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LoadPlanner 4.

1 Help
The Main Form .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Set-up LoadPlanner ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
LoadPlanner File Explore................................................................................................................................................... 4
List Administrator Common Functions ............................................................................................................................. 5
The Ship Equipment List.................................................................................................................................................... 5
The Load List ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
The Load List's Main Functions ......................................................................................................................................... 6
The Loaded List ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Cargo Reference List ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
The Port List ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
The Standard Cargo List .................................................................................................................................................... 8
List Administrator Export to Excel..................................................................................................................................... 9
Import of Packing List........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Import from PDF or Graphic File ..................................................................................................................................... 10
The Import Form ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Unit Properties Dialog Box .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Unit Properties Dialog Box, Adding Shape to Units ........................................................................................................ 11
Unit Properties Dialog Box, Block Stow .......................................................................................................................... 12
Vector Drawing ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
The 3D Cargo Form ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
The Tool Bar in 3D Cargo Form ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Menus on the 3D Cargo Form ......................................................................................................................................... 15
3D Cargo, Load a Unit ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
How to load a unit in 3D Cargo from the Quay List ........................................................................................................ 16
The Quay Area................................................................................................................................................................. 16
The Manoeuvre Box ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Manoeuvre Box and the Quay Area, Load Units............................................................................................................. 17
The Function for Multi Selection of Units in 3D Cargo ................................................................................................... 18
The Split Deck Function in 3D Cargo ............................................................................................................................... 19
The Container Grid in 3D Cargo ...................................................................................................................................... 19
The Standard Stowage Plan ............................................................................................................................................ 20
The User Defined Stowage Plan Top view ...................................................................................................................... 21

The User Defined Stowe Plan with Aft View ................................................................................................................... 22
The User Defined Stowe Plan with Top and Aft View ..................................................................................................... 23
Grid Block and Bulk Loading ........................................................................................................................................... 25
Pipe Loading .................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Container Load ................................................................................................................................................................ 27
The Crane Stability and Simulator................................................................................................................................... 28
The Weight Distribution .................................................................................................................................................. 28
Stability ........................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Trouble shutting .............................................................................................................................................................. 30

The Main Form
Click in the Ship name field to
select a ship on the drop down list.
Select Loadcase, click New or
Open to select an existing loadcase.
Enter details for the loadcase,
as Port of, Voy no. and Date and Time:
Click on 3D Cargo or Container Load
etc. depending on which cargo you
need to make a plan for.
Click Setup LoadPlanner to set up
User name and paths

Set-up LoadPlanner
User Name
In the dialog box, enter your user name and initials, this will be
shown on printed plans, and as reference to the loadcases file name.
Click save to Save
Take over loadcase
Set check mark, in order always to take over a loadcase made by other user
Path For Replicate of draft loadcases
In order to share all loadcases with others via a network or server,
click "Setup“ under Path for replicate of draft Loadcases.
Local loadcases means all loadcases saved on the local drive.
Path for print of draft pdf stowplans
Select the path local or on a network or server, where printed pdf plans
are to be saved.
Path for final loadcases
Select the path local or on a network or server, where final loadcases
are to be saved.
Path for final pdf stowplans
Select the path local or on a network or server, where printed final
pdf plans are to be saved.
Setup of Paths
Click on Setup to select path for above folders.
Select drive and path.
Set or remove check mark in ”Use path and ship name folder”
In order to use or not use shipname folders.
Click Save Path to save.
Click on Replicate to transfer / replicate all loadcases,
which have been changed since last replication.
Note: empty loadcases, loadcases not containing any cargo will not be replicated.
UnPack Ship Files to drive
If check marked, Ship files will be unpacked to drive; this improves the loading speed as well as the zoom functions.
First time a ship file is being unpacked it takes a bit longer than normally

LoadPlanner File Explore
The LoadPlanner File Explore is based on Microsoft File Explore and all file function is equal with same,
as renaming, deleting, copy, paste, drag and drop ect.

All user defined paths entered in

LoadPlanner Setup are available at
the top left drop down list.
The file explore handling both loadcase
and ship files, as well of all other type
of files.
To execute a file just double click
the file and the associated program
will be opened.

The File Preview

Only preview of pdf files. If a loadcase is selected and a stow plan have been created and are available it will be shown. It is a
simple preview and some pdf files cannot be shown as well transplant colors will be shown as red, working on a new preview as
known from Outlook and will be ready later on.
In the blue field on top of the preview the file is shown and can be drag and dropped to any locations as well to a mail.
If a stow plan for a selected loadcase is not available then the load list is shown, else click on Load List, you can then filter the list
and copy the list to any other loadcase, use the Inset Unit function in the List Administrator
If you have to attach a loadcase to a mail, right click the loadcase and use the function Send To zip folder
The zipped file will be found on top of the file list and then drag and drop the file to your mail
It is recommended that you zip a loadcases before attaching it to a mail, as many mail receivers systems do not accept the *.pjc
files, it is the same for ship files *.shp
If you receive a loadcase, simply drag and drop to the folder or file viewer for a ship, or use the copy and paste function, if it is a
zip file, do the same and the right click the file and select unzip.

File Explore Ship Files

When selecting a ship file (*.shp) the Sister ship dialog is shown
Select a ship name on the list and all functions will be available.
Select selected ship and open latest loadcase
Select Open;
Select selected ship and show all loadcases for the ship
Select New;
Select selected ship and create a new loadcase
Delete the selected ship form the list of sister ship
Enter a name and imo number and click save to ad to a new
sister ship to the list, Save
Enter a new name for selected ship and rename selected ship
Copy to New File;
Take out the selected ship from the list of sister ship and create a new
ship file based on selected ship.
If you have to attach a ship file to a mail, right click the ship file and use
the function Send To zip folder
The zipped file will be found on top of the file list and then drag and
drop the file to your mail

It is recommended that you zip a ship file before attaching it to a mail, as many mail receivers systems do not accept the *.shp
files, it is the same for loadcase files *.pjc
If you receive a ship file, simply drag and drop to file viewer for ship files, or use the copy and paste function, if it is a zip file, do
the same and the right click the file and select unzip.

List Administrator Common Functions
The List Administrator is used to handle all cargo and ship's equipment. The List Administrator contains 7 lists and an export
The List Administrator has some common functions for all the lists

Set filter. To set a filter, click on the column for which the filter applies to. Sample: To filter the load list to
show units all with a length of 10m or more. Click on the column for the length, click on the filter button and the
filter dialog box is shown
In the filter dialog box, enter the string for the column selected, in this case for Length,
enter the numeric value, then select how the list is to be filtered against the string
= equal to entered string
<> different from entered string
< smaller than entered string
> larger than entered string
Clr. Clear string
Cancel Cancel set filter

There can be set as many filters as the variety of units match. I.e. set a filter to show units more than 10m in length, then set a
filter to show units less than 12m in length. The units shown on list are only those that apply with all filters set.

Use the one filter back to return to last filter set

Clear all filters
Set a search string
By a click on a column head row, the list can be sorted alphabetically ascending or descending.

Update a List
If you have made a lot of changes or unloaded a lot of units, it can be necessary to update the list, this is done by a click on the
Tap for the list shown, the list will be updated and all filters will be taken of.

The Ship Equipment List

The Ship Equipment list is used for handling of all ship’s
equipment, such as hatch covers, tweendeck etc. The list has
numerous functions depending on the ship's gear settings.
Use the function "Setup user defined twd. Menu", under the
button "Menu", which gives the user the option to set-up two
user defined settings of the tweendeck for each cargo hold.
A check mark in the field "All Lock", means that all ship's
equipment does not react on clicks by the mouse when working
in 3D Cargo and moving units around. Use this function to avoid
unwanted movement of ship's equipment.
When clicking on the list the item gets highlighted, under the
column Position you can select a specified position for the
selected item.
With a click on the "Menu" button, more options appear for
tweendeck settings for each hatch.

New ship equipment can be added using the Unit Option dialog box, under the menu New Ship eqp.
See Unit Option dialog box for more information.
NOTE: You can always set a specific twd in a position by right click a twd in 3D Cargo and a popup menu will be shown with the
possible settings for the twd.

The Load List
The Load List is the main list of all cargo to be loaded, or already loaded, in the column
“To” = Total units to be loaded in same series of units in the column
“Lo” = Total units already loaded in same series of units

The list can be filtered

by setting the mouse
cursor in a column and
clicking on the filter
button, the list can
also be sorted
alphabetically, or under
the values ascending
or descending by clicking
on the top row.
Each unit can be edited
directly on the list,
just enter the text or
value and press Enter,
or the Arrow buttons in
order to go to the next
column. For POL, POD
and Ref click in the
column and a drop down list appears, then click on the list to select.
To Load a unit, double click in the column "Lo" and the unit will be loaded, if not already loaded, to the center of the work area,
then use the mouse and drag and drop the unit in position.

The Load List's Main Functions

Add all to Q.L Add all not loaded units shown on the list to the Quay List
Delete All Delete all not loaded units shown on the list
View Q.L Filter the list to only show units which are added to the Quay List
New Unit Opens the Unit Option dialog box to add new units
Set Focus When checked, click on a unit on the list, and if the unit is loaded the unit will
get focus at the cargo area. Same way the other way around, click on a loaded
unit on the cargo area and the unit will be marked on the list
Menu More functions, see below
Import packing list Import a packing list
Export Export the list as shown to an Excel sheet clipboard

Under the "Menu" button there are 8 functions:

Add unit to Quay List Add selected unit to the quay list
View sub loaded units View on selected units loaded on the Loaded List only
UnLoad all units on List Unload all units shown on the list.
Load all units as one block Load all units shown on the list as one block, see Block Loading
Load all units as pipes in blocks Load all units shown on the list as pipes in block loading, see Pipe Loading
Multi Change Change the entire text in a selected column for the units shown on list. I.e.
use the filter function to have only units with deck option shown,
set the mouse courser in the column for Deck Opt. Click on Multi change,
enter a text fx “YES” and click OK, then all units shown on the open list
are updated to have deck option
Copy all units on List Copies all units shown on the list
Insert Units Insert units to the load list copied by the function above.

To delete a unit or block enter a 0 (Zero) in the column "To" (Total units to load) and press Enter. If the deleted unit is a block of
units or a pipe block, all units in the block will be shown on the list as before entered to the block.

The Loaded List
The Loaded List shows all units
loaded on to the cargo area one
by one.
The list can be filtered, and
sorted alphabetically,
or under the values ascending
or descending by clicking on
the top row.
Each unit can be edited
directly on the list, just enter
the text or value and press
Enter, or the Arrow buttons
in order to go to the next
column. For POL, POD and Ref
click in the column and a drop
down list appears, then click on
the list to select.

NOTE: The column ID is a unique system index given to all loaded units, this ID can be used as reference to packing list
When exporting packing lists and loaded units on stow plans to Excel, see Export to Excel
Functions on the Loaded List:
Unload All Unload all units shown on the list
New Unit Opens the Unit Option dialog box to add new units
Set Focus When checked, click on a unit on the list and the unit will get focus on the cargo area.
Same way the other way around, click on a loaded unit on the cargo area and the unit
will be marked on the list. Always unchecked the Set Focus when loading units.
Export to Excel Export the list as shown to an Excel sheet
Menu More functions as below

Functions under Menu

UnLoad Unload selected unit
View Main Unit View the main unit on the Load List relate to the unit.
View Unit Option View the Unit Option dialog box, see Unit Options dialog box,
View Lcg,Vcg,Tcg View LCG, VCG and TCG, the columns will be added on the right side of the list
View Sequence list POL View a column for sequence POL, see Sequence list
View Sequence list POD View a column for sequence POD, see Sequence list

Cargo Reference List

The cargo reference is used to indicate the different part

cargoes, different packing lists or type of units with a text
and color.
The summary shown is the total on the load list (loaded
and not loaded units) selected with the same reference.
This reference is also shown on the final plan with
summaries of total loaded.

New Add new cargo reference
Delete Delete cargo reference
Color Select color for selected cargo reference
Auto Color System given color for all cargo references

The Port List
The Port List is used for defining ports en route.
When clicking on a port on the list, 2 blue arrows
appear with the name of the port behind.
Click Up or Down on the arrows in order to move
a port in its rotation.
The port rotations on stow plans are based on the
rotations on the port list.

The port summarize for loading and discharging port

is shown on printed plans for loaded units.

The Standard Cargo List

The Standard Cargo list is a user defined list, where
you can save all types of units which are in use often.
Mark a unit on the list and flg functions are available

Select Transfer unit to Units Properties

Load Load selected unit to the cargo area
New Enter new unit on the list
Delete Delete selected unit

Export to Excel Export the list to Excel

When editing a unit directly on the list, only items,
weight, length, height and notes can be edited.
If shape / image or other details to be added, then
use the Unit Properties dialog box.
Select the unit on the list and click Select, the unit is
then transferred to the Unit Properties dialog box.
In the Unit Properties dialog box, edit the unit and add shapes or images, to save all change to the Standard Cargo List, select the
menu on the Unit Properties dialog box under New, then Save Unit to Standard Cargo list.
The Items (name of unit) on the list is a unique text, means that only one unit can have the same Item indication, so if you save a
unit with an Item already existing on the list, this unit will be overwritten by the new saved unit.
When a unit is transferred to the Unit Properties dialog box, edit the unit and click Save, to save the unit to the Load List or Load,
to load the unit on the cargo area.
On the list you can add a Category to each units, (Fx Siemens units) Click “Edit Category” in the dialog box, add, edit or delete
the Categories
In the column for category select on the dropdown list a category to match the selected unit.
To add a reference / link to a drawing for a unit, select the unit on the list and click “Add Link to Drawing”
Select the file containing the drawing or reference in the file dialog box.
To open a link to a drawing or reference, click in the field for drawing and press “Ctrl” key to open the file.
When changes have been made to the Standard Cargo list, click one extra time on the tab Std.Cargo and the list will be updated.
If you wish to share your standard unit, load the unit to a loadcase and send the loadcase to another user, then the user can add
the unit to the standard cargo list or you can send the file in the installation folder
StdCargo.mdb (This file contains all the units on the Standard Cargo list)

List Administrator Export to Excel

The Export to Excel dialog box

On the List Administrator, on the tap Export, you will find the
Export to Excel dialog box.
Graphic plans from 3D Cargo can be added to the export
dialog box, (3D Cargo // Menu > Graphic View > Save to Export >
the view to be added)
All graphic plans will be added to one sheet and all selected
lists will be added to each own sheet, but all in one excel file.
If Include Index is checked the unique ID from the Loaded List
will be added to the packing lists, the same id can be shown in
the units under Text and Color Select > ID Number
This is one way to match loaded units with the units on the
packing list.

Import of Packing List

From the List Administrator under Load List click Import
And the import dialog box is shown

Insert any text copied to Windows clipboard form any applications

Open a file MS Excel or pdf format only

Insert a copied file form Windows Explore or a mail

Drag and Drop

Drag and drop a file to the blue field form any locations as Windows explore or a
LoadPlanner 4.1 have been updated to handling MC Excel format 2010
For pdf format a new Extracting have been added, this mean all printed pdf format can be handled.
If the pdf file is a scanned file the ocr (optical character recognition) will be used.
For all pdf files, you have to set up columns to be imported.

The new Extracting have been tested and works very well, until now haven’t found any printed pdf format the system cud not
handle, but there is a lot of varies pdf formats, so if you receive a pdf file the system cannot handle, not scanned pdf, then send
the file and will update LoadPlanner to handle the format.

Import from PDF or Graphic File
(File Transfer Form)
In The File Transfer Form, mark each columns to be
transferred by a click with the mouse in the file view
windows and a line will be shown .
When all columns are selected then click
“Convert to Spreadsheet”
Edit the spreadsheet to match the selected file if need
NOTE: The outcome on the spreadsheet all depend on
the quality of the graphic or PDF file. If the file is in
pure quality a large part of the result in the spreadsheet
will be incorrect.
If needed to redo the columns selections click the
“Clear Columns selected” adr re select all columns
to be transferred
Click the menu bare
“Transfer to.. > Transfer to LoadPlanner”
and The Spreadsheet is transferred to the Import Form

The Import Form

In the import form, click on the head top row, to select
the title for each columns on the dropdown list so it
matches the column below.
Select unit of measurement to match the packing list.
Click on "Analyze", the total on the packing list is
calculated, match the result with the packing list to
insure all is correct. Select POL, POD and Reference
if not already selected under title for a column.
Click on the menu bar "Save All to Load List" and all
units are now to be found on the Load List.
Sometimes L* W * H are shown in the same column,
then select the head row title "(L*W*H) Split up", there
will then be added 3 new columns to the right side of
the list, where you can select length, width and height.
With the "(L*W*H) Split up“ function any column can be
split up between values and text, fx if the weight column
state the value and text use the function to split the
column up You can edit the sheet ,
just press Enter or use arrow keys to save and
move to next field.

Unit Properties Dialog Box
The Unit Properties dialog box is used for editing units and adding new units.
Under the menu bar "New" you can select various new units, block stow
or copy all details from one selected unit to a new unit.
To select color for Cargo Ref, POL, POD, Shipper and Receiver click on
the square color box for each field.
New >> Main menu for below functions
Unit Create a new unit
Block Stow Create a new block stow, see Block Stow
Pipe(s) Create pipes Create new unit as a pipe
Copy unit to next unit Copy present unit to next new unit
Save unit to standard cargo List Save unit to standard cargo list
New Ship equipment Create new ship equipment
Image / Shape >> Main menu for below functions
Vector Drawing Add a vector drawing, See adding vector drawing
Image Add a image to a unit, see adding Image
Shape Add a shape to a unit, see adding Shape
Lifting points Add lifting points to a unit
Remove image or shape Remove any image or shape from a unit
UnLoad Unload selected unit only, available only if the unit is loaded
Unload All If more than 1 unit is loaded in same series of units, then unload them all.
Load Load unit, the unit have to be saved before loadeding
Save Save all changes, image or shape to a unit

Note: When saving changes to a unit, it applies to all units in a series

NOTE: A units Length, Width and Height given in the units properties box is always to be considered as the units maximum
dimensions regardless later adding shapes or images to the unit. This is also the dimensions all cubic calculations are based on.

Unit Properties Dialog Box, Adding Shape to Units

Under the menu Image/Shape, select Shape. A list is shown with various shapes, select a shape by double clicking on the shape
and the shape setup sub dialog box is shown.
In the shape window, enter the required details and click Draw to see the shape, then click "Save" to add the shape to the
When a shape has
been saved to a
unit, a red text of the
Shape type is shown
In this case
Wind mill tower
To reopen the shape
window, click on the
red text.

Unit Properties Dialog Box, Block Stow
A Block Stow can be Unit defined or User defined
The unit defined is a block stow created from the
load list and contains therefore units already
defined. The number of units in the bock and
total cubic in the block is calculated, based on
the units in the block from the Load List.
In the user defined block stow , the user has to
enter the number of units and the total cubic in
the block.

The total number of units and cubic calculated

on the Load List, Loaded List and on the plans
are based on the actual number of units and
cubic in the block, not by the block’s maximum
dimensions as with all other types of units.
Create a unit defined block stow
On the Load List, filter the list so only units to be stowed in one block are shown, then select the function Load All units as one
block under the menu button. The block stow unit can then be edited as well as added a shape under the Unit Properties dialog
Create a user defined block stow In the Unit Properties dialog box select New, then Block Stow, enter the number of units and
the total cubic which the block stow is to contain. Enter outer dimensions of the block and add shape if needed. The stow factor
SF calculated is based on the block shape and is given in % of the entered cbm according to available cbm in the total block.
Block stow unit is shown on the Load List under To (total loaded) and Lo (total to load). I.e. 1/41 means one block unit contains
41 units.
For a unit defined block stow, all units in the block are not shown on the Load List, only the block stow unit itself, but if you
delete the unit defined block stow unit, all units in the block will be shown on the Load List.
Block stow as it appears on stowage plans and in 3D Cargo
depending on the shape given

The unit defined block stow dialog box

When creating block stow from the Load List

Vector Drawing
From the Unit Properties
Select the Menu Vector Drawing
Select on the list a drawing and check mark the View
to be shown in a Unit and click Insert in Unit
If a drawing has given dimensions then click
Insert in Unit with given dim.
Click Edit to edit a drawing.
Click New to create new drawing
Click Import Vector DB to import a drawing created in a CAD program.
For more info about import of drawings see Import Drawing.

Vector Drawing, management of drawing on the list

To save a drawing shown in the editor window.

1 Select the view under Save view as
2 On the list Save To, select a existed drawing or select New (On top of the List)
3 Enter Unit Name if it is a new drawing
4 If dimensions is given enter same and if a Block then check mark and enter number of
units in the block
5 Click Save.

Select on the List to delete or rename a drawing.

Click under Edit Top, Side or Aft View to edit the drawing.
To save the shown drawing to a unit, Click Save selected drawing to.

Vector Drawing, Editor

The LoadPlanner vector editor is only

A simple editor, and only mend as so,
as you can import any drawing for a
CAD program so for more complex
drawing use your CAD program.
To save a drawing Click Close
Layer View and as above save the
drawing to the list or to a unit.

The Function Shape As User Color
Is for use to set the FillColor of a
closed shape sa user color as Port
or reference color

The 3D Cargo Form
The 3D Cargo form is used to place all units from the Load List into the ship's cargo area. There are several ways to do it, but first
some explanation about the gravity function in the system.
Gravity in the 3D Cargo Form
When moving the graphical objects, a unit, in 3D Cargo, the system handles them as if they were under the influence of gravity,
this to avoid two units to overlap each other, to avoid placing a unit inside the ship side or having a unit hanging in the air. If it is
required for two objects to overlap, or if you wish to exceed the limits of the system outer borders, the function "Gravity" must
be taken off.
Click on the icon on the Tool Bar or on the Manoeuvre Box to handle units with or without gravity.

Gravity ON.

Gravity OFF.
Note: If you work with the function "Gravity" taken off, there is a risk of hiding a unit inside another object.
To have a container to fit in the container grid system the "Gravity" has to be on.

The Tool Bar in 3D Cargo Form

Arrange the 3D work areas. Side view, top view and aft view windows

Z- Order locally at a place where a unit has focus, in order to have underlying units shown correctly in the z-axis
on the top, side and aft view

Z- Order all units in the z-axis on the top, side and aft view

Check for any position errors for all loaded units (units outside crane range, overlapping units etc.)

Show water line and eye sight. Only for ships with stability module

Undo a moved unit

Windows calculator

Gravity On / Off

View / Hide Container Grid system

View / Hide Crane Range

View / Hide Frames

View / Hide the Ruler

Zoom in and out on selected unit, 1 zoom to fit screen in length, 3 in breath, 2 in-between 1 and 3

View Unit Properties dialog box

View the List Administrator

View the Manouvre Tool Box

View the Grid Loading dialog box

View the Quay List

Copy a unit

Insert a copied unit

Menus on the 3D Cargo Form
Close Close the 3D Cargo form and return to the Main Form
Menu >>
Weight Distribution Open the Weight Distribution Form
Cargo Conditions Add, rename or delete Cargo Conditions
Print from Screen >> View Print selected view direct to default printer
Graphic view >>
Send to Editor >> View Send selected view to default graphic editor
Save to Export >> View Save selected view to the export dialog
Std. Prestowage Plan Open the Prestowage plan form
User Prestowage plan Create a user defined prestowplan and open the Prestowage plan form
Create Sequence List Create a loading or discharging sequence list
UnLoad >>
UnLoad Port Unload an entire loading or discharging port, select on list.
UnLoad Unit Unload selected unit
UnLoad All Unload all units and ships equipment
Text select >> Select on the sub menus, the text and color to be shown on the units
Active Move On/Off Turn active move on / off. When active move is on, the 2 opposite views of
a dragged unit is shown at the present view at the dragged units position. If
there are many units loaded, this can slow the drag and drop function down.
Split Deck Split the top view into 3 views; TT, Twd and main deck view
Key Meter Set the key meter. The key meter value is the distance in meter, which the
selected unit is moved by a click on the arrow keys. Mark a unit on the view it
is to be moved within, and move the unit with the arrows keys.
Button Functions which are useful when large scale zoom is in use; switch between the different views on a selected unit by
clicking on
Side View Set focus to the side view,
Aft View Set focus to the aft view
Top View Set focus to the top view

3D Cargo, Load a Unit
There are several ways to load units in 3D Cargo
On the Load List, click in the field for the column Lo (total to load) on the row for the unit to be loaded.
A button with a L is shown, click the button and move the mouse above the top viewed cargo area, a frame of the unit is shown,
right click the mouse to load the unit in the shown position
However, there is a more convenient way using the quay area.

How to load a unit in 3D Cargo from the Quay List

On the List Administrator select the Load List, filter the list so that it only shows the units you wish load at the present time, and
click Add all to Q.L
In the 3D Cargo form, click on the icon to have the quay area shown

The Quay Area

The Quay Area dialog box shows the units which are not loaded. If a unit is loaded it will not be present on the Quay Area.
By right clicking anywhere on the dialog box or on a unit, a popup menu is shown. On the menu the Quay Area can be arranged
by Length , Width, Height and Weight
When placing the mouse cursor above a unit, information regarding the unit is shown in the field on top of the Quay Area.

To load a unit from the Quay List, click on the unit on the Quay Area, keep the mouse button down, move the unit to the
position on the ship and release the mouse button, also called "Drag and Drop" function.
Note: The Quay Area only shows units from the top, and units can only be dragged and dropped from the Quay Area to the top
view of the ship, but you can drag and drop any unit from side, top or aft view of the ship to the Quay Area.

To edit a unit on the Quay List, open the Unit Properties dialog box, then click on the unit you wish to edit, the unit is then
shown in the Unit Properties dialog box.

The Manoeuvre Box
The functions on the Manoeuvre Box are used to move or load units in relation to each other,
such as one unit next to or on top of another unit.
The manoeuvre icons and functions are related to the top view only.

When the manoeuvre box is shown, the second last selected unit will be marked yellow and
the last selected unit blue

As a fundamental rule:
Mark the unit, which you intend to load or move next to or on
top of, this unit gets marked in blue at first, then mark the unit
to be moved, this unit now gets the blue marking and the other
unit gets the yellow marking.
Click on the manoeuvre icon which indicates the desired move.

To load a unit, you can mark a unit on the Load List, mark a unit
on the quay list or set focus in the unit property dialog box and
then use the manoeuvre box

Manoeuvre Box and the Quay Area, Load Units

When a unit from the Quay Area has

been loaded next to or on top of another
unit by use of the Manoeuvre Box,
the last loaded unit will be marked yellow
and the next unit on the Quay Area will be
marked blue, and is then ready to be loaded
via the Manoeuvre Box without any further

The next in line to be loaded, automatically selected, will always be the next in descending order next to the last loaded. Use the
"Arrange" function on the Quay List to arrange the units in the order to be loaded.

The Function for Multi Selection of Units in 3D Cargo
Place the mouse courser on the top view area, keep right mouse button down and drag the square over the units to be selected.
The selected units will then be marked red, the drag and drop [X] button and the Multi Select toolbox are shown. Right click on
the drag and drop [X] button,
drag all selected units to a new position and
release the mouse button. Use the Undo
function before leaving the Multi Select function
if the move was unintended.

Stow units starting from SB; side by side. NOTE: You can only use the Undo function
as long as the Multi Select function toolbox is
Stow units starting from PS; side by side.
shown. You can use one function, then the
Stow units starting from Forward; side by side next, if the result is not the intended, click
Undo and then the correct function.
Stow units starting from Aft; side by side
Units moved by the Multi Select functions are
Align units to SB not checked by the Gravity function, so make
sure that all units are inside a cargo area.
Align units to Aft
Click anywhere with the mouse to get back or
Align units to Forward out of the Multi Select function.
Align units to PS
Align units to a center line from Forward to Aft
Align units to a center line from PS to SB
Turn units 90 degrees
Turn units 180 degrees
Mirror image units Forward and Aft
Mirror image units PS and SB
Stow units in one stack, if there are more units than the height allows, start a new stack next to
Show selected units on Loaded List. Open the List Administrator and select Loaded List
Make equal space between units in longitudinal direction
Make equal space between units in abeam direction
Unload selected units
Undo last Multi Select function

The Split Deck Function in 3D Cargo
The "Split Deck" function on the menu bar gives the option to view deck, tweendeck and tank top at the same time. Units can be
dragged and dropped by the mouse on the different sections, and units can be loaded directly from the Quay List or Load List.
When moving a large number of units, the split deck function needs to be updated, so if any units are not shown correctly, click
on "Split Deck" to return to standard view and click "Split Deck" again, then the windows/areas are updated.

The Container Grid in 3D Cargo

Use the Container Grid when loading containers. When a container is dragged and dropped in the container grid and the
"Gravity" function is on, the container is automatically fitted into the container position, which it is dropped on to. Text in the
upper right corner on the form shows "Unit fixed in Cont. Grid"; if not shown, then the container is not fixed in its position.
To hide the container Grid, click again on the icon for the Container Grid.
For more information on container loading, see the Container Load

The Standard Stowage Plan
In the 3D Cargo form, under "Menu"
select "Std. PreStowage Plan".
The standard stowage plan shows
the side view and 3 different top views,
the port rotation, cargo reference,
shipper and receiver details,
if any are defined.
The summary is based on the
loaded units only.
Use the "Text and color select" to select
color and text to be shown.
Use the "Zoom" function to zoom the
plan to any size.
Each unit's text can be edited,
just double click on a unit and edit
the text.
To save the edited text, click Text
and color select >>
Units Text >> Save Text
To see text, which is already saved
Text and color select >>
Units Text >> Retrieve text
Use the Toolbox for further
editing, such as adding text boxes
and measurement arrows.

Insert text box, drag and drop to any position and size
Insert measurement box, showing length and width
Insert measurement arrows, enter the width and enter or stretch to any width
Insert measurement arrows, enter the length and enter or stretch to any length
Remove. Click on any inserted object and click remove

The User Defined Stowage Plan Top view
The user defined stowage plan is used to "cut up the ship", in up to 8 different top view plans, in order to see in detail the
stacking of cargo.
In 3D Cargo select "Menu", then "User Prestowage Plan". In the dialog box, set-up the cross sections to be shown, then click
”View PreStowage plan".
In the stowage plan form, use the functions under
"View" on the menu bar to handle the units,
which are shown twice

The User Defined Stowe Plan with Aft View
Select the menu under the 3D Cargo form
Menu > Stowage Plan > Side and User defined aft view

The User Defined Stowe Plan with Top and Aft View
Select the menu under the 3D Cargo form
Menu > Stowage Plan > Side and User defined aft view

Sequence List
In the 3D Cargo form under "Menu", select "Create Sequence List"

In the dialog box for creating sequence lists,

select port on the dropdown list, select POL
or POD, select a number for the sequence
Then click on the first unit to be loaded /
discharged, click "Save".
Set a check mark in "Auto Save", then click
on unit no. 2, then unit no. 3 and so on until
all units have been given a sequence
To view the Sequence List, on the List
Administrator, select the "Loaded" list
under "Menu", select "Sequence List"
Use the filter functions to have a correct
view of the list, then export the list by a
click on "Export to Excel"

Grid Block and Bulk Loading
Common for the Grid Block and Bulk loading,
Right click on a loading area and select the popup menu
“Defined Area” Adjust the Area with the mouse if needed or select an
area on the list

Grid Loading
Enter dimension of the single cell in the grid, Click ReDraw.
Adjust numbers of cells in the grid, Click Draw.
Click “Load Grid as a new block”, to save

Note: If having under stow then define the under stow first then fx the
hatch coming after.

Block Loading from Load List

On Load List, filter the list and select
Load All units as One Block
Enter the dimensions of the block and Block Loading
Click Calculate Units Defined Block Defined a loading area, and click
Adjust dimensions if needed, Calculate Block Area
Click Save Units defined Block
To create a user defined block click
Create User defined Block

To create a units defined block, felted the

Load List to show units to be loaded in the
block, click Calculate Units defined Block

If you are adjusting the loading area you

have to calculate the block area again

Click Save Units defined Block to save

Bulk Loading
Defined a loading area, and click
Calculate Bulk Area

NOTE: The CBM in a calculated bulk area is based

on the square meters multiplied with the height
so for dummy containers and narrowing’s is not included
in the calculations, if you having the correct CBM for the
selected area, then enter the adjusted CBM

Enter the stow factor and select Cubic FT/Ton or Cubic M/Ton
Click Calculate Weight


Enter weight and calculate the CBM

Click Save Bulk block to save 25

Pipe Loading
Filter the Load List so it only shows the pipes to be loaded
into blocks. Note: only pipes which have
Height = Width will be transferred to the pipe loading dialog

When the list is filtered, under the "Menu" button,

select the function "Load all units on list as Pipes in Block(s)"

In the pipe dialog box, enter the cargo space

width and height.
If dunnage between tiers is required, set a
check mark in the dunnage field and enter
the size of dunnage.
Set a check mark in
"Show each pipe type as a block".
Click "Calculate".
Load the pipe blocks, which have max intake
by clicking on "Load Block (no)", the pipe
block will then be transferred to the Load
When a block is transferred to the Load List,
the list is reduced to show the remaining
pipes. The pipes, which are added to a block,
are automatically removed from the Load
Remove the check mark in
"Show each pipe type as a block", click
Then load the remaining pipes.

Note: When pipes are added or loaded into a block, the pipes are removed from the
Load List. If, by any reason, a block of pipes has to be recalculated, then delete the
pipe block on the Load List and update the Load List by clicking on the tap "Load" and
all the pipes in the deleted block are shown on the Load List again.

2 blocks of pipes shown in aft view.

Container Load

On the Main Form click on "Container Load", in

the Container Load window, click on the menu
"List Administrator", on the "Load List" double
click on the container to be loaded and click on
the position where the container is to be loaded.
To move a container from one position to
another, just use the drag and drop function by
Note: You can only handle containers in the
Container Load window.

In Container Load, both bay plans as well as tier

plans are available under the "Menu" on the
menu bar

The Crane Stability and Simulator
The crane stability and simulator is basically ment for ships having the stability module in order to calculate lifting stability, but it
can also be used to simulate if a unit can go in between the cranes.

The Weight Distribution

The Weight Distribution is used for the vessels stability calculations, as a short cut to get an overview of the ship's draft, trim,
stability and stress calculated on the ships loading instrument, based on a stowage plan from LoadPlanner.
In 3D Cargo, select "Menu", then "Weight Distribution".

From the Loaded List
You can export the list inc.
each units vcg, lcg and tcg
and import the excel list into
the main loading instrument
if the function is available

Stability and draft calculations are only available for ship files with stability added.
The stability to a ship file can only be added by ”LoadPlanner.DK"

Trouble shutting
Windows Vista
Unit flashing when drag in 3D Cargo
Under Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Personalization
Windows Classic theme
Windows 7 & 8
Unit flashing when drag in 3D Cargo
Under Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Personalization
Select Windows 7 Basic or Windows Classic theme
LoadPlanner do not start correctly (Typical on windows 64bit system)
Right click the Icon for LoadPlanner and select Properties
Select Compatibility, Check mark “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” and select “Windows
XP (Service Pack 3)”

LoadPlanner cannot Export to other Windows programs of attach files to emails.

Right click the Icon for LoadPlanner and select Properties
Select Compatibility.
Check mark “Run this program as Administrator”

Zip Files
If you have installed Zip7 and it is your standard zip system LoadPlanner cannot make zip files.
LoadPlanner is using Windows winzip contained in the file windows system file Shell32.Shell


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