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News Journals (B5 Notebook)

1) Please find some interesting news online, in the newspaper, or on TV. The news can
be in English or Japanese, although English will help you to improve your language skills. Then
please write about the news in English sentences in your journal in your own words with no
copying from the original source. Also, please single space the writing in the journal (please do
not double space).

2) At the top of the page, please make sure to write as follows:

a) a title to show the topic of your news and b) the date you wrote the journal.

3) Under the title and date, write the subtitle SUMMARY and the write a one paragraph summary of
the news in English in your own words with no copying from the original source (about 1/2
4) Under the summary paragraph, write the subtitle COMMENTS and write your feelings, ideas, and
opinions etc. about this news in English (about 1/2 page).

5) Under the comments paragraph, please write the subtitle VOCABULARY and list about 5-7
interesting/new vocabulary words horizontally that you used in the journal.

6) Under the vocabulary list please write the subtitle SOURCE and write where and when you found
the news (ex. BBC news in English online, Oct 4, 2020) (ex. Asahi Shimbun, Oct 5, 2020).
Please write the source in English or romaji, no kanji.

7) In News Journal classes you will first have a minute to a) explain your vocabulary to the
listener(s) and then more time b) to explain your news summary and comments. This should be
some without reading in order to practice speaking about interesting news happening in Japan or
the world. It will be very helpful to review the main points of your news and check the new
vocabulary just before the class.

8) You will be asked to talk naturally without reading the sentences in your journal. You should be
making good eye contact with your partner(s). However, if need be, you can occasionally open
your journal to take a quick look at your summary or comments.

9) Please note that journals will be collected for grading without prior notice.

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