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MINNEAPOLIS AREA R EALTO RS’ REALTOR® Membership Application Membership type: ClAgent - REALTOR Status: C1 Primary Broker - Designated REALTOR O secondary Dappraiser If applying for Secondary membership, please name your Assessor primary association Dinited Broker [Non-Member Licensee Previously @ member of an association? If yes, where? Name as it appears on your real estate, appraiser, assessor or limited broker's license (VERY IMPORTANT!): First Name Last Name Middle Name MLS display name (nickname or team name}: Home Address city State zp. Home Phone Cell Phone Preferred Contact Number (For MLS) Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year) MN Real Estate License # Appraiser License # (it applicable) Preferred Email Address (For MLS) Proferred Malling Address [JOffice Home Language(s) Spoken ‘Are you interested in a Supra ekey? C1Yes (No - Once your membership has been set up, instructions will be sent to your phone to complete the Supra set up. Broker Office Namo. Broker Office Address, city State zp Broker Office Phone: you are an office broker—MN Corporate License Number 2 E Have you personally or an ofice where you have been a sole proprietor, general partner, corporate office or branch office manager had a bankrupley in the past three years or do you have @ pending bankruptcy? []¥es CIN During the past three years, have you had an official sanction involving civil rights laws, real estate license laws or other laws? Lives (No If you answer yes to either or both of the above questions, provide written detals. Do you have any outstanding Code of Ethics complaints or unsatisfied ethics or arbitration decisions, unpaid arbitration awards, unpaid financial obligations to any REALTOR® association or MLS service?T]Yes [No Ifyes, please explain: Professional 5750 Lincoln Drive + Minneapolis, MN 55436 + 952.933.9020 + + (Over — complete reverse side ) DUESIFEES. There will be no refund of dues or fees paid by the applicant unless applicants denied membership. NOTE THAT IF YOU BECOME INACTIVE FOR MORE THAN 60 DAYS, THERE IS $100 REINSTATEMENT FEE. Notice: Payment to the Minneapolis Area Realtors are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Also, ‘federal law states thatthe percentage of your association dues used for state and federal lobbying is nondeductible as a business expense for federal tax purposes. In he event my appication is approved, | agre esa condition of membership o attend the olentation seminar and tofemilaize myself, comply with and be subject othe Code of Ethics ofthe National Associaton of REALTORS®, including the duty osrbrate business Gisputes in accordance wit he Code of Ethics and Aritraton Manual ofthe Associaton and with the Bylaws of MAR, the Minnesota [Association and the National Asociton andthe poles ofthe various programs and services. Final consent to ard authorize MAR to nite ang receive information and comment about me from any member or ther person, and | agree that any information and comment furished to MAR by any member or other person response to any suc inulin shal be conclusively deemed tobe privioged and shal not form the basis of any action by me for sander, tbe o detamaton of character. Appicant acknowledges that i accepted as member and helshe subsequent resigns ors expelled from membership in MAR with an ethics complaint or aritaton request pending, the Board of Directors may condition renewal of membership upon applicant's vericaton tat heahe wl sub o the pending ethics or arivaton proceeding and wil abide bythe decision ofthehearng panel applicant resigns or ihenwise causes membership to terminate, te duy to submit to arbration continues in eflet even aller membership lapses ors terminated, provided the aipute arose while applicant was a REALTOR®, To the fll exent permite by applicable lav, |irevocably waive al claims againt MAR or any of its officers, employees, directors or members, for any act in connection with the business of MAR, and particularly as to. ther acts in electing orfaiing te elec, advancing, suspending, expeling or otherwise dsipiing me as an applicator asa member. Upon the expiration of said membership for any cause, | wil dsconnue the se of the erm REALTOR®. MEMBER INFORMATION [Anpcant acknowledges thal the boarlascoction wil maintain a membership leo frmation which may be shared wih other boardlassocations wnere applicant subsequent seeks membership. This le shall include: previous applications for membership all fna findings of Code of Ethics volations wih the time tnt speciid inthe decision letter and vations of other membership dues within he pat tree (3) years; ponding complaints alleging violations of the Code of Ethics or alleging volatons of otter membership cates ncomplete or pending dscpinary messures: pending arbitration request; and information relate to unpaaritaton awards or unpaldfancialobigaions tothe board/assoiation ors Mutipl Listing Serica fanyinormaton onthe applicant’ real esa, appraiser orlnited broker's license should change ois found to be conftng with what isin the MAR database, MAR reserves the "gh o date its system orflect the change based onthe lcense issued by the Department of Commerce Membership Applications will be processed in two business days from the day received. Applicant acknowledges Minneapolis Area REALTORS® (MAR) Privacy Policy. A copy of the Privacy Policy will be provided upon request. | give authorization to the Minneapolis Area REALTORS® to contact the references andlor verify any point of information included inthis application, Designated REALTOR® must also fil out and sign a "Salesperson Certification form” Signature Date Revised August 2, 2023

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