Arnis Questions

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Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which term is believed to be the pre-Hispanic Filipino word for "blades and fencing," eventually
evolving into Kali?

a. Arnis

b. Eskrima

c. Kali

d. Luchador

2. Arnis can be practiced with various weapons. Which of the following is NOT a common weapon used
in Arnis?

a. Rattan stick

b. Machete

c. Staff

d. Dagger

3. Disarming your opponent is a crucial skill in Arnis. What is the term for disarming an opponent's

a. Laban (Laban means fight)

b. Suntukan (Suntukan means fistfight)

c. Abintada

d. Sikaran (Sikaran means kicking)

4. What is the Filipino word for a practitioner of Arnis (male)?

a. Eskrimador

b. Arnisador

c. Kalipay

d. Labanero

5. Points in Arnis matches are awarded for successful strikes to specific areas. Which of the following is
NOT typically a scoring area?
a. Head

b. Hand

c. Torso

d. Leg

6. During an Arnis match, your opponent swings a powerful attack towards your head. What is the best
defensive maneuver?

a. Dodge backwards

b. Block with your weapon

c. Attempt to disarm immediately

d. Counterattack with a full-force strike

7. You find yourself disarmed during a sparring session. What is the most important thing to remember?

a. Retreat and forfeit the match

b. Focus on evasive maneuvers until you can regain a weapon

c. Charge at your opponent to regain your weapon

d. Taunt your opponent to distract them

8. Theories suggest Arnis was influenced by another martial art during the colonial period. Which martial
art is most likely to have had an impact?

a. Judo

b. Capoeira

c. Muay Thai

d. Spanish Fencing

9. Many Arnis terms are derived from Tagalog. What does the Tagalog word "Laban" mean in the
context of Arnis?

a. Victory

b. Fight

c. Weapon

d. Defense
10. Your Arnis instructor emphasizes the importance of proper footwork. Why is good footwork
essential in Arnis?

a. To generate power for strikes

b. To maintain balance and agility

c. To intimidate your opponent

d. To show respect during practice

11. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Arnis?

a. Emphasis on weapon disarms

b. Use of joint locks and throws

c. Focus on speed and agility

d. Incorporation of meditation techniques

12. Arnis is often practiced with a partner to:

a. Enhance coordination and timing

b. Learn how to fight alone

c. Compete in tournaments

d. Showcase solo techniques

13. Which of the following martial arts is closely related to Arnis?

a. Judo

b. Muay Thai

c. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

d. Eskrima

14. In Arnis, what is the term used for the sparring practice?


b. Randori

c. Roll

d. Sinawali
15. What is the significance of the term "Arnis"?

a. It means "stick fight" in Tagalog

b. It is named after a famous Filipino warrior

c. It refers to a specific type of bamboo used in training

d. It is derived from the Sanskrit word for "martial arts"

16.Arnis is the national sport of the Philippines, but what was it traditionally called before Spanish

a. Eskrima

b. Kali

c. Panay Stick Fighting

d. Anyo

17. In Arnis competition, there are two main categories. One focuses on simulated fighting, what is the
other category called that focuses on weapon movement and fluidity?

a. Laban

b. Anyo

c. Sparring

d. Dopple Stock

18. Arnis utilizes sticks made from various materials, but what is the most common traditional material
used for the sticks?

a. Metal

b. Wood

c. Rattan

d. Bamboo

19. Sinawali is a fundamental concept in Arnis. What does the term Sinawali refer to?

a. A specific footwork pattern

b. The art of weapon disarming

c. The weaving motion of the sticks

d. A specific blocking technique

20. Arnis emphasizes both physical and mental aspects. Which of the following is NOT typically
considered a core value in Arnis training?

a. Respect

b. Strength

c. Aggression

d. Discipline

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