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SM CLASS Jaya Maam /Manoj Sir


Eighteenth-Century Political Formations (History)

Class 7

Very Short Extra Questions

1: Who imposed Chauth

2: Who founded Awadh?

3: The two noble groups to which the later Mughal emperors were puppets were

Iranis and Turanis. True/ False

4: Sikhs organized themselves into a number of bands called_.

5: The independent state of Jats was established by__.

6: Name the group that was considered as the back bone of Maratha army.

7: After 1708 A.D. the Sikh revolt was led by__.

8: When did Marathas successfully raided Delhi?

9: When the Third battle of Panipat did took place?

10: What was the position of Jagat Seth during the rule of Alivardi Khan?

11: The system of rakhi was introduced in Bihar. True/ False

12: What was the purpose of introducing system of rakhi?

13: Kunbis were ____________

14: Why does the entire body of Sikhs used to meet in Amritsar at the time of Baisakhi and Diwali?

15: Name two important trading center in the area dominating by Jats.

16: Who was a Naib?

17: Name a Naib of the Bengal province.

18: How Saadat khan did reduced Mughal control over his state?

19: Where is Bharatpur fort situated?

20: Khalsa was established in__________ AD

21: Why were ijaradars appointed by Nawab in Awadh?

22. : Burhan ul Mulk Sa’adat Khan founded the state of_.

23: Nadir Shah was a ruler of ___________.

24: Who established the independent Sikh state of Punjab?

25: Who seized the rich province of the Punjab and the Sarkar of Sirhind from the Mughals in mid of the
17th century?

26: Where was the capital of Maratha kingdom under the rule of Peshwa?
27: Churaman was a Maratha leader. True/ False.

28: Who built new forts at Deeg?

29: Name the son of Nadir Shah

30: Name The Persian ruler, who raided India for the first time.

31: State the collective name given to the whole army of the “misls”.

32: The Capital of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was located at _________.

33: Name the Maratha chiefs who made Baroda their seat of power.

34: The capital of Sawai Raja Jai Singh was_.

35: Name the governor of Malwa who founded his new capital at Jaipur.

Short Extra Questions

1. Where was Bharatpur fort built?

2. Who was Jawahir Shah?

3. When was khalsa established?

4. When was Banda Bahadur captured and executed?

5. When was the third battle of Panipat fought?

6. Where did Sawai Raja Jai Singh found his new capital?

7. Name two important trading centres in the areas dominated by Jats.

8. What was the result of Aurangzeb’s long war in the Deccan?

9. Why was system called rakhi introduced?

10. What was chauth?

11. What was Sardeshmukhi?

12. What was the geographical and economic importance of Awadh?

13. Why did the Nawabs of Awadh and Bengal try to do away with the jagirdari system?

14. . Who seized the rich province of the Punjab and the Sarkar of Sirhind from the Mughals in mid of the
17th century?

15. Name the new social groups that developed in Awadh to influence the management of the state’s
revenue system.

16. How were peasant-pastoralists important for Shivaji?

17: Who were the “Subedars”?

18. What were the policies adopted by Asaf Jah to strengthen his position?

19. What were the offices held by Sa‘adat Khan?

20. Who ruled the Maratha kingdom after the death of Shivaji?

21. Why zamindars of Bengal had to borrow money from bankers and moneylenders?
22. Name the three states that were carved out of the old Mughal provinces in the 18th century and stand
out very prominently.

23. What was the ambition of the Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah? Why was his ambition not fulfilled?

24. Write a short note on administration of Marathas.

Long Extra Questions

1. Why did the Marathas want to expand beyond the Deccan?

2. What was the impact of Nadir Shah’s invasion upon Delhi?

Or Which foreign invaders arrived in the middle of the economic and political crisis in 1739?

3. Who established a stable Maratha kingdom and how?

4. Highlight the steps taken by Murshid Quli Khan to decrease Mughal influence in Bengal.

Or How did Murshid Quli Khan decrease the Mughal influence in Bengal?

5. How did Burhan-ul-Mulk reduce Mughal influence in the Awadh region?

Or Enumerate the steps taken by Saadat Khan to reduce Mughal influence in Awadh.

Or How did Saadat Khan try to decrease the Mughal influence in the Awadh region?

6. Who were the very powerful governors of Awadh, Bengal and Hyderabad among the early and later
Mughal rulers?

7. How did Murshid Quli Khan become powerful in Bengal?

8. Who were the Jats? How did they consolidate their power during the late 17th and 18th centuries?

9. How were the Sikhs organised in the eighteenth century?

10. Why did the Mughals lose their power by the eighteenth century?

Or How did the later Mughal emperors lose their control over their nobles?

11. How did moneylenders and bankers achieve influential position in the state of Awadh?

12. What were the different overlapping group of states that emerged in the 18th Century after the decline
of the Mughal Empire?

Or Divide the states of the eighteenth century into three overlapping groups.

13. Write a short note on expansion of Maratha Empire between 1720 and 1761.

Or Give an account of the Maratha expansion occurred between 1720 and 1761.

14. Discuss the factors that led to the decline of Mughal Empire.

Or The Mughal Empire had to face a variety of crises towards the closing years of the 17th century.
What were the causes behind it?

15. Describe the three common features of the states like Awadh, Bengal and Hyderabad.

Or State the three common features between the states Awadh, Bengal and Hyderabad.

Or What are the common features of the three regional states of Bengal, Awadh and Hyderabad?

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