Meet 10

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Name : Nabilah Suylsdiani Putri

Class : 19.2C.39
Nim : 19231983
Lesson : English 2

Meet 10

1. What is a Steganography?
➢ Steganography is the method of hiding a message, image, or file within another
message, image, or file so that only the sender and intended recipient are aware of its
presence.This technique enables covert communication by hiding the presence of
secret information. Unlike encryption, which encrypts the contents of a message,
steganography aims to hide the fact that a message is being sent.
2. Why is Steganography better than Cryptography?
➢ Steganography offers certain advantages over cryptography. One key advantage is that
steganography can hide the existence of a message, making it less likely to attract
attention compared to encrypted messages, which may be suspicious in some contexts
where encryption is monitored or prohibited. Additionally, steganography can provide
an extra layer of security when used in conjunction with cryptography, as it adds
another level of concealment to the communication process
3. What is a Covertext?
➢ Covertext refers to the visible or obvious message or data that conceals the hidden
message in steganography. It is the carrier or container that contains the sensitive
information. The covertext appears normal and harmless, hiding the presence of the
hidden message.
4. what is Encryption?
➢ Encryption is involves converting plain text or data into an encoded form called
ciphertext to protect it from unauthorized access. It is the fundamental technique in
cryptography that ensures the confidentiality and integrity of information by making it
unreadable without the correct decryption key or algorithm.
5. What is a Steganalyst?
➢ A steganalyst is an expert in steganalysis, focusing on detecting and analyzing hidden
messages within different types of cover media. They employ specialized tools and
techniques to reveal concealed data using steganography methods, aiming to extract
hidden information from seemingly innocent files or communications.
6. According to the slides, give some examples of the usage of Steganography!
➢ examples of the usage of steganography include:
a. Writing a secret message using invisible ink.
b. Concealing messages on a messenger's body, as seen in ancient Greece where
a message was tattooed on a slave's head and hidden by hair growth.
c. Sending warnings about invasion plans by writing messages on wooden panels
covered in wax.
7. The method used by Histiaeus has some weaknesses, explain them.
➢ The method used by Histiaeus, which involved shaving the head of his trusted slave and
tattooing a message on it to be hidden when the hair grew back, has some weaknesses:
a. Risk of Discovery: The method relies on the slave's hair growth to conceal the
message. If the slave's head is inspected or the hair is shaved prematurely, the
hidden message could be exposed, leading to potential discovery by adversaries.
b. Limited Message Length: The space available on a person's head for tattooing a
message is limited. This restricts the length of the message that can be hidden
using this method, potentially making it unsuitable for conveying longer or more
complex messages.
c. Physical Alteration: Tattooing a message on a person's body involves a
permanent alteration to the individual. This could raise suspicions or draw
attention to the messenger, especially if the message is discovered or suspected
by others.
d. Communication Constraints: The method of using a tattooed message on a
person's body is not conducive to rapid or widespread communication. It is a
slow and potentially risky method compared to other forms of communication,
especially in situations requiring quick dissemination of information.
e. Dependence on the Messenger: The effectiveness of this method relies heavily
on the messenger's loyalty, ability to keep the message hidden, and willingness to
undergo the physical alteration required for the steganographic technique. If the
messenger's loyalty is compromised, the hidden message could be revealed.

8. according to the slides, what is the example of the use of Steganography in the computer
➢ In the computer era, an example of the use of steganography involves inserting a
secret document into another document. This can be done using various types of
media such as text files, picture files, or multimedia files like MP3 or video files

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