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Chapter 3 : Convection
Prepared By :
School of Chemical Engineering,
College of Engineering,
UiTM Caw. Terengganu, KampusBukit
23200 Bukit Besi, Dungun,
Evaluate engineering problem using the principle of heat transfer
in chemical engineering
Integrate engineering problem using the principle of heat transfer
in chemical engineering
Respond the experimental outcome of heat transfer experiments
3.3 Int er n a l
3.1 Fu n d a ment a l f or ced
of convect ion 3.2 Ex t er n a l convect ion
f or ced
convect ion

 Understand the physical mechanism of convection,

and its classification,
 Visualize the development of velocity and thermal
boundary layers during flow over surfaces,
 Gain a working knowledge of the dimensionless
Reynolds, Prandtl, and Nusselt numbers,
 Distinguish between laminar and turbulent flows
 Conduction and convection are similar
in that both mechanisms require the
presence of a material medium.
 But they are different in that
convection requires the presence of
PHYSICAL fluid motion.
 Heat transfer through a liquid or gas can
M EC HAN ISM OF be by conduction or convection,
depending on the presence of any bulk
C ON VEC T ION fluid motion.
 The fluid motion enhances heat
transfer, since it brings warmer and
cooler chunks of fluid into contact,
initiating higher rates of conduction at a
greater number of sites in a fluid.
Convection heat transfer strongly depends on the fluid properties dynamic viscosity, thermal
conductivity , density, and specific heat, as well as the fluid velocity . It also depends on the
geometry and the roughnessof the solid surface, in addition to the type of fluid flow (such as
being streamlined or turbulent) .

Newton’s law of

Convect ion heat t ransf er coeff icient , h: The rat e of heat t ransf er bet ween a
solid surf ace and a f luid per unit surf ace area per unit t emperat ure
dif f erence.
viscosit y,µ
t ype of
conduct ivit
f luid f low

Convect ion heat

t ransf er depends
geomet ry
and Densit y, ρ

Fluid Specif ic
velocit y,v heat ,Cp
No- s lip con d it ion s
All experimental observations The no-slip condition is responsible for the
indicate that a fluid in motion development of the velocity profile.
comes to a complete stop at the The flow region adjacent to the wall in which the
surface and assumes a zero viscous effects (and thus the velocity gradients)
velocity relative to the surface are significant is called the boundary layer.

A f luid f lowing over a st at ionary surf ace

comes t o a complet e st op at t he surf ace
because of t he no-slip condit ion.
An implicat ion of t he no-slip condit ion is t hat heat t ransf er
f rom t he solid surf ace t o t he f luid layer adjacent t o t he
surf ace is by pure conduction, since the fluid layer is
motionless,and can be expressedas :

The determination of the convection heat transfer

coefficient when the temperature distribution within the
fluid is known:

The convectionheat t ransf er coef f icient , in general, varies

along t he f low direct ion.
Nusselt Number, Nu
In convect ion st udies, it is common pract ice
t o nondimensionalize t he governing equat ions
and combine t he variables, which group
t oget her int o dimensionlessnumbers in order
t o reduce t he number of t ot al variables.
Nusselt number: Dimensionless convection
heat transfer coefficient

Lc characteristic length Heat t ransf er

t hrough a f luid
layer of t hickness L
and temperature
difference ∆T.
Taking their
The Nusselt number represent s t he enhancement of heat
t ransf er t hrough a f luid layer as a result of convect ion
relat ive t o conduct ion across t he same f luid layer.
The larger t he Nusselt number, t he more ef f ect ive t he
convect ion.
A Nusselt number of Nu = 1 f or a f luid layer represent s heat
t ransf er across t he layer by pure conduct ion.
Viscous versus inviscid regions of flow
Internal versus external flow

Compressible versus incompressibleflow

Laminar versus turbulent flow

Natural (or unforced) versus forced flow

Steady versus unsteady flow

One- two-, and three-dimensional flows



• Velocity boundary layer: The region of the flow

above the plate bounded by δ in which t he
ef f ect s of t he viscous shearing f orces caused
by f luid viscosit y are f elt .

• The boundary layer thickness, δ, is typically

defined as the distance y from the surface at
which u = 0.99V.
• The hypothetical line of u = 0.99V divides the flow
over a plate into two regions:
• Boundary layer region: The viscous effects and the
velocity changesare significant .
• Irrotational flow region: The frictional effects are
negligible and the velocity remains essentially

Thermal Boundary Layer: the flow region over the surface

in which the temperaturevariation in the direction normal
to the surface is significant.

Like t he velocit y a thermal boundary layerdevelops

when a fluid at a specified temperature flows over a
surface that is at a different temperature .

Consider the flow of a fluid at uniform temperature

of T∞ over an isot hermal f lat plat e at t emperat ure Ts.
The fluid particles in the layer adjacent assume t he surf ace
t emperat ure Ts.

A temperature profile develops that ranges fromTs at the

surface to T∞ suf f icient ly f ar f rom t he surf ace.

The thickness of t he t hermal boundary layer dt at any

locat ion along t he surf ace is def ined as the distance from
the surface at which the temperature difference T(y=dt )-Ts=

The t hickness of t he t hermal boundary layer increases in t he

f low direct ion.

The convect ion heat t ransf er rat e anywhere along t he Thermal boundary layer on a
surf ace is direct ly relat ed t o t he t emperat ure gradient at f lat plat e (t he f luid is hot t er
t hat locat ion. t han t he plat e surf ace).
• Therelative thickness of the velocity and the thermal
boundary layersis best described by the
dimensionlessparameter Prandtl number, defined as
Molecular diffusivity of momentum ν µ c p
Pr= = =
Molecular diffusivity of heat α k

• Heat diffuses very quickly in liquid metals (Pr«1) and

very slowly in oils (Pr»1) relat ive t o moment um.
• Consequent ly t he t hermal boundary layer is much
t hicker f or liquid met als and much t hinner f or oils
relat ive t o t he velocit y boundary layer .
Laminar flow Turbulent flow
The flow is characterized by:smooth The flow is characterized by:velocity
streamlines and highly-ordered motion. fluctuations and
highly-disordered motion.

• Thetransition from laminar

to turbulent flow does not
occur suddenly.
The velocity profile in t urbulent f low is much f uller t han t hat
in laminar f low, wit h a sharp drop near t he surf ace.
The t urbulent boundary layer can be considered t o consist of
f our regions:

Viscous sublayer ,Buf f er layer, Overlap layer, Turbulent layer

The intense mixing in turbulent flow enhancesheat and

momentum transfer, whichincreasesthe friction force on the
surface and the convection heat transfer rate.
Thet ransit ion f rom laminar t o t urbulent f low depends on:

a) t he surf ace geomet ry

b) surf ace roughness
c) f low velocit y
d) surf ace t emperat ure
e) t ype of f luid.

The f low regime depends mainly on t he rat io of t he inert ia f orces t o viscous f orces in t he f luid.
This rat io is called t he Reynolds number, which is expressed f or ext ernal f low as

Inertia forces VLc ρVLc

= = =
Viscous forces ν µ
 At large Reynolds numbers (turbulent flow) the inertia forces
are large relat ive t o t he viscous f orces.

 At small or moderat e Reynolds numbers (laminar f low), t he

viscous f orces are large enough t o suppress t hese f luct uat ions
and t o keep t he f luid “inline.”

 Crit ical Reynolds number ─ t he Reynolds number at which t he

f low becomes t urbulent .
Thank You
End of Part 1
3.2 External forced
convect ion

 Evaluate the convection coefficients in

external flow,
 Evaluate the heat transfer associated with
flow over a flat plate for both laminar and
turbulent flow,
 Calculate the average heat transfer
coefficient for flow over a cylinder and
TASK 1 :

Dimensionles number
Nusselt number,Nu Prant number,Pr Reynold numbers,Re

Name and state the unit

each of the symbols in
the formula
The transition from laminar to turbulent flow depends on the surface geometry, surface
roughness, upstream velocity, surface temperature, and the type of fluid , amongother things,
and is best characterized by the Reynoldsnumber.
TheReynoldsnumber at a distance x from the leadingedge of a flat plate is expressedas

In engineering analysis, a generally

accepted valuefor the
critical Reynoldsnumber is

The actual value of the engineering critical Reynolds number

for a flat plate may vary somewhat from 105 to 3 × 106,
depending on t he surf ace roughness, t he t urbulence level, and
t he variat ion of pressure along t he surf ace.
• Thelocal Nusseltnumber at location x over a flat plate
=Nu x 0.332 Re1/ 2 Pr1/ 3(7-19)
Pr > 0.6


The heat t ransf er coef f icient s, hx is higher in

t urbulent f low t han t hey are in laminar f low.
Also, hx reaches it s highest values when t he f low
becomes f ully t urbulent , and t hen decreases
by a f act or of x−0 .2 in t he f low direct ion.
TheaverageNusselt number :

Whenlaminar and turbulent flows are

significant :
1  xcr L 
=h  ∫ hx , laminar dx + ∫ hx , turbulent dx 
L  0 xcr

Recr = 5 ×105
When a flat plate is subjected touniform heat flux
instead of uniform temperature, the local Nusselt
number is given by

These relations give values that are 36 percent

higher for laminar flow and 4 percent higherfor
turbulent flow relative to the isothermalplate case.
 Flow over cylinders and spheres is f requent ly encount ered in pract ice.
 The t ubes in a shell-and-t ube heat exchanger involve bot h internal flow
t hrough t he t ubes and external flow over t he t ubes.
 Many sport s such as soccer, t ennis, and golf involve f low over spherical
• Thecharacteristic length for a circular cylinder or sphere is
taken to be the external diameterD.
µ ν

• Thecritical Reynolds numberfor flow across a circular

cylinder or sphere is about
Recr =2x105.
At very low velocities,
the fluid completely
wrapsaround the
cylinder. Flowin the
wake region is
characterized by
periodic vortex
formation and low
pressures. FIGURE 7–16
Laminar boundary layer
At high velocitiesthe separation with a turbulent
boundary layer wake; flow over a circular
detaches from the cylinder at Re=2000 .
surface, forming a
separation region
behind the cylinder.
For flow over a cylinder

The fluid properties are evaluated at the film temperature

For flow over a sphere

The fluid properties are evaluated at the free-stream temperature T∞, except for µs, which is evaluated at the surface
temperature Ts.

The two correlations areaccurate within Í 30%.

Thank You
End of Part 2
3.3 Internal forced
convect ion
When you finish studying this topic you should be able to:

 Have a visual underst anding of dif f erent f low regions in

int ernal f low, such as t he ent ry and t he f ully developed
f low regions, and calculat e hydrodynamic and t hermal
ent ry lengt hs,

 Analyze heat ing and cooling of a f luid f lowing in a t ube

under const ant surf ace t emperat ure and const ant
surf ace heat f lux condit ions, and work wit h t he
logarit hmic mean t emperat ure dif f erence,
• Liquid or gas flow through pipes or ducts is
commonly used in heating and cooling
applications and fluid distribution networks.
• The fluid in such applications is usually forced
to flow by a fan or pumpthrough a flow section.
•Although the theory of fluid flow is reasonably
Circular pipes can
well understood, theoretical solutions are wit hst and large pressure
obtained only for a few simple cases such as dif f erences bet ween t he
inside and t he out side
fully developedlaminar flow in a circular pipe wit hout undergoing any
signif icant dist ort ion
The f luid velocit y in a pipe changes f rom zero at the
wall because of the no-slip condition to a maximumat
the pipe center.
In fluid flow, it is convenient to work with an average
velocity Vavg, which remains constant in
incompressibleflow when the cross-sectional area of
the pipe is constant.
But, in practice, we evaluate the fluid properties at
some average temperature and treat them as
In fluid flow, it is convenient to work with an average
or mean temperature Tm, which remains constant at a
cross section. The mean temperature Tm changes in
the flow direction whenever the fluid is heated or
Laminar and Turbulent
Flow in Tube
 Flow in a tube can be laminar or  Transition from laminar to turbulent
turbulent, depending on the flow flow dependson the :
a) Reynoldsnumber
 Fluid flow is streamlined and thus laminar
at low velocities, but turns turbulent as b) Degree of disturbance of the flow
the velocity is increased beyond a critical by (surface roughness, pipe
value. vibrations, and the fluctuations in
 Most pipe flows encountered in practice the flow)
are turbulent .  The flow in a pipe is laminar for Re <
 Laminar flow is encountered when highly 2300, fully turbulent for Re >
viscous fluids such as oils flow in small 10,000 , and transitional in between.
diameter tubes or narrow passages .
The Entrance Region

Considera fluid entering a circular pipe at a uniform velocity. Becauseof the no-slip condition,
a velocity gradient developsalong the pipe. Theflow in a pipe is divided into two regions:

Boundarylayer region: The viscouseffects and the velocity changesare significant .

Irrotational (core) flow region: The frictional effects are negligible and the velocity remains
essentially constant in the radial direction.

•Thethickness of this boundary layer increasesin the flow direction until it reaches the pipe
• Hydrodynamic entrance region: The region from the pipe Flow in the entrance
inlet to the point at which the velocity profile is fully region is called
developed. hydrodynamically
• Hydrodynamicentry length Lh: The length of this region. developing flow since
• Hydrodynamically fully developedregion: The region beyond
this is the region where
the hydrodynamic entrance region in which the velocity the velocity profile
profile is fully developedand remains develops.
Thermal Entrance Region

Thermalentrance region The region of flow over which the thermal boundary
layer develops andreaches the tube center.
Thermalentry length, Lt The lengthof this region.
Thermally developing flow Flow in the thermalentrance region. This is the region
where the temperature profile develops.
Thermally fully developed The region beyond the thermalentrance region in which
region the dimensionless temperature profile remains
Fully developed flow The region in which the flow is both hydrodynamically
and thermally developed.
The development of thethermal boundary layer in a tube.

The f luid propert ies in int ernal f low are

usually evaluat ed at t he bulk mean fluid
temperature, which is the arithmetic
averageof the mean temperatures at the
inlet and the exit: Tb = (Tm, i + Tm, e)/ 2
Hydrodynamically f ully

Thermally f ully developed: Variation of the friction

factor and the convection
heat transfer coefficient
Surf ace heat f lux in the flow direction for
flow in a tube (Pr>1).

• In the thermally fully developed region of a tube, the local

convection coefficient is constant (does not vary with x).
• Therefore, convection coefficients remain constant in the
fully developedregion of a tube.
• The pressure drop and heat flux are higher in the entrance
regions of a tube, and the effect of the entrance region is
always to increase the average friction factor and heat
transfer coefficient for the entire tube.
Entry Lengths

• TheNusselt numbers and thus h valuesare much higher in

the entrance region.

• The Nusselt number reaches a constant value at a

distance of less than 10 diameters, and thus the flow can
be assumedto be fully developedfor x > 10D.

• The Nusselt numbers for the uniform surface

temperature and uniform surface heat flux conditions
are identical in the fully developed regions, and nearly
identical in the entrance regions

• Variation of local Nusselt number along a tube in

turbulent flow for both uniform surface temperature and
General Thermal Analysis
Rate of heat transfer :
 The t hermal condit ions at t he surf ace can be
approximat ed t o be
Surface heat flux : constant surface temperature (Ts= const)
constant surface heat flux (qs = const)
hx the local heat transfer coefficient  The constant surface temperature condition is
realized when a phase change process such as
boiling or condensation occurs at the outer
surface of a tube.
 The constant surface heat flux condition is
The heat transfer to a fluid realized when the tube is subjected to radiation
or electric resistance heating uniformly from all
flowing in a tube is equal to
the increase inthe energy of
the fluid.  We may have either Ts = constant or qs =
constant at the surface of a tube, but not both.
Constant Surface Heat Flux, q = constant
• In the case ofconstant heat flux, the rate of heat
transfer can also be expressed as

• Then themean fluid temperatureat the tube exit


• Thesurface temperature in the case of constant

surface heat flux can be determined from
Variat ion of t he tube surface and
the mean fluid temperatures along
the tube for the case of constant
surface heat flux.
• In the fully developed region, the surface temperature Ts
will alsoincrease linearlyin the flow direction

• Applying the steady-flow energy balanceto a tube slice of

thickness dx, the slopeof the mean fluid temperatureTm
can be determined

 Not ing t hat bot h t he heat flux and h (f or fully developed

f low) are constants

dTm dTs
dx dx
• In the fully developed region T
( s-Tm=constant)
∂  Ts − T  1  ∂Ts ∂T  ∂T dTs
 0
 =→  −  0
=→ =
∂x  Ts − Tm  Ts − Tm  ∂x ∂x  ∂x dx

• For a circular tube

Constant Surface Temperature, T = Constant

• Theenergy balanceon a differential control volume

• Since the mean temperatureof the fluid Tm increases

in the flow direction the heat flux decayswith x.

• Thesurface temperature is constant (dTm=- d(Ts- Tm))

and dAs=pdx, therefore,
Integrating Eqn. 8-28 f rom x=0 (tube inlet –29 for mcp gives
Solving Eq. 8
where Tm=Ti) to x=L (tube exit where Tm=Te)
gives 𝑚𝑚𝐶𝐶𝑝𝑝 =
𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 𝑇𝑇𝑆𝑆 − 𝑇𝑇𝑒𝑒 / 𝑇𝑇𝑆𝑆 − 𝑇𝑇𝑖𝑖

Substituting this into Eq. 8–15

Taking theexponentialof both sides and

solving for Te where

log mean temperature difference

Crude oil at bulk mean temperature of 21 ℃ is f low t hrough a 2.5
cm diamet er circular t ube at 0 .15 m/ s. The propert ies of oil are:
μ = 0 .0 22 kg/ m.s, p = 890 kg/ m3 and Pr = 287.5
• i. Det ermine t he t hermal ent ry lengt h.
• ii. Ident if y if t he f luid f low in t he 65 m long t ube is whet her in
t hermally developing f low(ent rance region) or f ully developed
f low.
Number of Transfer Unit, NTU
• NTU: Number of transfer units. A measure of the
effectiveness of the heat transfer systems.
• For NTU = 5, Te = Ts, and the limit for heat transfer is
• A small value of NTU indicates more opportunities for
heat transfer .
• ∆Tln is an exact represent at ion of t he average
temperature difference bet ween t he fluid and t he
surf ace.
• When ∆Te dif fers f rom ∆Ti by no more t han 40 percent ,
t he error in using t he arit hmet ic mean t emperat ure
dif f erence is less t han 1 percent . An NTU great er t han 5 indicat es
t hat t he f luid f lowing in a t ube will
reach t he surf ace t emperat ure at
t he exit regardless of t he inlet
t emperat ure.
Nusselt Number, Laminar, Fully Developed :
L q s = con s t a nt
A Fully Developed region,
qs = constant
Nusselt Number, Laminar, Fully Developed :
L q s = con s t a nt
A Fully Developed region,
qs = constant
Nusselt Number, Laminar, Fully
L Develop ed : T s = con s t a nt
A Fully Developed region,
Ts = constant
Nusselt Number, Laminar, Developing
L Region : T s = con s t a nt
A Developing region Ts
, = constant
Nusselt Number, T u r bu lent ,Smoot h T u bes
Smooth tubes
Nusselt Number, Turbulent, Fully T
Develop ed : T s = con s t a nt , q s = con s t a nt U
Turbulent, Fully Developed region,T = constant,q = constant
Summarize :
N u s s elt N u mber (C ir cu la r t u be)
Fully Developed region,qs = constant

Fully Developed region,Ts = constant

Developing region Ts
, = constant

Turbulent, Fully Developed region,Ts = constant,qs = constant

• Problem 1 : Example 8.1

• Problem 2 : Example 8.3

• Problem 3 : Example 8.5
Thank You
End of Chapter 3

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