Africa and ELA Lesson

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6 -Grade Lesson Plan
Exploring African Civilizations and Compound Sentences
Wednesday June 12th, 2024 and Thursday, June 13th, 2024

Topic: African Civilizations and Writing Compound Sentences

Content Objective: Students will learn about various African civilizations, including
their cultural achievements and contributions to world history. They will also learn how
to construct compound sentences effectively.

Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify key
facts about African civilizations and write compound sentences to express ideas with

Quote of the Day: "I'm not a businessman; I'm a business, man!" - JAY Z

Do Now: Display a map of Africa on the board and ask students to identify at least
three African countries. Then, have them share one thing they know about African
history or culture.

New York State Next Generation Learning Standards for English Language
- RI.6.2: Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular
- W.6.1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
- L.6.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking.
- SL.6.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions.

New York State Next Generation Learning Standards for Social Studies:
- 6.2: Early Civilizations and the Development of Past Societies
- 6.4: Africa

Which Word is Correct: Provide sentences with commonly confused words (e.g.,
there/their/they're, your/you're) and ask students to choose the correct word.
Sports Analogies: Present sentences containing sports-related analogies and ask
students to explain their meaning.
Correct the Dangling Modifier: Offer sentences with dangling modifiers and ask
students to rewrite them correctly.
-Write Compound Sentences: Provide prompts related to African civilizations and ask
students to write compound sentences to express their understanding or opinions.

Lesson Procedure:

**Introduction (10 minutes):**

- Begin with the quote of the day and discuss its meaning with the students.
- Introduce the topic of African civilizations and explain the importance of studying

**Main Activity (30 minutes):**

- Present information about various African civilizations, such as Ancient Egypt, Mali,
and the Kingdom of Kush.
- Use visuals, videos, or readings to engage students in learning about the cultural
achievements and contributions of these civilizations.
- Model how to construct compound sentences using conjunctions like "and," "but," and

**Worksheet Practice (20 minutes):**

- Distribute the worksheets on Which Word is Correct, Sports Analogies, Correct the
Dangling Modifier, and Write Compound Sentences.
- Allow students to work individually or in pairs to complete the worksheets.
- Circulate around the room to provide assistance and feedback as needed.

**Group Discussion (15 minutes):**

- Have students share their compound sentences related to African civilizations.
- Encourage discussion on the similarities and differences between the civilizations
- Connect the lesson to the quote of the day by discussing the importance of individuals
and societies in shaping history.

**Conclusion (5 minutes):**
- Review key concepts about African civilizations and compound sentences.
- Assign any homework or additional reading related to the topic.
- Encourage students to continue exploring African history and practicing their writing

- Assess students' understanding through their participation in discussions, completion
of worksheets, and the quality of their compound sentences.

**Extension Activities:**
- Have students research and present on a specific African civilization.
- Create a timeline of African civilizations' key events and achievements.
- Write a narrative or expository essay about life in an African civilization.

**Materials Needed:**
- Map of Africa
- Visual aids or readings about African civilizations
- Worksheets and Writing materials

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