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Sadhu Vaswani International School

Std VI
Subject: Computer
Lesson 2- Computer Languages & Programming Techiques

A) Choose the correct answer.

1. The Assignment operator is used to store value in a variable.
2. >= is an example of Relational operator.
3. != stands for Not equal to.
4. A Logical operator combines two conditions together to check.
5. Artificial code is used to understand program flow is called Pseudocode.

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. Machine language is the only language that a computer can understand.
2. Compiler translates a program at once and generates a list of errors, if any.
3. Value of a Variable can change throughout the program.
4. An operator is applied on one or more Operands.
5. A pseudocode must start with the keyword Begin.

C. Tick (√) the correct statement and cross (×) out the wrong one.
1. Understanding the machine language is easy and fun. False (×)
2. Fourth generation languages use mnemonic codes. False (×)
3. A program written in assembly language is called source program. False (×)
4. An assembler converts assembly language program into machine language. True (√)
5. Modern computer language are machine dependent. False (×)

D. Answer the following questions.

1. List the names of 4 generations of computer programming languages.
Ans. Machine language, Assembly language, High level language, Modern language.

2. How a program is different from a pseudocode?

Ans. A program is executable on computer while pseudocode is the logical representation of a

3. What do you mean by data, data type, and variable?

Ans. Data is a raw, individual piece which alone does not make any sense. Data type defines
what type of data it is like date, number or text. A variable is a named identifier that stores the
value of a particular data type.
4. Explain NOT operator with suitable example.
Ans. NOT operator checks for the reverse of any condition. E.g. NOT (a > b) means value of
variable a is less than or equal to the value of variable b.

5. List the steps required in planning of a program.

Ans. Steps in planning of a program:
i. Define and analyse the problem ii. Develop the solution

E. Write Pseudocodes to do the following.

1. To find the result of: (a*b()/(a+b) where values of a and b are input by user.
1. Begin
Accept a, b
Result = (a * b) / (a + b)
Display Result

2. Accept the radius of a circle and find its area.

Accept Radius
Area = (22/7)*(Radius*Radius)
Display Area

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