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. 1.

if you are appointed as the chairman of ethical committee of a Local

Government , describe the core ethical issues to consider during
approving qualitative research designs involving human participants in
the Local Government.
2. As a consultant to a Non-Governmental Organization, you are
presented with a data from qualitative research sponsored by the
Describe the criteria you would use to evaluate the trustworthiness of
the research for possible application. Note: please note that the
maximum number of words allowed for your answer is 400.
1. As the chairman of the ethical committee for a Local Government
overseeing qualitative research involving human participants, core
ethical issues to consider include:
 Informed Consent: Ensure participants are fully informed and
provide voluntary consent.
 Privacy and Confidentiality: Implement measures to protect
participant privacy.
 Risk-Benefit Analysis: Conduct a thorough assessment to justify
potential risks and benefits.
 Fair Participant Selection: Avoid discrimination and consider
vulnerable groups.
 Respect for Autonomy: Acknowledge and respect participants'
autonomy and cultural differences.
 Debriefing: Provide adequate debriefing to address
misconceptions and offer support.
 Continuous Monitoring: Establish ongoing monitoring to ensure
ethical standards are maintained.
 Conflict of Interest: Identify and manage conflicts among
 Community Involvement: Engage the community, respecting
their rights and interests.
 Compliance: Ensure adherence to ethical guidelines and
2. As a consultant to an NGO evaluating the trustworthiness of qualitative
 Credibility: Assess the rigor of the research design, including data
collection and analysis methods.
 Transferability: Evaluate the extent to which findings can be
applied to other contexts or populations.
 Dependability: Examine the consistency and reliability of the
research process and outcomes.
 Confirmability: Ensure the research is free from bias, and findings
are supported by the data.
 Authenticity: Consider the transparency and reflexivity of the
researchers, acknowledging their influence.
 Peer Review: Examine whether the research underwent peer
review for validation.
 Participant Validation: Assess whether findings have been
validated by participants for accuracy.
 Researcher Reflexivity: Consider the extent to which the
researchers reflect on their own biases and influence on the study.
 Methodological Transparency: Ensure the research design and
methods are transparent and well-documented.
 Ethical Considerations: Verify that ethical standards were upheld
throughout the research process.
 Practical Utility: Evaluate the practical relevance and applicability
of the research findings for the NGO's goals.

By applying these criteria, you can determine the trustworthiness of the

qualitative research and make informed decisions regarding its potential
application for the NGO's objectives.

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