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Quiz & Worksheet –Département de Physique–

Module: IoT and its applications Année universitaire 2023-2024

MeRF - 6th Semester

Chapter 1 : IoT - An Overview

1. What does the following acronyms stand for IoT, ICT, IIoT, WSN,

2. What is IoT?

3. Who coined the term “Internet of Things”, and when?

4. Which of the following is false about IoT devices?

a) IoT devices use the internet for collecting and sharing data
b) IoT devices need microcontrollers
c) IoT devices use wireless technology
d) IoT devices are completely safe

5. Which of the following is not an IoT platform?

a) Amazon Web Services

b) Microsoft Azure
c) Salesforce
d) Jumia

6. Which of the following is not an application of IoT?

a) Smart home
b) Smart city
c) Self-driven cars
d) DHT22

7. Which of the following is not a fundamental component of an IoT system?

a) Sensors
b) Transformer
c) User interface
d) Connectivity and data processing

8. An IoT network is a collection of − − − devices.

a) Signal
b) Interconnected
c) Machine to Machine
d) Network to Network

9. Why is there a need for IoT gateway?

a) To enable many IoT devices with different connectivi-ty methods or protocols to connect
to the Internet via the gateway
b) To provide security in connection to the Internet
c) To provide computation for IoT devices
d) To provide data storage for IoT devices

10. What is the principal idea to reduce the power consumption of IoT devices?

a) Reduce the transmit power level.

b) Increase the reception sensitivity level.
c) The IoT device needs to go to sleep if it does not have anything to perform.
d) The IoT device aggregates its traffic to be sent as a larger chunk

11. Assume that IoT applications have generated more than 500 Zettabytes of data in 2019. If the
number of generated data increases by 4 times in 2020, how much data is generated in this
year? we give

Byte 1 Byte 23 bit

Kilo Bytes 1 KB 210 Byte
Mega Bytes 1 MB 220 Byte
Giga Bytes 1 GB 230 Byte
Tera Bytes 1 TB 240 Byte
Peta Bytes 1 PB 250 Byte
Exa Bytes 1 EB 260 Byte
Zetta Bytes 1 ZB 270 Byte
Yotta Bytes 1 YB 280 Byte
Bronto Bytes 1 RB 290 Byte
Sagan Bytes 1 QB 2100 Byte
Table 1:

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