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‘The agreement is made on Mar 20%, 2024, between, 'SGS VIETNAM LTD (Hereinater called $68) ‘Address. : 19BNguyon Thi Minh Khai St, Distt 3, HCMC, Vietnam Tol 2428-39351 920 Fax 8428-39 351 923, Roprosonted by: Mr. LAISZE MING DASTER Position: C&P Business Manager ‘Account Number; 0302281008 (USD) or 0302281017 (VND) at Citibank Bank ANZ Bank, Ground foor, 10th 11th eo, 38 Le Duan, Distr 1, HOME, Vietnam Tax Code :0100114025 POONG IN TRADING CO, LTD (Hereinafter called Clont) ‘dress 20F ACE HIGHTECH CITY BID 2 DONG, 775 Gyeongin-Ro, Yeongdeungro-Gu, ‘Seoul, Republi of Koes Roprosonted by: PARK JE HYUNG Position: PRESIDENT Tel $82-2.2067-0208 ‘Account: KOOKMIN BANK, SHINSA-DONG BRANCH 058-42.0000:314 (USD) 0% VAT s applied to cont lent’ in Process - Export Enterprise according tothe provisions by laws, cent most prove such relevant cooumens) ‘The two Parties have agreed os folows: ARTICLE I INSPECTION SERVICE wth ference sample and specieations confimed by clot, SGS inspection sence canbe aplied {othe whole producto process o eliminate busines rk and ensure product quay innfernanonal trade. The Inspection covers qualy Issues on product package, appearence, and functonal pefimance checking, et 14 Inspection Service Scope Final Random Inspection (FRI) Performed when 100% production af he shipments complete and 80% packed for export shipment ‘A-dataled visual inspocion of samples selected al random to check that qual, quantly and akaging conformity fe samples and specication 12 Rate of Inspection Sorvice 41.24 Standard Man Day Rate of inspection Service USD 750/mane7 Lecaon of mapctin Sens: Vat Nan nz Flory ame Baas Taatraraing 7 POONGN VNACO.UTE rn ] Storer, si ovowa wer War | {enone usDssirenaee. aout. [an ge HE a8 Cy a 0455 "AW LONG EANLET TH DONG REF WARD OTA [igre Bn DUONG PROVINCE VN Mandy ded 6 an pete yf outed seni 8 wc hus cing re apenton vein) 1.22 Additional Expencee > Traveling Fee willbe charge al cost, as mentioned in 1.2.1 > Value Added Tax (A) 0% > Bank charge for overeaas remitance ie exclusive in atove mentioned amount when payment is sete. ‘Over Time Charges: I$ inspectors need to work beyond 8 working hours on working ‘days, tne overtime fees wil be charged at actual overime working hou to Client Note ‘1 Working days are fom Monday to Friday (rom 8 am tpn) and Saturday (rom & am fo 12 a). ‘Outof his range, OT vl be charged to Vietnam tour law The overtime charge is as botow ‘Orer Time Charge USD ahaa | OT fe on Saturday aaron ad Sunday shown are based oh Gur Gaen charge aes nich Sed pete mutton ‘GT Naona aay ‘CT foe on Nason aay shown ae Based on our arent ‘Share als whch satd peciealy fo qunaten ema wb cured fam £00 pn (onday~ Fay) & om 1200 am (Sau) 413 Inopoction Order Transmission 413.1 Service Booking Client wil send SGS Inspection booking form to SGS execton offices at east 3 working days bore the inspection dato with the folowing information > Packng ist. Namo, ul addres and conta information of factory of prodvction. Inspection location and expected inspection date > Toll order quanty and shipment quaniiy i diferent fom he tender requirement. 1.3.2 Transmission of relevant information > Reference sample should be available for SGS inspecten. in caso, net reference campo is avalabe fr inspection, SGS shoud be noticed by Cliont etre insposion. The Inspector wil cary ‘ut the inspection per Cent nspection inarveion base on his or her experience and product knowledge. The SCS Group Of ailted company is relaased from a responsiblity for problems {hat resus from not having been provided an approved reference sample. Se shar en eee ROHNER yt 182 wn > lent should provide the updated technical shoet per model for SGS inspacton reference and Insrut S68 ifany special creck points cing nepecton. 4.3.3 Quotation Confirmation Upon receipt of booking form, SGS executing aflata sends quotation in email or Clients approval. ‘The qattion shows the MD qty pus addtional expenses. 4.3.4 inspection Scheduling nce the SGS executing gets forma inspection booking and confrmation of inspection quotation ‘fom Cilant, SGS wil make an Inepection schedule par bookings request 4.38 Onder Canceling (Once Inepecion schedule fs confirmed by SCS andlor Client, the manpower i reserved forthe Inspection intervention Client would cancel or postpone the Inspection. 2 working days atvanced ‘otee fo SGS is required. The booking fer new inspection dates also adhised roach to SOS at aast ‘5 working days before the new Inspection date lo ensure SGS mar-power's canbe reserved in cae a tke Pas been purchased, this cos wil be voice to lent accordingly 4.3.6 Missed / Abortive Inspection In casa the inspection cantol be performed due to fact that factory doas not meet the inspection ‘equrement at agreed condtion o ther specie condtion defined and agreed between Cliont & SS, {tent or his supper has to pey for a misinginpecion fee, which fs sume asthe inspection fee of ‘he erder conmed by Clant bore the inspection date 13.7 Reporting ‘The nspecion repos wil be issued and sent by the respoctve SGS executing office on folowing working day by ema cect o Clent In cas of quostons raised by Gilet regarng the report, SGS executing ofie wil reply drecy 10 Chon. 413.8 Representative detects samples and digital photo \Wnen he goods are ejected or thee are some negalve remarks, SGS inspector wil recor all ypc sual dfocs by dgtal earra. The photo willbe sen to Gleton the felloning working day trough Ema. 13.9 Re-nspeetion Vien the goods are decid torejactby Cilent due to several defects are detected curing inspection, Client may require a Renepection which ls cn acoount of Client or hia supplier. Procedure for booking of Resinepection fs same as normal inspection series. Separate confemation must be obiaind pir te performance. 413.40 ngpector Behavior > Inspector wil be autonomous nis work, however ie expected that supplies put taf at his Inspector wil Endeavour not to disturb manuactring operations. > Inspector wil abide bythe internal securty rules of he factory 62 1 1897861 won sn | Fe heme Dat ON _SGS_ > Inspector wil be frm on inspection resus with th supplier (with courtesy and politeness). > If inspector meets real problem in making his inspection, he will noSly SGS execution office Suppor Plus wil be naied without doy > Inspector wil not accept any gif or present whatsoever fom the supple, Moreover he wil tila ‘om buying atthe suppliers, unless there a stare ARTICLE I: PARTIES RESPONSIBILITIES 50S agroos to prove the nscessary resources fo conduct the services as outing in Atle | and The (Gent hal pay SCS in accordance with tho current rats et outin Ail and Arie I ARTICLE Il: PAYMENT TERMS 3.1 Applicabl feos: Feet established between SGS and the Client at the time the erder is placed oF a contac rnegotsed shal be st SGS"s slandrd rates (which ae subject lo change) by order confirmation & proforma invoice, and all applicable taxes shall be payable by The Client ‘Allinvices shall be raised by SS in USD and all payments by The len under this Agreement shall, be made in USD by bank vanster to SS" bank account as detailed nthe relevant oles, ‘Account of: SG Vietnam Lt Bank Defais_: Citibank, Vietnam, HCM Grand, 1609, 15th floor, Sunwah Tower 115 Nguyen Hue, Dit, Ho ‘AccointNo™ + USD: 0302281008, Swit code: CITIVAVX 3.2 Bank Charges: [Al bank commissions and charges for money transfer are forthe account ofthe Client 3.3 Payment Terms: Fight afar receiving booking form, SGS Vietnam wil approval. SGS wil prepare Proforma voice and send to Client fer Gent's confirmation. Cont shal be responsibity fr seting payment within 30 days from the date Client receves ofl invoice (e- invoee) ‘Ay late payment wl gt the penalty charge of 1% on oustanding balances por month. And ifthe ‘tts ver than 90 daye, the penaly charge wil be 3% per mont, in cases where tho tts amin ‘exceeds US Dollar fen tousand (USD 10,000) within 15 days of inveice Issuance, SCS wil stop Drovidrg sevces tothe Cent Incase, the Cent doosnt pay outstanding debis to SGS within 30 days from th invoice suing det, ‘sore willbe ceased and furterlgal action are taken, TERM OF AGREEMENT {Tis Agreoment shall be effecive from Mar 20! 2024 and wil be renewed automaticaly every year unless ether Party gives atleast tity (30) workng days) nice to the othor Party in wllng Fegarecs of tho termination of thi Agraement under tis Clause, the Con til abo to make any linpaid payments othe Sovice Provider und ths Agreement ARTICLE V: CONFIDENTIALITY Each Party shall keep ms confence, not cwuige to any porson or ently and release for any other purpose than that contemplated inthis greomant any information sequied om the other i relaon oe ene NC AR EE {othe Services provided, including the contents of this Agreement, excep withthe prox written consent ofthe other Paty. ARTICLE Vi ASSIGNMENT ‘Nether SGS nor The Clent shal without the pice consent ofthe other, assign or ransler is hts ‘and obigatons under this Agreement fo any person or ently. However, SGS may subcontract any Dar of tte senices to a'SCS afte ora thea pary Under Is responebliy ARTICLE VI: ENTIRE AGREEMENT ‘Tne conditions and undertakings contained in this Agreement ad in the Exhibits constitute the entre ‘agreement between the Paries and supersede any pri negoiations or agreement either writen or vec ‘This Agreement is made in dupes in two (02} copes in English. Each Party keeps 0 copy withthe same validty ARTICLE IX: GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE ‘is Agreement willbe governed by, and interpreted in accordance wih, the substantive laws of Vietnam exclusive of ny ruse wih respect o confess of aw INVITNESS WHERE O, he Parties ave caused duplicate copies ofthis Agreement be executed by thar duly authorised offers onthe dates and at the place incest below FORRAQNG INTRARING 20.4 LTD Nes y ‘Name

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