A62c4 - Class Ix HHW Worksheet-2

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NOTE- Students will do the Holiday Homework in A4 size sheets/ assignment sheets and attach
it in the portfolio folder. Last date to submit is 08.07.2024.

1. France was facing an acute economic crisis in 1789. Discuss.
2. Analyse the features of the society of Estates or the “Old Regime‟ that existed before 1789.
3. Discuss briefly the privileges enjoyed by the clergy and the nobility during the ‘Old Regime’.
4. Analyze the emergence of new social groups (Middle Class) in the eighteenth-century France.
5. When, where and why did Louis XVI convene the Estates General? How was voting
6. Explain the main features of the Constitution framed by the National Assembly in 1791.
7. What measures were taken by Robespierre government to bring equality in the French society?
8. Explain the structure and composition of Directory.
9. Describe the condition of women in France before the revolution.

Political Science
1. How can you say that Pakistan was not exercising democracy when General Musharraf
was ruling?
2. How is the right to vote granted in a democracy? Give some instances where the right to
vote is denied.
3. How does Democracy improve the quality of decision making?
4. ‘In a Democracy, no one is permanent winner or loser.’ Why do we say that?
5. How can Democracy enhance the dignity of the citizens?
6.Democracy allows people to correct their mistakes. How is this possible?
7. Outline the role of citizens in a democracy.

1. Explain the physiographic features of Deccan plateau in India. ( 5)
2. Besides the longitudinal divisions, the Himalayas have been divided by regions from west to
east. Explain. (3)
3. Explain the physigraphic features of Purvanchal. (3)
4. Vast plains of Northern Plains also have diverse relief features. Explain the diverse relief
features of Northern plains. (5)
5. India’s contacts with the World have continued through ages but her relationships through the
land routes are much older than her maritime contacts- Explain. (5)
ECONOMICS- Ch-1 The story of village Palampur

Q1-What is the main economic activity in Palampur? 3

Q2- Which of the following is a multiple-cropping practice in Palampur? 3

Q3- What are the reasons for the dependence on moneylenders in Palampur? 3
Q4- Which government scheme provides employment opportunities for rural people in
Palampur? 3

Q5- Explain the problems which arise due to unequal distribution of land. 3

Q6- Describe any three features of small-scale manufacturing as a non-farm activity in Palampur.

Q7- What factors have led to the reduction of water level in Palampur? 3

Q8- Describe the role of the farmers after the crops are harvested and production is complete.
Q9- How many crops are grown by the farmers in Palampur? How are they able to grow these
different crops in a year? 3

Q10- How are traditional seeds different from HYV seeds? 3

5 marker

Q1- What is physical capital? What are its different types? 5

Q2- What is land? Suggest any three ways to sustain land. 5

Q3- Distinguish between Fixed, Working and Human Capital. 5

Q4- Explain the distribution of workforce engaged in non-farming activities in the rural areas. Suggest
some measures to increase non-farming activities. 5

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