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To fnd the number of subsets of a given set and verify that if Material Required
n elements, then the total number of subsets is 2".
a set ha8 "A Drawing Board
1 Knowledge of the concept of sets and types of set. " A White Paper
2 Knowledge of the concept of subsets. " Pencil and
Coloured Pencils
8. Knowledge of the concept of universal set. " Different

1. Take the set A, = ) and do not write any element inside it. It is
venn-diagram. Draw a circle
To represent it by set A, is subset of itself. Symbolically we
by . as shown in the Fig. 1.1 Here
empty set represented
represent it by .
A, =0has only one subset .
2Number of elements in set Agl
Hence number of subsets of A, =l= 20
2. Take the set A, = la,)
venn-diagram. Draw two concentric circles. Inner circle has no element and outer
Represent it by
has two subsets , (a,) as shown in the Fig. 1.2
circle has one element a,. Therefore set A, = (a,)
elements in set Ajl
Number of subsets of A, = 2= 2Number of

a A,

Fig. 1.1 Fig. 1.2

3. Take the set A, = la, a,

Represent it by venn-diagram. To do so, draw a ircle. To divide it into subsets, draw two
circles inside it. Inner most circle has no element; so it is an emply set ), then second circle has
one element a, and outer most circle has two elements a, and a, as shown in the Fig, 1.3
Hence set A, = la,, a,) has subsets , la,), la,) and la,, a,)
Number of subset of set A, = 4 = 2 = 2Number of elements in set Ajl
4. Take the set A, = (a, a, , a
Activity / 1
Aepresent it by venn diaorom Draw a circle. Outer circle represent A, =lay z a,). Now dr
Unree concentric circes insio it Inner most circle has no element, 80 it is o Second crcle haa
circle ho
The fourth

One element a, and

a as
thìrd circle
shown in the Fig. 14
has two elemnents a,

subsets as ,
and d,.

la,), la,l, la,l,
ta,, la, a,), la,, a,) and
of elements in
elements a,n
= 2INumber
set Agl
a., a) has 8 8 = 21
= a., of set A, =
Se the set A, Numberof subsets

alaja,) As
aa -A,

Fig. 1.4
elements then it will have
Fig. 1.3
and take a set A_
which as n number
we continue thiselementsin set A,J=2.
5. If
subsets = 2 ember f

number of subsets ofA, is 1 =
L. The subsets of A, is 2 =
number of
2. The A, is 4 = 22.
The number of subsets of 28.
number of subsets ofA, is 8 =
4. The = 210,
of subsets of A,o
5. The number 2r.
The number of subsets of A =
6. elements in set A,)
2lnumber of
CONCLUSION of subsets of set A= 2" =
elements, then number
Ifa set A has n

Q.1. Define a set. objects is called a set.

defined collection of
Ans. A well set B. It is
Q.2. Define subset of a
set B, then set A is called subset of
set A are presetn in
Ans. If all the elements of
denoted by A cB.
the sets?
Q.3. Which set is subset of all
Ans. Empty set Øis subset of all the sets.
Q4. Is a set is subset of itself?
Ans. Yes, every set is subset of itself.
Q.5. Can you give two examples of sets?
Ans. (a) A collection of natural numbers is a set.
(b)Acollection of real numbers between 1 and 2 is a set.
JPH Mathematics Lab Manual-XI /2
To verify that for two sets Aand B, n (A x B) =pq and the
total number of relation from A to B is 2P, where n(A) = pand n
Material Required
(B) = 9.
PRE-REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE Drawing board, white
1. Knowledge of the concept of cartesian product of two sets sheets of paper, coloured
A and B i.e., A x B.
sheets of paper, sketch pens,
2. Knowledge of the concept of relations from Ato B, where fevistik, geometry box etc.
A and B are two sets.

1. Take two sets Aand Bhaving one element each i.e., a,b.
set D i.e., P, q; , 8, t.
2. Take two sets C andD having two elements in set C and three elements in
i.e., x, y, 2; l, m, n. o.
3. Take two sets P and Q having three elements in set P and four elements in Q
of set B.
4. Constitute all possible correspondences of the element of set A to the element

Fig. 2.1
5. Constitute all possible correspondences of the elements of set C to the elements of set D.

Fig. 2.2
Activity /3
elements of sot
set Pto the Q
corTrespondences of the
elements of i.e., , y,
6. Constitute all passible
2 to L, m, n. o etc.


number of relations in cartesian n3

elements (i.e the number of arrows) and
1 The number of sets A to Bis 1 x 1and 2' i.e., 2 cartesian product Cx D of the sets C ton
uct Ax B of the relations in
number of elements and the number of
2 The product P x Qof the sets P to o
is 2 x3 and 2 respectively relations in cartesian
elementsand the number of
3. The mumber of respectively.
is 3 x 4 and 21
CONCLUSION containing x elements and the set B containing y
case of given set.A
We can conclude that in is 2, where, n (Ax B) =n (A)n (B) = ry.
from Ato B
the totalnumber of relations

sets, then findn (AxB).

Q1 IfA andB are two finite
Ans. IfA and B are two finite sets,
nAxB) =n (Axn (B)
Q.2. Is (Ax B)same as (B x A)?
Ans. Ax B) # (Bx A) because in ordered pair (a, b) # (b, a)
Q3. Ifn(A)= 2, n(B)= 3, then write n(A x BxB).
Ans. We kngw that :
nA B B) =n(A)x n(B) x n(B)
-2x3x3= 18.
Q4. Domain of y' (a>o) is
Ans. (-a, a]
Q.5. Let Xand Ybe two sets, such that n(X) =3 and n(Y) =2, If (&, 1), (y, 2), (z, 1) are in X*
Y, write A and B.
Ans. X = (x, y, z) and Y = 1, 2.

JPH Mathermatics Lab Manual-XI /4


To represent set theoretic operations using Venn
Understanding of the concepts, union of sets, intersection of Drawing board, white
the sets, complement of a set and subsets of a set.
sheets of paper, sketch pens,
pair of scissor, fevistik,
1 Take a white sheet of paper and cut geometry box, coloured
rectangular strips of
size 6 cm. by 4 cm. Then cut oval shape to represent sets sheets of paper etc.
from the coloured sheets of paper.
2. Fix a rectangular strip on drawing board and write U on it, in upper
set. Subsequently paste two oval shapes say P and Q on it representingcorner,
to represent universal
the subsets of the universal

Fig. 3.1 PUQ Fig. 3.2 PoQ

Fig. 3.3 P' Fig. 3.4

Fig. 3.5 (PoQ Fig. 3.6 (PU

Activity / 5
Fig. 3.7

Fig. 3.9 PoQ

Fig 38 P-Q

Fig. 3.11 PcQcU

Fig. 3.10 Q-P

L Caloured portion in Fig. 3.1, represents : PUQ (When sets A and Bintersects)
2Caloured partion in Fig. 3.2, represents: PoQ
3.Caloured portion in Fig. 3.3, represents : P
4. Caloured portion in Fig. 3.4, represents : Q
5. Coloured partion in Fig. 3.5, represents : (PnQ)
6. Coloared portion in Fig. 3.6, represents : PUQ
7. Caloured portion in Fig. 3.7, represents : PUQ
8. Caloured portion in Fig. 3.8, represents : P-Q
9. Pig 39 ahows that : (PoQ=)
10. Shaded portion in Fig 3.10 shows : PoQ=Q-P
11. Shaded portion in Fig 3.11 shows : PoQ (When set PC set Q)
We conclude that to set theoretic representation of Venn diagram are used in Logic and Mathematics
Mathematics Lab Manual-XI/6

O.1. What are venn diagrams?

pictoriadly as crcles or closed curves
Ans. A diagram representing mathematical or logical sets sets being represented by intersections
within an enclosing rectangle, common elements of the
of the circles.
then write P
0.2. Let P= ( :¬ R, > 7) and Q x:xe R.r< 8).
Ans. Po = (7, 8).
o3. For any two sets X and Y, (X- ) (Y- X) =...
Ans. (X- Y)UY-X) = (XUY-(X ).
number of elemnents in itspower set.
Q4. If a set contains n elements, then write the
Ans. 2"

Q5. Write the number of elements in the power set of null set.
Ans. 1
To construct a Parabola. Material Required
conic sections Drawing board, white
Understandingof the concept of
sheets of paper, coloured
and properties ofa parabala. sheets of paper, a pair of
board scissor, sketch
suitable size on a drawing pens,
sheet of paperof shown in the Fig. 22.1 geometry box etc,
L Fixa white as
D on it
and mark a point


M P. Axis



Fig. 22.1
line p perpendicular to the straight line througa
straight line through Dand draw another
2. Drawa
certain distance to the left of point D. point M,. Join M, Dand
D at perpendicular to p at this perpendicular
on line p and draw a
3. Take any point say M, Let this perpendicular bisector
meet the
draw its perpendicular bisector.
through M in P. mark points P,P,P
Correspondíngiy choose few more points M, M, M, M, M, M, etc., curve.
P, P ete. Join P, P, P, P, P, P, P ete., free hand to obtain the focus D and directixDpis
P, so that it is a parabola with fixed poiint
5. DraW a free hand
curve through the points fromthe
such that the distance of each point
points P., P, PP a r e
similar as the distance of the point frorn the line p.

JPH Mathematics Lab Manual-XI/46

cm P, D=x cm
1. PP, =T
2. P, M, =ycm P, D=y cm
3. P, M, =Z cm P, D =z cm
4. P, M, =Ucm P, D=u cm
5. P, M,= Wcm P. D= wcm
& The distance of the point P, from M, = the distance of P, from D.
7 The distance between the points P, from M, = the distance of P, from D.
g The distance of the point P3 from M, = the distance of the point P, from D.
9. The distances of the point P,, P, P. , .P, from tjhe line I are equal to the distances of thege
points from the point D.
10. and
Therefore the free hand curve obtained by joining P, P, P,,. , is parabola with directrix p
focus D.
1. The distance of the vertex P4 and D= P.M, =focal length.
12. The distance of the vertex of the parabola from the directix = total length.
We conclude that this activity is very functional and helpful in understanding the terms related to
parabola, i.e. focus, directrix, property of the point on the parabola. Parabolas have large applications in
Science and Engineering.


Q.1. Define Parabola.

Ans, Parabola is a symmetrical open plane curve formed by the intersection of a cone with a plane
parallel to its side.
Q.2. Write the equation of a parabola open upward.
Ans. r'= 4 ay, a > 0.
Q.3. Write the coordinates of the focus of the parabola y² =4aS.
Ans. (a, 0).
Q4. Write the coordinates of the focus of an upward parabola.
Ans. (0, a).
Q.5. Write the equation of the axis of an upward parabola.
Ans. x = 0.

Activity /47

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