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Grace : Alex, I have never met your family. Do you have a big family?
Alex : Yes, I do. I have two twin brothers, a sister, a niece, a brother in law.
and there is my mother and my father.
Grace : Tell me about your mom. Do you look like her?
Alex : Not at all. she is short and plump, has short brown hair and big blue
eyes. She is really beautiful.
Grace : What is she like?
Alex : She is kind and supportive and always gives us very good advice. She is
always there for us.
She loves flowers and is obsessed with gardening and being outdoors.
Grace : Is she a florist?
Alex : No, she is a seamstress.
Grace : Does she design clothing?
Alex : Sometimes. When we were younger, she would make outfits for us. my
mom is a great cook, and family dinners were a must growing up, evn if
that meant eating at 8 or 9 p.m. when my dad got home from work. It’s
where we did our family bonding.
Grace : That’s very nice. How about your dad? Do you look like him?
Alex : Yes, I take after my dad in appearance and after my mom in personality.
He is as tall as me, has grey hair, brown eyes and a moustache.
Grace : What is he like?
Alex : He is pretty quiet. He doesn’t talk very much, he is like that with
everyone. He is really easy-going and informal. He is super patient and
really likes people, but he just doesn’t love talking to them all the time.
He is definitely the introvert of the family.
Grace : I understand that. And what is his job?
Alex : He is a carpenter. He has his own workshop. He is creative and likes to
build things, so it’s perfect for him. And he likes working alone on most
Grace : Do your brothers help him with the workshop?
Alex : No, they didn’t follow in his footsteps either.
Grace : What do they do now?
Alex : Keith is a real estate agent in Springboro and Brian is finishing his law
degree in Dayton.
Grace : Wow, good for them. Sounds like they’ve worked hard to be successful in
Alex : That’s right.
Grace : How old are they?
Alex : They are three years older than me, so they’re 25.
Grace : Did you get along with them when you are growing up?
Alex : We did, most of the time. They were my big brothers, so they liked to
pick on me. We had a lot of fun time together too. We connected alot
over our love of movies and video games.
Grace : It seems your family is full of gamers. It’s not just you.
Alex : That’s right, we are all crazy about gaming.
Grace : Are they married now?
Alex : Brian is going to marry Molly next year. THey were high school
sweethearts. Keith is waiting for the right lady to come along. He has
been very picky about who he dates. He says that he wants to get
married and have his own family but he needs to find the perfect woman
Grace : Do you and your brothers look much alike?
Alex : Not at all, they are much taller than me and they look more athletic
because they work out all the time. They are brown-haired with blue
Grace : How abot your sister? What does she look like?
Alex : She is shorter than me. She is the same height as my mom. They are
both 160cm tall. But, she is thinner than my mom. She is blonde with
blue eyes.
We look very different.
Grace : What is she like?
Alex : Lindsay is the best! She is so cheerful and bright. So, I really like
spending time with her. She makes me feel cheerful too when we walk
together. She is five years older than me and she used to help me a lot
with my homework and other school related things.
Grace : That was very nice of her.
Alex : Yeah, I owe her so much
Grace : What does Lindsay do for living?
Alex : She is a kindergarten teacher. She loves it.
Grace : That’s a great job.
Alex : Yes, it’s perfect for her.
Grace : So, you’re the youngest of your siblings and Lindsay is the oldest.
Alex : Yes.
Grace : Does Lindsay get along with your brothers?
Alex : She does now. When they were younger, they drove her crazy. They
would play pranks on her and annoy her all the time. But now, they get
along really well.
Grace : And how old is your niece?
Alex : She is five years old. Her name is Maria. She is a cutie. And she is
grwing up so fast. She will talk your arm off. She has such a big
vocbulary for such a small person!
Grace : I bet. I guess that’s what happens when your mom is a kindergarten
Alex : Lindsay has always loved to read, and she has passed that love of books
and words on to her daughter.
Grace : How about your brother in law? What kind of person is he?
Alex : Daniel is a very nice man. He is an extremely social chatty guy. He is a
police officer, and whenever he pays a visit, he comes up with some
interesting real crime stories.
Grace : Being a police officer is really challenging.
Alex : Yes, it’s challenging but rewarding at the same time.
Grace : You are so lucky to have such a wonderful family, Alex. Thanks for
telling me these intersting details about them.
Alex : Would you like to come over and meet them next weekend?
Grace : I would love to, thanks for inviting me.
Alex : Wonderful!

Grace : Alex, I have never met your family. Do you have a 1)________ family?
Alex : Yes, I do. I have two twin brothers, a sister, a niece, a 2) ________________.
and there is my mother and my father.
Grace : Tell me about your mom. Do you look like her?
Alex : Not at all. she is 3) __________ and plump, has short brown hair and big
blue eyes. She is really 4) ___________________.
Grace : What is she like?
Alex : She is 5)__________ and supportive and always gives us very good advice.
She is always there for us.
She loves flowers and is obsessed with gardening and being outdoors.
Grace : Is she a florist?
Alex : No, she is a seamstress.
Grace : Does she design clothing?
Alex : Sometimes. When we were 6)____________ , she would make outfits for us.
my mom is a great cook, and family dinners were a must growing up,
even if that meant eating at 8 or 9 p.m. when my dad got home from
work. It’s where we did our family bonding.
Grace : That’s very nice. How about your dad? Do you look like him?
Alex : Yes, I take after my dad in appearance and after my mom in personality.
He is as 7)_______ as me, has grey hair, brown eyes and a 8)_____________.
Grace : What is he like?
Alex : He is pretty quiet. He doesn’t talk very much, he is like that with
everyone. He is really 9)__________ and informal. He is super 10)_________
and really likes people, but he just doesn’t love talking to them all the
time. He is definitely the introvert of the family.
Grace : I understand that. And what is his job?
Alex : He is a carpenter. He has his own workshop. He is 11)__________ and
likes to build things, so it’s perfect for him. And he likes working alone
on most days.
Grace : Do your brothers help him with the workshop?
Alex : No, they didn’t follow in his footsteps either.
Grace : What do they do now?
Alex : Keith is a real estate agent in Springboro and Brian is finishing his law
degree in Dayton.
Grace : Wow, good for them. Sounds like they’ve worked hard to be successful in
Alex : That’s right.
Grace : How old are they?
Alex : They are 12)_________ years older than me, so they’re 25.
Grace : Did you get along with them when you are growing up?
Alex : We did, most of the time. They were my 13)_________________, so they
liked to pick on me. We had a lot of fun time together too. We connected
alot over our love of movies and video games.
Grace : It seems your family is full of gamers. It’s not just you.
Alex : That’s right, we are all crazy about gaming.
Grace : Are they married now?
Alex : Brian is going to marry Molly next year. They were high school
sweethearts. Keith is waiting for the right lady to come along. He has
been very 14)_________ about who he dates. He says that he wants to get
married and have his own family but he needs to find the perfect woman
Grace : Do you and your brothers look much alike?
Alex : Not at all, they are much taller than me and they look more 15)__________
because they work out all the time. They are brown-haired with blue

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