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A U.S.

National Conventions General elections

resident for
At least 35 A natural at least 14
years old born citizen years After the primaries, each
When people cast their
party, holds a national
vote, they are voting for a
convention to select a
group of people
Presidential nominee and
called electors
To run for this office, a person the choice for Vice
needs to have three President
requirements, established by
the U.S. Constitution The number of electors
The Presidential each state gets is equal to
candidates campaign its total number of
U.S.A. throughout the country Senators and
Presidential to win the support of the Representatives in
general population Congress.
Primaries Each elector casts one
vote following the general
election. The candidate
People with similar ideas, Republican who gets 270 votes or
belong to the same more wins
political party Democrat
The newly elected
In primaries, party President and Vice
They campaign around Party members meet,
members vote for the President are
the country and compete discuss, and vote for who
candidate they want then inaugurated on
to try to win their party’s they think would be the best
to represent them in January 20th
nomination party candidate
the general election
Luca Tempesta – V G – 30/11/2020

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