor his boobs squeezed, he couldn't
move. “Oh? This little Kitten wants to fight?” Lana mocked his attempt as she easily
overpowered him and lifted his skirt. ‘Listen now you little slut.” she slides her fingers into
Spidey vagina and started fingering him. As much as Peter wanted to scream or talk back he
was unable to. Lana’s skilled fingers instantly found all sensitive spots and exploited them
making Peter moan in almost orgasmic pleasure. Each time he was on brink but Lana just
slowed down annoying him. he wanted to come so much but she denied him that pleasure.
“Do. Not. Try. To. Attack. Me. Ever. Again.” She explained as simply as she could. “If you will
try to run away from us you will be punished If you will disobey us. Punished. Tell anyone
who you are. Punished. Did you want to sneak attack a woman? now you gonna pay for it.”
Lana’s Fingers started glowing again and Spidey hips and butt started inflating to the point
the stretched out his pencil skirt to the maximum. Outlines of her buttcheeks were cleqrly
visable even through black fabric. As Peter Rolled on his back Lana continue to ‘punish’ him
both down and up. Peters’s lips started puckering up making them as soft as pillows. But
perhaps the biggest difference was on his chest. His C cup breasts started growing filling bra
to the fullest to the point it was unable to contain them. His stretched-out shirt unbuttoned
itself revealing his new DD cup breasts to the world. “There. You rejected our gift? Now you
gonna look like Bimbo and that is not even final touch.” Lana explained. Once again She
touched Peter’s forehead. ‘What are you gonna do to him now?” Mary Jane asked. “Oh, I am
just matching his manner of speaking to his frame. Since he wants to look like Ditzy Bimbo
he will also talk like one. I bet trying to arrange flowers for the wedding will be very hard since
from now on, it will be much harder to concentrate.” Lana lifted her finger and released
Spidey. He once again stood up regaining his balance even with new enlarged body
features. ‘What have you done to me?!” He said. or rather. wanted. His new fat lips moved
and everyone heard “ Oh! My! Gad! Why Do I Look, Like, This? Totally, like, weird!” He
quickly covered his mouth with his hands. As if not believing it was him. “I Was super hot
hero! Everyone, like, was obsessed with me!”



Mary Jane Laughed. “That’s brilliant! total Ditz!” She poked peter boob and even
reached to the nipple brushing it with her fingernail. “I think I should reval what punishment
You will get for disobeying us ever again?” Lana sked waiting for a reply. Peter only nodded
as he was afraid to speak. ‘I guess if you won’t pull anything funny. You will never know.
Now. those clothes are permanently affixed on you. You can’t take them off. adjust or
change. You breasts will always be like this on display and your butt will be so visible for
everyone to admire.” Lana smiled maliciously, she then handed Peter list of errands for the
wedding, a matching purse with accessories and without any more explanations than to
finish all errands today and return. Pushed him on the street.

The first impression was strange. After 2 years he was outside seeing daylight right
now. It didn’t take long. Pedestrians, mostly guys, were staring. Ogling and very soon
commenting on his choice of attire. Peter could hear it all. “Slut”, “Bimbo”,”I would hit that so
hard”, “Wonder how much she charges per hour, “Attention whore” or just “Whore” that’s how
they described her. Peter felt humiliated. He used to protect those people, can’t they see it
was him? Why are they so mean, It was not his fault.. He looked at list Girls gave to him.
over 5 places in town he should get to, luckily they left him some money in his purse. “It’s,
like, no way I will do et!” He said again words changed when they escaped his mouth. and it
struck him. His legs started shaking, he felt his whole body becoming hot and the last vagina
was wet with drops dripping on pavement uninterrupted by lack of panties. The former
superhero had to bite his lips to stop himself from moaning. He could understand now. every
time he would so much as disobey or think of disobeying Lana’s orders he will get
orgasm…”That, stupid bitch!” he mumbled under his nose and almost immediately moaned
loudly. The orgasmic feeling intensified. When it passed, Peter looked around. Everyone was
looking at him. Blushed and embarrassed he quickly walked away as nothing happened still
hearing ‘Whore” comments behind him. “Doing all those errands will be, like, hard.”

And it was. Parker was almost certain ppl he talked with weren’t taking him seriously.
His poping Boobs and butt on display. Citizens were making comments or even spanking his
ass - feeling so familiar to bar experience. The only difference was that he had some kind of
‘free will’ now. “I am not sure we can arrange those flowers for the weekend. Maybe if you
will do something for my honey I can speed it up a bit?” Flower seller winked while making
him a naughty proposal. It was really a hard choice. For start, he didn’t even want to think
about it but on the other hand, lana and MJ were clear. Finish all errands. Do not disobey.
Peter opened his mouth trying to refuse but almost immediately he found his legs shaking
and his insides on fire. Lana’s Magic was already working. he just thought of it and
punishment was swift. “No please not in front of him.” He whispered but it was already too
late. Spidey moaned in pleasure as orgasm stronger than before struck him right in the
middle of a flower shop. “Already wet girl?” He closed the shop and blinded the windows. “I
can’t wait to see what you have to offer sweetie..” Peter wanted to say something but he was
clearly unable to. He was exhausted from punishment orgasm but judging from the way the
seller throwed him across the desk and lifted his pencil skirt, Peter was about to receive
another one. Everything for the MJ wedding.

“Your flower order will be completed, bitch.. I’ll even throw the 5% discount.” Those
words were still inside Peter’s head as he was walking on the pavement. His anus hurt from
enduring continuous assault and prevented him from walking in straight line. Trying not to
think about what happened he was closing on the last errand. But everything was bottling up
inside of him. What was he doing? Making preparation for the MJ wedding. he should be the
one to prevent it not get discounts by any means necessary. And again. Slightest thought
about refusing to do Lana’s orders made peter moan. On the pavement in front of everybody.
His knees got weaker and he fell on the ground. ‘What a whore! You have no shame?” Some
elderly lady scalded Peter but he was already too deep in emotion to even hear it. That and
various other comments. Right after he regained his senses he said to himself. “I should like,
watch out… they are, like totally getting stronger!” Then he looked around. The small crowd



surrounding him, making comments, taking pictures, selfies. “No Please no. That’s my bad
profile!” He instinctively covered his face unaware of his words.

At the end of the day, Peter was exhausted. Numerous orgasms he had to
experience throughout the day and “favors” he had to do to get those errand MJ tasked him,
made him tired and sleeping. Just as Spidey entered MJ house he was greeted by both Mary
Jane and Lana. “How was your day slut? Menaged to make all those errands?” Red Headed
soon to be bride asked demanding a reply. “I...I did… “ Peter said with a cracking voice. He
could still feel what it cost him and he doubted he would ever forget that taste in his mouth.
“You have to, like totally listen to me. Those ppl were staring at me! Calling me names!” Lana
smiled seeing former superhero on her knees. “What did you expected? You are look like a
Bimbo, You speak like a Bimbo. You even act as one. And let me tell you a secret. Even your
moans are as slutty as they could be.” She looked at MJ and nodded. “Show her..” MJ picked
up her phone and opened a youtube video that was recorded today by pedestrians that
spotted Spidey moaning on pavement. They were both right. The way he was moaning was
nothing less than a porn star trying to make her best most sexual sound. And every time she
did that - top ahageo face were present. “It’s like you knew you were filmed and wanted
people to know you are a slut!” Mary Jane giggled. “And look at you. Just when I thought
being a bimbo was punishment you actually had fun time!” A tear started running on Spidey’s
cheek. It was a long adventure. Being a living statue of a cow girl, lap dancer now reduced to
slutty bimbo making chores for MJ wedding. And this wasn’t even his wedding! Everything
was Lana’s fault. If only he wouldn’t meet her in that fateful night in that alley, peter would still
be Spider Man, a hero! MJ will be getting married with him, not with some jock that was
groping her ass infront of Spidey. This shouldn’t be like this! All this time he was hoping for a
small tiny chance he could take revenge on two toned Witch that made him like this. As the
image of Lana being punched by him crossed his mind he realized what he has done. But it
was too late. A loud sexy moan filled the room, and Slutty Spidey had to cross his legs as
drops started falling for his womanhood. He was experiencing them all day but with each
one, his orgasms were getting stronger. As he fallen on the floor, his DD breasts acting like
huge pillows he couldn’t stop but to pleasure himself. He instantly regretted thinking of
betraying Lana and MJ but this orgasm was waay too good to pass, despite how humiliating
sight it was.

“Look, little Spidey can’t even hold it in her pants.” MJ laughed while taking photos of
Peter on her phone. “Smile Peter! With such a rich portfolio you could easly be a pornstar!”
As she laughed Peter felt humiliation and anger which only caused him to moan louder and
stronger. It seemed like an endless cycle. Girls were teasing him which only made him think
of some sort revenge, in return this made his orgasms stronger than before with each one. It
all seemed soon like flashing moments. Girls dragged him to heart-shaped bed filled with
numerous “adult toys”, He couldn’t stop pleasuring herself as MJ set up the camera. Soon it
was all over, and Spidey’s mind passed out thanks to the intense pleasure he recieved.

“Wake up Sunshine, or should I say? Sluty Bimbo?” voice of MJ woke up Peter. He

was tied to the chair unable to move both his arms or legs. “Oh no no no. You are not going
anywhere. I decided to give you a day off for a special movie.” Peter looked at his former
girlfriend and asked with his new girly voice. “MJ Please….What movie?” He asked but he
could only wonder. “Oh, The one I uploaded yesterday to PornHub ofcourse!” And She
pressed PLAY. What Peter witnessed was a recorded taping of his yesterday adventures in
heart shaped bed. Peter as Bimbo pleasuring herself with various sex toys never satisfied,
never finished, always asking for more. All the screaming she did all the actions now in the
internet for all perverts to see. “I was thinking I would leave you like this, you know? Set you
free, I wonder how many ppl would recognise you on street? It was quite a show I am
certainly convinced you would be able to give many more.” She gave Peter a malicious
smile, In response peter gave her… loud moan. Tied to chair he had feel how his tights were



going wet from orgasm he just experienced unable to even move a little. “What do you
mean? You have more planned? What humiliation? You done more than enough!” “I can’t
have you ruin my wedding Peter, and face it with this Bimboish look you are rocking now?
Backed up with this juicy sextape - that actualy went viral in the internet, just look yourself
over 1 million views already!” She scrolled and showed counter, the comment section was a
completely different case itself. “I am gonna change you again. One last time then after my
wedding, you will be free to do whatever you want. I won’t have use of you anymore.” As
Mary Jane said those words she started brushing Peter hair and cut some of it! “Safe to say
you will require a general makeover, let’s start with your hair. And please, I know you are so
slutty you want to fuck yourself with everything that at least resembles phallic object, but it
will only make it all last longer.” And so MJ started changing Peter hairstyle, cutting hair
giving them permanent dye color stylization, everything. Spidey couldn’t even see it as there
was no mirror there. With a sense of defeat, he had to endure it. If what MJ was talking
wasn’t a lie he will get the less slutty appeal and will be set free. In new form, true, but it was
better than being horny Bimbo.

After two hours of hairstyling, makeup, pedicure, manicure - all of which was
permanent according to MJ words - Red Head said she was done and it is time for part two.
As she made quick phone call, Lana appeared out of thin air. “Ohhh Girl! I love your new
style!” She commented MJ work and snapped her fingers releasing Peter from his ties. “Now
It is my turn.” Peter was able to stand up only to find himself unable to move once again. “I
was thinking maybe Latina?” Peter found his whole body tingling. yet again his body started
undergoing a transformation. Instead of being a prime example of a sex doll he was now
more slender yet still hourglassed with hips and ass being slightly bigger. It teamed up with
magical breast reduction as his Internet famous DD Cups were reduced to D cup at most.
Even his skin was different. It seemed as it changed it’s hue.. but why? As Parker was
wondering Lana made a mirror appear in front of him. Now he was able to see it all. He was,,
he was… Latina! They changed his gender into that of a Latina woman! he surely wasn’t as
‘sexy’ as his previous form but with still considerable big tits and ass, former superhero
looked decent with bordering of sexy. “It’s perfect. Now you won’t be able to outshine me at
my wedding!” MJ slapped Peter’s ass and continue. “Now finish it with giving her this look
pernamently.” “As you wish darling,” Lana replied and clapped her hand. “Now Peter you
must understand I locked this look on you. No spell, magic, voodoo would be able to change
you back or change your form in any way This cute brownish medium hairstyle MJ gave you
- for life. No hairdresser will be able to cut it. Makeup? You can try covering it but I guess you
are stuck with rosy red lips forever. Not to mention those golden rings on your ears is now
your favorite jewelry - whether you want it or not.” SHe laughed maliciously as Peter had t
understand. This was he now. A Latina girl for life. Only parts of his former life were his
brown hair color. “I did take an orgasmic spell from you. You won’t moan when you think of
making a revenge but you will unable to do so. Oh and one last thing!” Lana snapped her
fingers and Peter felt clouds covering his mind. He tried to concentrate but couldn’t!. “I made
some changes to your silly mind. Your IQ dropped few points. I mean you are a silly Bimbo,
not a rocket scientist anymore right? And I left a few surprise in there too.” She smiled and
nodded to MJ. “What is your name?” Mary Jane asked while poking Spidey. “My name? Like
why do you ask!? My name is Petra Parker!” Petra covered her mouth and said again: “It’s
Petra! Petra! No, wait My name isn’t Petra. It’’s Petra!” No matter how much she focused,
she was not able to say what her name used to be. “Silly insect. Your former life is gone.
Erased, you don’t have you tiny tick between your legs, no more clever plans or smart
inventions. It’s all past. You are now Petra a cute Latina Bimbo that’s gonna be a bridesmaid
on MJ wedding and nobody will ever know who you really was. As world know Peter Parker
vanished over 3 years ago never to be seen again!” Petra was shocked. She wanted to
scream or give some clever response but every time she focused her mind it was hard to
concentrate. It seemed IQ drop wasn’t a lie either. She now had to adjust to what she would
be from now on. Even in mind she was referring to herself as ‘she’ and ‘Petra’...



Wedding itself was a special day. Many people gathered and among the guest
several of them were superheroes - some invited by MJ as regular guests some standing in
distance just to pay respect in memory of Peter. Spider Man was nowhere to be found. He
vanished without a trace. They were looking for him everywhere to the point they even made
Doctor Strange use his powers to look for him in various timelines and parallel universes. Yet
all searching parties ended the same. Not a single trace. All those heroes and villains would
be surprised if they would discover that Peter was right in fornt of their eyes. Few steps from
the Altair where all eyes were watching how MJ put a ring on her new husband. Few steps to
the right was standing what looked to be a shy Latina girl, she almost blended with a crowd
by being outshined by incredibly looking in the wedding dress Mary Jane. Yet few who put
her eyes on her discovered girl itself was cute with shapes that could make her a sexy too!
Some who talked with her wondered why Petra was MJ’s friend at all. MJ was smart while
Petra seemed bit Bimboish in her mind? Yet thanks to her features they considered her
rather cutely sill than stupid. Throughout the ceremony she had her head bowed as if not
looking at her best friend getting married? If only any of them could read her mind they would
discover she was incredibly sad and humiliated. A former man put on display dressed in pink
bridesmaid dress where everyone could see her. Petra, in fact, was counting hours before
she will be free. Sadden by MJ wedding she wanted to cry yet was unable to by both Lana
and MJ rules. Forced to put on a smile and attend ceremony while being co-bridesmaid with
the person that caused all those misfits to her. Petra felt something of a personal shock when
MJ Finally said sacramental “Yes” and kissed her husband making it official. As the Wedding
Party rolled several men wanted to dance with bridesmaid not to mention some of them
drunk wanted to pick her up. Yet again due to Lana’s spell and MJ rule she had to allow it
and thus being kissed, spanked ‘accidentally’ not to mention Wolverine literally danced with
his hands groping her ass. She wanted to say NO, run away, scream but instead was forced
to put a smile on her face and continue the party. Lana teased her through the night. “See
how MJ is happy? That was only possible thanks to removing you from the picture” Two-
Toned women pokee one breast of Petra. Petra made a silent ‘yelp’, and smiled with a bit of
relief. As sad and humiliating it was, she was not a monstrous cowgirl or slutty Bimbo. When
MJ sets her free she will be able to live new - different than former but still almost normal -
life. As if Lana read Latina’s mind she replied. “Don’t get so full of yourself honey, MJ might
be done with you but when she will kick you through her front doors, I will be there to collect
you.” “What? You can’t be like serious! It’s so mean!” “Such a cutie. I wonder if MJ will want
to know what will happen to you, I haven't decided myself but I bet it’s gonna be funny and
sexy!” Lana took a final sip of her drink and as if nothing happened walked to the dance floor
and started hitting Captain America who actually didn’t mind it. Whether it was her charm or
yet another spell - Petra didn’t know yet the idea of her ‘adventure’ not being done yet, was
terrifying. Despite that information, Petra had to continue smiling a having a good time at the
wedding. Forced to take part in throwing a bouquet of flowers she even managed to catch
one, and blusin all over her cutely face whitstead everyone cheers. With the corner of her
eye, Petra found Lana smiling as if a new malicious idea regarding Spidey crossed her

Shortly in the morning just when last song of the wedding was played, Petra decided it was
her time to go. MJ already left to spend her honeymoon with a husband. Lana vanished
somewhere with Cap and didn’t resurface. Maybe if she just would sneak out of here, that
which would leave her alone? Petra was convinced she was a powerful sorcerer on her own
but the likes of Wanda or Strange would surely help Petra break that spell. Or at least they
would help convincing others giving her a chance for normal life again. Maybe not as hero
but as helper of some sort? Stepping carefully in her heels she was crossing the dancing
floor, trying not to make a sound that would wake up other guests sleeping in rooms nearby.
She opened doors that was leading outside - the last gate into open-world - Petra could feel
it. All those years she spent as a prisoner of Lana’s spell, not only as Bunny Girl, Cow Girl or
a Pornstar but as someone MJ rejected was near the end. The long sentence that was put
on Petra was over. Freedom smelled nice. Despite being dressed like a proper bridesmaid



she was convinced getting into Avengers tower would be rather simple. Even with her IQ
dropped to Bimbo level she could still remember the codes.

“Going somewhere sweetie?” petra instantly recognize that voice. “You thought you
could fool me by just sneaking out early? You think I am that stupid?” Lana asked Petra. She
was just standing there with her arms crossed, her dress was different than before. “It’s not
how.. um.. not what you think! Totally!” A vile attempt of lying didn’t even make Lana wonder.
“It looked like you were trying to run even if I said you can’t. Come on girl! It’s like you are
just asking for more punishment!” Lana laughed and started walking slowly toward already
scared Petra. “I bet you are asking yourself why, why is it you that has to endure such
humiliation….” “It is like, not fair!” “It sure is, let’s say I was paid well enough to give that
much interest to you. For example, remember Captain America? Paragon of America
values? Look at him now..” Lana raised her hand on it’s palm appeared a jar with something,
no someone inside. “Come closer take a look..Say Hi…….” Petra looked at the jar. Inside
was was something that looked like a fairy. SHe was few inches tall had long wavy blonde
hair, pink lips, huge and ass as big as Petra used to - of course, scaled to her body - fairy
wings and.. attire similar to Captain America costumes. She even had a necklace that looked
like his trademark shield! “What.. what have you done to him? I don’t understand!” Captain
started punching glass as if he recognizes another victim of Lana’s, perhaps she even told
him about it. Petra reached her hand to touch it but Lana made jar disappear along with
prisoner inside. “No! Let him go! Let me go you mean witch!” Petra sadden. Even Cap was
defeated by her? “If I were you I would be more concerned about your own fate now. What
should I do with you?..Maybe I should make you a cow? Not like before, no no, a milking cow
with udders? You would spend your life at some farm mooing as they would milk you or use
you as a breeding machine? Is that something you would like?” As Lana said those words a
set of udders appeared on Petra ripping her dress, they immediately sagged and started
spilling milk. “Moo? Moooooooo!” Petra screamed as she grabbed them to prevent milk from
spilling. her feets turned into hoves and a familiar set of horns appeared on her head. Just as
she was trying to imagine being a cow it all vanished. “Nah, can’t make you a cow. That
wouldn’t be so fun.” Lana suddenly changed her mind. “Maybe you need a complete
redesign? Black hair tied in a bun? mold on the cheek a pretty spotless Maid dress, full
obedience protocols, and a french accent?” Petra’s ripped dress changed into that of a maid,
as her mind was filled with an urge to serve she bowed her head not fully sure what she was
doing. “Any wishes Mademoiselle Lana?” She asked as a dust feather appeared in her hand.
Lana smiled, Spider Man certainly never looked better before. “To cliche I am afraid. Besides
serving happily? That’s bordering on a happy ending and we know you can’t have that.” She
flicked her fingers and her new Maid was reverted back into Peter, well he was still a woman
but at least his breasts and ass weren't exaggerated. Not to mention he wasn’t a stupid
bimbo anymore. “I am free, Oh god thank you!” Peter started cheering. It was long ago when
he had this degree of freedom. “Not god, Goddess, and you are not free.” As if to prove her
words Peter’s breasts started growing to DD cup again. “You are my pretty doll, and I can
play with you however I want, understand? If I say you gonna be a catgirl you will reply with
‘meow’, If I desire you to be my whore you ask how much per hour. I may even make you a
hot girl with a tiny dick. Would you like to be a shemale Spidey? I heard they are pretty
popular in Thailand.” Peter lowered his head staring at his breasts. He couldn’t look at Lana
that woman took everything from him and clearly wasn’t finished yet. “But with all that said, I
can’t just run a daycare. So I decided to fix your problem permanently.” Peter’s eyes
widened. ‘What do you mean. You have done more than enough,. Just let me go..” Tears
started falling on his ample bosom. “Lana raised his chin and said. “Do you want to be with
MJ again? I can do that for you, just say it..” Without even thinking Peter screamed. “Yes
Please do that!” He didn’t know how much he fallen into her trap.

“Then let the fun begin.” Lana snapped her fingers and Peter felt horny all of the
sudden. The urge of fingering himself to ease this urge. His nipples were stiff to the point
they were poking through shirt, He touched one with his finger and moaned immediately. It



was so sensitive! As he grabbed his ass to fondle it he noticed his hips were growing. “What
are you doing to me again! You said you would turn me back into a man!” Lana laughed. “No.
I said you would be with MJ again. I never said anything about making you a man! Beside
you never was a man to begin with. With such tiny cock?” Just as Peter looked like a bimbo
again expansion stopped. He found that was unable to move! With his arms and legs
standing beside his body! “Great. We are done with your form. Now we need to shrink you!”
She clapped her hands few times and Peter from tall bimbo shrinked into smaller version of
himself. He was even smaller than Captain America! Just when he was around 2 inches tall it
all stopped. “Let me explain sweetie. You are gonna be my final gift for MJ. A wedding gift of
some sort. A golden necklace that she will magically wear all the time!” Peter wasn’t thinking
this would be possible! “You will be unable to move, or talk but you will feel everything, See
everything. Experience her every touch, the very feeling when your surface will brush
between her breast, all of this will make you horny. ut you won’t be able to be satisfied,
always on verge. And the best part? MJ won’t even know it is you! For her this will be a
magical pendant her best friend gifted her for wedding!” Just as Peter body started covering
with Gold coat but before it reached his face Lana asked. “Any last words? Some thoughts?
Anything?” Peter looked at her with his cute womanly eyes. “Please let me go, I will do
everything for you….” Lana for the first time smiled with kindness and replied. “I know you
would, I know.” Before Peter was able to tell another sentence his face was covered in Gold
making him unable to speak. He could see but not move, feel but not talk.

Lana packed him into perfect gift box and after 2 weeks of solitude Peter saw MJ
unwrapping her gift. “Look honey, this one if from Lana!” Peter tried to scream it was him but
the scream only happened in his face. As Red Headed woman pick him up touching his
naked golden body he felt pleasure mixed with extreme hronyness. It didn’t stopped. No. Just
as MJ put necklace on he found himself between her breasts. “How does it look on me?”
Mary Jane asked while looking into a mirror squeezing Peter between her boobs. “You look
perfect Babe!” Her husband replied and before soon they both started having sex. MJ didn’t
even took necklace off and peter was forced to witness his former girlfriend being fucked by
a newlywed husband. It was horrifying. He was waiting for it to stop but he couldn’t explain
how much horny he was by seeing it. Peter hoped MJ would just took necklace off but no
such thing happened. Days turned into week, weeks turned into month and MJ was simply
wearing him 24/7 all the time being on her neck between her breasts horny all the time but
unable to climax herself. Lana was right. This was his fate. Forever again with MJ, yet she
was not aware of his existence. After a year of his punishment Lana told MJ a secret -
necklace had a potential of changing men into woman much to its wearers desire. Two
Toned Sorceress told her that this Magic had only one condition. “It can only be used on

Later that evening MJ was preparing for her sleep. Peter as usual was there as silent
witness. It wasn’t much different than any other night. That was before Mj said something
that made Peter realise he will soon because of his friends misfortune. “So little magic
pendant, who should I change first?”



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