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Continuous Writing (Sec B)

Question no 4

It was a fine day and we were all very excited to

hang out together since our last group outing was
cancelled because everyone was so busy with
assignments and their own business.Our group of
friends consist of six people.Three boys and three girls
including me.One of my friend,Justin suggested that
we should go to places we have never been
to.Usually,we always go to the place where teenagers
would hangout such as amusement park,arcade center
and aesthetic cafes.Then,Justin told us that one of his
acquantaince invited him to an escape room a few days
before our group outing.There is an uneasy feeling
inside me when I heard about the plan but I cannot say
anything because all of my friends were so excited to

Justin told us to gather at his house since he is the

one that would drive us there.It took us almost two
hours to arrive there.We reached in front of an
abandoned building.It sent a shiver down my spine.At
the entrance of the building,there is a boy that is in
charge for the ticket.He said that we are given three
hours to find all the clues.Before I could enter the
building,my boyfriend,Louis said that I should walk
with him inside the building so that,he could protect
me if anything happen.I just nodded then we entered
the building.I realised that we have to escape the
building,not escaping a room.Justin told us to make a
pair since the building consists of three floor.Louis and
I chose to find the clues on the first floor,Justin and my
other female friend,Lily go to the top floor which is the
third floor and my other two friends would search on
the second floor.

The first one hour was fine,nothing bad

happened.I enjoyed searching for the clues with
Louis.We already found four which means that we
have to find three more.Suddenly,I heard a loud
scream.I am pretty sure that it was from the top floor.I
was scared since there were only the six of us in this
building but then,Louis hold my hand.It calm me a little
bit.We continued searching.We entered the third room
in this floor.The room was full with dust,broken glass
on the floor and sheets on the furniture.There is a
porcelain doll on top of a book shelf.The doll face was
covered with blood and one eye hanging out of the
socket.The room name was haunted room so,it makes
sense that it was full with weird and creepy things.I
tightened my grip on Louis while searching for clues.
Few moments later,we only have to rummage
two more rooms to get all the clues in the first
floor.We decided to split up since we only have less
than one hour to escape from the building.I entered
the room in the corner which is the last room of the
floor.While I was busy searching,I heard screams and
groans.It was loud.Maybe it was just my friends that
already complete all the clues so,I shrugged it off and
continue rummage the room.Out of a sudden,Lily calls
me.”Stay away from Justin”,she said.Before I could ask
anything,the call was cut off.I decided to go upstairs
after I finish searching for clues.I wanted to tell Louis
that I want to go upstairs but,then I saw my boyfriend
sat down weakly on the floor and blood was rushing
out from his head.He said that a chandelier fell on his

I quickly run upstairs to find my friends after I

told Louis to hang on just for a while.I wanted to
gather all of the clues so that,all of us could escape
from this abandoned building.When I reached on the
second floor,it was quiet and there was no sign of my
friends.Without hesitation,I ran to the top floor to find
Justin and Lily.I opened every room door on the floor
bit I could not find them.When I opened the last door,I
gasped.I saw Lily had been lying on the floor with both
of her eyes closed.I walked to her to check her
breathing but unfortunately she was no longer
breathing.I tried my best to search for the clues that
Lily and Justin already found eventhough my hands
were shaking.After that,I ran to the second floor to find
my friends.I almost fell because I was scared to death.
While I was looking for them,I heard a loud
scream.I knew it was one of my friend.I ran to the
sound and stopped in front of a room.I saw something
that never crossed my mind.Justin killed both of them.I
covered my mouth with my hand.Before I could run
away,I heard someone call my name.It was Justin.He
walked to me with a creepy smile on his face.I was
already closed my eyes because I know that he would
kill me too but then,he stopped in front of me.He said
that it was no fun if I gave up.”Let’s play a game.You
only have 20 minutes to escape from this building.If
you lose,you know what would happen to
you,right?”he said to me.Without wasting time,I ran as
fast as I could to gather all the clues.Then,I ran to the
first floor to get Louis.Unfortunately,his fate is the
same as Lily’s.It took me a few seconds before I
regained control over my body.I tried my best to
escape the building by gather all the clues eventhough
I was at the verge of crying.After a few minutes,I
succeed to escape from the building.The moment I
walked out from the abandoned building,I quickly
locked the entrance to prevent Justin to get out from
there.I breathed a sigh of relief before I called the

A few moments later,the polices arrived and

went into the building to arrest Justin.He was already
handcuffed by the police.Then,some of the police
officer came out with four dead bodies.I closed my
eyes to prevent myself from crying.People that I loved
died right in front of my eyes.It was a total nightmare
for me.Then,the police officer asked me to follow them
to testify about the case.I told them about
everything.From how we met Justin two years ago until
how he killed almost all of us.After that,I went home.I
took a shower and lay down on my bed. All of the
things that they explained to me still clear in my mind.I
never thought that Justin is a prisoner.They said that
he escaped from the prison two years ago.That was the
time that we met him.We decided to be friend with
him when we saw him alone at a cafe.It made me
realised that our group outing was just a plan for him
to kill us.Also,I knew that he does not has any apparent
motive to murder my friends.He just did it for fun.That
is what most of the serial killer would do.They kill
people for enjoyment.

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