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Environmental Studies (2024-25)

Grade 2 Lesson 2: Our Body
(New Words and Question/Answers)
Our Body
New words

1. external 7. stomach
2. internal 8. digest
3. sense 9. swallowing
4. function 10. regularly
5. continuously 11. breathe
6. exercise 12. organs
Answer the following questions
Q1. What is an organ?
A1. An organ is a part of our body that has a special function
E.g. heart, nose etc.
Q2. What are external organs?
A2. The body parts which can be seen by us are called
external organs.
E.g. legs, ears etc.
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Q3. What are internal organs?
A3. The body parts which are inside our body and we cannot
see them are called internal organs.
E.g. Brain, lungs etc.

Q4. How can we keep our heart healthy?

A4. We can keep our heart healthy by doing regular exercise.

Q5. State any two habits that help us to keep our body fit and
A5. We can keep our body fit and healthy by:
a) Regular exercise.
b) Getting enough sleep.

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