2016.12.28 Submission of As-Built Documents Ampara, Vavunativu, Monaragala (NEPTDP)

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2 2ol8 10:03AX FAI 04 11 24355E0 ]{EPTDP_ CEB E oooJ

Qfiice of the PM, Notth East Powcr Trsnsmission l)cvclopfitsnt Projcct

l't l'lo<x, G.O.B.A. tluilding
C:cylon lilectdcity Board,
Colombo 2.
'l'. P.: 23259574,435.5t10

Datc: 28'r' Dcccurhcr. 20 I 5


Submission of As-Built Documcnts

Copy oltundcrmmtioncrl Alr-ljtrrilt documqntr of Vnvunsl.ivu, Amprrra. Monaragals & Polonnaruwa ('iSs arc hsndcd
over to your oflicc.


19 Nos O&M manurls

02 Nos Electical desigt liles
0l No Civil du5ign tilc
Anrpare CS

0.5 Nos O&M rnartuals

0l No Elcctrical desigin tile
0l No Civil dsign filc

lurthcr a DVD which includes solt copy of As-Built documents is also handcd over to your oftic€,

I'leasc acknowledge thc rcccipt ofthc above documeuts.

Eng: I\4ICD.S. Fernaudo

Project Mrnagcr (NEPTDP)

Copy: DGM (Ir. I'r.) iii.pl.

DGM(lr. O&MS) f.i.pl.
mM(AM) (A DVD of As-Built docruncntr is cncloscd hcrcwirh ple&sc.)
CE (li. Dcuign) ]

'l'cl : 0l1232595'1/0I l23lltlll I 2 l"ar: 24355110 e-Mail :neptpd(@ccb.lk

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