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入学手続きの予定 Schedule of Enrollment Procedures

しくお願いいたします。The following is the schedule of enrollment procedures for April term students. If you
have any nominees, please refer to the following information to complete the procedures.

2025 年4月度 For the April 2025 term

8月~9月 August-September(募集要項、出願書類のご送付 Application requirements and application materials
▽ will be sent.)
9月 September 出願の有無のご連絡:9月5日まで Contacting us applicant status : by September 5
▽ ※希望者の方の略歴のご提出 * Submission of brief resumes of applicants
10 月 October 出願書類、検定料のご提出:10 月中旬まで Submission of application documents and application
▽ fee: by mid-October
(出願確認、審査、合否通知 Confirmation of application, screening, notice of acceptance or rejection)
▽ 8月末〜10 月中旬 End of Aug. - Mid-Oct.: Skype 面接等 Skype interview, etc
11 月〜12 月入学手続き金のご納入:12 月初旬まで※ Payment of Admission Procedure Fee: by the early Dec.*
November – December ▽ ※入学手続き金は CoE 結果後の後納も可能です。ご希望の場合はお申し出ください。
*Payment of the admission procedure fee can be made after the CoE results.
Please let us know if you wish to do so.

11 月末 End of November(入学許可、入管申請 Admission and immigration application)

入寮希望の有無のご連絡 Let us know if you wish to live in a dormitory

2 月末~3 月 (申請結果のご連絡 Notice of application results)(寮についてのご連絡 Notice of dormitory)
End of February - March ▽
入国日程のご連絡 Informing the arrival schedule:3月25日まで by March 25th

4月 April (入 学 式 Entrance ceremony)

[参考 For reference(2025 年 10 月度入学手続きの予定 Schedule of Enrollment Procedures for the October 2024 term)]
3月 March (募集要項、出願書類のご送付 Application requirements and application materials will be sent)
4月 April 出願の有無のご連絡:4月15日まで Contacting us applicant status :by April 15
4月~5月 出願書類,検定料のご提出:5月末まで Submission of application documents and application fee
April – May(出願確認,審査,合否通知 Confirmation of application, screening, notice of acceptance)
6月 June 入学手続き金のご納入:6月初旬まで Payment of Admission Procedure Fee: by the early June
(入学許可、入管申請 Admission and immigration application)
入寮希望の有無のご連絡 Let us know if you wish to live in a dormitory
8月末~9月 (申請結果のご連絡 Notice of application results)

End of August - September(寮についてのご連絡 Notice of dormitory)

入国日程のご連絡 Informing the arrival schedule:9月25日まで by September 25th

10月 October (入 学 式 Entrance ceremony) 以上

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