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Feature Report

Engineering Practice Saturated steam flow

from the drum (S)

flow (F)
mixture from
evaporator (R) Water flow
through the

Boiler Circulation
Hot pipes (D)
across the
evaporator Mass balance:
tubes F+R=S+D
R = D = CR x S

Proper arrangement of drum baffling, sizing

and location of dowcomers and risers FIGURE 1. Boilers may operate using a
variety of methods to circulate the steam-

will ensure a good natural-circulation system water mixture throughout the evaporator
tubes. A typical natural-circulation sys-
tem is shown here (CR = circulation ratio)

V. Ganapathy steam generated is called the circula- flux in the circuit is low enough not to
Boiler consultant tion ratio (CR). CR is obtained by an cause what is called departure from
iterative process, which is discussed nucleate boiling (DNB) conditions.

oilers generate steam using dif- in detail in Ref. 1;. It is a function of If DNB conditions are likely, over-
ferent methods to circulate the steam pressure and hydraulic resis- heating and failure of the tubes can
steam-water mixture through tance of downcomers, risers, evapora- occur. Variables such as tube size, tube
the evaporator tubes. These tor tubes and thermal head. orientation, steam pressure, mass flow
methods include natural circulation Generally steam pressure and CR through the tubes and quality of the
(Figures 1, 2a–2c), forced circulation are inversely related, so the higher steam affect DNB. Charts and correla-
(Figure 3a), and a once-through design. the steam pressure, the lower the CR, tions are available for estimating the
Figures 3b, 4 and 5 show examples of and vice versa. Another important pa- critical heat flux that can cause DNB
a waste-heat water tube and fire-tube rameter is the steam quality, x, exit- conditions.
boilers with external downcomers and ing the evaporator, which is simply Natural-circulation boilers, such as
risers. Most boiler systems have evap- 1/CR. Thus, if CR = 8, then x = 1/8 = package D-type boilers that are fired
orator tubes heated by hot fluegases 0.125, meaning that 12.5% of steam with oil, gas or solid fuels (Figure
produced either from the combustion is generated in the evaporator tubes 2a), are widely used in the chemical
of fuels (such as oil, gas or solid fuels,) while the rest of the mixture is water. process industries, petroleum refin-
or by kilns, furnaces, gas turbines or CR may be in the range of 20 to 30 for eries and power plants. Their capac-
catalytic crackers, or by other hot gas low-pressure boilers (100 to 600 psig), ity ranges from 20,000 to 300,000
sources (such as waste-heat boilers). and about 8 to 15 for higher-pressure lb/h with steam pressures from 100
Boiling occurs in the evaporator tubes, units, depending on the design. to 1,500 psig. These are typically
and generates wet steam. Note that CR usually represents shop-assembled boilers in which the
The density difference between the an average circulation ratio. Keep in downcomers are inside the boiler and
colder water in the downcomers and mind that CR varies with circuits de- are heated (Note: In this design, the
the hotter steam-water mixture in the pending on steam generation and any downcomers and risers are all inside
evaporator tubes ensures the circula- resistance offered by the system. In a the boiler and heated by the fluegases.
tion of the steam-water mixture back boiler there can be several parallel cir- However, a portion of the heated tubes
into the drum. External downcomers, cuits generating steam. For example, at the cooler end of the boiler are des-
as shown in Figure 2c, are unheated, when hot fluegases flow across a bank ignated as downcomers and are baf-
while in package boilers (Figure 2b), of tubes, the first few rows will gener- fled inside the drum. The tubes at the
they are internally located and are ate a large amount of steam due to the hotter end are the risers).
slightly heated by the fluegases. higher log mean temperature differen- For larger capacities, an elevated
In the steam drum, the mixture is tial (LMTD) compared to the evapora- drum modular unit, such as the one
separated into saturated steam, which tor tubes at the cooler end. This will shown in Figure 2c, is often more suit-
flows out of the drum, and remaining impact the CR. able, due to shipping considerations.
water, which mixes with the incom- Determining CR is only one part of This unit has external downcomers
ing feed water and flows through the the exercise. Once CR is estimated for and risers, and all the evaporator
downcomers to start the circulation a circuit, the engineer has to determine tubes in the boiler bank are risers,
process once again. if the flow velocity inside the evapora- unlike the smaller D-type boilers, in
tor tubes will not cause separation of which some of the evaporator tubes
Circulation ratio steam and water inside the tubes (par- can act as downcomers. This discus-
The ratio of the mixture that flows ticularly in horizontal evaporators) sion is limited to natural-circulation
through the system and the amount of and must also determine if the heat units only.
52 Chemical Engineering october 2013
riser is responsible for circulation.
In this example, the enthalpy
of the steam-water mixture at the
evaporator exit is: 0.1 × 1,203 + 0.9
FIGURES 2a (left) and 2b (right). The baffles inside the steam drum, and × 474.8 = 547.6 Btu/lb, where 1,203
downcomer tubes inside a typical package D-type boiler, are shown here
and 474.8 Btu/lb are the enthal-
pies of saturated steam (hv) and
water (hfw), which are obtained from
the steam tables. If the feedwater en-
ters the drum at, say, 350°F, enthalpy
= hfw = 322.5 Btu/lb, then the heat
balance in the drum is calculated
as follows:
hfw + he × CR = hv + CR × hd (1)
hfw = enthalpy of the feedwater, Btu/
he = the enthalpy of steam-water
mixture leaving the evaporator,
FIGURE 2c. In this D-type boiler with an external drum, downcomers and risers, Btu/lb
feedwater from the economizer enters the steam drum and mixes with the water from hd = the enthalpy of the steam-water
the steam-water mixture from the riser tubes and flows through the eternal downcom-
ers to the bottom of the evaporator tubes mixture entering the downcom-
ers, Btu/lb
Circulation calculations bles for this article can be found in the hv = enthalpy of saturated steam
For proper boiler operation, one has online version of it, at leaving the drum, Btu/lb
to ensure that there is adequate flow Thermal calculations are carried out Note: In the above equation, the steam
of the steam-water mixture inside to obtain the gas-temperature distri- generation is taken as unity and thus
the evaporator tubes to keep their bution along the fluegas path and the will not affect the energy balance:
tube-wall temperatures within met- energy transferred to each component
900,000 × 547.6 + 90,000 × 322.5 =
allurgical limits. If for some reason in the system (such as the furnace,
900,000 hd + 90,000 × 1,203 =
the flow is absent or inadequate or superheater, evaporator and econo-
hd = 459.5 Btu/lb
stagnation of flow has occurred, then mizer). The evaporator may be split
the tubes can become overheated and into a few sections so that the energy With hd = 459.5 Btu/lb, this corre-
fail. Users must carry out circulation transferred and steam generation in sponds to a water temperature of
calculations to ensure that there is each section may be obtained. These 476°F. This water will pick up addi-
proper circulation of the steam-water data will be useful for carrying out the tional energy in the heated downcom-
mixture through the evaporator. Ref. circulation-related calculations. ers. The downcomers are located in
1 describes the calculation procedure Step 2. Once the calculations in Step the cooler gas region of the evapora-
for determining CR in a natural-circu- 1 are complete, a CR is assumed. The tor section (where the energy pickup
lation boiler, and provides illustrative steam quality at the exit of the evap- from the fluegas is not high). Thus,
examples. Briefly, the basic steps are orator is then known, as well as the the downcomer water temperature is
as follows: mass of steam-water mixture quan- cooler than that of the mixture flowing
Step 1. Thermal performance calcu- tity flowing through the downcomer- in the riser and has a higher density,
lations must be carried out first, using evaporator-riser system, which is the which forces the two-phase mixture
the fuel analysis, excess air and the product of CR and steam generated. If through the evaporator tubes.
geometrical data of the furnace, su- we assume a CR of 10 to start, and the Nearly 95% of the energy from
perheater, evaporator and economizer steam generated in the boiler is 90,000 the fluegases is absorbed in the first
tubes. The procedure for calculating lb/h, then 900,000 lb/h of mixture flows 70–75% of the heating surface in the
thermal performance is also explained through the downcomers, evaporators evaporator. As the last few rows do not
in Ref. 1. Typical tube-geometrty data and risers, and the quality of steam at absorb much energy, the water tem-
for a D-type boiler and results for the the exit of risers is 0.1. perature in the downcomer tubes is
thermal calculations can be found in Step 3. An energy balance is then car- cooler and the water density is higher
Tables 1, 2 and 3, in the online version ried out at the drum, to estimate the than that of the hotter steam-water
of this article ( enthalpy of the water entering the mixture in the riser tubes and this en-
Typical tube- geometry data for a downcomer tubes. The density of the sures the circulation process.
D-type boiler is shown in Table 1, and water is computed. Note that the den- Step 4. Sizes, developed lengths and the
results of the thermal calculations are sity difference between the downcomer number of bends of downcomer tubes
shown in Table 2 (Note: All three ta- water and steam-water mixture in the and evaporator tubes are obtained from
Chemical Engineering october 2013 53
Engineering Practice

To stack

Water in


FIGURE 4. In this waste-heat boiler with external downcomers and risers, feed
water enters the drum from the boiler feed pump or from an economizer. The water
Superheated mixes with the water from the evaporator tubes and the mixture flows down the
Superheater steam
downcomer pipes to the bottom of the evaporator tubes. The CR, established by an
Gas turbine exhaust in iterative process, can vary from 5 to 40, depending on a variety of variables
steam generator
FIGURE 3a (above). In this forced-circu-
lation boiler (generally seen with horizontal
evaporator tubes), a circulation pump is
used to suck water from the drum and en-
sure its flow through the evaporator tubes
and back into the drum. The pump capacity
determines the CR, which can vary from 3
to 8, depending on the designer’s choice

FIGURE 3b (right). Fluegases

In this once-through Steam
boiler, there is no cir- out
culation system, so
CR = 1. Water enters at Feedwater
one end and flows out in
as steam at the boiler
exit. There are differ- Once-through boiler
ent considerations
for designing this type of boiler, but that is
beyond the scope of this article

the boiler drawings from which the var- FIGURE 5. In this fire-tube boiler configuration (with a common drum and stand-
alone downcomers and risers), the feedwater is admitted into the drum, where it mixes
ious hydraulic losses in the circuits can with the hot water from the risers and flows through the external downcomer tubes
be computed. These include:
• Thermal head available for circula- If the CR is relatively low (say, in the heat flux is far less than the allowable
tion (this depends on the location of single digits) and if the steam pressure critical heat flux all along the evapora-
the drum) is relatively high (say 1,500 psig or tor tubes. Hundreds of correlations are
• Friction loss in the downcomer tubes above), then DNB checks1 may be car- available in the literature to determine
(this is due to the single-phase flow) ried out after obtaining the heat flux in the allowable critical heat flux.
• Losses in evaporator tubes (this con- each region. If the CR is low — for in- The Macbeth correlation provided
sists of friction losses, acceleration stance, in the single digits, such as 5–6, below in Equation (2) shows the rela-
loss due to two-phase flow, and grav- as in the case of high-pressure boilers tionship among the several variables
ity loss due to varying quality along operating above 1,500 psig — then ef- and may give a high allowable flux.
the evaporator height) forts may be taken to revise the tube Using this correlation, two heat flux
• Losses in the drum internals sizes of the risers and downcomers. values are computed. One is the actual
• Losses in riser tubes in cases where The actual heat flux in the evapora- heat flux inside the tubes (determined
external riser pipes are used tor tubes can be calculated from the from thermal calculations done by the
Charts for the calculation of various thermal calculations results done ear- boiler designer, based on the boiler flu-
two-phase losses are available in Ref. 1. lier, using this relationship: egas velocity, heat transfer coefficient
The total losses are matched with the Actual heat flux = overall heat trans- and tube geometry used). Then the
available thermal head. If they match, fer coefficient × (the gas temperature allowable heat flux is estimated from
then the CR assumed is correct. If – the saturated steam temperature) charts or correlations available in the
they do not match, then another itera- One should ensure that the actual literature (based on the CR computed
tion is carried out to obtain the CR at 1. DNB checks ensure that the boiling process
and the tube geometry, flow inside the
which the available head matches the in the evaporator tubes is nucleate and not film evaporator tube and steam pressure.)
various losses. A computer program is boiling. Charts and correlations are available to One should ensure that the actual
do this evaluation, which is required if it is felt
usually used for these calculations. that the CR is low, as discussed in the text. heat flux is far lower — for instance,
54 Chemical Engineering october 2013
Fluegas from furnace
FIGURE 6a (top left) and b (top 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3132 3334 35 3637 38 39 4041 42 43 44 4546
right). Shown is a typical arrangement 1
of the boiler arrangement of a package D- 2
type boiler with circulation problems. On 4
the drum-baffling arrangment shown in 6
Figure 6b, note the asymmetrical baffling 7
with respect to gas-flow direction. This 9
baffling system made it hard for many 11
designated downcomer tubes to act freely 12
as downcomers 14
at least 20–30% less than the allow- Tube failures in this region region
Fluegas out to 1,050–1,200 °F
able rate — to ensure that departure economizer
from nucleate boiler does not occur in Figure 6c. This plan view shows the region where the tubes failed in the convec-
the evaporator tubes. Boiler compa- tion bank
nies typically develop their own cor-
relations based on their experience, the same gas temperature. As a consul- as seen in Table 1b (found in the on-
the tube sizes and configuration used, tant, I was asked to evaluate the design line version of this article, at www.che.
and they routinely use safety margins and suggest suitable solutions. com). Circulation calculations were
when developing them. Analysis. The first step was to simu- carried out using these data. Typical
late the boiler performance using the results are shown in Table 2 (online).
q = 6,330 hfg d–0.1 (G/106)0.51 (1–x)
tube geometry and furnace dimensions The heat flux q in the hottest gas zone
provided, to see if the exit gas tempera- of 1,300°F, given by Equation (3):
where: ture, superheated steam temperature,
U(Tg–Ts)Ao/Ai = 9.5 × (1,300–498) ×
q = critical heat flux, Btu/ft2h and water temperature leaving the
2.5/2.24 = 8,503 Btu/ft2h (3)
d = tube inner dia., in. economizer were all close to the mea-
G = mass velocity of steam water mix- sured field data. This step was designed where:
ture through tubes, lb/ft2h to confirm that the model used to carry q = heat flux, Btu/ft2h
x = steam quality, fraction out the calculations of gas tempera- U = overall heat transfer coefficient,
tures, overall heat transfer coefficients Btu/ft2hF
Circulation issue, D-type boiler and actual heat flux were reasonable, Tg/Ts = gas and steam temperatures,
Figures 6a and 6b show a boiler, fired and that the boiler was properly sized, °F
with oil and refinery gas, generating as that may provide some indication of Ao, Ai = the tube outer and inner sur-
130,000 lb/h of superheated steam other issues such as fouling. The simu- face area, ft2
at 630 psig, and 750°F, which had an lation gave the exit gas temperature This value of U is not high enough
interesting problem. Tubes were thin- from the evaporator and economizer to cause DNB in normal boiling situ-
ning and failing at a location in the as 798°F and 388°F, respectively, which ations. Heat fluxes have to be in the
boiler bank shown in Figure 6b. There matched the field data. Hence the sim- range of 150 to 200,000 Btu/ft2h be-
were two identical units in this plant ulation program results were used to fore we can attribute DNB to the tube-
and both were having this problem. study the circulation issue. failure problems in natural-circula-
Engineers were wondering why this The evaporator section was broken tion boilers with vertical tubes at this
region alone was facing this problem up into four sections and the gas tem- pressure.
— not the hotter zone ahead of these perature, duty and steam generation Next, the drum internal arrange-
tubes, or the tubes at the other end of in each section was calculated. It was ment was reviewed (Figure 6a). This
the same cross-section (that is, in the found that the gas temperatures in diagram provided a clue to the prob-
same plane perpendicular to the gas the region where tubes were failing lems that the plant was experienc-
flow direction), where one would expect were ranging from 1,050°F to 1,200°F, ing. In a typical D-type boiler with
Chemical Engineering october 2013 55
Engineering Practice
Velocity profile

fluegases flowing parallel to the drum through the tubes, since they have
over the boiler bank tubes, the drum longer lengths and hence greater re- Gas flow direction
baffling is designed as shown in Fig- sistance to flow. The thermal head at
ure 2b. This will ensure that all the the cool downcomer end is nearly the
risers are in the hot gas section and same as in these hotter tubes, and Maximum velocity is in the middle
and tapers off at the ends
downcomers are in the cooler gas sec- hence there is difficulty in forcing
tion. Also, this type of baffling ensures the steam-water mixture through FIGURE 7. Shown here is a typical gas-
velocity profile in a boiler bank cross-
that the tubes in any cross-section are these tubes.
section. Tubes in the mid-section usually
acting either as risers or downcomers. Also, if you look at the typical gas- operate at higher heat flux compared to
In some large boilers, it may be neces- velocity profile in any cross section, it end section
sary to have the drum at a separate will be as shown in Figure 7, with the
location and feed the boiler evaporator tubes in the middle receiving higher in the hot gas zone will be forced to act
tubes using an external downcomer energy transfer compared to the end as risers and the cooler unbaffled sec-
system and collect the steam from the tubes. Thus, the end tubes that have tion where the gas temperature drops
evaporator using an external riser failed do not generate sufficient steam- to less than 900°F will act as down-
system as shown in Figure 2c. water mixture for the cold downcomer comers, which will ensure good cir-
Figure 4 shows a waste-heat boiler tubes at the rear to force the circulation culation of the steam-water mixture
with external downcomers and risers. of the steam-water mixture through through the evaporator tubes. This so-
The layout can vary depending on the these tubes. Simply put — these failed lution is currently being implemented
boiler design adopted. tubes are neither acting as good ris- at the facility.
In a typical boiler, the tubes perpen- ers nor as good downcomers, and thus
dicular to gas flow direction are sym- a stagnant vapor mixture may have Final thoughts
metrically baffled. However in this formed in the tubes. Before buying a boiler plant, engineers
boiler, by using this non-symmetrical The vapor heat-transfer coefficient should review the boiler thermal per-
baffling system, a portion of the evap- is very small compared to the two- formance, including circulation issues.
orator tubes in the hot gas section in phase boiling coefficient and hence the Many plant engineers review infor-
the same cross-section are forced to be tube wall temperature will reach flue- mation such as construction details,
downcomers, while some tubes in the gas temperature, as there is not much painting, duct thickness, structural
same cross-section are under the baffle of cooling inside these tubes due to the integrity, code documents and so on,
acting as risers. This was determined stagnant column of vapor in this re- but few review the boiler’s thermal
to be the source of the problem. gion. Measurement of tube-wall tem- performance calculations, drum-baf-
The fluegas temperature in the first peratures near the failed region also fling system details or thermal per-
row of downcomers is close to 1,400°F confirmed the high temperatures. formance and circulation issues. How-
and the intense bubbling inside these The tubes within the same cross- ever, engineers should review these
tubes will force these tubes to act as section in the riser section (under the things before buying a new boiler
risers, even though they are baffled baffles and closer to the furnace) face plant, using either in-house expertise
as downcomers, due to the high heat no problem, as the head available for or third-party consultants. Getting
transfer rate and the lower density of circulation is higher in baffled regions. a second opinion on thermal, process
the steam-water mixture inside the The normal water level in the drum is and performance issues can help the
tubes. Hence, these tubes — though typically at the drum center line and is facility to purchase a better boiler and
not baffled — will still function as ris- at a higher elevation than the baffled thus avoid unnecessary plant shut-
ers. Flow will continue through these section, so this ensures circulation. downs and costly modifications later
tubes and circulation will be good. Hence, these tubes near the furnace — an important consideration, given
In essence, these tubes have not act as risers. The mid-section is likely the fact that a boiler has a life of over
failed, even though they are in the hot to have a higher steam formation than thirty years. n
gas region. However, as the gas cools the ends due to the velocity profile and Edited by Suzanne Shelley
in the next nine rows, the gas temper- higher heat flux and hence have lower
ature drops to about 1,200°F. This is mixture density resulting in some cir- Author
the region where tubes at the far end culation through these tubes. Viswanathan Ganapa-
thy is a boiler consul-
of the furnace have failed. Solution. The failed tubes have diffi- tant from Chennai, India
These failed tubes have difficulty culty acting either as risers or down- who specializes in thermal
acting as downcomers due to the comers due to the skewed baffling in- design and performance as-
pects. He has over 40 years
high gas temperatures; vapor for- side the drum. This is mainly due to of experience in the thermal
mation at the inlet to the tube will the fact that many so-called downcom- design and performance as-
pects of steam generators and
still be intense and thus will prevent ers are located in a very hot section. waste-heat boilers. He has
the flow of water in the downcomers. Stagnation of the flow is suspected in authored over 250 articles on
boiler-related subjects that have been published
Also, the head available in the colder the failed tubes. If baffling inside the in a number of U.S., Indian and U.K. magazines.
He has also authored several books and conducts
end of the boiler is not high enough drum is done as shown in Figure 2a, courses on boilers. He graduated from I.I.T Ma-
to force the steam-water mixture the evaporator tubes under the baffles dras with a degree in mechanical engineering.

56 Chemical Engineering october 2013


Table 1. Geometric data used for the boiler

Geometry Suph Evap Evap Evap Evap Evap Econ
Tube O.D, in. 2.000 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.50
Tube I.D, in. 1.550 2.240 2.240 2.240 2.240 2.240 1.240
Tubes/row 31 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 34.00
Number of rows deep 18 9 9 9 9 10 60.00
Length, ft 6.000 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00
Transverse spacing, in. 4.250 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 2.36
Longitudinal spac- 4.000 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 2.30
ing, in.
Streams 31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34
C=counterflow P= par- C P P P P P C
allel flow
Furnace dimensions: Length = 25 ft, height = 14 ft and width = 13 ft.
O.D. = outer diameter, I.D. = inner diameter, Suph = Superheater,
Evap = Evaporator, Econ = Economizer, Number of rows deep = Number of tubes
along gas-flow direction, Traverse spacing = Distance between tube centers per-
pendicular to gas-flow direction, Longitudinal spacing= Distance between tube
centers along gas-flow direction

Table 2. Summary of thermal performance

Gas flow, lb/h 156,109 Com- 3,439 Gas 29.16 Gas 14.50
bustion mol. wt. pressure,
temper- psia
ature, °F
Drum pres- 655 Satura- 498 Blow 3.0 Furnace 66.63
sure, psig tion down-% duty,
temp., million
°F Btu/h
Design pres- 775 Excess 15 Feed- 298 Steam- 133,000
sure, psig air,% water lb/h
Fuel Oil/gas
Component Suph Evap Evap Evap Evap Evap Econ
Gas tem- 2,162 1,698 1,398 1,181 1,020 899 798
perature, inlet,
Gas tempera- 1,698 1,398 1,181 1,020 899 798 388
ture, outlet,-
Gas specific 0.3131 0.3028 0.2949 0.2884 0.2834 0.2793 0.2698
heat, Btu/lb°F
U,Btu/ft2h°F 9.91 9.59 8.96 8.52 8.2 7.96 10.69
Surface area, 1752 1414 1414 1414 1414 1571 8011
Duty, million 22.70 14.15 9.97 7.21 5.32 4.35 17.25
Steam gen- 133,000 19,500 13,700 10,000 7,400 Down- Feed-
eration, lb/h comer water
Steam temp., 498 418 418 418 418 418 298
inlet, °F
Steam temp., 742 498 498 498 498 498 418
outlet, °F
(Furnace generates about 82,400 lb/h of steam)
Suph = Superheater, Evap = Evaporator, Econ = Economizer,
U = The overall heat transfer coefficient required for circulation of heat flux

Chemical Engineering october 2013 57


Table 3. Circulation calculations

Steam pressure, psia 665 Water specific volume, ft3/lb 0.02 Riser friction losses, psi 0.18
Saturated steam temperature, °F 497 Average CR for the entire system 21.5 Riser gravity, psi 0.377
Feedwater temperature 418 Total static head available, ft 18 Drum internals loss, psi 1
Total steam flow, lb/h 133,100 Total static head available, psia 6.204 Heated tubes loss, psi 4.333
Steam specific volume, ft3/lb 0.692 Downcomer losses, psi 0.314 Mixture temperature 493
from drum, °F
Downcomer flows, lb/h
Level Stream Inner dia., in. Length, ft Bends Flow, lb/h Velocity, ft/s Path
1 160 2.24 17 2 2,854,995 3.6 1
Heated tubes/riser sections
Riser Steam Qual- Accel- Gravity Friction Mixture Num- Tube Boiling Devel- CR Swaged
num- flow, ity, % eration flow, lb/h ber of inner height, oped dia., in.
ber lb/h tubes dia., in. ft. length,
<——— Losses, psi ———> ft
1 82,500 0.049 0.028 4.124 0.181 1,690,574 140 2.7 16 40 20.5 2.7
2 19,500 0.04 0.004 4.318 0.02 482,673 144 2.24 16 16 24.8 2.24
3 13,700 0.039 0.002 4.348 0.01 349,490 144 2.24 16 16 25.5 2.24
4 10,000 0.039 0.001 4.348 0.005 255,102 144 2.24 16 16 25.5 2.24
5 7,400 0.039 0.001 4.348 0.003 188,776 144 2.24 16 16 25.5 2.24

58 Chemical Engineering october 2013

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