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MARCH 2024


Ministry of Health Design & Consultancy Services for Bahla General Hospital












Directorate General of Projects & Engineering Affairs

Ministry of Health Design & Consultancy Services for Bahla General Hospital


Directorate General of Projects & Engineering Affairs

Ministry of Health Design & Consultancy Services for Bahla General Hospital





1. Invitation to Tender 2

2. Instructions to Tenderers 3

3. Annexures

3.1 Annexure A – Form of Tender 24

3.2 Annexure B – Form of Agreement 26

3.3 Annexure C – Appendices to Form of Agreement 28

3.4 Annexure D – Form of Tender Bond – NOT APPLICABLE 34

3.4 Annexure E – Form of Advance Payment Bond 35

3.5 Annexure F – Conditions of Contract 36

3.6 Annexure G – Particulars of Tenderer 37

3.7 Annexure H – Statement of Ownership of the Company 38
3.8 Annexure J – Statement of Tenderer’s Experience 39
3.9 Annexure K – Declaration of Principal Sub-Consultants 40

3.10 Annexure L – Tenderer’s Proposed Project Organisation 41

3.11 Annexure M – Tenderer’s Proposed Design & Supervision Programme 42

3.12 Annexure N – Commitment 43

3.13 Annexure P – Bid Commitment Declaration 44

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Ministry of Health Design & Consultancy Services for Bahla General Hospital




Tenders are invited from local agents, well established competent Consultants specialized and
experienced in Health Care Design to bid for the above project in accordance with the terms of
the attached documents and the condition of purchase.

Tenderers should upload the Tender and all supporting documents to the e-tendering website
page with compressed zip folder under Tender No. and project title as follows:




The Tender shall consist of sub-folders in PDF format for the Technical Proposal and Financial
Proposal respectively. All sub-folders shall be included in the abovementioned compressed zip
folder and uploaded to the e-tender uploading page as per instructions given, before the Tender
submission date and time specified in the Tender Notice. Tenderers are advised to do uploading of
the Tenders as early as possible to avoid delays in e-traffic prior to the specified date and time of
Tender submission deadline.

Should any error occur or any problem related to uploading in the e-tender website, please contact
ITA e-tendering help desk contact number 0096824402200 for technical support.

Tenderers are required to complete Form No. 14 – Bid Commitment Declaration in lieu of a
Tender Bond as per Tender Board Circular No. 1/2023.

The Ministry of Health is not bound to accept the lowest Tender and reserves the right to reject any
or all Tenders without assigning any reason.

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Clause PAGE

A Tender Documents 5

B Documents Confidential 5

C Addenda (Amendments) and Circulars (Responses to Queries) 5

D Tender Documents to be Completed 6

E Preparation of Tender 6

F Submission of Tender 7

G Client Tender Requirement 7

H Costs of Tendering 8

J Opening of Tenders 8

K Documents Accompanying the Tender 8

L Tender Bond – NOT APPLICABLE 11

M Validity of Tender 11

N No Alterations to the Tender Document 11

P Acceptance or Rejection of Tenderer’s Tender 11

Q Post Tender Clarifications 12

R Correction of Errors 12

S Award of Contract 13

T Language 13

U Site Visit 13

V Professional Indemnity Policy 14

W Modification and Withdrawal of Tender 14

X Currency of Contract 14

Y Alternative Tenders 14

Z Governing Laws 15

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Clause PAGE
Z.1 Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) 15
AA Materials for the Works 15

BB Payment Conditions 16

CC Tender Evaluation 17

DD Sub-Consultants and Local Employment 23

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A. Tender Documents

The Tender Documents shall be deemed to mean all Documents contained within, attached
to or enclosed with the letters of Invitation to Tender.

The Tender Document issued is comprised of the following:

a) Part I – Prime Document

b) Part II – Scope of Services & Requirements
c) Part III – Preliminary Cost Estimate & Fee Proposal
d) Part IV – Mulkiyah and Kuruky

The Tenderer shall ensure that all pages of the Tender Documents are complete. In the
event that some parts or pages of the Tender Documents are missing, the Tenderer should
notify the Ministry of Health in writing immediately through the e-tendering website.

The Tenderer shall examine and read the Tender Documents, including all instructions,
forms, contract terms and specifications and satisfy himself as to the risks, obligations and
responsibilities to be undertaken in the Contract. The Tenderer shall acquaint himself with
the Standard Conditions of Engagement for Consultancy Services, the laws of the Sultanate
of Oman, the site of work, and the Scope of Works specified in the Tender Documents.
Failure to furnish all information required by the Tender Documents or submission of a
Tender not substantially responsive to the Tender Documents in every respect, will be at the
Tender's risk and may result in the rejection of his Tender.

The Tender Documents shall be submitted to the Client through the e-tendering website on
or before the tender submission date in the same form as issued and not rearranged in any
way except as instructed herein. All requested documents should be submitted with the
Tender. All issued Addenda (Amendments) and Circulars (Responses to Queries) should be
recorded in the Form of Tender.

B. Documents Confidential

All documents and drawings issued and information given to the Tenderer shall be treated
as strictly private and confidential, whether or not the recipient submits a Tender.

During the Tender Period, the Tenderer shall not communicate with any one related to or
deemed to be related to the preparation of the Tender unless expressly so directed by the
Ministry of Health or where such communication shall constitute any enquiry as set down in
Clause C (Addenda (Amendments) and Circulars (Responses to Queries)) of these

C. Addenda (Amendments) and Circulars (Responses to Queries)

Addenda (Amendments) and Circulars (Responses to Queries) may be issued through the
e-tendering website prior to the date of submission of Tenders for the purpose of amending
or clarifying the Tender Documents. Amendments to the Tender Documents subsequent to
their issue by the Client shall only be effected by Addenda (Amendments).

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Addenda (Amendments) include amendments to the Tender Documents while Circulars

(Responses to Queries) include Employer/Client responses to the queries, in the form of a
‘Question and Answer’, sent by the Tenderers through the e-tendering website during the
Tender period.

Addenda (Amendments) and Circulars (Responses to Queries) issued through the e-

tendering website to all Tenderers by the Client shall form part of the Contract and the
Tenderer shall take into consideration the contents of such Addenda (Amendments) and
Circulars (Responses to Queries) in his Tender.

D. Tender Documents to be Completed

The Tenderers shall complete the Form of Tender and the Fee Proposal together with the
various forms (e.g. Particulars of the Tender, etc. in the Prime Document), in the format
given in the e-tendering website, but not in the Form of Agreement and its Appendices and
the Standard Forms of Bond, and shall sign, date and stamp all pages of the Tender
Documents with the company official stamp. The Tender must be signed by a duly
appointed principal fully authorized to represent and bind the Tenderer. These forms shall
be uploaded in PDF format as part of the Tender. Any incomplete or improper Tender may
result in the rejection of the Tender.

All items in the Fee Proposal and details / breakdown have to be quoted in Rials Omani
only. The filling in and completion of the Fee Proposal shall be done through the e-
tendering website.

E. Preparation of Tender

The rates and prices set down against the items in the Fee Proposal shall be fixed for the
entire duration of the Contract, and shall be for the full inclusive value of the item / services
described, and shall include for profit, taxes, all obligations and liabilities of every kind
arising under the Contract.

The Tenderer shall include the 5% Value Added Tax (VAT) in their online Fee Proposal
prices and upload the document showing the unit cost and VAT separately for each item.

If the Tenderer did not mention the VAT in their submission, the unit price will be considered
as VAT inclusive.

Before submitting the Tender, the Tenderer shall read the Tender Documents carefully and
satisfy himself of the tasks, risks, obligations, liabilities and responsibilities to be undertaken
in the Contract. The Tenderer shall acquaint himself with the Conditions of Engagement for
Consultancy Services, the laws of the Sultanate of Oman, the site of Work, and scope
specified in the Tender Documents.

Neither the Ministry of Health nor any of its employees, nor any agents or servants of the
Client, has any authority to make representation or explanation as to the meaning of the
Tender Documents or as to any other matter or thing concerning the Contract, so as to bind
the Client in the exercise of his powers and duties under the Contract except in so far as the
Ministry of Health may issue a Circular (Response to Queries) or Addendum (Amendment)
amending or explaining the Tender Documents.

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The Tenderer shall submit the Preliminary Estimate and complete the Fee Proposal by
inserting rates / prices electronically through the e-tendering website. All items in the Fee
Proposal shall be fully priced in Oman currency up to three decimal places. Each item where
no price is entered must be marked “INCLUDED” in the remarks column and shall be
deemed covered by other rates in the Fee Proposal.

F. Submission of Tender

The Tenderer must submit Tender for the complete scope of services for this Contract, and
not part of it, as mentioned in the Invitation to Tender.

The Tenderer must upload the Technical & Design Proposal and the Financial Proposal in
separate sub-folders and should be included in one compressed zip folder. The Technical
Proposal sub-folder shall contain all the required documents requested in the Tender
Documents excluding any submission of a financial nature.

All submissions of financial nature shall comprise the Tenderer’s Financial Proposal sub-

The Tenderer shall complete Form No. 14 – Bid Commitment Declaration in lieu of a
Tender Bond as per Tender Board Circular No. 1/2023, as mentioned in the Invitation to

The Ministry of Health may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for submission of Tenders
by amending the Tender Documents through the e-tendering website. In such case all
rights and obligations of the Ministry of Health and the Tenderer previously subject to the
deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.

Any Tender received by the Ministry of Health after the deadline for submission of tenders
prescribed by the Tender Documents will be rejected whatever caused the delay.

G. Client Tender Requirement

The Client reserves the right to alter the number of personnel to supervise the works.

The Consulting Engineer is required to include the following in the Tender Documents for
the proposed project:

a. The Prime Document must include Instructions to Tenderers, Conditions of Contract and
Standard Forms, etc.

b. The Specifications Volume must include only Specification for Materials, Equipment and
Workmanship relevant to the proposed project.

c. The Bill of Quantities must be prepared based on the Principles of Measurements

(International) for Works of Construction (POM (I)) for building projects and based on
Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurements (CESMM) for Civil Engineering

d. The Bill of Quantities must include columns for Item No., Description, Quantity, Unit, Unit
Rate, VAT and Amount in all pages of the Bill of Quantities for the standard format. The
Unit Rate column must be divided into unit rate in words and unit rate in figures.

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e. In addition to the standard format Bill of Quantities, a separate E-Tendering format must
also be prepared by the Consulting Engineer as advised by the Client.

f. The Tender Drawings must be prepared in Standard A1 size paper with scale not less
than 1:100 for floor plans, elevations and sections, and with scale not less than 1:20 for
all required details drawings.

The Consulting Engineer shall provide weekly progress report for the entire period of

H. Costs of Tendering

The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with preparation and submission of his Tender,
in visiting the Site and obtaining information necessary for preparing and submitting his
Tender. The Ministry of Health in no case be responsible or liable for those costs,
regardless of the outcome of the tendering process

J. Opening of Tenders

Tenders will be opened at the time and date specified in the Invitation to Tender through the
e-tendering website. Any Tender received after the time and date fixed for submission of
Tender will be rejected whatever caused the delay.

All Tenders will be opened via a "Single Bid Envelope Tender Opening System" and shall be
evaluated as specified in Clause CC (Tender Evaluation).

K. Documents Accompanying the Tender

In addition to the Tender Documents issued for Tendering purposes, it is mandatory for the
Tenderer to provide and properly attach in his submission the following additional technical

a. Cover letter for Tender Proposal along with the Main Consultant and Sub-Consultants’
company profiles.

b. Architectural Design Concept – Bird’s Eye View perspective drawings, elevations and
indicative floor plans showing functional blocks.

c. Massing Diagram showing functional relationship of different hospital units,

axonometric blocking diagram, sun path and green spaces.

d. Site Master Plan reflecting proper zoning & planning; staff & goods flow management
including receiving & dispatch; and future expansion.

e. Initial Design Concept, Master Plan and Site Utilization Analysis narrative report
stating the conceptual strategies, design principles, building placement, vehicular
access, future expansion and overall sustainability and life cycle design.

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f. Statement of Tenderer’s Experience – A list of all major works and services which the
Tenderer and Sub-Consultant(s) have completed within the past ten (10) years and of
all works / services which are presently under execution, giving the name of the Client,
location, role in the project, type of project, value, size, duration and date of
completion. Tenderer to provide separate lists for completed and on-going projects of
Main Tenderer and any Sub-Consultant(s) (if any). Tenderer to initially list down the
best five (5) relevant completed healthcare projects, giving all particulars as stated in
the attached form, followed by all other projects.

g. A list of references of Organizations, for which Consultancy Services as offered in the

Tender, have been, carried out.

h. Composition of Tenderers organization covering details of company address and

registration and head office address.

i. An Organization chart showing company's corporate management, key design

personnel, site management and proposed sub-consultants. Showing the role of each
company for any joint venture (JV). Chart should include the name of staff and role in
the project for all key design and supervision staff.

j. A comprehensive detailed list of personnel with their qualifications and experiences

and duration of their services for design and supervision, which might help in better
understanding of the services purpose. Tenderer to indicate proposed key staff as per
tender requirements.

k. Detailed curriculum vitae for the key technical staff (design and supervision) proposed
and level of their commitment to be employed in the Works. CV to be submitted should
match the detailed list of key personnel.

l. Detailed curriculum vitae for other proposed technical staff (design and supervision).

m. A detailed consultation plan from conception to completion of the Works covering the
project requirements as per scope of services, identifying the procedures to be done
and organized per phase. Consultation plan should include both design management
and supervision procedures.

n. Detailed monthly programme and time schedule demonstrating the design phases and
construction supervision.

o. A list of the proposed Design Team including the specialist design agencies
(international or local agencies) reflecting the design agency and staff. Consultant to
mention local Omani design agencies involved.

p. Company profile and staff CV for Architectural Design Team/Agency.

q. Company profile and staff CV for Medical Planning Design Team/Agency.

r. Company profile and staff CV for Medical Equipment Design Team/Agency.

s. Company profile and staff CV for MEP and HVAC Design Team/Agency.

t. Company profile and staff CV for PMG Design Team/Agency.

u. Company profile and staff CV for Fire and Life Safety Design Team/Agency.

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v. A list of proposed International and Local Sub-Consultants. Tenderer to indicate

proposed Omani companies for the services.

w. Health, Safety and Environmental programme management and supervision

procedures. HSE procedures must be healthcare specific.

x. Quality Assurance and Quality Control procedures for supervision of the Works.

y. Details of the Tenderer’s audited financial statements over the last three (3) years,
including the names and addresses of their banks, together with authority to approach
each bank for relevant information and comment.

z. Statement indicating the roles for Main Consultant and Specialist Sub-Consultant(s)
along with any JV Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for any joint
venture with international or local agencies.

aa. A copy of valid Tender Board registration certificate and computer printout document
issued by Ministry of Commerce and Industry containing the names of the owner(s) of
the Company with specimen signature. International Companies which are not
registered in the Sultanate of Oman may participate in International Tenders provided
that they shall register in accordance with rules in the Sultanate within Thirty (30)
working days from the date on which they are notified of the success of their Tenders.

bb. A statement of ownership giving name(s) of shareholders, partners or sole proprietor.

cc. A statement giving the name(s) of the person(s) authorized to sign Agreement on
behalf of company, including his (their) specimen signature(s). International companies
shall provide the copy of the Constitution of the Company, Power of Attorney and other
relevant legal deeds notarially authenticated by Oman Embassy in the Tenderer’s

dd. The name of the Person or Company, if any, who is the agent of the Consulting
Engineer in the Sultanate of Oman together with the certificate evidencing the Agency.

ee. The Certificate of membership with the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

ff. Full and valid registration document issued by Ministry of Commerce and Industry and
Ministry of Health in the specified category and grade for Omani Joint Venture
company and Sub-Consultant, if any.

gg. Full and valid tax certificates (Tax Card and VAT Registration Certificate).

hh. A statement confirming that the Tenderer shall sub-contract a minimum percentage of
not less than ten percent (10%) Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in this Project.

ii. Confirmation for employing Omani staff as part of supervision team.

jj. A statement that the Tenderer has visited the site and that he has no queries on any
matter concerning the Contract.

kk. A statement of unresolved doubts regarding the meaning of anything contained within
the Tender Document and the interpretation relied upon by the Tenderer.

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ll. A copy of each Circular / Addendum to Tenders, if any. Issued by the Ministry of
Health, appropriately endorsed by the Tenderer.

mm. Commitment Form as per Clause No. 6 of Tender Board Law for the Protection of
Public Funds and Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest.

nn. Bid Commitment Declaration Form.


M. Validity of Tender

The Tender shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the date fixed for
submission of Tenders. The Ministry of Health reserves the right to ask the Tenderer for
extension of the validity of his Tender without any change in the price of the Tender. The
Tenderer may refuse to extend the validity of his Tender.

The Ministry of Health shall not entertain any variation due to any currency fluctuation for the
submitted Tender during its validity period.

The correctness or otherwise of the items in the Fee Proposal shall in no way affect the
validity of the Tender.

N. No Alterations to the Tender Document

No alteration in the text of the Tender Documents shall be made except for the filling in the
blanks intended to be filled-in. Failure to fully comply with this instruction will result in the
rejection of the Tender.

Any alteration to a rate or amount made by the Tenderer to correct clerical errors or
illegibility entered by him in the Fee Proposal during the preparation of the Tender must be
initialed by the person authorized to sign the Tender prior to the submission of Tender.

The Tenderer is not allowed to delete, modify or amend any of the terms or conditions of the
Tender Documents. If he desires to state any condition or reservations, he should
enumerate them in a letter appended to his Tender, and refer to this letter in the Tender

The Tenderer shall update the financial information used for pre-qualification at the time of
submitting their Tenders, confirm their continued compliance with the qualification criteria
and provide verification of the information provided.

P. Acceptance or Rejection of Tenderer’s Tender

The Ministry of Health is not bound to accept the lowest Tender and reserves the right to
accept or reject any Tender, to cancel the tendering process and to reject all the Tenders at
any time prior to award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected
Tenderers or any obligation to inform the affected Tenderers of the grounds for the Ministry
of Health’s action.

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The Ministry of Health also reserves the right to reject any tender submitted without
additional copies of these instructions, including all the additional documents listed in
Clause K (Documents Accompanying the Tender) of the Instructions to Tenderers.

The Tenderer shall be required to provide a detailed breakdown of the rates or prices
entered by him in various items of the Fee Proposal when requested in writing by the
Ministry of Health during Tender Evaluation.

While the Client may invite the Tenderer to discuss and / or clarify the Tender, no such
invitation or discussion shall in any way be construed as a commitment on the part of the
Client to award a Contract.

Q. Post Tender Clarifications

To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of tenders, the Ministry of Health
may ask Tenderers individually for clarifications of their Tenders including breakdown of unit
rates. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing, but no change in the
price or substance of the Tender shall be sought, offered or permitted, except as required to
confirm the correction of arithmetical errors discovered by the Ministry of Health during the
evaluation of the tenders.

Post Tender Clarifications do not constitute intent to award or award of the Contract.
However, in the event that the Tender is accepted Post Tender Clarifications and their
related answers will form part of any subsequent Contract as part of the applicable Contract
Documents stated herein.

Any effort by the Tenderer to influence the Client in the process of examination, clarification,
evaluation and comparison of Tenders or award decision including the offering or giving of
bribes, gifts, or other inducement, will result in the invalidation of its Tender. The Tenderer
must comply with the provisions of Royal Decree No. 112/2011.

R. Correction of Errors

The Fee Proposal will be examined prior to the signing of the Agreement to ascertain that
items are extended correctly at the rates quoted. Should any arithmetical error be found, it
will be corrected and the Tender value will be amended accordingly. The Tenderer will be
informed of any arithmetical adjustment made should the Ministry of Health wish to further
consider his Tender. Arithmetical errors will be corrected as follows:

a. Where there’s a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will

b. Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the total price that is obtained by
multiplying the unit rate and quantity, the rate shall prevail and the total price shall be
corrected, unless in the opinion of the Ministry of Health there is an obvious
misplacement of decimal point in the unit rate, in which case the total price as quoted will
govern and the unit price will be corrected.

The amount stated in the Tender will be adjusted by the Ministry of Health in accordance
with the above procedure for the correction of errors and, with the concurrence of the
Tenderer, shall be considered as binding upon the Tenderer. If the Tenderer having been
notified that his Tender has been successful, does not accept the corrected amount, the
Tender will be rejected.
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S. Award of Contract

A draft Contract Document based on the Tender Documents, Letter of Acceptance, and the
Tenderer's offer prepared by the Ministry of Health or its authorized representative shall be
given to the successful Tenderer for his study and comments, if any. Authorized signatories
of the Ministry of Health and the successful Tender will sign the final Contract Document.

The successful Tenderer will be required to enter into and execute a Consultancy
Agreement. The Sultanate of Oman’s Standard Form of Agreement and Conditions of
Engagement for Consultancy Services for Building and Civil Engineering Works, First
Edition March 1987 shall be applicable to the Contract.

The Contract signature shall take place within twenty (20) days of issue of Letter of
Acceptance and before the validity of the Tender expires. In case the validity of the Tender
expires, it shall be extended by the successful Tenderer at the request of the Ministry of

Should the successful Tenderer fail or refuse to enter into Contract negotiation with the
Ministry of Health within fifteen (15) days of the issue of Letter of Acceptance to this effect
by the Client, the Tenderer shall be considered to have abandoned the proposal.

The Consulting Engineer shall be required to furnish a Professional Indemnity Insurance for
ten percent (10%) of the Budget Sum as defined in Clause 21.5 of the Standard Form of
Agreement and Conditions of Engagement within ten (10) working days of the issue of
Letter of Acceptance.

Failure to furnish the Professional Indemnity Insurance and to sign the Contract by the
successful Tender within the stipulated period may lead to the annulment of the Contract.

The Ministry of Health reserves the right to award the Contract for the entire Works to one
Tenderer or divide the Works between different Tenderers.

T. Language

All correspondences with the Client shall be in the English Language. Original documents or
copies submitted by Tenderers, which are not in Arabic or English, should be accompanied
by English translation.

U. Site Visit

The Tenderer must visit the site and obtain for himself, at his own expense, all information
that may be necessary for preparing a tender. He must carefully examine the Tender
Documents and satisfy himself as to the form and nature of the entire scope in which the
Services will be carried out, the design constraints and in general all other matters which
may affect his Tender, tasks, obligations and responsibilities to be undertaken in the

Any neglect or failure on the part of a Tenderer to obtain reliable information at site or
elsewhere or an any other matters affecting the execution and completion of the Services of
this Contract shall not be considered as a reason for extension of time, nor shall it relieve
him from any risks or liabilities or from the responsibility of executing the Contract and
completing the Services.

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Persons, firms or companies proposing to tender and any of their servants or agents will be
granted permission by the Client to enter upon his premises and lands for the purpose of
inspection in connection with the proposed tender, but only on condition that such persons,
firms or companies will release and indemnify the Client and his servants and agents, from
and against all liabilities in respect of, and will be responsible for, personal injury (whether
fatal or otherwise), loss of or damage to property and any other loss, damage, costs and
expenses however cause (whether by the act or neglect of the Client or his servants or
agents or not), which, but for the exercise of such permission would have not arisen.

V. Professional Indemnity Policy

The successful Tenderer will be required to provide a Professional Indemnity Policy, not less
than (10%) of the Budget Sum, drawn with an Insurance Company registered in the
Sultanate of Oman evidencing that there is sufficient cover for the possible non-performance
of the Consulting Engineer’s Services as contained in this Agreement, and as required by
Clauses 21.0 and 22.0 of these Standard Conditions.

W. Modification and Withdrawal of Tender

The Tenderer may modify or withdraw his Tender after the Tender Submission, provided
that written notice of the modification or withdrawal is received by the Ministry of Health prior
to the deadline prescribed for submission of Tenders.

The Tenderer’s modification or notice of withdrawal shall be prepared and dispatched in

accordance with the provisions of Clause F (Submission of Tender) of these Instructions. A
withdrawal notice may also be sent through the e-tendering website but followed by a signed
confirmation copy, post marked not later than the deadline for submission of Tenders. No
Tender may be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of Tenders.

No Tender may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of Tenders
and the period of Tender Validity specified in the Tender Documents. No Tender may be
modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of Tenders.

X. Currency of Contract

The currency of the Contract will be Rial Omani. In the case of a Tender submitted by an
individual or companies abroad, it is permitted to write the prices in foreign currency
provided the equivalent Omani Currency must be mentioned. Tender in foreign currency
without the equivalent Omani currency will be rejected.

Y. Alternative Tenders

The Tender shall be submitted solely on the basis of the Tender Documents issued to the
Tenderers and must be free of any qualification.

Should a Tenderer wish to submit for consideration of the Ministry of Health an alternative
offer or other variation for part or the whole of the Services, the Tenderer may submit an
Alternative Tender subject to a valid Tender being presented in accordance with Clause F
(Submission of Tender) of these Instructions; such Tender must be additional to and
completely separate from the unqualified Tender.

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The Tenderer submitting an Alternative Tender shall provide all information necessary for a
complete evaluation including relevant details which give effect to the alternative.

The Tenderer shall complete a new Form of Tender and Appendix to the Form of Tender
clearly marked as applying to the Alternative Tender.

The Ministry of Health at its own discretion will decide whether the Alternative Tender will be
considered and evaluated or rejected.

A written statement of the Tenderer shall accompany any Alternative Tender that he shall,
before entering into a Contract for such an alternative, provide the Ministry of Health with
indemnity insurance for the total Contract Value to cover his responsibility for the design for
a period of 10 years after the maintenance period.

Z. Governing Laws

The Tenderer shall conform to the laws of the Sultanate of Oman. The laws in the Sultanate
of Oman now in force or which may be made from time to time during the period of the
Contract shall be the governing laws.

In order to achieve In Country Value (ICV) requirements that can benefit business
development, contribute to human capability development and stimulate productivity in the
Omani economy, it is necessary to consider the following while submitting the Tenders.

Z.1 Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

The successful Tenderer shall strictly adhere to the Rules for allocating at least ten percent
(10%) of the contract to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). SMEs shall be a firm fully
owned by an Omani national who has fully dedicated to manage it and registered with The
General Secretariat of the Tender Board as SME. The successful Tenderer shall give priority
to the SMEs around the project location.

The Tenderer shall submit a confirmation to sub-contract a minimum percentage of not less
than ten percent (10%) to Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the project. If the percentage
proposed is higher, then the Tenderer shall state the proposed percentage.

The successful Tenderer must float the stated percentage for SMEs through ESNAD

AA. Materials for the Works

The Tenderer shall be required to give priority to local products and materials in designing
the Works up to a price difference of not more than ten percent (10%) over similar imported
products and materials provided such products and materials conform to the requirements
of the Contract Specifications.

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BB. Payment Conditions

The payment shall be in accordance with Clause 9 of the Standard Conditions of

Engagement and shall be as follows:

1.) Payment for Design Services

 10% on the issue of the Letter of Commencement as stated in Clause 6.0 (a) subject
to the provision of an acceptable Advance Payment Bond to be issued by a locally
registered bank,

 10% on the approval by the client of the Preliminary Design and Preliminary Design
Cost Estimate,

 30% on the submission to the Client of the Detailed Design and the Detailed Design
Cost Estimate,

 20% on the approval of the Client of the Detailed Design and the Detailed Design
Cost Estimate,

 10% on the approval of the Client of the Detailed Tender Documents and the Tender
Cost Estimate,

 15% either on the ratification of the Contract for the works or 6 months from the
approval of the Tender Documents whichever is the earliest

 5% on the issue of the Certificate of Completion or, failing ratification of the Contract
for the works, 12 months from the approval of the Tender Documents.

Notwithstanding the above, when the fees for Design Services have been calculated on
a percentage basis in accordance with Clause 7.1 (a) of the Standard Conditions then
they shall be subject to a re-adjustment if the Accepted Tender Sum is less than the
Budget Sum.

In such an instance the Client shall write to the Consulting Engineer informing him of the
amount of the fees paid in excess and the Consulting Engineer shall upon receipt of
such notice promptly repay to the Client such excess fees.

2.) Payment for Supervision Services

95% in equal installments, at monthly intervals over the period of construction of the
works as stated in the Contract Form of Tender or as subsequently modified during the
execution of the works. The first payment is to be made one month after the date of the
commencement of the works.

5% on the issue of Maintenance Certificate and the agreement of the Final Account with
the Contractor whichever is later.

3.) Payment for Modified Design and Supervision Services

The same mode of payment as defined in Clauses 9.1 and 9.2 of the Standard
Conditions shall be applicable for additional design and supervision services. With
regard to modified services, the Client will make no additional advance payment.

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CC. Tender Evaluation

Ministry of Health will examine the Tenders to determine whether they are complete, any
arithmetical errors have been made, the documents have been properly signed and
stamped, and the Tenders are generally in order.

A specialized committee from the Ministry of Health will conduct the evaluation of Tenders,
as follows:

 The first part will be the evaluation of the Tenderers’ Technical and Design Proposals.
The committee will rank accordingly those tenders, which are technically qualified. The
evaluation criteria for the Technical Proposal is inserted in the next page.

 The Tenderer should pass and exceed 70 points in order to be considered Technically

 Only those tenders, which are Technically Qualified will be considered part of the final
recommendation upon assessment of financial offers.

 The second part of the evaluation will be based on the Tenderers’ Financial Proposals.
Likewise, the Tenderers’ Financial Proposal would be ranked independently / separately
from the Technical rankings.

 The overall ranking will be based on sum of percentages of the technical (70%) and
financial (30%) evaluation raw scores of the Tenderers as shown on the table below, but
only Technically Qualified Tenderers who have reached 70 RTS marks are to be
considered for award recommendation:

(Max 100) (Max 100) RTS) of RFS) SCORE WEIGHTAGE
Tenderer 1 As per technical 100 for lowest (70% x RTS T1) (30% x RFS TS + FS (T1) 1
(T1) evaluation price / 100 T1) / 100
Tenderer 2 As per technical (T1 price / T2 (70% x RTS T2) (30% x RFS TS + FS (T2) 2
(T2) evaluation price) x 100 / 100 T2) / 100
Tenderer 3 As per technical (T1 price / T3 (70% x RTS T3) (30% x RFS TS + FS (T3) 3
(T3) evaluation price) x 100 / 100 T3) / 100

 The Contract will be awarded to the best Technically Qualified Tenderer whose Tender
has a reasonable price (not necessarily the lowest) based on the above final weightage
scoring matrix, who is substantially responsive to the requirements of the Tender
Documents and who satisfies the post-qualification requirements of the Instructions to
Tenderers and all Tender Documents.

The Ministry of Health is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right
to accept or reject any tender.

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Item Description Max
Max Item
Architectural Design Concept
Scoring Logic:
Excellent design concept – 5 points
Good design concept – 3 points
Satisfactory design concept – 2 points
Poor design concept – 1 point
No submission – 0 point
Architectural Design Concept – Bird’s Eye View
T1 15
Perspective drawings, elevations and indicative floor 5
plans showing functional blocks
Massing Diagram showing functional relationship of
different hospital units, axonometric blocking diagram, 5
sun path and green spaces
Site Master Plan reflecting proper zoning & planning;
staff & goods flow management including receiving & 5
dispatch; and future expansion

Initial Design Concept, Master Plan and Site Utilization Analysis

Narrative Report
Scoring Logic:
Excellent concept explanation – 5 points
Good concept explanation – 3 points
Satisfactory concept explanation – 2 points
Poor concept explanation – 1 point
T2 No submission – 0 point 15
Proper narrative report stating the conceptual strategies,
design principles, building placement, vehicular access, 5
Narrative of future expansion highlighting soft and hard
spaces within the hospital as potential expansion areas

Overall sustainability & life cycle design concept 5

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Item Description Max Item
Experience Requirement

Only the best five (5) projects within the last ten (10) years will be
considered for evaluation.

If Consultant has designed and supervised healthcare

projects ≥ 100 beds, then 4 points per project

If Consultant has designed and supervised healthcare

projects with beds ≥ 50 beds but < 100 beds, then 3 15
points per project
T3 20
If Consultant has either only designed or only
supervised healthcare projects with 100 beds and 10
above, then 2 points per project
If Consultant has either only designed or only
supervised healthcare projects with beds ≥ 50 beds but 5
< 100 beds, then 1 point per project

If Consultant has designed and/or supervised

healthcare projects with less than 50 beds, then 0 point

Proposed Administrative / Management Organization Structure

The proposed organization covers all design, management and

supervision requirements

This item will be evaluated based on the following:

i. If it covers project conception to completion.
ii. If it covers design, management and supervision requirements.
iii. If it is well organized and roles of staff are clear.
T4 8
100% complete/satisfactory 8

75% complete/satisfactory 6

50% complete/satisfactory 4

25% complete/satisfactory 2

Not provided 0

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Item Description Max
Max Item
Qualification and Experience of proposed Technical and Supervisory
Key Design Staff
Proposed key design staff should be an independent staff for each role and
should not be the same staff for two or more positions with shared
responsibilities. Key staff must preferably have GCC experience.
Lead Medical Planner with minimum qualification of
BSc in healthcare design and planning with minimum
10 years’ experience in healthcare planning and with
GCC experience.
Lead Architect with minimum qualification of BSc
Architecture or equivalent with minimum 10 years’
experience in healthcare design and with GCC
Structural Engineer with minimum qualification of BSc
Engineering or equivalent with minimum 10 years’ 1
experience in buildings/infrastructure works.
Mechanical Engineer with minimum qualification of
BSc Engineering or equivalent with minimum 10 years’ 1
T5 experience in buildings/infrastructure works. 16
Electrical Engineer with minimum qualification of BSc
Engineering or equivalent with minimum 10 years’ 1
experience in buildings/infrastructure works.
Key Supervision Staff
Lead Project Manager with minimum qualification of
BSc Engineering or equivalent with minimum 15 years’ 2
experience in buildings/ infrastructure works.
Resident Engineer (Civil) with minimum qualification of
BSc Engineering or equivalent with minimum 10 years’ 1
experience in buildings/ infrastructure works.
Resident Engineer (MEP) with minimum qualification of
BSc Engineering or equivalent with minimum 10 years’ 1
experience in buildings/ infrastructure works.
Civil Engineer with minimum qualification of BSc
Engineering or equivalent with minimum 10 years’ 1
experience in buildings/ infrastructure works.
Electrical Engineer with minimum qualification of BSc
Engineering or equivalent with minimum 10 years’ 1
experience in buildings/ infrastructure works.

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Item Description Max
Max Item
Qualification and Experience of proposed Technical and Supervisory
Staff (Cont’d)
Key Supervision Staff (Cont’d)

Mechanical Engineer with minimum qualification of BSc

Engineering or equivalent with minimum 10 years’ 1
experience in buildings/ infrastructure works.

Planning Engineer with minimum qualification of BSc

Engineering or equivalent with minimum 10 years’ 1
experience in buildings/ infrastructure works.

Quantity Surveyor with minimum qualification of BSc

Quantity Surveying / Engineering or equivalent with
minimum 10 years’ experience in buildings/
infrastructure works.

Consultation Requirement and Time Schedule

The proposed consultation plan and programme shall cover all

project phases from conception to completion.

This item will be evaluated based on the following:

i. The proposed plan/programme covers all the project requirements.
ii. If it is organized per phase.
iii. If procedures are identified.
T6 iv. Consultation plan must be project specific and healthcare inclined 8
100% complete/satisfactory 8

75% complete/satisfactory 6

50% complete/satisfactory 4

25% complete/satisfactory 2

Not provided 0

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Item Description Max
Max Item
Proposed Design Team

The proposed Design Team including the specialist design agencies

(international or local agencies) for each of the following scope.
Consultant to mention local Omani design agencies involved.

This item will be evaluated based on the following:

i. The proposed specialist agency is well experienced in designing
healthcare facilities.
ii. If proposed staff are well experienced based on submitted CVs
iii. If roles and responsibilities are well defined
T7 6
Architectural Design Team 1

Medical Planning Design Team 1

Medical Equipment Design Team 1

MEP and HVAC Design Team 1

PMG Design Team 1

Fire and Life Safety Design Team 1

General Rules and Tender Compliance

Proposed Omani Sub-Consultants 2

Health, Safety and Environmental programme

management and supervision procedures. HSE 2
procedures must be healthcare specific.

Quality Control and Quality Assurance procedures 2

Audited financial statements over the last three (3)

T8 years showing good financial standing (Quick Ratio = 2 12
Quick Assets / Current Liabilities)

Statement indicating the roles for Main Consultant and

Specialist Sub-Consultant(s) along with any JV
Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
for any joint venture with international or local agencies

Valid Tender Board registration certificate 0.5

Valid computer print-out document issued by Ministry

of Commerce and Industry

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Item Description Max
Max Item
General Rules and Tender Compliance (Cont’d)

Statement for allocating at least ten percent (10%) of

the contract to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Confirmation for employing Omani staff as part of

supervision team

Site visit statement 0.5

Statement of unresolved doubts 0.5

Confirmation of receipt of Tender Addenda

(Responses to Queries) and Circular Letters 0.5


DD. Sub-Consultants and Local Employment

The Consulting Engineer is required to employ local specialized Sub-Consultants in the

proposed project.

The Consulting Engineer is required to employ Omani staff as part of supervision team for
the execution of the Consultancy Services.

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To: H. E. The Chairman

Tender Committee
Ministry of Health, Al Khuwair
P.O. Box 393, Postal Code 100
Sultanate of Oman

Your Excellency,

1. Having examined the Instructions to Tenderers, Conditions of Engagement, and other

documents for the execution of the above named Services, we, the undersigned, offer for the
whole of the said Services in conformity with the said Instructions, Scope of Services, specific
requirements of Supervision, Fee Proposal and Standard Conditions of Engagement for the
Sum of Rials Omani
(RO) ……………………………………..………. or such other sum as may be ascertained in
accordance with the said Conditions.

2. If our Tender is accepted, we will obtain a Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy, not less
than ten percent (10%) of the Budget Sum, drawn from and insurance company registered
in the Sultanate of Oman.

3. We agree to abide by this Tender for a period of ninety (90) days from the date fixed for
receiving the same and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time
before expiration of that period.

4. In the event of our Tender being accepted and until a formal Agreement is prepared and
executed, this Tender, together with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a
binding obligation upon us.

5. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender you may receive.

6. We acknowledge receipt of the following Circulars (Responses to Queries) or Addenda


Reference Number: Date:

………………………………………………. ………………………………….

………………………………………………. ………………………………….

………………………………………………. ………………………………….

………………………………………………. ………………………………….

and confirm we have taken account thereof in our Tender.

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Name ………………………………………………………………….

Signature ……………………………………………………………...

In the capacity of ……………………………………………………..

Duly authorized to sign tenders for and

on behalf of: …………………………………………………………..

Address ..………………………………………………………………

Date ..…………………………………………………………………..

Witness Name ……………………………………………………….

Signature ……………………………………………………………..

Address ..……………………………………………………………..

Occupation …………………………………………………………...

Date …………………………………………………………………...

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This AGREEMENT is made the ………………… day of …………………. 20…. BETWEEN the
MINISTRY OF HEALTH (hereinafter called ‘the Client’) of the one part and
……………………………………………………………………….. of (hereinafter called “the
Consulting Engineer”) of the other part.

WHEREAS the Client is desirous that Design and Consultancy Engineering Services be rendered
in accordance with the Conditions of Agreement as contained herein and the Consulting Engineer
is willing and capable to render the said Services and has submitted an offer and the Client has
accepted the same for the following:





Surveys (Topographical and Hydrological Surveys, Geotechnical Investigation, EIA and TIA),
Obtaining Authority Approvals, Medical Planning & Component Validation, Design (Architectural,
Structural, MEP and Medical Equipment), Preparation of Tender/Contract Drawings &
Tender/Contract Documents, and Supervision for Bahla General Hospital for the Ministry of

NOW THESE PRESENT WITNESS and it is hereby agreed and declared by and between the
parties hereto as follows:

1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively
assigned to them in the Standard Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to

2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this
Agreement, Viz:-

a) The Invitation to Tender

b) The said Offer
c) The Standard Conditions
d) Letter of Acceptance
e) The Instruction to Tenderers
f) Tenderer’s Enclosures numbered……annexed hereto

3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Client to the Consulting Engineer as

hereinafter mentioned the Consulting Engineer hereby covenants with the Client to perform
the services in conformity in all respect with the provision of this Agreement.

4. The Client hereby covenants to pay the Consulting Engineer in consideration of the above
services the remuneration at the times and in the manner prescribed by this Agreement.

5. The Budget Sum for the Project has been agreed between the Client and the Consulting
Engineer to be RO……………………… (Rials Omani…………………………………..…………..


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IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have hereunder set their respective hands and seals on
the day and date first above written and in accordance with the Laws of the Sultanate of Oman.

Signed by a Duly Authorised Signatory for and

on Behalf of Government of Sultanate of Oman …………………………………………….

Witness ……………………………………………

Minister of Health …………………………………………….

Witness ……………………………………………

Signed by a Duly Authorised Signatory for and

on Behalf of The Consulting Engineer …………………………………………….

Witness ……………………………………………

Attested pursuant to Royal Decree No. 48/76 as amended.

Minister Responsible for Financial Affairs

Undersecretary of Ministry of Financial Affairs

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The Consulting Engineer shall, together with his Tender submit PDF files of each of the following
currently valid certificates and documents:

1. The registration Certificate of the Practice/Company at the Commercial Registration

Department of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

2. The license approved and issued by the Department for Professional and Trade Authorization
of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

3. The Certificate of membership of the Practice/Company with the Oman Chamber of

Commerce and Industry.

4. The Certificate of Registration with the Ministry of Health.

5. The name of the responsible person authorized to sign the Form of Agreement, his specimen
signature and Letter of Authority from the Practice/Company.

6. The name of the person or persons who will be responsible for the provision of the Services to
be rendered together with their Curriculum Vitas.

7. A Professional Indemnity Policy drawn with an Insurance Company registered in the Sultanate
of Oman evidencing that there is sufficient cover for the possible non-performance of the
consulting Engineer’s Services as contained in this Agreement, and as required by Clauses
21.0 and 22.0 of these Standard Conditions.

8. The name of the person or company if any who is the Agent of the Consulting Engineer in the
Sultanate of Oman together with the certificates evidencing the Agency.

9. List of current projects with approximate construction values for which the Consulting
Engineer is at present providing services to Government organizations and private sector
together with the commencement dates of such as services and the anticipated completion

10. List of projects completed during the previous five years in the Sultanate of Oman with the
Contract Price and the name of the Client.

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1. PERIOD FOR SUPERVISION : 2.5 Thirty (30) Months


2. LANGUAGES FOR : 3.1 English


- Preliminary Design Stage : 4.1 (b) ix 3 sets + soft copy
- Detailed Design Stage : 4.1 (c) iii 3 sets + soft copy
- Tender Documents : 4.1 (c) v 3 sets + soft copy
- Contract Documents : 4.2 (a) i 3 sets + soft copy
- As Built Drawings : 4.2 (a) xii 3 sets + soft copy
- Manufacturer’s Manuals : 4.2 (a) xiii 3 sets

4. DETAILS OF SUPERVISORY : 4.2 (b) ___________________________



- For Survey Works and Obtaining Five (5) weeks

Statutory Approvals

- For Preliminary Design Stage and Twelve (12) weeks

Preliminary Cost Estimate

- For Detailed Design Stage and Twelve (12) weeks

Detailed Cost Estimate

- For Presentation of complete sets Five (5) weeks

of Tender Documents and Tender
Cost Estimate

- For Tender Analysis / Evaluation Six (6) weeks

- For Preparation of complete sets Four (4) weeks

of Contract Documents

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6. DESIGN SERVICES : 7.1 (a) ___% of the Budget Sum or Accepted

REMUNERATION Tender Sum whichever is the lesser*

: (b) R.O. _____________________ (Rials

Omani _________________________
being a fixed lump sum amount*

7. SUPERVISION SERVICES : 7.2 (a) ___% of the Budget Sum or Accepted

REMUNERATION Tender Sum whichever is the lesser*

: (b) R.O. _____________________ (Rials

Omani _________________________
being a fixed lump sum amount*

: (c) R.O. _____________________ (Rials

Omani _________________________
being the cost per month**

8. MODIFIED DESIGN SERVICES : 7.4 ___% of Design Services Percentage


9. DELAY IN COMPLETION : 11.1 R.O. _____________________ (Rials

CONTRACTOR/CLIENT Omani _________________________
for each working day delayed

10. AMOUNT OF INSURANCE COVER : 21.5 10% of the Budget Sum

* Delete as inapplicable
** Consulting Engineer shall provide a detailed breakdown showing the numbers and types
of personnel to be employed and the applicable monthly rate for each person

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A0 Copy negative ______________________

A0 Dyeline print ______________________

A1 Copy negative ______________________

A1 Dyeline print ______________________

A2 Copy negative ______________________

A2 Dyeline print ______________________

A3 Photocopy ______________________

A4 Photocopy ______________________


Manager / Partner ___________ ph/pd/pm*

Senior Architect / Engineer / Quantity Surveyor ___________ ph/pd/pm*

Qualified Architect / Engineer / Quantity Surveyor ___________ ph/pd/pm*

Assistant ___________ ph/pd/pm*

Medical Planner ___________ ph/pd/pm*

__________________________________ ___________

NOTE: The above rates are to be fully inclusive of all costs, overheads and profit, and all things
whatsoever necessary for the provision of the services required under Clauses 7.4 (b) and 7.5 of
the Agreement.

Where the Client requires sets of Documents in excess of the numbers stated in Appendix B
hereinbefore the costs of reproduction shall be charged at the above rates.

* Delete where inapplicable

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The Consulting Engineer shall, together with his Tender submit a bound volume containing a copy
of each of the following currently valid certificates and documents:










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NAME ________________________________________________________

ADDRESS ________________________________________________________

CR. NO. &

OCCI NO. ________________________________________________________

SERVICE ________________________________________________________

NAME ________________________________________________________

ADDRESS ________________________________________________________

CR. NO. &

OCCI NO. ________________________________________________________

SERVICE ________________________________________________________

NAME ________________________________________________________

ADDRESS ________________________________________________________

CR. NO. &

OCCI NO. ________________________________________________________

SERVICE ________________________________________________________

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Ministry of Health
P.O. Box No. 393,
Postal Code 100, Muscat,
Sultanate of Oman

Advance Payment Bond No …………………….

Whereas ...………………..…………………………………………………………………………………
(hereinafter called “the Consulting Engineer”) has been awarded a Contract dated …………… day
of …………..………………… 20__ for the Design and Supervision Services for Bahla General
Hospital for the Value of R.O. ………………………………..….. (Rials Omani
…………………………………………………………………..…………………………) and in
consideration of your making an advance payment of R.O. ……..…………………………… to the
Consulting Engineer being ten percent (10%) of the Design fees, then by this Bond, we
……………………………………………..…………………………………………… whose address is
……………………………………………………….…………………………………. guarantee to pay
you a sum not exceeding R.O. ………………………………….…………………... on your first
written demand without reference to or contestation on behalf of the Consulting Engineer.

It is understood that our liability towards you will be progressively reduced by the amount repaid
to you by the Consulting Engineer as contained in the payments against the said advance

This bond will be effective from …………… day of …………………………… 20__ and shall be
valid until …………… day of …………………………… 20__, or until the amount of the advance
payment is fully recovered, whichever is later.

This bond should be returned to us upon its expiry or upon fulfillment of our undertaking
whichever is the earlier.

Authorized Signatories
(To be issued by a locally registered bank)

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The Conditions of Contract shall be those contained within the Sultanate of Oman Standard Form
of Agreement and Conditions of Engagement for Consultancy Services for Building and Civil
Engineering Works First Edition March 1987 prepared by the Ministry of Finance, Muscat. All
relevant terms and conditions will be part of the Agreement with the successful Consulting

The Tenderer is deemed to be in possession of his own copy during the Tender stage and be fully
aware and conversant with its contents. The Tenderer can obtain the abovementioned document
from the Ministry of Finance, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman after paying the prescribed fee.

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COMPOSITION OF TENDERER’S ORGANIZATION: The Tenderer shall give below the

details of the organizational structure of the company. This shall include, but not limited to, the
name and address of the company, the country in which the company is registered, the size and
registered capital of the company, together with the name, qualifications, position and authority of
the principal personnel, etc.

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LIMITED COMPANY: If the Tender is submitted by a Limited Company, the full name of the
Company should be accurately PRINTED in the space provided for that purpose and its corporate
seal, if any, affixed where indicated.


PARTNERSHIP: If the Tender is submitted by Partnership, the name of the firm of business
should be accurately PRINTED in the space provided and the name or names of the partners
should be PRINTED where indicated.


SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP: If the Tender is submitted by an individual carrying on business

under a name other than his own, his business name should be accurately PRINTED in the space
provided and the name of the sole proprietor should be PRINTED where indicated.


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The Tenderer shall state below his experience with services similar to that, which is concluded in
this Tender. The statement shall include the experience of principal Sub-Consultant relative to
work to be performed by them.

The statement shall include the date and place of completion of such similar services, and the
agency for whom they were undertaken. Authentic certificates of good performance of services
duly legalized by the Chamber of Commerce of the countries in which similar services were
completed shall be submitted to support this statement.


(The List must be in a tabulated format and each project must state the ff. information)

1. Name of Project
2. Brief Description of Project (Bed Capacity / Built-up Area)
3. Name of Client
4. Place / Location
5. Consultant Role (Main Consultant or Sub-Consultant)
6. Services Provided
7. Value for Consultancy Services (OMR)
8. Duration of Consultancy Services – Design (From/To)
9. Duration of Consultancy Services – Supervision (From/To)
10. Construction Duration (From/To)
11. Overall Project Value (OMR)

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It is (my/our) intention to employ the following Sub-Consultants whom (I/We) believe, after
investigation, to be reliable and competent for the performance of that part of the work indicated.

All other services will be done by (me/us).

Name and Address of Principal division of the services

Principal Sub-Consultant to be done by Sub-Consultant
----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------

It is agreed that (I/we) will not sub-contract any principal division of the services with any other
individual or organization without the consent of the Client.

Consultant’s Signature

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The Tenderer shall indicate below his site organization to be employed in designing, planning and
supervising engineering aspects for this project. This shall include, but not be limited to, the set
up and size of the project organization together with the name, position, qualifications, experience
and authority of such personnel as engineers, technicians, surveyors and other personnel of
similar standing required for the execution of the services.

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The Tenderer shall outline below his proposed schedule for the full scope of services (Design
Stage and Supervision Stage).

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Company name:

P.O Box:

Postal Code:


By virtue of clause no.6 of the Tender Board Law issued through the Royal Decree no. (36/2008)
and Law for the Protection of Public Funds and Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest issued through
Royal decree No. (112/2011);

a- Accordingly, we pledge that the owner of the company or his closest relatives up to the second
degree is not working in .............. (Specify the name of client/entity) In addition, all information
and data given by the bidder are correct and we bear any legal consequences in the event of
incorrect information or data.

b- Disclosure for working of the owner of the company / institution or one of their relatives up to
the second degree in the …... and thus in line with Royal Decree No. (112/2011) Law for the
Protection of Public Funds and Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest.




Name of the Company owner /Authorized to sign:


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Ministry of Health Design & Consultancy Services for Bahla General Hospital


Company name:

P.O Box:

Postal Code:


By virtue of Tender Board Circular ( /2023) regarding the exemption from submitting a Bid Bond in

1. We ……………………………………………………………………………………… hereby declare

our commitment to our bid for the ……………………………………………………. tender during
its validity period as specified in the Tender Documents.

2. We acknowledge the following:

a) It is the Tender Board / the concerned entity’s right to disqualify any bid that is lower by
more than (20%) twenty percent than the submitted bids and the estimated cost of the
tender, and proves its failure to comply with the tender terms and conditions and its ability
to execute the Contract according to Article 28 of this Tender Law.

b) The bidder will be banned from participating entities subject to the Tender Law for a period
of (1) one year if they withdraw their bid during its validity period.

Name of the Company owner /Authorized to sign:



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Ministry of Health Design & Consultancy Services for Bahla General Hospital





A. Introduction 2

B. Tender Requirements and Scope of Services 2

B.1 Tender Requirements 2

B.2 Scope of Services 3

B.3 Procedure 4

C. Technical Requirements 6

C.1 Project Technical Requirements 6

C.2 Design Services 9

C.3 Supervision Services 9

D. General Requirements 11

E. Schedule of Components 12

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A. Introduction

The Ministry of Health is desirous to engage a well experienced and specialized

Consultancy firm in the field of healthcare design and construction supervision to carry out
the Consultancy Services (Design & Supervision) for the Proposed General Hospital at
Bahla, Governorate of Al Dakhiliyah.

The proposed 181-bed general hospital, with provision for expansion based on site
optimization and expansion strategy, will be situated in the Wilayat of Bahla with a Plot Area
of 133,412 m2 based on Kuruky. The Consulting Engineer shall be responsible for
developing the site and hospital design based on the validated hospital components. The
scope will include all necessary ancillary buildings, external works and services within the
boundary wall and proper access to the site.

The Built-up area of the proposed hospital should conform to existing MOH Hospitals’
benchmark of square meter per bed ratio.

The attached schedule of accommodation should only be used as a guide, thus a qualified
Medical Planner shall adjust it accordingly based on demographics, disease prevalence and
facility catchment area.

B. Tender Requirements and Scope of Services

B.1 Tender Requirements

The Tenderer is required to visit the site and to be aware of the functions and services
for the proposed project. The Ministry of Health is looking for a development that gives
maximum benefits to the land development.

1. The Tenderer is required to submit an Architectural Design Concept proposal for

the whole project along with preliminary cost estimate, which is to illustrate a
creative design approach to the project. The drawing submitted must be self-
explanatory showing the Tenderer’s ideas and approach to be further developed if
chosen as the best proposal. The proposal shall include coloured perspective
drawings, massing diagram, site master plan and an initial design concept,
masterplan and site utilization analysis narrative report. Modern Architectural
features along with Traditional Omani design elements shall be maintained in the

The Architectural Design Concept proposal shall consist of Bird’s Eye View
perspective drawings, hospital building elevations and indicative floor plans for all
floors showing functional blocks.

The Design Concept must be able to reflect the patient journey within the hospital,
considering the seamless movement of patients from one unit to another.

All drawings are to be drawn and presented in electronic PDF copies and uploaded
in the e-Tendering website in the proper scale.

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Ministry of Health Design & Consultancy Services for Bahla General Hospital

2. Massing diagram shall reflect the interrelationship of different hospital units,

showing an axonometric blocking diagram, sun path and green spaces based on
analysis of the site.

3. Site Master Plan should show segregation of entrances for service, patient, staff,
visitor and emergency access. Master Plan should also reflect the waste collection
and disposal as well as areas for future expansion.

4. The Initial Design Concept, Master Plan and Site Utilization Analysis narrative
report must explain the proposed overall design strategy as shown in their drawing
submissions. The Tenderer must explain in detail the design principles used in
formulating the concept. The report should also illustrate the potential expansion
areas with emphasis on soft and hard spaces. In addition, the report shall discuss
the overall sustainability concepts of their proposed design.

5. The Tenderer is required to submit his offer for carrying out the complete
Consultancy Services for both phases (Design and Supervision) as described in
the procedure and the technical requirement. The offer shall include the technical
resources and the financial structure.

6. The Tenderer is required to submit full supporting documents regarding similar

projects (Consultancy Services) previously or currently undertaken by them in the
same field. The document should clearly show and explain the role of the
Consultant or Sub-Consultant(s) in the project. Certificates of Performance from
the Clients of the best five (5) projects are required.

7. The Tenderer is required to state the number, qualifications and experience of the
personnel involved in both stages (design & supervision).

8. The Tenderer is required to show the consultancy plan and approach he will take in
carrying out the Consultancy Services.

9. The successful Tenderer will be required to enter into and execute a Consultancy
Agreement. The Sultanate of Oman’s Standard Form of Agreement and Conditions
of Engagement for Consultancy Services for Building and Civil Engineering Works,
First Edition March 1987 shall be applicable to the Contract.

B.2 Scope of Services

1. The successful Tenderer is required to prepare a cost estimate for the project,
carry out topographical survey, hydrological survey, geotechnical investigation
tests, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Traffic Impact Assessment

2. The successful Tenderer must secure all statutory and authority approvals for the

3. The successful Tenderer must provide medical planning including validation of

components for the hospital based on demographics, disease prevalence and
facility catchment area studies. Medical planning to include space program,
departmental zoning, room loading, medical equipment schedule and room data
sheets. It must also take into account the provision for expansion of the hospital
based on the above studies.

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4. The successful Tenderer must collaborate with various stakeholders for the
assessment and validation of the hospital components in order to develop the
preliminary requirements for the design of the hospital.

5. The concept design must consider and incorporate environmentally friendly and
sustainable design components, natural light optimization, natural ventilation,
energy-efficient lighting and biophilic design.

6. The successful Tenderer must align their Preliminary Design with the Governorate
/ Wilayat / Municipality Development Control Plan (DCP) considering the following:
land use and zoning, building design guidelines, site planning requirements,
environmental consideration, heritage conservation, infrastructure and services,
community facilities, public safety, development contributions and levies.

7. The successful Tenderer shall develop the detailed design based on the approved
concept design and prepare the complete set of drawings, specifications, BOQ and
Tender Documents (standard and e-tender format) for the Construction of the
buildings and services, including Quantity Surveying Services. This is to be carried
out as per the Standard Consultancy Agreement and as per the Oman Ministry of
Health requirements.

8. The successful Tenderer must prepare any addenda and respond to queries from
Contractors for the construction tender.

9. The successful Tenderer must evaluate and provide their analysis of the
construction tenders, and submit a Tender Evaluation and Award

10. The successful Tenderer must prepare the Contract Documents and incorporate all
tender addenda and circular letters.

11. The successful Tenderer is required to carry out Supervision Services for the
implementation of the Project. This will start on the effective date of the
Construction Contract and will continue until the completion of the Defects Liability
Period and the approval by the Ministry of Health both Final Account and the Final
Acceptance Certificate.

B.3 Procedure

1. The Consulting Engineer is required to develop the selected best “Architectural

Concept Design Proposal” and to complete, accordingly the preliminary design and
provisional layout together with a preliminary cost estimate, and submit that to the
Client for approval. This preliminary design will be based on the assessment
conducted for validating the hospital components.

2. Upon the approval of the preliminary design and the provisional layout by the
Client, the Consulting Engineer is required to carry out the detailed design,
drawings, specifications, together with the detailed cost and duration estimate, and
to submit that for approval of the Client. This shall include Architectural, Civil,
Structural, M&E, Fire Protection, HVAC, FF&E and Medical Equipment for all the

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3. Upon the approval of the Detailed Design, the Consulting Engineer is required to
prepare the full set of Tender Documents and to submit an e-Tender format and
the additional required number of iterations subsequent to the Client approval.

4. The Consulting Engineer is required to answer any queries raised and to include
any amendments or modifications required by the Ministry of Health, to the Tender
Documents. He is also required to prepare answers for any queries raised by the
Ministry of Health Tenderers during the tendering process in the form of Circulars,
Addendum and Clarifications in coordination with the Client.

5. The Consulting Engineer is required to evaluate the Tenders and give his
recommendations to the Ministry of Health. A detailed study of the technical and
financial aspects of the Tenders should be submitted to the Ministry of Health
stating clearly the recommendation of the Consulting Engineer as to the
appointment of a Contractor. The Consulting Engineer is required to attend any
meetings and to prepare and provide any additional information and /or
explanations as requested by the Ministry of Health.

6. The Consulting Engineer is required to advise and assist in the preparation of the
formal Contract to be signed with the selected Tenderer.

7. The Consulting Engineer is required to obtain final plans, approvals and building
permits from the relevant government authorities.

8. The Consulting Engineer is required to provide complete engineering supervision

during the implementation of the project and the defects liability period (12 months
after the completion of the project).

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C. Technical Requirements

C.1 Project Technical Requirements

The Proposed General Hospital, to a minimum, should have the following systems:-

1. Electrical Systems – including, but not limited to:

 Lighting and power system

 Central battery system
 Lighting control system
 Telephone & communication system / DECT system
 Data network with full accessories for internet and MOH application (Al Shifa)
 Structured cabling system including patch panels, category 6A or latest
technology, fiber optic cables, etc.
 WIFI System
 Addressable fire alarm system
 UPS system and isolation transformers
 Standby generator power supply with fuel tank system
 SMATV system with video conferencing and dishes
 Security system & Alarms
 CCTV monitoring cameras & access control areas
 Lightning protection
 Sub-stations including transformers, Ring main unit (RMU), etc. including mains
power supply and primary sub-station in coordination with concerned power
company (verify if required)
 LV panel / SMDB / MCC
 Busbar system
 Restricted door entry system
 Building Management System (BMS)
 Connection to all services, wherever applicable and deemed required to the
existing, after assessing the suitability, adequacy and coordination with the
concerned authorities

2. Mechanical System – including, but not limited to:

 Lifts
 Pneumatic tube system
 Drainage system
 Piped Medical Gas (PMG) system (designed by specialist)
 Water supply system including water storage tanks and fire storage reservoirs
 Fire fighting system with fire pumps (fire hose reels and fire hydrants)
 RO system / Soft water system
 Hot water system
 Connection to all services, wherever applicable and as deemed required to the
existing after assessing the suitability, adequacy and coordination with the
concerned authorities

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3. HVAC System – including but not limited to the following:

 The Consultant should assess the requirements based on the recommendation

set by DHSS/HTM and ASHRAE Codes and Standards, with special
consideration to the local weather conditions and environment
 The Consultant to assess the site and advise the location of HVAC equipment.
 Air conditioning systems
 Ventilation systems
 Chilled water system
 Pressurization system
 Air distribution system

4. General Requirements – including but not limited to the following:

 Guard house / driver room

 Ancillary buildings to house various HVAC, electrical, mechanical, medical gas
equipment as deemed required. Sizes to be suitable and cater to the needs of
the project.
 All external services and systems to be linked with the mains, where
applicable, after survey of existing systems and services and approval of the
concerned authorities.
 Asphalt, interlock and pavement works to be considered.
 Landscaping and irrigation to be provided.
 Traffic signs and markings
 Fixed Furniture and Equipment
 Medical equipment

5. External Infrastructure works – Including but not limited to the following:

 Provision of covered car parking for ambulance and staff

 Provision of open parking for patients and visitors
 Provision of interlock concrete pavers
 Provision of underground street lighting
 Provision for access road
 Provision of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)
 Sewerage works, electrical primary cabling, drainage, water, communication
and electricity distribution system
 Provision of boundary wall
 Provision for landscaping and irrigation as deemed necessary.
 Provision for fencing and flood protection as deemed necessary.
 Connection of services (i.e. drainage, power, water, communication, etc.) to
mains networks in coordination with the concerned authorities.

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6. Standards:

BS British Standards for Civil, Structural & Electro-Mechanical Works

CP Code of Practice (UK)
DIN German Industrial Standards
ISO International Standards Organization
UL Underwriters Laboratory Inc. (UK)
AB Agreement Board (France)
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASTM American Society for Testing And Materials
ACI American Concrete Institute
AASHTO American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials
AI The Asphalt Institute Standards (USA)
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers Standards
UBC Uniform Building Code, International Conference of Building
NEC National Electric Code (USA)
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association (USA)
IEC International Electro-Technical Commission
IEEE The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (USA)
IEE Institution of Electrical Engineers (UK)
VDE German Association of Electrical Engineers
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers Standards
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning
UPC Uniform Plumbing Code
SMACNA Sheet Metal & Air-Conditioning Contractor National Association
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NPC National Plumbing Code
IATA International Air Transport Authority Standards
ICAO International Civil Aeronautics Organization
AGA American Gas Association
AMCA Air Moving and Conditioning Association
ARI Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
ASA Acoustical Society of America
AWWA American Water Works association
OS Omani Standards
ROP Royal Oman Police (Civil Defense, Civil Aviation & Traffic
MH Ministry of Housing Standards
MECA Ministry of Environment & Climate Affairs Standards
MOTC Ministry of Transport & Communication Standards
HTM / Health Technical Memoranda/Department of Health & Social
DHSS Services
EN European Standards

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C.2 Design Services

The Consultant is required to design and prepare the drawings, specifications, BoQ
and complete Tender Documents (standard and e-tender format) for the construction
of the proposed general hospital all as per Ministry of Health requirements.

The Consultant must design the project according to the latest HBN / HTM guidelines
or Oman Health Facility Guidelines upon official release, as advised by Client.

Design should follow all statutory and authority requirements. Design must be
approved by Civil Defense and Ambulance Authority for any Fire Regulation
requirements and according to Fire and Life Safety Codes and Standards.

The Consultant must provide specialist design agencies for all specialty works, not
limited to the following:

1. Medical Planning (Qualified and experienced Medical Planners)

2. Medical Equipment Planning
4. Kitchen and Laundry
5. Fire and Life Safety
6. Piped Medical Gas System
7. Laboratory

C.3 Supervision Services

1. Requirements:

The Consulting Engineer is to carry out the supervision services for the
implementation of the project, starting from the effective date of the Construction
Contract and continuing until the completion of the Defects Liability Period and the
approval of both final account and final acceptance certificate by the Ministry of
Health. The supervision services shall include but not limited to:

a. Supervising the proper execution of the Works at site, in accordance with the
Contract Specification and Bill of Quantities, and engaging the necessary
qualified and experienced personnel to ensure that the Consultancy
Supervision Services are satisfactorily performed. The Consulting Engineer
shall deal with the Contractor on all technical and contractual matters subject to
the limitations contained in the Standard Conditions of the Construction

He shall ensure the overall coordination and homogeneity of the various

aspects of the Works, certify payment and generally carry out all such duties as
necessary to ensure proper performance of the Construction Contract in full
coordination with the Client.

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b. Checking and approving the Contractor calculations, execution drawings and

documents for all sections of Works including reviewing all design drawings
and specification to comply with the equipment proposed, if any submitted by
the Contractor. Checking, verifying and confirming to the Client the contractual
conformity of all new design and equipment proposed by the Contractor.
Studying and giving comments on any matters that are related to amendment
and / or clarifications of the Construction Contract Document, which results in
the issuance of variation order(s).

c. Quantity surveying, quality control, financial control, monthly report to be

submitted to the Client on the progress of work and to, review and comment for
the Ministry of Health regarding variation orders, Contractor claims and all
other matters related to the project.

2. Supervision Staff:

The Consulting Engineer shall state the number, qualifications and experience of
the personnel in each category of the Resident Supervision Staff. The MOH
prefers to have supervision services for this project based on the following
minimum resident staff during the implementation of the project and the Defects
Liability Period (DLP).

Consultants Staff Duration Qualification & Experience

Resident Engineer - Full Time B.Sc. in Civil Engineering Works with
Civil GCC experience
Resident Engineer -
Ten (10) years in building and civil
engineering works, out of which at least
five (5) years of supervision in similar
nature of construction. During this time,
the R.E should have the experience of
supervising at least one project of similar
nature and duration each as R.E. or
Senior Engineer assisting Resident
Project Manager Part Time As and when deemed required by the
Client necessary to fulfill the Consultant’s
Architect obligations and complete the project on
schedule. The Project Coordinator +
Structural Engineer Electro-Mechanical Project Coordinator
should visit the site 2 times / week during
Civil Engineer execution of the project.

Electrical Engineer

Mechanical Engineer

Planning Engineer

Quantity Surveyor

This is indicative; the Tenderer may insert additional resources required for the
proper and adequate supervision of the Project.

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This is in addition to other specialists who may be needed to supervise the Works
as visiting engineers in accordance with the Consulting Engineer’s own

The Tenderer is required to submit a detailed breakdown for the Supervision Fee
Proposal accordingly (indicating monthly rate for each member of staff and the
estimated duration).

The Tenderer is required to submit a detailed breakdown for the qualification and
experience of all field staff for the approval of the Client prior to his appointment.
The Consulting Engineer shall carry out supervision during both the construction
period and maintenance period of the same staff. If in any event, the Consulting
Engineer wishes to substitute the supervising staff, the Consulting Engineer should
get approval from the Client (30) days before substitution.

The Project Manager to attend executive meetings with Client / Contractor. All
other part time engineers should visit the site minimum once (1) a week.

D. General Requirements

 Ministry of Health reserves the right to add/delete any components as deemed

necessary and required.

 The General Hospital has to be designed taking in account the validated project
components outlined in schedule of accommodation but not limited to requirements with
and including all required facilities and services.





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E. Schedule of Components

Item No. Description Number of Beds

Out Patient Department (OPD)

1. Internal Medicine Clinic 9
2. Surgery and Anesthesia 6
3. Pediatric Clinic 6
4. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 6
5. Ophthalmology Clinic 4
6. Orthopedic Clinic 4
7. Dental Clinic 4
8. ENT Clinic 5
9. Dermatology Clinic 3
10. Psychiatric Clinic 3

Accident and Emergency Unit (A&E)

1. Triage Room 3
2. Resuscitation Room 6
3. Treatment Room 10
4. Observation Room 12
5. Gynecology 1
6. ENT / Ophthalmology 1
7. Burn and Plastic Room 1
8. Respiratory 2
9. Psychiatry Room -
10. Daily Cases 2
11. Equipment Room -
12. Disinfection Room -

Maternity Unit
1. Delivery Suite 12
2. Daycare Unit 16
3. Operations Suite 6

Radiology Department
1. X-Ray 2
2. CT 1
3. USG 2
4. MRI 1
5. Mammography 1
6. Endoscopy 2

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Item No. Description Number of Beds

Physiotherapy Unit
1. Physiotherapy 6

Renal Dialysis Unit

1. Dialysis Unit 6

Laboratory Services
1. Laboratory -

Special Care Units

1. Adult ICU 8
2. PICU 4
3. SCBU 18
4. Isolation 2
5. CCU 5
6. Burns Unit -

Nursing Units
1. Medical Ward 48
2. Obstetrics and Gynecology Ward 24
3. Pediatric Ward 24
4. Surgical Ward 40
5. Psychiatry Ward 8
6. Daycare Unit -

Hospital Stores, Offices and Other Services

1. Pharmacy and Medical Store
3. Kitchen and accessories
4. Administrative Offices
5. Laundry Room and accessories
6. Engineering Building
7. Stores
8. Mortuary
9. Other Services

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A. Preliminary Cost Estimate 2

B. Breakdown of Fees

B.1 Breakdown of Design Fees 3

B.2 Breakdown of Supervision Fees 4

C. Fee Proposal 6

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Sr. Particulars Amount in Figures 5% VAT Amount in Total Amount in Figures

No. (VAT Exclusive) Figures (VAT Inclusive)
(R.O.) (R.O.) (R.O.)
1. Preliminary Cost Estimate For:
a) Main Hospital Building

b) Ancillary Buildings

c) External Works and Services

d) Preliminaries and General Requirements


2. Preliminary cost estimate shall include the

cost of:
a) Furniture, Fittings and Equipment (General
b) Medical Equipment



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Ministry of Health Design & Consultancy Services for Bahla General Hospital


SR. SERVICES Amount in 5% VAT Total Amount in Total Amount in

No. Figures Amount Words Figures
(Exclusive of in Figures (Inclusive of VAT) (Inclusive of VAT)
VAT) (R.O.) (R.O.) (R.O.) (R.O.)
1. Survey works (topographic survey,
hydrological survey, geotechnical
investigation, environmental impact
assessment and traffic impact assessment)
and obtaining authority approvals
2. Medical planning including validation of
hospital components based on studies for
demographics, disease prevalence and
facility catchment areas, submission of space
program and room data sheets
3. Preliminary Design Stage - Submission of
complete Preliminary Design Reports,
Drawings, Documents and Cost Estimate
4. Detailed Design Stage – Submission of
complete Detailed Design Reports, Drawings,
Schedules, Documents and Cost Estimate
5. Submission of Tender Documents (standard
and e-tender format), Tender Drawings, Pre-
Tender Estimate, Tender Analysis /
Evaluation and Preparation of Contract


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SR. Consultant’s Staff Total Period Monthly Rate in 5% VAT Total Amount Remarks
No. No. of (Months) Figures Amount in Figures
Staff (Exclusive of in Figures (Inclusive of
VAT) (R.O.) (R.O.) VAT) (R.O.)
1. Project Manager (Part Time) 1 30
2. Resident Engineer – Civil (Full Time) 1 30
3. Resident Engineer – MEP (Full Time) 1 30
4. Architect (Part Time) 1 30
5. Civil Engineer (Part Time) 1 30
6. Structural Engineer (Part Time) 1 30
7. Electrical Engineer (Part Time) 1 30
8. Mechanical Engineer (Part Time) 1 30
9. Planning Engineer (Part Time) 1 30
10. Quantity Surveyor (Part Time) 1 30
11. Document Controller (Part Time) 1 30

Note: Total lump sum amount for each position to be accompanied by breakdown of monthly rate per item indicating the total no. of staff
required for each position as per the above schedule. Breakdown of lump sum amount for Part Time staff shall state monthly rate and
number of months proposed staff shall be utilized throughout the project duration.

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SR. Consultant’s Staff Total Period Monthly Rate in 5% VAT Total Amount Remarks
No. No. of (Months) Figures Amount in Figures
Staff (Exclusive of in Figures (Inclusive of
VAT) (R.O.) (R.O.) VAT) (R.O.)
Defects Liability Period
1. Project Manager (Part Time) 1 12
2. Civil Engineer (Part Time) 1 12
3. MEP Engineer (Part Time) 1 12
4. Quantity Surveyor (Part Time) 1 12


Note: Total lump sum amount for each position to be accompanied by breakdown of monthly rate per item indicating the total no. of staff
required for each position as per the above schedule. Breakdown of lump sum amount for Part Time staff shall state monthly rate and
number of months proposed staff shall be utilized throughout the project duration.

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SR. SERVICES Amount in 5% VAT Total Amount in Total Amount in

No. Figures Amount Words Figures
(Exclusive of in Figures (Inclusive of VAT) (Inclusive of VAT)
VAT) (R.O.) (R.O.) (R.O.) (R.O.)
1. Total Design Fee as per attached Scope of

2. Total Supervision Fee (Construction) – 30


3. Total Supervision Fee (DLP) – 12 months

MOH reserves the right to cancel all or part of the abovementioned services without assigning
any reasons.

All the documents and the drawings shall be as per the MOH requirements.

All items in the Fee Proposal/Breakdown of Fees shall be fully priced. Each item where no price is
entered must be marked “INCLUDED” in the remarks column and shall be deemed covered by
other rates in the Fee Proposal.


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A. Mulkiyah 2

B. Kuruky 3

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