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• Word form: Verb

• Pronunciation: /bɜːrn/

• Example: The fire caused the wood to burn quickly.

• Definition: To undergo combustion or be consumed by fire.

• Vietnamese meaning: Đốt cháy

2. Consume

• Word form: Verb

• Pronunciation: /kənˈsuːm/

• Example: He tends to consume large amounts of coffee daily.

• Definition: To use up, expend, or ingest something.

• Vietnamese meaning: Tiêu thụ

3. Ethnic

• Word form: Adjective

• Pronunciation: /ˈɛθnɪk/

• Example: She wore traditional ethnic clothing for the festival.

• Definition: Relating to a particular race, culture, or nationality.

• Vietnamese meaning: thuộc về dân tộc

4. Experiment

• Word form: Noun, Verb

• Pronunciation: /ɪkˈspɛrɪmənt/

• Example: Scientists conducted an experiment to test their hypothesis.

• Definition: A scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or

demonstrate a known fact.

• Vietnamese meaning: Thí nghiệm

5. Key

• Word form: Noun, Adjective

• Pronunciation: /kiː/

• Example: She was a key figure in the international art world.

• Definition: very important.

• Vietnamese meaning: Chìa khóa, điều then chốt

6. Local

• Word form: Adjective, Noun

• Pronunciation: /ˈloʊkəl/

• Example: We went to a local restaurant for dinner.

• Definition: Belonging to or associated with a particular area or neighborhood.

• Vietnamese meaning: Địa phương

7. Rare

• Word form: Adjective

• Pronunciation: /rɛər/

• Example: It's rare to see such a beautiful sunset.

• Definition: Not occurring very often; uncommon or infrequent.

• Vietnamese meaning: Hiếm

8. Season

• Word form: Noun, Verb

• Pronunciation: /ˈsiːzən/

• Example: Drain the rice, stir in the salmon and season to taste.

• Definition: to improve the flavour of savoury food by adding salt, herbs, or spices
• Vietnamese meaning: nêm nếm, thêm gia vị

9. Spicy

• Word form: Adjective

• Pronunciation: /ˈspaɪsi/

• Example: I love spicy food, it gives a nice kick to the flavor.

• Definition: Flavored with or containing spices that produce a burning sensation when eaten.

• Vietnamese meaning: Cay

10. Athletic

• Word form: Adjective

• Pronunciation: /æθˈlɛtɪk/

• Example: He has always been an athletic person, participating in various sports.

• Definition: Relating to or characteristic of athletes or athletics.

• Vietnamese meaning: Thuộc về thể thao, thể lực

11. Influence

• Word form: Noun

• Pronunciation: /ˈɪnfluəns/

• Example: Her parents had a significant influence on her career choice.

• Definition: The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of

someone or something.

• Vietnamese meaning: Ảnh hưởng

12. Typical

• Word form: Adjective

• Pronunciation: /ˈtɪpɪkəl/

• Example: It's typical for him to arrive late to meetings.

• Definition: Showing the characteristics expected of or appropriate to a particular type of

person, thing, or group.

• Vietnamese meaning: Điển hình

13. Recipe

• Word form: Noun

• Pronunciation: /ˈrɛsəpi/

• Example: She found a new recipe for chocolate chip cookies online.

• Definition: A set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the

ingredients required.

• Vietnamese meaning: Công thức nấu ăn

14. Aroma

• Word form: Noun

• Pronunciation: /əˈroʊmə/

• Example: The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the room.

• Definition: A distinctive, typically pleasant smell.

• Vietnamese meaning: Hương thơm

15. Exotic

• Word form: Adjective

• Pronunciation: /ɪɡˈzɑːtɪk/

• Example: She loves to travel to exotic destinations with unique cultures.

• Definition: strikingly unusual or strange in effect or appearance.

• Vietnamese meaning: Lạ

16. Expert

• Word form: Noun, Adjective

• Pronunciation: /ˈɛkspɜːrt/
• Example: He is an expert in computer programming.

• Definition: A person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a

particular area.

• Vietnamese meaning: Chuyên gia

17. Diverse

• Word form: Adjective

• Pronunciation: /daɪˈvɜːrs/

• Example: The city has a diverse population with people from many different backgrounds.

• Definition: Showing a great deal of variety; very different.

• Vietnamese meaning: Đa dạng

18. Crave

• Word form: Verb

• Pronunciation: /kreɪv/

• Example: After a long day of work, she craved a hot bowl of soup.

• Definition: Feel a powerful desire for something.

• Vietnamese meaning: Khao khát, thèm muốn

19. Condition

• Word form: Noun, Verb

• Pronunciation: /kənˈdɪʃən/

• Example: Regular exercise can improve your physical condition.

• Definition: The state of something, especially with regard to its appearance, quality, or

working order.

• Vietnamese meaning: Điều kiện, tình trạng

20. Disguise

• Word form: Noun, Verb

• Pronunciation: /dɪsˈɡaɪz/

• Example: He wore a disguise to the costume party.

• Definition: A means of altering one's appearance to conceal one's identity.

• Vietnamese meaning: Che đậy, làm giả mạo, ngụy trang

21. Ordinary

• Word form: Adjective

• Pronunciation: /ˈɔːrdnˌɛri/

• Example: Today was just an ordinary day, nothing special happened.

• Definition: With no special or distinctive features; normal.

• Vietnamese meaning: Bình thường

22. Tables turning

• Word form: Idiomatic expression

• Pronunciation: Not applicable

• Example: The unexpected victory marked a dramatic tables turning in the competition.

• Definition: A situation where a significant change occurs, often turning a disadvantage into

an advantage.

• Vietnamese meaning: Sự đảo chiều tình thế

23. Unusual

• Word form: Adjective

• Pronunciation: /ʌnˈjuːʒuəl/

• Example: It's unusual to see snow in this region.

• Definition: Not habitually or commonly occurring or done.

• Vietnamese meaning: Không bình thường, lạ thường

24. Ancestor
• Word form: Noun

• Pronunciation: /ˈænsɛstər/

• Example: They traced their ancestors back to Ireland.

• Definition: A person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is


• Vietnamese meaning: Tổ tiên

25. Curiosity

• Word form: Noun

• Pronunciation: /ˌkjʊəriˈɒsɪti/

• Example: Her curiosity about the ancient civilization led her to study archaeology.

• Definition: A strong desire to know or learn something.

• Vietnamese meaning: Sự tò mò

26. Category

• Word form: Noun

• Pronunciation: /ˈkætəɡɔːri/

• Example: The books are arranged by category in the library.

• Definition: A class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared


• Vietnamese meaning: Hạng mục, loại

27. Familiar

• Word form: Adjective

• Pronunciation: /fəˈmɪliər/

• Example: She felt a familiar sense of déjà vu when she entered the old house.

• Definition: Well known from long or close association.

• Vietnamese meaning: Quen thuộc

28. Curry

• Word form: Noun, Verb

• Pronunciation: /ˈkʌri/

• Example: She cooked a delicious chicken curry for dinner.

• Definition: A dish of meat, vegetables, etc., cooked in an Indian-style sauce of strong spices

and typically served with rice.

• Vietnamese meaning: Cà ri

29. Relate to

• Word form: Verb phrase

• Pronunciation: Not applicable

• Example: Chapter 9 relates to the effects of inflation on consumers.

• Definition:. to be connected to, or to be about someone or something:

• Vietnamese meaning: Liên quan đến

30. Impact

• Word form: Noun, Verb

• Pronunciation: /ˈɪmpækt/

• Example: The new policy had a significant impact on the economy.

• Definition: The action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another; the effect or

influence of one person, thing, or action on another.

• Vietnamese meaning: Tác động

31. Overall

• Word form: Adjective, Adverb

• Pronunciation: /ˌoʊvərˈɔːl/

• Example: The overall performance of the team was excellent this season.

• Definition: Taking everything into account; as a whole.

• Vietnamese meaning: Tổng thể

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