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Personal Statement

My encounter with children during Sunday School services and Kid’s Summer Camps at Cape
Coast has prompted me that children are creative and can create or construct their own learning.
The only thing they need is a teacher who serves as a guide to create a learning atmosphere
which is learner-centered. From my basic level of education to the undergraduate level, hardly do
I see teachers acting as a guide. They force their ideas, beliefs and knowledge on learners making
learners suppress their creativity to embrace that of the teacher. This, over the years, has led to
the production of students with low level of creativity. If teachers had provided a learning
atmosphere where learners can create their own learning, we would have had a world full of
creativity and innovation to bring about change. This has motivated me to enter into the field of
education to effect these changes.

To effect these changes, it is imperative for me to get a higher learning in Masters of Arts in
English.This is because just a degree in Arts Education won’t give me a voice in the education
sector but a master’s degree in Masters of Arts in English will position me strategically to achieve
these career objectives. This program of study will equip me with the necessary knowledge and
skills to help in producing creative thinkers for my country.

My background knowledge in Philosophical and Psychological Foundation of Education, language

and learning task and On and Off Campus Teaching coupled with my knowledge in the English
language in the undergraduate studies have strategically positioned me to qualify for this
program as it serves as a prequel to the advanced courses offered at The University of Kansas. My
burning desire to help learners create their own learning made me to teach in different schools
during vacations at my undergraduate level. I also became the Child Evangelism Coordinator in
my denomination. These experiences have positioned me to be tolerant and patient. It has also
helped me to develop good communication skills. These skills make classroom teaching more
effective. Having these experiences with how children develop makes me competent enough to
compete for the final selection list.

The University of Kansas is my only option when it comes to a master’s degree in English. This is
because of the in-depth knowledge ingrained into the structure of the courses at The University
of Kansas. Moreover, The University of Kansas boasts of experienced practitioners who have
taught for a very long time and as such, know the needs of every learner and impact this
knowledge into the student teacher. The University of Kansas is known worldwide for its vast
knowledge and experience in academia. The school also has a conducive learning environment
with the facilities needed to support learning. One thing that attracts me is the fact that the it has
a lot of demonstration schools where student teachers get the opportunity to practice what they
have been taught.

I aim at becoming a professional teacher who serves as a guide and creates a learner-centered
atmosphere for learners.
With my all-round experiences in child development and learning, I have much to offer in the
post graduate study. I would be grateful if my application is considered.

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