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Six Lessons for the Corporate


Harry B. Bernhard and Cynthia A. Ingols

Harvard Business Review

No. 88501

This document is authorized for use only in MBA/Managing & Developing People by Dr. Umesh Bamel, BML Munjal University from September 2016 to March 2017.

Six Lessons for the Corporate Classroom

Harry B. Bernhard and Cynthia A. Ingols

This year, U.S. businesses will spend at least $30 ership through quality.’’ Faced with the question of
billion to provide 17.6 million formal training and how to implement this vision, how to communicate
development courses for their employees, and a good the meaning and essence of this goal to every em-
portion of that investment will be thrown away. ployee, Xerox turned naturally to T&D. Since 1983,
Training and development (T&D) can take a variety everyone at the company has taken the same course
of useful forms—from 30-minute welcome sessions in service quality, which is supported and reinforced
for new hires to two-year MBA programs for fast by a staff of quality specialists and by quality proj-
trackers. T&D can also be time and money wasted ects, quality competitions, and a quality suggestions
on programs that entertain where they ought to edu- program. One middle manager observed that the
cate or that focus on individuals where they ought to course has created a common language among all
help transform entire organizations. The difference employees, improving communication and provid-
between productive and useless T&D depends on ing a shared framework for individual and group ac-
how—and whether—the company links its educa- tion.
tional efforts to its overall strategy and vision. The following year, another large American multi-
national brought scores of middle managers to the
United States from all over the world to take part in
1. Articulate a Vision a T&D exercise meant to instill company values and
reinvigorate a failing sense of common purpose. They
In 1985, the CEO of Xerox articulated this basic were divided into teams, and for two weeks practiced
corporate conflict in an atmosphere that emphasized
corporate strategy: ‘‘Our most important goal is lead-
winning and losing, bare-knuckle competition, and
individual rivalry. When it was all over, one manager
Authors’ note: We are grateful to Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld, George remarked only half jokingly, ‘‘Well, I made some ene-
Wiltsee, Paul R. Lawrence, and Lee Bolman for their help in the
preparation of this article. mies for life.’’
From 1981 to 1985, Harry B. Bernhard was program director Xerox succeeded in linking its T&D to its vision
of advanced management development at IBM, where he had and strategy, with results that have been significant
worked for 30 years in managerial positions marketing and for both morale and profits. The other company de-
human resource management. Now executive-in-residence at the signed a training program divorced from its corporate
University of Southern California, he was Harvard-IBM fellow vision and managed only to increase divisions and
at the Harvard Business School from 1985 to 1987. Cynthia A.
Ingols has analyzed patterns of executive education in more than animosities.
400 corporations. Currently she manages the case writing and T&D is not like the classrooms where as children
research staff at the Harvard Business School. we learned reading and arithmetic. Second graders

Copyright q 1988 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. All rights reserved.

This document is authorized for use only in MBA/Managing & Developing People by Dr. Umesh Bamel, BML Munjal University from September 2016 to March 2017.
do well or poorly as individuals. Children either pass ment communicates a precise direction and links
or flunk, love school or hate it—which is a great T&D efforts explicitly to it.
shame for those who do poorly, but only for those Probably the most common mistake in corporate
who do poorly. In business, individuals and the orga- education programs is to take a scattershot ap-
nization must learn and grow as an integrated whole. proach, educating employees in subjects with little
Everyone needs common goals and a shared thrill of or no relationship to a company’s strategic goals.
achievement. Unlike elementary school, the corpo- Many corporations offer courses on nice-to-know
rate classroom educates the organization, not just topics like time management and stress reduction,
the individual. At their best, T&D programs are tools for example. These sessions may be popular, but
to communicate change, implement strategy, and T&D dollars are better spent on pressing business
knit the corporation together. At their worst, they concerns. At other companies, T&D consists almost
can fragment a company and stunt its growth. exclusively of remedial training for a few workers,
In studying T&D programs at a variety of corpora- instead of educating all employees on issues vital
tions, we have identified some of the characteristics to the company’s business and growth. In the first
that successful programs share. We have also studied case, T&D is a pleasant but basically irrelevant
some of the most common errors companies make add-on. In the second, it is a corrective activity,
in the planning and administration of corporate edu- not a strategic one.
cation. Another common error is to forget that corporate
Since the purpose of corporate education is to inte- education has symbolic as well as practical value.
grate the work force, communicate goals, and accom- T&D can send strong messages about how an organi-
plish change, T&D needs to be as flexible as the zation regards and uses its human resources. In some
organization itself. Learning how to set up and man- companies, managers tapped for development efforts
age effective T&D programs is therefore an active are recognized as members of an elite corps of fast
and continuous process. There are six primary les- trackers. In others, where T&D is used primarily to
sons to learn and then relearn as the company grows fix people, participation in an education program can
and changes occur. be the kiss of death.
1. Articulate a strategic vision. We have already In setting the why, when, how, and who of
talked about corporate goals and their central role in corporate education, companies must ask funda-
shaping T&D. In a way, we can think of lesson one mental questions like: What are our most critical
as the prerequisite for the five lessons that we take current problems and needs? Do we have a strong
up next. corporate culture that permeates all levels and divi-
2. Analyze strategic priorities and company needs. sions, or do we need to develop better ties among
3. Distinguish between training and development different turfs—for example, after a merger? Do we
and their different uses, structures, and forms of need a talent pool for management succession, or
administration. are we coping with a downsizing pinch? Do the
4. Choose the right teachers and programs from energies of the work force need to be redirected—
inside and outside the organization. toward, say, a customer focus and away from an
5. Involve top managers at every stage of T&D— emphasis on cost?
before, after, and especially during the training and A systematic needs analysis is necessary to deter-
development process. mine what kind of T&D to conduct. The analysis
6. Evaluate T&D’s educational value and cost- should move from the company’s overall vision (bet-
effectiveness. ter marketing, say, or improved product safety) to the
specific T&D needs of departments and individuals.
Customer-service reps may need one kind of pro-
gram, Midwest offices another, while managers X,
2. Analyze Needs Y, and Z may need executive development.
Our studies indicate that few organizations tie
Without well-defined corporate goals, T&D lacks T&D efforts to their business strategies or human
focus and credibility. Some organizations embrace resource philosophies. Although most CEOs list de-
one new fad after another—management by objec- veloping executive talent as a leading priority, few
tives, management by walking around—without any use corporate education to help them identify and
overarching sense of corporate priorities. Managers develop future managers. In some companies formal
enrolled in the latest seminar may ask each other, T&D exists only for remedial or punitive purposes;
‘‘What are we doing here?’’ Such confusion can bor- ‘‘good’’ managers are supposed to learn everything
der on hostility and does not occur when top manage- they need on the job.

4 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW September–October 1988

This document is authorized for use only in MBA/Managing & Developing People by Dr. Umesh Bamel, BML Munjal University from September 2016 to March 2017.
3. Distinguish Between Training and Unfortunately, the people who are the best candi-
dates for development often are too busy to interrupt
Development their work for a lengthy program on a distant campus.
IBM recently asked some 40 executives whether they
We have used the expression T&D as if training believed that attendance at developmental education
and development were the same thing. In fact, they courses should be voluntary or mandatory. Re-
have very different profiles, goals, and functions. sponses were virtually unanimous for centralized,
Training is of course a short-term activity that mandatory programs. The message was: ‘‘If you make
helps people do their jobs better, like product infor- it voluntary, we won’t get around to it. There will
mation sessions for the sales force and word pro- always be some compelling, last-minute problem
cessing instruction for secretaries. It is a coping that needs our attention.’’
strategy. Developmental education ought to be linked to
Development is long-term and future oriented. career progression. One top performer at IBM turned
Serving the interests of the organization as well as down the opportunity to participate in an off-site
the affected employees, it is a building strategy. program three times, always with a good reason.
Training helps people become skilled specialists, but After the third refusal, his superiors told him, ‘‘Other
development broadens people and gives them new people manage to get away for two weeks. Should
perspectives. It helps them think strategically, even we conclude that you aren’t interested in your own
if their jobs do not call for strategic thinking. Devel- development?’’ The man got the point and found the
opment creates generalists and, ultimately, corporate time. He was grateful afterward for the push. ‘‘I didn’t
leaders. It can be called a stretching activity because realize how parochial I’d become,’’ he said.
it pushes people beyond their present functions. A
marketing director and an engineering manager learn
about the other’s functional specialty, as well as
about finance, strategy, and other aspects of the larger 4. Choose the Right Teachers and
corporate picture. Programs
In our experience, most companies overemphasize
training at the expense of development. Even those Choosing the participants is often left to chance
who purport to believe in management development and individual preferences. Unfortunately, the
often offer only skill-building programs, not true de- choice of teachers is often just as haphazard.
velopmental education. How a company structures and staffs its T&D ef-
We believe that training should be decentralized forts says a lot about how it views education. When
and development centralized. Individual depart- executives see it as tangential to the company’s
ments benefit from employees’ training, so local line ‘‘real’’ work, they often bring in a T&D director from
managers should decide who should participate, outside—frequently a human relations or personnel
when, in which programs. By the same logic, the specialist who knows little about the company’s
department should pay the cost of training. Gener- business. But people who have never been on the
ally, the training location should also be decentral- company firing line simply cannot teach with the
ized—at or near the place of work, involving as much same relevance or vitality as those who have.
of the line operation as possible, and supporting par- A good choice for T&D director is a respected
ticular local needs. member of the organization, someone with line man-
In a development experience, on the other hand, agement experience who understands the company’s
workers are not their department’s ‘‘property’’ but culture and values as well as its business. Having a
the company’s. Accordingly, the corporation should talented R&D director or a regional vice president
bear the cost, which ought to be reckoned an invest- in that post tells employees that top management
ment, not an expense. takes education seriously and that everyone else
Since the purpose of development is to help the should too.
entire business grow and prosper, selection should For the same reason, put experienced members of
be centralized, with middle and upper managers the organization—people in line or field positions
choosing participants on the basis of perceived poten- serving temporary, say, two-year terms as instruc-
tial. Delivery should also be centralized. Holding tors—on the T&D staff. At IBM, 75% of the edu-
courses away from the workplace in a corporate edu- cation staff consists of experienced practitioners,
cation center or at a university lends prestige to the passing through the T&D department as part of their
experience and takes top workers away from the own career development.
pressing demands of their day-to-day jobs. Seasoned company veterans have automatic credi-

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW September–October 1988 5

This document is authorized for use only in MBA/Managing & Developing People by Dr. Umesh Bamel, BML Munjal University from September 2016 to March 2017.
bility. They embody the company’s culture, know program conceived and delivered by outsiders as
its procedures, and illustrate by example the quali- something foisted on ‘‘us’’ by ‘‘them.’’
ties and behavior that the organization values. When a business’s legendary systems engineer
Newer employees benefit from veterans’ experience, teaches systems technology, students trust the
and the old hands themselves learn much from teacher. In-house speakers also impart company val-
switching hats. They master the material they teach, ues; they tend to take their teaching seriously, and
improve communication skills, and broaden their after a course has ended, they can continue with
understanding of the business by interacting with individual coaching.
students from all areas of the organization. Still, the average company lacks the people or ex-
Using line managers as T&D staff—instead of hir- pertise for all its T&D needs. Consultants can bring
ing trainers and creating a bureaucracy to serve in specific knowledge and help graft it into the orga-
them—is also a flexible approach. As the need for nization. They can also add variety, humor, and inter-
teachers grows or shrinks, the business can add or est—although companies should be wary of the
redeploy in-house staff quickly. consultant who is inspiring and entertaining but ir-
Having said this, we need to point out that there relevant. Finally, like in-house temporaries, consul-
is a place for a small core of experienced, homegrown tants offer flexibility. Companies can hire them as
teachers who do not get rolled back into other func- they are needed.
tions after a stint in the classroom. Some permanent On the minus side, good outside speakers are hard
educators are essential to maintain continuity and to find, and even the most talented won’t know much
provide expertise in adult learning theory and course about the company. Overuse of consultants can also
development. But they should be trusted and re- send the message: ‘‘There’s nobody smart around
spected members of the organization, not people who here.’’ Finally, some subjects are simply best handled
have been put out to pasture on the theory they’ll in-house. When trying to create a new core value or
do less damage in T&D than elsewhere. deal with a serious problem, company executives
Corporate education presents special challenges should probably do the teaching themselves.
that make such expertise indispensable. Educators Like consultants, celebrity speakers can hold em-
who want to change adult behavior and thinking ployees’ attention and generate enthusiasm, but they
patterns must engage their students on many levels. too can be misused. Sports and media stars, politi-
They need to teach effectively, keep the classroom cians, best-selling authors—all can generate memo-
lively and varied, and deal with situations that can rable events. Being able to say ‘‘I had lunch with Dan
enhance or hinder learning. Rather’’ is a kind of perk or status symbol for an
One seminar intended to improve communication employee. But celebrities’ fees are high, and the ex-
among the middle managers in a company’s different pense can be out of proportion to the value received.
divisions yielded just the opposite result. The educa- Moreover, because expectations are high, a celebrity
tor did nothing to develop a group spirit, with the bomb is a 20-megaton affair.
result that people who already knew each other stuck An examination of the need is advisable before
together in the classroom and at social functions. hiring someone to provide this dramatic kind of edu-
One participant reported, ‘‘I learned a lot about the cational experience. The message should be the right
backs of some people’s heads.’’ In another organiza- one from the right person, and the cost per employee
tion, a course featuring team competitions intensi- should be reasonable.
fied rather than softened friction among managers.
Internal versus external programs. The choice be-
Outside educators and celebrity speakers. Setting tween internal and external programs (such as
a proper balance between in-house and external edu- university courses for executives) is fairly straight-
cators is practically a classic make-or-buy decision. forward. Obviously, a company exercises far greater
But the decision has symbolic as well as financial control over content and format with internal pro-
value. grams. In-house education is an integrating, socializ-
It is perfectly appropriate to hire consultants to ing process that teaches organizational norms,
help assess new training needs, to develop a new unwritten rules, and desired behavior. Participants
curriculum—in quality management, for example— develop friendships and a common language, which
and to design and teach pilot courses. But if the com- lends consistency to the organization. Large, decen-
pany wants to offer the same curriculum to 2,000 or tralized companies in particular can benefit from
10,000 employees, in-house staff should take over such integration.
the reins. Consultants are expensive for repetitive or Conversely, employees who attend external
mundane teaching tasks, and employees may see a courses gain exposure to other perspectives, both

6 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW September–October 1988

This document is authorized for use only in MBA/Managing & Developing People by Dr. Umesh Bamel, BML Munjal University from September 2016 to March 2017.
through the classroom material and interaction with They thrive on two-way discussions, one-on-one
people from other companies and industries. Some coaching, and direct access to people who know the
international companies send managers to American company’s situation and prospects.
universities to introduce them to the U.S. business Perhaps the greatest advantage of executive partic-
environment. Advertising, consulting, and account- ipation, however, is what it does for executives them-
ing firms often send managers to business school selves. Teaching and discussion groups polish the
programs to learn more about their clients’ same skills they need in other spheres, like stock-
industries. holder meetings or presentations to clients. In addi-
Due to high costs and limited enrollments, compa- tion, they get feedback from the trenches about
nies use external education mainly to develop indi- what’s going on at the front, information they might
viduals—as preparation for advancement or for more never get through ordinary channels. Finally, they
immediate benefits. If executives want to educate develop firsthand knowledge about the quality of
all middle managers or some other large coalition, T&D programs and the talents of teachers and parti-
they usually find in-house programs more effective. cipants. Their involvement helps ensure that the
One legal services manager who attended Har- company’s education dollars are spent wisely and
vard’s Advanced Management Program described effectively.
how it changed his view of his own role: ‘‘I had
thought the company valued me for my legal exper- Training temples. Executives who believe very
tise. But I realized that what I really did was manage strongly in the value of corporate education some-
lawyers. I was valued for my judgment. My title times try to control every aspect of the T&D process,
didn’t change, but my role has. I used to see my beginning with construction of their own corporate
division’s function as putting out fires; now I look universities. All too often the results are ego
for creative opportunities.’’ monuments—oversized and underused financial
Organizations that expose managers to outside de- nightmares.
velopment programs must be flexible enough to let If a company can justify a T&D center at all, it
them stretch in their roles afterward. Moreover, should be only big enough to accommodate basic,
briefing and debriefing of participants will reinforce ongoing education needs, in good times and bad.
the educational experience. External education Buffer capacity can always be found externally. More-
shouldn’t be just a vacation from the job. over, teleconferencing, touch-screen video, and other
For all their differences, both internal and external communications technologies have reduced the need
programs can signal membership in the ranks of to bring people to a central facility. In an environ-
‘‘comers,’’ and their shared experiences forge links ment characterized by rapid shifts in corporate priori-
among employees. ties, the T&D function should be kept nimble and
elastic. The company that sinks millions into a train-
ing center today may be sorry tomorrow that those
funds aren’t available to hire more educators or de-
5. Involve Top Managers sign new programs.

Managers often wonder how they can extend their

impact on corporate education. Earlier we recom-
mended tying T&D to a company’s strategic vision. 6. Evaluate Effectiveness and Cost
Of course, only senior executives are in a position
to design and judge T&D’s role in helping the organi- T&D programs can easily become institutional-
zation meet its goals. But top executives need to ized, a standard set of offerings whose value is never
involve themselves not only in the planning and assessed. In a recent survey, 31% of education direc-
evaluation of T&D; they need to take part in the tors at the country’s largest corporations said they
educational process itself. didn’t know how much money their companies spent
Many executives recognize the value of manage- on T&D.1 Our own survey shows that 30% of corpo-
ment by walking around but don’t know how to fit rations conduct no formal evaluation of their T&D
it into their schedules. One way is by participating in programs. Surely no other area of business endeavor
corporate education—speaking to classes, presenting is managed so casually.
corporate priorities, answering employee questions.
The results can be dramatic. Employees immedi- 1. Lydia des Grosseilliers, ‘‘What Companies Do to Evaluate the
ately see the program as important and understand Effectiveness of Training Programs,’’ unpublished report (Gardner,
better where it and they fit into organizational plans. Mass.: LDG Associates, November 1986).

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW September–October 1988 7

This document is authorized for use only in MBA/Managing & Developing People by Dr. Umesh Bamel, BML Munjal University from September 2016 to March 2017.
An appropriate measurement system is essential. The third question usually requires input from
We recommend the use of a five-stage process, begin- more than just participants. This is especially true
ning with questions of participants and ending with when an entire work group has taken part in a pro-
questions only management can answer. gram. If all middle managers have attended a three-
‘‘What did you learn?’’ comes first. Amazingly, day program on performance appraisal, for example,
most companies make no systematic attempt to de- the company can later look at the number of perfor-
termine whether the expected learning actually oc- mance appraisals conducted and ask how their qual-
curred. Written or on-the-job demonstration tests ity compares with earlier appraisals in the eyes of
should follow all programs aimed at developing a top management, the appraisers themselves, and em-
specific competency. Such testing can also identify ployees being reviewed. A company might gauge the
and reward top performers, teachers as well as success of a marketing course not just on the basis
learners. of sales volumes and sales-force self-assessments, for
A more subtle variation of this question is ‘‘What example, but also on the basis of a customer-satisfac-
else did you learn?’’ What were some of the messages tion survey.
implicit in the educational experience? What did you Only top management can answer the fourth ques-
discover about the company’s goals and aspirations? tion: ‘‘Was the training or development worth it?’’
Were any of the organization’s best people involved Ideally, executives should conduct an annual review,
in the course? What did the other participants think? focusing on educational strategy and effectiveness
Was the program more punishing than boot camp, by attempting to quantify T&D’s effect on such busi-
was the emphasis on coffee breaks and social hours, ness measures as sales, quality, productivity, and
or was the instruction positive and appropriately morale.
paced? Answering the fifth question—’’Should we do it
At best, corporate education can convey expecta- again?’’—involves a capsule summary of the first
tions of high performance, even where local manage- four answers and a formal cost-benefit analysis. Ac-
ment has failed to do so. At worst, it can subvert the tivities that move the company toward its goals in
corporation’s good intentions and inadvertently lead a cost-effective manner should be repeated. Others
to employee dissatisfaction. should be shortened, revised, or abandoned.
A second area to assess is participants’ emotional ‘‘The great difficulty in education,’’ George Santay-
reactions to the learning situation. So-called happi- ana wrote, ‘‘is to get experience out of ideas.’’ The
ness sheets ask general questions like ‘‘How did you challenge for corporate education is to get organiza-
like the course?’’ and ‘‘How did you like your instruc- tional experience out of individual T&D—to train
tors?’’ Many companies rely on these sheets alone, and develop employees in such a way that the organi-
on the theory that if employees enjoyed themselves, zation as a whole will learn, grow, and pull together.
that’s bound to be good for the corporation. But to- Enabling people to translate classroom learning
day’s competitiveness and need for improved produc- into more effective and efficient work demands a
tivity render that line of questioning inadequate. The great deal from teachers and even more from manage-
proper questions are ‘‘How valuable did you find this ment. Creative educators must continually provide
course?’’ and ‘‘How well did it meet its objectives?’’ new stimuli and relevant, dynamic materials in the
The third, critical question is ‘‘Will trainees use classroom, and they must have the sensitivity to help
the new knowledge or skills on the job?’’ This is employees feel good about themselves and their jobs.
a tricky issue for developmental education, which Senior executives must recognize T&D as a forum for
participants may not use fully for several years, but articulating strategic goals and corporate standards.
it should present no problem in training programs. T&D should be part and parcel of the organization,
Management can take several different approaches, not a peripheral activity for corporate stars and
preferably in combination. A company can simply dunces. Corporate education costs money, to be sure,
monitor individual and group performance. It can but the investment can pay off in employee morale
ask supervisors to report on how well participants are and productivity and customer satisfaction. In to-
applying the training or ask participants themselves day’s business environment, there is one more ques-
how they are using what they learned and repeat the tion senior managers can ask themselves: What
question at six-month intervals. Long-term surveys would be the cost of no training and development
of past trainees can also be useful. at all?

8 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW September–October 1988

This document is authorized for use only in MBA/Managing & Developing People by Dr. Umesh Bamel, BML Munjal University from September 2016 to March 2017.

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