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Online Advertising


Mr. Yash Suryakant Bhosale




PROF. Radhika Swetlana





Jog Educational Trust's


Mayur Colony Kothrud, Pune



This is to certify that Mr. Yash Bhosale Student of S.Y.BBA Semester 4 having
examination Seat No. at P. Jog College of Science &Commerce,
Pune has completed the assigned Project Work prescribed by Savitribai Phule Pune
University during the Academic year 2023-24.



Internal Examiner/ Principal

External Examiner

Head of Department


I Yash Suryakant Bhosale, hereby declare that the project work entitled " Online
Advertising " has been submitted to Savitribai Phule Pune University. Is an original
work of the undersigned and has not been reproduced from any other source.
Whenever reference has been made to the previous work of others, it has been
indicated as such and included in the Reference.

Signature of Candidate

Full name:

Certificate by:

Signature of Project Guide Full name:


It would not have been possible to prepare and shape this report without the kind of
cooperation and help of a person who guided me in a proper direction and provided
essential information regarding the report. It is a great occasion for me to thank and
express my deepest sense of gratitude to all those who have guided, advised and
supported me during my summer project work.

I wish to thank to Department of Marketing, Savitribai Phule Pune University for

providing me an opportunity to do project work on this topic as a part of the BBA

As an institute side, it is my great pleasure to have these opportunities to express my

sense of gratitude to my guide Mr. Smita WAgh for his assistance encouragement,
motivation and valuable advice from time to time that guided me towards the
fulfilment of my successful project report successfully
Ch no. TOPIC Pg no.




4 SEM (Search Engine Marketing) 8

• What is Social Media Advertising

Certainly! Social media marketing refers to the practice of using social media
platforms to promote products, services, brands, or content. It involves creating and
sharing engaging content, engaging with users, and running targeted advertising
campaigns to reach and engage a specific target audience.
Here are some key aspects and benefits of social media marketing:

1. Audience Engagement: Social media platforms provide a direct and interactive

way to engage with your target audience. By sharing valuable and relevant
content, responding to comments and messages, and participating in discussions,
you can build relationships with your audience and foster brand loyalty.

2. Brand Awareness: Social media offers a vast reach, allowing you to increase the

visibility and awareness of your brand. By consistently sharing content and

leveraging social media networks, you can increase brand recognition and
expand your audience.

3. Targeted Advertising: Social media platforms provide sophisticated targeting

options to reach specific demographics, interests, behaviours, or locations. This
enables you to deliver targeted advertisements directly to the audience most
likely to be interested in your products or services.

4. Content Promotion: You can leverage social media platforms to promote your
content, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and more. By sharing valuable
and shareable content, you can drive traffic to your website, increase brand
visibility, and establish your expertise in your industry.
5. Customer Feedback and Insights: Social media platforms offer a valuable
channel for gathering customer feedback, opinions, and insights. By monitoring
social media conversations and engaging with your audience, you can gain
insights into customer preferences, sentiments, and needs. This information can
help shape your marketing strategies and improve your products or services.

6. Competitive Advantage: Social media allows you to monitor and analyse what

your competitors are doing. By keeping an eye on their social media activities,
content, and engagement strategies, you can gain insights to differentiate your
brand and stay competitive.

7. Measurable Results: Social media platforms provide analytics and insights that

allow you to measure the performance of your campaigns. You can track key
metrics such as reach, engagement, click-through rates, conversions, and more.
This data helps you assess the success of your social media marketing efforts
and make data-driven decisions to optimize your strategies.

Overall, social media marketing offers businesses a powerful way to connect

with their audience, build brand awareness, and drive business results. It
requires planning, creativity, and consistent engagement to effectively leverage
the potential of social media platforms for marketing purposes.
• Social Media Advertising Tools

Social media marketing tools are software and platforms that help businesses and
marketers manage, automate, analyze, and optimize their social media marketing
efforts. Here are some popular social media marketing tools:

1. Hootsuite: Hootsuite is a social media management platform that allows users to

schedule and publish posts across multiple social media channels. It also
provides analytics to measure performance, monitor mentions, and engage with
the audience.

2. Buffer: Buffer is a social media scheduling tool that enables users to plan and
schedule posts for various social media platforms. It provides a user-friendly
interface, analytics, and the ability to create and save custom posting schedules.

3. Sprout Social: Sprout Social is a comprehensive social media management

platform that offers features for content scheduling, analytics, social listening,
and team collaboration. It helps users monitor brand mentions, engage with the
audience, and measure the impact of social media campaigns.

4. Canva: Canva is a graphic design tool that allows users to create visually
appealing social media posts, images, and graphics. It offers pre-designed
templates, a wide range of fonts and images, and intuitive editing features,
making it easy to create professional-looking visuals.
5. Bozsum: Bozsum is a content research tool that helps identify popular and
trending content in specific topics or industries. It allows users to analyze the
performance of content, discover influencers, and find opportunities for content
promotion and social media engagement.

6. Google Analytics: While not specifically a social media marketing tool, Google
Analytics is essential for tracking and analysing the impact of social media
traffic on your website. It provides insights into the volume of social media
referrals, user behaviour, conversions, and other valuable metrics.

These tools simplify and streamline social media marketing activities, saving time,
improving efficiency, and providing valuable insights that help optimize social media
strategies for business growth.
• Social Media Advertising Courses
There are several social media advertising courses available that can help you enhance
your knowledge and skills in running effective social media advertising campaigns.
Here are some popular social media advertising courses:

1. Facebook Blueprint: Facebook Blueprint offers a range of courses covering

various aspects of Facebook advertising. It provides comprehensive training on
creating and managing Facebook ads, targeting specific audiences, measuring ad
performance, and more.

2. Google Ads Certification: Google offers a certification program for Google Ads,
which includes courses on advertising across Google's platforms, including
YouTube, Display Network, and Search Network. It covers topics such as
campaign creation, targeting, bidding strategies, and optimization.

3. LinkedIn Learning: LinkedIn Learning offers a wide range of courses on social

media advertising. They cover platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
Pinterest, and LinkedIn, providing insights into creating effective ad campaigns,
targeting strategies, ad formats, and tracking performance.

4. Udemy: Udemy offers various social media advertising courses taught by

industry experts. These courses cover different aspects of social media
advertising, including strategy development, platform-specific tactics, targeting,
budgeting, and ad optimization.
5. Hootsuite Academy: Hootsuite Academy offers courses on social media
marketing and advertising. Their courses cover topics like Facebook and
Instagram advertising strategies, content creation, ad targeting, analytics, and
social media management.

6. Coursera: Coursera hosts numerous social media advertising courses from

renowned universities and institutions. These courses cover platforms like
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, providing insights into advertising
techniques, audience targeting, ad formats, and campaign optimization.

These courses can provide you with a solid foundation and advanced knowledge of
social media advertising, helping you leverage the power of social media platforms to
promote your business effectively. Remember to explore course reviews, syllabi, and
instructor credentials to choose the ones that align best with your learning goals.
• What is Content Marketing

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that focuses on creating and

distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a target
audience. It involves creating and sharing content in various formats, such as blog
posts, articles, videos, infographics, podcasts, and more, to attract and retain customers
or drive profitable customer actions.
Here are the key elements and benefits of content marketing:

1. Audience Engagement: Content marketing aims to provide valuable and

relevant information to the target audience, addressing their pain points,
answering their questions, and fulfilling their needs. By delivering high-quality
content, businesses can engage their audience and establish trust and credibility.

2. Brand Awareness: Creating and sharing valuable content helps increase brand
visibility and recognition. When businesses consistently deliver helpful and
informative content, they can become a go-to resource, positioning their brand
as a thought leader in the industry.

3. Lead Generation: Content marketing plays a crucial role in generating leads. By

creating content that offers value and requires users to provide their contact
information to access it (e.g., eBooks, webinars, email courses), businesses can
attract potential customers and build their email subscriber list.
4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): High-quality content is key to SEO success.
By publishing relevant and optimized content, businesses can improve their
search engine rankings, drive organic traffic to their website, and increase their
online visibility.
5. Customer Education and Retention: Content marketing allows businesses to
educate their existing customers and provide ongoing value. By creating content
that helps customers maximize the use of products or services, solves common
problems, or provides tips and best practices, businesses can enhance customer
satisfaction and increase loyalty.

6. Thought Leadership and Industry Influence: Consistently creating valuable and

insightful content can help businesses establish themselves as thought leaders in
their industry. By sharing expert knowledge and insights, businesses can gain
authority, build relationships with influencers, and increase their influence
within the industry.

Content marketing is a long-term strategy that focuses on building relationships,

delivering value, and establishing credibility with the target audience. It requires
careful planning, understanding of the target audience's needs and preferences, and
consistent creation and distribution of high-quality content across various channels.
• 7 Steps of Content Marketing.

Certainly! Here are the seven steps of content marketing:

1. Define Your Goals and Objectives: Start by clearly defining your content
marketing goals and objectives. Identify what you want to achieve through your
content, whether it's increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic,
generating leads, or fostering customer loyalty.

2. Identify Your Target Audience: Understand your target audience's needs,

preferences, and interests. Research their demographics, behaviours, pain points,
and challenges. This information will help you create content that resonates with
your audience and delivers value to them.

3. Develop a Content Strategy: Create a content strategy that outlines what types of
content you will create, the topics you will cover, and the channels you will use
to distribute your content. Consider the various formats such as blog posts,
videos, infographics, podcasts, etc. and how they align with your audience's

4. Create High-Quality Content: Produce high-quality and valuable content that

aligns with your audience's interests and addresses their pain points. Ensure that
your content is informative, engaging, and well-written or designed. Use
compelling headlines and visuals to capture attention.

5. Promote Your Content: Once you've created your content, it's important to
promote it to reach your target audience. Utilize social media, email marketing,
SEO, influencer partnerships, and other distribution channels to amplify your
content's reach and drive traffic to your website or other platforms.
6. Measure and Analyze Results: Use analytics tools to track the performance of
your content marketing efforts. Monitor metrics such as website traffic,
engagement, social media shares, conversions, and customer feedback. This data
will help you assess the effectiveness of your strategy and make informed
decisions for improvement.

7. Optimize and Iterate: Continuously optimize your content marketing strategy

based on the insights gathered from your analytics. Analyze what content
performs well, which channels drive the most engagement, and what resonates
most with your audience. Make adjustments to your strategy as needed to
improve results.

By following these seven steps, you can develop and execute an effective content
marketing strategy that drives engagement, builds brand awareness, and ultimately
achieves your goals. Remember that content marketing requires consistency,
creativity, and adaptability to stay relevant and effectively engage with your target
• 4 Components of Content Marketing.

Here are four key components of content marketing:

1. Strategy and Planning: Effective content marketing begins with a well-defined

strategy and planning. This involves determining your objectives, target
audience, key messages, content formats, channels, and distribution methods. A
solid strategy ensures that your content efforts align with your business goals
and resonate with your target audience.

2. Content Creation and Production: Content creation is at the core of content

marketing. This component involves developing high-quality and valuable
content that addresses your audience's needs and interests. It can include written
articles, blog posts, videos, infographics, podcasts, whitepapers, case studies,
and more. The key is to create engaging and informative content that captures
and retains your audience's attention.

3. Content Distribution and Promotion: Simply creating great content is not

enough. You need to ensure that your content is effectively distributed and
promoted across various channels to reach your target audience. This may
involve sharing content through your website, blog, social media platforms,
email marketing, guest posting, influencer collaborations, paid advertising, and
SEO optimization. The goal is to maximize the visibility and reach of your
content to drive traffic and engagement.

4. Measurement and Analysis: To evaluate the success of your content marketing

efforts, it's important to measure and analyze the performance of your content.
This component involves monitoring key metrics such as website traffic,
engagement, social media shares, conversions, and return on investment (ROI).
By analyzing these metrics, you can gain insights into what content is resonating
with your audience, which channels are performing best, and what adjustments
you need to make to improve your content strategy.

These four components work together to create a cohesive and impactful content
marketing approach. By strategically planning your content, creating valuable content,
effectively distributing it, and analyzing the results, you can refine and optimize your
content marketing strategy to drive meaningful results and achieve your objectives.
• About email marketing

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending targeted,

personalized emails to a group of individuals to promote products, services, or brand
awareness. It is a highly effective and cost-efficient marketing method that allows
businesses to communicate directly with their audience, nurture relationships, and
drive conversions.

Here are some key aspects and benefits of email marketing:

1. Building and Nurturing Relationships: Email marketing allows businesses to

establish and nurture relationships with their audience. By sending relevant and
valuable content, businesses can engage with subscribers, provide updates, share
exclusive offers, and build trust and loyalty.

2. Targeted and Personalized Messaging: Email marketing enables businesses to

segment their audience based on various attributes such as demographics,
preferences, and purchase history. This allows for targeted and personalized
messaging, which increases the relevance and effectiveness of the emails.

3. Increasing Conversions and Sales: Email marketing is a powerful tool for

driving conversions and sales. By including compelling call-to-action buttons,
promotional offers, and personalized recommendations, businesses can
encourage recipients to take desired actions, such as making a purchase, signing
up for a webinar, or requesting more information.
4. Automating Campaigns: Email marketing automation allows businesses to set
up triggered emails based on specific actions or events, such as welcome emails,
abandoned cart reminders, and birthday offers. Automation saves time and
ensures timely and relevant communication with subscribers.

5. Measurable Results and Data Analysis: Email marketing provides valuable data
and insights that allow businesses to measure the success of their campaigns.
Metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, engagement rates, and
conversions can be analyzed to optimize future email campaigns and improve
overall marketing strategies.

6. Cost-Effectiveness: Email marketing is a cost-effective marketing method

compared to traditional forms of advertising. It eliminates costs associated with
print materials and postage fees. Depending on the size of the email list and the
frequency of campaigns, businesses can reach a large audience at a fraction of
the cost of other marketing channels.

7. Easy to Track and Test: Email marketing allows for easy tracking and testing.
A/B testing can be conducted to compare different subject lines, content
variations, or call-to-action buttons to determine the most effective elements.
This data-driven approach helps optimize email campaigns for better results.

Email marketing is an effective strategy for businesses to engage with their audience,
promote products or services, and drive conversions. It requires careful planning,
segmentation, personalization, compelling content, and continuous monitoring and
analysis to optimize campaigns and achieve desired marketing objectives.
• 4 Types of Email Marketing

There are four commonly used types of email marketing:

1. Promotional Emails: Promotional emails are designed to promote a specific
product, service, or offer. These emails typically highlight discounts, special
promotions, new product launches, or limited-time offers. The goal is to
encourage recipients to take a desired action, such as making a purchase or
visiting a website.

2. Transactional Emails: Transactional emails are triggered by a specific action or

transaction, such as a purchase confirmation, shipping notification, password
reset, or account update. These emails provide important information and ensure
that recipients are kept informed about their interactions with the business.
Transactional emails often have high open rates and provide an opportunity to
include additional promotional or personalized content.

3. Relationship-Building Emails: Relationship-building emails aim to nurture and

cultivate relationships with subscribers over time. These emails focus on
providing valuable content, building trust, and engaging with the audience.
Examples include newsletter updates, educational content, industry insights, and
tips or advice related to the recipient's interests. The goal is to establish the
business as a trusted resource and maintain regular communication.

4. Re-engagement Emails: Re-engagement emails target inactive or disengaged

subscribers to rekindle their interest and encourage them to re-engage with the
business. These emails can offer special incentives, exclusive content, or
reminders of the value they were receiving. The goal is to regain their attention
and bring them back into the sales funnel.

When utilizing these types of email marketing, it's important to segment and target
your audience appropriately to ensure relevance and increase the effectiveness of your
campaigns. Each type serves a different purpose in the customer journey and can help
drive engagement, conversions, and customer loyalty.

There are many different types of email marketing. Each one serves a
different purpose and takes a different avenue to engage with your
audience. We are going to look at some of the many different types, so
you can create the best email marketing campaign for your company.

1. Welcome Email:
This type of email welcomes customers and encourages them to learn more about your
product or service. They often offer a trial or other bonus. It is used to introduce a
potential new customer to the business.

2. Newsletter Emails:

Newsletter emails are very popular, and they often highlight new products and
services. They may also include articles, blogs, and customer reviews. Usually, there
will be a call to action to move the reader to do something, whether that is reading a
new blog post or checking out a new product.

3. Lead Nurturing Email:

This type of email targets a specific audience through a series of emails in the hope of
eventually converting them. Typically, lead nurturing emails focus on a group that is
interested in a specific product or service and then build their interest through more
emails that offer additional information or relevant promotions. The goal is to push
users from the consideration stage to the purchasing stage.

4. Confirmation Email:
Those that have recently signed up for emails or newsletters, or have purchased
an item online for the first time may get a confirmation email. This ensures the
prospect that the information has been received and that they are on the list to
receive additional information. These are also a way to let users know that their
purchase has been received or that their sign-up was successful and can include
more actions for them to take.

5. Invite Emails:
These types of emails often announce upcoming events, new product launches,
and seminars. Most companies use these types of emails when there is
something special going on to gain attention and increase awareness about
special events.

6. Survey Email:
Feedback from customers is one of the best tools for a business. Sending out
these emails communicates to your customers that you value their opinions and
want to create an experience, product, or whatever you’re offering that they’ll
enjoy. Businesses can also take the feedback from these surveys and apply it to
their offerings, creating what is hopefully a better product.
• About SEM (Search Engine Marketing).

Search Engine Marketing (SEM), also known as search engine advertising, is a form of
digital marketing that involves promoting websites or web pages by increasing their
visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) through paid advertising. It primarily
focuses on improving a website's ranking in search engine results and driving targeted
traffic to the website.

Here are some key aspects and components of SEM:

1. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: SEM commonly involves PPC advertising,

where advertisers bid on specific keywords relevant to their products, services,
or target audience. When someone searches for those keywords, the ads appear
at the top or bottom of the search results. Advertisers only pay when someone
clicks on their ad, hence the name pay-per-click.

2. Keyword Research: Keyword research is a critical component of SEM. It

involves identifying and selecting the keywords or search terms that your
potential customers are likely to use when searching for products or services
similar to yours. By targeting relevant keywords, you can ensure that your ads
are shown to the right audience.

3. Ad Creation and Optimization: SEM requires creating compelling and relevant

ads that encourage users to click on them. Ad copy should include the targeted
keywords, highlight unique selling points, and have a clear call to action.
Regular optimization is necessary to refine ads and improve performance by
monitoring click-through rates, conversion rates, and other metrics.

4. Landing Page Optimization: When users click on an ad, they are directed to a
landing page on the advertiser's website. Landing pages should be relevant to
the ad and offer a seamless user experience. Optimizing landing pages with
persuasive content, clear navigation, and a strong call to action can improve
conversion rates and maximize the return on ad spend.

5. Ad Campaign Management: Managing SEM campaigns involves setting

advertising budgets, monitoring performance, adjusting bids, and optimizing
campaigns for better results. It requires ongoing analysis of data and making
data-driven decisions to improve targeting, ad position, and overall campaign

6. Performance Tracking and Analytics: SEM provides valuable data and analytics
to track the performance of ad campaigns. Metrics such as impressions, clicks,
click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on ad spend can be measured
and analyzed to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign and make informed
decisions for optimization.

SEM offers several benefits, including immediate visibility on search engine results,
precise targeting of ads to reach the right audience, higher control over ad spend, and
the ability to track and measure campaign performance. It is an effective strategy to
complement organic search efforts and increase website traffic, leads, and conversions.
• Why SEM are used?

SEM (search engine advertising) is used for several reasons:

1. Increase Visibility: SEM allows businesses to increase their visibility on search
engine results pages (SERPs) by placing their ads at the top or bottom of the
search results. This increased visibility ensures that their website or offers are
seen by a wider audience, driving more traffic to their site.

2. Reach Targeted Audience: SEM allows businesses to target specific keywords

or search terms that are relevant to their products or services. By selecting the
right keywords, businesses can ensure that their ads are shown to a highly
targeted audience actively searching for what they offer. This increases the
chances of attracting qualified leads and potential customers.

3. Immediate Results: Unlike organic search engine optimization (SEO) efforts,

which take time to show results, SEM provides quick and immediate visibility.
Once the ad campaign is set up, ads can start appearing on search results pages,
allowing businesses to generate traffic and potentially drive conversions almost

4. Control Over Ad Spend: SEM gives businesses control over their advertising
budget. With pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, businesses only pay when
someone clicks on their ad. This means that budgets can be set and adjusted
based on the desired spending and performance. Additionally, various targeting
and bidding options allow businesses to optimize their ad spend for maximum

5. Measurable Results: SEM provides detailed metrics and analytics that allow
businesses to track the performance of their ad campaigns. Metrics such as
impressions, clicks, click-through rates (CTR), conversions, and return on ad
spend (ROAS) can be measured and analyzed. This data helps businesses assess
the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions for
optimization and future strategies.

6. Compete in a Competitive Landscape: SEM is often necessary to compete in

industries with high competition on search engine results pages. By bidding on
relevant keywords, businesses can ensure that their ads are displayed alongside
or above their competitors' organic listings. This increases their chances of
getting noticed and clicked by potential customers.

7. Complement Organic Search Efforts: While organic SEO is vital for long-term
search engine visibility, SEM can complement organic efforts by providing
immediate exposure. By combining both strategies, businesses can maximize
their online presence and reach a wider audience.

Overall, SEM is used to increase visibility, drive targeted traffic, generate leads, and
ultimately, boost conversions and revenue. It is a highly effective and measurable
digital marketing strategy for businesses looking to leverage the power of search
engines to reach their audience and achieve their marketing goals.
5. Mobile advertising
Mobile advertising is a form of advertising that appears on mobile devices such
as smartphones and tablets. It's designed specifically to reach users of these
devices, offering unique characteristics and advantages. Here's a detailed

1. Types of Mobile Advertising

• Banner Ads: Small rectangular ads typically at the top or bottom of a
mobile screen.
• Interstitial Ads: Full-screen ads that appear at transition points in an
app, like between levels of a game.
• Video Ads: Short video commercials that can play before, during, or
after mobile content.
• Native Ads: Blend with the app or website's content, offering a less
intrusive experience.
• Push Notifications: Messages sent to a user's device, prompting them to
engage with the app.
2. Targeting Techniques
• Geo-Targeting: Ads are shown based on the user’s geographical
Behavioural Targeting: Based on the user’s browsing and search history.
• Demographic Targeting: Focus on age, gender, income level, etc.
Contextual Targeting: Aligning ads with the content of the website or
3. Benefits of Mobile Advertising
• Wide Reach: With the increase in mobile device usage, ads can reach a
massive audience.
• Personalization: Enables highly personalized advertising based on user
• Engagement: Mobile devices are often used in leisure time, leading to
higher engagement rates.
• Real-Time Tracking: Advertisers can track the performance of their ads
in real-time and make adjustments.
4. Challenges
• Screen Size Limitations: Smaller screens mean limited space for ad
• Ad Blocking: Users can install ad blockers, reducing the visibility of
• Privacy Concerns: The use of personal data for targeting can raise
privacy issues.
• Diverse Platforms: Ads need to be optimized for different operating
systems and devices.
• Future Trends Increased Use of AI: For better targeting and
• Augmented Reality Ads: Providing immersive experiences.
• 5G Technology: Faster loading times and more complex ad formats.
• Voice Search Optimization: As voice searches increase, ads will need to
• Measurement and Analytics Click-Through Rate (CTR): Measures
the percentage of clicks on ads.
• Conversion Rate: The percentage of users who take the desired action
after clicking an ad.
• Cost Per Click (CPC): The cost for each click on an ad.
• Engagement Metrics: Time spent, interactions, and video views.
Mobile advertising continues to evolve with technology and user
behaviours. It’s a dynamic field that offers vast opportunities for
marketers to reach and engage with their target audience effectively.

• why mobile advertising is used?

Mobile advertising is widely used for several compelling

1. Vast and Growing Audience

High Penetration: The widespread use of smartphones and
tablets means a large and growing audience is consistently
Global Reach: Mobile devices are used worldwide, allowing
advertisers to reach international markets easily.
2. Personalized and Targeted Communication
User Data: Mobile devices provide valuable data like
location, browsing habits, and app usage, enabling highly
targeted and personalized advertising.
Behavioural Insights: Advertisers can tailor messages based
on user behaviour, increasing the relevance and effectiveness
of their campaigns.
3. Engagement and Interaction
Interactive Features: Mobile ads can utilize features like
touch, swipe, and video to create more engaging experiences.
Higher Engagement Rates: Due to the personal nature of
mobile devices, ads on these platforms often see higher
engagement rates compared to traditional media.
4. Real-Time Tracking and Analytics
Immediate Feedback: Advertisers can track the performance
of their campaigns in real-time and make immediate
Measurable Impact: Tools and metrics specific to mobile
advertising provide clear insights into campaign performance
and ROI.
5. Cost-Effectiveness
Lower Costs: Generally, mobile advertising can be more cost-
effective than traditional media like television or print.
Flexible Budgets: Digital advertising platforms often allow
for flexible budgeting, making it accessible for businesses of
all sizes.
6. Integration with Modern Lifestyles
Always-On Connectivity: Mobile devices are an integral part
of daily life for many people, offering continuous
opportunities for advertisers to connect.
Multichannel Strategies: Mobile advertising fits seamlessly
into broader digital marketing strategies, complementing
other channels like social media and email marketing.
7. Innovative and Dynamic
Rapid Evolution: The mobile advertising industry is
constantly evolving with technological advancements,
providing new and innovative ways to reach audiences.
Adaptability: Mobile ads can be quickly adapted or changed,
unlike traditional media which often requires longer lead
8. Geolocation Capabilities
Local Targeting: Businesses can target users based on their
real-time location, which is particularly useful for local
businesses and event promotions.
9. Market Research and Insights
Consumer Behavior Analysis: The interaction with mobile
ads provides valuable insights into consumer behaviour and
Mobile advertising is favoured due to its ability to reach a
vast, engaged audience with personalized, interactive, and
measurable content. Its adaptability and integration into
everyday life make it an essential tool for modern marketing

• Why Online Advertising is used?

Online advertising is used for a variety of reasons, each leveraging the unique
capabilities of the internet to benefit advertisers and businesses:
1. Broad and Diverse Audience Reach
• Global Access: The internet spans across the globe, allowing businesses
to reach a vast and diverse audience beyond geographical boundaries.
• Niche Targeting: Online platforms enable targeting specific
demographics, interests, and behaviours, making it possible to reach niche
markets effectively.
2. Cost-Effectiveness and Scalability
• Lower Costs: Compared to traditional advertising (like TV or print),
online ads often have lower entry costs, making them accessible to
businesses of all sizes.
• Flexible Budgeting: Advertisers can start, stop, or adjust campaigns
based on their budget and needs.
3. Detailed Targeting and Personalization
• Advanced Targeting Options: Advertisers can use data like age,
location, browsing behaviour, and interests for highly targeted campaigns.
• Personalization: Tailoring ads to individual users based on their online
behaviour increases relevance and effectiveness.
4. Measurability and Analytics
• Real-Time Tracking: Online advertising provides immediate feedback
on ad performance, allowing for swift adjustments.
• Detailed Analytics: Metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates,
and engagement levels help in measuring ROI and campaign
5. Engagement and Interactivity
• Interactive Content: Online ads can be interactive, engaging users in
unique ways (e.g., video ads, interactive banners).
• User Engagement: High levels of user engagement can be achieved with
creative and relevant content.
6. Integration with Digital Marketing Strategies
• Multichannel Approach: Online advertising complements other digital
marketing tactics, such as social media, email marketing, and content
• Brand Building: Consistent online presence helps in building brand
awareness and reputation.
7. Speed and Flexibility
• Quick Launch: Online ads can be created and launched quickly
compared to traditional media.
• Adaptability: Campaigns can be adjusted in real-time based on
performance data or changing market trends.
8. Remarketing and Retargeting
• Reaching Interested Users: Online advertising allows businesses to
remarket or retarget users who have previously interacted with their
brand, increasing the chances of conversion.
9. Innovations and Trends
• Emerging Technologies: The integration of AI, VR, and AR into online
advertising offers novel ways to engage users.
• Evolving Platforms: With the growth of social media and other digital
platforms, new advertising opportunities continually emerge.
The use of online advertising is driven by its ability to reach a broad audience
cost-effectively, with precise targeting and personalization, measurable results,
high engagement potential, and the flexibility to integrate with wider digital
marketing strategies. These factors make it an essential component of modern
business strategies.

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