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Grassland, Ocean

Currents, Strait,
Rivers In the World
(Static GK)
By – Indo Pathshala
Contact Number – 9123206137

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 In many parts of the world, there are big areas covered in grass instead of trees or forests.
These places are called grasslands

 UNESCO defines grassland as “land covered with herbaceous plants with less than 10
percent tree and shrub cover” and wooded grassland as 10-40 percent tree and shrub cover

 Grassland ecosystems are water deficient ecosystems

 Grasslands can majorly be divided into two parts:

Tropical Grasslands
Temperate Grasslands

Tropical Grasslands

 Tropical grasslands, also known as savannas, are typically situated in tropical regions,
including parts of Africa, South America, and Asia. Tropical Grasslands are located near the
equator, between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn

 Tropical Grasslands are generally found in the interior part of continents between the
Tropical Rain Forests and Tropical Deserts

 They have a tropical continental climate where wet and dry seasons come alternately .
These grasslands are a blend of grasses and scattered trees, creating a unique landscape.
Tropical grasslands experience distinct wet and dry seasons, influencing the types of
vegetation and wildlife that can thrive there. These areas are home to a diverse range of
animals and have cultural significance for local communities

Temperate Grasslands

 Temperate grasslands are found in regions with moderate climates, such as North America,
Europe, and Asia. These grasslands are often characterized by vast expanses of grasses,
with relatively few trees. The temperature in temperate grasslands can vary greatly, with
hot summers and cold winters. These areas are crucial for agriculture and livestock grazing
due to their fertile soil and relatively flat terrain

 Temperate grasslands differ largely from Tropical Grasslands in the annual temperature
regime as well as the types of Species found here.
 Normally, these regions are devoid of trees, except for riparian or gallery Forests
associated with streams and rivers
 Temperate Grasslands consists of Grasses and/or shrubs

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Flora and Fauna of the ecosystem:

 Grasses are the dominating plants, with scattered drought-resistant thorny trees in the
tropical grasslands.
 Badgers, foxes, asses, zebra, and antelope are found grazing on grasslands that support the
dairy and leather industries.
 Grasslands also support the large population of rodents, reptiles and insects.
 In some regions, grasslands also support a variety of other herbaceous plants like sedges,
legumes and members of the sunflower family. Grasslands support numerous herbivores,
from minute insects to very large mammals.
 Rats, mice, rodents, deer, elephants, dogs, buffalo, tigers, lions, and ferrets are some
common mammals in grasslands.
 In northeast India, the one-horned rhinoceros is among the threatened animal of grassland
in this region.

 A large number of avian fauna seen

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Grasslands in the world

Types of Grasslands in the World

Name Region Characteristics Economic Importance
Africa, South
America, Mix of grasses and Grazing, ecotourism,
Savannas Australia scattered trees biodiversity preservation
Large, flat expanses,
Steppes Eurasia semi-arid conditions Grazing, agriculture
Rich soil, moderate
Pampas South America rainfall Cattle ranching, agriculture
Fertile soil, varying
Prairie North America precipitation Agriculture, grazing
Diversity of grasses,
Veld Southern Africa variable rainfall Grazing, agriculture
Australia, New Rolling hills, grass-
Downs Zealand dominated Grazing, agriculture
Wet and dry seasons,
Campos South America shrubs and grasses Grazing, agriculture
Pustaz Semi-arid, grasses Grazing, biodiversity
Grasslands Eurasia and herbs conservation
Manchuria Cold climate, mixed
Grasslands China, Russia grass and shrubs Grazing, traditional land use
Sheep and cattle rearing,
Rolling hills, grass- Merino sheep: wool
Canterbury New Zealand dominated production
Large, flat expanses,
Taiga Europe and Asia semi-arid conditions Grazing, agriculture
Grasslands in India

Grassland Location

Banni and Vidi Grasslands Gujarat

Phumdis or Floating Grasslands Loktak Lake, Manipur

Margs or Bahaks Grasslands Jammu and Kashmir

Bugyal and Dzukou Grasslands Uttarakhand and Nagaland

Khajjiar Grasslands Himachal Pradesh

Saramati Grasslands Nagaland

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Ukhrul Grasslands Manipur

Shola Grasslands Western Ghats, Kerala and Tamil Nadu

 Approximately how much area of earth is covered with grasslands – 25%

 What are the Temperate Grasslands of North America called – Prairies

 Which is the Latin word that means meadow – Priata

 Rocky mountains are bounded by which of the grasslands on their east – Prairies

 What lies to the west of veld grasslands - Kalahari desert

 Which is the coldest month in the Veld grasslands – July

 Grassland can be defined as a region where ........ forms the dominant type of plant life. –

 Which of the following river drains in the Prairies Grassland - Mississippi and

 Which of the following temperate grasslands are found in Eurasia? – Steppes

 In which of the following countries are the Pampas grasslands situated - Argentina

 Meadows Grassland is located in – Europe

 Ocean currents are the continuous, predictable, directional movement of seawater. Ocean
currents play an important role in the determination of climates of coastal regions

 Ocean water moves in two directions: horizontally and vertically. Horizontal movements
are referred to as currents, while vertical changes are called upwellings or downwellings

 The magnitude of the ocean currents ranges from a few centimetres per second to as much
as 4 metres (about 13 feet) per second

 The intensity of the ocean currents generally decreases with increasing depth

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 The speed of ocean currents is more than that of upwelling or downwelling which are the
vertical movements of ocean water

 Ocean Currents Types

Based on Depth

 Based on the depth, the ocean currents may be classified as surface currents and deep
water currents

 Surface currents are those currents that circulate to a depth of 400m from the surface; they
roughly constitute about 10 percent of all the water in the ocean

 Deepwater currents are caused due to changes in density and under the influence of
gravity. They make up the other 90 percent of the ocean water

 The changes in the temperatures and salinity determine the density, which causes the
vertical movement of water

 Deep waters sink into deep ocean basins at high latitudes when temperatures are cold
enough to cause the density to rise

Based on Temperature

 Based on temperature, ocean currents are classified as cold currents and warm currents

 Cold currents transport cold water from high latitudes to low latitudes, bringing cold water
into warm water areas. These currents are most commonly seen on the west coasts of
continents at low and middle latitudes (in both hemispheres) and on the east coast at
higher latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere

 Warm currents transport warm water from low to high latitudes and are most commonly
seen on the east coasts of continents in the low and intermediate latitudes (true in both
hemispheres). They can be found on the west coasts of continents at high latitudes in the
northern hemisphere

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Cold Ocean Currents List

Cold Ocean Current Region Important or Additional Facts

Along the west coast of South
America, The Peruvian
current flows from the
southernmost tip of Chile to
northern Peru.
The Current is named after
South Pacific Prussian naturalist and
Humboldt or Peruvian Current
Ocean Geographer- Alexander Von
This large marine ecosystem
which serves as the major
nutrient system of the world is
supported by this very low-
salinity current.
It flows south of the Arctic
Ocean via the Bering Sea in the
North Pacific Ocean while
originating from the same
Arctic Ocean.
This sub-arctic ocean current
North Pacific circulates in an anti-clockwise
Kurile or Oyashio Current
Ocean direction.
To form the North Pacific Drift
the cold Oyashio current
collides with Kurioshio
currents off the Japanese east.
The currents are rich in
It forms a part of the North
Pacific Gyre.
The California Current is an
extension of the Aleutian
California Current Pacific Ocean Current that flows along the
west coast of North America in
a southward direction.
The region experiences a very
strong Upwelling.
It is also known as West Wind
Antarctic Circumpolar Current Southern Ocean The current flows in a
clockwise direction from east
to west around Antarctica.

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The Antarctic Circumpolar
Current is considered to be
the largest ocean current in
the world.
With the combination of warm
Gulf Stream and cold Labrador
Current is known for
producing one of the richest
North Atlantic fishing grounds in the world.
Labrador Current
The Labrador Current meets
the warm northward moving
Gulf Stream with the Arctic
Ocean after flowing south.
The current is named after the
Canary Islands.
The Canary Current, also
North Atlantic known as Eastern Boundary
Canary Current
Ocean Current, is a part of the North
Atlantic Gyre.
The region experiences
The North Atlantic and the
Arctic are directly connected
by this current.
The Eastern Greenland
Current is a Low salinity
Arctic Ocean & current that extends between
Eastern Greenland Current North Atlantic Cape Farewell to Farm Strait.
Ocean It also contributes to the
highest sea-ice export out of
the Arctic.
The Eastern Greenland
Current forms the major
freshwater sink for the Arctic.
The Benguela Current forms
the Eastern portion of the
South Atlantic Ocean Gyre.
The Benguela Current forms
South Atlantic the branch of West Wind Drift
Benguela Current
Ocean in the Southern Hemisphere.
The current is characterised
by high upwelling, the
presence of an excellent
fishing zone and low salinity.
South Atlantic The current has been named
Falkland Current
Ocean after the Falkland Islands.
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The current is also known as
Malvinas Current.
The Falkland Current is a
branch of the Antarctic
Circumpolar Current.
The Barzil-Malvinas
Confluence zone is created by
the mixing of the Falkland
cold current and the warm
Brazil current. This is also
responsible for the region’s
temperate climate.
Indian North Equatorial
North Indian Current flows southwest and
Northeast Monsoon Current Ocean west, crossing the Equator.
The Current is deeply
influenced by the monsoon.
The Somali Current is similar
Somali Current West Indian Ocean to the Gulf Stream in the
Atlantic Ocean.
The region experiences major
The current is also a part of
the Antarctic Circumpolar
Southern Ocean & The Western Australian
Western Australian Current South Indian Current is otherwise known as
Ocean West Wind Drift.
The Western Australian
Current is a seasonal current-
that is strong in summer and
weak in winter.
The South Indian Ocean
South Indian Current is similar to South
South Indian Ocean Current Ocean Atlantic Current.
Warm Ocean Currents List
List of Warm Warm Ocean Current Region Important or Additional Facts
Though the term “equatorial”
has been used, it has no
relation with the Equator.
Pacific Ocean & The current forms the
North Equatorial Current southern side of the clockwise
Atlantic Ocean
subtropical gyre.
The North Equatorial Current
flows east to west between 10°
N to 20°N.
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The word “Kuroshio” refers to
“Black Stream”. This is a
western boundary current.
The average surface
temperature of the current is
warmer than the surrounding
Kuroshio Current Pacific Ocean
ocean. Due to this warm
current, the temperature in
Japan is regulated.
It is similar to the Gulf Stream
in the Atlantic Ocean as it is in
the Pacific Ocean.
The North Pacific current
circulates anti-clockwise
direction along the Western
North Pacific Current Pacific Ocean North Pacific Ocean.
The current is formed when
the Kuroshio current and the
Oyashio current meet.
The northward diversion of a
part of the North Pacific Ocean
North Pacific results in the formation of the
Alaskan Current Alaskan current.
Two large eddies are formed,
known as Haida Eddies and
Sitka Eddy
The current is also called
Atlantic Ocean, North Equatorial
Equatorial Counter Current Pacific Ocean, and Countercurrent.
the Indian Ocean This wind-driven current
flows west to east between
Speed and strength of ocean
Central & East- currents are deeply impacted
El Nino Current
Central Equatorial by the occurrence of El Nino
Pacific events.
It is a branch of Kuroshio
Tsushima Current
Sea of Japan Current.
Southern hemisphere
Atlantic Ocean, counterpart of North
South Equatorial Current Pacific Ocean, and Equatorial counter current.
the Indian Ocean Directly driven by trade winds
blowing from east to west.

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The East Australian Current
transports the tropical marine
East Australian Current fauna to habitats in sub-
South-Western tropical regions along the
Pacific Ocean southeast Australian coast.
The Florida current was
discovered by Spanish
explorer Juan Ponce de León
South Atlantic
in 1513.
Florida Current Ocean & Caribbean
The Florida current flows
around Florida Peninsula and
joins the Gulf Stream at Cape
The Gulf Stream splits into
North Atlantic Drift (crossing
North Atlantic Northern Europe & southern
Gulf Stream stream) and Canary Current
(recirculating of West Africa).
This is an intensified current
driven mainly by wind stress.
Norwegian Current is a branch
of North Atlantic Drift and
sometimes is also considered
North Sea (Atlantic as an extension of the Gulf
Norwegian Current Ocean) & Barents Stream.
Sea (Arctic Ocean)
This wedge-shaped current is
one of the two dominant
Arctic inflows of water.
The Antilles Current is a part
of the North Atlantic gyre.
North Atlantic The Antilles current flows
Antilles Current
Ocean across the island chain which
separates the Atlantic Ocean
and the Caribbean Sea.
The current is named after the
Danish vice-admiral Carl
North Atlantic Ludvig Christian Irminger.
Irminger Current
Ocean The Irminger current is a part
of the North Atlantic subpolar
The Brazilian current flows
along the south coast of Brazil
South Atlantic till Rio de la Palta.
Brazilian Current
Ocean The Brazilian current joins the
cold Falkland Current at the
Argentine Sea making it a
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temperate sea.

Large anti-cyclonic
Mozambique channel eddies
are formed.
The Mozambique current
Mozambique Current Indian Ocean flows between the southeast
country of Africa-
Mozambique and the island of
Madagascar in the
Mozambique Channel.
The Aghulas current flows
south along the east coast of
South-West Indian Africa.
Agulhas Current
This is the largest western
boundary ocean current.
The current extends into the
Arabian Sea and the Bay of
The Indian Ocean is
Southwest Monsoon Current Indian Ocean
dominated by this current
during the southwest
monsoon season (June–

 Gulf stream is which type of current - Warm Current

 Labrador Current is which type of curren - Cold Current

 Which among the following given oceans does El Niño occur - the Pacific Ocean

 Where is New Moore island located - Bay of Bengal

 Which among the following is the busiest ocean trade route - North Atlantic route

 Which among the following seas is known for the highest salinity - Dead sea

 Which current is called Humboldt Current- Peru Current

 Which ocean current joins with the Labrador Current - Florida’s Current

 Where does the Brazilian current end - Brazil and Guiana

 Which Ocean is called a herring pond - the Atlantic Ocean

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 What are straits
 Strait is a naturally formed, narrow, typically navigable waterway that connects two larger bodies
of water. Most commonly it is a channel of water that lies between two landmasses. Some straits are
not navigable, for example, because they are too shallow, or because of an unnavigable reef or

 What is the significance of straits

 Straits play an important role in the Seaborne trade for commercial shipping.
 They play an important role in geopolitics.
 Straits have played an essential role in human civilization for millennia.
 They play an important role in economic and military matters.
 Major straits of the world are used for commercial shipping to travel from one exclusive
zone or sea to another.
 Straits are immensely commercially and strategically important. Straits provide various
navigable routes to many ships. For instance, the strait of Hormuz plays an important role as
the world’s one-third of oil trade takes place through this strait.

 Straits are also used in generating tidal power with the help of turbines. For example, 5.6
GW of energy is produced by Cook’s strait of New Zealand
 The Strait plays a vital role in serving as a channel through which ocean currents are
passed which helps in mortifying the climate of that area. That is why straits are playing an
essential role both in physical and human geography

 Which is the largest strait in the world

The Malacca Strait is the world’s longest strait. It is around 800 km long narrow funnel-
shaped waterway that connects the South China Sea and the Andaman Sea

 Which is the narrowest strait of the world

The Bosporus Strait is the world’s narrowest strait. The Bosphorus Strait connects the
Black Sea and the Marmara Sea

 What is the deepest strait in the world

Lombok Strait, which connects the Java Sea to the Indian Ocean, and the Malacca Strait,
which is the largest strait located between the Malay Peninsula and the Indonesian island
of Sumatra

 What country owns the Suez Canal

Egypt- The canal is operated and maintained by the state-owned Suez Canal Authority (SCA)
of Egypt

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Strait Contiguous Landmass Joining Seas/Water Bodies

Formosa Strait China and Taiwan The South China Sea and the East
China Sea

Strait of Russia (East Russia- Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of

Tartary Sakhalin Islands) Japan

Yucatan Strait Mexico and Cuba The Gulf of Mexico and the
Caribbean Sea

Mesina Strait Italy and Sicily The Tyrrhenian Sea and the
Ionian Sea, within the central

Otranto Strait Italy and Albania Adriatic Sea & Ionian Sea

Cook Strait New Zealand The Tasman Sea and South

Pacific Ocean

Mozambique Mozambique Indian Ocean

Channel and Madagascar

North Channel Ireland and Scotland Irish Sea and Atlantic Ocean

Hormuz Strait Iran and Oman The Gulf of Oman and the
Persian Gulf

Bab-el-Mandeb Djibouti, Yemen, and The Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea
Eritrea of the Somali

Ten Degree Car Nicobar Islands and Andaman Sea and the Bay of
Channel Little Andaman Bengal

Sunda Strait Java island of Indonesia Java Sea and the Indian Ocean
with its Sumatra island.

Florida Strait Cuba and the USA Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic

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Bering Strait Asia from America The Arctic Ocean and East Pacific

Strait of Spain and Morocco The Atlantic Ocean and the

Gibraltar Mediterranean Sea

Korea Strait Japan and South Korea The East China Sea and the Sea of

Strait of Malaysia and Sumatra The Pacific Ocean to the east

Malacca with the Indian Ocean to the

Bonifacio Corsica island of France The Tyrrhenian Sea and the

Strait and Sardinia islands of Mediterranean Sea

Palk Strait India and Sri Lanka The Bay of Bengal in the
northeast with the Palk
Bay/Arabian Sea in the

Bosphorus Divides Europe from Asia The Black Sea to Sea of Marmara

Bass Strait Tasmania island and The Great Australian Bight and
mainland Australia the Tasman Sea

Davis Strait Between Greenland and The Baffin Bay and the Labrador
Canada Sea

Jamaica Jamaica and Hispaniola The Caribbean Sea and North

Channel Atlantic

Hudson Strait Baffin Island and Hudson Bay and the Labrador
Labrador peninsula Sea

 Which country separated from Palk Strait - India and Sri Lanka

 Which two countries separate the Strait of Malacca - Indonesia and Malasia

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 Which countries are separated by the Bering Strait - Russia and Alaska ( the USA)

 Which countries are separated by the Gibraltar Strait - Spain and Morrocco

 England and France are separated by which Strait - Dover Strait

 Which of the following strait connects the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea - Hormuz strait

 Which of the following strait connects the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea - Bab el-Mandab

 Which straits connect the Baltic Sea to the North Sea - Danish Strait

 What does the Bosporus strait connect - Black Sea and Sea of Marmara

 Sunda strait connect - Indian Ocean to Java Sea

 Which straits connect the Gulf of Mexico to the Caribbean Sea - Yucatan Strait

Longest rivers in the world

 Nile River – Africa – 6650 km

 Amazon – South America – 6400 km
 Yangtze River – China
 Mississippi–Missouri–Jefferson – USA
 Yenisei–Angara–Selenge–Ider – Russia & Mongolia
 Yellow River – China
 Ob River – Russia

Rhine River

 The Rhine is one of the major European rivers, which has its sources in Switzerland from
Swiss Alps and flows in a mostly northerly direction through Germany and the Netherlands,
emptying into the North Sea
 Length- 1,230 km
 Important cities on the Rhine are Cologne, Düsseldorf, Rotterdam, Strasbourg and Basel

Danube River

 The Danube is Europe's second-longest river, after the Volga & flows through 10 countries.
 Source – Black Forest, Germany , Outflow – Black Sea
 Originating in Germany, the Danube flows southeast for 2,850 km passing through or
bordering Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and
Ukraine before draining into the Black Sea
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 Important cities on its bank – Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest and Belgrade

Amazon River

 The Amazon River in South America is the largest river by discharge volume of water in the
world, and the disputed second longest river in the world
 Length - 6400 km , Source - Glacier-fed lakes, Peru , Outflow - Atlantic Ocean
 The major cities on the Amazon are: Iquitos (Peru), Leticia (Colombia), Manaus & Santarem

Mekong River

 The Mekong is a trans-boundary river in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

 Length - 4,350 km , Source - Tibetan Plateau , Outflow – South China Sea
 The major cities on the Mekong are: Vientiane (Laos), Phnom Penh, (Cambodia)

Nile River

 The Nile is a major north-flowing river in northeastern Africa. Longest river in the world
 Length - 6,650 km , Origin - Tributaries of Lake Victoria, Africa , Outflow - Mediterranean
 The Nile has two major tributaries – the White Nile and the Blue Nile .
 The White Nile is considered to be the headwaters and primary stream of the Nile itself.
The Blue Nile, however, is the source of most of the water, containing 80% of the water and
 The White Nile is longer and rises in the Great Lakes region of central Africa. The Blue Nile
begins at Lake Tana in Ethiopia.
 The two rivers meet just north of the Sudanese capital of Khartoum.
 The major cities on the Nile are: Cairo and Alexandria

Congo River

 The Congo River formerly also known as the Zaire River, is the second longest river in
Africa after the Nile
 Length - 4,700 km , It is the only major river to cross the equator twice.
 Origin - Lake Tanganyika and Lake Mweru feed the Lualaba River which then merges with
Luapula river to form Congo river , Outflow - Atlantic Ocean
 Its drainage basin includes Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of the Congo, Central
African Republic, eastern Zambia, and northern Angola and parts of Cameroon and

Niger River

 The Niger River is the principal river of West Africa, extending about 4,180 km.
 The Niger is the third-longest river in Africa, exceeded only by the Nile and the Congo River

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 Source - Guinea Highlands in southeastern Guinea

Zambezi River

 The Zambezi River is the fourth-longest river in Africa ● Length - 2,574-kilometre

 It arises in Zambia and flows through eastern Angola , along the north-eastern border of
Namibia and the northern border of Botswana , then along the border between Zambia and
Zimbabwe to Mozambique , where it crosses the country to empty into the Indian Ocean

Yellow River, Hwang Ho

 It is the 2 nd longest river in China, after the Yangtze River , Length - 5,464 km
 Origin - Bayan Har Mountains in Qinghai province of Western China , Outflow - Bohai Sea

Yangtze River

 Longest river in China, the third-longest in the world , Length - 6,300 km

 Origin - Jari Hill in the Tanggula Mountains (Tibetan Plateau) , Outflow - East China Sea
 The major cities along Yangtze River are Chongqing, Yichang, Wuhan, Nanjing and Shanghai

Mississippi River

 Source - Lake Itasca in northern Minnesota, it flows generally south for 3,730 km in the Gulf
of Mexico
 With its many tributaries, the Mississippi's watershed drains all or parts of 32 U.S. states
and two Canadian provinces between the Rocky and Appalachian mountains
 Major cities - Minneapolis (MN), New Orleans (LA)

Volga River

 The Volga is the longest river in Europe . ● Flowing through Central Russia to Southern
Russia and into the Caspian Sea
 Length of 3,531 km , It is widely regarded as the national river of Russia. , Origin – Volga
Valdai plateau, Russia , Outflow - Caspian Sea
 Important cities – Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Volgograd (Stalingrad)

Ob River

 It is the river of central Russia. Length - 3700 km

 Ob flows north and west across western Siberia in a twisting diagonal from its sources in
the Altai Mountains to its outlet into the Kara Sea of the Arctic Ocean.

Yenisei River

 It is the fifth-longest river system in the world, and the largest to drain into the Arctic

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 Rising in Mungaragiyn-gol in Mongolia , it follows a northerly course before draining into
the Yenisey Gulf in the Kara Sea

Lena River

 The Lena is the easternmost of the three great Siberian rivers that flow into the Arctic
Ocean (the other two being the Ob and the Yenisey).
 Length - 4,294 kilometres , Source – Baikal Mountains , Outflow - Laptev Sea, a division of
the Arctic Ocean

Tigris–Euphrates river

 The Tigris–Euphrates river system is a large river system in Western Asia which discharges
into the Persian Gulf
 Its principal rivers are the Tigris and Euphrates along with smaller tributaries. The plain
between the two rivers is known as Mesopotamia.

Cities and Banks of Rivers

Vienna – Danube
Belgrade – Danube
Budapest – Danube
Baghdad – Tigris
Bangkok - Chao Phraya
Berlin – Spree
Cairo – Nile
Dhaka – Buriganga
Frankfurt – Main
Karachi – Indus
Kathmandu – Bagmati
Lahore – Ravi
Lisbon – Tagus
London – Thames
New York – Hudson
Paris – Seine
Rome – Tiber
Moscow – Moskva
Warsaw – Vistula
Washington DC - Potomac River
Amsterdam - Amstel River
Tokyo – Sumida River

 Which is the longest river in the world – Nile River

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 Which is the largest river in the world in terms of discharge volume of water – Amazon

 Which is the longest river in Asia – Yangtze River

 The Mississippi River flows in which continent – North America

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