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English Final

Exam Revision

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Language Arts - Final
Analyze Craft & Reflective Writing pg.329
Structure Author’s Word Choice: Imagery pg.367
Literary Elements: Irony pg.427
Theme p.463&477
Vocabulary tissue, enlarged, amoeba pg.328
blight, puzzled, stillness, maladies, stricken, deserted pg.368
Consequences, resolved, disposal pg.426
ruthless, toil, doomed, bitterness, sorrow, frantically pg.464
Word Study Prefix en- pg.328
Anglo Saxon Suffix –ness p.368
Latin Root -sequ - pg.426
Old English Suffix–less p.464
Appositives and Appositive phrases p.330
Conventions Verb Mood: The Subjunctive pg.369
Punctuation Marks pg.428
Author’s Style: Description pg.465
Note:Refer to myPerspective book and the myPerspective .packet
Analyze Craft and

### Reflective Writing

**Meaning**: Reflective writing is a personal type of writing where the author

explores their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences, often in response to a
specific prompt or about a particular event. It’s introspective and aimed at gaining
deeper understanding of oneself or a topic.


- **Reflective Essay on a Personal Experience**: "Looking back on my first day at

college, I realize how much I've grown since then. The anxiety and excitement
mixed with the sense of new beginnings taught me about resilience and
openness to change."

- **Reflective Journal Entry**: "Today’s lecture on climate change made me

reflect on my own habits and how I contribute to the problem. I am considering
what changes I can make to reduce my footprint."

### Author’s Word Choice: Imagery

**Meaning**: Imagery refers to the use of descriptive language that appeals to the
senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste) to create vivid pictures or images in the
reader's mind.


- **Visual Imagery**: "The sunset painted the sky in strokes of pink and orange,
turning the clouds into a blazing canvas."

- **Tactile Imagery**: "The rough bark of the old tree scratched her hands as she
climbed higher."
### Literary Elements: Irony

**Meaning**: Irony involves a contrast or discrepancy between expectations and

reality. It is a literary device where the intended meaning of words is opposite to
their usual meaning, or where an event occurs that is unexpected, given the


- **Verbal Irony**: Saying "What a pleasant day!" when it is raining heavily.

- **Situational Irony**: A fire station burns down.

### Theme

**Meaning**: The theme of a literary work is its underlying message or main idea
that reflects universal truths, observations, or commentary on life and human
nature. It often explores philosophical, moral, or societal issues.

### Example Story:

In a tiny village, an old man gave every child a seed and said he would give a gift
to the child who grew the best plant. Months later, a young girl won with an
empty pot because she told the truth: her seed never grew.

### Explanation of Theme:

The theme of this story is about **being honest**. The young girl didn’t lie about
her seed not growing. Because she told the truth, she was chosen as the winner.
This story teaches us that telling the truth is important, even when we think it
might make us look bad.

1. **Tissue**: A group or layer of cells that together perform specific functions in

an organism.

2. **Enlarged**: Made bigger in size or volume.

3. **Amoeba**: A type of single-celled organism that can change its shape, found
in water and soil.

4. **Blight**: A plant disease causing the affected parts to wither and die, or a
thing that spoils or damages something.

5. **Puzzled**: Confused and unable to understand something or make a decision.

6. **Stillness**: The absence of movement or sound; quietness.

7. **Maladies**: Diseases or ailments.

8. **Stricken**: Seriously affected by an undesirable condition or unpleasant


9. **Deserted**: Abandoned or left empty.

10. **Consequences**: Results or effects of an action or condition, often negative.

11. **Resolved**: Determined to do something; decided firmly on a course of action.

12. **Disposal**: The act of getting rid of something.

13. **Ruthless**: Showing no pity or compassion; harsh.

14. **Toil**: Work extremely hard or incessantly.

15. **Doomed**: Likely to have an unfortunate and inescapable outcome; ill-fated.

16. **Bitterness**: Anger and disappointment at being treated unfairly;


17. **Sorrow**: A feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other


18. **Frantically**: In a hurried, excited, or disorganized manner, typically due to

anxiety or urgency.
Word Study
### Prefix en-
**Meaning**: The prefix "en-" is used to transform verbs into verbs indicating
making, putting into or onto, or covering with, or to transform nouns and
adjectives into verbs.


- **Enrich**: To make rich or richer.

- **Encase**: To enclose or cover in a case.

### Anglo-Saxon Suffix –ness

**Meaning**: The suffix "-ness" is used to form nouns from adjectives, indicating a
state or quality.


- **Happiness**: The state of being happy.

- **Darkness**: The state or quality of being dark.

### Latin Root -sequ-

**Meaning**: The Latin root "-sequ-" means to follow. Words derived from this root
often have meanings related to following, sequence, or consequence.


- **Consecutive**: Following continuously.

- **Sequel**: A published, broadcast, or recorded work that continues the story

or develops the theme of an earlier one.

### Old English Suffix –less

**Meaning**: The suffix "-less" is used to form adjectives indicating lack of


**Examples**: **Fearless**: Without fear. - and **Homeless**: Without a home.


### Appositives and Appositive Phrases

**Meaning**: An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames or gives

additional information about a noun next to it in a sentence. Appositives can be
essential (restrictive) without commas, or non-essential (non-restrictive) with


- **Simple Appositive**: My brother, **John**, is moving to Australia. (John is an

appositive giving more information about 'my brother'.)

- **Appositive Phrase**: Lisa adopted a cat, **a small orange tabby with
mischievous eyes**, from the local shelter. (The phrase gives additional
information about the cat.

### Verb Mood: The Subjunctive

**Meaning**: The subjunctive mood is used to express wishes, hypotheses, or

conditions that are contrary to fact at present.


- **Wish**: "I wish I were taller."

- **Hypothetical**: "If I were president, I would change many laws."

### Punctuation Marks

**Meaning**: Punctuation marks are symbols used in writing to separate

sentences and their elements and to clarify meaning.


- **Comma (,)**: Used to indicate a pause between parts of a sentence or items

in a list.

- **Question Mark (?)**: Used at the end of a sentence to indicate a question.

### Author’s Style: Description

**Meaning**: Description in writing refers to the use of vivid and detailed language
to create sensory impressions and to convey the attributes of something.


- **Descriptive Passage**: "The ancient forest was dense with towering trees
whose branches created a tapestry of leaves above, muting the sunlight into soft

- **Character Description**: "He had a hawkish nose, piercing blue eyes, and a
constant air of authority that made everyone take notice when he entered the
### Reflective Writing

When reflecting on my childhood, I often recall the long summer days spent at my
grandmother’s house in the countryside. These memories are not just about the
games played or the silence of the afternoons, but also about the sense of
timelessness and freedom I experienced. It was during these visits that I learned
about patience from my grandmother, who tended her garden with a dedication
that seemed to slow down the bustling world around us. I also think about the
strength of familial bonds, and how those slow, shared meals and stories under
the stars shaped who I am today.

**Directions:** Read the passage above. Then answer the questions that follow.

1. What are two feelings the author associates with their childhood visits to their
grandmother’s house?



2. What did the author learn from their grandmother during these visits?





3. From the details provided, what can you infer is the central theme of the




Early in the morning, the garden was a breath of fresh air, bathed in the gentle
glow of dawn. Dewdrops shimmered like tiny jewels on the blades of grass, and
the sweet fragrance of jasmine filled the air. Birds chirped melodiously from their
perches, adding a soundtrack to the serene tableau. The cool breeze whispered
through the leaves, carrying with it the promise of a new day. The garden, a
tranquil oasis, seemed to pause in a moment of peaceful solitude before the world

Directions: Identify the images, vivid words and phrases, and mood in the


Describe the imagery that appeals to the sense of sight in the passage.





What are some vivid words and phrases that enhance the sensory experience of
the garden?



What mood is created by the imagery in the passage?



### Passage 1:

When a renowned chef who always criticizes fast food wins a lifetime supply of
burgers in a raffle, he comments, "Just what I needed, more reasons to avoid my
own kitchen!"

**Question:** What type of irony is demonstrated in this passage?



### Passage 2:

During a local marathon, the lead runner, who has been bragging about their new
high-tech running shoes, trips and falls just meters before the finish line, allowing
a newcomer to win the race.

**Question:** What type of irony is demonstrated in this passage?



### Passage 3:

In a thriller novel, the audience knows that the charming neighbor is the villain
who has been sabotaging the protagonist's life. However, the protagonist trusts
the neighbor completely and shares secrets with them.

**Question:** What type of irony is demonstrated in this passage?


### Passage 4:

A professional wildlife photographer who waits patiently in the forest to capture a

rare bird instead gets a series of spectacular shots of squirrels playfully
interrupting his setup. He later remarks, "Well, I always wanted to start a squirrel

**Question:** What type of irony is demonstrated in this passage?



### Passage 5:

A tech-savvy teenager, known for her dislike of old technology, receives a vintage
camera from her grandparents. She ends up winning a prestigious photography
contest with her very first set of pictures taken with it.

**Question:** What type of irony is demonstrated in this passage?



### Passage 6:

In a popular TV show, the audience knows that the character Bob has already
planned a surprise birthday party for his friend. However, throughout the episode,
his friend complains about everyone forgetting his birthday.

**Question:** What type of irony is demonstrated in this passage?


In the small coastal town of Seaview, where families have lived for generations,
young Ellie discovers an old, weathered journal buried in the attic of her family
home. The journal belonged to her great-grandmother, who lived through the
town's golden age of fishing. As Ellie reads through the detailed pages, she learns
about the hardships and victories of the community's past, the deep connection
her ancestors had with the sea, and how they adapted to changes over time. Ellie
begins to see her own challenges in light of her great-grandmother’s
determination and hopefulness, gaining a new appreciation for her heritage and a
renewed sense of belonging to her community.

**Directions:** Read the passage above. Then answer the questions that follow.

1. What setting is described in the passage and how does it support to the




2. What challenges does Ellie face, and what does she learn from her great-
grandmother’s journal?




3. How does the historical context of the journal influence Ellie’s understanding of
her community?



4. What is a possible theme of the passage based on Ellie's reflections and




Q1: give me a sentence that has that has the word consequences




Q2: Give me a sentence that includes the word ruthless




Q3: Write a synonym of the word toil



Q4: write a sentence that includes the word sorrow




Q5: write a sentence that includes the word doomed



Q6: what does frantically mean



Q7: if a problem was resolved does that mean that the problem is solved?

1: Yes


Q8: if the ocean became a disposal for people's wastes will the ocean be clean?



Q9: write a synonym for the word bitterness



Q10: what is a tissue?

1: a tissue to clean your nose

2: a toilet tissue

3: a group of cells tissue

Q11: if a paper was enlarged:

1: the paper would be smaller

2: the paper will be bigger

3: the paper will be longer

Q12: what is an amoeba:

1: an animal

2: a disease

3: an bacteria
Q13: if a farmer's crops became affected by a blight what will happen?



Q14: what does the word stillness mean?



Q15: write a sentence that includes the word stillness




Q16: Write a synonym for the word puzzled



Q17: write the word puzzled in a sentence




Q19: if a man had a malady he will be in a great health condition?


2: False

Q20: if a farmer's crops had been stricken will the crops die?

1: yes

2: no

Q21: if a town was deserted, would people love to live in it?

1: yes

2: no
### Appositives and Appositive Phrases
In the bustling city of New York, Sarah, a talented young artist, prepares for her
first major gallery exhibition. Her mentor, Mr. Thompson, the owner of the
renowned Thompson Gallery, has been instrumental in recognizing her potential.
The gallery, a modern space located in the heart of Chelsea, is known for
launching the careers of many promising artists. As the opening night approaches,
Sarah feels a mix of excitement and nerves. Mr. Thompson, always a reassuring
presence, encourages her to embrace the moment as a pivotal step in her artistic

**Directions:** Read the passage above. Then answer the questions that follow.

1. Identify the appositive or appositive phrase in the sentence about Sarah, and
explain whom or what it describes.




2. Find the appositive phrase in the description of Mr. Thompson and indicate the
noun it clarifies.




3. What information does the appositive phrase about the gallery provide?




4. How does the appositive at the end of the passage enhance the understanding
of Mr. Thompson’s role in Sarah's life?

Verb Mood
### Directions: Mark the subjunctive verb in each sentence.

1. I recommend that she be considered for the leadership role.

2. If I were a bird, I would fly to the warmest places every winter.

3. It is Essential that he find the documents before tomorrow.

4. I demand that they do not enter this area.

5. If she were more confident, she might speak up more often.

### Directions: Identify the verb mood being used in the sentences below by
writing I (indicative) or S (subjunctive) on the line for each.

1. If he were older, he could join the club. _____

2. They always eat lunch together at noon. _____

3. It is necessary that she arrive early to set up. _____

4. I hope the weather stays nice for the weekend. _____

5. I suggest that you take a different route to avoid traffic. _____

### Directions: Choose the subjunctive verb in each sentence.

1. The teacher requests that each student [finishes/finish] the assignment by


2. If I were in charge, I [will/would] change the schedule.

3. It is essential that the equipment [is/be] tested regularly.

4. I wish it [was/were] possible to see you more often.

5. The doctor recommended that she [rests/rest] for a full week.

Punctuation Marks
Q1: use the semi colon mark in a sentence:





Q2: Write a sentence that includes a question marks:





Q3: use a hyphen in a sentence:





Q1: write a sentence that includes a description




Q2: write any 3 descriptive words


Word Study
Prefix -EN :

Q1: What does the prefix -EN- do to the word:



Q2: Write 3 words that has the prefix -EN-



Q3: Write a sentence with the Prefix -en




Suffix -less :

Q1: write a sentence with the suffix -less-




Q2: what does the suffix less mean?



Q3: write 3 words with the suffix -less


Suffix -ness :

Q1: write 3 words with the suffix -ness-



Q2: write a sentence with the suffix -ness-




Q3: write the meaning of the suffix -ness :




Latin root -sequ-

Q1: write one word that has the Latin root -sequ-



Q2: write a synonym for the word sequel



Q3: write a sentence that has a word with the Latin root -sequ




ultimate challenge
All skills in one story!

The Orchard of Shadows and Light

In the quiet village of Willow's End, where the **stillness** (quietness) of dawn was
often considered a sacred hour, lived Eleanor, a young botanist. Each morning, she
wandered through the old orchard, her sanctuary from the **maladies** (diseases)
of life. The orchard, once a vibrant hub of the community, now lay **deserted**
(abandoned), the trees a testament to the relentless **blight** (disease) that had
**stricken** (affected) them years ago.

Eleanor, with her heart set on revitalizing the orchard, discovered an unusual
**amoeba** (a type of single-celled organism) in a **tissue** (group of cells) sample
of the soil, which she believed could reverse the damage. The microscopic
organism had the unique ability to enhance the nutrient absorption of plants,
effectively **enlarging** (increasing the size of) their growth potential.

As she prepared the solution to treat the trees, she was **puzzled** (confused) by
the erratic behavior of the weather. Dark clouds would gather as if to challenge
her efforts, casting shadows that seemed almost **ruthless** (cruel) in their
intent. But she was **resolved** (determined) to succeed. With the weight of
**consequences** (results) heavy on her shoulders, she knew the fate of Willow's
End's ecosystem was at her **disposal** (control).

One evening, under a crescent moon, she poured her concoction around the base
of each tree, her actions almost **frantic** (wild with emotion) as she worked
against the impending storm. Her assistant, Thomas—a man once **doomed**
(destined for failure) by his own **bitterness** (resentment) and **sorrow**
(sadness)—watched in awe. "This could be our salvation or our undoing," he said,
his voice barely a whisper.

The treatment was a success, ushering in a season of unprecedented bloom.

Flowers sprouted overnight, and fruits filled the branches, heavy and sweet. The
irony of it all was palpable: the very **amoeba** that was a product of the
orchard's decay now breathed life back into its limbs.

"The orchard's revival, a direct **consequence** of its darkest days," Eleanor

mused, the theme of **renewal** and **resilience** echoing through her
**reflective** writings. Her discovery led her to theorize about nature's capacity for
healing—how it follows an unspoken **sequence** (**sequ-**, meaning "follow"), and
how, often, restoration comes from the **depths of despair**.

1. How does Eleanor use **reflective writing** to process her experience with the




2. In what way does the author's **word choice** contribute to the imagery of the
orchard's transformation?





3. Identify an example of **irony** in the story.




4. What is the **theme** of the story based on Eleanor's experiences and



5. How does the prefix **en-** in "enlarged" affect the meaning of the word in the
context of the story




6. Describe how the suffix **-ness** in "stillness" contributes to the atmosphere of

the orchard.




7. Explain the importance of the root **-sequ-** in "sequence" within the story.




8. Identify a use of an **appositive** or **appositive phrase** in the story.




9. Give an example of a sentence in the story that has a subjunctive mood.





10. Highlight the importance of **punctuation marks** in the narrative, especially in

creating suspense or clarity.



11. Write how the **author’s style of description** enhances the setting of the





Some Hard Words Meanings

1. **Erratic**: Not regular or predictable; inconsistent or irregular in movement or

2. **Sacred**: Regarded with great respect and reverence, especially associated

with religious significance or dedicated to a divine purpose.

3. **Botanist**: A scientist who specializes in the study of plants, including their

physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic

4. **Orchard**: A piece of land planted with fruit trees, such as apples, pears,
oranges, or cherries, intended for the cultivation of fruit or nuts.

5. **Sanctuary**: A place of refuge or safety; in a broader sense, it can also refer to

a peaceful and sacred place where one finds solace or comfort.

6. **Concoction**: A mixture of various ingredients or elements, often created by

combining them in a novel or experimental way; can refer to both physical
mixtures and abstract combinations in writing or theory.

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