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Chapel Speech:

Pluralism in religion and embracing a multi-faith culture are crucial pillars for building
harmonious societies. In a world rich with diverse beliefs, it's imperative to recognize
and respect the right of individuals to practice their faith freely. Rather than viewing
diversity as a source of division, we should celebrate it as something that enriches
our collective experience. The key to peaceful coexistence lies in developing
understanding and empathy among different religious communities. By promoting
tolerance, acceptance, and mutual respect, we can create environments where people
of all faiths feel valued and included. Embracing pluralism doesn't mean diluting
one's own beliefs but rather recognizing the humanity in others, despite differences.
We should all strive for a world where diversity is not only accepted but cherished,
where we live together in harmony, united by our shared humanity. Notwithstanding
the progress that has been made in society today, there is still much work to be done
to bring peace to those of different faiths in the world. While it is difficult to make a
change from here at Marlborough, I hope you will go on and strive to make the
world a better place when the opportunity arises.

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