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(Sectionon Toxicology)

Annapinarakgdkalpidhyny(Themodeof Preserving Food
and Drink from the effectsof Poison): Thenecessaryqualifications
of a Superintendentof the Royal Kitchen-Thenecessary features
of a Royal Kitchen.-Characteristic featuresof a Poisoner.-
Indicationsof poisonedfood anddrink, etc.-Generaltreatment.-
The mode of preparingSoup, etc. l-15


Sthivaravisavijfiinidhyny (The Indications (Effects,

Nature and Operations)of Sthivara Poisons) : SthavaraPoison-
Its source.-Names of the different Vegetableand Mineral poisons.-
Effects of poison on the Human organism.-Effects of Bulb-
poisons- Specific propertiesandactionsof Bulb-poisons-Defi nition
of Dusi-visa-Symptoms of weak and slow poisoning-Derivative
meaningof Dusi-visa-Symptomsof thedifferentstagesof Sthavara
Poisoning-The medical treatment.- Kosdtakyddi-Yavagu- Ajeya-
Ghrta- Visdri Agada.-Treatment of the superveningSymptoms of
- Prognosis.
Poisoning. t6-26


Jaft gamv$avijfi nidhydy (The subject of (the nature,virtue,

etc. of) Animal Poisons) : Different locations-Characteristic
features and purifications of poisoned Water.*Poisons in the
Atmosphereandits purification.-Mythological origin of Poison.-
Propertiesof Poison-Nature andLocationof Snake-poison-Generai
treatrnentof poisoning-Symptoms of taking poison internally.-
Fatalbites.- Prognosis. 27-36

Sarpadaqfavipavijfiinidhyly (The Specific Features of
xrv SUSRUTAsnunrrl

the Poision of a Snake-bite) : Classifications of Snakes-

Classifications of Snake-bites-Their specific Symptoms-
Characteristicfeaturesof the different speciesof Snakes.-Features
of the different Castes amongs Snakes-Particular Habits of the
differentkinds of Snakes.-Names of thedifferent speciesof Darvi-
kara Snakes.-Names of the different speciesof Mandali Snakes-
Names of the different speciesof Rajiman Snakes-Names of the
different species of Nirvisa Snakes-Names and Origin of the
different species of Vaikarafrja Snakes-Sub-families of the
Vaikarafrja snakes.-Characteristicsfeaturesof Male and Female
Snakes-Featuresof their bites-General and specific symptoms of
a bite by a Darvi-kara Snake-Specific symptoms of a bite by a
Mandali Snake-Specificsymptomsof a bite by a Rajiman Snake-
Specific symptomsof bites by Snakesof different Sexesand Ages,
etc.-Symptoms of the different stagesof poisoning from the bites
of a Darvi-kara Snake-Different stagesof poisoning from the bite
of a Mandali Snake- Different stagesof poisoning from the bite of
a Rajimdn Snake.-The Vegdntara(or the intervening) Stages.-
Different Stagesof poisoningin casesof Lower Animals. -Different
stagesof poisoning in casesof Birds. 37-51

SarpadaEtacikihndhyly (The medical treatment of Snake-
bites) : Generaltreatmentof Snake-bites.- Mantras(Incantations)-
Blood-letting in Snake-bites.-Specific treatment of the bite by a
Hooded (Darvi-kara) Snake, a Mandali Snake and a Rdjiman
Snake.-Contra-indication toblood-letting in casesof Snake-bites.-
Dosage of Collyrium, etc., to be resorted to in casesof different
Beastsand Birds.-General dosageofmedicinesin casesof Snake-
bites*Specific treatment of poisoning according to the Physical
Symptoms-Specific treatment of the different Supervening
Symptoms.-Remedy for the aggravated Dosas due to Poison-
Medical treatmentof personsmadeunconsciousfrom the effects of
a Fall or SuspendedAnimation.-Symptoms of wounds from
PoisonedDarts, etc.-Treatmentof a PoisonedWound-Recipe of
d i f f e r e n t A g a d a s- M a h d g a d a - A j i t A g a d a - T a r k s y a g a d a -
R sabhagada-Saflji vana A gada- Darv i -kara-Raj il d-vis a-hara-

Agada- Mandali-viqa-haraAgada- Varh6a-tvagadi

Agada- Pafrca-
6irigaAgada-Sarva-KdmikaAgada-EkasaraAgada. 52-67
Dundubhikhaniyakalpndhyny (Treatmentwith theSounds
of a (medicated) Drum, etc., possessed of Anti-venomous
Effects- Kalyinaka-
Virtues) : Ksdrdgada-ItsUsesandTherapeutic
Ghrta- Amfta-Ghr,ta-Maha-sugandhi Agada-Rules of Diet and
Conduct.*Symptoms of Eliminationof Poison. 68-73
Miipakakalpndhyiy (Casesof Rat-poisoning): Different
Varietisof Rats-GeneralSymptomsof Rat-poisoning-Specific
symptomsand treatmentof Rat-poisoning-General treatment.-
Causesof Rabies-Symptomsof Hydrophobia-Prognosis.-
Symptomsof Jala-trdsa-Itstreatment-Treatment of bitesby rabid-
dogs-Treatment of teeth and nail-scratching. 74-85
Kilakalpidhyny (On insects, i.e., the measures, etc. to be
adopted in cases of Insect-bites, etc.) : The Germination and
Classification of Insects-Insects of Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja and
Sannipdtikatemperaments. - Symptomsof their Bites-The Kanabha
class of Insects-The Gaudheyakaclass of Insects-Sata-padi-
Manduka (Frogs)-Pipilikd (Ants)-Maksikn (Stinging Files)-
M'a6at<as(Mosquitoes).-Incurable classes-Treatmentof a bite by
strongand acute-poisonedlnsects-Recipes of Remediesin different
cases.-Origing and Classificationof Scorpions-Specific traits
and characteristics of Mild-poisoned Scorpions, Madhya-vi9a
Scorpions and Tiksna-visa Scorpions-Treatment of Scorpion-
bites-Spider bites.-Developmentof Luta-poison-Its potency-
Location.-Characteristicsof Poison accordingto its seat in the
body of a Spider-Mythological Account of the Origin of LutE-
The different namesof Spiders and the generalSymptoms of their
Bodies-Specific Symptoms of Spider-bitesand their Treatment-
General Remedies-Specific symptoms of the Incurable cases of
Spider-bites-Their treatment.-Surgical Treatrnent-Treatment of
Ulcersincidentalto the Bites bv Insectsof Snakes. 8 6 - 1I I
End of the Contentsof the Kalpa Sth5na.

Aupadravika-Adhy6ya (Diseasesof theeyes,etc.):-Diseases
of the eye and its appendages-Description of Drsti-Mandalas and
Sandhis-Description of Patalas-Premonitory symptoms-Causes of
eye-diseases--{lassification-Prognosis of Vataja-Pittaja-Kaphaja-
Raktajaand Tri-dosajaeye--diseases-Seatsof the eye-diseases.
Sandhigata-Roga-Vijfrdniya(Pathologyof thediseases
of the
eye-joints):-Their nomenclature-Number-Symptoms. 122-lZ4

Vartmagata-Roga-Vijffaniya( Pathologyof the diseasesof
andnames-Specificsymptoms of Utsangini-
Kumbhika-Pothaki-ArSovartma-Afrj ana-Kl i sta-vartma-Vartma
-bandhaka,etc, etc. 125-t29
Suklagata-Roga-VijffSniya(Pathologyof the diseasesof the
sclerotic coat):-Names and number-symptomsof Suklarma-
Lohitarma-suktike-Arj una-Pi staku-S ira-iutu-B al6sa-grathita,
etc, etc. 130-l3l
Krgnagata-Roga-Vijffdniya(Pathologyof thediseases
of the
blackpartof theeye):-Number-Names-Symptoms-Prognosis-
Avraqa-sukra Jata-savrana-Sukra-Aksi-pakatyaya-Ajak6.
Sarvagata-Roga-Vijffeniya of thediseases

the eyes as a whole):-Names and Causes-symptoms of Vataja_

Pittaja-Kaphaj a andRaktaja Abhisyanda-causes of Adhimantha-
Symptomsof Vataja-Pittaj a-Kaphaj a-and Raktaja Adhimantha_
Prognosis-Symptoms of Sa-Sophaand A-SophaAksi_paka_
Symptoms of Hatadhimanrha-Vata-paryaya-Suskaksi_paka_
Anyato-vata-Amladhyusita-Sirotpata-siraharsa. 135_140.

Drstigata-Roga-VijfrEniya (pathology of the diseasesof the
Pupil):-Description of Drsti-syrnptoms-When first_second_
third and fourth Patolaattacked-Blindness-specific symptomsof
Vataja-Pittaja-Kaphaja and SannipatikaTimira-parimlayi-
Different colours of the pupil in casesof Linga-nasa-specific traits
of vataj a-Pittaja-Kaphaj a-and SannipatikaLinga-nasa-Traits of
Vataja-Pittaja-and Kaphaja Vidagdha-Drsti_Smoky sight_
Hrasva-Jatya-Nakulandhya-Gambh irika-symptoms of traumaric
Linga-naSa. Al_14g.
Netra-Roga'cikitse-vibhnga-vijfi aniya(classification and
treatmentof ocularaffections):-classifi cation-Names of chedya-
Lekhya-Bhedya-vyadhya eye-diseases-Namesof eye-diseases
where operation not to be risked-Names of curable and incurable
eye-diseases. l 50-r 52.
of vatajaophthalmia)
Collyrium-Treatmentof Anyatovrta-Vata-paryaya-Suskaks i -paka.
I 5 3 _I 5 7 .
Pittdbhisyanda-Pratipedha of pittajaophthalmia)
:-Tarpala measures-Wash-Snuff-Afrj ana_Rasa_kri ya_
A6cyotana-Treament of sukti-pakaandDhuma-darsi. r 5g-r 6 r .

(Treatmentof Slesama.ya


Ophthalmia):-Fomentation-Afrj ana-Treatment of Baldsa-grathita

-Pi staka-Praklinna- vartma 162-166.

Raktdbhipyand-Pratisedha (Treatmentof Raktaja Ophthal-
mi a):-Venesection-Inhalation-Eye-drop-Snuffs-Plaster-
Vartis-Treatment of Sirotpata-Sirdharsa-Afrj ana.-Scarifying-
Afrjana-Treatment of Sukra-Ksara-Afrjana-Soothing applica-
ti ons-Treatment of Aj aka-Aksi -paka-Puyalasa-Praklinna-Vartma
and Aklinna-Vartma. 167-177.
Lekhya-Roga-Pratigedha (Treatmentof Lekhya-roga):-Mode
of treatmentby Scarification-Satisfactory--defective and excessive
scarification-Names of diseasesamenableto scarification.178-181.

tshedya-Roga-Pratigedha(Treatmentof eye-diseaseswhich
require Incision):-Treatment of Visa-granthi-Lagana--Afrjana-
Krimi-granthi and Upanaha.-Application of Snehaand Sveda.
. Chedya- Roga-Pratiqedha(Treatmentof eye-diseaseswhich
require Excision):-Treatment of Armans-Preliminary actions-
Mode of operation-Medicinal Treatment-Teratment of Sira-jala-
Siraja-pidaka-Parvanika.-Curna-Afrjana-Treatment of the inner
part of the eye-lids. l 85-191.
Pakqmakopa-Pratiqedha (Treatmentof diseasespeculiar to
eye-lashesand eye-lids):-Surgical treatmentof Paksma-kopa-
Preliminary actions-Mode of operation-Cauterisation and other
measures. 192-193.
Dyp{igata-Roga-Pratiqedha(Treatment of pupiland
of diseases
crystallinelens):-Ceneraltreatmentof PittaandSlesma-Vidagdha-
Drsti-Puspafrjana-Dravafrjana-Gutikafrj ana-Treatment of Day-
blindness-Nocturnal blindness-Application of vartis-Rasa-
kriyafljana-Ksudranjana-Treatment of a palliative type- Triphala-
Ghrta-Navana-errhines-Putapaka-pratyafrj ana-Treatment of
Pittaja-Vataja-Kaphaja and Tridosaja Kaca-Fumigation_
Treatmentof Parimlayi-Diet-B lood-letting-Treatment of rimrra-
Prognosis-Surgical treatment of Kaphaja Linga-nasa-Its after-
measures-symptoms and treatmentof the disordersresulting from
an injudiciousoperation-causes of relapse-symptoms producedby
the defectsof the Salakd-Description of the Salafa-Derangements
due to defective operations-Their treatment-Eye-sight-invigorating
Afrjanasand Vartis. lg4_214.
Kriyakalpa'vijfi dniya (Treatmentandmedicinalmeasuresfor
ocular affections in general):-The Tarpana measures-Mode of
application-symptoms of satisfactory-excessiveand defective
Tarpana-Treatment of excessiveand defective Tarpana- cases of
Tarpana-The Puta-pdkameasures-Emulsive-scraping andHealing
Puta-paka-Preparations of Snehana-Lekhana and Ropala puta-
paka-Prohibition and Remediesfor infringements-symptoms of
satisfactory--excessive-and defective applicationsof puta-paka-
Mode of preparingPuta-paka-Mode of application-Ascyotana and
Seka-their classes-Maximum time for Seka-Time for application-
s iro-vasti-Lekhana-Ropana and prasadanaAffj ana--Forms of
Afrjana- Their size and dose-Materials of vesselsand rod for the
use of Afrjana-How to apply Afrjana-Forbidden cases for the
application of Afljana-Symptoms of satisfactory-eccessive and
deficient use of Lekhana Afrjana-prasddana Afrjana-Ropaqa
Afrjana- R ecipeof severalprincipal Affjanas-Bhadrodaya-Afrjana-
Vartis-Pindafljana. Zl5_235.
Nayaniibhigh5ta-Pratiqedha(Treatment of hurt or injnry to the
eye):-General rreatment-Prognosis--Treatment of sunkeneye-
Symptoms and treatment of Kukunaka-Conclusion. 236_240.

Kar4agata-Roga-VijffSniya (Causesand symptoms of Ear-
disease):-Classifications-Symptoms of Karna-Sula-Pranada-
B adhirya-Ksveda-Karna-sr6va-Karnakandu-Karla- gutha-
Karna-pratinaha-Krmi -karna-Karna-v idradhi-Karna-paka-Puti-
karna. 24t-244.
Kar4agata-Roga-Pratisedha (Medical Treatment of Ear-
disease):-General Treatment-Treatment of Vataja ear-disease-
Karna-Sula-Pranada-and Badhirya._-Siro-uasti--Dipika-Taila-
Different kinds of Ear-drop-General and specifictreatmentof Pittaja
ear-acheand Kaphaja Karna-Sula-Treatment of Deafness-General
and Special Treatment of Puti-karna-Karr.ra-srava Krimi-karla-
Karna-ksveda-Vidradhi, etc.-Karna-kandu-Kama-paka.2 45-256.

Ndsagata-Roga-VijfiSniya( Causesand symptomsof diseases
of the nose):-Nomenclature and Classification-Symptoms of
Apinasa-Puti -nasya-Nas a-paka-Rakta-pitta-Puya-rakta-
Ks avathu-Bhrarh6athu-Dipti-Prati ndha-Pari srava-Pari -5oS6:-
ArSas-S opha-Arvuda-Prati Syaya. 257-260.

of nasaldiseases):-
Treatmentof Puti-nasya-Apinasa-Diet-Enhines-Treatment of
Nasa-paka-Sonita-pitta-Puyarakta-Ks avathu-B hrarhsathu-
Dipti-Nasaniha-Nasa-srava-Nasa-Sosa etc. 261-263.

Prati6yEya-Pratigedha(Symptoms andtreatment of Catanh):-
Causes-Premonitorysymptoms-Specificsymptomsof Vataja-
Pittaja-Kaphaj a-Tri-dosaj a types-Raktaja-pratiSyaya-Prognosis
-General treatmentof PratiSyaya-Regimenof diet andconduct-
Treatmentof Vataja-Pi ttaja-Kaphaj a-and Tri -dosaja types.

Siro-Roga-VijfiEniya (Symptomsof diseasesof the head):-
Classification-Symptoms of Vataja-Pittaja-Kaphaja-Tri-
dosaja-Ksayaja-Raktaja-Krimija Siro-roga-symptoms of
Suryavarta-Ananta- vdta-Ardh ava-bhedaka-and Sarirkhaka.

Siro-Roga-Pratisedha (Treatmentof diseasesof the head):-
Treatmentof Vataja-Pittaja-Raktaja Siroroga-Food-Treatmenr
of Kaphaja-Tri - dosaja Ksayaja-Kri mij a-Ardhava-bhedaka-
d12ntn-yntn-and Sarhkhaka.-Conclusion. 277-285.

Here ends the Sdlakva-Tantra.

Navagrah5kpti-Vijff dniya (Specific fearuresof nine malignant
Grahas):-Different names-General courseof attack-symptoms of
attack by Skanda-skandapasmara-Sakuni-Revati-Putana-
Andha-putana-Sita putan6'-Mukha-mandika-Naigamesa-
Prognosis-Rules to be observed. 286-290.

of anattackby Skanda
Graha):-General treatment-Fumi eation-Mantras. 29t-293

Skand6pasmdraPratipedha(Therapeutics of an atrackby

of anattackby Sakunigraha):-
Sprinkling-Anointment-Pradeha-Fumi gation-Reli giouspropitia-
tion-Mantras. 296-298.

Revati-Pratipedha of anattackby Revati-graha)
:-Sprinkling-Anointment-Plaster-Religious propitiation-
Mantras. 299-300.
of anattackby Pfitand-graha):-
-Mantras. 30r-302.
Andhaputand-Pratiqedha (Treatment of Andha-pltand-
graha):-Sprinkling-Plaster-Fumigation-Religious propitiation-
Mantras. 303-304.
Sitapntana-Pratisedha(Treatment of an atrackby Sita-
pfltana):-Sprinkling-Fumigation-Anointment-Religious propi-
tiation-Mantras 305-306.
Mukhamandikd-Pratisedha (Treatment of an attack by
Mukha-maldika):-Sprinkling-Anointment-Fumi gation-Religi-
ous propitiation-Mantras. 307-308.

Naigamepa-Pratipedha (Treatmentof an attackby Naigamesa)
:-Sprinkling-Anointment-Uts6dana-Fumi gation-Reli gious
propitiation-Mantras. 309-310.
Grahotpatti-Adhydya(Origin of nine Grahas):-The nine
presidingdeities. 3lr-3t4.
Yonivydpat-Pratigedha(Symptomsand Therapeuticsof the
diseasesof thefemaleorganof generation):-{auses-Enumeration-
Classifi-cation-Names-Symptomsof Vataja-Pattaja*Kaphaja-

and Tri-dosajatypes-Medical treatment-Internaland External

treatrnent. 315-320.
Here ends the Kaumara-bhrtva-Tantra.

Jwara-Pratipedha (Symptoms and Treatment of Fever):-
Description of Jwara-Definition and classification-Pathology-
Premonitory symptoms-Symptoms of Vata.ia-Pittaj a-Kaphaj a and
Tri-dogajafever-Abhinydsa fever-Hatauj as-Sannyasa-Dwandaja
fever-Vdta-pitta-fever-Vata-Slesma-fever-Pitta-S lesma fever-
Pralepaka-Tritiyaka (tertian) and Caturthaka (quartan) fever-
Visama-fever-Seat and duration of Visana-jwara-Satataka-
Anyedyuska-Tritiyaka-Caturthak-Action-Infl uenceof Vayu on
Visama fever-Agantuka fever due to the effects of poision-Hay-
fever-Gambhira fever and its prognosis-General treatment-
Fasting-Prohibition of fasting-Effect of fasting -Satisfactory and
excessive fasting-Tepid water-Cold water-Peya-Yavdgu-
Symptoms of Pakva and Ama-jwara-Time for administering
febrifuge-Preliminary treatment-Application of Vasti and Siro-
virecana-Administration of Ghrta-Diet-Laja-tarpana-Milk as a
diet-Meat-diet-Prohibitions in fever-SarhSamanadecoctionsfor
Vataja-Pittaj a and Kaphaja fever-Treatment of Kapha-Vata-Pi na-
Slegma-Vata-pitta fever andTri-dosajafever-Treatment of Visama-
jwara-Ghrta in casesof Visamafever-Guducyadi-ghrta-Kalasyadi-
ghrta-Maha-kalyana-ghrta-Pafica Eavya ghrta-Triphala-ghrta-
Pafrca-sara-Medicated Tailas-Fumigations andAfrjanas-Treatment
of shivering and burning sensation-General and specific treatmentof
the complications-Application of Vastis-Symptioms of the remi-
ssionof fever.32l-377.

Atis5ra-Pratfuedha (Symptoms and treatment of Diarrhoea,
etc.):-Causes-Pathology-Fr€monitory symptoms-Symptoms of
Vataja-Pittaja-Kaphaja andTri-dosaja types-symproms of Sokaja
and Amaja Atisara-symptoms of Ama andPakvaAtisara-Prognosis

-General treatment-Twenty different Recipes for Amdtisara-

Fasting-Six Yogas for Pittaja Atisara-Astringent remedies-
Application of Ghrta-Putapaka-preparations-Peya-Treatment of
thirst-Use of milk-Ashapana and AnuvasanaVastis-Piccha-
Vasti-Diet-Causes and symptomsof Pakvatisara- Treatmentand
Symptoms of Pravdhikd-General Treatment-Application of
Vastis-Diet-Medical treatment-Yavagu-General principle of
treatment-Indications of cure-Static or dynamiccasusesof diseases
and treatment-Grahali-Premonitory symptoms of Grahani-
Symptoms-Specific symptomsof Vataja-Pittaja-Kaphaja andTri-
dosajaGrahani-Treatment and diet. 378-409.

Soqa-Pratisedha(Symptomsand Treatmentof phthisis):-
Nomenclature-Sosa-Ksaya-Raj a-yaksma-Etiology and general
symptoms-Specific symptoms of Vataja-pittaja and Kaphaja
types-Prognosis-Other causesof Sosa and their symptoms-
Premonitory symptoms-Prognosis-Treatment-Diet-Meat, etc.
Utsadana-Medicated Ghrtas-Eladi-mantha-Use of goat's flesh,
milk, etc.-Rules of conduct. 410- 42r .

.Gulma-Pratisedha (Symptomsand Treatmentof Gulma):-
Definition and Number-Localisation and Nomenclature-premoni-
tory Symptoms-Specific Symptomsof Vataja-Kaphaja and Tri-
dosajatypes-Symptoms of Raktaja Gulma-General Treatmentof
Vataja-Pittaja-Kaphaj a-Tridosaj a and Raktaja types-Utara-
Vasti-Anuvasana-Ci trakaghrta-Hin gvadi-ghrta-Dadhika- ghr-ta-
Rasona-ghrta-Ghrtas in Pittaja-Raktaja and Kaphaja Gulma-
Internaluseof Ksira-vriscirarista-Blood-letting-Diet and sveda.
-Peya-Khada-yusa-Fomentation-Medicated plugs-supervening
symptoms-Prohibited articles-Causes and Symptoms of Sula_
Symptoms of Vataja-Pittaja-Kaphaja and SannipatikaSula.-
Generaltreatment-Treatment of vataja-pittaja-Kaphaja and rri-
dosaja Sula-symptoms and treatmentof parjva-Suta-symptoms
and treatmentof Kuksi-Sula.-symptoms and treatmentof Flrcchula.
-Symptoms of Vasti-Sula-Mrltra-Sula-VirSula andAnnaja Sula-
Their treatment. 422-M6

Hrdroga-Pratipedha (Symptoms and Treatment of Heart-
disease):-Etiology andNomenclature-Number--Specifi c Symptoms
of Vatiaj a-Pittaj a-Kaphaja and Krimija types-Supervening-
Symptoms-Medical treatment of Vataj a-Pittaj a-Kaphaj a and
Krimija types. 447-451.
P54{u-Roga-Pratisedha (Symptoms and Treatment of Jaun-
dice,etc.):-Etiology and Nomenclature-Premonitory Symptoms-
Specific Symptoms of Vataja-Pittaja-Kaphaja and Tri-dosaja
types-Symptoms of Kamala-Kumbha-Kamala-Lagharaja and
Halimaka.-Supervening Symptoms-General treatment-Treatrnent
of-Kamala-Kumbha-kamala-Lasharaka.-Articles of Diet-
Treatment of SuperveningSymptoms-Prognosis. 452-460.

Raktapitta-Pratiqedha(SymptomsandTreatmentof Haemorr-
-Supervening Symptoms-Symptomsof incurabletypes-General
principlesof treatment.-Emetic-Purgative-Fasting-Articles of
fare-Diet-Lambatives-The bestsix Yogas-Asthapana andAnuvd-
sana-Treatmentofdown-coursingtype-Uttara-vasti. 461-4'10.

Mlrcch5-Pratigedha(SymptomsandTreatmentof Fainting
fi ts):-Defi nition-{lassifi cation-Premonitorysymptoms-Specific
Sannydsa-Treatment-Incurable type-Diet. 471-476

Pan5tyaya-Pratiqedha (Symptoms andTreatmentof Alcoho-
lism):-Propertiesandactionof wine-Evil effectsof drinking-Three
stagesof Alcoholicintoxication-Caseswherewineis prohibited.-

Specific symptomsof PEnEtyaya-symptomsof Vataja-Pittaj a-

KaphajaandTri-dosajatypes-Symptomsof Para-mada-Pandj ima-
and Pdna-vibhrama-Prognosi s-Treatment of Vataja-Pittaj a-
Kaphaja-Tri -dosaja andDi v-dosaja types.-Panaka-Treatmentof
Para-mada-Panijir4a-Pana-vibhrama andPanatyaya-Treatmentof
Thirst-Remedies for Daha.-Symptomsand treatmentof Raktaja-
Diha.-Daha dueto thirst-Accumulationof blood-Due to Ksaya-
Due to hurt of Marma-Their Treatment-Mode of drinkingwine.
Trs$5-Pratigedha(Symptomsand Treatmentof Thirst):-
Vfta.1a-Pittaja-andKaphajatypes.-Symptomsof Ksataja-Kgayaja
*Amaj a andAnnajathirst.-Prognosis--General treatrnent-Specifi
treatment-Treatment of Ksataja-KsayajaandAmajathirst.--General
treatrnent. 493-500.
Chardi-Pratigedha(Symptoms andTreatmentof Vomiting):-
CausesandNomenclature-Premonitorysymptoms-specific symp-
tomsof Vataja-Pittaja-Kaphaja-and Tri-dosajatypes-Traumatic
cases-Prognosis-Generaltreatment-Treatrnentof Vataja-Kaphaj a
and Pittaja types.-Vomiting due to pregnancy.-Treatmentof
traumaticandKrimijatypes.-Generaltreatment-Diet. 501-507.

andTrearment of Hic-cough):-
Causes-Derivation-Classification-Premonitory symptoms*
Symptomsof Annaja-Yamala-Ksudriki-Gambhira-and Maha-
hikki.-Prognosis-Their treatment-Fourliquid compounds-Meat
asdiet. s08-5l 3.
Svisa-Pratigedha(Symptomsand Treatmentof Asthma):-
Etiology-Classification-Premonitory symptoms-Specific symp-
toms of Ksudra-Tamaka-Pra-tamaka*Chinna-Mah6-and
Urdhva-Svasa.-Prognosis--General treatment.-HinSradi-Ghrta-


Sringvldi- ghrta-Suvahadi- ghta-Tdli6adi-ghrta-Meat asdiet-The

fi ve Lambatives-Utkarika-Articles recommended-Application of
Snehaand Dhuma-Purging and Vomiting. 514-523.

K6sa-Pratiqedha(Symptomsand Treatmentof Cough):-
Causesand Etiology-Classification-Premonitory symptoms-
Specificsymptomsof Vataja-Pattaja-Ksataja andKsayajatypes.-
GeneralTreatment-Inhalationof Dhuma-Treatmentof Vataja-
Pittaja-Kaph aja-Ksayaj a and Ksataja Kasa-Kalyana-guda-
Agastya-leha. 524-534.
Swarabheda-Pratigedha (Symptoms and Treatment of
Hoarseness) :-Etiology-Symptoms of Vataja-Pittaja-Kaphaja and
Tri-dosaja types.-Symptoms of Ksayajaand Medoja types-Progno-
sis-General Treatment-Treatment of Vataj a-Pittaj a-Kaphaja-
Tri-dosaja-Ksayaj a and Medoja types. 535-538.

Krimi-Roga-Pratgedha(SymptomsandTreatmentof Worms)
:-Causes-Classification-Names and symptomsof Purisaja-
Kaphaja-Raktaja worms.-Specific causes-Generalsymptoms-
Prognosis-Their Treatment.-Treatmentof Romadaand Dantdda
worms-Diet. 539-546.
Ud5varta-Pratipedha(SymptomsandTreatmentof Udavartta)
:--Causes--Classification-Symptomsof Vataja-Purisaja-Mutraj a
Udavarta.-Repression of Yawning-Tears-Sneezing-Eructation-
Vomiting-Seminal discharge-Hunger-Thirst-Breath andSleep.
-Prognosis-Their GeneralTreatment-Their Specifictreatment-
Treatmentof Adhmana.-Udavarttadueto errorsof diet-Its treatrnenr.
Visiicikfl-Pratiqedha(SymptomsandTreatmentof Visucikd)
:-*Causes-Definitive-S ymptoms-Alasaka-Vilambika-Progno-

sis-General Treatment-Ksdrdeada-Kalvana-lavana-Diet.-
Causesand Symptoms of Anaha-Treatment. 558-s63.

Arocaka-Pratisedha(SymptomsandTreatment of Arocaka):-
Etiology-Classification-Symptomsof Vataja-Pittaja-Kaphaja
andTn-dosajatypes.-Their Treatment-Fourspecific Lambatives-
Regimenof diet-Use of decoction-AristaandAsava.-Treatment
of ManasaArocaka. 564-568.
Mutrdghdta-PratiEedha (Symptomsand Treatmentof suppre-
ssion of Urine):-Classification-Symptoms of Vata-kundalika-
Vatasthila-Vata- vasti-Mfltratita-M[tra-j athara-MItra- sanga-
Mftra-ksaya-Mfitra-granthi-M[tra6arkar6-Usna-vata and two
kinds of Mfltrauka-sada.-General treatment-Application of Uttara-
Vasti. 569-580.
Mfltradoga-Pratigedha (Symptoms and Treatment of the
defects of Urine ) :-Clas sificati on-S ymptoms of Vataj a-Pi ttaj a-
Kaphaja and Sannipatika types-Ulcer or injury in the Urethra-
M[tra-gheta due ot Stoneor Gravel-General Treatment-Treatment
of Vataja-Pittaja-Kaphaja and Tri-dosaja rypes.-Treatment of
Abhighatajaand Purisajatypes. 58r - 586.
Here ends the Kdya-cikitsa

Amdnuqa'Pratisedha (SymptomsandTreatmentof the diseases
brought on through Superhumaninfluences):-Action of Graha-
Causesof influence by a Graha-Indications of attack by Grahas-
Deva-graha-Asura- graha- Gandharva-graha-yaksa- graha-pi tri -
graha-Bhujanga-graha-Riksasa-graha and PiSaca-graha.-progo-
nosis-Times of their Possession-Explanationof Bhuta-vidya.-
Generaland religious treaffnent-Their specific religious treatment-
Medical treatment-Special treatment. 587-596

Apasmdra-Pratisedha(SymptomsandTreatmentof Apasmara)
:-Derivative significance-Causes-Nomenclature-Premonitory
Symptoms of Vataja-Pittaja-Kaphaja and Sannipatajatypes.-
Discussionon its causes.-General treatment-Specific treatment-
Si ddhartha-ghrta-Pafr ca-gavya-ghrta-General treatment-Prepara-
tion of specialwine-Venesection. 597-604.

Unmdda-Pratiqedha (Symptoms andTreatmentof Insanity):-
Derivation-{lassifi cationof Vataja-Pittaja-KaphajaandTri-dosaja
types-symptomsof SokajaandVisajatypes-Generaltreatment-
Treatmentby frighteningacts-Diet-Maha-Kalyana-ghrta-Kalyana-
ghrta-Phala- ghrta-Varti s-Venesection. 605-61 1.

Here ends the Bhuta-Vidvd-Tantra.

Rasabheda-Vikalpa-Adhyaya (DifferentCombinations
of six
differentRasas):-Takentwo at a time-Three at a time-Four at a
time-Five at a time-Six at a time-One at a time. 512-617.

Svasthavrtta-Adhyaya (Rulesof Health):-Indicationsof
Health-Its importance-Regimen of diet andconductin the rainy
season-Rulesfor autumn-Hemanta-Winter-spring-summer
andfor Prdvrit.-Different kindsof food-When andhowto betaken.
-Ten propertimesfor administration of Medicines-Theirnames-
DefinitionsandEffects-Properrimefor takingfood. 618-63I .

Tantraykukti-N5ma-Adhydya(The Technicalrermsusedin
the treatise):-Namesof the Technicalterms-Necessity-Their
difinitionsandexamples. 632-642.

Do;abheda-Vikalpa-N6mddhy5ya (The different Modifi ca-
tions of the differentDopas);-Number of ilfferent diseases.-Number
of drugs.-Different combinationsof the threeDosas-Their number.

End of the Contents of the Uttara-Tantra.

The Su5rutaSarhhitaexpoundedby K[siraja DivodasaDhanvan-
tari compiledby SuSruta,supplementedby NagarjunaandCandratais
a representetivework on Indian Surgery. It is one of the important
classicaltext of GreatTrio (Brhat Trayee).Thoughthe subjectmatters
of all eight branchesof Ayurveda are met with in this greattext but it
mainly deals,with the Salya branch (Surgery)of Ayurveda in detail.
Therefore this text has been found to be very much useful and
practicablefor surgical treatmentin particular and an all round curative
measuresfor remainingdiseasesother than surgical.
This part of SuSruraSarilhita i.e UTTARTANTRA has been
supplementedby Acarya Nagarjuna(5th cent.A.D.) during the Gupta
period and Acarya Candrata(9th Cent. A.D.). Originally in SuSruta
sarilhitd therewereonly 120chaptersasevidentfrom following version
of Acarya SuSruta.
"6q qf{slqeqfqyki qW €rTig I rr q{ frffi rTr0{fsffifu-d
q,,idqsfq{nE{fqqrrtrt d-atsnqhqqgrs:', go qo q lxo
Above mentionedcitation clearly statesthat this sarirhitacontains
120 chaptersdivided into five parts as Sutra, Nidana, Sarir, Cikitsa
and Kalpa. other remaining subject matters would be dealt with in
The third Volume of Su6rutaSarhhi6 published by C. S. S.
Office, Varanasi conrainskalpa Sthanaand UTTARTANTRA part of
SusrutaSarhhita.The Kalpa sthanais the fifth part of original susruta
Sarirhitacompiled by Acarya Su6rutaandpreachedby Lord Dhavantari.
Kalpa sthdnamainly deals with the Toxicology part (Agada
Tantra) of AstangaAyurveda. An elebroteand vivid descriptionof
variouspoisonsof animateand inanimateorigins havebeendealtwith
in this part along with their ill effects; symptomatologyand curative
It would not be out ofplace to presentover herea briefdescription
of contentsof Kalpa Sthanato apprisethe readersin regardto its impor-
tance,utility and relevance even in medernparlance.

Kalpa sthdnahas been dealt with in 8 chapters.First chapter

Anna RaksaKalpa dealswith the preservationof dietic matericelsfrom
the untowordeffectof poisons.Kings areadvisedto employ the honest
and loyal cook to get themselvesrid of any possibility of poisoning.
Secondchaptersdealt with the variouspoisonsof plant origin.
5.5 types of SthaveraVisa have been describedtogetherwith their
symptomatologyandmanagement.Third chapterdealswith the various
poisonsof animateorigin e.g. Snakes,cats,monkeys,crocodilesand
frogs etc. Their ill effects and line of treatmentin geural have been
also describedin this chapter.
Fourth chapterdealselaboratelywith the varioustypes of snakes
with their numbers,classificationssymptomsof snakebite and the
effect of snakebite successivelyocurringin sevenstagestogetherwith
the manifastationstaking place in eachstage.
Fifth chapter deals elabaratelywith the curative measuresof
snakebite L[ta Visa and insectbite etc.
Sixth chapterdeals with the curative measuresto alliviate the
poisoning effects producedfrom various etiology by making a paste
prepared from many antitoxic drugs and to smear the same paste on
the drum. Producing the soundsfrom smeareddrum by beating the
drum, soundthus producedalliviatesthe poisoningeffect of individuals
causedby different etiology.
7th chapterdealswith the rat poisoningalong with its symp[oma-
tology and curativemeasureselaborately.
Sthchapterdealswith the variouskinds of insectsandpoisoning
producedby their bites.Different typesof insectswith their characteris-
tics and nomenclaturehave been describedelaboratelytogetherwith
their symptomatologyand curativemeasures.
The UTTARTANTRApaTtof Su6rataSarhhitaisvery importent
becauseit dealswith the Salakya,Kaumir Bhrtya, Kaya Cikitsd, and
Bhfita Vidya partsof AstangaAyurvedaalongwith the otheressential
subject matters of Ayurveda as Tridosa, Sadrasas,Swasthvrttaand
Tantra yukti etc.
It would not be out of place to mention briefly aboutthe contents
of UTTARTANTRA in order to show the importance of this part of

Su6rutaSarhhitaand to apprisethereadersat a glancethe subjectmatters

containedin it.
76 eyediseaseshavebeendeseribedtogetherwith their etiology
and symptomatologyin first six chaptersof this part, i.e. from lst
chapterto 6th chapter of UTTARTANTRA. Following eye diseases
havebeen deseribedcausedby different Dosasas mentionedbelow.
srdKqrder fq{r( qHr+q :*q$ r
t+tq: s*er qqm: rr
qra) T,rd s rln s-€HfdqdT:t3. d. q | ?z-?q
In abovementionedcitationeyediseaseshavebeenenumerated
as l0 diseasesare producedby Veta, 10 diseasesare due to Pitta, 13
diseasesaredue to kapha,I 6diseasesaredue to Raktaand 25 diseases
are produced by all three Dosas. Two eye diseasesare produced
externally.Thus total number of eye diseasesdescribedare 76. From
8th chapterto 19thchapterof this paft containsthe curativemeasures
of all of 76 eyediseases.
28 Diseasesof ear havebeendealt along with their etiopathology
and managementin 20th and 21st chapter.3l Nasal diseasesalong
with their etiopathologyand managementhave been deseribedin 2
chaptersi.e.22nd and 23rd chapter.
Etiopathologyof Coryza (Prari6yaya)along with managemenr
hasbeendescribedin29th chapter.
I 1 Diseaseof headhavebeendealtalongwith their etiopathology
and managementin 2 chaptersi. e. 25th and 26th chapter.
Nine padeatricdiseases(Bdl Roga)causedby different demons
have been describedalong with their etiopathologyand management
have been describedin l l chaptersi. e. fromZTth to 37th chapter.
20 Diseasesrelated to female genitals(Yonivyapada) have been
dealt with along with their etiopathologyand managementin 38th
Different kinds of fever along with their etiopathology and
managementhavebeendescribedin 39th .' ipter.
Differentkinds of Dianohea (Atisar) along with rheir etiopatho-
logy and managementhas been describedin 40th chapter.

Etioptathology and managementof Sosa (Pthisis) has been

describedin 41st chapter.
Five typesof Gulma (Tumours)havebeendescribedalongwith
their etiopathologyand managementin 42nd chapter.
Five types of Heart diseaseshave been describedalong with
their etiopathologyand managementin 43rd chapter.
Five typesof Pandu(Anaemia)havebeendealtwith along with
their etiopathology and managementin 44th chapter. Aggravated
conditionof Panduturnedinto Kamala(Jaundice)havebeenalsodealt
along with their different kinds, etiopathologyand managementin the
Two types of Rakta Pitta (Haemophillia)have been described
in 45th chapteralong with their etiopathologyand management.
Six types of M[rcha (Syncope)have been discribed in 46th
chapteralong with their etiopathologyand management.
Different kinds of Panatyaya(Over drinking) have been dealt
along with their etiopathologyand managementin 47th chapter.
Seventypes of T194a(Thirst) have been describedalong with
their etiopathologyand managementin 48th chapter.
Five typesof Chardi (Emesis)havebeendescrribedalong with
their etiopathologyand managementin 49th chapter.
Five typesof Hikka (Hicough) havebeendealt along with their
etiopathologyand managementin 50th chapter.
Five types of Swas (Asthma) have been describedalong with
their etiopathologyand managementin 51st chapter.
Five types of Kasa (Cough) have been describedalong with
their etiopathologyand managementin 52nd chapter.
Six typesofSwarbheda(Hoarseness) havebeendescribedalong
with their etiopathologyand managementin 53rd chapter.
Twenty types of Krimi Roga (Worm infestation)producedfrom
stool, kapha and blood along with their names,etiology, symptoma-
tology and managementhavebeendescribedin 54th chapter.
Thirteen types of Udavarta Roga caused by suppressionof
different naturalurgese.g.stool,urine, flatusetc.havebeendescribed
dong with their symptomatology and managememtin 55th chapter.

Different kinds of indigestiondisordersasAmajirna,Vidagdha-

jirna, Visficika and Bilambika have been describedalong with their
symptomatologyand managementin 56th chapter.
Five types of Arocaka (Anorexia) have been describedalong
with their symptomatologyand managementin 57th chapter.
Twelve typesofurinary disordershavebeendescribedtogether
with their symptomatologyand managementin 58th chapter.
Eight typesof Mfltra Kr.chra (Dysurea)havebeendescribedalong
with their symptomatologyand managementin 59th chapter.
Mental disorderscauesdby different kinds of Demons, Grahas
etc. have been described together with their symptomdology and
managementin 60th chapter.
Four typesof Apasmar(Epilepsy)togetherwith their symptoma-
tology and managementhavebeendescribedin 6lst chapter.
Six typesof Unmada(Insanity) along with their symptomatology
and managementhave beendescribedin 62nd chapter.
63 sub types of 6 Rasas(Tastes)have been described together
with their applicationin pacificationof Dosasin 63rd chapter.
Diet and regimen worthy to be used and observedfor a healthy
personto maintainthe health in accordancewith different seasonshave
been described along with the instructions for taking medicines at
different times in 64th chapter.
32 types of Tantrayukti which are useful for understandingof
intricaciesof various disciplinesof Ayurveda to ward off the ignorance
of the individual concernedlike the sun rays disseminatingthe light to
destroy the darknesshave been incorporated in 65th chapter.
62 sub types of Tridosas which may be of innumerable types
with their union with Dhatus and Malas have been dealt.with in 66th
These above mentioned contentshave been given here to show
the importance of this part of Su6ruta Sarhhite and to visualise the
approach of ancient seersof Ayurveda that how far their views were
vivid and elaborative even in those olden days in regard to different
diseasestheir etiology and curative measures.Though all of the above

mentionedcontentshavebeenelaboratelydescribedin the text, but to

presentthe brief descriptionof contentsin the prologueitself is only
with a thought in mind that the readers of the present work may
appreciatethe importanceand utility of this part of the text at a glance
resultingmore attractionwith their acumentowardsthe main text for
obtainingproperknowledgeof subjectmattersto provide relief to the
the suffering humanity and thus maintainingthe health of the society
for making them able to achievetheir goalsof life.
SinceSuSrutadealswith theall of theeightbranchesof Ayurveda
(AstangaAyurveda)surpassingothergreatcompendiaof Ayurvedain
regardto descriptionof abovementionedsubjectmatterspresentedin
the UTTARTANTRA part of this text, keepingin view this fact entire
subjectmattersof UTTARTANTRA have been briefly incorporated
in the prologue so that readersof the text may have a glimpse of the
contentsat a glance to appreciatethe importanceand wide ranging
coverageof Ayurvedic subjectmattersbefore hand and get attracted
with keen interestto go in the detailsof the text.
English translationof Kaviraja Kuflja Lal Bhisagratnawhich
was previously published by Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office,
Varanasiin the year, 1963 without Sanskrittext had not been found
useful for studentsand teachersof Ayurveda.Henceit is decidedthat
if the abovementionedtranslationbe publishedwith Sanskrittext, it
would be very usefulfor studentsandteachersof Ayurvedato havean
authenticknowledgeof Su6rutaSarhhitaby readingthe Sanskrittext
with English translationto understandand appreciatethe underlying
factsof Ayurvedic principlesdescribedin the text andtheir usefulness
even in presentScientific era.
In view of the above mentioned facts this edition is being
published.In editing the third volume of Su6rutaSarhhiteI havetried
utmost to put eachand every verseand proseof the text in successive
order with their translation at appropriate place so that students and
teachersmay find the translation of versesand prosesvividly at proper
At someplaceswhere someversesand prosesfound left to be
translatedby Kaviraja Bhisagratnahave beentranslated.Where ever

the English translation of Kaviraja Bhisagratnawere found not in

confirmity with the commentaryof Acarya Dalhanathosearetranslated
according to the views of NibandhaSangrahacommentary.
In spite of my strenuouseffort in editing this volume of Su6ruta
Sarhhitethere may be possibility of someerrors and omissions which
might have crept in this volume for that I crave indulgence to the
readers and request to point out the same, so that those errors and
omissionsmay be'correctedin future.
I am confident that this new edition of SuSrutaSafthita would
be useful for studentsand teachersofAyurveda in particularandreaders
of east and west in genral.
At last but not least I extend my whole heartedly thanks to the
publisherof Su6rutaSarirhita'sthis edition ChowkhambaSanskritSeries
Office, Varanasi for bringing out this edition for the benifit of students
and teachersof Ayurveda.
I hope that this edition will receiveproperappreciationof readers.

Maha Sivaratri Lakshmi Dhar Dwivedi

14thfeb. 1999 Reader& Ex. Head
CK71160Sidheswari Deptt. of Ayurveda Sarhhita
Varanasi lnstituteof Medical Scinces
BanarasHindu Univercitv.
It wassornmeyearsagothatwe rookuponourselvestherather
ambitionstaskof bringingout the susrutasarhhitain English.And
we may mentionthat the appreciationthe first instalmentof our
undertakingmet with at the handsof scholaresat homeand abroad
considerably encouraged us in compretingthishugeundertaking.
we desiretherecordhereourdeepest feelingsof gratitutetowards
His HighnesstheMaharajasir SawaiJai singhBahadoor, K. c. s. I.,
of Alwar (Rajputana), who has,by his princelydonation,enabledus
to bring this highly inportantwork to a in known
throughout IndiathattheillustriousRulerof Alwar is a greatpatronof
lettersanda loverof AyurvedicScience, andmanynobreundertakings
in our country have dependedlargely upon his liberar support.
wordsof minecanadequately expressmy admirationfor thegoodhe
is doing to our country.
Now that the whole woek is beforethe public, its worth and
importance will bedulyjudged.our translation doesnotclaimto have
anyliteraryexcellence, asour soleaim hasbeento renderasfaithfully
as we could the original into one of the Europeanlanguages.
technicaltermsoccurringin thesusrutasarhhitacannotbeaccurately
translatedinto English,as thereare no corresponding words in that
language whichwouldconveytheexactmeaningof theoriginal.we
havethereforeretainedthesanskritterms,andhavein some
within bracketssuchEngrishwordsasmay approximatery renderthe
meaningof theoriginal.
No apologyis neededfor placingbeforethe learnedworld
thewest a scientifictreatiseof ancientIndia.we may only mention
thattheHindusystem,of medicineis not a thingof mereantiquarian
interest.It is a living system,andevento-daymilions of peopre
Indiaarebeingtreatedaccordingto this system.A systemwhich
stoodthetestof centuries, andwhichstill holdsits own againstrival

systems of the day, cannot be lightly brushed aside as wholly

unscientific.It hasbeen saidthat a systemwhich recognisesprayeras
one of the meansof curing human ailments,can lay no claim to any
scientific character.All that we needsay in answerto this criticism is
that humanity has not yet risen above prayer in any country in the
world, and faith in the efficacy of prayerin curing diseasesis, instead
of dying out, gaining ground in the modern scientific world. Whatever
that may be, in actualpractice,Hindu medicalmen, like their brethren
of Europe,rely.chiefly upon medicine and surgery,but occasionally
prescribeprayer also asan efficient form of remedy.While recognising
the influence of mind on body, and the efficacy of faith in certain
forms of disease,they treat it asa specialmethod,falling more properly
within the province of priests.
A few words, however,seemnecessaryto show what abiding
interestthereis for all time in sucha work as theSufruta Sahhita.We
do not wish to enter into any historical criticism to prove that the
different systemsof medicine in other countries,new or old, have
receivedmore than a mere stimulusfrom the Indian System.and that
many foreign discoveries may be traced to the work we iue now
presentingto the world. The opiriions of somemodern men of science,
who cannot be accusedof having any bias in favour of our system,
will demonstrateits abiding value.
SurgeonGeneralSir PardeyLukis, M. D., I. M. S., K. C. S. I.,
Director- Generalof Indian Medical Service,was pleasedto remark in
the courseof his speechin the Imperial LegislativeCouncil:-"Many
of the so-called discoveriesof recent years are merely re-discoveries
of the factsknown centuriesagoto the ancients(Indians)."In noticing
the first volume of this very work, the British Medical Journalobserved
in its issue of Novembe\ l9l2:-"It is certain that in this ancient
medical book there are tracesof knowledgewhich is comparatively
recentin the West."
We do not know what reception will be accordedto this work
by the public, but we may fairly hope that now that the ancient Indian
Medical System and the Indigenous Drugs of this country are being

investigated by scientificexpertsunderthedirectionof theG overnment

of India,this ancientsystemof MedicineandSurgerywill attractthe
attentionof thosewhohavehithertoneglected it asunworthyof notice.
The encouragements which we have receivedfrom the
Governmentof BengalandNepalandfrom the Statesof Barodaand
Mysore,hashelpedus a greatdeal and we take this opportunityof
expressingour gratitudetowardsthem.Theactivehelpextendedto us
in thepreparationof this work by VaidyaratnaKavirajJogindraNath
Sen,Vidyabhuga4, ir{. A., KavirajMadhavChandraTarkatirtha, Kaviraj
Jnanendranath Sen, Kaviratna,B. A., Prof. SatyendranathSen,
VidyavagiSa, M. A., andBabuSachindralal Bhaduri,B. A., B. L., we
also speciallyand thankfully acknowledge.we offer our sincerest
thanksalsoto Dr. U. D. Banerjee, L. R. C. p., M. R. C. S. Dr. y. M.
Bose, M. D. (Chicago),and Kaviraj SurendranathGoswami,
Vidyavinode,B. A., L. M. S. who haveneverfailedto give us their
valuablesuggestions wheneverwe havesoughttheir advice.

Ifttoj o l-a.l Bhishagrattn


(Section on ToxicologY)


gsl+seE{rq: I
qrfrqtq rrrrqr-t sFTfrR'.n ? tl
Now weshalldiscourseonthemodeof preservingfood anddrink
from the effectsof poison (Anna-pana-Raksa-Kalpa)-
V5ilgt]ftftq-tvrqnqrcfrvnqq: ll Rll
Dhanvantari, the King of KaSi, the foremost in virtue and
religion andwhosecommandsbrook no disobedience or contradiction,
instructedhis disciples,SuSrutaandothers(in the following words). 2
fiF* * .a € q-ffii {rIT: I
firgega: ffi ffi YrET irqrr{ll?ll
TqRt EE11R1: r
H er FqhqrtdrrqqqrF*($rt@qTttY ll
ffirnq qT Fun_*ilalEq't r{: I
trsr( *}t wdif T{rftrq: ll \ ll
Powerfulenemiesand eventhe servantsand relationsof thc


sovereign in a fit of anger to avengethemselveson the sovereign

sometimesconcoctpoisonouscompoundsand administerthe same
him. powerful thoughhe may be,by &rkingadvantageof any
weak point in him. Sometimesthe ladies(of theroyal trouse-hold;
found to administer to the king various preparations (of food
drink)' which often prove to be poisonouswith a foorish motive
securinghis affection and good gracesthereby,and sometimes
it is
found that by the embraceof poisoned girl (Visa-Ka2-yn),rhe
almost instantaneously"Hence it is the imperative duty of a
physician to guard the personofthe king againstpoisoning.
rrsnaT i*sF{rffirr{{ yfrrd Fnqr
=rfrs*qa* rrer qffi tr€rfu(n Etl
The minds of men arefickle anduncontrollablerike horse.Faith
is a rare thing in the human societyandhencea crownedhead
never believe any one2in this world. 6
q.ifuf qfita; furei gqd rra*F€rr{r
ee-goenrynf ,ftri qlilfl ffitn \etl
ftrtffi qrqreq fJftt ffiqcql z,1
@ fr*tuurqr
re lrtatt' F S,tf {qr qr*ffidilq, i tl
xf,+s lut{vi Frd ffiarrrqqr
T6rr+ y$$a fu ?rFilTFrqr I io tl
The necessary Quarifications of a superintendent
_ of the
Royal Kitchen : A king should appoint a physician for
the royar
kitchen (to superintendthe preparationsof the royal fare).
He should
be weli-paid andpossessthefollowing qualifications.He should
of a respectablefamily, shouldbe virtuousin conduct,fbndiy
l. A girl ,lo*ry hubit*Id i-Iilng poisonor poisonedfood
is calleda
visa-Kanya, such a girl presentedto a king by a pretending
friend of the state
often managed to hug her royal victim into hei fatal
tn" foiron
operatesthrough the perspiration, proving almost instantaneousry
fatal through
the act ofdalliance.
2. A Royal Physician is an honourableexception in this

to the personof his sovereign,andalways watchful of the health of the

king. He shouldbe greedless,straight-forward,god-fearing,grateful,
of handsomefeatures,and devoidof irascibility,roughness.vanity,
arroganceand laziness.He should be forbearing, self-controlled,
cleanly,compassionate, weLi-behaved,intelligent,capableof bearing
fatigUe,well-meaning,devotedof goodaddress,clever,skilful, smart,
artless,energeticand marked with all the necessaryqualifications
a physician) as describedbefore. He should be fuliy provided with all
kinds of medicine and be highly esteemedby the members of his

ffiffi{rq1f {Fff{ruii q-qfut

€iilrrtn' @nqqtl
arrqqr F g-Sd qI* *sgurTFtrql l qRl l
I5q* qRrunEqnfr+trr' ffir: t
rferrfiT: Er{d +q*vmqr: furrr: ll q? ll
rFTffir5d t'uFn:
Fg qrf,rh*qr: qHfuefi: qR:mfifsr:ll tY ll

The necessaryfeatures of a Royal kitchen : The Royal kitchen

should be a spaciouschamberoccupyingan auspicious(south-east)
corner of the royal mansion and built on a commendable site. The
vesselsand utensiis (to be used in a royal kitchen) shouid be kept
scrupulouslyclean.The kitchenshouldbe kept clean,well lighted by
means of a large number of windows and guardedwith nets and fret
works (againstthe intmsion of crows, etc.) None but the uusted and
proved friends and relatives should have accessto the royal kitchen,
orhold any appointmenttherein. Highly inflammablearlicles(suchas
hay, sffaw, etc.) should not be stockedin the royal kitchen whose
ceiling should be covered with a canopy. The Fire-god should be
S U S R U T As A M H I T A

(daily) worshipped therein. The head or managerof the royal cooks

shouldgenerallypossess thesamequalificationsastheseof a phvsician.
The bearersandcooksin the royal kitchenshouldhavetheir nails and
hair clippedoff andshouldbearturbans.They shourdbe cleanly,civil.
clever, obedient,good-looking, each chargedwith separateduties,
good-tempered,composedin their behaviour, well -bathed,greedless,
determined,and prompt in executingthe ordersof their superiors.A
physicianof ttreroyal kitchenshouldbe very cautiousandcircumspect
in the dischargeof his duties. sincefood is the main stay of life, and
the sole contributor to the safecontinuanceof the body. Every one
empioyed in a royal kitchen such as, bearers,servers,cooks. soup_
makers, cake-makers(confectioners),should be placed under the
direct control and supervisionof ttrephysicianof the kitchen. 11-16

FFf;,.rS r3qnun qrq*qrgrreg*: I

F€r( ftrqr{ qrdrr+fi{Fd*s gfuqrtt I q\e| |
q gqrqirt yE* Fd-qq11 ffifr qr
3{qref Tg €rFiluf qrqt qrfu qdr(n t4 tl
@ fqFcr+q+ql
Eq'{-qf€rfr ilFr Tg.r$sqmR1; I I t3 r r
grr+ F€ufT€g qd: ffi+rsfur
B{re+frrtr€*T: qtcr q ffit,,-6qn Rotl
$T: $T, l
Td* ffira frqqrdr fu*aq: u Rqtl
characteristic featuresof a poisoner : An intelligentphysician
well qualified to ascertainthe true stateof one's feelings from the
speech,conduct,demanourand distortionsof the face,would be able
to discover the true culprit (poisoner)from the following external
indications.A giver ofpoison doesnot speaknor doeshe answerwhen
a question is put to him. He swoons or bearksoff suddenlyin the
middle of his statement,ard talks incoherentlyand indistinctly like a
fool. He is found suddenly and listlessly to press the joints of his
fingers or to scratch the earth, to laugh and to shiver. He will look
frightenedat the sight of others(indifferently),and will cut (straw or
hay) with his finger-nails,and his colour changesconstantly.He will

scratchhis headin an agonisedantl confusedstate,and will look this

way andthat, trying to slip awayby abackor sidedoor, thusbetrayrng
his guilty conscienceby his confusion.17-21
tr*Erqrq qrftf{tq iEnnr qr n-{rilqr
3{Fdrqfu Fd}sfr # €tF;il EFlttt: I
d€qr{ trfrqrur EFrd ,i-dr-nqr{iC+: | | RR| |
sr* rn+ EFilff* nefis'cr$'s{M I
s€rd q,qd q qR€s{.drq+ll R?ll
req er€rs Yrqrg u-*anrn\ ql
qTgEfi.rqrqfr}g Y*S qlr4rrw{rql I
frrqeg qTnrg {sr{STw{rfq | | RY| |
An innocent man, unjustly arraigned before the royal tribunai
might from fear or precipation,become(confusedand) liable to make
untrue statements(and thus be unjustly convicted).Hence the king
should frst of all test the sincerity and fidelity of his servants
asceftainingthe non-poisonouscharacterof the boiled rice, drink,
tooth-twigs, unguents, combs, cosmetics,infusions, washes,
anointments(with sandal pastes,etc.), garlands(of flowers, etc')'
clothes,bedding,armour, backs
of horsesandelephantsandsnuffs (N asya), D huma(tobaccosmoking),
collyrium andsuchotherthings (reservedfor theuseof theking). 22'24
Etf'rrrf{ YqqqTrfu fuf*,€rqqffitql t R\ ll
Tarqs'r( efr ?rci qfrrd *rqrqFrili t
d*q t ffi qFqffiTErqqrfl: ll RQll
qeqerqt I
€agq +t :ar+t -lTr
q{ratu6gRrm qrq* qrfr $:K6: I
fir*rFffiegr{s r ffillRell
qrqt ftpq+{ g I
q1€r*€r..'rli l R Z l l
- F{6r€igEdffi
Efrfua: €r*q-€f fttsq rdg€fd I
E*q{ sEFr{: *vm, {*-tnR+ n R q l l

€qrr q* Eni{ef Tg{rqq qwfr r

Fs-fr Fdgdrqrj M EEfr wt-, n Qo1;
vmqqrffi: qa1fu6s1q 5qufuw: I
msq FqTqTrf Tqn-fgTan: F(r I I lt r r
Indications of poisonedfood and drink, etc. : The
by which the poisonouscharacterof fbod, drink, etc. (to
be usedby a
king) may be detectedaredescribedfirst and the medicar
dealt with secondly' A portion of the food prepared
for the royal use
should be first given to crows and flies and its poisonous
should be presumed,if they instantaneouslydie
on pataking of the
same'Poisonedfood burnsmakingloud cracks,and
whencastlnto the
fire it assumesthe colour of a peacock'sthroat,becomes
burns in severedand disjointedflamesand emits irritating
fumes and
it cannot be speedily extinguished.The eyes of
a cakora bird are
instantaneouslyaffected by looking at such poisoned
food and a
Jivajrvakadies under a similar condition. The cooing
of the cuckoo
becomeshoarseanda Kraufica (heron)becomesexcrted.
A peacock
moves about and becomessprightly, and,a suka
anda sarikiscream
(in fear). A swan cacklesviolently andaBhyhgaraja
(of theswalrow
class)raisesits inarticutatevoice.A prsatala species
of sponeddeer)
shedstearsand a monkeypassesstooi. Hencethese
birds and animars
shouldbe kept in the royal paracefor show and
entertainmentas welr
as for the protection of the sovereignmaster.25_31
wtrcr*q qt=ret @f ysfrrr
tdfrsr qratrcf futtg:ua qrqil n ?Rr l
ae asrg+ EB drllEci xr( ngl
rc lr+qrtl
ER :r<r*Tq derr gurrdrt?Trqu ?? tl
The vapoursarising from poisonedfood when
servedfor usegive
rise to a pain in the carcliac region and
produce headache and
restlessnessof the eyes. As an antidote.
a preparation of Kustha,
Ramatha (asafoetida), Narada and honey -i*"a^
,"g"tir", ,rr"ffi u"
usedasanAnjana (alongthe eye{ids) andamedical
compoundof the
samedrugsshouldbe snuffedinto the nostrils.
A piaster or

a sandalpaste
Sirisa,turmeric, and sandalpastedtogether or simply
should be used over the region of the heartin such cases'
qtfirr$qi ffi Tq{nti zrfrfr qt
e f , r q i F r :f f i ? l l ? Y l l
a burning
A poison affecting the palms of the hands'produces
finger-nails' The
sensarionin them and leads to the fatling off the
of Syarnal Indra'
remedyin suchcasesconsistsin applying a plaster '
Gopa soma and Utpala pastedtogether' 34

s +( gcrdr*ETE qT 6qrgqffit
e{*firf,( ilfr fu6r rr*src*ffill ?\ ll
g-dh qa+ qrfr veqr rilrsr( Yffit
rx qn*ki q{ rra srE<rr*rfuq,,qll ?q ll
Poisonedfood partakenofthrough ignoranceor folly'
a loss of the faculty
a stone-likeswelling andnumbnessof the tongue,
nf tasteandaprickingburningpainin thatorganattendedwith copious
down in
ilrucous saliv-ation.The measuresand remediesalready laid
of poisonous vapoul's as well
connectionwith the treatmentof cases
poisonedtooth-twig shouldbe adopted'L5
rrdqll ?e ll
Efqarvrrs drq.dflSqiErqTvTEi
o+t eq-{Fw{qrwrar drgarq{rll ?a ll
Foodmixedwith poison'whenitreachestheAmasaya
gives rise to epileptic fits, vomiting, dysenteric stools
shivering and a
distension of the abdomen,a burning sensation,
under suchcircumstancesan emetic
derangementof the sense-organs.
consistingof Madana,Atabu, Bimbi andKolataki pastedtogetherand


administeredthroughthe medium of rniik, curd and udasvit (Takra)

or with rice-washrngs
ET6 T€ftrfr{Trc c
3Trdt qrusri qld EqrfErrtFlTvrq
"rd{ll ?3 ll
Fc1qn rrsfu il# {frfrmrqr
qeTr ffia t{il q T q g T l - g a : t t y o t l
Foodmixed with poison,if it reachesthepakvasqva(intestines),
givesriseto a burnrngsensation(in thebody),epilepticfits,
stools (Atisara) derangementsof the organs of sense-peiception,
rumbiing sounds in the abdomenand emaciation,and makes
complexion (of the sufferer) vellow. In such a case a purgative
composed of clarified butter and lfitint fiuits should
be the frrst
remedy.As analternative,remediesto be describedlateron(in
chapter)in connectionwith the effectsof Dust-vi;a (srow
poison)shouldbe adoptedandused,saturatedwith miik-cu

tl-dk feherr rrwr: +Tg-{g.{qq ?1 xq tl

Brqr€rr:rT Ep?rt trrt zrR qr Eq, r
rrqk qqetrks-{RflE* qr Fd{-dnnerr I I xR | |
All liquid substances
suchas wine, milk, water,etc., if anvwrse
poisoned, are found to be marked with variegated
stripes on ih"i.t
surfaceandbecomecoveredoverwith froth andbubbres.
not reflectedin such(poisoned)liquids and ifthey ever are,
they rook
doubled,net-li_ke(porous)thin and distorted. 4l-42

ffi fuiqrF qr
€EI: q{ffie frrr;erfr s{EFil qn y? tl
r*rquft+dmr rr$ r{Fr: rn'FilfT q I
q€rqng ffid* rrroqFTrh qk qu yx tl
Preparationsof potherbs,soups,boiled rice and cooked
meat are
l rhe colours of the different poisoned articles vary
rn each case and this is
elaborately describedby Vdgbhafa in his Sarhhit5.

instantaneouslydecomposed,and becomeputrid, tastelessand emit

little odour when in contactwith poison. All kinds of food become
tasteless,smellessand colourlesswhen in contactwith poison. Ripe
fruit, under such conditions, is speedily decomposedand the unripe
ones are found to get prematurely ripe. 43-44

ffidt ffil
srsTr€Er errir*EEq-@;t
qe$*, gffi yil* q-taf sFrsrtqTRn y4 tl
FIET: qwgffi Ettl
Fnnmrqq,,r qrfu qeftEr, gFdqTTqqtI yq tl
q:il{nEEErRrt(u \o tr
If the tooth-twig be anywaychargedwith poison its brush_like
end is withered and shatteredand if usedgives rise to a swelling of the
lips andthe tongueandaboutthegums.In sucha case,theswollenpart
should be first rubbed (with any leaf of rough fibre)and then gently
rubbedwith aplastercomposedof Dhatakrflowers.pathya,stonesof
Jambuline(black-berry)andhoneypastedtogether.As an alternative,
the part should be gently rubbed and dusted over with a plaster of
powdered Arhkoya roots of sapta-cchada bark or seeds of Sirisa,
pastedtogetherwith honey.The sameremediesshouldbe appliedin
the casesof affectionsdue to the useof a poisonedtongue-cleanser or
a poisonedgargle(Kavala).47-50
frfwirl ffidrffied, I
@.T*qi =Err:u\qtl
rrtr vfrdrqfutrTq furtRt | \R tl
q€Ff ilrrt igqFqlr
{+dr q<i qrefur*i Frq{l
e.Frdtr€T{nqr rrrfua 3-€Tt| | \? | |
siFrrd qfr** q,,qr+ rilE*q+ |
Yt"qTTsaS+S ftrqrry$.eq{ut:p \y | |

Poisoned articles for Abhyaftga (oils and unguents) look thick,

slimy or discoloured and produce, when used. eruptions on the skin
which suppurateand exude a characteristicsecretion attended with
pain, perspiration,fever and bursting of the flesh. The remedy in such
a caseconsistsin sprinkling cold water over the body of the patient and
in applying a pla.sterof sandalwood, Tagara, Ky;!ha, USira, Venu-
-Kanyaka (teavesof bamboo), Soma-valti,Amyta,Svetu-padnta(lotus),
and cardamompastedtogether (with cold water). A potion
of the samedrugsmixed with theurine of acow andthe expressedjuice
of Kapitthais equally commendedin the presentinstance.symptoms
which marktheuseof poisonedarmour,garments,bedding,cosmetic,
washes, infusions, anointments,etc. and the remedies for these are
identical with those consequentupon the use of poisoned
*;vrvrrd, :rq. Atry Eftfirrrq: I
fm qgvrwd Enkcr:
ril{qg|* qrfu F6* qT qrsfiaq'I
vfr q|.M qr Efr qnstnrcrsra:
ll \e ll
Apoisoned plaster(if appliedto thehead)leadsto the falling off
of the hair andto violent headache,bleedingthrough the mouth and the
nostrils,etc.,andthe appearance of glandson thehead.The remedyin
such a caseconsistsin the applicaion of a plaster made of black eanh
treated (Bhavita) several times with the bile of a Rsya (a speciesof
deer), clarified butter and the expressedjuice of Syama, Palindi
(Trivft) and TaU4uIiyaka(in succession).The expressedjuice of
Matafi (flower) or of Muqika-pan!1, fluid,secretions of fresh cow-
dung and house-soot as external applications are also beneficial in
such cases.55-57
F{q{igqr: qrqirq{&q{rqll \e ll
gqr&t gq Y<td
qFs-+frrffigq: EFre*5 *{Ttil qi l I

iEt qr=i
q{Rqr lTg-{i ws er3*a: griqn t qo tl
In cases of poisoning through head-unguents or through a
poisoned turban, cap garland of flowers, or bathing water, measures
and remedies as laid down in connection with a case of poisoned
Anulepana should be adoptedand applied. In a case of poisoning
through cosmeticsapplied to the face, the local skin assumesa bluish
or tawny brown colour covered with eruptions like those in casesof
Padminl-ka\ttaka and the symptoms similar to a case of using a
poisoned unguent becomesmanifested. The remedy in such a case
consistsin the applicationof a plaster composedof (white) sandal
wood, clarified butter, Payasya, yasti-madhu, phafiji, (Bhargt),
Bandhujlva andPunarnava. Apotion of honey and clarified butter is
also beneficialin this case.58-60
srcrePi €grrtr arsrsr*sRrrt,arr
qr$g €t}eqrelrE: i l q q t l
qr{qrfi+; E'qr llqRll
A poisoned elephant usually exhibits such symptoms as
restlessness, copioussalivationandrednessofthe eyes.The bunocks,
the penis, the anal region andthe scrotumof its rider coming in contact
with the body of suchan elephantaremarkedby eruptions.under such
conditions both animal and its rider should be medlcally treatedwith
the remedies laid down in the treatment of poisoning through an

arqqrlft Fir$frt4rruq tE,?ll
rn+ Fd ? {Gii kt rrmrrerq.qt I qy tl
rFerdrF{Fffid gunuri EdrTflrEr}qr
fqtr€ ffig:u qTRTil q ffil
F* qrdRif Ed gqret q rr(qrqu q\ tl
A poisonedsnuff (Nasya)or poisonedsmoke(Dhruna)produces
bleedingfrom the mouth and nose,etc.,pain in the head,a discharge

of mucus and a derangementof the functions of the sense-organs.The

remedy in such casesconsists in drinking and snuffingl a potion of
clarifiedbutterduly cookedwith themilk of a cow or suchother animal
togetherwith Ativi sd, v aca andM all ika flow et (asKalka). A poisoned
garland (of flowers) is characterisedby the loss of odour and by the
fading and discolouring of its natural colour, andwhen smelt produces
headacheand lachrymation. Remedieslaid down under the headsof
poisoning through vapour(Dhunra)and throughcosmeticsfor the face
(Mukha-tepa)shouldbe usedand applied.63-65
e,ufdfrrtt siT-dtgud ffit
e'nt€rEgnarqe,,#f vfrqrurqtl qq ll
Tq-qsEr65{rrn:Tr{rT:$ffi$a: t
The act of applying poisonedoil into the cavity of the eirs
impairs the faculty of hearingandgives rise to swelling andpain in that
locality and to the secretion (of pus) from the affected organs. The
fiiling up of the cavity of the earswith a cornpoundof clalified butter,
honey and the expressedjuice of Bahuputra (Satavarl)zor with the
juice ofSonra-valkain a cold stateprovecurativein suchcases.66-67
or{qtct <16€I aflr gfficue: t
3Tg+ 1@ ErlqFeqqenh qrll qe ll
T{ F€il Td td trdurg scTrrTer{l
srsi Fffi q€nrer qn q3 tl
€Im.a-srffiot{q ** rilfimt'ga: t
qnntrtqc!-f,.+g qtd srgraq,Fqqr t
q*s qtrriq gsq s{ar$rcffill eo ll
The use of poisonedAttjana (collyrium) to the eyesis attended
with copiouslachrymation,depositof an increasedquantity of waxy
mucus (in the corners of the eyes), a burning sensation,pain (in the

I. Dalha4a explains this coupleteto mean that clarified butter cooked with milk
and Ativigd should be given for drink, and that cooked with vaci and Malati
flower as an errhine.
palha4a saysthatsomeread'?gtHrql:" andexplain'!gq-q1"16msnn "qT(RrqI"'

affected organs),impairment of the sight and even blindness.In such

a casethe patient should be made to drink a potion of fresh clarified
butter (Sadyo-ghrta)taloneor with pasterJpippatl which would act as
a Tarpana (soother).Afijana prepar-edwith the expressedjuice of
Me;af1ngr, Varuna-bnk, Muskaka or Ajakarna or with Samudra-
phena pasted with the bile (pitta) of a cow should be applied to rhe
eyes, or the one preparedwith the (expressedjuice of the) flower of
Kapittha. Mesa-|rngi, Bhallataka, Bandhuka and Arhkotha

: IFFfaEfTf ?l
sqFrurcFfrd;rfr qrgfiTT{ Y{Irerir{ll eq ll
T$unfr Fd|-."trfu{ fu{rFil qqr rffil

FrR TerrqrR Egg {6qF6Frffrrot: I

@t teRtl
The casewhich is incidentalto the use of a pasteof poisoned
sandals,is markedby a swellingin thelegs,secretionfrom the affected
organs,completeanesthesiaof thediseasediocality andthe appearance
of vescilesthereon.Thosedue to the use of poisonedshoesor f<lot-
stoolsexhibit symptomsidenticalwith thoseof the abovecaseand the
medical treatment in ali of theseca-sesshould be one and the same.
ornaments chargedwith poison lose their former lustre and give rise
to swelling,suppurationandthecrackingof thepartstheyareworn on.
The treatmentin thesecasesdue to the use of poisonedsandalsand
ornamentsshouldbe similar to the oneadvisedin connectionwith that
due to the use of poisonedunguents(Abhyahga).7l-72

ffi qrqTFdpiqurF+q f,Ra: I

€ftSq-*qftil€rT ffid fuffidffi{u et tl
TdrgrrFqqqE rf rqqqrfr if fcrcrqr
qll \ e Yt l

l. Some are inclined to take "(a:" as an adverb meaning "instantly,' and

modifying'"Qg(" meaning thereby that ciarified burter should be instantlv

Rffirfr *qunfr Eqiq !6t{Tfr :il |

fs{rs qsr+{W vrd ltqrqoi frtte\ lt
qqr B Tqtt r
af*lrwt,,ar qrsfu E€
6.+Fd f{fdq Fffi tqcrsqtg-dqll \eqll
of poisoningcommencingwith
ana encing with that due to the use of "poisoned ornaments"
Agada to
indications,andthe medicineknown - ;teMaha-sugandhi
unguent, snuff
be describedhereaftershouldbe administeredasdrink'
andAfij ana. Purgativesor emeticsshouldbe exhibitedandeven
would be beneficial. The drugsknown asMusika andAiaruha should
be tied round the wrists of a king asprophylacticsto guard against
(in virtue of
effects of poisoned food, since either of thesetwo drugs
operativeness of the
their specific properties) tends to neutralise the
tqqrr{ci Frei frrqs{rr: t
fir*{@ gFatrr1l
qffiCfu qq: Slq fir+{ qr vftffii wcrql I e\e| |
T{rq r€dq rilen: Yffiq EF|'grr{frl
wdii rrqrffi Tqffi ftffill\eall
A king surroundedby his devoted friends shall cover his chest
preparatio;s-of clarified butter, which are respectively known as the
He shoulddrinkregularlyeveryday such
wholesomecordials as honey, clarified butter, curd, milk and
water anduse in his food the meat and soup of the flesh of a peacock'
mungoose,Godha(a speciesof lizard),or Prsatadeet'77'78
q Ekqrtr
Esr( gFTetrffi Yrt{i rtenI I eq | |


vrd{rftrFqn I
qrdt qrfr ll 4o ll
frqenfr ilaqtl
dnE !rc{* rrftfi =rF{En frqqu eRrl
The mode of preparing the Soup : The flesh of a Godha,
mungoose' or deer shourd be cooked and spiced with pastedpatindr
(.Trivrt), Yasti+nadhu and sugar. The flesh
of a peacock should be
similarly cooked and spicedwith sugar, Ativisa and.sunthiand
that of
a Prcata deer with pipparl andsunthi. The soup ot stiut
taken with
honey and clarified butter should, similarly, be deemed
beneficial (as
being possessedof similar antitoxic properties).An intelligent
should alwaysusefood and drink of poison_destroying proplerties.In
a case of imbibed poison, the heart should be protected (with
covering of anti-piosonousdrugs)and the patientshould
be made to
vomit (the contentsof his stomach)with a potion composed
of sugar,
PippaIl, Yasti-madhu, honey and the expiessedjuice of
dissolvedin water. 7g-gz
gfd BTd{ilffi @ qrq cwfrstqrqruttl
rhus endsthefirst chapter of the Karpa-sthdanain rftesufruta
. sarhhitn
whichdealswith themodeof protectingfoodanddrink (from
theeffectof: poisonl.


qrfrqtq qrrEr1 q€-afr: ll q ll
which treats of the
Now we shall discourse on the chapter
indications (effects,natureandoperations)of
-V -V 1
minerai) poisons (Sthavar a i sa ij nanlya)'
T9I|-€rT tfder
<vnfuwrtwerg ffid +sgrunqqtt Rtl
qiai gEd dq qfu qrr gq ?l
Tii rrr
qfi; ll Qll
FrqR qrcqv*e q-q4l (P-rcT:
are two kinds of
Sthdvara-poison: its Source (M'T')-- There
and that
poison viz., thaf obtainedfrom immobile things lsthavara)
of theSthavara
ottained tom mobile creatures('/angama) 'Tbesaurces
while those of the Jaitgama
(vegetableand ntineral)poison are ten'
in number'The ten sources from which a
i."i*^rl poison are sixteln
fruits' flowers'bark'
ithararipoisonmay beobtainedareroots'Icves'
bulb and a mineral or
milky exudutions,pith (Sara), gum (Nlryasa)'
metal (Dhatu).2'3
r*@Ol-@- -
qrnnfr qia q*ffir; @-

trrq{r rF-dfuqrfur; qer

gqkqlfur; _
:frfltrr qffi{trrfur; +r6rqms
EtiTr€ -rrgF"+,

rrgqgt?T{ rqr*ffir q-{hn x tl
Names of the different Vegetable and Mineral poisons
KIttaka, A|va-mara, Gunja, Subindhar, Gargaraka,
vidyuc-chikha and vtjaya are the eight root-poisons.
Lamba, Avaradaruka, Karontbha und,Moha-Koranbhtt
are the frve
leaf-poisons.The fruits of Kumudvati, Renuka,
Karamba, Karkotaka, Renuka, K had.yotaka, Carnrurl -
I btta_gandha,
sarpa-ghati, Nandana andsaaru-paia, numbering
twerveiri all. ar.e
the_twelve fruit-poisons. The flowcrs of Vetra,
(Naraca --D. R.), K arambha andM ah
a K ar ambh aarethefr ve fl o wer-
poisons.The bark,pith andgum of Antra _p acak
a, K art nrTtut, Snurt 1,n1rr,,
Kara-ghata, karambha,Nandana and varatakaare
the seventark-
poisons, pith-poisons and gum-poisons.The
milky exudations of
Kumudaghnl,snuht andJura-K;Tri Nepoisons
and areknown as the
tlr9e K$ra-viqas' phenasma-bhasma(white arsenic)
and Haritdla
(yellow orpiment) are_the rwo mineral poisons.
Kdta-knta, iitsa-
nabha, sarsapaka, paraka, Kardamaka, vairataka,
Mustaia, sy,,gt
vi;a, Prapaury-Qartka,Mutaka, Hatahata, Maha-vi;a
^ia X"rnf, r,
numberingthirteen in alr, are the bulb-poisons"
Thus the number of
poisons obtainedfrom the vegetableand
mineral worrrJ(sthrlvura)
amount of fifty-five in all. 4
'qi.drR qtril{rf :T{ilt e !q*Ft*r
q. *E rr{mumg: M#q:iq g1\tl
Metrical Text : There are four kinds of Vatsa_trr7Dfta
two kinds of fuIustakaandsix kinds of ,sarstrparta.
The ,",rroiningun",
have no different species.5
seet' XnF{*, yar* *6 qtr ql
gn+rg+|unnwr r*Hur gilEtl
l. L<zmba,according to Gayi. -_D.R


gavilra: rrerfqffiste F ql

-r*( EFTF{Mt{rqr-i +6 F 3ll\ell

*-<rtre: qfrrF{*FdE$r* UtfuCmt
tdfrsi ar1fqqff Er6:I argh t
yr*rr a;rwrfrFt ffi Fr€tqtt 3ll
poisonousrootsproducea twisting pain in thelimbs, delirium andloss
poison is attendedwith a swelling of the scrotum,aburning sensation
in tfre body and an aversionto food. A flower-poison gives rise
of conssciousness'A
vomiting, distensionof the abdomenand loss
mouth, roughnessof the body, headacheand a secretion of Kapha
(mucusfrom the mouth). The effectsof thepoisonousmilky exudations
(of a tree, plant or creeper)are foaming from the mouth, loose stools
whereas a mineral poison
iOiurrt o"u) and heavinessof the tongue,
gives rise to pain in the heart,fainting and burning sensationin the
iegion of the patate.All theseareslow poisonsproving fatal oniy after
a conbiderablelength of time. 6-9
E<wrf{ E *egnft tr qqqrf fqwqt
Tqyri-dt=ie,teq> *qeJ: K I $ f q q ? l l to ll

fierwr$ Tffir+ {mfuuqr+f,drr

qdt g{r"rd uF{rs{ ?lltqll
qre*sgrcrt*a t
Y**, q{qr*t tuqt+ **frrcn r qRtl
*rrr*rrgg'q ffi'H qrqil r
tqgs qrqt EllqRll


Fq@{RqFd vqr* Tfr Erdrder *rr qqu
rArR'rr yftrY1trHCr TtT{'I
Frrt e{rt Efliqfuil qq tl
Effects of Bulb-poisons : Now we shall describein f'ull the
respectiveeffectsof the bulb-poisonswhich arevery srong (Ttkqrya)
in their actions.The bulb-poisonknown as the Kalakuta produces
completeanethesia,shiveringandnumbness.paralysisof theneckand
yellownessof the stool, urine and of the eye-ballsare the symptoms
producedin a caseof vatasanablia-poisoning. Retentionof stotl and
unne (Anaha), disordersof the palateand the appearanceof glands are
ttre effects of a case of sarsapa poisoning. Loss of speech and
weaknessof the neckarethe symptomsin a caseof palakapoisoning.
water-brash loose stools (diarrhoea) and a yellown".r o1 the eyes
mark a caseof Kardamaka-poisoning.pain in the limbs and diseases
of the head areproducedin a caseof vairataka-poisoning.Shivering
and a numbnessof the limbs are the effects of a case of Mustaka-
poisoning.Lassitude,aburningsensationin thebody andaneniargement
of the abdomenmark a caseof srngi-visc-poisoning. An enlargment
of the abdomenandrednessof theeyesarethe symp tamsof pundarlka-
poisoning. A discolouring of the complexion,vomiting hic_cough,
swelling and a loss of couscionsness are the effects of the Mutaka-
poison.Difficult breathinganda tawny brown colour of the skin mark
a casecifHala-hala-poisoning.Aneurysm(Granthi) on the region of
the heartand apiercing pain in the samearethe symptomsin aLaseof
Maha-visa-poisoning;while acaseof Karkataka-poisoning is marked
by laughing, gushing of the teeth and jumping up (without any
ffifrr r5nrfr T€rrEvrI
qEifrT !6vr*SqF+drF{ EYrfr{d: ll q\ell
s'eygwr mn frqur WFrnq Errqrfu \el
ffir FqYc*E @qrF€ q R-( r{m1sI qz tl
Specific properties of the above-namedBulb-poisons : These
thirteenkinds of bulbouspoisonsshouldbe deemeda very strongrin
L Thetexthas" Ugra-Wrydn7"(strongin potency).Gayi r eads,,Agra-VI ani,'
(of great poteney).

their potencyandtheypossess thefollowing tenpropertresm common'

They are parching(Rukqa)and heat-making(Usna) in their potency'
They areitrarp (7Tft,144)and subtle (Suksma)i'e', have the power of
penitrating inro theminutestcapillariesof thebodyandareinstantaneous
?;frl in their effects. They first permeatethe whole organism
become subsequentlydigested(vyavayi) and disintegrate the root-
principlesof the body (v ikasD. They arenon-viscid(v i i a da), light in
pot"n"y (Laghu) and indigestible(Apaki). 17-18
rqtq'qr(6ffi{qgdrrqr$T1Prvilfu r*qt
qrc{f dr{+( @tlqqll
uftr*rqq €ieqT-(ff{ f{ntfr ?l
3n{iqrETs rr€F{ 4{rqr( v{.fri q+qt 11o| |
Arq+€ ffirsr< Aqr1 ermq?Trqfut
M*Rc Frr€rqr(l
gfrsreqqrF*,dr( il{qr( ffi fr-{ql I Rqll
A poison aggravatesthe bodily Va-vuin virtuc of its piLrching
quality and vitiatestheblood andthe Pittathroughits heat-generating
property. It overwhelmsthe mind (producesunconsciousness) and
tends to disintegrate the limbs and musclesin virtue of its sharpness
and penetratesinto and derangesthe minutest capiilaries owing to its
extreme subtle essence.It provesspeedilyfatal owing to its speedy
activity and spreadsthrough the entire organism (which is the very
nature of a drug) on accountof its rapid permeatingor expansive
quality. It annihilatestheroot-principles(Dhatus)aswell astheDoqcs
andtheM ala.r(excreta)of thebody throughthepower of disintregation,
and doesnot addhereto any spot thereinowing to its non-viscidness.
It baffles the efficacies of other drugs and thus becomesunremediable
on accountof ttreextremelightness(of its potency),and it cannotbe
easily assimilatedowing to its innate indigestibility. It thus proves
trouble-somefor a long time. L9'2L
Terr€r{ss-q qa q,Fdrsrfr wq fawqt
w+ =qrqrq+( ild. E iet <grgunF'{dqll RRll
A poison of whatsoeversort, whether animal, vegetable,or
chemical, which proves almost instantaneouslyfatal (within a day)

should be regardedas possessed

of all the ten aforesaidqualities.22
q( reTE{ rrf,.eqfuf qr krE*d vqF''t?fu-A;
tr F*eaqgft{ft qr ffif qr | | Rt | |
taqrertr qr lvrkrfti fu r
E E$Fe6rdTg*fd
*qfrun-*rqffiqilqqlrrSf qdwn3qFqn ?y tl
Definition of Dflsi-visa (weak and slow poison) : A poison
whetheranimal, vegetableor chemical,not fully eliminatedfrom the
system and partially inherent therein.enfeebled,of courseby anti_ designatedaDust-viqa(weakandslow poison)
which is even extendedto thosethe keennessof potencywhereof is
enfeebledby the sun, the fire and the wind, as well as to those which
are found to be naturally devoid of someof the ten aforesaidnatural
qualitiesof a poison.A Dusr-visa,owing to its enfeebledor attenuated
virtue and as a necessaryconsequence of its being coveredover with
the bodily Kapha, ceasesto be fatal thoughretainedin the systemfor
a number of years. 23-24
*{Tfd* fiErgfureofi F{q:tzr&sEa; ftpffi I
f;d-tqrtqfeqrrfftqrru* wba qfficgqq: | | R\ | |
qH F*q.{qqnQ wn t*eg.: uRetl
ftwircrkrqr qr*i6-16nfr q'Eo'
*trs vfr?nFttrgF{*S qrcrT{!,Xd eJuS
dr 6-q{ u ?e | |
Symptoms of weak and slcw poisoning : A person afflicted
with any sort of D,sr-Visa deveropssuch symptomsas,)oosenessof
stooi (diarrhoea),a discolouredcomplexion, fetor in the body. bad
taste in the mouth, thirst, epileptic fits, vomiting (D.R.__vertigo),
confusedspeechand all the symptomsof Duqyodara-.\A
Dusi-visa lodged inthe Amasa.yalstomath) givesrise to diseasesdue
to the combi nedaction af the v ayu andK apha ;seatedin the p akvasuya
(intestines)it brings on diseasesdue to the derangedconclitionof
vayu and Pitta and leads to the falling off of the hair. The patient
becomesrapidly atrophied,and looks like a wingless bird. wnen it

1. See Chapter VII para 10, Nidana-sthana.


attacksthe Rasa,etc.l of the systemit producesthe diseasesz sirnilar

to the root or vital principles of the body. Its action on the body
becomesaggravatedon a cloudy day andby exposure to cold and wind.
Now hear me frst describing the premonitory symptoms (of its
aggravation). 25'27
tr<rgrt€g tqnnura ffi'l
trir: ffii qrff*dm6qllRell
srrEscf qr<€rr€rsnqi ffi efidcaffirqrr{t
@qutEsTdrrqdi Ewiar | | RRl I
qr€rg"ffi+a qgrfrrtq | | Ro| |
€Ei TiRqffi
Premonitory Symptoms of Dlrgl'Vi5a poisoning : They areas
follow : Sleepiness. heaviness(of the limbs). yawning, a scnseof
Iooseness(in thejoints), honipilation and achingof the limbs. These
are followed by a senseof intoxication after meals, indigestion,
disrelishfor food, eruptionof circularpatches(Marydala)on the skin,
urticaria (Kolha), fainting fits, loss of the vital principles of the
organism(D.R.--lossof flesh),swellingof thefaceandtheextremities
(D.R.--Atrophy of thehandsandlegs),ascites (Dakodara),vomiting,
epileptic fits, Vi;ama-jvara,high-feverandan unquenchchable thirst.
Moreover,someof thesepoisons produce insanity. Some of them are
characterisedby an obstinateconstipationof the bowels (Anaha),
others, by an involuntary emission of semen while a few others
produce confused speech,Kustha (leprosy), or some other similar

zrwr{ Eqq* sn([-t irtlTr( {frr{q gdql | ?q ll

Derivative Meaning of "Dus.7-Vigt" i Aconstantuseof some
particular time,3 place and diet as well as constant and regular day-
1. These are the seven fundamental principles of the body'
2. See Chapter xxvii, Surra Sthana.
3. By "the particulartime" is meant a cloudy and windy day as well as the rainy
season.By "the particular place" is meant a marshy country' and by "the
particular diet" is meant wine, sesamum, Kulattha'pulse' etc' as well as
physical exercise,sexual intercourse,fits of anger, etc.

sleeptends(slowly) to poisonthefundamentalroot-principles(Dhatus)
of the body andthis (slow) poisonis consequentlyknown asthe Du si-
*n E qerq Tqrrl(l
Y{Trqre6r -r*( rsresnTaof srer qrq* | | tR | |
Cfi+ *qg, €-Csr)-* <16: qT?tFRiTsn I
F{qt{rqrvrqqr.qf EF{ +fin{t I t? ||
drgynd g** g vpsmrvT+ Tsql
gd"T ER+ qF q't+ qrFT Mn tx rl
Ir€rqrvr{r{ftFT}* rd*'r
*g3i qrq* tt lM{qr rR\ rl
M qd+tes rrsir
wMqg rr€renl ? +fint?qtl
qd yilrgunyrg Wr qrqfu{Trd+l
qffiqg Trcilnn le t l
Symptoms of the different stages of Sthavara poisoning : In
the first stage of a case of poisoning by a Sthavara (vegetable or
mineral) poison, the tongue becomesdark brown and numbed, and
epileptic fits and hard breathing follow in its wake. The secondstage
is marked by such symptoms as shivering, perspiration, burning
sensation,andpain in thethroatwhenseatedin theAnmsaya(stomach)
it causespain in the region of the heart. The third stageis marked by
a drynessof the palateand severe(colic) pain in the stomach.The eyes
become discoloured, yellow-tinted and swollen. When seatedin the
Palwasaya(intestines)andAmasayc it produceshic-cough,cough,
anda sort of prickin g pain andrumbling soundin theAntr a (intestines).
The fourth stageis marked by an extreme heavinessof the head. The
fifth stage is marked by salivation, discolouring of the body and a
breaking pain in the joints. It is marked also by the aggravationof all
the Do;as and pain inthe Pakvadhana(intestines?).The sixth stageis
characterisedby loss ofconsciousnessor excessivediarrhoea;while
the seventh stage is marked by a breaking pain in the back, the
shouldersandthewaist anda completestoppage(of respiration).I g2-37
g are due to the poisoning of the seven
fundamental root-principles (Dhdtus) of the body in succession.

gcfi ffi+Eqr"i@irtucqr
3rr{ rrg-sFftqf qrrr+{ rrqrgd{il ?a r l
ffi+ AdT{ qF?i qq+( g friq{ql
<mq.srrm 9
rd:d T€t iTsnsgfitil ?q ll
aei +6€fFT"j ffi fqql
.'rsi Y d f , E r € f {llY o l l
qe.rfrcrrrq fisk€qtss qqt r
{Rf u'ra,fti q'dr rTrgt qr frfrrd fq+tqt I Yt t I
Treatment : In the first stagethepatientshouldbe madeto vomit
and to drink cold water after that. Then tn Agada (Anti-poisonous
remedy)mixed with honeyandclarifiedbuttershouldbe given to him.
In the secondstage,thc paticntshouldbc first madeto vomit asin the
precedingstageand then a purgativeshould be given to him. Anti-
poisonouspotions,medicatedsnuffs (Nasya)andAftjonaspossessed
of similar virtues arebeneficialin the third stage.An anti-poisonous
potionsthroughthe vehicleof a Sneha (clarifiedbutter)is efficacious
in the fourth stage.In the fifth stagethe patient should be given an
antipoisonousmedicinewith thedecoctionof Yasti-madhuandhoney.
In the sixth stagethe treatmentshould be as in a caseof diarrhoea
(Atisara) and the use of a medicatedsnuff in the form of an Avaplda
is recommended.The latterremedy(Avaplda-Nasya)shouldbe applied
in the seventhstagea-swell and the scalp after being shavedin the
shapeof Kaka-pada| (crow's ciaw) should also2be incised with a
small incision. The flesh aiongwith blood (of a freshly sacrificed
animal) shoutdthen be kept over that. 38-41
ffi i{:rtri q;+ 6dfrr vfrtrf,r{l
rrdrri qaqrl-{TFilTr Eilr{ F*qqrnr: | | yR | |
Ehffiftrq, @:r
ffie: ffi $rgFtqf6r rw*sqq1 | Y? tl
The particular form of shavingthe hair, in which the part of the scalp from and
above the foreheadonly is shavedis technically called a Kaka-pada.
2. The particle "v6" means that the measures laid down in respect of the
treatment of aJangama poison viz. beating the patient on the head, forehead.
etc.. should also be resortedto.
lntgr:ratl.:nal Gentor
Library Noil2 .. -

St|-*{ f**'g: €rRA Er6nI
wi qqrrdT:e{re} qfrr €Fril furaqql xY tl
KogatakyAdi Yavagu: After adopting the respectivemffrsures
enjoined in respectof the several stage of poisoning, the patient
should,in theintervaiof anytwo stagesbe madeto drink in a cold state
a gruel (Yavagu)preparedwith the decoctionsof Koqataki (Gho;Q,
Agnika (Ajamoda),Patha, Surya-valh,Amr ta,Abhaya,Sin sa,Kinihi,
Setu,Giryahua. (white Apardjita). the two kinds of Rajani, the two
kinds of Panarnava.Harenu,Trikatu" Sari+,a,andBaIa (D.R. ^Scrivc
and Utpala) mixed with honey and clarified butter. This is beneficial
in both the casesof (animal and vegetable)poisoning. 42-44
r{g.{i ilr1.1 !6€ Tfrdffi' 6}ura: r
TrrrguhdF"i fun u x\ r l
q wqr qr eqE'eqtrrd asn I
Efi? E
q E qrf{+ ? furn T16ril yE tl
Td Wn frqaqr
ffir Efiil lrdfful vffiqtf wFqqn y\e tl
Ajeya.Ghyta : Clarified butter should be duly cooked with an
adequatequantity of water and the Kalka of Yasti-madhu,Tagara,
Kustha, Bhadra-daru, Hareryu,Punnaga, EIa, Ela-valuka, Naga-
keSara',Utpala,sugar, Vidanga,Candana,Patra, P riyangu,Dhyamakn,
the two kinds of Haridra, the two kinds of Brlr atl. the two kinds of
Sariva, Sthira (Sala-parnl) and Saha (Prini-parn7). It is called the
Ajeya-Ghrta.It speedilydestroysall kinds of poisonin the systemand
is infallible in its efficacy.45-47

Emffi gRqdqldsTers rfrftraqr

qrc*rmq Fftqfiri u Ye tl
frqc* qrqqi rnfr yfltn: qfticrqql
g-{Ft-*,r qqqfuT *d e-{e,.+R*,'qtI Yq tl
qi(5fr\s{r* Aq Rffir
Trqr q$F{q-rFre T qrq*rfu End+11qo| |
ViSari-Agada z A patient afflicted with the effect of Du6l-Vi;a


inherent in the system should be first fomented and cleansedby both

emeticsandpurgatives.Thefollwing anti-poisonousAgada (medicine)
should then be taken daily. The recipe of this Agada is as follows :
Pipp ati, D hyamaka,Marhsi, Savara(Iodhra), Paripelaval, Suvarcika,
small E/a, Toya (Balaka) andSuvanla-Gairika should be taken with
honey.It destroys,when taken,theD usl-Vi sa (slow chemicalpoisoning)
in the system.It is calledtheVisari-Agada andits efficacy extendsalso
to casesof all other kinds ofpoisoning. 48-50
qt qe 'iar fte,,rqrqrG {s-{iqA I
vmfirqrt T.€frn E*+ qotsfr qr | | \q | |
vqrt *,qut +E + qr* gt,trffir: I
qerr€ *g Efa ffittq*: fu-qrqu \R tl
Treatment of the Supervening Symptoms of poisoning :
Casesof fever,burning sensationin thebody, hic-cough,constipation
of the bowels, loss of semen,swelling, diarrhoea,epileptic fits, heart-
disease,ascites, insanity, shivering, and such other supervening
symptoms (consequenton the effects of a Dusi-Visa inherent in the
system)should be treatedwith remedieslaid down undertherespective
headsof the aforesaiddiseasesin accompanimentwith (suitable) anti-
poisonous medicines. Sl-52
qterrne|tr(T: rrd qrd d-rqsrifterifqr
Prognosis : A case of Du;i-Vi;a poisoning in a prudent and
judicious person,andof recentgrowth is easily cured,while palliation
is the only relief that can be offered in a case of more than a year's
standing. In an enfeebled and intemperate patient, it should be
consideredas incurable. 53
gFdEtffi6anqr e,Fr{sn+e@* crc Gffisqrq: il Rtl
ThusendsthesecondChapterof theKalpaSthina in r&eSu3rutaSarhhitE
which treats of the SthdvaraJangamapolsons.


Effise{rq: r

qen-drq rr{rqq erqaR: il q tl

Now we shalldiscoursoon thesubjectof (thenature,virtue,etc.
of) animalpoisons(Jangama-vis a-vijftanlya).I
\ilSffis ffi *wrt
vqr}q rrqr qrh ffig qeFr+ll Rll
We have briefly said before that there are sixteen situations of
poison in the bodies of venomous animals. Now we shall deal with
them in detail. 2
H:r, 3ffi:ArWi
Locations : An animal poison is usually situatedin the following
parts, yiz.,'the sight, breath,teeth,nails, urine, stool, semen,saliva,
menstrualblood, stings,belchingr,anus,bones,bile, bristles (Suka)
and in the dead bodv of an animal. 3
ilr, Efufr:r{rqfqqr€ Fqr: qqt: | $ftqrq t9-Ifu6n: I


Of these,the venom of celestiaiserpentslies in their sight and

breath,that of the terrestrialonesin their fangswhile that of cats.dogs,
monkeys, Makara (alligators?), Frogs, Paka-matsyas(a kind of
insect), Iizards (Godha), mollusks (Snails), Pracalakas (a kind of
insect),domesticlizards,four-leggedinsectsandof any other species
of flies such iu mosquitoes,etc., lies in their teethand nails. 4

yr5-qrhqr:, {F6r: {infrqr; |q-drg@-
Tcr{fi.rd-cfur:, n \ tl
The venom of a Cipita, Piccataka,Ka,saya-vasika,Sar,sapa-
vasika, Tolaka, Varcah-kita,Kaundhryakaandsuch-likeinsectslies
in theirurineandexcreta.Thepoisonof amouseorrat lies in its semen,
while that of Luta (spider)lies in its saliva.urine,excreta,fangs.nails.
semen and menstrual fluid (ovum). 5

: wgf{fu*rgrcF)
ftfqr:, ffirc: gq.-
frr{r:, ffiffiqffin
firilkqr:, r11rrgr$-
: Y[*{lusfuqt:'
qHt6rrRTRrEr: wqfrqr: I iqrw{ffil gqqr<rrFqnt+{
The venom of a scorpion, ViSvambltara,Rajiva-fish. Uccitinga
(cricket) and a sea-scorpionlies in their saliva.The venom of a Citra-
1irah, Sarava,Kurdi1ata, Daruka, Arimedaka andSArikA-ntukha,lies
in their fangs,belching,stoolandurine.The venomof a fly, aKaryabha
and leecheslies in their fangs.The poison lies in the bonesof an animal
killed by any poison, aswell asin thoseof a snake,a Varati andafi sh1.
The poison lies in the bile of a Sakull, a Rakta-ra1t and.a Carala fish.
The poison lies in the bristles $uka) and the headof a Sr kqma+unda.
an Uccitingc (cricket), a wasp, a centipede (Satapadi), a Suka, a
Valabhika, a Syhgi and a bee.The deadbody of a snakeor an insect is
l.S"@s one word--thenameof a speciesof fish.

poisonousin itself. Animals not includedin the abovelist should be

deemedasbelongingto the fang-venomedspeciesi.e., the poison lies
in their fangs. 6
lrdr;il ql:t-
rr$fie$ l
Memorable Verses : The enemies of a sovereign poison the
pastures, water, roads, food-stuffs and smoke (Dhuma) of their
country and evenchargethe atmospherewith poison in the event of his
making incursions into their counffy. The poisonous nature of the
foregoing things shouldbe ascertainedfrom the following featuresand
should be duiy purified (beforeuse).7
ge wi ftfsmgrrfisr A;Trkd rrkFwr.qirsl
Eroq.€rdFEiffi F{fsr FrT:r rrrtffi{r grrrfiil e tl
qcqFril i qrrr{rrf{Fnti @l
agr)wF<tqrqq€R Arqqg€ wi@izr*a rr q rr
@ HqizHrt frcrqfi'+qrdl q I
Er*qreffi q> frenq ffi:1qotl
Characteristic Features and Purifications of poisoned water,
etc. : A sheetof poisonedwater becomesslimy, sffong- smelling,
frothy and marked with (black-coloured) lines on the surface.Frogs
and fish living in the water die without any apparentcause.Birds and
beaststhat live (in the water and) on its shoresroam about wildly in
confusion (from the effects of poison), and a man, a horse or an
elephant,by bathing in this (poisoned)wateris afflicted with vomiting,
fainting, fever, a burning sensationand sweiling of the limbs. These
disorders(in men and animals) should be immediately atteilqledto and
remedied and no pains should be sparedto purify suchpoisonedwater.
The cold ashes,of Dhava, ASva-karna,Asenq Paribhadra, Patala,
Siddhaka, Mok6aka, Raja-druma and Somnvallcaburnt together,
shouldbe castinto thepoisonedpool or tank,wherebyits waterwould
be purifi ed; asan alternativ e, anAnj a ll-measure(half a seer)of the said

ashescastin aGhata-measuret(sixty-four seers)of the required water

would Iead to its purification. 8-10
ftffrtgM .|wn{ trefqe}fu qrr
gvTFd'nlur E tt +r rffiwrnilWn rrT qn t qqtl
ilq{dr r{rGTsrq€rt -a ffi{t fu a*eilqRrl
mnqrr<irrarrr*m*:fi rs*qrE{rF{Fffi"qqFft U
fir*{ vdff+: gF{Fq*€f @ l I t? | |
A poisonedground or stone-slab,landing stageor desertcountry
gives rise to swellingsin thoseparts of the bodiesof men, bullocks,
horses.asses,camelsandelephantsthat may chanceto comein contact
with them. In suchcasesa burning sensationis felt in the affectedparts
and the hair and nails (of these parts) fall off. In these cases, the
poisoned surface should be purified by sprinkling it over with a
solution of Ananta andSarva-gandha(the scenteddrugs)dissolved in
wine (Sura)2,or with (an adequatequantity of) black clay3dissolved
in water or with the decoctionof Vidahga,Pagha,andKatabhi. 11-13
g+S q+S:a {RS rffi {dFd qqFa qrir
fuqtqfgl;gqqrffi NFqfu yqr+(qdFmlq| | qy | |
iilT: giTrt; sqlqrla' sfu E€: E6tt{qarrrr:n i\ rl
fir+{ gffi': E6'frreil:q+{qrsre+ fuFa: y{fkr: I
qrssYrq{fr inFd=rwitqunfur *nrqfr qfr sffr | | qq| |
Poisonedhay or fodderor any otherpoisonedfood-stuffproduces
lassitude, fainting, vomiting, diarrhoeaor even death (of the animal
partaking thereof). Such casesshould be treated with proper anti-
poisonous medicines accordingto the indications of eachcase.As an
alternative,drums andothermusicalinstrumentssmearedwith plasters
of anti-poisonouscompounds(Agadas)ashouldbe beatenand sounded
l. Iejjata explains as a pitcher, i.e., a pitcher-ful of water.
2. Dalhana holds that the use of the plural number here in'\{frl:" means that
honey, treacle, etc. should also be used with wine.
'earth 'black
3. palharya says that some read of an ant-hill' in place of clay for
its anti-poisonous properties.
4. See Chapter Yll, Kalpa-Sthdna.

(Sutara) and
(round them). Equal pruls of silver !Tara)' mercury
to *rat of the
Indra-Gopainsects with Kuru-Vindat eqttalin weight
(in such
cow, should be used * u pu,i" over the musical instruments
cases.The soundsof suchdrums,etc' (pastedwith such
the most dreadful
drugs) are said to destroy the effects of even
poison. 14-16
$qraf: trrdf;d Tii I
{*sFre qr Fwcqg+ El-rTt: rrq"rFr€ngl
*{r | 1\9ll
ffi wqFil

Fre.*Tsrq{e frqrq {qrFrdt :arfr ffial I qa| |

Poisonsof theAtmosphereand its purification : Thedropping
(of the atmosphere)
distinct indication of the wind and the smoke
catarrh.head ache,and of severe-eye-diseases among persons
"o.rgh, (poisoned)
in-haling the same wind and smoke' In such casesthe
atmosph_ere shouldbepurified by burning quantitiesof Laksa,H aridra'
Iti-viia, Abhaya, maaa (Musta), Reryuka,Ela' Dala
in the open ground' The
Vatka (cinnamon), Kustha and Priyahga
(air) and the Dhumn
fumes of these drugs would purify the Anila
(smoke) from the poiton they had been chargedwith' 17'18
ffi: {aTiT: F*at
sffiiqt f€i *e* {rq qFia:I lq3ll
tt?t: 6.** * =rErq fg'trR+q* fqs): I
*tefr Ffllaqq TiEr Filrqrdfir{rrur' 111o ll
€ ri q-q16 rrdaqa6'rn :r€:|trc{ql
ilfrsg{-ffi qrafu€r rrffi'sdarqg.d{l l Rqll
ilfr tqmrqlrfl( ii *l
feqtqq{ir€ra ffillR?ll
fr?t; w{r traTr:ff r<r f *\€rfrst't
f+;qwqrt s .it*g errd-g d'g qllRQll

qqralt6T[r @l
*g tS yttg r{i ?f if ftersfr | r RY| |
qq*{ flqrr qq T( tr6d qr"rqrqftmatr
FE$rrqFiq d dtzT Td Fr3.***u R\ tl
Mythological origin of poison (Viga) : It is stated in the
Scripturesthat a demonnamedKaitabha obstructedin variousways,
the work of theself-originedBrahmawhenhewasengagedin creating
this world. At this the omnipotent god grew extremely wrathful. The
vehement wrath of the god gradually swollen and intlamed, at last
emanatedin phvsicalforms from his mouth and reducedthe rnighty.
death-like, roaring fiend to ashes.But the energyof that terrific wrath
went on increasingevenafter the destructionof thc demon, at the sight
of which the gods were greatly depressedin spirit. The term ffisc
(poison) is so called from the fact of its filiing the gods with Visada
(depressionof spirits).Atter that the god of creation,having finished
his (self imposed) task of creatingthis worid, castrhat wrath both into
the mobile and the immobile creations.Just asthe atmosphericwater
which is of imperceptibleandundeveiopedtaste,acquiresthe specific
tasteof the ground or soil it falls upon, so it rs the very natureof the
(tasteless)Vi;a that it partakesof the specifictasre(Rcsa) of a thing
or animal in which it exists. 19-25
R qsr(!un: €t *qryn: gr*ttr qfu R I
tr vdqa) tr lrdffiququ Rqtl
+ g gF" y€fudr w6fr rqi ffi*m: r
ffi frd lTEF-rkT:yrurrt €nrE qil Re tl
krfr: qfr *+sfu irsr( ftrwfd EFIET:
u Re||
Properties of poisons : Ail the shalp and violent qualities are
presentin poison.Hencepoisonsshouldbe consideredasaggravating
and and deranging all the Dosas of the body. The Dosas aggravated
and charged with poison forego their own specific functions. Hence
poison can neverbe digestedor assimilatedin the system.It stopsttre
power of inhaling. Expiration (exhalation of the breath) becomes
impossible owing to the internal passageshaving beenchoked by the

derangedKcpha. Consequentlya poisonedpersondropsdown-in
unconsciousstateevenwhenlife is still presentwithin his body. 26-28

{sr( Fffifu F*rrfurr{l

M Fqrd qrrrtr{l
3r5S\-{fir ffi ifiqrx g-5F( q $frFrt: I l ?o ll
Nature and Location of snake-poison : The poisonof a snake
Iike the semenin an adult male lies diffused all through its organism.
As semenis gatheredup, dislodgedandsubsequentlyernittedthrough
the urethraby being agitated(by contact with woman' etc')' so the
poison in a snakeis gatheredup and secretedthrough the holes of its
iangs under the conditions of anger and agitation.The fangs being
hook-shaped, a snakecannotsecreteits poisonwithout lowering its
hood just after a bite. 29'30
*qvrs qfd?f frqql
3tf[: FdRFF: qF+fi{g vfrra: ll ?q ll
Ir< deg rrqwr €{1-6fiqi feqqt
3ltf: ffiqrfrtrqsfrMt
, q{q( Fryrrrqi-{ll RRll
General treatment of poisoning : Since a poison of whatever
sort is extremelykeen,sharpandheat-makingin its potency'a copious
sprinklingwithcoldwatershouldbeus inallcasesofpoisoning.But
s-incethe poisonof an insectis mild and not too much heat-makingin
its potenry and as it engendersa large quantity of Vayu andKapha in
the organism, measuresof fomentation (svedc) are not forbidden in a
caseof insect-bite.A bite by a strongly poisonedinsect, however'
should be treatedas a snake-biteto all intents and purposes.31-32
er+rqrte ftT+( E rtrcrdFrdrfdq{l
qrq qr{qi* tA f{nffi:ll?lll
#t-Err{ ffii qffi q' rortTaqrr*: r
rren fu € itqr |Mffisfuqrtt lYtl
e{aarq{ffrrqstFi qCrT|-T+:t
ll ?\ ll


The poisonof a venomeddartor of a snake-bitecoursesthrough

the whole organism of the victim but it is its nature that it returns to
the place of hurt and bite respectively.A man eating,from culpable
gluttony. the flesh of such an animal,just dead (from the efl-ectof
poison), is afflicted with symptorns and diseasesSimiiar to the
specificpathogeneticviftues of the poison with which the deadbody
is charged, the iong run, meetswith his doom. Hencethe flesh
of an animal killcd by a venomeddart or a snal<e-bitc(shouid bc
consideredas fatal as the poison itself and) should not be taken
immediatelyafterits death.I'hc fieshof suchan animal,however,may
be eatenafter a periodof fony eight minutes(Muhurta\ from its death
after the portions of the hurt and the bite have beenrcmovcd. 33-35
Frm *sFrsn{* t
rrrA*Ba: I
YdTg?I rfrret ilqrFqt(u Rqll
T qRq E{q ffi qrstur
dfri Tr[t=i*rrrqr: FilrrdrE qFrr ftT6Fd | | le | |
Symptoms of taking poison internally : Whoever passesa
black sooty stool with loud flatus,or shedshot tearsand <Jlopsdown
with agony,and whosecomplexionbecomesdiscoioured,and whose
mouth becomesfilled with foam, should be consideredas afflicted
with.poison taken intemally (Visa-plta). The heart of such a man
(dying from the effect of internaipoisoning)cannotbe burnt in fire;
sincethepoisonfrom its very naturelies extendedin the whole viscera
ofthe heart,the seatof cognition.t36-37

fu-Ti+fiF*arg I
qrd qfirn qFetflqr xS rn q{-g n ? (€r: i l ? a r l
tdq,nrn f{qqnutrrfd rrqtfurdd CwfurdFa I
craTqtFdqrr rrHwrfrgI
@ 5*g rfr5qer gH+s l l ?3ll
l. In the Caraka-Sarhhilaalso we come acrossidentical expressionsof opinion
as to the seatofpoison in the deadbody of an animal or man, dying from poison
frorn a poisoneddart of snake-biteor frorn poison administeredinternally. See
chapter xxtii, Chik i tsa- sthana-- Char aka Safth i t a.

Fatal bites : A man bitten by a snakein any of the vurnerabie

partsof the body, or near(theroot of anASvatthatree,or a tempie,at
the cremation ground or on an ant-hill, or at the meeting of day and
night, or at thecrossingsofroadsor underthe influenceof theBharant
or Magha asterisms(a-stralmansions)shouldbe given up as lost. The
poison of a hooded cobra(Darvi-kara)provesinstantaneouslyfatal.
All poisonsbecomedoubly strongand operativein summer(U;rya)t.
In casesof personssufferingfrom indigestion,urinary complaints,or
from the effectsof der angedpitta or oppressedwith the heatof the sun
(sun-stroke)as well asinfants,old men, invalids, emaciatedpersons,
pregnantwomen, men of timid disposition,or of a dry temperamenr,
or oppressedwith hunger or bitten on a cloudy day, the poisons
becomedoubly strong and operative.3g-39
Vrgqrt q{zr q riffiqk TFEil FtnTFrs;l gnaqk 1
Vm+rcqfar5 a N ffiilFf qH+( ir{ | | xo I I
fu6r kdr qs rafr1ffi il-€rrfl{S.gRfiuaffi : r
Evr: TIfrF': Tqggt*6*: fterttrqqsqd*q: | | xq tl
On the other hand, a snake bitten person, in whose body an
incision is unattendedwith blceding,or on whosebody the strokesof
lashes leave no marks, nor does horripiiation appearcven after a
copiouspouring of cold water on the body, should be likervisegiven
up as lost. A caseof snake-bitein which thc tongue of the victim rs
found to be coatedwhite andwhosehair farisoff (on the siightestpuii),
the bridge of whose nosebecomesbent and the voice hoarse,where
thereis lock-jaw and the appearanceof a brackish-redswelling about
the bite,--sucha caseshould be given up as hopeiess.40_41
qFd+Trqqq Frtfr qqrE rt, s**dqery ?r€rI
WrF{qrdr: F6-Frr3rq€q flffi *o: qfrqfiqg, yR tl
The casein which thick, Iong lumps of mucus are expectorated
accompaniedby bleeding from both the upward and the downward
orifices of the body with distinct irnpressionof all the fangs on the
bitten part, should be given up by the physician.42

l. In p.laceof 'tts" someread'b". This wouldmean'.if bittenin theupperpart

ot tne bodv,"

Trffirlilrf$r$f er ffi qrrzrsr er fuEqfqr

A caseof snake-bitemaked by the symptomsof an insanestate
like that of adrunkardandaccompaniedby severedistressingsymptoms
(Upadrava), as well as loss of voice and complexion and an absence
of the circulation of bloodi and by other fatal symptomsshouid be
abandonedand no action need to be taken therein. 43
gfd V{-dsffi q,trr{qr} Eq.qffi =TrnEfrdswnr:n ? tl
Thus ends the third chapter of the Kalpa-sthana in the susruta sarhhtta
which treats of animal poisc,ns.


l. The tcxt has "Avegi". Karika explains it to mean "with supressionof the
natural urgings,i.e., of stool, urine, etc.

sTcrltr:ffi* qFq qr€{rgrq:,
qefrqrq r+rrdq er;{fiR^-u t rl
Now we shall discourse on the Chapter which treats of the
specific features of the poison of a snake-bite (Sarpa-da$ta-Vi$a-
Vijfianiya). I
Tq"ilfr qdvnsFdw{E{l
g?fiT: qfiT€rdil Rrl
qfffi fuqr€ E6aqrfur+{ ql
FF{:A ffi ,{rrflt! rcT€fqn I rl
Fq nq v*i gar gT-f+( fi+qri qt: t
sn*qr qrgf6*sr frtqrdrwgmrqq: n Y tl
rfrq{rg qTtqr Earffiwt: r
n qrar.n{ rrdFril q{ff iEt rqFfr q l| \ ||
FqrrrFrrR"dtqr tfu efidt wS r
Eafir fr'ssqErur n 6gtki EFr(l
qrft*sfu + tr qr{ ffisqntqtl
Having laid himself prostrate at the feet of the holy and wish
Dhanvantari, the masterof all the SAstras,Suiruta addressetlhim as
follows : "Enlighten and illumineus, O Lord, on the number and
classification of snakes, on the nature of their poison and on the

distinguishing marks of their respective bites", where-upon

Dhanvantarj, the foremost of all physicians replied as fbllows :
Innumerablearethefamiiiesof serpents.of which TaksakaandVasuki
are the foremost and the most renowned.Theseale supposedto carry
the earthrwith theoceans.mountainsandtheislandson their headsand
are as powerful and furious zs the blazing fire, fed upon the libations
of clarified butter. I make obeisanceto those who constantlyroar,
bring down rain, scorch the whole worid (with the heat of their
hundred-headedvenom) and are capableof destroyingthe universe
with their angrylooks andpoisonousbreath.It is fruitiess,O SuSruta,
to enter into a discourseon the treatrnentof their bites as they are
beyond the curativevirtues of all terrestrialremedies.2-6
+ g q:rk6n tilcr + <{rf{ i4 rTqqrll
N rfqfyqeqrfr qqrfl{5[ct{r: ll \e ll a

srpftfr€+{ vqturi ft'a+ q=rfi E qTI

Edq-{r qrsffi Trkrr<Re)q ql
F{Fdqr +m{gng F*Fq:rr* gl' rTilr: tt e ll
qdf€{r qreftil+ rrFqrru rrrm: I
ig <dif*-{r t{n F,i{rFd:YT. ? {Efrr: | | 3 | |
TrfucrRetT wr I
i{fti.qr ilEyr iqr +.FTgr€r{rkl?n I

Classification : I shall, however, describe in due order, the

classificationof the terrestrialsnakeswhosepoison lies in their fangs
wherewith they bite the human beings (and other animals). They are
eighty in numberclassifiedinto five main genera,namely,theDarvvl -
kara (hooded),ManQali (hoodlessandpaintedwith circular patchesor
rings of varied colours on their sk'tn),Rajiman (hoodlessand striped),
N irvisa (non-venomousor slightly venomous)andVaikaranj a (hybid
species).The last named is also, in its turn, divided into three sub-
divisions only, viz., the Darvi-karc (hooded), theMarydali(hoodless
and ring-marked) and the Rajiman (striped ones).
l. In the Hindu mythology the earth is supposedto rest on the headsof snakes,
the inmales of the internal region.

Of thesetherca-retwenty six kinds of DorvT-kardsnalcs.twenty-

two of the Mandali species,ten of the Raji-man class.rwelve of the
Nirvi6a (non-venomous)speciesandthreeof the Vaikarafija (hybrid)
species.Snakesborn of Vaikarafija parentsare of variegatedcolours
(Cit r a) and areof sevendifferent species(threeof the sebeing M andal i
(marked with rings) and (four) Rajikt (marked with stripes). 7-f 0
qrqTFqTqrEqr qr Eqr yFsTRfr+sfu
qr I
t Evrk rar*lenfuFdsi rffiTr. n qt tl
Fftfd {fui qrtu trfuqu ftfdqqr
vqt$TF{-ef *Fqffi qq r(fus:1 qRtl
Classification of snake-bites: A snaketrampledunder foot, or
in a fit of angeror hunger,or anyrviseterrified or attackcd.or out of
its innate maliciousnature,wiil bitc a man or an animal.The bites of
thesesnakeshighly enragedasthey are.aregroupedunderthreeheads
by men conversantwith their nature.viz. Sarpita (deep-punctured).
Radita (super{iciallypunctured)and Nlrulsa (non-venornous)L'ri tcs.
Some of the authoritieson sna]<e-bites, however,add a fburth kind
viz., Sarpahgabhihata(coming in contact with the bodv of a
serpent).I 1-12
rr{rh q? {dF{rfui t En q I
frFr;Tr;Efdrtt,Th qr{q?dT n5-frrdfrrrqlrr
Tgqrtr{rymTF{ +q6u*-flnrh qI
nH.qTRvvr\m,rf{t{drr( d-( TrFftift{rrqt I qy | |
{Twt; F*F6frr qr *qr, *er: fuannm r
ffi {F{if il( E *€rtrflFqsa irqt I q\ tl
ltqftftPrs tFtq: r
TE T{rR En ffi affi*m*.: n te tt
EtFIqs efurt€ r+*t EFr*sFrer:I
a.seq ESfr vM rrqffir6il€ il(t rl\e tl
Their specific Symptoms : The bite in which one,two or more
marks (punctures) of fangs of considerabledepth are found on the
affectedpart attendedwith a slight bleeding aswell asthosewhich are
extremely siender and owe their origin to the turning aside and

lowering of its mouth (head) immediately after the bite and are
attendedwith swelling andthecharacteristic changes(in the systemof
the victim) should be known as the Sarpita bite. A (superficial)
puncture (or punctures)madeby the fangs of a snakeand the affected
part being attendedwith reddish,bluish, whitish or yeilowish lines or
stripesis calledtheRaditabite, which is characterisedby the presence
of a very small quantity of venomin the puncturedwound. A Nir-vt;u
(non-venomous)bite is markedby the presenceof one or more fang
marks, an absenceof swelling and the presenceof slightly vitiated
biood at the spot and is not attendedwith any changein the normal
(physiological)condition of the personbitten.The contactof a snake
with the body of a naturally timid personmay causethe aggravation
of his bodily vayu and producea srvellingof the part. Suctra man rs
saidto be Sarpangabhihatd(affectedby the touch of a snalie).I 3-17

t+t:zrcqfqqrRn q I
asrrsfu{qqrfrnFr-Wrrf, rN Trldr{tI qe tl
gqufffi-rrerftrqF{*R I
ffiry+ q ilv) T Fqt Fds{n Qjrr
A bite by a diseasedor agitatedsnalieor by an extremelyold or
young one, shouidbe consideredasconsiderablyIessvenomous.The
poisonof a snakeis inoperativein a counhy resortedto by the celestial
Garuda (the king of birds), or by the gods, Iafrsas, Sirftlft's and
Brahmarsi, well as in one in which there are dr.uesof anti-
*n qdEilr' qqtr qFrqt vffiq: n Rotl
rrug*Fdfuelk{r: qar* q<fnflrt: I
irn qugfu{; ITqt WFTltFgqgaTr:il a

ktqr @ rTfuFr:l
fuFddr FE t $nk qft15fr€ t q.f,r:1 RRtl

l. It should be noted here that coming in contact with thorns and nails, etc., if
unnoticed, may also produce in the minds ofpersons the fear of ha'ing been
bitten by a snake and may thus produce the effects of such poisoning.

Characteristic features of the different species of snakes :

Thosehaving hoods and markedwith spotsresemblinga wheel or a
plough, an umbrellaor a cross(Svastika)or a goad (Aritkustt)on their
headsand are extremely swift, should be known as the Dan-l-kara
snakes.Those which are large and slow and markedwith variegated
coloursring-like or circuiar spotson their skin, and have the glow of
the sum or fire should be known asMandali snakes,while thosewhich
areglossy andwhosebodiesarepaintedwith parti colouredhorizontal,
perpendicular and lateral stripes, should be known as the Raiiman

EfiTs'E{qlTr i q E'fq6Tr i q qErqr:l

grfim: E-dortr{Fd qrelr qlErurr: gin: | | Rl | |
qrFdqr: fiq{erqurf-q rTq-rn T{r.frtqqr: I
WaqT-Str{-aq{ N nqrsq-dqr I Ry rl
EEn ErgF{!{r + q FilFdr qurmFilenI
eRil: qrtr€rdr$lr*I +grd ElrT; gtrr: il R\ | |
r{SclftliEl: I
+ fu qffiFfm:nRqtl
Features of the different castesamongst snakes : The snakes
whose skin is lustrouslike a pearl or silver, is colouredyellow and
looks like gold and emits a sweet smell, should be regarded as
belongingto theBrahmaryaspeciesof snalies.Thosewhich areglossy,
extremely irritable in their natureand marked with spots on their skin
resemblingthe discsof the sun and rnoon,or of the shapeof a conch-
shell(Ambuja)or an umbrella,shouldbe regardedasbelongingto the
K; atriya species.The snakesof the VaiSyacastearecoloured black or
red or blackish grey or ash-coioured or pigeon-coloured and are
(crooked or hard in their structures)l*e aVajra. The snakeswhich
resemble a buffalo or a leopard in colour and lustre or a-rerough-
skinned or are possessedof a colour other than the preceding ones
should be consideredas belongingto the Srdro class.23-26
qffifti wil: I6'furr: wd \q El
ffi qrsfu{gtfq qlrgr+drrqq: u Retl

EFTGTTNRqqTEIT ffieffitaerqrqr
t+ fq) *+s EFTd tl
The poison of all hoodedsnakes(Phanl) derangesandaggravates
thebodily Vayu,thatof theMandali (circuiarspotted)speciesaggravates
the Pitta, while that of the Rtijiman (striped) class aggravatesthe
bodily Kapha. Tire psison of a snake of hybrid (Vaikaraiija) origin
aggravatesthe two particular Dosas of the body which its parents
would have separatelyaggravated--afact which helps us to ascertain
in the speciesto rvhich its parentsbelong.27
fd'*qsm qqqt ?erl
{Erer: qE} zTr} rTqtb*rg{F< fA r
*qq[mr qrsffi Fqqr qdqrr: F[iTr:u R3tl
Particular habits of different kinds of snakes : Now hear me
descnbing the specialhabits of each of thesefamilies of snakes.A
snakeof the Rajiman species,is found abroadin the fourth or the last
quarterof the night, theMandali snakesarefound to be out in the three
precedingwatches,while the Da rvi-kara snakesarefound to be abroad
(in quest of prey) only in the day time.28-29

{S*.{rq tr6Tn gAr rrugftffiRen r

Trffi q*qqr qrq* $kra: ll ?o ll
T{-dr{fudr EIttTI qrfif{ft:ilr; eTt'r: I
Eqr Effid+ cfrilr: €qt€flhqr: grrr: u ?q tl
A Darvl-kara snakeof young age,a middl e-agedMan(ali snake
and an oldRajiman snalieareas fatal aspersonified death.A snakeof
extremely tender age, as well as the one roughly handled by a
mungoose, or oppressedwith water, as well as an extremely old and
emaciatedone, or one which is extremely frightened or has recently
cast off its skin should be consideredas mild-venomed. 30-31

rrdrq+e, qqrf,*}, nETFf:, yrEq'qrd, dBilr$, rt*{q,,

ttfiF{:, rltvsr6rrT:,6.g{:, q*, r6tqd, E$gE+, qFjITI€':,
gustt*t, gt.&5d, fttfu-q3,gs{rFr*ffi, FrM:, Eg{r{:,

v+frE+, rr6rfrrrr,srFnt, s{wnFdq

Ffr I r tt rr
Names of the different Speciesof D arvT- kara Snakes : Snakes
known N Krsna-Sarpa. Maha-kfqrya,Krsnodara, Svetu-kapota,
Mahakopotu, Bulahaka, Muha-Sarpa, Sankha-pala.Lohitaksa,
Gavedhuka, Parisarpa, Khanda-pha4a, Kakuda, Padma, Maha-
Padma, D arb ha -pu; p a, D adhi -mukha, P undarl fur, B hr ukutl -mukha,
Viskira, Puspabhiktnta, Giri-sarpa, Rju-sarpa, Svetudara,Maha-
Siras, Alagarda and ASlviqa belong to the family of Darvl kara
snakes. 32
q5gftrrK-3tTqPirTrrgeT:,1*sugfrr, l:frrlu-3Fr:,fuT-
{uF[:, yq*, +?rgsfr,frfuq*, ri-r$, F€Til;r€:,qrd,
{6TtrTd:, itYyr:ffi:, frrqa}, rTfl:, qIFGT:, ftrffo:,
i[{f€f,':, geTtrg;, q:{9+, 3TFT*, ET€:,q'qrq:, 6([6f:,
q|-ttqfr, 6krrrT{W:, fu1fi:, Eqfrqq Efr t r ll t r
Names of the different Species of Mq(ali Snakes : Snakes
known'a.sAdar3a-maryQ ala, Sveta-mandala,Rakta-mandala, Citra-
ntandala,Prsata, Rodhra-pu;pa,Milindaka, Gonasa,Vrddha-gonasa,
Panasa, Maha-panasa, Veryupatraka, Sftuka, Madana, Palindira,
Pihgala, Tantuka,Puqpaparydu,$aQnga,Agnika, Babhru, Ka;aya,
Kaluqa,Paravata,Hastabhararya,Citraka andEnipadabelongto the
family of the MaqtQalispeciesof snakes.33

Eurvilrfi: Fftm: @tilqrq', ffisrq
Efrr r QY| |
Names of the different species of Rajiman Snakes : Snakes
known asP undarl ka, Raj i -cit r a, Ahg ula -r aj i, Bindu-r aj i, K ar damaka,
Trna-Sosakas,Sarqapaka, Sveta-kanu, Darbha-pu{pa, Cakraka,
Godhumaka, Kikkisada belong to Rajiman family of snakes.34
FfdqrE-rt€rk+ ffi qqtF{€r':
gqvrd*E*frtsr: ffi
gtvrq Efr t t tr n
Names of the different speciesof Nirviga snakes : The

Galagott, Suka-pat ra, Aj agara, D ivyaka, Varsahika, Pttspa-3akaT,

Jyoti -r atha, K sIr ika P usp aka,A hi -p atakaka,An dhahika, Gaur a hi and
the Vrkse-iaya belong to the Nirviqa (non-venomous) group of
snakes. 35
*etrHrug rqrqri EFtq,{r{qf qFrfiTFqrdr: I ir€rerr-
qt'Efu:, *Trrel:, ffiqfrfrt ftr, q;ElrrqilurrM
ffiT qr qr* crFtfr, I lTfcr+{ fu ffi{ Er \itrcr:
meqa: t E,wr*rilurtrF$rrffiiffi{ €Tirn?T:ffiqRfr r
tqrrTrg€qfu{dEfq*{fi{:, ffi*n ?q tl
Names and Origin of the different species of Vaikarafija
snakes zThe Vaikaranja snakesarethe cross-breedsof the abovefirst
three species, viz., Dan*t-kara, etc., and are known as Makuli,
Potagala and Snigdha-ra7l.Those born of a Krsna-sarpa father and
Gonasi mother or the contrary are known x Makuli. A Rltjila father
andGonasi mother or the contrary bring fbrth a (hybrid speciesknown
as tlrc) Pot ag al a and,a K r sn a -sarp a f atherand aRaj i mat t mother or the
contrarypro duceaSnigdha-raji snake.Accordingto severalauthorities,
the poison of a snake of the first of these three hybrid sub families
partakesof the nature of that of its father while that of the remaining
two partakesof the nature of their mother. 36
TqFTTi*figI;ri :*Tr|?T:
$qrFrtr qr$ ifutrfi': qta r frq1-q1gg* {rFcrrr(,
ter qrgFfiT{l lfd*tsi fufrRfctt te tl
Sub-families of the Vaikarafija Snakes : Seven other sub-
families arise out of the three aforesaidfamilies of Vaikarafija snakes
and areknown asD itye laka, Rodhra-pu;p aka,Raj i-citraka, Potagala,
Puspabhikirna, Darbha-putpa and Vellitaka. Of thesethe first three
speciesresemble the Rajila and the last four resemble the Mandali
species of snakes. Thus we have finished describing the eighty
different families of snakes.37
fiaq:, 3q"rfiqrun rrtrdqr 3rft}?rTqlftrfir Efr r r Qer r
Characteristicfeaturesof Male and femalesnakes: Theeves.

the tongue. the mouth and the head of a maie serpentare large. while
those of a female snakeare small. Those which partakeof both these
features and are mild-venomed and not (easily) irritabie, should be
consideredas hermaphrodite(Napurhsaka). 38
ffi qfu rr,rfrrri rffqrera qq ffiefqi qqzrrq;1 ff
qr{ui?tufl€ 5{+-
@, T qrcr66,yilsRrTqrqlrlfidgq€r&l
rffi Er.{$frsF{F6t FdT *hgj rrqfr, dsrrq
*|ffiq trsFrlt:t @l 3rfu rilr*q
Now we shall describethe generalt-eaturesof snake-bites: Why
doe.ssnake-poisonprove instantaneouslyfatal like a sharp sword,
thunder-bolt or fire? Why is it that a caseof snakebite, if neglected
even for a very short time (Muhurta) at the outset, terminatesin the
death of the patient without (even) giving him an opportunity of
From the general characteristics of the bites, it should be
presumed that they may be divided into three kinds. We shall.
therefore, describein detail the specific featuresof the bites of these
threekinds (insteadof all of them separately).It will be both t'eneficial
to the patientandwill leaveno room forthe confusionof thephysician.
From the specific featuresof thesethree kinds of snake-bitesshould
be infened all other snake-bites.39-40
Tr,q+{Tk*q iptq'Fef
+s$ ffi 'fttti rfieraq{r6'drF6{nqr{1-dcf
Y[twf iqg,
enreerfr g$Ersilr{qtfr rt:q,rgryr*f6fi Tqrq\ds&rwi
Vf+{*sf Egn tarFTr€nq: ffis*frerenwrg
qrdaq{r qqFil il Yq il
Specific symptoms of a bite by a Dami-tcrc snake : A black
colour ofthe skin, eyes,nails,tooth,face,urine and stool and the seat
of the bite, roughnessof the body and heavinessof the head,pain in
the joints, weaknessof the back, neck and waist, yawning, shivering,
hoarsenessof the voice, a rattling sound in the throat, lassitude, dry

eructation,coughand difficult breathing,hiccough,upwardcourseof

thebodily Vayu,pain(Sna)and consequent achingof thelimbs, thirst,
excessivesalivation, foaming ,n ,5s morrth, choking of the external
orificesof thebody (suchasmouthandtlie nostrils)andpeculiarparns
(such asthe pricking, piercing pain in the body) due to the aggravation
of the bodily Vayu--theseare thespecificsymptomsof abiteby asnake
of the Darvl-kara species.41
rrusfrk*ur aqrtrrr fu Vffirqrq:
E{r{{Fwnrrfr qat raq: @ qisgrrqgrffii
qqFiln YR r l
Specific symptoms of a bite by a Ma1(ali snake : Yellowness
of the skin, etc,, longing for cold, a sensationas if the whole interior
is being burnt with scorching vapours,extreme burning sensationin
thebody, thirst, a sensationof intoxication,fainting, fever,haemorrhage
through both the upper and the lower channels.sloghing of the flesh,
swelling and suppurationin the affectedpart, ajaundiced sight, a rapid
aggravation (of the Pitta) and the presenceof various sorts of pain
similar to the derangementof the bodily Pitta,-- theseare the specific
symptoms of a bite by a snakeof the Mandali speries.42
rrfurEF{Aur{.ffii iwnffi vffi +{€d; K6eRi
TT|.TETFTTffiI6.: :Ewg: qu6
gqg{{rs EqarrFrfr€Rffi:y+vfw1s6s EFq"-rfrr
Specific symptoms of a bite by a Rdjimdn snake : Whiteness
of the skin, etc.,htuJvara (catarrhalfever),honipilation, anumbness
of the limbs, a swelling aboutthe seatof the bite, flowing out of dense
phlegm (from the mouth), vomiting, constantitching of the eyes, a
swelling of and a rattling sound in the throat, obstruction of breath,
coma, similar pain and ffoubles characteristicof the derangedKapha
in the body--thesearethe specific symptomsof a bite by a snakeof the
Rajiman species.43
gsqrFq€ sst i€ft, atqwr( fuqr, fi+rr*fdeffr

Ta-cTAtq@ lTEfr, rr$ruqr rnu'gg.eil

sTrcenqftrfiqr Eer ITISTrIT
F FftT{ iqqFqf6€r qrs
q,rf,fdI Te{ furrqers *r: I qrfr{T{r
rcfr rurerRFtr=i
T{€ tFrFdffiarsqt ffi | ITfrtr€[Errr{:
Yrfrt-grur€t:, T Fq6rr{t Er tfa:UrurfaF€: qafr
vrswfiF{6d Fq +1ril,Er*ffi: Tqftrfr| | YY I r
Specific symptoms of bites by snakes of different sexesand
ages,etc. : The sight or the pupiis of the eyesof a personbitten by a
a male snake,is turned upward. A bite by a female serpentexhibits
such symptoms as dorvnca^steyes and appearanceof veins on the
foreheadwhile that by a hermaphrodite (Naputitsaka)snakemakesthe
patient look sideways.A personbitten by a pregnantsnakeproduces
yellownessof the face and tympanites.A bite by a newly delivered
snake causes Udar Sula lpain), bloody urination and an attack of
tonsilites (Upa-jihvikc) in the victim. A personbitten by a hungry
serpentcraves for food. A bite by an old serpentis marked by a slow
and mild character of the different stagesof poisoning. A bite by a
snake of tender age is maLrked by a rapid setting of the characteristic
poisonoussymptomswhich iue found to be mild in their nature.A bite
by a non-venomousserpentis marked by the absenceof any of the
spccific symptomsof poisoning.According to severalauthorities,a
bite by a blind serpentbrings on blindnessin its train. An Ajagara
(Boa-constructor)is found to actuallyswallow up the body of its prey,
to which should be a^scribedthe death of the victim in such a case
(resulting from the crushing of bonesand strangulation)and not to the
effectsof any poison. A personbitten by a snakeof instantaneously
fatal poison, drops down deadat the moment of the bite asif struck by
a sharp weapon or by iightning. 44
r* vfu €qfuri frq€r rwa *rn qqFfr | ffi qdf.FTruri
wrft q1 6n vfrffi qrqfr, rqrEg q,,urcffi . +{ q,,ruud
ffi qr$,rqft |ffi+ qri Ew+Fa; +{rdqef
qgrdr vM lr"r€r$. rcfrt Tfr+ ++ {TqFd; *q
twe+E: ffi'ilTd *wqqfalrrst rerge}qiglr5gFryq
q;qgqrirqtq1q {qqfr r *r ffi ErqFar

@, qnrrrrFcr qyvfr; +{ qd++ F6aa'r

?f6Srr+:dfrI qr* FGrnTgghVTFd,rdsfrgrsrJ qSqFd;*{
rrr*rtrnrffi Eiltsr {.€iq l{qfr rqq} grusffi,
qrqgr€rf ffi, EnxFEr
qgcrffiq: ]rarclcrfr; *q
Symptoms of the different stagesof poisoning from the bites
af a Dawi-tara Snake : The poison of all speciesof snakes(snake-
bites) producessevendistinct stagesof transfermation(in the organism
of a personbitten by one of them). The poison of a snakeof the Darvi-
kcrc speciesaffectsand vitiates the blood (vascularsystem)in the first
stageof its courseor its physiologicaltransformationin the body. The
blood thereby turns black, imparting its hue to the complexion and
giving rise to a sort of creepingsensationin the body, as if ants have
been creeping over it. In the second stage the poison affects the
principle of flesh, turns it deep black and produces swellings and
Granthis all over the body. In the third stageit invades the principle
of Medas(adiposetissues?)in the body,giving riseto a sort of mucous
dischargefrom the seatofbite, heavinessin the head,perspiration and
numbnessof the eyes.In the fourth stagethe poison entersthe Koqtha
(abdomen?)and aggravatesthe Do;'as, especially Kapha, producing
somnolence,water-brashand abreaking sensationin thejoints. In the
fifth stage,it penetratesinto the principle of bone, deranges theprAna
(vital principle) and impairs the Agni (digestivefire), giving rise to
hiccough, a burning sensationin the body and a breaking pain in the
joints. In the sixth stage,it entersthe principle of Majja (marrow) and
greatly derangesthe Grahanl (the small intestines?)giving rise to a
senseof heavinessof the limbs, dysentery,pain in the heart and
epileptic fits. In the seventhstageit pennearesthe principle of semen,
extremely aggravatesthe vital nerve-governing Vayu known as the
Vydna, dislodges the Kapha even from the minutest capillaries,
producing secretionsof lump-like phlegm from the mouth, abreaking
pain in the waist and the back, impaired functions of the mind and of
the body, excessivesalivation, perspiration and a suppressionof
breath. 45


qrefud qqi +t fu yfrffi qErirfr, d(

rx rrRqra:*arq+rrqin qr$.rtr rl-dfr | m+
rrf{i WqR; *n€Tefrfrffir !frer€t (* rags rrdfr t
+d (trerFd;*q qferaqfu EEImEfr E*E: Ft€ r wg{
ete:r3rafrq:awnqrqqFdtqs+ fu rrtqr+g qr\frr
: {*+qr I xq tl
Different stages of poisoning from the bites of a Mag(ali
snake : In the first stageof bite by a MarLdailsnake,rhepoison affects
the blood (vascular system), which being thus vitiated produces
shivering (lit. coldness)followed by a burning sensationin the body
and pallor (yellowness)of the skin. In the secondstagethe poison
contaminatesthe flesh which causes an extreme yellowness of
complexion attended with a burning sensationin the body and
yellownessabout the seatof the bite. In the third stage,the poison
affectsthe principle of Medas (adiposetissues)producingnumbness
of the eyes, thirst, slimy exudation from the wound (bite) and
perspiration as in the caseof a bite by a Darvi-kara snake described
before. In the fourth stage,it enterstheKostha(cavity of the trunk) and
produce fever. In the fifth stage, it produces a burning sensation
throughout the whole organism. The sixth and the seventhstage are
identicai with those of the foregoing (Darvi-kara bite). 46
TIfuTdt Yqi *+ H yfrffi qErqfr, a-{ y.g€
wrgilrstrdr tT +rd+: {.FTr€T$TrGB
s€-il t{ttfrt ffi+
qrciqrqfr; ia wrUot** q:s{ fur,fu Fcfrt
++ q{qfr; t* qqfu qnE*E:tr qrtrnRrqrqerqfrr
*ge}a}er3vF{rq Mr qs+
qrdtrs vfraltr€ EFfrfr| qg{rtilqzil; qffqfr | | y\e| |
Different stages of poisoning from the bite of a Rajiman
snake : The poisonof aRajimansnakein the first stageof poisonirrg,
vitiates theblood which is turnedpaleyeilow producingthe ippearance
of goose-skinof the victim who looks white. In the secondstage,it
contaminatesthefl esh,giving riseto anextremepaleness of complexion,
prostration and swelling of the head. In the third stage,it affects the

!"Tt -q

principtes of Medas, giving rise to hazinessof the eyes, deposit of

trlthy matter on the site of bite, petspirationand secretionsfrom the
nostrilsandtheeyes.In thefourthstage,it enters theKostha (abdominal
cavity) and producesparalysisof the nervesof the neck(Mctrt-t'a) and
heavinessof the head.In the fifth stage,it givesrise to loss of speech
and brings on Sttu-Jvarc(catarrhalfever).The sixth and the seventh
stagesof poisoning are identical rvith the precedingkind. 47
t;rqfu E1=[-
QT: qqr tnTlr: qs{frqfrF#dr: t
dn***rqfttirq tr u€rh feqql I xe ll
ffiur f6 q-mi tnrefr€ fiT{nil Et
TrrflRffiaqFi il( g aFndi rTdql I x3 tt
Memorable Verses : A snake-poisonis fbund to successive).y
attack the seven Kahs or facia describedbefore (in Chapter IV.
Sarira-Sthana, and gives rise respectivelyto the seven stagesof
poisoning.The interval of time during which a deadlypoison ieaves
a preceding Kala and,carried forward by the bodily Vayu, attacksthe
succeedingone, is calied its Vegantara(theinterveningstage).48'49

{ffi: srr} a+ qerqiqFd g:fi=ra;;

Hrf,r€rr* ffi+ g FErrS': ffi €Rttqott
gfr+ q Rr<1g:u e,rd{nes $rqt I
*ES ffi qa: qreR edr1 qarqltr
*Fq-{ i'r*ri yrgrd{* e) fu F{kE: r! \q tl
Different Stagesof poisoning in casesof lower animals : A
lower animal bitten by a snake first becomesswollen and looks
steadfastand distressed.In the secondstageofpoisoning, salivation,
blackish discolourationand pain in the heartset in. The third stageis
marked by pain in the head and drooping of the neck and of the
shoulder.In the fourth stage,it shivers,gnashasits teeth.drops down
becomingunconsciousand expires.Someexpertshold that there are
only threestagesof poisoningin the caseof a lower animal,the fourth
being included therein.50-51
erqrqfr y?r+ et qqfr SflekT: qtI.r
ffi+ tu6a: ffii T(ITEhl

ffi ffirrgwffr Rttqtn

fu rrfr gqd+ n \? tl
Different Stagesof poisoning in casesof birds : A bird, bitten
by a snake,iooks stead-fastandbecomes unconsciousin the f irst stage
of poisoning. The secondstageis markerl by an extreme agitated
condition of the bird and the third stageendsin death.According ro
severalauthoritiesthereis only a singlestageof poisoningin the casc:
of a bird. A snaLke-poisoncannotpenetratefar into the body of a cat,
mungoose,etc. 52-53
EA V$riffi ffiqen-) qffiqae+ rrn quTse*ro:ny tl
Thusendsthefourth chrpter of theKatpa sthina in thesu.frurasarhhita
which treatsof the specificfeaturesof the poisonof a snake-bite.



qEfqmseqlct: I

zTsIltIlE[ irrIEiI1
i{rfEil{ slE|RtI{: ll q ll
Now we shall discourse on the Chapter which deals with the
medical treatment of snake-bite (Sarp a-daq1a -K alp a - Cikit sit a). I
q*srf<ar TrS, Arrqt(gR ifrt, r
ffi @nRrl
+ffiqf<rqiqnf ql
rr€fr fu ffinRtl
rFr q*n qq*r
, *rd*q TT
I akar: n y tl
€dnrqrisritffiqlsfr Gircnvrtu\tl
General treatment of Snake-bites : In all casesof snake-bites
ligatures of cloth, skin, soft fibre or any other soft article (consecrated
with the proper Mantras), shouldfirst of all be bound four fingers apart
abovethe seatof the bite in the eventof its occurring in the extremities,
inasmuch as such a preceeding would arrest the further (upward)
coruseof the poison in the body. As an alternative,the seatof the bite
should be incisioned, bled andcauterizedwhere such a ligature would
be found to be impossible. Incision, cauterization,and sucking (of the
poisonedblood from the seatof thebite) shouldbehighly recommended

in all casesof snake-bites.The cavity of the mouth should be filled

with a linent beforesucking(the blood from the wound). It would do
the rnanbittenby a snakean immensegood if he could bite the serpent
that had bitten him or failing that,bite a clod of earthwithout any loss
of time. 2-5
3{sr qrefu{T <s r EetiErT er6+qr
rq nrtAqer$qrR iiyil <16r( fr{rfFd n q tl
The seatof the bite by a Mandall snakeshould not,
cauterized ina-smuchas the preponderant Pittaja character of the
poison, aggravatedby the application of the heat, might lead to its
speedyexpansionor coursingin the system.6
s{fuErqfu :r+g ffiF+E,r
Tr E tqrftrr*Ar frsErFrqlfr eil11 ,ssl
iffir EtT: Wer6Qgq1,,
trEFil qrersn ffi fu FB, !g!ir{11 a,;1
tu +*sr**+: 1rsq6rd*q*: I
qsrT ffih ftst' ddq*: p q tl
Mantras : A physician well-versed in the Mantras of anti-
venomous potency should bind a ligature of cord consecratedwith
appropriateMantras which would arresta further spreadof the poison.
The Mantas full of occult energy of perfect truth and divine
communion, disclosedby the Devarqis andBrahmcrsdsof yore, never
fail to eliminate the poison from the system, and hold their own even
in casesof deadliestpoisons.Elimination of the poison with the help
of Mantras, full of the energy of Brahmi of truth and austerities, is
more rapid than under the effects of drugs. 7-9
Farsrf tr€ui q'r€{ rftricqgqH;n I
frCq>aranur 15Ffir €vnrirurvnfu{r | | io | |
efrFrsrfr fam: I
qr&*s Ffit:lltttt

l. palha4a recommends burnt earth or the earth of an ant-hill or ash for the
purpose of filling up the mouth before sucking the poisoned blood.
S I . J S R I . J TSAA M H I T A

raruiqhfuTr Ssr fr{r En rqrcrsia: I

?TFnErfuffi irgrE ffistrryq: n tR tl
A man, while learning the Mantras, should forego sexual
intercourse.animaldiet. wine, honey,ctc.. shouldtake iittle diet, be
self-controlledand ciean in body and spirit and (befbre Iezrning the
Mantras) shall Ife on a mattrcssof Kr.r.iz-yrass.For the successfirl
application of his newly acquired knowledge. (Mrmtras). he shall
devotedly worship the gods with offerings of perfumcs,garlandsof
flowers, edibles. (animal) oblations,ctc.. and with the appropriate
Mantras sacredto them aswell a-swith burntofferings.sincea Mantra
chantedby a man in an uncleanspirit or body, or accentedor uttered
in-correctlywill not produceeffect.The rnedicinalcompoundsof antt-
venomousdrugsshouldalsobe cmployedin suchcases.10-12
€EFikr:fu{r qyrr{ tde+qg Evriil fsrqqr
rrrqri qr nrmd qr iqnar ffi R r r q?rr
{+ Flfut E E.€i ftF& f6rq(l
irsr{ ffi vr UFt q{Itr fffiqrilqytl
Blood-letting in Snake-bite : A skillful physicianshouldopen
the veins round the seatof the bite and bleed the aff'ectedpart. The
veinsof the fore-headandtheextremitiesshouldbe openedin the case
where the poison would be found to have spreadthrough the whole
organism.The poisonwill be found to havebeenfully eliminatedwith
the pzrssageof the blood (from the incisionedwound). Hencebleeding
should be resorted to as it is the best remedy in a case of
TrErdrETrAd?T lr@fudr Frtnr{r
T{ffi,3-+r qrR'un rTRtq*(t I q\ tl

iltrrt ftm qr Rr{EEn ilqqrl

ffi qqr}qr
T firatE ffi quq\etl
r{Ir{(E T(ffis(*ar *€r rga+qr
!rr* fd qft VGi F{F& fqqRt I ta | |

Plastersof anti-poisonousdrugs (Agada) shouid bc applied ail

round the seatof the bite after scarifyingit. which shouldbe spriklcd
with water mixed with (red) Sandalwood and U,fira or with their
decoction.The appropriateAgada compounds(accordingto thenatulc
of thebite) shouldbe administeredthroughthemediumof milk. honey
and clarified butter,etc. In the absenceofthese, the paticntshould bc
madeto take (a solutionof) the black earthof an ant-hill (dissolvedin
water). As an alternative,(a paste oil Kovidara. Sin,ra. Arko and
Kayabhi should be prescribedfor him. The patient should not be
allowed to take oil, the soup of Kulattha-pulse,wine and Saut'iraka.
The patientshouldbe maketo vomit with thehelp of anyothersuitablc
liquid available,sincevomiting in most casesleadsto the elirnination
of the poison frorn the system.15-18
rrfuFaf ffit B qsr+ vilfirrd dEr
ffi+ qr{sffiqf qr"r+drG ftrrqn qq||
gsdr( {fr+ ffir
qFit *g$ q.d-.fii Tdrrlcq <rq\r I Rotl
yfrfrrqm qtqrd ft+rq Errrqq*: I
qeiqjrel=f fu T4rrr€Trq qi'RitTr{ | | Rq| |
€Ki iEqfreT frFrdquh vilel+qr
*qur+{rwi Eilr( *Eursr€lur {ffa ?l
Ert-( a'rdFurqaf fiTFki Rqn RRtl
Specific treatment of the trite by a hooded (Dawi-kara)
Snake : In the caseof a bite by a hooded(Dani -kara) snalie,bieeding
by opening the veins should be resofted to in the first stage of
poisoning.In the secondstage,thepatientshouldbe madeto drink an
Agada compoundwith honey and clarified butter. In the third stage,
anti-poisonoussnuffs (Nasya) and coliyrium (Aiijanu) should be
employed. In the fourth stage,the patient shouldbe madeto vomit, and
medicated Yavagu (gruel) mentioned betbre (in connection with
vegetablepoison--seeChapterII, para26, Kalpastftana)should then
be given him for drink. In the fifth and the sixth stages. after the
administrationof cooling measures,strong purgativesand emetics
should be administeredand the foregoing medicatedYavagu(grucl)
should be administeredto the patient. In the seventhstage,strong

medicated Avaptda-snuffs and strong collyrium of anti-venomous

efficacyshouldbe employedfor thepurification(purging)of thehead.
Superficialincisionslike the marksof crow's feet shouldbe madeon
the scalp and the skin or flesh with blood of (a newly killed animal)
should be placedover there.19-22
rTreffi +* fuqr
sFG qg-€fihqf ffd+ qrq+d ql
qrqfudET T{Fta q$ilqrr qlrr+(r I Rt tl
trfr* vfrRrd frdfu qrtrakdrql
*gei Tst qrFt {fidFrEffdi-{n Ry tl
tn,r*tqrffi&T' qE* +€ rrgfrsrr(:r
ffirqfr+ ieFr(: qEili Fqq{rvn: | | R\ tl
Specific treatment of bites by a Ma4t(a/i Snake : In the first
stage of a case of poisoning by the bite of a Mandali snake, the
treatment is the same as in the correspondingstageof a Darvi-kara
(cobra)bite. In the secondstage,anAgadacompoundshouldbegiven
with honey and clarified butter and after making the patient vomit the
precedingmedicatedYavagu(gruel) shouldbe administeredto him. In
the third stage, after the exhibition of drastic purgatives and brisk
emetics,aproper andsuitablemedicatedgruel should be administered.
In the fourth and the fifth stages,the treatmentwould be the same as
in the correspondingstagesof a DawT-karrz(cobra) bite. In the sixth
stage, the drugs of the Madhura (Kakolyadi) Gana taken with milk
proveefficacious.In theseventhstage,anti-venomousAgada compound
in the shape of AvapiQa (snuffl would neutralise the effects of
q-d nM ttwrgFr: pifrRf Et( I
sFrE qgqFftqf risni qrq+d q n R q t l
qRf kfr+ Faq( qrq+{ t{q{rvm{ I
trfrqrF{g fir*d anrqfffi Fa: I
Er*s*f *eprcrraftsa rTqri l l R e i l
Specific treatment ofRajiman-bites : In the frst stageof a case
of Rajiman-bite, bleeding shouldbe resortedwith the help of Alabu (a

of snake-bites,collyrium to the weight of one Masaka(MAsQ should

be used at a time. The dosageof medicatedsnuff (Ncsyrz),should be
doubleof the collyrium, while for internaluseit shouldbe quadrupled
and for emesisthe dosageshould be eight times thereof. But a wise
physician should treat a caseof snake-bite with a full regard to the
natureof the country,season,temperament,as well asto the intensity
and the palticular stageof poisoningthe casehasrcached. 3l-32
6ffi ffiaqrVrtqt
ffifftprrfu**q frqrfrcrl+: en! n QRrl
F{qqT q'ftt
qsf '|M e.r*g*{ flqFrrr H?:tt?Yrl
dffi {TqrFd: I
rnq+fr r{ rfif, Igfrf qffd asn tr I r tq r r
Eq{ra*f'{i';1e wr ffiqqrgrqr
vfr*: rf-drd{Hrr-gat, €€q|=rr{l I tq rl
vfrh vfrts# v*erd E6rF-t-{frqqt
qrqAR ffi*{ilrn ffirild{t | ?e | |
We have described the anti-venomousmeasuresand remedies
applicable to the different stagesof poisoning (by a snake-bite).We
shall now deai with the specific treatmentof poisoning of either kind
accordingto the physicalsymptomsdevelopedin the patient.Blood-
lettidg should be speedilyresortedto in the casewhere the poisoned
limb hadbecomediscoloured,rigid, swollenandpainful. Curd, Sukta,
honey, clarified butter and meat-soupsshould then be given to the
patient affected with a poison marked by a preponderanceof the
aggravated Vayu and a craving for food. A person affected with a
poison marked by a predominanceof the aggravatedPilta would have
thirst, epileptic fits, perspirationand a burning sensationin the body
should be treatedwith shampooingwith cold hands and with cold
baths,and cooling medicinalplasters.A personaffectedwith a poison
marked by a predominanceof the aggravedKapha and bitten in the
winter would have cold salivation,epilepticfits and intoxication and
should be treated with strong emetics. 33-37
EF,r6Era€rilreqr{- I
Tqil ?a r l

Yf{rQrqd FrEr* ffiqrql

ffi {Yrtifrtst: q$r|Err{ll ?q ll
ffigqm€T I
Frfr tdqlE W TETRiTI$} q <|E,dil Yo tl
rq{Fi fur*rq.i $|r{frd Fffi:t
q*T: €rgqrqREilYqr l
drg}€ fun: Q+g ifizT yrT€rrFrFrf*rT;I
arefUrrr*rg {F;r e1darr vrqF{ql
5r{t-( q'r$qerfirr qur+d Fdk nr: I I yR tl
sw; Er{ qRi qT fqffi@rs qfhr
qf-{qr-fiqr€f qT qgf qT !6{rdr ftnrqu yt tl
erffi,mr g-€}frFas qrsffi:r
rewrf, vilerlqn YY tl
fr,ff tu q{gqq{l
ertrqqqfrrq Fd r1fr *rnq 6qt ll Y\ ll
Eqiq EIr qrff-wrarwffitra: r
vitFTfr[rgfr{Errq-Fdffi{il=t ilYqll
tg qrfr qqrN sftrn{ yMqr
ffi qllqrqtqn Ye rl
Specific treatment of the different Suppervening Symptoms
: Purgatives should be exhibited in the event of the patient being
oppressedwith such symptomsas pain and burning sensationin the
abdomen,Adhmana(tympanites),retentionof urine, stool andflatus,
painful urination and other troublesof the derangedPitta. Collyrium
should be applied (alongthe eyelids)in the caseof a swelling of the
eyeballs,somnolence,discolouringof the eye, cloudinessof vision
and discoloured appearanceof all objects" The head of the patient
shouldbe cleansed(purged)speedilywith medicinalerrhines(Nasya)
in the caseof pain and a heavinessof the head,lassitude,lock-jaw,
constrictionof the throat (Gala-graha)and violent wryneck (Manya-
stambha).Powdersof suchdrugsof the Siro-virecandgroup asareof
sffong potency,in the shapeof PradhamanaNasya shouldbe blown

into the nostrils of the patient suffering from the effects of poisoning
in the casewhere such symptoms as loss of consciousness,upturned
eyes and drooping of the neck would set in. The veins of his forehead
and of the extremities should be instantly stroked.when such strokes
of the veins would not be attended with (the desired) bleeding
superficial incisions in the shapeof crow's feet (Kaka,pada) shouldbe
made by an experiencedsurgeonon the scalp of the patient and thus
the veins would bleed. The incisioned bits of flesh mixed with blood
should be placed over the wound of the scalp or the decoction or
powders of a Carma-vrksa (Bhurja patra) should be applied to the
incisions. Dundubhis (small drums) smearedwith anti-venomous
plasters should be sounded around the patient. The patient thus
restoredto consciousnessshould be treatedwith both purgatives and
emetics. A complete elimination of the poison from the system is a
very difficult task but it is indespensablynecessary,since the least
remnant of the poison may againbe aggavated in courseof time and
causelassitude,discolowing of thecomplexion,fever,cough,headache,
swelling, emaciation (soqa), cataract,catarrh (pratisyaya), aversion
to food and nasal catarrh (pinasa). These diseasesand any other
supen'eningsymptomsof poisoning shouldbe treatedaccordingto the
injunctions laid down under their specific heads with a careful
consideration of the Doqa or Dosas involved in each case. 38-47
srcnftEi F{+€TrS lr@ffigtf arnfqr) r
F€r{ ir* fdq EFf qt* *rnr a.€r}n ydtl
The ligature should then be removed, the seat of the bite
incisioned and the local areawhere the poison is found to be lodged
should be cauterizedlest it gets aggravatedagain. 16

FliT: I
H Eagri t6'( ?r{r {e: ; r € q f r l l Y 3 t l
Hqr v*{T€r ffi, q:gq'qtEl
lM.: ffi q.'qr*: +6qRafir:l
qqfir{reqr}t €eptlgr rrrfu{ U I
ffi Eilq*:il\qtl

Remedy for aggravated,Dogas due to poison : If the Vayu of

the body be found to be in an aggravatedcondition, even after a careful
elimination of the poiscn from the system with the help of suitable
Mantras, measuresand medicinal remedies,it should be pacified and
restoredto its normal condition with any Vayu-pacifying Sneha, etc.
The use of oil, ftsh, Kulatthc-soup and acid articles (fermentedrice-
gruel, etc.) is forbidden. The aggravatedPitta in such a caseshould be
remediedwith the applicationof a Sneha-Basriand with the decoction
of drugs prescribedin casesof Pittajafever, while the derangedKapha
should be corrected with Kapha-subduing remedies or with (the
decoction of) the drugs of the Aragvadhadi Gana mixed with honey,
or with a diet consisting of bitter and parching (Ruksa) articles of
food. 49-51

v€qs Td @n\Rll
A personfound to be unconsciousfrom the effects of a fall from
an uneven ground or from the top of a tree or precipice as well as a
drowned man becoming unconscious,or one in a stateof suspended
animation owing to strangulation should be treated according to the
injunctions and with remedies laid down in connecrion with the
treatment of personswho have becomeunconsciousfrom the effects
of poisoning (mentioned in the presentchapter). 52
vli .rA fuilr€$fd *q qrd Cqr(IFrqqt | \t | |
If a deep seatedincision (Pracchita) in, or an extremely tight
fastening (Ari;1a) around the seat of the bite, or an pplication of
cvfl4rnelv irrita-ntnlastersor anv suchother application thereongives
m rv- 'l . 'r- '{$t-\ r.'l\s,'^^i\.-6 .{rur}r!\\\\'u\U\SlSrt\'S'\\.tffS\fd\\\\\

- l :-i inieffed fi'om thescthat the inherentpoison in such a case

- -i : -: : : i 3d tre fi eshof the affectedpart
I which canbe nade amenable
to medicine only with the greatestdifficulty. 53
Fdffi ffi( EFUTrtiqrqi Erqr( <gi qrunftepr{r
EqfrTf Ftrrdlfffr vM rTr€ qrFmi ffnrrl
EEUTmWSf ER:r ?rFrqfci ffffrarEr*qt | \Y | |

Remedy for aggravated.Dogas due to poison : If the Vayu of

the body be found to be in an aggravatedcondition, evenafter a careful
climination of the poison from the system with the help of suitable
Mantras, measuresand medicinal remedies,it should be pacified and
restoredto its normal condition with any Vayu-pacifying Sneha, etc.
The use of oil, ftsh, Kulatthd-soupand acid articles (fermentedrice-
gruel, etc.) is forbidden. The aggravatedPitta in sucha caseshould be
remediedwith the application of a sneha-Bcsli and with the decoction
ofdrugs prescribedin casesof Pittajafever, while the derangedKap ha
should be corrected wirh Kapha-subduing remedies or with (the
decoction of) the drugs of the Aragvadhadi Ganamixedwith honey,
or with a diet consisting of bitter and parching (Ruksa) articles of
food. 49-51

Edgqs Ed @il\Rrl
A personfound to be unconsciousfrom the effects of a fall from
an uneven ground or from the top of a tree or precipice as well as a
drowned man becomingunconscious,or one in a stateof suspended
animation owing to strangulation should be treated according to the
injunctions and with remedies laid down in connecrion with the
treatment of personswho have becomeunconsciousfrom the effects
of poisoning (mentioned in the presentchapter). 52
vF rn* ftmarrdrf{Fd tA .rnt EBrrr{ {Fr6qqt | \t | |
If a deep seatedincision (Pracchita) in, or an extremely tight
fastening (Ar6la) around the seat of the bite, or an application of
extremely irritant plastersor any suchother application thereongives
rise to a local swelling which emits a bad smel] and slimy matter it
should be inferred from thesethat ttre inherent poison in such a case
hasputrefied the flesh of the affectedpart which canbe madeamenable
to medicine only with the greatesrdifficulty. 53
rrdffi Fr€r+(Erurfri qrqi qrqr( qErt qrqrfrqur{r
EEnrFf k"rdrf'& vM qR{ qretqt{ (iTral
q{s qw rgki ffiqqr+(t
gErnwstTrFfrE[rd | \y | |

Symptoms of wounds ttom poisoned darts, etc : The poisonous

characterof a dart or of an arrow with which a personhasbeenpierced
(Digdha-viddfta)should be inferred from rhe following symptoms,
viz., flow of black-colouredblood from an immediately inflicted
-wound, suppuration,a constantburning sensation(in the incidental
ulcer) and sloughing of black coloured, putrefied zrndmorbid flesh
mixed with a mucopurulentdischargetiom the wound, and thirsts,
vertigo, epileptic fits, a burning sensationin the body and f-ever.54
q.dftd d6uf fte ?rsrcf ffirr qun: €, 1
fdF?rf{qrfqH gear:9r** qurr:{ftilTrsr:lt \\ tl
M gqilTr {frrrnsr,rT+d qrfrfttRr: vilfurdgrqafl|
E€r tur1Q{gqldarrs sffiqB( qfrMiqinsr+: n \q | |
orn# Erq+€
etdT-t W,r
fiq+sFHT* gqqrin 6r{: q{T qr,t' tfiil++ffiqn \e tl
Treatment of poisoned wound : In a casewhere all the above
symptomsof poisoningarepresentwhetherin a caseof snake-biteor
of a bite by a spider(Ltra), or in a caseof beingpiercedwith a venomed
arrow,orin acaseofpoisoning of any kind, whereputrefactionhasset
in, the putrid flesh of the incidental ulcer should be judiciously
removed and the vitiated blood of the locality shoulclbe speedily
extractedby applying leechesthereto.The systemof thepatient should
then be.cleansed with purgativesand emeticsand the afr-ected part of
his body shouldbe profuselysprayedor washedwith the decoction(of
the bark)of aKsiri-Vyksa.A poulticepreparedwith the anti venomous
dmgs of cool potencymixed with clarified butter (washeda hundred
times and) placedinside,the folds of linen should also be applied.In
the eventof its beingcausedby theinserlionor introductionof a boner
of any animal, the bone of which is poisonousin itself, the measures
and remedies laid down above as weil as those prescribedunder the
treatmentof the " Pitta-poisoning' ' shouldbe adoptedandused.55-52
Fr{ffi qg-{i ARi rmr ffi ftrurs qrt: I
c-ffi{ fiqFtinF{ r$ F+qEqrqgdgdrF{||\arl
l. Dalhana holds that by the word "bone" in the texr should be understoodall
the different sourcesofpoison, viz., faeces,urine, nail, tooth, bristle, etc.. of
an animal.

srqFfr*qT ffiqgar 16rrr* rTrrTrr6rq$rre:n \3 | |
Recipe of different Agadas : Maha-gada : The powders of
Trivrt, ViSalvA, Yasyi-matlhu,the two kinds of Haridra, Rakta
(Manjiqth|. Narendra (Arngt'adha),the five kinds of oflicinal salt
andTri-katu,pastedwith honey,shouldbe placedinside a horn. This
Agada or anti-poisonouscompound used as drink, snuff (Nasyc),
collyrium and anointmentacts as a good neutraliserof poison. It is
irresistible in its potency and is of mighty efficacy. It is called the
Tfi ffi *sr
wfu qril qqur: {r(ffi: fuxq': qiTgtr ffiq; ll Qoll
TS rrdr ,l-ffErh +{ tffi: rrq{gtftf€l
qfr5rpq;rrnq{-qil.qnrfrrtqqrrnqfsrdfa mq | | qq | |
Ajitagada: A compound made of powdered Vidailgu, Payha,
Tri-phala, Ajamoda, Hingu, Vakra (Tagara), Tri-katu, the five kinds
of officinal sait and Citraka, pastedwith honey,should be kept for;r
fortnight inside a cow's horn coveredwith a lid of the samematerial.
This anti-venomouscompound(Agada)is known asthe,Ajltagada and
is efficaciousin casesof both vegetableand animal poisoning.60-6f
q*qsfr{i grqTr gFilrq'rmrgsrqfre*trsfrq|
@: SdFr€e ilrn finr{:t
fu \icf q,rs{tftffig ssrrqq n ql tl
WFlfrr qqfh rrffh qdr r5Sft6ar-ngrfgdlf{ 1
q*srrqwrq{ Ffr qH fu ffi d{.Ferll qY I I
Tarksyagada t A compound made of the fine powders of
Prapau4tQattka,Deva-daru, Musta, Kala-nusarya, Kalu-rohiryI,
Sthau4eyaka,Dhyamaka, Guggulu, Punnaga, Tali1a, Suvarcika,
Kut anna!a, El a, whiteSindhu-vara, Sail eya, Kuqtha, Tagar a, P riy ang u,
ktdhra, Jala (Balaka), Svarna-Gairika, Magadha, (red) Candana
andSaindhavdsalt, takenin equalparts andpastedwith honey, should
be kept inside a horn. This Agada is called the Tarksyagada and is

capable of neutralising the effects even of the poison of a


@-ffi |
@ Fdq{ r Rilq\ll
$nfi q*d ffi rrtrrcr Errre+ qrdFcffir gr€rl
rnfu€Tilq* g;gqi gfiz1r: trErrilrr,qTq-s gw{t I qq| |
qgqrfr qrrfFt €tnfr {S Er*{qfuilrfr €qrRr{tTfurI
ffi qrqtrd qltqetl
zrtzrrds* E-{'ai G r{ringdrfr qrrT ns{rrys1
T irr qqt: Ea qa affi ffirffir*q rr qarr
q*{ rtd: qz€rg1 f+"Ir qr"rspTrrn t{qqr{ E{: t
fqtqr: rriTrrer f{frF wd ffi+T-m EFqqr$rqk | | qq| |
Rsabhagada : A compound made of the powders of Mansi,
H ar enu, Trip hal a, M urangl, M anji qt h4 Lat a (p r iyahg u), Yaqt i -madhu,
Padmaka, Vidanga, Talisa, Sugandhika, Ela, Twak, Ku;tha, Teja-
patra" Candana,Bhargr, Payola,Kinihi(Apamarga), Patha,Mrgadant,
Karkatikd, pura (Guggulu), Palindi, A1oka, Kramuka and flowers of
Surasl andof Bhallataka, well pastedwith honey and with the bile of
aboar (Varaha), Godha, Peacock,Sallaki, cat,Prqata (deer)and of
mungoose,should be preservedinside a horn. This anti-venomous
medicineis calledthefq abhagada.Snakesnevervisit thehouseof rhe
fortunate and mighty one wherein this well prepared remedy is
preserved.Venomous insectsdarenot to come within the precincts of
such a mansion and even their poison loses its quickness and fatal
character. The sound of trumpets and drums, smeared with this
compound and blown upon and beaten,tend immeciiately to destroy
the effects of poison. If a poisonedpatient would only look at the
bannerplasteredwith this Agada the poison from his systemwould be
thereby eliminated. 65-69
mqn EtII+id fle"rff!Rrg.*f qkq,gft:rmTs|
gg@sdltilfrEfttiletTffiqgqfiftrffi: n eotl
TS rrqr ffiqmwil: yrffiygp;qq4rr{, 1
rrffi {rq rlilrg*Fqrhrtsrr+ffi6 rrd,qr I eqr r
Safijivana Agada z A compound madeof the powders of Lakqa,

Hareryu,Nalada, Priyangu, the two kinds of Sigru, Yasti-madhu.

Prithvika, (Ela) andHaridra, pastedwith honey and clarified butter"
should be preservedinside a cow's horn and coveredin the above
manner. This anti venomousmedicine is called the SanfivanaAgada
and should be used as snuff, collyrium and drink. It is capable of
restoringeven a man apparentlydead(by poisoning)to life,70-71
: y*n frrfi€rF*frrfrfsarqr
q-drSdqiflq W gd RS effiffiT-{qn \eRtl
Dawr-kara-Rdj ila-Vig ahara-Agada : An Agada consisting of
the powders of Slesmataki,Kayphala,Matuluitga, Sveta, Girihva,
KiryihT,sugar and Tanduhlta should be regardedas the best remedy in
casesof poisoningby Darvt-kara or Rajila-bites.72


fd E+rrsT: VrtrrgqlFr qfreffi ErBqra | | st | |
derrsdrrrrr: @ tkfi@l
q$srrE: qt}trg* ffi ffi rrrsffi ffirl I sY | |
Mq(ali-Vig ahara Agada : Onepart each of D raksa, Sugandhd,
Naga-vyttikat and Samanga (Varaha kranta), two pafts each of the
following drugs, viz.,--leavesof Surusa, Bilva, Kupittha and of
Dadima, and half a part eachof the following, viz., : (leavesot) white
Sindhuvara, Arhkotha and Gairika, should be powdered together and
mixed with honey. This anti-venomousmedicine (Agada\ is highly
effi caciousespeciallyin thecaseof poisoningby aM andaI i -bite. 73-74
*vrffrr<tssqaei q,frrei EFqi tr{fr Ir{et 1
E{$ftf ir{rt ffi1,e\tl
ffir *€ eqrgrrrqqA: I
ffi ffi r&r+trFr**:r
6rqr'{Efunarr-Tb dRqgqs Etrg1-fig*t: 1 \eq| |
Yafifia-n agMi Agada zAn Agada shouldbepreparedwith the
powdersof scrapingsof greenbamboo(Varhsa-tvak). Amalaka,
L. Dalhanasaysthatinplaceof "SugandhaNaga-Vrttika' someread "Sugandha
Naga-mrttika" which means "the sweet-scentedearth of the mountain"
known to be possessedof anti.poisonousvirtues.


Kapittha, Tri-katu, Haimavati. Kustha, Karaltja-seeds,Tagara and

Sirtsa flowers, pasted with cow's bile. Used as a plaster, snuff
collyrium or asdrink it destroysthepoisonof a spider.mouse,serpent
or any other (poisonous)insect.Used as a collyrium (over the eye-
lids), as a plasterover the umbilical region, or as a Vartl (plug), it
removesthe obstructionof stool. urine andVayu.(f7atus. etc.), or of a
foetusin thewomb.Usedasasnufforacollyrium,its curativcporency
is manifestedeven in such dangerouseye-diseases as Kaca. Anna,
Kotha. Patala andPuspa. 75-76

W*ttet: ffiwrqfragrrrra: t
ffi ffiTd: *frq ffi il \e\etl
Pafica-Sin;a Agada: A potion consistingof a decoctionof the
roots, flcrwers,bark, seedsand sproutsof a Sirlsa tree, ta-kenwith
honey, the five officinal kinds of salt and a profuse quantity of
powderedTrikatu, provesspeedilyefficaciousin a caseof poisoning
by an insect-bite.77

{ET qg-{i FqqEq{l

qrtrdt Trrrgqg Fdffur qqsrfur \a n \eat l
qfudrcsfrdsd prd{Tqil(t'gd: I
fu tr:4rrr{: F{ Ifffrrun Rrm:1 eq tl
Sarva-Kamika Agada: An Agada prepared with Kustha, Tri-
katu,D arvi, M adhukn,thetwo kinds of salt(Saindhava andSa uvarcala),
Malati (flower), Naga-puspa and all the drugs of the Madhura
(Kakolyadi) group and pastedwith the juice of Kapitthtt and mixed
with honey and sugardestroysall sorts of poison specialll' that of a
mouse (Musika).7E-79
drrrQtr'Fi grq q-e$ fugqrqqr;
ffi ERiuTr Eqi q{rFfi v{rq|FTT I I 40 | |
@ aerrqr{Irtrfirfr qil4qtl
Tfr gr{{*,,r+{ Tot \eFTR: giT: I
qfivil FdF*rilqNfr yM furqrrra:t
n eRtl
Eksara Agada: The fbllowing drugs viz., Somaral seedsand

Somarajt flowers,r Katabhr, Sindhu-varu,Coraka. Varwla. Kustha,

Sarpa -gandha, Saptata, P unarnava,f'lowersot Si rt sa. Ar (tg \'(tLlh(t and
of Arka, Syaama,Ambastha.Vidaitgo.Amru,ASnrcutakct, black carth
andKuravaftacomprisetheEkasaroAgada. Theseshouldbe applied
singlyz or in combination of two or three to destroy the eff'ectsof
poison. 80-82
EA g$'ffi a-cv{sn+qdrpmsffi"Hii ;nq rrs*sqrq: n \ rl
Thus ends thefifth Chapter of the Kalpa-Sathana in the Sufruta Sarthifi
which deals with the medical treatment of snake-bites.


L Someexplain'ffi5q'tomean'somaraji, Phata(Madana) andf'uspu

2. Some explain "g+qt Gffi Elfi" to mean that the Agada should be used
"once, twice or thrice" according to t}te requirementsin each case.


rr€\se;rtr€l: I
srQrrfrggnrs+i q'ed qrwrqqrc;
qQ*qrq qlrqrl eaqffi, il q tl
Now we shall discourseon the Chapterwhich treatsof the sounds
of a (medicated)drum, etc., possessedof anti-venomousvirtues
(Dundubhi-Svanlya). L

Kgaragada: The woods of Dhava,A|va-karna, Stn;a, TiniSa,

PalaSa, Picu-marda, Patali, Paribhadraka, Amra, Udumbara.
K ar ahayaka,Arj una,K akubha, Sarj a, K apttana, SIesmataka,Ari*o t ha,
Amalaka, Pragraha, Kutaja, Saru, Kapittha, A|vrnantaka, Arka,
Cira-bilva, Maha-vrksa,Aruskara, Aralu, Madhuka, Madhu-iigru,
Saka, Goji, Murva, Tilvaka, Iksuraka, Gopa-ghanga and

Arimedat shouldbetaken(in equalparts)andburnt down to ashes.The

said ashesshould be dissolved in the urine of a cow and filtered
(through a piece of linen) in the mannerof preparingan alkali. This
alkaline solution should then be duly boiled (till it wouid assumea
transparentblood-red hue and slimy character),and the porvders of
Pippalt-mula, TaryQutryaka,Varahga, Coca, Manji;tha, Karafija.
Hasti-PippaTt,Marica, Yidahga, Gyha-dhumo(soot of a room).
Ananta, Soma, Sarala, VahlTka,Guha, Ko1[tmra, white mustard
seeds.Varuya. Lava7a. Plak,ra, Nicula, Vakra. Ata. Vardhamanu.
Vaftjula, Putra-|renl, Sapta-parna, Tuntuka,Ela-valuka,N aga-dant t,
Ativisa, Abhya, Bhadra-daru, Kuqtha, Haridra and Vaca together
with pulverised (dead)iron (taken in equal parts)zshould be addedto
it. Then it should be boiled againand preservedin an iron pitcher after
it had been duly preparedin the manner of an alkali. 2
3T+{ €-€fr ffi( rfl-*l*runR ql
s{urr{ wf{T-{ wrt-{ f{qr{ Ferftrg-qt I I I r I
q{Krfr<r Rrq vffis ql
3d{r:$ rcFq! effirslFilqtg q i l Y t l
srff TduR+ ffiN q wq,,dr
vm qffi qrfr tq, {r+ Er Er$riln\rr
TTEI vffi qde)*trglqt I
w nqqEq|rTrs{ EqfEvils.rq:n Qtl
Metrical Texts : Dundhubhis (drurns),bannersand the gate
ways of housesbe smearedwith this alkaline preparation.hearing the
sound as well as the sight and touch would lead to the complete
eliminationof thepoisonfrom the systemof thepatient.This medicine
ken in full i.e. with their leaves. roots,
branches,etc. The preparedash should be dissolved in cow's urine weighing
six times the combined weight of the asbes.Dalhana says liat Gayadasa does
not read "Sirlsa, Picumarda, Kakubha, Aruskara and Madhu-Sigrx" in the
2. The total weight of tlhesepowders to be added should be one thirtieth part of
the preparedalkaline solution. Dalhana saysthat Gayadasacountsonly thirty
andhe doesnotread"Marica, Soma,Guhd, Lavana, Cakra and,AIain the text.
We do not, however, find Cakra andAIa in the text. We have, on the otherhand,
the names of sorne more drugs which are believed to be rnere interpolatiol
from the marginal notes of some manuscrifts.

is known as the Ksaragadawhich is equally efficaciousin ca*ses of

Sarkara (gravel),stonesin the bladder,Haemorrhoids,Vata-Gulma,
co ug h, Sul a (colic), Udar a (abdominal dropsy),indi gestion, Gr ahonl,
exffemeaversionto food, generaloedemaof ttrebody, Stomatitisand
violent asthma. The remedy is always applicable in all cases of
poisoningof whatsoevertype and sureantidoteto the poison
of the serpentsheadedby the dreadfulTaksaka.3-6

@$rqqrsdrrrq: I
iTtrfrYrqrqFgcdr-*ptiEqcrmrq il\9tl
Tqd rrrfia fuitt
ftrq frtqrrraRtI z tl
Eir{ y6rq€HrFTrv,;r{l

VIM wcrr{-fiFrn Er*qnrgr gyrcuT*uq tl

Kalya4aka Ghyta: An adequatequantity of clarified butter duly
cookedwith (thedecoctionandKalka of) the drugsknown as Vi(anga,
Tri-phala, Danti, Bhadra-daru, Hareryu,TaliSa-patra,Manjiqyha,
KeSara, Utpala, Padmaka, Dadima, Malatl flower, the two kinds of
Rajanl, the two kinds of Sariva, the two kinds of Sthira, Priyangu,
Tagara, Kustha, the two kinds of Brlr ati, Elavaluka. sandalwood and
Gavaksi, is known x the Kalyanaka Ghrta. The curative efficacy of
this Ghrta extendsto casesof poisoning, Grahapasmara(hysteriadue
to the influence of malignant starsand planets),Anaemea,Gara do;a
(slow chemical poisoning), asthma,sluggishnessof appetite,t-ever
and cough. It is recommendedto consumptivepatients,as well as to
men suffering from scantinessof semen and women afflicted with
sterility. 7-9
sT'{rqFfs ffi ftrrfrss a?tE .ial
y** e qrq,qrms rtqr ldrr Wqr I to rr
rrFR*q ffi fes{itrryf vr=l
fl-q ffi Fgfuraryqt tqqtl
Amfta Ghyta: An adequatequantity of a clarified butter duly
cookedwith the seedsof Apamarga and of Siriqa, the two kinds of

Sven, and KakamacT(previousty) pastedwith the urine of a cow is

known astheAmyta-Ghrta.It embraceswithin thepaleof its therapeutic
virtues all casesof poisoning and is capabieof bringing back an
apparentlydeadman to life. 10-11
Tq{rrJsurt E"i ?rfR fm;Ttrfufq t
gfirsfrqi =rirE FtFi il-dditt. q ll qRll
srqFr{ qEwFri ffi grfiqqrq t
q'rM rrqrcng qg.{i Tr{rr qerq ll q?| I
gffir nfi-d ?r{rq{i ErcTrqI
trTfu qiqT ftril,qcqf fr6rq I
nr*Yrtrf tr€ stffinqllqx lr
ftrerguf qg;drd q T I

u--aFei ffii?i t5-rgrrd ll?q,lt

ffiaiffi @t
ssnr qsui gcf Tq €qqri ifenllqqll
vet ERt rrffi drq+rErdEUnfr : a l
Eg.frffdrqlTh gursrfr demtdq tl q\sll
d*e quqatl

Egq E(rFIsrg gn*firgarrwqt

erqrv€rfisfqrr*{r gqrfur ftFT{rrtT ia I I t3 | |
YWi EE* ffi rrqi$ wwrr5frqr
qrr( grl!.€ gtrtrR qg{qqtfr q'rr+{ ll Roll
Tr{€rd .|@ rrdql
r€ei 5*trdt( ll Rqll
5fi tasfirake'I
tr qrtrTq+fqrq yqrf qrg.*rfr tl RRlt
qargrrFqqrqr{f rriEfivfrsff'dtwil: I
TrqrsrrdFi rrfu Tr* Ed -r*d sEr n R?tl

FrdrgfrTwrg Tm -r+{. €{sTfqq: I

trrFqwfdrg Ear* yrTcw.ttilsfu rrtu Ry tl
Maha-sugandhiAgada: The following drugsviz., (red)sandai
w ood,A guru, Kustha, Tag ara, Til a -parnika,p r apaurydarika,N alada,
Sarala, Deva-daru, Bhadra-|ri (white sandal wood), yava-phala,
Bhargi, Ni[t, SugandhikA,Kaleyaka, padmaka, Madhuka, Nagara,
Jaya (a variety of Jata-marinl), punnaga, Ela, Elavalu, Gairika,
Dhyamaka, Bala, Toya, Sarjarasa, Marhsi, Sata-pusptt,Hareryuka,
TaIiSa-patra. small Ela, Priyahgu, Kutannaya,SAih puspa, Saileya,
Patra, Kalarut-Sariva,Tri-katu, Slta-Siva,tKasmarya,katu-rohint,
Somaraft, Ati,visa, Prthvika, Indra-r,aruryr, (lSlra, Varuna, Musta,
Nakha, Kustum-buru, the two kinds af Sven,2 the two kinds of
Haridra, Sthauneya,Lakqa,the five kinds of officinal salts,Kumuda,
Utpala, Padma, flower of Arka, flowers of Campaka,ASoka,Suntanas,
Tilvaka, Palah, Salmali, Setu, Strisa,floweri of Tnla-sulu,surabhi
sintlhuvara, flowers of Dhava, A|vnkun]a and rinisu. Guggultt.
Kurhkuma,Bimbr, sarpa-ksi andGandha-Nakuttshould be cau-efully
collectedand pastedwith honey,clarifiedbutterand the bile of a cow
and shauldbekept inside a horn (or a r eceptac Ie madeof th at material).
This medicine, which is the best of all anti-venomousmedicinal
preparations,would rescuefrom thejaws of death,a patientevenwith
drooped down shouldersand sunk and upturnedeyes.It is capableof
destroyingin a moment the irresistibtefirelike poison even of the
dreadful infuriated Vasuki, the king of serpents.This Agatla which
consistsof eighty-fiveingredientsis called theMaha sugandhiAgada
and is the most potent of all anti-venomousremedies. It should
constantlybe in the possessionof a king" Smearedwith the present
preparationhe is sure to be a favourite to all his subjectsand to shine
with his sovereignmajestyevenamidst his enemies.12-24
esr+qT frRr: q,rqT fuqrqar r
gwr ffi rTnA vfrffi+nqeftn ?q tl
ean "camphor". Others explain to mean
" Sami."
2. The text has "Sveta" in the dual number'reaning the two kinds of ,,Sveta,'
viz; white Vacd and white Aperajita. Dalhana gives only ',Vaca', as its
synonym, which shows he takesthe word in the singular number and not in the
dual as in the printed text. This appearsto be the correct reading, for otherwise
the number of the drugs in the list would be rnore than eighty_five.

A physicianwell versedin the naturesof poisons,should adopt

all remedial measuresexceptingtheheat-engenderingonesin all types
of poisoning.B ut this rule would not be applicablein a caseof insect-
bite as the poison of an insectis cool in its potencyand hencewould
be aggravatedby the application of any cooling measures.25

{r{ ff ffirnil frtdrry qrr}qr I Rqtl
wrfuf Frg r**{r*uriq{rf dsnl
TS+€ rrTr*c qesrrqrF{ei qrmt n Ret l
Fcgnqcf Erqrqid qrqr{ F}qqrflrql
g{rfrcErdng ffi frrer: u Ratl
Rules of diet and conduct : Wholesomediets which have been
enumeratedin the chapter on Annapana-Vidhi, should be prescribed
in casesof poisoning after a due considerationof the nafure,habit, and
temperamentof the patient who should be warned against the use of
unwholesomeones.Theuseof Phanita(liquid treacle).Sigrr.r, Sauvtra.
the taking of mealsbeforethe digestion of theprevious ones,the group
of Nava-Dhdnya(unmaturedcorn),wine, sesamum,oil andKulattha-
pulse. sleep in the day time, sexualintercourse,physical exercise,fits
of angerand exposureto the sunareforbidden in the caseof a poisoned
ffi*ds+I*ffiTgqqt t?qtl
Symptoms of elimination of poison : The restorationof the
derangedDosasandof the vital principles(Dhatusof thebody) to their
normal state, a natural craving for food and drink, the normal colour
and condition of the tongue and of the urine and the normal state and
functions of the mind and of the sense-organs in a poisonedpatient
would indicate the full andcompleteelimination of the poison from his
Eh g5d-rffi g_{ftrta{q6d qFT qdwrq:n Qtt
Thus ends the Sixth Chapter of the Kalpa-Sthdna in the Suiruta Sathhifi
which treats of the sounds of medicated drums, etc.



€kfrffSslT€t: I
onQrrfrq.ffi 41@lT€rr[:,
qsrcnq lfrrqrt erq<fr:llqll
Now we shall discourseon casesof rat-poisoning(Musika
kalpa). I

a-d g-fiF{qr F6'r {fufir n wqrrttt: I

ffiq tn t rr
F|TFFT: rrEr'fi: q.wil affikrraprr r
qqrureVn+sfu q, ? tl
qqd: qfwr€rerr I
F6r{.6urmeftgi: n v tl
v*t{ E6trr qrsf qer*qTwr ifsml
{funs ffi I{iil: u \ tl
Different varieties of rats (M. Text) : Now heal me enumerating
the namesof tne different families of Mli;ika (rats) briefly refened to
before as having their poison in their semen,classitied according to
their diff-erentnames.featuresandthemedicaltreatment to be employed
for the neutralisationof the effects of theil poison. They are eighteen
in number and are named as follows : Lalana, Putraka, Ky;r1a,
Haritsira, Cikkira, Chucchundara,Alasa, Ka;aya-daS ana, Kulin ga,
Ajita, Capala Kapila, Kokila, Aruna, Maha-Kr,vn, Maha Sveta,
Maha-Kapila and Kapotabha. 2-S

{5x, qnh urM wnge: qrl

@ .n+ Ti6 rEqrdilqtl
qr€rt U;erq:V*qrr Etr'rfi' qugdrfr q|
ffiqr t*sqt: ffij{rfr qn\erl
rdlH v,,qfr{r {€fs$.rr*t q{: I
sr* *qCqqlgdrradurqr | 4 | |
General symptornsof rat-poisoning : The blood of any part of
a human body coming in contact with the semen of any of these
different classesof rats or scratchedwith their nails. treeth. etc..
previously besmearedwith theil semen(Sukra)is vitiated and gives
Granthi (\odes),swelling,Mar!dala,eruptions
riseto the appearanceof
of circular erethematouspatcheson the skin. Kanlilirl (eruptionsof
patches pimples (pustuies) r'iolent and acute erysipeias.Kitibha
(keloid tumours). breahingpain in the joints,' extremepain (in the
body),fever,violentepilepticfits, weekness,
aversionto tbod, difficult
breathing.shivering and horripilation.6-8

<qs.d vcr*frt+d@ ElrRiT: fll

irrdrsr* drmiT f6ffi'r EH{'q qrq}t
frngefr{fr-fr-iq--{ fugrq ar wnftwqil q rl
gla-'xnFqrqa qFrgduts qrq* r
ffi :rRrF+@:l
frr0+g-.{*-q fugr( ir{ rrqrer*.,qnqotl
q.ut{ fi vhfttsgq_d€: erEer EHil
ffiq6fiffi fi.\ f{igelfiffiru qq tl
Specific symptoms and treatment of rat-poisoning : The
generalsymptomsof rat-poisoninghavebeenbriefly describedabove.
Now hear me speciallydescribingthe symptomsof the bites by the
different families of rats (Mus ika). A bite by a rat of the Lalana class
is markedby a copiousflow of saliva,hic-cough and vomiting. The
patient in such a caseshouldbe madeto usea lambativemadeof the
roots of Zzrrr
dul,ryakamixed with honey.A bite by a rat of thePutraka
family is marked by a senseof physical langour, yellownessof the
complexion andthe appearance of nodularglands(Granthi) resembling

young rats. A compound of ,Sinsa and Ingutrt pasted together and

mixed with honeyshouldbe given to the patientasa lambativein this
case.A bite by a rat of the Kfqrya(black) class in cloudy weather and
more especially on a cloudy day is characterisedby the vomiting of
blood. A pasted compound of Sinsa fruit and Kustha with the
washings of the ashesof Kii*uka (flower) should be given to the
patient in such a case. 9-11
Ylt{r !{rtrTEa EdorrqI
€qrdkrf nTi?l: l l q Rl l
FqFetur ffig:q yfrq} ff,6r qrFfid?m I
g il{l
Erc*qil qR| |
g€g-dur Te_ EG dffi{ ql
ln?nwre{: lgvfrqht q:srril=i ffiffir1 ?y tl
qaf Eftr*1 qod F{s$ fiTqfr qgt
3€ffi€ iTen fir*€ feqrraRr
Cs+nfi-ftf qrrs gtsrgrT Erqho n q\ tl
A bite by a rat of the Hahsira speciesbrings on an aversion to
food, yawning andhorripilation.In sucha caseemeticsshouldbe first
given to the patient who should be then made to drink a decoction of
the drugs of theAragvadhadi group.A bite by a rat of the Cikkira class
is accompaniedby headache,swelling, hic-cough and vomiting. [n
such a casean emetic consistingof the decoctionof Jalinl, Madana
fruit andAnftorftashouldbe prescribed.A bite by a venomousMusika
of the Chucchundarc(mole) speciesgives rise to thirst, vomiting,
fever, weeknessnumbnessof the musclesof the neck swelling of the
back,lossof senseofsmell andvisucika.ln this caseCavya,Haritaki,
Sur1thi, Vidahga, Pippali, honey and Ankotha seeds should be
administered as a drink as an antidateto the poisont. 12-15
sika of rhe Chucchundara class produces
thirst, vomiting, fever, weakness, numbness of the muscles of the neck,
swelling, abscesson the back, loss of the sense of smell and Visucika. A
compound of cavya, HarltakT, Sunthl, Vidahga, P ippali, Svetaka-seedsand the
ashesof (the plants ofl Brhatl poundedtogetherand mixed with honey should
be prescribed in this case.--Gayadasa

rSETr €t: I
r€rrrE rrqffid fudrr( trrr{n qqtl
F+{r q.qrq{+{ adq: q,wd+q ?l
ffiilm: Pirur( qmrcrcrEr:n te rl
qfirt{ Fiil: yM ror wrrTus&l
lrA qFr{.qn' q Fir-gr( tr,r FFrAr+ | | te | |
A bite by a rat of theAlasa speciesis characterisedby a rigidity
of the neck, an upward coursing of the Va1tu,fever and pain at the seat
of the bite. In this case the patient should be made to take the
Mahagada with honey and clarified butter as a lambative. A bite by a
rat of the Ka saya-dasanaspeciesis markedby somnolenceor excessive
sleep,atrophy(Sosa)of theheartandageneralemaciationof thebody.
ln such a casea lambative made of the bark, pith and fruit (seeds)of
Sirt;amixed with honeyshouldbe given to rhe patientto lick. A bite
by a rat of the Kulinga speciesis markedby pain, swelling and stripe-
like marksaboutthe seatof thebite,theremedyconsistsof a lambative
made of the two kinds of Saha (Mudga-parni and Masa-parn|) and
Sindhuvarapastedtogetherand mixed with honey. f6-f8
q E(T6: t
qtqqffirqi qrfufr qk'6r qgqr fotqu tq tl
qq+{ q w6
ql{fid'rsr ffi q**Ftgr( !il-d|rk?Tr{il Ro| |
6fu*{ qd qi"n rqfr wgqrrq: rrire_l
frgrqgg?Tr yH Ytn Erfr gr{qrqnRqtl
gel'€t1 qtffi+qr qfr il68l Er€ut: t
ffi Td firlqil R?| I
A bite by a rat of the Ajita speciesis characterisedby vomiting,
epileptic fits (fainting), a catching pain at rhe heart (Hrd-graha) and
blacknessof thebody.Thepatientinsuchacaseshouldbemadetolick
a compound made of (the roots of) palindi (Trivyt) and Mafiji;;ha
pastedwith the milky juice of Snuhi and mixed with honey. A bite by
a rat of the Capala speciesis marked by vomiting, epileptic fits and
thirst, and the remedy in this caseshould consist of a lambative made

of Tri-phala, Bhadra-ka;thu (Deva-daru) and Jata-ntnnsl (D.R.--

Yava) pastedtogetherand mixed with honey. A bite by a rat of the
Kapila species is tollowed by Kotha (putrefaction) of the bite.
appeinanceof nodularglands(Cranthi) tirirst and fever. The rcrnedy
consistsin the useof a lambativemadeot'Tn-phattt.Svetit(whitc
Apurajita) andPunanuiuapastedtogetherand licked with honey. A
bite by a rat of the Kokila speciesis attendedwith high t"
intolerable burning sensationin the body and the appearanccof
nodular glands (Granthi). Clalified buttcr duly cooked with the
decoctionof VarsabhuandMliruT (Indigoplants)shouldbeadministcred
in such a case.19-22
3lr5rimfftr, 4-d ry ET.t rr{ql
rfl{.Efrr ftrirs Y*+{ qr6 !F q I l R t t l
qaar u,nr*ryq 6*+r qilrrql
srdFfr # qitg rrRrqueFfiffrfr,,r: t
'|,ffiq, vilqg grt-e-€ut:tt ? x t l
A bite by a rat of the Aruntt (vennilion colourcd) speciests
markedby an extremelyaggravatedcondition of the bodily Vayu and
the symptoms similar to it. A bite by a rat of the lvlahu-krsr.ttt
(extremelyblack)speciesleadsto anaggravatedconditionof thc Pitta.
while a bite by one of the Maha-.ivefaciassushersin an aggravation
of the bodily Kapha. The blood of a personis vitiated by the bite of a
rat of the Maha-kapila family, while the bite by one of the Kopota
speciesleadsto the derangement of all the fbur principlesvlz.,thethree
Dosas(Vayu,Pitta andKapha) aswell asof the blood. Their bites are
accompaniedby a violent swelling of the affected locality. the
appearance of nodularglands(Granthi) and suchothererythematous
and eczematous growths as Marldala, Karnika and Pidaka
(Pustules). 23-24
rl-ilT: I
E5eigrfrfura: I
f;rwrcq ff wrgruq qaefrsYr:q i l + + d n ? \ t l
1. Some explain "Sveta Punantuvd" to ulean "white p un arn a y a.', (]a v-odii sa
reads "Sre,Jrftd" in place of " Svem" in which casealso the white species of
Punarnavd is evidentlv meant.

fr5qrilw56Tqfi-Trdrr*n: q.{kE': I
e,kdr{rFsrtrq 'q gffi g ErrrAEi l R q r l
a-d. rrd+ina: q'ar yA{aftFTr q+q I
qsFTrqsvnt{i i{q+fr{ qffi ilRetl
ffi:-T+rimnmr qrtl I
fu{rg wre+{ grkn': Eqfq €{ilemrfr rai l R a t l
ThreePrastha measuresleachof claritied butter.curd and milk
should be duly cookedwith the duly prepareddecoctionof Karuirya,
Aragvadhn, Vyo;a,Brhatt, Aritiunutti anrlStlira (Kakoli). and with a
quarter measureof Trit,ft. Tila, Amrtu (Gulafica), Vukra, Surpu-
gandha, (black) earthr(of an ant-hill) and the beuts of Kupittha and
Dadinta asKalka. The whole:shouldbe duly cookedover a gentlefire.
The Ghrta thuspreparedwould destroythepoisonof the five kinds of
rats viz.. Arm1a,etc. As an alternative,clarified butter duly cooked
with the expressedjuice of KalrTduu andKdka-maclshouldbe given
to the patient in such cases.A wise physicianshall have recourseto
bleeding or venesectionin thesecasesand the systemof the patient
should be cleansedby purgativesand emetics.26-2E
H+qrs frRr: q,rd qM ffie+cqr

Eti roqrqrSFrfrt
rf€ qfi qeT qt .
t-dqrrefrq,edq qsir qtdr fu ar*qn ?orr
qEn ffi
wi E6 rlqriftrfrql
{dqtiq 1fuvr: T{: Fdftg€ffi€rE: u tl tl
General Treatment : The generalrneasuresto be adoptedin the
t. According to Dalhana, the recipe of this Gftrta is as follows : oneprastha each
of clarified butter, curd and milk, two palas eacltof Karafija, etc., and sixteen
seersof water to be boiled down to lbur seers,the drugs of the Kalka weighing
one seer in all.
In place of "qfq-*1 Rqfuq1" some read "q{'q-:nftqfuR", while Jejjata reads

caseof a bite by a rat of what-soeverclassiil'easfollows : The seatof

the bite shouldbe first cauterized(with boiling clarified butter)' and
blood-letting should be resorted to (by opening the veins of the
patient).The seatof the bite should then be marked with supedicial
incisionsandapiasterof Sirlsa,Raiant,Kustha,KurikwnaandAnvta
(Gulafica) should be applied. The patient should be made to vomrt
with the decoctionof Jatini or with that ol Sukakhyamd Aitkothtt
boiled together.The (powclered) rootsof Sukakhya,Koiuv'cttt,Madana
fruits and Devadati fruits should be administeredwith curd for the
elimintion by vomiting the (internai) poison (if any). The patient
shouldbe madeto talie(with curd)the compoundconsistingof Phula
(Madana). Vaca,Devada[i andKu;lha pastedwith the urine of a cow
(asan emetic).This remedyneutralisesthe effectsof thepoison of all
speciesof venomousrats.29-31
FdH lffi Fqtl
Rrr: ffiqg st{rfr qll 1? ll
ff,dRrfrgq,ra{ry rMsglt
q,Fmrrilqqw: t6 Eqtnttrl
TsrsraRi<-qqqfrg qr q-irql
e;FEi {rfdfu g]?rFdar€ qftE+fTqn tY tl
rrffi, M fir&r{; I
qT qgqrnrerie qT | | l\ | |
A compoundcomposedof Trivyt,Danti andTriphala should (if
necessaryfbe employedas a purgative(in sucha case).A compound
preparedwith the pith of Sin;o and thepulp of its fruits should be used
(if necessary)as an errhine (Siro-virecana). The wately secretion of
freshcow-dungmixed with a profusequantityof (powdered)Tri-katu
should be used as collyrium. The patient should be made to lick a
compound preparedwith the expressedjuice of the fruits of Kapitthu
and with honey and the setous secretion of (fresh) cow-dung, or a
Iambative madeof Rasaiiiana, Haridra, Indra-yavu, Katuki andAti-
yisc with honeyshouldbe given to thepatientin the morning.A potion
of medicatedclarifiedbutterdulycookedwith therootsof TaryQtt|yakt
should be given to the patienttbr dri1k. As an alternative,clalified
butter,duly cookedwith the five parts(viz.. roots,ba1k,t'ruits.leaves

andflowers) of aKapitthd treeor with the rootsof A.V)ftrrrrr.

prescribed. 32-35
qffi fu grer: qUET€s)Eftr&crfr
ildrdq frF;: q,rd q*r qfrfqqrq-d:n ?e tl
furtruri v.qiri qrfu qurmf q,friaFi F{qAl
qr&{r q?Trtrq gurqqrfu vfrq+dn ls tl
The poison of a venomousMu.riku (rat or mole) even though
(apparently) eliminated from the systern may sometimes still be
aggravatedin cioudy days or in tbul weather.In such a case.all the
abovemeasuresaswell asthe remedieslaid down underthe treatment
of Dusl-visa should be resorted to. The round protruding edges
(Karryika)of an ulcer, incidentalto a rat,bite. whetherbenumbedor
painful. should be excised(D.R.--rnadeto suppurate)and should be
treatedwith purifying or cleasingremediesaccordingto the deranged
Do;a or Dosas involved in other ulcer.36-37
sTrrrfril{qgqr-qclrfr{r zrErsfrFr:
tr Tfilr*drBrd:n ta tl
TEr tr€RffinE-.€-@l
3{erfqFrttr*rel Ss*=rqF{enefr n lq tl
Causes of Rabies : The bodily Vr11tuin conjunction with
(aggravated)Kapha of a jackal, dog. woif. bear..tiger or of any orher
such ferociousbeastzLffects the sensorynervesof theseanimals and
overwhelmstheir instinct and consciousness. The tails. jaw-bones
(D.R.--neck)and shouldersof suchinfuratedanimalsnaturallydroop
down, attendedwith a copiousflow of salivafrom their rnouths.The
beastsin sucha stateoffrenzy, blindedanddeafenedby about
to bite one person after another 38-39
t+{+{ qgs dfn €Rrr El
Erildr qrqh {fr @l
ffi*Cts ftr$.-r | | yo | |
Symptoms of Hydrophobia : The iimb or part of the body of a
personbitten by such a rabid and (consequently)poisonousanimal
ioses its sensibility of touch, and a copious flow of dar* blood is

{r fi f.t


emitted from the seatof the bite. The patient in such a casegeneraliy
exhibits all the symptoms which mark a case of poisoning by a
venomedarrow. 40
+{ qrfu s # €?i T{: I
tr${r: sFr€qtur: ffiffi ilYqll
E&Tn } q @ ildq qF{ rr{qfr I
qql qr tnsr{fr fi€ rs idF{F{+(i l Y R l l
Prognosis : A person bitten by a rabid animal barks and howls
like the animal by which he is bitten, imitates it in many other ways
and, bereft of the specific functions and faculties of a human subject,
ultimatelydies.If aperson,bittenby arabidanimal,seesits (imaginary)
imagereflected in water or in a mirror, he should be deemedto have
reachedan unfavourablestageof the disease.4l'42

qffir{r€ F{sr( ?i fiE ilqfr dftrfr{lt Yt rl
3rqd qr qffirs a ?[sGy;t lMr
ygdsuilftsrfr qEfr s*crs€* :T ffi ll Yx ll
Symptoms of lala-trasa : If the patientin sucha casebecomes
exceedinglyfrightenedat the sight or touchof the water,he shouldbe
understoodto havebeen afflicted with Jala-trasc (Hydrophobia) and
be deemedto have been doomed.Such a caseof Jala-trasa (water-
scare)even in an unbitten personor in a healthy person,iffrightened
(by such a scare),whether waking or in sleep, should be regardedas
a fatal symptom. 43'44

Evi F{€rq qFtqr qR'<rFcilttl

s{rur Y\ tl
srdstr{g.dlFrs @l
vH g.*+*grs <sr( srqqFr{t I Yq tl
Treatment : In the caseof a bite by a rabid animal, the seat of
the bite should be profusely bled (by pressingit) so asto let out all the
(vitiated) blood. It should then be cauterizedwith (boilling) clarified
butterand pastedwith any of the aforesaidAgada,or thepatient should
be made to drink a potion of maturedclarified butter. Clalined butter

mixed with the milky exudation of an Arka plant, as well

as a
compoundof white Punarnavat andDhattura2shourdbe prescribed
for the patient as an erhin e 45-46
Irtri Ffrqr€lr: q+ ge: I
ffi 1ffi ffirfiro:1yetl
{wq W{$g€r: tr.{ erqrfiT$rfrqr
fuAq arg*: 116il Ye tl
=TTrq €*unrrqffi rr*qr
qrtdurerqrre mrcqFeqEFra, r
q-ffd ,qffiq nfut !frdfr +qs)u ys tl
fuq'rn: frrR qrqr Tt qrffitr
dif: etrFn +drRstfrl
ffir-ql^sffi' dffiq $ftqhdt I qo | |
F{r*} qs+ qT fqfutq}ssirrrqr r
t5,.ftm @:n\ttl
Treatment of bites by rabid dogs : A compound of pasted
sesamummixed with its oil, rreacleand the.(milky) juic e of
a iAptka
plant eliminatesthe poisonof a rabid d,og(Alarka) fi om
th" systemos
a galeof wind drivesa pack of cloudsbeforeit. A quantityof iice,
Tolas (one Kar;a) in weight of the roots of sara-puri*ia andhalf
Kar;a weight of Dhattura (roots) should be pastedtogether
with the
rvashingsof rice. The coveredwith Dhnsturc \eaves
andbaked(on the fire) i n the shapeof anAp upaka(cake).
The cakethus
preparedshould be given, at the proper time of taking
a medicine,to
apersonbittenby arabiddog for acompletenullification
of thepoison.
But the use of thesecakesproducebehaviouralchanges
in the patient
resemblingthose in the dog at the time of their
digestionand these
troublesbecomesubduedby a retiring to in a dry
but cool chamber
away from water. The patient (after the subsidence
of the troubies)
should be bathedon the nexr day and a diet of boiled
sah or ga.ylika
l. Some explain "sveta punarnavd" to mean ..white punarnavd,,
, but others
explain it to mean ,,Svem (Katabbl) and,punarnava,,
2. Some commentators prescribe the roots of Dhustura
to be taken, whire other,s
hold that its fruits should be used.

rice with tepid milkl shouldbe prescribedtbr him. On the third and on
the fifth day, the aforesaidanti-venomouscompoundshouldagainbe
administered in half doses to ttre patient for the eiimination of the

E+{ w{i fu q{q rT rr ffi w=tEt:I

Tqr( ffiT{ srf qrqq (g)EqFdll \R ll
ffiqgfrrn}: Ent:
ii Ttrfr {rr# r:dq*t | \R | |
qfti Fr+a Fdrfu fr'rqrqi qfti efirt
q5q1fr q frffir qri qsrrqi iTqrll\Y ll
3{Tfir$jrqt qs vnr+€rf|urlftnrt
f{fdv ET qrsfu{r(ll \\ ll
€r( ffi ftryr+d €ftRuT iF{:l
BruAs g.{6esfr qd Eqfd ffiqqt | \q ll
The personin whom the poison(of a rabid dog or jaekal, etc.) is
spontaneouslyaggravatedhas no chance of recovery. Hence the
poison should be altificially aggravated(and then remedied)betbre
reachingthat stageof aggravation.The patientshouldbe bathedat the
crossingof roadsor on the bank of a river with pitcher-fuls of cold
water containing seedsof sesamum,gems and medicinal drugs and
coniecrated with approprtate Mantras. Ofl'erings of cooked and
uncooked meat, cakes and levigated pastes of sesamum as well as
garlandsof t-lowersof variegatedcolours should be ofi'eredto the god
(and the following Mantra shouldbe recited)."O thou Yaksa,lordof
Alarka,who art alsothe lord of all dogs,speedilymakestme tiee fiom
the poison of the rabid dog that hasbitten me." Strongpurgativesand
emeticsshouldbe administeredto thepatientafterhaving beenbathed
in the abovemanner,sincethe poison in a patientwith an uncleansed
organismmay sometimesbe aggravated,evenafter the healingof the
incidentalulcer. 52-56
sr{*sFrF6-dr qrdr nsd qqrFqq'r rr€n I
3dtt: 6ffd ffiI t'ff M 5?f Tt: I
" GaYadasalssd5 "Trffi{" that is to
say. the diet should be taken with clarified butter'

aqfifii E{'drdE q'a if(Rqt+(l
B( **r #{ t f6 :n\ztl
The poison of a (rabid) dog, etc., lies in the teeth and tends to
aggravatethe Pitta and the Vayu'andhencethe patientbitten by such
animals is found to imitate their cries and nature. A patient afflicted
with suchpoison cannotbe savedeven with the greatestcare.The seat
of a scratchmade by the nails or teeth of any of those animals should
be rubbed(andthe poisonedblood shouldbe let out). It shouldthenbe
sprinkledover with tepid oil, sincethe poisonin this caseaggravates
only the Vayu of the system.57-58
reading of Gayaddsa seemsto be the better one, as the use of clarified
butter in such cases is supported by the custom of our country.

VFcgtfr-frfrrql q.w€n+ {ffi w rwfrssarq:ll e tl

Thus ends the sixth Chapter of the Kalpa-sthdana in the SuSruta Sathhitd
which deals with the symptoms and treatments of rat-poison.



3{q+seElr€r. I
3{etkt: qiffi ET@tTFtTrT:,
qQl\-drq cTrrdq erqfrR: il q | |
Now we shalldiscourse on insects,i.e.themeasures, be
adoptedin casesof insect-t'ite,etc.(Kita-Katpa).I
Trqh {f,fdnq-r-vrqrlsuggre{E[r: I
qriqG{qFqilq: qfrffq ftrfuqr. gtn:1 R tl
qRnnra: r
qidsfu g*n: e: ud qE qgftfqr: 1 ? tl
Various kinds of wonns and insects(KIta) germinatefrom the
semen.fecal matter,urine,putrid eggsandputrid carcasesof serpents
which aremarked by Vataju, Pittaja (Agneya) and,Kaphaja (Ambuja)
temperaments.The poisons of thesevermin which are nothing but
insects(KIta), areapt to be most dangerousrn the long run on account
of their being actedupon by the Dosasand may be divided into fourr

Elrfr{qEfrs*rt Tf. vrrt*t*': I

sffiH.Tsrri{rqr q Fqf"aftE+ F{R-*,,ri l Y t l
l. Dalharyasaysthat the four groups are to be determinedaccording to the origin
of the insects from the semen, etc. of a Daryi-kara, Mandala, Rajila, or a
vaikarafija serpent.To us it seems,however,that the groups shouldbe vamja,
P ittaja, Kapha.ia and Sannipa raj a.

x{Trd{d$fr{rfu: qwffidq:ll\ll
Y|trqrga qryrfu {ffiTrFcT: trftlFfu: I
3{6T(frrd dr€l-dlT: qtat, qerft*tr{r: I
*rffid eqrqr +rn qrfrhfiTFrql: | | Q | |

Insects of Vataia Temperament : The eighteen classesof

insectsknown as the Kmbhnrusa, Turyt!ikeri,Syitgr,Sutu-Kufiruku,
(Jccitihga, Agninama, Cicctitigtt, Mayltrika, Avartuku, Urabhra,
Sarika-mukha,Vaidala,Sara,-a-kurda,Abhlray, Panq o, Cin'a-irrsaka.
Sata-bahuand the Rakta-rail a1epossessedofaVataj(/ tenperarnent
and their poison tendsto aggravateand derangethe bodiiy Vayu and
producethe specificdiseasesdue thereto.4-6
eifuqq! qur$reh) qtd q-rgFq': I
frflfir6rr qrgfuffir k€d Trrcrentt \ell
qrgfi't frfua: Er+fr*qq': I
''r{*a g.€Frdi r{tFT: I{tftIT(-F': II Z II
r5TffiF': {TE6-rf€t: ,rdrfrr
q*a: qFr{Ttrfr ? qgrrgqdvr6': T{ir: l l 3l l
qt ql

Insects of Pinaia Tenrperament : The twenty-fourfamilies of
insectsknown as the Kawtdilryaka,Kanabhaka,Varati (usp),Patra'
vrScika, Vinasika,B ralmmnika, B intlula (D.R.-Viluta), B hranmra,
Vahyaki, Piccila, Kumbhi, Varcaft-klya, Arimedaka' Padma-k11a'
Dundubhika, Makara, Sam-pattaka(centipede),Paficulaka, Paka-
matsya,Krflna-tur4Qa,Gurdabli, K[ita, Kymi-Sarari andthe UtkleSaka
areof a fiery i.e. Pittajatemperament andtheirpoisontendsto derange
and aggravate the bodily Pitta and produce the specific diseasesdue
to the derangementof ttrat Dosa. 7'L0
frqrrR; WISF: rrrqwftsrr tfrf66;1
Rq*': rdfr.hl tter+r: fuFaq<en u qq| |
q*gq: q[Er{ilqr et q'nrrqqrfuq: I
E8 S U S R U T As A M H I T A

rrcr{fi{,+q \
** iTen EreE6' F qilqRil
Tftdt *ftrqr: R: *ar: V&gq}qun: I
€TTT im, srrRfuflqr: n lR tl
Insects of Kaphaja Temperament : The thirteen families of
insectsknown asthe Visvambhara, pafica-Sukla,paficu-kr,sna,
Saireyaka,Pracalaku,Balabha,Kitibtur, Silcrsnukha,Krsna-Godha,
Kaqaya-Vasika,Ktta-gardabhakaand the Trotaka ar.epossessedof
Saumt,ai.e., Kaphajd temperament,and their poison aggravatesand
derangesthe Kaphu and producesthe specific diseaseswhich owe
their origin to the derangedcondition of that Dosa. ll-ll
FsFqiaqwrr{i Err6€6grexTI
qlsrrnr1 aFfuffi{t qs quer;rtf€rE6:| | qy | |
ll t\ tl
Insects of sannipafiftc Temperament : The twerve kinds of
insectsknow n astheTuitgi-nasa, vicilaka, Tataka,vahaka,Kosthagart,
kara, M andal a -P ucchaka, Tuitgu -nabha, S arsapik a, Av alg uh,
sambukaandtheAngf -kitaaredangerousry fatal in their bite. A pei-son
or an animal bitten by any of thesedangerousinsectsexhibits stages
andsymptomssimilar to thoseofacaseofasnake-biteandtheirpoison
tendsto derangeand aggravatethe threeDosas (sannipatikaiof ttre
body and producethe specificsymptomsthereof'.14-16

gqfufr: il q\etl
rdtfrsrcswna Erd {ast fulfrror r
*q"Jgrtrfdg,ng (16: vfrilg qr€.ur{n qd ||
fusfi'tqqq, VM Tll"il qnwrfr ql
EtF: ffiE tqtmf: ffisrrrR ?l
€r;Tr qcrr€grgrltr{r: il lj tl
Symptoms of their bite : The seatof the bite seemsas if on fire

or being burnt with strongalkali andis characterised by ared, yellow,

white or vermillion colour.The symptomswhich aredevelopedin the
entire courseof the poisoning(or are found to superuene)in casesof
their bites are fever, breahing and aching pain (in the limbs).
honipilation, vomiting, diarrohea,thirst, a burning sensationin the
body, loss of consciousness, yawning, shakingof the limbs, difficult
breathing, hic-cough. (sometirnes)a burning and (at others) a cold
sensation(at the seatof tirebite), eruptionof pustules,swelling (at the
affected locality), appearanceof nodular glands (Granthi), circular.
erythematouspatches(Marldala)on the skin, ring-worm, Erysipeias,
Kitibha (keloid Tumour) andKan.likc(roundabouttheseatof thebite)
a-swell as any other symptoms similar to the Dosa aggravatedby the
poisonofeach species.17-19
+s+ *qi ffiqr€g Erf M rrqrF{iql
arlE ffir*rirr
*qurF{Hcq rr<fu*cild: u Rotl
The othercharacteristicfeaturesofthe poisonofthese (fatal and
strong-poisoned)insectsshouldbe speedilyascertained by compar-ing
the symptomsof aggravationof the DusI-Visa (consequentthereon)
and by examining the effects of the application of anti-
poisonousplastersas well. These are the charactedsticfeaturesof
sharp-poisonedinsects;now here me describingthoseof the mild-

Y+{trfd{rd€-ffi nftr-qvfrilfi :
Erq ffiqrn: il Rqtl
The symptomswhich manifestin the caseof a bite by such an
insectaresalivation(Praseka),anaversionto food, vomiting, heaviness
in the head,a slight sensationof cold and the appear-ance
of pustures,
urticaria and itching accordingto the derangedDosa aggravatedby the
speciesof the biting insect.21
*ffidtqf rr{qrR*(l
The pulverisedbodies ofthese insectspossessing,asthey do, the
characteristicfeaturesof Dusi-Vi$aor enfeebledpoison(lying inherent

in a human system)is turned into aGara or chemical (combinative or

resultant) poison, if administered (internally) with any medicine or
externally with any plaster.22
eqqrfu *Ea: t
ITrqr;q* wrsr{Fgrsrfinur qil R? tt
fiq;qat q,Rufr \ilrfu ffisqr-rfua:r
w[r{ rwrrn qrsrmdg++qr: ltRy ll
+dqer ry,ffiTlffirqr*qi(yr: Eur*r er-ch| | R\ | t.
We shall henceforthdescribethe distinctivetraits of one insect
from anotherof the samespeciesaccordingto the classificationand
generalcharacteristicscurabiiity and incurability oftheir bites.
The Ka4abfta class of Insects : Tbe Trikanla, kurir.i, Hasti-
kak,caandtheAparajita are the four kinds of insectsthat belong to the
Kanabha group and are extremely painful in their bites giving rise to
swelling, achingin the limbs, heavinessof the body and a black spot
at the seat of the bite. 23-25
gfrq**:, ftrgtr+nr:,trgert:, fr5q{:, tht}r€ Vh.ra
ril*rq'r:; *4gtq yM Erd uq.q Erqfr, rilffiq,
trRrrrgqiq: Er$ u Rqr l
Thle Godlurata class of Insects : The five kinds of insects
known asthePrati-surya,Pinga-bhasa,Buhu-varna,Maha-|iras and
the Nirupama belong to the Godheraka class. The stages and the
symptoms of a bite by an insect of this group are often identical with
(or mistaken for) a snakebite and ale miu*ed by all its characteristic
pain and the appearanceof dreadful Granthis (nodular glands) of
varied colours and shapesas well as fever. 26
rrwilFrqT-v+il, qun, r'ifiIT*, F6quFn, Tr{v+ilr,
sdFr*F*{ Er mF& sdftrqtr*d <r-6{frqq+qrsrqk r
q{fufrqrE{qtrsrsFr€rtg, drgqs}q{fufrr yrurdt | | Re| |
The six kinds of insectsknown astheGala-go[Ika,Sveta,krcrya,
Rakta-raji, Rakta-mandala,Sarva-1vetaandthe Sarsapika belong to
one and t}te samespecies.A bite by any of theseinsectsexcepting by
a Sarqapikais attendedwith a burning sensationand slimy exudation

from and swelling in the seatof the bite, that of the Sarsapikabeing
accompaniedby an attack of diarrohea(Atisara) and pain at the heart.
The Sarsapika bite is fatal amongstthese. 27

vrdffiq-rm6lT, EFETT,fuTr, qifrfu4-r, dftrfr'l, l-ffi'[,

{+frr, 3rF'Tgqr
Fil€t IinFr&vM +flr?(r6g Aqt ra+dr-
Fqq+rnEnRq, trd{€tqTMrffiqhs | | Re| |
Sata-pafr (centipede) : The Sata-padt (centipede) species is
divided into eightkinds, viz.,theParzsa (rough),Kf Wa (black),Citra
(of variegated colours), Kapilika (tawny brown), Pttika (yellow),
Rakta (red), Sveta (white) and the Agni-prabha (resemblingfire in
virtue). A bite by any of theseinsectsis attendedwith swelling, pain
and a burning sensationin the heart. A bite by one of the Svetaor the
Agni-prabha speciesis markedby all the aforesaidsymptoms as well
as by violent epileptic fits. an intolerable burning sensationand
eruptionsof white pustules(Pidaka).28
qoHtST:-Ewr:, HR:, {685':, 5frd:, tfr':, rryqquft13,
T€?fr,*}frffi?+€re*t *fuq Ei u'uqrtqA ffi{rqq
qtFr(l @ <r6{E€HqrfumT{t I Rj | |
Ma4Suka (frogs) : The Marydakas(fiogs) are divided in eight
different speciesviz., the Krsna, Sara, Kuhaka, Harila, Rakta, Yava-
vamabha,Bhrkutl andtheKotika.Abiteby anyof theseisaccompanied
by an itching sensationat the seatof the bite and a flow of yellow-
coloured foam from the mouth. A bite by one of the Bhrkuti or Kotika
species gives rise to the aforesaid symptoms as well as a burning
sensation,vomiting and a severeattack of epileptic fits in addition
thereto. 29

vfrfrq{rds 5tm rreRt

srRag*,,tfir&fi"Cr6firrwdqr* q-qkrilag | fiuq{-
u,.rF{4e rvnrg-'rftr4g
q'r{*tdr: yqd+ plfi'gm Rqer*| | ?o | |
A bite by one of the Vi(vambharaspeciesof insectsis followed
by Sita-ivara (catarrhal fever) and an eruption of white pimples

(Pidak\ in the shapeof mustardseedsround about the seatof the bite.

A bite by one of the Ahin{uka speciesis marked by piercing pain, a
burning sensation,itching and swelling (in the affectedlocality), as
well asby delirium. A bite (contact)by one of the Kandfimaki species
is followed by a yellowness of the complextion, vomiting, diarrohea
and fever, etc. A biteby one ofthe Sfrka-vrntaorsuchlike speciesis
attended with itching and Kotha (urticaria) and the bristles of the
insects are found to be adhering to the affected locality. 30
frr*fttql': -Tpfdvffi; rffifir, qrgfur.Fr,s,rtfuq,r,
qfrft{Es'r, ffi q?- iTfide fi @-dr{
qrdvild tr"kr:ll Rqtl
Pip-rlikd (Ants) : There are six kinds of Pipllika (ants) viz., the
Sthula-9irqa, Sarhvahika, Brahmaryika,Ahgulika, Kapilika and the
Citra-varqa. A bite by any of theseis attendedwith imllammatory
swelling and a burning sensation(at the seatof the bite) resembling
those produced by contact with fire. 31
qftffil:-e,FaTR'fil, Wrr, fug;iilr,qqftt5r, 6rqr4,
rsnfrt*ft*ivEtinFrdw rrEk rreilh-
qTqrfr Tenkfir ra yrurdt I I lR | |
MakqikA (sdnging flies) : Flies (Mcksika) may be divided into
six speciesviz., the Kantarika, Kfqrya,Piftgala, Madhulika, Ka;ayi
and the Sthalika. A bite by any of theseis accompaniedby itching,
swelling pain and a burning sensation.A bite by one of the Sthalika or
the Kasayi species,however, is markedby the precedingsymptoms as
well as by the eruption of pustules (Pidaka), with supervening
symptoms in addition thereto. Kdqdyl4ndsthalikd @ites) arcfatal32
qTFFr: -€|Irfr:, rtR, URf :, Efi<FWr.6r,{GUT:,rfrd*q
Vfr .rg r*6raqq*ilr u,r{{rwfrwd I qrrdtrq€ qta: yrur-
dq6qaegnr: r
qrrrrq.essrf fusrr qr6qrol ErqFar
wfu ffisruT3Ff fefrrFtsrgt I tQ | |

Masakas (Mosquitoes) : Mosquitoes(Mafakas) aredivided into

five species,viz., the Samudra,Parimandala,Hasti-ma|aka, Krst.La
and the Parvafiyo. A mosquito (MaSaka)-biteis characterisedby a
severeitching andswelling of the affectedlocality; while the symptoms
which mark a bite by a Parvatlya one are similar to thoseof a bite by
fatally venomousinsects.
A scratch by finger-nails is followed by the appearanceof
pustules (PidakO attendedwith a burning sensationarndsupput'tion
therein. The characteristic features of a bite by Jalaukas (leeches)
along with the mode of treatment thereof have already been
described. 33
r:rqFil qrT t
ril*rtn: Tenkq, q + ? Y+trrfr{qg+l
q€e ffiE rr fu;cr@ll?xll
Memorable Verses : The poisonsof the Godheraka.Sthalika,
Sveta, Agni-saprabha, Bhykuii and the Kolika belonging to their
respectiveclassesare incurable.34
Yrdqrgfr*E rrFairas{s*,
er :-firsqrffi*n: lll\ ll
r*€iqrr Hr* Trt qrqrei+q Ercrql
ffi*qrw* ilQqrl
Contact with the deadbody, stool or urine of a venomousanimal
is accompaniedby itching and a burning sensation,pricking pain'
eruption of Pidaka (pustules) and Kotha as well as by a slimy and
painful exudation at the site of the bite. The local skin is found to
suppurate and the treatment would be the same as in the case of a
wound by an envenomedarrow. 35-36
{rqpi rT @r
ffiffi qffi gqrrdqr r le rl
A bite which is neither depressednor raised, but very much
swollen with pain (round about),but un-attendedwith any pain in the
seatitselfjust after the bite, shouldbe regardedasnot easily amenable
to any medical remedy. 37
94 S U S R U T AS A M H I T A

Eqr3rffi: d*: rr.r+oq FIJrr*(l

tcfurr-{r:g {fu fftenT F,qr Fin: u ?etl
ffirf @l
sr;q:r {H-dr{ *rr( rrr*q}crqfiFdr{r
Fqqqa flqRt'rrt Eqfq rivnefirh qn ?q||
A bite by an insectof strongand acutepoison shouldbe treated
as a snake-biteand the three-fold remediesto be employed in snake-
bites accordingto the three-folddivisions of snakesshould also be
employedin thesecases.The measuresof fomenting,plasteringand
hot-washing would prove efficaciousin thesecases.except in the
event of an insect-bittenpatient having been found to hive been
fainting away on accountof suppurationand sloughingat the seatof
the bite, in which caseall kinds of cleansing(emetic,purgative.etc.)
and anti-poisonousmeasuresshould be adopted.3S-j9

seft'qT furtrdi qr Eq6-f,rtr Gm1 xo tl

Plastersof Sirisa,Katuka, Kustha, Vaca, Rajanl, Saindhava,
milk, marrow, lard (vasa), clarifiedbutter,sur.tthi,pippati and, Devn-
daru inthe form of utkarika(poultice-like preparation)should be used
in fomenting (the seatof the bite). As an alternative,the fomentation
with the drugs of the Sala -p arnyadi Gar.ta inthe same(() tkar ikfi f orm
should be consideredequally efficacious in the case.40
T #d qrffr qqanfr gMn yq tl
srrr{riqqr#g yqqqrfu Eer{. {erq1t YRrr
In the case of Scorpion bite, the affected part should not be
fomented. It might, however, be fumigated with vapoursof the drugs
to be dealt with later on. The medicinai remedies (igadas)applicable
in the severalcasesare here separatelydescribed. 4l_42

EB T*, qqr Fqe-I1a qrcr gaffi*il

'fde(q€R?effiRin:tl Y? tl
rffrrrtrrEg Tff qe wn{rqql
@ Y Y I I

s.{* irrm frrg rr{*i Tsfrdcrql

3Trrd qiTFrds{ flTqFtr{'{rt; | | Y\ ll
tqa5+ tt=rr qr6r Frgdr +ffi !ilrrltl
@ FqqqrY|=T:llYqll

ffi fuqqr{rT:nyetl
ffi ir{rr EEf vnM 116r Fr*r
@ frr<wrc:nYetl
c,rqra.rF{ffi Tr+ vfrflr: f*-qr Ftn: r
qfi : YIfiF;ilfu*srrE: I
Tg.rgrqFTsr qt EFwrrqeWr*.rll \o ll
ftdffi+ffi qftfmq{r*Rcn I
rir{}tr g-fr tq, r{.gr*eWnq.rll\qll
vffi Tffr* tta: I
yftE*ag+i wig*<rqrt1 \R r l
Recipes of remedies in different cases : An anti-venomous
compounds (Agada) consisting of Kuqyha, Cakra (Tagara)' Vaca,
Bilva-rsots, PAfiA, Suvarcika, house-soot and the two kinds of
Haridrais efficaciousin the caseof a bite by aTrika1laka insect.An
Agadaconsistingofhouse-soot,Rajani, Vakra,Kuqthqand the seeds
of PaIaSa destroys the poison of t Gala-goll insect. An Agada
composedof Kurhkuma, Tagara, Sigru, Padmaka and the two kinds
of Rajani, pastedwith water, proves curative in the caseof a bite by
a Sata-padi (centipede).An Agada consisting of Me;a-fyngi, Vaca,
p at ha, N i cul a, Rohi 4t andBal a is effic acious in all ki ndsof M and uko-
poisoning. An Agada consistingof Dhava, Afvagandha' Ati-bala,
Bala, Ati-guha (Sala-parni) and Aguha (Py|ni-panfi) nullifies the
poison of a ViSvambharainsect. An Agada consisting of Siri;a,
Tagar, Ku;tha, the two kinds of F1aridra, ArhSu-mati arrdthetwo kinds
of Sahadestroysthe poison of anAhinQuta insect. Cooling measures
should be adoptedin the night time in the caseof a KaryQumaka-bite,
since the poison which is aggravatedby the sun's rays in the day does

not prove amenableto any remedy, if appiied at that time. An Agada

consisting of Cakra, Kustha andApamargrzis efficacious in a caseof
Suka-rynta-bite.As an alternative,the uuth of a black ant-hill pasted
with the expressedjuice of Bhrnga would prove efficaciousin such
cases.A plasterpreparedwith theearthof ablack ant-hill andtheurine
of a cow provescurativein casesof bitesof flies, antsandmosquitoes.
The treatmentof a caseof a bite by aPrati-suryalz is the sameas thar
of a snake-bite. 43-52
frfqqr gf*"r: *trr rrfleq{drfuqr: I
ril{rqffihrqr qqt rTEr:
ffi n qr* :lt\?tl
qqr El-Evr qe4rql T{: qEltriFrrrT: I
q{r Fdsrfrfti* riqqr ffirqtFftn: rt \Y n
Origin and Classificationof Scorpions : Scorpionsaredivided
into three classes,viz., the mild-poisonedones (Manda-vi,sa),those
whose poison is neither mild nor stlong (Madhya-visa),and the
strong-poisonedones(Maha-visa).Scorpionsgerminatingfrom cow-
dungr or from any other rotten substancesare Manda-visa.Those
which germinate from (decomposed)wood or (decayed)bricks are
Madhya-visa(with poisonneithermild nor sffong);while thosewhich
originate from the decomposedcarcaseof a snakeor from any other
poisonousputrid organic matter are Tftsla-visa (strong-poisoned).
The fiist group of scorpions includes twelve different species, the
secondthree and the third and last fifteen, thus making thirty2 species
in all. 53-54

EEr: Wr?r:c{r: rrrtrg-cuilrfr{*rrr: tqe r

ffi {m *qw: vnEetn+{ifi': viticiiffr rr{r: uq.rrl
gtr?q+ gko,: IFd+fr rgqtFr: rrdFrysfrqr I
qFre +fiT qqgs :tt!ffi1'Eut; q:qrc6.rrrrT:Il
vnqrEE) +fir #nfr <r-6T++rh'nrfrqt ltrt*r u \qrl
Dalhana saysthat by cow-dung (Gomaya) is meant the dung, the urine etc. of
not only a cow, but ofa buffalo, etc. as well.
According to Gayadasa the total number of the three classes of scorpions
would be twenty-seven. of which the first (mild-poisoned) class consists of
eleven, the secondconsists of three and the third of thirteen.

specifi c traits and characteristics of mild-poisoned Scorpions

: Scorpions which are black (Ky;rya)or dart-brown (Svar.,a)or of
variegatedcolours (Karbura) or yellow (panrlu) or colour.edlike the
urine of a cow or rough or dark blue (Mecttka)or white or retj or
greenish(Sadvala)orredmixed with white (Rakta-iveta)tor provided
with hair on their bodies(Rornasa)shouidbe regzu'ded asManda-vi;a
(mildpoisonedones). A biteby a scorpionof thisspeciesis accompained
by pain (in the seatof the bite), shivering,nurnbnessof thc limbs and
a flow of blackishblood (from the puncturesof the bite). In rhe case
of abite at anyof theextremities,thepaincoursesupwar-d, accompained
by a burning sensation,perspiration,swelling of the bitten part and
fever. 55-56
ri6: rfril: qlfu++qtq qt qrr: rrdft+*r&fr{: e: I
qd*qrrqqrs, rqfr ffiqFt' ?r€rsqi v qftr
{-Et *qr q€Er*cffird n \a rr
Madhya-v\a Scorpions : Scorpions of tlte Mutlhya_visu
(Moderatelypoisoned)classarered(Raktasoryellow (p rtu),ortawny
(Kapila). All of them a.eash-coloured in their belly an<lprovidedwith
threejoints or links. They germinatefiom the stool, excreta.eggsand
pun'idcarcases of thethree(aforesaid)
groupsof snakesandrespectivcly
partake of the nature of the serpentwhose f-ecalmatter..etc. they
originatefrom. A bite by a scorpionof this speciesis accompaniedby
a swelling of the tongue, an incapacity of deglutition and violent
epileptic fits. 57-58
ffi*: wrref !frffinfr Ffi': vffi rs+*qjlql
ftrtsrmt ffistrrq om,146fr *-d$tr€nn qr \s'
rtn} arg, ffi qgtrqf lrdnfr t q q€rl
rt=frs,qreuf-€rfu EilTTNt gFfir: gFrra\Tr.nqotl
Er*M €ffirr( gE ttsEil qr qrnililrqrffi'rrr
\F're fuir.ffi Ertsl
1 . I n p l a c e o f " w h i t e , , . a r r a r h i r r r h r e d ' ' s o ' r e r e a d' ' w h i t e . r e d a n d l i t t l e r e d , ,
(Arakta)", while others nrake it "whire in the abdonren (svetodara).red


dq, qurvitraarfu ftjr{qrqyrM vffiE | | qqII

Tlk;4a-viqa Scorpions : The keen-poisoned(TTkstrc-vi$a)
scorpions are either white or muiti-colouted (Citra) or blackish
(Syanrcln) or reddish rvhite (Rakta-Sveta)or red-bellied or blue-
beuiedor reddishor btuish yellow or reddishblue or bluish white;
others are reddish brown and are (further divided into lour classes).
viz.. three-jointed(like thoseof the proviousclass)or one-.;orntedor
two-jointed orjointless.Thepoison of thisgroupof scotpiotis.varying
in colour and shapc,arcextremelydreadfulandshouldbe rc:giudedas
the robberof vitality. They germinatefrom the putrified deadbody of
a snalieor any poisonedanimal.A bite by a memberof anv of these
familiesproducesthosephysiologicaltransformaticlns in the body of
its victims which mark the difTerentstagesof a snake-bite.and gives
riseto pustulareruptions(spttctta)ontheskin accompaniedby vertigo,
a burning sensation(in the body), fever and excessivedischargeof
black-colouredblood fiom the channels(mouth and nostrils' etc').
And hencetheir bite provesso rapidiy fatal. 59-61
sqqeqFd*C€ Frd€*ql
3Tr<{rr+r<i gftrsr+fr r
Ts6t*rmaire-ffremagqi: l l q Rl l
-fir€ E{TTrFrql
ei, {*t g qdqrg r}rrci fcdFffif I
qr+ sf}rqti qfi*' qfrt EtT qgvrE6T{u qt ll
?(Tr @ TfiR{ irq*qt
ffiq S, I
ll qY ll
1.+€i Err gf6rf rarEqltrfi-dfird{l
qr{trC rcrifq qfr{ En F*tt=i fArrqtl qq,ll
+*l?i ffifrr
{* EFn egfr}sd Yfot Eftrf fqqqll qq ll
q-grr{gwf Tw+ Frryn qT *{d Eqrql
qFffEF€ qTgep} Y*fqd: I
qr{r+ru #iei Eef*,'{q q Er( feqqil qe il

Treatment of Scorpion-bites : A bite by a scorpion of the

moderately-venomedor strongvenomedclassshouldbe treatedas a
caseof snake-biteto all intentsand purposes.In a caseof a bite by a
mild-venomedone,the afl'ectedseatshouldbe sprinkledover with the
cakra-Taila or with a tepid oil duly cooked with the dr-ugsof the
vidaryadi group.The afl'ectedlocality shouldbe (repeatedly) fomented
with the applicationof_poulticesin the utkarika fonn prep:u-edwith
anti-venomous drugs(Strt;a,etc.).The seatof thebite shouldthenbe
marked with supreticial incisions (scratches)and should be gently
rubbed (Prat i -3ararta) with.powders of H ar i trra, s aintthat, u, Tr i kcuu
and the fiuit and flower of Sirisa. The tenderleavesof surnsapasted
with thejuice of Matulunga andtheurineofacow in a lukewann stare.
or lukewarm (i.e., fresh)cow-dungshor.rld be employedin plaster:ing
andfonenting the aff'ectedpart.Porionsof clar.ifiedbutrerrnixed with
honey,milk mixedwith aprofusequantityof sugarandhoney,treacle
mixed with cold waterand pedurnedwith Catur-jataka,or coid milk
mixed with treacleshould be recommendedas drinks. Fumigation
(Dhupana)with thecornpound madeofthefeathers of thetailof a cock
or a peacock,saindhavL,oil and claritied butter pastedtogetherand
burnt is a speedydestroyerof scorpion-poison.As an alternative.thc
fumes (Dhuma)of a compoundmadeup of Kusmnbrtaflower. the two
kinds of Rajani andKodrava strawmixed with clarified butter applied
to the region of the armsspeedilydestroysthe poison of a venomous
insect.ingeneraland of a scorpionin particular. 62-67
EilTilt' ir{l
qrfu fi{qr${ffi€Frr: u eztt
€fu qR'{G+|
RqE{+E qffiFr T(tqsrq il qj tl
3f,{r{rTr rd riffi FdqE6-{q ga*t t
f{Fd+ qrt+ gtilsrrq: *rqratsgq{u eo ll
F€rr( wd,nq+q dmafr ffigrq, r
srf,rdr F{q'F{{ref fi{6Ft qTqT{AEqn ,eqtl
Spider-bites : Cases of Lilta (venomous spider)_bite(lit.-_
poison of a Luta) are the most difficult to diagnoseand cure. The
diagnosisof such a casepuzzlesthe mind of many unexperienced

physician, while novices in the art of healing find it a very difficult

matter.In a caseof doubtor of conflictingindicationspointing equally
both to the venomous and non-venomouscharacterof the bite' a
physicianshouldemploy anti-poisonousremediesof sucha character
as would not prove hostile (to the natural temperamentand vital
principles of the patient'ssysternnor to the courseof food and drink
he is enjoined to take or naturally takes) since the Agtttlas ate
applicabieonly in casesof poisoningand.appliedotherwisein healthy
non-poisonedpersons.wouid produceall kinds of discomfoft.Hence
it is incumbent on a physician to gather conclusive evidence of the
poisonousnatureof the bite at the very outset.A physician.failing to
ascertainthe existenceof poison,provesmorelatal in many casesthan
the bite itself. 68-71
qrrTg'turq qt-qlfr: gfur+rfr ${: 1
ilr{ Etr€qqd{ fr-6*i fu vrfrt yffi{r*{u \e?tl
gq€€ug rfti wrtdrdnfitrsf uur|551q Rr{r
sr-fr vF rrR'ftrfisii trffinsuEr fq+ ffi+ n \e?u
:qtur il{qffid FT (E{i) ftrq ree}$fr 6tq}fr I
srfrsffisG rtrfrfr @F*qrrrt II err||
q* f<+ F{r{€ Fdh sdqavrq Tsr .Errduilfrl
il( Trqls€cfrrftrrrr{ @t I e\ | I
Development of Luta-poison : As the first sproutingof a tree
doesnot enablea man to colrectly asceftainthe species,so the poison
of a venomousspiderin its first stageof incubationinto the body, does
not develop any specific symptomssufficiently potent to throw any
light on its nature,nor doesit give anyhint asto its correctdiagonosis.
A spider (Luta)-poisonlatent in a human organism,is marked by a
slight itching sensationin the seatof the bite, as if the poison were
shifting from one placeto anotherrin that locality, by the presenceof
Kotha (urticaria),andby an indistinctnessof colour on the first day of
its incubation.On the secondday the seatof the bite becomesswollen
at the end and sunk in the middle and the characteristicmarks of biting

l. In place of "Pracala" Gayadasarcads"Prabala",i.e., strongand saysthal

the poison becornesstronger and stronger with the lapse of time.

show themselves.On the third day the spccific symptoms (f'ever.

shivering,etc.)of thepoisonof the animalsetin. On the fburth day the
poison is aggravated.On the fifth day the symptoms and disorders
similar to its aggravatedcondition are present.On the sixth day the
poison begins to course through the organism and envelopesthe
ilIarmas (or the vulneratrleparts).On the seventhday the poison is
and proves fatal.72-75

3rfrsFr*-{rh k6;gcqr ?rrqTfu q*ardfuarqn \eEtl
qrsi q-ffi 1ffidgm. in: rTqrqdq ffit
ilsrr( YFi €xfilffrqTarE ffit: n esu
Potency : The poison of spiders (Luta) which are actue and
violently venomousproves tatal in the courseof a week. That of a
moderate-poisonousonewo uld takea linle moretime in orderto prove
fatal, while a bite by one of the mild-poisonousbrings deathwithin a
fortnight. Hence a physician should try his best with anti-venomous
remediesfbr the complete nullification of the poison immediately
after the bite.76-77

drdmqTr{cFr|cT:g**{er *Fr*ur r
Tt TgFSrt l@ @t tedtl
Location : A spider is found to secretesevenkinds of poison
through the sevendifferentpalts or principiesof its body. viz., saliva
(LAhD, nails (claws), urine, fangs. ovum (Rcjas), f-ecalmatter and
semen,andsuchpoisonis eitheracuteormild in its potency,orfollows
a middle path betweenthe two (acuteand mild). 78
F*r$*td furrEFqwi Hrmrq.if Fqscf eEk l
rilq'rq q,rWq 3-drfu-G)-tnr? ET"rr*q -rqrmfr | | \sq| |
qrr{ €"r qrffiftilrrafd *utqr
EqrFrt-f EFFff ffi qrfitr En furtergcar
rergrtifrSi fr F& r# @r I zo | |
Characteristicsof poisonaccordingto its seatin the body of
a spider : Thepoisonwhichis secreted
with thesaliva(of a spider)

gives rise to non-shiftingsuperficialKotha (urticaria)attendedwith

itching and slight pain. The poison fiom a scratchwith the tips of its
claws, is attendedwith swelling, itching, horripilation and a senseas
if fumes have been escapingfrom the body. Any part of the body
coming in contactwith the urine of a spider is markedby a (slight)
blacknessof skin in the middle of the point of contactand rednessat
its edge, and the affectedpart is cracked.In a caseof fang-poison
(actualbite) the seatof thebite is mzu'kedby fixed circulat'patchesand
becomesinduratedand discoloured.The poison in this caseis strong.
A par-tof the body touchedwith theRajd.t,semen,or with lecal matter
of a (venomous)spider is malked by eruptions of pustuleswhich
assumea yellow colour like that of a ripe Annlaka ot Piltt.79-80
garqail( qe;r€a3 eqqrfu qlrrtild rr{rrrq I
EsTsrsrr€Tsd rqffi qQnffiqqil uqrl
Thus far we havedescribedthe eff'ectsof spider-(Lrlrrl)-poison
accordingto its seatin the body of the insectand to the period of its
aggravation.Now we shall describethe rnythoiogicalaccountof the
origin of theseinsectsand the curableand incurablenaturesof their
bites togetherwith the courseof medical treatmentto be followed in
fd{rft* qqtf{: qErfqfrrqqr
qFrqt EtErinrn€ rclrsrnrq F*e n dRr l
€frrtrs gfws q€rer( Sf*qa: r
3{Tilt E{HT{E IatFl-({trkltrl-FT: t
q+ Ed' rfiun *qrf wr:+sfr q n zt t l
ir* qrilrfwqr *{r :fl=Iroqr :TarfuETT:
srqrrnT€t rfr TqgfqTqrd{ileYtl
grqn g*, ffiqa:1
dsTcq*fd $nq* riq{lr iTr:I *g{r | | e\ | |
Mythological account of the origin of LVta: Onceupon a time,
it is said, king Vifvanritra went to the hennitage of the holy Vafistha
and by his actions arousedthe wrath of the holy sage. Drops of
perspirationwerethereuponproducedon the foreheadof thatholy and

celestiallybrilliant sageandtrickled down on the stacksof hay culled

andgathered(L[ma)by theholy sagesfor theuseof the(celestial)corv,
andbehold!they(thedropsof sweat)weretransfomedintoinnumerable
dreadfulandvenomousspiders(Lufi) which, up to this day, arelbund
to int-estthe articlesof royal use for the iniquity of that royal sage
{ViSvamitra).They are called Lrrris (spiders)from the fact of rheir
being germinatedfrom the drops of perspirationof the holy sage
VaSisthafallen on the culled (Luna) stacksof hay andthey aresixteen
in number.82-85

wiilrrqBfuen: T{in:l
ilrsrqd q-qiffrsrtr rqfRltrdr qE g | | 4q | |
aen y+frr q'fuf,r frfuerr aenr
3TF6T{-dfuqr {s'r 6"€r;rT qrq* ITtrr | | ee | |
irfi{& ffig,u qr,rqd* q +{qr I
$rqFd q ffi*cr r(r: feffim: ll 44 tl
ffifqTdrcrflryi qrHufrqd irsrrl
E-nnffi 6t"Hrrsr qrqrfiEqt qdil t z3 tl
ffir$* *rftter: y"aFtr: Arrqrzr q I
qfr ErdsFd{Trtg rr(r: qs Er*wn: n Rou
fuscn tqfuqrq,rcr rrrsmfr rr6rk ql
vilu'r 116r* g6d rtm: wrargtnkTsn I
€rlret @l tqqtl
The different names of spiders and the general symptoms of
their bites : The poisonof spidersis dividedinro two classes--curable
with difficulty andincurable.Of the sixteenkinds of spiders.the bires
or poisons of eight may be cured with the greatestdifficulty, while
thoseof the remainingeight are incurable.The Tri-namdala, Sveta,
Kapila, nilkA, Ala-visa, Miltra-visa, Rakfi and the Kasana are the
eight speciesof spiderswhich belongto the first group. A bite by any
of them is attendedwith an achingpain in the head;pain and itching
about the seatof the bite and the symptomsand disorderssimilar to the
aggravated Vayu and Kapha. The Sauvarnika, Laja-van1a, Jalint,
Eni-padt, Krsna-varna, Agrti varna, Kakar.tQaand the Mala-guna
t04 S U S R L I T AS A M H I T A

belong to the secondgroup and their bites aremarked by putrefaction

at the site ofbite, bleeding.fever, a burning sensation.dian'oheaand
disordersdue to the concertedaction of all the threederangedDo;as
of the body. Eruptionsof varioussortsandpustulesandlar-gecircular
patchesas well as large.soft and shifling or brown in
colour,appearon the skin aboutthc alfectedpart.Theseat'ethegeneral
f-eatures of spider (Llra)-bites. 86-91
fAM drqT qeqrfu qfut*tscqt
fxqrreffirqr <frsgq q-*r wdfr *dt I
qrRr{ 6qsl Er6gI ;l!l-dlT:ll3?ll
ilflakd {w+ -nr-*-ifr
Twsdfur yrs* qTqTrEr$@ qll qRtl
Y+drqr: firsfir {* {aar q,trflfr er+(r
qlf,q6i;{rilfr ffiltqYlt
?|-r -6|q;154q61; I
qg"f Frr{El?ri Tfi Tg{grrrn ka: n i\ tl
srr{fr freffir mqr qftrfirqr: fiprn t+qr
Frltr rftref Ertkfu{ qrr qe q u qEt l
-6-{9ef,Esrcr=[: t
furrrqffi-Effi tqqrqal:nqetl
3rre\ frFf,*lqrq firs*r mftffir Plrra r
Er*;erF*dr: vTe,i{e r* acnsftfufru ie ||
?I]TET: Ezl-ffiT-irgiq.ql?F"t=r?TT: I
frF@-6-ffiirE6$rcTq: ili3tl
rm$rsr{* fi fugq'r: q{qr Fs I
qrTt qragrcTffirtnlootl
3frr-(: u?rgqr ? €futq-ffi€iT: il tot tl
Specificsymptoms of spider-bitesan{ their treatlnent : Now
we shall describethe characteristicsymptoml which ale developedby
bites of the several classesof spiders and the course of medical

treatment to be adopted in each case. A bite by a spider of the Tri-

mary|alAspeciesis markedbyaflow ofblack-colouredbloodfromthe
bite which is transfonned into an open ulcer. It is also attendedwith
deafness,impaired or cloudy vision and a burning sensationin the
eyes. In such cases,a compoundconsistingof Arka roots. Raian\,
Nakuti and PrSni-parnika should be employed as snuff as well as in
dink (Pana), collyrium and ointmentsetc. A bite by a spider of the
Sverd speciesis followed by the eruption of white-coloured pustules
attendedwith itching, burning sensation,epilepticfits, fever,erysipelas,
pain and secretionfrom the seat of bite. An Agada consisting of
Candana, Rasna, Ela, Harenu, Nala, Vaitjula, Kustha, Inmnjjaka,
Vakra and Nalada is efficacious in such a case. A bite by a Kapila
spider is characterisedby eruptionsof copper-colouredpustulesof an
induratednatureaccompaniedby a senseofheavinessin the head, a
burning sensation,veftigo and darkenessof vision (Timira). The
remedyin such a caseconsistsof an anti-poisonous Agada composed
of Padmaka, Kustha, Ela, Karafija, Kakubha-bark,Sthira, Arka-
panfi, Apdmarga, Durva andBrahmi. A caseof bite by a Pitika spider
is markedby an eruptionof hardpustules,of yellow colour vomiting,
fever,headache:rndredness of theeyes,andtheremedyconsistsin the
applicationof anAgada, composedof Kutaja, Uflra, Tunga,padmaka,
Vaijyuta, Sirha, Kiytiht,Selu,KadambaandKakubha-bark.A caseof
bite by an Ata-vi;a spideris markedby the bright red colour of the sear
of the bite, eruption of pustuleslike mustardseeds,parchednessof the
palateand a burning sensationin the body. The remey in such a case
shouldconsistof an Agada composedof Priyahgu,Hrlvera, Kustha,
Iimajja, Vafijula, Sata-puspaandthe sproutsof the pippala and the
Vata tees.92-l0l

M E'qnfifurd: I
qtrq'{rqEfrT6i-qqqr€€qkfr 3 llloRtt
rrr:Rromrg6-gw*qp6$, I
rgFn*: q1ftta:nqo?rl
qflgrqrrcFg*) qr6dKrTF{{a: I
ffirfi ffiTd+ ffi rwfga: n toy tl
q,rfuFmrr<F#q-Tq+gfr{q{r*: I
d*ilr$rf$rn Hr$wrgmfis ?n toq rr

frki q,{rtnivrrdRr{ vFtri s*ql

E Tnd rtmfcr-feffidt(t tloQ ll
The caseof bite by a spiderof the Mltra-visd classis attended
with putrefaction (of the aff-ectedlocality), erysipelas,a flow of
blackishblood (from the seatof the bite), cough,difficult breathing,
vomiting, epileptictlts, fever anda burningsensation.The remedyin
suchacaseconsists inMa nah-i;il a,Al a, Ya;ti-madhu,Kustha,Candana,
Padmaka and Lamajja pastrrdtogether and mixed with honey. The
caseof bite by a spider of tfutRakta speciesis marked by eruptions of
yellow coloured pustules full of blood and coloured red in the
extremities(round the seatof the bite), with a burning sensationand
slimy secretion.TheAgad in sucha caseshouldbe preparedwithToya
(Bataka) Candana, USIra,Padmakaand the barkof Arjuna, Selu and
Amrataka. A bite by a spider of the Kasana class is attendedwith a
flow of slimy cold blood (from the bite), and with cough and difficult
breathing,the treatmentbeing the sameas in the caseof a bite by a
spiderof the RabA class.102-106

5.ffirt:iqTgq Ewnqr Wr ga gl
=qaf€iefr{rd-6n{q1ssqFqfr ; llqo\9ll
: 9€IT@ITQTTTQ: $rT: il qoa tl
q* cr&.ftr+qrqr, rxr*.seef lEr{Gfen I
lirrfirN :llqoqll
EF6unWTIT{gr{ yiErRsr€T g|{Ttq+qt I tto I I
A bite by a spider(lata) of theKrsnd classsmellsof f'ecalmatter
and is attendedwith a scantyflow of blood, as well as with fever,
epileptic fits, vomiting, burning sensation, cough and difficult
breathing. The treatment of such a patient should be talien in hand
without holding out any definite hope of recovery and the remedy in
this case should consist of an Agafuz composed of Ela, Cakra,
Sarpakqi, Gandha-nakuli, Candana and the drugs known as the
Maha-sugandhi(asdescribedinthe Dundubhi-svanlyachapter).The
caseof bite by an Agni-vaktra spideris markedby a burning sensation
at the seatof the bite, excessivesecretion(ofblood), fever, a sort of

sucking pain. itching, horipilation, a burning sensationin the body

and eruptionsof pustules.In a caseof this type, the patient may be
treatedwith the Agadaprescribedfor the treatmentof a bite by a spider
of the Krsryitclassbut no hope should be held out. 107-110
Fqtsr+q 5fr ffi yeqTrfi-trqql
fi{qqi vffiur rtsn :arqfrqfrqrirquqtq|l
General Remedies : An Agado madeof Sariva, USrra,Yasti-
nmdhu, Candana,Utpulo andPadnrak(rmay be usedwith advantage
in casesof spider-bitesof all types.The bark of Slesnataka andKsrru-
pippala should be deemedequally efllcaciousin all casesof spider-
bites, and thesemay be employedin any shapeviz.. as snuff, potion,
unguent,etc. LLL

Er'tr\ irffiT t q qqwqr I

BrqrdF{r*qfuri Rerunh Frdsr tt t qqtt t
srtrrr: fffiH$: TT*ni rri{zrrr*rfr':I
q'rggrd q{qwn {*f ?Er EEr€,unil qql rl
srrs HrwqurfqTen(eqr){ {fr rr*qgqr
Ere {-€fFrqrcs ffig:ua \ilrqt n qqYrl
qtfuqr ffiHel
qrqt il qq\ rl
fi -r*( ffi I

EEnff-6lsq1sgqka; ilqqqrl
EVrr Erfirfusfirqa I

Eu@.r-fte'r*rcr: . \ 13@fi u qq\ell

Tfr} rrrdr1urr€n I
qgqr q ffi{d nqqerl
We have described(the symptomsand the treatmentof the bite
of) the eight classesof spiderswhich can be cured with difficulty.
Thoseof the two classes(of the othergroup whosebites ale generally
incurable) have also beendescribedabove,asbeing sometimesfound
arnenableto medicine (with the greatestdifficulty). Now hear me

describing (the symptorns and the treatment of the bites ot) the
remaining six specieswhich are incurable.
specific symptoms of the incurable casesof Spider-bites : A
bite by a spider of the Sauvarnika speciesis marked by swelling and
a frothy secretion and a fishy smell from the seat of the bite, and is
followed by cough, difficult breathing, f-ever,thirst and violent
fainting fits. A biteby aLaja-vanpaspiderismarkedbyaflow offlesh-
smelling andfetidblood from its seatasivell asby aburningsensation,
dyarrohea,fainting fits and pain in the head.A caseof bite by a spider
of the Jalinl speciesis very severeand is marked by a cracking of the
seatof the bite which is striped with lines as well as by numbness,
difficult breathing,parchedness of the palateandconrinueddizziness
of the head.The bite by anEni-p adi spiderresemblesthe seedsof black
sesamum in shape and is marked by thirst, fever. fainting fits,
vomiting, cough and difficult breathing. A bite by a KnkaryQikaspider
is markedby an excruciatingpain and a reddish-yellowcolour at its
seat.A biteby aMala-guryaspiderischaracterisedbyacrackingof the
seatof the bite in severaipartsand is rnarkedby a red colour, smoky
smell, extremepain, fever and epilepticfits. 112-118
sftTrs:'rrsqFrFfii fsrqrqng qlqlqr
ffi+,rr @t rqqqtl
Treatmentof theincurablecasesof spider-bitesshould,however,
be taken in hand by a wise physicianwith a due considerationof the
aggravatedDoqa ot Doqasin eachcasewith the exceptionof cautery
and making incisions (Cheda-karnm).ll9

tFr: t
IT|qnm{vT5-dEil tRo rl
s{q{ftrr tqerrfi} rqnRFT: I
tvnqtffi+i qilqRqtl
ilif: I
eT{"sfr€6 llqRRll
qrfu qsJEi qrq{r wrsf qfr{c}l:erfr
f*qr*'}q1qi1a -qrr4i rTrq+d qT I I qRl tl

SM €{€sr}ur g{frt{ q ira*qr

sqil-drt qrrrEtq i{sag ysrsr*(il qRxtl
Surgical Treatment : In all casesof the curabletypesof spider-
bites, the affectedpart should at oncebe cut open and removedwith
a Vrddhi-patra instrument and the incisionedpart should then be
cauterisedwith a red-hot Jambvostftainstrumentin the absenceof any
fever or such like distressingsymptomsand in the evcnt of its not
occuring in any of the vulnablepartsof the body \Marnms). The act
of cauterisationshouldbe continueduntilthe patienthimself(through
pain) prohibits the continuationof the same.If the aff'ectedpart is
found to be attendedwith a slight swelling, it shouidbe cut open and
removed. It should then be plasteredwith a paste of the (Maha-
sugandhiand suchother)Agada mixed with Saindhavnandhoney or
with the paste of Pri1,6i1gu.Haridra, Kuqtha, Sanmhga and Yasti-
madhu.A potion composedof the decoctionof Sarlva, the two kinds
of Ya;t-madhu,rDrak;a, Payasya,KsIra-moraya,Vidarl andGoksura
mixed with honey should be administeredto the patient. The afl-ected
part shouldbe washedwith a coid decoctionof the bark of the K;lri-
vrksas.Any otherdistressingsymptomsshouldbe remediedwith anti-
poisonousmeasureswith aneyeto the derangedDo;as involved in the

wi nensEfr* rfiqeuEt8l
Tivilsrr*{rrd: FrIr6 Eqtq ftr{r+q{ur*{ qEr | | ta-rt t
Any of the (ten-fold) remedial measuresof Nasya (snuff),
medicatedcollyrium, un guents(Abhyaitj ana), potions(Pann), D huma
(fumigation),Avapida form of snuff, gargling. emesis.purging and
blood-lettingby the applicationofieechesshouldbe adoptedin a case
of spider-biteaccordingto its requirements.125
qfrz€dq15t rrEfqlFtrffiurrqful
3il-(|-$nfirq dr{ Fdh fqffiq Erc-( faru-ci| | qRq | |
fdFr{+ diT: Yi+ qfrtfrTqrd=f ff,d{l
Frqqr ftrs{ <* EgFr rq+ q g i l q R \ e t l
1. Mention of Madhuka twice in &e list showsthat one part eachof both the kinds
Yaqti-madhu(ice)--grown on lands and in water--shouldbe taken.

+*rd f€cf qd, qmqtrs ql

i Fffir FF+ilqi Ffrqr I qRelr
sq qdtq: qfrriqr{Fqi ftgrrrqr
A\\ cases of bites by any insect or by any sn'ake. and u\cers
incidentalto thosebitesshouidbe carefully rreatedwith measuresand
remedieslaid down in connectionwith snake-bitesaslong asthestage
of inflammation and suppurationwould last. The grorvrhs(if any) of
pappillae(K ary ika) aroundtheseatof thebite shouldbe removedafter
the subsidenceof the sweliingby theapplicationof a plasterconsisting
of Nintba leaves,rTrivyt, Dortii, Kusunthluttlower. Ru.jani,honey.
Guggulu, Saindhava salt. Kirlva and the dung of a pigeon pasted
together,and to talie such diet as would not aggravatethe effects of
poison should be carefully prescribed.The papillatousgrowrhs
(Karrliku) due to the poison of any kind should be scrarchedwrrh a
propersurgicaiinstrumentin theeventof theirbeinghardandpainless
and should then be plasteredwith a pasteof purifying (SodhanTya)
drugs (such as Nimba leaves.etc.) mixed with honey. 126-129
rwiltw ffier{r yrtrdilE t*rqrwr. I
<gcR{rrrqrcErrif tqfu-dgr qrq+Tql I qlo ll
frqrtrgr: t
EdfqFrqF{€EFt Fch qsTrq*n+n q?qtl
The specific featuresand treatmentof the bites by the one
hundted and sixty-seven types of insect al'e now described.The
subjectsmentionedbut not included within theseone hundred and
twenty chapters(fiom the comlnencement of thebook) wouid be dealt
with in detail in the latter paft of the present treatise (Uttara
rr;rril{€r{ iTrlq ql
Hsn Ewfdr@ Ffcg1g4fu tffqrq' q?Rtl

l. Gayadasa reads ".li,tlri" (Iangalaki) as "Vai$a" (scrapingsof banrboo) in

place of " Nimba-patra" . He also reads'' Danta' ' (tooth of a cow ) in place of
" Kinva" .
, l1 1

@ rfqrcqra tRfir+:I
fqfunwtrrq gu+drf q ffi {€q: | | qll | |
ernRrar g fqffif qd tr{rtrnnrql
strr6r{{rcnqr{ F6 }dq ? ffillq?Yll
We have not heardof a holier discoursethat the medicalscience
on account of the eternaland imperishablecharacterof theAyurveda
(the scienceof life) from its testedmerit andits beneficialeffectsupon
the createdbeings and since it is always worshippedby the whole
humanracefor the fact of its fuliy explainingthe import of words (i'e.
delineationfo its specificsubjects).Who everstoresup in his memory
and actsup to thesesacredand worshipful injunctionsclnthe science
of life propoundedasit is, by the nectaForigined sage(Dhurwonturi),
the preceptorof all physicians and equal to the celestial Indra in
respectof majesty, enjoys happinessboth in this world and in the
next. 132-134
gfd g{-d-sffi 6srw+ *ffi qrq 3rdstqre: ll d ll
Thus ends the eiglrtlt Chapter cf the Kalpa-sthdna in rhe SuSruta Sahhifi
which treats of the measuresto be adopted in lhe case of atr insect-bile.
Here ends the Kalpa-Sthana.


(Supplementarypaft of the treatise)


ffi**nqr{ qT@tTFtTrT:,
?Teftdrq wrqq eF{frR;11q 1;
Norv rve shall discourseon the chapterwhich dealswith the
diseases,viz., of the eye, etc.(Aupadravikoctdhyal,a).I

eturql-{t qr* fti* q-g\fi'q€FTrqrI

ee{rfu qgen €Er{ntssriFTqrfrfru? tl
Fqrfi c( treq{rfr irdgilrgnrtrqt
frffi {rr iir[: E?rF.rET:1ltl
tq ffi EEr: EqRrqrertsf,c:uytl
vqgelqfahr({ng t dmr: qffiifu; 1
t qteltq-frq: gilr: lt\ ll
ffi qsffi; T{erfii d+q ql
g-STrrt gmq*d tq+<FFdq qt
TiTl FcfdsnsTEt ftr{rentil{: u Qtl
Here commencesthat portion of thesttsrutasarhhitawhich is
known as the uttara Tantra (the supplementarypart) to which refer-
enceshavebeenoften madein the precedingone hundredand twenty
chapters,as the fit placewhereinio revert in detail to the topicscurso-


rily rnentionedtherein.This part compriseswithin it the specificde-

scriptionsoi a largeanda variednumberof diseases, viz., thosewhich
folm the strbjectmatfer ol'theSn/clft;'u-luntra oI theeye,ear.
noseand throat)as narratedby the king of Videha;the aetiologyand
symptonatology, etc. of diseasespeculiar to infants and women
(Kcruntrabhr-Ila),the pathology,etc. of thosediseasesmentionedin
thesix booksof thePracticeof Medicineparexcellence (Kq'u'cikitsa)
cnnrpiledb-vthe holy sagesof old and diseases known as Upasarga
(e.g.Bhutopasarga- Demonology)as well as diseases of traumatic
origin are also includedin this supplementary text.r Herein are also
mentionedthe sixty-threecombinationsof the six different Rascs
(tastes)as well asthe laws of healthandhygienewith their rationale,
rules,interpretation and reasoningandthe classifications of different
Doqasaud organicprinciplesof the body and variousaccessories and
remedialagentsrequiredfor their successfultreatmentand cure.2-6.

{6irkrer F1s gqftlFnq*Rq r

etTEr**flq|sprq trTrqFr{enq6{|
t'qqr lnqidgrfuwearsrermiurq rI e II
I shall now begin with the descriptionof the numbers,the
pathologyand the curabilityor incurabilityof thosespecificailments
of thebody r.vhicharepeculiarto theregionof theheadout of a myriad
of other distempersreservedfor treatmentin this portion of the rvork
(Uttara-tantrz) which may be comparedto the unfathomablesea in
respectof the vastnessof its depthand magnitude.7.

wia: qr6 fr+rq wmg*[E(r
{-{il r*qr+rqli FtTffJuiltrd{r
q"t T*sfirfr nb emrqF'uilmt war(t
3Tffi'rwR{qFrf*I qrrl-n iTg{ge ll d tl
Diseasesof the eye and its appendages- The eye-ball
(Nayana-Budbuda)is two fingers (aboutan inch) in transversediam-

I . The text has.4gantuka (traumatic diseases).Gavaduszrexplains to meanApasmdra,

Unnrudu,etc. (Hysteria,insanity,etc.)

eter. about the breadthof one'sown thumb in depth (Sagittal diam-

eter),andtwo fingersand a half all round (in circumference).The eye-
ball is almostround in shapeand resemblesthe teat of a cow. It is
madeup of all the (five) elementsof which the universeis built up.
The elementof the 'solid' earth (Bhu) contrlbutesto the formation of
its muscles,the elementof 'heat'(Agni or Tejas)is in the blood (that
coursesin its veinsand arteries),'thegaseouselement'(vayu) contrib-
utesto the formation of the black part (Iris, etc.) in which the pupil is
situated,the fluid element (Jala) preponderates-inthe lucid ?white)
part (vitreous body) and the void (ethereal)Space(Akaia) is thereto
form lachrymal or the other ductsof sacs(AJrun arga) throughwhich
the secretions aredischareed. 8.

Eflrar*nw qe+qenq{r{feprrE:r
tflwfiqrrrt F.rqrsf,EEdr
pulrrqqHrfir€rF{@qfufurT{Er:lt j il
qredrfrqv*rTglrtrrhq ffir
qerrfrdtcqrfrqTq qg qe_qqlq q il o rr
I shall now proceedto describe theDrsti (the centralpart of
Retina-'Macula Lutea')asset forth by expertophthahnicphysicians.
The black portion of the eye (Krsna-manrJctla-Choroid)forms
third part of its whole extentwhile the Drsti, accordingto them, occu-
pies olly one-seventhpart of the Krsrra-mandara.The mandalas
sub-divisionsof circles of the eye-ball, the sendhis or Joints (parts
wherethesesub-divisionsmeetwith oneanother)andthepatatas(lay-
ers or coats) of the eye are respectivelyfive, six and six in number.
qqrarCttr*wr-qfrf qownh
srg'f+{t q€qrsdrfrsirnqefrnr{{llI q rr
: qftrdrfgJmrrfrsq{:
VIffiS\UFrtrR;q: FrwrqElrd.rqT:I
rrrT:6:ft16r66: qgglqrflf: giT: il 1? tt
Mandala and sandhi- The Mandaras of the eve are the
following,viz., (l) thePaksrna-mandala
(thecircleof theeye-lashes;,

(2) the Vctrtma-mantbla(theeye-lid) (3) theSvera-mctndctlc (the Scle-

rotic and Cornea),theKrsna-manelala(the choroid) and (4) the Drsti-
ruandula(thepupil). Thesecirclesareso aranged that the onepreced-
ing lies rvithin the next in the list.r theSandhis(which serveaslines of
demarcationof the circles) alreadypointedout are six in number,the
first bindingthe eye-lashes(Paksa-mandala) with the eyelids(Vartma-
manSala),the second the eye-lids and the Sclerotic coat (Sve/n-
nnnclalct),the third binding the latter with the Krsna-mundala(chor-
oid), the fourth situatedbetweenthe latter and the Drsti-mandala,the
fifth lying in the interior corner (kaninikas)and the last (sixth) in the
exterior (posterior)corner(Apangas)of the eye. ll-12.

qrqrt idfri tg qrlE: T{tl-(Ifirrr:u qi u
t*wdrler,ier6itq{r(ft ffircqr
W{i rrcffiqrlgliiiefur q'rwqr
qatTiprs{' EU€qi qrgcqF{q+ n qYll
The Patalas- Of the Pa[alas,two arein the eye-lid (Vartma-
mandala) and four in the eye proper,whereinoccursthe dreadfuldis-
easeknown as the Tinira (loss of vision). Of thesefour the first or
anteriorcoat (Patala) supportsthe humour.Jqlq and,light(Iejcs),2the
socond coat or Patula (choroid) is supportedby muscles;the third
coat'or Patala (Sceroim and Cornea)consistsof Medas (lit, fat) and
thereis the fourth which is a fifth part of the'wholeandis known asthe
Drsri. Thereare,however,divisionsand subdivisionsof thesecoats.

ftrtruri trug{rurT=Iteq: q-rartrg q I

rJun:qltlr(qq 1fruryq*risqqfr:fWrga:lt q\ tl

qrirt TFIT: {{Q-(I6rIII: ll qq ll

l. Evidently some line or lines are missing here as the line cannot give a com-
plete senseby itself. Ed.
2.By "Jafu" is meant here the serunr(Rn.ra)in the skin, andby "Tejas" the blood
in the veins (.sira)carrying the (Tejus) known as the A'lo.uka.

The differenr parts of the eye-ball are held togerherby rhe

blood-vessels, the muscles,the vitreous body and the choroicl.rBe-
yond the choroid,the eye-ballis held (in the orbit) by a massof Slesma
(viscid substance-capsuleof renon) supportedby a number of ves-
sels.The derangedDosaswhich passupwardto the region of the eyes
throughthe channelsofthe up-coursingveinsand nervesgive rise to a
good many dreadful diseasesin that region. 15-16.

i|:tTFlFT qdwTq{ygilqtcq(r
T6qFiEIirTr+-tygr€rr6dqrd: il le il
trqpi ffift"tig Esqrhriq ql
Egeefrqr1g*dqtffi;|51iq 6-(rrqarr
61 snft${Rtr€rqrfi*d fuqFffiqr
frrEs{i*ffir*rn cema: Sr{wn li rr
qrdrfrrtrfurd: *qifumn, g;r:il Roll
Ptrva-rupar €tc- Cloudiness of vision,slightinflammation,
lachryamation,mucousaccumalation, heaviness, burning sensation,
sucking pain (D. R. aching pain) and reclnessin the eyes are indis-
tinctly rhanifest(in the incubatorystage)in -quchcases.In casesof an
inflammation of the vartmas (eye-lids) the eye seemsas if studded
with the bristlesof worms lSatcaland attendedwith pain (asif pricked
into with thorns) and a sensibleimpairmentof the faculty of the eyes
in detectingcoloursand in closingand openingthe eye-lidsfreely. An
intelligent physicianwill concludefrom thesesymptomstharthe eyes
havebeenaffectedby the (derangecl)Dosas,with a due consideration
of remediesshouldbe (carefully)administered,otherwisethe eye-dis-
easesmight becometoo serious.The simple maxim of principle to be
followed in the trearmentof diseasein simply to forego to primary
pathologicalcausesof thatdisease.The specialremedialmeasuresthat

l. D. r. Vesselsmusclesand aqueousltumor(Medas)are mostimportant

for the
maintenance of Krsnu-mantktlu.

would pacify the different Dosas vayu etc. have been describedin
\ilirramrE *qwrr(
sE iTF{-dF{zT €gPdrdqtr I
ffi -EdvnF{Errdrdrd*er{rq i l R q i l
w-fqfrqunq +rrFdftrrcral
rffie{qi{tsqorra EtFdqrilrq qr{rftr+{n(l
qrqur€r{.qq{F{frqTunai}fdfrRqwr"rFiltqr: I RRlr
Causesof Eye-disease- The local Dosas derangedand ag-
gravatedby suchcausesasdiving in waterimmediatelyafteran expo-
sure to the heat and the glare of the sun, (constant)gaztngat distant
objects,sleepin the day time and keepingat distantobjects,sleepin
the day time aud keepingup late hoursin the night,fixed and steady
gaze,excessiveweeping or over-indulgencein grief, anger and fa-
tigue, a blow or a hurt, sexualexcesses,the partaking (in inordinate
quantities)of Sukta,Arunala (fermentedrice-water) acid gruel,Masa
pulse, andKulanlta pulse,voluntary repressionof any call of nature,
exposure(of the eyes)to smokeor dust,trickling down of the dropsof
sweat(into the eyes),excessiveor impededvomiting, repressionof
tears,constantcontractionof the eyesto adjustthe sight to extremely
small objects,etc.,begetdosordersof the organsof vision.2l-22.
qrtrrEEvrRErfrdr(6,thr*a ?"il{r I
rfir(msyr tfrF+qr:qffi: r
a9rrqrdg{di qfrn: vEHrsfr:TTililt RRll
Classification of the eye-diseases- Seventy-sixdifferent
kinds ofeye-diseases havebeen comeacrossinpractice;oftheseten
areoriginatedby the derangedVd.1,11,1g
by Pitta andthirteenby Kapha.
Sixteen are producedby vitiated blood, and twenty-five by rhe con-
certedaction of the derangedDosas (Tri-Dosaja), and lastly, two are
producedby externalcausesi. e.,theyaretraumaticin theirorigin.23.

zndsqFqq: *IEt: Ttreqr:Q: {rd Tqq )rlr€iTr:r

v3qTf$qrqrrBrmer-{rel( gq ) rTr€dq?tqr: u RYn
Prognosis of the Vdtaja Type- Of the diseasesof the eyes

which are due to the action of the derangedVc.yu,16er" known as

Hcrtadhimantha,Nimisa, Gambhlrika aftectingthe vision, any Vata-
hatavurtma (Vctyu-affectedScleroticcoat) is said to be incurable.A
Temporary cttre(Yapya.)is all that can be effectedin a caseof Kaca
(cataract)due to the action of the derangedbodily Va;,a;*1-ti1",t-,.
affection of the eyes known as the Anl,qyr-Vato,Adhi-mantlta
(ophthalmig, Suskaksi-paka,Abhi.tyanda andh[arura-paryaya are

srsTs*6silrd qr wrwq*I tkn: r

qffiqfrAg zflr4:qf,€ilsqip1€t:n ?\ n
EE: q {T{Vfr q lqeiqh u ?E,n
Prognosisof the Pittaja Type- Of the diseasesdue to the
derangedaction of the Pira known as Hrasya jadya andjala-sravct
shouldbe deemedincurable;andpalliativemeasuresarethe only rem-
edies in casesof kaca, ParimlayT and M/a, while Abhisyndu,Adhi-
mantha Amladhyusi ta 3uktika, P i t ta -vi clagdha-D f ; I cutdD lumdar i i
are curable.25-26.
3T€ru[: tFthtT: qfdqrq: q;r*sel7qq: t
efi{EF+sftmarg qcngqftmg r{u R\etl
qE: yAu{kflen q dEqd drrw*r {: I
ffi*rqftimx-TcivJaard.frue;T: I
?Adwtr6: TTtuzIrQqfsrilt: Fffig gll ?/ tl
Prognosis of Kaphaja Type- Of the diseasesdue to the
aggravationof Kapha, the one known as the Srava-rola is incurable
and(Kaphaja) Kaca (cataract)admitsof only palliativetreatment,while
a cure may be effected in the following cases,viz., Abhisytncla
(conjunctivitis),Adhi-mantha,Balsdsa,Grathita, Slesmcr-Vitlagctha-
Drsti, Pothakl,Lagana,Krimi- granthi,Pariklinna-Vartma,Suklarnvt,
Pi staka, SIesmo-panaha.27 -28.

rir€rdsqfirEki ffiqrqr
vJfr^TTTrsrirfirr€I yffita: il Rqtl

T{rsd fuTs{d €dqrrfr d*d ql

fqrrqrdrss{r@rq ftmqrcg ?r(TTir(ltI o tl
rrduqqtqui VIfi VfrfrrrrrqiErgq: r
\re FTernffiE Tffiig rrck ftrr iqrr
Prognosis of the Raktaja Type- Of the diseasesof the eyes
due to the vitiatedconditionof the blood, thoseknown asRaktasrdva,
Ajakajata, Avalambita (Pendent),SonitarSasu:d Sukra-rogashould
be regardedas incurable,and the type of Kaca (Cataract)due to the
samecauseadmitsof only palliativemeasures, while thediseases known
asAdhi -mantha,Abldsy ctnda, K li sta -vartma, Si ra-har sa andSi rotp ata,
Afijana, Sira-jala, Parvanl, Avrana (non-ulcerated),Sukraroga,
Sonitarrna andArjuna may be included within the group of curables.

wr€r* @.rr$r
3RTTEIII:rrfurrnqr: tnlEt:;niqsqq{ur: lt RRll
qafqq*fr zil qm. fu{rgfrs+,rqsTl
trwrdqtftmisrdFreffi q sTu?itl
a n^

wrFresr{-e vqrrfrqrrf,m r
nErsgfrcd rSwrvi: vrdilrdd' q6il + n ly ll
qgtmsrEayfrq,srrr*i q6ffii4 ql
qM E;r*frmrFdsffif q ftTerrfrlt?\ rr
Frfrfiftilfifrrils Erdsredie qrffiln ?q rr
Prognosis of the Tridosaja Type, etc- Of the eye-diseases
dueto the concertedactionof thethreeaggravatedDosas,thoseknown
as P-uyasrava,Nakulanclhya,Aksipakatyaya and Alaji are incurable
andpalliativemeasuresareonly possiblein casesof Kdca (cataract)or
Paksma-kopa;whi le thoseknown as Vartmavabandha,Si raj a -p i daka,
P ra st dry artna, Aclhi -mansd r ma, Snayys 7-*o, (/ tsang i nt, P uyalasa,
Arbuda, Sydva-vartma,Kardama-vartma, ArSovctrtma,SukrdrSas,
Sarkard-vartmathe two forms of inflammation with or without local
swelling known as Sa1opha-pakaandASopha-paka,Bahala-vartma,
Kumbhika and visa-vartma yeild to the curative efficacy of appropri-

ateremedialagents.Both the forms of eye-diseases

due to the external
causesrshouldbe consideredas incurable.32-36.

{q6EfiFdilru i\e ll
r*weqrerqr*g q*uTrdfiftivrfr: I
{fffiqri q*69 W[1-1: FgnTrrrsr: lt QZ,tl
wqtsrqr: rTHWrq|qqr ErEfu C I
qrfl+ d €qrwr* +rft q{qilsuli I
cI{ \rflrT.Frqqrh {qrs,iqfqfuftw*: || ?3 n
Their Localities- Thus we have finished enumeratingthe
seventy-sixtypes of eye-diseases, of which nine are confined to the
Sandhis(binding unions),twenty-oneto the Vortnta(eye-lids),eleven
to the Suklcr-bhaga(the Vitreous body), four to theKrsna bhaga (the
region of the Choroid), seventeento the entire region (eye-ball) and
twelve to the region of the Drsrl (pupil or the crystalline lens, etc.).
The two casesdue to the extraneouscause(are chiefly locatedin the
Drstl though affecting the whole of the eye-balland are very painful
and incurable.The characteristicsymptomsand treatmentof all these
will be hereafterdescribedin detail. 37-39.

ttq rr
Thr-rsends the first chapter of the Ilttara-Tuntru in tbe suiruta sathhita
which deals ',viththe diseases.viz. of the eve. etc.

l. The one due to any externalblow or hun(su-nimiua) and the other originating
fl'om the suddensight of any celestialbeing of exrremebrilliancy (A-nimirtu).

@{ ET@rrFtTrT:,
qSTTEfl=T $rrcR erqafr: rrq il
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich dealswith the
pathologyof diseaseswhich arepeculiarto thejoints or binding mem-
branesof the eye (Sandhigata-Roga -Vij nanrya). 1

{qrrut: dqtre: HttII: lrdflurfr'rsiilfr|

ffi*rgRqTtqT: rftrrrdr iqll Rtl
The names of those diseases- Diseasespeculiarto thejoin-
ing (Sandlti) of the eye are nine in number and are namedpuyalasa,
(lpanaha, (The four kinds of) Srava(Yiz. Pilya-srava,Slesma-srava,
Raktasrava, P itt a -srdva). Parvant, Alaji andKr imi -g ranthi. 2
qm:vilq':qftrq: Ti€+€r:qrqW{idT{rfl€.TT. l
qFerrtc*Eftffi€rrqqr*:u,ugrrd fru,qqq-{r€:u ! ll
Symptoms of Puyhlasaand Upandha- A suppuraredswell-
ing occuring at any of thesejoining and exuding a sort of fetid and
denserpus is called Puyalasa.A painlesscyst (Grcnthi) of consider-
ablesizeoccurringat the union of the pupil (with the Krsna-ntandalct)
andattendedwith an itching sensationand a little suppurationis called
rrdr FcnT{qrdTrQw: Ei{: €rqr15,fdfi{qE'frqrqr
fft e €rdq +f,{rdq** ilF{r flq+ EfrSffi aguirrxrr
l. According to mddhava'sreading,the swelling should be painful (€*(:), There
is no mention whether the pus should be dense(Hfd)or otherwise.

qr;s,: F*ft {'q*sg W Tq|€rqi *osq: qflqg:r

td qrq frfut *is*s: *t-q:TTfrE:u\rl
TffiIFIIEt:VtftrrftsT: wtib Ehtwi Trf,i {effisr<qr
frdrqRi*-cgwr' smni fufrrwra:riai( qftme{r(rrqrr
Symptoms of Srdva- The (deranged)Dosct,st of the locality
passingthroughthe lachrymalducts into the binding tissuesof the
four differentSandhis(oinings) set up a painless2 secretion(Sravct)
from the localitiescharacterisedby the specificsymptomsof the dif-
ferent Dosas involved. Theseare known as Sravas,Which according
to some,are also calledNetro-nadi and are classifiedinto four differ-
ent groups,the different symptomsof which will be describedpres-
ently. A suppuration(D.r. Swelling)in any of the unions(Sandhi)of
the eye markedby a dischargeof pus is calledpuyct-srava. This is due
to the concertedaction of the Dosas (.kapha,pitta and blood). The
secretionof slimy, white andthick muco-purulent discharges marked
by the absenceof pain3is calledSlestna-srdva.The flow of thin, warma
and blood-streakedcopionsdischargedue to a contaminatedstateof
local blood is called Rctktd-srava.A warm, water-like and yellowish
blue(D.R.reddishyellow)discharge from themiddlepartof rheunion
(owing to the derangedcondition of the Pitte) is called Pittd-src1vct.

drqrdq1 qrFfl[dqqer -rqr qduft Tfl{ilqT I

qrdr lr*rt Errr{5-dscr$erqaffitrg*fuS: lts tl
ffierqdT: vflur*r6ugE{d;ilE: qftrqmr: I
qr;n6qr rd{Jffiq F€fr q|*.s(rffi qqqFil1la 11
Symptoms of Parvanl, etc"- A small, round and copper-
colouredswelling occurring at the joining of the Krsna-mandalaand

l. TIre term "Dosa" here means.lIe.s,,rr,1titta, Rakta (blood) and the concerted
action of the above three l)o.rrr.r.It should be noted that the VAt,uis excludedfrom
the list as it does not ploduce any secretion.
2. Midhava doesnot mentionthis (painlessness) to be a symptom.
3. Accordingto Mudltuvu'sreading,the absenceof pain is not a necessary concomi-
nant in this case.
4. According Io Matlhava's readingthinnessand warmnesare not essential.

Sukla-mandla,daeto the vitiated stateof the local blood and attended

with a burning sensationand achingpain, is calledparvanT.A swell-
ing possessed of the precedingfeaturesandoccurringat the very same
joining is called Alaji (keratitis)t. A cyst of swelling (Gran.thi)
characterisedby an itching sensationappearingon thejoining ofthe
eye-lids and eye-lashesowing to rhe germinationof parasites(Krimi)
in thoselocalities,is calledKrimi-grantlzi.Parasitesof differentforms
in sucha caseare found to infest the regionswherethe inner lining of
the Vartma-mandola(eye-lid) is connectedwith the Sukla-mandala
(Sclerotic coat) of the eye and to invade and vitiate the substanceof
the eye-ball.7-8

Eftfrsernq:lt? tt
Tlrus ends the second chapter of lhe uttura-Tuntra in tl.'esuirutu saitl'tita
which deals with the pathology of the diseasespeculiar
to the Sundhi (unions) of the eye.

l. The difference between a caseof parvanl and that of Alaii is that the swelling in
a caseof parvzrniis smaller and that in the Alaii is larser.

anrrdqdrrir+{rfd{Ffrfr q6ia66q6q1s3,
?[eIlrIIEt eTfrdrt arqfiR: il t ll
Now we shail discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
pathologyof diseases
peculiarto theregionof theeye-lids(Vartmagata-

Terrdqr:TrrrkTrglqEr rdtqqTsr{T: I
furqrqrqffi qa+HRm{Fdilr:uRll
flT*d qittrta HEre?+qqrerqrtl
gi$Fqq Ecrfrqr*srdetffirTr
irens{Fdd @ilYtl
qEciqd Tqrfu qrftrffi*c*r*: t
ffi pErrd{da*a qrr\rr
qlterxqqRfrffi edamerq q(l
r( gir(l I q II
odE t$TqsrfuvfrftrrdTaf*r
ernrt fqsmrqrq *E q r
f{frrrr q6fqiryqr;s1s1p
Causes and Names- The dosas of the body jointly or
seperatelyexpandingthroughthe nervesand veins,(Sira) of the eye-
lids (Vartma) bringing about an augmentationof the quantity of the
blood and the growth of the flesh in the localities (accumalationof
blood towards the fonnation of fleshy growth in the affectedparts)
gives rise to a host of local diseaseswhich are known as Utsanginl,

kuntblika, Pothakt, Vartma-Scu'kara,ArSo-vastma,S usskarias,Afij ana,

Bahale-vcu'tmq,Varlmavqbandha,Klista-vartma, Kardama-vartmq,
Syavcr-vartma, Parklinna-vortnrct,Vdtahata-vartnw,Arbucla, Nimisa,
Sonitarias, Lagana, Visa-vartmaandPaksma-kopathesetwenty-one
diseases arerestrictedto the eve-lids(vartma\.2-7.
qrqFrd qgFWT dq{+€ilrt rqqqt r
Bnq-+tgdr er6hq{r$sd qahs sTI

The Specific symptoms of the diseasesof the eye-lids-

The names of thesehave been enumerated;now hear me describing
their specific symptoms.A (rolled up and indented)boil or eruption
(Pidaka) appearingalongthe lower eye-lid on its exteriorsidewith its
mouth or headdirectedinward is called utsarhgini.A numberof boils
or pustules(Pidaka) to the size of a Kumbhlka seedappearingon the
joint of the eye-lidsand the eye-lashesand becominginflamedafter
beingburst is calledKumbhika.t8-9.
€rfdrq: Eug{T:Td ffinffis{r: r
fqcq-rgrerqs: der€ Ffd ritf,dr: u qo tl
ftrs4-rfr{: gqqffi1{.ffi1qfr{{iqall
fusq-rqrrrrT Te{iTrqrtqrrdgr#n u tt rl
A number of red and heavy (hard)boils or pustules(pidctka)
resemblingred mustardseedsattendedwith pain,itching and exuda-
tion is called Pothaki.A rough and large pustule(picrctka)surounded
by othervery smallandthick erythematous pustules(coveringtheentire
lengthof the eye-lid)is called Vartma-Sarkara.l0-ll.
: fus*"r qdor.r
RFr: qtr*rr*prt<Evilei{ E6Htll tR rr
qr: *neri qrouitq6iqrrlq; 1
qrftffirrqrqrd: vgwwiFfr {lra, u qi ll
1. Tfris disease(Kumbhlka) is due to the concertedaction of the three Do.ra.r

Vegetationsof small (D. R. soft) andrough papilae(Pidakus)

on the eye-lid resemblingErvaruka seedsandattendedwith very little
pain are called Arlo-vctrtma.Long, rough, hard and numbed papilae
on the eye-lidr are called Suskdr1as'12'13'
qrffr€friTrqr fqsfir qatscerqrt
gfrrrtrqrqqqri€n €rssr{rfiltrl ll lx ll
Tffi qtq firsfiTF{: Wlikf: I
FqqtFT:rrqrF{sf€r(arec+d irql I t \ II
A small, soft, copper-colouredpustule(Pidakil appearingon
the eye-lid and attendedwith burning, pricking sensationand a slight
pain is called anAfijanavegetationsof pustules(Pidakil of equalsize
@. R.- attendedwith hardness)occurring all along the eye-lid and
resemblingit (or eachother) in colour arecalled Bahala-vartma.14'
q.rfldrstrfre{ TdiVfrEfizil -rt: t
TTrriErffqT q{*{ q*r: € qdh: ll qq ll
5trqaci nrd T{ Td rrqtq
3{?5',F{rEt qs ll
Such swelling of the eye-lid attendedwith an itching sensa-
tion and a slight pain as impedesor interfereswith its being evenly
openedis called vartma-bandh.A mild and copper-colouredinflam-
matory swelling of both the eye-lids simultaneouslyattendedwith a
slight pain and changingsuddenlyinto redness(D. R.-suddenly dis-
chargingblood therefrom)is calledKliqla-vartma.16-17.

ffigt: fungti ffifqd qqrt

tr{r fwrdqrqsg-qfr q-ffi: ll qz ll
T{Td'ergtrsas vqnivfi q+qn{t
qr66rr{qffiR vrrrd{dtd ilqtr{ll qq ll
A caseof Klista-vartmainwhich the Pitta has derangedand

1. According to MfirJhava,the papila in such casesoccur in the inner side ofthe


affectedthe blood and much dirty matter (mucus)is dischargedas a

consequence is calleda caseof Vsrtma-kardam{t.Adarkbrown colour
of the eye-lidsboth internallyandexternallymarkedby a swelling(D.
R.- pain) and attended with a dischargeof pus and with buring and
itching sensations is called Syava-r,artmc.
eT€-ciqr6d: Yf,;frr?f:flftFi rffid{fu I
arqFkt'+fu lffi Tilqn11Qotl
qs e*ilfr ffivqeqiglr gqr r
ffiffiil(ll Rqtl
An externalswellingof the eye-liclwith a depositof mucous
matter in its inner surt'aceaccompaniedwith a little pain as well as a
discharge,itchingandpricking sensation,is calleda Praklinno-Varttnn.
A sticking to getherof the eye-lidseven in the absenceof any suppu-
ration and in spiteof the eyesbeingconstantlywashed(with water)r
is called P raklinna-vartms. 20-21.

|qgmqFqfr&tqd qpqrTffir
\ril{qrffii tcilr(w5st vR ar'.sr',wq
qfltai{ri ffi nfurXrr&er{r
Fciqqt{ W €r-{nFqcrfqd{n RRll
The droopingdown (lit-inactivity)of the eye-lids,whether
attendedwith any pain or not, (so asto obstructthe openingof the eye-
lashes)where the eyelids seemto be out of joint is called Vatahata-
varttna.A red andknotty swelling(Granthi)of an unevensizeor shape,
growing, hastily on the interior side of the eye-lid and attendedwith a
little pain is called an Arbuda or tumour. 22-23,

firiM: fuaarg: ffi q6fqterqr;

qatEnrdiliF{ fq}q: q rrtr qa: ll Ryll
ffi'mr F*iwil qi{Teng6irqr: r
(r6nrqu*tanfrwi, fuiqr: lt R\ tl
l A different readingreads'whether washed or not.' This however, not a good

constant wrinkling of the eye-lidsowing to the incarceration

of tbe (deranged)vayu within the nervesor veins (sira) controlling
their wrinklings (closing and opening)areknown asNimeqa.Soft and
fleshy growrhs(Arhkura)on the eye-lid which reappearevenafter be-
ing removedwith a knife, andareattendedwith pain, itching andburn-
ing sensationare called Sonitarias and shouldbe ascribedto be viti-
ated condition of the blood. 24-ZS.
qftn: €fdi qRr*{rrds6cT: I
TEFrr{:frfwa:qtiTmruilarrurq€. u Rqtl
vI{ TqTd vgF+:qSM. wrFqq r
ffiq lffifr ir+rirRnRetl
A thick, slimy, hard and painlessnodular swelling (Granthi)
on the eye-lid resemblinga Kola fruit in size and markedby an itch-
ing sensationand absenceof suppurationis called Lagana.t An in-
flammatory swelling of eye-lid dottedwith minute punctureslike the
poresin the stemof a water-soakedlotus plant is called visa-vartma.
ffi qnfui q I
Frd'ffi qqqrnrT
*{gar|q{ q3i rrre rr
: yrfiiT: qgqF{ffir
qmmqrmilfr q$r*lq: € yqfr il Rqtl
An accumulationof the derangedDosasaboutthe eye-lashes
makesthem rough and sharp-pointed,which givespain to the eye and
gives relief when drawn off. The diseaseis known aspaksma-iopa'in
which the eyecannotbearthe leastwind or heator the glareof fire. ig-zg.

gfrg{d-rifuanngtrra*ffiqiqrc!tr{tsqrq: ltQtl
Thus endsthe third chapterof the uttaru-Tantrain thesusrutasarhhitd whiclt
dealswith the pathologyof the diseases of theeye-lids.

1. Certain editions read Naganu.


@t ET@lTFlTrT:,
qefcrq s{Irqq qqaR: tt q il
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
pathology of diseasesof the Sclerotic coat (white coat) of the eye
(Suklagata -Roga - Vij fianiya) . I

Er{ qEI frIt: I

q qri firwri ftrsfr'rsqr:rg: r
q: vJfuolEnf{ftrEr*t
nrn qflrsqfufu €rdtq.wnryil: Er{ vJ.FntrtuRrl
Names- The elevendifferentform of diseaseswhich arepecu-
liar to the Scleroticcoat (white) of the eye, arePrastdryarma,Suklarma,
Ksatajarma (Raktdrma),Adhimansarma, Snayvarma, Suktika, Arj una,
P i staka, Sira-j ala, Sira-piQaka andBaldsa-grathita. 2.

rwrR^qftrdFrtrdv3acTqri ffi iE rf,?rtsriffi6q11 11s

vgffir@iTg u.erqh v1ffi{ri qfd {qfuaqdfrf;fournxrr
rrqri Frrgqfr vsffir{rn rr{rf il{qffi;il FilfudIdu \ ll
ffi gg Wrt qfAg:mrvt y{ti er rqftrfrqiuqrd fqqr(r r e rr
vf*vqftR'rcg*fdqffifl(€rq*gft{qFd,i qi qqrugll \ell
Symptoms- A thin andextendedglandularswelling(Granthi)
colouredreddish blue and appearingon the Sclerotic coat(Sukla) is
called Prastdryarma.A crop of soft and whitish growths slowly ex-
tendingover the entire length of the Scleroticcoat is calledSuklarma.
The fleshy growth on the white coatof theeyeresemblinga (red) lotus
flower in colour is called Lahitarma. The soft, extended,thick and
darkbrown and liver-coloured srowth of flesh on the white coat is

calledAdhi-mansarma.Therough, yellowish (D. r. white) growth of

flesh on the white coat, and gaining (slowly) in size, is called

q: frRrf,frurqffi*Vgwrrn:
TEIlttT: ffiqvJfud$r ud tl
q*t q, vwrtRrfrqq:
kq: vI4il{rn uafa nrqq aqfarrtrr
T{ftrdF{q}sqftgSJEd fqqd: € crcfrfrEm:g!!-fr:ll t o rr
qErt Fffi: F1=r: qd F6 q11qtftilq 1 rr
EI?IT+T:E'lF{Rrfr tt
{ffi{Pn:ffigq-r, furgrw+arffirrqr: fuirqr:uI Rrr
qftqnnuafrffisqkg6e; q ffisT€{c* trmltrrsl: nqQtl
The appearanceof dark brown specksresembling flesh in
colour or of those having the colour of an oyster-shellon the white
coat(Sukla) of the eye is called Suktika.The appearanceof a single
dot or speckon the Sclerotic coat(Sukla),colouredlike a (drop of the)
hare'sblood, is calledArjuna. A raisedand circular dot or sfeck ap-
pearingon the white coat and colouredwhite like pastedrice and (as
transparentas) water is called pistaka. Red and extensivepatchesof
hardenedveins spreadingover the white coat and looking iik" u n"t-
work is called sira-jala. The crop of white pustulargro*th, (pidaka)
on the sclerotic coat (sukla), nearthe limit of the black coat (Iris) and
coveredover with shredsof veins are called theSira-pidata. The dis_
easein which a speckcoloured like the Indian bell-metal (Karhsya)
and covered over with a vein (sira) appearson the region of the scle-
rotic coat is called The Bnldsa.r8-13

q(ensernq:llY ll
Thus ends the fourth chapter of the uttara-Tantre in the suirutn
sarhhit-a which
treatsof the pathorogyof the diseasesof the sceloroticregion
of the eye.

l' The reading in Madhava's Nidanaisquite different here

and Darhanaseemsto
support that. It is defined as the diseasein which a hard speck
appearslike a drop of
water on the white coat and looks like bell-metal in colour.

crrqrt elA:flfr: il q tl
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
pathology of the diseasesof the black part of the eye- choroid in-
cluding the Iris (Krsna-gata Roga-Vijfianiya). 1.

qq rrdqi VJ.frqstTqui
qr qE6Fsq$rFrrErdm
a*e r
q€R\isF kdrfl{q'nT:FsttetrcrT:
rirea: Ewtr(n Rtl
The diseaseswhich areboundto invadethe region of the Chor-
oid including the Iris (Krsna-mandala)have been briefly said to be
four in number. Their names are Sa-vrana-Sukra,A-vrana-Sukra,
Pakatyaya andAjaka.2.

*riqgtr"frIf+d t€i qFfl{rfrq( *t

qFi q&gsrrfre E-qq il(T{ui v5fi(R Eqr6{Fd|| ? ||
EU:Trfril q rr+( € rrq q qFplltiqq IiHalAl
sr+fird* u gwge$ ir( fiqffifc tn-{rFtrhuytl
Symptoms- A puncture-like dip in the region of the (Krsna-
mandala) with a sensationthere as if the part has been pricked with a
needleand attendedwith an excruciatingpain and a hot exudationis
called Sa-vrana-Sukra.If the seatof this diseaseis considerablyre-
mote from the pupil----entirepart of the Drsti (Retina) be marked by
the absenceof pain and dischargeand be not deep-seatedand if there
be not double spots,it offers very little chanceof remedy.3.4.

tqfuHe?d ftrRrdr.SiE{rwt finrwmr{Egtat

frdt(rni dfrtrTmilg Hftrcsrh ffifrq{rrq rr
swrT{rTa:fqeqTq @ qfut qffi{lrs vJai:(l
rcrzrsrd rdqFfr ffiffq wq ftffiuqrgerqrr q rr
ffi qEr tleMVt Hqrfidt wftrarr4gi6q1
@ ir€ui qr?4-d{ qetilr
wrfrrerctqr*s Wh ffiFersfr qEFil QF{q11\e11
Symptoms and prognosis of A-vrana-Sukra-A iong-stand-
ing caseof this disease,if it is mobile, coveredwith shredsof flesh,
vein-ridden,stretchingdown to the secondlayer of skin (in the eye)
obstructingthe vision, severedin the middle and markedwith a red-
dish tint in the extremities,should be deemedas incurable.several
authoritiesmentionthat the appearance of Mudga- like specksof films
on the region of the Iris, attendedwith growths of pustulesand hot
lachrymations,shouldbe like-wise regardedas incurable.The feature
of its (speck)assumingthe colour of the featherof rittira bird is an
additional indication of the incurablenatureof this diseae.A whitish
film appearingon the region of the Choroid including the Iris (KfCrya)
like a speck of transparentcloud in the sky, and attendedwith
lachrymation and slight pain due to the eye-diseaseknown as
Abhisyanda (ophthalmia-lit. secretion)i s called theA -vrana-s ukra.
This is easily curable.A caseof Avrana-sukra (non-ulceratedfilm)
which is thickened,deep-seated andlong-standing,may be curedonly
with the greatestdifficulty. 5-7.

Hsdrqt v&rR+qqd d+ur qsrfudqtrsotl

i ffi qEhrreu
qqftd E-qrdr1rrdHtfrkrfrfu or{: r
M trEt r*dsqffi ,rsrffirqrdfrfr qqd(r r q rr
The appearanceof a whitish milky film over the black part of
the eye slowly shroudingit entirly with its mass and attendedwith
acutepain is known as theAksi-Pakatyaya.This is invariable found to

result from an attack of Aksi-kopal and is due to the concertedaction

of all the Doqas.A painful reddish growth, like the dung of a goat,
found to shoot forth from beneath the surface of black part and at-
tendedwith reddish slimy secretionis called an Ajaka. S-9.

qgfr|Tselrq: ll\ ll
Thus ends the fifth chapter of the Uttara-Trantra in Suiruta Sarhhita which
treatsof the pathology of the diseasesof the black part of the eye.

l. According to Madhava's reading inhis Niddna, this diseaseneed not necessarily

rusult from an attack of Aksi-popa, and there need not be an actue pain, and it would
be incurable.

qelqrq sflqrt etqafr: rrl rr
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
symptomsand pathologyof the diseasesaffectingthe eye as a whole.
(Sartta -gata-Rogavij fianiya). 1

w<rqqqR Fdqf€rwmfr qia nensRm*n: r

vMq*ssfum,5*Iqrd6Tfu+{it qVTqqrftgT:1Rtl
EdrftrrFefrsffiqg vJq,lflrqwiseftT \g Enrr:I
Ekgensqle{futr funung{rrffiqffi rdcrFTr:II ? ||
qr*ur €S lrnrq?Trq
trdrq enqrtu
x rr
Names and causes- The four types of Abhisyanda
(Ophthalmatis),the four types of Adhimantha,thetwo forms of Aksi-
pal<a(Suppurationof the eye) attendedwith without swelling, these
then, as well asHatadhimantha,Anila-paryaya, Susaksipaka,Anyato-
vAtu,AmlAdhyusita,Drsti, Sirotpata andSira-Harsa Nethe namesof
the (seventeenkinds of) diseaseswhich affect the eye asa whole. Nearly
all these forms of eye-diseasesmay result from the Abhisyanda
(Ophthalmitis).Hencea wise physicianshall try speedilyro remedya
caseof Abhisyanda(Ophthalmitis)as soon as it is found out.2-4.

ffi RrsfffrqEd-ffi:r
a qrdrF{T*qqi rrefr rrq rr
Erdqrrrstfrrmrq-<r e{$Tt qrErsgqq$l
sqn{itT ffinT q ffifi* ;rq+ crEFiluq rr

ssnF"rqrrJFilrslq{yfrq':q,uqqt*fsrnsft drqRr
qrd5g: ftlwaqqqrfu eisfi{T* Tq+ rl{k ns tr
inqT{ilTlfrffirm q rrar: rrr<netrdftilrgr
ftFrsffi{q qrh arh ffirfuq* Tqi s{Eku e rl
Specific Symptoms of Abhisyanda- The symptomswhich
mark a caseof Abhisyanda due to the action of the deranged Vayu Ne
pricking pain (in the eyes),numbness,horripilation and irritation in
the eyes,roughnessand parchedness of the organ,cold lachrymations
and headache.A caseof Pinctja-Abhisyandaexhibits the following
features,viz., burning andinflammatorysuppurationof the eyes,long-
ing for coldness(in the eyes), excessivehot lachrymations,cloudy
vision and yellownessof the eye. In the Kaphaja type of the disease,
the affected organ longs for the contact of warm articles and is at-
tendedwith a heaviness,itching sensation,swelling, excessivewhite-
nessand a constantdepositanddischargeof slimy mucus.The special
type of this diseasewhich hasits origin in the vitiated conditionof the
blood, i.e. the Raktaja type is markedby rednessof the eyes,flow of
copper-coiouredtears,as well as the symptomsof the Pinaja type of
the diseaseand the presenceof deepred stripesall along.5-8.

iTrffitaRlrr{Ir: qffi ffiEm: ttq tt

Eilrakf FErcqri*i Frdsqt acn r
ffis*q eaqqot:n lo tl
Causes of Adhimantha- All the (four) forms of chronic
Abhisyanda, if not properly attended to and remedied at the outset,
may run into as many casesof Adhimantha which is attended(invari-
ably) with an excruciatingpain in the eye, which seemsas if being
torn out, the pain extendingto upward and crushing,as it wears,the
half region of the head. The characteristicsymptomsof the Doqas
involved in eachcaseare also seento supervene.9-10.

fug€rffi ge uufi,xfur+tawqr
Frq+-ffifr -qis{tcdrTrkd( ll tl tt

E=r{rwtfrrsffq r
ffisejafter$rmer: €qrftil-(u tR u
Symptoms of Vataja Adhimantha- In the Vataja type of
Adhinnntlza the eye becomescloudy and seemsas if being torn out
and churnedas with an Arani (fire-producingwoodenstick) attended
with an iritating, piercing and cutting pain, as weli aswith a swelling
of the local flesh, and a half of the head (on the side of the affected
eye) is affectedwith a twisting and crackingsensationas well as with
local swelling, shiveringand pain. ll-12.

Tffi'{rfqFqti €rh effit

q{i{untrk{ Fir{u q?tl
rndti *irdp|q{l
q.6fRri-{r6g,i firiqTeqftrnftrd(nqx rl
Symptoms of Pittaja Adhimanthc- The symproms which
mark the Pinaja type of Adhimantha are the blood-streakedeye at-
tendedrvith secretionand a sensationtherein of beingburnt with fire,
as well as swelling, perspirationand suppurationin the affected or-
gans, yellowish vision, fainting fits and a burning sensationin the
head.The eyes in this casebecomeliver-colouredand seemas if ul-
ceratedor rubbedwith an alkali. 13-14.

vnrnq*ftnirei HrffirrqqqF{trql
Wtu-R Eftffi6ffiqdqtl t\ tt
6'rt qsqfr €,dl qiEqoifirarkaqr
iTqnnrtffi{:s-Ei rffirqftrd{t I t Qrr
Symptoms of Kaphaja Adhimantha-Inthe Kaphaja type of
Adhimantha the eye is swollen with a slight congestion(inflamma-
tion). Dischargeswith a sensationof itching, coldnessand heaviness
in the localities set in, and there is horripilation. The eye becomes
slimy with depositof mucousmatter.The sight becomescloudy as if
filled with dust, the nostrils are dilated and there is headache.15-16.

n Xetl

TmqrJfiuEq lFqrcTrrrg aqqt I

TfrF ffiudd' r*mnnrcnu te n
Symptoms of Raktaja Adhimantha- A pricking pain and a
blood-streakedsecretionfrom the affectedorganwhich looks (bright
red) like a BandhuiTvaflower, are the symptomswhich mark the type
of Raktaja Adhimantha(due to the vitiated blood). The eye becomes
painful and incapableof bearing the least touch or contact,and the
object of vision seemasif envelopedin flames.The extremitiesof the
eye becomered and the whole region of the cornea(black coat of the
eye) looks like an Arista fruit submergdin blood. 17-18.

Errr{EEEFflTqEFqt€frsfrr*fr sgqsnre:qenr{r(l
TEITTEqr qmrh€fr tftGqrFqeqtqnr(tFron, Tr€rqq n tl rr
The prognosis- A courseof injudiciousdiet, conductor medi_
cal treatmentmay usher in the blindnessof vision after sevendays
from an attack of the Kaphajatype of Adhimantha (ophtharmia) and
in five daysfrom that of the blood-origined (Raktaja)type, in six days
in a caseof the vataja Adhimanthaand instantaneouslywithin three
days of the attack)in the Pittaja type of (i.e. Adhimantha).19.
qr*rtaryga: q-*t$qwrhrT:I
: n?oll
Ed E, H+( qrwguryfr-drq frfui-cqr
{{grfr rrqfr qg *xqrir: rT vhmq:u Rqtl
vilw'fttrh ffit ffi' rqvffi1RR tl
Symptoms of Sa-flopha and A-iopha Akqi-paka- A case of
Sa-3opha-netra-pdka exhibits the following symptoms,viz., itching
sensation,depositof mucousmatter (in the eye), lachrymationand a
rednessof the eye like the colour of a ripe udumbara fruit. Thereis a
burning sensaitonin the eye-ball which becomescopper-coloured,
heavy, and attendedwith a pricking pain and ho'ipilation. The eye
becomesswollen and constantlysecreteseithercold or hot slimy dis-
charges,and ultimately suppurates.All thesesymptomsexceptswell-
ing mark the (non-swollen)A-iopha-Netra-pakatype of the disease.

uqrFft'qrFrtgnrrweflftmq: €re qrq{trt:u R?tl
sra;fu{ruri tRFt: tuffi qfr vftflrrtt
Edrftrrrri v{t( iffigrsri f+g{en: ll RYtl

Tqiq{rgrfr FsT:effi it qraqqtqgEr6tiau R\ rl

When the curative measuresin eye diseaseof Adhimantha is
neglactedthe derangedVAyugetting incarceratedin the optic nerve
(.Sira)impairs the faculty of sight, and gives rise to an incurabledis-
easewhich is called Hatadhimanrfta(blinding Ophthalmia).A shift-
ing pain experiencedsometimesin the region of the eye-lashesror of
the eye-brows'andsometimesin the region of the eye, owing to the
coursingof derangedandincarceratedVdyu in thoselocalities,is called

wqqfrki Ercurs,qrddffi qrkcrqvt?iT(l

lgfoui T( qfrrdEi q vJw.rfe{qr*trfiiil<|qTu Rqtl
@ rr;qFr*qrsqFrdsqd eTr
Erqk*sfr -{F{ Ftq+ er arqdemgilcrfu u ?\etl
The diseasein which the eye-lidsbecomedry and hard and re-
main always closed,the vision becomescloudy and hazy, and it be-
comesvery painful to open the eye-lids,is called theSuskaksi-paka.2
The excessivepain in the eye or in the eye-browsdue to the action of
the deranged Vayu incarceratedin the regionof the head,the ears,the
cheek-bones,the back of the neck (Avatu), the Manya (a particular
nerve on either side of the neck), or in any other (adjacent)place is
called the Anyato-vata. 26-27.

sT+{ U*.r ffi5q1 q Fsrgtv*aqafutt

vffii dFil+: FfrSrdrflFmre{Fqti
l. Madhava in the Nidana does not mention the eye-lashes.
2. Mddhava in Niddna r.u6r "qqili" which meansthat a hightly buming sensation
is producedin the affectedeye. in place sf a word which seemsredun-

er**n ersfuq*+n erqsffi fr elqfu6rqr;I

Eiffi{??fT: HHRt-(E{rFr:futq$ilFPdsRg:u Rqtl
The swelling of the eye attendedwith a bluish red tint all about,
owing to the partakingsof mealscomposedof an unduly largepropor-
tion of acid articles,of suchfood as is followed by a digestionaryacid
reaction,is called the Amladhyusita-Drsti.The diseasein which the
veins all over the eye become copper-colouredand are frequently
discoloured,whetherattendedwith pain or not, is called thesirotpata.
Eilar(ftr*ffiilstiq{ilq qdn frrq furqad:r
ilrsr6Fri wcfr lrrrRiTErq vrmtdrF{*flrca n Qo sg
A case of Sirotpdta, if no-tattendedto and remedied in time
through ignorance,gives rise to transparentand copper-coloureddis-
chargesin copious quantitiesfrom the eyesand producea complete
blindnessof vision. This is known as the Siru-lrarsa. 30.

ESfSsIriT:llQ ll
Thus ends the sixth chapter of the uttara-Tuntra in the suirutu suithita which
treatsof the diseasesaffecting the eye as a whole.

?Tenqq rTrf4|-l elq<rfr: tl q tt
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
pathologyof the diseaseswhich arepeculiarto the Drsri (pupil) of the
eye (Drsti -gata-Roga-Vij fianrya). I
rrqt-trqrdr{ q:aTilFrRqr{l
@i ffiFmq*: u ? tl
srqdt Tct{rErHAq @rqr
{fusrfiqi T"ri ffi*ran:tt Qtl
fu iwqrsqq*rrt qa_qqe-qrrcrFt I
ftfu{s q p1QrTupll;y;1
Expertswell-versedin the anatomyof the eye saidthat theDrsrj
(pupil) of the eye is the quintessence
of the five materialelementswith
that of the eternallight predominatingtherein-this principle of light
neither increasingnor decreasingin this case.It is naturally accus-
tomed to cold from the very nature of its temperamentand is covered
by the outer coating (Payala)of the organ proper.It looks like a hole
and is equalin dimensionto that of aMasura seedor pulser.The pupil
of the eye resemblesin its action the phosphorescent flash of a glow-
worm or that of a minute particle of fire (in not burning the things
coming in contactwith it.) Now we shall describethe pathologyof the
twelve kinds of diseasepeculiar to the region of the Drsti (pupil), as

l. Accordingto Nimi, quotedin Madhuva'scommentaryby Srkantha,the dimen-

sion of theDrsti is equalto only a half of that of a Masuru-pulse.

well as of the one rvhich is known as Timira (lossof vision) affecting

the Patala (coatingover the pupii). 2-4.
q?fiq.Afriqg qd qdftsrd.l
erarfirfrTTsqrfupq-[.a. rM[{rfril \ tl
All externalobjectsappeardim and hazy to the sight when the
derangedDosasof the locality passingthroughthe veins (si rr) of the
eye, get into and are incarceratedwithin the first patala (innermost
coat) of pupil (Drsrl). 5.

Etrrivi idtrTFd Fffr{ rr*t rrilr

qlFfrr qpr*'rt*-srqqrtrqrrh q qgrrfrrr q II
qrwrh qdrfi*I qffi: g;w<erh ut
qRwrqi's fcfuT-t qfu ilqifu qTuen
EtrRlrqfr FlilfrT Frri q Tr*qiT:I
vmqenh * q E}rilatfE rqr(l
qaeFrfu qriqef q-frrtTi T qgqfr rre rr
Symptoms- when second Pafula attacked- False images
of gnats, flies, hairs,nets or cob-webs,rings (circular patches),flags,
earrings,appearto the sight,and the externalobjectsseemto be envel-
oped in mist or hazeor as if laid undera sheetof wateror asviewed in
rain and on cloudy days,and meteorsof different colours seemto be
falling constantlyin all directionsin the eventof the deranged Dosas
being similarly confined in the second payara(coat) of the Drsri. In
such casesthe near appearanceof an actually remote object and the
contrary (Myopia and Hypermetropia) also shouldbe ascribedto some
deficiency in the rangeof vision (error of refractionin the crystalline
lens)which incapacitatesthe patientfrom looking throughthe eye and
hevenwith greateffort patientis unableto seethe needlethread.6-g.

ssdrTrqhTrqrilr( ffi q6ei qtr,

rdrflfr q FrnfurBrffie qRftTr|| q ll
ffi *qrtr
qrn+qa Fild EH+ ilffilt !o 11

arE:furil ntrqTeiqwr*qfifteri I
qrdf€ri nerr*&q1$sfrnrTwfruqqrl
TrrrrkT: i{QrdErqq-sflr,freq*rf,ar
@nrqld frq \* rrqd i6urr
lffirfurt frenrTe'aqvgefiqnqfurtu qRn
Symptoms- when third Patala attacked- Objectssituated
high aboveare seenand thosepiacedbelow remain unobservedwhen
the derangedDosa are infiltrated into the Third Patala (coat) of the
Drsti. The Doqas affecting the Dr.rti (crystallinelens), if highly en-
raged,impart their specificcoloursto the objectsof vision. Even large
objects seemto be coveredwith a piece of cloth. The imagesof ob-
jects and personswith earsand eyes,etc.,seemto be otherwisei.e.,
bereft of thoseorgans.The deranged Dosas situatedat and obstruct-
ing the lower, upper and lateral parts of the Drsti (crystalline lens)
respectivelyshut out the view of near, distant and laterally-situated
objects.A dim and confusedview ofthe externalworld is all that can
be had when the derangedDoqasspreadover and affect the whole of
the Drsti (crystalline lens).A thing appearsto the sight as if cut into
two (bifurcated)when the derangedDosas affect the middle part of
the lens, and as triply divided and severedwhen the Dosas are scat-
teredin two parts;while a multifariousimageof the sameobjectis the
result of the manifold distributionsof movability of the Dosas over
the Drsti.9-12.

ftfinrq: € + de$-{eirrcFi rkt: I

ElGrd*qfti tffl.{rvr: H gqtu q?tl
dffi ilfiTil nrftrsA q6mtl
qdrRdi FTs{rd;ilfrs} q fqa: u ly tl
fairffiq+qifu qffiaqsqfrr
€ !F fuS.qlvrqfiFrd.rd.r*itra: n t\ rl
Symptoms- when fourth Pa{ala attacked- Loss of vision
(Timira) results from the fact of the derangedbodily Dosas being con-
fined within the fourth Palala (choroid) of the organ. When the vision
is completely obstructedby the aforesaidcause,it is called a caseof

Linga-naSa(blindness).Only a faint perceptionof the imagesof the

sun, the moon and the stars,the heaven,a llash of lightning or any
other suchhighly brilliant oLrjects
is possiblein a caseof superficial
(not deep-seated)
Lihga-naia.TheLinga-na.Sa (blindness)is alsocalled
I{thkA andkaca.13-15.
qrt{ im rsqrfurwFfu q qvqfrr
etrkorqoqre{rfr qfidaThq rfl=trr:lt qq ll
fir+tft wrqsm-pTfi
RTns{Ekf{drfur ,@q qsqfrllqe tl
*'*-{ qst{qrfurfsrenfrq ffi ia r
rikqrqrrft{rfur trdrrrqidqrfr q n qztl
qv+{qqr+trrqcqriqq *qrqiurq{r
qffiq qRqreTh TFF[:lt ti rr
6e11frq16fr ifiifu fqheffi ql
@{ e{rWTfuTiEtrr rorr
rTffi{ffir fuqffiE qsqfrr
6rgErer Genersfu rdfirtETlrlEkT: I
ffir*Tgrqerqr =*ffi qqsqfrn ?qll
Specific traits of Timira- All externalobjectsare viewed as
cloudy, moving, crooked and red coloured in the Vataja type (of
Timira), while in the Pittaja type they appearto be investedwith the
different coloursof the spectrumor of the rain-bow,of the glowworm,
of the flash of lightning, or of the feathersof the pea-cock,or with a
dark blue tint borderingon black; while in a caseof kaphajaTimira, a
thick white coat like that of a pack of white clouds or a deep white
chowri (Camara) seemsto intervenein everythingwhich look white
and oily and dull and appearhazy and cloudy in a fine day, or asiflaid
under a sheet of water. In a case of the Raktaja type of Timira,
all objectsappearred or envolopedin gloom,andthey assumea green-
ish, greyish or blackish colour. In a caseof SannipatikaTimira, the
outerworld looks vareigatedandconfused,appearsasdoubledor trebled
to the vision (of the patient),and starsand planets,either defectiveor
suppliedwith additionallimbs, seem to float
about in the vision.

t+*1fqroTr1 1RRtl
Parimlayi-The quartersof the heavenlook yellow
and appear
to the sightas if resplendent
with the right of the rising sun,and rees
seemasif sparkingwith the tanglesof fire-flies
in a cale of parimrdyi,
which shouldbe ascribedto the actionof the
derangedpittain concert
with the vitiated blood.22.

eqqTfrvqFei rrtfr+Sn{rqd:w(lt ?Qtl

wilsmuilr{rrnEr:qRg: tnnq qnFTrqrJETsfufrm:r
q,q'rqfoa: yilfuraqq rm.: qtrRrddsu
fafq-a6q,u Rxtl
{trEt *t qS €Fl-fr.rqmfiss{ql
qRFnfuFn+ ertqrqFtagqqs:rT(n
?\ tl
tesn-(q'EftqTqr(qriflrq qvtrttr re rr
The different colours of the pupil in
casesof Liitga-naSa_
Now we shalr describethe coroursof the
pupir in the six different
typesof Lihga-naia.The pupil assumes
a reddish(Arurya)colourin
the vamj a type of rhe disease;looks blue or
bluish y"ito* in'thepittai a,
white in theKophaja and broodredin the
brood-originedone,while it
assumesa variegated in the Sannipatika type of Linga_naia.
fue A
circular patch(Mandala) tingedwith a shadeof bluish or"bluishyel-
low colour and rooking like fire or piece
of thick grass,is ro.rn"a on
the pupil owing to the diseasedand aggravated
conditionof the brood
(with Pirta)' In a case of parimtay;
pup' becomest ury unJiiuist
colouredand patient is sometimer'uui"
io catch faint glimpsesof the
externalobjectsowing to the spontaneous
andoccasion"ar ritterrngway
of tlre derangedDosasobstructingthe vision.
3T6ui rruwi qrffq*i rro..tinpnr
q;isrci ftrte qr I
?-durun{Fifureivrgl5-+€q|ugr{1 ?etl

qtrd5{trmr{r{pl:vJd k€Rqre{s: I
IqqTi q rq+ qrtri T{ f{q{fr ll ?e ll
rqrfiqqrfl{ r{rtri' xfrfinarerq{t
ffi r+affi@ fiffit
iW{ vffie +tErFfr
f6tt tq tt
Specific Traits of Liftga'nd.fa- The circular patch (over the
pupil) in a caseof vdtaja Lihga-na1ais red-coloured,and is moving
and rougtr to the touch, while that in a caseof Pittaia linga-naia is
bluish or yellow or coloured like bell-metal.The circular patch in a
caseof Kaphaja Linga-naSais thick, oily and as white as a conch-
shell,a Kundaflower or the moon- resemblinga white drop of water
on the moving lotus leaf and moving away to and fro when the eye is
rubbed. The circular patch over the pupil in a caseof Raktaia (blood-
origined)Linga-naSais red-colouredlike a coral or a (red)lotus-petal.
A Sannipatikatypeof the diseaseis markedby a variegatedcolour of
the Drsli (pupil) and by the specific symptoms of the different
yEftrg.Trvn:qH qtrn{Fff9ren: ue-uv]a u q: t
iT9TT fiFilf€rer{tr: qtq qrerFrel Wqsfrt
* 6wqrd rg;dr"rilr q rr*frRiilr qa*Eqflg: ll lo ll
The total number of diseasespeculiar to the Dysti is twelve. The
six types of Linga-naSa (Dfqli\ have been described above. The six
other forms of the disease,peculiar to the D1.9fi(Pupil) are named as
P itta-vida gdha-D yq li, Slegma-vidagdha-Dysyi,Dhftma-dars|, Hrasva-
j atya, Nakulandhyatd and Ganibhirika. 30.

firfuEF{ qt{ qE trdr rl*crc T{Ft qE: t

ffisqrfurqqqft3 n ?1 ll
{: l!r{FGt:firf,f{cFer{E:
urfrEfr{vrcrq+}t{crq q{aftFr *qTfrqI
n*t qvfrar11@: drt{ q{+(ll QRll
The disease in whichtheregionof theDrsri (pupil)assumes a
yellowishcolour,andall externalobjectsappearyellowto the sight
owing to the presenceof the vitaited (and augmented)Pitta in the

region of theDrsti is cailedpitta-vidagdha-Drsti.It is

due to an accu-
mulation of the derangedDosa (pitta) in the third patara(coat)
of the
eye, and the patientcannotseeanythingin the day, but
can seeonly in
the night. 3l-32.

fu Feffiseu,T-&Sdd rcr*aqrqr+qhqsa I
F*€q+|3'1@aTSr F.qrfure'u,rmqrar{n t? tl
The externalobjectsappearwhite to the sightwhen
it is affected
by the accumulation of the derangedKapha. The
(Kapha), in this case,is simultandously.divided
over all the three
Patalas (coats)of the eye. In cons"qu.n.. of
this the patient is at-
tackedwith nocturnalblindness,being able to see
only in the daytime
owing to the (melting and) decreaseof the deranged
Kapha thiough
the heat of the sun.This is known as sresma-ridagdha-Drsti.33.
{tefi;{rrelr{{RT{} I1F1T{FTEET
t e4r*rlvwrfrrdqrqiti s{crqvfrFdqqFdrt
Theexternalobjecisappearduskyor smoke-coroured
sightis affectedthroughgrief,(highandprotracted)fever,
t^nggr excessive physicalexercise,or injury to thehead,etc.The af_
fection of vision thus engendered is cailedDhttma-Drsri(smoky
IT 6€6rqrd ffifrS V-qrqdgrn Fqrfrrqtrqs*(rr
tq tr
The diseasein which smalr things can be viewed
only with the
greatestdifficulty (even)in the daytime,but
canbe viewed (easilyand
in the.night owing to the subsidenceof the derange
:J"{t] d'pina
rnroughthe cordnessof the atmosphere(and a general
cooli-ngof the
Earth's surface)ris called HrasvajAtya.2 35,

ltrqfilfr +{ ;RFT ffim*r
t{ T$-irs rrfr(r
ffirs.ntrtqeTtq{+q R + ffi iE;tmuruia,l,,.,,
thelastlinein hisNidana"nordoesDarhanuincrudeit
in hiscommentuy. Dttrhan',
on theotherhand,saysthatsomereadthis rine,but hords,
on theauthority oi iiarno,
tlat jhe readingis incongruous,
in asmuchas ',Hrasva-jatyr..r,,
is saidto causeoneof
the four typesof night-blindness.
2. SomereadHrasva-jddyain placeof Hrasva-id*a.
148 suSRure seMnrrA

EBfd6'n wrniqqgr wgafrsr+ams qfrt

5,'GIl?Flr6t q ?rqftrfti wriiptrtft trd<Ffi ir{flrr ll i\e u
The form of occularaffectionin which the colour of Drsti (Pu-
pil) of a man affectedby the Dosttsresembles(and is found to emit
(Luminous flash like) that of a mungoosein consequence of rvhichthe
external objects appearmulti-coloured in the day time,r is called
Nakulandhya.The forrn of occular affection due to the action of the
derangedVayu, andin which the Drsti (pupil) is contractedand de-
formed and sinksinto the socket,attendedwith an extremepain in the
affectedparts,is called Gambh1rika.36'37.
qreft gfdt|qt qrqRst frfinragrurlqf{irdst
$ffir;effirqmt Ftri+{rfr q rrrs{rqr{l
E+d qE{-{-qs ve ulWfr*i*: lr ?i ll
ildrlqTffiqrdc{rfr *{M fuq61q q6',
ffidt ffi ffi er ToTrrT*flrredrgEE,u Yotl
Besidesthe above,there are two more forms of Linga-naia of
traumaticorigin, vis.,Sa-nimftrn(of ascertainable
origin) andA-nimitta
(without any manifest or ascertainablecause).Under the first group
may be put thosewhich areproducedby suchcausesasan over-heated2
condiiton of the head (brain, etc.), and markedby the specific symp-
toms of (blood-origined)Abhisyanda,while the secondcomprisesof
thosein which the loss of one'svision is due to causes,such as the
witnessingof divine halo or effulgenceemanatingfrom the ethereal
personof a god, or a Gandharva(demigod),a holy saint, a celestial
serpent,or suchother highly bright object. In this casethe eye is not
outwardly affectedand the pupil (Drq1i) looks asbright and clear as a
Vaidurya gem, while in the former case(of ascertainableorigin) the
eye is characterisedby a sunkenor piercedor impaired aspectof the
pupil. 38-40.

l. This shows that a man aft'ectedwith this form of diseasecannot see anything in
the night.
2. The head is Iiable to be over-heatedby the smelling of poison or poisonousob-
jects or any other strong-scentedflower, etc.

nrqrf*$rfi: ri@lrin:yEFr6qe_q qshg r

F*ft tcFTqdT
qqt genroftld{sr rrd qe+s6ilq3fdffi(fucs inr*qII yt ||
We havethusfinished describingseparatelythediagnosticrrairs
of the seventy-sixforms of diseasewhich affect the organ of visron.
we shall hereafterseparatelydeal with the natureof the medicaltreat-
ment to be pursuedin eachcase.41.
€FmsEffq: ll\9ll
Thus ends the seventh chapter of the lJttaru-Tuntra in the
SuirutctSafthita which treatsof the pathology of the eye cliseases
peculiar to the pupil of the eye.

qqFnEt s{r|-qq sF{f,fr: tt t ll
Now we shall discourseon the chapter which deals with the
classificationof occularaffectionaccordingto the different modesof
ffeatment.(Netra-Roga-cikitsa-vibhaga-viifianlya)' 1'.

YqrHF*{sF{F{aTqrst* iFTFTQ{ut: I
tqftnqffii tqi irqrurarrcrd:eJUJllRll
irardgq*fi*I ;ttt *qt: sfrfttiTr: I
lg{q1; rrgETtqgtt? tl
+sr: vgflea,,rur:
EiRSnVrwt'sr*IEIer: qn wqFilfd t
trn rdfucrang E{r qg q qFrdTl
srqre*er s{idrdzndqm{riffi rrvrr
Classification- We have already describedthe names and
symptomsof the seventy-sixkinds of eyedisease. We shallnow briefly
and extensively deal with the nature of treatmentto be pursued in
them. Of theseseventy-sixkinds eleven shouldbe treatedwith inci-
sion operati ons (Chedya), nine with scarification (Lekhya), five with
excision (Bhedya),fifteen with venesectton(Vyadhya);twelve cases
should not be operatedupon and sevenadmit only of palliative mea-
sures (Yapyn), while fifteen should be given up by an experienced
physician (Ophthalmicsurgeon)as in curable.The two kinds of eye-
diseaseof traumatic origin should be likewise held as incurable or
admitting only of palliative measuresat the best.2-4.

qvnski erchTd g wqaenwi:

ygw aws{'qqcfrfrsq"rfirrrqr:r
qrt fuirrcfu qsfui iTend
d'qr trcFfr F6 rrdfrrinrrri?T
u\ u
swFtr-.+qerqffi+ q
wFFa qa qfcrdk{6 qqcdr
fffigs*rrFdr5iuqua ed-
qnefrffiav6vr*rqr?*@n: u Qtl
Names of the Chedya and Lekhya eye-diseases- Diseases
which should be treatedwith incision areArso-verttne, Suskdrsas,
Arbuda, Sira-Pidaka, Sira-jdla,the five typesof Armar, and parvanika
(thus numberingelevenin all). Diseasesin which scarificationshould
be resorted to (numbering nine in all) are utsangini, Bahala-vanntn,
Kardama, vartnra, Sydva-vartma,Badclha-vartmo,Kliqya-vartma,
Pothaki, K umbli kini and,Sa rkar a -vart ma. S-6.

ddq=naemqt q Fdfg *ar

qRrgq: f*nr*:*sgttrm"tqu e tl
erS ftrr1pp6** zrd: s*rl qrftt q qi T{rt*: qqfrsqag r
@iilr: w<rq qrq-€rqsFtfr futrq*1qII a,,
Names of Bhedya andvyddhya eyediseases- optical diseases
in which the affectedlocalities should be treatedwith excisions,are
Slesmopanaha,ln gana, Visa-vartma,Krimi -granthi andAfij ana-thus
numbering five in all. The two kinds of eye-diseasebeginning with
Sird viz., Sirotpata and Sirdharsa, the two kinds of Aksi-pdka, at_
tended or unattendedwith swelling, viz., Saiothaksi_paka and
ASothaksi -pdka, andAnyatovdta,Puydlasd,Vdtaviparyaycand the four
typesof Abhisyandaand the four typesof Adhimanthashouldbe treated
with Venesection(Slra-vyadhana).7 -8.

etM ga$t@a*qrcng1ti Irq Ir
l. See Chapter IV, para 2, IJttara-Tantara.

sTFr{Trs$r{gnqqqkdtqt qS rl'FaffitIr{Ek ifst: ll I o ll

Eye-diseases-notto be operated- Operationsshould not be
resortedto in casesof Suskaksi-paka,Kapha-vidugdha-Drsti,Pitta-
Vidagdha-Drsti, Amladhyusita-Drsti, Sukra-roga,Arittna, Pistaka,
Aklinna-vartma, Dhuma-darii, Suktika, Prqklinna-vartma and
Baldsa- thus making twelve in all. In the traumaticform also of eye-
diseasesurgicaloperationsare not advisedby experts.9-10.

{lQffi; qgfrtsF{Farqu,,rqrd
q$rmtcRrFErc srdh {p{t; lt iq tl
q€R qEwrfir$rqRGRTrezTr d ffii qtnfrfirrq gfr' qE I
qgrdqrrftrt-qrgrrqrkfrqrwwd rFrrffi qrfld* tI qR||
Names of curable and incurable eye-disease- Palliative or
temporaryrelief is all that can be offred in any of the six typesof Kcca
describedbefore,aswell asin the affectionknown asPaksma-kopa,if
the patientretainsthe faculty of sight. Four of theVayu-ortgined, two
of thePittaja, aneof theKaphaia, four of the blood-origined and four
of the typescausedby the concertedactionof the threeDosas,as well
as the two traumaticforms of optical affectionsshouldbe regardedas
beyond all cure. 11-12.

Tqrgfrsqrq: il z rl
Thus ends the eighth chapterol lhe Utturu-Tantra in the Suiruta Sarhhita
which deals witl'r the classificationof eye-diseases
to the different modes of treatment.

qqltilEl s{IrdF1 erqafr: tt q tt
Now we shalldiscourseon theremedialmeasures of Abhis.yanda
(Ophthalmia)dueto the actionof the derangedVayu.(Vatabhisyanda-

gnunTffiqT ftil* Rrqrrfr+erqlH r

rffidr qerrrun?i ffiqtwqi-*,, *,,
ndu\, 5ew*a {+tTffie1ll ? ll
;ttzlMi*,. ffinr-e ql
qr€r{rqarq-qiTnEFrfirert€t+: il Y rl
dt*ARtu*s r{frenqternd}:r
q*frrffig TTr€d: qr{r*{dETl
ftisq vqrdkrgq{rtg ffi: u\ ll

: rrdFrg r*lr6n Wfr rrq rr

iuT ffi gffiR qfrt:qrt qTRErfrl
tdw-carmrer*mi*ftt ffirq qrr
ffi qrr*: ffi ITsrAiT rTriq qTuerl
The patient should be treatedwith old and matured clarified

1.It shouldbe notedthatthepartof theforehead

adjoiningtheeyeandnot theeye
itself-should be fomented,sincefomentationshouldnot be applieddirectlyover
the eye.

butter, both in a caseof (Vataja) Abhisyanda(Ophthalmia)and (Vataja)

Adhimantlm(Conjunctivites).The diseasedorganshouldbe thendulyt
formentedand local venesectionresortedto. Then after having effected
full purging with the help of a Sneha-basri(oleaginousenema),such
measuresas Tarpana,P utapaka,fumigation,sprinklings(A5cyotana)2,
snuffing (Nasya),oily washings,Siro-baslj (enhinesj or waihing the
organ with Kaiijikt (Amla) or with any decoctionpreparedwith the
drugs of the Vayu-subduinggroup or with that of the flesh of any
aquatic (Jalaja) animal, or of one frequenting the marshy places
(Anttpa), should be resortedto. A compoundconsistingof clarified
butter,oil, fat and marrow shouldbe appliedlukewarmto the affected
organ,which shouldalso be coveredwith a compressor linen soaked
with the precedinglardaciouscompound.Milk, Veiavara, Sdlvana
Poultice, Porridges(Payasa), etc. sould be used by a physician in
poulticing the affectedorgan.A Potion of clarified butrercookedwith
the decoctionof Triphold, or simply old and maturedclarified butter,
or milk duly cookedwith the drugsof the Vaya-subduinggorup,or of
the first group (viz., viddri-Gandhadi Garya)should be taken after the

frl*iTr{fulr fuCrercMT nFITT:

|| e ||
*kq': gdqr*.s {* "rprgr dGer{l
rnsrf{Sfurrrft-q{t{ffi rErt uqrl
q{uffia {d €h Enssiqs; TiTtl
*,tr-*,lqi$ TeS gqiuui ffifqu to rr

t* iTstTss$il{ia iilil qt tl
1. It should be noted that rhe part ofthe folehea.dadjoining the eye and not the eye
itself-should be fomented, since fomentationshould not be applied directly over
2. Aicyo-tuna(eye-drop)- consistisin dropping into the eye with the two fingers,
honey,Aiuva, drug-decoctionor any oleaginoussubstance.Its dosesare eieht drops
for scarifying purposes.ten drops for lubricating rhe part wirh any oleagiious suL-
stance (snehana), twelve drops for the healing of any local ulcer (Ropanri. They
should be droppedlukewarm in winter and cold in summerinto the In diseases
of vataja origin they should be of a sweet taste; oleaginous in diseises due to the
Pitta; and bitter,-warm and.parchingin diseasedue to Kapha,- vaidyatu Nighantu
as quoted in the Vaidyaka-Sahda-Sindhu.Cf. als Chapter Xylll. Uttara-Taitra.

trrrlrgrEtrrd qrsfr TfiTr$fr{gtrqqtt qRtl
The applicationof any lardacioussubstanceotherthanoil cooked
with the admixtureof the Vdyr't-sub-during dlugs will provebeneficial
for Tarpana purposes in such cases. The use of medicatedSnehain
the shapeof Putapaka,Dhunn (fumigation) like-
wise recommended.Oil (duly) cookedwith Sthird, milk andthe drugs
of theMadltura grorrpshouldbe empolyedas a snuff (in suchcases)'
The milk of a she-goatduly cookedwith the admixtureof the leaves,
roots or barks of EranQaPlants,or with the roots of Kantakat'I, should
be employedlukewarm in washing(Secana)the attectedorgan.A liq-
uid compoundcontaininghalf milk andhalf water,andboiled together
with Saindhava,Bala, Yasti-mudhuarndPippctli, should be used in
washing the eye as well as an A.(c)'otana(eye-drop).A liquid com-
poundconsistingof the milk of a she-goatdiluted with the addition of
water,boi Ied with the admixture of H rlv era, Cckra (Tagara'),M afii i stha
and [Jdumbara-barksis consideredto be the besteye-dropin casesof
therebeing any pain 6ntct) in eye. 8-12.
qg€{qfi qPqi t€r55 ffiqt
sTr+{q€rsrM+re ilqgqu qi ll
tfr*. trerdF.wi wrra qpftnqt
*6rsif{€rraqqtil{qenhfu lt qYtl
A thin plaster compound of Yasti-madhu,Raianl, pathya and
Devadaru,pastedtogetherwith the milk of a she-goatshouldbe used
asanAfijana (collyrium) in a caseof acuteOphthalmia(Abhisyanda),
and it provesvery effective.Gairika-earth,Saindhata,Kfqrya(Pippn)
andSunthi- the quantity of eachsubsequentone being double of that
of the one precedingit in the order of enumeration,shouldbe pasted
togetherwith water, made into Gutika (a large pill) and be likewise
applied(to the eye) in the mannerof the applicationof anAfiiana.The
use of Snaihika(lardacious)Afijana (collyrium) is beneficial in such
cases.Thesewill be dulv dealt with later on. 13-14.

rH qgrerffi qgl r{rcflrfr: r

sTi+qflEel|t{ft{erqdrqfrrner+(rrqq rr
Tds{iitffi qfri, Sterscqerrtrqi I
qqilFi arftre)q qsTA rgsfr r
€Si# foffir" gd firil(rr qerr
ffi er Fcrq-*rg:
€St nqcIf,{T eT TfildriiFrr Enlt qe u
Physiciansshouldlikewiseadoptthis methodin treatingcases
of Anyato-vata and vdta-paryaya.Draughtsof (medicated)clarified
butter and of milk before rhe meal, are highly efficacious.clarified
butter duly cookedwith (two partsof) vftsadani, kapittha and major
Pafica-mula,(onepart of; theexpressed juice (or decoction)of karkata
and (one part of) milk should be taken in suchcasesr.In the alterna-
tive, Gl,ta duly cooked with (the decoction of) pattura, Agnika
(Ajamoda) andArtagala and with milk, or clarifiedbutterduly cooked
with milk and (the decoctionof Mesa-iritgl, or of wratarashould be
similarly taken.15-16.

t?lti qrt-vgre q qrqqpfr-Tql

xndffirqi qtr vJE*-tnSir{g-;fl1l11a 11
{fui rfihstr rrFTqqufrs
qt{ ffih TRi *Aq qru5{ntt3 n
rTRi* fffsrr wr: vfrd wgerqttt
rwffiqEi qT +*r*{ wngilql
HffiSi Tilagsrrffg| T6fugr{1;1s 1;
q{Tr zrTs.slqqctqrt*r+{ €EngilrI
qnrfrFqfirdrtfibqtqqr*, ?rdist{u ?q ll
qEllratetTtrtr t ttd( q6;n*rqT:I
qtffi{ +err&fu u,,dydq*(u eetl
l. According to Dalhana and,this chrn should be prepared without
Kalka. Srikutta holds that the drtgs Vrksddani kapittha and the pa iica-mikishouldbe
taken as
Kalla and chrtu prep'dredwith three parts of rnilk. iivarlasa also seemsof support
this view.

Treatment of Suskdksi-plka- Saindhava,Devadant and

Sunthl and the expressedjuice of Matulunga juice, breast-milk and
clarified butter mixed togetherand duly prepared(in the manner of
Rasa-kriya)shouldbe prescribedas an Afijcmain casesof Suskaksi-
paka.The taking of clarified buttercookedwith the drugsof thefivaniya
group and the filling of the cavity of the eye with the same,as well as
snuffing with theA1tu-tailatarealsoefficaciousin suchcases.Washes
composedof cold rnilk with the admixture of Saindhavasalt or of
milk cooked with Rajani andDevu-daru andmixedwith (a little quan-
tity of; Saindhuvaare efficacious.Mulnusctdfta(SunthT)rubbedover
a stone-slabwith calrified butterandbreast-milkis alsorecommended
as anAfijana (eye-salve)2. The Vasa(essenceof the flesh) of aquatic
animalsor of thosewhich frequentlyin habit swampygrounds,mixed
wrth a )itt)e quantity of powdered Sunthr and Sanirlhavasa\t (and
rubbed on stone-slab)shou.ldbe applied to the eyes as an Afijana
(collyrium) in a case of Suskak.ri pakc (Non-secretingtype of
conjunctivitis).Let the intelligentphysiciantreatthe sight-destroying
Vataja affectionsof the eye of what-soeverkind in accordancewith
the principle hereininculcated.18-22.

il j il
Thus ends the ninth Chapterof the Uttaru-Tarrruin the Suirutu Sahhitu which
deals with the medical treatmentof Vatuiu Abhisyuncla.

1. According to Dalana,this Anu-rcila is not the one describedin ChapterV

of the Cikitsita Sthanu; but the one described in the St/rft)d Tttntru.
2. This couplet may also be translatedas follow '.Afijana (black-antimony)
rubbed over a stone-slabwith clalified butter and breast-milkis also recommended
as a best remedy in such cases.

?TerFffil s$rErt tl;CliTR: ll q ll
Now we shall discourseon the curativetreatmentof Abhiganda
(Ophthalmia) due to the action of derangedPitra (Pina-bhisyanda-

fir:ilFre tR: qftiwe) fifiT€rtl: Ti{mgTfr q,dqr

e{Wil,ffi tt q sq rrqffi fEetmqtr
r rr
General Treatment- Blood-letting andpurgatives.eye-washes
and plastersround the eyes,medicinalsnuffsandAiijana (collyrium),
aswell asthe remedialmeasuresfor Pittaja-Visarpa(Erysipelas)should
be employed in a caseof Pittaja Abhisyanda (Ophthalmia) andpittaja

Tdt qrfti ffi td*t <r#tergmi terqrr{r

Tqnwi {r4-{TE{frqi HrFt tei fu q{E6ent ? tl
Er{r *E qqt qEm€'Eilk(qfrrTa-rt q frnr
qfrt:ffi ddd terrs vrki dii fuatts qrqql
zM erilqrn q*suw arqurqqdsgrefurFsfrF+erqIIx rr
Clarified butter or goat'smilk duly cooked with Gundra, Sail,
(paddy), S'aivala, Saila-bheda, Daruharidrd, Eld, Utpala, two parts
of Lodhra, Abhra (Mustaka), Padma-leaves,sugar,Durva, Iksu, Tdla,
Vetasa, Padmaka, D raksd, honey, red,Candana, yasti-madhlr,breast-
milk, Haridrd and Ananta-mlula. should be employed as a Tarpana
measureror as a wash or snuff in the presentcase.As an alternative,

l. SeeChapter
XVIi, ibid.

all the precedingdrugsor asmany of them aswould be availableshould

be daily usedin the mannerof any of the four forms of Nasya.t3-4.

fm-qr:'get:fiffidd': q{Rirwdrdd ffig ;1s{l

qriTrvt srdfurrqrgqrpl yrrwn qr vrd;n$rgmqrrl tr
rqfuqr {r*-{Tqttrgmiqrffi qr qg* qrsfu g;qtEl
{Rr ftq: ffigluqtl
Afijanas- All the Pirta-subduingmeasures,may be employed
in such cases.Application of medicinal snuffs (as well as eye-drops,
etc.) wih K$ra Sarpi (clarified butterchurnedfrom milk) at the inter-
val of three days, as well as that of Afijana (collyrium) with the ex-
pressedjuice of Pala| a or of SallakT,mixed with honey and sugar,
shouldbe likewise resortedto. The thick liquid extract(Rasa-Kriyd)2
of Palindi or Yaqyi-ntadhumixed with honey and sugar, should be
likewise employgd.As an alternative,a compoundconsistingof Mustd,
Samudra-phena,Utpala, Vidahga,Ela, Dhatri and Vijaka preparedin
the mannerof Rasa-kriyashouldbe employed(as anAfijana).5-6.

3wffit wqfitt:t
quf gnfffirri rS er w*ffi o.n66+qtru*r{.1
mk(wai vnd5csitqgs
fti qrq,rivdilngdsit-gqrqi:
qt r@ Frndl
tgrqffreufa,,{qwt er ftilFqe} qq}gd ar
;rr4: ftq: €rrrgg{rf nffiq1Qr} wfr yg: rrarr
A compound of TdESa(D. R.-KtSiSa), Elii, Gairika, USira
andSarhkha( conch-shell)pastedwith breast-milkshouldbe applied
to the affected organ in the manner of an Afrjana (eye-salve).As an
alternative, the powder or the Rasa-kriya of Dhataki and Syandana
@.R.-Can dana) mixedwith breast-milk shouldbe usedasanAfijana,
Gold-Ieaf rubbed with breastmilk, or the flowers of KihSuka rubbed
with honey, or of a compound of Rodhra, Draksa, Sugar, Utpala,

l. The four formsof Nasyaare(l) Pratinnrsu,(2)Avapidu,(3)

(4\ Siro-virecana.
2. For preparation
of Rasa-kriyd
seechapterXVII, ibid.

vacd and Yasti-nndlu rubbed with breast-milkshourdbe used as an

Afijana,Bark of varryakalpastedin cow'smilk or redCanclarnwood,
uclttntbara and roya @ah) pastedin the same,or sanu.tdra-phena
rubbedeitherin honeyor breast-milkshouldbe like-wiseappliedto
the eyesin the mannerof an Afiiana.7-8.

Efrk(R,+ {enftfti :@ tei nq{i pr#irgqrirsr

qflqqd qiErqrsia+ Er €ruS @ rrfrerq.t
ffifum. Hqfr?rdrqiq u q il
A6cyotana- Roclhrct,yasti-madhu,Draksa, sugarand tttpala
shouldbe soakedin breast-milk.It shouldthenbe foidedinsidea piece
of silk (Ksawna) and employedas an Aicyotemct(eye-drop).A com_
poundof Yqsti-ntadhuand,Rodttrcrubbedin clarified butter shouldbe
similarly used.A compoundof Kdsmari (Gambhui), Dhatri, pathya
(Harltaki) androy6l(Bald)aswell asthatof Katphalu andAmbu (Bata)
shouldbe similarly2preparedand applied.9.

q$sqsdsgx'qsrfuvJntqr4' €d: er(ffi q++c{;

rfit: tri*cneiffiqr t{i qr sr( **i vq gmr{n qorl
All the above remedial measureswith the exceptionof blood-
letting shouldbe resortedto in a caseof AmlcTdhyusita-Drsti
paka. The medicated Ghrtas known as the Traiphala Ghrta or the
Tilveka Ghrtcf shouldbe prescribed,or simply old and maturedclari-
fied buttershouldbe given in suchcases.10.

t*s@ vfrhi$qwt arrtuqr

*qd rr(w.rfuir+6rs qkhvrqirrwi vnrgnlqg
Wf qqq v'*-{Tq*rgth vJfu Eenqsr*dqryJnqqtl
I. According to Dalhana,'vunlaka' means'Racanika'.ltmay also rnean,Karnikara'
which is not acceptedeither by Gayi or by Dalhana.It may also mean 'chandana,
which is most probably the meaning here.
2. In the first two compounds,some take ,'[oyu, and'Ambu, tbr water. But
havingexplained'7itvu'as'Buluku'in a precedingcompoundwe adoptthat meaning
of the word here also.
3. Traiphala-Ghrtais preparedby duly cooking clarified butter with the Kalka and
decoction of 'Triphala'. For Tilvaka-Ghrta see chapterIIL Cikistsita-Sthana.

In a caseof sukti-pakaan Afijana with cooringdrugs shouldbe

speedrlyemployedin the eventof the Dosasbeinglocatedin the lower
part of the eye. Fine powder of Vaiduryd gem, Sphatika (Crystal),
Vidruma (coral) andMuktd (pearl),Sarhkha(Conch_shell),silvlr and
gold mixed with sugarand honey and usedas an Anjana would prove
a speedyremedy in a caseof Sukti-paka.ll.

ryr{ Effisffi T{q tq uobffifir+feemqr

qdffiE M rrd vq ffi tffi * rqqFT{n
clarified butter should be administeredin a case of Dhuma-
darfi andthe procedureand the remedialmeasureslaid down in con-
nection witk Rakta-pitta and pitta-origineel visarpa (Erysipelas) as
well as the pitta-s'b-duing remediesrshould be likewise ernployed
therein. 12

Vfct{a-tkarqrt-trnr*ffi n+ff fr+*qrq

Q{fit5qftT. ltto rt
Thus ends the tenth chapter in the IJttu-Tantra of the susrura
sarhhita which
deals with of the curative treatment of pitrabhisvuntla.

l. By Pitra-subduing remedies
laid downin
connection of pitra-VidaRdhu-
with the treatment Drsti.

ffi{Elwftnei :,
?Teflqrq rTrrq|-{ er;ar<rfr:
tt t tt
Now we shall discourseon the chapter which deals with the
curative treatmentof Abhi syanda dteto the derangedaction of SIesmo
(St esmabhi syanda-P ratiqedha). I

w<rflm*i q,.qqt tr{d, @l

ffi{dqt2l I
Ew ss, gcqr6+t:il?tl
Trdr(tr6rqFqrd*urr+qrdgfrft iltrTi9916{l
F{*qr€TEndtkT(pM +{ EFnfrgfuqrr1rr
General Treatment- An attack of SlesmajaAbhisyanda or
Adhimanthaduring the stageof acuteaggravationshouldbe treatedby
openinga local veinr or by the employmentof fomentation,Avapida
Nasya, Aitjana, fumigation, washes,plasters,gargles or non-fatty
(Ruksa)eye-drops(Aicyotana) andputapaka.The patient should be
madeto fast on eachfourth day and to take a potion of Tikta-Ghrtazin
the morning and his diet shouldconsistof sucharticlesas do not lead
to the aggravationof the bodily Kapha.2-l

*i tqearqrrqrse'{@: ny tl
l. The word'Atha'( d4 ) in thetextmeanssaysDalhana,thatthelocalvein should
be openedas the bestresort,whenfomentation,etc.would fail to effecta cure.
2. Seecikitsitd-sthdna,

Tendertwigs or leavesof Kutannata,Ashpota.phanijjhaka,

Hlu, Arkn andkapinfta'shouldbeemployedin lmitoty;
fomentingtheaffectedeye.A thinplastercomposed of hahka, sur.tlhi,
DevaddruandKustha,shouldbelikewiseappliedto theaffectedeye.4


T{nSt wfit*r*g rr;T:frrmr&i{pJ.{g eFrql{r$ q,'FtS rfurq afifttqs{r*fiiq}511e11
Hingu, (Asafoetida), Triphala, yasti_madhm,Saindhava,
Prapaundarika,Afijana (brackAntimosny)
,Tuttha(Surphateof cop-
per), and copper pastedtogetherwith water and made
into a stick
(varti) shouldbe appliedas anAfijanato the affected
eye.As an alter-
native, sticks (varri) composedof pathyd, Haridrd, yisti-madhu
Afijana should be similarry appried.compounds made of
the equal
parts of PrppaIi, Marica, su4yhi,HarTtaki,Amalard,Bibirtaka,
and Vidanga-_seeds, or of Valaka, Kustha, Deva-daru, (burnt) conch_
shell, t ha (Akanidhi ), Anala (Ci t rakaroots),p ipp alt, M ar
-P-q i ca, Sunthi
(Realgar) and the flowers of Jati, Karafija
2"!.Y:1"h:Jila and
sobhafijana2pastedtogetherwith water shouldbe applied
to tire eye.
The seeds3 of Prakirya (Karafija),or of Sig'r with the seedsand flow-
ers of the two kinds of Brihatr rnixed with Rasafijana,
l. In piace of "kulannata
and "Arja", Srikantha the commentator of vrnda however
is of opinion that fuka
should be better reading in place of that of ',Aria".
2. Dulhana quotes the reading,of "punjikakira" (another
commentator of suiruta)
according to whom M-urva and the flowers of Juti onry
shourd be taken instead of
the flowers of Jdti, Karuhju and sobhdnjana. This reading
seemsto be the correct
one inasmuchas this makesthe numberof the drugs in
the iist twelve in ail, as given
by Qalhna himself.
3' some commentatorboth the seeds
and flowers of prakirya andof
Signr should be taken.

Saindhava-salt,Manah-fila, Haritaki, and garlic taken in equal parts

and pastedtogetherwith water shouldbe madeinto sticks(Varti) and
usedas anAitjana in all forms of Kaphaja eye-diseases.5-7.
ti qersrrftrfrswri: q-ffi( gPdtlI66r+l
+errtrrqqrr*q+stfr ar1vn{rFtr{:vJEf
if Rf+{gl
n-(qn{{{+*r{g€rfui qin f{+aRE *6{r€Enql
qirqrirrurqftftrtri srt*sfo-dr€Cqfinwqr* rrq rr
The following medicinal compoundsshould be prescribedby
expertsas anAfij ana (eye-salve)in a caseof Baldsa-Grathita after the
systemof the patienthad beenproperly cleansedby meansof blood-
letting. A quantity of blue barley with the hornsshouldbe soaked(for
a week or two) in milk and dried (afterthe mannerof Bhavanasatura-
tion). It should then be burnt into ashes.Theseashesshould then be
mixed with an equal part of burnt ashesof Arjaka, Ashphoyaka,
Kapittln, Bilva, Nirgundi and,IZII flowers and an alkaline solution
should be duly preparedtherewith. Saindhava,Tuttha, (Sulphateof
copper) andRocanashould now be addedto the abovealkaline solu-
tion and duly boiled. The compoundthus preparedshouldbe applied
as an Aiijana with an iron pipe (NAfi). This is prescribedin a caseof
Baldsa-Grathita. Alkahnepreparationsmay be similarly preparedwith
(the flowers, etc. of) Phanijjhakaetc. andmay be employedin a simi-
lar manner.8-9.
r&q?i qFrfirErs gmi w$q* rrqfi:*g vJEqtr
ilqtrgqgt{{Aq frg +*-Si frg$qrsJ Eerr(n qo rl
A (thin) plastercomposedof Sunyht,PippaE,Musta,Saindhava
and white Maricat pastedwith the expressedjuice of Matulunga and
applied to the eye as an Aiijana, would bring about a speedycure of
the eve diseaseknown as Pistaka.10.
ur&96"{r rrrrenEqrcrqi ffiir qflqrdqr& |
il{ETd Rr( dEiEfruFcftn|Irqrfrr
l. Dalhana explains white Marica as Sigru seeds.

BrhatT fruits should be gatheredwhen ripe and a paste com-

pound of (the equal parts of) Pippalt and Srotafijana should be kept
inside those seedlessfruits for sevennights. The (Preserved)paste
shouldthen be takenout and appliedto the eye asanAfijana. It proves
beneficialin a caseof Pistaka.Pastemay similarly be preservedinside
a Vdrtdku (brinjal), Sigru, Indra-Varfini, Patola, Kirata-tikta and
Amalaki and usedfor the same.11.

@g ftnwi irr{tn.rqg{u IR tr
Kdsisa (Sulphateof iron), Samudrat,Rasdiijana and buds of
JarT-flowerspastedtogether and rubbed in honey, is advised to be
prescribedas an Afijanc in a caseof Praklinna-Vartma.12.
qrtsffi{{t qR'Tg vJ-*i tqrffindrq rgTqrrrunl
Trl{qqsr{q qq rilq: i5'uii t{6;qr(qF.EgiTil qt tl
€1FAi gc{r€ TRi RUrWi 5-5nrh Hrerr:I
{trqfrEftr€i fr q,,rqqrsvilt'q ki TqFiln ry ll
A single applicationas an Afijana of the compoundcomposed
of excellent Nadeya (Saindhava)2salt, white pipp ef andNepala-jata
(Realgar-lit, that which is producedin Nepala) taken in equal parts
and pastedtogetherwith the expressedjuice of Matulanga, would al-
leviate the itching sensation(KaryQu)in the eyes. Similarly a com-
pound of Srhga-vera, Deva-daru, Musta, Saindhavasalt and buds of
,/drl flowers pastedtogetherwith wine and usedas an Afiiana would
prove efficaciousin a caseof swelling (Sopha)and itching sensation
of the eyes. t3-14.

( Fqf,q*qrrfr EFrd
rtwf{ =nfrqcftqfwqrI
l. samudramay either meansurnudra-phena or sanwlra salt, i.e. Karakaca salt.
The commentators are silenton this point.
2. Dalha4aexplainsNideya asmeaningsaindhava,butit generallyeanssrotanjana
3. Dalhanaexplains"svetu-Maricu"as"Sigru-seeds", but thereis a particularkinds
of Marica whichis whitein colourandthis is alsosupported by somecommenatator.

The aboveeye-diseases shouldbejudiciously treatedin accor-

dancewith the principal laid downin the treatmentof the casesof Abhi-
syandaand Adhimantha.Particularlyin the abovementionedeye dis-
easesNaycn shouldbe adaptedand abovementioneddiet andregimen
shouldbe followed.

Ffrg4il-dfuffi rgtffi+vMrr<sft TnS

Tlrus ends of eleventh chapter of lhe Uttara-Tuntra in the Suiruta Safihita which
treatsof the curative treatmentof Slesmabhisvandu.

qeircn=T wrcq q*rR:ilqrr
Now we shall discourseon the curativetreatmentof the type of
Abhisyanda(Ophthalmia)which has its origin in the vitiated condi-
tion of the blood (Raktabhisyanda-Pratise.dha).

F?i wq Rqqni ffi'g Tffirql

\t+q frtn+{ Ir(rtll R ll
qrqrilf sgtsdilr1ftflqqutl+{ qfilqr r
v$nqfrrcter fu{Ffrqtur il?tl
tdRffirqi q?Frrrraffi ffier*qr
*:qAefi{d{ tfiiqr rrx rr
?rir: qt6r: qfttffifr qFnfr qtqrsr?TPIR'ITEI
an@ fwreng6rqir geqrfidrrn: u \ tl
General Treatment- A wise physicianshall pursucthe same
course of medical treatment in those four diseasesknown as
Adhimantha, Abhisyanda, sirotpdta and Sira-harsa due to vitiated
condition of the blood. Personssuffering from any of the aforesaid
complaints should be first anointedand lubricatedwith old and ma-
tured clarified butter technically known as Kaumbha Ghytat or with a
copious quantity of clarified butter. Venesectionshould then be re-
sorted to. The patient, having been made thus to bleed as much as
required, should be treatedwith clarified butter duly cooked with jjro-
virecana drugs and mixed with sugar,as an errhinefor cleansingthe

1. See Chapter XLY, Siltra-Sthana.


head.Piasters,washes,snuffs (Naysa),inhalations(Dhuma)of medi-

cated,smokes, eye-drops(A3cyotana), Abhyafijanat, Tarparya(Sooth-
ing measures),Sneha-Karma (emulsive measures)and puta-pdka
should then be prescribedaccordingto the natureof the deranged,Dosa
involved in eachcase.2-5

qwq*dqnfqrffi: rr&tirrfiR:urtiqtquq tl
r+Erg5q+ kfrr: r
3rqufr:TrrtikT:qrd wc+gwfttisqr{n s tl
gaeqefrqrflr frdr qfif ffit
fuilF1qryrr+ frfuargwF<a:n/ tl
Aplaster (Pralepa\ composedof Nilotpala, (JSira,Ddru-haridra,
Kal iya, Yast i -madhu,M usta, Lodhra andPadma-khsuha (takenin equal
parts and) mixed with Ghrta-duly washed,should be applied round
the region of the affected eye. Mild fomentations(Sveda),or leeches
should be applied to the region around the eye in the event of there
being intolerablepain (due to any defect in bleeding) in the affected
organ. Large draughtsof clarified butter tend to alleviate the pain.
Remedial measuresand agentsmentioned in connection with
Pittabhisyanda,shouldbe as well employed.6-8.

a'*t.qr3.*.rsqi qT qutqqrfTd{l
rr+(rrq rr
"rRq€rfrRq{rg f*nr**i
SEfluqerVfdgffieFaSdrvr: u Rotl
qqffi{ qW M{rtt Erl
Powdered Kaseru and Yasti madhu kept covered in a piece of
Linen cloth and immersed in rain water afterwirds the samepowder is
squeezedand the same is used with benifit as Ascyotana in the af-

l. Dalhanaexplains"Abhvafijana" as collyrium,but he alsosaysthat somecom_

mentatorstakeit in its usualsenseo[ anoimmentwith clarifiedbutterwashedhun-
dredtimesin water,or such otherSneha.

fected organr.Flowers of Patala, Arjuna, Sriparryi,Dhatax\, Dhatri,

Bilva, the two kinds of Brhatl and of Bimbl-lota andMafijistha taken
in equal parts and pastedtogetherwith honey or expressedjuice of
sugar-caneand appliedto the affectedorganasanAiijana (Collyrium)
in said to be a curativein casesof Raktabhis-yanda.9-ll.

wqi gg< Ti frrdrqg Fg,Eq{l

ffi{u tR 1
Tg aisrasTfu fiOr Uwtn e I
fqgarqr,Ftrqd: {ftrdr$ns+Fqntti tl
A similar compound consistingof Candana,Kumuda, Patra,
Sila-jatu, Kurhkuma. powdersof dead iron and deadcopper,Tuttha
(Sulphateof copper), lead, bell-metal, Rasaiijana and the resinous
exudationof a Nimba tree taken in equalparts shouldbe pastedwith
honey and made into large Vartis (sticks).Theseare always recom-
mendedto be appliedto the affectedeye as an Afijana.12-13.

srtriTd Si ftnt{q-os c}Tqqr

tr6qt*raorfti Kqggs lffrqrr 1xrr
q5{rvrg.*ITrmgpr{rd: F+*r€n:I
ritt: fttqgtqrq $rqfttrqrfi{T*: I
gffiIl qg{r qrsfr tft*r krqsqil 1\ il
Treatment of Sirotpdta- A compoundconsistingof honey
and clarified butter are applied as as Aitjana should be regardedas
potentcure in casesof Sirotpata eye-disease. A compoundcomposed
of Saindhava(salt),KasiJ (Sulphateof iron) and pastedtogetherwith
breast-milk shouldbe similarly used.The applicationas anAfijanaof
Sarhkha (conch-shell), Manah-iila, Tuttha, Ddru-haridra, and,
Saindhavapastedwith honey, or of (white) Marica, pastedwith the
juice of Sirlsaflowers, honey and wine, or of Svarna-Gairikapasted

l. Both Dalluna saythat puretransparentwatermay be usedin pre-

paring the compoundif rain-waterin not available.Dalhanasaysfurther that the
affectedeyeshouldalsobewashed with theliquid compoundthusprepared.
however,supportsthis latterview.

with honey would be attendedwith beneficialresults in casesof

Sirotpata. 14-15.

ftRre$swi 5qi( q'rftrki qg*gil{l

qg{r iTrqftiqrsfue.r$i er wt*re{ r
r6rfrTd-{ w*erE{rr ta ll
Sira-hardqa* A compoundconsistingof Phanita(treacleboiled
down to a stickly consistency)and honey shouldbe appliedto the
affectedorgan as an A{tjana in a caseof Sira-harsa.Similar applica-
tions of compoundscomposedof Rasafijana(Antimony) pastedwith
honey, or of Saindltqt,aand KrJsisa (Sulphateof iron) pastedwith
honey,or of Vetramlat andSaindhuvupastedwith Phunitaandbreast-
milk would likewiseprovehighly efficacious.16.

tti frRmSftnE q|e{-tl'n<r+

t6rgrgTTffiRsnu q\ell
m-q{r*qiorw-Erkcnds gftna:
lt tz tl
Treatment of Arjuna- All the measuresand remedies for
Pittabhisyandashould be employed in casesof Arjuna eye-disease.
The expressedjuice of sugar-cane,honey,sugar,breast-milk,Ddru-
h^aridrd,Yasti-matlhuandSaindhal'ashouldbe used in combination
as a wash (Seka),or as an Afijana.Amla (Kanjika, & c) shouldalso be
usedas an Aic1,61q11a(eye-drop)in such cases.The following drugs,
v14.,sugar,Yasti-madhu,Katvanga,Mastu, Amla, honey,Saindhava,
Bija-puraka, kola and Daditnha of acid taste and other acid fruits ei-
ther singly or in combination of two or three should be judiciously
used(as anAficyotancwith a due considerationof the vitiated Dosain

L Dalhana explains "VetrA,nla" as"Amla Vctasa". Some, however. divide it into

two words vis.,"Vetra" and"Amla" meanningthereby sproutsof Velr, (cane) and
A rttlu- tteIasa resr:ectivelv.

Fmleittq6i pr€+ng?*rqg +{ f6 r
vrg'ffidr5: Fffi: rhrq.rql
sfid* idfrfr ffis{fmfl+n 13rr
t*rqq*r*,,'ffir, v*q q1r+rffr{l
arftingrrqrsh wil n Rotl
These two following compounds,viz., of Sphatika (Crystal),
Vi clruma (coral),Safukhct(conch-shell),anclYast i -rnadhu, pastedwith
honey, as well as of Saitkltc, sugar, andSamuclra-phena pastedwith
honey, if used as an Altjcutawould prove curative in caseof Arjuna
eye-disease. SaindhavaandKataka pastedwith honey, or Rasdfijana
pastedwith honey, or Kaslsa (Sulphateof iron) pastedwith honey,
shouldconstantlybe appliedasanAitjonu to the affectedorgan.19-20.

Filf{stth qEifurErrerFrqunhq r
rarfrKr: llTfTfurrrurgFulir€Ffr:
il Rt ll
$-serus*'wtdrh ag3'i q;gffiuqt
q.rwfrstflrq iffi qilqnR?u
Scarifying-Affjana-All kinds of powdered(dead)metals(gold,
silver,Iron, Copperetc.) andmetallicsubstances (Manah-Sila, Gairika,
etc.) (the five officinal kinds of) salt, all kinds of gems (Vaiduryu,
coraletc.),the teeth(of cows,horse.etc.)the horns (of cows, etc.)the
drugs of the sedative(Ava1adana)rgroup, pulverisedshells of hen's
eggs, I^afuna (garlic), Trikayu, Karaftja seedsand E/a (Cardamom)
mixed togetherand usedas an Aitjana, shouldbe regardedas Scarify-
ing (Lekhya)in their action.2l-22.

ffi'fu€rqufliffr I
uRi ll
5.fld frrrqr
qr fr.'dpt q6fosEuqlt Rytl
Treatment of Sukra- In caseof nonulcerated(A-vrana)Sukra

l. The groupbeginningwith Ka.v.ra- SeeChapterXXXVI, Sutra-sth6na,

334.Vol. I

(milky fihn or white fleshy growth in the eye) a skilful physicianshall

(first) adopt all the precedingmeasuresprescribedin the treatmentof
(Blood-origined) Abhisyanclatbeginning with Rakta-visrdvana
(Venesection) and ending with Puta-paka (and these failing, the
Lekhyclfija,ra- collyrium for scarifying)shouldbe adopted.A caseof
ulcerated(Sa-vrana)Sukra whethersuperficial or deepseated2 or rough
shouldbe treatedin the samemanner.23-24.
ffie-ffi**ftfu r
q{ui H.dqerqr+*r+r eilR\tl
arflr{ ?q lt
s-qtcsrft iletqq-qvdfi Tftt{Tfu*l
v€.ffimir6-qTqtrqgfiqrRil*: il Retl
errrst qr tqiRE {dr€uRrdrr6{lt ?z tl
5-fftqrfTFwrtusrtvrg*{fr rilrgil-1|
qqFqR qg{r ffi FEilt Rqtl
frsfiffirfurrqr qT TTQ*fr: I
yrfl gFirqe5lreTr-qt*ia,ilfi
TR ?ll lo ll
ffi wF qr qrd{ d{ot Fc{u tt n
In case of Sukrctthe affected part should be rubbed (scarified)
with a compound consisting of Sirtsa-seeds,Marica, pippali and
Saindhava pounded together, or with Saindhava alone. A compound
composedof powderedcopper,powdered conch shell, Manah-Sih,
Marica and Saindhava eachpreceding drug being taken in a quantity
double the one immediately succeedingit in the order of enumera-
tion.3shouldbe poundedtogetherand madeinto a thin paste.Applied
as an Affjana to the seatof the disease,it will cure a caseof juftra. As

l. Seeparas3 and4 of thisChapter.

2. "Superficial"(uttana)is hereusedin the senseof "seatedin the first layer" and
seated"(Avagndha) "seatedin the secondtayer.'
3. one part of saindhavu,two partsof Marica, four of Manah.fili,eightof sahklut
and sixteenpartsof coppershouldbe takenin the preparationof the compound.

alternatives,thetwo compoundscomposedof Saftkha,stonesof Kalas,

Kalaka, Draksa, Yasti-nwdhu,Maksika (honey),or of teeth(of cows,
etc.')Samudra-phenaand iidsa flower and honey should be applied to
the affected locality in the manner of applying an Afijana. The
Ksdrditjana (alkaline collyrium) mentioned in connectionwith the
medical treatmentof Balasa-grathita,tmay as well be profitable em-
ployed as an Aitjanc (eye-salve)in the presentdisorder.Eye-salves
madeof fried husklessMudga pulse,(burnt) furi*ha and sugarmixed
with honey, or of the pith of Madhuksdr pastedwith honey, or of the
inner pulps of the stonesof Bibhitaka pastedwith honey should be
constantly used as an Aftjana, in casesof the eye-diseaseknown as
Sukra. A compound consistingof conch-shell,oyster-shell,Draksd,
Yasti-mndhu,Kataka and honeymay be usedand soothingapplication
(Tarpana)antidotalto the derangedbodily Vcyc, shouldbe resortedto
in casesof Sukra, if the secondlayer (Patala) of the eye is attended
d{rqrcw'tt ilFi TrR*-ea qr6*(t
Tgvil.rff{tsq 1i? tt
Young bamboo-sprouts,ArusAara, Tala (palm) and Narikela
(coconut)2shouldbe burnt to ashesand alkaline water shouldbe duly
preparedtherewith. The burnt ashesof elephant'sbones should be
soakedseveral(seven)times with the above alkaline preparationin
the manner of.Bhavanasaturation.The applicationof this preparation
in the manner of an Aitjana tendsto remove the discolouringnature
(whiteness)of a caseof Sukra.s32,
erqfri rnd* fuqear
gar fasrq de*q r
qui rtqiqEt-{ yS*( rfitqr H6|
cgvil.r+ffi qsfrpilqrkt qRn ti tr
l. SeeChapterXI, para6.
2. The spathe(Jala)of the palm treeand the shetlof the coconutfruit shouldbe
takenin preparingthe compound- Sivaddsu.
3. Theprepared powder.ofelephant'sboneshouldbe mixedwith honeyandrubbed
over the affectedpart(Suknt)with the tip of the finger or with a Salakd(rod). The
eyeshoufdthenbe washedwith theintusionof Triphulu- Dalhana.
174 SUSRUTAsaMurrA

Treatment of Ajakfl- The thin watery matteraccumulatedin

the eye in a caseof Ajaka shouidbe drainedby making a punctureon
either side (of the cornea) with a needlo after which the incidental
ulcer shouldbe filled with powderedbeef mixed with clarified butter.
Scarification shonld be many times made in the event of the ulcer

€{ilmtrrq{fus d qrqtd r*lRklt r

*6*dqqrer ffi fr-q* furi finqt
tqTs*ffi{F*tfr gzqrfrig eiT*(u ?x rr
Treatment of Aksi-pdka- Application of Sneha andof Sveda
(fomentation)to the affectedlocality shouldbe rnadein casesof the
two kinds of eye-diseaseknown asSa-1ophaandA-iopha Akshi-paka
(inflammation of eye-lid whetherattendedwith any local swelling of
otherwise),Venesectionshouldthenbe resortedto. Eye-washes,eye-
drops (4,(cy,otana),
errhines(Nasya) andPuta-pakameasuresshould
also be employed.34.

rfddsrfr {f€s 6-d6qFrtrst{l

inqqrdlefti qili qfii:t;erEigil{n t\ tl
fr qrs& Eshi qqirrqile ql
WiqterrrAtt waiqrsfuF+*re{u lq ll
q{fi€ri qqn gruivi tR'*.ur Enl
qfrt:+*rdilr*rfurdfuqffiqgilrfr qu Qetl
qr fttrqqprqqr*,futrrqT II ?e II
After having cleansedthe systemof the patientboth internally
and externallythe following compoundsshouldbe usedas anAfijana
(in casesof the two kinds of Aftsi-paka).saindhavaand clarified but-
ter pastedtogetherin a coppervesselwith flesh or maireya or curd or
with curd-creamshouldbe usedas an Afijanc. As an alternative,the
rust of bell-metal pastedwith clarified butter, or saindhava pasted
with breast-milk,orequalpartsof thepithof MadhukateeandGairika
pastedwith honey,or Saindhavaand copperpastedwith breast-milk

and clarified btter should be used as Afiianas. The compounds of

Dadimba, Arevatu, A;mcuta, Kola and Saindhavapasted with any
acid juicer should be applied to the affectedorgan in the mannerof a
Rasa-Kriyd measure for the cure of (the two kinds of) Aksi-paka.
ur*tt*r+tigtt frqii qfiifr qFruql
3nr*tr{rsi*€qrT{iTrqfii{{ig-dq|| ?q II
gEdftEd rlFAi F-wflmci6tagr*5 TTKqI
\rir(frgffiss{rrf q*irhdfifisF* sfrqql1;e 1;
Animal flesh and saindhavasalt soakedin clarified butter and
mixed with Sunthi and breast-milk shouldbe applied to the affected
organ in the manner of an AJcl'otana or,asan Afiiana. A compound
consisting of Jati flower, Saindhavu,Sunrli, Pippali and huskless
Vidangapastedtogetherwith honey,may aswell be usedasanAfiiana
with advantagein caseof Aksi-paka. 39-40.

q*rdt vfrfirra*erqrs trd dfdrqwlrcTst

5-(d fqfu$Surqra'qrfrqerfifiri fqrsr rqtq: || YqII
rr*ffi{+{ qtlrl
@ g Trfiqgqotg-fi: llYR ll
Treatment of Pirydlasa- Blood-letting (after the application
of SnehaandSveda)andpoulticing(Upanaha)of the affectedlocality
are efficacious in the affection of the eye, known as Puydlasa-the
measuresand remedieswhich prove curative in casesof Aksi-paka
shouldaswell be employedwith discretionin this caseby a physician.
An Afijana (eye-salve)composedof Ardraka, Saindhavaand Kdslsa
(sulphateof iron), or Kdslsa Saindhovct,Ardraka, iron and copper dust
pastedtogetherwith honey, should be applied to the affectedeye in
the mannerof an Afijana (in a caseof Pnyalasa).4l'42.

*6rm: t
WzrrFnerAqirqftt lqqTqrEqelr€{+q
l. Sonreaddhoneyin the list.

SRr6RqlqTnfuq-f-kdntt@t* |
Treatment of Praklinna-vartma- The derangedDosasof the
systemshouldbe dulyt removed(corected) and the patientshouldbe
duly soothedin a caseof Praklinna-vartnta,after which washes,eye-
salves, eye-drops (A3cy otana), snuffs (Nasya) and fum i gation (D huma)
shonldbe resortedto accordingto the Dosa involved in eachcase.A
Compound composed of Mustir, Haridrd, Yasli-ntadhu,Priyangu,
Siddhartlta, Rodhra, Utpala-sedva2 pasted togethet' should be em-
ployed in the mannerof an Aicyotana measure.As an altemative,the
compound consistingof RCsaiijancand honey should be used as an
+i rn-ergrrcqpq qqqr trqt fuqqRerErsgqT*I
dyre qfu rufuui ar rfi5ai arrdqrcrreF,{l
Tsfdiqt qr Frm,'drfrrr*tqinvTgq: €r€itat uyq tl
fqqryrsqgr; qqgl qpier eiwq <reartra nr:a*qr
trtrst il{TR*t'fti q$r iTTF€r {ritqEtsqu yq tl
The decoction of the leavesand fruits of Amalaka should be
duly prepared(in the mannerof Rasa-kriy,c)and usedas an Afijana.
Rasa-Kriyd preparationspreparedwith (the expressedjuice of) the
roots of bamboo,of Vqrtis preparedwith the sameof (condensingit
by) cooking it (again) in coppervessel,shouldbe usedfor the above
purpose.Rasa-kriyapreparationspreparedwithTriphald, flowers of
Palasa or Khara-mafijari, shouldbe similarly appliedto the affected
organ.Eye-salvesmadeof powderedKdrhsya-malaandcottonfibres
(Tantu)burnt togetherandpastedwith themilk of a she-goatandmixed
with (white) Marica and powdered copper should be used as a
Pratyafijana to the eye (already weakened by the use of Afijana).
l. Dulana says that the derangedDosas of the system should be cleanedwith the
appficationof S4eha,Venesection,purgative,errhines andAsthupanu.
2. In placee1 read'dHtffir:', Meaning in this case
the term'Asitu-sariyit'. others again mean'Rasdfijana'by the term
'Asita'. -Dulhanu.
3. Dctlhanarecomrnends'rain water' as the liquid for the preparation.

vgrtFi trduitilrs vrg[sug(rfr qftqs gJ-fi{l

qyrfgt+qnnfr@ vfrs{rrx\en
ffi *o qe =hn:y*qrg sfrqqtqql
s*'qei frr*q) q Vg Eilr?5Tr${gil x4 tl
An eye-salveor anAiijanamade of Samudra_phena, Saindhnva,
conch-shell,Mudga andwhite Maricamixedtogether(in the shapeof
a powder) shouldbe prescribedin a caseof Aklinna-vartmaasit would
pormptly alleviatethe local itching.The foregoingmeasuresandrem-
ediesshojld be likewise employedin a caseof praklinna-vartma ac-
cording to the nature of the deranged Dosas involved there in. An
Afijana preparedwith the admixture of Kajjala andrunhaka(Sulphate
of copper) rubbed in clarified butter on the surfaceof a copper vissel,
would be similarly used(in suchcases).47-4g.

Er{Vilsqrq:u qRtl
Thusendsthe twelfth chapterof the uttaru-Tuntrain the susrutasarhhitit
treatsof the curativetreatmentof Raktabhisvanda.


qglltflE[ q{1-qq erqafr: tt t tt
Now we shall discourseon the curative treatrnentof eye-diseases
in which Scarificationshouldbe resortedto (Lekhya-Roga-Pratisedha).

Tq tsF{Fdr tqr: rlrqrqRcil{ FqFI:I

fusrqmrkRrffiFl fi€rfrrdqs{fr 111 11
( eTr*f6 tffir+a *Yrqrrqvnflun: tt)
gd{drrdtt ETRftTT gvetFa: t
tr{Td ftrfq qrerqsrtfdftrrn{tt r tt
t{-fd qd qaa: I
ffirqiTqen rf,frriqt.sfq qtu v lt
iriT:trTa dt{ Td YR{r{rf$'dql
ffiur qHnifr rrtt fprt g;T:tt\ tl
FRqryfqt:qqrqfr* ' qfrrqrmqrllQ ll
uq{rcTEtcqrfuit qqr{( sgqr"frqlle ll
@ rffiqr
qrstrR tl
{gfqg flqemi *erq,'Cfurtte
The generalcourseof treatmentto be adoptedin the ninekinds
of eyediseases to Scarifying(Lekhana) operation

is as follows- The patientshouldbe laid in a chambernot exposedto

the sun and the gales of wind, after having been treated with proper
emulsivemeasures(Sneha-karma)rand subjectedto a courseof emetics
and purgatives.The eyelid shouldbe over-turnedwith the thumb and
the index finger and should be very carefully fomented with a piece of
linen soakedin lukewarm water and squeezed.The eye-lid shouldbe
covered with a piece of linen and over-turned with the thumb and the
index finger at the time to guardagainstits movementand enclosing.
The (part of the) eye-lid to be scraped,should be wiped with a linen
and marked with a surgical instrument and the scraping should be
effectedtherein with a scrapingknife of any (rough)leaf accordingto
the exigenciesof the case.After the subsidenceof the bleeding,the
part should be fomented and then gently rubbed (pratisdrana) with a
medicinal consistingof Manahsila (Realgar),Kastsa(Sulphateof iron),
Trikatu,Afijana (black antimony),SaindhavaSalt andMaksikafinely
poundedtogether.After this the part shouldbe washedwith lukewarm
water and lubricated with clarified butter. The subsequenttreatment
thereof shouldbe like that of an ulcer(Vrarya)2.Fomentations,AvapTQa,
etc. shouldalsobe employedafterthreedays.Thus I havedescribedto
you the generalmeasuresto be observedin scrapingan affectedlocality
in the eye. 2-8.

g'i q€fui q.d frfud wMrr qrr
ffii qreqFrdq:utotl
Td VqFi rJ€'wei q,uqffiaqr
+{qrd.g*uf qr Effi*figr:r
qn( EFdfui id ffid4 g;rfttd(p tq rl
Satisfactory and deficient scarificaton- Stoppageof bleeding,

l. It shouldbe nofed that the patientshouldalso be fomented(svertu)after being

treatedwith the emulsivemeasures.
2. For the fust sevendyasthe treatmentshouldbe like that of an incidentalulcer
Fadyo-vrana)afterthis period,the caseshouldbe treated,if necessary,asa caseof

subsidenceof the swelling and itching, a smooth level aspectof the

part like the surface of a finger nail are the features, which mark a
proper and satisfactoryscarification.Rednessof the eyes, swelling
and dischargeof blood from the operatedlocality, occurrenceof Timira
(blindnessor darknessof vision), non-ameliorationsof the diseaseunder
treatment,brownness,heaviness,numbness,itching,horripilation and
coating (as if with foreign matter) of the eye-lids and a consequent
high inflammation which attend an incomplete and unsatisfactory
scarification,andthis shouldbe remediedby anointingiand scarifying
the affectedpart again.9-lL.

qw*tqqr qd qF qrfu @t
*f*{tfqR'g: Rr( u,q{ildrfrdrrd:tt tR tl
Excessive Scarification- Excessive dischargeandpainin the
localitytogetherwith an upturningof the eye-lidsand spontaneous
uprootingof theeye-lashes shouldbe ascribedto excessive
Fomentation, applicationof SnehaandemploymentofVdyu-subduing
measures shouldbe resortedto in suchcases.12.

ktrg q6d ?lEr Eif*atr

ter*1gTtzrcftil*( F6fuaTsqiTt fl*, il q? tl
q{ ffi{ e tqrfr vqwq'dqqd+l
g;a$ffii vr4Trs n*ffi.*rfur
Ert(w)foare Vrdurffi(qgr{dka: il tY rl
sr$-dg ? eT: frgq'T: a,fl6{r T{rql
EFn€nqr*IiTr: Qfr'rfir€rEfirqTftrdefril q\ ll
ffiufrgffi{iTn{r: flqsfiT qraq&r: r
flqR*nT: ffiq+:ItQtl
In the following diseasesof the eye, viz., Vartmdvabandha,
Klista-vartma, Bahala-vartma and Pothaki, the affected part should
'd<q61 ' 'ffiiql'
l. Dalhana saysthat someread lfomenting)in place of

first be gently scraped and then scarified. ln Syava-vartma and

Kardama-vartma, the intelligent physician will gently scarify the
aftectedpart neither deeply nor superficially.In casesof utsahgini,
sarknrd and KumbhikinT, the seat of the diseaseshould be first cut
(with a knife) and then carefully scarified. An incision should be
followed by a scarificationin the caseof small,very hard,supperated,
copper-coloured,Pidakds (pustules)occurring on (the inner membrane
of; the eye-lid.small andslightly swellingpidatcs (pustules)occuring
on the exterior surface of the eye-lid shourd be remedied with
fomentations,plastersand the generalcorrectiveremedies.13-16.

ffistarq. il t? rr
Thusendsthe thirteenthchapterof the lLttaru-Tantrain thesuiruta sarhhita
which treatsof the curativetreatmentof (eye)diseases
amenableto scarfication.

ffitnei qlqqpqlq;,
qqqFr q 11
r1rrqq eIq<TR;11
Now we shall discourseon the curative treatmentof eye-diseases
which require surgicalincisions(Bhedya-Ro ga-Pratisedha).I

Fffi€rffii bffrqsfittwrq{t
qrir fi{€r A Yrdurfr;er*tr+qritqrrr lt
q'rfrqrrrrfrgq ffiqrgtq El
iriT: S*5i Car qurg*rgqrqt(ll t ll
Treatment of Visa-granthi- In case of suppurating Visa-
granthi,it shouldbe first fomented,and its puncture-likeholesshould
be completely incised (so as to remove any swelling in the affected
part). It should then be dusted with Sain'Chava,Kdslsa, Mdgadh'4
Puspafijana, Manal.t-|ild and E/a pounded togetherl. Honey and
clarified butter should then be applied (over the dusted part) and it
should be duly (loosely) bandaged(for the complete union of the

{tfiqTngdnfrfqq€: ffiaut
qF{qnrr}*dt frr+ FFrorEqfrt
F6r+frqlffifr eTnrfrfqftr*iF€:
l. Both Vynda and Cakrudatta read only the first two lines of the taxt and hold that
the incision should be dusted with Saindhava only. Their commentators, however,
accept rhe reading there to be SuSruta's.They supply the next two lines of Suiruta,
and notice the consequent alleration in the sense.

Lagarya- An incision should be made into the affected part in

a caseof lngana, and any of the following drugs,viz.,Rocand,yava-
kqara, Tuttha, Pippah andhoney should be applied to the incised part;
while in serious(lit-big) casescauterizationwith alkali or with fire
will be the remedy.4.

k*ift rdtfr Frdwfr rqrrgrnfuq.rqr

trr+drqdfu*F+:q$t: qfrrtrru+(u
\ rl
T€r${qglqt erfi{f,r qr vrwqilfk(r
Affjana- In caseof Afijana, the affectedpart should be duly
fomentedand if it spontaneously burstsopen,it shouldbe well pressed
andrubbed (Pratisarana) with a plaster-compound of Manah-sila, En,
TagarapddukaandSaindhava,pastedtogetherwith honey.If, however,
the surgeon wants to open ii, it should be rubbed with honey and
Rasafijana mixed together and then coated with a warm collyrium
made the lamp-blackcollectedfrom a burning lamp flame. 5-6.

qErqHF*frr*ft fi+*Rr(qfrqnurql
Tgfrrqrrrs rr
fitu a,uti fuqfrqgfr*r*:r
*e}:qrsilFnqr srdr,( ngtqfru e tl
Krimi'granthi- In a caseof Krimi-granthi, the affected part
shouldbe duly fomentedafter it hasbeenincisedand it shouldthen be
treated with the Rasa-kriya solution preparedwith (the decoction ofl
Triphala (with the addtion of Tutthat, Kasisa and saindhava. rn a
caseof upanaha (in the eye) due to the action of the derangedKapha,
the affected part should be openedand rubbed with powde redpippati
and Saindhava mixed with honey. It should then be scrapedwith a
Mandaldgra instrument. The surroundingparts should also be gently
scratchedall around. 7-8.

1. Both vrnda andcakrapani read'Mutra'(cow's urine)in placeof ,Tutthu.,

of themalsorecommendthe additionof Rasdfijanain the compound.
184 SUSRUTAs.o'MgrrA

ri*fl ws$s ffidr qengcrql

eflqrfrrqFdftr+tqqia+sqrr*(tt q u
q{E**S Fqki F{qFi *rT{q,nt
qqlrrtr Usr l5-fiil qurfrqur{ltto tl
In the foregoing five casesof incisableeye-disease,until the
settingin of suppurationtherein, the affectedeye shouldfirst be treated
with Sneha and then with light fomentation with (the help of) tender
leaves(as a cover over the eye). In all the remediesto be adoptedin the
treatmentof these(incisableeye) diseases,the applicationof a Sneha
shouldbe first adopted.In cases,however,wheresupprationhad already
set in, the remediesfor the healingup of the ulcer, shouldbe carefully

wqtvilsearq:ntY tl
Thus endsthe fourteenthchapterof the Unura-Tanta of theSufrutuSarhhiti
which dealswith the curativetreatmentof (eye)

drsrMd*ei@r@lf Ptrr[3,
qefrcrq wrqq erqaR: tt q lt
Now we shall discourseon the curativetreatmentof eye-diseases,
which shouldbe cured with excisions(Chedya-Roga-Pratisedha). I

fu.rsi argqrdtgR wtiT: I

{ffi( E qqi ntqqt qdK FTrqft:ll Rll
iliT: rifrkt Wf qki qft"qFgilql
sr{ zr:r {frqrd *rsrrt{ frryq111;l
qqTi iqqrurs qffi{ TrI{IFfi:I
Egrwrs.rcrq +erre q*q*urqr ${: llY ll
q *emrrrfir flq{riEn+{s{ ( ig ) Ttrt ir(l
vr€rqril{{rTErrFrrdl+ ur6+E Fd{ll\ lt
itr: vmnr*5t fiFnra fficqt
sfuq rrrgd{r}srfrS{ qRqfrer+(n
q tl
Fdgth Trdilgrfr F,sn€ffirq qrwtr(l
+€r q,{Retqt<i foq1sft1ffit*{u e rl
w$f{rftafi qit =TrR{aqrufufrt
q-frf,*,qqr{ti =TrS qrqrqr{rfr |
ffitr( 5.r{ii vffiqftrrrqfrtta tt
Treatment of Armas- Thepatientshouldbefirst treatedwith
a Sneha-predominating

a caseof Anna markedby the manifestvegetationof polypus (on the

affectedeye).The patientshouldthenbe madecarefully to sit at ease
and the affected eye should then be initated by casting powdered
Saindhava-saltinto its cavity after which the eye-ball, without any
loss of time, shouldbe duly fomentedand rubbedwith the hand.The
intelligent physician will then ask patient to look athis Apanga (the
interior corner of his own affectedeye) and the cyst or the polypus
(thusturnedup), shouldbe carefully securedwith a hook (Badisa)and
held with a Mucundi instrumentor with a is crangerous
to suddenlyuplift the eye-lid under the circumstances.The two eye-
lids shouldbe firmly drawn asunder so asto guardagainsttheir being
anywisehurt during the operation.The polypus,thus madeflabby and
pendentwith the meansof the threeaforesaidaccessories, shouldbe
fully got rid of by scrapingit with a sharpMandalagra instrument.
Thr root of the polypus should be pushedas under from the Krsna-
mandala (Sclerotic region) and the Sukla-mandala(region oi irt.
cornea), to the extremity of the Kanlnaka (pupil) and then removed
the Kaninaka (pupil) should be duly guardedso as not to be hurt. A
quarterlayer of the flesh (of the polypus) shouldbe left back and then
the operationwould not in any way hurt or injure the eye. An operation
at a point beyond the aforesaidlimit of the Kaninaka (mighthurt the
pupil and) would set up a hoemorrhageand beget a sinus (as well as
pain) in the locality. The vegetationor polypus is sure to grow up
again to its former size if it is cut off insufficientlv. 2-g.

adrrqc*< qfr il{g-qFd EaFqiqr

fsErr{q*'ur vrdqr qnfuJenmrqrf}rfi{n
q tl
qfd€Rurqqryfrq ifrT: ts,'FiTf,<ttql
qrHraTg qttq E1io 11
ffiar m: qsqqcfiqqgvrcil fr{yq I
Aq ( fur ) {qcrordil: *t' rmr qcnFetr
qurf,( rihq|;r{ inzT
Snrica: qql
:Tfit-ffir t5-{F*i EHr VfuFrqdt-(il lt rr
A shreddyor nettedArma in theform of a membranous

(Jata) inthe eye shouldbe madependentby rubbing it (with saindhava-

salt) ardthen cut with a bentBadiSainstrumentat thejunction of the
Sukla-mandalc(cornea)andthe Vrtrtma-ntandala (coniunctivaor eye-
lid). The affected part should then be rubbed with a compound
consisting of Yava-ksdra,Trikatu and Saindhava-salt(pounded
together) and then (duly) fomented and bandagedup by the skilful
physician.Lardaceousor oily (Sneha)applicationshouldthereafterbe
prescribedwith due regardto the natureof the placer,the season,the
time (day or night) and the strengthof the patient,and the incidental
wound shouldbe treatedas an ulcer.The bandageshouldbe removed
afterthreedaysandthe affectedpart shouldbe (mildly) fomentedwith
the applicationof heatedpalmsof thehandsandtreatedwith corrective
or purifying remedics.9-LL.

lMci YF f*ro' qir{"gdqtttR tt

qTant(rdf*'sffi-qffia {elfrl
rrfrq: qga: frc: Stfqg: qflTqi ll qi ll
Milk duly cooked with Karafiia seed,AmalakaandYasti-madhu
and mixed with honey (when cold), should be droppedtwice a day
(morning andevening)into the affectedeye in the eventof therebeing
any pain in it. A cold plaster composedof Yasti-madhu,polensof
lotus (Utpala) and Durva-grasspastedtogetherwith milk and mixed
with clarified butter is recomendedin suchcasesto be applied to the

sd qdi qftIftct ftt tmqainfu qtl
wR iq Enfu vJffi-d( irg(Ir*(ll q\ ll
qqhi T{iT T( e €rgqtq{{r{dql
trfltq il{{ gr( Fstrtrrsfirl€T(ll qq ll
' 'dq '-
L In placeof t{t' - theparticularpartandnatureof thecountry,someread
the particularDosainvolvedin eachcase.

tqvgceot*au ftr{rcqiqt ftrEffiq{l

fu*sdFr s{*( rlqrl qcrnqr5r*qql qs tl
Any residueof Arma,left after the excision,shouldbe removed
with the application of Lekhyat (scraping)Afijana or eye-salve.An
Arma (cyst-like papilla or protruberance)which is aswhite ascurdred
milk (Dadhr), or which looks blood-red or blue or grey, should be
treatedlike a caseof Sukrarmn(opacity of the corneaor a filmy and
fleshy growth in the eye). AnAnna which is very thick and rookslike
a piece of skin and coveredover with fibres of flesh and
well asone occurringon the Krsna-nrundala(regionof the iris) should
be excisioned. The eye assunesits former and natural colour and
function, and becomesfree from pain and other complicationsby the
proper excision of an Arms. 14-17.

fu rrqrAfu{rqrqa,,Fr{RilrsEkqr1l
uffiqT ffi*cr:utztl
fu{rgfusFrqTilsTTfuurk *qq: I
3rM.uT Rrqi ffiilqStl
: ?Frdrld*r qfrFnur{r
fqfusnfr qcrr+{ drr+lgsEsld: u ?o tl
Treatment of Sirfl-j5la and Sir6-pi4akE- In a case of Sira-
jala, the hardened veins (sit) should be hung down with a hook
(BaQiSa)and scrapedwith a Marydalagra (round-topped) instrument.
cysts or pimples (PiQakds)appearingon the diseasedveins in a c:rse
of the aforesaid sird-Jala and not proving amenableto the application
of medicines, should be excisioned as in a case of Arma with a
Mandaldgra instrument. Pratisdrana (rubbing) as in a caseof Arma
and Lekhanc (scraping) with due regard to the nature of the deranged
Doqasinvolved in eachcase,arealsorecommendedin both the diseases
(Sira-Jdla and Sird-Pidafta) under discussion.1g-20.

l. For lzkhya ArtianaseeChapterXII, para l 6 of this Utktra-Tantt u.

2. Somehereread'fu{'(veins)in placeof t q i t l

rr*fr{T*f,vrdTr qduffi' frqerur:r

wfr q frr+rtq crumqrwmntu?qtl
qM t*remo*tr
ftaffi Trth rlqqqrrqr tr
Treatment of Parva[ika- In a caseof Pan'anikn the placeof
junctionr (of the lachrymal sacandthe comea)shouldbe duly fomented.
A quarterpart only of theprotuberanceof growth shouldbe kept apart,
while the remaining upper three quartersshould be securedwith a
hook and cut with a knife. Half of the aforesaidquarterpart should
thenbe cut away (very carefully),as lachrymalsinus(andconsequent
Iachrymation)would otherwisesetin. The seatof operationshourdbe
subsequentlyrubbed (Pratisdrana) with a compound of honey and
Saindhava-salt.Scarifying (Lekhana)powdersshouldthenbe applled
to the affectedpart for the completerecovery of the disease(if any
complaint still remaining). 2t-22.

vt5i Fghra qrE.aatar{grqql

Hfuh g;Ff{<g rratrrvwririTqnt??tl
W*r gfirr{RrrrctRq ql
TfiqqqrddtiTlsg+{En ?y tl
Erf-si w,.nkqr r+rd+tq'TfrGl
tTPnqils{{d:6rirFs+q vd?i ger:u R\ ll
tr* rrte rr
phena,rnarineoyster-shell,crystal,ruby, coral,A imantaka, Vaiclurya
(Lapis lazuli), pearl,iron, copper andSrotofijarza(Antimony) takenin
equalparts and mixed together,shouldbe stuffedin a ram'shorn2and
then let the intelligent one apply this curna-afijanc (powder) to the
affectedlocality, morning andeveningeveryday,as suchapplications

l. The 'Junction"is thejunctionof the Kr.srra-rnandala

the eye.- Dalhanu.
2. Dalhanaexplains'Me;a-iyhga'as a kind of lhgudi tree.

are extremely efficacious in all types of Armas, Pidakas, Sira-jala,

Arsas.SuskarSasandArbuclaetc. in the eye. 23-26.

rq qrqrTJw.rvfrs{Sau r
slrqfli qa+flqT fEerFi tS qqqt n Rs tl
qffis f{cf.q q.dfr€qlTqp6trT:I
qrsiliq *q+{ {d i6qr{ft{qrd{: rr Rz ||

fwr*qttfr+d$qvwq Rqtl
qrkrrnqftrffi qrRrN +r+(qftr
*Edtstq* s{r+ffi} ffirfl1ts(l ?o rr
ttrw*+gq{t rTREr*"q gqkd: n lt ll
Treatment of inner part of the eye-lids- The mode of
treatmentin a caseof any affection in the inner lining of the Vartmn
(eye-lid) is given below. The affectedpart should be first fomented
and then the eye-lid shouldbe over-turned(held at an angle),and the
diseasedgrowth or swellingshouldbe carefullylifted up with a needle,
then an experiencedphysicianshouldcut it at its root or basewith the
help of a sharp Mandaldgra instrumenr. After that the affected part
shouldbe rubbedwith a pulverisedcompoundconsistingof Saindhava,
Kdsisa (Sulphate of iron) and,Pippati. The affected eye-lid should
then be carefully cauterisedwith a (red-hot) rod after a (complete)
cessationof the bleeding.The residueof its root or base,if any, should
be scarifiedwith a scarifying alkaline (caustic)preparation.Decoctions
of strong emetic and purgative drugsr should be (internally)
administeredfor the elimination of the Dosas (from of Vrar.ra-ulcer).
The measuresandremediesmentionedin connectionwithAbhigyanda
(Ophthalmia) should also be prescribedwith regard to the nature of
the bodily Dosasinvolved in the case.The patientshall observestrict

1. some commentators say that emeticsanclpurgativesshouldbe internally

but Dalhaya and the Pafijikn-kuraopposethis view.

regimen of diet and conduct for a month after the surgical operation.
u q\ tl
Thus ends the fifteenth chapter in the Uttara-Tantru of the Suiruta Surhhita
or requiring
::"":T'ffi ':;K1;;'fi"'

: q+r*ffiqei
3rsrRf q1s41g1q;,
qerqra ,flr.tq eFaiTfr:rrq rr
Now we shall discourseon the curativemeasuresfor theremedy
of diseasesoccurring on the eye-lashesand hence on the eye-lid
(Paksma-kopa P rat i sedha). I
qrq{C qFdst-* fffirr: q$rr*tfrsF{F6n:gtRTr(l
q{Fr qd ftrdterrr rr
tg.ftqcr( qR'Tq cTrrt qq{n-eril*fiqft.ryF<liu
IrErfrr( ?rEr"fd fwrgrtr+{Ts 111 11
s(SH Vrdur rq$nui qr&{ fr-AE fr$msqr;1
(cil q rfiidg{rsqfrri Eqt-{ furFi tdki qfi q(u x tl
E-drdi* q f{6ndsi gr{TTTT*rc{€ q(ea1
r*{ rrfr qrqer vrsEnrT
qrdq fut*( E;srdsFreFu \ tl
Surgical Treatment- In case of Peksma-kopawhich is an
affection of the eye-lid andwhich hasbeendescribedbeforeasadmitting
only of palliative treatment,the patientshouldbe first treatedwith a
Snehaand made to take his seat (in a proper position). A cut in the
shape and size of a barley corn should be made in the eye-lid
horizontally parallel to (the part of the eye-ball lying berween)the
Karunaka(pupil) and the Apahga (exteriorcornerof the eye) leaving
two parts below the eye-browand one part abovethe eye-lashes.The
surgeonshouldthendiligently sutureup the two edgesof the incisions
with (horse's)hair. After the applicationof honey and clarified butter
to the operatedpart, it shouldbe treatedin the mannerof an (incidental)
ulcer.A pieceoflinen shouldbe tied round theforeheadandthehorse's

hair sewingup the operatedparl shouldbe attachedthereto.The stitching

hair shouldbe carefully removedafter the completeadhesionrof the
two edgesof the incidentalulcer.2-5.

lFiaffiirs qd^ ft|q ffirtdt eFcst

rd.firnerqf{qrt(di q{i{ur qT qr{qAqq *{: u Qtl
lser q{ ersqwgwrei w$tldltqT ffiffi+g r
qfrffifq A qy{ qr *flfiqq1\stl
q€Rqi flEeId t*qi qqffiei gt1ie YFFIT:I
ftrimr{frfrfisqq-Aqrgr€r6rnffr qTg uutl
Cauterisation- In caseof the failure of theprecedingmeasure,
the eye-lid shouldbe carefully examinedand lifted up in an inverted
postureand the diseasedcyst(Bali) shouldbe very carefullycauterised
with fire or alkali, As an alternative,the Paksmnmala(eye-lashes)
shouldbe all removedand the affectedeye-lid having beencarefully
securedwith three hooks (BadiSa)should be rubbed with pasted
Harltalii andTuvarakn(Lodhra).The four aforesaidmeasures2 aswell
as purgatives,eye-drops(Aicyotana), medicinal snuffs, inhalations
(fumigations) Plasters,Collyrium, Snehu and Rasa-knyZ,should be
likewiseheld asbeneficial3in casesof Paksma-kopa.6-8.

Efr gqqa{Fauryn-tilA qqqqtq-qftrndqrq

*erfrsearq:n te tl
Thus ends the sisteenth chapter of the Uttara-Tantru in the Su|ruta Safihilu
which treats of the remedies of Paktma-konu.

l. According to Vdgbhata,the stitching hair should be removed on the fifth day.

2. The four measuresare (a) operation,(b) cauterisationwith fire, (c) cauterisation
with alkali, and (d) applicationof medicinal drugs.
3. It should be noted that this diseasecannot be radicallv cured. but is amenable
only to palliative treatments(qfq).

q?Fdrq s{Irdlq erq<rfr:rr q rr
Now we shall discourseon the curativetreatmentof the diseases
of the pupil and the Crystallinelens (Drsri-gata-Roga-Pratisedha).1

TeT: yc.HrrqFnfrrrq rr
rfr*,,n: Efiftffr qrqfrh:I
qd ffi*+emi f€enqi 6frr qu i ll
fqtgdqai S"t-{ flEfti vrsqrnr{tr
TtTffiq 5eqr$, Trfi*d: il y lt
sTr+ e *wei tr qfiidgag*l
tFr.5dq*: qpzi *tR{ trfuqTil\tl
tF*'t?etd F'sn rilq-frs qfr i1gnt
rnqi{ qffi *d rR:fyremrrq rr
Ta amrmeyn srjgsp6sffi q|
ftrR \n zhn: RFtrfr{gi k<rT:tte tl
Of the diseaseincluded within the present group, three are
curable, three are incurable, while the remaining six admit only of
palliative treatment.The curative remediesof the diseaseknown as
Dhima-darii (smokeor dusky vision) hasbeenalreadydescribed(in
connection with the medical treatmentof pittaja Ophthalmia)t.All
the remediesapplicablein casesof derangedpitta andKapha as wefl

l. See Chapter X,9, Uttara-Tantra


as applic ation of Nasya ( snuff), Sefta(sprinkling), Afij ana (Collyri um),

Alepa (plaster),Puta-piika and,Tarpctna (soothing)remedieswith the
exceptionof surgicaloperationshouldbe respectivelyadministeredin
casesof P i t tcr-affected (P i t ta -vi dagdha) andKapha - aff ected(SIesma-
vidagdha) vision. Traiphala-Ghrta should be prescribedin a caseof
Pitta-vidagdlta-Drsti andTraivrta -Ghytain a caseof Slesma-vidagdha-
Drsri. Potionsof old andmaturedclarifiedbutteraswell asof Tailvaka-
Ghrta arcequallyefficaciousin both casesrcolyri ums(Afijanas)should
be preparedwithGairika, Saindhava,Pippalt and the chanedremains
(Masi) of cow's teeth.or with beef,Moricct,Sirlsn-seedsandManah-
Sila, o, with the stalk of a Kapittha fruit togetherwith honey or with
Atmaguptapastedwith honey; thesefour Afijanas may be usedwith
advantagein both the types under discussion.2-7.

Eid6-RTrc5,PlrflT-foqgqffiqn{; 1
g+ep5{-wTrar uz rl
qg+{trcfr fi+q-qi{iffiqr+rffi rrq rr
Pusp5fijana- Powdersof the {lowersof Kubjaka,A1oka,SAla,
Amra, Priyangtt,Natint andof (Jtpctla,aswell aspowderedHarenuka,
PippaIl, Harltaki andAmalakt mixed with honeyand clarified burrer,
should be kept inside a hollow bamboo and applied to the eye in the
manner.ofa collyrium (Aiijana) in casesof Pitta-vidagdha andSlesma-
vidagdha eye-diseases. 8-9.

sTrFqq.#i gq aqAr RuE6,,rqr

tg'i Sflrq{i$b rt'+qrTercnsgqu qo rl
TBaflF{fir{er i++nxr+nftHatlltt rr
Dravdfijana and Gudik5fljana- As an altern ative,Harenukd
pastedwith the expressedjuice of the flowers of Amra (mango) and
Jambu(black-beny)andmixed with honeyandclarifiedbutter,should
be used in both the above casesas an Afijana. pollens of Nalini (red

l- Traiphalu-Ghrta,Traivrta-Ghrtaand raih'aka-Ghrtashouldbe preparedwith

both the decoctionandKalka of rriphala, Trivrta andof rilvaka respectively.

lotus) and o[ Utpala (blue lotus) as well as Gairikcl pastedtogether

with the Rasa (watery secretions)of cow-dung2and made into large
pills (Guetikrz)may be profitably applied to the eye as an Aiijana abke
irr casesof day-blindness and night-blindness. This Afijana is called
the Gudikaiij ana. l0 -ll.

yftt **{* ersfr fqgrsErrTqridfr{I
E-fF ir qftqrt s{rqtdfdeqqr r
qgffi( tn{ 'rdb{ fudsnir}nqt tl
€qttdrsi iltr{ ffi vqrlr qytl
Treatment of Day-blindness- Rasaiijana, Rasa(uice)r honey,
Talisa-patra and Sy,arna-gairikashould be pastedtogetherwith the
Rasaof cow-dungand applied(in the mannerof anAiijana) in caseof
Pitta-affectedvision i.e. day-blindness.Sita(Rasafijcu'ta, or according
to someCamphor),andSauvirashouldbe soakedin Rcsa(meat-juice)o
and then shouldthen be soakedagainin the bile of
a tortoiseor of a Rohita fish and dried and reducedto powder.The
presentcompoundis called the Curna-anjana(powderedcollyrium)
and may be usedbeneficially for the pacificationof Pitta (in casesof
Pitt a -vi dagdha-D r st i). Kd 3mari flow ers, Yai 1i -madhu, D a rvi, Rodhra
and,Rasclfijana,should be poundedtogetherand mixed with honey.
Used as an Alijana it is alwaysefficaciousin the affectionsof the eye.
sMr{*ur dT ai{: qTurqTsn$iFiTr:il t\ ll
l. Cakradattu does not read'Gairika' in the list.
2. ln placeof "ti$g(" some Leacl"rilqi;il" i.e., the liver of a "ri" which may
me.rna cow or any animal, such as goat, sheepetc.
3. According to Dalhaua, meansthe juice of Amuluku. According ro
others,however,it meansthejuice of the leavesof ./ari tlower. Cakradutta.however.
reads"gd" (clarified butter) in place of "t{" r
4. Rusa may also, tiom the context, mean the watery secretionsof cow-dung.

qrR qgef iTsnl

drifrYrq:i rG'€ts rr6tl
: {Gfltrfl: ll qqll
6rwredu: freTrsrqrvJq,

q*qr qdq: ftrgr{gFrffidr: ll !e ll

Treatment of nocturnal blindness- The applicationof a
medicinalVnrri (stick)composedof Sauviraltjana,Saindhava,Pippalt
andRerurkapastedtogetherwith the urine of a she-goatwould prove
highly beneficial in casesof nocturnalblindness.Similarly the
applicationof a medicinal Varti (sitck) composedof Kaldnu-Sarivd,
Pippali, SunthT,Yasti-madhu,Td[ifia-patrct,the two kinds of Haridra,
andMustd, pastedwith the Rasaof cow-dungrand dried in the shade,
provesbeneficial in such cases.Manah-SilA,HaritakI, Trikatu, Balct,
Kaldnu-sarlvdand (Samudra)Phenapastedtogetherwith the milk of
a she-goatand similarly preparedin the shapeof a Varti is also
recommended. 15-17.
q-qr*irtqrqq q6ffisfr erll q4ll
-ftqal$rowidq r
t*ffit g-wrhR'ii tuJrr&tttstt
H qg'RTtrsrci
ft1qs; frad ng r
{€qFrtrd5gTfr q?ir rTtzrEFqefiq+(r
frlqf{{Flqfui ild-({-{rsi Fc{rr ?orr
EitrrJqrrtTqrfu I
fl5ai'ilsi ?n r@u?qtl
Rasa-Kriydfijana- The urine,bile anddungof a cow2together
with wine, should be boiled (in the manner of Rasa-kriyafijana
juice of Dhatri, or in theRasa(serum)of
preparation)in the expressed

1. DulLtuttu'sreading is evidently "rilq?;([(€" which he explains as meaning the

juice or serum of the liver of a goat & C.
2. The text 6ns" fiqlfotr " l the term "ri " which literally meansa cow, here stands
fol any female quadfuped,such as a she-goat,etc.

the liver of an animal (e.g. a goat), or in the decoctionof Triphala.It

is called the Ksudrafijana,andshouldbe appliedto the affectedorgan
in the mannerof anAitjanc (collyrium). AnAfijanaconsistingof cow's
urine, clarified butter,Samudra-phena, P ippall, Katplnla, Saindhava
andhoney mixed togethershouldbe first kept insidea hollow bamboo
andsubsequently applied(in night-blindness) asa collyrium.The Medas
(fat) and liver of a goat, togetherwith a quantity of clarified butter
skimmed out of the milk of a she-goat,mixed with pippal7 and
saindlnva shouldbe boiled and cookedwith the (expressed) juice of
Amalaka (i'the mannerof Rusa-kriyapreparations).It shouldthenbe
mixed with honeyandkept in a closedvesselmadeof Khadira (catechu)
wood. The use of this (compound),known as the K.sarlraiijana,as an
Aiijana (collyrium) would be attendedwith good results.Harenu,
Pippal-t-seeds (without pericarps),Ela and the liver (of a goat, etc.,y
should be pastedwith the Rasa of cow-dung.Used as an Afijana, it
would prove efficaciousin a caseof Kapha-affectedvision (Slesma-
Vidagdha-D rst i). 18-21.

tcqrq rileffrgqffii {{frri qrrTftrqTFnfr{r

t*f*t il( T{r€+{ ffimr*:rniw{ ErEuR?n
wilki T+d{rs{tvF{q*( qrqr="d F$?.s{rTun{tI Ri II
Tfr€trrf-rrTgqqftilfr vge+qa*€Rigt
tqrffiC*rqrgtssi TfferrqT*e EiT: y*ffiuRyn
The liver of a Godha (a kind of wild lizard) shouldbe partially
openedand stuffedwith Pippatl androastedin fire (havingbeencoated
with clay). The use of the compoundrfor only once2as an Afijana
(with honey) would be found to be highly beneficialin casesof night-
blindness.Similarlya singleapplicationof anAfijanamadeof a goat's

L According to Dalluna the pippaE so roastedshould be used with honev as

2. Both vndaand cakradutta read"4qq" in place of "{$-f," and the commentators
of both of them say that the sentencemeans-the liver should be taken internally
and the Pippafr should be used as an Afijana. The commentator of vmdu furlher
saysthat the practiceis to use both of them togetheras an Afijana.

the the preceding

liver stuffed with Pippalir and roasted in fire as in
(of a goat or of lizard)
As an alternaiive,both the spleenand the liver
would be cut into pieces,mixld wittr oil and clarified butter, androasted
mustard oil' it
on a spit. Used internally or used as anAfiiana with
wouldspeedily cure an attackof night-blindness'22'24'
p1:frrcil t q fqfi q6-(rrdr{l
F{<i{ rgFmrser*rwiq{Tse * ffiqqwdr(ll R\ ll
An Afijana or a pill composed of.Natrtja (saindhava). st*ut
(D.R.-Sart kha---<onch-shell),Kataka,Afiiana, (Rasafiiana)' Manah-
juice of the liver2
ina, tn"rwo kinds of M^ia pastedtogetherwith the
of day-blindness.25.
srEFilqrqr:u{i qsrq-qr frg firyrrffiq+d'r
fffi g{rurqffiqr ffiqn* FdErllRqll
qdfrfrei q*+fre f{d TqFrilrrsrq.Ehdta Cl
-rAETil ffiq vfreri Rqc: f f i T : u R e t l
@tq^: q,,q,$qflsfr ffi *frgvrFn ?r(S-d{l
g{rur€frfffig Fffi f{tr @rl ?ell
R--g t€r(Fxqengiwqr Ftrg
v4sEiirgr( fdme{igqftif,i Tdrtlat ftfrfrssr firri t
nffi iegai qiqrtre qe{q-qTdi f{<efrd gfma: ll R3ll
Treatmenr of palliative types- Bleedingby openingthe (local)

should be
l. Both vugbhuta and Dulhuna plainly say that the roasled Pippali only
used with honey as an Aitiana in cases of night-blindness'
"4qq0" i'e'
2. There is a confusion in the reaclingof this couplet' In place s1
juice of the liver (of a cow or any other animal), Cakradutla reads
pasredwith the
''rfqi qtq"
i.e. to say-the liver of a cow (and of no other animal) shouldbe taken.
3lq-qiqgq" lthe
Vnula,however, readsand his commentatoracceptsthe reading"
liver of an animal other than a cow); but this readingis objectionableon the
cow-lung is
of a faulty construction."rlEiq'i" i.e. pastedin the watery secretionsof
yet another variant noticed by both the commentators of Vrnda and of Cukradata'
200 SUSRUTAsaMurra

veins should be resortedto in the six kinds of ocular affections in

which the palliative treatmentis all that is open to us. The patient
should be as well kept constantlypurged with draughtsof matured
clarified butter duly cooked with the admixtureof suitablepurgative
drugs.rn avataja type (of any of thesesix affections)purgingshould
be induced with castor oil taken through the vehicle of milk.
Administrationof Traiphala-Ghrta is alsorecommendedfor purgative
purposes'especiallyinthe Pittaja and blood-originedtypes.purging
with (clarified butter duly cooked with) Trivrt should be induced in
typeshaving their origin in thede rangedKapha,while oil duly cooked
withrrivrt shouldbe administered (for thepurpose)in casesof affection
having their origin in the concertedactionof all the threederanged
Doqas.The use in any shapeof old and maturedclarified butter,kept
in an iron vessel,proves beneficial in casesof Tintira of any type.
clarified butrercookedwith (the karka and,decoction) of Triphala or
MesasrngtalwaysprovesefficaciousinTimira.f any type.The patient
should be made to lick a compound of powdered rriphala with a
copiousquantityof clarifiedbutterin casesof pittajablindness, with
oil in the Vataja type and with a copious quantity of honey in the
Kaphaja type, of this disease(Timira-loss or darknessof vision)
rrai vrgqm'rr@ fr-r{ ff mtrg TrqrT{l
fciiyd*qeqq qfiil* uqrFdf,rqe$ffi+er(n ?orr
fui futr$ n$ u r{.rfr nr.Trsqtti q{{t!lt"rril.' I
r€r,rtt;effiqfl Trdr+$"f itrils=r*ifugtqfr R-*qr
EiFq**qq*?rgfurtr{u ?q lr
The use as a Navana (e*hine) of a medicatedoil cooked and
prepared with the decoction of cow-dung would be attended
beneficial results in all types of Timira. clarified butterr alone
beneficial in the Pinaja rype; similarly clarified butter prepared
churningthe milk of a ewe or a she-goatandcookedwith thi admixture
of the drugs of theMadhura (Kakoryadi) groupwould prove beneficial
l. somesaythatthisclarified
butteris to beprepared
fromthemilkof a eweor she-

in thePittaj q typeof Timira. oil cookedwith rhedrugsof the sithiradl

(vidarT-gandhadi) or theMadhura grouptaswell as theAnu-taila (see
chapter Y, cikitsita sthana), might be prescribedwith the greatest
advantagein the typesof the diseasedue to the action of the deranged
vdyu and vitiared blood of rhe system.A medicatedoil duly cooked
with an admixture af saha, Aiva-gandha, Atibata, Satuvari, Trivrt
and the three fatty substances,Ghrtct,lard and marrow, mentioned
before(in connectionwi th the treatmen t of M ahu- v ata -vyaclhi,chapter
Yr, cikitsita sthana)might be advantageously employedasan errhine
in casesof vataja Tinira.BLltter churnedout of the milk duly cooked
with the flesh of any aquaticor marsh-frequenting fowl or beastshould
be employedas an errhine;it would prove curativein casesof vataia
Timirct(lossof vision).30-31.
ErsrsET*{IrdrrqSqr FErq{|-kn qTdFTF4?rsiil tl
The fleshof a vultureandof adeerof the Encrspecies.
salt,honey and clarified butrershouldbe preparedancrapplied(to
affectedeye) in the mannerof puta-paka (seenext chapter).The
of valtures,snakesaudcocksandyasti-mctdlru shouldbe iasted together
(with honey) and applied (to the affectedorgan) in the
manneiof an
Afijana (eye-salve)2. 32.

rrsw{ Hfdtir r( qgf€ki *.'qrru${Ttg cTrF{fr{r

furd Esnrr?rtdqst F.qil{qrd ffirr l? tl
@i vqrssi rzn(ftfifrsqrfiTfurr
gsrTEkiqrqirsr ffiTd q,,rqrq6VrprfuE:rrqqrfrn?y tl
Antidotes- srotofijanashourd
in meat-
l. The pa't of the text within the rwo is from'similarly'in
the lastpageto'group,in
this page is not to be found in either vrnda or cakrudutra.
rt. .o'n.itator of
Cakrudatta. however, does crearrysay that this par.tis an
interpolationand cannot
be found in some of the Mss. of Suirtua Saniliri.
2' According to Durhaua the lards of vurtures,snakes
and cocks may be jointly or
separatelyused- taken either one, two or ail the three
at a time. But in .ur",
they should be rnixed with honey and yasti-rnut\hu.It should
be noted that the lard
of a Kr; used.

and usedas a Praryafijana2(incasesof vataia Timiraunattended
with redness of the eye,
redness).In casesof vataja, Timira attended
however, thesrotofiiaLrcshould be placed inside the bladesof
grassand preservedfor a month inside the mouth of a (dead) black
iobra. Then it shouldbe takenout and mixed with Saindhavcsalt
as an
the burnt ashesof Ma tatl (icrti)flowers. It shouldthenbe applied
Afijanato the affectedorgan.As an alternative,srotofiirura,should
appliedto the seatof the
,ouk"d in milk for threesuccessivedays and
diseasein a case of.(vataia) Kaca (cataract)which is saidby experts
to be remediableby th\sAfiiana.33-34'
EFdfriqntrr€tFilS rqFfr=rt{ qs{*q*: $-ir(l
il{itdd+qf6drdkirqr$'gd5?E: {arf,zl:ll ?\ ll
:fust: qnst rrqg*-{ rigtqt
sqr*iqrq,,rfirfri(l+ig{futti dB5rrFilaFE:lliq ll
ffitrtrgrelr* fcr{ q-cqq{l
stqTg.lws{r{rqfiq,i qett(s*i q'rqmi q*6h I
rri{rvrtdftWwr {qr: qtiur g-firqf{tuf{Erdr: ll ?s ll
Treatment of Pittaja-Kdca- Clarified butter skimmed from
milk (andnot from curd) andduly cookedwith thedrugsof theMadhura
(Kakoll'atti) groupr should be employed as a snuff (Ncsya), or as a
Tarpana in thePitt ai atype of this di sease.The fl eshof Jahgala animals
(deer.etc.) and the drugsof the Kakotyadigroup shouldbe usedin the
manner of Puta-paka in the Pittaia type of Kaca. A Ksudrafijana
composedof Rasafiiano,sugar,honey Manah-|ila, and Yasti-madhu
maylikewise be applied.The useof anArtianacomposedof Rasafiiana
and Tutthaka taken in equal parts and finely pounded, is also
recomendedby experts{in suchcases.PowderedTunhaka soakedin

l. Flesh of those anirnalswhich give. strengthto the sigltt should be used in the
pleparation of meat-juice.
2. Praryafijunu (secondaryeye-salve)is an antidotefor the over-useof an Afijanu.
3. According to sonrecommentatorsthe milk should be first cooked with the drugs
of the Matlhura group, and butter should then be churnedout of that milk.
4. A benumbedcondition of th eye through the abuseof eyesalvescalls lbr the use
of this Afijana as an antidote'

the decoctionof Bhillota and the drugs of the Erarri-ganawould be

used as a Pratyaitjana, andwould be found beneficialin such cases.
The use (as an Altjana) of Mesa-|rng7and srotofijana taken in equal
partsof conch-shellpoundedtogetheris efficaciousin the pittaja type
of this disease(Kaca).
The juice of Palctia,Rohita andMadhuka (flower) mixed with
honey and the surfacelayer of wine (takenin equal parts) should be
prepared(in mannerof Rasakriy,aand applied as an eye salve in this

: v*qg qeiqqriwnalr
: sffiE Wgfrni5drtutz tl
ffii tRqr=rcttsEnffr I
Iqr($flffi qf qil ?q rr
rrt:@: rrRrgqrfrcrsr:W\:
fet q q,Ffrwffrg+ iTen r<fu qen ,J-s{rril€in yo tl
Treatment of Kaphaja Type- The drugs known as Uilra,
Rodhra, Triphala and Priyahg, duly cooked together (with Tila oil)
shouldbe employedfor the purposesof snuffing (Nctsya)inthe Kaphaja
Type. Fumigation (Dhumana) with the Vapours of Vidanga,faga,
Ki4ih1 and Ingudr-barkwould also prove beneficial in thi Kaphaja
typeof cataract(Tintiru).Theaffectedpartshouldbe likewiselubricated
with the medicatedGhrta duly cookedwith the decoctionof vanaspati
(the milk exuding trees,e.g. those of the speciesof Indian
holy fig)
with pastedHaridrd and uslra (as kalka). The essenceof the
meat of
Jangala (forest) animals,mixed with pippa| and profusely saturated
with saindhava andhoney, should be preparedin the manner puta-
paka (and applied to the affectedpart) Manah-iila, Trikatu, saindhava,
Mctksike(honey),saftkha, KastsaandRasafijanashouldbe combinedly
used for the purposesof Rasa-kriya (in the type under discussion).
Kdslsa, Rasdiijana, Guda (old and matured treacre) and,Ndgara,
be likewiseusedwith benefit.33-40.
qT qgril t{*ftrd'Erff,{frl@
5s. ryir

nqs gqd$,T tr ff{tri qd5fr q?icr*qlrYlll

Treatment of Tri-doqaja Kdca- Aitiana (Antimcny) many
times heatedand (subsequently)soakedin the decoctionof Triphala
preparedwith (theeight kinds o0 urine,shouldbe put insidethehollow
(marrowless)bone of a nocturnalbird (suclras the vulture, owl etc")
and kept immersedior a month in lnruffled (currentless)water. The
Afijana thus preparedmay be used with advantage,in combination
with Marlhrtka (Yasti-ntacllu) andthe flowers of MesafrhgTin the Tri-
do;ajaType of Kac;t. As an alternative,all the measuresandremedies
(e.g.Tarpanct,Puta-paka,etc.)tapplicablein all thethreeDoscsshould
be employedin suchcases.41.

fl*qrg vqt:, qrtrst(l{eFd: s"q: qfuarfuft qrfu fiffi6(l

*tFa:R{ft: Tdkfi: qfrF ttg qrngta qllYRll
ffi tE q fqqfti rrt rqrfurqsrRgffi(€E: t
grg qtdss{FcrkR: T${: vqqqeserKqfr6 Crqt(u xt tt
Treatment of blood origined Parimlayi- Measuresand
remediesmentioned in connection with the Pittaiu type of Timira
should be employedin a caseof blood-originedParimlayi. In the
alternative,the remedial agentsprescribedfor the treatmentof the
differentkindsof Ophthalmia(Abhisynnda) shouldbe aswell prescribed
accordingto the natureof the derangedDosasinvolved in the case.In
casethe derangedDo{as arenot therebysubdued,Nnsycsof the proper
drug, as well asthe many otherAitianas(collyrium) mentioned in the
(next) Chapteron Kriya-kalpa shouldbe employed.42'43.

qag{r"i frcn,divrdrqft TfrEqtqffih zrqnfrt

fi{*{qrqnqqttqqtrfr s{d{*tq ftTfrrtr*ffittYY ll
vrdrdfrwq€!F *-{i{€Ten5* erssro*'g qr€Ft:I
@q-ffi qr ftTfurE4ffillY\ll
frqFilsn?fi {F{quur€ qf,ugrfr{i qrqrqfr€ I
ffi aen q E!ffi?i vn{n-qrfricrsu Yqtt
l. According to some,the measuresand remediesto be applied in such casesare the
measuresof Rusu-Kriytrapplicablein casesof Vutaiu, Pittttiu and Kuphaia, Timiru.

vrrnrhfrr{qrffi +e ffi qEffirdrF{ uye tl
Diet- A personcarefullypartakingof old andmaturedclarified
butter, Triphala, Satavarl, Patols, Muclga,Antctlaka,yava (barley) as
diet enjoys immunity from all attacksof the dreadful Timira. Simply
the Payasat preparedwith Satdvari, or with Amalctkaor a meal of
barley corns cooked with the decoction of rriphata and a capious
quantityof clarifiedbutter would remove(an attackof ) Timira.The
use of such edibles as Jtvcutti,suniscuutcrka,Tarururiyaka,vdsttka,
ciltl. Mulaka andPatika as well as meat of birds (such as liva etc.)
and Jangala animlas (e.g. deer, etc.) should be consideredas
invigoratingto eye-sight.The use of the leavesor fruit (as the case
may be) of Patola, Karkotaka, Karat,ellct, Vcrrtaku,Tarkari. Karlra
(tenderbambooplants),Sigru or Artagrrlc,cookedwith clarifiedbutter,
provesbeneficial(invigorariog)to the sight.44-47.

f+eldtFgnfrqi frfifr rrrrqFr*r

TalilFrH ffi fue*reref{i-{{nxe tl
Blood-letting(venesection)shouldneverberesortedto in a case
of rimira, marked by the rednessof the affectedeye in as much as it
might bring about an aggravationof the deranged, Dosasending in
blindnessofthe patient.48.

sfirFr frfri Ersqqrei

F,'EiFffrnnFrer(Tfr+ qrqg-qt || yj tl
rFrsrM ffifrS iTenfu-qr:l
qrfiTrjqdtRgT: tqrgrfr wilen'TT:
lt\o tl
Prognosis- A caseof Timiro marked by the absenceof any
rednessof the eye and in which the first pa{ala(coat)of the organis
the seatof the disease,is curable(sacthya).The casein which the eye
assumesa bright red hue and the secondcoat or payalaof the organ is

| 'The Pavasaof savl^,ufi andAmaluki shouldbepreparedby dutycooking

or Amalaki'asthecasernaybe,with mirk anclsugar.Accordingto others,however,
rt meansthegruel(Yavagu) prepared
with theexpressed
juiceof Saruwtrior Amulald.

the seatof the disease,may be regardedas a curableone though only

with the greatestdifficulty (Krcchra-Sadhya).The casein which the
third coat or Patala of the organis the seatof the disease(characterised
by the rednessof its outer coat) should be regardedas (an incurable
affection) admitting only of palliative treatment(Yapya).Proper
palliativemeasuresandremediesmentionedbeforeshouldbe employed
in casesof Tirnira marked by a redness(of the affectedorgan), and
leechesmay alsobe appliedto the region of the affection(to relieve it
of its exuberanceof the Dosa in casesof emergency).49'50.

TeffiWE ;rS qeqrhffit

q +(*qtrttq-t*qgmffi: fun:lt\qtl
ffi qr d5{d nFqqq qr q6qq: I
Efu€ti dFil dq: Fsrfr qr g-cfricd:
ll\R ll
fwnr|w*+q irenejr qrqqrvffi r
qF*cffqgs Et qwi rTf{d: {q{u \? ll
qftTqqyJffi{rrr\ $ 5.wrrgmr @trffi: I
TS@ Tqi qqt ffittt\Yll
qrsnied qqrshqt H ffi ra: r
vtErcsqT lr{r*{ flqskt qqE{EFFTI
ll q\ ll
qsqqiFrqs-fur|fwfdaqr I
qQTfrfi{Ttw{ td*( F+{ *crqt
erRF*qrrrq:{rqr[ cr]6ffi?n qr] ttqq lt
Surgical treatment of Kaphaja Lifiga-na1a- now we shall
describethe (surgical)measuresto be employedfor curing a caseof
Linganasa(obstructionor choking up at the pupil with a cataract)due
to the actionof the derangedkapha.Incaseswherethe derangedDosc
in the organ, i.e., the affected part of the organ does not appear
semicircular(in shape),nor marked by a large number of lines or a
variety of tints, or whereit doesnot resemblea pearlor a drop of water
in shape,or if it doesnot becomepainful andred coloured,the patient
should be first treated with Sneha and Sveda at a seasonof the year
which is neither too cold nor too hot for the purpose.Then the hands,

etc. of the patient should be securedwith proper fasteningsand he

should be made to sit, looking simultaneously(with his two eyes)at
(thetip ofl his nose.Thenthe intelligentsurgeonleavingof two portions
of the white part of the eye-ballfrom the end of theApanga(theend of
the eye) and having fully and carefully drawn apartthe eye-lids with
his thumb and the index andthe middle fingers,shouldinserttheyava-
vaktra (needle)instrumenttthroughthe sidesof the naturalapperture
like point nearthe externalanglesof the eye,neitherabovenor below,
carebeing takennot to piercethe veins.The left eye shouldbe pierced
with the right hand,and the right with the left. The satisfactorynature
of the operation(perforation)shouldbe presumedfrom the characteristic
repot or soundand the emissionof a drop of water2from the affected
region, following upon the perforation.51-56.

{fuq f{€[qTr{ dfqqrdq qifuE: I

fuft dt TA qrsfu dqtq|qrarRlit:tl\etl
qqq VrFTrfri{TETq 1{*'rFr€r{Igr+: I
TrmrfrThrrg ild frFd*{ qErTrsd{ll \e u
feeqiil Eils;qqr{sry|-kiu-qqr;TrlsfiTgeq I
ftrrl gaqqf v3fqT
ilErs$ft{fiTdrrrqttqrqrarfofu4* ll Eo rr
diil EUg ctg qrcnfirrTrtt€+.
TTl?t qqqE.{ Au+(,,
art l
ild fT{rcrr} Yrfr#f,rr Fql
vgrrfi :nqrer{-S{+qF{urfr ql
a,(tfi,IFT q|-"REd ?raun *6frffi(1 qRtl
:tr6r( ftrdra en+d 6qfuffi; g
et"fr${q tr6r{d F*EWqTqf+qrret rr
1. Both Srikrnth Datta and Sit,a,lAsa,the commentators respectively of Vnulu and
cakradatta, read "Yrdfsql 6;91q2q1"meaning rhat the Saldka (rod) should be made
of copper.
2. Blood would come out it the perforationbe not satisf'actorilydone.
208 sUSRUTAsaMrrnA

dqq f{d qfeuerErqr

qgr(5q q tld Eq*5-rfu ril-f.Trlt Ex tl
Instantly with the perforationthe affected organ should be
sprinkled over with breast-milk.The Salaka shouldbe retainedin its
place and the diseasedgrowth or appearance (cataract),whetherfixed
or mobile shouldbe duly fomentedfrom the outsidewith the help of
the tenderleavesof Va.ya-subduing drugsand the region of the Drsri-
mandala shouldbe subsequentlyscrapedwith the (pointed)end of a
Satdka.The mucus or phlegm (Kapha) accumulatedin the affected
eye shouldbe removedby askingthe patientto snuff it off by closing
the nostril on the other sideof the operatedeyeball.The part shouldbe
regardedasproperlyscrapedwhenit would assumetheglossiness of a
resplendentcloudlesssunandwould be freefrom pain.Then theSataka
(rod) shouldbe gentlywithdrawnassoonasit would be ableto perceive
vision,andthenthe(affected)eyeshouldbe sprinkledoverwith clarified
butter and bandagedwith a piece of linen. During this periodt the
patientshouldbe laid on his back in a comfortablechamber(free from
dust and smoke),and be warnedagainstindulgingin all thosebodily
functionssuch as eructation,cclughing,yawning,spitting,sneezing,
etc. The regimen of diet and conductthereaftershouldbe the sameas
observedby one internally treatedwith a Sneha(SeeChapterXXXI,
The bandageshould be removed on every fourth day, and the
organ should be washed with the decoction of the drugs of Vayu-
subduing propertiesand bandagedagain with a fresh one. The eye
shouldbe (mildly) fomentedon every fourth day asbefore,so that the
bodily Vayu might not be aggravated.This rule shouldbe followed for
ten days,as it would impart a freshvigour to the sight.After-measures
(suchas snuffs,errhines,Tarpanas,etc.)shouldthenbe employedand
the Diet should consist of light articlesof food and be given only in

l. The period during which theserules should be followed is sevendays according

to Vdgbhala.But accordingto Dalhana it is only the periodduring which the operation

furqqfufrgdqn t q ffitat:t
q tqt frfuqi fdd{qxrF{R-drqfi+rEt
rl q\ rr
Personsdeclaredunfit for venesection(viz., infants, old men,
etc.) in the chapteron venesectiont should not be subjectedto any
surgical operation,in casesof Nllika except at the place mentioned
before (viz. the naturalaperture-D aiva-krita Chidra). 65.

qdt vifirrtqrlqT ffiwq ffiarr

trr pjiqqqwrd-qdr t* ki qir{u qqn
g vrref[cTr4q;661;1
IT( 1Tr)TT:
a:nq:vftett t*': Tfiiqr Tifi-|Tfqrur(ltq4tl
sTelrgqR'ffigq'gr ffi. rir+dt r
n-r ffi Efidqr qf{*fr': vvrtgeil qq tl
ryr@ srdk frt
Yrmrfi'rtr3 qr€{rrkff $tu@tqlleo ll
rrn{+fi rREq-Aqtgridffige
€-6*S kfr ir* trd qrqT{rrqn \ettl
Symptoms and treatment of the disorders resulting from an
injudicious operation- If the incidental haemorrhage(from a
puncturein a wrong place)fill in the cavity of the eye, in that casethe
eye should be beneficially sprinkled over with clarified butter duly
cookedwith Yasti-madhuandbreast-milk.An incision(puncture)close
to the exterior corner (Apanga) of the eye would usher in swelling,
pain, lachrymationand rednessof the eye, which shouldbe remedied
by poulticing (Upanaha)the part betweenthe archesof the eye-brows,
and sprinkling (Secana)the eye over with tepid clarified butter.In the
eventof the organbeingpuncturedneartheKrs na-mandala(regionof
the iris) and the Krsna-mandalabeingaffectedthereby;the affected
part shouldbe sprinkledover with clarified butter,purgativeshouldbe

|. Silriru-SthaLru,

administeredandblood-letting (by meansof leeches)shouldbe resorted

to. A distressingpain ensuesfrom the puncturebeing made on the
upper part of the eye (Krqna-mandala)and this should be cured by
sprinkling dropsof lukewarm clarified butter on the seatof affection.
Excessivelachrymationsetsin with pain and rednessof the eye in the
eventof the puncturebeing madeon the lower part of the eye (Kfqrya-
mandala) and such casesshouldbe treatedin the preccdingmanner.
Emulsive (Sneha)applicationand fomentation(Sveda)of the partsas
well as applicationsof Anuvdsana enemashould be consideredas
remediesin casesof redness,lachrymation,pain, numbnessand
bristling (of the eye-lashes)in the eye,astheresultof an excessiveand
improper handling of the instrumentduring the operation.66-71.

dwiEefrsrf{Asfr rrur: grsdrr: I

tniq.ffircot +i fr*oq{g{vtr(n eRtl
r{q\Rrr R{ gttrryr: st-d=T{t
ffis tiq €rqits rftilque? tl
Asqwsrr*A qr: rrqutrTq*T:I
qrqqvaBiflrfrrrj F'.tlrkq lT|6-d{il ey tl
If removedin its acutestage(in caseof Liitgandsd)the Dosa is
liable to havean upwardcourseandproducerelapsein thered-coloured
specksor films (opacity) inthe Sukra (white part of the eye), and it
tendsto give rise to an excruciatingpain in the locality andcompletely
obstructthe vision. The remedy in such a caseconsistsin sprinkling
the eye with clarified butter duly cookedwith the drugsof theMadlura-
garya, and the application of the same in the manner of Siro-basti
(errhine).Meat diet shouldbe prescribedfor the patientin suchcases.
As a full-bodied cloud coming in contactwith the wind meets its
clestruction,so the fully aggravatedDoqa meetsits doom, if operated
upon with the surgeon'sSalaka(rod).72-74.

dq, y&frEhtnqffifrsfu,ruurgq: ue\ tl
Causesof Relapse- A relapseof thederangedDosais caused
by a blow on thehead,physicalexerise,sexualexcesses,

epilepticfits, or by an act of piercing theLihga-na,fa(cataract)during

its paltially developed(D.r. immature)stage.75.

vrfirfira-drnWi qtrffitnt
qui td{nFirp{ilrfi iitryn ffioen || eq ||
wi{r€rdrt fEqqr fu-qKrffqelrfr${rl
q.frR qftfdrd*wqrafi{Gdr c{+(tt\e\e
Symptoms produced by the defects of the Salakd- Care
shouldbe takennot to removethe cataractwith a roughly shapedSalaka
(rod) as it might usher in an acute and aching pain in the affected
organ.A rod with an unsmoothbody might lead to an aggravationof
the derangedDo;as. A thicktoppedrod would necessarilycreatean
extensiveulcer, whereasa sharponebegetsthe apprehensionofhurting
the eye in many ways.An excessivelachrymationsetsin from using a
rod with an unequalor inegular top or mouth,whereasits unsteadiness
(in the courseof the operation)makesthe operationan abortive one,
Hence a Sataka(rod) shouldbe constructedand used for the purpose
in suchd mannerasto precludethe possibilityof the foregoingdefects
and injuries.76-77.

erurqe5r qsn q*"r qR'afsnrl

erg.tsffir qirrciqig;drgfr:
ilirqfr vnf,E*"frvrdrfrTsrEF{F{frr|| \ez||
Description of the SaHkd- The Salaka(rod) shouldbe made
to measureeight fingers in length,its middle part being coveredwith
strings of thread and resembling the upper section of the thumb in
circumference and its end terminating in the form of a bud. The rod
6amkd shouldbe preparedof copper,iron or gold. 78.

rm:vnqiqteff g*rq vls-{rlqrdr

sTftmqqqgrA *rr: qdtrdqqr: r
sTtrdrqrctrqrsfr ff{qr*(u st n
Derangementsdue to defectiveoperation- Rednessof the
of)Arbudaor Budbuda,

hoglike eye(Sukarakqita)tand ophthalmiac. are due to the improper

handling of the rod or to the use of improper regimen of diet and
conduct. These should be remedied accordins to the nature of the
derangedDosa involvedin eachcase.79.

r1frffiu tt
tR* qrfudrqrt Tcfusgd uu:r
Eqr&q: wMs?i +flR1rrfl16+llZotl
Tgsltffiqfstu fuqntqtwqrg*:r
qrgq-S.rfrt*: gurdcrw{eJqF-(tr
el rr
q?rcqmfisrwd-I{F8lT|!ffi |
grqrmqtdq: qea sqt ll eQll
@ F.*sfr qil
Erqnq5*.gtqi" €( ft+r++ig*:r
tert*rdTtrfir-eg*qtsqcrqq: . n 4l tl
Td tt r+tr'd Eqr {Frt+qrurqr
Tffr*r&: "la qfrii. EqmFfirdi€uqn/y tl
qrm$:. Td qnf@urt1e\tl
qrilffi qqfu fui rfiirE{o}r
ffieFri rq gsur(FdqriEuzE,ll
vrnnr&iT+gi maft**er 11qr+(t
ra: fwiqtEqrsfurTfrqq61ftftiqsnpee1
Their treatment- Now again hear me discoursingon the
(specific)medicinesto be employedin casesof pain or rednessin the
eyes. A medicinal plaster composedof Gairika, SArivA,Durva and,
barley pasted with milk2 agd clarified butrer, should be applied

l. Both Vrncluand Cakratlattu reads"Kekardksita',i.e.'a squinting look.

2. vynda and Cukradatta following vugbhata dt not read,"payas" (milk) and thev
read the first line of this couplet in a different fonn.

lukewarm(aboutthe eyes)for the subsidence ofpain and redness.A

plaster (Lepa) preparedo{ Siddharthaka(white mustard seeds)and
slightly fried Sesamumseedspastedwith the expressedjuice of
Matttlunga, or one preparedof Payasya(Kqira-kakott), Sariva, Patra,
Mafijistha and Yasti-madhupastedtogetherwith the milk of a she-
goat,if appliedlukewarm to the affectedregion,removesthe pain and
rednessof theeyes.A plastercomposedof Ddru, Padmnka,and,Sunthi,
preparedand used in the same way likewise recommendedfor the
purpose.A plasterof Draksa, Yasti-madhuandKustha shouldbe like
wise used.Shegoat'smilk cookedwith Saindhavashouldalsobe used
fbr the alleviationof pain andrednessof the eye.A plasterof Rodhra,
Saindltava,Mridvika andYastmadhrcookedin shegoat'smilk should
be usedasan alternativeto alleviatepain andrednessof eye.As another
alternative Yasti madhu, Utpala, Kustha, Dhaksd, Laksd, SirA and
Saindhava should be cooked in milk (according ro the method of
Kshirpaka) and takeninternally for the alleviationof pain and redness
of the eye.Clarified butterduly cookedwith the aclmixtureof Satdvart,
Prthak-pantT,Musta, Anrulaka,Paclmakaand the milk of a she-goar,
shouldbe applied(cold) to the affectedorgan(eye)for the alleviation
of pain and burning sensationtherein. Clarified butter duly cooked
with the Kalka of the drugs of theKukolyadi groupwith a quantity of
milk four times the weight of the clarified butter, previously cooked
with the drugsof the Vdyu-su64urng(Bhadradaruadi)group (in manner
of Ksira-paka) should be consideredas efficacious in any form
(internallyor externallyin casesofocular affections.The affectedorgan
should be treated with Snehaemulsive (applications)and (Svecla).
fomentationand openingof the veins(Sirc) or cauterisation(by honey,
clarified butter,or treacle)asdescribedbefore,shouldbe resortedto in
caseswhere the foregoingremedieswould fail to produceany effect.

Elrar TfrrEr?irsiTuJ t vjg r

{ql1-g.w 5utTfuTfrrfrqq-a+{frr
{T{rqr$ g$rfur5tnr Tqdtd a\LL1
srqrqffrurTrfuErilt Tftnfntt(l
qherrqq ilf$+q*qrs+ fitqrraq rr

ffii f{$i tFi {Frftq wq:frri{r(l

rrfisrfrq affi, q,,mffi g++(t
qffi*qfriiil( q f*<earcw+q6q11qo tl
c$ eqqrfrt@TRffirqrsttf{ q I
q.eil qrrrn*nrFr Htqfr6 qftrt(rr qt rr
Eye-sightinvigoratingAfijana- Now hearme describingtwo
beneficialrecipesof Afijana which would invigoratethe eye-sightand
impart a clearnessof vision. Flowers of Meqa-Syhgi,Sirisa,Dhava
and of Malaii together with pearl and Vaidurya (ruby) should be
poundedand made into a pastewith the additior of the milk of a she-
goat. The compoundthus preparedshouldbe kept in a coppervessel
for a week and then made into Vartis (sticks) of convenientlengths
and applied to the eyes in the mannerof an Afijana. A Varti (stick)
should be similarly preparedwith Srotofijana, coral,Samudra-phena,
Manah-fila and Marica and usedsimilarly as an Aiijana (eye-salve)
It imparts steadinessof vision. The many other Afijanas to be described
in the next Chapter (Kriya-kalpa) may also be beneficially applied for
the purpose.88-91.

nqs rl
Thus ends the seventeenthChapter in the Uttar-Tantu of the SuSrutuSarhhitfr
which treats of the curative measuresof the diseasesof the Dr.rrl (pupil).

3f,qr?f : f*qr*ei @f@lfplffi ;,
qerdrq s{ItEtrt sr;{afr: ll 1 ll
Now we shall diseourseon the Chapter which treats of the
preparationsandusesof the medicinal measures(externalapplications)
to be adopted or employed in treating ocular affections in general

*qrF+ivrynqrertrreterffit{n: ll Rll
?r{ui geqrfr'€rtmerffit
T{?t*qFdurh tr' qni Frderttt R tt
Here follows a generalexpositionof the instructionswhich the
saint lord of Benares, the holy Dhanvantari of profound intellect
impartedto his disciple the son of Vifvamitra (Sufruta) regardingthe
differentmedicinal measures(Kriya) suchasTarpana (Soothing),Sekc
(Sprinklin g), A 3cyotana (eye-drops),P uta -p akas Afijanas(eye-salves),
etc., mentionedbefore in different placesto be employedin diseases
ofthe eve.2-3.

Wfqatm YJcl flq+t

Tcfa qrqtrF qT q'rdqqur)g n{v1q1tx tl
ercmq{qtfr+ avqlilrt$rn€rt: I
sTrerr+ qrq'.{dT ffi{ qR-qrsc+r
rr+ q.ffi ffi:n\rl
T-k. Yffirflq g@t
sTrqqqErr(niT:TQIrqi I

rg+ele*' qa firfr.s$ qvr qre irgilrrqu q tl

ftr*strrffinur *'Fd( tSIFT ]rqWlr
qerrmmq}g ftrA* ITEI T T F q n \ e t l
({r{Frrqelr$ q erqvra1fr frur-qiE,
Tfr€Irqt$.a: *a errqfuFilr.sfqrvilu\l1 a 1,
k*{ TcfrIbr ffi*kt Htr:I
qprref e1rqr+{ ?FqlrFr ffiert(n qn
q*,'rd qT ;+€' ersfr Tgrr6*E{fr sr{n qo tl
The Tarpana Measure- The measureknown as Tarpana
should be employed in respectof an affectedeye either in the fore-
noon or in the after-noonunder the auspicesof propitious astral
combinations,after having purgedthe headand bowels of the patient
and subsequentto the digestion of any food previously taken. The
patientshouldbe laid on his back in a chambernot exposedto the rays
of the sun, and the gust of the wind, and where the atmosphereis not
chargedwith minute particlesof floating dust. The region of his eye
(i.e. eye-lids)should be thickly coatedwith powderedM6sapulse,
pasted (with water) in the form of a circular wall which should be
even,hard and compact.Then a quantity of transparentupper layer of
c)aritiedbuuer shou)dbe strred with the admixtureof a quantity of
lukewarm water andpoured(purana)into the cavitiesof thi eye up to
the eye-lashesand retainedtherein for as long a period ur on" would
taketo countfive hundred,six hundred,eighthundied,andten hundred
syllablesrespectivelyin casesof healthy personsand personswith
Kapha- ori gined, P i t ta - origi ned andv ayu- origined di seases of the eye.
According to certain authorities,the periods of such retention (of
clarified butter) shouldvary with the seatof the affection (in the eye-
ball). The clarified buttermentionedaboveshould,accordingto them,
be retainedin the cavitiesof the eye for as rong a period ur one would
taketo utter threehundred,five hundred,sevenhundred,onethousand,
or eight hundredsyllablesrespectivelyin casesofthe diseases confined
to the regin of the Sandhi , Vartma, Sukla, Krsna, the eye in general
(sarva-gata)and the Drsri of the eyet.The clarified buttei shouldthen
l. According to some,rhe'Purana' shouldbe retainedin the eye for a period
to count one_thousandsyllables in casesof sctrva-gttta and eighteen hundred
in casesof Drsti-guta eye-diseases.

be secretedthrough the interior corner o,f the affectedorgan which

shouldbe purified by applyingpoulticegof pastedbarley.The Kapha,
derangedby the use of this Sneha-Purunashould be then conquered
by making the patient inhale some kind of Kapha-subduingDh-unn
(Smoke).This ruler shouldbe observedfor one, threeor five davs in

d,fd EfrftTS'rF{
ffiqrfr 11q{+(l
F{{Mftrht=is:ffiq guqq tl
tq tq-sgRfffitr +r{eddffiil{u q? rl
anRr{ks Fi{ €Frcnftfilqr ETilqRrl
Symptoms of Satisfactory, excessiveand defective Tarpana-
Sleep at the first call, unembarrassed waking, cessatonof secretion,
clearnessof vision, agreeablesensation,perceptibleameliorationof
the diseases,and lightnessof the organarethe symptomswhich result
from a properandsatisfactoryTarpanaoftheeye.croudinessofvision,
a senseofheavinessin the affectedorgan,excessiveglossiness(ofthe
eye),lachrymation,itching, sliminessand an aggravationof theDosas
arethe featureswhich mark a caseof severeandexcessiveTarpana.A
senseof drynessin the affectedorgan, cloudinessof vision, profuse
lachrymation,sensitiveness to Iight and an aggravationof the diseases
arethe evils which follow an act of lessTarpana(of the eye). 1l-13.
3Tr*drflE5{r( T{rtd flqffir
e{r{srg+,'fr*rn$:fure}sffi(rr qxrr
Treatment of excessiveand defective Tarpa4a- Casesof
less and excessiveTarparyashould be remediedwith the application
of medicinal snuffs,Afi7arras,washesand inharationsof smokeand by
adoptingdry or emulsivemeasures,(as the casesmay require).14.

l. Accordingto Gayiddru,thisrule shouldbe observed for one,three,or five days

in casesof the preponderance of vdvu,pitta andKapfutrespectively,
to Jejjuta in casesof nrind, moderateand severeattackrespectively.

iTrqcqfr fdqlq,.g r{q{STflildlrsTrql

r'ffiqq{rhFi fuei ffimgs rq gvr{ t
irqfqr nffie eWTr{tvrqqll q\ ll
gf&rqwrsfrtg flqnrqt urv\ ql
qgrrffi qrQryr Htr^ :T uVRqfrn qq ll
Cases for Tarpar,ra- Shrivelling and depilation of the eye-
lashes,cloudinessand darknessof vision, archednessof sight,absolute
want of lachrymation,parchedness of the eye,hardnessof the eye-lid
and a severely diseasescondition of the eye are amenableto the
application of the Tarpana measureas giving tone to the eye. The
TarparyaMeasureshould not to be applied in a cloudy day, nor in a
day excessivelyhot or cold. It should not be applied to the eye of a
personengrossedby anxiety or fear, nor before the subsidenceof the
superveningsymptoms(Upadrava)of the eye-diseases. 15'l'6.€T*frs rFi tS :a rrftaqr

fu qi*mr: €wmrcrqrg t tt t\e tt
ttir: ttW++*$ 5-nrsqrig ql
Sentttn': r+i6d +*S fe{Yqr s{+(t
ffi *sfrqs ffiqs rT furtt qatl
Fa. furefr.sfusqrerfwersrfu q *€rT: I
trtrgrq*urard5(ll tq tt
The Pufa-pdka-The Puta-pakameasureshouldbeappliedin
the aforesaidcases.The Puta-pakais not applicablein caseswhere
Nasya (errhines),Tarpanaand the internal applicationof Sneha(Sneha'
pana) are fobidden. After a completesubsidenceof the Dosa, thePula-
pafta shouldbe appliedto the (affected)eye in caseswherethe patient
would be found capableof being treatedwith it. The Puta-pakcmeasure
may be divided into threeclasses,viz., Snehana(emulsive),Lekhana
Pula-paka is recommendedin casesmarkedby theextremeparchedness
of the affected organ or locality, and Lekhana (scraping) ones are
efficaciousin casesof excessiveapplicationsof the Snehato the eye;
while the eye-sightis invigoratedby theRopana(healing)Puta-pdka,

which restores the Vatal, the Pitta and the blood of affected
locality to their natural conditions, and (consequently) heals the
ulcer. 17-19.
-tE:er*qe): g?r: I
*et: gilFffiE enqTeqrqTre{{: u Ro tl
!il$flrtt @:r
qfErrfrccqwrq-pqfiaqwfog*: IRqrl
rq-{fr-il*.r$€-ffirqqFr: I
t€n qrryki irgr qi emq5-qtu RRtl
Kqqrfl.flqsqrq-ffia: I
tq{r(Crgufr end:g-crnfi-q tqur: tt ?? tl
Preparation of Snehana, Lekhana, and RopaTa Pu[a-
pakas- The Snehana(emulsive)Puta-pakashouldbe preparedwith
the flesh (of animalsfrequentingmarshyplaces)aboundingin Sneha2
and with the Vasa (lard), Majjan (marrow), andMedas (fat), and the
drugs of the Madhura group and it should be retainedin the eye so
long as one would take to utter two hundredsyllables.The scrapingor
LekhanaPuta-pdkashouldbe preparedwith the flesh and the liver of
an animal of theJangala Speciesand the drugspossessingthe Lekhana
or scrapingproperties,aswell aspowdersof black iron (steel),copper,
conchshells,vidruma (corals),SaindhvasaltSamudra-phena,Kdslsa
(sulphateof iron) andSrotoiijana (pastedto gether) with the cream of
curd. The affectedlocality shouldbe exposedto a LekhanaPuta-pdka
as long as one would take to utter a hundred syllablesat most. The
healing or Ropana Puta-paka should be preparedby cooking the flesh
of an animal of the Jahgala group with breast-milk,honey3,clarified
butter and the bitter drugs,and shouldbe retainedin the affectedeye

1. A differentreading,mentioned by Dalhana,doesnot read"Vdtu."

2. In placeof "t6qig" meaningfleshaboundin g in Snehu,a differentreading
'f qfihi€"
(i.e.clarifiedbutterandflesh)is euotedby Dalhana.
3. In pfacee; "qt4;q" (honeyand clarifiedbutter)Dalharr4quotesa variant
lit. sacredclarifiedbutteri.e., clarifiedbutteerpreparedfrom cow's

for a period threetirnesas much as the Lekhana-Puta-pakashouldbe

retained i.e., for,a period as long as one would require to utter three

ftr*{ ?rffic;q e1qtrrqrE rt'qoqr

rt6€*+ 6{fr: q.,rd}qird*eqlHu RYtl
n|q,,rt Wt qr.sfrxr6 EnsqqqruUr{l
Tqungfuqffirc{r{ FJoi ErfiFTq+ u ?\ tl
The fumigating measuresmentioned in connection with the
Tarpana of an affectedeye, as well as the applicationsof Sneha and
Svedashouldbe resortedto in the casesof the applicationof the Puya-
pdka measures,exceptin casesof the applicationof the RopanaPuta-
paka. Puta-paka applicaitonsmay be made on one day only or may be
continuedfor two or threedays.tA strict regimenof diet and conduct
shouldbe observedfor a periodtwice aslong asthe preparatoryperiod
(beginning with the time of administeringthe Sneha to patient for
preparing him for the application of the Puta-paka tLLlthe time of
actually,administeringthe Putap aka i tself. 24-25.

iqtd aftt* ++ 5errlr*3-eiTqrn Rqtl
ffi qrRnolrcnq+l
-r+tdarrgi ?rgcrrcit(nRetl
Prohibition and Remedies for infringement- After the
applicationof Tarpana andPuta-pdka(to the affectedeye)the patient
shouldnot catchglimpsesof the light, fire, sky, looking-glassor any
other luminous object,nor he shouldexposethe eye to the blast of the
wind. The unfavourablesymptomsincidental to and induced by an
infringementof the rules to be ohservedafter the applicationof these
two (Tarpana and Puta-pdka)measuresshouldbe remediedwith the
applicationof Aiij ana (colIi'ri um), AScyotanaandSveda (fomentation)
to the derangedbodily Doqas,underlyingeachparticularcase.26-27.

| . Dulluna explainedthatthe applicationof thePutu-pakcmeasureshouldbe made

for onedayonly in Kaphajaeye-diseases, or if thePutu-pdka bea LeHtatwone;and
it shouldbe continued for two daysin Pittujueyediseases, or if it bea Snehana
and for tlrreedaysin,or if it be a RopanuPuya-pika.

u]s|rquf frfti qrflrTTtrsd dgl

qqFqFF{dteqfqT EeErr6'gunfqdz1t I RZ tl
sTfffirrrr{-q:vinn: fircalmrirfrq; I
qr*ts{ffi fri ffi*rmmn Rqtl
Satisfactory, excessiveand defective application of pufa-
Pdka- Freshness andclearnessof the colour(of thecornea),capabilty
of the organ (eye)to bearheat,light and wind, refreshingsleepand an
unembarrassed gladsomeawakeningand a lightnessof the organ are
the benefitswhich arederivedfrom satisfactoryputa-pdkn applications.
Darknessof vision, pain and swelling of the eye and the appearance
of eruptions(Pidaka) in the affectedorgan,are the evils which mark
an excessiveapplicationof thePuta-pdkameasure,while suppuration
and lachrymationof the eye and a thrilling sensation(rlarsa) in the
affectedorgan,aswell as a further aggravationof the /)osa (involved)
are the characteristicfeaturesof a deficient puta-pdka application.
3nT g,d rrqegrfr gzqrfiqrsrsl{{l
at fqeqrrt ve{Frer fr'r+ qiss tffi r
fqruri fqdqqr*-{ Frurt Ele:+ H?f:ll lo lt
Trrrrrsl q*, gqfl{&Eil{l
f t5,TsrfrgEtrre-qRrfuftfrq{+. tt ?q tt
q$tgrr*lffi rilq.Hsfr gfra:1lR rr
fr{T6q frEfrq rsqrq1qit Tun{r
affiftT flqRmr qerr+E*qrdqnll tl
Mode of preparing Puta-pdka- Now I shall describe the
mode of preparingaPuta-pakaremedy.Two Bilva(pala)measuresof
cleansedand pastedmeat, one?c/c measureof the medicinal drugs
pasted together and one
$uQava (half a seer) measure of liquid
ingredients should be mixed together (and made into a ball), well
covered with the leaves of Kada7, Kdsmari, ErarlQa, Kumudctor of
Padma Plant. coated with clay, it shouid be duly scorchedin the

burning charcoal(fire) of catechuwood or in that af Kataka,ASmantal<n,

EraryQi,PAtulA,Vasakct, Baclara,KsTra-exudingtrees,or in the fire of
the dried cakesof cow-dung.when well cooked the ball should
taken out of the fire and broken and its contents withdrawn
and applied (to
squeezed.The fluid extract should then be collected
the affectedorgan) in the mannerof appliyingaTarpanc' 30-33'

Edffih Ftk: @:l

I*^firfrqtt ytr* eiM qFilfirh',rqdueyil
srqwTalqxrftvd?t <r6qr*,q,+ qfr I
srq* yffi qr{-RGe{t-rqda,r*ttt 1\ll
s{ftrqr+ qqr*q-*rsilqq;run*d t
6|;1qqrgfr@ Usqn?qrl
qt"\ qragfoffi'-rFtqffit
E5.rffimr-ffinffi ll Qell
qFrE€I qerr{rq TsryTs++*qll ?e ll
The Mode of application- The patientbeinglaid on his back
at the time, the fluid extract in both the cases(Tarpa4taand Puta-
paka) shouldbe droppedcold into theKanlnaki (cornea)of the eye in
casesof derangementof the blood and the Pittcr; it should be used
lukewarm when the Vayu andtheKaphctwould be found to havebeen
aggravated.A burning sensationin the affected eye as well as its
consequentialilflammation would result from the use of too hot
(warm) or strongor keen-potencied extractfor the purpose.A
thrilling sensation(Harqa), pain and numbnessin the locality and
lachrymationfrom the affectedorganoriginatefrom the useof a cold
and mild-potencied Puta-paka or Torpaneteye-drop. Rednessand
contractionof the eye attendedwith a jerking andthrobbing sensation
therein are the effects of an excessive(over-dose)applicationof the
puta-paka andTarprma,whereasa deficient(under-dose)useof them
producesan aggravationof the derangedbodily Doqasin the locality.
Properlyapplied,they allay thebuming anditching sensation, swelling,
pain, lachrymation and mucous secretion,as well as the (unnatural)

coating and rednessin the affectedeye. As every one is desirousof

avoiding the aggravation of Do;as, so the Puta-pdka and Tarpana
measuresshould be applied in such a way as would give health and
happiness(to the eye). The evils resultedby a courseof injudicious
application of Puta-pdka or Tarpana, are to be remedied with the
applicatonof errhines (nasya),Dhuma, andAfijana remedial to the
specificderangedbodily Dosa or Dosasinvolved in eachcase.34-38.

s{r*{*Srqfiitr r*q
Tenffis:dsriq W, yfugg@u?qrr
The affectedeye shouldbe fomentedbefore the use of a Puta-
paka or aTarpana measurewith a piece of cloth soakedin hot water
(and rinsed). Fumigation of the affectedorgan in the end should be
prescribedin a casemarkedby an aggravationof the derangedKapha
of the locality. 39.
+rrqrg*rFi €k tq.q Ernrrl{n yo 11
* t{e}frqg*+ frtg gaqrm',,n(l
ffiqnqr$ er tqqa: *tr*E{ntyt tl
s{rgE#d+rrfrm-qrEr<*q g ffir
sTStE[t q'tdFr{-ffi qer*rrRt I yR rr
grt'rtrfr qE{rA t.qr*-r&g =ils{*: r
ir{uril-sq rqqTt u yl tl
AScyotana and Seka- Properly prepared and applied, the
Ascyotana and sekameasureswould respectivelysubduecasesof slight
and violent attacksof the eye. Like the Puta-pakemeasurethesetwo
also are divided into threeclassesviz., (Lekhana,SnehanaandRopana).
sevenor eight dropsof the medicinalfluid shouldbe usedin Lekhona-
AScyotana(for the purposeof scrapingthe affectedeye); ten drops in
the Snehana(for emulsivepurpose)and twelve drops in the Ropana
Ascyotana (for the purposeof setting up a granulativeprocessin a
local sore or wound). The maximum period for which an (afiected)
eye should !e subjectedto the Seka measurein twice as long as is
224 suSRUTAservrsrrA

enjoined in respectof a Puta-pdkc measurer,c'r until the diseaseis

graOuallyand wholly removed2.Both the AScyotanaand the Seka
appticationshould be made in the moring or evening or at noon
ac"orOance,uviththe aggravationof the derangedDo;as),t or whenver
therewould be pain (in the affectedeye).aThe symptomof properand
improper (excessiveand deficient)applicationof a Sneha(emulsive)
Seka areidenticalwith thoseof Tarpana. 40'43'

ffi TT$ilrrt6a{rsftTrdi{qrJurql
q-frfr N qkgffil t Aei*Fc*'r:llYY ll
v5-aa€R qtqft q?rrdn?aRms Cl
;EEqrtr{s {*frqr{qffisi rfr qaqtt xl tt
qq nfu"!ir*6-Wf riqer emiqt
iTffiil wrgqi qrrrtr{ tcqnfq(ll Yq ll
Siro-basti- The seriousdiseasespeculiar to the head readily
yield to and areconqueredby the applicationof Siro-basti,which also
producesvery good effectsknown astheMurdha+ailika one peculiar
to the use of (emulsive) Siro-bastj. The patient having been treated
with purgativesand emetics (according to requirements)should be
given a properdiet accordingto the natureof the diseasesand madeto
sit erectin the evening,when an animal bladder(the bladderof a goat
beingusuallyusedfor the purpose)filled with the properSneha,should
be palcedon his crown and firmly tied up with a bandage.The Sneha

l. The period for which an aff'ectedeye should be subjectedto theAic'lntund measure,

is nor given in the text, but Dalhanu saysthat it should be the sameas observedin
.ur", Jf puta-pakt. Some, however,hold that in casesof botl.rSe&aand Aicvntana
the period would be twice as that for Puya-pfrka'
2. This rule for subjectingthe affectedeye to the measuretill the diseaseis gradually
and wholly removed is forseka andAscyotunaonly; but accordingto some it is a
general rule which applies also in casesof Pula-paka and Turpa4ra,etc.
l. The Lekhana-seka and Aic'yotuna should be applied in the morning in the
aggravation of Kapha, while the Snehanac'ne should be applied in the atlernoon in
the aggravationof Va.ya- the Roparlaonesbeing appliedat noon in the aggravation
of Blood and pitta.
2. Dulha4u holds, that both the Seku andAScyr.rtanaMeasuresmay be applied when
ever there is pain in the affectedeye, but others hold that this rule appliesonly in
ca'sesof .lefta.

filled bladdershouldbe so long retainedon the headten times as long

as is necessaryfor Tarpana Measure,accordingto the natureof the
qtrFtS ErqgvJEifi'rqs irqa r
*xq*frqfr tt qrtrrsql
fu'tqurgrfr gtrrcnqqTfr
Enuys tl
Afrjana- Proper Afijana for Lekhana (scraping), Ropana
(healing), or Prasddana (invigorating) purposesshould be applied
after the cleansing(purging, etc.) of the system in caseswhere the
derangedbodily Dosaswould manifestthemselvesin theregion of the
eye only.47.

i:r q5 llFrt q{aq s{r*fit{rdrRiilql

q=fen *qi gsTr{ qqrdqqflF{fr: il xz tl
ffi:Tff.R'-{TErdA I
@I'nq+qa irqilYstl
qqr{ftffi-frsrfr q*€^ fu' rd{l
il(*6ft{r{arrdeTrEq}g qffiei{qu \o rr
qg{ rsrfi{l
€5trQfs iTFdirquqq tl
?rqrd{ qehqrfr nTh trrf*vnrt: I
3ilS{Tfr qrdqrqrdrTks il \R tl
Lekhana-Afijana- Should be preparedwith the drugs of
one or more tastes(Rasa)exceptthe sweetone and shouldbe usedin
five different ways according to the nature of the Dosa or Dosas
involved in each caser.The Doqa accumulatedin the regions of the
eye and the eye-lids,in the ball, the passages,
and in the capillariesof
l. In casesof the derangement of the local vayu, theAfijana shouldbe prepared
with the drugsof acidand salinetastes(R4sa),in thederangement of thepiua with
thoseof sweetand astringenttaste;in Kapha with thoseof astringent,bitter and
pungenttastes.In casesof the derangement of the blood, theAfijana shouldbe like
that in the derangement of Pitta and in caseof the derangement of two or three
dosassimultaneously, theAfijanu shouldbe preparedwith drugsof two or threeof
the tastesrequired.

3l" - qrs

the eye, as well asin the gristle of the nosewould be secretedthrough

the mouth,the nostrilsandthe cornersof the eyesby the applicationof
a Lekhana Afijana. A RoprnruAitianu Should be preparedwith the
drugsof bitter and astringenttastes(Rasa)mixed with (a little quantity
o0 clarified butter and is good for healing purposes. owing to the
of theSneha,it is coolingin its effectandconsequently gives
natural colur and vigonr to the eye. A Prasadana-Aiijana, prepared
with the drugs ol'sweet rasteand with (a profusequantity oD sneho,
imparts tone and vigour to the eyesightand should be used with
advantagelbr all soothing purposesconnectedwith the organ. The
application of the different kinds of Aiiianrt should be made in the
morning, eveningor in the nightt in accordancewith the natureof thg
derangedbodily Dosa or Doscts involvedin eachcase.48'52'

$z.;rqqurtF{ fxherqwrfr gI
qenT* wi tqt gi$qrg{dfrur: tl \i ll
Forms of Aiijanu-The forms in which anAitiana may be, are
thoseof pills, liquid (Rasa-kriya)and powder2eachsucceeding,one
being more efficaciousthan the oire precedingit, in the order of
dru$rrdrefi: Rr(tcrret {Elrurit;I
uTTrffrFT ,aTEIeITtfgun tqurgq u \Y tl
Tq|Er;rRqr;rr e qenqFtFrdr qflr I
ftFxag:vrenrra qrig1ra1E{gr: ll \\ ll
Their sizes and doses- The size (dose) of a Lekhana,
Prasddana andRopanaVarti (Pill) shouldbe equalto tha,tof one and
a half and twice as much as a Kalaya pulse for ocular aff'ectionsin
general. As regards the application of Rasa-kriya-Aitianain these

l.The Afijanu should be appliedin the rnorning,in the everringand in the night
respectively in the case of the derangementof the Kaphu Vayu and the Pilta.
According to the others, the Sotlhuw, the Ropuna and the SnehanaAfijuna shortltl
be respectivelyusedin the morning, in the eveningand in the night. Others,however,
arethe opinion that thesedifferenttimes shouldbejudiciously selectedin the different
seasonsof the year accordingto requirement.
2. Dalhana says that Pill-Afijanas, Liqtid-Afijuna.r and Powder-Anjanus should be
prescribedin casesof severe,intermediateand mild attacksrespectively.

disordersthe quantity to be usedin doseshouldbe equalto that of the

Varti in differentcasesrespectively.As regardsthedoseof thepowders
(to be usedin eye-diseases) it shouldbe respectivelytwice,thriceand
four times as much as would be containedat the end of a Salaka kod\.

tvi gegurr+a f€eqr{ srrs{rqfut

rMrrqii vG HFi +qdE isq{l
q rrsnfrqqil \q tl
3{FrurR *;qrfr vrFrcsTgl
q?It€rEIItctugFIT I
3Tgrf,.f,r FTde+ gqF-{r qrgkrI6r I
sir$r+prqr qrfrvnfrfr qrFilr sr+(rrq\e
The materials of the Vessel and rod for the use of an
Afijana- The vesselscontainingthe differentkinds of Arzjancshould
be accordingto the different kinds of Aiijana themselves,and these
vesselsas well astheSalakc(rod) for the useshouldbe madeof gold,
silver, horn, copper, Vaidurya (a kind of preciousstone),bell-metal
and iron respectively(in accordancewith the different tastesof the
drugstheAlijanas aremadeof.r The end of the rod shouldterminatein
a bud-shapedball with the girth of that of a Kalaya pulse, its entire
lengthmeasuringeight fingersonly. It would be well polished,slender
at the middle and capableof being easily handled.A rod preparedof
copper,preciousstonessuchas Vaiduryaetc. and hornsor bonesetc.2
will prove beneficial. 56-57.

l. According to Dalhana the Altjana of sweet taste should be placed in a golden

vessel,an acid tastein a silver vessel,that of salinetastein a vesselmade of horn
(of a sheep),that of astringenttaste,in a vessel either of copper or iron, that of
pungenttastein vesselmadeof vaidurya and that ofbitter tastbshould be placedin
a vesselmade of bell-metal. The Salakn (rod) for the use of the ditferent kinds of
Afijana should be also accordinglyprepared.
Accourding of Nimi, however, as quoted by Dulhu4tu and Srikurlthu Datta,
in their commentaries,the Ropana, Lekhana andprusirdaruAfijanas shouldbe placed
in a vesseland used with a rod preparedrespectivelyof iron, copper and gold. The
other materialsmay be,however,used with discretionby an experiencedphysician.
2. Th. *ord in the text showsthat a rod of gold may alsobe usedwith benefit-

qrffiqr fdfflfq E*{ gwrBa: t

V|FIItFqT qQrfr{ fqr( arfrfirr{qll \e ll
sirqrsi qt qsrr*ri Efffi rrflr{rdql
qffifr qr ?rq il( srf,.*d Yffi(tt qq tt
T ffits|qur e11.*t€ffi(11 eotl
dq: ffifirgn: *Arqr<q$Ft dqrl
rmNmf qgaR q( TrrzFtcll+fil
qqnqrlq{ qerr+{ 6,.rd vdrsi iliT: ll Ql ll
How to apply anAftiana-The lids of the affectedeye (of the
patient) shouldbe slantingly drawn apartwith the left hand, and the
Aftjana shouldbe carefully appliedby holding the rod with the right
hand by constantly moving the rod from the Kaninika to the Apanga
andviceversa(alongtheinner sideof the eye-lid)' This processshould
be repeated(twice or thrice) accordingto requirements.The Afiiana
shouldbe appliedwith the finger when it would be necessaryto useit
on the outersideof the eye-lid.The Afiiana in no caseshouldbe thickly
painted in the corners of the eye (i.e., inthe Kaninika andthe Apahga
from fear of hurting them, nor organ should be washed till all the
aggravationsof the deranged (bodily) Dosa in the locality are
completelyremovedthereform,in asmuch asit mightbring on a fresh
aggravationand impair the strengthof the eyesight.After the subsidence
of the deranged local Dosa and of lachrymation, the eye should be
first washed with water, and Pratyafi.janashould then be used in
accordancewith the nature of the specific derangedbodily Doqa ot
Doqasunderlying in eachcase.58-61.

€antenrqq\: I
ffit Mss{q.r
FrqrqrA ffiir lrErt Wffiqrqql
rsilelTdfr qm-@r
riresrq[d qwr*r ffi5Fq ffirsq{u q? rl

lvnerfrslmrfrt q rar+gF<fsfrql
dq€*qtqqrejvn{ Ark[*pi qrtfrqu qx rl
srcffisdErfrE sr(ffierqrql
ffi qii g;qf-( di6r{rg511 q\ tl
Frurrr(qfr6q Aqmsi vrg dslqr
A€rrs fu*+ur tnttr qq s*1ftta: u qq rl
qFTEg ir*tar: ffi:t
IT9IT{?i qlrrfiT++dgrfr rrgferar:u qe tl
Forbidden Cases- The applicationof Aiijanus is prohibited
in casesof personssuffering frorn fatique, fevcr, Uclavarta,and the
diseases ofthe headand duringfits ofanger,grief, fear,weepingand
intoxication,as well as in casesof the retentionof stooland urine,in
asmuch asit might produce(in thesecases)lachryrnation Snh (aching
pain), redness,pain, blindness(Timira), srvellingiu the locality, as
well as giddiness.An Applicationof theAitjartain a caseoI insomnia
might be followed by the lossof the eye-sight.Thc applicationof an
Afijcmain a windy day rnay impair.theeye-sightr.Applicationto the
eyeseffectedwith dust or smoke,rnay bring on redness,Adhimcutha
(Opthalmia) and local secretion.Applied after the use of an errhine
(Nasya)it rnayusherin a achingpain nndswellingin the leads
to the nggravationof the disease,if appliedin any clisease
of the head.
The applicationof an Aitjana would be abortivc,and it rvouldrather
aggravatethe Dosa, if appliedbefore sun-rise.alier a bath, or in very
cold day,owing to thefixednessof thederangedbodily rni lady,
the applicationof anAlijarrawould fail to produceany effect in caseof
indigestion,owing to the sluggishconditionof the internalpassages
of thebody (duringthecontinuance of thedisease).The applicationof
anAitj ana in an aggravatedstageof the derangedboclily D o,stts, ushers
in the distressingsymptomspeculiar to each of [hem. I-Ience,the
applicationof anAitjana shouldbe carefully rnadein sucha manneras

l. In sameeditionthercis an addirionaltext-"fi-*qri e'grei ftfiri g6'qs{q,, which

suppliesa completeverb and makesthe sensecorrrplete. The line nreans- the
applicationof an Aitjanain a forbiddencaseproduceslossof sleep(insomnia)in
addition(to redness,pain etc,rnentioned in the precedingline).

not to induce any of the aforesaidevils, and theserules should be

specially observed in connection with a Lekhana-Afiiana. The
distressing symptoms should be treated with washes (lotions),
Aicyotana, plasters,Dhuma (fumigation), NasyaandKavala (gargle)
with due regardto the specificnatureof the derangedbodily Doqa ot
Dosas involved in each case.62-67.

tdvki i{Eqrurflq fuqrqg gFrfirqt

rffi+i FdRiir qqrnf{fr(u qe tl
k* <murE*ufsri s'Erfiq qt
*i fffin r?rd =nftrrrpr$:I
ftr wrilfu' qrdFeetr€rF+srrgqu qq u
sTfer srgqlrfi+q-{ql
e{ffisqrg+Kf ffi dqr{+finlleo ll
Symptoms of satisfactory, excessiveand deficient use of a
Lekhana Aftjana- Lightness,whitenessand pristine clearnessof
the eye, marked by the improved power of vision and absenceof
secretionand all otherdistressingsymptoms,arethe indicationswhich
point to the fact that the eye has been satisfactorilypurged of the
accumulatedDosas (by the proper applicationof a LekhanAfiiana).
An excessivepurging of the eye (by the excessiveuse of a Lekhana
Afijana)begetssuchlocal evils asthedeepdiscolourationof theextemal
coat of the eye, its senseof loosenessin the socket,lachrymation,
archednessof the organ and a senseof constantdrynessin its cavity.
The medical treatmentin suchinstancesconsistsin the employment
of soothing (santarpana) and other Vayr.r-subduing remedies. An
insufficientor defici ent applicationof theLekhanaAfij ana leadsto the
aggravationof the local derangedbodily Dosa which shouldbe fully
secreted out by employing medicinal errhines, Aftjana and local

ffiki Tsi ffiant

tq vtTrqi qqgTs*.sf$ fi$6qtt sq tt
ir* qTq-6r r6qT si$i vrrrd {gil eR tl

lsrqnrrqfu *qfti tqw,rqru|-{r

rrsrEfld<r-qbafut g-frsfr r}51q11e1;1
*ai tcrsi qrsfr €rrg-*u.qqrsisqt
ffifai ql=r€n fuffiaaillsx ll
Syrnptorns of satisfactory, excessiveand deficient use of
Prusddana (Snehana) and Roparla Aftjanas- The action ol the
satisfactoryapplicationaf a Prasadana(Snelnna)Aitjana is to soothe
the eye, to impart a healthy tone to the organ of sight, to restoreits
natural colour and glossandto makeit stronganduncloudedand free
from the aggravationof any Dosa, Any excessin the application is
followedby resultsindenticalwith thoseof excessiveapplicationof
Tarpana(soothingmeasures)rto the organ,andthe retnedyconsistsin
employingmild but parchingremediesantidotalto ihe derangedbodily
Dosa (Kaphc) involved in the case. The symptoms which mark a
satisfactoryand excessiveapplicationof a Ropana (healing)Aiijana
as well as the medical treatmentto be appliedin casesof excess,are
identicalwith thosementionedin connectionwith the satisfactoryand
e x c e s s i v ea p p l i c a t i o n o f t h e P r a s a d a n a ( s o o t h i n g )A i i i a n a s
(respectively).Deficient applicationsof both the Snehana(soothing)
and the Ropana(healing)Afijanas (in respectof ocular affections)are
sureto prove abortivein their effects.Careshould,therefore,be taken
to apply it properly,it is hopedto get the wishedresult.7l-74.

rrd€{rsrgig diffiq atwr: ll e\ ll
Tirousandsof remedialmeasuresand remediesmay be devised
and employedin the mannerof thePuta-Paka andothermeasureson
the basisof the fundamentalprincipleshere in inculcated.75.

qtddFqq?rJ rrrczffrrfgcrq q I
ffi fuit*frrrTd: Tt{ileQll
q€} q.,'ffi*-{F[ {frqaff1rftcrq: I
oAqqi$Tci trffrgl q-qT{kt: llee ll

l. Seesloka 5 0f this Chapter


qF.rwYdr{s{Friqffi(Eisrifr filq r
{qrfmt Gntrffiu ee tl
rrdi vr{F-dfr It* qtJ qfie rTrRr*'lt eq tl
xrermfr{turdr-rtS-9tr}S Ell 4o ll
rnffi q q-qr+ =fuSSFnR*'r
FrW( yerq *i emtaqrd^gq:
ires6Bul rTtrni rFild-€i ftal?i q& r
mq qui*{tffii rq,fc?fi fq6utaerrl Z R I I
a.rcrr{ffid VJF.rtraTq drril: I
qat{yrtsi ets t{ki lTrq+.vJ$rraRrr
vrraqr$5u vn$ qr rrqfr ar gi**t n ey tl
rr6€qr6F',T( T-dr F€r wS: T*q+(l
tuTfdre+ Tqfctft( sfutfrq: t
3T{Eq: rd5dnt Effita:ne\tl
Now we shall describe the recipes and preparationsof several
principal Afijanas fit for the use of kings and crowned heads for the
purposeof giving strengthto the eye-sight and for the amelioration of
ocular affections (Kdca, etc.) amenableonly to the palliative measures.
Eightparts of Rasafijanc(Antimony) having the hue of a (full-blown)
blue lotus flower, as well as one part eachof (dead)copper,gold and
silver should b* taken together and placed inside an earthencrucible.
It should then be burnt by being covered with the burning charcoal of
catechuor Aimantaka wood, or in the fire of dried cakesof cow-dung
and blown (with a blow-pipe till they would glow with a blood-red
effulgence)after which the expressed juice (Rasa)of cow-dung,cow's
urine, milk-curd, clarified butter, honey, oil, urine, lard, marrow,
infusion of the drugs of the Sarva-gandha group, grape-juioe, sugar
cane-juice, the expressedjuice of Tiphala and the completely cooled
decoctions of the drugs of the Sdrivadi and the Utpaladi groups,should

be separatelysprinkledover it in successionalternatelyeachtime with

the heatingthereof, (or to put in more explicitly, the crucible should
be takendown afterbeingheatedandthenoneofthesedraughtsshould
be sprinkled over its contentsand then againheatedand againsprinkled
over with anotherdraught,and so on). After that,the preparationshould
be kept suspendedin the air for a week,so asto be fully washedby the
rains.The compoundshouldthenbe dried,poundedand mixed together
with proportionateparts (quarter-part)of powderedpearls,crystals,
corals andKdlanu-sdriva. The compound thuspreparedis a very good
Afijana and should be kept in a pure vesselmade of ivory, crystal,
Vaid-urya, Sai&ha(conch-shell),stone,gold or silveror ofA sanawood.
it should then be purified (lit. worshipped) in the manner of the
purification of the Sahasra-Paka-Tailadescribedbefore.It may then
be prescrbedevenfor a king. Applied alongtheeye-lidsasa collyrium,
it enablesa king to becomefavouritewith his subjectsand to continue
invincible to the last day of his life free from ocular affections.76-8s.

E'g T€F+mrg q=i :Tgfirrg{ql

fre{.g.e gqrFr qeir rGnh €Hqueqtl
strf,{zTT6dg q+eqrfr r4 *Tr{{l
TrrrgsrgynTrfur frurcfr gery?rq(u es tl
TTRq'"qqTFqFI gerrS lElilfumr{ \ eL il
FT{r qeq ildqFf ;{+q$Td q*+qr
lSE sr*€ qrrT qMfr $rqr n aq tl
Bhadrodaya-Afijana-Tlte drugs known asKustha, Candana,
Ela, Patra, Yasti-madhu, Rasafijana, flowers of Mesa-irngl, cakra
(Tagara), the sevenkinds of jewelst, the pollens of the flowers of
Utpala, Brhati, Kanlakan and of lotus, Ndga-ke1ara, (Jfira, pippafi,
the shells of hen's eggs,Ddru-haridra, HaritakT, Gorocana, Marica,
Marrow or kernel of Bibhitaka-seedsand the flesh of lizards (which
are found to scalethe walls of rooms), should be powderedtogetherin
equalparts and shouldbe preservedin a vesseland purified (sanctified)

l. The seven kinds of gems are (i) Padmaraga, (ir) Marakala, (iii) Ni/a, (iv)
Vaidurya, (v\ Mukra (pearl), (vi)Pravdla and (vii) Hema (gold).

in the precedingmanner.This Aitjana is called theBh^clrodaya-Afijana

and shouldalwaysbe usedby a king. 86-89.

e?jr €qns*q qi{fr tfrq+E q I

qqffi; €qlgqq:flvrqr ll 30 ll
q-rFr sr6g6fitdwiffisgql
drqEl qgrqeJ* ll qq ll
Tagaradyafiiarrc- Equal parts of Cakra (Tagara), Marica,
Jatd-mdritsiandSarleyewith equalto be combinedweight
of the precedingdrugs,four partsof Patra with Rusaiijanc(Antimony)
twice the combinedweight of all the precedingdrugsand Yasti-madhu
of equalt weight with the last-nameddrug (Rnsdrrjarra) should be
powderedtogether and used as an Afijann in the foregoing manner.

Tq:frri{i tqq' B {wr+ fxqrilqur{ t

FTrq{rf,{JTqFSr+€r*{r: lrqrlqrd;T:ll 3R ll
tej rsrd{ah qutqrq{i inrqq q I
t5-ri{r{ffic[ SsarrsEmrn qll 3? ll
g-i{TrF{rr{RTrfiTSrrJfcsi 6ntEgel: I
a.rEfannv5mr+-rt.trgqvrra+ u qYtl
M anal.tsiladyaiii ana- M enah -3i Ia, D eva -ddru, the two kinds
of Rajani, Triphala, Trikatu, Iikqa, Lniuna, Mafijistha, Saindhava,
Ela, Maksika,SavarakaRodhra,Deadiron andcopper,Kdlanu-sdriva
and the outer shells of hen's eggs taken in equal parts should be
powderedtogether,resolvedinto a pastewith milk andmadeinto pills
of adcquatesize. Diseasesof the eye such as the itching sensationin
the eye, Timira, Suklarma andRaktaraii readily yield to the curative
efficacy of this Afijana. 92-94.
qigrqqrd;rr$ qr{*r t"r?i Tdql
$(rsTtrqr q{ ilq\tl

to used in this Ailana should

1. According to some the weight of the Yu.sti-mudhtr
be equal to that of all the other drugs combined.

errsr rr€rqr fiTgr HrsqFirftrta I

qrqqtarqd*wrqwJq,$Ernr6t: || qq ||
Kahsyadivarti- An Afiiana should be preparedby collecting
lamp black on a vesseimade of India bell-metal,and mixing it with
one part eachof Yastimadhu,Saindhava,Tagara androots of EranQa,
aswell astwo partsof BrhatT.This compoundshouldbe pastedtogether
with goat'smilk and thinly plasteredon a copperplate. This process
shouldbe continuedfor seventimes in successionand dried in the
shade.It should then be made into Vartis and (used as such) would
relievepain in the eye.95-96.
qQurwdfufitgqF*: vfrtrqQifutr ll 3\ell
{qfuqrfden+{ ?Teft ififcftrmtfuE:I
fiTtrsrs{rhE,-fra q?rr*rrrdf<d: tt RZtl
Pathyadivarti- Ane part each of Haritaki, Yasti-madhu with
sixteenparts of Maricct shouldbe poundedand pastedtogetherwith
cold water. It shouldthen be made into Vartis and would be efficacious
in all sorts of ocular affections.An Experiencedphysicianmay with
care and discretion preparePindanianaswith the drugs antidotal to
the specific Dosa or Doqas involved in the case,in the manner of
preparing the Rasa -kriyr.rpreparations. 97-98.

qrqrgr<vilssryq:ll te ll
Thus ends the eighteenth chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Suiruta Suithitit
which deals with the preparationsand usesof the medicinal measures
to be used in different ocular affections.

qsn?nq r{Irqrt et*fi^: il t tl
Now we shall discourseon the medicd treatmentto be adopted
in casesof hurt or injury to the eye (Nayanabhighata-Pratisedha).

sTrvr6+erq+ q$n r{rutt rirnffiEgdfgd;Engeftqqt

Teqnzra$ qR+*rf,dqr€rshgq: qrtrqrrirqvliTqsEl{rr
r rr
qfusqtr+i taftrtw3Eqi(funiftis ugts nurwit: I| ? ||
vffirenqrxfaftrwqdT+fRd erdfr dstraqq t[r{: ny tl
srrurfii @i s,r-dfrafrrtri
A violent and intolerablepain in the eye accompaniedby redness
and swelling therein, resulting from a blow or from any sort of hurt or
injury to the organ,shouldbe remediedwith the applicationof medicinal
Nasya (erhines),plasters,sprinkling andTarpana (soothingmeasures),
andothermeasuresmentionedbefore,aswell asthe measuresprescribed
in casesof Pittaja andRaktaja Abhisyanda- lit. remedial to the pain
6Ata) causedby the derangedblood and Pitta in the locality. The
affectedeye(Drsti) shouldalsobe soothedwith the help of cool, sweet
and fatty drugs. This kind of treatment should also be followed in
cases where the eye would be hurt or oppressedby (excessive)
fomentation, smoke or glare-fire, or affected on accountof feat mental
agony, pain or injury. Thesemeasuresshould also be resortedto in the


first stage(i.e., during the first week) of the hurt or injury in the eye.
After this period the affected eye should be treated as a case of an
Abhisyanda with due regard to the nature of the specific deranged
bodily Doqa or Doqas involved in the case.A slight hurt in the eye
may be instantaneouslyrelieved by the applicationof warm breath-

uru{trt vae6*Uqg6q *fur q{drhqedrhfffid+qg || q tl

sr(fi rf!ffis r+{ Erfrqwsi wrt qca W5qu w*qgurwqr
F+tfrotqEH1trrrqqEr$i qraiffitr\err
Prognosis- Any ulcerationrestrictedto onePatala (coat)only
of the eye may be easily cured; an ulcer invading two Patalas of the
organ may be healedonly with the greatestdifficulty. While the one
affecting three Patalas should be regardedas incurable. Palliative
measuresare all that re possiblein casesof looseness,dislocation,
sunkennessand the thrashedcondition (Piccita) of the eye as well as
in caseof Hata-drstl (Lossof eye-sight).Casesof wrong or erroneous
vision, marked by the dilatation of the pupil, absenceof any
considerablerednessand thosecaseswherethe eye (eye-ball)is in its
properplace and is not affectedin its power of vision prove amenable
to medical fteatment.6-7.

sruilT{itr{T{qrffilrd+*1TqqrgJ ;t'tri qqtTefrE{r

++ffi tqftffia: 5twqfgfi ffi qrffiqrg rre rr
A sunken eye may be uplifted either by holding the breath
(Prana-vayu)or by inducing vomiting or sneezing,or by throttling or
obstructingthe wind-pipe.Where the eyeswould be found to be hanging
down from the sockets,the measuresand remediesprescribedbefore
should,be resortedto, and the patient shouldbe made to take in long
breathof air (throughthe nostrils)and cold water shouldbe pouredon
his head.8.
ya.wfriTffrqFtliF€r ftn qffiirrt:ilia trq: I
ll9 ll
q$rqinvcfr wcfr rrui wenr$trrwl ffift{dqt

dnq*aqis{: qftffimh(erng:ftr{fr{F{|5dsfdf}if€e21r(ll
qo ll
f em+qAqgt*rasqrgh:frd'qq:ug u'd:urrsfrun{t
eq@ *t qqa*qqqfuj qtarrqqrr
Symptorns and treatment of Kuklu.taka- The seventy-six
kinds of eye-diseases hereinmentionedbefore,occurto adultsaswell
as to infants, but a peculiar disease,due to the action of deranged
Vayu,Pitta, Kapha andblood, sometimesmanifestsitself in (the inner
o0 the eye-lidsof an infant andthis is known asKukilnaka.Its
excitingcauseis the vitiatedconditionof thebreast-milkof themother.
In this disease,there is excessiveitching in the eyes,andthe child
frequentlyrubshis eyes,noseandforeheadwith his fist; thereis constant
lachrymation and the child cannot bear the least light of sun'srays.
The organshould,in suchcases,be speedilybled (by applyingleeches)
andbe scraped(with roughleaves).The organshouldfurtherbe rubbed
with Tri-katu and honey pastedtogether.The mother (or the nurse)
should also be treatedin the mannerprescribedbefore(in casesof an
affection of the breast-milk). Compoundsof Saindhava salt, honey
and powderedKhara-maitjari (Apamarga)seeds,as well as thoseof
powderedPippali, saindaava-saltandhoneywith thevehicleof breast-
milk shouldbe given to the child for emeticpurposes, but this should
be discontinuedas soonas vomiting would set in. 9-ll.

uEFq[ed ild: q-cgrt ewi feftr*: II t Rrr

Fr TqrqV|-{grEsIS
To a child who takesboth breast-milkand other solid food, the
emetic should be administeredwith the admixtureof Vacd, and to a
much older child (i.e. one who has given up taking breasrmilk) the
emetic should be given with the admixtureof Madana fruit. 12.

wqrqerrf,qJE*: qfren+qref
q,,rd6,qrqr***rie qrfr r
srrr*n+q feffn Ei tq*-fira ners.rgrfr
u ffi*rmqt I q?||
Decoction of the tender leaves of Jambu,Amra andAmalakt
should be used for washing and sprinkling purpose.Clarified butter
duly cookedwithTri-phala or with Guduci shouldbe usedduly cooked
with Tri-phala or with Guduci should be dropped into the eye as an
{. dr 3-!


sqsi nrymg*',r**nf FqTqti gdqdqq qrfu F$tll iy tl
ahi rcrcrgqgairdauilTrs erqTrstfis'Tdi lFem'rwiat r
rwfaqrxfi +q*swtvrCcqutqu
tffi ra-.iqqtryErfdwrrdsfi
Afijanas composed of Manah-Sila, Marica, Sarhkha(conch-
shell), Rasaiijana and Saindhavapoundedtogetherand pastedwith
honey and treacleshouldbe appliedto the affectedorgan.Compounds
of M-un,d,honey and powderedcoppershouldalsobe usedasAfijana.
The compoundpreparedby burningblack iron (steel),clarified butter,
milk and honeymixed togethershouldbe similarly usedas anAfijana.
As an alternative, the Gutikaiijana made up of Trikcrtu, Palandu
(Onion), Yasti-madhu,Saindhava,Ink;a (lac) and Gairika (earth)
pastedtogether,should be used.The Aiijana made of Nimba-leaves,
Yasti-madhu,Darvi.t copper (powdered)andLodhra taken in equal
partsand poundedtogether,is alsoeffications.14-15.

etq,meft|6i qrcrs+{qprd.sQrt{flwuig:
An Aitjana preparedwith Rasafijana(Antimony), Sarhkha,curd
andSaindhavaKept togetherfor a period of half a fortnight,2should
be appliedto the affectedorganofthe child in casesof Sukra,and the
directionsgiven under the head of Kaphaja-Abhisyandasliould also
be followedby experienced physiciansin suchcasesof theeye-disease
ofchildren. 16.
Tgi fTraNnr v*ilqrrgt{frn qe u
Fa*tfr q frsqefr{€qrrftr{r;
il*renrftkil +q Td-dqfu<a: u lz rl
l. "Darvi" generaly means 1)zrrrr-luritlrd',but, here, on the authority or Videhu,
Dallrana takesit to mean the trvo kinds of Haridra, viz., Haridru andDdru-haridru.
2. Method of preparing this Ait.junu,as explainedby Dulha1tuon the authority of
Videha,is as follows : Ssftkhu (Conch-shell)and Saintlhavushould be first pasted
togetherwith curd (Dudlti) aud then a quantity of Rusunjunushould be soakedwith
this preparationfor sevendaysand a half and Varll shouldthen be preparedtherewith
and applied to the eye as an Airjanu.
240 sAMHrrA
susRUrA e9
nf{E qgrprri fuffiRtqt
Vw*n+qit rq vgmsfunffiu qqrl
FdWrrTTETd vnawrqiwrll qo rl
Conclusion- The Scienceof medicineis as incomprehensible
asthe ocean.It cannotbe fully describedevenin hundredsandthousands
of verses.Dull peoplewho areincapableof catchingthe real importance
of the Scienceof reasoningwould fail to acquirea proper insight into
the Scienceof medicineif dealtwith elaboratelyin thousandsof verses.
The occult principles (of the Scienceof medicine), as explained in
these pages,wou\d, therefore, sprout and grow and bear good fruits
only under the congenialheat of a (medical) genius.A learnedand
experienced(medical) man would thereforetry to understandthe occult
principles here in inculcatedwith due caution and with referenceto

fuffieqrqn qqtl
Thus ends the nineteenthchapterof the Utturu-Tuntru in the Suiruta SafihitA
with deals with the medical treatmentto be adoptedin casesof
hurt or injury to the eye.

rrefrdrq rr{rdrt e1qffi;11q 1g
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich treatsof the causes
and symptomsof the diseasespeculiar to the ear-the organ of hearing
(Karna -gata -Roga -Vij finniya ). 1

gs q3 a r
autq,rq: q.otTqm*equ Rtl
ffin6t ffilGFermqrr
q"ufqrfr':$mutwHs{Ffqqrr I tr
aqd{ TRFdei vilmgrfrq{F4q:r
\i e,rrtrrdr
*rn erffirfrRfrr: uv rr
classification- Twenty-eight different forms of ear-diseases
are noticed in practice, viz., Kanla-iula (Ear-ache),prandda(ringing
or noise in the ear), Badhirya (deafness),Ksveda, Kanpa_Srdva
(discharge of pus, etc., from the ear), Karna-Kandz (itching
in the
ear),Ka rna -g tttha, K r mi -kama (vermin-infested ears),p rat tndha, the
two kinds of vidradhi (local abscess),Kan.ta-pi&c (suppuration of
ear), Puti-karna (fetor in the ear), four kinds of Arsas (cysts or
polypuses in the ear), sevenkinds of Arbuda(tumour) and four kinds
of Sopha(swelling).2-4.

qfiwr: ffi.rqqrfl: {qRTa:vfdrfu irul*: r t*g qerqqtTd: u trutvtmrq,ftrtr€nqr: rrq u


q4C qrs5 ffiqrrrd: q !F vroErFr€rgftrgfrt

Effi vro<rlfqfuiwqril: wn${ qierqkqrrqtt t ||
Symptoms of Karya- Sula and Praryada- The violent aching
pain in the region of the ear and inside the tympanum causedby the
derangedlocalVayu, aggravatedand obstructedby the other deranged
Doqasin the locality is called theKarna-Sula(ear-ache).Ringing and
various other soundsin the ear are heard when the derangedVayuof
the locality gets into the wrong way and remainsthere stuffed in the
sound-carryingchannelsof the organ.This diseaseis called the Pra-

T{gqvqrg{6r rrfl fu{r: t[.sr{q|ai q.{g€ fttght

irqr lrsrqFilmr$frk+ *r+d.e qrfttd'Fti$d Er€ll\sll
srqr(qrqr{qffiqrqsnq{r(qfrtqr:uqq?iaqleffr ,1
ffi{'sqyflTfrk{: EFnfrfr qffid trqtfr: u/ tl
Symptoms of Badhirya and Kqveda- Badhirya (deafness)
results from the continuancein the sound-carryingchannelsof the
derangedlocalVayu in combinationwith the derangedlocal Kapha in
thoselocalitieswithout anywaybeingremediedor subdued.An attack
of Karrya-ksveda(expresing a peculiar sound in the ear) may be
attributedto such causes,as the use of any cold thing or exposureto
cold after being treatedwith a head-purgingremedy (errhines),or to
the continuanceof the derangedlocal Vayu in the sound-passage,
aggravatedby excessivelabour,by any wastingprocessin the system
or by taking articlesof asringent tasteor of parching(Rrksc) property.t

ffi .fi rqme?rqrF{rrqfr qe qqrfirEerqrsfr

fqq}: t
q+qA{q erqufrsFrirr{il: Ru,ufti€ilqEfrr*tRtc:rrt rt
q,*r'Ei!E qfqtqqutftivi t{+( ffi q,utTiFd+u lo 11
1. The differencein the "Kar4a-ndda"and "K;veda"is that in the formerthe sound
in the earis producedby the derangedVdyu aloneandis of variouskindswhereas,
in the latterit is of a specialkind, viz..,thatof a wind-pipe-the excitingcausebeing
the derangedlocal Pilta, Kapha andblood-Videhu.

Symptoms of Karrya-Sravaand Karrya_Ka4gE_ Any

or secretion of pus from the ear causedby the deranged
bodily vdyu
stuffing the ear-cavity,owing to a blow on tirehead
or a-rongimriersion
ln water or a spontaneoussuppuration(and bursting)
of an abscessin
the inner ear, is calredKarna-srdva.The excessive
itching sensation
in the ear due to the aggravationof the local Kaphais
cailed Karna-

h{frfrft y*cqfrrfriltqqr TUrisraEddRrautrgzrm:n I t rr

q tn.,tfT*rqdt T{r:rfr ffiil vrurgGi;qiltr
iTETTTts,.dqfur6tikfrqR fuFR: frFnfrsft{-drq:1t?
Symptoms of Kar4a_gfitha and Karrya-prati-naha_
mucousaccumulationin the ear dried and hardened
by the heatof the
local Pitta is calredKarna-g-uthc,.
when the dried accumurationof the
ear in casesof Karna-grtthabecomeliquefied,(and
comesout through)
the cavity of the noserand produceshead-disease2
it is called Kama
Prati-ndha. ll-lZ.

?r(r{ T€dacrqTsfu ffilEt3qwilq66qq-qrsfrrTfttrfi:r

il{sfcetrdfqril frTrt ftqFrrn*
H:11? '- tl
qrdfi{qrfir{qqffint*q nEr tE.A"n, b, ,
R @ uiiq-{qffiqntytl
symptoms of Kymi-KarrpaandKarrra-vidradhi-Germination
of verminsor of otherlocarparasites
in thecavitiesof the earcompretery
impairsthe facurtyof hearingand is ca'ed
xymi-*aratarr"'* ,t.
existenceof wormsin the ear.Any abscess
causedby any local ulcer
or by a blow, aswet asanyidiopathicabscess
in ttrecavity orlt .-
is known as Karna-vidradhi.rt-is marked "
by a choked,iro u"-iril
sensation, andpiercingandsuckingpain,and-itsecretes
reddishbloodydischarges. 13-14. ",

l. Someexprain"glo;g6i" to meanthe cavity

of the noseandof the mouth.
2' In placeep'rfr1ffi5fty6qq: " (producer
of head-diseas
e) Mddhavain hisNidina
reads''ftrqfisdt(f,E" i.e., producerof the headdiseaseknown
(seechapterXXV). asArdhd-vedhakt

eTt(srnfi: qqfinrffiffiqffiqtr'{gq'std: ll q\ ll
frefi c,,hffi fimtqsr{M Wr{ERrTrrartl
srffiersqprqrrffi rilr*t qfr u nftroui-*:ll qqll
crfftil*q Wkcqt
qrTrgr€Tr( nsfrp ffiFct-d Erfr rqfr fi{qr*t: ll te ll
Symptoms of Karrya-paka and Pfiti Kan.ta, €tc.- A process
of suppuration setting in (in any of theseboils) in the ear through the
aggravatedcondition of the derangedPitta is marked by a blocked and
putrid condition of the passageof the ear.The diseaseis calledKarna-
pakc (suppurationofthe ear).A dischargeofcondensedand fetid pus
whether accompaniedor not with pain is set up by the local mucus
accumulation in the passageof the ear having been liquefied by the
heatof the aggravattedPitta.This diseaseis calledPuti-karna (pus in
the ear).The diseaseis calledPuri-l<nrya(pusin the ear).The symptoms
of swellin g (Sop hn), tumours (Arb uda) and Polypoid growths (Ar 3as)r
in generalashavebeendescribedbefore shouldbe carefully understood
by an experincedphysicianthe symptomsof thesediseasesin the region
ofthe ear. 15-17.

FiVifsqrq. 11qotl
Thus ends the twentieth chapter of the Uttara-Tanta in the SuSrutaSarhhitlt
which deals with the causesand symptoms of the diseasespeculiar to the ear.

l. SeechapterVI. XVIII andXXIII, Cikitsita-SthEna.


srerkr: qr€{rgtq:,
qercilE[ s{rrqIt er;+afti tt q tt
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich treatsof the medical
treatment of the diseasespeculiar to the ear (Karna-gata-Roga-
Pratisedha). I

TFn"i qqtfttg TdqFi vt{rfi{l

erqrqT*sflgg:g1rivAqdqq-err{ rr f rr
General Treatment- Potions of clarified butter (after meal),
use of Rasdyana-measures,r renunciation of all sorts of physical
exercise,bathswithout immersing the head,absolutesexualabstinence
and abstinencefrom talkativenessare the generalremedies and rules
to be prgscribed in the affections of the ear in general.2

arffiqlrG u uftr4qffit
qEurtqhtrmTiqrqFd twiF*€: ttt tt
fursi qrrt\: raHt ffdtF+crtr
rrs€M( frug€tm?td qu ? rl
Treatment of the ValajaEar-di-seases-The courseof medical
(all dueto
fteatmentto bepursuedin thefour formsof theear-diseases
the action of.Vdyu)vis.,Kan.ta-sula,Praryada,BadhiryaandKarya-
lcqveQais thesameandis asfollows,Snehashodldbefirst administered
(bothinternallyandexternally)andthepatientpurgedwith emulsive

l. In place of "Rasdyana" (use oftonic) some read "Ras/rsdnntn"(use of meat-soup

with meal).

purgatives after which the affected locality should be fomented with

Vayn-subduingdrugs administeredin the manner of Ndtt-sveda or

il \ tl
sTrc{r& rdfsra: t
t5.qq?sg?qr;i i5.utvFi f f i r r q r r
*rgrgarr+nt qtrr$:qqqrsfrqrr
fiwt: F*Eia5frilinrtqirF{Er{urqu's
A caseof Karna-S[tla(ear-ache),due to the concertedaction of
the derangedVayu andKapha of the locality yield to the application of
fomentation to the affected part with (the fumes of) Bilva, EraryQa-
roots, Arka, Varsdbhu, Kapittha, Dhust-uraka, Sigru, Ajagandhd,
Atvagandha,Jayanti, Barley andbamboo,boiled in Arannla(fermented
rice-gruel) and administeredin the mannerof Nadt-sveda(Fomentation
through a pipe). An attack of Karna-|ula (ear-ache)yields to the
applicationof Pinda-svedamadewith piecesof boiled flesh of fish,
cock or l-cva (ointly or seperately),or with (ballsof condensed)milk.

3TS@FFTCTF' EIT furFr {gqf,q;nl

aq$'ft: gsqyf Fqeqru*quffirrerr
T(fu i qEt ilsr( qmqg.FknFrilEI
r(urd ercur*d:rrd rf6rh frqsql1q 11
qrtrgr5€{FFr: rq*{q+q ir{l
qiffi' trd qFldM u qkcqn to rr
A bowl-shaped cupshouldbemadeof theleavesof theAivatttw
soakedin oil andDadhi-nnsur attdit shouldbe heatedby meansof
charcoal-fire.The oil, thusheatedandmadeto drop into the affected

l. "Mastu"(c\rd-cream)is mentionedneitherby VyndanorbyCakrapani.According

to videha'srecipe,clarified butter shouldbe usedin placeof oil in casesof the
aggravationof the Pitta.)

organ,gives instantaneousreliefin caseofear-ache.The affectedorgan

shouldbe fumigatedwith the fumesof burning piecesof Ksarumn(Linen
cloth) as well as.with clarified butter, Aguru and Guggulz mixed
together.Draughts of clarified butter as well as the application of Siro-
basti after meal are also found beneficial. 8-10.

Frd F<Frrqqffi:trdqfrqq, fir*(t

TeJarkS Td q qffi qR'i=rir
vrdqrf, qfirki. qsrRrgrfr ctqi il qq tl
ffirqffr qq.ErqiftuTt{ ql
ffi( E;-Sffiqt q,ui*tr( trTrurquqQrl
A rice diet shouldbe foregonein the night, and draughtsof
clarifiedbutterfollowedby potionsof milk. TlteSata-paka Bala-Tailar
shouldalsobe prescribed as errhine,
Siro-basti, aswell as Mastislqa-
Sirobastiandsprinkling.It mayalso be givenintemally.Goat'smilk
first cookedwrth Kantakdrl (in the mannerof Kqira-paka)and then
with the fat (Vasd)of a cockis extremelyefficacious(in casesof ear-
ache)ifused asanear-drop.Ll-12.

Hugfr*'5drh rnemEftwiacrlr
qffi€.fitri qrci t+qF6i*u tt tl
i{v5{ ,rs.fr5 ilen dvTr+frq*{l
telqrqr:nvnf,rf trti rq ailtqwrqnty rl
The four kinds of Sneha (oil, clarified-butter, lard and animal
marrow) duly cooked togetherwith the Kall<aof TanduEyaka,Afikoga
fruits, Ahiriura, Kendukd-root, Sarala, Deva-Ddru, Laiuna (garlic),
Suryghiandthescrapingsof bamboo-skinand with the liquids of acidz
taste(insteadof water) should be usedas an ear-drop in order to alleviate
the aching pain there in. 13-14.

l. For "Bald-Taila"- SeechapterXY, CikilsitaSthdna.

2. The liquid acidshereue Dadhi, Takra,Surfi, Cukra(aktnd of Kafijilut) and the
expressed juice of Matuluhga.

$Fr T-ffi5FTqr
q-ftdll: IErsFr:*U, aqq: q'uiTFi u t\ rr
aIS.+R{:qflA+*r* ft{+{ q I
reqi q,,ut{frtqftr{ qr tfirqdqn tQ tr
€ffi: q*q+{Euf Tr+( EEW6: 1 qell
The expressedjuice of l"afluna,Sigru,Ardrakn, Murangi, Mutal<a
and (branch ofl Kadatl jointly or seperatelypoured lukewarm into the
cavity of the organ actsas an excellentear-drop(in caseof acuteear-
ache)-As an alternative,the expressedjuice of Srhga-vera mixed
with honey, saindhava and oil should be used lukewarm as an ear-
drop to alleviate the pain therein. clarified butterl duly cooked with
the scrapingsof bamboo-skin and the urine of a ewe and of of a she-
goat2shouldalso be usedas an ear-dropin caseof earache.L5-L7.

q6il: qgTil€q t5rqsqEr(gn$.f,{l

qtthurrAwriRreqffiq+(ild: u tl, n
q-(fuiq{t+r* {fufr rrrwffir
tq irq*fuq;rkt*,=fr'fdrm**n{r rr qrr
5.qi*t IGlaTUSb q;rg q qrcdr
frffid 6ffi*fuqn Rotl
Dipikd'Taila- Pieces of the roots of the major pafica-mura
measuringeighteenfingures in length should be covered(extending
only to threefourths of the whole) with a piece of linen and then soaked
in oil. The stick so formed, should then be lighted and the oil pouring
in drops therefrom should be used lukewarm (as an ear-drop). It
instantaneouslyremoves the pain, and is known as the Dipika-iaita.
Different kinds of Dip ika-Tailamay be likewise preparedwith pieces

I . Both v mda andc akrupani read" Taila" (oil) in placeof ',sarpi ll' (clarified butter).
But we havetheauthorityof.videha(asquotedby srika4thuDint inhis commenury
on Vntda)in favourof clarifiedbutter.
2. clarified buttershouldfirst be cookedwith the urineof a. e.weandthenwith that
of a she-goat-Dalhana.

of Deva-ddru, Ku;gha or Sarala wood, and usedin the samemanner in

casesof ear-ache.18-20.

er*t r
qilFfrTtr{|qtn Rl tl
gcq|"q frsftrGrFrqr(l
EdEi dqri quT qrq*qwn<r+u R?tl
Tender sproutsofArtc plantspastedwith KAfijile (AmIa) should
be mixed with oil and salt. The pasrethus preparedshouldbe placed
inside the hollow made in a branch of Snuhl treeand wrapped up with
the leavesof the sameplant. It should then be scorchedin fire in the
manner of Puta-Paka. The juice should then be squeezedout of it and
usedlukewarm as an ear-dropto alleviatethe pain inthe ear.2l-22.

EFF RTnTg.q.S'Fa-TF.+rt*:
{ffi: {rt(uuf ilqeTFfrqrr+nR?tl
EufdEfr{ E*q T:+(q,lrtvFm:I
n5{hrq${ g-qqr qra{T{uftEu Rytl
sTg|;TfirdlFnuri {*ur1.;rydlqqrl
u5;6ffiq,of qutvIiiffin?\rl
q*qdg erdt rrt q aftr* firqqr
qffidei *A qror 6q qvtd: u Rqtl
Different kinds of Ear-drops- The expressed juice of
Kapittha,MdtulungaandArdratramixed togetherandmadelukewarm,
or the lukewarmCukra (a kind of KAfijika) shouldbe usedas ear-
dropsin a caseof ear-ache.As an alternative,the affectedear should
be judiciously dustedwith powderedSamudraphena in sucha case.
As analternative,theeightkindsof officinal urinesor anyoneof them
made lukewarm and used as an eardropmay prove efficaciousin
removingan ear-ache.Similarly, a caseof an ear-acheyields to the
curativevirtue of anear-drop,composedof thefour officinal kindsof
snehaduly cookedwith thedifferentkindsof officinarurineandacids
(wine, sour-gruel,etc.) as well as with the Vcyu-subduing drugs.

qdrq{tfiqr' E;qhfirfl*: ftrfii-gt tt Rsll

ffit Evr$rftrt,sr* Fti th, ttRall
SqqTrcreg qg* qq+ iTsrl
q'm,a, * qi qTit vr*Trqr{*: rft: ll Rqll
General and Specific treatment of.Pittaia Ear'ache- The
abovementionedmode of treatment(ear-dropsand fomentations,etc.)
with the Pirla-subduing drugs should be followed in Pittaia Kan.ta'
SuIa (ear-ache).The use of the medicatedGhrta duly cooked with
milk weighing ten times as much and with the drugs of the Kakolyddi
group, as well as the Ghytat duly cooked with the drugs of the Tikta
(bitter) group would be found beneficialin suchcases.Clarified butter
duly cookedwith the tendersproutsof Kslra-vrlcsc(milk-exuding trees),
as well as with Yasgi-madhuand Candanc wood, or that cooked with
the decoction of B i mbi with (the kalka of) sugar, Yasti-madhu and the
purgativedrugs would alsobe found beneficial.2T'29.

Fgflqfqtin ffiw, {t"r iealr

fiintqel|qiWrst*Erg6rE=rwm:tt ?o tl
{rsrd iFt ffi qsTe Tcsfrll ?1tt
ur$$fw: $i' avs{rf*d r{t: I
qim: Wm wErftiterarqp-aqlllR ll
Treatment of theKaphaiaKarrya-Snla- In casesof Kaphaia-
Kan.ta-1ulamustardorl or lhgudi oil will be foundbeneficialif used
as an ear-drop.Decoctions(Ylsa) of the drugsof the bitter group,
fomentation(Sveda)with Kapha-subduing drugs,as well as the oil
cookedwith thedrugsof theSurasddi,or themajorPaftca'mfilagrouP
wouldbe foundbeneficial.Theexpressed juice of Matuluhga,La1una
andArdraka. as well as Sukta,or the oil cookedwith any of them
shouldbe usedas ear-dropsin suchcases.The useof stronghead-
purgatives(errhines),or of garglesis, likewise,recommended in such

I. Dalarq saysthat Jejialdcdryaholdsthesetwo recipesas unauthoritative.


mutvptFdfu ty tl
F€frds: Tfrfurar{+u
The medical treatmentin a caseof ear-achedue to the vitiated
condition of the blood shouldbe just the sameas thar in the caseof a
Pittaja Kan.ta Sttla. 34.

VfcqunqErft i-d{r
ITrqrqdHiur Enftr{q1ut?JuJut\ tl
Thus we havegiven a generaloutline of the courseof treatment
and remedial measuresto be adoptedin the four kinds of ear-affectons.
viz. Karna-fula (earache),Pra-ryada,Badhirya andKan4a-kqveda.Now
we shall deal with the special recipes and preparationsof ear-dropsto
be employedin casesof deafness(BAdhirya)35.

rrqi$qt*qh frSrffi ffiqr

FsTtr5 Fgrer5 erftI{ i5.utTrurqu
?q rr
ffi er ffi:Fr* fifrr*trE€aqu ?etl
g{: q+{. qrrqft. fudrqqfr-{q+:I
il( fui Erftr4ifi,utTrur{ilQatl
aqdu: fu frftr:nqFfrcr+(rr lq rr
emqTRr$q$frifqfu: TTqFtr r1*qrrxorr
Treatment of deafness- The oil duly cooked with water, milk
andBilva pastedwith cow's urine (as katka) should be used as an ear-
drop in casesof deafness.oil should be first cooked with goat's milk
or the decoction of Bilva fruit with sugar and yasti-mndhu andBilva
fruit (as kalkn). when cooled down (it should be churned with the
hand and) the sneha (oily portion) should be separated.This oily part,
after being stirred in the decoction of Bilvar should again be
with milk weighing ten times and with (the Kalka of) sugar,"ook"d
madhu and (red) sandalwood. It shourdthen be thickened and usedas
an ear-drop in casesof deafness.Measuresand remedies,which will

l. In place of "Bilvdmbu-gddha"someread ,Bimbi-gildhu,',i.e., mixed with an

abundantquantityof powderedBimbifruit.- Dalharya.

be mentioned in connection with PratiSyayat (catanh) or have been

already describedin the chapteron Vdta-Vyadhi2Cikitsd may be as
well employedwith benefit in the presentinstances.36-40.
{ftrfroT fi*d 5ffi* t
qqFt w,,f ffraftrrt*mffillYq ll
ffl,rdHr"ff*E qF{
{tuT iTenl
qqr${ EirFca *qq *tfi{qrrt(llYR ll
{ffi{qrrFq*t{ EITI
;rutqq{ffii q,rd Wtqrg Trur{u Yt tl
Wf qgm'qr{rt u,,Frcrrsdkttt
6ffi sytqifi {rur q{-{r T16il YY rl
Treatment of Pufi-Kar4 a, Karryasrdvaand Kfmi'karPa-The
general mode of treatment to be employed in casesof Kan4a-srdva,
Puti-karna and Krmi-kan.zais the same as above. Now hear (me
describing)the generalmode of treatmentto be employed in them.
Enhines, fumigating, filling up the cavity of the ear (as with an ear-
drop), cleansingand washing should be employed accordingto the
exigenciesof eachcase.The affectedear shouldbe washedwith the
decoction of the drugs of the Raia-vrksadi or the Surasadi group and
filled with the powdersof thosedrugs. In a caseof Karna-Srdva,the
cavity of the affectedorganshouldbe filled in with the powders(D.R.
lecoction) of the Pafica-kasayardrugs mixed with honey and the
expressedjuice of Kapittha. 4l-44.

€#dilt{rt{tg-fi: q,qtffirq't
*ffi qg{rqr.sfrq,ufiFnA wrgfr uY\ tl
!{iqTnrd:rftqtfrffi: qiuhsur{llYqll
l. Chap. XXIY, Uttara-Tantra.
2. Chapter V and VL Cikitsita-SthAna.
3. According to some, "Pafica-Kaqaya" meansthe barks of Arn gvadha, Siriqa,Jctmbu,
Sarja and of Asvamdra (Palitfia),but palana, on the authority of the authors of the
Tilci and the Pufijiki, (the two commentaries) refutes this and holds that "Pafica'
tuqaya" means the barks of Tinduka, Abhaya, Lodhru, Samaritglt and of Amalakt
enumerated below in this chapter.

Trft*i q-ErgqT-EtqrqTruqrgilql
@fttai *trs qfwaqttxstt
fegfir<uqr tei qrs.rssqmfrqtt
qwrar*w:i srq e'firdrcs*FffqttYatl
The use of the powders of Saria-bark mixed with honey and
expressedjuice of the Karpasi fruit is recommendedin casesof Kan4a-
Srdva. A compound consistingof pulverisedlnk;a and Saria-rasa
(D.R. Rasaffjana)shouldbe usedin filling up the cavity of the affected
organin the saiddisease.The oil duly cooked,with the tendersprouts
of Saivata, Mahd-urksa, Jambu andof Amra as well as with Karkaga-
SrngthoneyandManduktis highly efficaciousin thesecases.Powders
of the barks of Tindukn, Abhaya, Rodhra, Samahgdand of Amatakn
mixed with honeyr and the expressedjuice of Kapittha, should be
similarly used.45-48

Tgqrqu6frer|rlt qe{serdrwtrqql
TunefqvtTrFafut er tFdqrfqf,{llY3ll
fr qE"{etrrqgT--qrilfrtRr€rqfr
a,foergrtt er t
d(ki il{r€rdTrdrf6ft Trutr(I | \o ||
The expressedjuice of Amra, Kipittha, Madhukaflower, Dhava
and of SaU duty cooked with oil is likswise recommended as ear-
drops in these cases,The oil cooked with Priyafigu, Yaqti-madhu,
Ambalil<n,Dhdtald, Sim-parni,Mafiiiqlhn, Lodhra andIntqd (askalka),
and with the expressedjuice of the sproutsof Kapitthd asthe liquid, if
used as an ear-drop, arrests the secretion in a case of Karna-srdva.

Egrrt-si lrqt: qfi{ur qftfligil{l

qvrcqtffidrlsfrrrmrA{Frfiut* n \q tl

l. Sriktntha Datta in his commentaryon Vyndaquotesthis couPlet,but doesnot

'honey'there. He reads" dEI" in placeof " rg " I

ft$rewru*t ftrg{+d rge:r

{tur: {ffis VTT+ qgfgfr, n \R tl
Treatment of Pfrti-Karrya- Rasaffjanarubbed and dissolved
in the breast-milk and mixed with honey proved highly efficacious
even in chronic and long-standingcasesof Puti-karna attendedwith
fetid discharge.The use as ear-dropsof the compoundcomposedof
oil, the expressedjuice of Nirgu4tdi andhoney mixed togetherarrests
an attack of Puti-karna.5l-52.

s.fu€uifi'nvn frtEfeftr{r
arrtgqns Fe: rn{q{t6 qq q u\t tl
F,futf €ffi{ rrqi Tcgir ql
T''Ffr: qadqtrhsilqri 9}gt€{tr
Bti e{qqrf,g ?nt|FTFTq erRur{il \Y tl
Treatment of KTmi-kan.ta- Vermi-fuges should be employed
for the treatment of a case Krmi-karna Fumigationr of the affected
parts with the fumes of (dried)va rtdku, or (the pouring of) mustard oil
(into the cavity of the affectedorgan) is alsobeneficialin suchcases.
vidanga andHaritdla (yellow orpiment) mixed with cow's urine (and
used as an ear-drop) as well as fumigating the affected organ with the
fumes of (burnt) Guggulu tends to destory the fetor in the ear due to
local parasites.Administration of emetics,smoke-inhalationandgargles
are also beneficial in suchcases.53-54.

a,of€g ki tr ffiq Trq-{l

fd{efrqrfr' Ei-Sil tcaryir tqFdrkd{u \\ tl
r*{ eftqi*fu r+t{ yfudrq ql
{ttrt(u,utfu;q furqvurqflfl64 1\q tl
Treatment of Karrya-Kqveda,
Vidradhi,etc.- Useof mustard

l. Dala4a explainsthis to meanfumigationof the affecte<t

organ,aswell asthe use
of the samein the mannerof smoking.

oil as an ear-dropis efficaciousin casesof Karna-ksvedarAn abscess

(Vidradhi) in the ear should be treated as an ordinary abscess.The
affectedear shouldbe sufficiently fomentedafter being filled in with
oil so as to soften the filthy deposit in the cavity of the ear, after which
the filthy matter shouldbe extractedwith a probe or a director $ahkil.
r1r*€+sE qri e{* aeiRwqr
fqFrgq.q,''6(wd:a;utauqffifr ll \\e ll
sTEquirfr{rt €-6*d rffiqt
irfr ffinq: firqiuTgirrqr*qn \a tl
Treatment of Kanpa-kary{u and Karya-pratinaha- Fumi-
gation of the parts with the help of a tube (Nadi-sveQa),administration
of emetics,smoke-inhalations,head-purging(errhines),as well as all
kinds of Kapha-stbduing'measures should be resortedto in caseof
Karna-kandrz.Application of Snehaand of Svedaand then of head-
purgatives (enhines) should be made in casesof Karna-pratinaha,
and the treatmentthereaftershouldconfom to the natureof the specific
derangedDosa of the body involved in the case.57-58.

r}qtti g;qiq firtffi-*q1\q tl

E@ qdTTri qta ffi Enl
VIFil?5qTll €,o tt
tqrun{ Fd*,nrqriurqta@ft-aqt I qI ||
Treatment of Kar4ta-pdka, etc.- Remedies and remedial
measuresdescribedin connectionwith PittajaVisarpa2shouldbeused
with equal profit in a caseof Karna-pdfra (inflammatory suppuration
of the ear). Any filth or vermin, etc. lodged in the cavity of the ear
shouldbe removed with the help of a probe, or (by cutting it) with a
horn. Cures for the remaining casesof affections in the ear have been

l. The use of oil is also recommended in casesof abscessin the ear. In casesof
acuteandpainful VAtujuVidradhisesamum oil shouldbe used,whereasin casesof
Kaphaja Vidradhithe useof mustardoil is recommended-palharyc.
2. In placeof 'Piltaja-Visurpa',both VrnrlaandCakradattaread,Ksataja-Visarpa.

described before (in the Cikilsita-sthdna, Chapters XVIII, VI and


Thus endsthe twenty-firstchapterof the Uttara-Tantrain the Suiruta Sarhhitd

which dealsthe treatmentof the diseasesoeculiarto the ear.

friqilsqrq:nRt rl

qefrqrq ,lrrcq erqaft: p I tl
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
causes and symptoms of diseasesof the nose (Nasa_gata_roga_

e{fr{s: {Fdr€ qrurqrom*e ql

iTerT VilfirmFrrg Wgnnm+E q tr Rtl
fcrJtrgrr5fr* iR{FTt-6: rrfirair:r
qFsr{Nur qftilr Efr6rSRdrrr{:1Q tl
rsrffi wrm:vfunr:qrrr{-qlhql
qFdwrqTstqg q$r* nfuffirm, r
lF'f;im g rrerfrrn: n+1ftim:ny tl
Nomenclature and classification- Diseases which are
specifically found to affect the organ of smell may be classified into
Thirty-one different groups, v iz.,- Apina sa, p -uti _nosya, Ndsd_p dka,
Sonila-pitta, Plrya-flonita, Kqavathu, Bhrahsathu, Dipta, Ndsdndha,
Pari-srdva, Ndsd-flosa,the four kinds of Arias (polypoids), the four
kinds of swelling, the seven types of tumours and itie five types of
Prati-syayawhich will be describedhereafterwith the specifictreatment
of each.Thus the diseasesof the noseare said to be thirty-one in all.
qrtat rrg fuIqt v vkerfr {Iqfil qrfr qRTr
TAFfld rr;er€is su{g qd*( iltTftr*{l

E"{" - t1

trgrfus*qsfi* f*m'rtq*q qftrfqrqFqr{fufiqtt q tl

ffi rrs sqt$rr€Gt
t+tfr qi ii{ftfird vqqktryqttE tt
Symptoms of ApTnasa and Puti'nasya- Chokednessand
br-rrningsensationin the nostrils attendedwith drynessand depositof
iilthy slimy mucusin their passages, therebydeadeningthe facultyof
smellandtastefor thetime being,arethespecificindicationsof Aplnasa
(ohrtructions' in the po:'tfi)sl u*ich are idenfica) futb the symptoms
(of the sametype) of Pratiiyal'rr (catarrh).It is due to the concerted
actiorrof the derangedVa-tttandKapha.The diseasein which the fetid
brea*r rs erir\$ed t\rs.rgh t\r ssrsrs\harl( the srss\sr\s s\r\\g \$ \he
presenceof the derangedVayurnixed up with the otherDosas,(Pitta,
Kapha and blood) in the throat and about the root of the palate is
calledPuti-nasy* 5-6,
fird{6fr Sqiqqftq Mr qerqtgrrrq:r
d qrffifr qdd-(ffierrefu T{ EStrrsrr
T{fdei fdqa"i M eqqrfr clq: sE tffifrfr{u a tl
*qF4qr*t?rdrsfr wrt{dTcrisF€trs *qr
;TrqrH*q {qqq{Fcfratrq Xrnrit rrcfr frryqrrr rr
Symptoms of Nasa-paka, Rakta Pitta and,Pfiya-rakta- A
purulent inllammation and the presenceof pimples (Arunqi) in the
nustriisowing to the vitiated conditionof the local Piua attendedwith
sliminessandfoetid odouris calledNasapaka.Thefourkinds of Rakta-
Pitta (haemorrhages)with the two different origins and two different
courseswill be dealtwith againlateron.rThe diseasesin which bloody
or blood-streakedpus is dischargedthrough the nostrils either as the
effect of a blow on the region of the fore-heador through the highly
heatedcondition of the local blood, Pitta and Kapha is called Puya-
rakta (bloody pus). 7-9.

l. The four kinds aredue to vitiated Vutu, Pitta, andKapha as well astheir concerted
action.The two origins are (a) the spleenand the liver, or (b) the Anrairiyn (stomach)
and the Pakt,&Saya(intestines).The two coursesare (a) the upper and the lower
onfice, or (b) the mouth and the nostlils. (2)

qqrgUqwFrd ilfrq.qr f'frfrr

ffir-{qrdi {g$r: qsrqti if.rgr6r qraq f"nr*r: ll qo tl
fr fficffi errrr*-tqr*Frfr qTqr{qTt
qnrFqfttqi @ e: qrer{Fftfrnrqrr
Symptoms of Ksavathu- The diseasein which the Vayu
chargedwrth Kaplrorepeatedlygushesout of th enostrils accompained
by loud reportsor sounds,owing to the fact of the nasaMarmabeing
anywiseaffected,is calledKsavathu(sneezing).rA trickling sensation
in the gristle of the nose owing to the insertionof a thread,etc., into
the nostrils,or to the action of any strong(Tikqrya)articlesof fare, or
of any pungent,smell,or of looking to the suncausessneezing.f 0-ll.
qs Hr* Fd{refr
Frqur:q,qK I
qtR€ffiqeifrfirmffiFt ripTejqrfir$rarFfru q?tl
qrut Tvt erdsqFai ffi:rfrqn
S F+5 ET{:i
;Trsry*frq qsTzr wtafftr{ ii ?rrg(r5rkil
t? tl
symptoms of Bhrarhiathu andDipta-The diseasein which
the derangedundigestedthickened and saline Kapha previously
accumulatedin the region of the headis dissolvedor disintegratedand
dislodgedfrom its seatthroughthe heatof pittaand is expelled
off; throughthe nostrilsis calledBhrarhsathu.The affectionin which
the vayu in the shapeof warm vapour-likebreaths,comesout of the
nostrilsaccompaniedby an excessiveburningsensationin the localitv
is calledDlpta.12-13.

Irrui quf#q ir{r R ffi irsnrfiTr6gfr qRErlt qytl
ererFlr€ fu qsrkEuf F{fi€ l|Tnl
rntffi+qrfrii fu*li. qrsrqffift Ettrd(u qqtl
qrunBfivffiT qftfu fir+{.rra ffifqtqi
vgqrfuK*qets F-qrEqwer;n€rqRvilqvi6: n tQtl
I ' Thesneezing
is heresaidto be of two kinds(r) Qo;ujaand(ii)traumatic.
formeris Qoqaja,while the latteris of traumaticorietn.

Symptoms of Niisd-Pratin5ha, NEsd'parisriva and Nds6-

pari6oqa-The condition under which the up-coursing Udana Vayu
of the region of the head is derangedin its passageby a surchargeof
Kapha, seemsto stuff the passagesof the nostrils,and is called NZsd
Pratinaha. The diseasein which there is constant,transparent,slightly
discolouredwaterlike secretion(of Kapha) throughthe nostrils,more
particularly at night, is called Nasa-Parisrdva (Fluent coryza).
Difficulty of respiration(inhaling and exhaling)causedby the drying
up and consequentthickening of the Kapha (mucus) accumulating in
the passagesof the nostrils, through the action of the derangedVayu
andP itta, i s called Nasa Pari 3osc (parchednessof the nostrils). 14'16.
a*q Yilwrt|l q\e||
{tfiaFr*: geltfivrsEqqaEr.wrffu
@ qrfq Fffi qgqrt-€utetl
*rr. qfdrdnqF6 qlelg:H qFt"rrgFE: Etwr(n qqtl
qtsrffirrdr trnfr*vrtfi:I Efiftldr:I
*a:uelvq frgat a@( q*(rt qotl
fiW+sy'fF€i{Fdsr+d drh fure+(n Rqrl
Local Arflas(polypoids) as well as local Sopha (four each) are
due to the action of the three derangedDosas of the locality jointly
and separately.The different kinds of ArbuCa (nasal tumour) as
mentioned inthe Salalqta-Tantra,with the one of Sannipatika origin
are sevenin all. The five types of Pratifyaya (catarrh) mentioned here
will be dealt with in chapter XXIV. Remarks made in the chapter on
the causesand symptomsof swellingsin general(Sopha-Vijfidna),as
well as those of Arfias (haemorrhoid growths) in the Nidana-sthdna
should be understoodto apply to those diseasesaffecting the locality
of the nose as well. 17-21.

Thus ends the twenty-second chapter in the Uttara-Tantra of the SuSruta Sarhhila
which deals with the causesand symDtomsof the diseasesof the nose.

srerrdhqFrirffi nefqys41q1q;,
qenq|Et srrq|.t u:rffi;11 q 11
Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the
therapeuticsof nasal diseases(Nasa-gataRoga-pratiqedha). I

EdRU {ffi q w*: Wqt E-dt dv+sr

gtb tlrir *qnrftd Rg FnEuri*d.s{qvtraqr&rr qrr
frE Efti T(Ffird ffi arqn{ri drri qqwrs r
gut s.B frqryrmen frlgf glg lMgEErS{r
qt*d: qr{q' T{gib td enqmrst*: q*qrr Qtr
Treatment of Apinasa and Pfttinasya- In casesof the first-
mentioneddi sease(i.e.)Apinnraandin thoseof pfrfi-na.ryaapplication
of snehaandof svedato the affectedpart,andapplicationof emetics
andpurgativesshouldbemade.Thediet shouldbelight andmoderate
in quantity.The waterfor drinking shouldbe boiledbeforeuse,and
inhalationof smoke(Dhumn-panc,) shouldbeindurgedin at theproper
time. Hihgu, Trikatu, Indra-yava, SivAfi,tLdk;d, Kaphala, Vacd,
Kustha,Sobhdfijana,ViQangaand,Karfija shouldUeusia daily with
benefitin the mannerof Avaprda-Nasya.Mustardoil shouldbe duly
cookedwith theaforesaiddrugstogetherwith cow'surineandbeused
asan errhine(Nasya).2-3.

1. sivdfi may meaneither white punarnavfror Sephaliki. Neithercakrapd\i nor

Vrnda readsit in the text.

ilqrqr* fir€d ritderri q',r{ s* qr€rqTiffirr€II

gsr nii Sqq{.qq*r qr€n: t;rl ftrfrqr:I ttII: llx tt
aqqrn1dffi iqr6-'qsr{q+rft 'FqfuTqrt
qi'vilmanrsqu q ll
eri rrzrq qrqfri TqFilHlqryi
Treatment of Nasa-paka,etc.- In casesof Ncsa-paka,all the
Pitta-subduingmeasuresboth for internal and external use should be
duly employed. Barks of the Ksiri (milk-exuding) trees mixed with
clarified buttter shouldbe duly employedas wash and plasteralter a
local bleeding.The medicaltreatmentof Sonita-Pilra(Haemorrhaege)
from the nose shall be hereafterrdescribed.A case of Puya-Rakta
(dischargeof bloody pus from the nose)shouldbe treatedas a caseof
sinus (Ncdi)2 for all practical purposes,andAvap-ida-nasyaas well as
inhalationsof smoke(Dhumn)ofkeenpotencieddurgs andNasya(Snuff
or errhines)of drugsof correctingor purifying virtues shouldbe used
after the satisfactoryexhibition of emetics.4-5.

$q r€i Tdffiffiwr qtf q{dEt dvn* ql

g;.qtq€?51qRiqrdrrwr1fuqq s*Tr1zr{rfrkr5 || c,II
fr* ++ tffi' {fqtrFi Eqhqd ran{ Erdirtrsttutl
Treatment of K;avathu and Bhrarh1athu-Powders of head-
purgaing drugs in the form of snuff should be administered into the
nostrils through a pipe in casesof Ksavathu and Bhrarh1athu.The
headshouldbe duly fomentedwith Vdya-subduingdrugsand inhalation
of Sneha-Dhumasaswell as similar other medicinal measuresremedial
to the derangedbodily Vayr.rshouldbe resortedto. All thePltra-subduing
measuresshould be employed in a case of Dlpta and all cooling
remediesand the drugs of sweettasteshouldalso be prescribed.6-7.
q|qFTrt*$rt oqFifHrenqqr1ffis Frcrq;
qfir*dvd*eq?fu{ qmqrerr*qgtg ?r{ zr(u z tl
gh ;trwr*i ril.rqfres*ryr: r
*qryi e*i teErdFr*rsqtqi{i qrssi gffiTilftlrffiil u q rl
1. Seech. XLIV of the Unara-Tantra.
2. Seech. XIV of the Cikitsita-SthAna,
3. SeeCh. XVII of the Cikitsita-SthAna

Treatment of Ndsa-naha, etc.- The internal use of Sneha

(Sneha-pana)forms the principal remedy in a caseof Nasa-naha,in
which fumigationswith lardaciousdrugsaswell asheacl-purgings may
be likewise employed.The use of Bala-Tnila or any other Vn1,a-
subduingremedy mentionedin the chapteron the treatmentof Vata-
vyadhi (ch. v. cikitsita sthana)may be similarlv usedwith beneficial
results.Powderedsnuff shorildbe introducedinto the nostrilsthrough
a pipe or tube, and strongand keenAvapTda-Nasyrr should be usedin
casesof Ndsa-Srdva.strong fumes of (burnt) Deva-claruanrlcitraka
should be applied to the affectedpart. Goar'sflesh is also found
beneficialin suchcases.8-9.
qrqrsilnqffii: qerFifui tnsrurddT Td I
rfi:qri rtq't arffiS *0, riq.dkfi$rfr e{q:u {o u
t t,,
Treatment of Ndsa-So,fa- The useof clarified butter chumed
out of milk, as well as that of the oil as an errhine preparedin the
mannerof A 4tu-tailaarepre-eminentli/thebestcuresin a caseof Naso_
Sosa. Potions of clarified butter, meals with Jangaia meat-soup,
applicationsof sneha and of svecla,and fumigating the affectedparr
with lardaciousdrugsmay be sirniliuiy prescriber]with bestadvantage.
The remainingnasaldiseasesshouldbe duly trearedaccordingto the
specific treatmentofeach caseas describedbefore.l0-ll.

Thus endsthe twenty-thirdchapterof the I|ttura-Tuntruin rhesuiruta surhhin
whichdealswith the treatrnentof thediseases of the nose.

Mtrhi alr@rr€ltrT:
qefrdnq wrErt erq<tfr:rt q tt
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich dealswith the
(symptomsand)medicaltreatmentof catanh(Pratifyaya-Pratiqedhn).1

rrfrrrg: ffisFrdr* e1* rGr: vftimftTrfrrq:

F*rRUi q.{TMa Trilr: qFdwrqF{diFTgwtrrr rr
wi rrmqeifr qntiilrdiq:YsrqqrrcTrsnoeYilfuirttr
iqflEt):Tfui-tqi sftT$rr{fi'{rrrqfufr rr? rr
Causes- Excessive indulgence in sexual intercourse,hurting
of the head, entranceof the minute particles of dust or smoke into the
nostrils, excessiveapplicationof cold or heat,voluntary retentionof
stool and urine are the causeswhich may instantly usherin an attack of
nasal catarrh (Pratisyaya). The fundamentalprinciples of Vdyu, Pitta
and Kapha, jointly and separately,as well as of blood becoming
aggravatedby various aggravatingcauses,bring on an attackofnasal
catarrhin courseof time. 2-3.

ffigFGi qrqpi: T{*i H?rr$.rr{:qfiegfrqfrrt

gq{qrgTqfr Eerf+F-Wri utdHqg{..RT: StTr:r y rl
Premonitary Symptoms- Heavinessof the head,sneezingand
aching in the limbs, appearanceof horripilation upon the body, aswell
as many other different kinds of superveningsymptomsare seento
precedean attack of nasal catarrh (PratiSyaya).4

e{t=rarfrFm qmr rrgararafrtfrt

rrearoffiqs ll \ ll
firfrq: YI€+RrEr
T{frqqmg -r*( qldfqr+sFri{rfi*ttq tt
sqT:Tfrilen:qrdvglqrrcfr tfirh r
*rqtr qnqqwrftfrFs* I
q{rt Fd{r qFd qsft{ q EFGr:lle ll
qq': u'q5tqrunqqd: Yfra:q*g: t
yttrr{s{rsr Yl{tqfrs{+( T6,Fr*gq,t
a,uqfirifrequ 6 rl
Specific Symptoms- Hoarsenessof voice, a senseof
stuffednessandobstruction in thenostrilsaccompanied by a thinmucus
secretion,drynessof thethroat,of thepalate andof thelips, a pricking
and piercingpain in the regionof the temples,as well as excessive
snezinganda badtastein themoutharethecharacteristics of Vataia
type of catarrh (Pratifyaya).A hot andyellowishsecretionfrom the
nose,heatedskin,thirst,emaciationandyellowness of thecomplexion,
as well asthe secretionbeingsudden,hot andsomky- thesearethe
characteristicswhichmark thePittaja typeof caianh.Constantrunning
at the nose,the secretionbeingwhite andcold,paleness(of the skin)
and swblling(D.R. whiteness)of the eyes,heaviness of the head,
flabbinesof thefacerandtickling anditchingsensation in theregions
of the head,throat,lips andof the palateor the featureswhich mark
theKaphajatype of the disease.5-8.

TdTrfgr qfrrqr+ ritsorqqfrFr*d+t

Hffii qru[c1-d+Eil q Fdqsrq: SiT: I
ffi{ qq q*qi +{snrs rrditr qrr
The spontaneous disappearance, as well as appearanceof
PratiSyaya- be it acuteor chronic- the charracteristic
t. In placesf " q&gF fwtgc:'- Someread q+qgFftRl;fi; "- i.e. "theman
(patient) gets treaviness of the tread." \n this case the t\abbiness of the tace is not
seperately mentioned,

Tri-dosaja PratiSyaya where the specific symptoms of all (the three)

kind of ApTnasaarepresent.9.

ffiq EffiTtrr€tq: n+dar

RrsTq{g @:ntotl
gffte*'Eprr{q{KEr rrqq q Eh q I
qdffr EiT grreT:f*rr: Furn-€TsilTsqq:
ifFr1efhfrT T1qFtqIRZTT{qrur{1qq tl
Symptoms ot Raktaja Pratiiyaya- Discharge of blood (from
the nose),rednessof the eyes,a bruisedpain in thechestwhich seems
as if struck with a blow. fetid smell in the breathand the mouth, and
loss of the faculty of smelling are the characteristicsymp toms of the
Raktaja type of PratiSyaya which has its origin in the deranged
condition of the blood. In thesecasesrhostsof extremelysmall worms
of whitish or blackish2hue are found to infest the affectediocalities
(viz., the nostrils) which show symptomsidentical with those of the
head-disease due to the germinationof parasitesin that region. 10-11.
qffi gfrfqr gr*r qfu{ETfrr
En-rgt qrfr Ef4ffi aEnt qt ll
ga €gqRrwrdqrdlur( q,qsrenqu ql tl
qd qe lrRFqrqr r{TqTqfrrdFtfrrr: I
w.rdT fufir vtq-t Egfr*n: tt ly tl
qrfud'qr*aqqrut ffg r{rqmqqt
qrsfirqrErilq,is Tqr: Edfqqtrflr: lt t\ rr
Prognosis- The malignant nature of rhe disease(Dusta-
Pratifyaya) should be inferred from the constantalternatesliminess
anddryness,aswell asconstantalternatecontractionandexpansionof
the nostrils,fetor in the breathand loss of thefacultvof smell. such a

I . Accordingto somethisis thecharacteristic

symptomof anotherkind of p ratiiydya,
and not one of the symptomsof theRaktajatype as appearsat the first sight.
2. Madhavakar reads'*at furw' i.e.,glossyin hue,in placeof '*frI:
Fw[' i.e.
whitishandbalckishin hue.

caseaf PratiSyayashouldbe regardedasextremelyhard to curewhich

areneglectedandnot properlyrenrediedat the outsetof an attack.Any
type of catarrh(Prati$,ava) may bring on casesof malignantFtnasa
which in time gives rise to a number of diseasesand producesin its
traindeafness, cough,
blindness,lossof stnell,violentocularaf-fections,
dulnessof appetite,andSopha(Sweiling). lz-li.

sfiiq !F qT+:r
xi qid{aTt-ficns F4'$qr-dPrE
€tffi*ffis 6ri{ffi$nqqrl
ff n-a"t**t +rtqtr
fq+qqrsi rrcrsrss*frqr FqFaArRqttrdFn'€ilt:
u te u
qEi' EF''€ITq?IFF6$TFi ftrnfieM'iq a{l
@p *rcTrl6s[ qd tl
General Treatment of Prati6yaya- Potionsof clarified butter,
various sortsof emetics,and tbmenlrtions (Sveda)maybe prescribed
in nasalcatarrh(Pratiiyal,a), exceptin freshand acutecases"Errhines
( Avapida type ma,valso be employeclin time, if required.
Fomentation should be applied and diet should be taken in a tepid
state with articles of acid taste, and draughtsof milk should be
admrnisteredwith green gingerl and rvith any modificaton of the
expressedjuice of sugar-cane2 for the purposeof thickening and
maturingthe secretedmucus,in caseswherethat maturingprocesshas
not albeadyspontaneouslysetin.'fhe mucr:sfound matured,thick and
pendentshouldbe madeto secreteby applyinghead-purgatives (Siro-
vireka). Purgatives,Basti ctf the Asthapanakind, smoke-inhalations
and medicinal gargles should aiso be prescribed according to the
exigenciesof each caseunder treatmentand in considerationof the
natureand intensity of the derangedDosa involved therein. 16-18.
ffi q1ti rJsurg a*qqrs:r
*q{nRmr: frms:€s{qrs$rmr=ifrwqrqtqnr t j lr
l. Someexplain"Ardraka"to meantheexpressed juiceof/resftginer,whileothers
explainit to nreanthe powderof Dried singer.
2. ln placeof "Egffiii: "- with any moclification of the expressed juice of
sugar-cane,suchastreacle,sugar,etc.someread"6gqffiii"' i.e..with articlesof

@i+arf*sqlwmffiErt I
{t*-s rsTh Tqrfr fu ffiAq mffifrrrsg:u Rotl
Regimen of diet and conduct- In a case of Prati|yaya the
patient should sit, lie, or move about in closed and windlessrooms
and wear warm and thick turban on his head. He should take Vijayd
(H a rit aEi) and partakeof mealsconsistingof PaIdnnal cooked without
clarified butter. He shouldalso be subjectedto a courseof stronghead-
purging as well as of smoke-inhalations.use of new wine and cold
drink, cold baths, se;<ualintercourse,anxious cares, lamentations,
voluntary retention of stool and urine, as well as partaking of fares
which areexcessivelydry (andbegetdrynessin the system),shouldbe
foregone by aperson suffering from an attack of Pinasa. 19-20.

@: @ffi$tqelrcr(ilRqtl
T${ffi'rqg rer{t(ffiq{ irtT:rE{l
sw{qivqrh qrm$ ffi;1
qiEfrkr lgilr rrts srrdq{+qm.qrnffiqnRRtl
Fastingsand employmentof digestive(Pdcana)and appetising
(Utpaniya) rcmediesshouldbe the medical treatmentin casesof pr'nasa
(nasal catarrh)accompaniedbysuchdistressingsymptomsasvomiting,
aching,heavinessin the limbs, feverishness,non-relishfor food, apathy,
andAtisdra (diarrhoea). In caseof an adult person suffering from an
attack of Pinasa due to the concerted action of Vayu and Kapha the
patient should be made to vomir by taking in large quantity of any
liquid substance.The complicaitons (Upadrava) involved there in
should be remedied by appropriatediet and remedial agentsand after
their subsidence, the patient should be treated according to ihe
instructionsgiven before.21-22.
qrFdh(qFflqr+freqnfi fdErfiqqr
qgfi{-ffi: ffi qeriT rr+{ ql
;rF{rRSfrRt 5,mraffit*nqu R?rl
l. Paldnnais generallypreparedby cookingtogetherrice, meatandclarifiedbutter
as well asotherspices,but in this caseclarifiedbuttershouldnot be used.

Treatment of Vdtaja Type- In caseseof Vataja-Pratifydya

clarified butter duly cooked with the drugs of the Vidari-gandhadi
group or with the five officinal salts should be prescrbedfor internal
use,accordingto therules of taking Snefta(seechapterXXXI. Cikitsita-
Sthana).The processof snuffing, etc. should also be resortedto, if
necessary,as in a caseof Ardita (Facial paralysis). 23.

finrrtntqd: tei qfiT{$*, qlfiql

qR'Eqr1uttis5ql&qvftffiqu RYtl
gqi ffirflTgrrfl fffi qs$RfuuR\ rl
ffifr*: st qvFJmq*(r
fui qreilcrwi u Rqtl
Treatment of Pittaja and,Raktaja Types- lnthe Pittaja and
Raktaja types (of Pratifyaya) the patient should be given draughtsrof
clarified butter duly cooked with the drugs of the Kakolyadi group.
cold2 washes and plaster should also be used. Sarjarcsa (Resin),
Pattanga (Red-sandal),Priyangu, Honey, Sugar,Drakqa, Madhutika
(GuQuci) Gofi, Sripan.ti and Yasyi-madhushould be prescribed as
garglesand purgings (errhines?)should be inducedwith the help of
the drugs of sweetpotency (SuchasDrdksd, Aragvadha, honey, sug:u,
etc.). Oil duly cooked with (a pastecomposedof) Dhava-bark, Tri-
phala, Syama,Tilvaka, Yasti-madhu,Sri-parni, Rajani, and with milk
weighing ten times asmuch as oil, shouldbe preservedfor a time and
usedas an errhine (Nasya)in either of thesecases.24-26.

1. Someread" frfr': " in placeo; " !qq" This word meansthat the clarifiedbutter
for usein this caseshouldbe duly cookedwith the'frs'r' @itter)drugs,viz., the
leavesof Palola etc.
2. Both the commentators sf Vmdaantl Cakradataexplainthe term*cfdi (cold)
with thedrugsof coldpotencysuchasthedrugsof theNyugrodhitdi
to mean
and Utpalddi groups.

q,,q'ii Eftfqr farei ffiqrdrqTr

?Hrrqrqrr{E qTRf:q.mtj wrrqr*{r r ?\eII
rtq€g{da ffi €hffire-*lp
T&ilqct qErrrit qqt lsTe ddrqr
ffiil6q** qRqTzl|qqdrq(il Rd tl

Treatment of Kaphaja Type- In a case of rhe Kaplnja-

Pratifyaya emulsire measures(Sneha-knrmc)should be performed
with clarifiedbutter,andthe patientshouldbe madeto vonritby using
Yavdgu(gruel) preparedwith Masa-pulse andIric, (sesamurn-seed),
after which the generalKapha-subduing measureshouldbe employed.
Oil duly cooked with the two kinds of Bald, the trvo kinds of Brhail,
Vidanga, Tri-kantaka, St'eta-roots,Saha {Mudgaparnl), Bhadra
(GamhharT)and Varsabhashouldbe ernployedas an enhine. Sarala,
Kinihl, Ddru, Nikumbha(Dantl) and,Ingudishouklbe pastedrogerher
and drily formed as vartis. Thesevurtis should be dr.iryused for the
purposeof srnoking{Dhutna-pana}27-29.

ufiea,ffit firyrqqr.anqfrar
s}rqr{qgi6Th F3: qdq-"iwr{u io rr
Tsrg+ qrRrffi 5rmqi crrErsfun
futtqwSrsrel f+qqren*gEgrtr11p
,t ,,
gwr td-d?fr qrdre,qaci 6?t?FT
ffin I
sdqr:fuq-eftTltfru1s; t*rffiretu ?Ru
c€r t5'rsfrqg ffqq'i sfi(Tfi. ql
q*, 6i emr+q u.{A rqr+q+{l
Fil qeitdfr q ffiF{ftnf{d{u i? rl
Treatmentof Tri-doqujaType- Clarifiedbuuerdulyprepared
with thedrugsof bitterandpungenttastes,
inhalationof thesmokeof
strong-potencieddrugs aswell astheuseof articlesof pungenttaste
andotherappropriate medicianlpreparations

a caseof Tri-dosaja PratiSydya(nasalcatarrh)brought abour by the

aggravationof all the three Do,ras.An intelligent physician should
prescribeas an errhine the medicatedoil duly cooked and prepared
with the admixture of Rasdfijana,Ati-visfr,Musta andBhadra-daru.
Gargles prepared rvith the decoetion of Muste, Tejovati, PAftA,
Katphala, Katuka, Vacd, Sarsap,a(mustard), Pippali-mula, PippaE,
Saindhava,Agnika (Ajamoda), Tuttha, Karafi.ja-seeds,Sa/r and
Bha.dra-darushould be prescribed. Oil duly cooked with the
preceding drugs is recommended for purging (Siro-t,ireka) the
head of the patient. 30'33.

qfr{lr;*qd crrPri qrfl.t{rrqflqTfrr:

gdtrhei Ercr+qfdtfrq&fuu ?x rl
k+ ffirbsRr1 lqf(qr€r ftriT:I
qdrrrfun{frT q.f*^ r+i aenuR\ tl
=r$rrg-*gkffit-tuFffiqT1al{ffilr Rqtt
Mftt q;.qfq *ftr:u?etl
Fleshof birds and beastsof Jaftgalttgroup,aquaticflowers and
the Vdyr.r-subduig drugs (.Bhadra-darvadi)should be duly cooked in
milk mixed with water weighing half as much as the milk.t The liquid
in this caseshouldbe reducedto the original quantity of milk, then it
should be taken down and allowed to cool. Clarified butter should
thenbe preparedfrom this milk and shouldbe againduly cookedwith
the drugsof theSaruagandha(Eladi)group, sugar,Ananta, yasti-madhu
and(red)Candanaandwith a quantityof milk ten timesits own weight.
All typesof nasalcatarrh,yield to rhecurativeefficacy of this medicated
Ghyta, if used as an errhine (Nasya).Oils medicatedwith the drugs
remedial to the specific derangedDosa involved in each caseunder
treatmentshould also be prescribed.34-37.

€Trf nTTSFEST:f*-qr:FolugiM(r
qrqqPi$frrsrf{ iM q gfrAq11li/ tl

L Somesaythatmilk andwaterin equalpartsshuldbe taken.


All the foregoing preparations should be surchargedwith the

urine and bile of a cow and usedin casesdue to the existenceof local
parasites,as vermifuges(e.g.,drugsof the Surasadigroup) shouldbe
administeredas a palliative measurer.38.

u?v ll
Thus ends the twenty-forth chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Si|ruta
Sarithitit which deals with the (Symptoms and) medical treatment of Prutiiyttyu.

L In place9f " qJqqlgf'tCakratlattar*6r " q1-4q1ef

" i.e. asan enhine.He alsoreads
" q{qfgq13 i.e. pastedwith the urine(of a cow), andthusdoesnot readthebile of
a cow (frfr) in the text. Vnnda,however,readstt qlqllftt' in placeof 'tq1q11g['t
which meansthat vermifugesshouldbe usedfor washingpurposes.

qercrq wrqrt erqfrR:ilttl
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich dealswith the
sympromsof diseases peculiarto the regionof the head,(siro-roga-
Vijfianiya). I

ffiwn*ratotqrcffiffir: r
qRqreTT*q q{t"r gfrF+6en11
q 11

qSTqgrrfrIts dq+ut TiqErqq*il ? u

classification- Diseaseswhich are peculiar to the region
the head number eleven in all,Vi7., the fourkinds respectively-due
the action of the deranged,vdyu, pitta, Kapha, and their combination,
as well as those which are respectively incidental to any bodily
(K;ayaja), or to the vitiated condition of the blood (Raktaja),or
to the
existence of parasites (Krmija), the remaining four being
known as
sirrydvarta, Anantdvdta, Ardhdvabhedaka and saninaka.
symptoms of theseelevenkinds of head-diseases are given below.2-3.
qrrrfrfinifwwfrn-qswqk dt{rFrRrqrfrqrdqr
sefrrdrt5 rriq ffiq: ffisFfirq: u qffia11111
vetwng'tt*tq*{cT}H {Fqat q qRTrl
vi'tttrntq rr*EvtT:
{. Tl. tt

vf{Tiqqeq{€t q{q ffisFrdrm:{Erqrr6tr(llq ll

ffisRrdril l@ FdiFI ffirrgraFattutt
Symptoms of Dcqa-originedtypes- A fit of violent headache
without any apparentcauseand which becomesworse in the night and
is relieved by pressureor by being bandagedor by an application of
fomentation round the head, should be ascribed to the action of the
derangedVayu, and,isknown asthevatuia-Siroroga. A voilent burning
and aching pain in the head,in which the scalp seemsto have been
strewn over with bits of live charcoal,accompaniedby a senseof
scorchingvapourbeingemittedfrom the nostrils,andwhich ameliorates
in the night or on the applicationof cold, should be ascribedto the
action of the deranged,Pitta, and is known as the Pittaia Siroroga. A
fit of headachein which the head (palate) and the throatl seem to be
covered with a coat of sticky mucus, and feel cold and heavy, and
cannot be turned about, and the face and the eyes looks swollen or
flabby, should be attributedto the action of the derangedbodily Kapha,
and is called the Kaphaia-Siroroga. A casemarked by the concerted
action of all the three precedingDo.las exhibits all the symptoms
peculiar to all of them, and is known as the Tri-dosaia-Siro-roga.4'7.

{ffirilldfi': F{ti'Ffid ffi rr*qrrett

W ffi6 {_qrturt
Q+*r{iT: fVntrsfrrflq: q,S rr+gr6d.fiFlw{u q ll
@Sg tq{HRrr qorl
firqertu++ ffisftTqri rin{q{qrnuiqirfra EttT:I
qrunqrr€rqqfutw{ibffisFrarq,Fftfir: q dr: ll lq ll
Symptoms of Raktaja, I(sayaia and Kymija types of Siro-
roga- A caseof headache due to the vitiatedconditionof the local
blood manifestsas the symptomsof the Pittaia type, and the head
becomesincapableof (bearing)"the leasttouch.this is known as the
Raktaja-Siroroga.A caseof headacheincidentalto the wasteof the
1. In p'faceof " Rlffi Someread" Rrfr rTh". Thisreadingis adoptedby Metdhava.
Thereseemsto be no differencein the meaningsthe wordfrrcq(nead)may include
both the palateand the throat.

local Vasa (fat) or Kaphat is marked by an intolerabie pain (Abhi-

tdpa)inthehead which is aggravated by the applicationof fomentation,
fumigation, errhine, emetic and blood-letting.This is known as the
Kqayaja-Siro-roga.The diseaseof the head in which a pricking and
tingling pain is felt insidethe headasif being stung,(by somepoisonous
insect),and which is accompaniedby dwatery dischargemixed with
blood (D.R. pus) from the nose,shouldbe attributedto the existence
oflocal parasites.This diseaseis a dangerousone and is known as the
Kyrnija (Parasitic) Siro -ro ga. 8-ll.

qqtqd qr qh rrqn-<qiqTgitqqg*id rn€ql

fuetf* qivgqaTuta \Frturgd tcfiwtt qu qRrl
vn+{ vnfri nut u,ef*Edt qt: {GFTrlFIIerI
d qrwrrq*gqrttfr rrdtil?* qtrdd fufifqu qt tl
Symptomsof SuryavartaSiro-roga* Thediseaseof thehead
in which a severepainis felt in theeyeandtheeyebrowjust at sunrise,
and which goeson growing worsewith the progressof the day and
beginsto abateonlywhenthegreatluminarybeginsto setin thewestem
sky,is coldarticles
but sometimeson that of warm things as well. It is ascribedto the
concertedactionof thethreeDosas.t2-13.

dqrq ggrsq qEFqi rr+s? qrargEqi g#drt r

gidFd €rFqtgQ
v€.i$ frerftiu-+sr{Hffiqn rYrl
TTTSFTqr{Ca,,tfrqut Egr6FilT{qis ftrrtr
sffiffirii ilgqrfiFil ffid ffi F66qs1 qq 11
Symptomsof Ananta-viita6iro-roga-The disease of thehead
in which a violent pain is felt at theManya and the GhAfi (the two
nerveson thebacksideof theneck)whichultimatelyaffectstheregion
of the eye, the eyebrowand the templesand speciallyproducesa
throbbingof the cheek,as well as paralysisof thejaw-boneand the

l. Dalhana herecommentsthat the term "Vasd"meansall the fatty subsancesin

Medus,semen,majjit, etc. Thereis variation
the body, e.g., the brain substance,
which is not recognisedby Guyi.That reading1531grq$*q-qfr{unli (i.e. by the
waste)ofblood,VasaKaphaandVaya.This,however,seemsto bethebetrerreading.

eye.The diseaseis known asAnanta-vdta andis due to the concerted

actionof the threeDosas.14-15.
qFfrfrq|gTdrfra q*: @t
qqTr{wndRerqrqfi qr(ilsFifti fTffi r(q{*( lI t q Il
vrE'Tfqfrqgofrtfftr: ffiftrrr: qrnfirir{+:I
uv:gfiar:Taifr {FJ ffiqasrfr fr '{tr.tfrKtlt\ell
g*.sfti r*{ wg.a.r@iq-6ffi ff+q: gnorT:I
qrRi T{q-fdTcg€Fi nre.qwr*{frg anqrrte u
Symptoms of Ardhavabhedaka and Sarhkhaka- Thedisease
of the head in which a violent and excruciatingpain of a piercing or
achingnatureis felt in onehalf of thecraniumwhich makesthe patient
feel giddy, andwhich eitherfollows no distinctperiodicity or recursat
a regular interval of ten days or of a fortnight, is called the Ardhava-
bhedaknand is due to the concertedaction of the threeDosas.A violent
pain causedin the head and more especiallyin the templesby the local
Vayu in combination with the deranged Kapha, Pitta and blood is
designatedby the holy sagesofAyn rveda as theSathkhaka.It produces
a very greatpain, and is very hard to cure evenby thejoint advice of
thousandsofphysicians and is as fierce as deathitself. 16-18.

qgFdyilsqrq: Rtrtr
Thus ends the twenty-fifth chapter in the Unara Tantra of the SuSrutaSarhhita
which deals with the symptoms of the diseasesof the head.

ffiffinei qrGilrsrq:,
qellq|Er sfiq|-t er+<fr: tt q tt
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
therapeuticsof the diseasesof the head (Siro-roga-Pratisedha).1

qrcqftBftr qr4: ffifrtsffir

rrds$ri t+il Td *dqenfr EnnRtl
t.fl l$ai?rqqrqistertqfqlw*rcrtr
qwrtg Fsffiq,qqrerrS lr€r: ftr*qr
ftrAEqr rrrruTr *Fi nEm*rqr5frqrqq311111
qklqR{d: Sg Effi:ffitqr
aq@, qrqHsh {#ffiflwt: rtv n
ffi qit{qfrrRT*:prr\at *r**r*: I
gri{E*+{En'g*: il \ tl
Treatmentof Vataja-Siroroga- Remedialmeasures described
in connectionwith thetreatmentofVata-Vyadhishouldbeempolyed
in their entiretyintheVdyu-originedtypesof thediseasesof thehead,
and all medicinalcompoundsof oil or clarifiedbutter shouldbe
followedby a potionof milk.'Mildga,Kulattha,or Masa pulse,unmixed
with any other thing, as well as pungentand heat-makingarticles,
saturatedwith clarifiedbutterandfollowedby potionsof tepid milk
shouldbe takenin the night. Sesamumoil or the pasteof sesamum
may alsobe taken.Milk duly boiledwith the Vcyr-subduing drugs

should be employed in a lukewarm statein washing the diseasesof

locality, and a plaster composed of the powders of the same drugs
boiled with milk should be applied lukewarm to the scalp. In the
altermative, the scalp may be plasteredover with the boiled flesh of
fish or with Kr1ara (preparationof rice and sesamum)saturatedwith
Saindhava salt, or with (the paste of; Candana, Utpala, Kuqtha and
Pippali, finely powdered together (all in a lukewarm state.) 2'5.

fl€rrrelfui :Rd sr($tfrtrs€rftrd{t

q5.UnSrJm tum S{qsf4fr. q*(rrq rr
qffirs irqui vfti qr$Eqr6t(l
rrdq$*, ftEi Td dE {fui Efr: t
aFtrtffi qffr A tri qFi':q{r*{qu s rl
qEr5.rsqerrdilFidR*Ehil+(fi {qql
qMfu ffittarr
f+ge{rEfTi $qrl qqrterqerfr qrr
cMa 6. 6sre):qdfirqtg{iF$*: u j tl
Oil duly preparedwith Kuhra (crabs) should be used for Nasya
(snuffing) purposessubsequentto the employment of the (above)
fomentation. A quantity of milk diluted with the addition of half as
much of water should be duly boiled with the pasteof the drugs of the
Varw.tadi group and taken down from the fire when the water has
evaporated.Butter shouldbe skimmed out of it when cool and clarified
butter preparedtherefrom should be again duly cooked with the paste
of the drugs of the Madhura group.The use of this Ghyta as a Nasya
(Snuff) is highly efficaciousin the type under discussion.Clarified
butter duly cooked with the decoction of the preceding drugs (of the
Varunddi group) and with milk should be taken with sugar.Snaihika
Dhuma (Cikitsa, XL) should be administered in time when requried,
andTraivrta Ghyta andBala laila should be prescribedas a draught
and as an errhine, as well as for the purposesof anointing, sprinkling
andBasti-karma.Thefood in the presenttype of the diseaseshouldbe
taken with milk cooked with Vaya subduing drugs and with soup
saturatedwith Sneha(Clarffied butter).6-9.

nminqqr+ Fr*ttql
frrtdt: vsfii*': qft'**svffi: ll to ll
;ricrq.ffiErc il ql I
frn:lrdq: uqei*sqg nwhe):ll qRll
qSs guretffiFfr{ ql
enexrq*ftit*sqds ffil: n tt ll
qflwFifri Tei qqr qr EIrS'€Tt
s$drFffi" q{Flrnertwift:6qtl qx tt
$Fsi vrg.ot*, qFtvrqqahmqt
n$: qfiruftrqffiq qw*'qt
nrmmsgFqg rqr+& nkcqtt qqtt
Treatment of Pittaia and Raktaia Siro-roga-Cooling plasters
saturatedwith clarified butter shouldbe appliedto the scalpandcooling
head-washesshould be prescribedin the Pittaia andRaktaia types of
Siro-rogo. Milk, the expressedjuice of sugarcane,fermentedrice-gruel
(Dhanyamla), Curd (Mastu), honey and sugarmixed in water- these
should be used for sprinklirrg purposes.Plasterfor the head should be
prepared with Nala, Vetasa, Kalhara (red lotus), Candana, Utpala,
Sarhkha(Conch-shell), Saivala, Ya;ti-madhu,Musta andI'otus teken
together and mixed with clarified butter, and the plasters describedin
connection with the treatmeht of Pittaja and Raktaia Visarpa
(Erysipelas)should also be used.The drugs of the Madhura group
shouldbe usedin a tepid stateasplastersand the Sneha(oil or clarified
butter) duly cookedwith?he samedrugs shouldbe usedas an errhine,
and appropriatemedicines shoul{be used as purgativesas well as
Asthapana andSneha-Bastimeasures,Clarified butter skimmed from
milk, and fresh vasa (lard)t of Jahgala animals should be used as
errhines, and, cooked with the drugs of the UtpalAdi group, should be
used in the manner of Asthapana-basti.Food should be taken with
l. In place of (lard) so-mereadt{gl'which meansmeat-soup.

meat-soupof Jangala animals, and clarified butter should be used in

the manner of an Anuvdsana Basti. Clarified butter skimmed from
milk and duly cooked with the drugs of the Madhuragroup and mixed
with sugar should be used for emulsive purposes (Snehana), and,
all measures and remedies which are remedial to the deranged
blood and Pitta may be likewise employed with profit in these
cases. 10-15.

q,qifrEit m+ti q}( qtnfrqrrd: r

3r€s qrq+(rfit:T+q+qFq1frqurvr:
m q{diritur fuarsrfr ffi(rr qsrr
F€EF{Hqr qTfr tqTpr q ErTF{qq I
sTrtaraeF-di qff {qqr+ vffiqr
ff eqrrqlota i6rdr*I t5q,q6r:p qu tl
@: rrfrfr*:r
qnfrt: TIFri[dt: EdddqAfff: n tj rr
TdqB*,dsr* arF[qnRTqrgirql
Treatment of Kaphaja Siro-roga- In a case of Kaphaja-
Siroroga, the Kapha-subduingmeasures,suchas strongemetics,head-
purgatives (Sirovireka) and gargling should be resorted to. The
transparentupper part of clarified butterr shouldbe given to drink, and
fomentation should then be frequenty applied to the head. Head-
purgativesshouldthenbe administeredwith the pith of Madhul<awood,
or with Mesa -3rn gi or I hgudi bark. Varti s (sticks) madeof M eqa -Syngi
and lhgudi barks should be used in smoking, snuffs of powdered
Katphala should be taken,and gargles with Kapha-subduing drugs
should be used.Plastersprepared with Sarald, Kuqyha,Sarngesta,Deva-
ddru and Rohiqa pasted together with the alkaline water and mixed
with saindhava salt should be applied lukewarm to the head.The diet
should consists'of cooked barley or $aqyikarice, which should be

l. Accordingto a variantmaturedclarifiedbuttershouldbe usedin this case.

judiciously taken with Yava-ksdraand powderedTri-katu and with
the soup of Mudga, Patola and Kulattha pulse. t6-20.

Rrttri ffi?i ffi frftrBa:r

rfit:qrt ffi*ur$rui qr ffi frrr qqrr
q+r$ q&TTRTrq qiHd6rfrfrEr: I
rn+Td q rfit: w{qrcsqS: Scq 1
qru?5'FTFr{glr{qFi: qe4d{ fu{: il RRtl
Treatnrent of Tri-dosaja and Kqayaja Siroroga- -the
Measureswhich are severallyremedialto the threederangedDosasof
the body should be employed in case of Siroroga marked by the
concertedaction of the threeDosas (Tri-doqaja)and draughtsof old
andmaturedclarified butter aresaidto be speciallyefficaciousin such
instances.Employment of untritive (Brirhhana)measuresand remedies
is recommendedin casesof the diseasesof the headdue to anv waste
or atrophy of the local far, etc.(Ksayaja Siroroga). clarified butter
duly cookedwith the admixtureof the durgsof thevdyu-subduingand
the Madhura grouosl should be given as drinks and errhines.Any
medicatedGhrta which actsasa remedy in casesof consumptivecough
would be found mosrefficaciousin rhepresent(Kqayaja)type.2l-22.

gfqFlriFqruFg qqqt ftnrq:fuqrr

T€+frvfrfu'Enrtt fuT€d'f;ilwtEt:tt ?l u
FIT: Vilftrmq:ilnqqrqrh ?irkfrT: I
fu' F{t{ut qrd ftil qelFffi: u Rytl

q-{frttqrSqu R\ tl
$rqqryqs{qq ffis rffiqr
cffiffi qHTfr tdFctrrh qn Qqtl
Treatment of Kymija Siroroga- In a caseof head-disease
dueto the germination
of parasites
(Krmi) in thehead,

l. According to videha the clarified butter in this case should be cooked with the
decoction of thevdya-subduing drugs and with the Kalka of the Madhura drugs.
282 saurrrrA

the patient should be made to snuff in a quantity of animal blood. The

worms or parasiteslured with the smell of the blood, would greedily
come down (into the passagesof the nostrils) when they should be
carefully extracted(by meansof tongs,etc.).Head-purgativescomposed
of the pulverised seedsof Hraswa (Small) Sigrn mixed with Kahsya
(deadbrass)and M/i (indigo) poundedtogethershouldthen be used,if
necessuny,or any vermifuge drug (Vidanga, etc.)pastedwith the urine
of a cow shouldbe snuffed into the nostrils in the mannerof anAvapidfr
Nasya.Fumigationsshouldbe appliedinto the nostrilswith the fumes
of burnt sordid fishes and vermifuge foods and drinks of various kind
should be given. 23'26.
qw{qmq *wqqt
WiEfr fqqffdi
cnrfii lTrf,.d{rr{ ffit{ilqn Rell
@nrfrFa: l t? zr l
srqffi Fasr;T FErlqFrftrfiw: lt Ri ll
qE{affiqffi qr qQl;Tt F6 li$rr: t
qq,ffi Ett q{{t q<i{ aTl
M trd r*i qFt{qrsrf{d{u to tl
r6etqrgurh r{q*.5TRtfufr{r
@ffi E*rfr g€il-er6:
u ?t tl
W qE u+trq: ffifrt a.mrr* u ?Rtl
Treatment of Suryavarta and'Ardhavabhedaka-Errhines etc.
(plaster,gargle,etc.) shouldbe prescribedin casesof the Siryavarta
type of Siroroga.Thediet shouldprincipally consistof boiled rice and
milk with clarified butter and the essenceor extract of the meat of
Jahgala animals. These and similar other suitable remedial agents
stroutdUeemplcyed in casesof theArdhavabhedakatype of Siroroga.
Sirisat and Mulaka seedsor bamboo-roots camphor, ot Vacd and

the bark andSivudilsaSen,

l. Sripati Datta, thecommentarot of Vrndu,prescribes
the commentatorof Cakrapdni,prescribesthe seedsof

Magadhi, or Yasti-nndha and honey or Mannh sl/d, pastedwith honey

or (pasted) Candana should be snuffed into the nostrils in the manner
of an Avapida Nasyain a caseof the Surydvarta type of Siroroga as
well as in a case of Ardhavabhedaka headache.After the use of the
above, the patient should be made to snuff in the medicated clarified
butter cooked with the drugs of the Madhurar (Kakolyadi) group, in
both the abovecases.Plasterscomposedof Sariva, Utpala Kusthaand
Yaqgi-madhupastedwith Kafijika (acid gruel) and surchargedwith oil
and clarified butter are to be found efficaciousin both the cases.if
appliedto the affectedregion.This may be employedwith equalsuccess
in the casesof the Kaphaja typezof Siroroga. 27-32.

3ffrilqr+qd'q: ffiRtfrFr: r
frfirqqg mffis*rrqrtsvmila tt??tl
sTr6RSI frE|rail qrafirrF*rVrq:
qr{Ftrfiiqrt-Ta$a qlTr;TqulY rl
Treatment of Ananta-vAtu- Casesof Ananta-vdtaSirorogo
should be treated like those of Suryavarta. Moreover blood-letting
should be effected (by opening a local vein) and the diet should be
such as to subduethe Vayu and the Pitta andshould cossistof Madhu-
mastaka, Sahyava and Ghrta-pura (different Kinds of confectionery
made of wheat,sugiu,milk, clarified butter,etc.) 33-34.
qffit: lrvtnid qFil qri q vrg* r
vrfl.erti rt: frarek€ngtr VrFft n R\ rr
Vrdrqffftft{qF.qrqqg*r d€T(qdr( I
qrf T{ffi *t qrsffifffr(u Qqtl
rr6rgrrqrqsrqr qffik6tr
vfraisrx qfrqm,,qut6r€ ffitt
erefrsg id.r* qqtqdFrqruur:
tt le tl
Treatment of Sarhkhaka- Clarifiedbutterchurnedfrom milk

l. Sometake"qg{gl" to mean"{qi" '

2. In Placeof Kaphajatype somereadthe Ksayajatype. But it is not acceptedby
Jejjala. Ot hersagainread "Anilatmake"i.e. in the VAtujatype.

shouldbe given for a drink and usedasan enhine in a caseof Sarhkhal<n

and the diet shouldconsistof (boiled rice mixed with) clarified butter
and the essenceof the meat of jangala animals. Plasterscomposedof
Satuvari, black sesemtrm,Yasti-madhu, Nilotpala, D-urva and
Punarnavd pastedtogether, or of Maha-sugandha (Utpala-sdrivd) of
Palindi pastedwith Kanjika should be applied to the affected locality.
Cooling washes and plasters as well as different AvapiSa Nasyas
prescribed in casesof Suryavarta should also be prescribed for this
diseases(Sarhkhaka).35 -37.

fiqtrf,fr tr€r ffii+S qfiaurlr

qsr( rTdq**{ irfr qei s*q-+(u ?e rl
{terq furqnqE dgr$, lllq tt
Strong head-purgatives(errhines)composedof oil and honey
shouldbe first administeredin casesof Siro rogawiththe exceptionof
the Kymija and the Ksayaja types. Then the patient should be made to
snuff in drops of mustardoil. In caseswhere the precedingremedies
would fail to produce any relief, the patient should be treated with
Sneha and Sveda and bleeding should then be effected by opening a
local vein. 38-39.

YEwfrT+T+rn qwgrqvr Erqiw:I

!ffiivr( ETorrrdt:ffiAEu Yorr
Ffdffi q ( R )ET:
wilqrrrHfrfi{rnr: I
{fu65ffi1fti61 qrrtr&tqrwr: uYl rl
qilT* qqrrce{iTTrqE
rrdT rr(t: I
qFsqlTrdffiqm: F€qmqFqfuffi: uYRtl
The Conclusion- Thecasuses, symptomsandthetherapeutics
of the seventy-sixkindsof ocularaffection,of the twenty-eightkinds
ofthe disease ofthe ear,ofthe thirty-onekindsofnasaldisease,ofthe
elevenkinds of the diseaseof the head as well as of sixty-seven
(sixty-five)kindsof theaffectionof themouthhavebeendescribedin

detail in other treatises(e.g. those of Videha, etc. dealing with this

special subject- the diseasesof the over-clavicular region). The
number, symptoms and therapeuticsof these diseasesof the over-
clavicular region are here briefly described in accordancetherewith.

Thus ends the twenty-sixth chapter of the Uttura-Tantra in the
SuSrutaSarhhita which deals with the treatment of the diseaseof the head.

Here endsSalakyaTantra (SurgeryMinor).


qsn?ffit s{rrqq etqitfr: ll I ll
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
specific features(of the nine diseasesof infant life, which areattributed
to the influences) of the nine malignant Grahas (Nava-Grahakrti-
qrfirdruriftrff iTnErr5|ql<|-{ql
vflfti' w.nqr*{ {{tq-ffir: {uJll Rll
TS?ilIFK qelq:E"(F[FTl-t F q I
Yrg;.friefr *a grtr qr*4firTrlll ll
vfrfirqr aa*agurftrea'rt
Tqfr Wqg rt: nrqreEtfre:llY ll
Different Names- Attentively hearme Suiruta!describing the
origin, causeand medical treatmentof the diseasesof infancy which
aredue to the influencesof maiignantstars(Graha) or demonsaswell
as the characteristic symptoms by which each can be accurately
diagnosed.The diseasesnumber nine in all and are called Skanda-
G raha, Skand ap asmar a, Sakunl, Revatl, P utana, Andha -P utana,
Sita-p utana, Mukha-manQika and Nai garneqa o r P itr - Graha.
WTtfrtrSt E;qnrt|| \ ||

qsd'{qrd q vrnrfqvrd t€' !q qqfdqsut: t

;rd qrcdirqsfrqqrF{trr€Arq'r*ft qrhqf, rrfi ne rr
General course of attack- Thesemalignant stars(Grahas) or
demonsaffect the personof a child in the caseswhere the directions
laid down before (in the Sartra-sthana)in respectof the conduct of the
mother or the nurse during the time the child is brought up on the
breast are not followed and consequentlywhere proper benedictory
rites arenot performedandthe child is allowedto remain in an uncleanly
state,or whire the child becoming anyhow uneasystate,or where the
child becominganyhow uneasygetsfrightened,is rebuked,or begins
t0 cry. They (demons)maketheir appearancefor the purposeof getting
proper respectand worship.They being omnipotentand omnipresent
ut" not capableof being seenby man when they enter the person of a
child. I should,therefore,discourseon the symptomsor their presence,
as derived from the authorityof the sagesof yore. 5-6'

Yf;Tr$: {cqwrftrm: rrqFrqq*refr ffi: t

sFdiu, q
g.{fffiq$qfrfr g.trdT crEfr tndgffi: lle ll
fr:frfrsrqfr g.{stt( stis: gqer: q:rqtftg acfrat
ftrr{l Eqfd r{€ frTg n$$rfdil(FqrF{qf,: ll 4 ll
Symptoms of attack by Skandagraha and Skandapasmara'
graha- Swelling of the eyesand distorted featuresof the face and an
aversion to the breast-milk are the indications of an attack by the
skanda-graha.Thebody of the child emits abloody smell and one of
the eyelids becomesfixed or motionless.The child looks frightened,
closeshis fists (as in a fit of convulsion)and moansa little. The eyes
becomehighly rolling and the stool becokmeshard and constipated.
Altemate fits of fainting and consciousness, convulsivejerks of legs
and handslike those in dancing, foaming (at the mouth), yawning and
the passing of stool and urine with the passageof wind are the
characteristic features of an attackby the Sknnda-pasmira-grahn.
q€tH t*6slfiE: rir{Iid{urqRfiFit: rrtrTr(l
wltavfural'F{r6qr*f*id rreh fw3: ({iT:Yr$'arll 3 ll

ffir€*EfiFrifrsftTqrugta: qqr* qr qtgcnnq,,+fird: I

\Tiqr aftrcqg EilIiqEi T$rfd FqF{frFsil: grtr{: ttqo ll
SakuntandRevafi-Looseness of hmbs which emit apeculiar
bird-liket smell are the indications of an attack of the child by the
SakunlGraha.Thechild in sucha casestartsup in terror and its body
is covered with a large number of secretingulcers (Vrana), or of
eruptionsof vesiclesattendedwith a burning sensationsubsequently
suppurtingand bursting of themselves.The face assumesa blood-red
hue, the stool (aswell asthe urine) becomesgreenand the body of the
child looks as if of deep yellow or dark brown colour fever ensures
with an inflamation of the mouth, a bruised pain is felt all over the
body and the child frequently rubs its nose and ears- theseare the
featureswhich mark a sureattackof Revati-Graha.9-10.

Erwrg:r{nlh gq tfrr q rnt td{Stitffi u qrqqerqftr:r

ir(utai Ekdtrt6-6: giqrrqTsnqcffi q qil{rIfifr: lllt tt
* BE Rqqfrrsnq.rutrsr-ffi:l
gdui: srerqE:Vrqlswtftrtt WFfrq Em'qfcn*qu tR rt
Putana andAndha-putnna-Looseness of thelimbs, disturbed
sleepwhetherby day or at night, loosestools,emissionof a crow-like
smell from the body, vomiting, appearance of goose-fleshon the skin
and thirst are the specific symptomsof an attack of the child by the
P-utand-Grafta.Dislike for the breast-milk as well as an attack of
diarrohea,(Ati sara), cough,hic-cough,vomiting, fever, di scolouring
of the complexion and swelling in the skin as well as an inclination to
lie alwayson the face are the symptomswhich are exhibitedin a case
of an attackby the Andha-Pfrtand-Graha.ll-12.

sm clrTqfrr*qe trssr(ftnqt refiIfra zftzt?rat[-m:I

frr€Ei qrrqftr€d+q qkt Enfrqrqn+qnro vnrWndquq? tl
Rrffi:@q€rsfr qqqlq{rqfrEfrq: I
TiArfrwaFcaqf,{qqRt: TTier:frrflJR€qqq|rsqrd: n ly tl
l. By the word iY6ff (lit, a bird) 1n@u: is heremeantmeateatingaquatic

sita'pfitand andMfrkha-mar1$kd-constant andfrightened

stoolsandbloodysmellarecharacteristic of an attackby hta-p-utana.
Thechild in thiscasecriesalmostunceasingly, anda rumblini sound
is heardin the inrestines.paleness(emaciation)of the uoay (trunt)
and a glossyline (swelling)of the faceandthe extremitiesattended
with frightfulness,voracious appetite, appearanceof net-Iike
venousengorgementover the abdomenand emissionof urine
like small from the body are the symptoms of an attack of the
child by Mukha-mart4ikAGraha. 13-14.
q: t=iqqh frffirfr q qs* Filili fuTqfr #SqTqrEr! 1
q{a uilf,qen qsrsrrftrF{:riil vqfr
6 ffingu:'t\ rr
NaigameqaGraha- Frothyvomits,bendingof the middreof
the trunk,anxiousappearance,loud crying,upwardgazeof the eyes,
constantemaciation(fever D.R.), a fatty smell in the body and
unconsciousness arethe symptomswhichmarka caseof an attackby
nwefrq: I
iiqrctTfq{rqk n qq tl
T6: {FTUt6TqrM:
Prognosis- A stupified state of the child attended with an
aversion to breast-milk and constantfits of fainting as well as the full
development of all the specific symptoms show the imminent fatal
termination of the disease.otherwise it may prove amenableto medical
treatment, if it be not a caseof long standing. 16.

ffiara, qrenfuWefqnFdaqr
Gg{rurdhqTsltryqffi W* {h, il qetl
n{trr1qF*t( tr +ffirs u,r,rtqr
Tr{r qF*ffi WqrEaqqFf,qil te tl

w+ffimnagFntr eriftwrcqn 13tr

nrr: FrqFT tqrq rdrfurc+ ;IIr:I
n'rrsrdrsFntst qffiq+qftrRrno tr
290 sUSRUTAsaurrrrA

ffi frftf*,mg frtsil qwdi s{eqttRqll

Rules to be observed- The child shouldbe kept in a clean and
purified chamber and its body should be rubbed or anointed with old
and matured clarified butter. Mustard seedsshould be strewn all over
the floor (by a person)in a clean stateand a lamp of mustardoil should
be kept perpetually burning therein. Libations of clarified butter with
the drugs of the Sarvagandhd andSarvousadfitr grotps and garlands
of flowers as well as sandalpasteshould be cast into the fire and kept
continually burning by reciting the following incantations,"Obeisance
to thee, O fire-god, obeisanceto thee, O goddessKynilca,obeisanceto
thee, O Sknnda, obeisanceto thee, O lord of the Grahas (which has
castthis malignant influence).With headdown with deephumility,I
supplicate thy favour. Dost thou accept the offerings I have made to
thee. May my child get rid of the diseaseit has been suffering from.
Makest it hale and hearty again." l7-21.

Thus endsthe twenty-seventh chapterof the Unara-Tanta in the
Susruta-Sarhhitawhith dealswith the spefificfeaturesof
an attackby the nine (malignant)Gruhas.

l. The drugs of the Elddi grouPare known as Sama-gundhu.
heremeanYava,Dhanya,Tila, etc.

qefrErq cTrrqrt er+6fr, 11q ,,
Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the
Therapeutics(and remedial measures)of an attack by sknnda-Graha
(Skanda-Graha-P ratis edha). I

qrdTgqt|:rrurt frqTal: qfi+qi n Rtl
ffir {rgrqt q$g g\ ar
ki qFtsq$i' wtrns lrfrqr+(trx rr
Decoctionsof the leavesof &e tree (Bitvadi) possessedof vdyu-
subduing virtue should be usedfor sprinkling decoction of their roots
and with the drugs of the Sarvagandhd,group and with Kai(aryyal
and surama?(a as Kalka should be used in anointing the body of the
child laid up with an artack of sknnda-graha. Draughts of clarified
butter duly cooked with Deva-daru, Rdsnd,the drugs of theMadhura
group and with milk, shouldbe internally administered.2-4.

rrdqr:rrdFflff*i qqr qfifirq+ Tdtl

sUrsrf|ilIrqr*enqTurg-qq=i RTQfr: u\ tl
l. Kaidaryya,accordingto palhana,meansNimbaor Gudua.
2g2 SUSRUTA seMrrrtA

Fumigation- Moreover the body of the child should be

fumigatedwith the fumes of the mustardseeds,the cast-off skin of a
snake, Vaca, Kakadanl, Clarifred butter and the hairs of a camel, a
goat, a sheepand of a cow mixed together and burnt. 5.

Trrfirs {.dnh qftIfrr+E tmiqttq tt
The twigs of Soma-valti (GuQuci),lndra-vali (Aimantaka) and
Saml aswell as the thorns of.Bilva and the roots of Mi'g ddaii, should
be strung together (in the shape of a garland) and tied (round its

TffiThrTr€rh ReltqitrfrT16'19rFenfrhwg rIFr: l

quar q tcrq qhF{fu.: g!"iF'a: w.qqt Farqttstt
Hri frni F{Rrrdts T'qt-( gi vrftrq++*Et
eTft{g rnmF+qFtrdrfi{:uEn6{t qEfrfitg trfr: tta ll
The physician (or any other person acting on his behalfl
should bathe in the night and worship the god Skanda for three
suc6essivenights and inner quadrangle of the house of the child
or at the crossing of roads with various offerings, vi3., garlands
of red flowers, red flags, red perfumes such as Kurhkuma, edibles
of various kinds and newly harvested barley grains, SaU tice. A
cock should be sacrificed on the occasion (to appeasehis wrath)
and bells should be rung (for his propitiation). The water to be
used for bath (in course of worship), should be consecrated by
reciting the Gayatri Mantra and the sacrificial fire should be
duly lit with (three, seven or ten) libations (of clarified butter).

sr6q6h Ertqr qr firqfnrcEt: il i ll
iilrst ffiq qyrqi Ergqr iTenl
t{emi"ilsrydte:qtw: ffiAu to tl
r6,ffidt* Ft{rqfti4t: r
t+*nnW: qrq ei wrqrt rf{: tt ti ll

tqf{€q T6(f; {rtftrer 3 T . S r T : l

TTt Vrd'rrwqn qQtl
{iFrTr€rER. 9frqrT
riltkregt-q: qrq iqi atsq{{: u t? tl
Mantras- The body of the child should be guarded by a
careful physician against the influence of the malignant Grahas
by reciting every day a Manta which runs as follows- "May
skanda, the eternal and changeless deity who is the receptacle
of all sorts of energies produced by austerities, fame, valour, or
organic combination (vital energy), be propitious to thee. May
the almighty Guha protect thee from all evils- Guha who is
the commander in-chief both of the army of the gods and of the
Grahas and is the destroyer of the enemies of the army of the
gods (in which rank he has been installed, lit. wedded, with the
suffrage of all the gods). May be who is the begotten son of
supreme deity- the god of the gods and who acknowledges
severally the exalted motherhood of Ganga, Ilma and the
Kyittikas, give thee health and comfort. May the beautiful god
who pierced with a single shaft right through the heart of the
mountain Kroufica and who is effulgent with the red rays of his
own divine person smeared with the paste of red sandal-wood
and decked with the garland of red flowers, protect thee from
all peiils." 9-L3.

Thus ends the twenty-eight chapter of the Ilu'ra-Tantra in the susrura
s'tithita which deals with the Therapeuticsof skctrttrct-Grahu.

s[stkT:*ryqqgngfriei qt€m'grq:,
q?fr{rq r{rrEq ?Iqafr: ll t ll
Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the
Therapeutics of an attack by Skanddpasmdra (Skandapasmdra-
Pratisedha). I

fueq:ffi rHfr gwrt{g* riltT:I

qR'+* F*ifiar: g,;Errg[rr{nfrA|
wdrruferoa +mqsqgi fr6qn Ru
Sqqr*'qr} ? qrE+flrd trd aPnr
frqo,ai Ri qrfr qr+d' rsgtfq6q11111
.A decoctionof Bilva, Si,-tso,Golomt (Duratabhd), and the drugs
of the Sursadi group should be employed in sprinkling the body of the
child possessedof the presentdisease.Medicated oil duly cooked with
the drugs of the Sarvagandha group should be used in anointing its
body. Clarified butter duly cooked with milk and the decoction of the
barks of the KsTritreestogetherwith the drugs of the Kakolyadi group
as Kalkar should be prescribedfor internal use' 2'3.

E{FT{€rtrff-g.ih14-<TrtFtqil x tt
qqrreqqffir@sft qll\ll

l. Although palhana prescribesthe drugs of the KdkrtlyddigrouPto be usedas

to meanthatthe decoctionof thosedrugs
Kalkt we areinclinedto takethe sentence
shouldbe used.

srfiili5gi.eTffifq*fisTfr snr+(rrq rr
The body of the affectedchild shouldbe rubbed(Utsadana)
with thepasteof VacaandHihgutakentogether. Thedungsof anowl
and a vulture,humanhairs,the nails of an elephant,clarifiedbutter,
andthehairsof abull shouldbemixedtogetherandusedfor fumigating
thechild'sbody.Ananta,Bimbi,Markati andKukkutishouldbe strung
togetherandfastened(asa charm)to thebody of the child. 4-6.
qiF,rrsilf{ r{iTl|fr gsflr IfrIi vet:ue rl
Tffi ft*ss er<fq{qrfidsq} t
T{q* q Edai €ilrTrret silrilmn a tl
E,'qrq{qrffil q: r5<RqFqa:sGrT
fqflrqtiilgffi: ffisqf+ganr: rrr rr
The physician (or the votary officiating for him) shouldworship
the presiding deity of the diseasein a ditch (dug out for the purpose)
with the offerings of both cooked and uncookedmeat, fresh blood (of
a goat), milk, and ediblespreparedwiththe Ma.gcpulse for the ghosts,
and the possessedchild should be bathed at the crossing of roads by
physician observing the necessaryfast, etc. with the recital of the
following Mantra- "O thou, the trustedand beloved friend of the god
Skanda, O Skandapasmdra,O thou ugly-faced one whom the world
knows by the epithet of Visakha, may shower good to this child in
distress." 7-9.

ffdvisqrq: u Rqtl
Thus ends the twenty-ninth chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Suirutu Sarhhili
which deals with the Therapeutics of an attack of Slundfipasmira.

{t5m6*ei Qf@lfpl$[;,
qetErq e$tEq er:*aR: tt q lt
Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the
medical treatment of an attack by Sakunt (Sakuru-Prati+edha).I

vr5qF{qfrilsu.rcil +*{ qFrflTl

ffienqi fr:6rer: qRqq+|1111
qqrqqr$fri q,,dqursi frfr: r
W: frtFsv*tt x'
.A wisephysicianshouldsprinklethebodyof thechildpossessed
by Sakuniwith the decoction(duly prepared)of Vetasa,Amra and
Kapittha.Oils duly cookedwith thedrugsof the sweetandastringent
groupsshouldbe usedin anointingits body. Pradehas(plasters)
composedof Madhuka, Ufira, Hrlvera,Sdrivd,Utpala, Padmaka,
Rodhra,Priyangu,Mafijiq1ha andGairika.shouldbe applied.2'4.
qqtRqwfr tqherh iar
6{Jt {wtrh iTrffi r+sr+(u \ tl
dqquri Tr6*drg {ffrarfr em+(tt q tt
Variouskinds of medicinalpowdersand diet and remedial
in generaldescribed
measures with themedicaltreatment
in connection

of Ulcersr as well as the fumigations (Dhupana) mentioned in the

chapteron the treatmentof Skanda-graha(v\de ch. XXVIID shouldbe
prescribedfor the diseaseunder discussion.Drugs such as Satuvari,
Mygadarii, Ervdru, Ndgadantl, NidigdhikA, ktksmand, Sahadevaand
Brhatl should be fastened(as a charm) to the body of the child (in the

tmrg* qrdi ER-drtm:frrmr

qRq q,.d$ fl=rM fi1qilftrfllle 11
FrEt q y*trai E{rrFRqqenRful
F*-qrfrqsrsi Td ir*6 qfrmtt
t.qb frfrqtwtvr$-eTr:Ett,vJc{:u4 u
The presiding deity of the disease(Sakunt Graha) should be
worshippedby a physicianof self-control insidea Karafija bower and
be propitiated with offerings of husklesssesarnum,garlandsof flowers,
Haritala (yellow orpiment) and Manahiila (realgar) and the child
should be bathed duly inside the bower (accordingto the rules laid
down in the treatment of Skanda Graha). The medicated Ghyta
prescribed for the treatment af Skanda Graha may also be
advantageouslygiven in the presentinstance.T-8.

emfrSq{r tEt FqftTgnqkdr|

sTdSfi frflgrsr u-{;fi t sfr<{ rrq rt
E-{vi-{rr6rdrrarfir$T$ *r*qnr
Fnffi yr6.6Tfrvrg;.frtsfrqqn !o tl
Various sortsof worship should be made with the offerings of
variousspeciesof auspiciousflowers. The Mantra to be recitedon the
occasionruns asfollowes- "May the ever down-looking sharp-beaked
goddess,Sakunl, who (with her keen and far-seeingeyes) is decked
with all sortsof ornamentsand who traversesthe etherealsky in her
flight, bepropitiousto thee.May thebrown-eyed,fierce-looking,huge-

l. See Chapter I, Cikitsita Sthdna.


bodied,largebellied,and spike-eared Sakufq who strikesterror into

the heartof manwith her tenible voice,be pleasedwith thee."9-10.

fivilsqrq: tt lo tl
Thus endsthe thirtiethchapterof the UttaraTantrain the SuSrutaSanridti which
dealswith the treatmentof (an attack)by Sakani.

q?frcrq wrErt erqafrrtt q tt
Now we shall discourse on the chapter which treats of the
Therapeuticsof an attack by RevatT(RevatTPratiqedha).|

sppl-{rscTry$a qrRqr ugr+drt

qttETffi?trqr€tt: *;rlfurtt: llR ll
+om{gi q,,r{E} Fdrisfr EnttI tl
tlqr9trfiufdrsit{qrr6tFc€+1sq r
ffi+q qr{d qFtFrq*ttxtt
The duly prepareddecoction of Afvagandhd, Sdrivd, Aiaiyngl,
Punarnavd, the two kinds of Saha and Vidari should be employed in
sprinkling the body of the affectedchild (in caseof an attackby Revati)-
Medicated oil duly cooked with Kustha andSariara'ra (resin)r should
be used in anointing the child's body. Medicated Ghrta duly cooked
with the decoction of Dhava, ASva-kan.ta,Kakubha, DhataHi and
Tin"dukitand with the drugs of the Kakolyadi group (as Kalka) should
be employed internally as a draught. 2-4.

$"rer: Vr€-'qubqa€'qrffir6^: ll\ ll

rl*ffiUfrqrfur qer {rErfifi}Edql
Fezr*6rr*: qtrd+qEwt frrsil:llQll
l. There is an additionaltext in the Bhdvaprakdiawhich saysthat Guggula
(Palarhka;a),Naludu (khus-khus) and Girikadamba should also be usedin the
preparationof the medicatedoil.
300 SUSRUTAsa,urrrrA

qwnfiwwi q,qeht€if, iTennetl

vad errffi grtar ffikeqrr a rr
Kulattha, (burnt and) powdered Sarhkha(conch-shell) and the
drugs of the Santagandhagroup shouldbe usedasPradehas(plasters),
and the body of the child should be fumigated (Dhupana) morning
and eveningwith thc smokesof barley,Yava-phala(bamboo),and the
dungsof vultures and owls mixed with clarified butter. Neck ornament
should be made with (the wood or pith of) Varurya,Arisla (Nimba),
Rucaka, Sinduka (Nirgury{), and Putrafijlvaka and should be always
worn on the neck (as a charm) by the child. 5-8.
qq: VndEiiTerr u q tl
T5ffir: grrd FIrGrr:
aftrFtH rtsfrPI H nrrfl-ffi{rl
nqiiu fi{qet rer=iE;qffi$rnrdr r
qFrrrFcRT td fwmurgfrumr
{r€;rrcffi yqrqr661 t urfrq.uto tl
FfEtr irflFTr fTfir d*E qggkfirr
H rfidii qrflr ril t t* ffiqn tt tl
The presiding deity of the diseaseknown as Revati should be
worshipped in a cow-shedby a self-controlling physician with the
offerings of white flowers, milk, parched paddy and boiled Sati rice
and the nurse as well as the child should be bathed in a junction of
rivers. The Mantra (to be recited in course of worship) runs as
follows:- "May the goddess,Revati,of dark complexionwho is clad
in parti-colouredgarmentsand garlandsof flowers of variouscolours
and painted with anointmentsof various kinds and with oscillating
earrings,be pleasedwith thee. May the goddess,RevatT,who is tall,
drooping and tenible-looking, and who is the motherof many sonsbe
always propitious to thee."9-L1.

q'Fivilsqrq: n lq tl
Thus ends the thirty-first chapter of the Uuaru-Tantra in the Suiruta Sarhhitd
whith deals with the Therapeuticsof an attack by Revafi.

Tf{rgfdhi qr@tfFtfrl:,
qefrcrq t{{rqq er+<rfr:rrq tl
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich treatsof the medical
treatrnentof an attack by Putana (Putana-Pratisedha). I
E6fril€'rsgq.di E16rrt: qrRsryt6:I
srTgtdr*{rilqr: Tgqfrdrqtqfi+qi u e tl
E[ET:T9ttTffifr Effi qq:Qrqr I
gici H+w*q +i{rP} q,t Eerirr? rr
A decoction of the barks of Kapota-vahkd, Araluks, Varuna,
Pdribhndraka andAsphora should be usedinwashing, and medicated
oil duly cooked and preparedwith (the Kalka and decoction ofl Vacd,
Vayast hd, (B rahmi), GoIoni, H ar i tdIa, M anah-3il a, Kustha andSarj a -
rcsc (resin) shouldbe usedin anointingthe body of a child possessed
by Plttana.2-3.
Clarified butterduly cookedwith theTuga-lcsiri,Kustha,76fi3a,
Khadira and Candana and the drugs of the Madhura group would be
found benefical.4.
il+<rtq-dTRE:EiB. ffiq<wq: r
qET drrrqgTfr dtqT sqq+ TrEru\ tl
l;erlrSFf5srfrh Tqrfr Er(rs ql
Td*d {T{ rT{t: T16il Qtl

tfiqfltffirjgra emt(rrs rr
Deva-ddru, Vacd,Kusgha,Hihgu, Giri-kndamba,Eld andHareryu
should be used in fumigating the body of the child. Fumigation of
Gandhanakuli, Kumbhikd, marrow of Badara-fruirs, shells of crabs,
and mustard-seedspounded together and mixed with clarified butter
may also be used.Kdkddani, Citraphald, Bimbi and Gufija should be
worn on the body (as a charm) by the child. 5-7.
FdffiE;-Aa F.vniveri awt
vruresql6qr Eftt vfq{t *(ttz tr
ffi+t*ur fi'RRqrarqFTE{* r
q-qT Ttr{rii'* qflaFr:ril!Er{*': n 3 tl
Putanathepresidingdeity of the disease,shouldbe worshipped
in the interior of a lonely chamberwith oblationsand with the offerings
of boiled rice preparedwith the admixture of fish as well as those of
Kyiard, andPaIaIa (meat or puddings of sesamum)placed in a saucer
and covered with another, and the child should be bathed with the
water left behind after worship. 8-9.
qfu{rgorrifrdr qFf,qTsqqdqr I
idqr{if,'qr(KHilr to rl
flr*FTRTerqTt*qnt*rqr{ Tinnr qqrl
worshippingMantra is as follows : "May the slovenly
shag-haired goddess,
Ptfiand,who is dressedin dirty clothes,andwho
loves to hauntlonely dwellings,preservethe child. May the fierce-
looking,frightful goddesswho is asblack as a dark rain-cloud,who
lovesto hauntlonelyanddilapidatedhumandwellingsandwhosebody
givesoff filthy odoursprotectthechild from all evils."10-11.

Thus endsthe thirty-secondchapterof the Uttara-Tantrain tbe Su|rutuSathhilA
which dealswith the medicaltreatment(of an attack)bv Putanu.

qenrcrq wrEq eFT;ilR:il t tl
Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the
medical treatrnent of (an attack by) Andha-putand (Andha-p-utand-
Pratigedha). I

Frfifi-{qrruriqr4: g'nfrsEffi trf tr

iren TrSrsSq+rTre&lrrt(tqil nt tl
fiTqfl: fturfrqFiErrilugr*t ug r
ynd{qqrt Ted q Earfgqftlwilrrxtr
Thedecoctionof theleavesof thetreeof theTiktalcaga4a(tree
of bitter taste)shouldbe usedin sprinkling(thebodyof thepossessed
child).Szra(wine), Souftral<n (akind of acidgruel),Kuqgha,
Manall-SildandSarjara,ra(resin)shouldbe usedin dueproportionin
medicatingtheoil (for thechild) andmedicate d GhTtashouldbe duly
cookedwith the Kalka and decoctionof PippaE,Pippali-miula,the
drugsof theMadhura group,Sdlaparytandthe two kindsof Brhati
with the additionof honey(as an after-throw).2-4.

sdm*: utag rn*q€pil:t frdd: n\ tl

gffi q\l* *,vris{ rr{ad innr
Effis fir{F$rfi EqqrdqirFq+(nq tl

Plaster of the drugs of the Saruc-gandha @lAdil group should

be appliedto the body of the child and its eyesshouldbe soothedwith
cold applications. The faecesof the the cock, its feather and skinr, the
cast-off skin of a snakeand the raggedgarmentof a (Buddhist)monk2
should be used for fumigating the child's body. The child should be
made to wear (the roots of) Kukkut, Marka{t, Simbt andAnantd as a
qirrqrri fren qi*r vfrfirr€ q{Eq* |
f{*flqa:I G m ailfrktrd:nzrl
ffisurt giutqw**f<*: yJ$:n i n
ffiar fq$.c{rWsr Eqrqrq{Erfirfr|
t* qrefud' frdT rirqrffirpnr to tt
Offerings of meat,cookedor uncooked,and of blood shouldbe
made (to Andhaputana)at the crossingof roadsor inside a housefor
the protection of the child, which (with its nurse)shouldalso be bathed
with the decoction of the holy drugs of the Sarva-gandhd groap. The
Mantra runs as follows :-'May the dreadful,brown-coloured,bald-
headed, goddessAndha-putand, wearing a red-coloured garment be
pleasedto savethis child." 8-10.

u?l rl
Thus ends the thirty-third chapter in the IJttara-Tuntra of the SuSrutuSarhhitd
which deals with the medical treatment of (an attack by Andha-ptttund.

'' '
l. Someexplain *TIT{' (hair) andqd (stin) asthoseof manandnot of a cock.
2. Bhdvaprakdsa reads " i.e. very old cloth. This readingdoes
not suggestthat the cloth to be usedshouldhavebeenworn by a Buddhistmonk.


qefrdrE crrrqq er*afr: tr q tt

Now we shall discourseon the medical treatment of (an attack
by) STta-p utana (Sita-p utana-P rat isedha). L

c'fqi?ig{6itqqT nen fffii s*ildql

q{1rerfr{srfr qfis* qffi(rr t tr
q€ilwi rrqi Ti Ew5 grdlr€, ql
g;Es rrdrr*rig *argiffiqr+(rr l rr
tffi<r lcrflts$crcttl: I
frwrra aRr1flqsl* qqfrtfrq*( elcqtt x tt
The decoction of Kapittha, Suvaha (Rasna), Bimb\, Bilva,
Pracibala(?), Nandi (Vala) andBhallataftashouldbe usedin sprinkling
(the child's body). The urine of a cow and of a she-goat,as well as
Musta, Deva-ddru Kuqyhaand the drugs of the Sarva-gandha(Ehdi)
group shouldbe usedin duly preparinga medicatedoil (for the purpose)
and medicated Ghrta should be duly cooked with (three parts of; the
decoction of Rohinl, Sarjarasa (Resin), Khadira, Pala1a and barks of
Arjuna and (one part ofl milk.2-4.

1@ur qtrrr*nqtwq: t
FrErdrfurtg*r {rtrrI Trdtrt(u \ rl
emftfr aqrg rggia,,rfrtqffiTer|| q rl


Dungs of an owl and a vulture, the cast-off skin of a snakeas

well asAjag andha andNirnba leaves and Yasti-madhushouldbe used
for fumigating purposes, andl-ambd (Tiktalavu), Gufija andKakadani
shouldbe worn (as a charm) by the child. 5-6.

t*eqffi qrtufr uRrinsfir
qenvrqrtersgEilr{*qlq[qfr il e |I
il* g{rsilffifrt
wTrwrrrrrTt* qrqEi vfidTr-{T
|| q ||
The goddessSrtaplrtandshouldbe worshippedwith the offerings
of the preparationof rice and Mudga pulse (cookedtogether)as well
as with Varunl wine and blood, and the child shouldbe bathednear a
river or a tank. The Mantra is as follows ;- "fu{4ythe goddessSira-
p-utand,who is fond of the preparationof rice and Mudga pulse, who
delights in drinking wine and blood and who residesby the side of a
river or a tank, preservethee."7-9.


Thus ends the thirty-foufth chapter in the I|ttaru-Tantra of the Susruta Suithittt
which deals with the medical treatment of an attack by) Srtaputuna.

qenEn:EI rTrrqq erqafr: tt q tt
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
medical treatmentof (an attackby) Mukhamandika (Mukha-maq4ikA-

.'fq*futrffi ffrqiqflrr;erd.E:RtnT:l
gftrSa*<r: eartaniqftffi 11
1 11
sdff'qq.*,i iTErrq6fur;er*:I
ki eqrs {*qq++zrg+ frpt: u ? tl
q{frffiTqtTqfu $n$qf rrd aeTr r
q*1t qsTA qq'*qfu Tr q*qtrv u
The decoction of Kapittha, Bilva, Tarkari (layanti), Varhia-
locana (D.R. Vnsa), Gandharua-hastaka(ErarlQa) and Kuberaksi
(Payala)shouldbe usedin sprinkling(thebody of thepossessed child).
Oil and fat (in equalparts) shouldbe duly cookedwith the expressed
juice of the Bhrngaraja, Ajagandha and Harigandha (A|wagandha)
and be usedin anointing the child's body. MedicatedGhrta shouldbe
duly cooked with Madhulika (Murva), Tuga-kxri and drugs of the
Madhura and the minor Pafica-mftlagroupsand with milk. 2-4.
qqrrrdw: g;urfit$qri Fcq I
srrrm fuarg qrr*fgsq-sr: u\ tl
Fumigation with Vacd, Sarjarasa and Kustha mixed with

clarifiedbutterwouldbefoundbeneficialandthechild shouldbemade
to wear the tongueof a Cdsabird, a Ciralli bird or a snake(as a
quidi qof.hqrerrsi qnt aer t
rilq$ qshsrvi q€qetgq6r+(l
Fa5dTFfifmgH*{ teq=iFcqt
srci$iTr6T{fr {rlrn qrrafiufr t
rilgqsand€ndrurgei gurFre*"r tt s tt
Offerings of Varnaka (Kampillaka), C-urnaka,garlands of
flowers, Rasafij ana, Parada (Mercury), ManahSila, Pdyasa(rice boiled
in milk) and puddingsshouldbe made(to the deity) insidea cow-shed
and the child should also be bathed there in with water consecrated
with Mantra.The Mantra runs as follows '- "\{sy the beautiful and
blessedgoddess,Mukhamandika,who is deckedwith ornaments,who
can assumedifferent forms at will and who residesin cow-sheds,

rffisqrq: n ?\ tl
Thrls ends the thirty-fifth chapter of the Utrura-Tantra in the Suiruta Sathhitd
which deals with the medical treatment of (an attack bv\ Mukhamandikfr.

rren-drq l{rtEr1 erqaR:rrt rr
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
medical treatment of (an attack by) Naigamesa (Naigamesa-
: qtqt: qr qfi$ai r
g{rwfti err;qrctqnd* q vrsil rrRu
trrq.vcorrar : r
S qs$hg ql
q+qq€tqr& q{ffisfr qrrrxu
'The decoctionof Bilva, Agnimantha andPutika should be used
in sprinkling(thebody of the possessed
child) and sprinklingwih Sura,
Sauvira and Dhanyamla (Kafijika) is also advisable in such cases.A
medicated oil should be duly cooked with Priyangu, Sarald, Anantd,
Sata-puspaandKuyannataandwith cow'surine,the liquid of the milk-
curd (Dadhi-mastu) and Kafijikn Medicated Ghrtas should be duly
prepared with the drugs of the Madhura group as Kalka, with the
decoction of the Dasamila and with milk or with the head of a date-
palm tree. 2-4.
qqi qq:rqt rffiff qFdt ffi emtq r
T€r*i rtr5rr t5,'<tt[s[|ilV|rT{il \ tl
qF krd5"lcrr{r<r:I frrfr: llQll

qd*{*.Tenurt EffiT rqqtr

W,ghvi qrqTercfiqffirycrrrrgrr
The child should be made to wear Vacd, Vayastha,Golomi and
jatila as a charm and the utasddanameasuresrecommendedin the
treatment of Skandapasmdrashould be used in this case also.
Siddarthaka (white mustard), Vaca, Hingu, Kuqyha,parched rich,
Bhallataka andAjamodashouldbe usedinfumigating the body of the
child. In caseof attacksby Navagraha the dungs of a monkey, and
owl and a vulture should alsobe usedby personswishing the good of
the child for a fumigatingpurposeand that shouldbe doneat the night
when all personsare asleep.5-7.

sqR@q|q qSTe FrHqtt a tr
srerF|r( qqrFt qqrffir
cfti qfrqe$Efdrnqwi Frffi( r
i[,,rF6|fr rf6Fryrr:I
e|?i qrm|rrdrH ffisfrnq1-Srrq rr
Offeringsof husklesssesarnum, garlandsof flowersand various
dishes should be made to the deity Naigamesa(the preserverof the
child) at the foot of aVata rreeon the sixth day of the fortnight and the
child shouldbe bathedthere at the foot of the tree.
The Mttntra runs as follows- "May the far-famed god,
Naigamesa,the preserverof children,who hasa goat'sfacewith moving
brow and rolling eyes and who can assumedifferent forms at will.
preservethe child." 8-9.

qefjVilsearq:n iQ tl
Thus endsthe thirty-sixthchapterof the uttura-Tantrain thesusrutasarhhita
which dealswith the medicaltreatmentof (an attackby) Naigane;a.

qffi ufqqfrq€qr{atf@rretrtl:,
qefdrE t{rrdq rqaR: tt q tt
Now we shall discourseonthechapterwhich dealswith the origin
of the (nine) Grahas (Grahotpatti-Adhyaya). I
rcf FErEr+T:frwerontqFirr6r: r
effi Rqqgir qrfrg{;l{F{,r6r:nRrl
qiT6t*Ttqrtrf ffiFt:t
wf: vrfqurerFr {fitrcens*cfiTrn Rrl
dfdr6rrrdr i C Trqmdqr \TtRitT:I
tffird'nt t clrrTr1tEftrdrq-{Tt:
llY ll
The nine presiding deities- viz., Skanda and others- of the
nine diseasesof infant life are all possessed
of etherealframes,divine
effulgenceand specificsex-distinctionof theirown. They werecreated
by the gods Agni, Mahadeva and the goddessesKyttika and Uma for
guarding the personof the new-bornGuha through pfotecting himself
with his own divineprowerssamidstthe stems9f Saragrass. Of these
Grahas the femaleswho arepossessedof various shapesand described
before are consideredas originally made of the Rijasc essenceof the
godessGangd, Uma andKyttikn.2-4.

*rrtqq qrdilT gS ffi ua:r

sqrcffi t{s T.6FTrfrqq:H€Tu\ rl
ren.qrqsK{iilq: *sFFTsnrwrqfr:r
qqlr5-ffrcnqTqtdvnqghffi tre rr

rG: gfr *r{qdri& ffiunr

fEetfd qrwi ftt Wn Eh qrr6, tr\err
The NaigamesaGraha who is possessed of a sheep'sface was
createdby the goddessParvati asthe friend and protector of the young
god guln and who was asdearto him ashis own self. Skandapasmira,
the presiding deity of the diseasenamed after him, was createdby
Agni the fire-god (Vulcan). He is asbright asfire itself and is a constant
companion of the god Skanda and is also known by the name of
Vi1akha. The god Skanda, the tutelar divinity of the diseaseof that
denomination,was begottenby His Holiness,the Almighty Destroyer
of. Tripura and is otherwise known by the name of Kumara (lit. a
child, Viz., of Mahadeva). 5-7.
frwtqi{S $rrdq wi *e rl+derrarr
$rTR:trtrrqrqr€ffienr: t
rfdftflffiqF{flqr qf{t i6F{frfir: u 3 tl
It is impossible that the god springing from Rudra and Agni
with his exalted parentagewould find pleasurein such a dangcrous
diseaseevenout of childish frolic somenessand it hasalsobeenasserted
by eminentauthoritieson the physicalsciencethat someunintelligent
personshave been misled into holding, through a mistakedue to the
identity of the names,that the authorof the diseaseunder discussion
(Sknnda) is no other than the invincibe Skanda.8-9,

trd ws6 *t gsf{rrfr gtr

stffi€gf6r: w{ ffit.qi rJ6(u to tl
ue: vrsem$iqftt* thrASEt r
+snqelirir: ffi: Fr{ tqTdq€r(n tt rr
d* rrdiwrt.drq sfirqq rrrr+1€.(r
fd{r$Fi qE{s t{s firild EFr(l
q{rryfrrdrfrur r*t errdtsfu q u qRtl
tqr rr$qqfirrFil tffifiwclq q r
TdqrtdErfiFt vfrrdrihurEnsd: n tl tl

wr. rrqqrg*'a ffi fifq+${r{t I qY ||
qFrehifrr{€ t{ ffig* ffit
regGqFitWgRrqf*+q $Iffi u t\ tt
On The effulgent godSknnda'sbeing elevatedto the leadership
of the armiesof Heaven,the presidingdeitiesof thosediseaseswaited
upon him and with folded palms askedhim about the meansof their
subsistence. The god Skanda in his turn,referredthemto His Holiness
the god Siva for the answer,whereuponthey went to the latter in a
body and made the samequery.Mahddeva,the Destroyerof Bhaga's
eyes,replied "Gods,men andotheranimals,O, ye Grahas,e-rriJt on the
principle of reciprocalbenefit.rThe godsministerto the wantsof men
and beasts,etc., by marshallingdifferent seasonsof the year and by
settingthe air in motion and sendingdown the rain, and men, in their
turn, propitiate the gods by duly and reverentially performingthe
sacrificialrites,by sayingtheir prayerswith blendedpalms,by bowing
down in reverence,and by repetition of prayers,religious vows and
other religious observances.All servicesand their emoluments in
consequence havebeenfilled up and settledandthereremainsnothing
for you to fill. Your propermeansof subsistence will, therefore,be in
the life of an infant (thoughthe emolumentsyou shall receiveshall be
stainedwith the tears of many an anxious,watchful and night-worn

5.'eSqg ffi f*r: fwmlgur

qrgqr: qrffi*q yd.shwercuilt qQtr
trSrrdnviliS q{qrdtq$Rgl
vqrcqfdR{qig nrimidq*Fqgu qetl
$9fu+qrintaqr!frqqvGm' I
gh, Wrfu qffi
ird* frgeTr u ta tl
l. Exchangeor reciprocityof servicesunderliesthe foundationof all distinctand
whetherbeasts,men or gods.the worldsare linkedto one
anotherby bondsof service.Give-and-takeis thelaw of theuniverse.Duty implies

Children of the families in which the gods,the Pitris (departed

fathers),the Brahmans,the pious, the preceptorsand the seniorsand
the guestsarenot properlyworshippedand attendedupon andwherein
the rules of clanlinessandvirtuesarenot observedandthe membersof
which do not makedaily offeringsto the godsandgive almsto beggars
and live on food prepared by others and eat from broken bowls and
plates of Indian bell-metal would be the proper personswhom you
might strike with impunity, andby your malign influencelay them up
with diseasespeculiar to infant life. (It shall be your duty to seethat
iniquities of the parents are visited on their children. Attack them
without least compunctionof heart and ample meansof subsistence
will be thereby securedto you). There the parentsof thosechildren
will worship you in their calamitiesand you shall get plenty to live
upon." 16-18.

ureq5fr vrra: t
\P T{r:Hgqcr*r
rdrrqgrqrin€g €firF*qrdqr ftTr:u 93tr
eer{ q{ursrvJ{d w-qqb Ttr(l
Ttrqr6lsqrrcn: sdd=r a?T:r{iT: I
gfdqr qd6qq r qru+ q5:rat111otl
Thus the Grahascameinto being andbeganto attackthe children
(of iniquitious parents),and it is thereforethat a child attackedby a
malignant Graha becomesvery hard to be cured. Death or permanent
disfigurement of any limb or organ is sure to ensurefrom an attack of
SkandaGraha, sincehe is the most d readful of all the Grahas. A case
of full-developedattackby any otherGraha should be likewise held
as incurable.19-20.

TtnfiTilsqrq:u le rl
Thus ends the thirty-seventh chapter of the Iltiara Tantra in the Suiruta Sarhhitd
which deals with the origin of the Grahas.

?TSTT€NEI t{qqrt erqaft':iltrr
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with (the
symptomsand) the therapeuticsof the diseasesof the femalerorganof
generation(Yoni- vydpat-Pratisedha).L.
qgfu5| gu,,,tqrss*gqffir
6qr{*dErfirqnilF{r E{rg:Irg;rqfru ? tl
qE$ zilfqqrqrg qql I
xqnunqfu*qFrri qercitTq{dTe il ? il
Causes- The bodily (as well as rhe local).Vayu of a girl of
tenderyears,weak constitutionor build anddry organictemperament,
is derangedarrdaggravatedin consequence ofher excessiveindulgence
with a man of abnormally developedreproductiveorgan,and on getting
into her organof generation(yoni) givesrise to different local vaginal
diseaseswhich becomemanifestthrough the presenceof the symptoms
of the aggravationof the threespecific Dosas.2-3,

ffi diffiHsr *rrintr

frsrlrEfrurrn: rfiqi ygF{rdaqq I
qrq*diqdqTqtqFq y?.rquy tl
In the chapteron the enumerationof diseases,the diseaseswhich
affect the female organ of genera.tion(yoni) have been classified into

l. Theterm"Yoni"is hereusedin a verycomprehensivesenseandmeansthewhole

femaleorganof generation,i.e. Uterus,Vagina,etc.

twenty differentkindsr.The injudiciousconductof life which is usually

found in females,menstrualdisorders,the diseasedor defectivenature
of the seed(of the parentsof the girl), or any accidentalcausesmay be
fairly set down as causesof thesefemale diseases.Now hear them
Etrdflt im tr*at t{q-dr q qfiKilrl
qrtrmr ifr qrd?e;T:fir*€Ir EtItqr{Tll \ ll
qrR+ dffi qrfr sc$ fiffimrq sTl
qRr{qr q sTdfr: qfrffr qturrGiq(u
rtqar q qqrqiqr qrd q qftl* aETI
{6-fr q-frffir q rd+Fd ffiqqtttstt
Enumeration and Classification- Udavarta (dysmenorrhoea),
Bandhya (Sterility), Vipluta (introversion of the uterus), Pariplutd
(Retroversionor retroflexion of the uterus) and Vatala are the five
kinds of VcraTavaginaldiseases. Rudhiraksard(Menorhoea),Vdmini,
Srarhsini, Puttraghni and Pittala are the Pittaia one..Atydnandd
(nymphomania),Karninl, the two kinds of Carand and S/esni&ifind
their origin in Kapha and Sandi, Phalinl, Mahat-t, S1tcivaktrfiand
Sarvaja are said to be due to the aggravationof the three Dosas. S'7
rTt w: $-Qq 5afrt
seat qgrdqti€rEicqai fi15q'+qqr{t
t e Il
qRq-ilqi srdFdqrqtr{ u,'qTTvr{l
Eftrdr q-*VrTKdnvFrFrfrErftBdr l
ramqE4fu qrflrg s{-fisFtr+fir: ll 3ll
Symptoms of theVataia Types- An Udavartayoni discharges
painful and frothy mensesanda Bandhyayoni is markedby the absence
or suppressionof the catamenialflow. A local pain is alwayscomplained
of in a Vipluta yoni and in a Paripluta yoni an excessivelocal pain is
experiencedat the time of sexualintercourse.AVatala yoni is marked
by an aching and piercing pain in the organ which seemsrough and
numbed. The peculiar pain due to the derangementof the Vdyu is also
felt in the first four types of the series.8-9.
l. Thesethree lines corespondverbatimwith three lines in the Curaka Surhhita
(vide CarakaSarhhita,chapterXXX, Cikitsilasthana).

vqrt qfu,Ti{ti TFtt: qr dfeaqnr t

rqras$ftE fti qrnr+Ffir girql
Tdffi sdg qfrFrdrg:qqsrrTn to tl
6entfurii Efd rnf gxfr rmiwerqr
s{aef fffidrffir
arqqfransrgfiffiftTffi qt(rr qqu
Symptoms of thePittaja types-Discharge of the menseswith
a burning sensationin the passageis the characteristicsymptom of
Lohitaksara or Rudhira-ksnrdYoni.The Yoni from which the semen
chargedwith the menstrualblood, is ejectedwith Vnya (Sound) is
called Vaminl; the coming out (prolapsus)of the organ (uterus)when
disturbedand a difficult or painful parturition are the symptomsof a
Prasraftsinl ),oni. The Yoni in the caseof repeatedabortionsdue to
the excessivedischargeof caatamenialblood during the period of
gestationis called Puttraglml. An extremely burning sensationand
suppurationin the organ attendedwith fever arethe symptomswhich
markaPinalayoni. The four previousvaginaldiseasesarealsomarked
by the specific symptomsof the aggravatedPitta.10-11.

3rflTqr q FfrE^ qrqefiur rr;gfrr

ffi q,friq.r++Fe6qrgnqirm"rtu
*egisaon yd gsqrqFdFr€{fr
Tgyrgrftrq{urr*qr dd q ffidil t? r!
ytsffir ftftuFTrdfr: q"c{$m.ffitror I
wdqqfr qrurq @uqYtl
Symptoms of the Kaphaja types- AnAtyanandayoni knows
no satisfactionin mattersof sexualpleasures.Haemorrhoidgrowths
or polypii due to the aggravationof Kapha and vitiated blood appear
on the living membraneof the organin a Kaminl yoni.In an Acarand
Yoni a greaterquantity of ovum is secretedbefore the completion of
sexualact, and in the other i.e., in an Aticara4a Yoni the semenis not
retainedin consequenceofover-indulgence.A Slesmalayoni is very
cold and slimy andhasa local itching sensation.The first four kinds of
this seriesofvaginal diseases (lit. diseasedvagina)aealsocharacterised

by the actionsof the derangedand aggravatedKapha in the locality.

sr{rer€nr qr$ €isl* u tegir
f*qarsnnr5*n:{fuft Hrsft
v+Mcerll qqll
qilq1afr qEnq FdfuSffieinqr
wIR{TeqT Et{q: Tr4drNn:ll qe ll
Symptoms of the Tri-cloqaja Types- The Yoni of a woman
markedbythe non-appearance of the menses,non-developmentof her
breastsandthe roughnessof the vagina(Vaginalcanal)which is felt at
the time of coition is called a $aryQi.A woman of tenderyears,who
has just passedher girlhood, when ravishedby a man with an
abnormallydevelopedgenitalorgan,offersthe illustrationof aphalinl
Yoni. An extremely dilated vagina is called Mahayoni, while an
extremely constrictedone is called a Sucivaktra(lit. a vagina with a
needle-mouthedvulva). The Yoni markedwith thesesymptomsof the
aggravationof all the three Dosas is said to be a Sarvaja yoni. The
four precedingkinds of vaginal malformationsor diseasesare also
due to the concerted action of the three deranged Dosas in the
locality and these last (five) kinds of Tridosaja vaginal diseases
are incurable. L5-17.

uffi{ Trrqrg ff{*,,q Fqtl

qsr$rrqds ffitur q?iftdrtu tz ll
w*vrivffi tgir
:ll ?tll
ivreruig zfrRgr
fdliltR Erfqrfr firgMqil: n Rotl
?I|qrrfr q qearfrEidfdrrfunrF{ qu Rqtl
gFqilM Eil: rrsqqrq+:r
TfuqqqilG-uqrqsTfr errqT{lt QRtl

rtut1 q*HTfuunisilem{qil$: r
Medical Treatment- The medical treatmentof the curable
types of vaginal diseasesshould begin with the administrationof a
Snehaaccordingto theDosa involved in eachcaseand applicationsof
properlychargedvaginalenemas(uttara-Basti) shouldbe particularly
resortedto. In caseswhere the Yoni (vagina)would feel cold, rough,
numbed and be marked by diminished sdnsibility of its mucus
membraneduring sexualaction it shouldbe fomented,in the manner
of Kumbhi-sveda,with the flesh of aquatic andAnupa animals; and
drugsof the Mn dhura groupmixed with veiavara (all describedbefore)
shouldbe applied(in the form of poultice)to the part, andplugs of oil-
soakedcottonshouldbe constantlyretainedintheyoni (vagina).proper
vaginal lotions and washesas well as the measuresof purarya i.e.
medicalinjection(Preparedwith the vayr-subduingdrugs)shouldalso
be employed:cooling measuresshouldbe adoptedin the casesmarked
by drynessand sucking pain (osa andcosa) in the affectedlocality.
The vagina shouldbe filled up with the powdersof the five officinal
kinds of drug (Paiica-kaqaya)in a case,marked by fetor and slimy
mucus secretion,and the decoctionof the drugsof Rajavrksadigroup
should be used in washing.Pindas (balls) of disinfectant(Sodhona,
lit, purifying) drugs pastedwith cow's urine and saturatedwith salt,
should be insertedinto the vagina marked by the dischargeof pus.

Etfrw.ia-e.{q Cgfr-{r5ds ql
{r+( e*re( iTenI Rytl
qFdlrqur(ufu|ai vfrry*antr5*rt|| R\ II
qftRri sffi(r
frerrqMtq?rfr q*i {sTr*(n ?q ll
AYoni (vagina)markedby anitchingimpairedsensibilityshould
be fumigatedwith the vapourof Brhatt andthetwo kindsof Haridra
takentogether,which shouldbe as well insertedandretainedin the
vagina(in theshapeof a plug).A plug or stickcomposed of a pasted
of disinfectant@rSodhana) drugsshouldbeinsertedintoandreiained
in a Karnini yoni; and a prolapsing(prasrarhsini)yoni shouldbe

fomented with hot milk and rubbed with clarified butter. It should
then be restored to its proper place and, being pasted with Veiavdra,
shouldbe duly bandaged.24'26.

ekr: q'dFt*+d rfr{rg{Td lvql
fu(frfi qn Retl
Diet- Surd,Asava,Ariqla, (wines of medicinal drugs) should
be prescribedaccordingto the Dosa involved in each case and the
patient shouldbe madeto take the expressedjuice of garlic (InSuna)
every morning and her diet shouldconsistmainly of milk, meat-soup
tffrTfurq* dqr: ril{tqTs qlfttar: t
*q{prntfr Ta:gqdsfqftf€ q tt Retl
qRiuffitg fu|q-€r qrgEr{nrl
sTqrqrfrrtqis iqffigtr{r( frtl|qrr rq rr
We have alreadydescribedthe natureof the medical treatment
and the remedial agentsto be respectivelypursuedin and prescribed
for diseasesof the semen,menstrualcomplaints, affections of the
mammae,impotency,casesof false presentatinof child and diseases
during the period of pregnancyand motherhood,and all thosemay be
employed with equal benefit in thesediseasespeculiar to the female
sex.Otherdiseases(suchasfeveretc.)which may arisefrom immature
delivery should be treatedin the manner describedin the respective
treatmentof thosediseasesinthe Uttara Tantra.28-29.

Ehqfa-dtrtrqr5{ilAdtfi rerr(qfdqerar€ltmrqt-
ffisqrq: n?Zrl
Thus ends the thirty-eight chapter of the Uttara Tantru in the SuSrutaSafthitir
which deals with the therapeuticsof the female organ of generation.

Here ends the Kqumdrsbhrtva Tantru.


sTerrd Effi[ftTisi HT@tftztrrl:,
qe*qrq l{{rctq erqaft': rr t rt
Now we shalldiscourse andmedicaltreatment
of Fever(Jwara-Pratisedha\.
q{rTfrqqr gffir
"rfr$rGi @l
R'r6EnRiffii r$re: garqa;11111
qur€trq{qr: frm'r qfu=TrqGqR: q{l{l
Trqrfir( E{Rril*q qru + F{q-qi Efiil i tl
srdeur Egs Erqr:s.Eur fufrl
sr{Erq afluR: g-{frIu[r; refrfrtf,r:
tr$rrqirqigs *uurguflagerqr
ilsrgwrqq$(€q qF l: qH@rqr
t EEr: q${frturT
u\ tl
The Divine Dhanvantari, who in his first incamation aroseout
of the primordial Oceanwith apitcher of ambrosiaon his head,(when
it was churned by the gods and the demons) and who conferred
immortality on Indra and his brother celestials,was thus interrogated
by his disciples,Sufruta and others "You had instructedus, O, you,
the foremostof physicians,the subjecton all the concomitantdistressing
symptoms (Upadarva) of Ulcer (Vrarya).Now let us have a general
outline and detailed description of the concomitant distressing

322 SUSRUTAs.tMnrrA

symptoms, physiological and pathological conditons e.g. fever,

dysgntery,cough,etc. showing in an ulcer patient.An ulcer attended
with many a concomitant symptom (Jpadravamay be cured only with
the greatestdifficulty and such concomitantsymptomsappearingin
an emaciatedand weak ulcer-patient,taketime to be subduedbecause
of the loss of his Doscs andDhatus.Hence illumine us fully, O sir, on
those diseasesaffecting the whole body (and not localised in any
particularlimb or organ)observedby the holy sagesof yore, andinstruct
us the nature and application of the therapeuticagentsto be employed
in their cure." 2-5.

tui qawi {.€Tsrf,dRfirqei q{: t

v*terfrtrqqqrfrq ffi*,'rra-qc: llQll
rrdqilqiTrn: I
NffirrAqi F€rqi qR*tntil tte tl
qqrqtfrqi+E qrd ffi tFr: I
e{tr:rrdfufirpnrri rrdr trfr1f*fr:llz ll
xtinrqqt* n"+ ffiE ilq.l
qdun nqt zrsq tqeiqEqrqfrrr q rr
gtlq qd: Eqtqr1qrg{frtl
ilsr( ttdqr*t rrf+ qrtqrqql
tqr:s+ffi *ffir :aefiIf{iT:tt to tl
Desdcription of Jwara- To the query of the disciples,the
divine physician, Dhanvantari replied as follows- "First I shall
discourse on the nature and origin of fever for it is the king of all
bodily distempers in as much as it affects the whole organism at a
time. It was begotten by the fire of wrath of Rudra and afflicted the
whole animal world or organic kingdom. The different namesby which
it is designatedamongstthe different kinds of animals are well known.
Its presenceis perhaps an indispensablecondition under which a
creaturecan come into being or can depart from this life, and henceit
is called the lord of ailments and none but a god or man can bear the
heat of fever. Men may becomegods by virtue of their good deeds
(Karma) in life and would again revert to humanity (moitality) at the

close of their blissful effects and it is this divine or godly elementin

man that enableshim to bear this abnormal heat of fever whereasthe
lower animalsare simply lost under its influence.6-10.

dilrrtel: qarq: Fqt$q€ui iml

tm'nrgrrr(rrfuqqt: R qRfr1frfd:ll ii tl
tt' ETq wrdg ffiq ql
eT+*-finpfrWa:TrfffFrg|E*€r: u tR tl
Definition and Classification of Fever- The diseasewhich
is marked by the arrest of the flow of perspiration, by increasedheat
(of the skin), by pain all over the body and by a senseof numbnessin
the limbs, is called Jwara (fever).cases of fever of which the causes
arenumerous,aredivided into eight typesaccordingasthey arebrought
on through the derangementof the three bodily Dogas separately,or
through that of any two of them in combination or through iheir
concertedaction,or by any extraneouscauses.rll-12,
qqr:rtfrilr: T+Su.reg€:yenM,r
Eflq ft;q*tur lq{qrqrqqFil frrr 1q11
EEII RigFrdqr: qTqrqwrq{qunl
T{TrrFrdr w{+(lrd[rfrqn{il tY tl
qFtqTfs F€
Frrs qfus'qrutqRnerrqrq-*+aqrrqqrr
vrfri qqF'rarq Fm,,reg q{rqrr{l
wrtlfrM qf€15 gautg d.TrRSnlq rr
when the Dosas of the body are derangedby their respective
aggravating causesand in the hours of their specific dominance2they

I . There can be three casesof fever due to derangementof the three

Doscs separately,
three casesform the derangementof two of them at a time and one case
concerted action of the three Dosas. These are the seven caseswhile
thatiue to an
extraneous cause is the eighth.
2. Kupha is aggravated in the moming, pitta, at noon antr vayu,
in the evening.
Fever follows a distinct periodicity determined by the time of aggravation
of the
derangedbodtly Dosah ushcring in the attack. An aitack offever oue
to the deranged
Kapha comes on in the morning or after dusk; one due to the derangedpitta

bring on an attackof fever by spreadingthroughthe whole organism.

The derangedbodily Dosasaugmentedor enragedby their specific
aggravatingcauses,enterthe.Amdsaya andsoonfind lodgmentin the
Rasc (lymph-chyle)by virtue of their inherentheat(ucftn). The Dosas
thus deranged and mixed with Rasa obstruct the Rasa carrying and
sweat-carryingducts,impair the digestivefire and expel the inherent
heat(Usma) out of its seatin thePakvasaya,andspreadingall over the
body during the periodof their specificdominance,bring on fever and
causeits rise and exhibit their specificcolour on the skin, etc. (of the

frearftrgffi q tdrd: u,dfr+fwr(l

tqfurqFurdrq ffirlrqr( {ttlt5fi: ll t\e ll
erqr(q{qr{frqiafr qTq{r€qdwqt
*wtgwr*rFa vnq'q qqr*frsqrllq/ ll
efirqnfi{Ynqrsqi rrftfdfi{vr$qr I
dunqqmrdrqi lrqrirni aensF*:I
TilqlErd{m +{ qfr dt: rr+dtttqi tl
*@qT q$(qr*Ftqrrtt: I
fqf[twrrutrsanniu-swS qF6g-t 11Qo tl
wrfaqrqqtut{ zrwr( irerwtr{t: t
lI{d{qqr{nds qffi t*tll ?q ll
Pathology- The improper and excessiveapplication of Sneha,
etc. any kind of blow, the prgsenceof any other affection in the
organism,suppuration(of an existingboil or ulcer in the body)' over-
fatigue, any processof physical waste, indigestion,introduction of

on at noon or midnight, one due to the deranged V4yu comes on in the afternoon or
during the last hours of the night. In a caseof Dvi-dosuja fever (due to the combined
action of the two derangedbodity Doqftas) the heat is aggravatedduring the specific
hours of domination of the stronger Do;u and continues through those peculiar to
each of them. All might a ttacks should be regarded as connected with the action of
the deranged Pitta. ln a Tri-do;aja case,the heat comes on with the specific hour of
the strongest one and is abated on the approach of the time peculiar to the weakest.
Vayu is aggravated in the Varqit (rainy) season, Pitta, inthe Sarat (autumn) and
Kapha, in the Vasanta (spring).

any extraneouspoison or poisonous matter into the system,

infringementof any habitualrule of diet andconduct,the suddenchange
or contrarietyof seasons,the smelling of any kind of poisonousherb
or flower, grief, the malignantinfluencesof inauspiciousstarsor planets
(at the time of birth), dynamicsof deadlyincantationsor charms,curses
(from Brahmans andsuperiors),any fancieddreador anxiety,effects
of miscarriageor untimely parturition,injudiciousconductof life on
the part of a woman after delivery, and the first accumulationof the
milk in the breast(afterdelivery)arethe causeswhich leadto an attack
of fever, the derangementand aggravation of the fundamental vital
principles(Dosas)of thebody beingtheexistingoriginsof thediseases.
The stomachic heat is propelled by the extremely deranged and
aggravatedDosasof thebody, andcoursingthroughthe wrong channels
in the orgainsm,tendsto escapethrough the surface(the skin of the
body) and, by incarceratingthe vitiated RasaDhan generallycausesa
rise in the bodily temperature and puts a stop to perspira-tion.17-21:
grfr.xfrftffii tret ftrtefErsI
Fryre* Esrfr yfrildmr?nrRgu ?Rtl
YEqrtS.qqT Tsdr ffisrfuwq: r
gT16{g vttrs rr{q.d5€fd v*rr tl rr
d,q,HTefiff<qu Rxtl
: sddqrqtq$ |
5.toT 1ig1i g-tri fqg: rrrq rr
Premonitory Symptoms- A senseof fatigue or physical
languor, aversionto all sorts of work, palenessof complexion,bad
tastein the mouth, tearfulnessof the eye, alternateliking and dislike
for heat,cold and air, constantyawning, aching of the limbs, a sense
ofheavinessofthe body, horripilation,disrelishfor food, darknessof
vision, depressionand a feeling of creeping cold in the body are the
general premonitory symptoms which usher in an attack of fever.
constant yawning, burning of the eyes and aversion to food are the
specialpremonitory symptomsof the derangementof vdyu, pitta and
Kapha respectively.The derangementof all the threeDosas is marked

by the presenceof all the symptoms,while in the derangementof any

two of ihese,the special symptomsof thosetwo Dosas appear.22-25.

+qgffi frt: qildui5qvfrquql

Frqmvr:q'c:wcrfrqspri ttqq+Et ll Rqll
lfes{rssqri TETvFi rr{f,Fffi+t*tt R'elt
Symptoms of Vitaja fever- Shivering, irregular fits of fever,
drynessof the throat,lips and of the mouth, loss of sleep,stopPageof
sneezing,parchednessof the skin, pain in the head,chestand limbs,
distasteinthe mouth, suppression(D.R.-hardness) of stool and aching
pain (in the abdomen) are the characteristicsof a caseof fever due to
the action of the deranged Vayu of the body. 26'27.
nErfi; I
qilr&Sgq{rsni rrr*: r*Egqtqilll Rzll
wfrtTr4fir{dTst qrd lr{qlqr|
*@*d tFr* qrt ga qu Rqtl
Symptoms of Pittaja fever- High fever (hyperpyrexia)
diarrhoea,scantybut disturbedsleep,vomiting, inflamationin the
throat,lips, mouthandnostrils,perspiration,delirioustalks,swoonof
faintingfits, burningsensation in the body,loss of consciousness'
pungenttastein themouth,thirst,yellownessof thestool,urineandof
the mouth,yellownessof the stool,urineandof the eyesandvertigo
arethe symptomswhich mark thePittaia typeof fever.28'29.
ftd' ffisfrfT{dTl
€tfrftfr t-q(ffii Irttht rTg{rg-firl
qrqsFnf,dr I
fussfq: t6'Rt:q,,tnisquilg{.ffidr ll ?o ll
Symptomsof the Kaphaja fever- Heavinessof the limbs,
shivering,nausea,honipilation, excessivesleep,obstructionof the
internalpassageof the body, slight pain (in the limbs), water-brash,
sweettastein themouth,slightheatin thebody,vomiting, lassitude,

of theeyesarethe
indicationswhichpointtheKaphajaoriginof thedisease.30.
ffi: !rrT:lttrgrdr{ffrTFtrsofu:I
qqnrFdr<: mnfrqrc'rVftttfrqenl lq tt
Flryn unrytrorwr E-sT:11
11 1,
f{-$i q,,qi +} q,uil vrqurrF+*r
Twi *mrqfr: il Qttl
qFdtr( Qfr: il QYtl
Symptoms of the Tri-dosaja fever- Insomnia, vertigo,
labouredand difficult breathing,drowsiness(somnolence),a senseof
inertnessin the limbs, aversion to food, thirst, swoon, delirium,
numbness,burning sensationandshiveringof the body,pain aboutthe
region of the heart,delayeddigestionof the derangedbodily Dosas,
(Temporary) insanity, blackish yellow coat on the tecth, blacknessand
roughnessof the tongue,pain in the head,in thejoints and in the bone,
dilatation of the pupil and cloudinessof the eyes,pain and ringing in
the ears,delirious talks, inflamation of the living membranesof the
channels(of the noseand of the mouth), indistinct soundin the mouth,
coma (loss of consciousness) aswell as perspiration,scantyemis.sion
of urine and faecal matter at long intervals, are the symptoms *
are exhibiteil in a case of fever due to the concertedaction of all the
three derangedDosas of the body (Tri-doEaja ot sannipataja). 31-34.

rr+i"rrdfqrf{ ffivsrd t rygnQ\u

qrqswfrAsffi{iil sr<}Sttr€ryt:r
muTrEFSfr: u lQ tl
qR+ Ffl@ rrtrilfr Ed'trrf:I
gtq f{qFrd: til uttrqiqEqTga: u l\e tl

qHqrdqi 5,qspqq*fug: rtqarr

Abhinydsafever-Now hearfrommeaboutthepeculiarforms
of this type of feverthesymptomswhereof areasfollowe-where a

slight or imperceptible rise of the bodily heat, or a slightly subnormal

temperatureattendedwith a subcomatosestate,elroneousvision, loss
of voice, injured or crackedcondition cf the tongue' drynessof the
throat, suppressionof stool, perspiration and urine, tearful eyes,
hardnessof the thoraxl, aversionof food, dulnessof complexion,
difficultbreathing and delirious talks and other concomitantsymptoms
arethe specificindicationsin a patientalwaysconfinedto his bed,it is
known by the narneof Abhinydsa,while othercall it a caseof hatauiasa

firfrffirqni qffii 6frqqq1

Tiqgilrni {qr{ fu{r(rffi u* tt ?j tl
An attackof Sannipatajafever canbe curedonly with the greatest
difficulty, while others hold it to be almost incurable. A case of
Sannipatajafever attendedwith somnolenceis calledAbftinydsa,itis
calledHatauiasawhen the vitality of the patientis greatlydiminished
and it is called Sannydsawhen thereis an innertnessof the limbs' 39.

snd ffi ws firruF+aegqarqt

€ rnrKgt{vfdn:ri Ptzr+$+ff: llYo ll
eft qrrqeqqt{ildr{gwlTqErtl
{ufrqr TI<q<TFTAEFT:
ffiF+frqd ils qr+qegvriil filr{t t xt tt
When (in a case of Sannipataic fever), the Oio-dharn (one of
the fundamentalprinciples) of the organismbeing disturbedor agitated
by the derangedand aggravatedPitta andVdyu,gives rise to shivering
and numbness of limbs and makes the patient drop into fits of
unconsciousness whether asleep or awake, and when there are
somnolence,delirious talks, horripilation,loosenessof the limbs and
slight pain (in the body)- this kind of fever is called Oio-nirodhaia
fever (due to an obstruction or an overwhelmed condition of the Oja-
dhatu) by the experts. 40-41,

t. "YtnF$l-++t: " is a differentreadingin placeof "g[d fr{q-6<q: " l The term

frtjtt is more appropriatelyapplicableto TrR thanto €(4 both grammaticallyand
in sense.

V{ffi qaruw{qrfr$aeru YRtl
The disease,(in suchcases)finds aggravation
on the seventh,
thetenthor on thetwelfth dayrwhenthecasetakeseithera favourable
turn or endsin death.42.
'|ffir$*6 ggqrRqfqqr:r{tn:UYQtl
lfrrTrT€t qrdqr6, tqlFrrsr:ffirer r
qudrTzT{rtd qq?t Mstfq+rq: I
rr4tqg lfrt{r q @t:nYYtl
r*Frd qfu H Fr*Filre+q qr
ffim: qfrpqrq: tF'Rt:
qarfr qeq}rtg erdrgfrqtq11-5fd:
ffiirrsdr r<r *6: zrrfrsnFtrqqr
Kqfd g: vfti ?Wd:llYQll
Symptoms of Dwandvaja fever- A case of fever which
involves,and is dueto the combinedactionof any two derangedDosas
of the body, is called Dwandvaja fever and such casesare classified
into three different types (e.g. Vata-pitta-fever, Vdta-Slesna-feverand
Pitta-Slesma-fever).Yawning, vomiting, loss of consciousness,
horripilation pain in thejoints, thirst, insomnia,giddinessand heat or
increasedtemperatureof the skin, are the characteristic symptoms of
Vata-pitta fever (due to the action of the derangedPitta and Vdyu ).
Aching pain (Sula), cough the vomiting of Kapha, shivering, coryza,
cold, senseof havinessof the limbs, aversionto food, and a feeling of
general numbness,are the symptoms of a case of Vata-Sleqma-fever
(due to the action of th derangedVayuandKaphn). Oral cavity covered
with kaphaand having pungenttastesensationofcold andheat,aversion
to food, numbness,perspiration,epilepticfits, unconsciousness, vertigo,

l. The fever in which Va-yapredominates gets aggravated on the 7th day that in
which Pitta predominates becomes aggravated on the loth day and that in which
Kapha predominates gets to be aggravated on the l2th day. According to some
authority, however, AD&inyasa,Hatuujasa, and Sannyits4types of fever are pacified
on the 7th, l0th and 12th. day respectively.- Dalha4a.

cough, lassitudeand nauseaare the symptomswhich characterisea

caseof Pitta-ilesnm-fever (due to the action of the derangedPitta and
Kapha)t 43-46.
qTrqruriq{wni fr?ardRfddrR'unql
dfq: H€*sfu rtTd tffiRn: tt
qq'+crrqflqs{riTqrnFgt qtfr fr rr
srEhTrRdttTr(Ternr( TerFiqqs* r
ilfrsrFilYriisnq dq: gnteilwrqtr
aEr rffi tq, yilRuri ernnr{rT:I
gfi@ r(: gad urqvilq5(uRRtl
mwrnt5er dqket Eru qrl
frqdqnqq glrilFcqqqqgqsrenqnR?||
Even a small residueof the derangedbodily Dosasin a patient
just cured ofan attackoffever but still sufferringfrom weaknessand
indulging in injudicious regimenof diet and rule of conduct,it apt to
be augmentedand aggravatedby the derangedVdyu of the body, and
thusbegetsfive different typesof fever lodgedin any of the five specific
location of Kaphaz. These five types are known as the Satata,
Anyedyuska,Tritiyaka, Caturthnkn and the Pralepakas.The (residue

l. Dalfuinuin his commentaryhasquotedin eight lineswith differentwordingsthe

symptomsof thesekindsof Dwandvuja feverandtheselineshavebeenadoptedby
Mirdhava in his Niddna. The lines when transtatedwould be thus- thirst.
unconsciousness, vertigo,burningsensaton, somnolence, pain in the head,dryness
of the mouthandof thethroat,vomiting,horipilation, disrelishfor food, giddiness,
pain in thejoints, and yawningarethe symptomsof varu-pitta-fever. Sensationof
moisture(f€R-d) all overthe body,pain in thejoints, excessive sleep,heavinessof
the limbs, pain in the head,catarrh,cough,scantyperspiration,slight sensationof
heat,and pulsationnot too quick nor too slow, are the symptomsof Vtrta-ileqrut-
fever. A bitter taste,a coatingon the mouth,somnolence, unconsciousness, cough,
disrelishfor food, thirst, altemateand varying sensationof heatand cold are the
symptonnof Slesma-pitta-fever.
2. The five locationsof Kuphu aretheAmaiaya,chest,throat,headandthejoints.
3. Thereis anotherkind of visanaJwara namedsuntata(cf. Stotca3 t of thischapter)
andDalhaqaremarksthatit is begottenwhentheresidueof deranged Dosais lodged
in all the five seatsof ktpha.

of the) derangedDosa of the body, shifting from one locationof Kapha

to the next in the course of the entire day and night, ultimately finds
lodgment in the Amdd)d (stomach) and thus brings on the virulent
attack of (those) fevers. Of these the type known as the Pralepaka
appearsin casesof iosa (Consumption)and thoughits attak is a mild
one, it puts almost insurmountabledifficulties in the way of its cure,
brings about a loss of wasteof Dhatu (the sevenfundamentalprinciples
of the organism)and thus ultimately endsin death.There are casesof
Visama-jawara known as the Viparyaya type (reverse of the above
type) which are the result of the derangedbodily Dosas being
simultaneously located in two, three or four specific seats of the
derangedbodily Kapha and are hard to cure. 47-51.
Irfr €$nd qT ffi *'f5frRa: t
sTr{rcgrd'{*fr F llrqqfr frtrlrdf il \Q ll
eitrdr&ws5-c* q kt dr firfi5tt qqFfrr:\trl
rrffi q'q.rftrdFi+{qqfr ffir: t
Tgt{.q*n fEqqq{r t trrfuriEa{T$rrdrqu qy tl
Several authorities hold Visamn Jvara to be suigeneris in its
origin. But whether spontancouslyidiopathic or not, an extraneous
fact (either a passing psychic condition such as fear, grief, etc. or the
presence of any foreign poisonous matter in the system) is always
involved in and intimately connectedwith a caseof Visamafever. The
pre-dominanceof the derangedand aggravatedVayuis markedin cases
of Tytiyaka (tertian) and Caturthaka (quartancoming on every fourth
day) fevers. A case of fever due to the abuseof any wine or ardent
spirits aswell asthe one occuring in a low land at the foot of a mountain,
should be supposedto involve a predominant action of the deranged
and aggravated Pitn. A caseof Pralepaka fever is due to the concerted
action of the derangedand aggravatedVayu andKapha, of which the
action of the latter should be regarded as more dominant. Casesof
Viqama fever ushered in by epileptic fits should be regarded as the
result of the concerted action of any two derang ed Doqas of the
bodv. 52-54.
332 SUSRUTAslMrrrrA

aqeft vesTrf{dvfr ffi r$qq{d}=qt,

mfr: qyn<rd:ffi ?(r€q-*fr qu\\,rl
EFftqrSamftni ff{€d qr$rfrq ql
qvrrt 6rwm1 Tfrfrre q nrqfrn\q rl
trr+e <l.6ffi tqft trS 1gftt
E|€ffi: i5'E: Fqfrre{drq:Ttfrf:lr\s ll
vrm@ T: ll\/ ll
The derangedKapha andVayuof thebody, if locatedunderthe
surfaceof the skin, producecold (Shivering)during the first stageof
fever, while the derangedPitta brings on the charactersticburning
sensationat its latter stageafter the subsidenceof the derangedKapha
andVayu.In certaincasesthe burning sensationis engenderedby the
derangedPitta at the outset,cold (shivering)being brought on by the
derangedKapha and Vayu at the latter stageafter the subsidenceof the
derangedPitta. Both thesetwo types of fever are brought on through
the combined action of two derangedDosas of the body and of these
two, the type which is usheredin by a burning sensationin the body is
extremely hard to cure. A caseof continuedfever resulting from an
abnormalpsychic condition (suchas anger,grief, desire,etc.) or due
to anv blow or hurt is likewise hard to cure. 55-58.

wmd:v€ u're5affiitg ucngu r

trsA frqfrs$th rr1.qdqgenE-t: I
€qrfr frq*ttqwqrFqfrtgfrn \q tl
rffiq: HqglsUg;att
*t g qqffdtr* rdsqnm Rqqt u Qotl
e*Farefr *{flT rilgrarqrffq} r
q€t+fi: $rw: qfr+qq Feil:Fr:n qq tl
Fever of the Visams type attacks a man in various ways and
follows a distinct periodicity, it being aggravatedduring the six specific
times of dominance of the derangedbodily principles (Do.Jas)as
mentioned beforer in the course of day and night. This Visama fever

l. SeechapterXXI- Suta-sthunu.

never finds complete remission, (but lurks in the deeper organic

principles of the body) and producesa senseof physical langour and
heavinessof the limbs as well as the characteristicemaciation.It is
called Visama-jwara becauseits abatementis always confoundedwith
its cure and remission,and this confoundingis due to the fact that the
disease(fever) lies dormant in a very small degree in the deeper
principlesof the vital organismto be potentonly at the slightestexciting
cause,just as a feeble fire fed with an insufficient supply of fuel,
becomespotent at the slightestexciting cause.59-61.
l;iltft psqrgq:l
qr$qilt uq Ertfr frqrqqtlqR ll
Tkl?T 1q-ffi:Fe[: r
dsaq, frflvrmFra:
RmrqAAsfa iqfurqwn: g{: il q? rl
g;qt-qrgri*r ffi *rrcrg.{ql
etfq'( WrF{r$t€i g.dfrfqqqqq{nttq,Y
Seat of Vigama Jwara- Even a small residueof the deranged
bodily Doga, lurking in the systemafter the apparentcure of fever, is
aggravatedby a courseofinjudicious conductandindifferenceto strict
regimenof diet, and thus invities a fresh attackrwhich is known as the
Visama Jwara. A caseof Santata (remittent or continuous) fever has
its seatin the vitiatedRasa (serum)and bloodzof the organism;while
a caseof Anyedyuskafinds location in the contaminatedflesh of the
body. The type known as theTrtiyaka (tertian-fever coming on every
third day) affects the principle of Meda (fat), while the one called
Caturthaka (quartan-fevercoming on every fourth day) affects and is
infiltrated into bones and marrow. The last named type is very
dangerous.It brings on a simultaneousattackof severalotherdiseases
and often terminatesfatally. Severalauthoritiesincludecasesof fever
due to the malignant influence of evil spirits within the categoryof
Visama Jwara. 62-64.
l. A caseof fever may lapse into a Vi;ama type even from the very commencement
of the attack.
2. Vijaya Raklita, the commentator of Madhava Nidanu, says, on the authority of
Carak, that by the term Santata is meant here both Santata and,Satutakt and that
they have their origin in the vitiated Rasa and blood respectively.

qHRi qr EvTr6tn ErqvrEqenfrqr r

v;arortfrsffi Tqr(v;ilT: T fqqErt|| q\ |l
q-ffi rrf,dr*i d e;ror+g+*fr
q@+sf5 T{eisft wgie': n qq tl
Duration of VipamaJwara-The type of feverwhichcontinues
for seven,ten or twelve dayswithout any breakor remission,is called
Santata. A case of Satataka fever is characterisedby two distinct
aggravationsin the courseofday and night. Fever of theAnyedyuqka
type comes on only once a day and one of the Tytiyaka type comes on
every third i.e. on every alternateday, while a case of Caturthalca
fever setsin every fourth day. 65-66.

erffifr{mung dqc|qTg rrdiT:I

rrntii afuileF{isrhr
tr' drie s;*fn !q{*t tg&, nqetl
(qrt+qdrqmq qqr q*a €rrg: I
qrid{Ril'krq dwr gdfu* qrrtrrqe rr
qrirT trnrri ffi' Erqfudr dff): r
ffi ffiuqqtl
dq*qt ild$frda qfrs:tq Enl
ffiyvn+dqer(;fr: )nr:vrrfrarn)rrsorr
Infulence of Vdyu on Visama Jvara- Just as the ocean is
overflown when its wavesareswollenup by the gustsof win d (Vayu),
so the bodily Dosasare aggravatedby the bodily Vdyu, andgives rise
to different kinds of fever. Just as the water of the occeanfloods the
shoreat flowtide and rolls back to its former placeduring ebb-tide,so
fever being augmentedby the deranged Dosas of the body, rushesout
of its lurking place in the organismand manifestsitself (or comesto
the surfaceofthe skin) during the hoursofthe specificaggravationof
the Dosas, only to be driven back into the deepertissuesand vital
principlesof the body during the period of their principlesof the body
during the period of their specific abatement,or to be expelled from

the organisimat the completionof their perfectassimilationin

eliminationfrom thesystem.67-70.

fqfetflfr{qrtq qfr q: rTElr{d+l

qqT-frqr"iq iTtn F+fr ii q{qllst ll
Irqrdrcrflr M qr6rfiqr{6ET6r:
elwifi€qfiTqrffrq*d qat' veWc:lleRll
siq*tt?I+ T€f mtq qqg: qret:lle? ll
q,rre ffidvr*rqrssererlrttrar,: I
E{A +qqT qret rflirg qRsJqhll eYll
l{rlr(Kilq: Yi-.F,lq tqP{: u \e\ ll
gfi{qrurF{Yrrqnqi *egqnsfrt.qrqilt
Agantuka Jwara- A caseof feverdueto anyextraneous blow
or injury shouldbetreatedin thelight ofits periodicityandaggravation
or in otherwordsthenatureof thederanged bodily Doqasunderlying,
or involvedin sucha caseshouldbe ascertained from the periodicity
of its aggravation. A case of fever due to the effectsof poisonis
markedby suchsymptomsasblacknessof theface,burningsensation,
diarrhoea,catchingpain in the regionof the heart,aversionto food,
thirst,piercingpainin thelimbs,epilepticfits andextremeweakness.
A caseof fevercausedby smellingthepollensof anykind of (strong
smelling)herbs(asHayfever) is markedby faintingfits, painin the
head,vomitingandsneezing. A caseof feverincidentalto anungratified
amorouslonging of the heart,or due to any suchardentpassionis
characterised by abenationor distractedstateof themind,drowsiness,
languidness, aversionto food,painat thecardicregionanda speedy
emaciationof thebody.Deliriummarksa caseof feverdueto grief or
terrorandshiveringcharacterises onedueto a fit of anger'Thirst and
faintingfits aretheconcomitants of a caseof feverdueto anycurse'or
ushuredin throughthe dynamicsof deadlyincantations. Anxiety,
laughter,shiveringand weepingmark a casedue to the malignant
influenceof evil spirit.TL'76.

frqi g;ft*sF+a:I
{tfudrsfui td q{rrm*{ TYr{lI e\e||
vqfrsrm:glq-qfd **r*g t{Fr' I
dquts g ioqlhmcrffi* ne4tl
The bodily Vayu derangedand aggravatedby fatigue,physical
waste or by a blow spreadsthrough the entire organismand begets
(Traumatic) fever. There is anotherkind of fever which is due to any
extraneouscauseor which resultsfrom the acutestageof any other
diseaseattendingon the body. It exhibits all the symptomscharacteristic
of eachof the derangedbodily Dosas involved thereinr.77-78.

TEdr E<dndsr: Fqr Edltq+tl

rqre) C * PdTi fur€drrqFri tt eq tl
TfiidfrTi (16: W:fetr*r
KIrq: fufr*,l Eun ffig1t =at yrqlldo ll
frfirs"ttri wn qEFgfrTilr I
s,qrsaqfohqtqt rdrfr' srqign dttel tt
T[r r+dgqr q'€i rdrqw'RtE ql
*i;eznH rfirFdq.Tri EmgRqilrne? tl
**s{entgs ( q I{ srfr lMdtq q r
frSqqs ffir?furr* !*u ei tl
rq:u*vrt fr*T En'rrr:TYet afq{ilqTI
affiqi-S T6rsr$ rrffiqg rrqnttzY tl
qwr qrs€rr( ifir''{rrrflrdqt I
Srrn: KoErdTrfrqT:v5-*,R { ffiqa: u e\ tl
F€*;eFi qer qfurtq1 Edr qen feq{r
5.il5.d wfrarfti t6 Ear iT?rT €{: n aq tl
1. " Abhicdr",meansincantations or Atharvanritesby which diseases,
any other injuries arebroughtabout.
"Abhiidpu" meansthe cursepronouncedby Brdhnrin.s, preceptorsseniors
andalterspossesed of puissance.

qrdfuflqqtdrnt q{ruri €q{ui qqrl

dqr tqi f.{q Eqr{rsrffi gfuFtrtrra\e
rrqd, qffi" qr${slqfr frfdtqr
EEEI g.€S€ t*srfr Er*( F?rrlud,/tl
Yr*fr{q qS td Ecqitq ilurrfll
s{rffi+{ qrf,eJ grr*Tfrfr{ qu ej tl
rcqqfqd @r
rrl$ffiqqn*rrr{ \qR'it qffitqrr qo rr
Characteristic symptoms of fever located in differ entDhfrtils
(elemental tissues) of the body- Heaviness,cardiac discomfort,
lassitude, vomiting, non relish to food and pitifulness are the
characteristicfeaturesof fever locatedin RasaDhatu (rymph of chyle).
Haemoptysis,burning sensation,perspiration,vomiting, giddiness,
delirium, appeiuanceof pimples and thirst arethe characteristicfeatures
of fever locatedin Rakta Dhdtu(Blood). cramps in carf muscles,thirst,
increasedexcretionof stool and urine,raisedheatin the body, feeling
of burning sensationin the innerpart of the body, convulsions,
unpleasantstate of mind are the symptoms of fever located in Mdnsa
Dhatu (musculartisses).Exessiveperspiration,thirst, fainting, delirium,
vomiting, foul smell of the body and non relish to food are the
characteristicfeaturesof fever locatedin Medo Dhatu (Adipcse tissue.;.
Crackingpain in thebones,contractionof muscles,asthma,purgation,
vomiting and convulsionsin thebody arethe symptomsof feverlocated
in Asthi Dhatu (Bonytisse).Feeling of being submergedin darkness,
Hiccough, cough, coldness,vomiting, burning sensationin the inner
part of the body, Mahaswdsa (Aggravated stateof Asthma), piercing
pain in vital parts of the body are the symptoms of fever located in
MajjA Dhatu (Bone Manow). Numbness of penis and emission of
semenparticularly are the symptoms of fever located in Sukra Dhntu
(semen)and later on patientdies.
As fire gets extinguished after burning the wood and poison
destructsthe all Dhatus (elementaltimues) of the body, similarly the
fever gets pacificel after destroying the body.
As there are characteristicfeaturesof fever origined fromVdtd,
Pitta & Kapha in the samemanner the mixed featuresare found in the

E" Ir" - tx

fever locatedin two Dhatus as mentionedby wise physicians.While

as all characteristic features of Vata, Pitta of Kapha are found in
SonnipdtaJwara(fever causedby threeDosas)in the samemannerall
characteristicfeaturesare found in fever locatedin all of bodily Dhat-us
(all elementalbodYtissues).
Gambhrra fever and its prognosis- A caseof Gamb6ira fevet
is characterisedby a feeling of internal burning sensationin the body
(which is not complainedof in the surface),thirst, suppressionof the
stool, painful breathingandcough.Palenessof the complexion,dulness
of the sense-organs, emaciationof the body, depressionof the mindt
andpresenceof superveningsymptoms(e.g.difficult breathing,cough,
etc.) in casesof both Gambhlra (inward or latent) and Tiksna (high)
fever arethe indicationswhich point to the hopelessnatureof the case.

\q{ffi $rt( ffiqrnTd gqfuq: ll 31 ll
u,,rddq qq*E franrffite ql
dfist qwre itrq+6 gro,-att
Efr\Erfi:Ttqt@nifi:u.'ffiuqqqt ll iR ll
A slightly, middling or excessivelyaggravatedconditionof the
derangedDosasof the body forebodesthe continuaceof fever for three,
sevenand twelve days respectively, each succeedingone being more
difficult to cure than the one immediately preceding it in order of
enumeration.Thus we have done with the description of (the nature,
causesand symptoms of; the different types of fever' We shall now
deal with the remedialmeasuresor therapeuticagentsto be employed
in thesecases.9L-92.

\EffiFTY*{d-ils Tffis Ekrqt

rTrq+dTiwtiriT: TTFnrilg€r(ll q?ll
l. palhatla saysin his commentarythat some read afew additional lines afterthis.
He, however, does not comment on those lines and turther adds that Jeijala does not
read them. So we, too, refrain from translating those lines.

frftffiq tF.r*g frtqrqr

TE r€s-{-{ir6q mwn;rg fuffi u qx n
qdffiFh qrrr${ ffiqt
srffisateqg {ffi lI q\ ||
Treatment- Draughtsof filtered (maturedbut non-medicated)
clarified butter shouldbe given as soonas the premonitorysymptoms
would make their appearance and the patientwould get relief thereby.
This is applicable only in a case of the Vataja type of fever while
purgativesshould be administeredin a caseof the Pittaja, and mild
emeticsin caseof theKaphajatype undersimilar conditions.In cases
of Dwidosaja andTridosajafevers,the foregoingmeasuresshouldbe
adoptedaccordingto the Dosas involved in eachcase.In the casesin
which emulsivemeasures(Snehn-Karma)andexhibitionof purgatives
and emeticsareforbidden,suchmeasuresshouldbe employedaswould
tend to lighten the systemsuch as fasting,(l^anghana)etc. 93-95.

@i afrqpaqg
3{t-liH:ffitdMeRi E6TcTI{rgt:
Bqtflgri iTr*( ra: risrffi(lt 9\etl
Fasting- The premonitory and the actual stagesof fever areof
various forms like thoseof fire and its fume. Fasting is pre-eminetly
the bestremedy as soonas the characteristicsymptomsof the disease
maketheir appearance distinctly and vomiting is most efficaciousin a
case marked by the presenceof the derangedbodily Do.Jain the
Ama1aya (stomach) and attendedwith nausea,thirst, water-brash.
Fastingshouldbe continuedaslong asthe leastquantity ofthe deranged
Doqa or Dosas would remain intact in the organism and light food
should then be given with discretion after the Dosas have been fully
assimilatedin (to) the sysmtem.96-97.
q F$.+qrfir$ q{.r$ qmt npnr
sffiflrsrfrtT4ffi+r*1Ffrdr: nj4 tl

Prohibition of Fasting- Fastingis prohibited in a caseof fever

due to a wastingprocessin the body or incidentalto the action of the
derangedbodily Vayu or appearingin consequenceofany seriousstate
of the mind (e.g. lust, anger,grief, etc.) as well as in casesin which
fasting has been forbidden as in the chapteron Dvi-vraryc(ChapterI
25- Cikit sa-sthana) 98.

.qr{ frwi qrqqTr-sFqFTr€rTfrrffiqt
| 33 ||
Effect of Fasting- Fasting in the caseof a patient in whom
the bodily Do;as have been derangedand of whom the digestivefire
has becomedull, lead to an assimilationof the derangedDosas and
kindles the digestivefire, producesremissionof fever,lightnessof the
body and relish for food. 99.

{.(frqrqrwf FTgq.l
qr*rAfd{ qTFiqi F€r(gdff.dqr I t oo ||
srrFrT€I qRrr€If:€E rfiqfttFrf,.{r(il 10 ! il
Satisfactory and excessivefasting- Easyand naturalpassing
of Vayuandstooland urine,intolerablekeennessof thirst andappetite,
lightnessof the body, bright, action of the mind and the sense-organs
and a weaknessof thebody aretheresultswhich spring form Satifactory
fasting; while such symptomsas loss of strength,thirst, dryness(of
the mouth), insomnia, vertigo, diziness, fatigue and such other
superveningsymptoms(as difficult breathing,cough,fever, hic-cup)
mark an excessive,fasting. 100-101.

ffi EFFFTSRfirrqraqnilrrtqr
6q-cffqry1rts* ffegwrrq TEb(qt I qo? ||
fr qrf*s-+q-fu' qfrtrrrrqenr
ffi{ **{ €r: Vfr+{eeJtrrqoRtl
Tepid water- Tepid(boiledwateris appetising
andit tendsto
distintegratetheaccumulationof Kaphaandrestoresderanged bodily

PittaandVayuto theirnormal condition.The useof tepid waterwhich

allays thirst is highly efficaciousin casesof fever due to the actionsof
the derangedbodily Kapha andVaya,asit tendsto cleansethe internal
passagesof the body and helpsin the easymovementof the deranged
bodily Dasas in the organism.The effect of cold water is just the
reverse and its inherent cold tends to aggravatefever. 102-103.

ffi)Svffi ftrr*':{fdtl
fr{-q'*-*frffiq+: l l q o Yl l
ffiqrqfid lqrmiqiqnrarl
sfffrrefdr qrT+.qF-ilr u to\ rr
qg-fr[|.{qF<r}:TTrt|irr( qi =i*r
trfl.{* Tdrr$r{qr*frqv€{fru ioq 11
ir{r ii guke-ryrnfraaWrt: r
qql+: wqffi{*: TrgqFrdqu
{oe tl
PeyE- A potion consistingof waterboiled with the admixture
of the following bitter drugs viz. Gahgeya (Musta), Ndgara, Ufira,
Parpaga,Udicya (Bdlaka) and red sandal-woodshould be given when
cooled for drinking in a caseof pittaja fever, as well as in one due to
the effect on any liquor or poisonr. A Peya prepared with digestive
drugs should be given to the patient when hungry in as much as it is
digestive, appetising, light and febrifugal. Tasteful decoctions of
digestive, drugs, which alleviate thirst, remove bad tastein the mouth,
bring about a fresh relish for food and prove remedial for fever, shourd
be given after the seventhday in a caseoffever which, in consequence
of a plethora of derangedDoqa in the system, would not abate even
after the observanceof fasting and the subsequentuse of yavagft and
the digestive power of the patienr has been impaired. 1:q4-t07.

qmt q*r;*t
qqftt tFil* Tm-m,,dil{q*: F-ntn {oz ll
l. Accordingto differentgauthori ies purely boiled water,whencooled,may also
be given in suchcases.

nrqcqrk*.qnrt q's+ qlrqrerqqt

rmfrs c @ €rEE ffi*qt
frdlqdfg-.frUfrisffi qfrur:
ftrurfa:utoq tt
A decoctionof Pafica-mfila assimilatesthe bodily Doqa in a
case of Vataja fever, while a decoction of Musta, Katuka and Indra'
yavamixedwith honey (when cold) provescurative in a caseof Pittaia
fever, and a decoctionof the componentdrugs of the Pippalyadi gotup
helpsthe assimilationon the derangedbodily Dosa in caseof Kaphaia
fever. Decoctionsremedialto eachof the derangedbodily Dosasshould
be administeredin combinationin a caseof fever due to the concerted
actionof any two deranged Dosasof the body. A decoctionshouldnot
be given to a patientimmediatelyafter eating,drinking or fasting,nor
to a patient afflicted with thirst, extreme weakness,emaciationand

*Ed=at'JSitffigrfrS qt
*nrfrd'ffiqrqi rrmqtrsqefi
lt I I o tt
T+et ffit tt qqASrr&gqr
qEFdqTur{ilqqt rl
. Symptoms of SEma Doga Jwara- High fever, heavinessin
the body andrestrictedexcertionof Malas (wasteproductof the body)
e.g.stool,urine, sweetetc.arethe featuresof SdmaJwar.Justcoutrary
to thesefeaturesthesymptomsof PakvaJwara.
Symptoms of Pakva-jwara- Abatement of the bodily heat,
lightness of the body and an easy passing of stool and urine are the
indications from which the assimilation of the derangedbodily Dosas
shouldbe presumed,andit is thenthat febrifugesshouldbe administered
according to the nature of the derangedbodily Doqas underlying the
caseundertreatment.rSome.however.believethat the assimilationof

L Some read these two lines in a different way. They would mean that the non-
assimilation (AmQ of the deranged Do,ras would be presumed by the presenceof
high fever, heavinessofthe body and stoppageofthe excreta(Mala), and reverseto
this is the sisn of their assimilation(Pfika).

the deranged Doqasshould be presumedfrom the changesin the

symptomscharacteristicof the D oqas. 1l0-1 I 1.

E(*ewi irqr !{rdrEFrdErfr':I

Mtnmet Fff*fr qgTf,df il llR ll
Ts,ffiqr*d T afu': vr5*stfr: t
Frrrr:KGrfrrfwsg {rxruriqffid{u t q? tl

fqqq{ur:u tqY tl
Symptoms of Ama-Jwara-A crushingsensationin theregion
of the heart. drowsiness,salivation, aversionto food, non-assimilation
of the derangedbodily Do{ds, suppressionof stool (and wind), copious
dischargeof urine,laziness,senseof heavinessin the abdomen,stoppage
of perspiration,undigestedstool,restlessness, somnolence,heaviness
and numbness of the limbs, dulness of digestive fire, bad tastein the
mouth, a senseof physical languor and increasedvirulence and
continuity of the attack of fever (abnormal rise in the bodily temperature)
are the symptomsby which a learnedphysician should ascertainthe
undigestedstateof the derangedbodily Doqasusheringin an attackof

€r{mr(qi *ffi ffieer(t

*.Fd{ wcaffiPaPs*: ll tt\ ll
tFil* qr * tgrtrfirmsgRqel
g{ffi tq sq{wwr*a: u tqq ll
qlsi €1edvs r{d:trfiqfd qql
Yilsfi vrrfrrc u-ffd feqrwtqtl qq\sll
Time for administering Febrifuge- According to several
authorities,medicines(febrifuges)shouldbe given in a caseof fever
after the seventh,or accordingto othersafter the tenth day of the attack.
Febrifugesmay be administeredearlier in the casesof Pittaia fever, or
in the event of the derangedbodily Doqas being digested earlier. An
administration of (febrifugal) medicine in an undigestedstageof the
fever is sure to produce a recrudescenceof the disease.Corrective,
944 suSRr.rrA saMnrrA

puriflying and soothing (Samaniya)remedies(in caseof fever with

undigestedDosa)helpsthe lapseof the disease(fever) into a Viqama
qMqrtg qrtr+{Ffi{rr*(uqlz tl
The spontaneous motionsof the bowels(Mala) of a patient
sufferingfrom fevershouldnot be stoppedunlesstheyareexcessive,
when the case should be medically treared as one of Atisdra
(Diarrhea) 55.
zrErElgfr$n:rrsTkr[6r: *csi rrff: r
ffi ir{T Esr( fdrwrr11lttq tl
Tdt aF{&il d* tt FduRrrgrerq(l
flarqieT qi Eiqt-(qereqrrq+{Eu t?o rr
rmf*trut e,rd fu' eq{rfrFT:
trrsd Errnlanzrqrdqremi irenlttRt tl
R;r{ inm g;df€{€s Rfiqt
lfi,.qvilEffi tq emt vefu+ !+n tR?tl
ffi F**.rq qr4: qRTftrinvr+l

Preliminary Treatment- A suitablepurgativeshouldbe

administered evenin a caseof acutefeverif thedigestedMalas(faecal
matteretc.) are accumulatedin the internalpassages of the Koqgha
(abdomen),in as much as their presencein the organismin that
undigestedstatemay usherin an attackof visamaJwaraattendedby
distressingsymptoms,or may producelossof strength.Hencethey
shouldbe eliminatedfrom the systemwith the half of emeticserc.
Emetics,Asthdpana- enemas,purgatives,Siro-virecana anderrhines
shouldbe successfullyemployedfor thepurpose.Emeticsshouldbe

at the outset usedin caseof Kaphajafever where the patient would be

found to be a personof considerablephysicalstrength,andpargatives
should be given in a caseof fever markedby the predominantaction of
the derangedPina in the event of there being laxity of the bowels
(intestines).Nirftha-Basrishouldbe applied in a caseof vataja
attendedwith aching pain in the limbs and with Uddvarta (obstinate
constipation of the bowels), whereasAnuvdsana-basti should be
prescribed for a patient, if there be pain in the regions of the back
the waist. siro virecana (head-purgative)should be administeredin
casesmarkedby the accumulationof the derangedKaphain the head,
as the pain in the heavinessof the head would be relieved, and the
sense-organsroused up thereby to their normal functions. llg-124.

EftRq rrqrs:lrilgqismi F*qr

gd'nta EdqrfiilutR\ tl
v,a11ilIft$q Te ErFdhem+(r
qrqt+d=tqr,i qr qrcara3Filkfr{*
tRq tl
A plastercomposedof Deve-ddru,Vacd,Kuqllw,Satdhvd,Hingu
and'saindhcva pastedtogetherwith Kafiji&a should be applied
lukewarmto the abdomenin a caseof fever attendedwith
tympanitisandif thepatientbeweak,whereas a medicatedpfug(vani)
preparedwith theabovedrugsshouldbeappliedinto theunurin a
markedby the upward coursingof the bodily vayu attendedwith
9n of stool andurine, andyavdg-upreparedw ithp ipp aE,r oots
of PippaE.Yavdniandcavyastrouio ue!in"n to thepatientasapotion,
it beingremedialfor thederangedbodiiy Vdyu.125-126.

{.€Fh{Td qF{ EeRf

Vnfriq rr;sfr r
ffiqqqrs 6sr ii TTHqrqf(rr q?stl
Administration of GhytpThe residueof the derangedbodily
Doqahavinglurked in the system(of a patient)even after the exhibition
of proper emetics and purgatives, thi fever shourd be remedied

draughtsof medicatedcalrified butter, if the systemof the patient
sufficiently dry (Rulqa) 127.

srqr**cnqedtwaffiftrn ll t ?ell
A weak parientrvith only a small quantity of the derangedbodily
Dosa should be treatedwith the help of soothing(samamya)remedies.
Fasting should be the principal cure for all types of fever due to
(santa,rpana)over-eatingetc.,provided the patientbe found to possess
sufficient strength.128.

Fffi iTcrrirr<rFiqqrdqc**qt
Eeftffi-* rrs{ Hmd{qql
qqftsnrw qsrdd qq{frff(ll qRqll
srcr€err$i qfrfrqrfrrftr* dt
ffij $ffi(srfrqiqftrt*flq11 lQo tl
g*{frffgrfr Fa: u,utsgREtI
€qEfutrqrgm:rtiT:firtrdtFfr: ll tll ll
{qslF{dqft* |
€s{.trd.{iur sffi( t5qanftT*^ |
qffi{rq wq: firrcs.qrcr*ll q?Rll
Diet- Diluted barley gruel(YavagU)shouldbe given to a patient
constantly feeling thirsty and with impaired digestion. Powdered
parchedcorn (paddy)mixed with honey and water shouldbe given in
copious quantity to a patient suffering from the after-effect of liquor,
and afflicted with vormiting, thirst,burning or perspirationand it should
be followed, when duly digested,by meals of rice-soup and meat-
soup.A diet consistingof boiled rice mixed with meat-soupshouldbe
given to a patient suffering from an attack of fever marked by the
preponderanceof the bodily v6yu, as well as in a mild typer of fever
dor to fasting or over-fatiguing physical labour. The diet in a caseof

I . This passageis quotedby sreektnthaDana in his commentaryon Cakra-datta

wherein he doesnot readC{i (mitOtype),and his readingapPearsto be the better
one,it being supportedby Carakaas well'

Kaphaja fever should consistof boiled rice and of Mudga pulse.In a

case of Pittaja fever is should consist of boiled rice and a soup of
Mudga pulse and be taken,when cold, with the admixtureof sugar.In
a casemarked by the concertedaction of the derangedVayu andpitta,
the diet shouldconsistof Mudga soupmixed with (theexpressed juice
of Amalaka or Daclima. In a caseof Vata-SIesma fever thediet should
be prescribedto be takenwith the soupof tenderradish,while in one
of Kapha-piftatypeit shouldconsistof the soupof the leavesof Nimba

ErfBHSi qTr{firci EEUrqTsHaqr

firdrffiare-a{'ui rTra+frqn q?Rtl
rdqft rpr*clsT{SrFr{FilErl
T{fftrs q Filr r{r1{ilgqrdql
qffiqt qEitr r*Bt,nq?yrl
Ldja-tarpa4a- powderedparchedcorn (paddy)mixed with a
copiousquantity of water andwith honey(and sugar)-should be given,
insteadof any other diet (e.g. boild rice) to a patient suffering from
fever marked by burning sensation,vomiting, thirst and weakness.
Yavaguis not beneficialin summerasa diet in a caseof Kapha-pittaja
fever or in a case of Rakta-pira (Hemoptysis?)or in the case of a
habitual drunkard.Such a caseshouldbe treatedwith the soupof any
pulse or of the meat of Jangala animal with or without any acid
juice. 133-134.

T€t $rui tr<rt+{'Eilqkt kd{ |

nd{ffiqm$q,,qftqqfrtn qt\ tl
Preparedbarely mixed with any old wine would prove beneficial
in casesof (fever accompainedby) a dullnessof appetite.Takra (butter-
milk or whey) mixed with the powdered Tri-katu should be given
in case of disrelish for food due to the action of the deranged
kapha. 1,35.

rfr ff;*Ga: r
fucq: VErtrqss.s. ffirrqfrn t?qtl
348 SUSRUTAsaMnrrA

fiursrd: *rqrdqrrr{rfir€ gd q*qt

TaE Fot fti frtr+dfa rTmq{ntle tl
Milk as a diet- Milk may be given with advantagein a caseof
chronic or lingering fever markedby the scantypresenceof the deranged
bodily Dosa in the svstem,by emaciation of the frame and by mental
depressionas well as in a caseof Vata-piuaia fever accompainedby
drynessof the organismand non emissionor otherwiseof the deranged
bodily Doqasas rvell as in a caseof fever marked by thirst or burning
sensation.But milk takenin a caseof fever in its acutestageis highly
injurious and kills the patient like poison. f36.137.

{rffiS qrdw( rtqt fdql

*rnqrnsqerr aFc q"rffi{E?frT{u qia tl
qfid trdqfiqr{Er€rurerr€fwt+(l
3tTfird il5gn: qffi ffisrerll t?i ll
€ Qfrur: l
ils{rdqt{wi{Hiq&rrfr fr *fucqtt qYoll
r$F{6+am'req tefr qrsr(E'sritr{|
T e dsrki wqrgq qr {Gnq qTil tYq tl
A spareandlight diet for a weakpersonshouldbe observedin
all casesof fever,whenits intensityabates,as,otherwiseby a heavy
diet,it is aggravated. A properandwholesomediet shouldbe givenin
a caseof feverevenif thepatientwould showa positiveaversionto it
sincethewantof foodat thepropertime or whenthesystemcravesfor
it, is sureto befollowedby thewasteof thebody,andmaybring about
deathin end.A food which is heavyof digestion(Guru),or secreting
(Kapha-producing) inits effectshouldby nomeansbetakennor should
food be takenat an impropertime, sincesucha food which is not
beneficial,is neitherconduciveto longevitynor to happiness(in a
caseof fever).138-141..
Ffrii Fqq{atsF q{rurs{ffifdrd{r
\qi Trrfr{il+. qddgF: s$qrtr(u qYRtl

3Tr6n-{re qqrd E{fiTrq Krqa(rr qx?tl
qctetwi qrdt* q,ffi qrq*fudql
q-*Taf, qffi rilfrrdt qrirrlf,an-{l
wi TSa[: Vnq'rei=qfiilrqirErqrtqu qyytl
A light diet (such as milk or essenceof meat) may be given in
copiousquantity and with advantageto a patientemaciatedthrougha
long and protractedattack of santata or visama fever. The souf of
such pulses as Mudga, Masura, Canaka (Gram), Kulattha and,
Kakustakaetc. may be given with benefitas diet ro the hungry patient
suffering from fever.
Green leaves of Patola, V6rtika, Kathiila, pipachairika.
Karkotaka,Parparaka,Gojiwha, Balmilaka and Gldfrci stroutabe siven
to the fever petient as vegetable. t4Z-144.

FT|-.rq I
6rdg€'rt vrgis nse lrqrfiqil lY\ tl
qirrrf qirrsr€r{ lqR.fl=Ti
qnv*tsFb{: Eqrdffirimert
rJ6urdr*Vtufat**fuffi*qq6r: || tyE l|
"{rfr 11fr{ur:
dtfr.shR vrs+ rn*rqrffi<ar:
n iye tl
Meat-diet- The meatof liva, kapifijata,Erya,py;ata.Sarabha,
Kdla-puccha, Kuranga, Mrga-matrki(defferent kinds of dee or SaSa
(hare)may be prescribedas diet for a fever-patientaccustomed
to the
useof animal foodr. Severalauthorities,however2,do not recommend
the use of the meat of sdrasa,Kroufica, Mayura (peacock). Kukkuta
(cock) andof Tittira in caseof fever, owing to its he;viness (as
digestion),as well as to its heat-makingpotency.(we, too, subscribe
to this opinion with a cerrainlimitation). The useof the flesh of these

I' Accordingto carakt, the meat-soup,in casesof_fever,may be given

- with or
withoutthe additionof an acid,juice (, Amalaki,etc.).
2. Carakaalso boldsthe sameopinionasSuiruta.

animalsmay, however,be recommendedin a caseof fever in moderate

quantitiy and at proper time provided the fever is marked by a
Vayu' 145-147'
freponderance of the derangedbodily
qRtfirqrndis *6q rivilenrfr ql
Cqmrslrg.F{ar€Eg-vMfsra: t)
q',qrqg6sqTrFrqiqrfrh a*E q ll qY/
rnteFaq $ffi Td+( irsurcqfr|
d*E €errrqrR qd'+q trEIRkT:tt qYq ll
Prohibitionsin fever- A newlyoriginedfever-patient should
forego baths,washing(Pariseka),plunge-bath (Avagaha' D'F.'
Prai e ha-plaster), emulsivepotions,day-sleep, physical
exercise,sexualintercourse and any cold articlesor any emetic or
purgativemedicine(for a timeevenafterhisrecovery)till heis restored
to his wontedstrengthandvigour.rL48'149.
srrdRrtrNnfu: F{f\r* €t: I
rrEcffiEqr*rmd rrrggrerr*ie ?tt l\o lt
vfimffiq-qr€s-*terqrqrr*fqa: t
qt*aq*frqq$ q6*qc,rrrts{*(lt q\q u
rrsrq* qt( t€' vgi; gq{Frdmd:
ll t\R ll
il{qr( 6r{: rrm q{g*fdflffiql
qrffiIIFFdtE: Fn(d[r-a: gFrla-FFn
ll t\? ll
Since the bedily Doqas and digestive fire (Jatharagni)of the
patientsuffering from fever areunstablehanceifthe preceedingetiology
hasnot beenavoidedthen the fever getsexcitedend becomesincuriable
having beendeeplyseatedandof acutevirulence.The patientwho has
beenconvalacingfrom fever shouldavoid cold water, day sleep,anger'
excerciseand saxualintercourseso long he doesnot regainhis strength.

1. Additional Text- a patient suffering from acute fever should forego'also the
use of astringent,heavy and dry food as well as fatty and secretingfood' In short he
should also discouragemental emotions of anger, grief, etc. as well as the use of
newly collected corns. This is evidentby Dalha4a's reading'

Any of precedingprejudicialactsdonein a weakstateof health,

closely following a recoveryfrom fever may bring on a relapse
whichinvariableconsumes thebodyjust asfire doesa driedandsapless
tree.Theserules,therefore,shouldbe strictlyfollowedafterrecovery
from fevertill thefundamental
Principlesof thebodyhavereturnedto
their normalconditionandthe healthandstrengthis fully regained.
=* n+d srcfr Fr*rq{AE*: I
Frquuimqneqm q turtQErrq\y ||
srnEr*. rrmsre *qtr4sgqilrR$l
Vfrea,FIrqT$eIrTq|.|-{:ll 1\\ ll
T qrg T{rqaEw: vgsrqrd5,R|(rqr
t{ Fqffi ggr g.+q r{hr: u t\q tl
A very small amountof physical exertion,in casesof fever, is
likely to usherin an attackof fainting fit and hencethe patientin such
casesshould be supportedwhen he sits taking his food or passing
urine or stool. An emetic or purgative (Sodhana)remedy should be
resortedto even after continuanceof a residue of the deranged,Dosas
in the organismwould apprehendedfrom suchsymptomsas aversion
to food, weariness of the limbs, discoloration of the body, its
evacuations,etc.A fever-patientemaciatedthroughprolongedsuffering
shouldnot be largely fed at a time (D.R. shouldnot havea bath) and in
haste i.e. until the patientrecruitshis strengthin as much as it might
lead to a fresh attackofthe disease.154-156.

fqWq qrqrnt-tfrfiffiHt ffit: r

tqe tl
dunqqnqmnt vrqr+mfr q r: I
it:t {{rcFi Eiqt( qqr*{ fqqFl|q(u q\z tl
BtiT: ffi q,qrqtfrr FrdE ir
Frh qrh ++{ qFlitnt q\q tl
All casesof fevershouldbe remediedwith therapeutic agents
antidotalto the excitingfactors.The principalpathogenic
952 sUSRUTAseMnrrA

causesshouldbe first rernovedand remediedin a caseof fever due to

bodily exhaustion,wasteor hurt. An attackof (purperal)fever incidental
to miscarriageor to the spontaneousaccumulationof milk in the breast
of the mother after delivery, should be medically treated by an
experiencedphysician with Dosa-subduing(sarhfiamana)remedies
according to the derangedbodily Dosa involved there in. Now we
shall deal with the recipesof Dosa-subduing(San(amana)decoctions
which may be advantageouslyemployed in all types of fever.
fiTqffi'{rdrun I
rftf{{ll qqo ll
$?: 6Tre[: Ir$€t Erqrq{ffiq
Tlfr vfrfld'qlrf qT Tqalr: ffi{ e ll qqq ll
Tdrqri,ffi 6qFi qr<t|qaql
vr*'rrqft$i firAE qrdlq{rrdqlltqR ll
EiFCSsfrr ={fti gtr*drK TFrt(l
diqrfrffiqrqrfrgm: dtTdtsFffiril* lt qqRll
ErqlTT{#6rSqd-ar€IQTItIt: Trwfiqr: I
fq:a'reaqgsaTeifireqqrrs-frdtt tqx tt
Tqar: T{tTTrTru:vlaFrqfgir($q; 1
fra: FdsFffis-ii qt{tt lq\ ll
@ ? ffi(tt tqqll
Samsamana decoctions for Vdta Jwara- A decoctonduly
preparedof PippaII, Sariva, Draksa, SarcpuspaandHarenu should be
given with the admixtureof treaclein a caseof Vatajafever or a cold
infusionr of Guduci shouldbe takenby the patient.Similarly a decoction
of Bala, Darbha andS*-a-dahstraboileddown to a quarterpart of the
original quantity of water and mixed with sugarand clarifed butter; or

L Accordingto Qalharya the cold infusionof Gudircishouldbe givenin a caseof

Vdtaja feverinvolving the actionof vitiatedPitta also;whereasthe decoctionduly
preparedof Guduci shouldbe prescribedif, in a caseof Vataia-fever,the vitiated
Kaphais alsoinvolved.Gold infusionis prepared by keepingover-nighta quantity
of thedurgsimmersedin hot water.Theinfusion thus preparedis usedin themorning.
a decoction of satapusp-a,vacd,Kustha,
Devadaru, Hare4ukd,
Kustumbura,Nalada and,Musta mixed'with
,"g*;;;l;; ,f,oufa
be given to a patient in a caseof vatajafever.
A decoctionoi Drakra,
GuQucT,Kasmarya, Trdyamdnd and sarrvamixed
with treacreshourd
be prescribedin a caseof vataja fever.A potion
of Guduci mixed with an eqrnl quantity "*pr.r."Jiui..
of tt at of satdvari and with
an equal quantity of that of satavari and
with treacleproves ul-or,
instantaneously efficaciousin a caseof feverof thesametype.
of the body with clarified butter as wel
as fomentatioi?sr"io) una
plastershouldalsobe prescribedunder
certainconditionsin theprerent

ffir-rrsqifiqEs-qt: I
Tr*Trrqtfti$a q.qrq,tF{* lEnRutq\e tl
ft iffi'Eqr(qrft-a16qyr*ql
Hq$qeJdr E:arr(n*fr1wqf*qr
qavfr"fr€qniqrdf,Ftvr*r$Olt tq4 tl
t5{*rnrfrururi qTRiMmeni
UtF-tmgl 6Ter:Vfril:fqm*rur6: n qqq tl
sarirsamanadecoctionsfor pittaja
Jwara- A.decoctionof
Sriparni, red sandalwood, [Jftra, paruqaka
andModhuta (Moul)
flowersdurybo'ed andmixedwith a proportionate
quantityof sugar
(whencold),or a decoctionof the duigs'of
mixed with sugar,or a decoctionof thJ drugs
of theUe;lat;i.g.oup
andYasyi-madhut, or a cold infusionof thedrugsof the ,un'.
mixed with sugarwourd cure a caseof pittaja lroup
fever. A si"mrta,
preparationof Gud-uci,padmaka,Rodhra,
sariva andtJtparataken,
when c-old,with sugarwould prove beneficial
in casesof ri:toio
fever. 167-169.


gvfrt:vrr*( Wri rtqi qr6+q?n teo rr

| ' Yasti-madhu
is incrudedinthe drugsof theuryaradigroup
Hencein preparation
of thisdecoction,two partsof yasfi_irudhu,

zb4 suSRurA serfinrrA

qtqt(qtq|*drgfu qqn u{rrrahll q\eqll
qffr: qfrfirq.ql+s{vfrtr<*{t: t
gffiqtt tcerkrq+t$*s vffi' ll teR ll
or of
A decoctionof Draksa andAragvadha' or of KdSmnrS'a
with sugarand
the drugs of sweet,bitter or astringentgorupsmixed
burning sensation
used,wLen cold, would alleviatethirst and the severe
shouldbe vomited out by large draughtsof cold water
honey whereby thirst (in a caseof Pittaia fever) would be alleviated.
of the Ksiri-
Milk duly cooled with the decoction(of barks or twigs)
Candana or with any other cooling
Vlksa (milk-exuding trees),or with
as a relief
diugs shouldbe usedcold (both internally and externally)
l7 0'172'
for an internalsensationof burning in a caseof Pittaia fev er.
q*ir qg-*^aqli 5r€frfiqefrqrir{t
I q\s?||
t<srrqq qrmta ftws{frfr 6a:t
qftAgrg-$fttqtr qqrdt qsnqfi: I
t{drdrqrttrdq-vfrq {ft{ q qrqtqt t t \eYII
ffi qrcq'g.{q qgt*rqtigilqt
qrEq.s€ uqt;er*igil{t
fl*-rrErBqn:{i qr ErqTrcrq{frFprr I
ffi qrt(ffiir rrtE{s nerFtr(tt qe\ ll
(J ga arrd
Paunda rTka(white lily), Utpala, parchedbariey, iir a, Samah
Kasiarlfruit steepedthere in and stirred and kept overnight and then
mixed and taken with honey (in the morning) would give relief
drugs should be
fever and burning sensationand a plaster of the same
applied over ttre scatpin a caseof fever accompainedby drynessof
of the Kloma. Pastesof the polens or
tongu", the palate,the throat and
filaments (KeSara) of Matuluhga mixed with honey and Saindhava
(date) as
salt,or of DaQimamixed with sugar,Drakqa andKhariura

well as garglespreparedfrom thesedrugs should be retainedin

mouth with a view to removingits bad taste.173_175.

Trr'rtE rJ.E-*s tfiit qiffi ql

ulqfrr€r fr+(a,lpi €Shi t5.qin cttt tigq tt
q€F*h rT,'TgEi 6ft-dr qig*flarrfr|
*6rsrnet 6:qqrtqqfi^ tfiIfi-.,rf{tll 1\9\9ll
Efiqi ffi'|iWdffi wr{l
Eufir+rqq q-qfffi nrRraqr
HS{ q,q,n drr qserr
€rffidicqtE;8-5nr*: vgua$;;
gre-{a g?: 6'rel: ftfr Eqr-(q,qr-qflfu qej ll
TRt gqrneffi FdwttT qrlffir
qaqfi,ftr q Eh-rer: qrnqrkqM{: il t/o tl
Sarh6amanadecoctions for Kaphaja Jwara_ A decoction
of saptacchadct,Gudilcr, Nimba and,sphurjakc mixed with honev.
of Trikatu, Ndga-kelara, Haridra, Katurohinl andIndrayaro,
or of
Citraka, Haridra, Nimba, (Jilra, Ativisa, Vnca, Ku;fha, Indra_yava,
Muna, and Patola mixed with honey and purverised Marica
pepper) should be given in a caseof Kaphaja fever. A decoction
Sariva,.Ativisa,Kustha,pura (Guggulu),Duralabha andMusta
or of
M usta, v rksaka-seeds(i ndra-yav a). Tr ip hata, Kat ur ohni andp ru
a saka
will be found to be equally efficacious in the case of Kapiaia
fever. 176-180.

rrwgqTrlEq i's 4',qrq) qgrigd: r

t5t[-qrffiiFqr€frf sr&sqflTd: 1 !41 ll
qrqi qrftr qFflqqqi gciro ql
qqi q{e* gti
Td-dnu q.a5m{u qeRtl
fqtfi leaqqqrdr€iqrEifff.sqtqd(r
qrdEi {rsfiRTti vdrftfr rrerqbr
fr-ffig q;uosqettq51 q.flqrsdi, qettl
l' !r (*r
! rl


component membersof the Rajavrksadi group mixed with honey and
taken in due course,would readily prove curative in a caseof fever
due to the concertedaction of Vata andKapha. The administration of
the decoctionof Ndgara, Dhdnyaka,Bhargt, Abhaya,Devaddru, Vacd'
parpataka,Musta,BhutlkaandKatphalamixed with honeyandHingu
(asftetida) would be attendedby almost instantaneousbenefit in the
presenttype of fever accompaniedwith bronchitis, cough, asthma,
.ontttl"tion of the throat,hic-cough,swelling in the throatand aching
pain at the chestand at the sides.181-183.
qf,r(frar@tgq{zfql HSIiT: trd Er{ nrrd't5,G+rqllqzY ll
u,,,gm.rR-wanrqTr-twq{-a*,:$3: I
m,,qrfr qwrt( fra' vffi*t+i q{qll qe\ ll
qFffi '-d-d-errqF{qrqwqtq+:
6r$q+{rrfr: 6let: €Q*A: vffiu q4qll
fr€r =qi' q+qt: qq,FmTrgffqll qee ll
Pitta-SleshmajaJwara- A decoctionduly preparedwith E/c,
Papola, Tri-phala, Yaslydhava and Vrsa (vasaka) and mixed with
honey, or one of Katuka, Viiaya (Harltaki), Drdksa, Musta and
Parpatakaor of Bhargi,Vacd, Parpataka,Dhanyaka,Hingu, Abhaya'
Ghana, Ndgara and Kasmarya mixed with honey would prove
efficaciousin a caseof fever due to the combinedactionof the deranged
pitta and SlesmA.Similarly two Told-measureof powderedKatuki
and sugar dissolvedin warm water proves curative equally in a
case of the present tYPe. 184'187.

mruqWt Erqnqrrffiit wfiqt

fr:6, ?aqrf,fir*te)i alti {5s firil(tt \LL tl
rrarg*su fT[F-drr|!r{qT[5,a:F6l
isTrdr:qftra: ffi qmftrruqi qt(tt teq tl
A decoctionof Bhu-nimba,Gud-uci,Draksa,Amattiki andSalhi

mixed with treacle, or of Rdsmd,Vrqa,(Vasaka),Tri-phala and fruits

of Raja-vrks. provescurative in a caseof fever due to the combined
action of the derangedVayu andpitta.1gg-1g9.

qelRmryrsrfr iq{q Fdt$Ffr(u tqo tl

q+( qftil-qFrg{ nf4 q*ryrqlt qql tl
si frivrqrsnrigdqr
il( Sdd' a.Rki td' F+qnrt{n tqR rl
EqFi tqftrr( F-dr +{tsfrqrF€(u qql ll
(Eftqr rl-dgrils frrsiqTreiftufrl
fqqFq: qffi q t+{ro,F{Fftrq,ntqqytl
Wt qwq: frtrq qkqrcqi qtqr
s{fuTRhy'fr*,g vfrrhqrsrfrerartul
*qefrerrrsfu: Frer:ffiu qq\ ll
Drugs and therapeuticagentsremediarto each of the specific
derangedDo;as invloved in a case of the Tri-Qoqaja type should be
employed in combinationfor cure accordingto the predominanceof
each Dosa. A potion of milk duly boiled with vrscira (white
Punarnavd), varsdbh-u(red punarnava), Bilva and water, but from
which the water has entirely evaporatedwould prove curative in Tri-
doqaja fever. The pith and manow of a Sirlsa tree duly mixed with
milk (weighing eight times that of the drug) and with water weighing
three times that of the milk, should be boiled down to the quantity of
the milk which, if administeredasa drink would provecurativeinTri-
Qosajafever. A potion of the decoctionr dury preparedwith the roots
of NaIa and of vetasa (cane) andMurva and,Deiadarrz would prove
remedialto this form of fevef . clarified buttermixed with the decoction
I . Thedecoctionshouldbepreparedwith wateronly or with milk andwateraccording
to the rulesof the exigenciesof the caserequired-Dalhana.
2. Additional rext- A potion of the decoctionof Huriira, Bhadra-miista,Tri-
phala, Katuka,Nimba,Patola,DevaddruandKantakariwould curea caseof rri-
dosaja feverwith indigestion,water-brash,arospy,coughand disrelishfor food.

ofTri-phata shouldbe given to a patientsuffering from an attack
Tri- dosai a fever.r 190-195.
q;rfri qffiit 5wi qFtalgtFufr{l
wrq{r qr5-fir( qrqtarqrsF+cq
qrq v*q{q Er{ {tr{l-srvJ ql"r€r{ll lqq tt
ri-qrfurffi{ nQndffi ql
qq'vfoqrffiqrfr EqrgrhFfrGrt(ll q3\ell
{rfii{eaqqr*i{-ffisd' Fdqi qql
tt ntthFrgarhv$qrrftiqi-{lI qjz ||
Two-Tola-measueof powderedAnantd (Duralabha) Valaka'
Musta, Sunthi andKatuka should be given with (one Pala ofl tepid
water with benefit to a patient before sun-risein Tri-dosaja fever.
Moreover, it actsasa good appetiser.Any one or two of the (groupsof
the) drugs of the purgativeor appetisingpropertiescan be employed
with benefit in a case of (chronic) fever. A lambative composedof
Abhayapastedtogetherwith honey and mixed with oil and clarified
butter should be licked by the patient in a caseof Tri-dosaja fever.
Trivrt with honey would pacify a caseof high fever' 196-198'
tdrq ffi q.d{*srers vfrerqql
gdffiffiitqTfTc{q frqm{qtl qqqll
rJsrTcifTq.dt firn(. qrffia: t
EkT: EItt: qsFiuit rdqgq*-s+(11 qoo ll
f*rcN, fir*{a,,niqsF{qisqFEt;1
qqfisq*trs tflE(rqrERTFFTqI
rfirsrs Fqls{ tdfuefr*q Ffrll Roqtl
Medical treatment of vishama-Jw ara-Purgatives andemetics
should be exhibited in a case of Visama Jwara and the medicated
clarified butter described under the treatment of Plihodara (chapter
XIY Cikitsa-sthdna),or pulverisedTri-phala2with the adddition of

includesthis line also in the additionaltext'

l. Dalharya
2. Accordingto Dulhanathe decoction of Tri-plula shouldbe used'

treaclemay be advantageouslyused in the type under discussion.A

decoctionof GuQuci, N imbat andDhatn duly mixed with honey,may
be likewise prescribed(in a caseof Cdturthakc (fever). The patient
shouldbe likewise made to takeLa1una(garlic) with clarified butter.
the threedecoctionsduly preparedwith three,four or all the following
drugs,viz:-Madltuka, Patola, Katuka, Mustaka (D.R.-Batsaka)and
Hantakf shouldbe like wise administered.199-201.

E{rgina,qreurqrrrefrdtndqt(u RoRrl
firurfreetffiqr ftr*( qfrtwwrl: t
iTrqqg{qqit{ fir*qerrs5qqu Rol rl
A potion consistingof milk, clarified butter, sugar,honey and
Pippatl should be administeredaccordingto the strengthof the patient.
Similarly Pippali should be taken with the decoctionof Daia-mula.
Pippati Vardhamdna (seechapter I Caraka, Cikitsita-Sthcna) should
be likewise usedby a patient who should then be made to take only
milk or meat-soup.The useof good wine with the meat of cock is also

ftrcq*.rerqffi t{GrrqfiTr{{u Qoy tl
finrrgfrfqqnrqTr-qtftqrkssil<*: r
ll Rot\ll
etqqrunfurrrErr*_fEgffi: r
T*,,.+**ifrd frfudqmraqu Roq,
ffiifvn:vfd{-rJ3ffiq6q I
qfffiRi wr<rd' qrdT5flFTqrerfr
n Roerl
Use of medicated Ghyta in casesof ViqamaJwara- Clarifi ed
butter duly cooked with the decoction of Kola,z Agnimantha and
Triphala, with milk-curd (Dadhi), with Tilvaka as Kalka would be

l. Cakradatta reads "Musta" in place of "Nimba."

2. Kola is here used for Pafica-kola-viz:-PippaE, Pippali-roots, Cavya, Citrakt
and Nug,ura.

found to be highly efficaciousin caseof VisamaJwara. A potion of

clarified butter duly cooked with the Kalka (and decoction-Dalhana)
of Pippatl, Ativisa, Draksa, Sdrivd, Bilva, Candana (red), Katukd,
Indra-y ava, Ufira, Sihhi, Tamalaki, M uqya,Trayamana, Sthira (Sala-
parnl), Amalakl, Sury1h\andCitraka would be found highly beneficial
to irregular (Visama)appetiteand would cure casesof chronic fever,
headache,Gulma, Udara (ascites), Halimaka, consumption,cough,
burning sensationin the body and pain at the sides.204-207.
rJ-f,*hrnflqrfrr xrqqrunqarg*^:I
afrrtfdfem( rr*tt: q,@t$t: Ir*: tt Roztl
fti qfrf: qt-qqr€-Errrftierqqt(r I Roi II
GuQucyadiGhyta- The useof a medicatedclarified butterduly
cookedwith the decoctionof Gudltci, Tri-phala, Vasa(D. R. Rdsnd),
Trayamdna and Durdlabha together with the Kalka of Drdksd,
Magadhika (PippaIi),Arnbhoda(Musta),Ndgara, Utpala andCandana
would be attendedby good resultsin casesof consumption,asthma,
cough and Jtrna-Jw,ara (Chronic fever). 208-209,

a,,-dvfr{rfrilan-xr+frffi$: r
qr{rq{--d.rEfrq-vnrrq0fi?rdr€*: n lqo tl

vrfrdrqcr-*tqrfi-tdfqrqdqt: n Rqq tl
fm:qduqrqrs-qFrq{r*i q{tn RqRtl
Kalaiyadi Ghyta- Casesof chronic f ever, headache,pain at
the sides,cough and of consumption(lit-any wasting diseaseof the
body attendedwith fever) would readily yield to the curativeefficacy
of a medicated clarified butter duly cooked and preparedwith the
decoction of Kalaii, (PrSni-parnl), Brhatl, Driks6, Trdydnti, Nimba,
Goks.ura,Bala, Parpataka,Musta, Sala-parniandYavdsakaand with
theKalka of Sathi,Tamalarc\,Bhargl, Meda, Kataka (D.R.-Amalaka)
and Puskara-roots and with milk twice as much as the clarified
butter. 210-212.

r1A6frq{zTfttr rJq*kftRrg+: I
tn.g6'rq-+lFTq-qrwwmaq+; ll Rt? ll
Eqrrir;rd+r-qoiqrtqrurertrrEq Il Rq\ II
Paloladi-Ghyta- Clarified butter duly cooked with the Kalka
of Patola, Parpala, Arista, (Nimba), Guducl, Tri-phala, Vrsa, Katuka,
Ambuda, (Musta), Bhu-nimba, Yavasa,Yasti-madhu,Candana,DArni,
Indra-yava, USrra, Trayamana, Kana and Utpala and with the
expressedjuice of DhatrT,Bhrnga-raja, Abhiru $atdvarl) andKaka'
mic|, readily proves curative in cases of Apaci (scrofula), Kuqlha,
fever, Sukra andArjuna (two optical diseases),ulcer and in diseases
of the mouth, ears,noseand the eyes.213-215.
fit rErfuctqqi
efrggg{qfr-qfrfffia6{; I
i l R q et l
fdfr ffi{ qfiffi${*1s61
fqqqq1r{rgfrrg n ?qe tl
lrf(tfi,€ruFir rTrqFfitqfF.iqgirq{ |
srfrqfrrdrqfrfi-rnarcrcqRqrtr3(il Rqqrl
TrF{trET5frruri trerrmirr{E qqt
teri q{qqrggi tMa,-srqanll QQo tl
KalyaryakaGhyta- Clarified butter duly cookedwith i Kallca
of Vidahga, Tri-phala, Musta, Mafijistha, DaQima, Utpala, Priyaftgu,
Ela, Elavaluka, Candana, Devadaru, Varhistha, (Valaka), Kuqlha,
Haridra,the two Sarivd, Hareryuka,Trivrt,Danti, Vaca,TaliSa,KeSara
andMalatt flowers with milk twice asmuch asclarified butter is called
the Kalydnaka Ghrta. The rangeof its therapeuticapplication includes
suchdiseasesas Viqamalwara,asthma,Gulma, insanityand diseases
due to the effect of any poison.It is auspiciousand it removesaffections

dueto the evil influencesof malignantspiritsanddemons,etc.,dulness

of appetite,epileptic fits, senile decay, sterility and diseasesof the
seminal cord. It invigoratesthe eye-sightand imparts memory and
longevity to the personwho usesit. 216-220.

\tRq nEr ld: s{rr;*a rnRrqr

q'fiIanqr gd,r€d t-qutqfrRigil{u RRtll
ir(Sur ntm'sdtr{neEr
Sglfrt: r
gr{sEqts.Tvrr€-FRtrt;:gq{ilq tl R Q RI I
nEr ;l T+|-qlFIT *ytsEtFswq q tl R R QI I
ftrQftqvRil aqr-t qr8&STzngr€qqI reqeanq Ersrm+rf{d{u Qqyll
Fi RdG{{qtk rcroeqrurrfigil{l
Tr4*q6i frraq11 ?Q\tl
3T8!Tq:R*riT|qi qifrqftrdqfttfr:I
ercn$qRTr{Eild6m*(Edvkn"I{il ?Rq tl
Maha-Kalydryaka Ghyta- A prastha measureof clarifed butter
made from the milk of a cow of Kapila speciesand duly cookedwith
the kalka of the precedingdrugs and the drugs know n ass arvagandhd
(Eladi-gana) and with (dead) gold and gems should again be duly
cooked withthe Kalka of sumanah,campaka,Afloka and Sirisaflowers
and with Nalada and Padma (red lotus) and the polens of Dadima
flowers with the milk of a cow of the samespecies.It shouldbe prepared
underthe auspiciousof favourableastralcombinationsandlunar planes
of both the physician and of the patientand then be dury consecrated
by Brdmhatlas. It is called Maha-kalyanaka Ghrta and may be
prescribedfor a king. It provescurative in all forms of fever. Its very
touch and sight confers bliss and destroysdisease.Its use enablesa
man to live to three hundredyearsfree from diseaseand decay and
to remain invincible against the attacks of all created beings.
rrdi qfu q {f,s S{ rfit: WFT{T:
€qqnTF{ qrqrh ffifri*cq qrTrq+(u ?Retl

gR €Riefuqi rqrqt
fdq,,di f{*i;
t€Ti q6rui qai gr<ffi' a*d qt
qflqft.i qnrq fqqrqwrgm{ll R?/ ll
rrgrrqfui rTFr{ qrqr*rq qqoT ql
qoqrsq q{ rTr€i 'J-f,dr irfr Cl
Suilcit q virh q qrrgffi u SFwcqtlRRqll
qe+eE Ert{ Td rrsrF**t vt(l
Tgrli qsqf$ U 1 1111 o t l
Pafrca-Gavya-Ghyta- Equal parts of milk, curd, clarified
butter and urine of a cow and the expressedfluid of cow-dung duly
cooked with the Kalka of Tri-phala, citraka, Musta, two kinds of
Haridra, Ativisa,Vaca,Vidanga,Tri-katu, Cavyu andSuraddruprove
curativeinVisann Jv,aru.It is calledPaitca-Gavya-Ghrta. The same
tive substancesobtained from a cow (e.g.milk, curd, clarlfied butter,
urine and the expressedliquid of cow-dung) may be duly cooked
without the addition of any Katka as also with the aboveKalkas and
the expressedjuice of Vdsaka ar ef Bala or GudilcT.lAll of these
medicated(Ghrtas are effecaciousin casesof Itrna jw'ara (Chronic
fever),chlorosisandedema.The samefive substances (e.g.milk, curd,
clarified butter,urine and the expressedfluid of dung) of a she-sheep,
a she-goator a she bufflalo and the four substances(e.g. milk curd,
clarifiid butter and urine) of a she-camelmay be prepared(and used)
in the samemanner.227-230.

ffiGrurfi-rem-rfrfuqrF{*: I
flffitilg11qof-rJq-fr{-{frd*: n QRqtl
-erqqrunesq*: lt Rii il
separatelyusedakng with the ordinaryKalkas(Tri-phalaetc.)of thePafica-gawa
Ghrta.gut we areinclinedto takethe lines to meanthat Vasaka,Bald andGuditcl
shouldbe separatelyusedas Kalkts in placeof the ordinaryKalkas'

rr€rgigqqFg8r I
effiq.d{t; qr+r1ftgut:rrRrdEfr: u Rly tl
@qdelerriFc{tr R?\tl
Tri'phaladi Ghyta- claified butrer duly cooked with the
Kalkast of Tri-phala, uiira, sampaka,Kayuka,Ativisa,satavari, sapta-
Qu{uc1, the two kinds of Rajant, Citraka, Trivrta, Mltrva,
Pngola,Arista, Bdlaka, Kirata-tikta, iacA, VKAd, padmaka, IJtpala,
the two kinds of Strriva, yasti-madhu, Cavika, Rakta_candana,
Duralabha, Pctrpataka, Trayamdnd, Agarusaka (Vasaka), Rasna,
Kuritkuma (Saffron), Mafijiqyha, Magadhi and Nagara with the
expressedjuice of Dhatrr weighing twice as much as clarified butter
proves curative in Parisarpc (erysipelas),fever, Asthma,
Kuqyha, chlorosis, enlargement of the spleen and dulness
appetite. 23t-235.

gfliTr{lq*?E[-{ftrrflflt; r1frfu61; lt RRqtl
r{Fj|qFrc[frrfliEf alE+( rTfufirrtfrl
+t qrqre**ur TdrFei ffiq,, RQstl
ffi*: ErrqTftrE wrqerr6qq+:
qfrrqetWd aqd $*aziltrcqtI RI e ||
qrur€,qtftrdEq-TdfuFilunqaT u ? R 3t l
qrre|.frt*g{, rrrgqrfirfi xnRil Ryo 11
Patoladi Ghyta- One pala weight each of patola, Kalukd,
D a rvi, N i mba, Vasa, Tr i -p hata, D ural abhd, p a rpayaka andT r
and a Prastha measureof Amalaka should be boiled in one Drorya
measureof water down to its quarter measure.A prastha measure
Gh|ta should then be cooked with the abovedecoctions.2The
l. Somehereaddghana(Musta)with the otherKalkas.
2. Additional text- Somerecommend tbeuseof Kuraja,Bhunimbu,Gluna (Musta),
Ya;ti-mudhu,candana andpippaT addKarkain the preparationof
this Ghrta and
this provesefficaciousin the diseases of the eye,nose,ear,mouthandof the white
part of the eye and of the eye-lidand in ulcer.

thus preparedproves curative in casesof Rakta-pitta, diseasesdue to

Kapha, perspiration,muco-purulentdischarges,atrophyof the limbs,
fever, chlorosis, erysipelasand Ganda-mala (scrofula). 236'240.

vfc qq, w*tr q fiTq6* qgsfitfr t

trg{RFti +{i qftrd' ffirt
qrdq{tmqr} $rrfrE*n ffi ll Rxqll
Paiica-Sdra- Boiled milk, sugar,Pippali, honey andclarified
butter should be taken by stirring them together with hands. The
compoundis calledPafica-saraandmay be employedwith advantage
in casesof Visanta-Jwara,Kqata-Ks1rya, consumption,asthma and
affectionsof the heart.241.

nrq+rhffi-fr91sftffi: r
qqgf+uil*ur fri tdlq{raqF-(ll RYRll
il Rx?rl
{rftfti *fiqstr$rdl$ tr-q{rrdqn ?YYrl
Medicated Oils (Tailas)- A medicatedoil duly preparedby
cooking it with liksa, Vifva, Nifla, Murva, Mafijiqgha, Swariika and
Amaya (KuqthcDas Kalka and with Takraweighing six times as much
as oil acts as a febrifuge. A medicatedoil duly cooked and pre,pared
with Ksiri-Vrksa, Asana,Ariqya,Jambu,Sapta-cchada,Ariuna, Sirisa,
Khadira, Asphota, Amrta-vallt, Alaruqaka, Katukd, Parpaga, USira,
Vaca, Tejovatl and Ghana as Kalka may be employed in anointig the
body of the patientin a caseof Jirna Jwara with benefit.242-244.

Trst{Frf t{ r{6ffi* qu RY\tl

5i atuanqrtqll ?Yqll
gwiar T,t u,,rrgri q1ft6q1
Ffidat(qr qffiq{ktil€+{qtt RYetl

The patient should be frightenedwith a non-venomoussnake,

trained elephantsand bogus thieves (or rebukedwith a thievish act
falsely supposedto have been committed by him before) at the
appointeddateandhour of theparoxysmandbe kept in empty stomach
for theday.In thealternative,he shouldbefed with heavyandextremely
secretingarticles (milk, milk-curd, etc.) and be made to continually
vomit out the contentsof his stomach afterwards,or he should be
madeto drink any strongliquor, orfebrifugalmedicatedclarifiedbutter
or simply matured clarified butter in copious quantity or be treated
with drastic purgatives,or with! fomenrationsfollowed by Nirudha-
Basti applicationon the dateof the expectedattack.Z4S-247.

eiEnd5cffir rqr E8vcgql1

ffi qggtt elri T{qqrq+qr
*slFtqrvr5REtwi+qq1-aFq{qq{1 Ryztl
fiTqdt+*rdfui furrcfr
rr{tfrnfrTrtrlq qFgthTh$r rrqrr
4F+msrfqdlTffi:ffi qiqt(rr RYqll
Fumigation and Afijana- The body of the patient should be
fumigated with the fumes of the skin and hairs of a goat and a sheep
mixed withVaca, Kustha,Palankasa(Guggulu),Nirnba,Leavesand
honey and burnt together.The excreta of a cat shourdbe similarly
usedin fumigating the body of the patientin a caseof fever markedby
shivering. Pippah, saindhavt and Naipalt (Manah-sila) should be
pastedtogetherand mixed with oil and be appliedaiongthe eye-lidsas
The medicatedGhrtasmentionedin conecrionwith the treatof
udara (ascites),as well as the Ajita Ghrta menrionedinthe Kalpa-
sthdna (chapter II) may be likewise empolyedwith benefit in fever.

ril+Erfdn{rSi?eifunqr*s qm{s{n R\o tl

erqer{fu+-Jgfrfiq-6qfrt nfl.-+nr
efi{pnqfirqrftd.qt itqrf{qTqt(n R\q tl

srfilurtr* giqi( fmurgwrffit.-mqll R\Rll

w,qrqqsJrifif{qt qerr*menfr EnI
efrqtfrq:qffi ffi*rgreR: ll R\? ll
irqrerg f{d ifiT Fdrr*rs-d RenI
Ftwffmqr{ ErTtr{ Sffiti iTsnll R\Yll
qFtCils ffi fecqr
FTwAEfl6wqrng tffin1qll Q\\ ll
A caseof fever dueto the malignantinfluenceof the spirits,etc.
shouldbe remediedwith the help of magical incantetions(Avdana),
binding and beating(D.R.-adoration) mentionedin the treatmentof
Bhuta-vidya(dernonology)- chaptersLX-LX[). A caseof fever due
to any menral condition should be cured with psychic (hypnotic)
measures;while the one due to overfatigueor exhaustionshould be
treatedwith dietsof Rasaudanatafteranointingthe body of the patient
with clarified butter.Fever due to any curseor to deadlyincantations
(exorcism)may be curedby performing Homa (offering oblationsto
the gods) and such other ceremonies;while the casesdue to the
malignant influence of any hostile planet,or of any unearthlysound
may be curedby pracrisingcharity,hospitality and peace-givingrites
(Svastyayana). Al I heat-engendering (U sna) measures are prohibi ted
in a iase of traumatic fever and sweetand astringentdrugs charged
with oil or clarified butter shouldbe prescribed.Other therapeuticagents
should also be employed accordingto the nature of the specific
derangemen t of Dosa involvedin the case.In a caseof fever causedby
the smell of any herb or cerealsor in one due to the effect to any sort of
poison,the treatmentshouldconsistin suchmeasuresaswould alleviate
the poison and the aggravatedPitta in system.2Decoctionof Sawa-
gandha(the drugsof theEladi-ga?a) is alsobeneficihlin thesecases.

1. Rasaudanais akind of food preparedby boiling rice in meat soup (insteadof in

water). The term may, however, mean rice simply mixed with meat-soup'
2. In place 6f "ffi: " some 1ga6"mdgq6i: " and that would mean
that the measuresand remedies prescribedin casesof poisoning (seeKalpa-sthana)
should be applied.This variant seemsto be the better one.

A decoction of Nimba and Deva-ddru or of Jdti flowers may be

prescribedas well. clarified butter, wine and preparationsof barely
grainsare wholesomein a caseof visama-Jwarawhich may be got rid
of aswell by worshippingBrdhmanr, cows, the godlfana, and,libika.
tcgrgufr{qdvr qrdMfqftrBa: u R\qtl
f€F( rrar*: ftH ESHrs-*'Rr{+ru?\e tl
qrnt+{ wrers: rWTh{flEeffi r
qr;Tqnreqre*l ffird: u Rq/u
3{qrn6: gdqra qkrqEF.reRigd:
fusrvfrd'qfifi{: gffifuaqu R\j tl
r*FifrtqerTqt€_fuRiifd1 |
{Trrr*{ rdmtda qmWf*fmatu ?Eo rr
The body of the patientoverwhelmedwith coldness(shivering)
in casesof fever due to the action of the aggravatedKapha or vdyu,
shouldbe plasteredwith a pasteof the drugsof theheat-makinggroup.l
and heatingmeasuresshould then be resortedto. In the alte;;ive,
compoundof Aranala, sukta, cow'surine andMa.rra(curd-cream)made
lukewarm shouldbe sprinkledover the body. plastersof the leaves
Surasd, Arjaka and,Sigru pasted together with water would prove
beneficial.The body may be rubbed with Ksara-taila (oilcooked
alkali) mixed with suka. A decoctionof the drugsof tieAra,gradhadi
group proves highry efficaciousparticularly in the present
decoctionof vayu-subduingdrugsshourdbe usedtepid as a
shivering having beenthus rerievedwith the foregoingmeasures
by the sprinkling of tepid waterover the body, tt e tangiriobody
of the
patient shouldbe smearedwith pastedKutaguruand
wrappedup in a
silk, woolen or linnen cover and then thepatientshourdbe
madeio lie
in a bed. 256-260.

l. Dalhana explains the (/sna-varga (heat-making group)

to mean the Bhadra-
duntadi, Surasadi and the Etudi groups.

Rqrfilr6tr$rlrf,r: Eilfrar T{#d{r: I

wig: UTqr rn*: : YJr{r:il Rqqtl
vrr€{nf,.{dFr rtfr(Rtq&qTurr:
$ilrW-FriTre?feqqqT: il ?QRtl
F'vMsFdffioi-qEnjr6{rqqT: u Rqi tl
$-S'ffgoF{ftnpT w+Egwrinnr:
{qRftIFraaau-uaiEmfupn: n Rqxtl
if5^ El;teilirT FEI
vdrqgr*qfuf,rqm: Tfiwr+q gr: il Rq\ tl
*qafaaqxs qefi gqE|trrsqr(il Rqqtl
Damselsyoung, beautiful and skilled in the sport of love, with
facesglowing like the full moon of autumnand dartingforth beamsof
love from their languid blue-lotus-likeeyes,with eye-browsmoving
in the ardour of desire and with dreary foreheadsthrobbing with the
gentlepulsationsof love, with girdles sliding buttocksnaturally making
them lazy in their steps,with their lips like the ripeBimbafruit in their
luminous redness,with their emaciatedbelly, erevatedthick breasts,
and smearedwith saffron andAgurupastesand clad in thin transparent
garment,fumigatedand scentedwith the vapoursof burntAgr.rrur, should
be askedto take the patient into a firm embracelike a forest-creeper
entwining itself around a sylvan tree, and the girl should be told to
keep off as soonas the patientwould feer himself heated.The patient
thus cured of the disease(cold-fever)by the fond embraceoi these
beautiful dameselsshould be treatedto such a wholesomerepastas
would be welcome to him. 261-266.

<refin$ g FqRigntE Erat+trvm{l

qgqlfurcg+r fficrqrrss{srsfuqr I
Erti:qtrdErfdtrqqrqt( ftnrte q u Rqetl
vmeft-*qdrra$fqgrEqrqq{rqfi{: r
: VltnenqrrdTit*:il RQ4tl


sTRfqU:gvfr*g ffiwenr
errerfi&:{vfrtdt wuwrco,+Hts(n
affi*t ql
ffiG. qrc{uqpt: rrd*e qvnqfrn Rsotl
Measures which alleviate the burning sensation should be
employed in a caseof fever marked by severeburning sensationof the
body. Vomiting shouldbe inducedin suchcaseswith honey and treacle
mixed with the (cold) infusio of Nimba leaves.The body of the patient
should be anointed with Sata-dhautarGhrta and then plasteredwith a
paste formed by mixing powders of barley, Kola andAmalakn with
the fermented boilings of SukaPaddy, or with the cold pasteof tender
leavesof Phenila (soap-berry)mixed with KoIa andArnalnkcandpasted
with Amla 6Amjika), or with the cold paste with AmIa (Kafijika), or
with the cold pasteof the leavesof Pald(apastedwithAmla (Kafijika),
or with the froth (produced by stining in Kafijika the paste) of the
leaves of Badara or Arisya,z whereby thirst, swoon and burning
sensationwould be relieved and removd.267-270.

vareig;.si frgr qFgTdwi dErr

\rq r6rFt fui qrqt-dPfirsnail ?et tl
A Prasthameasureof oil duly preparedby cooking it with half
aKudava measureof Yava(barley),half aPala weight of Mafiji;yhfi
and a hundred Prastha measureof Amla ${Afijika). The oil is called
Prahladana (refreshing) Taila andit relieves the burning sensationof
the body due to an attack offever.27l.

:qmetTRffiqq q,rfrt€rEs t rrqr:r

srmrtrfqfrErqfir}qt *, rffi(rr R\eR
l. Clarifiedbutterwashedhundredtimesin wateris known as Sata-dhautaGhrta.
2. Ari;1a accordingto Dalhana andSrikaqyha(the commentatorof Vrnda) may
mean either Nimba or Phenilu (soap-berry).But Sivaddsa,the commentatorof
Cakradatta,explains,Arista to mean(leavesofl Nimba.The practice,however,rs,
to usethe leavesof Nimba.

?r(frqrqrffi{ifr{qr:*6rsrs{s+Fflr: r
tr' vffi Err @uR\ettl
qnF+t Efrffir+ ilsrg$q qrrqql
qftfu;qrqF+ vflt: qftr+ErfirF${: u Rsytl
teqffi: u ?e\ tl
.tqwd|trxr ffi+r1fuer:
fqqrdfr r
qdr{srs t{drq 613ffiq
5T: I
trils $il!ilAe* aqrs.rfrfr E{d Tfqu R'setl
frrrqfth yr*i fti{dsqfrffis ?r(u ?eetl
In the alternative, the body of the patient should be plastered
rvith the pasteddrugsof theNyagrodhadi,Kakolyddi or utpalndigroup,
rr anointed with a sneha duly cooked with the decoction of the drugs
'lf the preceding groups and with Am la, or thepatient
should be given
a bath (Avagaha) inrhe STta-kasdyalof thesedrugs. on the alleviation
ofthe burning sensation,the patientshouldbe raisedout ofthe tub and
rhen washed with the spray of cold water and smearedwith soothing
sandalpastes,etc. Young, gay, beautiful and lotus-faceddamselswith
their youthfull cooling breastsprofusely smearedwith sandalpastes,
wearing'garlandsof beautiful lotus flowers aswell asnecklaceof pearls,
etc. and clad in fine silken clothesshouldbe askedto hold the depressed
patient in their firm embraceand to kiss him. Thesedamselsshould be
removedas soonasthe patient would exhibit symptomsof exhilaration.
I{e should be given wholesome (pira-subduing) food which would
give him much relief. Purgative and pacifying (soothing) medicines
'lescribed in connection with the pittaja fever are likewise
in the presentcase.272-278.

F{&ffit ttg {rdrtuSr

Effurmt' dF€ .iE{rt$ Hqd: u R\eqtl
lsita-kaqaya" may heremeaneitherthe cold infusionof the drugsor onry the
cold decoction.

srxar1qffi qtrfr*T tErrtt QZotl
General treatment of the Complications- Th e derangedPit ta
shouldbe crushedandremediedfirst of all in a caseof fever,involving
therewith the co-operationof any of the derangedDosas of the body in
asmuch asit is extermelyhardto subduethe derangedPitrc especially
in a caseof fever. Such distressingsymptomsas vomiting, epileptic
fits, thirst, etc. shouldbe remediedwith suchtherapeuticagentsas are
not hostile or aggravating to the principla disease(fever) but are
antidotalto the exciting factors.279-280.

ffiqqr€rr eJulq{€r{rfl"El
qg*t rs{T 5rm Erfsrsrffi+rs{r
srwt ftFr*q,e ;rd( qTs$flrtu R4qrl
Fffit qr{q*q qgl
g{v5-t,{*: fut: u R4Rtl
s€ qrvrreq qR-dl;Tr5[rqEqu
Q/l rl
qt{frqerA:ft5{5arR ft&ra'rql
Ffr'€rquTff{ug{r {rFtqrq srRefuq r
ErcFrtfrrq-dfm-Ferryrgtg qre'qrrttI Rey ||
fcetqrrdkmaifi ru-frsqqrfArfirql
q,rfr,{rSq rTe{rr
rfitqr q gd cr+(rrR/\ rl
Specific treatment of the complications- Now hearme telling
you otherspecificremediesfor the complications.A plastercomposed
of Yaqyimadhu,Rajani, Musta, Dadima, Amla-vetasa, Rasdfijana,
Tintittka (Tamarind), Nalada (Mahsi), Patra, Utpala, Tvak
(Cinnamon), Vydghr a-nakha, the expressedj uice of M at ul uhga, honey
andMadhu-fukta,r if applied to the head, would alleviate heat in the

l. Madhu-fukta is preparedby preservingth eexpressedjuice of Jambira-lemon,

pippaE and honey in an earthen pot formerly used in keeping honey. It should be
laid for a month under the heap of paddy before use. (Qalharya) for an alternative
mode of preparation seeYIf$w, Chapter X-qq 1ilrg.

head,delirium, vomiting, hic-cough,and shivering----concomitants in

casesof fever. Vomiting would yield to the use of a compound
consisting of Madhuka flower, Hrvera, Utpala andMadhulika mixed
with honeyandclarifiedbutterandusedto be licked up with thetongue
asa lambative.It is equally efficaciousin water-brash,hic-cough,Rakta-
pina (hemoptysis)and asthma.Fits of cough and asthmain cacsesof
fever readily yield to the useof the electuarypreparedwithTri-phala
Pippa[-t and Maksikar and mixed with honey and clarified butter.
ffi ErfgliFileiEtr€i frqgsdrttl
qF+:qftaqef i Tqr6r*s tFq: uRaqtl
qrRrr{q lsarqrg qrqTrqcrfi"frREr
{1p} em*(wir rrrqqs qerrrkd{l
qttqr*rqr$fi-strlMFr: nRZetl
vf+TFt'trdw{ *a+q{fi Eir{n?(.(..1
A plaster of Vi dari, D aQima,ln dhra, D adhi t tha andB ij apur aka
pastedtogether may be applied with advantageto the scalp of a fever-
patient afflicted with thirst and burning sensation.Pastesof Dadima
and sugar andof Draksa andAmataka, if kept in the mouth or a gargle
(GaryQuqa) of milk, expressedjuiceof sugar-cane,Mddhvika,2claified
butter, oil and warm water, according to the exigency of the case,
would remove the bad taste in the mouth in fever. An empty feeling
in the head in fever would be relieved by using as an errhine
(Nasya) the medicated clarified butter prepared with the drugs
of the fitvanlya group.286-288.

qtiq, w*trgti FfrdK wTtqtn Rzqtl
rr*, firirq* T*. *di tqeft nert
qrmrftqdlti frrrlr*.ffirhrt(s; 1io rl
| . Dalltalta takes"N{dfuika" in the senseof honey and coments largely on the seperate
use of honey ( qS) in the compound. But we are inclined to take " I+4tttc;itz,'as the
mineral of the same name.
2. palharya sems to read,"Mdkyilat",and explains it as honey. "Madhvit<u,,which
generally means the wine made of honey, may however, also mean honey.

ErN qqr*q mgr{ffidrqqr: n Rtt rl

A pulverised compound consistingof Tri-phal a, Sydmd,Tt ivrt
and Pippati mixed with honey and sugar,can be given for purgative
purposewith benefit after the digestionof the derangedDosain a case
of chronic Pinaja fever, in an up-coursingRaktapitta and in shivering.
The systemof the patient shouldbe cleansedwith similar purgatives
and lardaceous lubrications in cases of Kaphaja and Vataja iever"
Lambativeof honey,sugarandAbhayashouldbegivenin a casemarred
by vertigo (Bhrann) evenafterthe subsidenceof the aggravatedDosa.

W$dqT t{GEr errS *r

tds{qT+i qqErtr{r:nRqRrl
vrd;rmgn:Qtar: finru*cgr EifT:u ?q?tl
ffiqrgffifssr-TundFqpr q{qi1u Rqyll
vaevrfrg{ wRTr vr&trqqi'gilql
g*t TfraFiqkt Tgqmrqqlr*(n Rq\ tl
\q{Er6Fr6 t5 ffi{rqrF{qil Rqqtl
qq*qrlpigr: €: qrncfikflvF{r: n ?qetl
w,w,AtE Tiftr€r rdarurEqrffint Rqztl
{s{ rTffi q {ggre1n+FrrT:r
dggr :nRiin
Applicatin of Bastis- Niruha-basris charged rvith the
decoctions of sweet (Kakolyadi ) or Vdya-subduing (Bhadra -darv adi)
drugs,shouldbe appliedin fever due to the derangementof the btrdily
Vdyu, according to the nature and intensity of the specific deranged
Doqa in the caseand to the strength of the patient; in the altemative,
AnuvdsanaBasri should also be similarly applied.The decoctionof
the drugs of the Utpaladi group mixed with Candana and {lfira and
sweetenedwith the additionof sugarshouldbe similarly applied,;olc

(as a Niruha Basti) in casesof P ittaj a fever. A Basri (in the manner of
Niruha) charged with a compound consisting of Amra-barks,etc.
Sarhkha (conch), Candana, Utpala, Gairilca, Rasafijana ,Mafijistha,
Mrnala and Padama-kdstha pasted together and dissolved in milk
saturatedwith sugar and honey should be passedthrough a piece of
linen and then applied cold in a case of (Pittaja) fever marked by
intolerable pain. The characteristicburning sensationdue to fever may
be relieved by applying Basti chargedwith a decoctin of the preceding
drugs in the manner of an Antivasana-basti. A Niruha Basti charged
with the decoction of the drugs of theAragvadhadi group mixed with
(the powder of) the durgsof the Pippaladi group and with honey should
be applied in casesof Kaphaja fever and the decoction ofthe kapha-
subduing (Aragvadhadi) drugs should also be injected into the recrum
in the manner of an AnuvdsanaBasti.In casesof fever due to the
aggravationof two or threeDosas,the Bastis(NiruhaandAnuvdsana)
to be applied should be charged with the decoction of the durgs
respectively antidotal to the deranged Doqas involved in each
fu{r*d aqqqd'qrqr€dE*n loo tl
frfigfrtrrfurg n{arr+gffi$1
tk*q$rk+': ffirfitsTiqtl
Y*fu*rngftr*.s riqgrftfrS En tot tl
All the medicatedlardacioussubstanceswith the exceptionof
oil, which have been prescribed as being efficacious (in the use of
Bastis) in deseasesof the deranged Vdyu, are equally applicable in
(Anuvdsana Bastis)in a caseof fever due to the samecause.But all of
them (including also oil) are equally applicable to anointing etc.
Lubrication of the body with oil at the closeof the acutestagei.e., on
the thirteenth or fourteenth day of the attack would be attendedwith
beneficalresultsin a caseof VAtu--Sleqmafever,wherefomentations
have utterly failed to relieve the distressingsymptomsof the deranged
Vayu. Clarified butter duly cooked with sweetand bitter drugs should
be used (for the purpose of annointing) in Pittaja fever; while in
Kaphaja fever, the Ghyta should be cooked with bitterand pungent

drugs.In the casesof fever due to the concertedaction of two or three

Dosas, the Ghrta shouldbe cookedwith the drugsof two or more of
the above groups according to the nature of the Dosas involved in

Earc*{fu1 dfiPi!ilTqhqql
fir&F{qqti il{ vfti qr Yrdfr{m,{u !o1 11
fficrrqrfrqq qftiq3-dqr
EFsqrrtEqlre r+{rsrr$+
r+qaqu lo? tl
Td Er{rRrdr(atq sffig vr
ffiunw{eirnn Aqr s{qfl;ilRrr iox rr
err{tqqfrsfftdr* tqrnr& qaffi r
t{ Eqr-ffrFqnEfuqqrur FaEfru loq 11
The presenceof even a small residueof the derangedPitta in
the organism maintainsthe heat of the skin up to the fever-point, so
the remedy consistsin taking the expressedjuice of sugar-cane,or
sweetcordialsof Sarbats(Sugardissolvedin warer),and the diet in
such a case should consist of cooked Sa/i and ,lasrl rice and milk.
Fomentationsandanointmentsshouldbe employedin casesof Kaphja
and Vataja fever. Draughtsof clarified butter should be given in all
forms of fever at the closeof twelve days,forby thattime the aggravated
Dosas return to their respectiveA1ayas(placesin the system).The
Dosc involved (in a caseof fever) becomesaggravatedby affecting,
at the time of the remissionof the fever, the other fundamentalvital
principles (Dhatus) of the body and therebymakes the patient weak
and dejectedat this time. 302-305.
agr* frrre:vH gqqmnrgqrfu^q r
qrqe{g|Irfir$Trq q{gifiFl FTQ{u[(ttloq rr
Symptoms of remission- The featuresor indicationswhich
mark a completeremissionof fever, are lightnessof the head,flow of
perspirationpale andyellowish colour of the face,sneezingand desire
for food. 306.

vrat."i*Er* *fr qercrurtfr{nqn':

.;Eil FqqRsqfrll Qoell

s{<r*} bq Tdrqi rER Fqqkqftt ?oe ll
Fever originating from the wrath-fire of the god Sambhu,is a
dangerousdisease.It effects appetiteand the strengthas well as the
complexion of the body and is virtually the sum-totalof all the other
diseases.It is, therefore called the lord of all bodily diseases.It is
common to all createdbeings(men and animals),affectsthe whole of
th eorganism(including also the mind), is extremelyhard to cure and
is presentin all casesat the time of the deathof all creatures.Henceit
is rightly called the destroyerofcreated beings.307-308.

qqim{drFairseffi: Ir?i rr
Thus ends the thirty-ninth chapter of the Uttaru-Tuntra in the Suirutra Sarhhittt
which deals with the symptomsand medical treatmentof fever.

qrlcrq l{rrdq tlq;afr: rt q tt
Now we shall discourseon the (causes,symptomsand) medical
treatmentof di arrhoea,etc.(Ati sd r a -p rati sedha).1

ffi rtaT*:uRtl
ffig*.s fuargirHff{rlqrql
vtqrqggrqqilrRqrirE rrcr{ r6qq,,,,,
wrfifiqddrr-ffi: fmft*qa: I
Tri erqierftFrfrdq{ut rer qqqftrrx rr
causes of Atisara- The excessiveuseof extremelyheavy(hard
to digest), oleaginous,dry, hot, cold, fluid, thick, and incompatible
articles of food, eating irregularly and at improper time
unaccustomedarticlesof fare),indigestion,eatingbeforethe digestion
of the previous meal, excessiveuse or misuse of any lardacious
substances,etc. (Sneha,Sveda,etc.), use of any poison, fright, grief,
drinking impure water, the excessivedrinking of liquor, change of
seasonofphysical contrarieties,indulgencein aquaticsportsvoluntary
repressionof any natural urging (of the body) or germinationof any
natural urging (of the body) or germinationof parasitesin the intestines
are the causes which bring on an attack of diarhoea (Atisara) the
symptomswhere of will be dealt with presently.Z-4.

tvrcunqterr{GT:qffrFj T€ilfrefrrTrs+{suJir:I
qdsfiqrq: rrniq?rsq qfiiEil{iii*Aqrqrg: n \ tl
\Sq'w: Fdvrsrfr {*. vi*nq: qg sTrt{dtffi.I
*'F*q qqd*-sqrro'rt+Rd qafirnrqs*q(rre rr
tqtErtqrw€q trFrr:qr& erd qrftrrgffi rrs rr
Pathology- The liquid part (Ap-dhatu) of the body, if
aggravatedand caried downward by the bodily Vayu, impairs the fire
in the stomach(fire of digestion)and mixing with the fecal matter,is
painfully and constantly emitted through the anus. This dangerous
diseaseis named Atisara from the constantoozing out (Ati andSarana)
of the liquid fecal matter from the anus.It is usually clasified into six
different types, viz., those due to the predominanceof the deranged
codily Dosas separatelyinvolved there in, that due to the concerted
action of the$,one due to grief and that due to the indigested
mucousaccumulations(AmQ in the intestines.Someauthoritieshold
tharAtisdra is of many kinds but the holy Dhanvantari, onthe contrary,
hold that it is not so but that the physical conditions of a diarrohic
patientundergochangesand becomemanifold. 5-7.

€-dfi{qrT{q;ftrfr -rnrqrgrqrfrcrqkfr
$rFqiltrsgr:vnfur rra rr
fqrff.: s{r€qmq?I|fdiqr*l
Premonitory Symptoms- Piercingpain in the regionsof the
heart, umbilicus, rectum, abdomen and in the Kuftsi (sides of the
abdomen),a senseof numbnessin the limbs, stoppageor supression
of flatus and of stool, distensionof the abdomen,and indigestionare
the premonitory symptomsof the disease.8.

Vprhg: Ffiq.+s+q:fi ETtIFTFT;rnrenqrccrg:I

waTgftrtrretrrh=i s'd' ItqFi rTrFftirlr€+{11j u
StrqIEi +rwqiq-*q-ytd Fri fis*ffisfrror: I
frrtrqftiffikiqr @:utoll
vJmisr"i vAqsnv*qgth rrsifr fr,wt €DtqTu qq tl

ilqrgtrt rTtf{rEr€I{ilfr qd: Eei*qeqf Tqr*: r

walgqt: ndfWfr: Vqsr{qrir{dqffrsa: u t? rr
Symptoms of Vataja, Pitnja, Kaphaja andTri-doqa"la Types-
The Vayu-origined type of the diseaseis marked by SAb (colic),
suppressionof urine, rumbling sound in the intestines,looseness
(constantmovementin the intestines)of the abdominal(Apana)wind,
agony feeling in the waist, in the thighs and in the legs, and frequent
emissionswith flatus of a scanty,frothy, dry (Ruksa)brown-coloured
(yellowish black) stooi. The specific featuresof the Pitta-orgined
type arethat the stoolis fetid, hot, yellow, blue or slightlyred-coloured,
or resemblesthe washingof meat,and is emittedwith sharpor acute
force and is accompainedby thirst, epileptic fits (fainting), burning
sensation,perspiration,suppurationand inflammation (paka) of the
affectedorgans,and fever. Inthe Kaphc origined type of the disease
the stool becomesloose and constant,gets mixed with the lump of
mucus and looks white. The stool comes out without any sound.A
senseof constanturging is complainedof andeachmotion only creates
the apprehensionof a fresh onein the mind. The patientbecomesdrowsy
or sleepy,and feels a senseof heavinessin the limbs, nausea,disrelish
for food, horripalation and lassitude.The symptoms which mark a
case of Tri-dosaja type (due to the concerted action of the three
simultaneously derangedbodilyDosas) are drowsiness,swoon,
lassitude,drynessof the mouth,thirst and a variedcolour of the stools.
A case of Tri-dosaja type, if attendedwith all the symptoms, is very
hard to cure and if occurring in an infant, or an old person,is scarcely
amenableto medical treatment.9-12.

fr$qf$; qilqdsflrYmFq Eilsrf+q: qFu,rffiq wil: I

zntgrsr qfrcrqqglnil irqrerwrqq,r€wfrr*'rsr{n qI tl
TSfrei FTgfrrivtr'+i Fri?siqr qriit tq etgr(r
vts*dr*i gflJffisffi ffi **: q;E W qftlg:. qy tl
3{r[{|trq5ilr: qil'|{€|;il:4tg aqr: TFr{Er:Tnlifql
Tnrcuf tqvr: qnqFa F-q'rq*: qgfti T{Ffint\rr
Symptomsof Sokaja andAmaja Atisdra- The suppressed
tearsof a bereavedpersonof sparingdiet, on quenchingthedigestive

fire, reach down into the Koslha (intestines)and there freely mix with
and vitiate the local blood which becomes dark-red like Kaknnanti
GufijA).It then passesthrough the rectum, chargedwith a peculiar
fetor impartedto it by the fecal matter in caseof its combinationwith
the latter or without any fetid smell, when passingout unmixed.Such
an attack ushered in by the grief of bereavementof a person is
accordingly consideredvery hard to cure. The local bodily Doqas in
the Kosyha(abdomen)are aggravatedand derangedwhen they come
in contactwith theAma (unassimilatedchyle), and are brought down
into the Kostha (bowels),where they aremore agitatedand emitted in
combinationwith the undigestedfecal matterin variousways,and are
attendedwith pain and characterised by a variety of colour.This is the
sixth type of Atisdra.13-15.
$fti clvrqrtF*iftfffsFr*ipfcqll qq ll
drr{sFtqFTsuch frFqrdtqttqstt
Symptonrs of Ama and Pakva Atisara- A case of Atisdra
(diarrhoea)would be saidto be in theAma (acute)state,if the stool of
the patient sufferingfrom any of the foregoingDosaswould be found
to sink in waterandto emit a very fetid smell andto passin brokenjets
(D.R.-to be slimy). A contrarietyof the precedingsymptomsand a
senseof lightnessof the body and in the affectedcavity would indicate
that the diseasehas passedan acutestageand it is then called Pakva
(chronic)Atisdra. 16-17.

@ qfrt qtirsq q*qqqr

qFgsr{ qq.qgtwier f{ri vfti nd{r*{s{rrrqnq4rl
rr$rqqr qq*: sad qr Wrc* u.{'qnimiwrqr
Ednfr( T(yfr{ s{aq Suieg$qwt. sxilT:u qqtl
TA qh rrfrqrurrfrsnF*,ui irr*(rr ?otr
Prognosis- If the colour of the stool (in a caseof Atisara)
resemblesthat of clarified butter, fat the washingsof Vesavdra,oil,

bone marrow, milk, honey,Mafijistha, brain-matter,or Rasdfijanaor

if the stool is cold or hot to the touch, or if it is chargedwith a fleshy
or fetid smell, or marked with lines or specksof variegatedcolours, cr
if it looks like pus or clay, or if just the oppositeor reversesymptoms
or other distressingsymptomswould be exhibited,the caseis likely to
end fatally in case the patient be weak. A patient suffering from an
attack of Atisara would be given up (as incurable) if he be weak, if the
orifice of his anus becomessuppuratedand cannot be closed, if there
be distension of the abdomen (D.R.-if the patient be not self-
restrained),if therebe distressingsymptomsand if the patientbe found
destituteof thermal heat. 18-20.

vrfrftn:nfrep:{rrffr +{ #rflqtr
aqrutr+d ffir q,Err{drkcittilRqtl
qgTIillrqrFis: I
lWrfu{qqrdsffftFrma: r
fqqrvt:ffirffra1+ qerRzitqaqrur: u R?tl
3Trqrffi'ri i6dTq15dg.p fmqt qil: r
stiT: Ir{sFd{TruKten: rrairrraqrd:u Rl tl
An attackof Atisara usheredin by whatsoevercause,is sureto
be marked by the specific symptoms of the derangedbodily Doqa or
Dosas bomplicated with it. All casesof Atisara whether due to the
indigestion of any oleaginousfood for drink (Ghyta, oil, etc.), whether
with (or without) the symptoms of pravdhika andthe accompanying
colic, as well as thosedue to visucika or any otherkind of indigestion
as also those due to the effect of any poison (affecting the digestive
system), haemorrhoids (ArJas), or worms in the intestines- all of
them are marked by the symptoms of the specific Dosa involved
therein. The treatment of Atisdra varies according to its acuteor matured
stage,the characteristicsymptomsof thosethereforeareto be carefullv
observed and noted in each caseunder treatment. 2l-23.

itrr$ mpi qFffirsfrS tq-rrtr

ild. qr*+t{gfri ErqrrdrF{rril Ffi: u Rx tl

q.rdg er{€{rt rrrq iTgsnqt{l
rr€qq€Fgt firwqrers ffi(tt qq tt
srt{ flqfEqT qrd qs* ffit
ffii fl{rfri etfir}qqrd: €HFGr:u Qetl
eTrqrfr€fuTiq,r{ qrd rirdri Trrtl
frthTffi'r6nlVt:-TIflrnrt5E:{mr1 il ?4 tl
The patient should be kept without food as soon as the
premonitory symptoms of Atisdra would appear,and then the dietic
gruels(Yavagu)preparedwith the admimxtureof digestivedrugsshould
be given in their proper order. In a casemarked by colic and flatulent
distension of the abdomen fasting should be first advised. And then
vomiting should be induced with draughts of water mixed with
powdered Pippali and Saindhava salt. A light diet in the shape of a
Khada-yusa, Yavdg-u,etc.,preparedwith the admixture of the drugs of
the Pippalyddi group, should then be prescribedafter the cessationof
vomiting. A decoction of the drugs of the Haridrddi, or Vacadi group
should be taken in the morning where the preceding remedies would
fail to relieve'mucousaccumulationsin the intestines(Amitisara).No
astringent or curative medicine in the acute or immature (Amd stage
of the diseaseshould be administeredin asmuch as by obstructing the
passageof the Doqas it might bring on an attack of enlarged spleen,
chlorosis, distension of the abdomen with suppressionof stool and
urine, Meha (urinary complaints), Kuqyha (cutaneousaffections),
ascites,fever, oedematousswellings of the limbs, Gulma (abdominal
gland, etc.) dianhoea, piles colic, Alasaka and catching pain at the

TW qSyt:tF€qr(Fd€i zil.sfrrsr{it
dqr{ufrtddr1 Ersrrnn1rfrT:
Try{*f(ll Rqll
384 SUSRUTAsaurrrrA

Eilsfd*i qTf,s gfrqqFilqrdtr

RRrd qEFt Eiqt-( q*lrg$qqrEmqu Ro tl
rrth rdt* t*qierqqfi dsffitr
qqqrffi: gffqi fdrqt(tr ltrr
e{rlq Fgt vr€Trnqt vt-d{tq qTI
rfungrx raq+t F{rqrfiqtrflffiT: ll l? tl
Purging should be indueed with HaritakT in case marked by
constantand scantymotions(of mucusand) attendedwith griping and
pain(Sula)or by an incarcerationof the derangedbodily Doscs (in the
intestines).Emeticsshouldbe first exhibitedand followed by fastings
and digestiveor assimilative(Pdcana)remediesin a casemarked by
watery and copious motions. Powdered Haritaki and pippa| with
tepid water should be administeredfor purgativepurposesin a case
marked by scantyemissionsof stool at times attendedwith pain and
colic (.f;/a). Fastingis the first remedyto be prescribedin caseof Ama
(acute)Atisdra, or in the alternative,digestive remediesshould be
prescribed.The recipesof digestivemedicinal compoundswhich are
curative in the diseaseunder discussion(Anrarisara)are described

EfuS.rfdFc'mf6-$-tl-{dffiqrr{qr: I
-furaqnrzn: uQlrl
3Ts{qreflftit 5tK qrtrir ffie qr
5R qffi YJt& €r sfrfEqrsqq., iy tl
sTl{qrsfrfuqr RT qqT ffid iml
qrsr qEffi-fr-qrh Effi rdqerqr
{qf t{ffi qrdT nFUi rqfrqFfru tq rr
futrf*,l s#RrF vrdrdr*=+fuufr.
l5{r qr+tlfi IfB EftA *tcmr zttrr:u le tl
tqrf$ i{te q 5.fuS EqrfirFr ql
qqr{fr l@ e qtiTenrterl

3rrq-ffii +gqi q Erffi ffi vrfrl

qr6r ffi gri fiTurdl e*ai q-crqn iq ll
qziai ffi frF?i ERt t{<T6 ql
gT6T ,lH'Ai si EtE[rn xo tl
EI-{T aqs"-drqrf{ t*r?i ugfrMr
RE eqr*.*crn qqrfq@FrcTtg q llYq tl
;tr.nrfaffi gri ftrurd qr-W*r wql
qEtqej qftfqqr StrSdT[qqrqTr:llY? ll
rr*qr i.ivrftrdkn: *fr*6frffitl
fr+{qc+r ?{nty?tl
fr :EF'TerrtEI
fr*eqi gtfurrqtrqcnftraq r
FfisffiqrHs{ iqftnrMnyyll
Trventy different Recipes for Amati-sdra- (1) Deva-daru,
Vaca, Mustct,Nagara, Ativisa, andAbhaya,.or of (Z) Kalinga (indra-
yava), Ativisa, Hingu, Sauvarcala-salt,Vaca andAbhaya or of (3)
Abhaya (D.R.-Nngcna), Dhdnyaka, Musta, Bataka and Bilva; or of
(4) Musta, Parpataka, Suryyhi,Vacd, Ativisa andAbhaya; or of (5)
Abhaya,Ativisa, Hingu, Vacd, andSauvacala-Salt;or of (6) Citraka,
PippaE, milla, Vaca, Katuka-rohirfi, or of (7) patha, Vatsaka seeds
(lndra-yava), HariraEi and Mahausadha (Suntht), of (8) Murva,
Nirdahani, (Citrctka), Pagha,Tryusana (Tri-katu) and,Gaja-pippa7;
or of (9) Siddharthaka,Bhadra-ddru, Satahvd andKatu-rohint; or of
00) Ela, Sdvaraka(ktdhra), Kuq{ha,the two sortsof l/ari dra, Kutaja-
seeds(lndra-yava); or of (11) Mesa-|rng\, Tvaka, Ela, Krmighna
(Vidanga) and Vrksaka (Indra-yava); or of (12) Vrksadani, Wrateru,
the two kinds of Brhati and the two kinds of saha (Mudga-parnl and
Mdsa-parnl); or of (13) barks of Eranda, Tinduka, Dadima, Kulaja
and of Sanfi; or of (14) Patha, Tejovatt, Musta, pippalr and Inclra-
yava; or of (15) Patola, Dlpyaka (Yamant),Bilva the two kinds of
Haidra andDeva-daru; or of (16) Vidanga,Abhaya,pAlha, Srngavera,
Ghana (M usta) andVaca; or of ( I 7) Vacd, Vats aka-seeds(Indra-yava),
Saindhava and Katu-rohini; or of (18) Hingu, Vatsaka-seeds(lndra-
yava), Vaca and dried greenBilva; or of (19) Ndgara, Ativisd, Mustd,


the two kinds of Pippali and Vatsaka-seeds(Indra-yava); or of (20)

Mahausadha, Prati-viqd andMustd- theseare the Twenty different
recipesof the remedieswhich are digestive(of the mucousaccumu-
lations) in casesof Ama-Atisdra and should be administered(in the
shapeof powder) with Dhanyamla(Kafijika), tepid water or wine, or
their decoctionsin luke-warm stateshouldbe used.This is a detailed
list of the bestremediesin casesof Ama-Atisara.33-44.

tKrqi td{rfrifuumwfut
qffi irdfti E;ilrrt vFrtd quY\rl
tfficfdFdqi frE ffit qqrql
firiq {qrq{r rgrqrffiFsd: u\Q u
trtr 4rqifr frct qnfinqkrpmtr
ER ET Fdsg.afir+{ arsfugurqn IrYsrI
,lFAi Tq-*s fir*gfrq qrF{unu Yetl
Twenty number of Musta shouldbe boiled in one part of milk
and three parts of water, when watery part is burnt and only milk part
is remainedthen the sameboiled liquid substanceis used as a drink
which removesArn D osa pain(Sula). A compoundof H ant akl, At iv i qa,
Hingu, Sauvarcala,andVacashouldbe takenwith tepid waterin cases
of Ann-Atisaras. Similarly a compound of Patola, Yamhni,Bilva, Vaca,
Pippali, Ndgara, Musta, ViQahga, and Kusgha,or that of Sunthi and
GuduCishouldbe takenwith tepid water.45-48.

fitqd ffi{ E:ffit
ffi' frtvmr qrdrvn$grvqulrfrqltyq lt
ttggq{e-drilrh d{uflfr q HFrrr:I
frEaq frqeq: q.ffirqqm* qf* rrqo rr
TqrrJ.{#dTusrhEms?iqrfr ra. il \q U
qegqrs{rzhntq1: qgl lrdi xtTT: ll\R ll
The five following compoundsseparatelycomposed(l) of all
kinds of officinal salt,Pippali, ViQangaandHaritax\;ir oF€) Citraka,
SirfiapA, Patha, Sarhgasta and all kinds of officinal salt; or of (3)
Hingu, Vrksaka-seeds(lndra-yava) andall kinds of officinal salt taken

in equal parts; or (4) of Naga-danti andpippa\, weighing two Tolas;

or (5) of vaca and GuducT-stems, would be found beneficial,if taken
with tepid warer. 48-52.

ftfeqtq{f&g zrFTT u{uils|ro: I

*i*rrd* FrnrEr qvlit lilsffi.*u \? tl
vqnttl-q+$ir qqrfu: qFr*{ TdRI
@aarfi{Trnrd( ilqYtl
qFt{w' fir+{ qrfr v5nrfuqnvrFd+l
EET *aTi q?tt rrdtrfffrfut*': I
vmw*qn-qrfsH rrlrffil u\\ tl
frffi fqftron+stierrrffiqvn<rtr
tquM++q frenrr(ftrirqfrmqn\q tl
clarified butrer mixed with saindhava-salt and,yava-ksara
shouldbe given to apatientof weak digestivepower in a casein
the vayu has not beenrestoredto its normal condition in spite
of the
subsidenceof the intestinal sula (griping) and which is marked
scanty(but repeated)motionspassedwith pain. TheGhrtaduly cooked
with Nagara, cdhgeri andKoIa (Badara)and with mirkt, and(Dadhi)
andAmla (Kafijika), or simply the transparentparr of clarified
shouldbe takenasa relief fo r Atisdra attendedwith Sula (pain).
In the
alternative,clarified butter mixed with (an equalquantity of oil
duly coked with curd, together with a paste of Tri-katu, Jatr
and Citraka or with that of pippah-mula, Bilva, Dadima-bark
Kuqyhashouldbe given. All theseare the remediesto be employed
a type of Arisdra due to the action of vata or of Slesmq;
uno utt ,t .
forryoing remedieswith the exceptionof thoseof keenandheat-making
potency,may be usedin the pittaja type of the disease.
TdFtg qTFFreI
stgr-qt'frS qn\stl
l. we havetherecipeof thisGhrtain c'raka sarhhitetalso.
But therewe findKsara
in placeof Ksira and that appearsto be the betterreading.see
chapter xIX, -
wder CahgeriGhJta,CarakuSarhhitir.

vrdwqts rifuqr: {vfrarr q$igtTt:t

gflRg q {sr: Qfdtt: $iqdr: I
: FII(FttTl-tFRll\4ll
fisrFafuqr srdT T{rr*t rqrs{ql
wrsi Efii e ffi E;'ffiR qu\qtl
rn-il U** ctPffiKdq 4tffit
F'ten:q: firtrur"nr: ll Qoll
Fastingasalreadyadvisedshouldbe first observedandit should
be broken with gruels(Yavagu)duly cookedwith the two kinds Bald,
or with AnSu-mafi, or Svadarh,strdandBrhati, or Sat|varT made cold
and mixed with honey.The soup QA;$ of Mudga duly cooked with
the drugs of appetising property would cure (the Dosa in) the acute
stage(Ama-dosa) of the stool. Decoctions of Haridra, Ativisa, Patha,
ydtsa-seeds (Indra-yava) and Rasaitiana; ot of Rasafiiana, the two
kinds of Haridra and Kutaja-seeds(Indra-yava; ot of Pdthd, Guduci
Bhu-nimba andKatu-rohinTwould prove extremelyuseful in correcting
(Pacana)the deranged Pitta. 57'60.

gti qp-atrffi{ qfuiurwwqt

qreTg{rar+r tffii qFili*;154qt(tl q q ||
qq'iqffi*i {qi qFEdrrg{rfflAl
IfurTFiqqi .16 nrlri *-i{s.{Tm{llq? ll
qrdrgki Efri a firu-dSi-*t rrd(l
q,.trdffiiErf,r5FT ,ISAI wi wnl
qefrsF{mt{n: fimrfrsnqrvm:
ltQl tl
Six Yogas for Pittaia-Atisdra- Any one of the six decoctions
respectively prepared with Musta, Kulaia-seeds(lndra-yava), Bhu-
nimba and Rasafijana; or with Darvl, Duralabha, Bilva and red
Candana; or with Candara, Bdlaka, Mustd, Bhlunimba,Duralabha;
or with Mrndla, Candana, Rodhra, Nagara and Nilotpalc; or with
patha, Musta the two kinds of Haridrd, Pippali and Kulaia-seedsor
with the seedsand barks of Vatsaks,SrngaveroandVacdmixed with

clarified butter should be regarded as good remedies for the Pittaja

type of Atisara.6l-63.

qqr*tqfrsri qrrt fu*sgtrE{nqYtl
qTdimt{fu€rq-€rffitmft: r
5a: mr*ugga: firrrfrgrrmrm:il Q\ tl
A caseof Pittaja-Atisdra in its acute6md stagewould yield
to the use of a decoction of (unripe). Bilva, Indra-yava, Ambhoda
(Musta), Valaka and Ativisa. A decoction of Yasli-madhu, Utpala,
Bilva, Amra, Hriveret, Ufira and Nagara mixed with honey prove
curative in the caseofdiscussion.64-65.

qEr r*nsqfrsn: Tm+qK&,r

T6rrqrqrtqtq*wr {Tiltstt Ra{rrqq rr
RTSTenT*1gEtqkgr tfrirgtrd.{l
flrilddtr*r tei gqrqrkq+F*u qe ll
sTrsrfurquf tilers fqqq*i frrcg.e: I
qqrd ,lHes {dTffits{qil qe tl
qdn\i zhn: €: qffirfrgrilTr{r: I
sifiTq 3Erffi ll q3 tl
Astringent or constipating (Sarhstambhana)remedies should
be employedin a caseof the chronic (Pakva)Atisara markedby dullness
of the Grahanl, viz., the digestivefire and by constantmotions. Any
of the four following medicinal compounds,viz., Samnhga,Dhdta6i-
flower, Mafijislha, LodhraandMustd: or of Salmali-Veqyaka,Rodhra
and the bark of Vrksaka (Kulaja) and of Dadima; or of the stone of
A*ra, Ladhra, the inner pulp of (unripe) Bilva and Priyahgu; of or
Yasti-madhu,Srngaveraandthebark of Dirgha-vrnta $yondka) should
be takenwith honey and the washingsof rice in casesof chronic (Palcva)

fu 6qrdri* in +d rTgsrflgTql

rr{t t{g.€ fffiqqflfrrg ql

fir*q T${Frrqg'rtu eq rl
tn=g{rTffi*t arsqgmrrdenqu e? tl
rr{Fr rqt rl?IT fudf gerr<*vrqr
qorfrm Effisii =rt( *a: qvfrfrrcqueQtl
The decoction of Musta alone should be taken with honey in
the caseunder discussion,or a decoctionof any of the nine Garyas,
viz.,the Lodhradi, Ambasyhadi,or Priyahgvddl group,etc. (seeChapter
XXXVIII Sutra-Sthana)shouldbe employed.Similarly, the decoction
of Padma, Samangd, Yasti-madhuand dried Bilva and Jambu fruits
shouldbe taken with the washingsof rice mixed with honey.A paste
of the root of Kacchurd weighing an Udumbara(Two Tolas) should
be similarly taken(with the samevehicles).A caseof Pakvatisarmarked
by bloody stool or by emissionof blood (from the intestines)would
yield to the useof the decoctionof Pdyasyd,Candarut,Padma(Bharg1),
Sila (Sugar),Mustd and the polensof lotus. 70-73.

f+rrrsri rFi{rd ttg*ha q.Fiaqr

'n sqrr}qqrFi qqTri qq+( gfi{u eYrt
qt1iqrii rTqsJ*r fir*q&Fr{d: ue\ tl
if$tqqqurr*rqn-atffi {-dq
Tnftfti Elsdgri qrdFrtr*,,q'ffi*,'{u eE,rl
( earqr*{ qqehTrdqrsnh fq*oq t
wil Ttrg qs{ q firqelffir5a: r
lffiEo,,r.*f-qgWtilq il\9\9il
Application of Ghyta- Cl arified butter w ith Yava-ksarc should
be given to a patientwith dueregardto the stateof his digestivepower,
after being treatedwith fasting,etc. if he still be found to be affected
with pain (Sata)and drynessand if the stool would be found to be free
from mucusi.e.,in a caseof Pakvatisara.Thecolic (in a caseof A tisara)
is relieved by taking (a potion of clarified butter duly cooked with)

Bald, Brhati, Arhsu-mattandKacchurd-rootsmixed with a little honey

and Yasti-madhu(asan after-throw). clarified butter duly cooked with
Darvl, Bilva, Kana (Pippall), Draksd, Kayuka andIndra-yaya would
prove curative in a caseof Atisara due to the action of the VAtu,pifiA
andKapha (iointly or separetely).A draughtof milk, honeyandclarified
butter (in equalparts) mixed with sugar,Ajamoda,Kanahga andyasti-
madhu (as an after-throw) would relieve the griping pain (Sula) inthe
intestines(in a caseof Atisara). 74-77.

gtt*i Wq*t ffi,

q|;Tl*uffiff1 il\92tl
irqre {*TaFT Tqr*.sR{Tdql
q',rgrfrq{q**IraF q*'rr it Eatn eq tl
TErs;cfud @l
k{Tffq ffiw rtrqrrilq ir'irrT:u 4o tl
pfti qw,i qiiqr qqtdEnqtt
ftfr+qtprffi* rdg rlTer*(nzq rl
qmerffi^ qt*': TdilqTq1rt(t I z R||
vr*rtq|rt {frd qrq+dEtl{+ n e? tl
drgd-frrsfrttrq ffiddq ney tl
yeqTfudr( TeTrdrrrnqrq
qqrih ll|q+€*frr( qqf,T+{{rqtu /\ n
girG: g.-fiil {cdqt hqr=r*qr
Satr*r1uurc*t@ilzq tl
Pu{apakaPreparations- A caseof long-standing(chronic)
Atisdramarkedby stoolsof variouscoloursanda keendigestionbut
unattendedwith any sortof painor complication
with medicicnespreparedin the manerof putapakapreparation
(describedbelow).The barksof Dlrgha-vrnta(Syonaka),andpolens

of lotus shouldbe pastedtogetherandwrappedup in leavesof Kaimari

or of Padnza(lotus) with their endstied with string or thread(D.R.-
KuSa).The cover shouldbe thencoatedwith a plasterof clay and duly
scorchedin the fire of (Smokeless)charcoal(of Khadira). When well
cooked,it shouldbe takenout andthejuice,squeezed out of its contents.
This juice should be cooled and administeredin combination with
honeyin a caseof Atisara. Similar preparationsof the drugsknown as
Jivantl andMesa-fyng7,etc.,may also be usedin the sameway. The
skin of the Tittira bird shouldbe peeledoff and a pasteof the drugsof
theNyagrodhadi groupshouldbe stuffedinto its belly after it hasbeen
previously drawn. After this is shouldbe duly stitchedup and cooked
(scorched)in the fire in the abovemanner.The juice should then be
squeezedout therefrom and administered,when cool, with the
admixtureof honey and sugarin a caseof Atisara. The drugs known
as Lodhra, Candana,Yasti-madhu,Darvl, PathA,Sita (sugar),Utpala
and the barksof Dlrgha-vrnta pastedtogetherwith the washingof rice
should be duly scorchedin the fire in the abovemanner (of a Puta-
paka). The juice pressedout of its contentsand taken with honey,
when cold, provescurativein casesof Atisara due to the action of the
derangedPina andKapha. Similar preparationsmay be made of the
aerial roots of Vata etc. and may be advantageouslyprescribedwith
the soup of the flesh of any Jangalabi rd (such as Tittira, Kapifijala

strq8rf{qwi fiTq€rffidd{lt ee tl
The Kutaja-bark takenwith treaclewould cureperforcethe long-
standing casesof Astisara attendedwith blood and marked by the
diminishedaction of the bodily Vayubtt a predominantaction of the
derangedKapha. The drugs of theAmbaqthadi group as well as those
of the Pippalyadi group taken with honey would be similarly
beneficial. 87.

* ftr*( tqi qrftrdrg-{trrfr

srtq.trq fuf,€ t+Wiiqfisqr$'{qt

err+rwfirgrqft qer'[ qrqq-{ rqr(r
qqr qeiqfrTrrq EFil qmrq{ifl"rqllzq ll
Tsrwi {rfdkd' F{rfti e*sidenr
emaffie qrqt( irugdrq{rl
Fv;a Tffid qFfr Etrn q{sqFEilr' 11qo ll
A Peya duly preparedwith the admixtureof Prsniparni. Bala,
Bilva (D.R. Yilva), Balaka, Utpala, Dhanyaka and Ndgara, should
be taken by a patient suffering from Atisdra. A caseof Pakvatisara
would yield to the curativeefficacy of a light medicinalgtuel (Yavagu
duly piepared with the admixture of the paste of Syondka-bark,
Priyangu, Yasti-madhuand tender sproutsof Dadima pastedtogether
with curd.A caseof Atisdra attendedwith blood andcolic (Sula)would
be readily cured by the use of Rasaniuna,Ativisd, Dhatala, Ndgara
and the bark and seedsof Kulaja taken with honey and the washings

ffiws I
3rfrsri f{6{g ffi: t5lr[t:l
ilffii qwi q-{Wq gu qt rl
qqft{ wrq-vrpr*fr}tr€cltr: I
vrdin: *{i-gffi'r: frdr q<E{trrq{ll 3Rll
q*tq rcFis qsr-( qrsr )-TWrs Erl*( t
qrffi q ffit EFNtg {hrtrr qt u vreqftrf+g 6,qFi faciPsTqt
fiTflTq{fui t{i €qia q5*rfdd{tt qY tl
Yasti-madhu,(dried) green Bilva-fruit mixed with honey and
sugar,or particlesof Sati and Sastikarice(administeredwith the same
drugs) would prove curativein a caseof Alisdra. Badarl'roors pasted
with honey shouldbe given to be licked with the sameresult.Barks of
Badari, Arjuna, Jambu, Amra, Sattakl and Vetasa taken with honey
and sugarwould cure a caseofArisara. Gruels (Yavagu),Mandas (thick
gruel squeezedthrougha pieceof linen) and Yusa(soup)may also be

duly preparedwith the admixtureof thesedrugszrd in a casemarked

by excessivethirst, the water for drinking shouldbe preparedby duly
boiling thesedrugs. The cold infusion of Salmali-stemskept in the
open spacefor a whole night, may be given with good results as a
drink in combination with Yasti-madhuandhoney. gt-94.

Eilq+fr: ErqrFfi': I
v{-fifTfl€I qrr: fir*( EqntTqFffi: [ 9\ tl
qerrssi EerTffig qfueqr
f+tfeftgrqffi'qftffi1. Td{1 qq ll
N{;adwrqq?znil{ TTr(n qe tl
f6a:ffit*} EnER?t-cT:frbarg t r
ftfuffiF{$* fui kils Tdg.dTin qe n
Use of MiIk in Atisara- Milk should be given in a case of
Atisdra marked by the suppressionof stool and vayu and attended
with griping (Sulci,constantscantymotions,symptomsof Rakta-pitta
and thirst.Milk is ambrosiaitself in sucha caseof Alisdra (Diarrohea),
and in long-standingcasesthe milk ro be takenshouldbe duly boiled
with thrice as much water.This would removethe remnant,if any, of
the Dosa involved and is, therefore,consideredas the bestremedy in
such cases.oily purgativesand applicationof picchila-Basri (slimy
intestinal injections) as well as the medicatedGhyta duly prepared
with the expressedjuice of the barks of slimy trees,e.g., Syonaka,
salmali, etc. are beneficial under the circumstances(in chronic or

vrqrar vq riqsqftFn+dvilftn\r
qrqqsqqr gfr'{rqwsqqqRfrtiq,: I
qfrRSSrrSiqffi, fir*( qqfuyrdnRnqqtl
@-i{rwrvrfiq*fd{ |
€5il trtrfrtrrarqi*r tqrftftBnaqr
l. powders of Sahnali stem should be kept immersedfor whole night in an equal
quantity of water. In the moming the water should be passedthrough a piece
linen. Four-Pa/a-weightof this water mixed with a Karsa weight oara,rti-nrudhu
and honey should be taken. pARTNER

ffi*d Ef{ g{r5u'q11ioo tl

Draughtsof clarified butter duly preparedwith the tendersprouts
of the KsTri trees and mixed with honey and sugar (as an after-throw)
shouldbe taken in a caseof Atisara markedwith a dischargeof blood
before or after the passingof the stool and with a cutting pain (in the
region of the anus).Draughtsof medicatedclarified butter duly prepared
with the barks of Deva-ddru andwith PippaIi, Suryghi,LAkqA,Indrayava
andBh,adra-rohinl(Katuka) administeredthroughthe medium of any
kind of Peya, would prove highly efficaciousin a caseof Tri-dosaja
Atisdra of severetype. 99-100.

rH qcFi qs{ qF[ gr(f6rcl; s'rh': I

Et Ert TTF{qr*i qr€ilq rffifqtr*(r I t oq tl
{F{* Eg+i q fuo*} qxvfru*:r
qrdqrenwi lqti nen tt ioq 11
Exhibition of emeticsor vomiting is an excellentremedy in a
case of Atisdra marked by heaviness(in the abdomen) and th.e
predominanceof the derangedbodily Kapha. A caseattended with
fever, burning sensationand suppressionof stool and marked by an
aggravationof Vayushouldbe treatedasa caseof Rakta-pitta.Intestinal
injections with urine-purifying (Mutra-Sodhana) drugs should be
speedilyadministeredin the mannerof an Asthapanaor Anuvdsana
Basti, as the occasionmight arise,in a casemarked by an excessive
accumulationof the derangedbodily Dosasin the affectedlocality as
well as by the suppression(of stool) during the mature stageof the

rqttd rIsf$ T{qrt ffir

q$rntti fui qH'.tq1-drffi(n to? tl
Iffi! fir+{qslz1qffi1-q;p
effiq16i St ffiq'{rwrsrftrdquloq s1
Intestinal injections consisting of oil or clarified butter duly

cookedand preparedwith the drugsof sweetand acid tastesshouldbe

applied in the mannerof an AnuvdsanaVasti in a casemarkedby the
protrusionof thebowel throughviolent andexcessivestrainingandby
painful obstructionof urine (MfiraghAtu) and pain in the waist.Pitta-
subduingwashesandinjectionspreparedwith thePirta-subduingdrugs
and applied in the manner of AnuvasanaBasti,are the remediesin a
casemarked by the suppurationof the anusdue to the aggravationof
Pitta in an injudicicousor intemperatepatient. AnuvdsanaBasti charged
with oil duly cooked with wine, Bilva and Dadhi-manda should be
appliedin a caseof Ati sdra markedby the aggravationof the deranged
bodily Vdyu, and milk duly boiled and cookedwith the admixtureof
Kacchurd-rootsshouldbe given to drink. 103-105.

nfi^sttq srifqil |
T{rqrgH-6rqs ffiryw{rffiT: il qoe,tl
*r}qrw6,,tqt Tt u qoetl
Piccha-Basti should be applied (into the rectum in a caseof
Atisdra markedby painful and frequentemissionof blood, though in
scantyquantitiesat a time, andby an entire suppressionof Vayu(Flatus).
An atonic condition of the anusresultsfrom a long-standingattackof
Atisdra which should,therefore,be remediedby rubbing the part with
oil. 106-107.
qfuermffi Er;rds'rqtfuErflsfi:
qftrmu'qn *S: flurga[:rr{rftraT:
u toz,tl
vndqurt gFJquft Tfifr queffiTR"fiT r
Er?r lr.igr ffi qrd|;TFTrqrrd{il ioi 11
ItrsTlarrqi-d(nil )tka, FEtFd€rRun{l
ftraq.qt Fr$T +fr gfrsmEnttto tl
Diet- The diet of the patient suffering from all kinds of Atisdra
should be preparedwith the admixture of Kapittha, SAImaE,Phafiji (a
kind of Patha), Vana-Karpdsi (D.R. Vata and Kdrpasi), Dadima,
Yuthika, Kacchurd, Selu, Sana, Cuccfi, Dadhi (curd), Sala-pan.ti,
PySnipar4i, ByhatT,Kanta-karika, BaId, Svadarhqtra,.Bilva, Pa1ha,

NdgaraandDhdnyakaandmayalsoconsistsof thepastesof sesamum

andMudgapulseor of Mudgasoup.L08'110.
finnftrsrfrzfrqd: fi5;Rnhfq+q+
fri TEg fstv3 riffi'rfrqrmqrqt(l
qt WiqqTqrfastqrmaEr€-ut1u qtt tl
Cause and Symptoms of Raktati-sdra- The bodily Pitta of.
person already suffering from an attack of Pittaia-Atisdra is further
derangedand aggravated,if Pitta-generatingeatablesare taken, and
ushersin the dischargeof blood with stool accompaniedby fever,
buming sensation,thirst, gripings (Sula) and excessivesuppuration
(inflammation) of the anus(Guda).The aboveare the characteristics
of the Raktati-sara. ll1.
rilniiwga: q{usrq qr qfrfiFrdtI
R qgeda+{i qsftt, TTrRrd'T{t:ll tqR ll
firil( €sr*rrqttfi srqrsu{F{qur il( |
tiTur( il*,-sr$r*( trir:n qq?n
fuqrdvnffiinraqT-vrg'*1fr fi Tvfi{q:l
qtftffiffr: frAr: €qil-{r{fr";TrpFn: u qqy u
qg*' vre{i dsi q{snE*nfiqr{l
firffiq rr{rsr qei}-{ rifi'qryrq{ut t\ rl
qFsginrfrqi dei T**i €ruf(rm( |
fir*qqers €r*wrtilqqwn<au ttq tl
Treatment- Draughtsof milk duly boiled and cooked with
the leavesof Vata, etc. (thoseincluded within theNyagrodhadi group)
shouldbe given with clarified butter,or with sugarandhoneyin a case
marked by a dischargeof blood before or after motions; or the butter
preparedby stirringthe precedingpreparationof milk shouldbe taken;
and draught of the Takra (thus prepared) should be taken as an after-
potion. The dischargeof blood (in a caseof Atisara) may be stopped
by a potion consisting of the barks of Priyala, SAlmaE,Plaksa, Sallata
andTiniflapastedtogetherwith milk and mixed with honey.The same
result is obtainedby administeringthe milk of a she-goatwith a paste

af Yasti-madhu,Sugar,Indhra, Payasya (Arkapuspi) andSariva and

mixed with honey, or with a paste(or powder) of MafijisthA,SArivA,
Lodhra, Padmaka,Kumuda, Utpala and Padma(Bhargi).112-116.

vr*+fltrfrtrrFr qqg.r qU{ frar: r

fror: gun: srlgFtl-6t: +'.Ewnh qtt qqstl
fdrTr ffi fr'n*{
6q{T 665c,fi:I drngan !F cl
silin rrqeT tqr: w{t qgigilr: n lq4 tl
T+ sr$ wqfr qrcrffi rrs,frrfr{l
Fffii sr+{ F@'qwJ ki f6 ir(u qqqtl
ffi Efr -lg mqquf f{rdr rTe{t
qvlii {fifwfri ifti Eq.EnrqqutRo tl
fuiqqei qqg*r vr*\rgxig.rqt
zhr: fomntfrxi qt(tr t?t tl
dr{rq qtinkni'srqq fir*( q$ffr*ntl
"rmrrTRE E;qiq gffi{rq qe}ft'dquqRRtl
t5gr* q t yfird.r*fu frerq: r{in: I
u,qrqt qrqvnqfli fuueRaB-d rr*(u qRt tl
rrtrfd{ eis{grt ffircil.firqrdt I
@iffi( utRytl
qffiF lr{Ril *.ET{ qTI
qertt+d-( irFr qrdiqtq+: grTr:n qR\ tl
Sugar, Utpala, ktdhra, Samanga,yasti-madhu andtila; or Tild,
Krsn6, Yasti Madhu, Samangd and Utpala or TiIa, Moca-rasa and
Lodhra; or Yasti-madhu and Utpala; Kacchurd and Tila are the
ingredientsof four recipeswhich, if takenwith the she-goat'smilk and
honey, would remove the blood inthe stool. pastesof anripe Bilva
fruits, treacle, oil and honey taken before the meal would be a remedy
in a casemarkedby waterymotionsmixed with blood.A caseof blood
dysentry due to the derangedblood, andPitta and attendedwith Sda
yields to the use of a compound consistingaf Kosakdra (a kind of

sugar-cane)pulverisedparchedpaddyfried in clarified butter andmixed

with sugarand honey.A caseof blood-dysenterydue to the action of
the derangedblood, andPitta may be cured with a compoundof the
kernel of a (unripe) B i lva -fruit mixed with Yas1i -madhu and takenwith
the washingsof rice, honey and sugar.Astringentcompoundsshould
be takenmixed with honeyand sugar.Putapakn measuresasmentioned
before are employed with the drugs of Nyagrodhadi group. The
remedies mentioned in connection with a case of Guda-paka
(suppuration of anus) should also be employed in these cases.
Application of Piccha-Bcsti is recommendedin the type where the
pain does not subside.A purgative consisting of the decoction of
Vidanga, Triphala andPippa[i should be given to a patient of Atisara
having hardenedfaecesand plenty Dosa with good digestivefire. In
the alternative,a purgativeconsistingonly of milk cooked with Eranda-
roots (castorplant) shouldbe employedandthepatientshouldbe given
Yavagupreparedwith appetisingand Vaya-subduingdrugs. ll7-125,

{srn:nW+ q:rndt +fu vEF(l

€ fir*( u,,rfuftiqga-qftr*dqdqdqn tRq tl
ffi rJstdnqt s{ql+( qqnfur qr
k*rfr frgqqrsfr quifueqvrargftr:
uI Retl
<*qgq g;ca{r6rqv+drqlfir+(gtrql
vrsrqiri w€fEt FrSi qlE t
sraE flqqrq tid Td* T[$fi: qT&ilqte rr
Tracele(Phanital mixed with powderedSunthi,curd, oil, milk
andclarified buttershouldbe given in a casemarkedby good digestive
fire but by frothy motions devoid of all foecal matter. Badara-fruits
boiled with oil and treacie, or cakes prepared from them and dried
unripe Bilva-fruits should be prescribed.Cakespreparedwith boiled
Mdsa-pulseshouldbe prescribedto be takenwith curd followed by a
draught of Sveta (Cake-made)wine in the asemarked by the absence
of fecal matter in the stool. The blood-stainedflesh of fecal maner
inthe stool. The blood-stainedflesh of a hare cooked with Samahga,
curd and clarified butter shouldbe takenwith well boiled rice in case
of absenceof stool. 126-128.

{q-d zrr* qrq-qdrdf,{€: yg{; I

rflrd qftrqrMril: u lR3 tl
f**flcapraqfr qFrr5FFrtRdqr
euT:Hrgzrq* g$#,qr* fAa{rrt?o rr
vwiqffi d *wrnrtnrsrd,il,
q fteq{qt{.it *f+. ftrram:€-6n qt t rl
A decoction of Mdsa-pulse,Kola and barley duly cooked in
equal parts of the oil and clarified butter mixed with curd and the
expressedjuice of Dadinn should be prescribedas diet in the case.
The absenceof any fecal matter in the stool (Purisa-Ksay,c)would
yield to the use of Blr (black salt), dried unripeBilva fruit andSunthi
pastedwith any acid juice and mixed with curd-creamand cooked in
equal parts of oil and clarified butter. Clarified butter duly cooked
with astringentandappetisingdrugsshouldbe givenin a caseof Atisara
attendedwith Sala where the patient feels a good appetiteafter the
loss of fecal matter. 129-131.

erg:qTd frfui qiTrd'@l

rdr6rTrursd-ifl\b rdrF6-s't di r{qFfr nqr: l qiR tl
qrrs.dr€{fi{r fudr(F-Er6rw[tFTE6rFtE[
fusfEr E iTr,*esqu1l{r rdrFct
@ft'Ti iFqElrrrc[qEmfla il q?i ll
Symptoms of Pravahikc* The Vayu i n the organism of person
addictedto the useof unwholesomefood, is derangedand aggravated.
It carries down the accumulationsof Baldsa (mucus) into the lower
part of the body, whence,mixed with stools,they areconstantlypassed
off with tenesmus.The diseaseis calledPravahika(mucousdianhoea).
The diseasesis calledPravahika (mucousdiarrhoea).The motionsare
attendedwith Suta (pain) in the Vatajatype of the disease,with buming
sensationinthe Pittaja one, with mucus inthe Kaphajc one and with
blood (blood-streakedmucus) in the Raktaja (blood-originedtype).
Excessive_ useof dry (Ruksa)or of fatty articlesof food may be regarded
as the exciting factor of these cases.The specific indicationsof
Piavahika as well as its Ama or acute andPakvaor mature stase

are respectivelyidentical with those of the several

types of
Atisiira. 132-133.
r ffi@qiffiqiqf{ rrrqHr
fri_ffidrsJ ,fi ffiR fui frenrms-e*wqs'q1ytl
ard:g*: *iqfreffi gdrqrrutfurfr vner*ffq r
TTR rTq g-cqr-*,,+iqr'frr{ tsril ,F.,qd"1 qQ\rl
Sr Td MqFdfret ffi*r qdqgq-eqqrsfur
1ftd F+qerre firqrrwm, TqTfrirr{T5fiutr$1ttq tl
EggT*annraq vfd rqrcqnrnq ffir
qfitur Enrem-firm$tr*fr{ g-qqr{$qrtr€uqle
Treatment- In theeventof fastinganaothei dig
compounds(of Pravahilca)producing no beneficial
effect in serious
casesrhey ae found to readily yield to the useof
boiled milk, oil, Tila
(sesamum)or picchila Basri.The greenstems
of sarmattw.ri.ouo.o
with green Kusa-brades,shourdbe scorchedinthe
fire in the manner
of juice shourdbe squeezedout there
luya-paka' The of and mixed
with boiledmilk, oil, crarifiedbutterandpowderedyasti-maelhushourd
be carefully injected into the rectum in the manner
of Basri apprication
in casesof Pravahika marked with the retention
of stool and urine.
similar injecrionsof a decoction of Dasa-mura
durycooked in milk
and mixed with honey and applied in rhe mann.,
of un Arriip'orro-
B_astias well as the applicaqionof oil in the
manner of an Anuvdssna
Basri would prove highly efficacious in cases
marked with painful

Tf, Eqltg +{ furs ftrq l?mqqri1qiz,rl

F+dflq€fmgvTdrg fufugrq *fu ergFf,*lcr(uqiq tl
Efi €sftsrrrqrft.ra;ur
V*c h:qrf ftsr yc*,nfr.rql
VmgqsRrR-{qrsfr Sur vfrt{ ,Tgq*1iyo 1
Tl-drFttrffi'mtn-ffi gr*{ trdrqG, r
@: !mr{ vstsrqFrfrq+quqyt ' tl
rgrtq Er{sq rsrqrUq|E* qrdqftGi RTiqtFrtt
qurrqql=rr{qerenS: ffi Hreffrffi srt(u qy?tl

tea ( a )s lsqaerErsfrnfr'wmsrqtrTTdttrSfi'ql
qrt( se6: ftnrmqH -g*il q+dfuFrs5d,r
qrqqgRrdqyflquffiq€Teq qqnqR-*T{vrquqyt rl
Diet- Oil duly cooked with the drugs of the Vayu-subduing
(Vidari-gandhAdD group and with (the five officinal kinds of) salt
should be used in the preparation of) food and drink. A compound
consistingof Lodhra, Bit-salt and dried unripe Bilva-fruitpastedwith
oil and mixed with Tri-kapi should be given to be lickedr. The food
(boiled rice) of a diarrhoeicpatient should be taken with honey and
curd from which the creamhasnot beenremoved;or with milk warmed
by a piece of red-hot metal2(other than gold and silver) and mixed
when cold with a profuse quantity of honey. The use of milk duly
boiled and cookedwith the admixtureof Tri-katu andVidari-gandhd,
with the food would prove curative in a case attendedwith SuIa. He
shouldalsobe given soups(Rasa)preparedwith the drugsof appetising,
astringent(Grahi) andVdyu-subduingvirtues.Fishesshouldbe taken
and its soup shouldbe preparedwith oil and clarified butter with the
admixture of Vayu-subduingdrugs. The diet in this diseaseshould
consistof venison,mutton of goat'sflesh cookedwith the tendersprouts
of aY ata tree or of blood of a fatty goat duly cookedwith curd (Dadhi),
oil and clarified butter. He may take his food with an unsalted soup
(Yuqa)of a peacockor of a livabird, or with well preparedcurd. He
may take (with benefit) well cooked Masa-pulse mixed with the
transparentupper part of clarified butter (Ghrta-man4a)and with curd,
while chewing at intervals (with his teeth) the unpowdered Marica
(black pepper).138-143.
rr6rc+Tr$.E fuq qfri qErqt(r
q*qgTdfqei qsJ.{t$irsrftrdnil IYY rl
rtErk: vrq+( Fs rihqr6qrfrqr1l
qgtqqfu€s ki ilsrgernnql
{TTrdr6F{ fu t.qrdT* rrt*r: u qY\ tl
1. Accordingto somevariantsthis compoundshouldbe takenthricedaily.
2. In placeof "5q't- Kupya (any metal other than gold and silver someread
"Sdt'- Kurpa whichis explainedto meana kind of stone.

qEr qErrT*m:FTqE[rdvrFircTerTim
trvrriqrotqrfr vrTFiiqrfr yqrkq'rr
ift{r( rqrffin rn6iivrlr+{fi{qtn tyq tl
A compound of milk, honey and clarified butter mixed with the
decoction of Yasti-madhuand (Jtpala should be applied in the manner
of Basti-applicationin (a caseof Pravahika, marked by) excessive
pain ano painful micturition (Mutra-Krcchra).The applicationof this
Bcsri would alleviatethe burning sensation,allay the the accompanying
fever and remove the blood (in the stool). Injectionsof the decoction
(of the drugs) of Madhura group (such as Kdkoi, etc,) in the manner
of anAnuvdsana Basti, should also be applied every day- at daytime
or in the night, if the patient be feeling any pain. A Basti applied with
the admixture of oil would pacify the aggravatedbodily Vayu and
Pravahika, would be removed with the pacification of the deranged
bodily Vdyu. The main treatment, therefore, in a cae of pravahika is
restore the deranged local vayu to its normal condition, (which is
identical with the cure). 144-146.

qrdrq+{r E?tqF[ *f
{udvqrrnrrftrfrrgfirgr: r
gorqfrr: vrrqFniFi tE{rrsfui vgivdarr
Wt Vt qqre*rR tFi frqrraqFdEErs.r{qqrvJ
Eqr(t I qxe ||
@t rt,var ffi qqlqr
ffianr qsq?rmrrcrTrftqrgargfiTqr q qn{u lya tl
Medical Treatment- The drugsknown as patha,Ajamodd,
Kugaja-seeds, SuryghiandMagadhika takenin equal parts, pasted
togetherand dissolvedin tepid water or milk dury boiled with the
testiclesof a goat and mixed with clarified butter would prove
efficaciousin a caseof Pravahika.clarified buttermixedwith oil and
duly cookedwith Suryyhiand,Ksavakawould giveinstantaneousrelief,
if licked. Yavaguduly preparedwith the admixtureof Bilva and the
expressed juice of Gajaiana(Sattakt)Kumbhikamd Dagimnandwith
curd,oil andclarifiedbutterwouldprovehighlybeneficial.Theuseof
milk just drawnwouldsimilarlyprovebeneficialin thecase.r4z-14g.
404 SUSRUTAsaMnrrA

qfrqegrrrq {,rqrh fl€renfr @gt

fd,mqt+etffir<Arrq ftfg Fiwrtfr+q.rrgrf,:lI qx q ||
A wise and experiencedphysicainshouldemploy the foregoing
medicinal compoundsand decoctionsin the complaintsof the bowels
and of the stomach (Udaramaya) as well as light, appetising and
emulsive (Snigdlru)articlesof fare and other articlesof food prescribed
before as diet in the cases.149.

qtffiqrEr{: t\o u
Yavagu- Yavagi (gruel)is alwaysefficaciousin casesof fever
and Atisdra in as much as it allays thirst, is light in digestion and
appetising,and actsas a cleanserofthe bladder(diuretic). 150.

tqqrqrt t*qr fwrms'q+r

ffi firrt r
stri Hrd{rTet vH yiq.{rRrfruq\q tl
FqEnvi:ffiglrlt fear dstqwCqrr
trid[€tqsrsis qrs]AQfrfrerfi:
ll qqRll
€Tqr+ E tqrurt # fqmgqr€ir(r
* ffi q €-**rff qr€ftrtu t\? tl
General Principle of Treatment- Drying (Rukqa)measures
should be employed in a casedue to the excessiveuse of any oily or
emulsive food, and emulsive (Snigdha)measuresshouldbe adopted
in a casebroughton throughan excessiveuseof any dry (Rukqa)article.
The causeof terror should be first removed in a casedue to fright,
while the mind should be calmed or consoledin the casedue to any
grief or bereavement.The treatmentin cases(of Atisara) due to piles
or worms (in the intestines)as well as in those due to the effect of
poison (introducedinto the system)consistsin emplying therapeutic
agentswhich are simultaneouslyremedialboth to the diseaeand to its
exciting factors. Complicationsor distressingconcomitantssuch as
vomiting, thirst fainting fits, etc.,shouldbe removedwith drugswhich
arenot incompatiblewith the main treatmentof the disease,andwhich
do not aggravatethe exciting factors. In a case of fever or Atisdra

markedby thesimultaneous aggravationof thederanged bodilyDosas,

thederanged Pira shouldbefirstremedied,
whilein all otheraffections,
it is the derangedbodily Vayuwhich shouldbe first curbeddown or
fT{r qi wqttqrgs rrwfr r
furc*rgqk{F{q:u t\Y tl
Indications of cure- Non-emissionof stool at the time of
urination and the free emissionof flatus (Vayu),aswell asthe rousing
of the appetite,and the lightnessof the abdominalcavity (Kostha) are
the indicationsof cure in a caseof Udardmaya(Dianhoea,etc.r 1.54.

q,,{qrqrerq:*fq<etsqr: qFaqrrfr r
frtr*+{$tqrsr$ Erftfl!@T6r:1 t\\ ll
qwrf{iqffi{d ffir: e'{g'st,
ynrqffr ftrFWr Aq{'q{qF{FT:u tqq tl
tqrrsFrcmr t sfrs-gr erqk qr
Tdd {g-frqr En qr+ffiilcrq tr
qddqqr€rgnr fu' fiqfqF4ffiu tq\etl
Static or Dynamic causesof Diseasesand Treatment- Some
diseasesare due to the dynamicsof Karmas (deedsdone by a man in
the presentor any prior existence),and someare due to the effectsof
derangedbodily Doqas,while there may be others which have their
origin both in the dynamicsof Karma and the necessaryphysiological
(Doqaja) causes.Of these a Karma-origined diseasemay come on
without any apparentexciting factor and it disappearswith the extinction
of its (Karma's) result effected by means of any remedial measure
(e.g. penance,etc.) other than medical treatment,whereasa Dosa-
origined diseaseis conqueredas soonas the involved derangedDosqs
of the body arerestoredto their normal condition.casesdue to a slight
derangementof the bodily Dosasof the body arerestoredto their normal
condition. Casesdue to a slight derangementof the bodily Dosas but

l. The printededitionof Dalha4uscommentary

saysthat thesearethe symptomsof
casesof aggravated Atisdra.

attendedwith a good deal of troubles as well as those due to the

excessiveaggravation of the Dosas but attendedwith only slight
troubles should be attributed both to the physiological causesand to
the dynamics of Karma and these are cured only when both of these
causesviz., Karma and aggravatedDoqasare removed.155-157.
qqrd T$rfr
srftRri{F-{isfr rrqrt{FdTflfl"T:I
rfel: w qffil{qt(uq\erl
irrqr(qr4: qflErFffi fefisr( t
qlEr*rFflif{er:Frqtra: gT6krkfeffllq\3 ll
q$ftrf,wr qm qt 6afT qfifrtftfdrl
qEF',rmvrqcrerRenr6sfr {Tr rrdfiftrdilt qqo tl
rarqrwqfufrq qrfr TdutrfeftT:
fisr( rqfre TS rrdqfr€sEE{Fdlltqq ll
GraharyT- The Grahanl (lit, the uppermost extremity or the
receiving duct of the intestines)is affectedby the pauseswhich produce
dulnessof appetite.The digestivefire of a patient is again deranged,
even afterr the subsidenceof an attackof Atisara, if, with the dulness
of appetite,he still be intemperateand injudicious in mattersof food
and drink. Hencethe regimenof diet and conductin a caseof Atisdra
shouldbe as laid down in connectionwith the sequelof any purgative
course (Virecana), until the derangedDoqas of the body would be
completely restoredto their normal condition,bringing in the natural
health and strength in their train. The sixth Kala which has been
describedas thePitta-dhara Kala (Pitta containingsheath)is situated
betweenPakvasaya andAmaSaya (doudenum?) i s called Gr aharu.The
strength of the organ of Grahani is dependenton the digestive fire
(Agni) and the latter is situatedin the former. Henceanythingthatimpa-
irs the digestive fre (Agni) necessarilyaffectsthe GrahanT.L58-161.
!FTI: F*Yrlq
TrgTr{wil $FqrIIt{ fErtffiil qq?tl
that Grahaniis
l. The useof "3{ftttin the text shows,say the commentators,
possibieevenwithout a previousattackof Atisdra.

qcherwri Tfr E*d5*a{l

@ tr=il:nqqtn
The aggravationof one or all the bodily Doqas leads to the
derangementof the Grahani into which the food takenis passedoff in
the shapeof undigestedfecal matter,or if it is degested,it sometimes
producesconstipationof the bowels and sometimesliquid motions
accompained(in both cases)by pain and fetid smell. The disease
is called Grahanl (chronic dianhoea?) by experiencedphysicians.

ilFft{r{tffi s*v6nereqJqsqr,l
ffiqi"ilst.H: trRT:q,utgdsT{,q{Rt I t Erx||
Premonitory Symptoms- Incompletedigestion,lassitudeor
a senseof physical langour, laziness,thirst, a senseof exhaustion,
weakness,aversionto food, cough,ringing in the ears(Kanpa-Ksveda\
and rumbling sound in the intestinesare the symptomswhich mark
the Premonitory stageof the disease.164.

srEqrt w*wq: vlrqrqsT:gTr: I

l rq q \ r l
Symptoms- Swelling or oedemaof the handsand of the feet,
emaciation, pain at the joints, greediness,thirst, vomiting, fever,
aversion to food, burning sensation,eructationsof bitter. acid or
fermented taste,or of thosesmell of blood or smoke,water-brash,bad
tastein the mouth and non-relish for food, aswell an attackof Tamalca-
Svasa(variety of asthma)are the indications of the developedstageof
the disease(Grahani). 165.

qrilqfrrftr*; q-g-6qrysqq61$; ;
fi,*q*UfrtoF* q,,tnr(Fnq|wdqT+: n tQQtl
!ffiErv[Fil? q6q. u qq\stl

Specific Symptoms of Grahaqfi.- A caseof the Vatajd type is

accompainedby a severeaching pain at the anus,thorax (Hrdaya),
sides,abdomenand the head.A caseof the Pittcrjatype is markedby
a burning sensationin the body, while the one of Kaphaja origin is
characterised by a senseof heavinessin the limbs. A cseof Zri-Doqaja
Grahani exhibitssymptomsbelongingto all the symptomsof the three
cases(Vata7a, Pittaja andKaphaja types).The derangedbodily Dosas
involved in a caseimpart their characteristiccolour to the finger-nails,
eyes,face andexcreta(stoolandurine) ofthe patient.Thus it furnishes
a satisfactoryclue to the diagnosisof the disease,which, if neglected
or uncheckedat the outset,may usherin an attackof Hrd-roga (disease
of the heart), Pdndtt (chlorrosis),Udara (Ascites, etc.),Gulma piles
and enlargementof spleen.166-167.
qPlrdqtq'{ Ts fqvJq.{qqqTqi1d{l
tqrR' fu*( nrq ffiTqrsfd{n qqell
ifif: @r
fir*q nrd: g{rfu-*6TrgqrqF* r
a*ur qrsq ai5 qr *qit Fagqttt lqq tl
f*nrf'rM*r: fmqrsmrqqn'*(r
quf f5qrarF€tsggterffieqrg1-q(ll leo ll
6d'a qrftnts qr$.t'RTtq Enl
qgrjtr qqITq Td ffi 6i u*qn qet tl
rrdm{trt rrd raufufrFruri
q{Ffrrkfrerrqqrtrt(dFsfrmF*: ||teR||
Treatment and Diet- Appropriate emetics and purgatives
should be exhibted (for cleansingthe upper and lower parts of the
body) in accordancewith the aggravationof theDosa or Doqasinvolved
and Peyas (gruels) and other articles of diet duly preparedwith
appetising drugs should then be prescribed in their due order.
Therapeuticagentspossessedof digestive,astringentand appetising
virtue shouldbe takenin morning throughthe vehiclesof Sura (wine),
Ari ; 1a,Sneha (oi I or clarifi ed butter),cow's urine, tepid water, or Takra.
The use of Takra in the mornins is in itself an excellentcure for the

disease(Gralnnl) Remediesmentionedin connectionwith the treatment

of worms in the intestines,Gulma,ascitesor piles may alsobe adopted
with benefit in the diseaseunderdiscussion.The compoundknown as
the Hingvadi c-urna,or the medicated calrified butter described a
remedial in a caseof enlargedspleen,or the one duly cookedwith the
expressedjuice of Cangen and with the drugs of the Magadhadi
(Pippalyadi)groupasKalkamay be likewiseprescribedwith beneficial
results. Clarified butter duly cooked with four times as much curd
(Dadhi) may also be used with benefit. Whatever is appetising
(medicines,drug anddiet,etc.)would bebeneficialin casesof Grahanl.
Complications(Upadrava)suchas fever, etc. shouldbe subduedwith
drugs not incompatible with the main treatmentnor in any way
aggravativeof the main disease.168-172.

pFataa-dfrar<rgtrlr* eTftffiRqfattrarsllrTrlT
Thus ends the tbrtieth chapter of the-Uttara-Tanta in the Suirutu Su,hhifi which
deals with the (symptoms)and medical treatmentof Atisara.

qef{rq $rrrd11elqfifr: tt t tt
Now we shall discourseon the (symptomsandmedical treatmeht
of Phthisis(Sosa-P ratisedha)r.1

EF4ffi qFfen: vNqrftdgrqtl: n Rtl
rtTrfr{i vile FflF{$qt I
flm'qrqrcr*r.qrqqrq Fqlqi g{: u Qtl
rr*${Tfr qwrCrltq t66sq, I
Erfrr: |Iy ||
Nomenclature- Wasting or a generalemaciationof the frame
marksthe sequelof many diseasesandcomesin a premonitorysymptom
of organicdiseases,which is difficult to be diagnosedand to be cured.
Any cacheticcondition of the body accompaniedby a low lingering
fever is called Ksaya. The diseaseis namedasiosc from the fact of its

1. The mythologicalof Sosa(phthisis)it-

The Moon-godmarried27 daughtersof Daksaof whomhe wasattachedto
Rohinl in the extreme.Thereuponthe personated wrathof his father-in-law,Daksa
enteredthe Moon-godin the shapeof Phthisis,wherebythe body of the Moon-god
beganto emaciate. The Moon-godbecamepenitentandthe wrathof his father-in-
Iaw havingbeensubduedat the interventionof the othergods,he managedto send
down the personated Phthisis to earthto takepossession
of men indulgingin any
kind of excessand more particularly-Sexualexcess.The Moon-goowas then
medicallytreatedand radicallycuredby the celestialphysicians,the twin Alwins.

consuming or drying up ( the vital principles of the

body such as Rasa-serum, etc. It is called Kqaya (wasting) since a
wasting processis found to accompanyall the functional activities of
the body during its attack. Since the Moon-god, the king of the
Brdhmanas,was the first to fall a victim to its attack, so it is also
called Rdja-yaksmfi(king's disease)rby someauthorities.2-4.

€ E{frqteltAffifd *Ftr{ {qFn fr |

ffis{r+{ qrf*tgrq+{ qn\tl
qrfiqqrftT: Tfrq: qfurrdrffi*l Ecr:I
sffir( iffi frg.rh {wrwi'fiTrdffrfrttq tt
Some say that the diseaseis producedby the separateaction of
the three fundamental Dosas of the body. It being usually found to be
attendedwith all the elevendistressingsymptomswhich aremanifested
simultaneouslywith the usheringin of the disease,andbeing the only
instdncein the scienceof therapeuticsin which the treatmentdoes not
vary according to the variation of sysmptoms.This disease,Sosa, is
more properly said to originate in the simultaneousaggravationof all
the three Dosas, and it is the symptomsof the most predominantDoqa
onlv that are manifested.5-6.

q+qrEffi nrqrqrdr(fr qqrflqr(l

qrqt gttfrWnaae tFt: ilutl
q'q,gqr+dt€ €-dg {[rddg I
srfrrffirffi qrsfrSrfr \rwr<qt
qffi etkrEt:q* imr vJqfd EFtEt:u e l l
s.rmt$qr: ff€: tnr€:VilfimrqvfqI
srctqg qr{ri qqst rrqqq{Frn S r l
Etiologr and generalsymptoms- Theprocessof anywasting
of anyphysicalurgingor traumaand
in thesystem,repression

t. Cf. Scrofula which is now known as the "Kings's disease."

412 SUSRUTAsaMnrrA

irregular diet are the causeswhich, by aggravatingthe bodily Dosas

and propelling them all over the organism,give rise to the disease.
The aggravated Doqas with Kapha as the most predominant factor
having obstructedthe lymphatic channels,or the semenof a person
having been exhaustedby sexualexcesses consequentlyproduce a
lossof the otherDosasor the principalelementsof the organism,there
by producing a cachecticcondition of the body, and the following
symptoms,via., aversionto food, fever, asthma,cough, emission of
blood. loss of voice. numberingsix in all are found in casesof Rdja-

H{tdsf{ilrryi t*lqgiqqrd+: r
q6tsk+ma fuflr5s:g qrrtq:p to tl
frqq: F ql
i5'Rt:inlr6pr;Fqui$faia: qqqtm: lt qq tl
specific symptoms- The symptomswhich mark the actionof
the derangedbodily vdyu inthe diseasearelossofvoice (hoarseness),
achingpain (in the chest),contractionof the sidesand stoopat the
shoulders(Aritsa),while thosewhich are exhibitedthroughthe action
of the derangd Pitta are fever, burning sensation, Atisitra and
expectorationof blood, and the featureswhich indicate the action of
the derangedKapha in the diseaseare a senseoffullness in the head.
aversionto food, cough and a senseof the presenceof lump or plug in
the throat (as if somethingin rising up). 10-11.

qffitqlrnfrH qqirqtsfr rrqF*r{r

qrsrfr{rruqrstfd-ffi u qRtl
wffitq{fuqEFc'gFi{Yr: u i? tl
Prognosis- A physicianhavingan eye to his professional
reputationor goodnameshouldnot takein handthe treatmentof a
caseof .9osa(Phthisis)whethermarkedby all theprecedingeleven
kindsof symptomsor attended with six of themviz. cough,Atisara,
pain at the sides,loss of voice, aversionto food and fever. or

accompaniedby only three symptoms,Viz. fever, cough and blood_

spitting. 12'13.
ffirq$qrenH-qrqrqT?*q{rwd: I
i vilqrtd rqFn ft rrqxn
qdrq{ilfr vsd;rq
qrnTd ffi qrFr ErkF[:il tq rr
€r*Trff: Vts*TilErfril-gr: I
ferr yJ-*.ffi:utQtl
wr$qt 5vfr qe-*+SmFdq: r
gg+st.Fqqrl ftr*-qirqqrr6ilq{: n qs tl
ffi Vdsqun Et{ npMrfiR-a: r
€qqdrsTr€'rqT:gH-( O* l-o@: 1 tZ ll
Other causesof So;c and their symptoms- Sexualexcess,
grief, old age,overfatiguingphysicalexercise,toils ofjourney, fasting,
ulcersand injury of the urah (lungs)areincludedby certainauthorities
within the exciting factorsof this disease$ogha). A caseof iosa due
to sexualexcessis attendedwith all the symptomsdue to lossof semen
and is marked by pallor or yellownessof the complexion, the vital
organicprinciplesbeginningwith semenbeingwastedup in succession
in their inverse order of enumeration.constant brooding over the
departedperson,loosenessof the limbs and allthe symptomsof sexual
excessother than the actual dischargeof semenmark a casedue to
grief. A general cachectic condition of the body accompaniedby
imbecility of the mind, diminution of bodily strength,impaired
functions of the sense-organs, laboured or difficult breathing(D.R.
shivering of the limbs), aversion to food, a gong_like voice,
expectorationsmarked by the absenceof mucus (A.R. heavinessof
the limbs), a generalapathyto theconcemsof life and(constantmucus)
secretionsfrom the nose, eyes and mouth are the symptomswhich
indicatethe origin of the diseasein the naturaland spontaneouswaste
of an extremeold age. 14-18.

rirlgrr€q€F: r
I|.{tFnflE|trq: YJWdrrrort: 1 l Rtr

y{:qlrilF*fti-S:rigtna {dr(fffirsl Qotl
A case due to the toils of journey or travel develops such
symptomsasloosenessof the limbs, flabbinessof the muscles,scorched
or burntnessofcomplexion, a haggardand cadaverouslook, agony-
feeling in the limbs, the absenceof naturalglossof the body and dryness
of the mouth, throat and of the Kloma. Thesesymptomsin addition to
those of the injured lungs (Ura lq-Kqata)without actual injury,
characterisethe type due to over-fatiguingphysicalexercise.19-20.

rtr'qrqr{ @r
s.r*drr: ITErffteraq: SiT: il Rq tl

EFClrrqlg{dt e$qs ffic{tr ff rr

ildrfu Etrtiigq: vAqTqrrwfrl
t5,r$rrqrst+q *il{-ifi'rRrar5ur{[RRtl
frsiqeJET{r( qfiarqfrr
grhsr€frqr$ firrqsfT{S rr: u RYtl
*qrHd pN fr qrflil{qrrril: l
T ir:r drrFr$fii qFkTrqtfqqrm{rr rq rr
qrqlgefr t tqr: T+S qrq{iFfir:I
tqFcrFtrfigttrift qrrJfr -rr$qr} lt Rqtl
Ifa caseofulcer is attendedby loss ofblood, pain and difficulty
in eating, it is turned to a caseof Sosa and is pre-eminently the most
incurable type of the desease.Rupture or ulcerationin the lungs (IJrafi-
lqata) is causedby physical exercises,lifting up heavy loads,excessive
and loud reading, a hurt or a blow, or excessivesexualintercourseand
such other acts as require the active co-operation and entail excessive
straining of the chest (Urah). They ultimarely discharge blood and
pusy secretions. Yellowish, black or purple coloured blood is
expectoratedor hawked out by coughing. A burning sensationis felt
inside the region of the chest.A fetid smell is felt in the mouth and in

the breath.The complexion of the body and the tone of the voice is
changedand the patient becomessenselessfrom the excessivepain.
In certain casesthe symptoms vary according to the varied naturesof
their exciting factors, and all the specific symptoms are not fully
exhibited.Neverthelessthesediseasesalsogo underthe denomination
of Ksaya (consumption)owing to the fundamentalvital principlesof
the body being equally cossumedor withered up in them, and the
specific mode of their treatmenthas already been explainedbefore
(chapter XV, Sfrrra-Sthana). 2l-26.

vili qffi rrcFilT qrfr wt: {dqr"il rrefrfiqq{i ftt{!: u Retl
Eig @-TnR*e HT{r:qF-fi'FTr{r6,,r*r
dereqFaqrfrFf{dTg ig ||R4||
Premonitory Symptoms- Laboured or difficult breathing,
agony-feelingin the limbs and a senseof physicallassitude,secretion
of mucus, drynessof the palate,vomiting, dulnessof digestivefire,
vertigo or fainting fits, nasalcatarrh,cough, somnolence,whitenessof
the eye, desire for meat and increasedsexual propensitiesare the
symptoms which mark the advent of the dreadful disease- josa. The
patient dreams that he has been borne on the wings of a crow or a
parrot or a vulture or a pea-cock or has been riding a porcupine or a
lizard or a monkey or seesin dreams river-beds dried up and trees
dried up or fanned by gales of wind or surroundedby flames or fumes
of fire.27-28.

v[{gq.t{*d qflqquiqR-s*t(il Rqtl
sqrdcg{ri {nrFq6gi ;cr{u ?o tl
Prognosis- A gradualwastingof thebodyinspiteof sufficient
food,presence of Atisdra(dianhoea)andswellingof theabdomenand
scrotumare the symptomsof a comsumptivepatientwho shouldbe
givenup. The treatment,however,of a patienttemperatein his habits
and strictly conformingto the instructionsof the physicianand

possessedof a good digestivefire and not much reducedin body may

be taken in hand provided the diseasebe an acuteone. 29-30.

frcnrffiq g*nwmr ql
fureruqT€ a.tqqdsrqg vfrqq{utq rr
3{Rsnqiaen6,rd ftrrqs Fdrcnqr
rrflfrelqvTrdTs rttSil t
E}sfi Ei6ffi @q*i =rtquQRrl
q{qgfrfquiqr* trst qntqT rrEt:I
ftftrwdf{d: fwrefrsFmrq6:
Treatnent- The patient should be made first to use the
medicatedclarified butter preparedfrom the milk of a ewe or a she-
goat and duly cookedwith the drugsof the Sthiradi (Vidari-gandhadi)
group and thenmild emeticsandpurgativesshouldbe given for cleaning
the alimentaly canal. Intestinal injections after the maner of an
AsthdpcmaBasrishouldfollow the precedingmedicinalmeasuresand
head-prugative(Siro-virekc) should be applied.The diet should then
be given consistingof (cooked)wheat,barley Sati-rice togetherwith
meat-soup.Constructivetonics or tissue-builders(Brrhhana) should
be given to a patientwith a gooddigestionandrelievedof all distressing
symptomsof concomitants.Complicationspeculiar to the action of
the derangedbodily Vdyu generallymark a casedue to sexual excess,
wherein constructivetonics and remedial agentsof Vayrz-subduing
virtue would be found to be extremelvefficacious.31-33.

TErs {ilrE fqh*: qqrt: Ffr*rcq u lY tl

isrfr ffi q qns:.drf{EHrd*trtr{frTg {€rr:I
giqqrmq-mrrrsrfr t*fr qffi {sftrdrhl
ffig tr&ERgq rTrtrfrWq qlE{rg tqr: n ?\ rr
Diet-meat, etc- The flesh of a crow or an owl or a mungoose
or a cat or a GanSupada(earth-worm) or beastof prey (Vyala) or of
any animal of the BileSayarats or vultures should be given fried in

mustardoil mixed with saindhavasartnamingtrremwith

flesh' or flashof Jangara crassmixedp..r.iib.d
in variousways for a
patientlaid up with Phthisis.The diet may also
consistof Mucrga-soup
or of Adhakt-soupor of the flesh of an ass,camel,
elephant,mule or
horsevariously preparedand well cooked.Meat
in combinationwith
any Arista as well as wine mixed with Madhvika
may also be given.

urtEfr*qqffi*ir erpVilr+rrarva sffiEr&|| I Qrr
rfitdgsqt Frq @i s*f6:l
msTEqit$T€ fu vfrqrrf n ?erl

Yftr qr+{ FqrfArr*-qr

@1 lztr
fsilsrFa;rrrrsfrffi=ri qf Wet*36 .fu€1Ei
q*ifu+qqrqqerFqqcn-ffii tturi q
dgftki qftqdffi qrfr:fr+E qrsfrxrdsfrn
tj rr
various articresof food madeof barley-grains
in the alkalinewaterdury prepared,withArka
be prescribed.clarified butter skimmedoff
from the milk of u o,
a she-godt,may be given with gruel at the "*"
meal-timeto an extremely
emaciatedpatient. A compound consisting
of Tri-katu, Cavya and
vidanga made into a pastewith honey and
crarified butter should be
given to be licked up by apatient suffering
from phthisis.The useof a
medicatedclarified butterduly cookedwittr
ttreessenceof the flesh of
any carnivorous animal and mixed with pippariand
honey as an after_
throw provesremediarin a caseof phthisis.
A rambativeconsistingof
Dylha,sugar andMag atrhikapasted,together
with honeyandoil proves
efficaciousas a curefor phthisis.A caseof phthisis
wourd yieri to the
use of a lambative consisting of Tila, Mdsa-purse
ground to a fine pastewith the addition
of honey and clarifiei butrer
skimmed out of the milk of a she_goat,or
of ,o!*, Aivagandh.a and
Pippati poundedtogether and made into a
fine pastewith the addition


of honey and clarified butter.Milk duly cookedwith the admixtureof

Aivagandhamaybe prescribedasa constructivetonic.Butter skimmed
out of the preceding preparationof milk and mixed with copious
quantity of sugar should be taken, as an alternative,every morning
and this shouldbe then followed by a draughtof milk. 36-39'

rdTrdqrfu g{flr;er zilqr qqr*E g-{+e ?llYoll

5'ne gq aqgta fira qftt, fir*( qii-*gttffi t
qqqrurtir(Ir|Fr5t5Ti qr€EI Eqrfr qr(rSdrgllxq ll
A|vagandha, Punarnavd andYava should be used in rubbing
(IJtsadana)the body of the patient.Clarified butter duly cookedwith
(the decoction o0 the whole of a vusaka tree (viz.its roots, leaves,
branchesand barks) and with its flower (as Kalka) and mixed with an
adequatequantity of honeyrshouldbe takenby a consumptivepatient
strictly conforming to the regimen of diet. Thus a virulent attack of
Phthisis accompaniedwith cough, asthma and chlorosis would be
fr$'{€r frdrgrfrd*{
rils?rlllTraNTt;Ti Efi'Terr q}3 ;
s{t-rrFTqft qirFTll YRll
s{rr61qtd|Ttffi(fcftrfr Fr ffi rqrs iF€{ |
u-gffi{ ql{-{EI€ Tfr-dli llYl ll
A wise physician should take equal parts of clarified butter,
milk. decoctions of Murvd, Haridra and of.Khadira andthe expressed
liquid of the dungs of a cow, a horse,an elephant,a she-goatand an
ewe. Ten equal parts of the above ten articlesshouldbe duly boiled
and cooked together with the Kalka of powdered Tri-katu, Tri-phala,
Devaddruand the drugsof the sweet(Kckolyadi) group.This medicated
clarified butter would be found highly beneficial in the cure of Phthisis

e €{dfr qcoi'w.,rsirrsrftfi f+e5r*+ ql

qqqE;rcrqqE{lfrrqFtrqrdtgdrvi llYYll
l. This preparation is also found in the Caraka Sarhhita though in different language
under the treatment of Rakta-pitta.

Faiqqrd'tdrrif€ F{q qqfr{E qr*{rrqmiqqr

Eild' w6rgqrq*ssi"ngqdi g{r5lt 6qrilT€ u vq ll
qdk vild' sdnfur iq Fqr( sitisrrtrFrfr{uyqrl
rfrsur*artolrstFqt: wrFqlrqfrsrtqrdte):
qrqTTgrr*lrqqErffi{: ftrq
Td qqkqinrarft.uxe tl
Six Patra measuresof the duly prapareddecoction of DaSa_
m-ula,varuna Karafija, Bhalrdtaka,Bilvathetwo kinds of punarnava,
Yava, Kulottha, Bacltra, Bhargi, pdthd, Citraka andMaht-kadamba
should be cooked with a pittra measureof crarified butter
and with
(the Kalka of) vyosa (Tri-katu), the milk of Maha-vrksa (Snuht),
Abhaya, Cavya, Devadaru and,Saindhava salt (D.R. pippali).The
medicatedclarified butter thuspreparedprovesefficaciousin
Phthisis,Ascites and vataja-prameha.clarified butter dury
with the milk, blood, meat-soupand the expressedliquid of
ihe dungs
of a cow, a mare, an ewe, a she-goat,a cow elephant,a hind,
a she_
ass and a she-cameland with the Kalka of Draksa, A|vagandha,
Magadha and sugar proves extremely beneficial in
cases of
Phthisis. 44-47.

tg uy4tl
E$dr ErAfu q+k HFt*dlwttRrd q+afit q r
fiPT(rfla*fficrerqr Wqrgrnffiqe_ q1xq tl
w* qrilR fruqrs E€rr( qil-iilfr F*rfii fqqear(|
rrFiwiekrtr: qfugr( qgr( fuil(
ffing'\o tr
qdF€ +ui srd'qF*i u{wqrgqqei qvreEl
qqII|qTT|TJqr6f{ +cq qrrEqTqcdqsflrqrgu rr
?IR|!A Effr ig r
q qlTT f*,,Fs( qffi,ftd^@'qRtl
Eladi'mantha- A prasthameasureof clarifiedbuttershourd
bedulycookedwith thedecoction of Era,Ajamoda,Amaraka, Abhaya,
Aksa, Gayatri, A r ista,Asana,Salasara, Vidahga,Bhallataka, Ci traka.

tJgrdt, Tri-katu, Ambhada andSurdstraia-earth'When duly cooked
of candied
should be taken down from the oven and thirty Pala weight
A Pala
'nJurur" of honey shouldbe addedto it and sti*ed with laddle.
of milk should be
weight of this preparationfollowed by a draught
given to be licked every morning to a Phthisicalpatient.The
JU*i, i, possessedof ambrosialsanctity. The extent of its therapeutic
applicationcuressuchdiseases ofthe body asPhthisis,chlorosis,fistula-
in-uno, asthma,loss of voice, cough, troublesof the heart' enlarged
spleen,Gulmaandchronicdianhoeaor indigestion.It impartslongevity
to a personusing it, leadsto the expansionof his intellectualfaculities
and tendsto invigoratehis eye-sight.It is the best of all rejuvenating
preparationsof our pharmacopeaand no strict regimen of diet
.ondu"t is requiredto be followed while it is used' 48'52'

ffifr{ftb fetrns qfiffi{ qrqrh ffi qtr ll \l ll

sr*qis Ft*qF-drfitq+{qrrrFiqsfig vnsqll \Y ll
sftr*{qF{: I
€rqrffirrrfqftrqr q6rfd qr{{rEfrdFr+t{ qilq{ttql tl
{ffirifrft54(ffi: Surer qFFrdrrftrql
+*d er qFrftrfiTFEsr?i Rffitt w6+svr<e ll \q ll
The medicatedclarifiedbuttermentionedunderthe treatment
of plihodara (dropsyof the abdomenowing to the enlargementof
spleen-chapter XIII, Cikitsitasthdna) as well as the threeothers
mentioned in thatconnection maybe alsousedwith advantage in the
d i s e a s eu n d e r d i s c u s s i o nT. h e a c c o m p a n y i n g y m p t o m so r
complications suchas hoarseness of voice,etc.shouldbe remedied
with appropriate medicines presented for thosediseases in theSdstra'
T'nepatieni shouldbe madeto useregularlythe milk, butter,urine,
blood,meatandthe(expressed liquidof the)dungof a shegoatashis
barhor in any otherway possible(e.g.,in drinking)andto live in a
goat-shed (in thecompanyof goats)wherebyhewouldbecuredof his
Fntnirir in a month.A Phthisicalpatientshouldlikewisebe madeto

l. Cukruduttu does not read Ugra in the list'


takeRasona(garlic) or Naga-bala or Magadhika or Sihiatuwith milk,

in the prescribedmanner (laid down in connectionwith the medical
treatmentof M aha-vata-Vyadhi).53-56.

vf$ fu' qitr*q5+g sQgfirl F{qqq Er*qr

eurlffiimqYrlTssqmsgu{r: TqfqrEffQsq:u\\ell
Rules of conduct- He should not allow any grief, anger or
jealousy to disturb the equilibrium of his mind, shourdlead a rife of
strict continence,deal in the discussionof sublimesubjectsandconform
to the injunctionsof his medicaladvisersorphysicians.He shouldpay
respectsto the gods, superiorsand Brdhmanasand listen to the
discussionsof the spiritual truths from the lips of Brahmans. 57.

wilfiViFqrq: uyl tl
Thus endsof the forty-lirst chapterof the LtnaraTuntrain the suiruta sarhhitit
which dealswith the (symptoms and)treatmentof phthisis.

qefdfq sTr|Etq ef;afaR:tt q tt
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
(symptomsand) medical treatmentof Gulma (Gulma-Pratiseda).I

qfr*': #dqr: gfutr: frgqrrrdr3

w{qF{ Wn rj-fl € q*thE sqen
qRr: TrgrfrrRqrsqa: r
qqrT{€q{ir: FrleTEFddftid: u Rtl
Definitaion and number of Gulmas- The fundamental
principlesof the body, derangedand aggravatedby their respectiveor
specific exciting causesand factorstend to accumulatein the cavity
of the abdomen (Kostha)and help the formationsof ball-like tumours
ot Gulmas(internaltumoursinculsiveof thoseknown as the phantom
tumours)somewhereinsidethe body lying betweenthe regionsof the
heartand of the bladder(Basti).The Gulma is of five kinds and found
to be round or spheroidin shapeandmay be eitherfixed or mobile (lit.
shifting) in their characterand subjectto variationsin their massand
qErrJFTr9T€rTTun I
$rdrf{ir{cdr( Taqffi I
rJdq*qqridvrrrd{r(r$€IRqF{*qt ilRrl

€ qHrqTiqfrqdrrwrqfu+egs(: I
slRf: vrfr rrgra q wesTwnelit:il Y tl
q q#qtqt {$3 sq*rfu@: r
gt-1rutid?rrrfruri ffi r+q ?FR:n \ tl
Localisation and nomenclature- They have five locations
insidethe abdominalcavity, viz. thetwo sides,the region of the hean,
the bladder(Bastl) and the regionof the umbilicus.The Gulmas areso
namedbecausetheir root or basecannotbe exactlylocalisedas well as
their causecannot be exactly ascertainedowing to the fact of their
having their origin in the aggravatedcondition of the rocalbodily vayu,
or becauseof their being but a agglomerationof the derangedbodily
Dosasin the affectedlocality andthe shrub-likelargeconverseoutline
of the surface(Gulma-shrub).since a Gulma,like a bubble of warer.
is a self-containedagglomerationof the derangedbodily Dosas and
freely moves aboutin the cavity of its growth, it is not markedby the
adventof any suppurativeprocessin its massof body. The Gulmasarc
the productsof either the single or concertedactionsof the threeDosas,
while in femalesa separateclassof tumours (such as the ovarian or
uterine tumours) intimately connectedwith the derangedor vitiated
condition of the blood (catamenialfluid, etc.) is arsorecognised.3-5.

Tr<i rrqrilr eM+sqfuX-qrtr

fuT*rhil{tS.s rilkilrgcilr rEr I
e*s* qgsds rtffigthrtrqtre rr
Primonitory Symptoms- A senseof lassitude,dulnessof
fire,painandrumblingin theintestines,suppression of stool,
urineandflatus,incapacityto takefood to thefull, aversionto food,
andanupwardcoursingof theinternal vayuaretheindications which
maybe setdownasthepremonitorysymptomsof Gulma.6

E€fqrFi Esnuasfr*qrdfitfrefrfr${firnr qr
f tffl*,,Rr; spfl-ftftfi'tg rraFr gdsfrew+* Euetl
ET4Tdr ql
fuR fdsrqnf,i{rf{qfr ffi drh srck gd tre rr

*Frdffi* : nH qgtreliTr ql
u.w,sffiqznfriuh trafat$qrnTrnTee tti tt
rrqltr*': vdfffirtgu,: rlsqltlr 16: ffi lrq€n to tl
Specific Symptoms- Pain (Saic) in the regionof the heartand
the belly (Kuksi), drynessof the throat and of the mouth, suppression
of.Vayu(flatus),iregularityof digestionandall othersymptomswhich
specificallyindicatethe derangedconditionof the bodily Vayu arethe
characteristicsof the Vataja- Gulma. Fever, perspiration,defective
digestion,burning sensation,thirst, rednessofthe body (Anga-raga),
bitter tastein the mouth and all other specificsymptomsof the deranged
Pitta mark the Pittaja type of the disease.A sensationof wetnessall
over the body, an aversionto food, lassitude,vomiting, water-brash,
sweettastein the mouth andall otherspecificindicationsof the deranged
Kapha areexhibited inthe Kaphajatype of the disease.The Tri-dosaia
type exhibits the symptoms specifically belonging to each of the
precedingones and should be regardedas incurable.Now we shall
deal the characteristrcsetc. of Raktajo Gulmai -1I.

{dqqfr.strd*iqr sr qT qrtrIrsfffi tnil tq il

qgfr irrqr: qfulg{ibu',+Rr3eivo,ti
tts R.T FqrqfdTi fu*qursrc{qiFrderuqRlr
q Frq* ffifr gfdi rl-qFa
ffi q rrFtufrqr{t
f qffiftrf*,,erqtrlrilrusrF;n ifc1r:u t? tl
Symptoms of Raktaja-Gulma- The symptoms of Raktaja-
Gulma are mentioned below. The bodily Vayu of woman newly
delivered of a child as well as that of a woman who has recently
miscarried,or of a woman in her coursesis derangedby the use of
unwholesomeor injudicious food (and regimen of conduct),and by
supressingthe dischargeof the blood (lochia) it gives rise to Gulma
attendedwith pain and buming sensation.A Gulma of this type is
easily mistakenfor a caseof conception,which exhibit all the symptoms
of pregnancyas well as those which are peculiar to the state of the
Pittaja type, with the exceptionthat the abdomendoesnot enlargeand
thereis no movement(in the womb). The medical treatmentof aGulmo

of the presenttype should be takenin hand after the lapseof the natural
term of gestationand this is known as the Raktaja-Gulmal by the
experiencedphysician.I 1-13.
qrdrsiqrF&ifu'ai gn ffidrq*:t
sqttft( qerrdffii Fnst, ur{are*: il qYrl
furei urqt€rRgtt El
fEfrit ]s{qrq{-(il t\ il
*EdtRiftrit r{drFtst: rr$qrfr(nqqu
€ffiFelt Tit ffi fqfuBa:t
fqin+qmrJF${rrTrqt:EFr4:ffiqRr: lt tetl
tc*qrTqrgr€n: Tl rrfrdEql
IrcfivrqTRd+{ finti rfii'' Ir*cr*(u qerl
sff sR( fui'. faftnrqr{r f6fi: u tS ll
General Treatment- A person suffering from the attack of
Vataja Gulma should be duly treated with a Sneha,purged with any
fatty purgative and then treated at the proper time with Niruha and
Anuvdsana Bastis.In a caseof Pittaja type of the disease,the patient
should be treated (rubbed) with clarified butter duly prepared and
cooked with the drugs of the Kakolyadi group and then being properly
purged with the compoundsof sweetdrugs (of theAragvadhadi group)
he should be treated with Niruha Vastis.In a caseof theKaphaja type,
the patient shouldbe first anointedwith a medicatedGhrta duly cooked
and preparedwith the drugs of the Pippalyadi group,then purged with
a strong (Tikqrpa)purgative and then treated with Niruha Basri of the
samecharacter.In aTri-doqaja type, measuresheld to be remedialfor
eachof the Dosasshouldbe adoptedor employed.Measureslaid down
in connectionwith the Pittaja type of the diseaseshould be as well

l.This RaktajuGulmais peculiarto the femalesonly. But someauthoritiesareof

opinonthat a kind of Raktuju(blood-origined)
Gultnudue to the vitiatedbloodof
the organismmay be possiblebothin themalesandf'emales.

employed in cases of Raktaja (blood-origined) Gulma in female

patients.Now hear me describingthe recipesof the medicineswhich
would particularly lead to the disintegrationof the blood (in casesof
Raktaja Gulma). Clarified butter duly cooked and preparedwith the
alkaline preparationof Palaia wood (waterchargedwiththe burnt ashas
of Pala1a)shouldbe internally administered,andthe medicatedclarified
butter known asthe Pippalyadi Ghyta should be employed after in the
mannerof an Uttara-Basti.In the alternative,the discharge(of blood)
should be inducedwith the help of the drugs of heat-making(Uqna)
potency(e.g.,Pippalyadigroup)andmeasureslaid down in connection
with menorrhagia(Asrgdara) should be adoptedafter the flow has
fairly setin. 14-L9.
qrdgd.rsflT{qu Rotl
esrrfii'stffi r
u Rqtl
Anuvdsana- The use of curd, clarified butter,oil, lard (Vasa)
and marrow of Anupa (suchasboar,buffalo, etc.) andAudaka (Aqualic)
animals, boiled together and applied after in the manner of an
Anuvdsana-basti,provesbeneficial in a caseof Vataja-Gulma.The
applicationof similar Basrischargedwith a solutionof clarified butter
and the lard of animals of the Jahgala and Eka-fiapha groups proves
efficacious inthe Pittajatype of the disease,while the applicationof
thesecontaining solutionsof oil and the m€urowof anyJangala animal
will prove beneficialin a caseof the Kaphajaa typet.20,21.
?rrfrqdnir{ffr vsii ffiqfcq r
fldilr*;sr*kt dki qrrg;ffiu RRtl
In a caseof Vataja type of Gulma the patient should be made to
use the medicated Ghrta duly cooked with the expressedjuice of
Amalaka and with theKalka of the six drugs2and with the admixture
of sugar andSaindhava(as an after-throw).22.

l. Dalhanarecommends the useof Vdya-subduing, Plra-subduingand Kapha.

subdungdrugsas Kalka in the preparationof thesethreeBa.rrlrrespectively.
2. The six durgsto be usedas Kalka arePippa\, Pippa\-mula, Cavya,Citaraka,
Nitgara and Yava-k;dratakenone Pala each.

fffqrffifer-ysfiqrtrqqTBt: I
. fr*, n Rl tl
rq frAqqrilTd{rFr
Citraka Ghyta- Clarified butter duly cooked with curd,
fermentedrice-boilings (Kamjika) as well as with the decoction of
Badara and the expressedjuice of Mulaka and with the Kalka of
Citraka, Tri-katu, Saindhava, Prthvikd, Cavya, Dddima, Dipyaka,
Granthika, Ajafi, Hapusd and Dhanyaka taken in equal parts, proves
curative in casesof Vataja Gulma, Sula (colic). distension of the
abdomenand dulnessof dieestivefire.23-24.

gq,,'dqalrq'R{-*trqq{Rfudh: u Q\ tl
v5mrfti qFtd$r qTfrdrJfu{r{u Rqtl
Hiftgvadi Ghyta- Clarified butter duly cooked with Hingu,
Sauvarcald-salt, Ajail, Vit-salt, Dadima, Dipyaka, puqkara, Vyoqa,
D hanyaka, Amla -vetasa, Yava-ksa ra, Ci t raka, Sathi, Vacd, Aj agandha,
Ela and Surasd as Kalka and with the admixture of curd (Dadhi) as
liquid, proves efficaciousin a caseof Vataja Gulma, colic-pain and
suppressionofstool and rine. 25-26.

FtlHerqrm-trrTqTrqrarffi: il Retl
qrqTflITrq?i Hfiftifu uErjurql
TrRftiErRr*rrq TF{6(Rfr5v5wFtr(t
| ?e ||
Dadhika Ghyta- Clarified butter duly cooked with Vit-salt,
Dadima, Saindhava, Citraka, Vyoqa,Itraka, Hingu, Sauvarcala-salt,
Yava -K sd r a, Ku stha, Sun hi, V rksamla (turmerie) andAml a -vetasa as
Kalkn and with the expressedjuice of Ftja-pura andwith curd weighing
four times as much as of Ghrta, proves curative in casesof Gulma,
enlargement of spleen andSuta. The clarified butter thus preparedis
called D Adhika- Ghrt a. 27 -28.

rffi rfii, trsTffisrkd(t

g{rcrtrEerrFT-qrfrE{ft: T16[ R3 rl
ffiqeqnm-qqrfrqart*r*: r
-flq*g*'qifu*: u Qotl
fua ggreqvt: -sr*qrEqqtrrtl
n?t rl
Rasona Ghyta-ClN-tfiedbutter duly cookedwith the admixture
of the expressedjuice of Rasona and with the decoctionof (major)
Pafica-milla as well as with wine (Sura) Aranala (fermentedrice-
boilings), curd, and the expressedjuice of Mulaka with the Kalka of
Vyoqa,Dctdima, Vrksdmla, YamdnT,Cavya, Saindhava,Hingu, Amla-
vetasa, Ajajt and Dipyaka (Ajamoda) taken in equal parts, includes
within the range of its curativeefficacy such diseasesof the body as
Gulma, GrahanT(Chronic diarrhoea),piles, asthma,insantity,
consumption,fever, cough,epilepsy(Apasmara)dulnessof digestive
fire, enlargementof spleen,colic, and the derangements of the bodily
qfulilfr{*' rfit' ard Ttrgeer$r
rrgrrdfrrfr ffiqrqrq fdFTrqgTilll rr
rHd nFferrs ilq{F{E t*retr
rTFfufl{ {qqtq qn ?Rrl
Dadhyadi Ghyta- An Adhaka measureeachof curd, Sauiiraka
(a kind of Kaiijika), clarified butter and the decoctionsof Mudga and
Kulattha pulse shouldbe cookedwith the admixtureof two Pala weight
of each of the following drugs, viz., Sauvarcala,Sarjika, Devaddru
andSaindhavc.The medicatedGhyta thus preparedproves curative in
casesof Vataja Gulma and acts as a good appetiser.32-33.

lurTr{,qrt a *q++: q*q rcqr

;rmenRtTd qrsfrrrfrersqw-iTrt{*I
$ffifrr*hfti lrk Tdr+drqrivrrr{uly tl
GhTtasin Pittaja andRaktajaGulmas- Clarifiedbutterduly
cookedwith theKalko of thedrugsof theJivaniya(Kakolyadi)group

andwith the decoctionof the componentmembersof theTrna-pafica-

milla, or of the Nyagrodhadi or of the Utpaladi group, would,
undoubtedlyprove curativein casesof Pittaia andRaktaia Gulma.34.

3{rrq?Ir+ r4qdE ffiTgit Tdql

q{r€{ qianr( q*rf*rmsrrqt
qffr tJei a'qt{c1d qarrtdrq{ivTq{n l\ tt
Ghytas in Kaphaja Gulma- A Gulma of the Kaphaja type
would surely yield to the use of medicatedGhrtas duly cooked with
the drugs of the Dlpanlya (Pippalyadi) group as Kalka with the
admixture (as liquid) of the decoctionof the componentmembersof
eithertheAragvadhdigroupor the alkaline(Muskakadi)groupor with
the officinal group of (animal) urines.35.
qsf frE-drf*frqrsfuEi arrfrtanrrtqt
rffrrtr6 6,re qntffie qTilQerl
A Gulma of theSannipAilkatype (dueto the concertedactionof
all the threefundamentalDoscsof the body) shouldbe treatedaccording
to the predominanceof any specific derangedbodily Dosc involved
therein.The patientshouldbe madeto takeat the propertime (i.e., as
soon as the diseasesets in) the pulverisedcompoundknown as the
friitgvadi-curna or the medicated Ghyta known as Tilvaka-Sarpiftor
the one (Viz. $alpaloka Ghrta) which has been describedas curative
of the enlargementof the spleen,as thesewould prove curative in a
caseof Gulma.36-37.

ftr&qwqttm-€r$q' qr{rfrsr(l
sfiq Taq,grfr +.rqTffir{il la tl
{i"r qRfiqns qrfu*$e!$dt: r
llls tt
qrqqttg Eivrfu'qr5{rq q$fcqt
srq:rnlsnnrsdTw[FrTfuqrfrdr(n yo rl
ilsqrdi firA(esr$qr qfttqrsfrqr I
qti{??)T Ttq Enl
430 SUSRUTAseMrrrr.A,

Tet arcf**nis q{rfrs?itiqrtflq{n yq tl

irtrqqi.sfu er r
erctffiVgqtEd: Q{t-r:
*frt vn+q ffi r36t Yr*ftrnrq{l
ftt gqrqn ersfuraFiu,qa**ra( || yR||
Internal use of Kqara- Alkaline preparationshould be duly
madewith the following drugs,viz., theashesof (dried stemsof) Tila,
I ksuraka, s a r qapa andYava and of (the barksof) p alasa andof M ulaka
with the urines (weighing four times as much) of a cow, she_goat,
ewe, she-ass,sheelephantand she-buffalo.This alkalinepreparation
should then be cooked in an iron vesseland on a slow fire with one
Pala-weighr of each of the following pulveriseddrugs, viz., Kustha,
saindhava, Yasti-modhu,Nagara, vidanga andAjamodaand with ten
Pala weight of sdmudra-salt theretoaddedand, should be taken in the
form of a lambative with one or the other of clarified butter, curd,
wine, fermented rice-boilings (Dhanydmla), warm water or the soup
of Kulanha. The alkaline compound,thusprepared,undoubtedly proves
curative in casesof Gulma and in the derangementsof the bodily
vayu. compounds consisting of sarjika-Ksdra, Kustha and the ashes
of Ketaki taken with oill, or of sarjikn-Ksdra, Kustha andsaidhava
takenwith tepid water,would subduean attackof the derangedbodily

q$q ( r ) gnqra qqtrfffiuqtr

fuf,*a wi{-n+qmr qr*.retflrdR|| y? ||
Ei.-i F*nqAqr
rTefT:tr{erTr|rer qqr{qidTtgir{il yy tl
g*ki wnft tr'ffiF: friin: r
Vy1cirariq{a- ThedrugsknownasVrflcira,Urubilka,Varsdbhu
the two kinds of Brhati andcitraka shouldbe duly boiled together
with a Drona-measure of waterandtakendown from the ovenafter
l. According to Dalhana, surjika-Ksara, Kuqtha and yuva-K;ara with
oil woutd
form the lst compond and the Ketaka-K;ara with oil would form a

three-fourthsof the water areevaporatedby boiling. It shouldthen be

poured into an earthenpitcher of which the interior hasbeenpreviously
coatedwith pastesof Magadhi, Citrakq and honey. Half Prasthaof
powderedPathya and one Prasthaof honey should be subsequently
addedto its contentsand the pitcher should be then kept buried in a
heap of husks for ten days,after which it shouldbe taken out and its
contentsshouldbe given to the patientafter the digestionof his daily
food. The Arista (fermentedwine) thus preparedproves curative in
casesof Gulma, indigestionand aversionof food. 43-45.

FreuiEq{fr€ gF{ FqrdF* Tsqu Yqrl

wxrFr: nlfii quf qqt Tf,$tq*qr
rJFcffiTnqwfrqi5,rar uye tl
@ qrv[tg{*qa:l
€*.i rr6ufr+{ qTrSfrqaEtrur{uYarl
Pa!hadi currya- Powders of Patha, N ikumbha, Rajanl, Tr i -katu,
Triphal^a,Agnika ( Citraka), Saindhava-saltand Vrksa-bija (Indra-yava)
in equalparts shouldbe takenwith old treacleof their combinedweight;
or the powders of the above drugs with pulverised Pathya (weighing a
fourth part only of the other powderstaken together)should be cooked
with cow's urine (weighing four times) to a thick consistencyand made
into pills which shouldbe takenin an empty stomach(by the patienr).
Thesemedicineswould radically cure the casesof Gulma, enlarged
spleen,indigestion,heart-disease, chronicdiarrhoeaand violent forms
of chlorosis. 46-48.

vv;d TilTfrswQ qr6qrmcrrFqill

Td rih qiil*tfu: firndqlurqrdqr rxq rr
Blood-letting- Blood-letting by the applicationof leechesor
by venesectionshouldbe effectedin a caseof elevatedand immobile
(unshifting) Guhna characterisedby Suta, burning sensation,
inflammation and piercing pain. 49.

vr$.effif: {furEr qft+:qqr: I

w,,gfr*,'wqrg.firFm: qri q Tfu;Trqu\o ll

tqt era&:fuar: rhtdrpn:

rirgtnun: r
IffiIT: qT5{iTr*I TFdfii $Fq+ f6iTr:ll\t ll
q€lil*sfrdrr{r{ qT**i Stftqtr
gG fiIq.Eill\R ll
Diet and Sveda- Drinks composedof the meat-essence of an
animal of theJangala group,profuselysaltedwith Saindhavaandmixed
with clarified butter and Tri-katu and taken lukewarm are good for
Griltna-patients.Peyds preparedwith the Vayr-subduingdrugs and
the sotrpof Kulattlru-plrlsecookedwith a Snehaas well astheKhada-
Yusapreparedwith Paiicct-mltlaalso are likewise efficaciousas diet.
Draughtsof milk withArdrqka shouldbe prescribedin a caseof Gulma
attendedwith the suppressionof stooland flatus.Fomentation(Sveda)
in the manner of Kumbhikn, Pinda and Istaka (see Chapter XXXI|
Cikitsita Sthana)are also efficacious.50-52.
rJfu{: Fd \r+fir gfdi-fiTqr qvrql
ord*dfq {|wnTt Eiq++qqrrct{u\? tl
frRrqntrqs{rh aer {E6ilfr ql
3T{r6r:Iqtqr: {dsn: TTrequnfl: lt\y tl
s{furR rTtrR TrqfttfrFqreerrl
d{uTrfr q zffi qTgtrrqFtcTrriu\\ ll
Purgativesprecededby rhe applicationof fomentation should
be exhibitedto a Gulma-patient,sinceit is extremelydifficult to purge
him. Vimlapana (massageof the Gulma), applicatoin of unguentsand
poultices,Samdahana(cauterisation)as well as tepid fomentationin
the manner of Sdlvana-Svedaand others are likewise applicable.
Medicated Ghytas, powders and Vartis mentioned in connection
with the treatmentof udara aswell asmedicatedsaltsmentionedunder
the head Udardmayarare likewise applicablein the presentdisease.

l. udarurnuyamay meaneitherindigestionor ascites.Anildmuya(vata-vyiltlhi)is

a variantadoptedby Dulluryuandis undoubetedlypreferablesincethereareseveral
medicatedsaltse.g.Patra-Iwana, Ka4ttla-ktvat1a,
in thetreatmentof vatu-vyadhi.
SeeChap.lY, CikilsitaSthdna.

qrffifrfT{t* C €rg{rr*enrrdt:
5,taruzt fdrndqr qd'd rrnr*mr:u\Q tl
adFqTd'T*g frsn qrdatg ql
g;qf{Rur1vqfs vc+*-{rn+q0finrtr
r*rt<qrsargq gulrt Tfr*atTq{*: il \e ll
s?d qr@rg {ftq'i T Fmgi(rynerr
MedicatedPlugsor Vrtrtis madeof Santudrd , Ardraka, Srtr;apa
(mustard)and a profusequantity of Marica pastedtogethershouldbe
rnsertedinto the rectum in suppressionof stool and flatus in a caseof
Gulma.Aristas made with Dantt-roots,Citraka-roots,or with the Vayu-
sttbdtdngdrugsaccordingto the mannerlaid down inthe Sutra-Sthana
should be prescribed,or the patient should be made to use the duly
fried tendersproutsof Prtrka andNrpa-Vr-kqa.A Gulruapatient with
the upwar-dcoursing of his bodily Vaylashould not be treatedwith
Niruh-Basti. 56-58.

fr+qfrqqFri qr n{si qraflir*t(l

{*Jqt{qai {fiT F{df +*lr* Erdr(ll\q tl
T{quqdlrqrqT-rffiqq wrcrcr{l
qd frqth fi( T )grhfir&(qtaqunhq n Eo rr

g-fir$grr'Jdivfrd u,.r& Tdtsdnt qq ll

qqf{uqroifr{-fli td'il q{rsr Tdql
E;FTr[rq qr EE*6T1 s{qr+FduilidrrtilqRtl
Compoundsof Trivrt and Sunthi or the treacleand powdered,
HurTtakt as well as of Guggulu, Trivrt, Danfi, Dravantl, Sainclhavs
and Vaca should be administeredthrough cow's urine, rnilk, wine or
the expressedjuice ofgrapes,accordingto thestrength(ofthe disease
and of the patient).Pilu madeinto a pasreand saltedwith the addition

l. According to some 'sdnudru' rneanssiinnrdra-saltand others,it meanssanrutlru-

2. According to some colnnrentatorsthe first two compoundsshould be taken with

g" n'" - 1o

of Saindhavashould also be similarly taken. Wine surchargedwith

Pippalt, PippaFt-roots,Cavya, Citraka andSaindhava andtaken at an
opportunemoment (i.e. when attendedwith tympaanitis,etc.) would
prove readily curative in a caseof gulma. A Gulma-patientafflicted
with suppressionof stool and of flatus shouldtakebarley with milk or
Kulmasa (Masa-cakes)profuselysaturatedwith saltandclarified butter.
sTerrF*qfq: {ff: 6'srFsg{qrqeI
ytn trerFmfteir{Fitr g +€rd uq?ll
aat*oqldter: g@qrtT: funrf,.arr
qsn qrd t*+rungkililtqy tl
frM *qq ffi(r reqrr
Supervening Symptoms- If Suta which is its supervening
symptom anyhow appearswhereuponthe patient suffers a kind of
digging and piercingpain resemblingthat arisingfrom the piercing of
a dart, there will also appearthe following distressingconcomitants
accordingto the Dosa or Dosas involed, vi4., supressionof stool and
urine difficult respiration,and numbnessor stiffnessof the limbs (in
caseof aggravatedVayu),thirst,burningsensation, vertigo,illdigestion
of food, and excessof the colic pain (in casesof aggravatedPitta), and
horripilation, aversionto food, vomiting, increaseof pain after taking
food and a senseof lassitudein the limbs (in casesof aggravated Kapha).
The courseof medical treatmentin such casesshouldbe determined
by the nature and number of the derangedbodily Doscs-specifically
lying at the root and should be as followed as such.63-65.
qqrknqui q{R kggeofrwqr
qEr+s Efitrs t*eq'rqmeaqu qqtl
k{rfrfr w,drs*a-rygr*gwdm: I
a,,w{frw,dqufl€-qnv*'ffiq ilqetl
h[r|qr€-qqTqR'qqFfirt I
lF'wrEtffiqdrg qrrRq{Rfff*Ttil qz tl

swrral-*,Tfs*.$r-**,fr fr*,Fqrrtql
qerrfr{ frhgrts rd vqis vSi rrqqrr
The following threecompounds,viz.,(1) Pathya,thethreekinds
of salt (Saindhava,SauvarcalaandVit) Yava-Ksdra,Hingu,Tumburu,
Puqkara, Yavdni, Haridra, Vidanga and Amla-vetasa; (Z) Vidart,
Triphala, Satavarl, Syngaya,Guda-3arknra (Gangeri-phala), Kasmart-
phala, Yasti-rnadhu,Parusaka, (Sandal wood) and,(3) Sad-
granthd (Vcrcct),
Ativisa, Devadaru, Pathya,Marica, Vrksaka,pippati-
mula, Cavya, Nagara, Kqdra (Yava-ksdra) and Citraka should be
respectively given in the Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja types of the
disease.The medium throughwhich thesecompoundsshouldbe given
would be tepid Amla-Kafijika, Luke-warm milk and tepid water
respectively.The precedingthree compoundsshould be jointly
administeredin caseswhere two or threeDosasare involved.66-69.

R*q tqr+rna-qt6rs{S.sfsrR r
qlllqFilEl eIR9|-{|] \go 1l

ffis 6q;sfr ffiffinqeueq tl

Sprinkling (of water), baths, plaster (pradeha) unguentsand
dietetictreatmentshouldbe similarly appliedinvatajacases.contacts
with vesselsfilled with cold water shouldbe appliedin pittajacases,
while the use of emetics,rubbing, fomentatoin(Sveda),fasting and
other kapha-subduingremediesshould be recommendedin Kaphaja
types. Applications of sneha and such-like remedial measuresare
specifically recommedndedin the disease,accordingto the Dosa or
Doqasinvolved in each case.70-71.

q qr-{rq*r r3-dtqr$rfurrFdrF{queRtl
Prohibited articles- A personsuffering from Gulma, should
refrain from taking vallura (dried meat),Mulaka (radish),fish, dried
pot-herbs,any prepararionof pea,Aluka, (potatoof any kind) and any
kind of sweetfruit. 72.

t**rrJd{ Tqd rg{rnig qrqtr

Fert ns qqqTfrEqs qFqfuFffiRtI et ||
efffeqsmrqrg I
qrfr,iqrqr({-ffi refdo.6ntqg*rqr
n*q qleyll
SifqsrTqi @r
er{: rg'ftm: EhltTtFiFSt+{Tvr(lt e\ tl
Fu,,qr€t tr}q t{ fqqrfrktr Tr. I
Terqerr(fus+q-t- ,
E.i{Rrfi{q Hq{i rqq-onnm u\eq,rl
Causes and symptoms of Sula- Now I shall deal with the
causes,the characteristicsymptomsandthe treatmentof Sltaoccurring
in any specificlocality of a Gulma evenwithout its actualpresenceor
formationtherein.A voluntaryretentionof flatus(VAtu),stoolor urine,
over-eating,indigestion,eatingbeforethe digestionof previousfood,
over-exertion,use of articlesof food which are incompatiblein their
combination,drinking water when hungry, use of germinatedgrains,
dry food or cakesof dry meat, as well as the use of other such-like
articlesoffare, derangeand aggravatethe bodily Vayu, whichproduces
a violent cutting and spasmodicpain 6Ltd in the main cavity of the
trunk (Koqlha). The patient complains of as if being pierced with a
Safiku (spear)in the inside and of a feeling of suffocationunder the
influence of that excruciatingpain, which fact has determinedthe
nomenclatureof Sula (lira spear).73-76.

Er*{ frd v1ilgfr*tl

rKerln* 1{-eFrF'ffirfreq il ss tl
F.Eur q"o'ilw: t
qifu$.ffilrqei qm{rgff(r I e/ tl
Vataja SAta-The patientexperiencesa violentcolicwhenever
in anemptystomachandhefeelsa difficucltyof respiration.Thelimbs
seemto be numbedor stuffedand the flatus.stool and urine are

evacuatedwith the greatestdifficulty-these are the symptomswhich

mark the Vataja type of the disease.77-79.

Ewn<rd trd T€f ftd vpi nrtaa r

vffir*'nfr s{qfrvfrA+dqvnrqfrt
\iffiS.ffiqrc{it tFffigcq{u eqrl
Pittaja Sula- Thirst and a burning sensationin the body
attendedwith an excruciating
pain,giddiness, lossofconsciousness,
desirefor cold things and ameliorationon appricationof cooling
measures,arethespecificfeaturesof thepittnjatype.Tg.

WRT sqqr€ril|
d*E rJ5rrFrfrr
qr( pdgrffTdrs vlrdih t+qptqtua. ,,
vatfuigr 6qrFrf{Fdiq qrffi$qr
ii ffifdt(rr ar rr
Kaphaja and SannipAfikd Sfilas-An agonisingpain atrended
with nausea,excessivefullnessof the stomachanda senseof heaviness
in the limbs are the indicationswhich distinguish theKaphajatype of
the disease.The type due to the concerted action of the three
simultaneouslyderangedDosasof the body (sannipatikaj;/a) exhibit
all the seriesof symptomswhich respectivelymark the precedingtypes,
and henceit is said to be incurable.80-81.

v5finiaqTutrthflef*ro1-5Frdelt r
t arqr q}(tret rr
irFT rrinF{rirs *{ !F {GIfer6: I
qrqt: F.{Rrftru}.fure}EtfqFftGir:nzt tl
@{ar farugqi V$ar#q-{ql
t*rFce€rq qrfr furrlsiq rrqrlqrraxrr
tegiawrlfwurlvrgrrlvgafr ka:r
qerror* F{+aTrli€rh ffi{r{u z,qtl
Generaltreatment- TheSymptoms havebeendescribed.
hearme describingthe modeof medicaltreatment(to be generally

pursuedin curing a case of Sula). Since the derangedbodily Vayu

(which is the principal and immediatelyexciting factor, is very active
in its operation,hence it should be speedilysubdued.Fomentations
with Payasa,Kriard or cookedmeat saturatedwith anySneha(clarified
butter, etc.) shouldbe resortedto. Fomentationnaturally gives relief
to a patient suffering from Sr-rla.The patient shouldtake cooked Trivrt-
leaves (as pot-herbs)with his meals cooked with a Sneha(clarified
butter) and servedhot; or he shouldeatthe tendersproutsof Cirabilva
fried with oil, or drink the meat-essence of the flesh of any birds of the
Jahgala group chargedwith a Snehaor take the meat of any animal of
the Bileiaya group. 82-85.

gnfrfrcitg-* rruKfr( aentftrt

rrfiffiffiui fri vF qrdq$freil dq ll
grffirq* g-t,rd 6raqfiE{tiq-il; 1
Trtercl: qqRd qrffifdk{rflT: u z,erl
gt€rq,$T.fr5 rwerg.dq fir*qr
TaT qrci vtd fqrrh qsnrqfr\ LL.l
Treatment of Yataja SAta- Surd, Sauviraka (fermented rice
boilings), Suha, the cream of curd and Udasvit (half-diluted Takra)
saturatedwith Kala scltr , should be taken in a caseof Vataja Suta.
The soup of Kulattha with an adequatequantity of the acid articles
(e.g.pomegranate,etc.) and cookedwith the soup of llva bird salted
with Saindhava andseasonedwith Marica, exercisea curative efficacy
in a caseof theVayu-originedtype.The compoundof Vidanga,Sigru,
Kampilla, Pathya, Syama, Amla-vetasa, Surasd, ASva-karna and
Sauvarcalashouldbe takenwith wine in an attackof theYayu-origined
type of Sila. 86-88.

flqqeq:ffi{St t*5q$h qri\n es n
l. Kdla ktva4u generallymeans'Vit-salt', to Dalhana,it means
but here,according

qgqrs*q g*-ur ErnlRotl
oTrrffi Trth rrT-ffiSrh qTl
iTsn T{tq*ur qrfuilfr S{: gl: I
arh w v6 yr*-rqrfir*(rr qt rr
wd<rBffrfroTqftt: qrqi frrqfiqarr
qr eftffit* vfd f\Trte ml
rge+fuqr !+6r frilr rAr qTg{: u qRtl
Pythvikadi Ciirna and Vartik- A pulverised compound
consisting of Prthwka, Ajaji, Cavika, Yavdni, Vyoqa,Citraks, pippafi,
Pippala-mtrla and saindhava pounded together should be taken with
milk or Kambalika or Madhvasava (wine of honey) or cukra or surd
(wine) or with sauviraka (Fermentedrice-boilings) asalternatives.The
abovepulverisedcompoundshouldbe soakedin the expressedjuice
of Matulurtga and with the decoctionof Badara severaltimes in the
manner of Bhdvand saturation,and the compound should be taken
with a profusequantity of Hingu, and with sugar.A Varti madeof the
samepowdersandpulverised(pith of) Dadimamixed togethershould
be licked with treacleor honeyor takenwith in casesof VataiaSula as
giving an instantaneous relief. 89-92.

Egq{rqr{*yfe Fq rrndri fqr

sdt: qiW* qRll
qw$ {grr* 6qt fiil'+{ *rtqr
{i-ear: s*qr: Fg{ir5r Hw: u jy tl
qrt,ufrs fir+q{raqr r!€t gdr
qqqrilt$qsvKrfrb Fqffiffir(u q\ tl
In a caseof Sula due to hunger,light and sparingdiet shouldbe
given with lukewarm milk,Yavaga or meat-soupchargedwith clarified
butter. Emulsive diet should be given in a caseof vataja Sula to a
patientof dry or parchedorganism,useof well seasonedGhrta-puras
being specially recommended.The patient should also take yaruni

wine whereform he will get relief. The treatmentof Vataja Sr.r/ahas


sTqflrtr€gilr€q lxqi egrqn: qrq I

€ g{i Edkdr Cfrd{r vffi*i' qt: t
vfrffirhqt*dvqftqurnf{ qdt(rr qq rr
cTrs{fr q gdgr:r
er|tTffi arqs vtddrrn' irffiqrr qurr
TwtTfdqeT:qfrt rrftt:qrt R;rtqt
qrf,.f,rhq qiqrfr *wtfuttvfffir(u q/ rl
{€r1t*d fudqT-lfirterfr ffi tq t
rTrwi ertri qrsfufirAEqq qgr*rq11qq 1I
qsqmfrr gfrn,-qEt{*,qrqfur
irq firdwd;rgii fwtvgrF{qTror{u
Treatment of PittajaStlo-Nor I shallnarratethe therapeutic
agentsand remediesin respectof Pittaja-Suta. Aperosn aficted with
an attackof the presenttype of the disease,shouldbe made to vomit
without any violent effort by drinking (a stomachful)cold water. He
should have recourseto cooling measursand avoid all heat-making
ones.Vesselsof copper,silver or preciousstonesand cooling gems
and filled up to the brim with water, shouldbe placedupon the seatof
affection 6nd in his body. Treacle,barley,Sali rice,milk. (Draughts
of clarified butter,purgatives,the fleshof anyJangalaanimals- these
sirculd be prescribedin casesof Pittaja Snta. /rtt Pitta-generating
iuticles shouldbe avoidedand thosewhich soothethe Pitta shouldbe
used. soup of the meat of Jangctlaanimals may be taken with
sugaras an alternative,Parusaka,grapes,datesand aquaticfruits such
asSrhgdtakaetc.shouldalsobe takenwith sugarasthey tendto relieve
Pirajct Snt".9e-t00.

ewr+ e5ffr+ g wqtq; IdfufiR ?l

qsi qm*q r* fq'{inanfitutTfi{trEtuqoqtl
68{: d{: qdq: Frrfrr$wn: f*-qrfrm: t
ftq.* ffi*s veqr$ fi+qtsraqutoR rr

qrdi Tqi tf,q*t inn q Ea'tFufrql

flq*ene q tqt fir*( q! wgrdq'qttqoQtl
Treatment of Kaphaja Sat"- Afitof SAhdue to the actionof
the deranged Kapha is aggravatedjust after eating.Vomiting should
be induced in such a casewith draughtsof the decoctionof Pippalil.
Dry fomentations and other heating measuresshould be likewise
resorted to and the patient should be made to take Pippali and Sunthl
(in any shape) in casesof Kaphaja Sna. fapa, Vacd, Tri-katu, and
Kayuka-rohinTshould be used with the decoctionof Citraka or the
soup(of any Stla-subduingarticle) shouldbe takenwith an equalpart
of Arjaka.10l-103.

$nffiqi{rh T.d rilqcma ql

VnFTqurT Tf*qurT Tftr qlEfrfi4',r{il toy rl
Fdtqi d*E ql
q6rcrdi q-trdi Sofrqr*,w qll qo\ ll
\rir(q$rdq ql+Tri qtrfrd ffiqr
rrqq{mgil ftr*(rr loE tl
qrFftiitfuS qTsfuv*fuii nrFf,qrF?rsq
rtrA =Trgr+qetbxuFm Hr€tt:ll loe ll
fi1qq; Fqftnu,,rqTrfrTqr|5f,dnqq q I
ffif,( qrrrfrq rrs €iqk fl*aqrur:r
fti ffi firqFwqn tol, tl
Seeds and roots of EraryQa,Goksura-roots,Sdlaparni, Pr1ni-
par7l, Brhati, Karylakar\, Srgala-vinna (a kind of Prfini-parnl),Saha-
deva,Mahasaha (Masaparni), Ksudra-Saha(Mudga-parnl) andlksu-
raka-rootsshould be duly boiled with a Drona measure(sixty-four
seers)of water and shouldbe boiled till reducedto a quarterpart. This
decoctionshouldbe usedwith the admixtureof Yava-ksara2. Bv this
l. Somecommentators,accordingto Dalhu4a, take Pippa[tomeanseedsof Madana-
| . The total weight of the drugs should be 8 seers,accordingto Dulhana. According
to others, however, it should be 12 seers.The preparationshould be used in any
shapeboth internally and externally e.g. a bath, wshings,etc.

compound attacksof Vataja, Pittaja, kaphaja andTri-dosaja types of

Sula would,bethrown off just as the floating clouds are shatteredand
driven by the wind. PippaIi, Yava, Citraka, Ufira and Sarjika-ksara
shouldbe burnt togetherandreducedto ashes.Takenwith tepid water,
this compound proves curative in an attack of Kaphaja SAto. tOl-t}9.

uuf€ utuii TdqI g;flqTqrffim. r

rT{it;6: qfrd{qqrexn TsTsFm(u{oj 11
rf*FfiE FrdE: Fdqrfr ir{r r{: I
qr* qr€fr + F{drg+sftiRfrkn.
€ fu]q, e.w,rFrfiq56q:ll tlo tl
Symptoms of.Pariva-Sula-T\e derangedKapfta in the regions
of theParsva (sides)arreststhe courseof local Vaya which thus irritated
causesan immediatedistensionof the abdomenand a rumbling in the
intestines.A pricking pain is felt in the affectedpart,which seemsasif
being piercedwith needlesand the patientcomplainsof insomniaand
hasno relish for food andhis respirationbecomespainful anddifficult.
The diseaseis named Pariva-Suta (side-colic) and is brought on by
the actionofthe derangedYayuandKapha.109-ll0

ild g6m-qdrRtrtr ffd f+g(r

+*ld'qqcqraiqufTiqrg qrq+qrr qqqtl
qrdad|rq$g rn*,lt{ {grqt
rfii: r*dElhir qr Ttarffigrqu tqRu
fr-sTI*TTi ErTrr{nnT qa rfurcqr
\rtrs*mqQrqr rrsq€Eq{fu*: r
cffi xr{I{IrETrFfu r.''iq qilt tql tl
Treatment of Par|va-|fita- A pulverised compound of
P us kara-roots,H ihgu, Sauvarcaln,Vit -salt, Sa indhava, Tumburu and
Pathya shouldbe takenwith a decoctionof barley in a caseof (colic)
pain at the sides,at the region of the heart and at the region of the
bladder.The medicatedGhrtaMentionedin connectionwith abdominal
dropsydue to the enlargedspleen,or clarified buttermixed with Hingu

should be as well administeredin such cases.Biiapuraka-Sararduly

cooked in milk as well as draughtsof castor oil mixed with wine,
Mastu, MiIk or meat-soup(whichever of thesemay be conduciveto
the health of the patient)shouldbe takenand the diet shouldbe taken
with milk or with the meat-soupof Jangala animals.111-113.
vgah a<r gqtt qfdqrdtq Hr6iT:I
?rqr.rFrftsi eJ-fiTfrrrK$i T T€qt ll qqYll
Bq|varwryilr q@ E, l
ffi idst € Fs{egcrql
n vr€r+
€rf!ils[dFfd lqrtr qrdr{rqs$frE: ll ?t\ tl
Symptoms of Kukqi-Sula-The derangedandaggravatedbodily
Vdyu, affectingthe fire of digestionand incarceratedin the region of
the Kuksi (loins) interfereswith the digestionof the food previously
takenwhich remainsstiff and undigestedin consequence. The patient
breathesheavilyowing to the accumulationof undigested (fecal)matter
and tossesabout in agony of pain, finding no relief in any posture
whatever,whethersittingor lying. The diseaseis calledKukqi-Suta,
and is due to indigestionincidentalto the actionof the derangedbodily
Vayu. ll4-115.
qri a,,rtt(ilr dq't( qr qqw€r{l
rF tfrq?*r rdi RE drrtftt fqs{r
qr{q-ff.F*qrh nErvqrfraqrd: r
y1r5ifriqrr qqetl
{6efi: a.'tr-*rqisla.rri
Tqrtr€td pg^EB nTftTfuqrryr,
E;-ds ? qrqrR IcI: YfcrflITurElltlz ll
Fffi qg-Sil Frdr Elqqmrffi(l
*{Efrtt{G-6ia t;utqffiurqt I qqi II
BtFTr-6r:ffifir erFqTFTqft'tfi(l
rrsR qqrqfr
3{Ern€'r*r dktr{u qRotl
l. Bijapuraka-sara,according to palha4a, meansthe fruit of Bijup-uraka.Bijaka-
sora (the pith of Bijaka) is, however, a variani.

Treatment of Kukqi-Sula- Vomitting shouldbe inducedand

fasting should be prescribedin the caseaccordingto the strengthof
the patient. Acid and appetisingdrugs should be employed for the
alleviation of the Do;as (Vayu andAmQ. A decoction of Ndgara,
Dipyaka, Cavya,Hingu, Sauvarcala, Vitr,andthe seedsof Mdtulunga,
Syama, Uruvilka, Brhati and of Karylakarl, should be taken for the
relief of the pain 6nU). Vaca, Sauvarcala,Hingu, Kuslha Ativisa,
Abhaya, and Kutaja-seedstakentogetherwould instantaneouslyrelieve
Sula. Pur gativesshorrld be administered,and Sneha-Basti s andN i ruha-
Bastis should be applied for the ameliortion of the derangedDo;as
according to their nature and intensity. Sneha-Svedaand poultices
shouldbe applied andDhanyamla(fermentedpaddy-boilings)should
be employedas washes.116-120.
q.trrqt,-ffi qr{drs{Fdfr: I

q €qfdFfrsffir]sq|-6nqr+1-q: ll tRt tl
ffifr q,qfF{ki qSh effitnrqt I qR? ||
Symptoms and treatmentof Hycchula-The derangedbodily
Vayu aggravatedby the vitiated Rrzsa(chyle) and incarceratedin the
region of the heart through the action of the derangedPitta andKapha,
producesSAh @ain)in the heartandgivesrise to difficulty of respiraron.
This diseasewhich is called Hrc-chula (cardiaccolic) is usheredin
through the action of the derangedVayuandRa.saof the body. Remedial
measuresmentionedin connectionwith the treatmentof the diseases
of the heart should be as well employed in the present malady.
rituqgFrd aqdkqryftefrr
qk{Eq{qrFfrg mil:vg*slgqqrqil r
Fqq5r{rrritEtnrkry: € qrfirr(u qRi tl
mat wqqrurur$g
{tqfs T6rrd T'ffi:rT qr6dr(il q?Yil
l.Hifrgu, Souvarcala and Vifsalt should be used as an after-throw.

Symptoms of Basti-Sula and Mfitra-Sala-The local Vayu

aggravatedby the suppressionof stool and urine is incarceratedin the
region of the Basti (bladder)and gives rise ro a pain in the bladder,in
the groins and aboutthe umbilicuscausinga further suppressionof the
stool,urine and flatus.The diseaseis calledBasti-Sura(bladdercolic)
and is due to the action of the derangedbodily Vayu. A cutting pain
experiencedin the genital,the intestinesand the loins as well as at the
sidesand in the inguinal regionsand aboutthe umbilicus and causing
a complete suppressionof urine, is called Mutra-Sula. The disease
should be likewise attributedto the action of the derangedbodily vayu.
er{: qtfirfrErer r{qn6nerifu;T:r
Ri sqRAqtgsdT€5,a Ern+qq,,qR\ ||
rpt nwrd+fr* dfiis'Tdrrs ft r
ERrutqR er eniV|qnrrqrqqrqtu qRqtl
rrdr qdfr W t*r, q ttrqqt
ftrqrsrqdt frErxrtrTEtqqrqfr lt qR\e tl
safirfr {kf,s q wfiilqftFr€rfrr
llqRe ll
Symptoms of Vit-SAla- The bodily ydyu derangedand
aggravatedby the useof dry food, etc.,affectsor impairs the digestive
fire and obstructsthe evacuationof faecesaccumulatedin the bowels
and gives rise to an excruciatingpain in the locality by stuffing or
choking the channelsof the intestines.The pain is first experiencedin
the region of the right or left Ka&.ri(loin), but it soonextendsover the
whole abdomen with rumbling sounds there in. Thirst becomes
unquenchableand vertigo and epilepticfits follow in its train, and the
patient finds no relief even after the evacuationof the bladderand of
the bowels. This diseaseis called vtt-Snb and is a very violent one.
f$f fuet en{ fr+qqTrlrt qFiliTTl
fu \t*dq Frsa: fu{wq: n tRqtl
Tret:gcn+{r:il lio rr

Treatment- An experiencedphysicianshouldinstantlyemploy
(in such cases)the medicinal remedieswhich have the virtue of
eliminating the derangedDoqasfrom the s)/stem.Fomentations,emetics
as well as Sneha-Baslisand Niruha-bastisshouldbe applied,and the
bowel-cleansingcompoundsdealtwith beforeshouldbe administered.
Medicinal measuresmentioned in connectionwith the treatmentof
Uddvarta shouldbe likewise employedwith advantage.130.

srftTqri ?rqr w qr** T{di.rtt

furftIr{ ir( 61U qrgrr{iq ftTgrdltqlq rl
srfuqr*,,.rrii Ertr Tfd fti trtflfrl
qai'sseqpi t*qrfs €'Std{i ffioT ll qtR tl
frM E-iqfr 6u1fr5el fugfrt
3,rrdtqffir{ W:ll tQQll
qsi dtri €q: qr*i q?r.rfo: I
qrRr{uTF{ lFe*l: HsA Y[f,{rsr"Tt: I
r!flTrRrn: fu'qr: qrqi' qslltr(Fdvlfu{r{lr qlY ll
Symptoms of Annaja SAU- evoraciouseatingin an impaired
stateof digestivefire, aggravatethe local Vayuwhich makesthe food
taken remain stiffed in the Kostha. The food thus undigested in the
Koqyhqcausesan intolerablecolic, which brings on distensionof the
abdomen,epileptic fits, acidic indigestion (Vidaha), nauseaand an
attackof Vilambika.The patientshivers,vomits, or passesstool, and
wen losesconciousness. Emesis,fasting,fomentation,digestivefalvarti
anti-colic (pain-killing) pills, powders and medicinal Ksdras are
recommendedin the case.All the medicalremediesapplicablein cases
of Gulma should likewise be appliedin casesof Sula. L3l-134.

ffisatrq: uYRtl
Thus ends the forty-second chapter of the Uttara-Tantra inthe Suiruta Sarhhitd
which deals with the medical treatmentof Gulma.

qefunq tflrd1.1 uaqfr, 11t,,
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
(symptomsand) medical treatmentof the diseaseof the heart(Hrdroga-

ffigrfu rfrcA:u?tl
Eqfrrd'rrd' tqr fdTuTre+i rrilr.r
E.df{TE{+ erEt E*,i ii rmqrtrr?rr
wgftfu:r{*+smfirg y?rqyEqr
ttqTui irtrT qeqrfu ftrFtrfffidrniru{nx tl
Etiology and Nomencrature- The deranged Dosas
of the
body, aggravatedby suchcausesasvoruntaryrepressionof
any natural
urging (of stool, urine, etc;) externalblow or hurt, use of
dry (Ruksa)andheat-makingarticlesof farein inordinatequantities
of such articlesas are indigestabreor incompatiblein combination
uncongenialto the system as well as taking food before
contaminatethe bodily Rasc (lymph chyle) and find lodgement
in the
heart,producing the characteristicpain in the organ,which
is known
asHrdroga (the diseaseof the heart).The diseasemay be
divided into
five distinct types, of which four are Dosa_origined,(viz._yataja,
Pittaja, Kaphaja, Sannipdtikd and the fiith is due to the presence

worms (Knni). The different symptomsshouldbe first describedand

then the medical treatmentthereof .2'4.

3{rqqi qr5,dt E{q g'sil iTenI

firdsqh*dtqglat qrcilesfr q ll \ ll
qurilqrqT6tilqT:€: tffi' €EqiFrq:I
?{{rffi5q€iadq, vil* EGr€Tqllqll
rfttiqq'riqrdsu:fu :wl"rlsfi tqrtd(t
qTg{qfr qTssgret qengrrdt &ttstt
Specific Symptoms- In the Vataja type, a pain is felt in the
regionof the heartwhich seemsasif beingdrawn andcrushed,pierced
and cracked,prickedand split. Thirst with a burning sensation,agony-
feeling and a suckingpain in the heart,epilepticfit, perspiration,fumy
eructation and dryness of the mouth, are the symptoms which
characterisethePittajatype. A senseofheavinessin the chest,secretion
of mucus (from the noseand the mouth), and aversionto food, feeling
of numbness(in th body), dulnessof digestivefire and a sweettastein
the mouth are the featureswhich mark the Kaphaj type of the heart-

Edyr: Ul+t*e: V[eilWrcrqsq: r

ersfr: Vqretftigfrq$fdfrA rliqrra rr
Kymija Hydroga-Nausea, salivation (spitting), piercing and
cutting.pain (in the heart), dark vision, an aversion to food, a dull
brown hueof the eyes,aswell asemaciationof thebody (D.R. swelling)
are the indications which point to the presenceof worms (Kymiia
Hrdroga) as the exciting factor of the disease.8.

tr{ffi* vrE{fr* ffiwgwrar: t

ffifunrcratqirefu*,,runstqar: ttqtt
Supervening symptoms- Vertigo and a senseof exhaustion
attendedwith a feeling of physical lassitudeand emaciationof the
body exhibit themselvesasthe distressingconcomitantsin all the cases,
while the superveningsymptomsof Kaphaia worms exhibit themselves
in case of.Krmija Hrdroga also. 9.

er-frrq* eE+enrAOflwrerqrgrqr
V*FdqdT Qll lo ll
vJrfuwrtqr5qptaqrrrr rr
qr{rtil FqvJ-ffi €tqr;ffii=T Enu qRtl
qffiyr1-g* vrgd: Bq* r*: I
erdrrftrai *f,g E{tR c|tiqrnurfr: ll ti tl
Medical treatment of they ataja Type- In a caseof the vataj a
type, the patient shouldbe first treatedwith a sneha and then made to
vomit (out the contentsof his stomach)with a draughtof thedecoction
of Dasd-mttla mixed with salt and a sneha. After being purged he
should be made to take a pulverisedcompoundconsistingof pippaL,
ela, Vaca,Hingu, Yava-ksara,Saindhava-salt,Sauvarcala,Sunthi and,
Ajamoda through the rnedium of the juice of (acid) fruits, fermented
rice-boilings, decoctionof Kulanha, curd, wine, Asava or with any
kind of .sne&a.Thepatient shouldbe madeto havehis meal of matured
sali rice, with the soup of any Jangara meat cooked with clarified
butter'oil duly cookedwith thevayu subduingdrugsshouldbe applied
as a Basti in an adequate,quantity in the case.10-13.

,frqufrqg-*,Etq-li@*+q r
|q*qgu Eq+ t+n qr$, yftr{il qy tl
gi qqrqtdQsqfurqrfu{rvnn r
THR q rttd{$: {qtFirql
€qthiR( qdfutq5*.lwrftrd{u r\ ll
Treatment of Pittaja type- In a case of pittaja-Hrdroga,
vomiting shouldbe inducedwith the decoctionof sn-parni-fruit, yaqli-
madhu and (Jtpala (D.R.-treacle) mixed with honey and sugar.
clarified butter duly cookedwith the drugs of the Marlhuragroup, as
well as the decoctionefficacious in pittaja fever, shouldbe internally
administered.The food of the patient should be prescribedwith the
soup of the flesh of the principal animals of theJangala groupcooked


with clarified butter, and he shouldthenbe treatedwith a Bastl, charged

with honey and oil duly cooked with Yasti-madhu.

iEnFTqfiqrqnqieni eR qqrar* t
quiEq'qffib qrri ffia aqt
qrcnfergwrfq fTq,c{i?T firiin: n qq tl
wwrPf,qffiffiSi gi qrsfr f*T{qt
Einffif*{eznEr eFqi cffirce: u te tl
Treatment of Kaphaja Type- In the Kaphaia type of the
disease,vomiting shouldbe inducedwith the decoctionof Vaca or of
Nimba and the pulverised rnedicinal compound prescribedfor the
Vatajatype, shouldbe adminstered.The patientshouldalsobe advised
to take clarified butter with his food. A decoctionof Tri-phala or of
the drugs of the Phaladi (Madana-phaladi-Sutra, Ch. XXXIX) or
the Mustadi (Sutra Ch. XXXVIII) group, should be prescribedfor
internaluse,or thepatientshouldbe purgedwith clarified buttermixed
with powdered Syama (Vr ddha -dar aka) andTr iv rt. A physician skilled
in the art of applyingBasri shouldprescribea Basti chargedwith Bala-
oil under the circumstances.16-17.

fsfi rc*Frutfu"?iffiqft ffi{iltr

EqrTEil nt qsr{ frRst(rr te tr
€{F*fi{: TtirEffit: qrcTfi'rwrd*:
W qrqrti qrr+drq{d{qn qqtl
€ErRsTr:Irf*qqrfidr( ffi Tunqt
T{t=i T{F{€H.trd:q{qu Qorl
Treatrnent of Kymija type- In the type (Krmiia) characterised
by the persenceof worms, the patient should be first treatedwith a
Sneha.A meardiet with curd or (fried and)powderedsesamunshould
thenbe given to the patientfor threedaysin successionafter which he
should be purged with the compoundof Aiaji and sugarmixed with
the salt predomintingtpurgativepreparation(see-Sutra,XLIV.) and
l. Some read " Su-pala-lair-jogaih" in place of If would mean
that the compound should be mixed with fried and powdered sesamum.

mixed with the scenteddrugs (mentioned in the sfttra-sthdna, ch.

xLN). An adequatequantity of fermented-riceboilin gs (Dhanymla)
with a profuse quantity of vidanga should then be internally
administered,wherebythe worms would be disrodgedfrom the hearts
(andexpelledthroughthe lower orficesof the body).A diet consisting
of cookedbarley grainssaturatedwith powderedvidangashouldthen
be given to the patient. 18-20.

ffiVilseaftl: uyl tl
Thus ends the forty-third chapter of the lJnuru Tuntru rn thesuiruta
which treats of the (symptoms and) treatment of Hrtlrogu.

srerkf: qTrgffidiei qf€fl'Fqlq:,
qsnEnq w|?trt erq<tfr:tt q il
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
(symptoms and) medical treatmentof Anaemia, etc. (Pandu-roga-

qqr€rqFi ir{unh T€i Ti ffie *qryr(t

fttqqTurtqtqqth g;dt{ ffi qru€qrqll ? ll
qRg: Ywq
rTru{drmisgTeifuE: {*: r
s*S+tH6qnr$ildvfrsftr*1.s4: q vrrgin: lt I ll
Etiology and Nomenclature- The derangedbodily Dosasof
a personaddictedto sexualexcessesr or to eatingclay or saltsor articles
of keen potency and of acid or saline taste or to strong liquors in
excessivequantliesor to sleepingin the day, contaminatethe blood
and producea yellowish (Pandu)colour of the skin. This is known as
Pandu-roga and is divided into four distinct types2accordingas they
areseparetelyoriginatedthroughthe actionof thederangedVltta,Pitta,
or Kapha the fourth being the one incidentalto their concertedaction.

1. Matlhuva in his Niriana reads "Vvayamrl" (physical exercise) in the place of

"Vyavaya" in the long list of the causesof Pandu-ntgu.
2. A variant readsthat Phndu-roga is of eight kinds. In that casethe four different
varieties of Paryclu,separately mentioned below should be added to the four kinds
mentioned here. Caraka says that Phy{u'roga is of five ditferent types- by
separatingand adding the one due to the eating of clay to the four kinds enumerated

The diseasehas got the name of Pdndu-roga fromthe fact that a deep
yellow @aaQu)colour is imparted to the skin of the patient suffering

w*satri ffi gfrqTqi tqiln*afren;1

qfrqrmlg gr:utrfur
rrx rr
q@: grur6dam( q ld[tsosrq: r
f+rflq'ft FlqTurrrs 5.ftt ffiq ErgFEqqdfl:kr{u ri tl
Premonitory symptoms- Cracking of the skin, salivation
(spitting) a senseof lassitudein the limbs, (desire for) eating clay,
swellingof theeyelids,yellow colourof stoolandurine,andindigestion
are the premonitory symptoms which usher in an attack of pandu-
roga.The diseasesknown asKamala-panakipandu(popularly called
Kamala), Kumbha-kamala, ligharakn and A/asa (otherwise known
as Hatimaka) are all included within Jaundice (pandu-roga), the
characteristicsymptomsof which are fully enumeratedin succession

p.dqTtr Furyfu14fii ilduifuuTfiqrfigl

qr+{ qr€ rqw ee+{ griiaErs*qrgqqtsrre rr
frtqTqi ftrRryrrui irduiFumqnrrsl
ftfr .Tr"gr5q qqFh{ $ii. nqrs*smgrd*srr\err
vJ.dq{.i yJffikflTnd nEutfuuWrrqn+sr
EFhr qrcr€rr3-i qq+( g*i nenr:{w{T{*grr a rr
Fqffi Hdfrt arrdEqqqtfr lrgrqer q.rrdrqr:|| 3 tl
Specific Symptoms- A black colour of the eyes and of the
skin marked by the prominent appearanceof black-coloured vein (on
the surface),black colour of the stool and of the urine, blacknessof
face and of the finger-nails as well as other symptomscharacteristicof
the derangedbodily vdyu aremanifestedinthevatajatypeof pandu.
Yellowness of the eyes and of the skin marked by the appearanceof
veins (.srra)of the samecolour (on its surface),yellownssof the stool
andof the urine, yellownessof the faceandfingernailsandotherspecific
symptoms of the derangedPitta, mark the pittaja type of the disease.

Whiteness of the eyes and of the skin, marked by the appearanceof

veins of the samecolour (on its surface),whitenessof the stool and
urine, whitenessof the face and of the finger-nailsand other specific
symptoms of the derangedKapha mark a caseof the Kaphaia type of
the disease.All the precedingsymptomsareexhibitedin a caseof the
Sannipatikatype. Now I shall describethe symptomswhich mark the
diseaseknown as Kamala.6-9.

d Errqr* weqrsrqwr{rfle{rh q irg firtqt

u,,,frfrqrr€eEi ffi6n( {dft-ft dFffii{qr* Ett to ll
rlqqnwr: rrqgls{fira: vMrctw* qvdr}E: ll qt ll
qrrg.rdqqsqrqr- q{qrF{frHtq( a ffscure: || t ? |l
ii qrdFrffiaR-dfrtrfti FfrR* ;TrqqEFairst: tt ?Rll
The Pitta of a patient suffering form any diseasenot radically
cured gets derangedby the use of any acid, or unwholesomefood or
drink, and imparts a (deep)yellow tint to his complexion and produces
physical weaknessas well as all the specific symptoms(of Pdndu'
roga) describedabove. This diseaseis known as Kamald. When it is
accompaniedby a generalswelling (oedema)of the body and a crushing
pain in thejoints, is calledKumbha-Kdmald,which, when it developes
in its coursesuchsymptomsasfever, achingpain inthe limbs, vertigo,
physical langour, drowsiness and emaciation comes to be known as
Lagharaka. This in its turn, when marked by an excessive
preponderance of the deranged Vayu and Pitta is called Alasa,
otherwise known as Halimaka, by those who are conversant with
its,nature. 10-13.

sq{{rdqttq: fiursrafdcqfr Tft'qtsfirqR: t

vilwaqr q,,u6q*.t{ilci Xet w* E€rdfrsrg u qy tl
SuperveningSymptoms- Aversionto food,thirst,vomiting,
fever, headache,dulnessof digestivefire, swelling aboutthe neck,
weakness,epilepticfits, exhaustionand a pain in the region of the
heartareincludedtheir distressingconcomitants.1.4.

rffiqq fuai ye+EfuEsS6q r
ndt, ll tq tt

fir*{. gt arrwfifaud;irq*meitqq,te qrsfrr

feErr*eqfi fid6r drris SruFr*,,qg*lrr te rr
{+ f{efn{refqaifqqrq firdq$qryr$s-*dqm{r
qraRw er@iftr*{. sTu q\etl
@ ftren"aRqtfxrmarkatqrr
vnsrMrkatvq *qrtr r qa rr
rrFi{gcqitdE*a er.sfq
General Treatment- Having ascertainedthe curablenature
of an attackof Pdndu-roga,thepatientshouldbe treatedwith clarified
butterr. He should then be purged and vomited with the compounds
containing powderedIIa ntaki mixed with a copious quantity of honey
and clarified butter. Clarified butter duly cookedwith turmeric or the
one known as Trai-pltula-Ghrtazaswell asthe oneknown as Tailvaka
Ghyta3may alsobe usedfor the purpose.Drugspossessed of purgative
propertiesshouldalsobe takenin combinationwith clarified butter (or
clarified butter duly cookedwith purgativedrugsshouldbe prescribed).
Half a Pala (four Tolas) of Nikumbha duly cooked in an adequate
quantity (eight Palas) of the urine of a she-buffaloshould be daily
used. Similarly half a Kudava measureof treaclemixed (D.R. duly
cooked) with pulverisedHaritaki should be taken by the patient. A
decoction of the drugs of the Aragvadhadi group,may be likewise
prescribedfor internal use.Powdered(dead)iron mixed with pulverised
Vyoqa and Vidanga, or powdered Haridraa and Tri-phala should be
licked up with honey and clarified butters.Any other medicinal
compoundmentionedanywhereas remedialto G.ulmashouldalso be

I . Some say tlrat the Sneha used should be the Kulyanaku-Ghyta (Ch. LX[). Others
says that simply matured clarified butter should be used.
2. Traiphuh-Glryta may rnean either the Ghrta duly cooked with Tri-phalfi or the
one known as Truiphala-Glrrra mentioned in.
3. Similarly Teilvaka-Ghrta may mean the Ghrta of that name mentioned in Chap.
Y. Cikitsita-sthana or the one duly cooked with Tilvuka.
4. Here we have followed Dalhana in the text. Some take Haridrd to mean DAru-
5. According to Caraku'.r recipe, however, we find that the two compounds here
have been combined into one and there we find the definite mention of Darvi (Daru-
haridrd). In our practice also we follow Curukt in this case.

*qdqqvgYfr seur*rlstGadteFaFrffr
qirSi ffin
eTr*m'crnirrrfrqwarreifir&q tq rl
The aggravatedDosasshouldbe graduallyeliminatedfrom the
systemin asmuch as an quick and excessiveelimination of the Dosas
under the circumstancesmight produceswelling in the patient.Either
the expresedjuice of Dhatri or of the sugar-cane,or a Manrhar should
be taken with honey by a patient and he should take wholesome
diet. 19.

vJfrr@{tu,rfiq+srfr v*,rerqr*qr
sTrErfifqtd F-*qwgqt fqqrq Ftrtffi( a.qr+ p1qo tl
il( qrrgdt EqrgerqFi qfi$rqrqFrftrfii qpnfuI
Fdra "r$qe#he,,qrciqyf wi qrrrgn.rqfugr{lt Rqll
rfrT{Sit <arssfii qutr+crq,,rcqr
fdar( aEr u,rsq+ft"*tdrtuRRtl
Clarified butter duly cooked with the Kalka and decoctionof
the two kinds of Byhatt, Rajanl, Sukakhya (Suka-Simbi),Kdkadant,
Kdkamic\, AdAri -virnbt andKadamba-puspi (Bhumi-Kadamba) should
be taken as a remedy for Pandu-r'oga.PippalT-powderdissolvedin
milk should also be taken accordingto the condition of the appetite.
The use of a decoctionof Yasti-madhu,or of powderedYaqli-madhu
mixed with honey would likewise prove efficacious.Powderedleaves
of Tri-phala and powdered(dead)iron shouldbe frequentlytaken as
an electuaryin combinationwith cow's urine.A compoundcomposed
of powdered coral, pearl, antimony and conch-shell, or powdered
Girimrttika (ferrugnious earth) should be similarly used by the
patient. 20-22.

eilli {r$q qr g;.sdrsrnut

i{* ER''{rdquilTEr*II
yrr{qdiynh€qq@ ffi uglr.r<FcArqtI RR||
1. Manthais preparedby mixing powderedgrainsof barleywith clarifiedbutterand
a copiousquantityof water.Somecommentators, however,on theauthorityof other
medicalworks,areof opinionthatin casesof Pandu(aundice)theword "Mantha"
is technicallyusedfor the preparationof the powderedgrainsof barleymixed with
the expressedjuiceof Amulal<7 andof sugar-cane and with honey.

€?RIrlFIIITtr[: I
Errgdst qnr**5: qru{drq{ Eiqf€Rsrdq1 1qa 1I
A compoundconsistingof half a seerof powderedgoat'sdung
togetherwith a Pala weight of each of the drugs known as Vir-salt,
Haridra andSaindhava-salt,shouldbe licked with honeyby a patient
living on wholesomediet. A compoundof Mandurz (iron-rust),Agni
(Citraka), Vidanga,Pathya, Tri-katu all takenin equalpartswith Tapya
(Svarna-rndksika)equalto their cornbinedweight shouldbe duly soaked
in cow's urine and formed into a lambativewith the additionof honey,
the samebeing prescribedfor an immediatecure of a serioustype of

quf ffldrqrs Ss*r Eq: r

irfiTgqr+qcffirr{Jn'r f\Tufrfdffivrq-gftrqlt Rqtl
rHd frE ffifiir q,iil?Tqr*rfur
{Wftr qTI
ftEf rrqtrm ffi
{.dtaRqrr-d*'sfudr( qf rrre rr
Bibhitaka, Mandura (iron-rusr), Ndgara and TiIa should be
poundedtogetherand madeinto a pastewith the additionof a profuse
quantity of treacle. Pills prepared from this compound should be
administeredthrough the medium of Takra whereby a viorent attack
of jaundice would be defeated.Pills of the Kataya weight of eachof
Satwarcala, Hingu and Kirdta-tikta pastedtogether, should be taken
with tepid water. As an alternative,a lambativecompoundof Mfirva,
Haridra and Amalakq pounded together and alternately dried and
soakedin cow's urine for a week, should be given to be licked by the

$tvetffi: fir+Eer rnuqqrrqnTsqng{ffi* Qetl

{qf{rqrFrqdq gd M: wi Sq3ffi<qu Rz,tl
;qdEErrtsfirdE 6qrri {frd firdrsrgti. funvfrr
IrnarRfrgTqq€mquferrfrwi qr qs$r.rqfugr(u?qtl
A patient suffering from Pandu-roga should observe a proper
regimen of diet and take two-Tola-weight of the compound of the
powders of Bald and Citraka (with cow's urine or tepid water). The

compoundof Saindhav,a salt andpowderedSlgra-seedstakenin equal

parts shouldbe takenwith tepid water, followed by a meal of cooked
rice with milk. The decoctionof the drugs of the Nyclgrodhadigroup
shouldbe taken,when cold, with honeyandsugarfollowed by a proper
regimenof diet. Powdersof the drugsincludedwithin theSala-saradi
group or ofA malaka shouldbe formed into a lambativewith the addition
of honey and given to be licked by the patient.27-29.

qufr-5.drqr Twdt q iT*ErfitftJ+E$an ?orl

Fnnftr< ffiherrq qrild. TTrcdtr rrureTl
qrrs fti qftTqqfrk€r frqrq+qlqr*Q€gi || I q It
tdqt6: iFTqcniau ?Rn
The pulverised compound of Vidanga, Musta, Triphala,
Ajamoda, Paru;aka, Vyoqa and Citraka as well as clarified butter,
honey,sugarand treacleshouldbe duly cookedin the decoctionof the
drugs of the Sala-saradi group till reducedto the consistencyof a
lambative.It shouldthenbe takendown andpreservedinsidea covered
vesselpreparedof Moksakn (Muqkaka).This lambativeprovescurative
in casesof Pandu attendedwith a generaloedemaas well as in cases
of the violent types of Kamala.30-32

{fl*n q'rqfuqif$rr$ fdr rr*$ wggfa qr& r

EnffiqTfrSiffi trrs il(Fqrqwfrfqfrer{u
tt tl
Er{Tfrd crg$l-ffiiqr girrTr6t5r5t ftr&Eerr
{* fier?it*rasqgth m{' firiqersh R Fffi*-g(t I RyIl
eearsqT6r}dffinqi' Etr @r
fuErd Ffrd'qgqTsF"i{ur$${r6f
rTrugrrifreqr(rr Rqrr
. Treatment of Kantala etc.- Tribhandi (Trivrt) taken with
sugaraswell as GavaksTor Sunthttakenwith treacle,is beneficialto a
patient suffering from an attackof Ka mala. Clarifredbutter duly cooked
with Kaleya-wood and mixed with turmeric as an after-throw is also
efficacious. In the alternative the patient should take Srotafijana and
Silaiau with cow's urine in a caseof Kumbha-kamalaMandilra (rust

of iron) kept immergedin cow's urine shouldbe likewise taken with

Saindhava-saltcontinually for a month. Mandura shouldbe burnt in
the fire of Biblitaka wood and cooled with cow's urine. The process
should be repeatedeight times in succession.The iron-rust thus
temperedshould be subsequentlyreducedto powders.Licked with
honeyit would act as a speedycurein caseof Kuritbha-Kamala.33-35.

ftr*f#i qr.fir{rer Fdr flrffir q $ wttE arq t

fq€ {gvr€I iTFn firqtq q} trg{Ril*ett ?q tt
q*Si ril-{dFlddtmerrcnq rr*Eqrqrql
qen r eAfi acnPcvJc*tqufr-Si
afrtfirvfr ffid fti q{ aer ffisrir€n tetl
qrqilTq3rrffit{+s ffi g6 anw(q )* Fila ll ?z tl
Saindhava-salt once made red-hot by heating (in the fire of
Bibhitaka-wood) shouldbe cooled in cow's urine. Iron-rust(Mandura)
should be successivelyheatedin fire and cooled with cow's urine as
directed above, the process being repeatedmany times. The two
substances(Saindhava and iron-rust) thus prepared, (taken in equal
parts)and madeinto a pastewith (five times of) cow'surine, shouldbe
cooked on an oven, care being taken to guard againsttheir ignition.
When dried, the compound should be reduced to powder and taken
with Udafvir (a kind of Takra).The medicineactsas a good appetiser
and proves curative in casesof Pandu. The patient using it should
take his rice diet with Takra after the assimilationof the medicine.
Clarified butter duly cookedwith the expressedjuice of Draksa, Guduci
andAmalaki proves curative in casesof ligharaka. 36'38.

dw{Ruq wgfl*ns qxruraq qTrt5ai{fi*ql

fuqq sFqttqrf,.dnrRr
t*c vffiftais TTrfu{Ei:lpgqtr q3 rl
trrrt qT,rE3Frqi
Articles of Diet-A ristas andAsavas preparcdwith treacle or
with honey or with sugar or with cow's urine or with Ksara (alkali) as
well as the essenceof meat of any Jahgala animal saturated with
clarified butter and mixed with the expressedjuice of Alzalaka or of
Kola should be prescribedand mealsof cookedbarley grains or of Sali

rice and the preparationsprescribedin casesof swelling 6opha) should

be takendaily by a patientsufferingfrom an attackof Pdndu-roga.39.

densFqr*-rqrAWerqq+(q?rrFiqrrfig vmry{|| yo ||
Treatment of supervening Symptoms- The supervening
symptomssuchas difficulty of breathing,diarrhoea,aversionto food,
cough, epileptic fits, thirst, vomiting, colic pain, fever, swelling
(Sopha), burning sensationin the body, indigestion, hoarseness
lassitude,etc. shouldbe remediedon the principles laid down in the
SAstraswith due regard to the nature and intensity of the deranged
bodily Dosas, separatelylying at their roots. 40.

sr+S vpt qFf{qui RFiilETs*gqrTeayfr{l

Xtatmrau {qrfi wnqqFr€rfr{roeq{r
fffSt( rlrrgfu=iq{frs$ nqr.sflil{srsqtfrFstrg
II yq ||
Prognosis- If a patient afflicted with Pandu have an oede-
matousswelling of the extremitieswith an emaciationof the abdominal
region and vice yersa or if he has a swelling of the scrotumor of the
genitalsor aboutthe anusor if he be sufferingfrom fever or diarrhoea
or be lying in a sub-comatosestate,he shouldbe given up and should
not be attendedby a physiciancaring anythingfor his fame. 41..

pfr q4-a-{frmqrEarcnqrrgfr
T{ffldrfr{hsgztF€t:|| YY||
Thus endsthe forty-fourthchapterof the IJttura-Tantrain thesusrutasarhhitfr
which dealswith the (symptoms and)medicaltreatment of pandu-roga.

e{sTrfr qt-€ilrgrq:,
qefrdrq wrE|1 erqfrR:rrl rr
Now we shall discourseon the Chapterwhich deals with the
symptoms and medical treatment of Hemorrhage (Rakta-pitta-

aiEgh* wqzrm-tqoarxtaq|rdq I
6T.qt{ilffiurqtn-*guilTgrffrffi{: ll Rtl
flrsnrrcrfr gS rs, firrsqffiqr
f€'?i wgd: ftrtttce6cqrsJvfrFrcqt
itiT: tr+dermqd"arefrErnsfr qr r
fq+erfrSfrsrfu fdsrrs{rrin*dtr
#*quuFa: qfr6:rd{qtrqiqfla{rr t rr
Cause and Pathology- Excessiveindulgencein grief, fright
or anger, excessivephysical labour, exposure to the sun and fire,
constantuse of pungent,acid, Salineand alkaline food, or of articles
of fare which are keen or heat-makingin potency,or incompatiblein
their combination, or are followed by deficient gasftic or intestinal
digestionarethe factorswhich tendto provoke the Rasa(chyle),which
in its turn, aggravatesthePitta. The aggravatedPittathusimperfectly
assimilaedaffectsor invadesin virtue of its own essencethe blood (lit.
leadsto its imperfectdigestion)which finds an outlet throughthe both
above and down openings.The derangedblood accumulatedin the

AmaSaya(stomach) finds out an upward outlet, while it flows out

through the lower orifices in the eventof it continuingin similar state
inthe PakvaSaya(intestines),and it escapesthroughboth the upward
and downward orifices in the event of its being deranged and
accumulated in both the Amdsaya and the Pakvasaya.According to
severalauthorities,the ejectedblood in the diseasecomes from the
spleenand the liver. 2-3

Eed Treqq* qrqqgred g1qfr:d(t I y ||

Prognosis- A case of Rakta-pilra in which the blood finds
outlet through an upward channel of the body is amenable,while
palliation is all that is possiblein a caseinwhich it flowers our through
a downward orifice of the body. A casemarked by the emission of
blood through both theseoutlets,upward and downward, should be
regardedas incurable.4

v*ivffii u'rdt1rr*i fi:l

fr: r{rfr ,rffiktqffi
FfrErrF€rg rIq rr
qrdrqrdqttwsw€{rd1@fitdE: u€,II
Premonitory Symptoms- A senseof lassitudein the limbs,
desire for cooling things, a senseas if fumes are rising in the throat,
vomiting and fetor of blood in the breatharethe symtomswhich usher
in an attack of Rakta-pitta. The number of the casesof Rakta-pitta as
well as the aggravationof the different Dosas involved in each case
shouldbe ascertainedfrom the colour and natureof the ejectedblood
(as describedbefore in Chap.XIY-Sutra-Sthana).5-6.

*deffr*,,rrqtqqgr{r: rnugrTrqr€T€t
g+ uA t<retae$nnvqr eqgeut q frgr r
EsnqudFrlte,ftnfu q qri xmns-*{5
eSsr+sffi ffiRfr rfr rr fir*wr{rt:trsrr
Supervening Symptoms- Weakness,laboured breathing,
cough,fever, vomiting, mental aberration(lit: a statelike intoxication;,
yellownessof complexion, burning sensationin the body, epileptic
fits, acidity of the stomach,restlessness, extremepain in the region of
the heart,thirst, loss of voice (D.R. loosestool),heatin the head,fetid

expectoration,aversionto food, indigestionand absenceofsexual desire

(D.R. bendingof the body after sexualact) arethe usualcomplications
in a caseof Rakta-Pina.7
qtsqq{ffi{rri F'ftrdfuqq qqu,-&rrnirfrrier
t<:garw*eiqs.f€ .rR qr rrd.lrmlm,tTrs{ql
vqqpwiva det qvrqf*glry{qr *tr'r
R(Tdrfifmt {tqfrer3ql Tq gei fee{frrr a rr
Symptoms of incuratrle Types- In a caseof Rakta-pitta the
emittedmatterresemblingthe washingsof meator drug-decoction,or
turbid water or fat or pus, or being liver-coloured or dark-black or
blood-redin colour or looking like a ripejambu-fruit or blackishblue
or variously colouredlike a rain-bow or having a very fetid smell as
well asthepresenceof the abovementionedsuperveningsymptoms-
theseare the indicationswhich show that the caseshouldbe given up
as incurable.8
qrd 1ir5gtFfii' T{gIt qmsrn. I
ir( qru$!rdufuSS-ffi6165fi1q6{11q 11
q fdFr*: t
qtq!fficqrfr VrrT+tffiu qo rl
sTfdrytr{rwtq T{ enffiFm: r
etffi' ffiur{1 qqtl
iltr' qr*t +6rt rTqlfrfrfueffi qu q?tl
qrSrqgm,q,T{{{-fud|$tt fdwq;
q$qrd-*.gfis qqfta qrFi Fc{rr t? tr
General Principles of Treatment- It is improper to arrestthe
emissionof blood immediatelyat the outsetof the diseaseif thepatient
be a sufficiently sfiong man, as such a proceduremay bring on an
attackof Pdndu-roga,Grahani,Kuqyha(cutaneous diseases).,Gulma,

l. Both Cakrupiuli and Vynduread"€qqrcSTduft" etc. i.e., they say that it may
bring on an attackof heart-disease

or fever or enlargementof the spleen.An attack in which the blood

makesa downward courseshouldbe arrestedwith emetic medicines,
while purgatives should be exhibited in a case in which the blood
finds an upward course.But weak patient, under the circumstances,
shouldbe treatedin both c aseswith soothingremedies.Fastingshould
be first enjoined in the case of an excessiveemissionrof blood in
respect of a strong patient with an unimpaired digestion and an
unemaciatedframe. A Peya preparedwith a small quantity of rice
should be given to the patient after fastin92Tarpana measures,
decoctionsof digestive drugs, as well as a variety of medicinal
lambativesandGlmas shouldbe the properapplicationsin the disease
under discussion.Purgationshouldbe inducedwith the compoundof
Drdksd, Yasti-madhu,Kasmaryaand sugar,while vomiting shouldbe
induced with an emetic compoundconsistingof Yasti-madhumixed
with honey. 9-13.
qqtfuvffi {srsqrffcn:Rd"rgrg qffiqr: r
frs YnthTd{irs-tivEr iT*E @r
rqrg @ T"ntdsfi{Filrgrtmn:lt
vafimsqrer*rffift et q${ilr QPrdfrffr:r
ftqr, qt6rrTg{Trrungigilrh qsq|fr q rfifirFaqr{u qq ll
Articles of Fare- The useof milk, thedrugsof cold-producing
potency(e.g.the drugs of the Utpaladi group),essenceof the meat of
an animal of the Jangala group, soup of Sat'ina(cerials), SAU-rice,
Saslika-grains,leaves of Patola, Selu, Sunisanna, Yuthika and
Sindhuvara (Nirguryfi) as well as the tender sprouts of Vata and
Atimukta (Tinduka) as pot-herbsand cookedwith clarified burrer are
recommendedas diets. Soup of the meat of pigeons,Sarhkha(conch)
and tortoise as well as the sruels mentionedbefore mixed with the

| .Both Cakrapdni anrl Vrnda read," 3.,d,lf5*vR " i.e. in casesof upward emission.
There is also anothervaricnt "d TTt-*Tg " i.e. in casesof excessiveof excessive
upward emission or in caseswhere a good deal of the vitiated Dosa.rtakes an upward
2. Additional Text : Meat-essence(Rasa) and soup (/ seasonedwith clarified
butter preparedfrom cow's milk.

expressed juice of Dhatri andpomegranateandwith a profusequantity

of clarified butter should be given to rhe patient as dier. Milk should
be duly cooked in combinationwith the drugs of the tltpaladi group,
and the creamtherefromshouldbe likewiseprescribedwith a copious
quantityof honeyand sugar.cold pradehashoney,sugar,andclarified
butter are said to be beneficialin casesof Rctta-pitta. 14-16.

ffi: fuqgq,qr,SEtgqfut*,r
i*tt tqEerTrcr$:€qrRr*.ri$f6drq+6lrw: q{ntrt n le rl
fuflq q-*i*avf:l rffir1 qgFffiqr1ftRr*frfu,,,+qq
Firg q{flwi €qriqTdrrnanfr qrenqfr il{Junqqu qe u
An experiencedphysicanshourdprescribeany one of the four
lambatives composedof the powders of the flowers of hladhuka,
sobhafijana, Koviddra or of priyangu, mixed with honey to be licked
up by a patient suffering from Rakta-pil/a. similarly lambatives
Durba, or the tenderlevesof vata or of whiteKarnikapastedtogether
with the honey should be given to be ricked up by the patient.iDate
and otherfriuts of the sametherapeuticvirtue,takenwith honeywould
prove efficaciousin the disease.17-lg. ffi ffiqrr tg n

Vfdq{Trsqrq}eqTA SEsifrqr*{sr r
ttqfrrarlMdEffi'til(ll Rotl
ekT:efiT *rgtt ftrffiffirqrtr
fr*drqqrci qr qqrqrF{T{TgrrcquRqtl
sgFrwi frSr fir*( ilff+q qTu?Rtl
Medicinal compounds mentioned in connection with the
treatment of Raktatisara (blbodydysentery)may be as well employed
with advantagein the presentinstance.A piece of sugar-cane
of its skin andcrushedshouldbe kept immersedin cold watercontained
in a new earthenpitcher.The picther with its lid off should
be keot in
an open place for a night. Its contentsduly strainedin the
1. palhanatakesonlyDurbaandvau underoneRecrpe.
prescrible afl these together under one recipe.


should be given with powdered (Jtpalaandhoney to a patient suffering

from Rakta-pitta. Acold infusionof Jambu,Amra andAriuna should
be taken with honey. As an alternative,the expressedjuice of Udumbra
fruit shouldbe taken (with honey).19'22.

eg'fr{tr*',Ghqr €q*r dugaTrq{rl

firaqqr€ri qei @I6te gTl

Tqi qg-d tuF{tq q{ fir*(rrr? rr

q,rsfr$td E{rfudqrtrsi fir*qt
qqnnrFE*i nr*qg*,rtgdqll RYll
g{drui #{rt Eirrqu,,nvi qftrrqil r
firfrqqrsR;woqd tmfinrfirtrEa: t
{tfifrtrEtt: PTttr:q3fr drrrfrqr' ll Rqll
The best six Yogas- A paste (Kalka) of Trapusi-root in
combination with honey andwashingsof rice or two ?o/asof the pasted
yasti-madhushouldbe taken (with the samevehicles).A compound
consisting of.Candana, Yasti-modhu,andRodhrz taken in equal parts
or Karafija-seedsmade into a pastewith sugarand honey should be
similaly usedin a similar way, the pith of lhgudi togetherwith Yasti-
madhu should be taken. As an alternative, salt (Saindhava) and
Karafija-seedsturned into a paste with curd-cream should be taken
lukeworm for three days in successionby a Bersonsuffering from an
attack of Rakta-pitta.The six preceding medicinal compounds act as
excellentcuresfor the diseaseunder discussion.23-25.

qeqrffigg ETtrrfi:qqfrsqrq ll Rqll

snfr qrqfttrgiitfir*<qnt
qiFqqr nrrsqtg.d(ll ?s ll
Pathya shouldbe employedas an errhinein the mannerof
AvapiQa-Na.syc in theeventof thebloodpassingthroughthenostrils.
In caseof excessive haemorrhage (in thedisease) thepatientshould
drink bloodin combination with honey or a goat's
raw liver with the

trdwr{erwrfrffi €ffi: fir&( ffi gyfrcrtr

qfitrfrqi lqr*, pii ar Rfl4r qfrt5i fir+{. ErTu ?z tl
uqerqtr$ fvar: gcrel@ rrqrch( I
furd ftvrtrgftr{rwiqAEftiv+arsquiffirq: lt Rqtl
Clarified butter duly cookedwith the admixtureof an adequate
quantity of the expressedjuice of (the bark o0 palasa treesshouldbe
taken, when cool, in combination with honey, or clarified butter
preparedby churningthe milk duly cookedwith the expressed juice of
(thebark of) the Vanaspati-trees (Vata etc.)shouldbe usedwith sugar.
A Pala weight of eachof Draksa, U1ira, Padmakaand sugarshould
be kept immersedin cold water during the (whole) night. This cold
infusion would cure a caseof Rcftta-pitta.A draughtof milk with an
equalquantityof wateris alsorecommendedfor a patient comforming
to a properregimenof diet and conduct.2S-Zg.

C{f,.{d:Fri sqrFeT*
firiqfudrffi Trnzrqr I
frk(amergu*#wquf q*ilfu drgtrffrd{ ETuQotl
tftIrq ET-qrsr{utiq,'ftt firdrqtrgat Erneqr{|
flFdtFcmm+ffis fungrr ertgin gi6rRr
qeffqtr€i1fffi gtrs Ftrdr( frErvfrfurfrfrrtrirfrn
tt rr
The watery secretionof the dung of a horseor a bull shouldbe
takenwith honeyand sugar.In the alternative,powdersof the seedsof
Vastukaor (of the roots, of TanduTyc-plantsshould be licked with
honey.A lambative formed of lija (parchedpaddy) andAfijanar mixed
with honey,orpowdered Tuga-l<sirimixedwith honey and sugarshould
be licked. A patient suffering from an atrack of Rakta-pirra should
take a compound of Drd ksd, Tikta-rohini, yasti-nndhu andsugarwith
cold water, or lick a compound of pulverisedpathya, Ahinsra and
Rajani with clarified buuer. 30-31.

fuTrq* t{rsfrotqrvgn
l. Kfilafijana is a variant,in placeof l"dja andAfijuna. For Kalafijana Dalhana
readssouvirafijana.This shouldbetheproperreadingbecause thereis a word in the
receipewhichshowsthattherewill be only onethingandnot two.

effr{PtTFrerr( |
ggTrfrrffisfq{rsffirTsqFuriT: u??ll
The compoundof (blue), Utpala Sourdstramrthika (red earth),
Priyahgu, Lodhara, polensof lotus and sugarmixed togetherand taken
with honey and a decoctionof Vasakawould speedilystopthe emission
in a virulant type of Rakta-pitta.Similarly a compoundconsistingof
flowers of Khadira, Jambu, Ariuna, (red) Kovidara, Sirisa, Lodhra,
Asana, Satmali and |igru, poundedtogetherand mixed with honey
shouldbe licked by the patientin a caseof Rakta-pitta' 32'33'
qqffierrremrft' wrgdsi q{qfttfi ql
w@raartiErFaxq, fu*qFq qfrff: ll lY ll
{mrh ggnfurq qrgqFilr: fiISr fir*(iTrE-dsrqiq || ?\ ll
The alkalinewaterpreparedwith the ashesof Int\ara andtaken
with honey, powderedKarafiia-seedstaken with honey and clarified
butter and the decoction of Jambu,Ariuna andAmra- thesethree
compoundsprove curativein casesof Rakta-Pitla.Apastemadeof the
roots and flowersof MAtulungashouldalsobe takenwith the washings
of rice. 34-35.
qd qr I
vrurrg+ EdqrvJtE {grtt qrfudn'qr
qrqrruriSqdfiriqer q{rd;r${r{i ftd' erll tq lt
vffiwqrirTs$s E;qiqRffi: vtfurafirrit u Retl
A solution of milk or water saturatedwith sugarshouldbe applied
into the nostrils in the eventof bleedingfrom the nose,the expressed
juice of grapes,clarified butter prepared by churning milk or the
expressedjuice ofsugar-caneshouldbe takencold (throughthenostrils)
in combination with sugarr.All cooling measuresand sweet-drugs
shouldbe employedin the presentdisease.36'37.

qffrur q€rrffiF$it tril T€rq.{-dr€rTrfqttie ll
l. SrikanthaDatta, the commentatorof Vynda,would mix sugarwith thejuice of
sugar-cane only and not with the othertwo. All theseshouldbe appliedinto the

nwg'tterrs{tffi: @:l
nrcr : uiStl
Fftil€+i qrrqT€qrl$ednE*: vfrmren*frfuaqr
qfrtqt rEtFqrrr1-crsAE qfra qsqp{srRft{ H u yo tl
sT?ffiyfrnrril+qqrfl+( apnftmri E€ilr:{l
fl*CI*t afr *e {rst ErE{sr*. frfr+ ftTrFqd:uyt ll
Astbfrpana andAnuvdsana- Theapplicationof anAsthdpana-
Basti chargedwith milk duly cooked with the drugs of the Vidari-
gandhadi group and mixed with honey, clarified butter, sugar and
Draksa, provesextremelyefficaciousin the diseaseunderdiscussion.
The applicatonof an Anuvasna-Basti chargedwith clarified butterr
would be attendedwith equal benefit. The drugs known s priyahgu,
Lodhra, Sourvirdiij ana, Gai rikct, Utpala, Suvarnagai rika, KaIIy aka,
conch-shell, Candana, Sugar,Afvagandha, Ambuda, Yasti-madhu,
Mrnala and Sougandhika,taken in equal parts should be pounded
togetherandmixed with copiousquantitiesof milk, honeyandclarified
butter.This solution shouldbe injectedinto the rectum in the manner
of Niruha-Basti.The patient should be sprinkledwith cold water and
given his diet with milk after which clarified butter duly cookedwith
Yasti-mndhushould be injected into the rectum of the patient in the
mannerof Anuvasana-Basti.This measureprovesextremelybeneficial
in casesof down-coursingRakta-pitta and violent types of blood-
dysentery.In the caseof an excessivedischargeof blood, if the patient
be strong enough,vomiting should be inducedafter the cessationcf
the blood-discharge. 38-41.
rftfr fe8}qr:r
r5rh5 q vrgts WtEfuerFiuq rtr+tr{t I y? ||
frfusrgr&sdq ff' *,,rqT kqmrr
vr€r*,.Cfrr {*r qr q{qrfrE rr+tt uy? tl
TqFrnqfr dqruri Vfrftrrtsfrq Trfu: r
fugr<rdt€ a,fu' fqf*.nmrr+qltyytl
1. Srikantln Datta, thecommentator of Vrnda,advisedto mix sugar with the juice
of sugar-cane only and not with the othertwo. All theseshould be applied into the

Urethral-injectionscomposedof the aforesaiddrugs shouldbe

applied (in the mannerof Uttara-Bdsli)in the eventof bleedingfrom
the bladder.Measureslaid down in connectionwith the treatmentof
Rakta-pittashouldbe resortedto in casesof bleedingpiles.In casesof
menorrhagiaaswell asin casesof excessivebleedingincidentalto any
surgicaloperation,the abovemeasures(of themedicaltreatment)should
be adoptedby an experiencedphysician.The subsequenttreatmentof
the casesshould be determinedby the nature and intensity of the
deranged bodily Doqas as well as of the blood involved there in.

EF*q{fl-ri|trar+rgttr}rfi nrirqfr
qgq€rfivitsElret: il Y\ |I
Thus ends the forty-fifth chapterof the Uttara-Tantrainthe Suiruta Sahhittt
which deafs with (the symptoms and) the medical treatment of Rakta-Pilta.

aurfr ptnFchiqT@Tprrq:,
qefrqrq s{Irqrt erqafr: tr t tt
Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with (the
symptoms and) the medical treatment of fainting fits (Murccha-

Tgdqr{ ffikq:t
F{ffi T(r tsnwqT{dfrqr+er: u? tl
riilrcarg qrsg ftffifu;l
adsqtfr rr6sr Ecr€:Eral*ffF(uYrl
ts{:qq*Ara lt: qdfr is"rgfql
gdfd ni wg,Y{a?rrqr raffii6t,,u,,
"15 vfrftrrt{ rraT q ktq qr
qqF+drg fui fr qt*{rEfrEtu e,rl
Definition- The derangedand aggravated,Dosas of the body
of a person who is emaciatedor accustomedto the use of incompatible
articles of food or who has becomevery weak on accountof a sudden
suppressionofhis naturalurgingsor any externalblows or injury give
rise to fainting fits. The derangedbodily Vdyu, etc. choking up the
sense-carryingnervesof the body, producesthat giddy statein a patient
472 SUSRUTAsaMrrrrA

in which the world seemsto vanishfrom theeyesof the afflictedperson

and the perceptionof the pleasureor pain is suspendedfor the time
being. The patient, in consequenceof this suspensionof the sense-
perceptiondropsdown insensibleas a log of wood and this diseaseis
calledMurccha or Moha (fainting).It admitsof being divided into six
kinds or types accordingto an attack and is due to the action of the
derangedDoqas separatelyor to that of blood, wine or poison,buta
predominanceof the derangedPitta may be detectedin all forms of
the diseasedue to any causewhatever.2-6.

6(frsTqrrtui rpnh:{i*Hrfr wTSlzI:I

Trctqi q-ffir qrffqgqi1qrtarrsrr
s{qgrffir$Tfr itrsrg-mThftffi; 1q4 1,
Premonitory Symoptoms- Pain or oppressionof the heart,
yawning, lassitude,loss of consciousness and of strengthare the
symptomswhich usherin an attackof the disease (Murccha)according
to the nature of the derangedbodily Dosa lying at its root. The
characteristicsof theseMurccha are mainly sameas Apasmar.7-g.

yRtan{R*6ri amlru$ it-*r{t:I

irenfifi's**q xrsra ghunar: r
rq{6rc{rq F** ETr qqfiIgafr il q tl
T TFfrildS+{ furdrq frqrad: r
aqqTsrqrtfr aTrqi+d qe)fiR:u lo rr
The naturalelements,water (Ap) and earth(Ksiti) aboundwith
the attribute of Tarncts(insensibility).A smell of blood also contains
the sameattribute, Tamas.It is thereforethat personsgenerallylose
their consciousness at the smell of blood. several authoritieshold that
the loss of consciousness in theseinstanceshappensin virtue of the
naturalpropertiesof the thing itself, vk., blood,wine andpoisonwhich
also possesthesepropertiesin a greaterdegreeand it is thereforethat
an use of either of thesesubstancessuspendsanimationand produces
Moha (fainting).9-10.

wdrs'EEcqq:qrSdqreslHn: I
qAr F*rcrcen qfqrrr<qmfi: r
rrrrfurtdlqlTqq* wi vr** znfrr(r r qq rr
tqgwsE1unFg: Rc+r*rWitr
tkdd fu' frqaqTut: n tR tl
Symptoms- A caseof Murccha (fit of unconsciousness) due
to theeffectsof (deranged)bloodis characrerised by stiffenedcondition
of the limbs and by the fixednessof the eyes (Drsri) and by ceep
breathing.Delirious talks,mentalaberrationandthe stateof thepatient
convulsively lying flat on the earthuntil the wine is perfectly assimilated
into the system are the symptomsof a caseof Murccha due to the
effects of wine; while shivering,drowsiness,thirst and numbnessof
the body) attendedwith the specific symptomsof poisoningform the
generalcharactersricsof the type due to the effect of poison. ll-lz.

tfr'rqrrrdtrrurq:F6t{t:vfrar:qaI.TEerfirkin*I I
vfrarhqmn q rr*rcFilrratg{-€ffi"rrfr u qI tl
q{Sannq+tt. ,fTIh rrnrh TTtrhu ffin qytl
ffiq,Tq{r qqiRqF{rfu{r qrgrqr r{Trrrl
awqq1frfo6$repqgqpig rraqr*IrrErsfrqr:1 t\ 1
General Treatment- constantsprinkling of water over the
body (water-spray) plunge-bathin cold water, contact of cold gems
and garlandsof flowers, cold plastersand compresses,(cold) breeze
and fanning, cold andperfumeddrinks and cooling measuresin general
are efficaciousin all casesof the deseaseunder discussion.cordials
prepared with the expressedjuice of lksu, priyala and Drdksd and
with sugaror with the expressedjuice of Draksaand.Madhufta(Maula)
or thosepreparedby boiling Kasmarya andKharjuraor clarified butter
duly cookedwith the drugsof the Jivaniyagroup with the drugsof the
Madhura group, or the essenceof Jahgala meatin combinationwith
the expressedjuice of pomegranateshould be taken in a case of

Murccha.The diet shouldconsistof cookedred,sali-riceor barley

grainsor Satina-pulse.t

g-qg.guiufrarggfriqiins qaqia firi( qmfrt

vnfu *h fu gunFtSiur F'urrifverqtq qpsr(t
g;utawer*<net?i qftifir&qErswerq-gfip6q1;3 11
Specific Treatment- A compoundconsistingof Naga-ke1ara'
Marica, Ufiira the kemal of Kola as well as Visa (lotus stock) and
Mrndla (lotus-stem.;taken in equal parts should be taken with the
decoction of Satina (D.R.-with cold water). Pippali with honey or
Pathya with sugar should also be taken. The mouth and the nostrils
should be pressedclose during a fit and the breast-milk should be
given to the patientto be drunk. 16

qaf srt'rcRrttReil*'+{sfrquT qq+a*wt: r

Efrffitnrerq,ifir+Eqrerffi'erfr:Ftt %u q\sll
qrffi vffirt@il
fire(Erqrqrfurqrr*reFilfffiqiqrfrvr{ TqFil ll qe ll
Strong medicinal errhine should be administeredand strong
emeticsshouldbe as well empoyedin casesof repeatedattacksof the
fit. Clarified butter duly cooked and preparedwith the decoctionof
Hafitald or with expressedjuice of Amalakf shouldbeprescribed.The
decoctionremedial to Pittaia-fever should be given in a cold state,
mixed with Draksa, sugar, Pomegranate,parched paddy, Nilotpala
andPadma and well perfumedwith any good-smellingscent.17-fE.

@{{f6'fr *a tugautu:t
{"rw{iil qvr{F,@ t{trqr gfqqilTqTq:ll t3 ll
r$ffi ftfqih qgdErsfutr{+{t
agfrrfuqh( Htqr fi{qqilEr*fi EIq{T!rqrd{;1 Qoll
Sannydsa-The caseof a patientlying in a comatousstateand
incapableof being rousedup or brought to under the circumstances

l. CakrapdniandVyndaboth-reartMudga alsoin the list of the diet'


owing to the aggravatednatureof the delusion(unconsciousness) due

to an extensivepreponderance of the derangedbodily Dosa (involved
therein)shouldbe lookeduponby an intelligentphysicionasextremely
hard to cure. This is said to be a caseof Sannyasa(Epilepsy?).Justas
a lump of clay, when thrown into water, should be instantaneously
taken up before it is being finally desolvedtherein,so a patient lying
unconsciousunderan attackofsuspendedanimation(Sannyasa) should
be speedilyrestoredto consciousness with the help of medecinal
remediesbeforethe processof final dissolution(lit-death) setsin his
body. 19-20.

TGT$rril-{*qqr*: I

oTrF{:ffilgoiqenif,: zrd: il ?t tl
ffiqq-ffiqdfdv1d lTgqQn\lin1l

ffi € {IaI: ll RRll

qerrwglq{Trfr qqrqrrgqdtqiEl
Ffqafqfrnrti flawwroifrqrq€quRQn
Treatment- The patient shouldbe tried to be rousedup with
the applicationof strongeye-salves(Anjana),unguentsandinhalation
of smoke (Dhuma) or by pricking needlesinto his finger-nailsor by
discoursingsweetwords and music in his hearingor by shaking his
limbs roughly or by rubbing his skin with the fruits of Atma-gupta
creepers.An attack of the presentdiseasenot amenableto the above
remediesbut attendedwith, salivation,labouredbreathing,retention
of stool and urine and distensionof the abdomenshouldbe given up as
irremediable.Strongemetics andpurgativesshouldbe exhibitedafter
the returnofconsciousness anddiet shouldconsistoflight articlesof
fare. Silaiatul mixed with Tri-phala, Citraka, Sunthl etc. should be
employed in combination with sugar and continued for a month.
Matured clarified butter should be used in particular. Medicinal

l. Accordingto Dalluna silajatu shouldbe preparedwith the said drugs in the

mannerof Bhavandsaturation andthenbe appliedwith sugar.

compoundsremedialto any caseof fever originatedby theDosa in the

casemay be as well prescribedin any caseof M-urccha; anda casedue
to the action of poison shouldbe remediedwith the antitoxineremedies
(mentionedin the Kalpa Sthana).2l'23.

Y€€rfrVilsen-{T:ilYq ll
Thus ends forty-sixth chapter of the Uttura-Tantra in the Suiruta Saithitu whicb
deals with the (symptoms and) treatment of Murccltit.

: q|;TrdtErqFdid
sTerkf Erf@lfpffi ;,
qerqrq s{Irqrt etdffi3 11q 11
Now we shall discourseon the (symptomsand)medical treatme-
nt of alcoholismand its kindred maladies(Panamava-Pratisedha). I
qilgwi aw frryr qqq f{sr(*q ql
q{rfu q fl{q,lFr qn ? u
F{fluaq{q rilWr(*srarErFTFTJ.qR || ? ||
qr6iT qlqt*@r
6{€ q-cTfudT-{
fuftrarR ffi rrx rr
ilflri rFtrf: fti i{g ffiqqr
rsnxrf{$Fa Ettqrr
Properties and action of Wine- Wine is heat-makingin its
potency,keen or sharpin its properties,subtlein its essence,acts as a
soakeror cleanserof moistureandalbuminousmatter(Viflada),isdry,
and instantaneousin its action (ASukara),stimulatingor exhilarating
in its effect (Vyavayl) and is diffusive (Vikasi).It destroyscold and
shivering by virtue of its heat-makingpotency.It suspendsall cognitive
process (lit.-intellectual motions) on account of its keennessor
sharpness,entersinto every limb and membersof the body organ by
reasonof its subtlety (Suksmawa),destroysKcpfta (phlegm) and semen

in virtue of its Voi1adycr,enragesor aggravatesthe bodily Vdyu on

accountof its dryness (Ruksatva),and is instantaneous in its actionby
reasonof itsAiukarina.Itis exhilaratingon accountof its Vyavayina
and diffusive (coursingswiftly all throughthe body) for its VikAfitua.
Wine is acid in its taste,is light and appetising,and producesfresh
relish for food. Othersassumethe presenceof all the tastesexceptthe
salineone in it. 2-5.

fud-Rq*qftss{Ss T{-rtF*rtr
sT{{rg:W5qfq ttFTr€ItqqilriT q ll q ll
qr€qEdd ffi.sfrk*-c: r
tqRr+{tqlTri E ve *rixFemWr: || \gtt
ileiqr+*raq tamFilril:rrlr I
q,FTfiJqrEfrJgrIqtiq grt uq11 a 11
Wine taken in combinationwith cookedmeat and boiled rice,
or any otherarticlesof food profuselysaturatedwith a Sneha(clarified
butter etc.) addsto the longevity,muscularstrengthandcorpulencyof
a person(using it in moderatequantities)and to the exhilaratedstate
of mind accompaniedwith beauty, fortitude, vigour and valour and
thesebenefitsone may derive from the proper useof wine. This fiery
liquid in combination with the aggravatedbodily fire (Kaya-Agni)
producesthe symptomsof intoxication andunconciousness, etc. (Mada)
in a foolish persontaking it without food or in an empty stomachand
in an inordinatequantity. 6-8.
rltqq{urrqr{ qrqrrrdF.t qfr r
FrrFl{fuwiviuarv@sdft: ll 3 rl
Evil effects of Drinking- Excessive drinking produces
incidentalnesciencewhich graduallycreepsinto andcloudsthe sense-
perceptions,destroyingall power of self control (control over the sense-
organs)and giving publicity to the innermostthoughts(in the mind)
of the intoxicatedperson.9.

aq*erg qdi fu, Xql qsi*5erqflgq; 1

trrftrfiFc-a{qTqrFfi*{tr I t o rr

rrf,T*qsd *fr grirgri*tnww r

fqtir: qlsf ft qEm,,,CFfrqrIFr:
u t? rl
Three stagesof Alcoholic Intoxication- Therearethreestages
of intoxicaton-viz., the first, the secondor intermidateand the third
or last.The first or preliminary stage(of intoxication)is markedby an
exhilaratedstateof mind with increasedvalour, and conviviality as
well as satisfactionand talkativeness,etc. The secondor intermediate
stageis indicatedby incoherentspeech,delusionandthe performance
of proper and improper acts. In the third or last stagethe man lies
down unconscious,bereft of all powers of action, of memory and of
judging the ethic effectsofhis acts.10-11.

vdfu*,,rtqftrnis fuqq qrffik* r

qrt T qrerftstqPj Ett€l-d
lt tR ll
fuintiq,rad qEF€iFrtqerut q1iT Frerqr
silKt(q.wqqffi vrfrrrlqql1q1 1,
A man who is in the habit of taking fatty food or in whom
Slesmapredominates, or in whoseconstitution,thereis only a little of
Pina, is not so easily affectedby the action of wine, which, however,
provesdistressingin a personof contararynature,Wine, if takendaily
without food by a man in an empty stomach,gives rise to many
distressingand dangerousdiseasesin his organism and leads to the
ultimatedissolutionof his body. 12-13

Ef,t rflfr{ frrTrR{t{ vilqilFrceqg1Ufl+ttr

@ *rTrErfrerfi{6t{qrfrrrqxrl
3f,Frq rr$nTtr**ur {rtrTft-'{ nqrs{*{r
ssnFratr q tqt{r;i q+fr qeifqhqqfl+qnqt r t q rr
qmhqqgm iqi egrfr dqrr{lt qc,II
Caseswherewine is prohibited- Wine shouldnot be taken
by apersonundertheinfluenceofanger,grief,fright,thirstor hunger.
The useof wine is prohibitedimmediatelyaftera fatiguingjourney,
physicalexerciseor anactof load-carrying,
or aftertherepressingof

any physical urglng, or after the use of excessivelyacid food, (D.R.

excessivewater and food) to the full, or beforethe properdigestionof
food or by a weak person,or by one sufferingfrom the effectsof heat.
In the above cases,wine undoubtedlyproves a sourceof a host of
bodily derangementssuch as Panatyaya, Paramada, Panajlrna and
the violent Panavibhramathecharacterstic symptomsof which I shall
presentlydescribe.t 4-16.

@: q|rTrdr+sFffisfrffiETT*Il
@: firrrs*qeqcftHfrildrqt
tffi ecE{flTfiq,ftfir: Fcldr* srqfrTrdk"Frftrrr(tI qs ||
Specific symptoms of Pandtyaya- The Vataia type of
Panatyayais markedby suchsymptomsasnumbnessandachingpain
in the limbs, palpitation,a catchingand pricking pain in the region of
the heart and headache.Perspiration,delirium, drynessof the mouth,
burning sensationand fainting fits (loss of consciousness)and
yellownessof the face and eyesare the featureswhich distinguishthe
Pittaja type (of Panatyaya).Vomiting, shiveringand water-brashare
the indicationswhich mark the Kaphaja type.The symptomsof all the
three preceedingtypes are exhibited in the one due to the concerted
action of the three deranged bodily Dosas- Tri-Dosaja type of

fqrsrr*iVffi r*qrm,ftiTfli1rtTf {l
ffi vttu g rEs qfr irsrqqtt sqt m qf*r$qrfr rlq{ rrt a rt
Symptoms of Para-mada-Heat and a sneseof heavinessin
the body,bad tastein the mouth,excessiveaccumulationofSlesmain
the body, an aversion to food, supressionof stool and urine, thirst,
headacheand a crushingpain in thejoints arethe symptomswhich the
learnedphysiciansset down to para-mada (reactionaryeffectsof the
abuseof wine). 18

3tTr{r{gffi ffi strTq qffqPffisqqfr fu9.( r

ffi mfuq-erghF{ffi furrfiffi qqnqnh || qq ||
ie:gnqtds*Sqtgtg ti @ sfrtr:u ?oll

Panajirrya and Pana-vibhrama- Distension of the abdomen

(tympanites),acid or sour taste (in the mouth), vomiting, deficient
gastricdigestionarethe symptomswhich areexhibited ina Pandilrya
type (alcoholic indigestion).Aggravationof the derangedPilrc should
be regaredby a physicion as the exciting factor of the disease.The
malady which exhibits such symptomsas pricking pain in the heart
and limbs, vomiting, fever, a sensationof the rising of fumes into the
throat, salivation,epileptic fits, headache,a burning sensationin the
throatand an aversionto all sortsof food andwine (in connectionwith
an abuseof wine) is called PAna-Vibhrama.l9-20.

ffi +iTqanwqFdrTmfiif+qgrqr
1lrffi€Ri Herqrsfrfti f,t q q+qrqi uftnqq q t
ffiEHg*qgqrdvSfir: tn,rqllqrEfuqq|r|-fii rrs+ il Rqll
Prognosis- A patient suffering from the effects of excessive
drinkingandexhibitingsuchsymptomsasatrophiedupperlip, excessive
shivering or burning sensationand oily hue of the face, black or blue
colour of the tongue,lips and teeth,yellownessor blood-colourof the
eyes should be givin up as incurable.Hiccough, fever, vomiting,
shivering, tremor, cramp of the sides,cough and vertigo are the
superveningsymptoms(Upadrava) which are found in all forms of

tqi FrqnufiG f6 q*arqriqfiT F{qmqf{qfr fqfrt ffigr Ir RR||

€{ @CI*urgffit rtEFr€IVnd t
yrda-ffiqq|affFrqi ril-s*t{ q Et mqgqrq uR? n
t*cqq,mruffi-mt @ rr*rqfr ll Rytl
Treatment of Vataja tJpes- Now hear me describing the
medicinal remediesfor all the above said maladies.Wine saturated
with the mixture of pulverisedCukra,Marica, Adraka, Dlpya (Yamnni),
Kustha and Souvarcala should be given for the relief of the Vataja
type of Pancttyaya,or one mixed with Prthvika, Dlpyaka, Mahousadhi
andHingu or with Souvarcalashould be takenfor comfort. Sadavas
or cordials made of Amrataka,Amra-fruits, Dadima andMatulunga


should be given for relief. In the alternative,the cooked flesh of an

animal of Anupa group i.i. tortoise,etc. should be seasonedwith the
expressedjuice ofabove fruits shouldbe taken.22-24.

ffi qrs-drtfrIr|urfrri
rr€t ffi qngfl*tfqgrri€r{l
tr€r q T*rrfu t$qwna
fr.tqa: qflrrqeRrdgh+q il R\ tl
rtflT gq'q qarlwfuata r5qt I Rq ||
Treatment of Pittaja type- Inthe pittaja-type of panaq,aya,
wine mixed with the decoctionof the drugsof theMadhura group and,
saturatedand flavoured with the admixtueof sugarand scenteddrugs
shouldbe taken,or wine profusely mixed with the expressedjuice of
sugar-caneshould be taken and fully vomited out, a short while
thereafter.Meat-juice (Rasa)of liva, Ena andrittira unmixed with
any acid, or Mudga soup should be taken with sugar and clarified
butter. 25-26.
rTnrdr+q,w{.t q.wgFsd-q r}t r
t*a fct,-q*ta r€'r{-qT{q{qisfrtEqtqRtrrt trd'q II ?\e||
qedTdr@ qF.f,TfrvauqrwqEfrET tttiwi Frq rrRz rl
5'qiqrrdqE€dl+a fuerr=i Effi Aqqieq qemqn{u ?q ll
Treatment of Kaphaja and Tri-Doqaja type, etc._ In the
Kaphaja type of Panatyaya, themucousshouldbe eliminatedby taking
a potion of wine mixed with the expressed juice or decoction of Bimibi
and vidula (vetasa)" Meat-juice of any fatty Jahgarczanimal mixed
with bitter and pungent articlesor also the Mudga-soupmade bitter
and pungent shouldbe takenasbeneficial tothepatient.The diet should
consist of preparationsof barley, flesh of Jangala animalsand also the
Kapha-subduingarticles,aswell asthosecalculatedasrernedialto the
presenttype of Panatyaya.The above kinds of medicinesand diet
shouldbe combinedlyappliedin the one due to the concertedactionof
the threeDosasof the body (Tri-Dosajatype),whilein theDvi-Dosaja

types,the treatmentshouldbe accordingto the natureof thepredominant

qrqFqrrtrfr qErwrrtrtri affi va md qEs,-qqq5|| ?o rr
@en;q: TEffirqfi*$ grt rrni*: r
qrtffiiqnret$ t{Rrr(q-dqq{r* n i q rr
: gQ; qfflq antfr6ffig{s,
fq}: qqqrdilgffi qrkerr&:
fthq$g ffi: Esfr*,u?Rrr
Now I shall describethe medicianl compoundswhich tend to
relieve the delirious stateof mind and may be employedfor the relief
of all forms of Panatyctyain general.The fine powder of Ndga-puspa,
Magadhika, Ela, Madhuka, Dhanya, AjAji andMarica taken in equal
partsmixed copiouslywith the expressedjuice of Kapittha, water and
Parusaka should be duly taken in all forms of panatyaya after the
mixture is strainedthrough a piece of cloth. The body of the patient
should be anointed with a paste of Hribera, padma, paripelava,
KaravTra,Padmaka, drugs of the Sarivadi group and acquatic flower
pastedtogether,and clear and cold water shouldbe sprinkledover the
body of the patient in a caseof Madatyaya.30-32.

Erqrr$igdEriqffiRFrfth vJfqg'TRr ;itFttar{u t? tl

frSrfir*q qrJ-*^
a-grlfrufraqr$rerTsrr€F'-(xgfrsriq( r
qrqifufrqEq qFFrTrsg-€iqfdrgd uafrwrggq+drgIIi x ||
Pdnaka- A Panak prepared withTvak, patra, Coca, Marica,
Ela, Naga-puspa and flowers of Slesmatakaground together into a
paste and mixed with treacle and Draksa. should be filtered and
perfumedand given to apersonsufferingfrom an attackof panatyaya.
The patient would find relief by the frequentuseof of pdnakc (draughts)
composed of Yasti-madhu,Katurohini, Draksa and Trapusa-roots or
of Karpasa-roots Naga-bala and Suvarcald (Surjavarta) all taken in
equal parts.33-34.

il{frilTtqrgrgaqrvJftt vnfti q{i rqrTeqfq{r(wfrfrI| ?qrr

qrq{rfudrqs5frdna qFifcqffirqfir*qn*a r
rHflg.dgEnqtirnr{rrFi qrfio$qqfr frRsat€: n lQ tl
Treatment of Para-mada- A Pdrnkn (cordial) made of the
fruits of Kciftrarya, Daru, DdSima,Vit, PippaE,Drdl<sapastedtogether
and disolved in water and taken in combination with the expressed
juice of Ftjap-uraka,instantly gives relief in discomforts due to an
abuseof wine (Para-mnda).Panakasmadeof sugar,Drdlcsd,Madhitlca,
Jlraka, Dhanya, Kyq1a(Pippali) andTrivrt, or of Sauvarcala,themeat-
spup (Rasa) of any fatty Jangala animal and Phalamia should
be taken. Cold infusion of BhargT would be found beneficial in
sprinkling. 35-36.

FglgqrqFt-d{qr*rfur ET-*,,r6*gwfrels gTs)r

fdqrq nsrgfffir qf'k rrd firffd rrt if,ftqTu ie ll
@ :ll1Ztr
: rqffi q $irs{T* q151ll i3 1l
Treatment of Panalhna- Vomiting shouldbe inducedwith
anAhjali measureof milk duly cookedwith the admixtureof lksvaku,
Dhamargava, Vrksaka and two kinds of Udumbarika after which the
patient should be advised to take wine in the evening in a case of
indigestion due to an abuse of wine (Panajlrna) Phalamla in
combination withTvak, Pippali, Ndga-puspa,Vid, Hingu, Marica and
Ela or a compoundconsistingof Saindhava,ViQ,Tvak,Cavya,Hingu,
PippaFt,Pippali-roots andSunthipoundedand desolvedin warm water
shouldbe taken.The food of the patientshouldbe madepalatablewith
the admixtureof Khada-ylt$atin the presentinstance.37-39.

ir( q|rTFqsrTdr
q qtFttxo tt
@ qrqTrFf,{qqFtiqfoi'Eietr
l. Dalhana in his commentatorysays that some read "qS: " in place of "€d" and
other read Lhcl: t r rn Dlace
, ^
oI €ls

ttcet wrqrtl
qgqrqrrTdRqis@qnq<rfrql IY?II
Treatment of.Pana'vibhrama- A Panaka composed of
Drdksd, Kapittha, Phala (Matulungaetc.) and Dadimasweetenedwith
profusequantity of sugarand honey,as well asthe one madewith the
expressedjuice,of Kola andAmrdtakasweetenedin the samemanner
would prove curative in a case of Pana-vibhrama.A compound
consisting of Khariura, Vetra, Karlra, Parltsaka, Draksa and Trivrt
poundedtogetheranddisolvedin cold water shouldbe taken,sweetened
with sugar,or the sameshould be taken in combination with Srl-parnt.
In the alternative, the tender sprouts of Kslri-trees, Visa (Mrnala),
Ji r al<s,Nagapusp a, Pat r a, Elavdl u, Sit a -sdriv a, Padmaka,Amrat aka,
B havya, Karamarda, Kapittha, Kola, V rksdmla, V etra-fuuit, It rakn,
DaQima, Yasti-nndhu and Utpala, all pounded together and mixed
with the cold infusion of such drugs as Marica, Jiralca, Naga-puqpa,
Tvak, patra, Vifva, Cavil<d and EId filtered through a piece of thin
linen duly perfumed with the addition of scenteddrugs would be found
curative in the seven types of distempers which have their origin in
drinking excesses.40-43.

TffiqrdFqtrqr T{qFr*qr f,€Ir:{GItg rFRT:Rid' Ft}ar: t

q1flHl5ffi*rq+s: M:llYYll
UtarffisRrqqdffi+{rna: tqrgffi || Y\ II
Objectswhich arepleasingto the five sense-organs of man and
gratifying to the mind andheart,aswell aslight wine shouldbe always
prescribedin a caseof Panatyayaand the patientshouldbe enlivened
with the embrace of handsomeand youthful damselsexceedingly
attachedto the gratificationof the senseswift splendidhips andthighs
with their slenderwaistsdroopingunderthe weight of the exuberance
of their breasts.44-45.

fiftniguTwfrtri qt @t
qqu{ {*qq@sI(d:llYqll

qrflErFsn:qE+[r€ qffrqqffifir*(Va=: nye rl
Potions preparedwith powders of Naga-puspa, Ajaji,
andMarica taken in equalparts mixed with sugar,Madhilka
sugandhi andthendisorvedin the expressed j uice of Kusmandct fruits,
shouldbe taken.The drugsknown asvarsdbhu, yastyaiva,'Mocrhuka,
Tvak, tendersprouts of Karbudara, Jiraka, Drak;a,
AlrUU, Kysrya and
Kefara should be given mixed with tepid m1lk. 46-47.
itetr*qtrrfirs qefq( r{aEq{nqwd qq qrerfr:
gEdErrrdagtlFil ,{A( Tsr{ffi gE ileriT: n yz,tl
fqfwxrra: v{sr Eilsfu ftffir
glcrckE IIyq II
A personafflictedwith diseases
dueto theexcessof sura,Asoro,
etc. should be treatedwith the samewines (Sura,
Arara, etc.) duly
administeredotherwisehe will beruinedin thesame
mannerasa person
who hasincurredthe king'sdispleasure, shouldbe savedby courting
theroyal favour.An invereratedrunkardgiving up
his habit ordrinting
is afflicted with the symptomsof panatyaya if he
suddenlyrevert to
his former pernicioushabit. 4g-49

rraeniTdrqla4l yn*q*Arh ur
dmtfu vMqrdi fu qwMll\o rr
qrr!-dqm-de5 g-frq'rqtsqrftrqr
Mr*iGqsi il*rcrnftqyfrTd{t | \ q II
a.rehfuqqerfr: ffir;*a tlq*: I
q*,qcrs+ ei$ tt E'reTsyfrra: n tl
TrdFil q $ffi qer€rwq1-qt(l
rTmfrrhgvffi €uTfr
Enfrfurqu \i ll
The Agneya and Vayavil,a virtues of wine tend
to produce a
drynessin the water carrying channelsof the
body, hence thirst is
experiencedby a drunkardperson.A cord infusion potoro,flowers

and bulbs of utpata andMudga-pani mixedwith Magadhika should

be taken under the circumstances(reactionarythirst), or oil, clarified
butter, vasa (lard) and marow (D.R.- milk) shouldbe duly cooked
with curd (four times), expressedjuice of Bhrnga-raia (four times),
and the decoctionof Bilva andYava(four times with the Kalkas of the
drugsknown as the Sarva-gandhashouldbe appliedasanAbhyanga'
The body shouldbe sprinkled (seka)with the cold decoctionl.Palatable
foods and cold, pleasing and scentedcordials should be prescribed
according to the nature and intensity of the derangedbodily Doqas
underlying the disease.50'53.

wt urrq qt*sqrfirirfiTFqHr: t
Erd rg;.u,t *i firffi( ir* clwwqll\Yll
The heatgeneratedby drinking being aggravatedby bodily Pitrc
and blood of an intoxicatedperson,escapesthroughthe surfaceof the
skin and causesa feeling of intenseburning (Daha) which shouldbe
remediedwith measuresandtherapeuticagentsprescribedin connection
with the aggravationof Pitta.54.

g,dqt re$ @t
vfrdflqermrd ;Rrun{|
nrrffi rffiir+{ Fa: qa65qi@ll\\ll
'vfrarqvffisflqmhi qfrg:l
firiit@t flqi u*d.r*g qr Fffifu€S qffiqrqt
3ilqrfft rd{H€drfl'{rfu: @ l
q;r;*ffi: qft'T{qrr1;1:
Vrt'gfo( strrorrT{frtr-*rg tt\q ll
qr6rF{r1merar qftW(A W-ffi*: I
ffidiEdrdtr*"fiqurf t
arfi 166 fi-*fiq|wcrF: @: || \e ll
: S{rRtr Vfr*:qM: 6frq: rats r
*qreqrEs;flmrq{rFrsil{r,{ffigr+ar: Sqd, rort: ll \4 ll
Remediesfo r Dahn-Now I shalldescribethe cooling measures
which shouldbe employedfor alleviatingthe burningsensaton(Daha)

l. Decoction of the drugs of Madhura-guryuandof the drugs of cold virtues'


in the case of a rich patient. The body of such a patient under

circumstancesshould be smearedat the outest with candaLla(white
sandalwood) pastesmade cooler by the contactof crild beamsof
moon' pearl-necklacesand the water producedfrom melted icc.
should try to alleviatethe burning feeling by strolling on the banks
a tank in a garden in the soft, cool and sweet breezebearins
on its
wings the soft perfume of Karhara (red)lotusandwater-moss
in the adjoining tank. water cooled and charged with uftra,
and (white) sandalpasteshourdbe sprinkledoverhis body,or he
be made to sport in a cleansedtank filled with freshly collected
embalmedwith full-blown red and bruerotus-flowersand scents(e.g.
sandalpastes)after being smearedwith sandalpaste and
with the
hairs of his body standingon their roots with the magnetic
touch of
beloved female hands.Here he shourdtake his bath with young,
and beautiful damselsskilful in aquaticsportsrefreshingt i-
*ittr tt e
lotus-like touch of their cold hands,thighs and mouth and
hard (i.e.,
full-grown) breastsand with their sweetwords. S5-5g.

fftrrJt@+qT+ EFilEr:
vrqiaffir$q* r
rrcH: rr5ffiffif*
qrqqrdktrn *flrjrcfr+
ffin$ut .6Ovrfr1
"r-flEdTftdffiigqqTh 1Eo rr'
wri u-tr;rmi ur+ilsgqmp;
mq{qriarn:F6{mg:Fogrsmr,frrft u:1qI 1
6d+T+itd: ragot €fu fl+erdr:r
ar: ffigs frdqHrflqrf,{Rt I qR||
He shouldlie down, when tired, in a cool chambercooled
watery breeze,fitted with fountains and made dusky with
the misty
jets vapours,of water. The floor of the chamber
shourdbe sprinkled
over with scentedwater and flowers and the walls thickly
pastesof sandalwood, Teja-patra and,Bataka.The chamter
scentedand decorated with Maitsl, Tamala,Musta, Kuritkuma,padma_
leaves,Jati flower, Utpala (Blue-lotus),priyangu, Kelara (Bakula,),
andPundarika (red-lotus), punndga, Naga-Keiara, andKaravira
therein the room with garlandsof flowers gentryswinging
in the sweet

and lazy wind, the patient should lie down and listen to the sweet
discoursesaboutthe F1emanta, the Vindhya theMalaya or theHimdlaya
mountains as well as about cold water, leaves of KctdaII or of any
other evergreentree or plant and about the receptaclesof full-blown
blue or red lotus, as well as about topics of moon-rise,or any other
subjectwhich may be calculatedto be agreeableto his mind under the
circumstances.Young and beautiful damselswith their full and thick-
set breastsand thighs anointedwith sandalpastes,being clad in wet
splendid contours of their limbs, etc.) and with their necklacesand
girdles loosely sliding down their bosomsand slenderwaists should
lie therewith him in their firm embrace.Thesedamselsshouldrefresh
him with their secretcharmsin that lonely chamberand by meansof
their bodily coolnesswould be able to alleviatethe burning sensation
of aggravatedPitta due to overdrinking. 59-62.

l{{rdfifrftrt$ q',tqTs?i
slqqtrq: t
TnqF{frffitr{ {uJ Ertetq-d: il QQtl
These are the measuresin generalwhich shouldbe employed
also in the casesofburning sensationdue to the aggravatedcondition
of blood, Pitta and thirst. Now hear my discourseon the measures
which areto be specificallyemployedin thecaseof a buming sensation
in the bodv under different circumstances.63.

qtiqe6F$,iffigf*h Eth ttfr t

TfEc{d(ild q d[gTstRTqHttm: ll EY ll
d6rrclrf,.q-{+ qfdffidt nq\ rl
Symptoms of Raktaja Daha-Theblood coursing through the
whole body when aggravatedby any causewhatsoeverbecomes heated
and imparts a coppercolour to the skin, complexionand the eye-balls
of the patient. It producesa bloody smell in the mouth and the body,
and the patient feels a burning and contractingsensationas if he is
surroundedby fire. 64-65.

it t{trF flEen+{Tiqgr6rqr*(n qq tl
qrt q rfrqns uffi: r
qerrqFitRqfrdferaf6{r:||Ee rl

fuwqrsq: frrrqqqtqsfrfuftil. llqe rl

Treatment- Fastingshouldbe prescribedat the outsetin such
a caseand then the diet shouldbe regulatedconformablyto the nature
and intensity of the derangedbodily Dosa involved therein. If such
burning sensation(in the body) be still unrelieved,the patient should
be treatedwith a diet largely composedof the soupof Jangala animal
flesh and venesectonin the extremetiesshouldthenbe resortedto duly
in conformity with the rules (prescribedin ChapterVIII-Sarira Sthana).
Casesof burning sensationdue to the aggravationof Pitta would
produce the symptoms of Pittaja fever and remedies for Pittaja fever
shouldin suchcasesbe resortedto. 66-68.

qffi tw: qgdtrrll

Fqrarsq:ili t6 qts{.t Tq+trF: il q3 tl
rt{sqcrdrr"*S ft6ti{q'qffi rr\eorr
ffi( filddiqr
wzrttffiqq*s{g vrdnrd Tdsfu qr r
vffi{r{i rrei ffiRri frftr{rrsq rr
Symptoms and treatm ent of Daha due to thirst- The watery
pafi is dried up in the event of an unslakedthirst, thus generatinga
heat in the organism.This producesan extreme drynessof the lip,
throat and palateand a burning sensation(Daha) both in the skin and
inside the organismof the patient followed by the coming out of the
tongue and the trembling of the whole body. The medical treatment
undersuchcircumstancesconsistsin alleviatingthe heatand addingto
the watery componentof the body. A large draughtof cold water or
cooled milk saturatedwith a copious quantity of sugar, or of the
expressedjuice of sugar-caneor of Mantha should be given to the
patient to his satietyunder the circumstances.69-71.

3{qqr Wt61gFq<rd lrcfr BF6: I

frfir: r*f,ufrd-fiRreT RerurriqqlteRtl
qr(qnffizil Er6dq Tat{qrfud: I
qlrqrq{:ffi{'c$t ffidfift-fir I
rtrfudFdftrwFq || eRII

An intenseburning sensationin the body is causedby the

presenceof accumulatedblood in the abdomen(Kostha),the symptoms
andtherapeuticsof which arethosementionedin thechapteron Sadyo-
vrarya(Chap II-Cikitsita-Sthana). A burning sensationof the body
incidental to the waste (Ksa1'n)of any of its fundamental organic
principles (Dhatus)brings on thirst, fainting fits, feeblenessof voice,
suspensionof physical and mental faculties or functions, weakness
andlassitudein its trainwhich shouldbe remediedwith measures laid
down under Rakta-pitta. Emulsive and Vayu-subduingremediesare
likewiseapplicabletherein. 72-73.

qra*tra-agr<: vM qrsE{+EiETI

ffisepj Eun{prrmtr{qlleY ll
ffifri g{R{tFRiTt{t
Srqigrgrari frftl+frT eqtl
qqifr{qrddsqftd rT=Trgreqrq;
qir: I
rrdgaq qqt: rt: Tfrcrrr*gtkgrr\sqrr
(qifofr -tAq.=rq qF{nqqfrp-il:
qvn<irrdA qrfr pfreri qrrqrcfr(ueeu
A severeinternal burning sensationin the body may also be
producedby (the aggravationo0 blood due to (the breachof the rules
ofl diet and to grief of any kind. The symptoms in such casesare
thirst, fainting fits and delirium. The remedyshouldconsistin giving
the patientthe wished-forobjects,and thediet underthecircumstances
should largely consist of milk and meatsoupto be partaken of in
company with friends in the manner described before. A burning
sensationin the body incidental to a hurt or to a blow on any of its
vulnerable or tender parts (Marma) is the severestof its kind and
should be deemedas incurable.All kinds of burning sensationin the
body with a coolnessof its surfaceareincurable.Emeticsandprugatives
should be exhibited according to the Dosa involved even after the
subsidenceof the superveningsymptomsof excessin wine. 74-77.

rrfrt-druqrtd@ I
qarh Earqerrr*Iqk ftilfr qs; Vrrqk Twn{lI ez ll

wflq-dgq{Tfurg: Errfr €rrfii ftffivnqt

fuqtg{r+qartd frrq rftFtrs rrET qtfrttsqtt
Wine mixed with half its quantity of water and scentedwith
Irraka, Sauvarcala, Ardraka and Sunthl becomes palatable and
immediately allays thirst. Wine, takenwith meal and with cookedmeat
by a personbesmearedwith sandalpasteand wearingwet clothes and
garlandsofflowers, doesnot produceany of its bad after-effectsnor
brings on intoxication which in its turn would throw the mind and
mental facultiesof their balance.78-79.

Rffi€rfrvilSatf€t:llYe ll
Thus ends the forty-seventh chapter of the Uttara-Tanffa in the Suiruta Sarhhittt
which deals with the (symptoms and) medical treatment of alcoholism.

qel|qftt sT{F€trt erqafr: tt q tt
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
(symptoms and) medical treatment of thirst (Ty;pa-Pratisedha

vcd^q:firilq.efi' q qfuftrrafrr
gr: 6rqq{h *qs d lvnFffi(tt q tl
He who is not satisfiedevenwith the constantdrinking of water
but craves for more and more water should be regarded as afflicted
with the diseaseknown as thirst (morbid desirefor water).2

riqfrus1* l
E|gqqFfl.{{l{i|rqr(fuf5 EniT:rgvtrgdrr r rr
fr t
*a:rqffiE irdq uy ||
qFtg qrtd Ewnsftr+ar
Etiology- The Pitta andVayu of the body becomeextremely
aggravatedby suchfactors as(excessive)exercise,grief (or any violent
mental agitation), fatigue, drinking, use of any extremely dry, acid,
hot or pungentfares, or of thosewhich causea parchedcondition in
the organism,or waste of any vital organic principle (Dhatu) of the
body, fasting or exposureto the sun, and combinedly affect the water
carrying channelsof the body (diminish the liquid portion of the bodily

lymph-chyle). The water'-caryingchannelsthus affectedgive rise to

violent thirst.The diseaseis dividedinto seventvoes.3-4.

qanmr: {cwr v(uT q{qr{dqTs?qrssrrffgfrqr
sr( ITFfi rffitTftrtqT q ffier fufl;ugq{srq11 q 11
Classification- The first three are due to the action of the
deranged Dosas (Vayu, Pitta and Kaphc). The fourth and fifth are
respectivelyincidental to any injury and to the waste of any of its
fundamentalorganic principles. The sixth is due to the presenceof
undigestedeatablematterin the intestines(lit, mucus)and the seventh
is due to errorsin diet.Now hearme describingtheir specificsymptoms
and the therapeuticagentsto be employedin curing them. 5.

TqifrTFqrfrrrtqt{ drrTrT(qffig iqM fr rrq rr

Premonitory Symptoms- An extremedrynessand a burning
sensationin the palate,throat,lips and mouth, externalheat, vertigo,
loss of consciousness,and deliriurn are the general premonitory
symtomswhich usherin an attackof thedisease. The specificsymptoms
are given below. 6.

VJq,TWdrqm?mglffiqi *qRelr VrgfVr:r:{ qrfur

*dF{fr* fqtws {*i vffirylss ffiEthnsrr
@: frtqrurd wrasr ?ir6:l
vffimqqTr SqFftrflT q ffieirqi qfre{ffigu e ll
Frdr {tti qg{rsfrr q rqrF*a: vJETFd qrfrqm{lt q u
q,uffi {qF{frsffii yfrtrqr-gidrftem'*l
q,,q'rfufirqi rJsTnTdrq vr|qrg vilqFrflqqffi qql
Kdrh F-qIfrT$rErkTsirqrF*a:q,,r{qTfrqTfrqlE${: ll to tr
Symptoms of Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja Thirst- Dryness
of the mouth with a tingling sensationin the regions of the temples,
andthehead(D.R.-throat),obstructionof the (water-canying)channels
of the body and a bad taste in the mouth, are the symptoms which

specifically mark a case of the Vataja type in which the drinking of

cold water leadsto a distinct aggravationof the disease(thirst). Loss
of consciousness (epilepticfits), delirium, an aversionto food, dryness
of the mouth, yellownessof the eyes,extremeburning sensationin the
whole body, desirefor coldness,a bitter tastein the mouth anda fumid
sensation(in the throat) are the featureswhich specifically mark the
Pittaja type of the disease.The vapoursproducedby the fire of digestion
being enveloped and obstructed in their course by the layer of
accumulatedKapha, the heat (sentup in the body tendsto dry up the
moistureof its water-carryingchannelsand) producesa kind of thirst
which is characterisedby somnolence,a senseof heavinessin the
limbs, a sweet taste in the mouth, extreme emaciation,cold-fever,
vomiting, an aversionto food, sliminessin mouth, Oedemain limbs
and indigestion are the symptomsof Kaphaja type. And where such
symptomsarepresent,the patienthasno excessivedesirefor drinking

qffiRt-trifrrdFrrtqnqi qwn ErgETqrilsnrliTrE I

ilqrsF+rnftqFTvnffi rrsk E:ti firqfrsfu*q{t I qq ||
rrfrrTTrrqr.sf{a: vJqhE€rt q I
srseiqr€rqqfdqTfrrtiat qffiqfr*t*qrg: u qRtl
Itsq{+mThq aqTunh fi{w(qq*(1 q? 1
Kqataja and, Kqayaja Thirsts- A case of thirst which is
engenderedin consequence ofpain or dischargeofblood from any cut
in the body is the fourth type and is known asKsataja thirst. The days
of the patient in such a case pass with great uneasinesseven if he
drinks water. In the type due to the wasteof the fundamentalorganic
fluid (Rasa)which is known as Ksayojs thirst, the patient constantly
drinks water in large quantity both in the day and in the night but still
finds no relief. This type is attributed by several authoritiesto the
concerted action of the three derangedDosas and all the specific
symptoms due to the waste of the vital organic principle (Rasa)
describedbefore are exhibitedthere.11-13.
q @
firfrqfuf,.rssqr{gmqr p qytl
funi nersR{frqqrs giit Tffi Tqi€frfr u t\ tr

Amaja and Annaja Thirst- The symptoms of all the three

(aggravated)Dosasin additionto pain in theheart,spittingand a sense
of lassitudein the limbs are presentin the type which is due to
indigestion (Amaja). The caseof thirst which is producedby using
extremely fatty and saline articles of fare, as well as those which
are hard to digest or due to errors in diet (and is known asAnnaja

qfrutfdkt qftriqqrd ffitFnffifiil-dqrsJ Ir qq rI

Prognosis- A patient who has becomeextremely weak and
deaf in consequenceof thirst and r,vhosuffersfrom a mental stupour
and lies with his tongueprotrudedand hung down shouldnot be taken
into chargeof (by a physicaian)treatment.16.

qtqTfrq€tT{rq {uT it arr6qrffim6;q,

|| I e ||
ffist-{grr fr fr?)ri'T{r(ErfgqTwil"Tflgq$::
ftra: q*tfr'6 qffi: vif*s sqrsfrffi: u t/ tl
lrqvqdffiqqd grql€*{rffifis qd: il t3 ll
qtigdwivmar{Tsrtnvr#t ffi f6i er11qorl
General Treatment- Vomiting should be induced with
solution of powderedPippalt in a caseof thirst in which the stomach
of the patient becomesfully loaded(with water).A plastercomposed
of Dadima, Amrataka andMatulungc is alsobeneficial.Drugs which
are cooling in their virtue and potency shouldbe applied in the three
casesof thirst (dueto the thee Dosas).A garglecomposedof a solution
of powderedAmalaka with any acid drug (Matuluhgctetc.) shouldbe
retainedin the mouth for removing the bad tastein the mouth under
the circumstances.Water madehot by immersingbits of heatedgold,
silver, etc. as well as pieces of heatedstone or baked clay in it and
taken in a tepid state,or cold water chargedwith sugarand honey, is
possessedof the efficacy of allaying thirst. l7-20.
qEIGq'r: q=Flunq Ffrrdqq fui srrt trd qr t
firil(gfti qTfrstdkq EqtfqgEiRfr qrirqrqr:|| RI II

fr-dqqi fiTilFdiFrfr sr Tdqrsqerffi+: lt RRtl

f{d qffiq q:r dk{ FTrqer-Fffifiu R?tl
Specific Treatment- A patient suffering from Vataja thirst
would find relief quickly by taking lukewarm decoctionboiled with
the drugs of any oft the Pafica-mltlagroupsor with the drugs of the
first group (Vidari-gandhadi-gana).A decoctionof the drugs of the
Pitra-subduinggroups2subsequently cooledandtakenwith the addition
of honey and sugarormilk duly boiled with the admixtureof the clrugs
of the Itvamyc group (Kakolyadi Gana) would allay a caseof Pittaja
thirst. Water duly boiled with Bitva, Aanan the drugsof theKantaka-
Pafica-mulai and Darbha allays a caseof Kaphaja thirst. Vomiting
inducedwith the help of the decoctionof tender Nimba-leavestaken
lukewarm would likewise prove curativein sucha case.2l-23.

waf-gEsrrcrrqrsfufti' E,qiEfrfti+{ R drr rTk lt Ry||

@ rsq Rfl*-rwq*'ftrfr{* Enl
qIiRfu€gq Trrkcil-A:Vkrail$r{: frrRri^ Tqr*, lt ?\ tl
The Pitta-subduingremediesand measuresshould, in the
alternative,be appliedin all typesof thirst which cannototherwisebe
allayed.The expressedjuice or a decoctionof ripe Udumbarashould
be takenwith sugarunderthe circumstances. A thirst-afflictedpatient
should likewise drink the water duly boiled with the drugs of the
Sarivadi group sufficiently cooled down for the purpose.24-25.

a'tol1-g-rrcrr++q-Rq fwi qqrqiFEtdlt Rqll

(2)Theminor puitca-
1. The five Paii ca'mula groupsare (I) The major Pafica-m-ula,
mula, (3) The Valli-Paitca-mula(4) The Kantaku-Paficu-mltla,(5) The Tma-paiicu-
rnfrlu. SeeChap. XXXVIII, Sutra Sthana.
2. The Pitta-subduing groups are Utpaladi, Sarivadi and Kakolyttdi groups.
3. ln place of erc." some read "6.trer6-qgqtd" erc. i.e. Kunruka
(Gokqura) and the drugs included in the gloup known as "qg6|q", viz pippa\,
Pippali-rnulu, Cavya, Cituka andNagara. The commentatorKartika Kuqry'nsupports
this- Dalhana for kantaka Puiica-mula, see Chap. XXXVW-Sfitra-Sthana.


@ qiqr u.qrfrf{Rr ersh{ II Rsll

irE.nri trlgqT{IrFerfud'git qr}d$i qEkl
Hrq{rfir€iaFfrrq *€Iqqrrf{frszil frfrqfucq:ll ?z ll
rruficarqtlurrrsT& arft{rdrfr qq&rrfr qr
giqi( inqrrrra q*R'+{ qrf*gqrRg qrfrEn Rqtl
trwren$fimffigqaqFFrren ffir qq: n !o 11
ffrtri v.rf{ffir vt*vnmgqA Trt: tr?t tl
Water duly boiled with KaSeru, Syhgdlaka,Padma, Moca
(plantain-flower),Vifa and sugarcaneis efficaciousin allaying thirst
incidentalto hurt (K qataja). Water containingparchedpaddy,Ni lo tpala,
Ufira and red Candanc should be kept in an open spaceduring the
night and a physicianshouldgive this well-scentedwater mixed with
sugarandhoneyandwith a largequantity of Dralcsato the thirst afflicted
patientson the following morning for their benefit.Cold infusionsof
the drugsof any of lhe Tnmpafica-mula,Utpaladi andMadhura (D.R.
the first group i.e., Vidclrigandhadi)groups mixed with the drugs of
theSarivadigroup aswell asthat of the drugsof theMadhuka-puspddi
group shouldbe preparedin theprecedingmannerandprescribed.The
six kinds of cordials (Panaka) separatelyprepared(in the preceding
manner) with the (four kinds of ) Rajadana, Ksiri or Kapitana are also
beneficial in such cases.Fruits of Tundiken (wild of
Kitrpasa pastedtogether(and dissolvedin water) and takeninternally
would prove beneficial. A caseof thirst incidentalto any ulcer (K:at aj a I
is allayedwith the stoppageor removalof the pain or by taking mear-
soup or the blood (of deer,goat,etc.) 26-31.

qrdferaiStgi ffiqt{dt qr qg4iltrit Enll RRll

s{rffi fuear*rgtqq+(Erqrhq {w{*: I
@fir*qqqrqluqer ffiutttl
Td*qrdi qqtraq qqe H*s.ils qwnqn tx tl
A caseof thirst due to the waste (Kqayaja) of any fundamental
organicfluid (Rasa)is removedby taking draughtsof clarified butter

churned from milkr, as well as those of meat-soupand infusion of

Yasti-madhu.Thirst which is incidentalto the presenceof mucus and
undigestedfecal matter in the intestines(Arnaja)shouldbe remedied
with the decoction of Bilva, Vacct and the drugs of the Dlpaniya
(Pippalyadi) group or with the decoctionof the drugsof the Dipaniya
group mixed with Amrataka, Bhallataka and Bata. The type which
hasits origin in the useof heavyand indigestiblefaresor due to errors
in diet as well as all other typesof thirst with the exceptionof the one
which is incidentalto the wasteof any fundamentalorganicprinciple
should be cured by inducing vomiting. 32-34.

errfrdlqt qitnifr Frdffi rJ-dq*r qTsqerqrsfuFsr: ll Q\ ll

sfihHerr( Effi Tcr{gwri fir*q*msn Fqgu Qqrr
q1 fr5fripr Er+q qqn r*wrrru; qfir+T$q;1
Fstgqrftftffii Fr6k qei Tqr qrsfu ? rr€Fnzr
u l\e tl
B-(T )qfrgqitf{ffiEvfrtirTvi*itqriawslr{: n!z rl
Solution of common treacle ar Mantha or meatsoup are
efficacious in allaying thirst which is due to physical fatigue. Warm
Yavdgus or cold Manthasz would alleviate a thirst caused by the
obstructionof the participatedmeal. A man shoulddrink warm water
in casesof thirst due to an excessivetaking of any fatty substance
(Sneha)..The thirst of a habitualdrunkardis removedby taking half-
diluted wine. Thirst due to heat,may be allayedwith draughtsof cold
water surcharged with sugar or with the expressedjuice of sugar-
cane. 35-38.

€, d, qqr+*ffif{HmiaErtqffi qqrcrqrh u Iq tl
@tqnffi qr.sfu
S-qtqaEryfrdTtrfur r
{Ffrer{ N qnrh Fdtq +5q q{{q fu'gllyo 1p
l. In placesof "qt{qd" and"gg6t*i" someread"q+{qci" lmilk
mixed with water),"q1fi-qfr" (soupof Masapulse) andqqSi' (honeymixed with
1. Warm laui shouldbe plescribedin caseswhereVdyupreponderates
and cold
Mantha in caseswherePittu preponderates.

General Treatment- Vomiting should be induced in these

caseswith the decoctionof suchdrugsasareremedialto the deranged
bodily Doqasinvolved in eachcaseand the digestive(Pacana)remedies
asprescribedin casesof fever shouldalsobe prescribedin thesecases.
Use of cooling plastersand of cold bathsand spray,residencein cold
chambers,exhibition of emetics and purgatives,use of milk, meat-
essence,clarified butter and sweetand cooling lambativeswould be
likewise prescribedin all casesof thirst. 39-40.

trf,dfiVfrsem: uYZ,u
Thus ends the forty-eight chapter of the lJrtru-Tantra in the Su.irutaSarhhita
which deals with the (synrptoms and) treatment of thirst.

q?fr{q r1rrq1-1 erq<R: tt t tt
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
(symptomsand) medical treatmentof vomiting (Chardi-Pratisedha).1.

srdire qrftrqr*g aensfirds eilcr+:il Rtl
srdrdrqqfrfs Et{ gqq.
ET€Fritr;r{ iifu*+*S.s{s+:
fiffiqt Efdfrfd A'm{€r(frhsrtt t x It
Causes and Nomenclatur* The bodily Doqas are deranged
and aggravated per force by the use of extremely liquid, emollient,
unpalatableor oversaltedfood or of one taken at an improper time or
in an inordinate quantity or which is incongenial to the physical
temperamentof its user,aswell asby over-fatiguing physical exercise,
fear, mental agitation,indigestion,presenceof worms (in the intestines),
or quick eatingor owing to pregnancyor any disgustingor loathsome
causes.Thus deranged,Doqasrush up to the mouth and after covering
the whole of it come out with greatforce and with an achingpain in
the limbs. This is, therefore,called Vomiting (Chardi).2-4.

dqFTfiriq Fgr$fii qFr€S.a: I

uedqfiefr gvifuoqurarat*+qr
rI ri
The vi tal Vdyu known asthe Udana-Vayu comingi n combination
witlr the one known as the Vyana-Vayuin a man addicted to
incompatiblefood and drink leadsto the derangement of the bodily
Do;as which rush up to the upper part of his body (which causes

T-d'6dRi irfli' qerrueer
fr+naq,, a,,
Premonitory S ymptoms- nausea,supression of eructations,
thin and salinewater-brashand an aversionto food and drink are the
premonitorysymptomsof vomitting.6.

wrt*( t,fTnriqgrd' vfnfitrssqf+dqrd{B:

effir:€rfuiw({r: qqrdtfrdsftFhqp5fr6ffi1qfqqsl's11
qlstrt Tvi arqgFrtr{€: trd' rnrit €fti qt(qT I
M-qwiflaa: ffikrqr HTilell
zfr €yft{r neg ustri vg*i Rq qr:qfr,qrgfuqqr
eTtrfi5-nil€srEgfr1qtE qfr qr qlfi*tqqrFn(il q tl
R-dffurFqtfrr $rdk qtqi qr Tr++crnrqrrrf,r e tr qo tl
Specific Syrnptoms- Scanty ejections of frothy marter of
strongastringenttasteaccompaniedwith a loud soundand crampsat
the back and the sidesproduce a senseof exhaustionof fatigue and
increaseafter the digestionof a meal, this should be ascribedto the
action of the derangedbodily Vayu.Yomiting of yellow, greenishor
blood-streakedmatterwith an excessivelyacid,pungentorbitter taste
in the mouth and attendedwith such complicationsas fever, dryness
of mouth, fainting fits and burning and sucking (Coqa)sensationsin
the body, should be ascribed to the action of the derangedpitta.
Excessivelycold, white, sweet,thick and mucousvomiting attended
with horripilation, an aversion to food, heavinessof the limbs and
lassitudeshould be ascribedto the Kaphaja type of vomiting. The

specificfeaturesof all tl,e threeprecedingtypesarepfesentin the type

due to the concertedaction of all the threeDosas'7'10'
ll qt ll
rnqsfrn(g)-afqs{rqt( A ffiq:}frq '?1gninffirfi
tfrFrqr q Hrrit: I
qqTt{ q Hlqrdrll qRll
Trauntatje casesJThe fiye casesof vomiting due to any
clisgustingor Ioathsomecauseor to pregnancy,indigesdon,presence
of worms(in thebowels)or thetakrngof uncongenia\ lood anddrink,
shouldbe duly classifiedaccordingto the Doqaaggravated in each
case.Thestomachis irritatedin all typesof vomiting. Fastingshould,
bethefirst remedyin thesecases.
therefore, violent cramps nausea
as well as the symptomsof Kymiia-Hydrogaare the special
characteristics of a caseof vomitingdueto thepresence of wormsin
qrqrqqilrdF l-frrqt
oldnsfiigutfr qnqtdAf*feq1ll q?ll
Prognosis- A skiful physicanshall not take in handthe medical
treatmentof a patient afflicted with vomiting, where the patient is
emaciatedand is.distressedwith the superveningsymptomsr,and in
which the ejectedmatter is mixed with pus and blood, and resembles
the variegatedcolour of a peacock'splume andwherevomiting is almost
Tilsrf;a* Fg;ft{ iTrgll qY ll
q*g qgdtng B-{'t Ftr5qel
fdrwier .6dn qerrfr+qd'fi'wqtt gqtt
dvrigrgeur qqrei rlqqrgil:t
qsnFGaEFqrqrFrlq{qrh rffi(tt qq tt

dejection,hearrdiseaseant TanutkaSvt-tsu.
I suSRura seMrrrrA

General Treatment- In a case of vomiting marked by an

excessivepreponderanceof any Dosa (or by the presenceof all the
threeDoqas),emeticsor purgativesshouldbe administeredwith a due
regard to the nature and intensity of the Doqa or Dosas involved.In
casesdue to the concertedaction of any two of the derangedbodily
Dosas the medical treatmentshouldbe determinedaccordingto
relativeorderofpreponderance. Diet inthesecasesshouldconsistof
dry and light a rticles and what the patientis accustomedto. Febrifuge
decoctionsshouldbe administeredaccordingto the natureandintensity
ofthe derangedbodily Dosasinvolvedin eactrcase.14-16.

Eqr( SrTli +d irH rr*rsnrqrqr

Ffr*td ftrR @r
gqTrdatqli qT wefitw^: v*qEr: u qe tl
qqFiqqfueTi qr rrsq-d6?i flqil(r
fr+qqr Emrfu*f€iFmnryt
dfqt ttr(t I I z II
qr trd ftFeqr{u tq n
Treatment of vataja Type- Draughtof clarified butterchurned
from milkr, or the soup of Muclga ancrAmaraka taken with
butter andsaindhavc-s-art, or gruers(yavagu)preparedwith the drugs
of Pafica-milla and taken with honey, wourd piove
curative in the
vataja type of vomiting. The useof the meat soupof
any bird of the
viqkira group (e.g.chicken,etc.)takenwith a littre quantlty
of salt and
juice of acid-fruits would likewise prove
efficacious.Lukewarm oily
purgtivesmixed with sartare arsorecommendedin
mwrwrqug-urn qrfr{rr?orr
rfreFi tT$gr* Hrq+rtrtrTrgiT:
ftr+si nvtsh qffi'*qoileqlt Rqtl
Pittaja Type- cold drinksanddecoctio
ns of pitta-s'bduing
virtuewouldrelievevomitingdueto thederangem
L " qfrqd" hasbeenexprained by somecommentators asmirkmixedwith cranfied
It qitik?i'rI
butter.Cakradatturead,s milk andwaterin placeof ,,Qtqd''.

or Purgativescomposedof the drugsof theMadhura-drugsandmixed

with the expressedjuice of Draksa may likewise be employedin the
presenttype. In violent attacksof vomiting the medicatedclarified
butter known as Tailvaka-ghrta shouldalso be prescribed.20-zr,

strtrcerftf"ff q1rg.*rr+q ErT

qr+iilrEqqit{ qqrcnqt ftrP*mq: u ?Rtl
@ r{*(rTr{qrR{a;urqqfffr{1 RRtl
Treatment of Kaphaja Type- A decoctionof the drugs of
theAragvadhadi-groupor of Das-mr7lcshouldbe given with honeyin
a caseof vomiting due to the aggravationof Kapha. A cold infusion
(Hima-Kasaya)of Guduci mixed with honeywould prove an excellent
remedy in all the threeprecedingtypes of vomiting. l5_f6.

mrrisqiescFffi q,TRqT*: qd: I

rg+ffigmt qrid: nr*zrr*trrerqr
ffrfrrC{trr€ft ffiili rTrer+{qrfr{
rr tx rr
Rq qqr+{ vrki F{ftrrfirqu Rqtl
vomiting dueto (theuseor sightor) anydisgustingor loathsome
thing should be treatedwith agreeablethings, while that peculiar
pregnancyshouldbe relievedby giving to the enceinrethe
thines she
longs for.
Traumatic Types- Vomiting due to the use of any unaccu_
stomedor incongeniarfood shouldbe relievedwith fasting,
or with the administrationof habituatedor congenialfood.
due to the presenceof worms in the bowels (Krmija) should
be treated
with remedies applicablein a caseof Krmija Hrd-roga(heart-disease
of parasiticorigin). The measuresandremediesprescribedbefore
be employed with a due regard to the nature and intensity
of the
derangedbodily Dosa or Dosasinvolved in each case.24-2i.

Eftmmmtg-ut frqdi ffiqernr

G,.{F+ti ri@dcq ufagafrtiRqtl

Trqriqrfrrqqf{sr frfrr qT itrgeTrq{rI

fidrri qT qq5i ftrqunqfu tqcrqt
wri1tri u"rw6t firgrqq{Eerql
firAE a1-apgnerar fu6i q*: q-rgS: ll R\ell
g-trrffifiEun'frgr: EFcqdssrqrFff : t
aogergt sreq a'ftrei 1rqm{ qTll Rall
General Treatment- Vomiting is relieved by frequently
juice of
licking a lambative tnadeof Pippalr,honeyand the expressed
Kupinlm-fruit. Madhurasal with the washingsof rice and with honey
may be likewise taken for the purpose. Tarpana (soothing)measure
with the admixtureof honey would be beneficialin all the threecases
(dueto the aggravationof the Dosas).A potion composedof powdered
Anna-guptet-seeds andyasti-madhumixed with a copiousquantity of
rice-washing and with honey as well as gruels preparedwith the
admixture of Karafiia-leaves should be administered.Kustumburu
pastedandmixed with salt and acid would alsobe benificial. Kapittha
ihould also be takenwith Tri-katu and rice-washing.26'28'

fcermqqqqriit frurq er qlqrfiTvr$-(l

fir*(vdsFrdrsftfr rff{frfu-(fr ;-a,T
ltt r r tt
str:Srgart qrsfu drcsr{l ft*nent
+rffi':q*qR{fr+fii rTrrrfr EIr firtfiEr ll Qoll
elrffi T<i qr gg tfreFilEr{rI
qtcrrrr*,qwi ftrdr{ EIT @rq,qu Qt rl
qqtd vtTfft{rqrqi ffi.t qT ftr**{: I
rrffi gqTh qtl ?Rll
The excretaof flies shouldbe licltedwith sugar,honeyand
sandalpaste.A lizardshouldbe immenedin hot milk andthis milk,
whencooled,shouldbe givento thepatientto drink.Powdered fried
paddymixedwith honeyandclarifiedbuttershouldbegivento drink
or pulverisedPippali mixed with honey,sugarand clarifiedbutter

l. "Madhurasa"may mean(\ DrAkld (2) Gdntbhfirlfruit (3) Mitn'fi or (4) Ya$!i'

madhu.Jhe practiceis to prescribeDrd$it.

should be licked. Sandal-pasterwith the expressedjuice of Amalaka

or the decoction of the leaves of Mudgaz as well as a lambative
composedof the marow of Kola andAnrulaka spicedwith the lri-
sugandhidrugs (viz,,Ela, Patra andTvak) powderedtogethershould
be prescribed.Gruels of fried Sali paddymixed with honey should
also be prescribed.The use of perfumeswhich are agreeableboth to
the mind and to the organ of smell, is also recomended.29-32.
qqiqrh{IrTrh qaqffiq1
rffi 66o6'r gutqrrqtwdF{d: I| ?i tl
Diet- The meat of any Jangala animal and palatablecordials
and victuals of variousplatesshouldbe likewise takenwith carein all

Tgr$rf,Iifseq11t:II Yt II
Thus ends of the forty-ninth chapter of the IJttara-Tunta in the suiruta sarhhitit
which deals with the (symptomsand) treatmentof Vorniting.

l. The practiceis to takewhiteSandalin this case.

2. Vdgbhaga prescribesthe decoctionaloneas a separate

qefrqrq srrqn erq<fr: tt q tt
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
(symptomsand)medicaltreatmentof hiccough(Hicca-Pratisedha)'l

ffifUoffisTuqnFtqFqrffi: r
ffiWrFffitTe: llRll
EqrqrffidqRfea-ffid: I
enqffiurcd-ffi+qqfrs*: ll Qll

fasr gresq, s*I Turtqgcrqrqtttx lt

Causes- Hiccough, cough and asthmaare the result of using
those articlesof fare which are heavy, dry, or secreting(Abhisyandi)
or which are followed by an acid reactionor which remain long in an
undigestedstate(in the stomach)as well as of cold drinks, residence
in cold places,exposureto cold or dust or smokeor fire or wind, load-
carrying, toils ofjourney, voluntary repressionof (physicalurgings),
fasting (Apatarpana), accumulationof Ama-dosc (mucus in the
intestines),blow or hurt, emaciation(weakness)due to sexualexcess'
concomitantdistressor agony of any existing or continuingphysical
ailment,irregulardiet, eating,beforethe digestionof a previousmeal
or of a wrong applicationof Sahiamanaremedies'2-4.

reffi nFw+Ts-(firararfur{qrfdrlqTql
€ Efrs-dnrJfffiqE(rffiK{K Ehfd FrqFs{€qil u q tt


Derivation- The vayu (wind) consrantlybelchesout of the

mouth with a feeling, as it, the spleen,the liver and the intestinesare
being thrown out of the oral cavity. The physicianshavebestowedthe
nameHiccd on the diseaseowing to fact of its speedilyextinguishing
the vital sparkin man (from Sanskritroot-Hins to kill). 5.

3r*qi rrft{t {qr .rlsitriftfrnerrr

er{: q*'qrgqril:Erf{sr: qtfhfr rrq rr
classification- Hicca is divided into five kinds which are
styled Annajd, Yamala, Ksudra, Gctnthltird andMahatr all of which
are the effectsof the derangementof the bodily vdyu actionin unison
with the deangedKapha.6.

$d u,qrq*fr{Tld truersd: I
Premonitory Symptoms- An astrigenttastein the mouth, an
aversionto all sortsofpursuits, heavinessaboutthe throatand cardiac
region and a rumbling sound in the abdomen (Jathara) are the
premonitory synrptomswhich usherin a fit of hiccoush.7.

qr6rt tgFrgrsrqr E{ql

uvrqile rl
Effi{qsdrfrXcqraifqar<*eifirrtrr q tr
iFT qq(.|qRi l6fir Tlqltkra t
q,qqat frFhftdzrqsi6ifrfrHt(rrqorr
*t+t: FqFffd+|
qqFrq'rnnqrfusr q{Tmr(qenkdru qq|I
qrF{rtfrrqr frEr Eil{r rrnffi+frr
{[q.lEq.,uafq6rs-snmd€qr:fifr |
ffi Tlsfr{rrFT HT qdnt t? tl
qqt'oqlfrsknq vfti sT rfl+ftl
afu EilqTdrFil{qfl:u gl tl
qerffifr TTIiqr ffifruqxtl
Symptoms- The bodily Vayubeingsuddenlyderangedby

taking too much food and drink, which are of Katu taste and very
harmful, is pushedupward and belchedout in gustswhich are known
asAnnaja Hicca. The hiccoughwhich occursin double strokesand at
long intervals shaking the head and the neck is called Yamald.The
hic-coughwhich riseswith a mild force and at long intervalsfrom the
rootr of the clavicles (JatnD is called Ksudriku.The violent hiccough
which rises from the region of the umbilicus accompainedby a deep
soundand interferingwith freerespiration,causingdrynessof the lips,
throat, tongue and of the mouth and producingpain at the sidesand
complicated with many other distressingsymptoms, is called
Gambhtrd.The hiccough which producesa feeling of crushingpain,
at the vulnerableparts (Marmans) and stretchesout the body in full'
shaking all the limbs and which occurs continuouslyand with a
considerableforce accompained by a report, and producesa severe
thirst is called Maha-Hicca. 8-t'4.

sTr+uqiffi qs td qtr$d iflrqt rr€q rneql

qffisf,tra-dfr qgrftTqri* rr+d q$*ftrsqr+ II qq II
Prognosis- A hiccough-patientwhose body is stretchedout
in full during a fit, with his eyesturnedupward and fixed in a gazeas
well as the one sufferingfrom weakness,excesssneezing(D'R.-
cough) or an aversionto food as well as thosesuffering from the last
two casesof Hicca viz., Gambhird andMahati shouldbe given up as

ffi 11*clt: TF*IIT:IEIYIFt:l

qe{r6qr qrf}$unqfrg fiTurdilqrvr&{rqqigirT:ll QQll
Hffi.dEsi ftmq1rdqrqrfreffi E&tfltdH: t
qrfrqq: fiIgqvJqffiqi qd gdwra q*ud Rsrll q\su
qufr-5tt +qqqrs{ffsslqr fr6Fil fd*Ig lEtrg rftcrd:ll t4 ll
Treatment- Practice of Pranayama (control of breath-wind),
tickling, frightening and producing confusion by pricking with needles
may be effectively resortedto in a caseof (simple) hiccough. Yasri-
rnadhumixedwith honey,or Pippali mixed with sug:u,or a lnkewarm

l. By the word "Mfilu" (i.e.root)of theJatru(clavicles) the

regionsof the heart,Klonru,throat, etc.-palhuna.

compund of milk, clarified butter and the expressedjiice

of sugar-
caner should be employed in the manner of an eropiQa_Nasya.
Vomiting and purging may be inducedin patientnot
Red sandal-woodmadeinto a pastewith the breast-milk
or lukewarm
clarified butter mixed with sainclhava salt, or powdered
dissolved in water is be'eficial, if administered
as a medicinar
snuff. 16-f8.

guq<W Vnarf+qfund *{rd qr rfrhqrutsSiEnnqqtl

rfi:fur*sffi: ![-rTrtTF*reni r+fi arfugnrt-qr
qi)-*tdtft* q,,rgiliifugr{s{rqurcqtr€rn{erri
rTe4tEfliit e€rffqFrfti r1g\qi ffi Eil1Rqrl
rqfrtqTri@ qit-*tifr efrqqrswJtr#rqr
Gummy exudationof Sab tee, Manall_Sila,or cow,s
horn, or
cow'shairs and skin, chargedwith clarifiedbutter,
shourdbe usedin
fumigation(Dhupana).Asan alternative,the seats
of hiccough(uiz.,
umbilical region etc.) shourdbe dury fomented.The patient
advisedto use a lambativecomposedof svarna-Gairika
orthe ashes
gl rf. b.one1of any domesric animal pasted with honey. Hairs of
savidhcf a sheep,a cow or of sailaki shouldbe burnt
in a iovered pot
andgiven to be licked with honey.prumesof a peacock
or the fruit of
udurcbarctor (the bark o0 Locrhrashourdbe similarry
burnr and the
ashesthus preparedshourdbe licked by the patient
in combination
with honey and clarified burrer. sarjika-rqaraticteo
with the expressed
juice of Ftjapura and with honey would
also instaneousrerief in a
paroxysm of hiccough. 19-22,

rfii':futqrqk fl6*iqqrr{,qtwrqrgr:vrcrcil
argdur: r
vJu*"dt qrFrd qfuqnf ilr( ftt {r*flr,gfr ErTl
qT-{*qitqlflt t{6:qr( vr,t
Fanng Ai Hqrq}, il ??tl
@qd \i{Fcti ir(n?yrl
sepratelyusedas snuff.
2. SvdvkthandSailukiarethe rwo differentkinds ofporcupine.

Lukewarm gruels (Yavagu) saturatedwith clarified butter as

well as lukewarm Payasaprove curative in a caseof hiccough.The
milk of a she-goatduly cooked wrth Sunthiand watert (in the manner
of Ksira-paka) andmixed with sugarcould be as well takento satiety
with benefit. The smell of urine of a she-goatand of a ewe would
readily cure a fit of hiccough.Similarly the smell of Puti-keeta2duly
soakedin the infusion of radish, VacA andHingu3 in the manner of
Bhavana saturationwould have the sameresult. 23'24.
qii fudt qnura;srrs firffiiqqr{*,'fr{ll R\ ll
fift(qd er Hqufrffrer Eruli Tdrlqi tfqq: rflrrrql
6fina'ta*wrwarg* fir+E Td q{Kqt{qriRll Rqll
$qfrerrqgfiTurffieqi vjfuqqFi qfudEgqrqll R\ell
p'wrifutrarrr*a ifti €rIf,At qg{rssrqrsfr
@ R/ tl
16i Pa6zn*g-*scrfrdqtt
Ndga-keiara mixed with sugarandhoney shouldbe takenwith
a copiousquantityofl theexpressed juice of sugar-cane
andof M adhuka
flowers. A Pala weight of Saindhavnsalt should be used with two-
Pala weightof clarified butter.HarTtaktshouldbe first takenand then
a draughtof tepid water.Clarified butter shuldbe takenwith milk and
honey. A Picu (two Tolas) weight of the expressedjuice of Kapittha
should be taken with honey and powderedPippah for the relief (of
hiccough).A lambativepreparedwithPippali, Amalaka,Sunthi,Sugar
andhoneyor onepreparedwithAfiiana (Souvirafiiana),powderedfried
paddy, and the kernel (of the stoneof) Vadara-fruit shouldbe licked
as a remedy for an attackof Hicca.25-28.
q'aigEi +R?frretFdlrfr |
gq{qei{ EIIFEI:alsftvt Eftrtrqql Rq ll
qdR\rfrftn: q: qhqrErfrkn: I
qgbfrqr: a.ffi f6*rg fuqrfir ll Ro ll
I . Somerender\fdlfrq asthe decoction of Sunthi.
worm appearing
2. Pitti-keetais a kind of bad-smelling generallyduringthe rainy
3. Someread't6W' (Hiriguandlotus) in placesf lIn bothcases,
'r{IFf,' 'mixed.'

The four different liquid compoundsrpreparedwith the drugs

mentionedin the four quartsof the presentverse,vi1.,( 1) The fruit and
flower of Patala, (2) Gairika and Ka{u-rohiryt(3) rhe kernel (inner
pulp) of Kharjura and Pippa[l and (4) Kastsa (sulphareof iron) ancl
Kapittha(D.R.-Dadhi), shouldbe mixed with honeyandadministered
by an experienced physicianin casesof Hicca.29-30.

Meat as diet- The soup preparedwith the meat of Sallakq
(porcupine), Svadarhstra,Goclha,Vrsa-dahia (wild cat), Rsya (D.R.
Riksa-a bear)andMrga (differentkinds of deeras well asof Kapota
andPardvata (differentkinds of pig eon),liva and otherbirds should
be taken lukewarm with the expressedjuice of acid fruits and with
Saindhavaanda Sneha(clarified butreretc.) 31.

fdtEriqerddrr**Fi Tri{drqs ffirrcrErqr

rr+ffirqedrrtssdrwiqeffr *fuq fdrq ftfurr{ rr ?q rr
Purgativesas well as potions of tepid clarified butter mixed
with saindhava-saltand sugarshouldbe regardedashighly beneficial
in an up-coursingof the bodily vayuincase of ^Fliccd.
are of opinion that the applicationof an Anuvasana-vastiwould be
alsobeneficialin suchcases.32.

,r'i qgTflTrfrserffi;ll\e ll
Thus ends the fiftieth chapter in the uttara-Ttmtra of the suiruta sathhit(t
which deals with the (symptomsand) treatmentof hiccough.

l. According to Vrnda cuil Cakraput.tilambativesshould be prepared with these

drugs. According to some, the decoctionshould be used.


sterkT:g1$ffiei qSSqFzn-q;,
qercrq qrrcq srqiTR:il q rl
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
(symptomsand) medical treatmentof Asthma (Svasa-Pratisedha).l.

*q a,,RdGEr cgFt: {r+d*t

fraqrld: srd dt vqRtFrrtrr r rr
fu6rqrg.fti arg: urrilserutn'{igil: I
srgrq$il r1ar ii ,{ri qlrqqrtrrt rr
Efdfi€ffi*,,Rr* rcr1ds qsenl
firsfrqr6rqrfu: $rqqfrifficrd: llY ll
Etiology- To the samegroup of exciting factors which bring
in an attackof hiccoughshouldbe attbirutedthe origin of that voilent
diseasewhich is known as ,Svdsa(asthma).The vital Vdyu known as
the Prana-Vayuforegoingits normal function risesupward in unison
with the derangedKapha of the body and producesthat gaspingand
labouredbreathingwhich is called ivasc (asthma).This dreadfuldisease
thoughvirtually one in its natureand origin is divided into five spicific
types, viz., Ksudra-Svasa, Tamaka-Svasa, Chinna-Svasa, M aha-Svasa
and Urddhva -Svasa. 2-4.
qr$il€r6(frsr qrrffistfr: YttI
qTdd: Vpi*w{*6twq
B{rrF6: lt q tl
Syrnptoms-Painin theregionof theheartandat

thesides,aversionto foodaswell asto all otherpursuits,suppression

of stoolandurineanda badtastein themouth,mayberegarded asthe
premonitorysynptomsof thedisease. 5
tdifuqnrrqrqg {Ft 5}t1g:r+di r
FTquurdhvnF+gs {q Ffil{Fa: llQ tl

fdfisrqEffi frr+qrs: q ficrmt{fr: lt e tl

*turqearssFcg:TGFr{r: v*,rmtqt:r
q: tlfuFwd.rcfia- EuwqeilfiFsd:u/ tl
qvnrqfrq+' iii gtrd*r t+eetfrrrq rr
{affinre iq: q?rFfiETT: u to rr
Specific Symotoms- The type in which the leastmovement
or exertion brings on an aggravationof the disease,and a distinct
ameliorationor relief is restoredin a sitting posture,is calledKsudra-
Svasa.The type which is accompainedby such symptomsas thirst,
perspiration,vomiting and a rat0ing sound in the throat and finds
aggravationspeciallyin cloudy weatheris called Tamaka-Svasa. In a
.caseof Tamaka-Svasathe patientis weak and has a loud (wheezing)
soundin the throat, asalso cough, the symptoms of (bronchial) catarrh
and an aversionto food. He is oppressedwith difficult breathingeven
in sleepwhich abatesonly when the coughsubsidesand is aggravated
when the patient sleeps.If a caseof Tamaka-Svasabe attendedwith
fever and fainting fits, it is then called Pratamaka.6-10.

sTre{kil {€rqriT ERffir gni' lr: r

rr-ffi{ fqfut ssqrfui irrnRf(u tl u
fr :ri1:wdTtard:V3w,,a'rdisft
treriT@r{rqq: $€rqrTrdrt Hlfr:u lR tl
lrigtual{r+S ,&q {d Es 11:I
sedns Eirrdw{drg|:gqrFqTt(tI qR||
Thecasewhereinthepatientpantsfor breathandhastympanites
and a burningsensationin the bladder,andwhereinthe breathsare
painful,detachedand intermittent,is known as Chinna-Svasa.

casewherein the patientbreathesheavily lying unconsciousand with

a loud rattling soundin his throatand with crampsat his sides,the lips
and the throat being parchedand the eyesriveted in a fixed gazeor
stare,is known as Maha-Svdsa.Thecasewherein a patient breathes
hurriedly, lies unconsiouswith choked voice and upturnedeyes and
with his Marmans stretchingout fully with each stroke of breath is
called tJrddhva-Svasa.ll-13.

{q: HlE{f,qTtqi ifEr66:F.q Eqil |

T€r: gR{TqfrsErF{ ilffiiEd-i{€qqil ly tl
Prognosis- Of these(five) types the one known as Ksudra-
Svasais easily curable,while the one known as Tamc*a-Svdsnis hard
to cure.and the well as Tamaka,ocurringin
a weak or enfeebledpatient areregardedas incurable.14.

W€i ffir *fqs+srq*r vfrerrqr

T€ tnurrdi gtg ffi fdtt qqtt
srfr q,,10q F*rqi A*t qfr qfqilqt
Td 5tl"i {Fsff{qrks{rqt: ll lQ ll
Rt{ddnffridd' riryt arsti grqr
ftcqeqrffiqr,{'fui er q9I+ rrdrr q\err
€trgtrqqi Tfit: ?ilFd.l-dffiil tz, rl
General Treatment- Severalauthoritiesprefer that mild
emetics and purgatives (lit, upward and downward cleansing-
Sodhana-of the system)with theexceptionof theapplicationofSneha-
llasti would be the chief remediesin casesof asthma,if the patient
possessessufficient vitality. Old and matured clarified butter duly
cooked with Abhaya, Vit-salt and Hihgu or with Sauvarcala,Abhaya
andBilva would be beneficialin casesof cough,asthma,hiccoughand
heart-disease.Similarly old and maturedclarified butter duly cooked
with the pulverised drugs of the Pippalyadi group as Kalka and with
(the decoctionof) the drugs of the first i.e. the Vidarigandhadi group
and with the five officinal kinds of salt addedto it by way of an after-
throw, relievesboth cough and asthma.15-18.

fdqfrr qTRrdffisE$r*enqqu qqtl
qtnrTr*.frdEafd {erg.d,,rct
qffi r
eryrftsnqfi t$di prsq*i qrq nen11qo tl
Hirhsradi Ghyta- Clarified butter shouldbe duly cookedwith
a Kola (D.R. Karsn) weight each oft Hirhsra, Vidanga, pitika, Tri_
phala, vyoqa andcitrako and with milk twice asmuch and water four
times as much as clarified butter.A draughtof this medicatedGhrta
relievesboth cough and asthmaand provescurativein casesof piles,
aversionto food, Gulma, diarhoea and consumption(Ksaya). 19-20.

5'd*qr*,.qr+ r
il{s,T5gqr*Fiyfti Siurffi(rr qt tr
A quantity of clarified butter, dury cooked with four times as
much of the decoctionof all the parts (viz.-leaves, branches,barks,
flowers and roots) of vdsakaand with its roots and flowers as Kalka.
shouldbe usedwith honeywhen cold (in caseof asthama).21.

wtfit, vqEure: {qTrqrq zilqa:n ?Rtl
Tdr*i tridqq vffi+ vq{frr
,dri qr{ nen k*t qtrffill ?t tl
SyftgyAdi-Ghyta- A prasthameasureof clarified butter duly
cooked with S'zgi, Madhulika, Bhargl, Sur.tyht,Rasafijiana, sugar,
Ambuda, Haridrd and Yasti-madhu all taken in equal parts as Kalka
and with four times of water, would cure casesof cough, asthmaand

{{6r q.rPirfrrqmTqtfr,,|-qr\et rrmrlt

iSTd'r{Tt ,lFAi qqftf{Efrgqqu tv lr
q-^clqt ffiA urqrmq|*trvrrtqu
l. Some prescribe the Kalkas to be taken in the ordinary way and say that
the dose
woufd be one Kolu weight.

Suvahadi Ghyta- A Prastha measureof clarified butter should

be duly cookedwith twice asmuch of waterandwith a Kola (one Tola
D,R.-Karqa) weight eachof Suvaha,KalikA,Bharyi, Sukanasa,fruits
of Nicula, KakadanT,S*gaunra, Varsdbhuandthe two kinds of Brhati.
Taken hot after being madepungent(by the additionof somepungent
drug e.g.,Pippati) it would cure all forms of asthma.24'25.

Tffq{?nt{s$s qrfui {rq{rmt ll Rqll

rilqEq-{* fui Tq|qq{frgfrgcq tt
rffi Eru+{q: ?IRr.5r{rd:ll Rell
Calrified butter duly cooked with the admixture of Souvarcala,
Yava-ksdra, Katuka, Vyoqa, Citraka, Vaca, Abhaya and Vidanga,
proves curative in a case of asthma.Similarly clarified butter duly
cookedwith the decoctionof Gopa-valIi (Sariva) weighing twice as
much as the clarified butter is also prescribed.Physiciansprescribe
thesefive medicatedGhrtas in casesof asthmaand coughl. 26'27.

HT6frSrdpr6quT-*{*g6lt*r*: I
qwrfrffig*' qfirde*{turqr
frEqr.Eg-- Fdsrcrdtq{qrrRqrl
qffisr$i t* qT rftqtt tt
Tirsmf6i 1o
Tdhsddi-Ghyta- Cluifred butter mixed with Hingu weighing
a quafterpart of its own weight and duly cookedin combinationwith
four times as much of water and with TaIISa, Tamalakl and Ugra,
f:antl, Kuqyha,Saindhava,Bilva, Puskara,Putika, Souvarcala,Kand
(Pippai), Agni (Citraka), Pat@a, (Harltala) and TejovatTas Kalka
proves curative in all forms of asthma.The medicated Ghrta known
as Vasa-Ghyta2 and Salpala-Ghyta3 would likewise prove
beneficial. 28-30.

l. Someeditorsadd this sentence afterthe next (TdEsadi)Ghrta.

2. Vitsda-Ghyttt
is mentioned in the treatmentof Raktu-pitta(ch. XLV, 20, Uttara'
Tantra).It shouldbe prescribed in casesof asthmawhenPitta predominates.
3. Satpata-Ghyra is mentionedin thetreatmentofVdta-Vyddhl. It shouldbeprescribed
in Vityuprevail.

kiqtmfui sI$.trqr*vjtr
tqqFi?TPrrq?igrrfrr$ffi u ?l ll
The proper use of oil duly cooked in combination with the
expressedjuice of Bhrnga-raja weighing ten times as much of oil,
would relieve cough and asthma.31.

rnqrq1frfurngr. furen:yalim.t*rqr:I
qlrrfr{ifr'r*fr{qf qtffi?n ar g{iTgrr: I
E{: {r€il iFREr TtEn-dTh rTqifu qil ?Rtl
Meat as Diet- Essenceof any bird of the Viskira species(e.g.
chicken, ldva etc.) charged with the juice of any acid fruit (e.g.
pomegranate,Bljapftra, etc.) and with clarified butter and saltedwith
a profuse quantity of Saindhava, or the soup of Kulattha cereals,
properly cookedwith the headsof Ela deer,etc., as well as milk duly
cooked with (Anti-asthmaticandVayu subduing)drugs (e.g. pafica-
mula) would destroycough and asthma.32.

frFnsq ffiq,*arqraqfttcn
gilFn|TsEftrqe: ErS*'rqr Effiu ll tl
,{rk+qstffFr EhiarrTrrrftFnt?nvn: I
|{r|fldqrlF.fus vr4Tr vrFd5rff.q{l
Tf,ahtus{-ffi qfrtilrfr g iitr€rql I 1.611
qs {rtflftf{rdt fr61{ scrrfrftn:r
sFt{trqt t *gr: 4,rqr{r€rftft+{:uR\ rr
The Five Lambatives- A lambative composedof any of the
following five groupsof drugsmentionedin eachhemistich,viz.,Tiniia-
seeds,Karkaya Srngi andSuvarcikd (latuka-creeper), or Durd-labha,
Pippali, Katuka and HaritakT; or porcupine'shair, peocock'sfeather,
Kola (Cavya) Mdgadhika and Karydt, or Bhargi, Tvak, (cinnamon),
Srngavera,Sarl<ara(sugar)andSailaka-bark,or the well-poundedseeds

l - MaghadhikirandKandaresynonymsandmeanPipptti. Some,therefore,prescribe
two partsof Pippuliin thecompound.othersprescribedonepau.tofpippa7 andone
of Gaja-pippali.

of Tri-kantaka alone,shouldbe licked with honey and clarified butter

by a patient sufferingfrom cough and asthma.33-35.

Powdersof Sapta-cchada-flowersandPippali shouldbe taken

with curd-crearn(Mastu) orpowdersof fried barleygrains(?)previously
soakedfor severaltimes in the expressedjuice of tender Arka-twigs
together with honey should be taken. As an alternative, a patient
suffering from asthmawould drink the Tarpana (cordial) prepared
with the above-mentioned barley-powder(by mixing it with a copious
quantity of water and) with honey.36-37.

Rrtq-fiffiSq-5ui qrrftrfrrgd(l tarv@va:ni4rl
fugr(qftfor rnrfferrrfii{{sqrgdi1uQqrl
ffi: q-qrerfti qlq$t iTugmrq{ru yo tl
A potion preparedwith the flowers of SirTsa.KadalT,Kunda
andviith Magadhika dissolvedin the washingsof rice would completely
cure all forms of asthma.The pith or inner pulp of Kola-stone,roots of
Tala (palm) tree(D.R.-Tala-mutt) andthe burnt skint of a deerof the
Rsya species,shouldbe takenwith honey;or Bhargi with honey and
clarified butter, or Kadamba- seedsand Nimba in combination with
honey and the washingsof rice. 38-40.
qrq{i6Hf F^sriEreer@i €{r€s{ql
qFtdgsqtftfirflEfd srgR{Eruurrtn xq rl
$stqtuinwt Te rr€i i5un vrer{l
firgr(+Ar Eerh qr€rdTtrdrfrff. uyRn
l. The skin of the deer should be burnt in a coveredearthenpitcher and the black
contentsshould be used.

Draksa, Harltakl, Ky;4a, Karkata-3rng7and andDuralabha rn

combination with honey and clarified butter, should be licked by a
patientwherebyhe would get rid evenof a violent attackof asthma.A
lambative composedof the equal parts of Haridra Marica, Draksa,
treacle,Rasnfr,Kand andSatft7shouldbe given to be licked with oil
by an asthma-patient, conforming to the regimen of wholesome
Trqt gfrqF{ti ue$ftf:eun{r{t
fr'€r-(srfrga'rfrSqrffit qrvr5-dTrql
I xl tl
qrrgfrig afr*g t thn, rrqrqlftim:I
{rsfirqrrdrRsfuqrcrgrt q ih1frtfir:
|| YYll
clrrfiffdwqui fui €Rqi q'EtFufr{t
Mi qfri qrsi qn y\ tl
iffi*tars ftqg qigq*'rR*.i YJs{r{l
tqqnT fird;dqr qr€HrgJ ggwtrtllyq ll
The expressedliquid of cow-dung and horse-dungshould be
iicked by the patient with honey and powderedPippali in casesof
cough and asthma.The medicinalremediesor compoundsmentioned
in connectionwith Pandu-rogaand edema(Sotha)or cough,may be
employedwith efficacy both in coughand asthma.A compoundmade
of Bhargi, Tvak, TrS,usana,oil, Haridrd, Katurohini, Pippati, Marica,
CaryQaand the expressedliquid of cow-dung should be given (to be
licked). Utkarika should be prepared with Tala-keeta-bija1.Taken
internally, it instantaneouslysubdueseven a violent attack of

gn *frrti; f6tr qlgq-g{ril qgl

Hrqrrffimfu€rh\nmfr srroRkqr{tIYs||
Articles recommended- Matured clarified, butter, Pippali,
soupsof Kalatthaor of theflesh of any Jangala animal,Sura,Souviraka
l. We do not know what is Some printed editions read "Talpa-keeta"
which would evidently mean a "bug". Dulhu4tais silent on the point.

(fermentedrice boilings), Hingu the expressedjuice of Mdtulunga,

honey,Draksa,Amalaki andBilvaare recommended(asdiet) in cases
of asthmaand hiccough.47.

sr€fcsrqRqiifun): €M(l
emii ffqurtarsqi *rtq qftrd: tn'rf,'3
T{t!fr f*rcrtqft qrcilsqynqfr llxe tl
ird*q ftrFrdrr*fi{l
fui rrmEr
qrdsM{sri erfrwt W qdsr+(trYq||
Application of Sveda- Oily fomentation(Snigdha-Sveda)with
the help of oil and salt shouldbe appliedto the patientsufferingfrom
asthmaand hiccough,whereby the hardenedKapha (accumulatedin
the channels)would be liquefied andthe derangedbodily Vayupacified.
If the Vayu andKapha be not therebypacified,the patientshouldbe
first treated with Snehaand then with a diet consistingof boiled rice
cooked with meat-soup.Applicationof Dhuma-inhalationshould then
be resortedto.48-49.

rFt:ffi+Em^-$qr.rtflrfut: I
dr$t,'{dnq*g F?Er qiffitqr+c: u \o tl
Itffid-*qef€ug-Vn6rFqt6i iT9ITI
Tgqrirqr€rgi{q TrrrFTrrcrqfru\q tl
wqTlFlfrt{r-5 gqSd: qff5Fr ql
q* TrSqsfrtuffire[rr: er+t fuqFrdrn\-Rtl
Application of Dhuma- The stick (Varti) to be used in the
processshouldbe duly madeof ManahSila,Deva-ddru,Haridra, Patra,
Guggulu,Iikqa andEranda-rootsmadeinto a paste.Compoundsmade
of clarified butter, fresh wax and resin; or of cow's horn, hairs, hoof,
tendon and skin; or of Turuska (Sila-rasd, Sallala (Moca-rasa),
Guggulu and Padmaka should be poundedtogether(and made into
sticks) with the addition of clarified burrer.An intelligenr physician
should use these(sticks) for the purposeof smoke-inhalationin the

qdd+{n$q nfut Fcgartr
W g{rgt, 1\irl
Purging and vomiting should be induced in a patient
overwhelmed with the action of the derangedKapha, while Tarpana
measureswith the administrationof a potion of the well-cookedsoup
of mutton or the flesh of any Jangala or Anupa animal, should be
prescribedin the caseof a weak or enfeebledpatient,or in respectof
one suffering from an internalparchedcondition of the body. 53.

ffit fr-qqel5i qgrr Egffi"rql

futl=n: flrrFTfiHfr gRt\ilT+d Fdr(Etunrqy rl
A lambative should be prepared with Nidigdhika pasteof the
weight of an Amalafta,mixed with half as much of powderedHingu
and with a copiousquantity of honey.Duly taken,it would per force
conquera paroxysmof asthamwithin threedays.54.
rrr{T-{fud wi qqr qTE{{l-qgmql
itnmettq{Ef+dnr: grut:Itnrfigffiq, qn \\ rl
Irresistible is an attack of asthma, caugh and Vilambika like
that of a fire fed with heapsof fuel (D.R. fannedby the wind) or like
that of the thunderbolt hurled by the wrathful Indra, the king of the

ETgTvrnrilsrEffi; il \i ll
Thus ends the fifty'first chapter in the Uttara-Tantru of fie SuSrutaSafihita
which deals with the (symptoms and) treatment of asthma.

sTelkt:qreqftT+slqun"i ttt@tt{zffi ; .
qercnEl cl{rqrt elEIitR: ll q ll
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
(symptomsand) medical treatmentof cough.(Kasa-Pratisedha).t.

sifiT + Fa-d ffi: I

Er{rsrfu q r{furw q-+wFnhilc:u?rl
qrqrft'eil'*FrtquTra r
ffi *s{s ffierq q{Ee}R*Eu ? tl
qru|rqqT{q[{rfr: T{9:
qf{dGH$qr6il<rrx rr
Causesand Etilogy- Cough hasits origin in the samesetsof
causes,which exciteor usherin an attackof hiccoughand asthma.The
vital Vayu of the body known as the Prana-Vdyu combinedwith other
Do;as (Pitta andKapha) is derangedby suchcausesas the entrance
of smoke or the particlesof dust (into the larynx and nostrils), over-
fatiguing physical exercise,inordinateuseof any dry or parched (Rukqa)
food, any food going wrong way, voluntaryrepressionof sneezingor
of any natural propulsion of the body. Thus deranged,it is suddenly
pressedupward and emitted through the mouth in unison with the
derangedUdana-Vayu(situatedin the trachea)producing a peculiar
soundresemblingthat of brokenIndian bell-metal.This is calledKasa
(cough)by the learned.2-4.

{ qrdfqfrqs{E:rrqliar qrdr( iTetTsrt:qr+cil.swsr

wllFfi'rt: t5.fird)fuqfierftffife uqqfu*,r$d Rr(ll \ ||
Classification- This diseaseis divided into five types
according to it's origin through the action of the derangedVdyu, or
Pitta or Kaphct of the body, or is due to the presenceof any ulcer
(Kqata) or to any wasting process(Ksayaja) in the organism.These
five typesofcough arerecognisedby thephysicians(in practice),which,
whenfully developed,(i.e.,if neglected)would tendto producephthisis
qfuq6ws E 6rrd6r{s$dERifi q66qfrq; I
esrffisfirurEs fug:1frqErfrqhII q ||
Premonitory Symptoms- Itching in the throat, a senseof
obstructionin eating (difficulty of deglution),a sticky feeling in the
throat and in the palate,changedvoice, aversionto food, and dulness
of the digestive fire are the symptoms which r:sherin an attack of

Eaigq?frErqrffi ffiFFT: qffidr

y+F6,q':a:qqdrtq nhTiE g vJtrn'Hr+Egifi: il e tl

fir+{frflfretEfr-{f{qrfrqquTug:qfrEuqm: rre u
ufta'wrtq gd{ mq1 ffi: qqqoit6: r
: arrtaqr €rT*.4r q'Qnrrq rr
Specific Symptoms- A personaffectedwith a cough of the
Vataja type, complainsof an achingpain in the region of his heart,in
his temples, head, stomach and the sides and has dry and frequent
coughs (unattendedwith mucous expectorations),with a pale face,a
weak and hoarsevoice and diminishedstrengthand vigour (Ojas). A
burning feeling in the region ofthe heart,fever, senseofdryness, and
a bitter tastein the mouth, thirst, yellow and pungentexpectoration,
palenessof complexion and burning sensationin the body, are the
indicationsof the Pittaja type of Kasa. A sticky sensein the mouth, a
senseof physical lassitude,headache,aversion to food, a senseof
heavinessin the body, itching,frequentfits of coughand thick mucous

expectorationsare the featureswhich distinguish the Kaphaja


€T{: vtrh$qeq$qtrqrNi?rrng:
fqtrCIwen: lt lo rl
Symptoms of KEataja Kasa- Ulceration in the Val<sas (chest?)
causedby loud reading,over-fatiguingphysical exceriseor carrying
loads of excessiveweight, or incidental to any blow or hurt dealt
thereon, affects the locality and gives rise constant fits of cough
accompainedby blood-spitting.The diseaseis called kqaaja Kdsa or

uq+dr:qrd q.rtmrqt(utt rr
q Td6rtTevJw.ra: $*(qviftrra{r
q,.utr''r Frilrs@eI fqFr*iq *wnt tR tl
q*F{ftq ftqunfr{qaqT+{vlkm r
S:Er€pln yf&l +{frsrFrdrftHrll qQll

qRr{il F4r5-w{ iF.Rrfun( qtaqqRil qYtl

Sexualexcess,carryingheavyloads,excessivetoils ofjourney,
over-exertionin battle, forcible controlling of horsesand elephants
and suchother fatiguing featstendto produceparchednessofthe system
and ulcers in the Urcs (chest)whereby the bodily Vayu is deranged
and cough is produced.The patientis afflicted only with a sort of dry
cough at the outsetbut begins to spit blood with the progressof the
disease.The patientfeels an excessivepain in the throat and his Urcs
(chest)seemsto be broken and pricked into with sharpneedles,and
cannotbearthe leasttouch on accountof the pressureof an intolerable
aching pain $nh) in the locality. Breaking pain in rhe joints, fever,
asthma,thirst and loss of voice are the symptoms which mark the
Kqataja type of the disease and the patient lies moaning like a
pigeon. ll-14.

frqflqriFqsffi-ffirqr{ fuhrartr
vil-"rdt 1un qrqisfi xfr rTFTr.
8F|!T tFRT g{kqur<qu t\ u)
q mxq-crrc*Eftr1 qrurqrqmr
qlcqfqf{ffi €d-cq q$rrqi$ vftli qq{qr I
rr€*ftaTiclvrgfilh.Ft fqt*fsc*r: qrerctqf;ilutq rr
Tq?qErRTrsr{}q*+ qrd' aqlgftirqq HrFqu q}etl
Kqapja-Kasa- The fire digestionin a personwho is addicted
to the habit of taking unwholesomeand incongenialfood or of taking
it at impropertime andquantityor who is habituatedto sexualexcesses
or who indulgesin grief or disgustor abhorrence(of food) in his mind,
or who voluntarily repressesany naturalurging of his body, becomes
affectedand diminished.It (thereby)aggravatesall the threeDosasof
the body, which in their turn, give rise to a type of coughattendedwith
a gradualemaciatonof the body. The diseaseis called KqayajaKasa.
Crampsin the limbs, fever,burning sensationin the body, fainting fits
(Moha),loss of strengthblood streakedwith pus, and weaknessare
the symptomsof this type of Kisa known as KsayajctKasa.It is said
by medical expertsto be due to the concertedaction of all the three
Dogas and to be included within the categoryof diseaseswhich are
very hard to be cured. A caseof cough (in an old man) due to his
decliningyearsis only susceptible of palliation.15-17.

s'snq-{r f6r.g-f{ m€r qqr€qrqE{r{J

q6rfr E',RTtilt e tl
qeffiq€Hgfr-@: I
qni @otqnqqtl
da'qt: sqfu-d'tTd'rfi:
General Treatment-A compoundconsistingof Srngl, Vacd,
Kat-phala, ka-tyrya,Musta, Dhanydka, Abhaya, Bhargi, Deva-ddru,
Vifva andHingu takenin hot waterwould rapidly cure a caseof long-
standingcough. A lambative composedof the equal quantity of Tri-
phala, Vyoqa,Vidanga, Syngi, Rasna,Vacd, Padmaka andDevd-ddru
pounded togetherand mixed with copious quantity of honey, sugar
and clarified butter would speedily conquer a serious attack of
cough. 18-19.

qpatffi nrqt qqFrffifuqdv$dRr

Trffidgqqifcffid q.FS Trfrqqt ffiq FEn{n Rotl
qrQ rgs wnffiwt xrq{rerrfii4eyr.rafuerqr
qrsr ffi qFrfbe,rsE€i €cIflAr .{*5-{$nsnRttl
fdur{ Tdqiryi qqivrt ffiRTi er rrRqi{rgffi"rqr
erffisfuftrar:l vqud qugT firiq ({: u
diuJ-*,tqFfilq,t:a Eiqi Efi ftr&( trr*Fr<rfr{Tn:
Bq Eiii grqr€ vJ"& qrqksma fr*( vqiTr{r
qws qlur gqrq.{r qT EfrT{f,tra qfutrmrqir
qETh €fisqrr trqtTfor €TeE qcnvnh wt+mrhr
eterrnui qfudf€ ft'tr q\ffi'T
Siur 1tr6rr<RarFq ltqqu
A patientafflicted with coughshouldusea lambativecomposed
of Pathya, sugar,Antalaka, fried paddy, Magadhi, and,Sunthi pounded
togetherand mixed with honey and clarified butter,or takeKrsnd and
Saindhavasalt with warm \r!'ater. he shoulduseNagara andpippalt in
combinationwith treacle,or use a lambativeof the pasteof Draksa
mixed with honeyand clarifiedbutter.A compoundcomposedof the
equal parts of Draksa, sugarandMagadhika, or of Srngavera,Yasti-
madhu, and Tuga (Vaftsct-locarra)should be licked with honey and
clarified butter; or a compoundconsisting of Sitopala (Sugar)and an
equal quantity of Marica should be licked with honey and clarified
butter. A compound consistingof Dhqtfi, Kana, Vi|va and Sircpala
(sugar) should be taken with curd-cream(Dadhi-manda).A person
suffering from an attackof cough should useHarerutka andMagadhika
takenin equalpartsandpoundedtogetherthroughthemediurnof curd.
The two kinds of l/cridra, Deva-daru,Sunthiandthe pith of a Gayatri-
tree poundedand mixed in equalparts,shouldbe takenwith the urine
of a goat,or a pulverisedcompoundconsistingof Danti, Dravantl and
Tilvaka should be taken. Leaves of Badara pasted with Saindhava
salt and fried in clarified butter shouldbe taken:or a Kola (two tolas)
weight of Hingu should be taken with fermented rice-boilings
(Sauviraka)or with the juice of acid fruit. PowderedMarica should
be likewise licked with honey. 20-23.

q tl
qaltqEffir*ogfu: "ftf:
giTr ?11
@qr'Frcn*ro*anqfrt, r
TdsgqFi,trfrAE erccerro.r*fril
Inhafation of Dhuma_The patient
shouldbe madeto inhale
the smoke of a burning varti (mediiinar
srick) composedof Bhargt,
vaca andHingu, poundedtogetherand
mixed with crarified buter,or
of the-scrapings of (green)bamboor,Twaca,Ela andLrvanamixed
with clarified butter. Similarly, a patient iro*-""'*r"ru
cough due to vata and Kapha should "r
inhale the smoke of a varti
gl:!*"9 with Musta, bark of Ingucti, yasti_macthu,
Mansl, Manat:-
'li/a and Haritdra pastedtogethei with goat's
urine and then take a
draughtof milk. 24-26.

fu+q Ri{ qMqf qr ttrvJ q.r{i qqfrTffal

11rynsgSrdznFl: Si Td ?etl
@,rxQqtffi"g.rgfu1 "r'R"fr.g"{u
sqrRq,infth qrrnrai rrmrvt*rh#o#: Qerl
\Ff+++d5'-q t{ri irdigffi *Jr, frfrarqs1 qq11
In the alternative' sicthu (a kind of wine) should be taken
combination with in
(ar.ic1, whereby a fit of cough ,"ouiO U.
instantaneouslysubdued.Milk cluly
toiled and cooked with the
admixture of Draksa, Anbu (Bcllaka)',
Manjiqtha and pura2shouldbe
taken with honey' we'-boired Muiga
pulse should be taken with
powdered Kanta_Kdrik!,
aia ptppon mixed with honey3
Urkarika (a kind of confectionj pr"por.iwith crarifiedbutter,Muraa,
Truti (Ela),leaves of
copiousquantiryof powdered
Ndgara shouldbe used. ,B:d:.*:nd^a
Athin peyaprepared with theprecedingdrugs
may be takencold in combinationwith
hon ev.27-29.
l. D.alhanaexplains
agq as ;i{fqd (leaves of bamboo).
2. Purameans Sullaki(gunr)or Guggulu-Dalhuna.
3' Dullwrya
196655-gfro'r'6qasa variantandexprains
of rri_katu
shouldbe addedin a largequantityin placeof honey.
4' By the "qf," somemean (raddish),
"'' paiica-mnla-group.{fr-s' whireotherstakeit to meanthe
drugsof the

T(dfr qffifdki vq1 il(qrdCI,nirrqfr nsa t

ffirr*nedEiar rtr et qRr6.+{IrGFqll Qoll
ffrtri dtr*,m @t
.tqfiril( *F*,,qsqr: fir&qgdutgfr+qqrll ?q ll
rfrgfirar:qqifut6r: qcrm*a ll ?Rll
(enlargementof spleen)andknown asSalanga'Ghytar ptoves
butter duly cooked with
in cases-of Vataia-Kasa. Clarified.
of purgatives
of vasika, would also prove beneficial. Applications
with any Sneha,as well is thoseof Asthapana or Anuvdsana-basil
with meat-
potions of lukewarm clarified butter, gruels duly cooked
may be
frrrn.", milk and lambatives saturatedwith clarified butter,
taken with advantagein such a case' 30-32'
ra-*i ffi {ttt: qiqdr€Tsl
sEnEI*6r:q€erTfirfr{:q,fiffiturffiqurs ll ?? ll
qgffiTqfn qed Ti ffiteqs{t
ftftner*wtt q qEitqfit: 6qtdi frfuFa u,rqll lY rl
yield to the use of emetics,purgatives,medicinalhead-purgatives'
medicinalgargles,hot andpungentlambativesaswell astheinhalation
of smoke(OnA^4. Any articlesof food which areemaciating
light, pacifyingand small in quantityandevenfasting) should more
pirti"ofu,f' be beneficial.A caseof coughdue to the-action-of the
deranged bodily tuphais relievedby theuseof Tri-l<a1u,2or of clarified
butter-dulycookedwith the expressediuice of Krmighnat (vidanga)
or with the expressed juice of the leaves of Nirgw.tdi'33'34'

@ter XIV, paru lg.It is betterknown as gatpalalut-

i.'A""orAing 6yagbhulathe clarifiedbuttershouldbe duly cookedwiththe
and with
of Tri-lalu'take the decocton (Rasa)of Vi(ahga'
'Krmighna' to mean vr*ahgq otherstake it to meanany antiparasitic
t. some
Au!, ,re, the drugsof the Surasddi-gip-D.alhoaa.The infusion-or-decoction
Vi{atitga should bJused if its juice
expressed be not available.- lbid

ffi-grrar{rqTtdrrqn'rafr{: ul\ rr
rqrt{ tqr
A clarifiedbutterduly cookedin combination
with twice as
muchjuiceof Nidigdhika(Kaaqkarflandwith the
Katkaof p atha,v it _
salt, Vyosa,ViQahga, Saindhava,Tri_kanlaka(Goksura),
Bata, Syfigi,Vacd,Mustd,Deva_ddru,Duralabha,
9t:i"fu, Bhdrgi,
Abhaya andsayhi,provescurativein asthma,
dulnessof digestion,
hoarseness,aswelr astheviorentattacksof thefive differeni
cough.35-36. "r

@fr,a;rsa qrfrTgrs5.-€{ || ls II
Wdf<$urg{'*: ffiqig16i oi,
qrd:fltrdE@ q qrt rfdqr$
mr$ qqnin ?e tl
: TI{t*: rI
qf nffirqil-ryffirn-dft EFdi5,rsrgqgFqFr{il rr
Pittaja and,I$ayaja Kdsa_ A caseof cough
of the pittaja_
type'aswell as the onedue to the wasting(K;aya)brought
sexualexcess'yierdsto theuse .oling of the
duly cookedwith the "u.ry "tuiiR"aiuu"r,
of the drugsot tn" Viaari_go,odhaai,
utpaladi,sarivadi andtheMadhura
1r.e.tia*oryaaf groupiandwith
theexpressed juice of sugar_cane, water,milk and*irn t[" Orug,of
the Kakolyadigroup as Kalka and with
the additionof rug* i, uo
Kqataja(ulcer_orignied) and
!<+ayaia to anywastingprocessin thesystem ) of Kdsaarererieved
of thecompoundpreparedwith kharjura,
frlh_e.usg nnorgi, iAi"n,
Priydla, Madhurika,EIa andAmarakamixedinlqual
purtr] unairr.*
with a copiousquantityof clarifiedbutrer,
@T.dq$FqrFqfrtnvql*. 1
eArlre,d qmQqt+€ifr+( Td*qlfr fetrsRrrxorr
Wf fr+qrrcr*lsqrsfrqfft* qt t-*rn i
quff{rfuffi{qr*iMs5n: "cb

qrfrgffig q'Rrqk: qfi{"rqqir*getersfrttxqtt

'1-d=6er afefti firefia q*iq vftt qHwivr{ll YRll
Caseof the Ksataia(ulcerated) or Ksayujrt(consumptive)Kasa'
would become amenableto the use of a compoundconsistingof
equalpartsof Rakta(Mafijistlru),HariclraAftjana(antimony)'Citraka'
PAfu;, Munta andPipprtti poundedtogetherand takenwith honey'
juice of sugar-cane'
of clarified butter duly cookedwith the expressed
Arncrlcrku powder duly cooked with milk and taken in combination
with clarifiedbutter woulclprove efficacious.Personsafflicted
the fine powders of
the three types of cough may take with benefit
wlreat, Uoti"y as well as of the drugs of the Kakoll'adi group' with
milk and clarifiedbutter.Treacleboiled with water shouldbe taken,
when cold, with honey and with Marica takenat intervalsby biting it.

ffi YSms E€rdswi rJsF{Tl

: llY?ll
M-qrffiqr*s fqgrqrft:r
fx{qltreirFt qrgrd$ q *ets qtqqqw(llYYll
a e{qrtqqrqfrrqrui @l
3riT {s raqffi"ffir{r: rsgr$firsgtlteivil ( er) qr: ll Y\ ll
flrqk qr?i ffi8ilq twg q @lE:t
+fiung*eqrrrqrvn: RF( q,Fqtqrfi};Trq r{€: Tfrtr:llYq ll
Kalayarya'Gu(a- Three Prastlra measuresof the expressed
juice of Amalaka and half a r,/A measure(six seersand a halq of
treacleshouldbe duly cookedwith eighrpala-weightof powderedlrivrt
(lightly fried) with eight-palameasuresof oil. PowderedGranthika
(P ippa?-roots),Cavya, Jiraka, Vyo; a, Gaj a-pippa1,Hapusd,Aj amoda'
Viclanga,Saindhata, Triphala, Yavani,Patha,Citraka andDhdnya each
weighing a Picu weight (two Tolas) should then be addedto it as an
after-throwand the whole compoundshouldbe scentedwith the three
scenteddrugs (Zvak, Elit andPatra). The patientshould take an Aksa
(two ToIa) weight of this preparation.The medicine thus preparedis
called Kalyanaka Guda and it proves curative in casesof Grahani,

cough,asthmft,hoarseness of voice and plrthisis.It sen,esto imrpove

appetite,increasethe semenof malesanclremovesterilityin l'emales.
Thereis no specialrestrictionaboutthe regimeno{'diet and concluct
when it is used.43-46.

@s{q,unrrgsr- wfigfi *g6fi {TFThsT-t

ffic*',rt ERq qendffir Efrdqt{Tgviri gswr11
ffi wi{Fqrafr{igfr q €r* 9.t gdq-{eiqrir
q+(gmTv3-agssqwr yerq q +iTr(gisi
Wfg nrq:rrrefr'eqrqr<va aleq ng Mi u yz,rl
wFrtr( w.,'ffi fdfrTdr{} qrr{t frscerr{ Eqqr
T{ffiqq{rE!flIrdq-@ ilYqtl
qFrq{rrl{IsrsFrftr{fiRr1 E{rrri6*Tfq6rf,q{isI
imdcil{€ne+tnrcs wn'R +cE srrrErFrrrw[: u \o rl
Agastya-Leha- Two palas eachof the clrugsknown a,sDuilt_
mula, Gaja-pi ppati, At nrct-gupto. Bhar gt, Safit, p uskttL?-roots, hi,
Patha, Gulafica, Granthika (pippali-roots), Scrmkhu-pn,sp i, Rasnti,
citraku, Apdmclrga,Bald andDuralabhaancroneAtlhctkrt(hulf'asecr)
of Yavatogetherwith onehundrecllarge-sizedHarrtct0ishoulclbe boilcrl
with one Drona measureol'waterandtakendown from the ovenwith
its threequarterpalt evaporated in theprocess. It shouldthenbe filterecl
througha pieceof linen.ATula weightoI treacleshoulclbe clissolvecl
in the abovedecoctionandduly cookecrwith the aclclitionol'a Kuclava
measureeachof oil andclarifiedbutter.when thecookingis l-inished,
powderedpippati shouldbe addedas an afterthrowandhoneyshould
be mixed with it, when Karsctweight of this elixir Lelttt
shouldbe licked every day in combinationwith two
conquerscasesof phthisis,GrahanTedema,clulnessof appetite,
hoarseness of voice,cough,par.tQu, asthma,head-ache (Sirorogctj,Hrd-
'ogc (diseases of the heart),hiccoughandvisamu Jware. A regular
use of this elixir improvesstrengthand memory,impartsvigour of
mind andenergyof actionandremovesdisinclinationto work. It was
first concoctedby the holy sage,Agaslr,a.47-50.

T+qTd rqg firtamroi6qr( q{frei qr{rss6r{ql | \ q ||
Td tdt}{g fdrq qrlsqrqltqq tt
clarified butterduly cookedwith thedecoctionmadeby boiling
the drugs of theMadhura or any other suitable group with the essence
of Kuti-ra(crab), Sukti, Cataka, Er.ta-deerandliva proves curative in
the caseof cough due to the presenceof any ulcer (in the lungs) or to
any wasting processin the system.The use of clarified butter duly
cooked with Samvari, Naga-bala andBala prove beneficial to a person
afflicted with cough. 5l-52.

Efcg4a-rif5arargirrriurqqfr iEran-qmrq
Thus ends of the fifty-second chapter of the I|ttara Tantra inthe Suiruta Safthifi
which deals with the (symptoms and) treatement of cough'

qe*Erq s{qqrt er*rR: tt q rt
Now we shalldiscourseon the chapterwhich dealswith the
(symptomsand)medicaltreatment of voice(Svara-bheda-
of hoarseness

@ rgfrcr: qfir{qq I
utc:gtwtqtsrrm: qRgiq: E|r1-dfrqrfqfrqReq:H: uRtl
Etiology- The Vayu and the other Dosas are derangedand
aggravated by suchcausesasextremelyloud speaking,takingpoison,
readingat thetop ofthe voice,externalhurt or injury andexposureto
cold, etc.randfinding lodgmentin the soundcarryingchannels,they
affectthevoice.Thedisease is called.sva
andis classifiedinto six differenttypes.2.
artt FvrrsilT{qFTqt fir*vr+dEFdqqE{q rirsu ? tl
fir+{ fr'rdffrfusfrqTfr
s[{r( rr*rfuq+{rrvrr
FEr(q,h{ md q,wT oud Fi vrid?frqrfrftFrfrtq: r
geffi q-efrfu qFRrKrrsreqqrg: n\ rl
Specilic symptoms- The vataja typeimpartsa blackcolour
to the face,eyes,urineand stoolandthe voiceacquiresthe soundof

l. Hery Piua-aggravating.and,-vayu-aggravating
causesarsoare intendedby the
word'qrR' i.e.,'{ffifq;' ;

the rough and hoarsebraying of an assr.The face, eyesand the stool

and urine of the patient are tinged yellow in a caseof the Pinaia type
and the voice soundssunkenas if proceedingfrom the throat with an
internal burning sensation.lnthe Kaphajatype the patientconstantly
feelsa senseof constrictionin his throatwith mucusandis only enabled
to speakslowly and softly and that specially in the day. Symptoms
specifically belonging to the three preceding Dosa-originatedtypes.
are simultaneouslypresentin the type due to the concertedaction of
the three Dosas (Tri-Dosaja) togetherwith indistinctnessof speech
and incapability of articulation. This type should be deemed as

e{+dqrqqrr5-frqr{rtrgqraqriqqrfu Eil{rEiqne$tq: || QII

sriFid€{ErmqqqEfdtur terqe rqfd R.errrdgilE: lle ll
Symptoms of Kqayaja and Medoia types- In the Kqayaja
typethevoiceemitsvapourandbecominglower andlower,it ultimately
disappears. This stageof Svara-bherla(lossofvoice) shouldbe given
up as incurable.In an attackof theMedoiatype the patientspeaksvery
indistinctly,the voiceremaining,asit were,insidehis throat.And his
throat,lips and palatebecomesticky.6-7.

qtirqrsT6s Fqrs qrfu ffifdrfr qg Fdq'{kT:I

+qfterT:Fd'sgfre:I rqrrrd d q q firkih tt a tt
Prognosis- Svara-bhedain casesof weak, old, emaciated,or
fatty patient,as well as a long-standing,congenitalor Tri-Dosaia one
shouldbe reeardedas incurable.8.

@. Trqqtq flefu*: E qir{tg lt q tl
@i zrtar
*mk*.s tcRr{ed.rfr T{rfuii t F{r$ffii ftf€?t Frder|| I o II
General Treatment- The body of the patient shouldbe first
rubbed with a Sneha (clarified butter, lit.-treated with emulsive
measures)and the derangedbodily Dosa underlying the root of the

|. Dalhar.ta'sreadingevidently is f(f<-*q (indistinct).


attack should be curbed with the help of emetics,purgatives,Basti,

errhines,Avapida-Nasya, lambatives, smoke-inhalationsor gargles.
Measuresand remediespreviously mentionedin connectionwith the
treatmentof cough and asthmashould be as well employed in their
entirety in the presentdisease.Now hear me describingthe medicinal
remedieswhcih arespecificallybeneficialto a patientafflicted with an
attackof Svarabheda.9-10.

tFhffi'Si fr'*qr
qlsldm-crdfm-qrffi etil{il lt lr
fti Td EnFTdfuaqkfuA ltr
ffig E[nll? tl
t+ErdFirfinqter ftrqrn:t vqrftl6{|
q1 qsffi rJ*fi: n qi ll
Treatment of Vataja Type- IntheVataja type of the disease,
the patient should take, after a full meal, clarified butter mixed with
the expressedJuice of Kdsa-marda, Vartaku and Markava with
Artagala (Arjuna).In the altcrnative,Ghrtapreparedfrom goat'smilk
and duly cooked with Yava-ksdra andAjamoda or with citraka and
Amalaka or with Deva-ddru andAgni (Citraka) shouldbe taken with
honey.The diet of the patientin sucha caseshouldconsistofboiled
rice taken with treacleand clarified butrer, followed by draughtsof
tepid water.11-13.

SqqFi ffig fir+q Rfitfdkil: I

sTrsqrq ssftiuit q$qr3.*qrrrq{u lx tl
ildr{shrlrfr q Tl t q \ t l
fir+( qt{F{ €rr 6,sn rqriq1} |
ggrsrequqfrar u tq rr
Pittaja and Kaphaja Types- Clarified butter should be
constantlyused with milk in the pittaia type of the disease.Pdyasal

l. PAyusuis a specialpreparation
of rice boiledwith milk andsusar.

duly preparedwith the admixturc of Yasti-madhuandclarified butter,

should also be taken. Lambatives composedof the powdereddrugs of
the Madhura (KakobadD group saruratedwith honey and clarified
butter, or of powders of Satdvarl or of Bala shouldbe similarly t4ken.
Powdersof pungentdrugs shouldbe takenwith a copiousquantity of
cow's urine or licked with oil and honey in a caseof the Kaphaia type
of Svara-bheda. t4'16.

r{M HA qtwqfrfuRsilt
Fdq erqqvtfr r.qrqtqr*(fuq1q1t 1utt
vrdq5fre161 Tdrh n$: T{6l
firi(qqiF€ Enzn-++{trsFr6a,
FR: ll 14ll
Medoja, I$ayaia etc., Types- The medical treatment in the
case of the Medoja type of Svarabhedashould be the same as in the
Kaphaja type. The medical treatment of the Tri-Dosaia and Kqayaia
types of the diseaseshouldbe taken in hand without holding out any
hope of recovery.Milkr duly cookedwith the drugs of the Madhura
group shouldbe taken in combinationwith sugarand honey in a case
due to the effectsofloud speaking.L7'18.

Thus ends the fifty-third chapter of the llrcara'Tuntrt in the Suiruta SarhhitZt
which deals with the (symptoms and) treatment of hoarseness'

1. Milk of a cow or of a she-buffalo,etc.may be wedhere-Qalhana.


=jrg:qgr{riffi fs€zlf€[:
stelkt:ffitierrTelr{i atr@['F[Irt:,
qercilq s$rdrt erqafr: tt q lt
Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with
the (symptoms and) medical treatment of worms (Krmi-Roga-
Pratisedha). L.

srffffi: I
erqr{rqF{dr!{s-T.dfdnilqyffi: il ? rl
quftIgrdk{d-frgvrrqtffi: I
€rdril{dqr+g V*6qTfirfl"5 Stqfr ttx tt
tqi qilnFqsrqqi g{: r
qq-rqi rifirffil=a v{Ft:SI€ITI: F[iT: il \ tl
Causes- The Pitta andKaphaof thebody :ue aggravated by
suchcausesaseatingbeforethedigestionof a previousmeal,excessive
useof anyindigestible, uncongenial, incompatible or filthy articlesof
fare,sedentary habits,partakingof cold,heavyor fatty meals,sleeping
in the day-time,excessiveuseof Mdqa,cakes,Vidala (cereals),Visa
(lotusstems),Satntca (bulbousrootof thelotus),Kafleruka, pot-herbs,
Sura(wine)Sukta(akind of fermentedrice-gruel),curd,milk, treacle,
sugar-cane, Palala (driedplantsof corn),flesh of Anilpa animals,

Pinyaka (oil cakes),Prthuka (Cipitaka),andsuchother articlesof fare

as well as by the use of sweet,acid and liquid articles.They help the
germinationof parasitesof variousshapesin the different parts of the
body, Amaiaya (stomach)and Pukvaiaya (intestines)being their
principal seatsor location.2-5.

f"ivrfr:ffiqifrhtr: sgqtt:gtr: I
gffi{ arui aqqrh fuwr{rrq il
Classification- The worms or parasites(which are found to
germinateandgrow in a living humanorganism)aredividedinto twenty
differentspecies,andhavetheirorigin eitherin faeces,Kaphaor bloodt.
Now I shall enumeratetheir namesand characteristic features.6.

erqqrf{trqr: t{-qrflgr quqrErRenr

qrd fdgqr*{ far: rTH gfrqrn:lle tl
tar, qqqrq-{*t Ti qftrs{fn q I
nqftdrtr g6: yerqs rdF;il Rrre rr
fi*,,r5fd6*{r-Fr{hK gfr$S:u i tl
rffiT ruETEr tr rJqFF'qEFFnftriT:
v5{rdqvr5fr-qfffirTsqilTs frp1io u
Names and Symptoms of PrrlgaTaWorms-The sevenkinds
of worms which are known as Ajat,d, Vijava, Kip1,a,Cipya, Gandu-
pada, Cilru and Dvi-mukha, originatefrom faeces(Purisaja). They
are white and extremely attenuatedin their size. They frequent the
passageof the rectumandproducea pricking pain (therein).Severalof
them are thicker and have tails. Cramps(Sl1rrl,dulnessof appetite,
yellownessof complexion,distensionof the abdomen,lossof strength,
water-brash,aversionto food, heart-diseas e (Hrd-roga) andlooseness
of stool, are the symptomswhch mark the presenceof worms (in the
intestines),which originatein the faeces.Of theseGandu-padaworms

L. Caraka speaksof another kind yiz. Maluju (producedfiorn the external filth of
the body), over and above that kind of worms which are presentin every organism
from the very birth (Sahuja).

are red and long in their shapeproducingsuchsymptomsas cutting

pain $uta), rumbling soundin the intestines,looseness
of stool,and
indigestion and they come out of the anus with an itchine

q$gqr n6rggr: rrqFrlsfuergErl

fiTfifufrT qmTn*r aq.tq{ilf6-qT: u il tl
frqy6 €g@t; vqrqErugdt:I
q? ll
tq6ql<{16.{|chT{t: VJffirR Frcrq1ETll
rrqrEr @t
ffitreqg-qfrerqprfi-{rs trr q?rr
Names and Symptoms of Kaphaja Kfmi_ Those known as
D a rbhct-p uspt, M ahap usp cr,p rttl una, Cip i a, p ipi lika and,
Dd ru4a have
their origin in the derangedKctpha.They areeitherhairy or havehairs
only on their heads,or are marked with brown spotson their sides
areprovidedwith tails.They arewhite andsmall-sizedlike freshpaddy_
sprouts.They eat away the marrow and bore into the eye_bails,
palateand the earsand produceheacr-ache, cardiac trouble(Hrd-roga),
vomiting and catarrh.ll-13.

*-{RtffiqrErs Ei-dr{r:
fqfaynmqr r
E$aTr:€qffi iqT. piittcsc rdr; u ty tl
t rranT$F-gn$ftrrmg ycrqmenI
Ttrrftrgrrqqqr* tdfinqsTilrk t II 1q rr
Names and symptoms of Ralrtaja Kymi- The names of
worms originating from the vitiated blood are Kesdda,
Nakhada, Dantada, Kikkisa, Kusthaja andparisarpcr. They
are either
black or blood-coloured,grossy and thick and generariyproduce
diseaseswhich are peculiar to the vitiated state of the utooa,
in the
body. 14-15.

l. The namesof theseworms have beenderived from the

natureof their actionson
the different parts of the organism.
2. See Chapter XXIY-Sutra Sthdna.

qrqfiTEr"k{d-rruisn*: $tTtltTI: l
qiqqrq.sss{-qftr*&, qThtfr€il: I

ffisfvnq-rd: rrqFdfrll lq ll
Specific Causes- Worms which have their origin in the faces
(accumulatedin the bowels) are the resultsof the (excessive)use of
such articles of fare as Maqa-pulse,cakesand pot-herbs.The Kaphaia
worms germinatein the systemin consequence of eatingflesh,Masa-
pulse (D.R. fish), treacle,milk, curd and oil' Worms which originate
from the contaminated blood of the body, are intimately connected
with the useof pot-herbsandotherindigestibleand incompatiblearticles
qtffidrvlnEfit:sEt qlq:t
rffiBS.firsng FsrdFfrfir€q{ur{lI qe ||
General Symptoms- Fever, palenessof complexion, S-uIa,
cdrdiac troubles (Hrd-roga),lassitude,vertigo, aversionto food and
diarrhoea(Atisdra) are the complaints which mark the presenceof
worms of the system. I"7.

Wqr€furrarq ffiuri qft3;1ftlm:

aryn€rg{rq'd Erdrd qfisdt(rr qerr
Prognosis- Of thesethe first thirteen kinds of worms may be
seenwith the naked eyes,while thosebeginning with Keflada (viz, the
Raktaja worms) are not so visible and (of these latter) the first
two (Viz., KeSada and Romada) kinds should be given up (as
incurable). 18.

!$T{d{ {rdr firei-q: futerqrgqt

gfqrF{fdqh{ qffiqT arqqrftd; 1
ffi( freuriildfurenq+q ir{u qqrl
Tddtcg;ffinqt g{€Iariurs ql
a,re)q dd+{ q11Qotl
rflqtfrr6t g rr ent gurqrr
gqr-( ffifuffiwd: rfrdfi1upqquRt tl

€ffi*,r dn1 EMqffinr

ircT:ffir*i qtFd$ifiri(rr tq rr
T+d-(frqrnfrfi: u??tl
A physicianshouldfirst ascertainthe natureof the worms and,
with a view to destroytheir colony in the body,shouldtreatthe patient
by giving emetic with a Sneha(Clarified butter duly cookedwith the
drugs of the Surasddi group. He should then purge the patient with
any strong purgative and treat him with an Asthapana-bastiprepared
with the decoctionof Yava,Kola, Kulanlra-pulse,and the drugsof the
Surasadi group, charged with salt and with Sneha(clarified butter or
oil) duly cookedwithViQahga.Justafterthe flowing out of theinjected
solution (through his anus)the patient shouldbe bathedwith lukewarm
water_anda meal preparedwith vermifugal articles should be given to
him. Anuvdsana-bastishouldthen be applied with the precedingSneha
(preaparedwithVidaitga). He should take a potion composedof the
expressedjuice of Sirita andKinihi (Apamarga)mixed iogetherand
sweetenedwith honey.The expressed juice of Kevukamaybe similarly
(mixed with and) administeredwith a meal preparedwith the articles
of strong (Tikq,.1a)
property. 19-23
wh er ir-gFilEr{r}
qrfurrfr'r*rutiq*tur Hri fir*(rr tx rr
Tqr*{rri qrsfrfq*( qr {rflF{q{l
fudlrqsfls-quf \i arwillqrnRn R\ rl
q*t|urfiqqqi ar {frt: frgffip6;1
qr{{qfu*l: qiFTErarccafre1n Rqtl
A paste(or powder)of Palds-seeds juice there
or theexpressed
of shouldbe takenwith thewashingsof rice.Theexpressed juice of
Pdribhadra-leavesshouldbe takenwith honey.The juice extracted
fromPatt-urdror thedrugsof theSurasadigroupshould(similarly)be
taken,or the powdersof dried horsedungor of Vidangashouldbe
licked with honey.Pupulika-cakespreparedwith (pastedyava and)
thepastedleavesof M usika-pami(akind of Dantl shouldbetakenby

I. Qalhaqaexplains"Pauilra" as Sephdlikit,butSivudasatakesit tobe Salinca.


the patient followed by draughtsof Dhanyamla (fermentedpaddy-


gr€rffi kt qait q1 qrqFlqfrl

ilq*,,wtqufinTqifirflniffiq qtll Rell
Oil duly cookedwith (the pasteand decoctionof) the drugs of
the Sttrasddi group shuld be given to be drunk. Different kinds of
cakesshould be prepareclfor him with (Yctvn.mixedwith) powdered
Vidanga.Sesamum-seeds shouldbe duly soakedin the decoctionof
Viclanga(after the manner of Bhavurtatsaturation)and oil should be
thenpressedout thereform(for his use).27.

urfuu: Irr6d{uf {$gE: gufi+tqt

fdeqT{i q,qrim iffidq Ralq q lt R4 ll
qftApT dEqr@t
sTeTrsrqK{iqrsfu ftRn|frs{nnqfrll Rqlt
Tfr-*.e-Riqrsfu fir+Eqr qgrr Fd l
frAE EIt fitq-frqwrwrq|ur {96q111o11
qf{Fi firnq T€ TS qr E&rtrqn I
gfrvwqmcht€risgarftiffitfiT'rqlt ?q tl
Powderedexcretaof a Svavidh(porcupine)similarly pounded
seventimes in (eachof the decoctionsof Tri-phala and of Vidanga
should be licked with honey, followed by draughtsof the expressed
juice of Amalaka, Hafitakt, and Aksa (Vibhltaka). Powders of any
(dead)meial (Ayns)tmay also be preparedand takenin the preceding
manner. In the alternative,the expressedjuice of Putika should be
takenwith honey,or Pippa[t-rootsshouldbe administeredthroughthe
vehicleof the urine of a she-goat.Trapu (killed lead) shouldbe rubbed
in the upper liquid part of curd (Mcrstu)and should be taken for a
week. Worms which have their origin in the accumulatedfaecesor
aggravatedKapha in the body shouldbe destroyedwith the help of the
aforesaidmedicinal remedies.28-31.

l. Ayas- lit. iron, is alsousedfor all the tnetalsgenerally


ffis Frutqll 11,,
Yr:F-{{t $f,FT gt[6*t sTrdmr
fr$T0T tdsqTri qrt qtrwr{il(1 lR tl
er+qpriafitetdRt-{r ffi{ fi+vql
v*'itqfttfurs =reisr( {IRTF{*u tx tl
Medi ci nal A fij anas, Nasyas andAvapt da.rshouldbe particul arly
employed in destroyingthe different classesof vermins which infest
the regions of head, heart, ears,eyes and the nostrils. The liquid
expressedout of horse-dungshould be dried and then successively
poundedseveraltimes in the decoctionof vidahgrz.The preperation
should be blown into the nosrrils (Pradhamana).powders of killed
metal (Ayas,etc.I) may also be appliedin the samemanner.oil duly
cookedwith the drugsof the surasadiGanashouldbe usedin snuffine
with the blue parr2of India bellmetal.32-34.

fqrH trnfrFwgr
t{r{rqt qgRs
gtt$fi<< H*g vdffiqu i\ rr
Measuresand remediesmentioned in connectionwith the
treatmentof alopecia(Indra-lupta) should be employed in casesof
Romadaworms (vi1.wherethe worms would be found to haveinvaded
the hairs of the body). Medicines enumeratedin connectionwith the
treatmentof the diseasesof the mouth shouldbe prescribedin casesof
Dantada worms (viz. wherethe verminswould be found to havetaken
lodgment in the teeth). cases where the worms would be found
to have their origin in the vitiated condition of the blood should be
treatedascasesof Kustha to all intentsandpurposes.The drugsof the

l. A.r'as- as in para 15 may mean any metal.

2. oil duly cooked with the drugs ofthe surasadi Gana should be placed
in a pot of
Indian bell-metal. when the inner surfaceof the pot would becomeblue
oxidised, the oil should be well stirred and mixed with that blue and
useb as an


SttrasddiGana,however,maybe usedin any shaperin any case(of

vqnfrmqth $tsw{ski gr*qr
Eidftqq{rt{tqgeTRqrjrsfwclttte tt
ffir ffi Tdrh *e sdiF{ {Tr€rh q quffir
wnsfrsqrtqs{rqfrEi's ffit fvutg: qfidAE Ell ?s ll
Diet- Meals composedof the articles of bitter and pungent
taste as well as draughtsof Ksdr (Alkali) mixed with the Kqar of
Kulattha-pulse are recommended. A person suffering from any
complaint due to the presenceof worms (Krmi of whateverkind) and
seekingtheir destruction,shouldrefrainfrom usingmilk, cookedmeat,
clrified butter, curd, pot-herb(edible leaves),things of acid or sweet
tastesas well as cold things in general'36'37.

w{:v5rvr*ft5&[€t: || \Y ||
Thus ends the fifty-fourth chapter in the IJttara-Tantru of the Sajrurrr.rSuithiti
which deals with the (symptonlsand) treatmentof Krni-Rogu.

l. Both a drink or bath.


enrn s+effi rteFreqFiq16q;gp1;,
qqltnq $rrrdfrt elqffi 11q 11
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich dealswith the
(symptomsand) medical treatmentof the diseasedue to the retention
of any naturalphysicalurging(Udavarta-pratisedha).l.

orEdtedg cTrqHi El-iTr{i FI{lEffi; I

Ttrrrtelr*(qr$qftilfr{ttqfifuS: rrr rr
rrqrflfr +:
ffi 1M11 1s1
{ileulTsrsFr{run$ff,dT frsrrurr(l
wqfiftnd artr agrwa frffis6q 1I y 1;
x*flfeersr€\ fir* qtq tr'Rot:t
eTqur*s{Fqrfu eqqt q trsnsrl-{: il \ tl
Causes- A wise man valuing his life shall never repressany
natural urging of his body, whetherupward or downward,e.g. that of
vayu, etc.uddvarta is so called from its origin from the repressionof
any natural urging such as vata (flatus), evacuationof bowels.
micturition, yawning, lacrimation,sneezing,eructation,vomiting and
dischargeof semenwhen it makesits appearan ce (udita) and urgesa
personto answerits call. udavarta is alsobroughton by therepression
of hunger,thirst, respirationand sleep.I shall now fully describeits
symptomsand the mode of medicaltreatmentto be pursuedtherein.It

is of thirteendifferent types and arebrought aboutthroughthe aforesaid

causes,over and above the one incidental to the habitual use of
unwholesomefood and drink (Apathya).2-5,

o{re{Hqfdt6ffiei ffi5ci 'srsrfr{ fAsrqt

t5'|-{Tqid{qrqrrcfq€r*I qmr€firfigrgrg *qll E ll
qTlle ll
E;.ffisFr6fr: eqrdEqt-(5fr{{€iT: fFrq.
Symptoms of Yataja Uddvarta- The vital Apana-Vayu (at
the anus)anyhovrobstructedin its passagegivesrise to distensionand
cramps in the abdomen,oppressionand a constrictedfeeling at the
pain at thethroatwhich makesspeakinganddeglutitiondifficult (Gala-
graha), violent movement of derangedPitta and Kapha all through
the body and suppressionof stoolsor emissionof fecal matterthrough
the mouth. 6-7.
qft*-d-€ rrff: 5frwwnefr*crkt: I
gfr${Rqctr qr Ffrfr gffiisFrdt ;retlle ll
Purtqaja Udavarta- A repressedurging for stool is followed
by the exhibition of such symptoms,as rumbling in the intestines,
severepain (in the abdomen),cuttingpain in the anus,upwardcoursing
of the flatus suppressionof stoolor evenemissionof fecesthroughthe

T{rq *isF'r6t q{t1g.Eurq* g€+strTtr(t

& G rqqTurgw,,ds qfi{radqeraTsfu
{if I
rsF<fr*r: Vgr*[Vffi frffi: || 3||
Mutraja Udavarta- A repressionof the desireof making water
is followed by scantyemissionof urine which is often given out by
painful dropsproducingdistensionof the bladderand an excruciating
pain in the urethra,anus,scrotumand the inguinal r egionsand about
the umbilicus, and sometimeseven in the head, accompaniedwith
distortion of featuresin consequence.

ffi €: I
ffi wch fr*rs nenfu.nrr:nt oll

s{rrsi vts€sg#FiErr ***r sffiqtyd frr

ffigcci Tirtrrfig rrcFil frqT: F6 +{t{u qq tl
A repressionof yawning leads to wry-neck (numbnessof the
Manya and of the neck) as well as troubles of the head due to the
incarceratedlocal Vayu and violent diseasesaffecting the eyes, nose,
earsand the mouth. Tearsborn of any mentalcondition of grief or joy
and voluntarily repressedwithout beinggiven free tendto, give rise to
severedisteaseof the eyes,heavinessof the headand catarrh(pinasa).
trqkrndF{rift iqrdrF€+sif{rwrara+gfr
qn6rsg$drfrq*{: {-waarftnar.srqFtr: u i? tl
vfrT{atsFr5frrrcFil ftr fufrTnr qriilrqTr: u ti tl
A repressionof sneezingis followed by acutediseasesof the
head,eyes,noseand ears.A senseof fulnessin the throataswell asthe
suppression and croaking of the incarcerated Vayu (wind) are also
exhibitedin this case.rThe voluntaryrepressionof any naturalurging
towardseructationgives rise to diseasespeculiar to the derangement
of the bodily Vayu. 12-13.

o{ftffi q+q EiB +td ftq F{dlrrr*{u qy tl

qrrvri qgF{{w.+s vMutilqrFfrraar
v5drrwfriffiqutq*qqrttf+fiRrffiAqfh u t\ rr
A repressionof Vomiting is followed by cutaneousaffections
(Kuqyha)due to the bodily Dosas which, being vitiated, interferes the
gastricdigestionwith reactionaryacidity. painful swelling of the bladder
and of the scrotum, and about the anusas well as suppressionof urine,
formation of gravelsin the bladderandinvoluntaryemissionof semen
are the symptomswhich manifest themselvesin a caseof repressed

q: qd.sFurarqF'yrdrq E}, n tq rr
l. The symptoms mentioned in thissentence
a line in theverse)is
takenby Madhavawith the following line which enumerates the symptomsof
Uddvartadue to the voluntaryrepressionof eructation.

q,rdrcqgilq:erEurFffrerqsTrFnrdr€Et qen ia I
eil<Gzrfr.ffiuT €ffi6eEqTfr 1s;u!etl
qrs{rg+dsgffiAililrsi firxrFffrdr{srEr,tfrn-qtu q/ tl
Ungratifiedhungerbrings on drowsiness,achingpain in the
limbs, disrelishfor food, senseof exhaustion,and weaknessof eye-
sight.An ungratifiedthirst brings on drynessof the throat and mouth,
dulnessof hearingand pain at the heart.A suppressionofbreath in an
exhaustedpersonbringson cardiactroubles,fainting fits andan attack
of Gulma.An unindulgedsleepproducesyawning,achingpain in the
limbs, and a senseof heaviness in the limbs aswell as in theheadand
the eves.It mav alsobrinc on drowsiness. L6-18.

Prognosis- An Uddvartc-patient afflicted with thirst and
cramps 6uta),vomiting fecalmatterand sufferingfrom weaknessand
a distressingexhaustionshouldbe given up by a wise physician.19.
qfrtS fqftrdgqrqfrg g-€{r: I
qrd: ffrqrfuanrqr:wqrffi11 Qorl
gerdrlmui XdFrd*ri rrtq rr
General Treatment- In all forms of Udavarta the preliminary
treatmentgenerallyconsistsin restoringthe derangedandincarcerated
bodily Vayu to its normal courseand direction. Now hear me again
describingthe specificmedicinalremediesto be separatelyemployed
in each case.20-21.

sTrensirntir$fuqH feM il RRtl

gfrTnEa,ffi faftnT{rf5*i s{*qrrr? rr
Specific Treatment- In a caseof Vataja Uddvartathe patient
shouldbe first treatedwith a SnehaandSveda(fomentation)after which
medicinal injectionsshouldbe madeinto the rectum in the mannerof
anAsthapana-basti.In a casedue to the incarcerationoffeces in the
intestines(Punsaja), the remedialmeasuresand medicineslaid down
in connectionwith the treatmentofAnaha shouldbe emploved.22-23

tr+d'-drat qF<tiq} €Frc}fir*qt

qfiFrqu rr+{ S{ qrsh fit**t: t
errfiErmniHr{i Fwi et fir*(xrqt
rqqr{gfrtrg rrds{€qrerql firtqtt qxtt
ffiTiqgerfir&Eer rfrg'ilfsryqttR\ ll
s{rqr€'ri qrf Eftqi qg-*, Rsttl
qffi fir+{rdfrSurqrRunuRqtl
gruuien{ ersfrqqrci Eq'FFI ql
\rffit R\stl
frt{ ftreEer.rreufrt-atu
Tsq.drr5i qfr nq+r$menfr qTl
trris ffi€ ffinq:nRZtl
qd eqqrfrdlr1qq {-{qriffi tt I o ll
Wine chargedwith a large quantity of Sauvarcala-saltshould
be administered in a case due to the retention of urine. Milk or E/a
shouldalsobe takenin combinationwith wine. The expressed juice of
Dhntri diluted with water shouldbe taken for three successivedays; or
the expressedliquid of the dung of a horse or of an ass should be
taken;or wine madefrom treacle(Goudika) shouldbe takenwith honey
and cookedmeat shouldbe takenby biting at intervals. OneTola weight
of the compound consisting of Bhadra-ddru, Musta, Murva, Haridra
andYasti-madhu shouldbedissolvedin an adequatequantity of rain-
water and then be taken. The expressedjuice of Duhspar1a (Dura-
Iabha) or an infusion of Kum-Kumn (D.R.-decoction of Kakubha
i.e.Arjuna) shouldbe taken,or Ervdruka-seedsmixed with a little salt
shouldalso be takenwith water.Milk duly cooked with Pafica-mulal
or the expressedjuice of Draksd shouldbe prescribed.The medicinal
remedies previously described as possessedof the efficacy of
disintegratinggravels,(Ai mari)z should be administered.Similarly,

l. Both Dalhana and SivadAsa recommend the use of minor Pafica m-ula, but
Srikarylha recommeds the Trna-Paficu-m-ulu.
2. For Aimari-See Ciktisita-stluna. Chapter VlI.

all the measuresto be mentioned hereafter in connection with the

medical treatmentof Mutra-Krcchrci (strangury)and of MfirAghAtu2
(obstructionof urine) which I shall haveoccasionto dealwith later on
shouldalsobe adoptedin rhiscase.24-30.

€t, rAhrErdd yErrrci qgqr*(l

eqmens4.$eild: furerflwf,Rtftq:utt rr
ftqrys{qfisnqi frqrym*frqffi: r
eFtnfiketqr qtqsRh radfqll 11 ,,
( nlqn*qetqefi+ardrssRa{frqFT:
l) ltRi tl
A caseof Udavartadue to the suppression of yawningshould
be conqueredwith theapplicationsof snehu andof svecla(fomentation).
The patient should be treated with sneha and then fomented and
lachrymationshouldthenbe induced(with appropriateremedies)3in a
case where the flow of tears has been suddenlychecked.Sneezing
should be induced with the help of strongAiijanas and,Avap-rdas,or
by the applicationof vartis, or by holdingany strongsmellat his nose
orby blowing any strongmedicinalpowderinto the nose(pradhamana)
or by making the patientlook towardsthe sun (or suchlike luminous
body)in a caseof udavartadueto the suppression of sneezing.
s(rfi m..*td' Sfrdr e*Fn€k(uiy tl
gtr Rt{dtr*f,i dvgrrurtd-dr{n R\ n
usilfl ?iqqrfrEqerq*afqftrfi Et
qqrnffquiticqq+ q-r qrq+(* ?q rr
In a caseof uddvatra due to suppressed eructation,the patient
should be made to inhale the fumes of oily or lardaceousarticles in
due orded or to take draughtof wine surchargedwith souvarcala-salt
and the expressedjuice of Bija-pura. A case of udavarta due to
suppressed vomiting shouldbe duly conqueredwith emulsivemeasures
(treatingwith a sneha), etc., accordingto the natureof the deransed

l. For Mutra-Krcchru-Seech. LIX., Ilrtaru-Tantru.

2. For M utraghata- SeeCh. LVII, IJttara-Tant ru.
3. These are the applications of strongAiijanas andAvapTda_Nasyas.
4. The order is (1) Dhttmu-inharation, (2) Nasyu(e'hine) and (3j Kavara (gargre).

bodily Dosa involved in each case.In the alternativeunguentswith

(Saindhava)salt and (Yava)Kqara shouldbe applied.34-36.

qkvJf€*',flqTq qg{q\ilFi T{T:I

srETRqrPTr(FRr,i frr+d' qqrrn: r
rqtg, frinqrd': vJffifr{ T{qll l\e ll
Milk shouldbe duly cookedwith the admixtureof four times as
much waterandwith thedrugsof bladder-cleansing virtuesrandboiled
until all the wateris evaporated.
Draughtsof this medicatedmilk should
be prescribedin copious quantitiesin a caseof Udtivarta due to the
retention of seminal fluid and the patient should be advisedto have
sexualintercourservith lovely women.37.

{M fdti fuugsurfra ciNilqt

EEnqTefirAr*i rrqrriqrsfuVntrfrrqtI ie ||
rM rtq feelriT: errTgrqrE+ Tr: I
Frffire ftril( qfligqri*EmelT{: u ?j rr
Fatty (Snigdha)things shouldbe takenlukewarm and in small
quantitiesin a caseof Udavartadue to ungratifiedhunger.Cold manthas
or Yavagttsshouldbe given to the patientin a caseof Udavartadue to
the suppressionof thirst. Food with meat-soupshouldbe given to the
patient after sufficient rest in a caseof Udavartaoriginatedfrom the
suppressionof breath in a tired state of the body. Milk2 should be
given in a caseof Udavarta due to the suppressionof sleep and the
patient should be made to sleep with the help of sweet discourses.
sTrernr*Sttg y{rtd frr
Tq qfuq sr*(qr* nq nfwts{tcr+(t I yo ||
Casesof Adhmant,(distensionof the abodomen),etc., which

l. These are the drugs of theTpu-paiica-ntlrlu as well as of the Virutaradl groups

(ChapterXXXVIII, Sutu Silfinu).
2. Sivaddsaadvisesthe use of buffalo's milk in this caseas being more efficacious
in bringing on sleep. But Dulhar.tarefutes this and recommendsthe use of cow's

are the superveningsymptomsof Udavartashouldbe remediedwith

appropriatemedicinesandothermeasueswith an eyeto the natureand
intensity of the derangedDosa or Do;as involved in each case
underlying at the root. 40.
qrg:6tgr{+ sS: qqrqqftrtn*: r
*q+.E;fta:verF{rddEr-frfrfrrrxt rr
ilfr Efutrd rffika:r
ffil|fi{$ffiT 5,Eur S5.t T{: llYi ll
q,rffirqqfirgq-E6ffi"T{1-1 |
aut a aq+uqf*ffrterr"iwrq || YY||
Udavarta due to eruors in diet- The abdominal (Kosghaja)
Vayu derangedand aggravatedby suchfactorsaseatingdry, astringent,
pungent or bitter articles of fare (in inordinatequantities)causesan
immediateattack of Udavarta in which the Vayu follows an upward
courseand obstructsits own channelsaswell asthoseof faeces,urine,
kapha,fat and blood. it dries up the fecal matter(in the body) causing
pain in the heartandbladder,a senseof heavinessin the limbs (D.R.-
nausea),aversionto food (D.r. unwillingnessto do anything) and
difficult and scanty emission of stool, urine and flatus. Laboured
breathing, cough, catarrh, burning sensationin the body, fits of
unconsciousness, vomiting, fever,thirst hiccoughtroublesin the head,
defectivefunctional activity of the Manas (mind) and of the ear and
suchlike symptoms,in consequence, pre-eminentlymark the deranged
action of the bodily Vdyu.4l-44.

t * fuai f{+i {Wqt

ffi frr*rdt*; ttngrur$rn+(n y\ tl
qffii qqr&45Er{d:gT6vr:l
qr?r+d Fq{fr{-qqrfttmwrq}: nYQtl

-fds5i En f*'wqt
vfogrmlri Ert:llYe ll
Treatment- The patient'sbody should be made emulsive
(Snigdha)by the application of unguentscomposedof salt and oil.
Fomentation should then be applied under the circumstances,and
intestinalinjectionsshouldbe appliedin the mannerof aNiruha Basti.
Intestinalenernas(Basti)of theAnuvasanakindshouldalsobe applied
after meal, if the casebe attendedwith loosemotions in virtue of the
specific nature of the derangedbodily Dosctsinvolved therein.Fatty
purgtivesshouldbe exhibitedafter having fully fomentedthe body of
the patient,when the foregoingremedieswould fail to give any relief
from attacksof Udavarta andbe shouldbe madeto drink a potion of
any acid cordial togetherwith the compoundof Pilu, Trivrt andYavdni
or with the compound consistingof Hingu, Kustha, Vaca, Svarjika-
Kqara andVidahgar,eachsucceedingdrug weighingdoublethe one
immediately precedingit in the order of enumeration.These two
medicinal compoundsmay be employedwith advantagein relieving
attacksof Suta and lJdtivarta.4S-47.

MffiElgvJ"trqeqt qasN{r
rTrdfdRrg' il( frdg<rqd EfiildFdu yz, tl
The drugsknown asDeva-daru,Citraka,Kuqyha,Vaca(D.R.-
Sunthi),Harltaki, Palaitkasa (Guggulu) and Puskara-rootsshouldbe
duly boiled with half an Adhoko measure(thirty-two Palas)of water
andtakendown from the oven with a quarterpart of the original solution
remaining. Draughts of this decoctionrvould relieve an attack of

Ttrfr VJq,qrfSqEnT rrSWffiRl

e**cwe€Tq rffi r t{ {il rrnq t
rq ftrwi rTltgrgqrrtqitqa: uYl rl
A potion of clarified butter duly cookedwith the decoctionof
'fugg' 'ffi'
| . Cukrudattureads vit saltin place I

driedt Mulaka, Ardraka, Varsabhu, Pafica-mulaz and Arevata

(Aragvadha) fruit would cure any form of Udavarta whatsoever. 49.

F{rqfrfrqi g;g qqqni Efrrftt{l

T*rt tqffi fir*q*q qfisnn\on
FqqrSWi Td ksrerlah+ qqrr1l
gi$ffi qrfrfir+(gwrh q*+qrrrr rr
|at54fu-f*qrffg5fr, frr*(n qRrr
rcERSI rn*: qrd q.r-ff{i qora*^r
A compoundconsistingof Vacd,Ativisd, Kustha, Yava-Kqdra,
Haritarcl, Pippall and Citraka should also be taken with tepid water,
or a compoundconsistingof lksvaku-roots, Madana, Vifialya,Ativisd,
Vacd, Kustha, Kinva (sediment of wine) and Agnika taken in equal
parts should also be taken in the aforesaidmanner.A compound of
Deva-Ddru,Agni, Tri-phaldandByhatr,shouldbe takenwith the urine
of a cow. The docoction of Kantaknri-fruits and barley weighing a
P rastha cooked in an Ad h a ka nt ea st r e of water and boiled down
to half a Prastha only, should be taken in combination with

rrfirarTfrqrf{ furf,t qfrFqtEffir{t

qu{ qut*rqr ffiE qcn TE{u \y tl
m-vqrt*rofi r*tE,*qr
TTrer*(il\\ tl
rrai $ur m rdt: ulr+( S g{rgr: I
zilrrrqlnrqFrftn \q tl
A compoundconsistingof the pulverisedseedsof Madana and
of Aldvu, Pippali and Nidigdhika should be blown into the recrum
with a pipe. A Varti made of Nikumbha (Dantt), Kampilla, Syama

l. DalhcrqtaTakes dried $uska) with the Mulaka andArdraka.

2. Dalhana recommends of major Paiica-mulu: but according to Cakrapani,s
commentary, " Bhanumati", it should be the minor pafica-m-ula.

(Triv rt), I ksvdku, Agnika, (Aj amoda), Krt a-Vedhana (Kosdtaka),

Magadhi and salt poundedtogether,madeinto a pastewith the addition
of cow's urine, dried and cut into a proportionatesize,shouldbe inserted
into the rectum.The last two ambrosialremediesgive instantaneous
relief in a caseof Uddvarta.54-56.

EFcg{d-Ti@s{rdf qfdieralr€ETFTTII
qefqElrflifrTrseH|-tlr || \\ ll

Thus ends fifty-fifth chapter of the Utturu-Tuntra in the Suiruta Sahhitu

which deals with the (symptoms) and treatmentof Udavurta

q?fr{rq sfircR tFq<rfr:rrq rr
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
(symptoms and) medical treatmentof Visucika type of cholera,etc.
( Visucika-P rati sedha). l.

q-frqfqr{ frtrdi f€rers q{frcqr

kEqgg*}irsr(t+ari{rfuffi6rn Rll
Causes- Visucr,Alasaka and Vilambika are produced from
the effectsof the threekinds of indigestionspokenof before(inSutra.
Chapter XLVI), viz., Amafirna (indigestion properly so-called),
Vistabbhajirna (indigestion with undigestedfood stuffed into the
intestinesin the form of undigestedfecal matter) and vidagdhajirna
(indigestionwith acidity). 2.

€F{frq rnrrfurgel-trTkg'hsf+o:
qen*ut{ €r ++€qt(C)frW+*.rtrf rr
q di qftfi{-drdFrr
a$ra ffimqr;1
TdrFilTqfrdrcFr+ dcT+ t[Ern'{fcn:u y tl
Definition- The diseasein which the derangedandincarcerated
bodily Vdyu produces,owing to the presenceof indigestion,a pricking
pain in the limbs resemblingthat producedby the pricking of needles
is called visucika by the physicians.Men well-versedin the (dietetic)
principles and temperatein their diet, enjoy an almost absolute

immunity from its attack,whereasfools who aregreedyand intemperate

and eat like gluttons,fall an easyvictim to it. 3-4.

TaiRrqr+TrT{:ftTqrgrvIfl $rfrAgrEEs{Er6r:
+qq+mrfteq+Eqg jl-qkasifrrrss *(: n \ tl
Symptoms- Fainting, diarrhoea(loose motions), vomiting,
thirst, pain, cramps,vertigo, yawning, burning sensationin the body,
discolouringor palenessof complexion,pain (cramps)at the heartand
a breakingpain in the head are the symptomsof Visr.tcika. 5.

ElqrrrrgtssPi rrdrqfr ffir

fiilFidqmilgTfuVqtfq(g )qfrerqfrrrq n
qm{dfiters g;q\ qs *rst s{+(r
rFqffiF{-l{rqu qwfr-ffirqntrE+
Alasaka- Excessivepain in and stuffednessof the abdomen,
rumbling noise (in the intestines)r,and the upward coursing of the
Vayu incarceratedin the abdomenmaking a croakingrumbling sound
in its way upwards,absolutesuppressionof stool and flatus,hiccough2
and eructations-a patient suffering from thesesymptomsis said to
have an attackof Alasaka.6-7.

gyE cJ-fi q'qqr€,finqi q-dd't *edqEsqrqt

fr-f,kfriat Wrglgk.€FflqqtpTrsRE: grurr: u / tl
T*{prqr{ fds*( ilie t$ ffinurffi: r
**ur ffi EftrF.Ri dqr+qrrsgc+snq tl
Vilambika-The personin whom the derangedand undigested
food matter doesnot find any outlet either throughthe upper or lower
channelsof the body owing to the fact of its being obstructedin its
courseby the action of the derangedVayu and Kapha, is said to be
suffering from an attackof vilambika by old medical expertsand should
be given up as incurable. In whatever part of the body the Ama
(undigestedfood matter)is present,it producesits own characteristic

1. According to Snkrnltlru the commentator on MdtllrctvaNitlana the patient himself

makesin indistinctsound.
2. Madhava reads "thirst" in place of "hic-cough."

symptomsin that very part and the vitiation of a particular Dosa in

such casesshouldbe diagnosedby the presenceof the characteristic
symptoms(e.g.distension.etc.)of Ama (indigestion).S-9.

STFTFR: : €I's$ilfFFlftTll to lt
Prognosis- A patient exhibiting such symptomsas blackish
blue (Syama) colour of teeth,nails andlips, diminishedconsciousness,
vomiting, eyessunk in their sockets,feeblevoice and loosenessof all
thejoints, shouldbe regardedasnot returningfrom his journey (to the
eternalhome). 10.

Frqrq vtrudd6i q{rgqftJrf,rm q31=EI

fiqurq I
qhrds*Etffitri sr(qEffi{srfufrrtsu qq u
fePJd€*qfoqa !F {EtftRTRrk€+fr vnt+qr
T{F{ qsd uqt'qzhrnq{qfrder u qRu
General Treatment- In the curable types, cauterizationof
the regions of Parsni (heels),dry fome'tation, exhibition of strong
emeticsand such like measuresare recommended.Fastingshouldbe
observedat (the time o0 the digestionof the food. Digestive(pacana)
remediesas well aspurgativesshouldalsobe prescribed.The patient
gets instantaneousrelief in casesof fainting, diarrhoea,etc. on the
cleansingof his body with the medicinal(emeticorpurgative)remedies.
Intestinal injections in the manner of an Asthapana Basti may be
likewise applied in all casesof the presentdisease.Now hear me
describingthe recipesof other medicinal compoundswhich may be
employed in the aforesaid diseasesin addition to those already

@-qY{dA: qrftTtu&squ\r
scrrq$ii FqFrmqm'uf ppt fqlqffiq5 11il:1ti tl
qT fqst fxi qr rJ-srrrdHE ndqrt er r
qr furqk-€g-frt €-frqr1+qnt ffi 1 qyl
"{l qr Fqutoftitufrqqfrafrrhfufucqr
wqrq?fiqr daui ftr*q e qg.mqrEraf{arqtsnt\rr

qrsfrqF* firdqerrrrtenfrtn*r
Eifr$i qT qrn*fqni ffih fire( ffiu tq rr
ffit ffirir q\ex
A pulverisedcompoundof Pathyd, Vaca,Hihgu, Katihga(In"dra-
yava), Gffrja (a variety of garlic), Souvarcala and Ativisd taken with
tepid water instantaneouslyrelieves an attack of indigestion, colic,
Visitcika and an aversionto food. The medicine known asKsdrd-gada
(Kalpa-chapterVII) or W-salt, or mustard-seeds and a profusequfntity
of treacle,should be taken (with tepid water). Saindhava,Hihgu, fitja-
p-ura Q.R. seedsof ,Sa/ca;,clarified butter and the two Tri-vargas
(Tri-phald and Tri-katr) in combinarion with any fermented gruel
(RAfiiikn), or Tri-katu and Saindhaya-salt mixed to gether with the
milky exudation of Snuh|, should be raken (with Kdiiji&a). In the
alternative,the medicatedsalt known as Kalyina-r.avana dessribed
before under the rreaLmentof Vata-vyirdhi should be taken (with
Kanj i ba). P ippafi , Yavdnt andApamar ga or Pipp ali andDanrl in equal
pars shouldbe similarly taken.Pippali mixed with Danti shouldalso
be used with the expressedjuice of Kosavati (Chosil. pippa| and.
Surlyhishould also be taken with hot water. 13-17,

*{ ;nrgeqrrd EfiAxii qri qrat9lrTrgqUsFr:

1Fe*l:5'-dmr6{Fffiirrg+{ll qztl
The drugsknown as Vyosa(Tri-katu), Karafija-fruits(seeds),
the two kinds of Haridrdl andthe root of Matuluhgatakenin equal
parts shouldbe poundedtogether,madeinto Gutilss (or pills) and
driedin theshade.Theapplicationof thesepills asaneye-sarve(Afijona)
alongtheeye-lidsprovescurativein casesof Visucik?.lg.

l. Cakrapdrli readsHuridrd in the singularnumbcr.

2. Someberereadthe following two compoun<te as an additionalta(t- Kusto,
Aguru, PaaT 'Rasnd,Sigru, Vacd and,?rtrk shouldbe mixed togetherand
with Kitfijiktt This would be the best rernedy,for rufbing over the body of the
patientir a caseof Visftciko.
oil shouldbedulycookedwih citraka, yuthi-flow,cll*akes (ofsesamss),
Bhallatafu, tlre two Kyras, saindhava and two partsof r&1#aThis shouldbe
prescribed by a expertto be rubbed,or usedasa plasteroveFsc bodyof thepatient.

{"Tb - lz

g.drfuiqrg tdtki arguffit ar rEtt tdF<arI

ffi, qwqqurd qrJrrfrtilttqqll
Diet- Digestive and appetisingPeya etc. shouldbe given to
the patientwhen he experiencesa good hungerafter he had beenfully
treatedwith a courseof emeticor purgativeor kept fastingfor a proper
period. 19.

eni'vr5EqrFrfui6-tuTTfr f{€i fuunFrfut

qqd'Hr{ T qpnsht f**,,rtffirag{tE{ffr lt Rou
f,fiFr1urfltrsgda E@:l
enr+rgrt afirqen Tt,rei 6gf€ sqnf{Erc{gn Rqll
trs$: q,,figggM vg*suT6t € rrgqata t
tlrqg rrfiIsrr+ $rqFilftrAh ffidF"tffrhil q? ll
Cansesand Symptomsof Anaha- The diseaseinwhichAma
(undigestedfood) or fecal matter, gradually incarcerated(in the
stomach)throughthe actionofthe derangedandaggravatedlocalVayu
fails to find its natural outlet, or is not spontaneouslyevacuatedis
c alledAnaha'(Enteriti s) ?
A caseof Anahadueto theaccumulation of undigestedfood (in
thestomach)exhibitssuchsymptomsasthirst,cattarh,burningin the
head,a senseof heavinessandcrampsin the stomach,nausea(D R.-
heavinessof the heart)and suppressionof eructations.While a caseof
Anaha inthe Pakvd.icya(intestines)is markedby a senseof stuffeness
in the back and waist, suppressionof stool and urine, colic, eprileptic
or fainting fits, vomiting of feces,labouredand difficult respiration
(D.R.-swelling), as well asthe symptomsmentionedunderthe head
of Alasaka.20-22.

3Tr+fr+ qr<rg'r6:ia {qriqffiq;rrm+: r

aTtdi d q YrSEutq *tti trh( ffistt R?tt
ffi{*,rqi qfielftffi rdnfur +fiqFr*,,rF{
imiq ffif+Er4 qMq
|gxs qr* ffi+drnrmg qqif{ +qi uu&qgnrwr r
{*g {qre{ qenFdrrrri
ilqrfur qqsdqEg zrFarrtq u

a-rPh twJ F6E+q qrTdgifi €qrle*url

t*firegrb Eaorryi Fr fqft'ma'rrqr*qr
qdq ttq q qrftft{ Erd' qR u ?q tl
Treatment- In a caseof Anaha due to the presenseof Ama,
the patient should be treated with emetics and then with digestive
medicines and diet according to the prescribedorder. The Ama
(undigestedfood) in a casenot markedby vomiting of faecesshould
be treatedwith fomentationandtherapeuticagentsof digestiveefficacy.
Vartis (suppositories)madeby pastingthe purgativedrugsmentioned
in connectionwith the medicaltreatmentof visucika togetherwith the
urineof a she-buffalo,or of a she-goator of an eweor of a she-elephant,
or of a cow, should be used.The body of the patient should be first
fomented and then the powders of the drugs used in preparing the
afore-saidVartis shouldbe blown (into his intestines)through a pipe
insertedinto his rectum.Decoctionshouldbe duly preparedby boiling
the drugsof emetic and purgativevirtue in cow's urine.Niruha Bastir
should soon be applied with the abovedecoctionmixed with half as
much of cow's urine2and with honey and addingalso the powdersof
Trivrt and salt weighing a Prakuitca(pala). The procedurelaid down
in respectof the exhibition of purgativesshouldbe adoptedhere.oil
duly cookedandboiledwith theforegoingdrugsshouldalsobe injected
into the rectum, if necessary, in the manner of an AunvLsana

v{trgwrilfrseztr€f:il \q tl
Thus ends the fifty-sixth chapter in the Ilttara-Tantra of the susruta
Sarhhitir w.trich deals with the (symptoms and) treatment of Visuciki.

I . The applicationof this Niruha Basli shouldbe prescribed ''qs'"

only in the sruge
of Anahaandneverin its " 3iI!Tt'stage.
2' Kanike Kw.aludoesnot include"urine"in this [ist.He reads"qrfltig#{" (added
in half dose)in placep1 ' 'Stttig*i ' ' I

qercilEt wq|-{ er*afr: tt t tt
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
(symptoms and) medical treatment of aversion to food (Arocaka-
tt: gwqvA q ffiqnq r5firq+SERq1.adfr wTr€qI
qr* rfqs$qfr ii fi{T* t{q,ri rl-fitwrfifua rrsfui qEFarrr tr
Etiology-The derangementof the Doqas either separatelyor
combined or an apatheticstateof the mind (through grief ac.) tendsto
block the food-crrying channels viz., the esophagus,etc., as well as
the region of the heart causing aversion to all sorts of food, which is
designatedas Bhalctopaghata(lit. aversionto food-popularly known
asArocakn) by the physieansand it is divided into five distinct types
(according to the different nature of its excitin g factor). 2.

Eqflfr-sngi ffi qrdrfi* qqFcFrg*rfq* e 1i tl

TsFffiilr q {€t rrfq wqFd
Eqr6€ilr{gar firirgt a*e rrx rr
Fctffi* qEREquqemqe<i ngffirre rr
Titqyil-{$qhw*cn€0@ rrqfr frsv{fuEvtilqus rr
SpecifieSymptoms- Painandcrampsat theheartanda vapid
tastein the mouth af,ethe symptomswhich mark the Vatajatype of
Arocaka. Excessiveburning sensation(in the region) of the heart,

sucking pain (in the locality), a bitter taste in the mouth, thirst and
fainting fits are the featureswhich mark the pittajatype of ihe disease.
Itching sensation,heavinessof the body, water-brash,lassitude,
drowsinessand a sweet tastein the mouth are the indicationswhch
characterisethe Kaphaja type. The Tri-do;ajatype is characterisedby
a good many symptoms which severally mark the three Dosas.
Indulgence in fear and grief, or the sight of any impure article, or of
anything that tendsto disturb the mental (Manasa)equilibrium, may
also usherin an attackof Arocaka. 3-7.

ftery|reaa: errre.{qriffi{qrq qf{r CFdqrhHr(l

quf T$fiqqaflfftr$ ate q{s g@qtrfrtfr1io-i! tl
Treatment- In a caseof theVataja type,the patientshouldbe
first made to vomit with the help of decoction of vaca and then be
given a pulverisedcompoundof Kyqryn,Vidahga,yava-Ksdra,Harenu,
BhargT,RasnaEldl , Hingu, Saindhavaand Ndgarathroughthe medium
of any sneha or wine or hot water. vomiting should be induced with
emetics sweetened2with the solution of treacle in the pittaja type of
the disease.The use of a lambative prepared with saindhava,- sitd
(sugar),honey and clarified butter would also be efficacious.In the
Kaphaja type, vomiting shouldbe inducedwith the decoctionof Nimba
and the powders of Yamfini should then (after the taking of the meal)
be administered with the decoction of Aragvadha mixedwith honey.
The pulverised compoundmentionedin connectionwith the treatment
of the vataja type may also be administered (in this case). All the
preceding measures should be employed in the Tri-doqaja type of
Arocaka. S-ll.

l.Eld-Dalfuma saysthatsometake Et;dinthesenseof E/a-ydlul<it (apartusedfor

thewhoh). Sivaddsa,however,refutesthis andasserts,on theauthorit,y
if vagbhoto,
that "ElA" shouldmcanE/2.
2. Accordingto some,the erneticusedshouldbe Matlanafruit; whlle,accordingto
other,it shouldbethedrugsof theMadhura(Kirl<otyiuli)group-the word ,Madh-ura,
indicatingthe same.Some,however,read'Madhukt'(yugti-madhu)for ,Madhura,.

dS: mrsfftqrer*s fttd6 qaq gtFrffii qelrcr(llqQll

gwi Tqi tf,q* twfrilqs cnql'sg;sqerFrtefrs ftgr I
{lsffi ffi q*qerqrai {rrqfrTfdqi{trfrg {qrql I qi II
qr{ffiq[ils qi qiql qfdqs feq-h( qr t
1nr1r uFarSfr fu ilq ft rtUsffi fq'rtrffi ud6Erwrg|| 1Y ||
Four Specific Lamtratives- (1) Drakqa,Patola, Vit-salt, Vetra,
Karlra (bamboo-sprouts),Nimba, Milrva, Abhaya, Aksa, Badara,
Annlaka, (barks of) Kutaja and seedsof Karafiia and of Aragvadha
shouldbe (powderedand) duly cookedwith the urine of a cow in the
form of a lambative.(2) A similarpreparationshouldbe madeof Mustd,
Vaca,Tri-kntu, thetwo kinds of Rajani, Bhdrgt, Kustha andNirdahanti
and cooked with the urine of an ewe. (3) Similarly Patha. Varhsa'
Iocana,Ativisaand Rajant shouldbe boiled togetherwith the urine of
a she-elephat.(4) Manduki, Arka, Atnrta and Langala should be
similarly boiled by an experiencedand practical physician with the
urine of a she-buffalo.Whoever licks up any2of the four preceding
lambativesgetsrid of Gtrlma,aversionto food, asthmaand diseases
affectins the heart and the larynx. 12-14.

{r€q€( € )aeRf{dr1t{hefsle{Frt
qnrfr wl
arsr(rqisidfqqqft f{*:rqr\-
-f$a qrsfu egosm:{urfr ll q\ rl
Regimen of Diet- The patientshouldpartakeof fruits, edible
roots, etc. which grow in his country and take cordials,- Sadavasl
Rdgasaand other palatabledisheswhich arecongenialto his physical

l. Nirdahanl, accordingto some meansCitraka, but, accordingto others,it means

Yamani.The former senseis the most generalone.
2. According to Dalhana the four lnmbatives should be used in casesof Vataja,
Piltaja, Kaphaja and Tri-do;aja types of Arocaka respectively.
3. "Sadava"- It is prepared with a variety of articles of sweet, acid and saline
4. "RLga"-lt is a preparationof a cordial with sugar,Souvurcala-salt,Saindhava,
turmeric. and mustard.etc.

temperamentand which he is accustomedto. He shouldalsobe made

to take (articles of) different Rnsasrin different ways and his food
shouldbe at the sametime light, Rrksa and agreeabeto his taste.15.

e{RlTwitcfttr<r Fqtfi-a gnt5{h Q'nsg flaffir

frrEvffi{wtAqmgmn quffi{?14qrfrrfrBrdrh I
sqrgilrfr Rtqdem*wqrfr Fdffifi.gfi.rhqs}rdrRu tQ rr
The dueapplicationsof Asthapana-Basti,purgativesandof light
head-purgatves(enhines)areefficaciousin thediseaseunderdiscussion.
The drugsknown as Tryusana,Rajanl (D.R.-the two kinds of Rajarfi)
andTri-phala poundedtogetherandmixed with powderedYava-ksdra
and honey, should be used as a tooth-powderin washingthe mouth.
Any otherdrugsof bitter andpungenttastemay be likewiseprescribed
for the purpose.16.

@get: ll qstl
{rr€redgF**I aETiqRt, qTnrs*aq{qTerq$qm*:u tz rl
rqrte rF *.w,am6tfrfugvrfti rrt gc$q qvrnqirFTu qq tl
Use of DecoctionrAriq(oandAsava- Decoctionsof the drugs
of the Mustadi andAragvadhadi or Daia-mrl/a groups as well as the
different lambativeswith honey, the different Asavaspreparedwith
any officinal urine and with treacleaswell asthe differentArisrasand
the differentAsavaspreparedfrom any Kqara and rsemblingin scent,
the wine preparedfrom honey,shouldbe usedin conqueringan attack
of Arocaka. The aforesaidmeasuresshouldalso be employedfor the
purposeof re-kindling the digestivefire (appetite)impaired through
the action of derangedYayu andKapha.17-19.
Farn{fi iltq{ffi dsffr}qrqqq?fl
sTrigqrerqffig 5-t+fdrq
ffi: 4Rrvrtcgrrtqaqr
Htr*-p6dtqrilr*Vrkt rr€r( frii Hqq*arqffi Cn ?o tl
Treatment of Mdnasa Arocaka- In a case of impaired
digestiondue to the effectsof any ungratifieddesire,fear, grief, etc.,

| . Dalhanuinterprets"Rasu"by meat-soap but we areinclinedto takeit in ttresense

of articlesof differenttastes(Rr.r.ra).

the lost longing for food shouldbe resroredin the patientby holding
out to him the near prospectof its realisationand by consolinghim
with the prospectsof freshjoy and safety.In a casedue to theloss of a
splendidfortune, the bitter apathy and loathsomeness of the patient
towards taking any food should be removed by infusing fresh hopes
into his heart and by narrating to him the balmy storiesof thepurdnas.
A casedue to dejectionor despondencyshouldbe conqueredby sincere
sympathy and cheeringup. In short any impairmentof appetitedue to
any disturbedor agitatedstateof the mind should be remediedwith
discoursesgratifying to the patientunder the circumstances.20.

Eft tqfd-TitrfrrqFg:fld+srfrfl qrqRrneran€qnrrT


Thus ends the fifty seventh chapter in the Uttara-Tantra of the susruta sathhita
which deals with the symptoms and treatmentof Arocaka.

erelrfrqnumnftiffi &IIdrrf@n-Fn'rT:
qPnqrq t{rrdlrt qqafr: rrq rr
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
symptomsand medical treatmentof the suppressionof urine (Mutra-

eng;rsfrq'ls$dr qmqfum*e q r
qrrfra: vqd;fr q-iqFrff: qrrrkTETn

T*6RT-{id}qrfuftn ffqvr Efifti?TT:

lt Rtl
The diseaseis of twelver kinds viz., Vata_kundalikd,Asghila,
Vata -bast i, M fit ratlt a, (M utra) Jayhara, M -utro tsanga, (M utra Ksaya,
M-utra-granthi, Miltra-lukra, (Jsna-vataand the two forms of (viz.
Kap haj a andp itta) M utra ukasada.2-3.

rtqqr{ +rrhr{kTr( ar Engt<fiflflsil: I

T-* wfr FTa fqgur:
arrgrsnc-*tt( affii fusrEEEt
6'rr{rrq rr
Symptoms of Vdta-Ku4tdalikA- The bodily Vayu deranged
and aggravatedthrough an extremely parchedcondition or through the
voluntary repressionof an urging towardsmicturition affectsandretains
the urine in the bladder, causing it to revolve in eddies within the

Mtrtra-sada and adds Vid-vighata and Busti-kurulula.

cavity of that organ. It allows the urine to passin small quantity or

(even) to dribble out in drops with pain. This diseaseis known as
Vatakundalikaandis of a violent type. 4-5.

vrfqrtra qfrg qrgril{fiBrd: I

sTfimrnfft uRi q,'tsqcr{xrqtte tt
fruqrrFqoeg,s trxreqmgqrq*r
+ErTq wTqd armffAfrat fuq:rt\etr
VAfiqilfilA- The deranged and aggravated bodily Vayu
incarceratedor lodgedin the regionlying betweenthe bladderand the
anusgives rise to a thick lumpy tumour like a pebble(Aq!fih), which
is hardandnon-shiftingin its character,producingsuppression of stool,
urine and flatus, distensionof the abdomenand pain in the bladder.It
is known as Vataqthlim.6-7.

}ri tcs{rAq Erq qrtat5vrdi T{: I

firouri€ gi ina q-*dftilrdsF;r€T:
ttz tl
q.dqgt cT+(t{ qk$filtFrfiBa: t
tntrEk: €fui-d qrEt: trqqgren: ll 3 u
Vata-Basti- The bodily Vayuin the locality, aggravatedby a
voluntary repressionof a propulsionto urinationentersthe bladderof
the ignorant person doing the sameand also obstructsthe orifice of
that organ causingretentionof urine with an oppressivepain in the
bladderandloins.The diseasein known asVdta-bastiandit is extremely
hard to cure. 8-9.

*tiwurd'q*ed W,sgfirafrt
msqruifrqRerqerB-({'r{dt u to rl
rdr{-fr Tq5-qffi{ $: ${: I
qrrfrildii @lt qqll
Mutrdfita- The urine of a personvoluntarilysuppressing it
doesnot flow out at all or only dribblesout in dropsor in scanty
with slight pain, when he strains.The diseaseis calledMutratita.

Tf,{q ffi it il{tr{dbq{rl

Efudr qrgdi(i qr+{yprqll !R rr
nct{EtilKrsrTrtq-{tq ffiqqqr
iiTf,trdifu{rEer:*frFr+fiq )\rr qRn
Mutra-jalhara- The vital Apana Vayu is deranged and
aggravatedby the Uddvartaproducedby a checkeddesirefor urination
and completely filis up and distends,with an excruciatingpain in the
abdomenbelow the umbilicus. The diseaseis called M-utrajathara
and the lower orificesr(viz. the anusand the urethra)areobstructedin
this disease.12-13.
qR* qrtzn|E[r
rra qut qr qstF6{: r
r{ri Rr+d g{ih qT rrcn-6ir: ll qy tl
€*€+tFqwq' vr,.i' qrser *t-eqr
TfqrS: qriFa: ut\ tl
Mutrotsafigc- The diseasein which the streamof urine gliding
along the bladder and urethrais gradually emitted in scanty jets or
runs down the exterior surfaceof the glanspenis with blood, whether
with or without pain, is calledMfttrotsanga(lit. gliding urination) and
is an outcome of the derangedand aggravatedaction of the bodily

Tq{€ qFTraiEsekeft ftr*qrmt r

qEr6+*i q-Ei g;qtni {5iq+uq11 qq11
ottqdr qkgdq*seu:fungeqr
+{Trqr{fr FEr TdqFiFr{tqq:u ?e tl
lTrErAT16{{r qftrtgqftagrur:I
€ ffiq-Fr: ' qz,tl
Mutra-kqaya and Mfutra-granthi- The deranged and
aggravated Pitta and Vayu in the bladder of an extremely fatigued
person already sufering from an extreme parchednessof organism,

l. Some1s66"oTqHKRtTai1" 11.,.
lower pan viz.,the neckof the bladderis

find lodgementin the bladderproducing, in concert, a sensationof

local burning andpain attendedwith a scantyaccumulationof urine in
the cavity of the organ(lit. absenceof micturition). The diseasewhich
can be made to yeild only to the virtue of therapeuticagentswith the
greatestdifficulty is calledM-utra-ksaya.A small round painful fixed
Granthi suddenlyoccuring on the interior side (of the orifice) of the
bladderandexhibiting by its characteristicpain, etc. all the symptoms
of the presenceof gravels(urinary calculii) in that organ, and which
standscompletely obstructingits orifice without letting out a single
drop of urine or admitsonly of its being dribbled out in scantyjets, is
called-M utra- I ranthi. I 6-I 8.
qqqRerdq-dq trfi zfrsFl+qfrI
irFT Tlgii ta, g6{r u li il
gKirr(qrsfrTfiqrTslq qrsfr tn?irEFf
ffi6wt Tru*r frg;qtl1Qotl
qqrqrs{rd+: frt' cki qrqrfrFTr{d{r
6rfrt iE tgq*q rr€t rxretEE:u Rqtl
URqqet-qr €tib {i6+E ErTr
F,-qr( urdil Er*€'6urqkiqEFd ir{lt RRtl
Muba-Sukra andUqrya-vdta- Apersonvisiting a woman with
the presenceof a strong urging towardsurination and by voluntarily
repressingthe sameis found to passurine highly chargedwith semen
which is sometimesseento precedeor follow the dischargeof urine.
The urine in this caseresemblesthe washingor solution of ashesin
colour. The diseaseis called Mlttra-fukra (lit. semen-chargedurine).
The diseasein which thePitta of a personderangedby suchfactorsas
over-fatiguing, physical exercise,exposure to the sun, or arduous
pedestrianjourney, gets into his baldder completely wrapped in the
derangedVayu ofhis body, and producesan intenseburning sensation
in his bladder,penis and the anus,settingup a painful flow of a dark
yellow or blood-streakedurine or of blood alone through the urethra
instead,is designatedas Usna-vdta.19-22.
frfl?ifrfifi Td F{r6 nr$anerr
TJdtq-cfrrqrfr ttrqrEui€Fdq{tI RI ll

TcY*,;Fr*iiffii fqtrS?i€er:r
frktffi'*dirsnlFq qr*r{rr rx rr
*E* wafaqqrfr vrgWtqqrrg{qr
Tltffisr{tfusr<rq{ Er?lvtirqr(u ?\ tl
Two kinds of Mtttraukasads- A nonslimy and thick flow of
yellow-colouredurine attendedwith a burningsensationand leavinga
sediment like powdered Rocand when dried, is called (pittaja)
Mlttraukasdda.Thewise ascribethe origin of this diseaseto the action
of the derangedPitta. The type in which a pare sedimentresembling
the powdersof conch-shellis depositedwhen the urine is dried and in
which the flow is painful andthe urine is srimy,thick andwhite, should
be attributed to the action of the derangedKapha.It is but another
variety of the diseasedescribedimmediatelybefore. 23-25.
qqr{rsFfr'qffi lTq{q *tqqqifu q I
q{trqea(ur }gEdEq edftwif*mtt I Rq||
faqeqrqfdqiwr frRrgwqR-ilTmqr
tffiqtds qr@qH n*sr+(n Rstl
General Treatment- Medicinal decoctions. Kalkas
(medicated) Ghytas,various kinds of) foods, Iambativespreparations
of milk, alkalies,honey, Asavas,fomentation anduttara-basti should
be employed accordingto their indicationsin coping with an attack
of any of the aforesaidailments.An inteiligentphysicianshall resorr,
in these cztses,to measureswhich are efficacious in cases of
ASmarT,or shall employ in their entirety the medicinal compounds
which have been describedas curative under the treatment of urinarv
Uddvarta 2G27.

@i sft*rqtt
ErIrBr( sgE{til Retl
gt'r *{+cwtr {*6.d firaT{:I
q{qids{vi q fir&(qrsqerrtls*q; I 1q 11
frn( Egq-*,d qT qt1i*,,,rrqqlil{l
@fui qknaEr gqraagrqu to rr

Errgqrmtgai gqrffi,:t
mdr $i vffiurt g*gqr(s5d{fr lt ?q tl
A caseof Mutra-krcchrawortldberelievedby theuseof pasted
Entdru-seeds and Saindhava weighing an Aksa and taken with the
fermented paddy-boilings. A person aff-lictedwith Mutra-krcchra
shouldtake wine (preparedfrom Plsta or Pastedrice) in combination
with Souvarcala-salt,or he shouldtake rvinepreparedfrom honey by
biting meat at intervals,or take any wine made from treacle.In the
alternative,a Kar;a measureof Kurhkumashould be kept saturated
with honey and water during the night and this shouldbe taken in the
morning, whereby the patient would be relieved of the trouble (of
M-utra-Krcchra).Bytaking the principalwine (uir., that preparedfrom
Pista or pastedrice) with salt, powderedEla, Jiraka andNagara and
saturatedwith the acid juice of pomegranadeone would get rid of

yqe1uqtF{*+F{qii rfrqc*w q r
scder€*r qt( Si qgturqu ?e ll
qffi irdit frrdrqircqttfirfrqt
Tft qrs?rfiltil€r-TflqldF{-dRuT{r
r ?? ||
Frufleuerssr qqrlrqT {r€qETfwqr(r
r{rFr EF{frs nraaFqrrequ ?x ll
Half a Prastha measureof water with four times as much of
milk togetherwith the drugsof the Prthak-Parnyadi (Vidari-gandhadi)
group and Goksura-rootsshould be kept boiling till all the water is
evaporated.A personsufferingfrom an attackaf Mtttra-ghata dueto
the concerted action of deranged Vayu and Pitta should use this
medicatedmilk, when cooled,with sugarand honey.The dung of an
ass or of a horse should be squeezedthrough a piece of linen and a
Kudava measureof this expressedliquid shouldbe takenfor the cure
of an attack of painful urination. 32-34.

g{aTaFneffis-TciuTi q{fr's ql
fidqq{wi Eici T-rffirdnvrqn R\ tt

eruqrrffidFrqTruriEr6it qqTskd{l
erEs{grFrq!frqi fr+ffaqrqa{u tq rr
qiit6 qrq{rqr qaigilql
fu*( q{ed rrdt vfrd Tf,u,,qrwe{n Qeu
Tf,dqat q-€( Fq')qererenr{{igdqu
tz u
An Aksa measureof the compound macleby pasting Musta,
Abhaya, Deva-darLt,Murva andyasti-ntctdhu,shuldbe taken with the
decoctionof Abhayd, Amataka andA ksa (v i bhi raka)togetherweighing
a Badara measureshouldbe takenwith little salt and waterfor g"ttiog
relief in casesof painful urination.An [Jclumbarameasureof br'ksa
should be kept saturatedin water for the whole night and this cold
infusion shouldbe raken(in the morning) for gettingrelief in cases
painful urination. A Kudctvameasureof the expressedjuice
Nidigdhika or the Kalka of rhe sameshouldbe taken with honev
as a
relief fiom the urinary complaints.3S-3g.
qfrwrFFrsHFC ff
ffi @u?qtl
erffifr* q$frr ET fq+tr{:r
frgrselqr Wfrt{ VTrFffir$d-crfruTr
uyo u
Td er qilt: sr' qfiffiei fr*im: I
aMqrVquvq tl
By taking a Kudavameasure of the expressed
juice of Amaraka,
a personsuffering from uninarycomplaintswould get rid of his
In the alternative, the patient should drink a potion consisting
powderedsmall Eia,dissolvedin the expressedjuice of Amalaka (and
mixed with honey), or he should take a pase of the tenderroots
Tala (paLm)with cold rice-washing.The expressedjuice of TrapuEa
and white Karkayakashould also be prescribedto be takenwith
in the morning. In the arternativea person shourd take potion
consistingof milk duly boiled with the drugs of theMadhura group

mixed with clarified butter as the compound is possessedof excellent

diuretic properties and tends to remove the Asmari troubles as well.
qdr l
vmr*aqaa t*r qfu{frRu YRrl
3{qrfr€ { 6F6ht$a firi.r{: I
n*qrpqfffinmqu xR tl
A compound consisting of Bald, Svadathstrd, seedsof lotus
(K r oufica)t, Tandula (i.e. seeds) of Ko kitdksa2,roots of Sam-pan a*at
Devaddru, Citrakn and stoneaf Aksa, pastedtogetherand dissolved n
wine shouldbe takenby a person,under the circumstancesinasmuch
as it removes the defects of urine and eliminates the gravels from the
qrffirqnTqF€a TTEFGI: qft'Eaqr
TIqE +i+rwqilrYYrl
!rdrfl{*Eq$q-:9ffi*r1 |
qffr qfrclnrt nr fr+( Ifii':rTqrgfrrtu Y\ tl
sreFr Enqvrcs.rq qrfrq-{r( ftF{rqfrr
q{r@{ rrfdrTq Htdqur{ut-qitl
fir+(Ti-{frstqrfrgtti6q Tcrd(ysrquyq rl
The ashes of burnt P61ald wood, which are efficacious in
relieving all sorts of urinary troubles, should be strained seventimes
in succession(the.mannerof Ksirapreparation) and takenwith a small
quantity of oil. In a similar way a pasteof l,lala, Ilc$u,Darbln, Aima-
bheda and the seedsof lrapusa andErvdruka, should be duly washed
in milk and filtered and taken in combination with clarified butter.
Powders of Tvak, Eld and Tri-kn1u should be taken by the intelligent
one in combination with the alkaline solution of the ashesof Patald,

l. palhala erplainsKrouficdsfhiu bonesof a Krouitcabtd,but we arenot inclined

to :rcccptthis explanation.
2. Someexplain "Kokildklaka-ta4.fula"as meaningKokilikla andTa4(ula (rrce)
which may also be accepted.
3. "Sdn-pama" may mean D-urvd-grass or bamboo.

Yava-kdra, Paribhadra andrila. Lambativesmadeof the powdersof

the above-mentioneddrugs should be separatelylicked with treacle.

e{rrg.d rmqqrfu
T&it *-ri fE*tr rx\err
*6d*qcr"rqi fui tg fl*q=T{r
tnt: Iiqfqtflri fffr$mrew+: uy/ ll
Now I shalldescribethemeasureswhich arebeneficialinMutra-
dosa (urinary defects).Purgativesshouldbe administeredto a patient
after the due appliation of Sneha andSveda.Uttren-bastisshould be
injectedafterhe hasbeenduly purged.47-48.

dlTrqfdssf,q ytRrrd' qs ftffil

qE.+q{qRF{ {wra EFr: gil: n xj tl
srrTsd€Tt?i ffigr
fonrtTrq{d f5 axmiT,qRq1ffi?nu\o rl
Sexualintercourseshouldbe refrainedby a personafflictedwith
a dischargeof blood from the urethraowing to sexualexcesses, andhe
should be treatedwith remedieswhich are constructivetonics (e.g.,
meat-soup,milk, clarified butterr etc.)()ttarabasrrsshouldbe applied
into the urethra, under the circumstances,with cock's lard and with
oil, theprocessofapplying themhasalreadybeenelaboratelydescribed.
(SeeCikitsa, KXVID. 49-50.

qil-{retqr*(Er q qr*{ Qt{rTfttrl:

vrdm:qrgqqfg qqil'.Wb H(srrq11q1 11
a**{r*,,'s ql
r*-slq11qq 11
st*,ed' €q+q sffirwrera(r
rs qfuraeiqufFfrqeT
Srnn, firil(rrqt rr
l. DalhttnasaysthatKdrtikadoesnot readthis,in asmuchasthis wouldincrease
the numberoriginallymentioned,as also because this casehas alreadybeen
mentioned in Prameha.But according
to Jejjata,thisis mentionedhereto makethe


{r( qftt: !r{SFT:vJ.dtd T{: H(tl

qx-dqr1srAE Fffiit: {gdqqu \x ll
qHfrlrcfrqtg cr*aTtT{ d+f, rat
rrfr +n( qgsnr dfd'qr( v5qfr u\\ ll
Half a Pdtra measureof honey, onePatra measureof clarified
butterchurnedfrom milk (Kslra-sarpis)tandequalpartsof sugar,and
powdered Drakqa, Atmagupta-seed, Ik;uraka and Pippafi, together
weighing one half part (i.e. half of half a Patra) shouldbe thoroughly
mixed by stining the compoundwith a laddle.A Pani-tala (two tolas)
measureof this compoundshouldbe licked, followed by draughtsof
milk. By using this Ghrta, a man is relievedof all injuriousprinciples
of his body, and gets rid of distressingand dreadful urinary troubles
which cannototherwisebe easilycuredby any otherremedy.It actsas
an excellentblood-purifier,andby using it, evena barrenwoman may
get rid of her sterility and of all other vaginal and uterinecomplaints
which usually obstructor retardconceptionin females.51-55.
q.€ftqiJ311fur |
Yurffi5 qdT.g ffiqr*e qll\q ll
Trfirtrswfr Ir{rFII s6 rn?rqTl
,Irnifiddrsfr{dTrffi* rTurkpnu\s ll
l5rfrqqs{Frfr qidqr1 wa wer}qt
T{t+{ rr{T{TrrIs{q qffiT T16il \4 rl
ffiil(W q+( t{ Tnrntr1l
ir(fui q,,-i{fr
riTdql| \q |!
qffiir( Wsrtr Tf,+qq qgaTiuqo ll
Equal parts of Bald, stonesof Kola-fruits, lcqli-madhu,
Svadarhstra(Goksura), Satdvarl,Mrndla (lotus-stem), KdSeru, seeds

l. Dalhana's reading here evidently is'K;ira-surpisluh',brtt accordingto a variant

the reading would be "K$ru-sarpisha" i.e. milk and clarified butter (taken together).
The latter reading has the support of Cakrupu4i and Vynda who, however, read
these lines in a different way and prescribe the drugs in somewhat different
proportions. The former reading'Ksira-sarpishah'with the sixth case-endingis,
however, more grammatical.
of lksuraka, Sahasra-v\rya(Durba), Ahiumatr (Sala_parni),payasya
(Vidari), Kala, Sygalavinna (prlniparni),
Ati_bala una in. drugs of
theBrrhhaniya @akogadi)group shouldbe duly
boiled with fou, t]-",
of water of their combinedweight anda Turamasure
of treacle.when
only a Dronc measureof waterwould remain,it shourd
be takendown
and strainedthrough a piece of rinen. It should
then be duly cooked
with anAdhaka measureofcrarified butter. The medicated
Girto 1tt,os
prepared)with a prastha measureof honey
addedto it (when
should be kept in an earthenpitcher. ey using this "oot"a)
medicated, Ghrta,
one would be cured of all urinary troubles.56-60.

Srqfr€ris qurtf{ Vr*rrqr:npte qllqq tl

q&ur UswrdqqwFdstfr @(l
dF[@{?IrVrFfi qr*i q{tt ra: ftr*rtlt qRll
v$fi-frqqq+qd: qrrq rrc+qEqFrd.'l
++raffiarq Tl-€I:d'd$rt gqqltqt tl
eMqrqn qd: ftq*e a phnqyll
Powder of Tuga-ksiriand sugarshouldbe mixed
honey and licked on an auspiciousday according
to the digesting
capacityof the patientand a draughtof milk shourd
then be tali-en.By
its use the patient would be abreto conquer
all seminaltroubresif he
observesa perfect whosesemen
sexual excesseswould get instantaneousrelief;
and a man who is
possessed ofvigour (ojas)andstrengthwourdbe refreshed

fur*: qrR-cr*e Edr q-ror{RTRqntq\

flqvnflrtwmm fudumrq*qr
d*q q=f*. qeqi Wrqrqir*,rfr qnqqtl
Edrddrrr*tFr: q.,et: q,,ffi: r
ffim wcr*d F(kq{ildrt'(u qe tl
Vnd qtiq-f,de vrfurqaR{g-d(r
gmSda ir( rrd qfrqq qffiert(n qe tl

Fd fiftiftr+( e'.rfr qPrrdtiqwGrir{l

qrtrar: 1ffi61; fiI?kdrK * r+i(lteq tt
rrtar: uftfrm: fir&ffitraqt
!fiF+{g qcrg TfiR-f{ EtFil'€r6{ltso ll
rsrtrf5 ErTST ffi Qrq{t
€ffitfl( rrggrrr {fr rr{ llst ll
srqr@ *Fqdqtg {mrtl
dx*tg rrtg Ercr|@cqrr\sRu
Pasteof Citraka, Sariva,Bala, Kalanusdrivd,Draksha, Visala,
Pippafi, Citraphala, Yesrimadhu,Pathyd andAmalakaeachweighing
oneKarsa shouldbe boiled in oneA(halcameasureof clarified butter
mixedtogetherwith oneDroryameasureof milk and water each.When
theeutirequality of milk andwateris evaparatedthe compoundshould
be taken down and kept it be cooled' When the compoundbecomes
cold it should be strainedthrough a piece of linen. Then a prastha
measureeachof sugar and Tuga Kohirr shouldbe mixed be mixed in
the compound.This Ghrta should be taken in proper dose and at a
papertime accordingto the strangthof the Dos.asand patientas well.
This Ghrta removesdiseaseslike Vata Ren, Slesmareta,Pitta Reta,
Rakta Reta andGranthi Reta.This Ghrta is Jeevanlya(increasesthe
life span), Vlqya (Aphrodiasic),imparts to the user, efficacious for
increasingintellect,auspiciousand destroeysall sortsof siseases.By
useof this Ghrta sterilewoman conceivesshortly.This also conquers
all sorts of Rakta Dosasand Vaginal disorders.This may be used to
cure all sortsof urinarYdisorders'

g€rvrfifrSem: ll\z ll
Thusendsthe fifty-eighrchapterin the uttara-Tantraof thesuirata s^fthifi
which dealswith the symptomsand treatmentof the suppression of
urine (Mutrdghata).

qercrm wqrt erqaR:rt q tt
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
symptomsand medical treatmentof the defectsof urine (M-utra-dosa-

qr*Tfir+{ m'*qrr{RETfuvr*:vr6qrfrrqq1
{r4-{qr t-€S Tfuqrd: arftrd.sgtrqrrf rr
Classificaton- The di seaseknown asM ropaghata i s di vided
into eight different types according to as an attack induced by the
derangedaction of the bodily Vayu, Pitta andKapha separately,or is
due to the concertedaction of all of them. or to the effects of an external
blow or hurt (on the locality), or to thepressureof the faecesincarcerated
(in the intestine),-i.e.due to the constipationof the bowels- or due to
the presenceof any stone(ASmarTin the bladder).The eighth type is
the one due to the presenceofgravels (Sarkara in the bladder).This
diseaseis one of the most painful anddistressingaiimentswhich assail
the human bodv. 2

L Dalhana'sreadingevidentlyis Mittra-krccltra(strangury),for he saysthat the

variantherein Mutra-dosa.He saysfurtherthat somedo not readthis
chapterat all on the groundthat the matterin this chapteris includedin thechapters
of Afmari, MuffAghAtuand Uduvartuetc. But, accordingto him, it must be read
herefor treatment'ssakeas well as on the groundof its being separately treatedin
other anthoritativeworks. Mddlruva,cukra-pdni, vrnda and,othercompilershave
readthis as Mutru-krcchrain a separate chapteras here.

stqrf,i qgqqtw guarir+ekFT: r

q-ekRe trEuT ffitt ? rr
ErR-frgst rtb ar gcrffi: t
sfirfl (illnqr+: ffi{ ffirrxrr
kteiq+errEwra €u6}6nqffi+: r
ri€Stqr gofrt: vffiq ffinqtt
Eravfrrt,qrtcd qrflquf K&,r
drertrtq Fqq qffi{ ffitt q rt
Specific Symptoms- A scanty flow of urine coming out in
dropsandproducingoppressiveandburstingpain in the scrotum,penis
and bladder,is the specific featureof the Vataja type of the disease.
The Pittaja type is characterisedby the emissionof bloody or high-
coloured (lit. dark yellou) and (very) warm urine which producesa
burning sensationin the scrotum,bladderand penisas being burnt by
flre. A senseof weight or heavinesin the scrotum,penis and bladder,
an appearanceof goose-flesh(on the skin) and the emissionof cold,
white and glossy(oily) urine,arethe featureswhich mark the Kaphaja
type.Burning sensation(in the urerhra,etc.),shivering(of the body),
frequentemissionof urine of varied colours,painful micturition and
loss of consciousnessare the indications which point to the
Sannipatika origin of the disease which is very hard to cure.

{rqrF6g vr6h {friq,F{i'frg q I

dn:{ qnqrtrq qrqe T{r+Er:I
qa6r*K Teqrhdrq fuSThaqriEr r\err
Irr{ilq rfrqTilr( Ergrftqdt rrd:I
TPrtr5 T{qTiq;ifrfrrrarr
The presenceof any ulcer or an injury to the urethra,by any
external object gives rise to an extremely distressingstricturein the
case of which the characteristicsymptoms of Vata-basti manifest
themselves.The suppressionof the faecesleadsto the aggravationof

the local Vayu which, in its turn,producesa distensionof the abdomen

and a suppression of urine accompanied with cramps (in the

:gd T{qFil s(l-€rT:ll 3ll

e{sqrtTdirT*qtr-d qnlq6qQ;1
vr*Trqri*frq1 ryJ Ehtffi rTqllto 1l
rrarrilrrg[ fift{ fr€qms qrgrn
n tt rl
E$sT+qr{:v1ii5$qfr, ggfu: r
afi+ffi qat v TilErrd*I (16TT:ll lR tt
qr+tF{T<rg drg YnErfr *c{rr
qr{trqr 5T+h rJFf4,Tffi {Gfqil q? tl
tY rl
A 3m arlj a and Sarkar aj a- M utra -ghata (obstructed urination)
due to the presenceof Afmari (stone)hasbeenalreadymentioned(in
the Nidana Sthana).Stonesand gravelsareof similar origin and exhibit
similar symptoms.Now hear me describingthe symptomswhich are
the distinguishing traits of a caseof Sarkard (gravel or urinary calculus
in the bladder).Flakesor particlesof derangedand condensedKapha
when baked (dried?) by the action of the derangedand aggravated
Pilta and severedin piecesby the derangedbodily Vdyu, are called
Sarkard (gravels) giving rise to such symptomsas cardiac troubles
(pain in the heart,etc.)shivering,crampsin the loins, greatdiminution
of the digestivefire, fainting fits and painful and obstructedurination.
The pain, however, subsideswith the subsidenceof the desire for
micturition (full evacuationof the bladder),the relief from the pain
continuing until the orifice of the organ (urethra)is not againobstructed
by the presenceof other calculi. These are the symptoms which
characterisea case of Mutraghata (obstructed urination) due to the
presenceof gravelsin the bladder.9-14,

fqffiqrrq*tqrqgr{rqfr ae{frr
eTvqftg €qrlerflT€iF'rrsfrqqir(t I q\ ||

qPnt{qgsil ffi q qiq{rr tQ tl

General Treatment- NorvI shalldescribethemodeof medical
treatmentand active therapeutic agentsto be employedin the eight
casesof Mutra-ghata.Medicalmeasuresand remediesmentionedin
connectionwith the treatmentof ASmarl (stone) should alsor be
employedin the prcseutinstancein due 5ug6gssisn- commencing
with the applicationof Sneha,etc.- with properregardto the Dosa or
Dosasinvolvedin eachcase.15-16.

sigrprn{+ lF.,rtffEEqiffirrfiTk*r{l
qi{ivrdrql1 rr€t qo.ui firfr*fttq.rqr
aetr fuflftqrqrk {g€ *si q*qr
ki Ti qr ir( fti ir arsegarr+qlrqetl
cengilrEkg em:Fdiqvrrd+llqetl
qffi ki rrgs${rrr{r
wrer il( T+{qft{ rxfrtcwrqll tq rr
Treatment of Yataja type- Oil, clerifiedbutterandlard mixed
togethershouldbe duly cooked yvithSva-darhstra,Aimabhecta,Kumbhi
(a kind of moss),Hapusa,Kotttukarl, Bale, Satavari, Rdsna,Varuna,
Girikarnika andthedrugsof the Viddri-gandharllgroup.Oil orclarified
butteralonemay alsobe similarly cookedandpreparedwith the above
drugs..Theabove preparationsshould be internally administered,or
injected into the intestinesin the manner of an Anuvdsana-bastr,or
into the urethraas an Uttara-basti for giving relief in casesof Vataja
Mutra-krcchra. 17-19.

fti Bi fungei lrvr*( qftda q111
qutqn'rqkrs l@lt Qqtl
qFita grT: trafq$qh aftrgr
t6d Mq-qfrcrqrnid'qlt RRtl
l. Dalhat.ta
says thatthepresence
of theparticle"?" (meaningalso)indicates
the modeof medical.treatmentprescribedin casesof Murughatashouldalso be
appliedin this case.

gtrtq*awrqt qsund q r{Ffrr(l

fu nen {drrcnR$rnqr} qfl€} lt R?tl
Piltajct andKaphaja Types- The internal useof the clarified
butter duly cookedwith the drugsof the Trina-paiica-mula,Utpamdi,
Kakolyadi andNyag rodhacli groups,wouldgive an i nstantaneousrelief
in a caseof Pittaja Mutra-Krcchra. The useof this Ghrta as an (Jttara-
basti would also similarly give relief in a caseof the presenttype. Any
sneha duly cooked with the precedingdrugsshouldbe similarly used
in the mannerof any of the threeBasti-application.purging with milk
and the expressedjuice of lksu andof Draksa is also beneficial.oils
and yavdgtts duly cooked with the drugs of the Surasddi, Usakadi,
Mustadi and the vorunadi groups would prove curative in a caseof
Kaphaj a M fit ra-krc clr a. 20-23.

EqiE-dr€ q qdi r
qeJT$rEqfsq-Hrqqia erftunr
€trys<+rftqmd trq€,,qrqdqil RYtl
Tri-do;aja Type- The foregoingmeasuresandremediesshould
be employedin the Tri-dosajatypeof x[utra-krcchraaccordingto the
nature and intensity of the predominanceof the Do-sainvolved.
Pulverised compound of Phalgu (Kakodumbra), Vricira (white
Punannvd), Darbha and Aima-sara (dead iron) taken with water,
potions of surd (wine), the expressedjuice of lksu, and the decoction
of Darbha would relievepain in a caseof Mutra-krcchra.24.

mnsFrvm+ Erriq qEiErqfuffiqql ?\ tl

q-ryE rrs-qr* qtrqi qr€fr f*rnr
T*qqqrflqrqff-q|wEutf*.w*aplr il?qil
ta+Ca?ntrQrd: *u: ffiftr.u Retl
Medicinesand medicinalmeasuresmentionedin the chapteron
the treatmentof sadyo-vrznnshouldbe employedin a caseof stricture
due to any hurt (Abhighata)to the urerhra.vdyu-subduingremedies
should be constantly used, and baths, fomentations,unguents,

applicationsof Basti and powders should be employed in a case of

Purlsaja Mutra-krcchra. The treatment of the last two kinds (viz.
Afimari-ja andSarkara-ja)has alreadybeendescribed.25'27.

Efrg{d-ri@I55qqft Tt?rqrqnrt-
Thus ends the fifty-ninth chapter of the IJmtru-Tantra in the SuSrutaSafthittt
wlrich deals with the symptomsand medical treatmentof Mutra-dosa.

Here ends the Kaya-Cikitsd


qen"nEl wrcq ep4ffi;11q 1;
Now we shall disco'rse on the chapterwhich dealswith the
symptoms and medical treatmentof the cliseasebrought on

Fttn=inril TqTq ftRr+q giTfgr:I

Efrq( qrrrfi{ki fu{aimp agfr1l 11,
lmqrqrsqqfrqflq€rd: qffintil tri rr
Now we dilate upon the dictum which hasbeenput forward in
the first portion of thepresentwork. patient sufferingfrom ulcers
alwaysbe protectedfrom the evil influencescastby night-rangers(i.e.
ghost,monsters,andmalignantspirits,etc.).whoev"r ptodu.J,
human characterin a man by making him exhibit uncornmonfortiiude
and marked irrelevancyin his dealings,intoleranceand the power
know the private and future eventsis called a Graha. 2-3

or[Rt frr*wt{ qId EN qR QTSffiq;

trqEqrf€raef qffiKrrrqenfu qrilYtl
enidqr T6rrun rarRrrdqq tr
qqt fqfuErsrn fir-sr* t iTqrsgern\tl
l. Amanusa-lit. non-mi,a.r'a,i.e. other than human.It incrudes
the deities,demons,
ghosts,monstersand the manesand even the serpentdeities.

tqnaEr flETrung tqi rFqtqET: firrt ga![T: I

rq{ifqqrqrfr firwsnftidsr*i ffi qtr1s{;|| E||
Causesof influence by a Graha- Innumerablearethe Grahas
and their tutelary divinities who roam about in the world in quest of
offerings or out of their innatetendencyfor mischief and cruelty and
choosetheir victinrs from among personswho are impure in body,
mind and acts-be they ulceratedor otherwise.TheseGrahctsthough
possessed of variousshapesand figuresare mainly classifiedunder
eightgroupsor farniiies.TheDeycs(dcities)andtheirenemies(viz.the
Asuras), Gandhetrvcts, Yaksas.Pilrs (manes),Bhujangas,(Serpent-
dieties), Raksasas (monsters)andPi.iaces(filthy goblins)arethe eight
classesof Grohas.4'6.

u-{E:{ffi +urrernlenFffi* t
M fremilcrfrE{r{rdr Eauri riqfr ;rr: q {a{g: lle ll
ffifr Baqttl+aq-*mr{trflr$ fumqEilffiqtr' I
srqfr q iEvr{Sg: tta tt
q-{S rrdfr T qmqmendgr.qT
Egrffr gffi FiliEtrt: firqqfrrfi6rr+Il{r€q:t
ltr{* Irfsfr qlr iarcq{'rqrr*ffifrH rrtsq:ll 3ll
tru-almawnt rrr*fr €rq(rrltffirrarq.qi6sJ: t
MEffiq ftfr'Rrfr q,,'Szil qqrerdqlrfrkfrrrg: llqo ll
Indication of attack by Grahas- A personpossessedby a
Deva (divine,) Grcthais cleanly, contented,vigorous and with little
sleep.he speaksin good and pureSahskrt,betraysa stronganddecided
liking for flowers andperfumes,grantsboons(in the fashionof a divine
being) to all and is clevotedto Brdhmanas,and stareswith a fixed gaze
(in his eyes).A persottlabouringunderthe malignantinfluenceof an
Asura Graha (devil) perspires copiously, speaksill of the gods,
Brdhmanasand preceptors,knits his brow with archedeyes,has no
fear, does not become satisfiedeven with all kinds of food or drink
and exhibits vicious propensities.A personunder the influence of a
GandharvaGraha moves about happily along lovely river-banks,or
in lovely forest.Always cleanly in body and acts,he showsfondness
for songs,flowers and sweet scents,laughsmerrily and sings sweet
songsand dances.Copper-colouredeyes,partiality for wearing thin


qe*flq efircrt
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich dealswith the
symptoms and medical treatmentof the diseasebrought on through
super-humanrinfluences (Amanusa-pratisedha).I

ffitzfr rqaq fril+q ffiFgr: I

gfrqq qFrFfr fu{ffi{ilR qgirr q rr
@sffrduJilr I
t*qrersqrdffqfuqsrr: qftqfrettrr? rr
Now we dilate upon the dictum which hasbeenput forward in
the first portion of the presentwork. patient sufferingfrom ulcersshould
alwaysbe protectedfrom the evil influencescastby night-rangers(i.e.
humancharacterin a man by making him exhibit uncornmonfortitude
and marked irrelevancyin his dealings,intoleranceand the power to
know the private and future eventsis called a Graha. 2-3
qvJfti fi{-trrett qm En qG trTsffiql
ft,qffirmsf qffiRreiqcnfr Ernytl
slidqr T6rrutr nrnmau*C tr
6Erq+ frfuerr*rn fi€r+ t iTerrsuETn\tl
l. Ananusa-lit. non-md,r.r'a,i.c. other than human.It includesthe
ghosts,monstersand the manesand even the serpentdeities.

red garments,vigour and fortitude,repeatedoffers for grantingboons

or gifts to persons,laciturnity,restiveness(D.R.-fastness in walking)
and gravity of the mind are the symptomswhich are manifestedin a
personcomingunderthe influenceof aYaksaGraha.T-10.

Wd ltkfrg fru-sqVnarcmwccfuilrrt-€-aFrpr:
rrdfr tqtnrnn1a:il tt tl
* Ut vcrFdrT4+(e<Tfq-(qf*u*frk€fd fqAqrn*e r
rrqfr {E: ll tR ll
A personsimilarly affectedby a Pitr Graha becomescalm and
quiet as well as reverenttowardsthe manes.He offers oblations on
Kuia-grassand libationsof water for their satisfaction,with the upper
garmentworn in a fashionso asto fall underhis right arm andexhibits
a liking for cooked meat as well as sesamum,treacle andPayasa.A
person struck by the malignant influence of a Bhujahga Graha,
sometimesmoveson his breastalongthe groundlike a serpent,always
licks the cornersof his lips with the tip of his tongue,becomesdrowsy
(D.R. irritble) and shows a marked predilection for treacle, honey,
milk and Pavasa.lL-12.

afrenqfd.gmqeil FTvrffi yMfrqrrafr a tqrurTfra:|| qR||
E6Rr:F.vTw'qfls{rf,rqiqftrn@: I
{6{fr ffitrqttt*ffi arfrd unfavqlfrwrwgU:nty I|
A fondnessfor flesh, blood and variouskinds of ardentspirit,
blank shamelessness,extreme cruelty, courageousness, initability,
extraordinarystrength,stirring out in the night and an entiredisregard
of cleanlinessarethe traitswhich mark a personattackedby a Rakqasa
Graho.Haughtiness,emaciationof theframe,roughnessof behaviour,
gamrlousness,fetid smell from the body, extremeuncleanlinessand
restiveness,voracious eating, foundnessfor cold water and lonely
places,stirring abroadin the night (D.R. fondnessfor walking about
the out-skirts of forest) and roaming about weeping and engagedin
vicious pursuits(D.R. anxiouslooks) arethe featureswhich show that
a personhas beenpossessed by a PiSacaGraha. 13-14.

Rfc{rqlwftTrlfr: Tqt-T*fr fir*rq: qiTfrq 6lqt q zilsfr I

q@: w{ {{S a rffi qrseii;qgE: u lq 11
Prognosis- If a person possessedby a Graha, has swollen
eyes,quick pace,foam at the mouthwhich he licks himseli drowsiness,
staggeringgait which sometimescompels him to fall down on the
ground or if he is possessedby a Graha after his fall from a hill, an
elephant,a tree or suchother high place,or if he be oldl, he shouldbe
regardedas incurable.15.

tqra: Fea"iirfrl
rr*rei: qlqPlsEst qqrrg qfrErsellt!q tt
trsrqT+ q fqcr: qgqrqrfr dtrn: I
rq{iR{t{Fr t{rrdrrdvqi ftFrk q u qetl
E{urft qPngrqrrffiEui sfirr* qErr
Rqfui c{rffird€r qEr tEE tdelql
ffi q r Eg++ nflRdafrfrrrT{u qz,tl
Times of possession- Deva Graha strike i.e. possessa man at
full moon; Asura Graha at the meeting of day and night i.e. in the
morning and evening twilights; Gandharvagenerally on the eighth
and Yaksaon the first day of the fortnights.Pirr Graha possessa man
on the new moon day; and Sarpa Graha (Serpentdevil) enters on the
fifth day of the new or full moon. RdksasaGraha possessa man at
night and Pisdca Grahaon the fourteenthday of the fortnights.Graha
imperceptibly enter the body of the patient in the same way as an
image imperceptibly enters(the surfaceof) a mirror, as heat or cold
penetratesinto the body of an organicbeing and as the rays of the sun
arecollectedin the crystallensknown as the Surya-kanta gem and
as soul enters the body unseen.16-18.

fiqifu fraTfura*q qFi q-drh EqTfTqqsss{r

rJunFTEfsgrdfu zrengt{|'€Fl
fu frer awr: TrrrR|r*I || qi ||
l. In placeof "qtstihq nV;" Matlhuvareads'TdqflTQ'r.e. 1it is alsoincurable)
whenit hascontinuedfor thirteenyears.

qtrrtq: €a{'ffiilqqT rrgqrt ffisrfar

terffifr qEFilftT( t r@ar: n Rotl
tr'Taruri qFgrr*T+ @:t
sryrwrqiq$q: g+frqr ffi€rns aqrffin Rqtl
Austerepenancesand vows, self-control,truthfulness,charities
and religious practicesas well as the eight qualitiesrare either wholy
or partially present in the Grahas according to the degreeof their
respectivepower. Thesespiritual bodiesnever come in contactwith,
nor do they themselvesstrike humanbeings.Thosewho hold contrary
opinion, must be ignorant of the mysteriesof demonology.It is the
thousandsand hundredsof thousandsand hundredsof millions of the
followers of the Grahas, who are fierce-looking and fond of flesh
and blood, and who stir abroadin the night and possessthe men on

ftvnqtrurt tqi' R t Marar: I

tCrqflqtigqtq idirrFq iqsrr: n R?tl
t{ra Efr 5-q,ffi P3-*qg tr
t{ilq rqrri rss+A u {+aq11q1 ;1
FfiT{furfuqtqRT: rr'rTqq gnRgr
ttfrfutgfril{Rrqi rr FrEr: qrT: I
Ir€rdr<qT+$ qffi 'rot, FTlt Rytl
GwF*aru + *tqtqqrqgqrFetrfrr: I
q-drfrhg.ilr Ffrr tui {ArragFT:u R\ tl
Tfitilrh qarh uwq*srqr firq I
kffir qcfuamrc qq ffiu Rqn
Of thesemalignant spirits (Grahas) those who are associated
with the gods should be regardedas of celestialessencein virtue of

l. The eight qualitiesreferredto are- (l) Animd or the superhuman powerof

becomingassmallasan atomat will. (2) Laghimi-power of becomingexcessively
light at will. (3) vyapti- expansiveness.(4) prakamyc- irrisestiblewill. (5)
Mahimd-power of increasingthe sizeat will. (6) Iiitva- greatness.
(7) vasitva-
self-controland (8) Kamdvasayittt- suppressionof passion.

their partaking of a tinge of divine virtues.Those who are known as

Deva Graluts and arecleaniy shouldbe worshippedandhomagedand
prayed like the other gods of our Pantheon.The Grrthas should be
creditedwith thosepowers,virtues and characteristicswhich are the
attributesof their respectivemasters.They are the issuesof Nairtl's
daughtersand their living hasbeenfixed as suchby the variousGaryas
(or groups of gods and deme-gods)as they are always, adverseto
truthfulness,i.e. the true perfonnanceof the dictatesof theSaStra.Those
that roam about in questof evil and rnischiefin spite of the celestial
natureof their own divine essenceand temperamenthavebeentermed
Bhutas (spirits).hencethat branchof rnedicalsciencewhich treats of
the therapeuticsof diseaeseswhich originatefrom the influencesof
Bhutas (or Grahcts)is called the Bhurq-Vidya.22'26.

tqi vneffiqat*uq {t$n16fi: I

qt, HFfirHt{Rtd fqfonrgqu Rstl
rffiTh rr*rqreqrhffi nquftfrt
qAqrgrr{ q*qt qrqrdflqRrs-qtll Rell
General Religious Treatment- Japas(mentalrepetitionof a
Mantra sacredto any deity), Hornas(offering of oblationsto the gods)
and other religious rites in accordancewith the properrules shouldbe
undertakenby a careful physicianfor their propitiation. Offerings of
garlands of red flowers with red scents(such as red Sandal paste,
Kurhkima, etc.),seeds(suchasmustard,barley,etc.),honey,clarified
butter and all sorts of victuals are the articlesrequiredgenerallyfor
(porpitiationo0 all classes(of Grahas).27-28.
qsrfu rr*mr€rhqiqrh rfirrrfotq I
qrfrtqi qe)ETfrdrh ttq: ftlrqt(il ?3 u
ffi r{qq +g qrqvilffigEt
f{ig ffi{ aWfqftgn'+u ?o tl
M iq$ $qfii InqR eFir{t
3rg{rq qerrfiri keeznqm{Ggr
rr*rdR rrqi rTs+quqigrq-q|F.€rqil?Rtl

€+*rqfr qqrs
gqs fuk( eFdqutt rr
Tst @s Vvrnilqqfrr{'l
a+ffi fl-rnq frhsi eFd{',ti"r,
T{6qri rTqrsFrrr$fr5 v1.6.+S ,r,
pfqrtrir frsnEr*q *d qft4EqrdEn
specific Rerigious Treatment- croihes,
wine, brood, flesh
ormilk shouldbe offeredto themaccording
to theirrespectivelikingsr.
offerings to the respective Grahas
shiurd be miae on the day
correspondingto that in which they generally
strike their victims.
Homas in the fire withthe offerings oir(z
sa, ivastika, cakes rinpol,
clarified butter, umbrelra andpayia(ponidge)
shourdbe made to the
Deva (celestiar) Grahas in divine t"-pr"r.
To the Asura Grahas the
offering shouldthe made in the yard (cawara),etc.
of a houseat the
proper time (viz. at evening);offerings
to theGandharva Grahasshourd
be made with wine and the o*angala animalsin the midst of a
gathering; while those to the"oup
yiksa cinas shourd
be made inside a
housewith the cakesof boiled Masa pulse
(Kulmasa),blood, wine,
etc'The pitr Grahassfrgu-rd
withtt oir..ingr-,iuJ" on
Kuia grasstogetherwithMadhivi andKundaflowers " on thebanks
a river; similarly variousofferingsshourd of
be madeto waga ciana,
offeringstothe Rat<sa.sasshouldbededicated in dreadfurro#t f*"r,,
or at thecrossingof tworoads,whileto thepisacas
cookedor uncooked
fleshshouldbe offeredin a lonelychamber.

rvrdut-1frf.qd*fnalq*rgqd{En ?Qrr
ereqtffktrnfur trdrct{*,,+{ilEri
r5 Tra-qwer WFs- rffiqr
qfr{ vnqfr flq{ ua,nie tl
tEmgfrqrqfr TEq(S )furtrfo*qr
l' This is sroka conesponding
to "croth....likings"
'- is onry a variantaccording
Qalhana.He doesnot seemto iead this Sni.

r. fr q-"
. r- , I


Tsrs:qs{frkg trqqrE ffiqll ?4ll

utrurarfrqr-i5"tq'{Tnq'rq{ I
qrrds q Mqt
5frti t1*mmnt
;R.'di,,TF(firakisqryll?qll ., :
prevalentMantras enjoined
Medical Treatment- In casethe
(in works on Demonology)are found
to be recited on suchoccasions
to be ineffective the f"li;;t;g medical measures'shouldbe employed'
(porcupine)'or owl
Skin and hairs of a goat, a b"ear,a Satyaka
urine and made into incense
p^ri"J ,"g"ther with Hirigu and goat's
patient' who would be fumigated
sticks, should be burnt bJfore the
attackevenof a violent Graha
with the fumes emittedtherefrom'The
duly soakedin the biles of a
roots, Iri-k atu, Amalako undSorlopa,
lizard,mungoose'cat andbearshouldbe
Dungs of an ass'horse' mule'
and wash by an expe,iencedphysician' with
owl, camel, Oog,ia"t uultu,", crow and boar pastedtogether
"t, with an adequatequantity
the urine of a she-goaist ouroue duly cooked
if used(assnuff' etc')
of oil. The oil thuspreparedwould be beneficial
in the precedingmanner'36'39'
Rrffii avJivItefirqpi*qtrr(r
qFsgi Twff qFsriqw$ur tqt(t
q.mqrfiwi*'t Wt vffi:t
Efti q Eil ad: Kdritq{s{qllYq
fted€dt fS q{ReniaF{rqfrl
qw{itqr F( frE rrsfirm 1**q11a111
tt T6r q{ffi q*qi Tfirsql
Vacd' Mafti islha'
Sirrsa-seeds,lnl una" Sunthi' Siddharthaka'
with goat'surine and dried
Raiari-tai Xf+ryashouldbe pastedtogether
an Aftjana' Vartis prepared
the bile (of a cow) atong ttte eye-lids as
mean a camel or an elePhant'
1. The word in the text is'Karabha'which many
Dalhanaexplicitly explainsthe word as a camel'
withNaktamara-fruit,Tri-katu,roots of syondka andofBilva as weil
asthe two kinds of r'a ridrd shouldbe
useaasanAffjanain a sim'ar
way. Saindhava, Ka1uka, Hi g Vayast (
:. y, ha Gudu ci) unaVo i,- p urt"a
togetherwith goat'surineand with thebile oia fish,shouldu"" ,iriil*rv
usedasanAfijanain casesof attacksby
the Grahaswhich wourdnot

Etrqrgfricty$ifrH firtrfq+ Fnl

rffiifr erftilfr i'. -p*vt Ererilenu yl tl
E;grcrlT{rr€n q iTerT ffi+*;rfur*^r
ffit ffimntyxtl
sre$ @ts ffir *frqqwtr
ffi EframsrSFr t q lfrfr{m,,,"q,,
fttremffir-frffierqr*t iTenl
@ TSA{q qilYe,tl
F{r_d.frr+ffrEr-rirfoil{cdq, r
3{Fqq'T fi1rqVltqffi q gdTHq' xe ||
drh +qTrh ErFt-itrl
erqd€.rg+ +{ F€enE
ffis-dqu ye tl
fd+frn qfr+* a'nr* qfuid iurl
v'frqurfuitreb qrEqnaEuyq tl
w rdfuRiq qm€rtsrfia- i
Aq*+r q'rfu ffi q E6T:u\o tl
Matured clarified butter, Lasuna, Hihgu,
Siddarthaka, Vaca,
Golomj, Aj atomi, B hutake3i (Jatamarits
t ), Jata ( Gandha-maritsl
Kukkuyi (akind of bulb), Sarpagandha, ),
Karya,(K;ira_kakofl, Viqdr.zika
Rlya-proktu: Vayaistha, Sritgi, Mohana-Valli,
(Vatapatri,ta) Arka-roots,
Zri_/< atu, Lata (priyangu), Afijana
( Rasafij ana), srotofij ana,
Naipdri, iaritdt^aand other articles
have the efficacy of exercising evil which
spirits, as we* as the dungs, hairs,
skin, Vasd,urine, blood, bilel n*fr,?..
of li*r, tigen, bears,cats,
elephants,horses,cows, dogs,Sotyot*r,
ti*aq, camels,mong@ses,
etc' shourdbe usedin the preparution
ofo' und clarified butter which

and as unguents-Pills
should be used internally as well as in snuffing
sprinkling (wash) and their
made of the abovedrugs shouldbe usedin
of the patient)' A paste
p"*O"t"a compound-in dusting (the body
asplasters'The due and
pr"p."a with the above drugs should be used
in a
the oil, Ghyta' etc' thus prepared wo-uld'
'""tV application of
;d; 45-50'
ttt"tirime, surely curesall sortsof mental

n qrdqi qfti ffit

afr firvrrqrffi qfr{ei =r qrcirqt
eaq* Fr6{R T{ g;qr Ffrqs: ll\t ll
Fdtftfri T*h fiffiiq rrqrdr(t
ra: trrqfrftfqg qgrgfagFifi{qqll \R u
employed in a case
Unholy and improper articles should notbe
possesiionby a Graha other
measuresshould Ue adoptei in a caseof
Graha in as much as the
than tfrat due to the infiuence of a Pilaca
with discretionaccording
f", th; act.A physician,treatingsucha case
theHitahjra (Ch' XX'
to the rules laid dawn in the chapterknown as
wealth' 51-52'
S-utra-Sthana)may acquireboth fame and

qffisearq' 11qoll

s withthesYm s,il:5T*T ghton
dear Ptom

qefrqq tr{rqrt q61fr;11q 11
Now we shall discourseon the chapter which deals
the symptoms and medical treatment of Apasmdra (Apasmara-
Pratisedha). I

qfimfi r
g{q€FRFh*a;rmils4 arftrrqF(n ||
Derivative significance- The word "smrti,' signifies
faculty of past sense-perceptions and (the prefix) ,,Apa,,denotesthe
privation (of any object or attribute).Hence,this disease(in
which an
individual loses the faculty of past cognitions)is termed
(Epilepsy) and it turns fatal.2

: uQtl
TsrK*sF{TiltqiT€drg rcrFran{|| y ||
aqrt5,rqt+dtt-nteryM$nf vqr
sFrqrqttrq rr
Causes- Excessive, inadequateand improper contact
to the
objects of the sensesas well as to their actions,partaking
of firthy,
impure, incompatible and uncongenialarticles of iare and
iegimen of

of the body or aggravation

conduct, repressionof any natural urging
andTamas(nescience)' or going to a woman for intercourse
of the Ra"1'as
fancies,fright, anxiety, anger'
inher menses,or indulgencein amorous
of the bodily Doqas which
o, gri"f, etc.,leads to"an aggravation
greatly and give rise to
in their turn affect the mind (Cetas)very

E(i5IIt: vFq-drTffi e{Fi q€is{6drt

fr*rqrws Rfuiq qffi r{Erf,?rllq ll
r*c:{ ME q1=1E'l

rq<rq:rrfr+s{d qr+{ *tgr tt rgtt

ftiqrrt 6wqr<5 frFwar{tffiqq:t
qnr1urqqqttt*{areq: qt( ffi rta tt
$: tr €rtd €: I
ritsqsn Eh *m: € q {es(i4u: t
reef, €iiilnaiT: ll q ll
body overwhelmed
The sense-canyittg Srotas(channels)of the
bri:g t:-1T*i:T:::
by the concertedaction of the derangedDo';as
causingthepatientunconscious and
;i;;;;il Tamas(Nescience)
and throwshis
forgetful of all pastmemories'He writhesin agony
(D'R' tongue)
trandsandlegsin convulsivejerk with contractedeyes
andeye-brows'he gnashes his teeth'with foamsat themouthetc' and
returninga short
falls io thegroundwith openeyes,theconsciousness
is classifiedinto
while after.The diseaseln"utt"d Apasmfirawhich
four distincttypes- vi7, Vdtaia,Pittaia' Kaphaia
the heart'
Premonitory Symptoms- The throbbing'of
if the externalworld
emptiness or lightnesstortnt chesti.e.a senseas
is vanishingawayfastly),perspiration,
arethesymptoms' which areusuallyfound
upp"*un"J*d sGeplesness
to usttetin an attack(of Apasmira)'6'9'
ffi ert {dq ssq *'i er*frt
* qqrq ffi wi 5ur qrr$trdfrll to ll
irfrtf{tr{M: gqrilsqrqftsFrars*.:ll qt ll

5€STF{ iq6€.r
zil {qr{ fq-fri qti *d qrqXeltqfrI
Hrfrt furqrvr, sr( rt funrevq*u qRtl
Symptoms of Vataja and pittajatypes_ Inthe Vataja
rype q[
Apasmarathe patientfanciesthat a dark superRatural
being is coming
df. hi- to seizehis personand is frightenei and
faints in cJnr"qu"n""
with shivering grinding of the teeth i.e. Iock-jaw,
and foaming at the mouth. Fainting is excited
by a terror of b"i;;
seizedby a yellow and fierce-looking being inthi pittajatype
is.further marked by thirst, increasedt eat of
the body, perrpirution,
fainting,mild tremor of the rimbs and restressness.

Mrnd': qirt Tqt qrq 6qql

zil gn ffi TTrdv3wiqrr$nffir
mil t fqrnvr: rqqrfrsqgm: qtrrfirfi. u qI tl
r{af{61 qy tl
: wddrqqdrr+1q\ tl
I{aphaja and sannipatajaTypes-where the
patientis excited
by a fancieddreadas if a supernaturalbeing of
white colour is coming
to apprehendhim, it is caseof the Kaphaja
type which is moreover
characterised by the exhibitionof suchiy-ito-, asshivering,nausea,
sleepiness,falling prostrateon the ground
and vomiting o1-u"ur.
Pain in the heart, thirst and nauseaare the
specific characteristicsof
the.three types respectively. But delirious
tark and the making of
indistinct and moaning soundsarepresentin
ail the types.The ,p""in.
featuresof all the threeforegoing typesmanifest
themselvesin concert
in a caseof Sannipdtika type.13-14.

qrrhtqilT$sfr q r
3{rrrrnErFzltfiFTri q {rvq{tt tq tr
x,'+q+rn*qrutiqrfrro-fl-(a*eq r
e+Frqr<*emerqvtrfrffig*: rrqsrr

VrtR qftrffifr nrrr qftmtfe: ll t4 ll
rrnfuq:ffiqq,rffi{rEftfdr: t
tffiniq Fgsqrtfirwt-c:ll ti ll
srr€{rfrq6TqrftrK{qTtrqqq g11Qoll
without any apparent cause and also its sudden and spontaneous
is not due
inducedseveralmedical authoritiesto hold thatApasmara
Several the contrary'
to any (aggravationof the) Dosa'
works on the subject, the
have'deJciibed,on the authority of other
as well as the
gradualaggravationof the (suddenly)derangedDosas
(though only
spontaneou, und tp""dy nature of its abatement
them' the
only, when the rains rnake the ground ready to receive
shortnessof time being countedasno factor potentenoughto obstruct
the process(of sprouting),so the derangedDoqasof the body
graiually aggravatedbring on, asa matterof fact, an attackofApasmhra
iuitn uUits symptoms,only under conditionsfavourable
"oncomitant in its
to its appearancewhich may' however,be short and transitory
is certainly a diseaseof Dosic
duration Hencethis dreadfulApasmdra
origiri. 16-20.

rsqrd feftr:Trdq rqrtg aqatl

g{rursFtq: xrrqq9T$Sd {wa: t
s{ffi Tftrni *rTrrr{ ffiqe: tt Rqll
ea:ffi e Tr{ dtHs wqtqr
T{td rrqi {+ *cmsryi Rnqll ?Rll
firfrg fird *cs q'qrsqft lFweqttr? tt
*qfr€qrfrc{r+: fvn:grfr Meft(t
Tsr sqFr sfid rflr{r5 fiwvr: ll ?Yll

General rreatment- Medicinal agentsand remediesto be

mentioned in connection with insanity (unmada) may be
as well
employed in the presentdisease.The use of maturedclarified burter
both internally and as unguentsis recommended.Medicinal measures
andcompoundsmentionedunderthe headof possession by theGrahas
are also specially beneficial in the presenrdisease.oil dulv
with Sigru, Kananga, (Syonaka),Xirlrla (sedimentof wine)
and with
the expressedjuice of Nimba-barksand with cow's urine
four times as much' should be employedas unguents.Draughts
embrocationsof oil duly cooked(separately)with thebiles
of a lizard.
a mongoose,an elephant(or snake),a deerof theprsata class,
and a cow' a'e recommended.Strongmedicinalerrhines(siro-virecanal
as well as strongemeticsand purgativesshouldbe administered.
divine Rudra god and the host of his followers should be
worshippedand propitiatedevery day. Zl-24.

qrideiiqm{srfu ti*qE fe*: r

ts.tF'ci eq*frqrrnqngrrqrqt | ?\ ||
General rreatment- Bastisshouldbe appliedin thevdtaja,
purgatives in the Pitaja and emetics in the Kaphaja
types of Apas-

E;aRrqildninf{ Vrurtr Irtrgqrql

qFcc{iTgT.d e qpar*qmrcqft kT:I
qwT-rgtirfif: qiE ir( qrftr*
kctrr rq rr
tF,rq+iqGfdlqrri fuffi qE+ rrfrr
wilqlkdr$ir Td F( qffi kcqrrts tr
q* f{rqd S veqrqsfuil fec{rrra rr
specificTreatment- clarifiedbutterdulycookedwith goat's
urine and with the decoctionof Kurattha,yava, Kora, sar.ta-ieeds,
with advantagein a caseof thevaruja type(of Apasmaral.criinea
butterduly cookedwith the decoctionol the drugsof the first (i.e.

group (as
Vidari-gandhadi) group and with the drugs of Kakolyadi
Kalka)if ud*inirt"red wittr milk, honeyand sugarwould be beneficial
in a case of the Pittaja type- The use of (the medicated) Ghrta
group (as
cooked with Krsnd, vaca and the drugs of the Mustakadi
Kalka\and with the decoctionof the drugsof theAragvadhadi
recommended in
and with the five officinal kinds of animal urine is
casesof the Kaplnja type of Apasmara'26'28'

g{5wqrs€-fsqnffi{frt: t
qFSRsr*grq-ETSTfumF{t: ll R3ll
a.rtrfrs$ffu-fifi ralrfrgarvr*:
ffi f€qrPft*l qrq qffi{1*{turqlt ?o lt
siddharthaka Ghyta- clarified butter duly cooked with
Katkn of) Sura-druma, Vacd, Ku;tha, Siddhartha, Vyoqa' Hingu'
Mafijiqgha,the two kinds of Rajanl, Samangd,Tri-phala' Ambuda
(Muita,), Karafija-seeds,Sirtsc-seeds,Giri-karna (white Aparaiita) and
Hutdsana (Citraka) and with four times as much of cow's urine is
calledSiddhnrthakaGhrta,which provescurativein casesof poisoning'
worms (in the intestines),Kustha, asthma,derangementsof Kapha'
Vi sama-Jvara, Bh-uta-g ralra, insanity andAp asmara' 29'31'


u,,ga'rqrr{qrlr-{ffiffi161$3 t
nfritfirg .riefu-ERrTrvtqF-dt:
ll QYll
qrftftt q5lrqr€n FqirrsrtsIr3(l
qq*oqrq{rvqunis firq€rfr u ?\ tl
of Ky;t\it
l. According to Qalhana,the Ghrta should be cooked with the decoction
of the Aragvadhudl group should be used as krlka'
and Vucd, whlte ttre drugs

Paftca-gavya Ghyta- Clarified butter duly-cooked with the

Kalka of Dafla-mulc, barksof Indra-vrksat, Mfirva, BhargV,Tri-phala,
Sampaka,(Ara gvadhQ, Sreyast (Gaja-p ippal), Sapta-parni, Apamarga
and Pilu, and with the decoctionof Bhu-nimba,P-utlka (Karafrja),
Vyoqa,Citraka, Trivrt, Patha, the two kinds of Flaridrathe two kinds
of Sarivd, Puqkara-roots,Katuki, Madayawi, (MalikA), Ugra (Vaca|
Nilint and Vidahga and with the milk, c:'trd(Dadhi), urine and the
expressedliquid of dung of a cow is calledPafrca-gavyaGhrta.Itproves
curative in all forms of Apasmdra,Bhuta-graha, Caturthaka(quartian)
fever, Phthisis,Asthma and Insanity.32-35.

,{ffi"Iil rr*( qffr VniirdugirqrrrcT{l

s6 YI6rq t ttt qrr€tuiqfiiq+(lt tq rr
src{f q rTe{furiii fq$qrTgdqr
*t qrrrikrsquis idFqcnt{rigfrqrr1urr
qr*{*,,rri tqg qrrfia.rE.{fira: r
vJA s-r* ftqearq qgcTR ttgrtira: lt lz tl
\iltrrF+lt qffi{qi qFdqrqt frrvqrr tq rr
futi fqs+{erfrfii qF.qri{ q emt(rrxo rr
Milk shouldbe duly cookedwith Bhargi andPayasa(ponidge)
shouldbe preparedby cooking grainsof Sa/i rice with this milk. This
preparationshouldbe given to a boarkept fastingfor threedays.When
it is assuredthat the food takenhasacquireda sweettaste(i.e. that the
processof digestionhas begun in the stomachof the boar) and when
the symptoms of poisoning come to be exhibited in the boar, the
contentsshuld be taken out (of the boar's stomach)and (should be
dried and) powdered.Three parts of this powder and one part of Kinva
(the sedimentof wine) shouldbe mixed togetherand madeto ferment
in a cleansedearthenpitcher with the additionof the cooleddecoction
of BhargT.The wine (Sura) thus preparedshould be given in proper
dosesto the patient as soon as it would acquire its (particular)taste

l. By the term 'lndra-vykra-twa&'some mean (barks of) KutajaandTwaft (cinnamon).

2. Bhdrgl-Dalha4a explains it u Gosthodwnbaru-the wild fig.

and aroma.venesection(in the forehead)as recommended before

(SarTra-sthdna, Chap. VI[, 25-26) should be resorted to and
prophylactic and auspicious articles should be used (by the
patient). 36-40.

qqffisqrq: llQt ll
Thus ends the sixty-first chapter in the ILttara Tantru of the Sufrutu Suthhittt
which deals with the symptomsand treatmentof Apusmdra'

rTsrltilEl wrcrt er:+afi':tt t tt
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
Symptomsandmedical treatmentof Insanity(unmada-pratisedha).1

q-trq€dr tw rrsqqrrffi rar:r

Derivation- In asmuch as(in this disease)the derangedbodily
Dosas traversing the upper part of the body affect the up-coursing
nervesand producethereby a distractingstateof the mind,
it is called
Unmnda(Insanity),and it is deiseaseof theManas (mind).
q$-ervr:rrq*s qtVrqctrtH*:r
€:e{ € Tghq yqtu ? tl
fqqnqq-qfr qgg qqrei il* qyqql
q qrrtq{ilt,,ufrrr(tiili frrrRtq rrx rr
classification-This diseaseis divided into five differenr types
according to the nature of their origin_viz. the three types
due to the
several actions of the three derangedand aggravated Doror,
the one
due to their concerted actions and the one due to grief,
etc.(real or
imaginary)' There is a sixth kind arso, viz., that due to the
effects of
poison, whch should be treatedaccording to the natureand
intensity of
the derangedDosa or Dosasrying at the root and which in
its earry
stage,if not abnormallyaggravated,goesby the name of Mada.3-4.
606 suSRUTAseMurrA

ffie4wq: gfr* rrnnqnqqq.dqrql

srg-6rdissiqsr* ed e'qqsitr{q tt q tI
qrg.+qer{grfr wttF6rra1q E[rl
qrzrrqeRdie Bqd $sftrrrsfr ttq tt
Premonitory symptoms- Fits of unconsciousness, agitated
stateof the mind, ringing of the ears,emaciationof the body,excessive
energy in action, aversion to food, eating filthy things in dreams,
churninglike sensationfeeling in the body due to Vayu andvertigo or
giddinesslike lying on moving wheel are the symptomsin a patient
which forebodea speedyand impendingattackof insanity.5'6'

E{6h: q€qqrr$Tfril-dtar Yfrfrr$:$Tftr{: qf,{ilrs' qFE:I

snwtffi{fr rnzrfd
Tgvffi ffi qqfr qru{Fr€rrfr1qr(
tt \ett
r€<il {{6Filt
fl5nrq@sfuq ffi
frqryir firf,rft{ri'stfuqwfdnT{*T
s II/ |I
rfrssggqFffi rr+ Usirrqfrqrfruqr*iqr(t t q tt
Specific Symptoms of Vataia, Pittaja and Kaphajd tyPes-
Shaggyappearance, useofharsh language,appearance of a numberof
Dhamsnis(nerves)over thebody, labouredbreathing@.R' experience
of excessivecoldness),emaciationof the body and throbbing of the
joints of the limbs are the specificfeaturesof a caseof the Vatai0 type
(of Unmada)andthe patientin sucha caseproducessoundby clapping
his hands,or singswhile dancing,or shoutsor wandersabo6. Excessive
thirst, perspiration,burning sensation,voracious eating, insomnia,
desirefor shade,cold, wind andwalks on thebanks(of riversor tanks),
fits of anger,fancying fire in cold water and fancied sight of starsin
the sky in the day are the symptomswhich characterisea caseof the
pittaja type. vomiting, dulnessof appetite,lassitudeor gone-feeling
in the limbs, aversion to food, fondnessfor sexual propulsion and
loneliness,stupidity,somnolence,reservedness in speech,eatinglittle,
fondnessfor warm things and aggravationof the disease in the night
mark a case of the Kaphaia type of insanity. 7-9.

ffiq+qflmaqrqerd'{fr-drF* q fu${ffiall lo ll

Tri-doqaja Trpe- A case of sannipatikc insanity

exhibts all
the symptomsbelongingto the threeaforesaid
typesoriginedfrom the
threeDo.Jas,viz., vdra, pi*a andKapha.e casiln
whiJir the specific
symptomsof the diseaseare manifiestedin fuil
shouldbe deemedas
incurable' several authorities,however,hold the
be sometimescurable.10.
q | 1.r('e,3Qq ( |{ |r{Fts[I.rqlErflTTkr€l tFrqrqq{iqT€r{ qr I
*o, nIr rr
fui u:rewfrdr$?t FdiT)rn*efr .fffr nftfd qada:ri qqrr
g,ftr,vqrq-+frqqF}so *r+q:nG,,iqr ,r
Sokaja and Viqaja types- A person frightened
by rhieves,
king's officers or his own-enemiesor any such
person,or suffering
from any distractedstateof the mind owin!
to a rossof wealthor from
any grief (soka) orbereavemenror from any
disappointedlove wourd
Iikely to have an attackof mentardistraction(insanity).
In suchcases
the patient would unconsciouslytark incoherently
about subjects
uppermostin his mind or would sing in a
stupid rasniono, lau "h or
weep' (Theseare the sympromsof sokaja
insanity). Rednesso"ftne
eyes,d_ulnessof complexionandof thepeiceptivefaturties,
of bodily strength,extreme dejection,biush
on face and loss of
consciousnessare the symptomswhich
mark a caseof insanity and
may be fatal due to the effectsof poisoning.

trift*;r.q rrqslffdffier\r
*Efr5s{qdr{rt: fvnqg
frRssr trff.
frhMts vffiaig*: r
ftF* -c1qof qrfrmsrd+(n qyrl
Fd?i e*reEil srfrqig, {TFdF{:i
n{qtq|€ *Ar =rqFqH+f* r,Entl\ rr
@T qt
Rftit: I
fth {qdqrgt: qvnF{qisEinsfrq11qq11
ErRrHr g{lm qr rrg+( d qunFrqr'u
te tl

Ti rrqffi ffiqr
aYqinr. qdirqilRil{q {qtqt
{rnftn+ qrdst rrdii er firenrt(ll te ll
q*{ rd.R ersfu rqqrtfdrrmt(t
qirqigrfu {rftq&sa' qfrqr€frqllqqll
T6r(T6r{rr+r.fafr qurr1qrrqrqt(t
**cr*q5t'rt qr$iqrsrrtqTErg4a:11Qoll
E{ qffiTg trq uui il€q
Rl ll
General Treatment-A patient suffering from insanity should
be first treatedwith SnehaandSveclct and then subjectedto a courseof
emetics,purgativesand head-purgatives(siro-virecana). powdersof
various sorts of (drugs used in) Avapida snuffing should be mixed
with mustardoil andemployedfor the purposeof snuffing).Fumigation
with burnt beefof dog'sandcow'sfleshshouldbe constantlyemployed.
Snutfing and unguentsof mustardoil are also efficaciousin all cases.
The patient should be made surprisedwith wonderful sightsand the
news of the deathof any of his dearonesrelatedto him. He shouldbe
constantlyfrightenedwith sightsof fierce-lookingmen, well-trained
elephantsor non-venomoussnakes.The patientshouldbe threatened
wiitr being fastenedwith ropesor being flogged, or frightenedwith
bundlesof blazing hay, after being fastened,while asleep.He should
alsobe piercedin his body with pointedinstruments,avoiding, however,
the vulnerablepartst,or he should be made to resideconstantlyin a
dry well with a cover over it. Barley gruel,powdersof parchedbarley
mixed with water alone shouldbe given to him on every third day by
an intelligent physician.The diet of the patientshouldconsistalso of
palatableand appetisingarticles' 14'21.
t ffi*m-cngw-qfs$-ETffiqr&; 1

l. AdditionaiText- The patientshouldlikewisebe threatenedwith being forced

with the
in wateror threalened
into a burninghut.He shouldbe alsokeptimnrersed
fall of a thunderbolt.

fdqfri qrftrd rfite|erft5qfr: F6

Slrdrr+nq{{re-ffi€Ruq p Ryll
qdeq fr wqdt ffidqffrrfrqr
qg$tu trtt u6roerurSat il R\ tl
s{qrqfut vil{ add q.rv{,n+qcqr
ffiq t qrqt rrfrfdrrr{r:1?Qtl
M ahd-KalydryaGhyta- Clarifi edbuuerdulycookedwith twice
as much of milk and with Vidariga,Tri-phald, Musta, Mafijiggha,
DdQima,(Itpala,SyAmA, Eb-vdluka,Eld, (red)Candana,Deva-ddru,
Barhisyha(Bdlaka), Haridrd, Kustha,parnini Salapang),Sdriva,
Hare4ruki,Trivyt,Danti, Vacd,Tdlisapatra, Naga-keiaraandMalati
fl owersKallca(is calledKalyanaGhrtatand)provescurativein cases
of Gulma,cough,fever,asthma, phthisisandinsanity.clarifiedbutter
duly cookedwith four timesas muchof milk andwith the aforesaid
drugsasKall<aandwith thedrugsof theKakotyadi groupadded to it
by way of an after-throwis calledMahd-kalydnaGhrta.Therangeof
is therapeutic
applicationincludes(suchailmens as)Apasmira(aitack
by) Graha,consumption,impotency,emaciationandsterility aswell
asthe diseasesmentiorredabove.22-26.

@: [Retl
qer :r
Hvrdti'fui rfit, qrii ffi*{' Retl
qrnni FEgnt tst gerc*r€rqr
gtii qrirqdl*qt mqnrsr$rrtqqu Rqtl
Phala-Ghyta- Clarified butter duly cooked with Bdlaka,
Kustha, Mafijisthd, Kaluka, EId, Haridrd, Tri-phald, Hiftgu,
Afvagandhd,Deva-ddru, Vacd,yaminl, Kdko\, Medd, yasti-madhu
andPadmalca(:as Kalka),and with four timesas much of milk and
with sugaras an after-throwwould be beneficial.It shouldalso be
l. Accordingto Dalharycthe mentionsof thesetwo rccipes(Kutyd4a Ghrta
Phala Ghpa) are interpolations.


prescribedfor infants struckby malignant starsaswell ascuresseminal

disordersof male adults.This is known as Phala-Ghrta andremoves
barrennessof women.27-29.

frqqldrgi {t€itdercqi{wt FqrqttQo11
EdRTqtr rFI{g qrdrqrrqi iTetrI
ril{rfrs €qivnh Tqq}ur tqt(t
: llQt ll
srdqiibssisur$ {d -{+ re'{+ ll ?Rtt
Brahmi (Manduka-panfi), Aindrl, Vidanga, Tri-katu, Hihgu,
Sura (Deva-daru), Jata (Jaya-maritsi),Visaghnl (Haridra), Laiuna
(garlic), Rasni, ViSglya(Guduci), Surasd,Vaca,Jytismati,Naga-vinna
(a kind of Indra-varunt),Ananta,Abhaya andSourdstritakenin equal
partsshouldbe poundedtogetherandmadeinto a pastewith the addition
of elephant'surine. It should then be dried in the shade,and Vartis
should be preparedthere of. These should be usedby an intelligent
personas an Afijanc, unguent,snuff, fumigation andAvapT(a.30-32.

vtsungrrdftsfuttsrcqffi qr&(r
vrrr+,{ ic{J-dsftqnnnr*qu RQtl
Blood-letting from the Ura (chest), Apahga (outer corner of
the eye) and Lalata (forehead)should be resortedto. Measuresand
drugs mentioned in connection with the treatment of Apasmira and
Graha-roga may be likewise employedin the presentinstance.Oily
purgatives(Sneha-basti)shouldbe administeredafter the subsidence
of the deransedDosa.33.

In all typesof Unmada(insanity)patientsmindshouldbemade
Evenin mild typeof Unmadamild medicalmeasures should
be applied.34.

vn-*vretqrt+grre rrs+ fr{qRut\ u

ffiTgq;cisfqqfi a,n*qF*?r{u iQ rr
In a caseof th fifth kind (vz. Sokaja)of insanity
the causeof
grief shouldbe firstremoved.In ail forms
of insanitythe restorationof
the serenity of mind shourdbe first attempted.
Mili and gentteforms
of theseremediesshourdbe resortedto in a case
of Mada(preliminary
stage of insanity). Mild anti_venomous(anti_toxinj
shouldbe resoftedto in a case(of insanity)
due to theeffecisofpoison.

ffisezmr. nQRrr
Thus ends the sixty-second chapter in
the Uttara-Tantra of the Suiruta
Sarhhild which deals with the (symptoms
and) treatmentof Insanity.

Here ends the B huta-vidy a-tantra.


qqrfr Ts+qFdffiilqg[r{ aIIGFITFIFI:
qrfr{rq lTtrqq eF{afr:ntrl
Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the
different combinations of the (six) different Rasa (Rasa-bheda-vikalpa'
Adhydya). I

tqmi qlrqvnn sctfitftrcq c: t

fdtrEtur rrrtfiiilqlfrqqgqill 1s;
s{Fd{qr fu<nnsfirsttffirnr
r:€*qF{qtrt *rF *eFnErqnt(ttI tt
qS*-{TrFi qTlf{il rr5frFdql
Aqrurim qftrqrtfrqFq qffi(ttv rt
The fifteen different combinations of the Dogas already spoken
of (in chapter XXI, Sutra-Sthana)are meant only for the sixty-three
different combinations of the (six) Rasas(taken one, two, three, four,
five or all at a time). They (viz, the different Doqas)may be manifested
separately (Avidagdla) or combinedly (Vidagdha) with one another
and the number of their combinations shouldbe taken to be sixty-three
Pari passu with the sixty three different combinations of the (six)
different Rasas.In other words, the combinations of the (six) different
Rasas.Inother words, the combinationsof the Do.Jcswith one another
akeady spoken of should be consideredby an intelligent person to be
sixty-three in all (and not fifteen only, as spoken of in Chapter XXI,
Slttra Sthdna). 2-5.

qqrislT vfifli E*s qgfr rs, r

qgrgmqfr *{trrns(t rF e tt\ ll
:tgEq6Fd rtit trEut: qgatgaqt
ftrm: trqrqrrefr t fgqrqrrrg quqtl
Six Rcsas presented in respective order are Madhur, Amla,
Lavalta, Katu, Tikta and Kasdya. Combinations of two Rasas with
Madhur Rasa in respective order are 5. Combinations of two Rcsas
withAmla in respectiveorder are 4. Combinatious of two Rasaswith
LavaryaRasa in respective order are 3. In the similar manuer
combinations of two Rcsas with Katu Rasaarc 2 and with Tikta one.
Thus total number of combinationsof two Rasasare 15.5-6.

il-{aqr- r(f{TF[:, TQ[GtElvt:, TQ[G6(€6':,rTg{ftrfi':,

qs{6qrq:- \ta lrgr5fr'IaT q{tsf | 3lRrcFTuT:,3lFtiF.S:,
sTFrfr16':,rf,Qlif,{f€[;, -qi Er€rfr ''3$rf,r sr+{ |F|eFffi3tF :,
;-\d xdsgomn ilq+{ | reftrfi':,
-W+ilqTciTd 6.g*T r flmqqrq: -{efi' qqrdF,r-
:affiq; qFtt rrs{yr Efii*fn qrqrfrr: ll e ||
Enumeration- taken two at a time- T\e MadhuraRasa
(sweettaste)coming first in the order of enumerationhas got five
combinations (with theotherfive Rasas)takentwo at a time.Similarly
AmIa Rasa (acid taste)has got four combinationand Lavar.raRasa
(salinetaste)hasgot three.KalukaRasa(pungenttaste)hasgot two
and Tikta Rcsc (bitter taste)has got only one with Kcqays Rasa
(astringenttaste).The differentcombinationstakentwo at a time are
thusfifteen in all. They areasfollows-
(1) Sweetandacid,(2) sweetandsaline,(3) sweetandpungent
(4) sweetandbitter and (5) sweetand astringent-theseare the five
combinationsof Madhura(sweet)Rasa.(1) Acid andsaline,(2) Acid
andpungent(3) Acid andbitter,and(4) Acid and astringent- these
arethefour combinaionsof Amla (acid)Rasa.( 1)Salineandpungent,
(2) Salineandbitter and(3) Salineandastringent-thesearethethree
combinations of Lavana(saline)Rasa.( I ) Pungentandbitter,and(2)
Pungentand astringent- theseare the two combinationsof Kaluka
614 SUSRUTAseMnirA,

(pungent) Rasc. Bitter and Astrigent is rhe only combinationof Tikta

(bitter),Rasa.Thus the fifteen different combinations(of the six Rcsas)
taken two at a time have been enumerated.Now we shall speak of
their combinationstaken three at atime. 4-7.

Fxq'qeqqn: - eTrdrg=qqra€CqTfr qyr rr6ih r

qgdcqurmseft*irrtT:€: n4 tl

qsJtqq,q,qrq:,rTtrfrtr"frqrq:,qgivi frari*rrni qyn=Trqr&

qqT: qgG{t | 3ilFrFtu[*€?F:, sTEFt-FI€[urfrr6:1 sFFtFGloT-
6't|T€[:r stsd€ftffi:, sfqqq3frqfq:, s{Fffr66-q[q: ;-\Ftqi
quunqreTEFt: rgsd I FTqurqtffi':, Ftqur6gi6rnq: ditut-
ftrtneqrq:-qqtqi xqrunqr+FFM: ryt I Efrfiqqrq:
-@ arg6: rys{frr gait f*ortdrn tdvrftrqt-
@I[ift: ll3 ll
Taken three at a time- The Madhura Rasa (sweet taste)
coming first in the list hasgot ten combinations(with the otherRasas
taken three at a time). similarly Amla Rasa(acid taste)has got six;
LavaryaRasa (saline taste) has got half that number Le. three; and
Katuka Rasa (pungent taste) has got only one combination. They are
as follows :- (1) Sweet,acid and saline,(2) Sweet,acid and pungenr,
(3) Sweet,acid and bitter, (4) Sweet,acid and astringent,(5) Sweet,
salineand pungent,(6) Sweet,salineand bitter, (7) Sweet,salineand
astringent, (8) Sweet, pungent and bitter, (9) Sweet, pungent and
astringent, and (10) Sweet, bitter and astringent- these are the ten
combinations of the Rasastaken three at a time and beginning with
Madhura (sweet)Rasc. (1) Acid, salineandpungent,(4) Acid, pungent
and bitter, (5) Acid, pungent and astringenr,and (6) Acid, bitter and
as&ingent-these are the six combinations (taken three at a time and)
beginning with Amla (acid) taste.(l) Saline,pungent and bitter, (2)
Saline, pungent and astringentand (3) Saline, bitter, and astringent-
theseare the three combinations (taken three at a time) beginning with
Iavarya (saline) taste.(l) Pungent,bitter and astringentis the only one

combination (taken three at a time and) beginning with Katuka

(pungent) taste.Thus the twenty different combinations(of the six
Rasas)takenthreeat a time havebeenexplained.Now we shall speak
of their combinationstakenfour at a time. 8-9.
qgq'qqqqrq: -q(qrsi*{rqqgt <wrah I
Ergfr$arqrr*aeeurffiegll qoll
:T$fl-FlFlEM-eE{eF':,r{q$ffitr[urftTtr':, qg{|.ffiffiuf-
q-qTd[:, qe{ilFqfiftrtr:, rT$IFl,i5E'e5q,{I€t:, rTgilRfi|.fi-
6qI{T:, rfqrf,qurfigaFfilifi.:, rT{{FlEtul-.5$€F'{Ft:1 {Q[{FlEtut-
q3tqtqvrrtrqr+ ngt: rg<i t
3{FrtrEurreftrfi:, stiF|ffiqrqEF,qrq: srref€rqolftrfiffiqrq:,
3rE-tqFffifiq|q:,-qqaNt : rgellF{€tuTE5'*
gfuq,wq:,-qqtenend FIEM:uwi I qdit T{qr€-
rifrn: lrg€rqtftldr: n tt n
Taken four at a time-The Madhura (sweet)Rasahasgot ten
different combinations of four at a time. Similarly Amla (acid) Rasa
has got four, and l,ava4ta(saline, Rcsa only one. They are as follows
:- (1) Sweet, acid, saline and pungent,(2) Sweet, acid, saline and
bitter, (3) Sweet,acid, salineand astringent,(4) Sweet,acid, pungent
and bitter (5) Sweet,acid, pungentand astringent,(6) Sweet,saline,
pungent and bitter, (7) Sweet,acid, bitter and astringent,(8) Sweet,
saline,pungentand astringent,(9) Sweet,saline,pungentandastringent,
and (10) Sweet, pungent, bitter and asftingent- these are the ten
combinations (taken four at a time and) beginning with Madhura
(sweet) Rasa. (1) Acid, saline,pungent and bitter, (2) Acid, saline,
bitter and astringent, (3) Acid, pungent, bitter and astringent,and (4)
Acid, saline,pungent and astringent- theseare the four combinations
beginning with Amla (acid taste. (1) Saline, pungent,bitter and
astringent- this is the only one combination beginning with lnvarya
(saline) taste.Thus the fifteen different combinations(of the six Rasa)
taken four at a time have been enumerated.Now we shall speak of
their combinationstakenfive at a time. 10-11.

T${',qeqqrq: -qiftrr{qia qqrqfrq€ql rr6fr lI t Rtt

616 SUSRUTAseMnrrA

fiEqfrtrfiqrq:, @, ngrraorqnrr.-
68T€r:,qtriqt Tgtti ffi reg: rg"r}r
etFa-cr{umgfrfit5qft[3,- : rguryfrtq{+}E
Tffr'ttrti+tTalf@fl-irT: u tI rr
Taken live at a time- Therewouldbe five combinations(of
the'six Rasa)takenfive at a time and beginningwith theMadhura
(sweet)Rasa, and only one with AmIa (acid) Rasa.Thev
are as
follows- (1) Sweet,acid,saline,pungentandbitter,(2) Sweet,acid,
saline,pungentand astringent,(3) Sweet,acid, saline,bitter and
astringent,(4) Sweet,acid,pungent,bitterandastringent
and(5) Sweet,
saline,pungent,bitter andastringent, and(6) Acid, saline,'pungent,
bitterandastringent-is theonryonecombinationofthekindGginning
with Amla (acid)Rasa.Thusthe six combinationstakenfive
at a time
havebeenenumerated. Now we shalrspeakof theircombination with
(all the)six at a time.12-13
y{qrftSqgnq:-q*'qy{€{i+rr: r@
iFrnq:-qqlF.qqyEtiftr: I ty tl
The combinaiton(of the six Rasas)taken(alr the) six
at a time
is-only one. The only combination of this kind is (l)
sweet, acid,
saline,pungent,bitter and astringent.14.

q$q^ayqmr rrcFnrq?dfrsdtrqur:
^ E?FfRrfi: i6qrq
Efrrt rr
Separatelytakenone at a time, the six Rasaswill be_ (l)
Madhura(sweet),(2) Amla (acid),(3) Lavarya(saline),(4\ Kafuka
(5) Tikta(bitter,and(6) Kaqdya(astringent)-
qwrffiwrmwql*rfuil&: I
Memorable verse- sixty-threecombinationsof the six
different Rasashave beenenumeratedby the expertson Rasa

thesesixty-threecombinationsshouldbe prescribedby experienced

physicianswith dueregardto (theaggravation
or diminutionof oneor
moreof) the (three)differentDoqas.16

ffissqrqr nql tl
Thus ends the sixty-third chapter of the Uttttra-Tontru in the SuSruta Sarhhitd
which deals with the different combinations of the (six) different rta.ras.

CItelkt:*a+erStmw:t ET@|TFITEI:,
qenlt[rq w|.qq er*rfr; rrt tr
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
Rules of He alth (Svastha-Vrt ta-adhyaya). L
qcrfrq: qqrF{g rfirTEqrrmfu-q: I
rrffirdkflqqT: FRgT gaFFfrqeu ? tl
q;Rn+ xrgFgU, H€fr $rqfrqrqvr:r
irg TftTui^ af€ fufrru,qr: udge1l 1 11
irFuT?r{fdg\h R rqrurg rlirTssRiT:
frfu*eri'; qq1fr61 ffirtsd qqertrrvrr
Health indicates a normal condition of the (three) Dosas
(fundamentalprinciples),Agni (the digestivefire), Mara (excrements
vi7., faeces,urine, etc.)r , and the (seven)Dhdtus orroot-principles of
the body as well as a serenestateof the body, mind and the sense-
organs.It hasalreadybeenstatedin thesiltra-sthdna,thattheprimary
object of medical treatmentis to mainrain this healthy state (of the
body and of the mind) in its normal equilibrium.A brief outline of the
meansto be appliedand of the rules to be observedfor the realisation
of that end, has also been given before. Now we shall enter into a
lengthy and elaboratedissertationon the subject.2-4.

l. Some explain 'Kriya' separatelyas the organic functions e.g. sleep and awakenrng,
etc.- Dalhatta.

Eftqq@rtttqr: Vqkttrnqr
tg tg Triirtrqrwrd t t+qmtrrrr\rr
qk*carwfr{rqi qqfg fi{sqT€El
Teslft E6ffi F*qi Er6rTf{a:nQrl
dsr( Wfqq561ri Awi6{unq ql
lft{inqqxa(tls rr
qtftTfuei Tlftr€q{Ewi ffid ql
tqs* Trdt {qar*trqrk: il Z tl
ffir*ffqe* qT fir**cs$Tqrgilqr
sG @rr qn
Regimen of diet and conduct in the Varqa (rainy) season-
Articles of particulartasteswhich areremedialto the specificderanged
bodily Dosas should be usedor employedby experiencedpersonsin
the particular seasonof the year in which the Dosas are respectively
aggravated.The bodily Vdyu etc.of a personis generallyaggravated
during the Varsa (rainy) seasonowing to a slimy condition of the
organism,producing an impairment of the digestive fire as well as
goose-fleshon the skin.Articles of astringent,bitter andpungenttastes
should thereforebe prescribedfor a king and king-like personages
during thosemonthsof the yearfor correctingor remedyingthe altered
slimy condition of (thingswhich obtaininside)the body, aswell asfor
mitigating the aggravationof the bodily Dosas. The food should be
non-liquid and madeneithertoo emollient (fatty or lardacious)nor too
Ruksa(dry), and shouldbe composedof articleswhich are appetising
and heat-making in their potency. Water for drinking should be
prescribedaccordingto the rules laid down before (in chapterXLV,
S-utra-sthdna), or water, heatedand subsequentlycooled, should be
taken in combination with honey, if the sky is overcastwith clouds
and the air is charged with humid vapours, making the water
consequentlyvery cold. 5-9.

!r6,u[€r( ktrfg rrgi*qelqla{r I

qfrrqiwFdk€ ETfrrqrqrqqr*(u!o tl
620 suSRLrrAsellnrrA

qf{rqqRtnTdvr+fr q f{trqfun tq rr
vfr*sr'i ffi q T€'srqrWt) Tt n qRtl
ummrnefis sflRrrJt.r1fufr:
f{qrsrm*uts qdtq rd *Nir: n t? tl
The herbsand vegetablesbeing newly grown in this (rainy)
season,are (over-juicyand) consequently not very easyto digest;a
wisemanshould,iherefore,avoidtheexcessive useof ptrysicaexircise,
water,dew,sexualintercourse andthesun'srays(whichmightleadto
indigestion).one should,in thisseason, lie uponsomehigherplacero
avoidthe cold dampdueto the emissionof earthlyuupoutrat this
time.when feelingcoldoneshouldprotectoneselffromit *ith *u.-
clothesandshouldlie insidea roomfreefrom blastsof wind andwith
fire burningwithin.-FineAgurushouldbeusedaspastes,andelephants
shouldbe usedas conveyance in this season. sLep at sheday-time
and eatingbeforethe previousmeal is digestedihould be strictly
tqT: {rG q*{ irqrrrerrgfusq'r:I
: utytl
*cwcgqqrqr: q*i ttg qrcn{l
qFrfig nffiiqr( Trd+q ?rqr Fcqr
E{:FnwFrr$E i5.criil{qFTsnhgil
t\ rr
r*n vrfr'tr: qrqrsqrsrseqrtr
rfih: qr+rgq€n*s gFrnru qqtl
qqftEqfui ffi Effi ffi:r
*+qq*ryrqdqt qTrr €d. kcrssa,TtlI qe ||
rnt qpro'dq eJlgrfr qd'iqr
gtWrurqci tgi vUfqr$eefrCartnqetl
r{lirFilET Trftrd Fd+E il(r Fctrr tq tr
v.wtrt v*{i qrsg1qffi F'*l
rrfu rfret: qrrg gfud, n ?orr

fimlrvrsi qEI itET Ttd rrqr*(rr tq rr

Rules for Autumn- Articles of astringent, sweet and bitter
tastes,different preparationsof milk and of sugar-cane-juiceas well as
honey, SAIi-ice, Mudga-pulse,oil and the meat of Jangala animals
shouldbe used in the Autumn (Sarat) season.All kinds of water are
recommendedin this seasonas they are all clear and pure at this time
of the year. Swimming and (immersion) in ponds full of Karnala (lotus)
and Utpala (water lily), enjoying the moon's rays at dusk and the use
of sandal-pastesare recommended.The aggravation of Pitta in the
(previous)rainy seasonshould,in this season,be duly remediedby the
use of Tikta-Ghrta (Chapter lX, Cikitsita sthana), by means of
venesectionor by the use of purgatives.Tilq,?a(sharp-potenciedor
pungent),acid, hot and alkaline articles(of food) as well as the sun's
rays, sexualexcessand sleepat day-time and keepinglate hours should
be avoided. Sweet and cold water and purified wine as transparentas
crystals are also recommended.All kinds of water are in this season
washed,as it were, by the clear white rays of the autumnal moon and
being detoxified by the rising of the Agastya starr,become very clear
and transparent and consequentlybeneficial. Clean and thin clothes
scented with sandal-pastesor with camphor as well as garlands of
autumnal flowers should be worn, and the Srdftuclass of wine should
be judiciously taken In short, all Pitta-subduing measuresshould be
taken in this season.14-21.
ir<t vfiiriTTneTrrrq(
irirq vftilITRTraqrgffi TrsiQrhilRRrl
vfrariqfliffi:firrffisiro: r
TwldrrsrvJ ilsr(fwaiir<lftffiqu ??rl
i:l.+ FrqurqTm-@l
rffiqqv|;t f6ilg-q* u RYrl
ffi q qnfr fir&qnf6$Td: r
+frnmh\fffi r{ qrftnt}sarn6ftn,,
l. The watcrsin the rainy seasonaregenerallymuddyand impure.When,afterthe
rains,the watersbccomepurer,it is saidin Hindu mythologythat owing to the risc
of Agastya(a starmakingits appearance in the horizonafterthe rains-generally in
the beginningof September) the watersbecomeclearand transparent.

{rsfiqrt q6fd qtfrqrcnun*otl

fl"frfr yrq+ ilRqrl
rfi: Fegrsgu'el{r6n:
M: r
tttn'rrer fr++d tr3=i ifid Ja: ll Rell
ffiFmgaqrci FTqur+Eq l
vg$fru u Retl
Ri{ vrmfrtg{r,efsrerqfrr
uraptun q-qrerdiilnfl*Tr{
3tqq,,rqi rifdtEf qTffi(uRqn
Tflf{ q ysffi wr f*fuqorarqr
q,TTtrRRaT gEfu-t trEnrrtu Qorr
WFV€T frftr: qrd': ffi
ud'r frrFfrrrai?ra?r.
€gEr€il: lln ?e
tq lrll
Rules for Hemanta and winter seasons- The season of
Hemantais cold but dry (Ruksa).Thesun is weak and the atmosphere
is very airy. Hence,owing to the outsidecold, the bodily vayu is arso
aggravatedin this season.The abdominalfire becomesdull owing
the internal cold and dries up the bodily Rasa (liquid portion of
system).The use of oleaginousthings is, therefore,beneficial in this
season.The useofsaiine, alkaline,bitter, acid and pungentarticles
diet (prepared)with the additionof clarified butteror oif arebeneficial.
Food shouldnot be takencold, and drinks prepzuedwith riksna (hot-
potencied)articles(suchas strongwine shouldbe taken,after pasting
the body all over with Aguru-pastes.Baths should be taken in tepid
water after rubbing in oil all over the body. Large inner apartments
completely surroundedby rooms on all sidesand containin! fir"port,
(servingthe purposeof chimney)shouldbe usedasbed-rooms
and the
bed-sheetsshouldbe silken.Sufficiently warm coveringsfor the
shouldbe used.Kings (andking-like personages) shouldbe within the
sweet embraceof maidenswith big breastsand thighs and scented
with the fumes of Aguru, and they can,in this season,enjoy the sexual
pleasuresto their heart'scontentand shouldtakeproperioottring
Sweet,bitter, pungent,acid and saline a*ticlesof food and drink,
well as rila (sesamum-seeds), Mdsa-purse,pot-herbs,curd, different

modificationsof sugar-cane-juice, scentedandnewly huskedScli-rice,

flesh of Pra saha,Anipa, Kravydda, BileSaya,Audaka (aquatic),Plava
andPadin classesrof animals,as well as clear transparentwines and
all other invigorating articlesof diet shouldbe usedto his content at
the adventof cold by a personwishing vigour (of the body and of the
mind). The rules for Hemantaenumeratedabovewould hold equally
good for the SiSira (winter) season.22'31.

sihr+rqe€*gftm: grctarrtr(q(1ll it lt
tnilsc-rqs$R{rq-F{unfr rJatr q l
T$iE -.rr{rfrfr q'qiuqfr q qrtqu Ri tl
qffi qe|qrrdqTf irt;flenfr,r*ertr
@s gfua: u W tl
vfu-*-ftrc*s ffit
ftqeqrff*fuq ftIqf**,.mraqtt R\ tt
qrqrqqsi .tr frqurs iFGrcwd{l
gqrq{r q Fqfqh ttc Eigqrq+lllqtt
trqurcq{€sR-u'qFi alwrrrq{t
qFR $tsi ft6q11 lsrr
qrqr*s*frg6q-ffi fdiT:I
T€rFi d?n €ri qftcr: qmqlfr q ll ?/ ll
t*d t{firqrfu tr<itqfqii tF,q{l
ffi I
*e+qymu-fqqnesrJ$-qgrt ll Rq ll
Rules for Spring- The bodily Kapha already stored in the
organismowing to the coldnessof the body during theHemanta season
is provoked during the spring by the (increasing)heat(of the sun and
consequentlyof the organism)and gives rise to many diseases.Acid,
sweet.demulcentand salinearticlesof food and drink aswell asthose

1. For a list of the animals of the different classesmentioned here, see chapter
XLVI, Sarra-sthana. Pages 459 & c vol. I
624 SUSRUTA saunrrA

that are heavy (ofdigestion) should,therefore,be avoided,andrecourse

should be had to vomiting, etc. saqtika-rice,barley, articles of cold
potency, Mudga-pulse,Nivdra rice, and Kodrava-rice, should be duly
prescribed after the cold i.e. in the spring wih the soup of the meat of
the animals of the viskira class, such as liva, etc. as well as with the
soup of Palola, Nimba-leaves,brinjals and other bitter vegetables.All
sortsofAsava andespecially theAsavaand sidhupreparedfrom honey
should be freely used in the spring. physical exerciseshould be had
recourseto,Afrjana (collyrium) should be applied(to the eyes),strong
smokes shold be inhaled and strong gargles used inthe spring.
Everything should be used with tepid water and a diet consistingof
astringent,tepid and non-liquid articles and especiallythe preparatrons
of barley, Mudga pulse and honey would be beneficial in ttre spring.
Physical exercise in the shapeof mock-fight, walk, or the throwing of
stones would be beneficial. utsadana (massage)and bath should be
had, and groves should be resortedto. sexual pleasuremay be enjoyed
in this season.The bodily Kapftd storedin the body dunngtheHemanta
season should be eliminated by means of Siro-vire&c (errhines;,
vomiting, Niruha-basri and gargles, etc. Day-sleep, demulcent and
liquid articlesof fare as well as thosehard to digestshouldbe strictly
qr{Irqprrwuni \-i rffila at
wtarFrgrilEml ffi qpcrdt(rrro rr
sttfu qFfr qr+S{TfrEfuflfurql
qq{rF{ wrqffr €q: Fdsrrdqrf,r:nW tl
ilRilq"nfuTr1Eni{aqr ar
qffi f{**d qrfiifu Vdqf{ qn y? tl
qrra;1frqt+dwqigTfr {vr{irrtu y? tl
tFdqs ffi vnd rqii qgr*ql
TeT qtrgr rr* vr*'Trq!$urq uvv tl
trorggqrdfuT vrer+ 6ntiftwtr
vr*aq<-qrfff:qvarrtsfue:E&:nt\ tl

Rules for Summer-Physical exercise,toil, sexualintercourse

hot and excessivelydrying articlesof fare (e.g. thosepreparedwith
rules), as well as those aboundingin heat-producing(e.g. pungent,
acid and saline)tastesshouldbe avoidedin summer.Largetanks,lakes
and rivers as well as charming gardensand cold rooms should be
resortedto, and the finest (refreshing)sandal-pastes and garlandsof
flowers of lotuses and lilies, soft breeze from palm_leaf_fansand
necklaces(ofpreciousstonesandpearls)aswell aslight clothesshould
be usedin summer.Sweet-scented and cooling panakas andManthas
with abundanceof sugarshouldbe used.sweet, liquid and cold food
mixed with clarified butter and boiled milk sweetenedwith sugar,etc.
taken at nighrtime would be found (tasteful and) beneficial at that
time. onc shouldat that time lie on a bed strewnover with full-blown
and fresh flowers in somepalatial building with his body besmeared
with sandal-pastes and refreshedby cooling breeze.40-45.

k-n t*t {sr t T{qFnT: r
{wrsrmqtffi$qnq n*e qu yEtl
ffiq rsqii rr*tur{r
fteqrqfrfliq fqftlrr feRr"iF€:uye tl
Rules for Prdvyit (rainy) ssn5snr- Articles of the three (vrz.
sweet;acid and saline)heavy Rasasas well as milk, tepid meat_spup,
oil, clarified butter, and everythingwhich is Brrhhona(farmaking)
andAbhisyandi(secreting)in its natureare beneficialafter the end of
the summer seasoni.e. in the rainy season.The bodily vayu which is
liable to be aggravatedand which actuaily beginsto aggravatein the
summer should be pacified by wise men with Vdyz subduing
remedies. 46-47.

Tfrwi sqrgsryfff{i iTenssil{ql

qrqrrsf{engf Erclr{rfl;rqdt(rrxe u
l. period of four months has beenascribedto the rains. of thesethe first two month
arecalled Pravrt, and the last two var;d-bothmeaning the rainy season.Seechapter
YI, Sirtm-sthana.

626 SUSRUTAslilrnrrA

rqrr6.q{vfrdrqqtsrfr ffi*q t
T{qF-rilr{qqwffi grr€t{ilerTt
EffiFrqrfrq srr+6{qiT{ilrquYq tl
wrqd ir<r dqqmfrq{ ffiqqqttqo ll
qrg{T favgft qr{tq}t qlwqt
aF€rrffitg aFrqu,r&ffitqrr qt tt
3{RsrffifuR fuvtiK 1ffi: ll \R ll
fir+(qr{effq{t*nrqfr {d+(t

Efrriivmt(ar{ atffiqfrftqtt qt tt
River-water, Rulqa (non-demulcent)and heat-producingarticles,
Manthas prepared with abundanceof water, the sui's rays, physical
exercise, day-sleep and sexual intercourse should be avoided in this
season.Old barley, old S.astika-rice,old Sa/i-rice,and old wheat should
be used as food, and the bed to lie upon should be stretched inside a
room where there is no blast of wind and should be coveredover with
a soft bed-sheet.The rain-water (in and after its descenton the earth)
becomespoisoned with the excretions, urine, salivation, sputum, etc.
of poisonousanimalsaswell aswith the poisonousatmospherepeculiar
to the rainy season;it should, therefore, be striclty avoided in this
season.The naturally aggravatedbodily Vdyu (in this season)should
be duly pacified, or the rules for Varqd (i.e. the rainy season)should
be duly observed in this seasonr.4E-53.

:e-dr{frq qaq fqftm qdt =n:t

Whoeverobservestheserules for the differentseasonsof the
yeardoesnot sufferfrom theevil consequencesdueto the changeof

l. The whole of this parais an interpolationin as much as Jeiiala d@s not read

ffiqwrsrqFqrri: rt\\ tl
Different kinds of food- Now we shalldealwith the twelve
different kinds of food (and drink). They are-cold, hot, snigdha
(demulcent),Ruksa(non-demulcent), liquid,dry, takenon"" u dry,
twice a day,takenwith medicine,takenin smallerquantity,takenfor
the pacificationof (any aggravatedDosa)andtakenfor subsistence.

lurfrErrcRrariltt wrFrrFqqrgrrtr
T€fdt-tr' 5q SunfvfrkMqr | \q rt
qqercnqqrEgq frR-fiq ffiq, 1
etFm*arqiw TflTft*oqr;f(u \s u
Personsafflicted with thirst, heat,alcoholism,burning sensation,
Rakta-pitn, poisoning and epileptic fits as well asthosesuffering from
the effectsof sexualexcessshouldbe treatedwith cold food (anaorintl;
while personsafflicted with the aggravationof bodily Kapha andvayu
as well as those already treated with purgatives of snehn and those
whose bodies are full of Kleda (physicar moisture) should be treated
with warm food (and drink). 56-57.

qrqr|rtsrfr rtq narl)*wr+rqt | \e ||
qqftr*ittre s*duqruktu \s ll
Personssuffering from the aggravationof bodily vayu andfrom
aparched(Rulqa) condition of the body aswell asthosesuferingfrom
the effects ofsexual excessand thoseaccustomedto physical exercise
shouldbe treated wih snigdha food (and drink); while personswith an
excess of bodily Medas and Kapha as well as those suffering from
Meha and thosepreviously treated with a sneha should be treatedwith
Ruksa(or non-demulcent) food and drink. Sg-59.
628 sUSRUTAsAilqtrA

E,(6t: I
trffifirqm qfttH: yJ*-{Ft,rF q 11Qo ll
q,qrd, aqTsserfr
ffi fwa: llqq ll
Weak, parchedand thirsty.pesonsshouldbe givenDrava (liquid)
food; while those suffering from Meha and ulcers as well as those
whosebodies are full of Kteda (bodily moisture)shouldbe given dry
(non-juicy) food. Personwithiimpaireddigestiron shouldbe given only
one meal every day, so that the digestivefire may have opportunities
to) be rekindled; while personswith the.properamount of digestion
shouldbe given two mealsa day. 60-61.
s*qrrBfrm ftrwfreenrwr{a:
iqrrr+ tffi qqrxrdi{: rrvtsh ttqRll
qerdffiKrdrfr dqq{rr{: {iT: I
3ffi3rrt{F$qFf Tfltf Wdgaut
ffi Fle{iT il q? rl
Medicine shouldbe given with food anddrink to a personaverse
to it, while food and drink in smaller quantity would be beneficial to
personssuffering from impaired digestionor any other disease.Food
and drink administeredwith due regardto the bodily Dosasis called
Dosa-prasamana;while any kind of food and drink taken for the
preservation of life by a halthy person would be called Vyiyartha
food and drink. These are the twelve different kinds of food and
drink. 62-63.

srfr: s,d wtq?rfiTirrteqqrq:-

il{rsfih qr.qffiq*s{iit qdl{mr;il{rc{it' €rgq
$tgqt'd fdEgftqq-fiRr:lle,Yll
Proper times for the administration of Medicines-We shall
now spcak of the ten specific times (i.e. proper occasions)for the
administrationof medicines.They are-Abhakta,Prdg-bhakta,Adho-
bhakta, M adhye& hakta, Ant ar d-bhakta, Sa -bhakta, Sdmudga, M uhur-
muhu. Grdsa and Grdsantara.64.

il{rrl-trE T( ffir
dqtftF*r s|-cfrctsilqT&i Fr( aenrqqivrq|{rsJ+Er
rq@Si{rrflfii wt qgqq1frErdTqr€rg1
|| q\ ||
Of the abovemedicineswhat is appliedalone (with or without
somevehicle but not with any food or drirek)is calledAbhakta medicine.
A medicine not applied with any food (but applied by itself with or
without any v.ghicle)would have greatereffect and would soon and
certainlydestory'thediseaseit is appliedin; but a medicineshouldnot
be applied in this way to a child, an old man, a young woman and
personsof mild ternperament;for,it is likely to producelassitudeand
weakenthe patient (in suchcases).65.
qr|lTihrrq- aqunrrmeivWurt r
vt* @cwt qfrF{r{nrqliiq q Emh r
sT?irrihqrq- qEd qffiFlh ll qs tl
qtrNrib qtlt- qqgT crfiRqrrril r
ftirra*gqgqrE?,*E6,ltqr( Riqqrfr uq/ tl
A medicine taken (in an empty stomach)just before a meal, is
called Pragbhakta. A medicine taken in such a manner, is easily
digested,doesnot lead to any diminution of strengthand is not ejected
out of the mouth owing to its beingcoveredover with the meal. on the
other hand, taken before the meal, it adds to the bodily strength and
proves the most convenient form in which a medicine can be
administered to old men, infants, females and persons of timid
disposition.A medicine takenjust after a meal is calledAdhobhakta.
It conquersdiseaseswhich affect the upper part of the body and gives
s[ength in many ways. 66-68.

qdc@trTsqffi{W qEFatrn: 1qj tl

qRRnnitrn-T{ilr ffi q{trr+etifid: I
ITr{ihilT- T(F6 rTinl
Esirr*eea-*'iHeI{T{A qcrigqr rrefr qiflwifir zr(t I so tl

qcd€qiilrffirqirdfr fim{adffi rur RqTa*a || eq ||

A medicine takenin the courseofa mealiscalle.dnwdhyeblu]aa.
A medicine taken in this manner fails to be diffused all through the
organism and hence proves beneficial only in those ailments which
are confined to the middle part of the body. A medicine takenbetween
the two meals (i.e. nfter the morning-meal but before the evening-
meal) is called Antardbhakra. It is invigorating to the mind, greatly
appetising andHrdya (agreeble)and is beneficial in every respect' A
medicine applied withr any food is called Sahhakta. It is most
convenientto adlninistera medicinewith food in casesof female,old
and inJant patients as well as in casesof those averseto taking any

€r,rf qrsT- T{. ffisrEttra ? ffit

til Rm qffi A {g*iilnftr*+qflTsfiTffi e ll sRll
g1€qts-wrrrnr{rit Ett rr$qsj {g&6qgqel
ll el ll
xreq RqtrrdrsfiFlgffi{ ilEnmtruqfrE rffij uia t
rirsr;n\ f*fr qqrrfu mt grqTf{gqftrc{ETqis fr641tI sx tt
q{fr}wilqer*.rflr: n e\ tl
4 nr:clicine tal:n at the beginning anii again at the close qf a
This tonl of adrninistrationis mostbeneficial
ineai is called -Srrnrlil-eci.
in case,i where the deranged bcrdil)'Do.rastake both the (upward and
dc'wnwiurl)course.A medicinetalienat intervals.eitherwith or without
lood, is called !u{uhurnw!"'ul1. This mode is to be adoptedin severe
c:ases of asthma, cough. hit:ct-,ughand vomiting. A medicine taken
,,vithevcrv irorsel (Grrjsa) of i.,ac is called Grdsa- In this form the
meclicineiri the shapeof a pou,ileris aciininisteredfor increasingthe
appetitein casesof q,eakp::tients.Bayk*ra (aphroili-siac) medicines

l. "A merticineapplied with tood" may meall a mdicirrepleparedbetbre and taken

r,vithrhe nreal: or. it may mean ihat lhe rneal is cc,oked(while being prepared)with
the medicinesto be aPPlied.

are also better administered in this form. A medicine taken with each
alternatemorsel of food is called Grdsdntara. Emetics andDhumas as
well as the well-known and well-experimentedlambativesforcases of
asthma should be administeredin this form. These are the ten proper
occasions for admini stering medicin es.72-7S.

t{y5d*lt't6F{ {ffi qril q rnfrr
qfiqR'qt gs e fufud
stqwrdrfrqqRfi{Tqiinn: €{rrT: n\eq,
The proper time for giving diet to a patient is when he gets free
of stool, urine and eructations, and feels his body and sense-organs
light and free, when he gets free actions of the heart as well as natural
coursesof his bodily (Apana) Viyn, when he feedshungry (D.R. feels
easy) and has got relish for food and when his Kal<+t(belly) becomes
light (i.e. when his belly appearsto be empty on accountof hunger). 76.

tl-(:{ffi58n-rt: u Qytl
Thus ends the sixty fourth chapter in the Ihrtara+antra on the snirara-
Samhitir which deals with the Rules of Hygiene.

erEriltragffiqtalii @r@lrplf{;,
qefrdrq r1rrE1-1 erqaR:rrq tr
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich deals with the
technical terms used in this treatise (Tantra Yukti-Nama-Adhyaya\.I
gtFtvT-(il*tFd rrdFfrvnd Iicpn-3fiIir{ut frt qqrcfr
tael::gtvilF{tvr:w{s'fr sraq]qqqfq]sett-
qft ffiq:Ftrg.'qfi r*s-lcna:T*qqfr FTuiqis$qdfr qrtr{T-
@i {vr* Eqrqri rq{"rr ftdwi FqvHFr*ril
fuqer: rrgem: ugftfr tt t tt
Names of the technical terms- There arethirty-two technical
terms in this treatise.They are- (1) Adhikararya,(2) Yoga,(3) Paddrtha,
(4) Hewartha, (5) Uddeia, (6) NirdeSa,(7) UpadeSa,(8) Apadeia, (9)
PradeSa(10) AtideSa,(l1) Apavarga, (12) Valqa-feqa,(13) Arrhdpathi,
(14) Viparyaya, (75) Prasanga, (16) Ekanta, (17) Anekdnta, (18\
P-urvapaksa,(19) Nin4aya,(20) Anumata, (21) Vidhdna,(22) Anagata'
vekqarya,(23) At ikrdntd-v eksarya,(24) SahSaya, (25) Vyakhyana,(26)
Sva-safilfia, (27) Nirvacana, (28) Nidar1ana, (29) Niyoga, (30)
Samuccaya,(31) Vikalpa, and(32) Uhya.2

srdrstrar{tilfutfi* qffiqq}-ffi tt t rr
of theuseof thesetechnical
Necessity- Whatis thenecessity
Theansweris-For connectingwordstogether,
andgivinga senseor meaningto them.3
i.e.,makingup sentences

lIEk q|:t ydifi'r: I

qr€rrt qfrTqerqr
wqrqqn{ffi q ffi iragfua: ltx lt
at'r*CIrq t AEt *qrtqrqFrCttr: I
ffiFTtq*fqqM wffirr{n\tl
: qfr* ffi qqrl
Irdsqg qq.rynqtmQnn"rer {ifi?: n Qtl
Memorable verses- By the useof technicaltermsin a scientific
treatise the points of argument of the oppositeparty are frustrated and
the points of one'sown argumentare established.The meaningsof the
words, whether clearly used or not, whether direct or indirect, or
partially used,if thereis any such,in the treatiseare alsomadedistinct
(by the use of the technicalterms).Just as the sun blows a cluster of
lotus and a lighted lamp lights (the inside of) a room at their best, so
the technical terms used in a treatiseclearly show i.e., explain the

irx qqctqftrs'dqt T{ftrqrurqtqer-r$ t{ ErT

lI e ||
Of thesetermsAdhikaranaisthe subjectaboutwhich something
is spokenof. For example-on (the subject of) Rasa or on (the subject
of) Dosa.7.

fuqr+dlFlTTtrr: qqr-
fui qctrsqrg rrt*Er6fdrq Freirraqrrsfrirre rr
Fnr futftraifr&ffi qq{TirAqfr{rqrtffifr sgrqr
Vtg{emrqfrTfirt*tq'tsizht: u3 tl
The term "Yoga" is the union of words or sentencestogether.
For example-an oil duly cooked with Amrta-valfi, Nimba, Hirirrd,
Abhaya, Vrksakn, PippaE, the two kinds of Bala and with Deva-daru
should be prescribedfor drinking as being efficaciousin all casesof
Gala-garyQa. Here the main ideais 'siddhapiber' i.e. shouldbe cooked
and taken internally; but the wofi'siddha' is used in the first half of

the secondhemistich,far awayfrom the word'Pibet'inthesentence.

This combiningtogetherof thedifferentwords,howeverdistantin a
is calledaYoga,S-9.
qErsl:, v<rEt:Iqq1-ffigF{GugEm{Tqruri
at5qt{rgqqk$rqfrtrx dsei:qrfrrffi qqfr q rfiirq: t
rnn-*ffii Vqh q|fttfr EFa:-traqer ffi-
ilfti qq{frfd, qit: aFiGI(qe*Er: tfu(ffi, @
gffia ?n*{+*lctd: qfrrn{, m gffitrgrow uffi-
rtqFd-etng++q{Ff,F{t€{Rqr<rel l| qo ||
The term "Padarlha" is the meaning implied by a word or an
aphorism (i. e. a sentence).Padarthss are innumerable.For example-
Sneha,Svedaor Afijana, when used in a sentence,would each imply
two or three meanings; but only one meaning which tallies with the
use of the previous or subsequentword (in the text) should be
understoodin eachcase.Thus, in the sentence"VedotpanimVyakhya
sydmnl1"i.e. we shall discourseon the origin of the'Veda',the use of
the word "Veda" would put the hearerat a lossto understandwhich of
theVedas is going to be discoursedon, for there are severalVedas,vi:,
Rgveda,etc.But when we try to understandtheexpressionin connection
with the previous or subsequentuse of the expression-for the root
may meaneither' Vicdrana'(discussion)or' Vindati' (to get)F-we
can afterwardscome to the conclusionthat the subjectto be discoursed
upon is the origin of Avurveda. This is what is meant by the term
q€{t'r;{rrt€re&h rrEfrrTttqd: I qw lqftrodscn:
sicer€rtaqr : ukrcEfru qqrl
Hetwartha is the meaningindirectly implied by a word. For
example- as earthis moistenedby water,so an ulcer is moistened
(andconsequently by (thetakingof) Mas.c-pulse,
secretes) milk, etc.11.
Hsmffi5Fr: rqErvrflfqfru tR rl
Uddeia is the statementin brief. For example- Salyaordinarily

means any foreign matter but secondarily implying any obstructing

matter in the body.) 12.

Fwr+qifidvr:, oo1-vrftqqFr{ildh ll I I ll
Nirdesais the statementin detail.For example- "Sclyc" is of
two kinds "Sdrira"(idiopathic)and"Agantuka"(traumatic). 13.

lFfirqqevT: | ?tett-itelt q qqqr({:il fcqrsrs qd-

tffiu tY ll
Itpailefla is an instruction for the doing of a thing in a particular
way. For example- cne should not sit up at night and one should give
up sleep at the day time. 14.

e{+{q,IrmWYr: t rrefrrffi tgr: VMrqtlq-

Apadeia is the statementof reason.For example- it has been
specified that Slessmais increasedby the use of the articles of sweet

vqfcernm* rrrerilrqvr:Irlen-ti{Ennqrt{Vriqgffi
Pradeia is the determinationof a presentactionfrom pastevents.
For example- Devadana's Salya has been extractedby this person,
hence Yajffadatta'sSalya will also be extracted by him. 16.

rdril€I|qFrd{q qrffiqFsigr: I rren-q+{rg qrgs^d,

EqftTge+MsrFqFdn tetl
Atideila is the determination of some future event from some
present event. For example-one's bodily VdyHcoursesupwards by
such action, hence one may get (an attack of Vataia) Udavarta by
such an action. l?.

ffi: I qeil-srd€n ffiqqgr sreli[

Apavarga is the extraction- i.e. exceptionof (something)from

something more comprehensive or extended, that is to say, it is an

exception to the general rule. For example-fomentation should not
be appliedto personssufferingfrom insect-poison.18.

qrqfiffi gsqrguiffi Tqfr goqdfd n I I rr

Vakya-{eqa is the word where the sentenceis made ended
without mentioning the intended relevant word. For example-when
we sayof the head,the hands,thelegs,the sides,theback,the abdomen
(Udara) and the chest" it becomesevident that theseparts are of a
is intended.L9.
qmlfttctmriqrqgfr rrren-silE{ r*eil Fq+-
sertqrrierefrqr{ fqqrg4*rrlfrh II 1o tl
Arthdpclfi (presumption) is the term used when the sense(of a
sentence),though not specifically mentioned,can yet be indirectly
presumedor deduced.For exampler-when one saysto anotherthat
he should be fed rice (solid food), it becomesevident that he is not
willing to drink a (liquid) Yavaguor gruel. 20.

T(qdrF{ki ts urftrdaiMq: Iqen-Fflrtrqrur- sffi

gFsFd*qrruhffii rlgt Frqq:qFF*erEfr rrr qrr
Viparyaya (reverse)is the term usedwhen the words used (in a
sentence)convey quite a different or oppositesense.For example-
when it is said that'emaciated,weak and frightenedpersonsare very
difficult to be medically treated',the oppositesensebecomesevident,
viz., that strong,and such-likepersonsare very easyto be medically

ufiun<ftur qqTwtgFff: qi[TunaR* zils$swggm:

qqrqt q Inrff: Iqen-@ "rff
*.sfugnF{fr +dqrma|alq1qr51fqdrqiT{6if qdsp{q1i
1. The commonexampleof an Arthdpari (presumption)in Saiskrr philosophyis
'Pino Devadattodivtt na bhumkte',(i.e.
fat Devadattadoesnot cat at day-time),
from which it is evidentthat he certainlycatsat night, otherwisehe could not have

@: gsrr Efr e €-dq q.*guqFgF*,,ffir-

qrqftr5a:n RRtl
Prasaftga (connectedreasoning)is the term usedwhen a different
subject is introduced at the end. It is also the term used when the same
senseis repeated in different words at different places (in the same
topic). For example- it is saidin the chapteronVedotpatti(chapterI,
Sutra-Sthana)that "Purusa" (living organism)is the sum-totalof the
"Maha-bhlttas" (or the five primary elements-yi2., earth,water, fire,
air and ether) and the Sariri (the soul), that medical treatment should
be made in him (Purusa) and that he is the subjectmatter of every
action); and it has beenrepeatedin the chapteron Bh-uta-cinta(Sarir
sthana) that the Purusa has thereforebeen said to be the combination
of the five Maha-bhutasand the soul and that he is the subject-matter
of all sorts of medical treatment.22.

rde qFEr{ffi rTlF.5q, I qen-fT{ERqsfr,

trfftwiqrrqfrqent Rl lt
Ekanta is the term used to denote a thing which is certain in
every case.For example-T r iv ri t causespurgation, andM a dana-fruit

afuqapn aTtrdfl?ifr rr: Iilstqra: I qqr=-*fuftrqt

€qipietr=i, *fq{rd', *'fq(dd, a;f*qffiFclt Rytl
Anekanta is the term used to denotecertainty in some cases
and uncertainty in some oiher cases.For example- some authorities
hold that 'Dravya'or the thing itself is the principal factor, somehold
the'Rasa' or taste (in a thing) to be the principal factor, some again
hold the "Wrya" or potencyto be the principal factor and othershold
"Vipdka" or digestivereactionto be the principal factor.24.

s{r*qT+*^: ut: $qq: |{sn-tRsi qrafrfi rdrerqtr:yt6T

Purva-pakqais (the-puttingof) a quesrionwith an apparent
objection.For exampFc(thequestion)why thefour kindsof Vdtaja-

ilfri ftufq: I qen-Trfrrlr+a qgc* rrd{rq€rtd-

qqtTFfri{r ffi arrcrEh tqtn *t{-
an:, \EIrt€TEn
5.fti{rfrt f{Efrw ++rqwsqil: I
il ?qrl
Nfu .nayaisthe reply to a Purva-palcsaorquestion.For example-
the Oodily) Vcya effects i.e. spreadsover the (whole) body and then
excretesurine through the passagewith vitiated Tasa (grease\,Medas
(fat) andM ajj a (marrow). \\e Vataja cases(of Prameln) are,therefore,
incwable. As it has been said- The (bodily) Vayu effects i.e. spreads
over the whole body and coming in contact with the (bodily)
Medas (fat), Majja (marrow) andVasd (grease)becomesvitiated and
course downward. T\e Vataja cases (of Prameha'Sare, therefore,

@t qqr-erd Eqr(qrrsrgfr
ilqrsfrEulEfrfr 6qEffi |r RerI
Anwnata- is the term used when an opinion of another is
quoted but not refuted. For example- someauthoritieshold that there
are sevenRasas or tastes.(Now, as this is not refuted it is said to be
Anumata or sanctionedby the author). 27.

Vfiurr3{-dqtsfr{futfaqrrqt qen-qREqqlu+drEvr
Vidhana- is the act of mentioning, at the beginning, the fact
to be established.For example- the vulnerable or vital parts (Mannans)
in the thigh are eleven in number and this hasalready been statedto be

q* @ ||rnn-y*{er+ WrF€rfuft
eeFndfdil Ri tl
Anfrgatfivekqa4a is thetermusedwhensomethingin thefuture
is referredto in suchtermsas 'this will be dealtwith hereafter'.For
example- it canbe saidin theSutra-sthana'it will be dealtwith in
the Cikitsitasthdna'
. 29.

rrE q.4gtbil<Fr*rareqTur{r
wn-fafuftutg Eqr(
lt ?o tl
Atikrdntdvekqarya is the term usedwhen something in the past
is referredto. For example- it can be said in the Cikitsita-sthdna'it
has alreadybeensaid in the SrTrra -sthdna.'30.

s.{d(E{ti {wq: Irnn-irtr6flfi+mT: Invr€f,:,qlfitrqr-

q*firyrqrflfi{frttlt tt
Sarhiayais the term usedwhenexamplesof two oppositeand
dissimilarsubjectsarecited.For example- hurt to the Tala-Hrdaya
(Marmanasin thehandsandlegs)is fatal;amputationof thehandand
of theleg is not fatal.31..

r*sfrrVrffi;i qrqmqt qw- i6 vffico: gc*

Enqrqfr ter*E{rgil{fr+gcIilrFflTflnqfrRT ll lR rr
Vydkhydnais thedescriptionor explanationof thedetails.For
example-Prra-saconsistingof twenty-fivefactorshasbeendealtwith
in thisbook.While onlythetwenty-fourfactorsconstitutingthisbody
havebeendealtwith in otherworks.32.

R{iilTIuw-fr91frft lTwfrt*f-6urR
** qFw€EErdr"iEtT
n ?l-lY rl
Sva-sarhjfid-denotesthespecifictermsspeciallyusedin any
work andnot in commonwith anyotherwork.Forexample-the term
'Mithuna'(in medicalworks)means
the two things,vrz.,honeyand
Udfrhara4aris theexampleof whatis well-established
or well-

l. Uddharanahasbeenrecognisedhereas a technicalterm.But it shouldnot have

beenrecognisedas such,sinceit hasnot beenincludedin the list 9seepara2). had
it beenso,the numberwould havebeen33 andnot32. Delhanaprefersto regardthe
portion q$o1rfifqe1s. as an interpolationand addinga EfIafter the sentencetil*
CnfdnFEFqtakes it in continuationof the exampleof lS{iil in the previouspara.
His meaningis that the word fr$t beingnot found in the sensereferredto in para
30, the readeris askedto find out a popularexample.
640 SUSRUTAsaMrrrrA

known in the world. For example- coolingmeasures

shouldbe had
recourseto guardagainstwarmth.33- 34.
frflsii€iFr#+r(tqsr-silgtrfftsfu ttqrsTrgFk-
Nirvacana is the derivation of a term. For example-Ayr (life)
is the subject-matterof this work, and a man gets (the means ofi Ayu
(longevity) from this work and henceit is calledAyunteda.35.

E$TqfuHEPi{qtwn- effigq nFc:qlb qfrirtwfr

iTErqrdfuffiq,ggl qur Vfr II RqIr
Nidar1ana is the term used when the meaning (of a word or
sentence)is supportedby examples.For example-just asthe digestive)
fire in the Koqgha(abdomen)increasesin conracrwith (the local bodily
Vdyu, so also an ulcer increaseswhen assistedby the (bodily) Vayu,
Pitta andKapha.36.

Fq+{wffifr frfrr: Irnr-qesQq *maqfirfrule tl

Niyogais theenjoiningof somerhing ro be doneasa duty.For
example-only whatis beneficial(Pathya)shouldbe taken.37.

f{Hfr qgtr: ITer-qiTnd quraRurcdFrrqfrfilR'-

vrrts.rstrE|;frftfril ?/ tl
Samuccaya is the joining (of two or more connectedbut
independentideas)as such.For example-- in the group of flesh, (those
ofl EryaandHarina (two kinds of deer),Iiva andTittira (two kinds of
birds) and,Sarahga(spotteddeer)are the principal ones.38

F{*i*frt*q.m: t?ur-r*Er: qTcrr+rgt n?qrr

Vikalpa is the term used when somethingis said t,obe this or
that,i.e., when alternativesareused.For example-eithermeat-soupor
Yavagu'(gruel)cooked with clarified butrer(shouldbe usedin sucha
qEFtRgS@TTqr{fril{il(t qen-sfi{meft
@- qqq$tai *d' ffifr, qdq(f*s)T{d

ffdsrqF{RrqIWrierq- q*u}5hprpffiffi F,ilT{qtqfr

T6ui srq'frrvEftfu*rren:sf*.ur:,nr+{ EfuE:-on*i.En,
t*5|are eriq qry; t1-{srept( rir}r *ei rqsrq_
rqt(trxo rt
uhya is the term usedwhen somethingmore canbe
by an intelligent man, though not definitery used.
For example- it
hasbeensaidin the chapteron Anna-pana-vidhi(chapter
XL ir, surro
st hana) thatAnna (food) i s of four kinds,viz.,(r) Bhaksy
or the solid food that has to be bitten with the teeth
before eating (2)
Bhojya(edible)or the soridfoodproperi.e.,which
hasnot to be bitten
with the teeth,(3) Lehya (rambative)or the semi-liquid
food that has
to be licked like an erecruary,and (4) peya (drinkl
oithe liquid like an
electuary,that hasto be drunk; but of thesefour kinds,
two kinds only
(viz', Anna andpana) have been mentioned(in
naming the chapter).
Here it is (said that the other two kinds are) understood.
For, when
only two are mentionedin respectof food and drink,
the inclusion of
all the four therein is easily comprehended.And why?
term'Bhaksy,a'and Bhojya areincludedin the 1sv,-'1/.nna'-bothbeing
of the samekind, viz, solid food; and the term ,Lehya,
is included in
the term 'Peya'-both being of the same kind,
viz, liquid. And the
articlesof food, though they arereaily of four kinds,
are usualryspoken
of in the common languageas being of two kinds
only (viz, soli^OanO

t{iffiq{TiTfrf EII{kt: €rqRfm: t
Fdqlgm n yq tl
d?Irkrf,ql-{qEfqur I
TTqT qrq(Fhkm: vrqqqrct{iTdr: u tR tl
zfrE*ilr fqRr*{Ah *qrt-drrggd,al
TT g-dr6Tfi{ratg Efr erq:trd{n yl tl
Here have beenfuily describedby me the thirty-two
terms for the investigationinto the essenceof this
Tantra(work). The


intelligent man who is fully conversantwith thesetechnical
is to be regarded as the greatest
whch work like lights, as it were-
-This is what the Sage
physician and to be held in great esteem'
Dhanvantari has stated.4l'43'

Ir5qEtrfrseffct: llE\ ll
in the susruta surhhila
Thus ends the sixty-fifth chapter ol the I|ttaru-Tunrra
which deals with the technicalterms used in this work'

qeltqrq ,fi1.qq elq{TR^: 1 q tl
Now we shall discourseon the chapterwhich dealswith and is
called the different modificaitons(combinations)of the different
D osa s-D osa-Bhedavikalpa -namadhyaya.l

ffi Erdr-w{rql
fs{vrr{TnR6 rlqrnrreTrrrd?Gr{uRtl
f{srk{g.d: dqrl E4a, rrfrTwfr trI rr
ffiqr t grcrrq qRatRtar:
tfi,,hffi 3qr ffi qrsqerqTfdsr: trx tl
Reveredsuiruta, the son of viivamitra. asks(the following to)
the high-mindedDivodasc, well-versedin all the eighth divisions
Ayurveda, with intellect sharpand as deep as an ocean,and with all
the doubtscut down in the meaningsof the Sastrasfully solved.The
questionis-It hasbeenalreadysaid that thereare sixty twor varieties
of the Dosa.s,but how are they divided when takenone, two or all the
three at atime.2-4.

rs rgwi taryrttVrqfu-qgnTm: r
*drffr Tqgrr{il:wewr6 itFftT:il \ tl
I ' The reference is to chapter LXIII, but there the number is
sixty-three and not
slxty-two. The three Dhatus vayu, pitta and Kapha, in their normal
state, cannor
properly be called Dosas. The state in which all the three Dhdtus
are in their normal
state,is said to be the 63rd. combination (see also, para. g below).

On hearinghis word the greatsageandking(Divodasa)with all

his doubtscut down and solvedwas greatlypleasedand thus narrated
the true conditionsto Sufruta. 5.

;rddqr erkrqsgftiqrta u t
tav*nrqd* gqrur*r {tG*: || Q||
The threeDo;as the (seven)Dhatus,fecesand urine-these, in
their normal state,hold togetherthe corporealframe in conjunction
with the six Rasasadvantageous for the constitution.6.

{5tT: trI9QEF?r: qTun*dfi"rEvtattt stt

trnurF{ Trfii T6ri ffire qu a ll
YRrgI qa rdlrqi ffir+ttrttt
Elrtrfr' atF&t dk n{*r tqrtr* rJUn:I
mer sff*ft cffifd frg-q: tt q tt
Purusa or human body has sixteen sub-stratar.The Pranas
(viz.the organs of sense)are eleven in number while the number of
diseaseis onethousandone hundredandtwenty andthat of elementary
substances(Dravya) is five hundred and seventy-three-thesehave
alreadybeenexplainedin detail.The threequalities(viz' Satna, Raias
andTamas)have also been explainedin connection with the (three)
different Do sas(viz., Vayu,Pitta andKapha) which aregenerallysaid
to have sixty-two combinations.7-9.

TrTg.r gq{dqr ffi rE TrrnRr*^:I

T*qvnRr*6' ffi't
Trgryrf€ T6 ,€k g+xmt: ll 1o ll
SnrquTrftr€Sqr-ffitaqrsft: I
HrEtd rrqrqrdrtrd dtqr merll lq ll
Different combinationsofDoEcs- ThethreeDoscsseparately
havethreecombinations, viz.,whereoneof theDasasis aggravated
andthe othertwo arein the theirnormalstate.Takentwo at a time,

l. The sixteen sub-strataare the five elementaryprinciples, (viz.-Earth, Water'

Fire, Air and Ether) and the eleven sense-organs.

both of them aggravated,whetherequally or unequally(with the third

in its normal state),the numberof combinationswould be nine; while
the number of combinationswould be thirteenif they are taken three
at a time- all of them aggravated,both equally and unequally (thus
making twenty-five in all with the aggravatedDosas).with an equal
numberof combinationsin casesof the diminutionof the Dosas(taken
one,two or threeat a time) we havefifty combinations.The numberof
combinations(takenone,two and threeat a time) with the aggravated
and diminished Dosas mixed togetherwould be twelve only-Thus
making sixty-two in all. 10-11.

frm en-{fr*dqr rmer*ire*erat

gq: r
ilsrqlrq; ri?Tq ffi:r
tr Fdffiq r€*td*Rt:1tR rl
fr{rrqffiiser e'rui IHr tqrE tF.rrqr{l
ffisqqr utllr
The numberof Dosic combinations,when mixed togetherwith
Dhhtus,Malas, would be innumerable.It, therefore,behovesa physician
to treat a patient with the different combinationsof the (six different)
Rasasafter properly diagnosingthe diseasewith a due regard to the
aggravationof the different Dosasand without going into any further
details.In amelioratingdiseases, thephysicianis the doerof ttrataction
the effect is health and the instrumentswith which the action is
performedare the Rasaswhile the Do;as are the causes.contrarv to
this is want of health. 12-13.

sTeqrq|;Tr{ve.qFrqft rdrcfq{dq{t

The Unara-Tantra, enriched with the sixty-six chapterswhere

the order of the words and their meaningshave been described,and
explainedvery clearly the hidden meaningsof the terms for making
them clear to personsof weak intellect.Thus the relatedsubjectshave
beenduly explainedto you in accordancewith your questions.14-15.

rrdnrr+cqtfrrq Fd qrfl tqeft{ qeiftfr{ |

=rm5ertqr$ssjgWdg* er{lrfrE qerqt I qq ||
Personsreading,accordingto the rules laid down, this treatise
togetherwith the Uttara-Tantracoming from (the mouth oD Brahma
himself, are not deprivedwith their desiredwishesfor objects,that is
to say,they are sureto obtain them. This word of Brahma is perfectly
true. 16.

Thus ends the sixty-sixth chapterol the Utturu-Turtru in lhe Suiruta-Safihitu
which dealswith and is calledthe ditferentcombinationsof
the difTerentDo.ra.s.

Here ends the Uttara-Tantra.


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